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What we really know:

We've always "known" that dogs are descended from wolves, but that's pretty vague. Actually, they are the same species. Dogs and wolves can interbreed. Geneticists consider dogs, Canis Familiaris, to be a subset of the East Asian variety of the globally-present Grey Wolf, Canis Lupis. Oh, there are some appearance differences, and they behave quite a bit differently around humans, but genetically they are the same thing. Okay, some background:

All "higher life form" cells have pretty much the same makeup. A nucleus that has all the cell's DNA, the instruction-set on how to be a good cell for this species of plant or animal, a cell wall that keeps all the good stuff inside, and a whole bunch of odds and ends that do different things as directed by the DNA, RNA, and various enzymes. One particular set of those odds and ends are called Mitochondria.

Mitochondria are self-contained organic power-packs, kinda like batteries. Actually, if you look at them close enough it's clear that eons ago when life was just beginning the mitochondria were actually independent life forms of their own. In fact, they seem to be very similar to some bacteria.

Whether it was a symbiotic relationship that turned sour, or one hungry cell ate a few of those bacteria but then couldn't digest them isn't clear, but the results are plain. The cell puts up with them and feeds them and keeps them safe, and in return the mitochondria help digest nutrients and export high-energy molecules that the cell can transport elsewhere and get important work done with.

The mitochondria also reproduce by splitting whenever they feel like it, just like any cell does. They just live their entire lives inside the larger host cell. And, it's not just some animals or plants. EVERY multi-celled life form, from elephants and sequoias all the way down to the fungi, has them. Basically, anything more advanced than a bacteria or a virus has them.

Why is this important? It's important because of the way sexual reproduction works. Normal cells reproduce by splitting in half. First the DNA helixes uncoil and split, then the cell itself splits in half and each half uses the DNA strand it got to create the missing half of the helix, becoming a complete cell again. Got that? Right. Of course it only works if the split is even enough that both sides get enough of the odds and ends to function as a complete cell. And, that's the whole story, for single celled life forms like bacteria and mitochondria, and even some larger life-forms like lichens, which are really only large colonies of single-celled organisms.

Now, in sexual reproduction, the female who produces the eggs does so by having an otherwise normal cell split as above, but the two half-cells do NOT regenerate the missing DNA. Instead, they each wait around for the missing DNA to be donated by a special "sperm" cell that is basically nothing but a helping of DNA surrounded by a delivery system. Still making sense? Those half-cells we call 'eggs' cannot live long, but if they get the missing DNA delivered in time they are complete cells. If all the DNA matches up right, the fertilized egg starts to split and grow. In nine months, if you're a human, you get a baby. Elephants take about two years. For dogs and wolves, it only takes about two months, maybe a bit longer. I think that rats are something on the order of a few weeks.

The part that matters here is that the mitochondria are all out in the cell body; they have nothing to do with the cell's nucleus or the DNA contained therein. Thus, an egg's mitochondria all come from the mother. The father does not ever contribute anything to the egg except some DNA for the nucleus. And, since the mitochondria used to be independent life forms in their own right, they have their own DNA that tells them how to do all the work of being mitochondria. That fertilized egg's mDNA is identical in every way to the mother's mDNA, since all it did was split in two. Unless there is a mutation in your mDNA, it will be identical to your mother's, your maternal grandmother's, her mother's, and so on all the way back as far as you can test.

In other words, you can track maternal lines through mitochondrial DNA which is donated only by the mother, the same way you can track paternal lines through the "Y" chromosome which is only donated by the father. If the mDNA is different, you aren't one of that lady's descendants, at least not through her maternal line. You might be descended from one of her sons, but not an all-female line of daughters. If it's the same, you are. Pretty simple. Of course the DNA slowly changes or mutates through the years, but even that is helpful because it happens at a fairly standard rate, meaning that you can see how similar two samples are, giving you an idea of how many years separate them.

Okay, now we can get back to our story. A few years ago (my notes say that this was popularly reported in the November 2002 issue of the magazine "Science"), some researchers tracking mitochondrial DNA were able to establish that all dogs are descended from no more than three different East Asian Grey Wolves. All of them. German Shepherds, Mexican Chihuahuas, Australian Dingos, Vietnamese dinner, Scottish Terriers, Japanese Chin. All dogs. Further, various clues that I don't completely understand apparently show that this split from wolves happened about 15 thousand years ago. Three wolves from northern China or Mongolia.

This is backed up by noting that the oldest consistent sets of dog/wolf remains ever found with human remains are from that age, and that part of the world. Note that word 'consistent'. Oh, we find scattered wolf remains buried with people earlier than that, all over the world, from accidental adoptions, but in northern China and Mongolia the finds are far denser, and from there everyone else got dogs, too.

This looks almost like the way military technology spreads. Someone invents the bow and arrow, or the chariot, or the crossbow, or the gun, or the tank, or the nuclear bomb, and before the century is out everybody and their cousin has them. In this case, someone invented a multi-use weapon system we call "the dog". We used that weapon system to hunt, to guard, to herd, to fetch, to provide companionship.

Still, wolves and humans have been in contact as long as there have been wolves and humans. Most of that contact has been violent. Both are hungry, and both eat the same things. If one kills a moose, the other wants to take it from the killer. And, when they get hungry enough, the wolves and humans have no problems eating each other. In many areas, the two are the only candidates for the position of apex predator. The two species try hard to clean the other out of 'their' territory.

There must have been a good reason why everyone suddenly decided that the big bad wolf was really their friend. And, the Mongolian nomads must have had an awfully good reason to put up with these wolves long enough for them to become the obedient and loyal dogs everyone knows and loves today.

Don't say 'docile', though. A week doesn't pass without a news story from somewhere about a mistreated dog proving that it still has a wolf's genes and turns on its tormenter. Or, sadly, in its desperation to control some part of its environment, strikes out at someone helpless who had nothing to do with its mistreatment. Worse, people often try to breed dogs for wolf-like behavior, although that's a waste of time and effort and shows a lack of understanding. The capacity for that behavior is already there. They already ARE wolves. Trying to breed dogs to 'be like' wolves is silly.

It's not true that Pit Bull Terriers are more vicious than other dogs. It is true that, since they have that reputation, people who want vicious dogs tend to start with that breed and mistreat them until they bring out the behavior that any dog would show. When I hear "Look at that vicious Pit Bull" I hear "Look at that mistreated dog". A poodle treated the same would react the same. The only differences between a poodle and a pit bull are size and build. And, some poodles are pretty big.

On a related subject, modern humans spread from Africa all over the world about 50-60 thousand years ago. They even reached a lot of places separated from the "old world" by open ocean. Everywhere except the Americas. And, actually, when you look closely enough, except for most of eastern Siberia. For about 40 thousand years, there were humans south of a particular mountain range in Siberia/Mongolia, but none north of it.

Sometime around 15 thousand years ago, that changed. A bunch of Mongolian nomads got past those mountains, wandered north and east, settled all over Siberia and Kamchatka, crossed the Bering strait, and populated the Americas, becoming our "Indians". The American Indians, often shortened to "AmerInd" to speed conversation, are most closely related to two specific ethnic groups in the old world: The Ainu, those natives of the northernmost Japanese islands, and some small tribes in central Siberia. In fact, the linguists agree that those Siberians speak languages more closely related to some of the Na-Dene group of languages spoken today in Canada than they are to any other Asian languages.

Okay, actually we're mixing up two separate ethnic groups. If we're being honest, it may have been more than two, but one large group of AmerInds that share a common language family are more closely related to the Ainu than they are to the rest of the AmerInds, and another large group of AmerInds that share a common language family are more closely related to those Siberians than they are to the rest of the AmerInds. Thus, at least two separate migrations, right?

So, we know where the AmerInds came from. What we don't understand is why it took them the better part of 40 thousand years to cross a simple mountain range. Humans crossed the ocean to reach New Guinea and Australia. They crossed mountains to reach Europe. They settled in places that had to have taxed their ingenuity. Up on mountains, down at the seashore. In the heat of the equatorial forest, and up near the Arctic Circle, for God's sake! They lived among lions, bears, elephants, crocodiles, and innumerable poisonous snakes. What was the problem with a simple mountain?

On yet another slightly different subject, the Pacific Ocean is surrounded on all sides by land, although the land to the far south is not habitable. Except for one section of this arc, natives all along the Pacific Rim used devices to help accelerate throwing spears. From Australia and New Guinea through Micronesia and south-east Asia, spear-throwers of various types are still used.

Similarly, the indigenous peoples on both sides of the Bering Strait still use them, as well as all the AmerInds from the Pacific NorthWest all the way down to South America. The only exception appears to be in central east Asia, that area now called China and Mongolia. Why everyone else, but not them? Of course it's possible that they used to have them, but have not needed them for so long that any traces have simply been lost in time, since that area was, if not THE first, at least one of the first to develop societies larger than hunting camps. Hmmm. Come to think of it, that last point may be relevant here, too.

Last, the ending of the Soviet "Iron Curtain" allowed researchers with modern tools to poke around in places that open-minded people had been excluded from for most of a century. Recently, some people digging inside a cave in northern Mongolia found all the normal stuff they were expecting to see for a long time, then they came across an abrupt change at the layer from about 15 thousand years ago. There's that number again. Below that layer, there were remains from the now-extinct Siberian Giant Hyena and its prey.

Apparently, those things were pretty antisocial, because there were no bear-gnawed bones, or saber-toothed-tiger-gnawed bones. Maybe some bear bones that had been gnawed on by the hyenas, but not the other way around. Above that layer, bears and other stuff but no hyenas any more. Below that layer, no sign of humans anywhere in Siberia north of that particular mountain range. After the age of that layer, humans everywhere but no hyenas.

Now, we know nothing about the behavior of the Siberian Giant Hyena, but we can reach some conclusions from that archaeological record and from the way their modern cousins behave. The "pygmy" (only in relation to their Siberian kin) hyenas still in Africa today hunt at night and have no fear of humans at all. There are reliable accounts of hyenas sneaking into villages and running off with babies.

There was no way that cavemen armed with spears could pass those mountains in northern Mongolia. The cavemen with their spears and teamwork may own those mountains during the day, but ya gotta sleep sometime. The Giant Hyenas own those mountains at night and you can't walk through an entire mountain range with your children in one day. That sounds reasonable as an explanation for why those happy-footed nomads stayed out of Siberia. Those hyenas block humanity's expansion into Siberia and from there into the Americas. Always have, always will. Until someone invents night-vision goggles and sniper rifles and hyena-proof armored cars. Or, obviously, until someone comes up with a different military tool that is just as good.

Oh, yeah, can't forget: That top-most -youngest- layer of hyena-chewed bones? It's the only layer with chewed wolf- or dog-bones. At that point you can't tell them apart. They have the right mDNA to be proto-dogs, though. Younger layers may have dog bones but they aren't chewed by hyenas. Older layers don't have dog or wolf remains, chewed or not.

The age of that split in the archaeological record under the mud in an obscure cave in Siberia allowed people from several different disciplines to put some things together.

Somehow, 15 thousand years ago, those primitive Mongolian cavemen who had been stymied for 40 thousand years or so found a way to defeat the giant hyenas. And, within 2-3 thousand years, they had filled Siberia and made their way to the Americas.

Oh, yeah. Every settlement found has wolf or dog remains. All over Siberia, all over the Americas. Okay, maybe not every one, but dogs are a constant. In fact, those wolves were clearly the very first animal we humans ever domesticated. All other animals became domesticated much later, and they happened at least partly because we already had the dog; we knew it could be done so we did it with other animals, too.

It's clear that those Siberian nomads who settled the New World had a very high regard for their dogs. We don't know what they liked about them, but even subsistence hunter-gatherers starving in the snow in Alaska as they searched for the Promised Land liked their dogs enough to share their meager food with them so that they could survive the trek with them. The dogs must have had some value to those nomads, a value so great they would support them the same way they supported their own children. Perhaps it was a religious dictum of some sort. "Thou shalt care for thy dog as thou carest for thy children."

What the hell happened fifteen thousand years ago, in northern Mongolia?

If you sit back and close your eyes, you can picture the scene in your imagination.

It was all Tuulat could do to keep from screaming at the spirits. What had he done, to earn this fate?

When the night-demons had attacked their camp two winters ago, they had lost the better part of their tribe. Their leader, many hunters, even some of the women and several children had been lost. Tuulat's mate and his oldest son, killed. His youngest, a girl-child, missing. There were many dead. There were four missing.

They had killed three of the demons, but the morning showed the tracks of four others who had stolen their meal and run back to the north, to the mountains. All of the missing were small children.

His son Tuulo would forever fight his demon for the spirits' entertainment, for they had died together. The small spear that killed the demon was his own, thrust through the demon's neck into its heart even as the demon jumped on him and bit him in half. Even in death, Tuulo had shown what a great hunter he would have been, killing a demon all by himself after only nine winters.

Tuulat had also killed one of the demons, when it stopped to feed on Naina after killing her. It must have been very hungry, to have ignored his spear until it was too late to avoid it. It was too late for his mate, too. Now all that was left to Tuulat was Mina, she who would always be his daughter. Mina was found hiding in the tent, the tent that Naina had died protecting and the demon had died trying to enter.

It was too late for many of the tribe. The demons had attacked during the night when no man could see, and they had slain many before stopping to eat.

They had known the danger in camping so close to the mountains, but winter was coming. The herds of deer that fed the clan between winters had moved away. Only the mountains had enough game to allow the clan to eat well all winter. And, if they were to find and kill enough meat, the hunters could not be delayed by preserving the kills. The rest of the tribe must follow the hunters. They would do all the work of turning the kill into dried meat, cured skins, and bone tools so that the hunters could continue to hunt.

They had to camp close to the mountains. The hunters could not spend days carrying or dragging their kills back to the tribe. If they were to eat all winter, the tribe must go to the mountains.

All the survivors met when the sun was setting on the second day after the attack. They had buried their own dead and moved the dead demons out of their camp. No one would eat demon-meat. No good could come of that.

The survivors agreed upon four things. First, they could not stay at the mountains and hunt. The demons could come back, and they themselves could not fight in the dark. Besides, with their reduced numbers they may already have enough meat for the few left to live all winter.

Second, they would join another camp. They were no longer strong enough to defend themselves. It would be better to join another camp.

Third, until they joined another camp they needed a leader. They selected Tuulat. He had never wanted to be a leader, except for leading a hunting party. He was not the oldest survivor but he was acknowledged as the best hunter of those who were left. And, surely, as much as the spirits had taken from him they also would recognize his skill and knowledge.

Fourth, Tuulat would teach them all to hunt. One demon had died with five spears in it, held by two boys, a woman, and two hunters. Of the five, only the woman and one hunter were still able to work. One of the boys had died. One of the hunters and the other boy were injured. The other two demons they had killed had died with only one spear in each, held by Tuulat and by Tuulo. Surely the spirits would allow him to teach the survivors all that he had taught his son. If all of the hunters had done as well as he or his son had done, they would have killed all of the demons and not lost anyone else.

So, Tuulat would be their leader, and he would teach them all to hunt. All of them. Man, woman, and child would all learn to hunt, and if the demons came back none of them would leave the camp with a meal in their jaws. The other hunters all had their pride, but they would swallow that in order to put the memory of that night behind them.

That horrible night was now two winters past. The heat was still growing, but the next winter would come soon. Winter was always coming soon. Tuulat was still the leader. He had learned much and was becoming a good leader. That was one of the lessons. Winter is coming. We need to prepare for it.

Before winter had set in that first time they had approached three different camps, all of their clan, but they had been rejected by all. The demons had claimed their camp. The other camps would give them gifts of food for the winter, but they must leave. No one wanted them to bring the demons to their camps.

They had been driven off by the hunters of the first two camps. They had left before they had spears pointed at them when the third one rejected them, although the third camp had given them much food to help speed their journey.

The gifts had been enough to end their worries about food for the winter, but they still had their reduced numbers to worry about. Tuulat had taken them to a place near the river with several caves. All of the hunters knew of it, and several of them had slept in one or another while hunting. When the snow left and the river grew the caves would be wet, but as long as it was cold it should be safe. He hoped.

The other hunters who had slept there agreed. The river never swallowed the caves until after the snow was gone. Perhaps the river could not see the caves when the world was covered with snow.

Perhaps the demons and other evil spirits could not find the caves, either. Still, they would treat the valley with the caves like a hunting camp. The hunters would take turns staying up all night with an older boy, one who was learning to hunt. Never again would the demons find them helpless in their sleep.

When they arrived at the caves they searched each one to make sure they were safe. One of them had a bear in it, but they had good spears. No one was injured and the bear added to their supplies of meat for the winter. Its hide and bones added to the camp's wealth.

When the sun had come back from its trip south and the snow began to melt after that first winter, all of the adults agreed that the caves were a good place to stay. It had been a good winter, if saying such made sense. No winter was good, but this one had been less bad than any other they remembered. Oh, the winter itself had been horrible, but as long as it stayed outside the caves in the valley they didn't mind. Perhaps it was true that the evil spirits could not find them in the snow.

They had not lost anyone to the cold this winter. All of the injured had healed as much as they would. With furs held up to block the wind, the caves had never been warm the way a tent could be, but they were never cold like the snow was, either. Two of the caves were large enough to use furs and wood to build shelters in, and those were almost as warm as a tent.

The survivors had merged all of the broken families. Tuulat had invited Keela, a good woman who had lost her mate that night, to live in his tent. They had given pieces of the tent Keela and her old mate had used to others who needed repairs after that night.

With the loss of several hunters the camp had more women than men, so as usual when that happened and none of the women wanted to join a different camp, some of the families had added a second woman to their tents. As long as they all got along, it was good for everyone. There was no more family work and more adults to do it, so life was easier.

As long as they all got along with each other. Tuulat was willing to accept a second woman in his tent, but he had asked Keela first and Keela did not want a second woman in her tent.

Keela had brought two children with her to Tuulat's tent, a daughter almost ready to mate and a younger son. Tuulat accepted them as his own children, and Keela accepted Mina as her daughter. Mating was a serious business, because all the people expected the hunter and mother to provide for their family, and in cases like this when one or the other brought children to the tent it was important that the other tell the entire camp that he or she accepted their mate's children as his or her own. That was the highest law of all the camps and clans. A hunter and mother supported their children until they were old enough to become hunters and mothers themselves.

Mina was a sweet child, but she was simple. She always had been. She had seen seven winters when the demons came, but she still acted like the younger children of only three or four winters.

Her body would soon be ready for mating but no one would want her. Hunters wanted a mate who could do everything a family needed when the hunter was away, and Mina still needed to be helped herself. How could she store and prepare food, take care of the tent, and help her own children, when the adults still had to watch her? Perhaps someday the spirits would bless her with wisdom, but for today she was still a child. Keela accepted, as Naina had before, that Mina would be her daughter for as long as she needed.

Another tribe with less food might have been forced to send Mina away, but as long as Tuulat could hunt that would not happen here. He and Naina, and now he and Keela, could provide for her and never asked the others for help feeding Mina. Besides, all the children loved her. She was one of them, only bigger.

Kaina and Arten were growing the way children should, though. Kaina would be ready to mate soon, and both she and her mate would be happy. There were several young hunters who would like to have her in their tents. When she chose one, the following heat would give them their own child.

Arten was several winters from that time but he, too was growing as he should. He was playful like all children were, but he was also attentive. He learned all that Tuulat and the other hunters could teach him. All that he needed to take his place with the hunters was time. As the winters and heats came and went, he would continue to grow and gain experience, skill, and knowledge.

That first winter's end after Tuulat became the camp's leader had been a time of confusion. They all agreed that this was a good place to stay for the winter and they should come back here next winter, too. What should they do now for the summer? Where should they go? While they considered, they had sent runners to the other camps to see how they were doing.

That had not gone well. Individually, the people of his camp and the people of the other camps all got along. There was no reason for disagreement or strife. When they met as camps, though, the other camps did not want their camp near them.

That made Tuulat and his people sad and angry. What had they done wrong? Should they have let the demons kill them all? Would that have been right?

No. Tuulat and his people were proud of what they had done. They had killed three of the demons. No one had ever done that before. He himself had killed one of them. Did that make him a bad person?

He didn't think so. Perhaps that made the demons angry with him, but he had killed one already. If they came back, he would do his best to kill more before they took him.

He and others spoke with people from the other camps whenever they met. All the other camps had lost people during the winter. His was the only camp they knew of that had not lost anyone to the cold. Did that make sense, if the spirits were angry with his people?

He and his people decided that the other camps were wrong to treat them as bad people to be avoided. They may not be bad themselves, but they were wrong for casting them out. They would not help the other camps as long as they were wrong. They would start their own clan, the demon-killer clan. Any who wished could join them, but they would not help those who had cast them out.

By the time winter ended, everyone was hungry. It always happened; it was just the way it was. His camp was doing well, though. There was little food left by the time the snow went away, but there was still some.

Many camps had no food at all by the time the snow went away. Tuulat's people told the hunters they met that they would take in any families that the other camps could not feed. But, they would only do it if those camps cast them out. The cast-out families would become part of the demon-killer clan. They would be welcomed and be fed and kept warm. And taught how to kill demons.

That first spring the small demon-killer clan gained four families. Each of the three remaining camps of their old clan sent them a family they could not feed. One of the camps sent two families.

All four of the families had mothers and children, but only one had a hunter. He had been injured several winters earlier, and was no longer able to feed his family as well as he should. That was it. There was nothing wrong with any of the new people except that none of the families had a hunter, and their old camps could not -or would not- feed them any longer.

The injured hunter, Taakal, could not use his left hand. He had been surprised by a pair of wolves while he was cleaning a deer he had killed. He had used his left hand to protect himself while he reached for his knife, and it was bitten badly. He would never use it again, but his camp had gotten the meat and hide from both the deer and the wolf that had bitten him. He still proudly wore the wolf's fur when he was cold.

Afterwards, though, he could not hunt as well. Hunting takes two hands. Carrying things takes two hands. Making a spear takes two hands. Throwing a spear only needs one, but holding one ready to be thrown and carrying another takes two hands.

Taakal still had much knowledge, though. He could talk and teach. And he could still walk and run. He could still hold or throw a spear. He just couldn't use his left hand. The next time Tuulat sent hunters out, he paired Taakal with another hunter and sent one of the boys along to carry things for him.

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Once upon a time.... All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't...

4 years ago
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Charlies Children

This story is probably true.In our city there are no less than two world class IVF clinics, and we have several friends who work in the field. During a dinner party one evening in which the red wine flowed rather too freely, we began to challenge them – mostly playfully - about the cost of programmes and their success at making money out of people’s misfortune as well as babies.It wasn’t a fair criticism, but it did prompt a raft of stories around the table, one of which concerned ‘Charlotte ,...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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The Stepford Children

All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't feel fear anymore, just...

4 years ago
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The Brass StatuettesChapter 10 Laughing of the Children

When Frank walked into the office the next day the New York financial markets were just opening. In his eagerness to start his workday he'd been a little brusque with Floyd, and that made him feel bad. The older man looked confused with the break in their daily routine. Frank clicked on the internet and breathed a sigh of relief. Western's stock price had started trading unchanged and that meant that Murray Shoreham had stalled on passing a big block of shares at the opening. His brief...

3 years ago
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Mina the museum curator

Authors note: Hi there. This is me, the author. The story youre about to read is based on a fictional character named Mina (http://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/MinaMuseumCurator/profile) The guy actually made a whole HF page about her. There are some awesome pictures of his character and even a story. Being dissapointed at the single chapter story of about 600 words i decided to help out a little. Especially because of all the potential. Ok maybe i wasnt dissapointed but it was pretty shit :/...

2 years ago
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The Beloved Children

Riene waited patiently. It had been difficult to arrange the meeting, and she knew they didn’t want it. Would have avoided it, if nearly all of the women hadn’t gone on strike, hadn’t ceased willingly obliging them with their bodies. Calla sat beside her, twisting her skirt in one hand while she chewed the nails of the other. And Riene wondered what use the woman would be once they got inside, wondering if she would freeze up when she was needed, or if she would start one of her irrational...

1 year ago
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Laura And Ross And Their Children

NOTE: This is a stand-alone story. Don’t feel that you need to read “Laura And Ross” unless of course, you want too. Laura And Ross And Their Children Laura and Ross had been so excited after that week of train flashing that neither one of them wanted to stop. Their biggest concern was keeping their newfound hobby from their children. Terri and Gus were your average sexually inquisitive teenagers. Terri was thirteen and Gus was fourteen but actually they were about the same...

4 years ago
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Cybeles Children

Cybele's Children. By Trish. It was midsummers eve and Cathy Morris was feeling pissed off. Not only had she had to put up with her manager being a sexist bastard who refused to let her do the job she had been trained to do, but then she had to waste two hours after work getting her fucking hair and nails done to go to a work-related dinner party the following day! She was better qualified than half the men in her office, and a hell of a lot smarter but because she had a pair of...

4 years ago
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ForgiveChapter 4 Lets Talk About Children

“Beth, I’m home,” I announced in my usual manner at 5:10 PM on a Friday. “Hey, Sweetie! Are you still not telling me where we’re going tonight?” “Nope. It’s a surprise. Come here and give me an anniversary kiss.” Our passion was not only strong but kept growing. I married the most amazing woman in the world. “I just can’t believe we’ve already been married 9 years,” she mumbled as our lips played together. “First things first. I need a shower and we both need to change into something...

2 years ago
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It was the screams that first alerted me to a problem, I was walking down an alley at night. Yes I know, these places are dangerous, but this part of town was supposed to be safe - except for the scream. It was a woman's voice, pleading, I started to run towards the sound, again it was a daft thing to do, you never know who you're going to meet - or how many, she could have been a decoy, but didn't sound like it, I came across the scene, two youths, both with knives, they had her against the...

3 years ago
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Author's Notes (please read first to get the best reading experience!): Hey everyone! I have been a long time reader of fictionmania and thought I would make a contribution since there is a particular genre of transformations that I like reading, yet see so little of. I hope this inspires more writers to write stories like this and hope that my first time isn't so bad. I know I'm not the best writer, but I'd like to think I have an imagination, and maybe someone could tighten up the...

2 years ago
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Dominas Anonymous A Little Shop Story

Dominas Anonymous: A Little Shop Story Dominas Anonymous: A Little Shop Story Michelle came into the Little Shop, smiling hesitantly. "Excuse me." she said to Soapy, the manager. "Is the Dominas Anonymous meeting upstairs again tonight, like it was on Monday?"  Soapy surveyed the husky voiced brunette with languid, opiate dulled eyes. "Yeah, it's in the Show Room upstairs, are you familiar with where..." Michelle nodded quickly.  She'd taken Hiram there for the last Little...

4 years ago
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Brian and Aunt Em children

Brian and Aunt Em – children As the years went on, the other children were growing up. Marie was 19, Garth was 20, Gloria was 18 and Brian Jnr. Was 17. Brian had already seduced Sylvia and they had 2girls, Marie 16, Gloria 15, and a boy Brian Jnr. 14. Then Garth (Brian’s son by Em) got into the action with Marie, his stepsister (the elder daughter of Brian and Rachael). Marie fell pregnant. Garth wasn’t going to let the grass grow under his feet. He had set his eyes on his Mother. Garth knew...

4 years ago
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How About the Children

How About The Children Having an unexpected need to use the restroom was the worse part of running errands for Ruth Baker-Smolinski,. She would always try to plan her errand running excursions to coincide without having to answer to nature calling. It was not worth the potential hassle which came with her just trying to do a basic biological function. That threat of a stranger making her prove she was going to the right toilets would remind her to some people she was not a woman, but...

4 years ago
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Masishen EvolutionChapter 24 Blessed are the Children

The children stared out of the view ports, the younger ones holding tightly to their mothers' necks and arms, goggle-eyed at the sight of the cloud-shrouded planet rotating beneath them. Rowena, the six-year-old, clung most tightly to her mother's neck but she giggled almost uncontrollably while she watched the planet covered with patterns of clouds, and the sunlight reflecting from the world's oceans. "Pretty! So pretty!" she kept exclaiming and pointing down, then ducking her head...

4 years ago
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Im So Proud of My Children

It was pretty easy, actually. once I got the proof. I suspected my second wife of something ... something I couldn't put my finger on. You know the feeling when something isn't right but you can't say for a fact what it might be. I've always felt it was some subconscious part of your brain that picks up and analyses stray facts until it finds a pattern, and then tries to tell your functional part something isn't right. Researchers have discussed these things endlessly citing 'hunches'...

1 year ago
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Now That Daddys GoneChapter 4 Time to Educate the Children

One Big Happy Family Paul Ryan climbed down from the International Harvester and stretched the crick out of his back. His father Peter Belfour came over and joined him. “You did a good job today son. I appreciate you working on your birthday,” Peter slapped his son on the back. “Come on I have a treat for you,” Peter led his son to the pickup truck parked in the shade of what used to be the farmhands barracks and was now the garage and workshop where Peter kept his farm machinery. He had...

3 years ago
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Fairy Tales are for Children

For you, my Prince. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ I don’t know when I started loving you. Perhaps it was the morning you came up behind me and wrapped me in your arms. Maybe it was the night before, when you entered me for the first time. I don’t know exactly when it started, or what it will do. But I do love you. I think you must have known me better than I thought you could. That night, that first night. My first time as a lover, our first time as lovers. Of course you knew I was...

1 year ago
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Evening without the children

‘Chicken ballotine?’ asked the waiter. “That’s me, thanks,” I said. It was Saturday night, and my other half and I decided to go for a meal, seeing as the children were staying at their granny’s overnight. “Do you want to stop off at the pub for a few? Some man is playing Irish music, and he is really good,” my other half said during our meal. I loved Irish music and having heard of this man, I was keen to hear him sing, so I agreed that we would stop on the way home. When we got to the...

3 years ago
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Young parents old children

Everybody in the world is struck with the same disease. Anyone over 18 gets tired and soon falls unconscious. They remain this way for years and while in this state, they're bodies start to get really cold and they remain ageless with no need for food or water. (Food and water particles were attracted to them in this state and gravitated toward them to give them the small sustenance they needed.) Anyone under 18, the disease affects their body while their minds continue to grow unaffected....

4 years ago
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Evening without the children

"Chicken ballotine?" asked the waiter. “That’s me, thanks,” I said. It was Saturday night, and my other half and I decided to go for a meal, seeing as the children were staying at their granny’s overnight. “Do you want to stop off at the pub for a few? Some man is playing Irish music, and he is really good,” my other half said during our meal. I loved Irish music and having heard of this man, I was keen to hear him sing, so I agreed that we would stop on the way home. When we got to the pub...

1 year ago
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Married With Children

author's note: This is a just a trifle I wrote for fun. I hope you like it Married With Children by Sarah Barndt My life sucked. I ended up working in a shoe store with a wife who stayed home all day, eating bob-bons, watching Oprah and thinking up more things that were wrong with me. I thought it couldn't get any worse, but it did. I got laid off from the shoe store. During the next few months I lost everything, but that wasn't all bad. My blood-sucking wife left,...

1 year ago
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You me and all our children

Hello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for you are you enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts...

3 years ago
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Master Pc In The Hands Of Children

I had snuck into my father's den and turned on his computer, I wasn't supposed to but he was away for a couple of days and so I was on my own. The screen came on and I waited for it to boot up. Why was I doing this? Well I had heard him on the telephone talking to someone about a new program he downloaded, he said it was the best ever and allowed him to do things that he'd never thought about before, it made me angry that he could play around and not allow me to join in, but I'll show...

1 year ago
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Like Parent Like Children

100% fiction! Yeah, my brother and I got caught! Seriously! We've been having sex for years, and we've always been so careful! Yesterday morning Mum and dad were getting dressed to go out and my brother Matthew and I were excited about that, because we hadn't had an opportunity to make loud love for weeks! We often sleep together by sneaking into each others bed after lights out, but we've got to be really quiet because our Mum and Dad are in the next room. It's only when they're both out at...

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Babysitting My neighbours Children

This is a story about myself and how I got the opportunity to do something really sexual.My name is Tim and I am very busy when it comes to work but finally I got my vacation and this time I decided that I will not travel but spend it at home.I have my own house and I am divorced for almost 5 years now.Since my bitter seperation I payed a lot of time to my work and so I have not had much chance to date women but I have had a few women at my place to get laid.As summer approached I was...

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Charlies Children

This story is probably true. In our city there are no less than two world class IVF clinics, and we have several friends who work in the field. During a dinner party one evening in which the red wine flowed rather too freely, we began to challenge them – mostly playfully – about the cost of programmes and their success at making money out of people’s misfortune as well as babies. It wasn’t a fair criticism, but it did prompt a raft of stories around the table, one of which concerned ‘Charlotte...

2 years ago
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Futa My Students My Children

There's just something wonderful about waking up in the morning and knowing, you have the best job in the world, that's how it feels for me atleast. I need to make sure i get to work on time, just like i always do. Summer's rough this year and my beloved students get to feel that in summer school, had they not messed up. Right now i actually want to get out of bed, the flat is well ventilated but damn it gets warm anyway... I swing my feet around, planting them firmly on the ground and strech,...

3 years ago
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Milky Adventure 8211 Part 7 Milk For Her 3 Children

Hello guys. Sorry for the delay in writing this story. In this part, the story goes one step ahead and gets more interesting. Hope you like it. Please do reply with your views about the story. Riya listlessly took a sip of her morning chai and gazed out the window at the early morning quiet. She should have been more content, but she felt a cloud hanging over her. It was partly because her husband Arun had had to leave for Dubai early in the morning, but it was more than that. She was used to...

4 years ago
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BackscatterChapter 13 Sins of the Children

Eight days later. Time: Saturday, June 12, 2049 5:50 AM Universal Madeiran Time The car trip from their Funchal condo to the energy labs was completely uneventful. Megan did the driving and let Alvaro close his eyes and get a bit of rest. He had come home just five hours before, after a series of short phone calls saying he would be late. And now after four hours of exhausted sleep, he was heading right back to the labs. This was the third day in a row he was doing this. So Megan offered...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 27 Children

Summer 2025 Kelly’s desire that I limit my time with travel and consulting led me to review my finances and priorities. I was doing a week every month in downstate Georgia and the equivalent amount of time teaching at various police academies. I was currently making between $1,000 and $2,000 a month from each of five different police and sheriff’s departments for consulting services and as a retainer. Special projects cost extra. In effect, that worked out to about $85,000 to $90,000 a year...

3 years ago
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Justice ResurrectedChapter 13 The Rites of Blest Children

"No!" Illyana cried, grasping Jonar's arm. Before anything else could be said or done, Lord Meketre stepped forward. "And before you leave, I claim grievance against you for breaking my betrothal to Illyana Brashklarsdaughter." With that, the young warrior stepped forward and ritualistically spat at Jonar's feet. Jonar jumped back as Meketre whipped his massive weapon up at the boy's face. Myka pulled Illyana towards Gnusyl as Jonar dove backward, rolling toward his tent and coming...

4 years ago
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My Second ChanceChapter 38 Fathers and Their Children

The next morning, I wake up to a morning blowjob from Dahlia. Thankfully, she is content to keep it to just morning head. It is the first morning where we go on a longer bike ride to school and shower before class. During the morning break, I track down Elsa. I find her wandering the halls wasting time. Trying to catch up to her, I shout out her name, and she turns to face me, greeting, “Hey Trent, I still haven’t decided if I want to accept your help yet.” “That isn’t why I wanted to talk...

1 year ago
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Batman mind controlled traitor

A new story, but above all a new way of storytelling. At least for me. The people who have followed my stories so far know that I tend to write long chapters and make sure that the people and the decisions are comprehensible. This leads to very long stories. However, I would like to change the progression a bit in this story. This story will, as almost always with me, be about mind control and the corruption of heroes and villains. However, each chapter will be about exactly one story. That...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Good Girls SwallowChapter 13 Building defenses

"Answer the door and be careful," I told Bobby. It was Captain Woods. He stepped in and looked down at the naked pair on the floor. The fat one had recovered enough to sit up. He looked around dazed and grunted. "What the hell?" Captain Woods finally reached the point where he lost his cool. "You recognize this pair?" I asked. "What happened here?" he asked. "What in hell is going on?" He eyed the two FBI agents again and looked back and forth between Bobbie and me. He repeated,...

1 year ago
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Fun at friends house

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Phil and this is a made of story of what I would like to happen. I am in a wheelchair and 19 years old but in this story I am not. To this day I have never had sex but I have a plan in mind. I have had nurses throughtout my years of school and some of them are fucking hot. One has huge fucking tits, she is kinda big and her daughter is hot as well. Her name is Susan and her daughter names is Jackie. I remember when susan has taken care of me...

3 years ago
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Theater mein gaand marwai

Hi, friends I am Varun age 24 chubby bisexual bottom with a 6-inch cock. I am bisexual by nature and occasionally like to taste good cocks in my mouth as well as my ass. This is a real story which happened in June 2017. I belong to Nagpur but went to Bangalore for a year for studies. This started when I went to Bangalore last year to pursue my post graduation. I have had occasional flings with guys a couple of times before and I kinda liked sucking cocks and getting fucked. I have a hidden...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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After the Storm

Will was carrying a mesh duffel bag of clean laundry back to his apartment as Michael was leaving Felicia’s apartment. “Hey, you’re Will, right?” Michael asked, catching Will off guard. Will cleared his throat. “Um, yeah. I’m Will,” he said. “I’m Michael, Felicia’s boyfriend. You know, it's funny. She talks about you all the time and we have never met.” “Yeah, that’s funny,” Will chuckled softly. “She told me how you kept her company during the blackout and storm last week,” Michael went on,...

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The Male Fantasy

This introduction will be short as I feel I have explained what this "book" will contain. However, if you are into aggressive and often times degrading sexual encounters that involve: Futa, sissy, straight, gay or bisexual characters.. then this story will hopefully be to your liking. • Stories will most often be in 2nd person. Please leave suggestions and outcomes you want to see me experiment with! Alrighty then.. let's begin.. *opens book*

2 years ago
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The 2nd AmendmentChapter 13

When word got around about the Scott Witherspoon incident, we suddenly were inundated with requests to conduct more high schoolers on excursions into Boston or New York City. Now that there was high-speed rail transport between Central Massachusetts and NYC (New York City), there was a lot more demand for our services escorting clients for trips to Broadway shows, etc. The two-hours or so by train between Worcester and NYC was quicker than driving or taking a plane, so it became a very...

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Sam And Sandy Date Night

Sandy, a beautiful, hot friend of my daughter’s, had sex with me as a thank-you when I fixed her car. She then agreed to go on a date with me to a fancy restaurant, Gilbert's, and surprised me by joining me in the shower ahead of time, where she gave me an amazing blowjob. I can’t wait to see what Sandy has in store for me next...  Finally ready for their date  Sandy told me to finish up and let her have the bathroom to get ready. I did as asked and went off to get dressed. I knew going to...

1 year ago
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Lucky Alex Ch 06

Chapter 6 Secrets and Lies As we lay in bed Lorraine said ‘You weren’t afraid tonight were you? Did you not think that Dean would hurt you?’ I hesitated before replying and then said ‘No, I wasn’t scared and yes I knew Dean would try to hurt me, but I needed to teach him a lesson for what he did to Chrissy, to discourage him from coming back or from doing it to someone else. He has no respect for other people because he has not needed to have, he has been top of the pile with a privileged...

4 years ago
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A Long Night

A Long Night It was a cold dark night and he had finally arrived home from a long week at work.  He had been out of town for the past few days and couldn’t wait to see his Mistress.  If he only knew what he was in for he may have even considered not coming home as soon as he did.  This would definitely be unlike any other night in his life.?As he unlocked the door, he noticed that the house was dimly lit and there seemed not to be a single person anywhere.  He would soon find that he wasn’t...

1 year ago
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Analized Christiana Cinn Taken And Ass Fucked

This role play fantasy of the sexy all natural brunette Christiana Cinn is very exciting. She has always wanted to be taken and fucked hard in every hole on her body. She has fantasized for years about being used a fuck toy by a stranger. Being told to give her pussy and asshole up to server her master. Christiana Cinn wants to be made into a cum dumpster for one purpose. Anal pleasure. Today, Christiana Cinn has her fantasy created for her. A van pulls up to a fancy mansion. The rich housewife...

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Moms MILF Spirits Making Bridgette Squirt

Why did I feel like I was about to have a baby? Maybe it was because Melanie was behind me, my body propped up on hers, and mom had my legs spread as wide as she could get them as she stood in front of me in the pool. The only difference was Melanie reaching around and pressing hard onto my breasts and mom having her fingers buried deep inside my pussy. But it finally felt like my body was going to get release. I looked around, scanning the area that surrounded me. The sun was bright and I...

3 years ago
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Full Circle

Full Circle "I stared at the sight before me, my legs going weak, I dropped it back in the drawer. I took a couple of steps backward my back coming to rest on the cool wall. As the first tear leaked from the corner of my eye I sank to the floor, my bottom coming to rest on the tiled hallway floor, I pulled my knees up and my head bent my forehead coming to rest on my knees, tears flowed freely now. Why me, what had I done in life to deserve this and more importantly how was I going...

1 year ago
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The Hart family at a Nigerian retreat

Part 1 : As I mentioned in my previous story, I worked in several African countries from 1971 to 1981 as an engineer and advisor in energy exploration, primarily oil and gas. Although I had traveled in other African countries in the mid 60’s and early 90’s, most of my hands on experience came from work in South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya and Saudi Arabia. Due to my expertise and reputation, my services were courted by a number of wealthy and ruling African leaders. I witnessed many things during my...


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