Cybele's Children free porn video

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Cybele's Children. By Trish. It was midsummers eve and Cathy Morris was feeling pissed off. Not only had she had to put up with her manager being a sexist bastard who refused to let her do the job she had been trained to do, but then she had to waste two hours after work getting her fucking hair and nails done to go to a work-related dinner party the following day! She was better qualified than half the men in her office, and a hell of a lot smarter but because she had a pair of tits, and they had a cock they got treated as real engineers while Helen and herself got lumbered with fluff work like they were jumped up technical secretaries or PR babes! However good manners and a desire to make it on her own merit made Cathy hold her tongue. She knew that her performance deserved a promotion early in the new year, and a little birdie had told her she was in line for one. If Rutherford tried to do her what he did to Helen the previous year Cathy would stuff her principals and make use of the backchannel she had into the ear of the big boss! Walking up the path to the house wishing she was not quite so principled when it came to making it on her own merit Cathy's sharp eyes saw something reflecting the sun underneath one of the Beech trees at the top of the drive. Curious she walked towards it and cursing both the skirt hampering her stride and how her heels sunk into the grass as she bent down and pushed the earth back with a freshly manicured finger. Her finger revealed a small three-inch figure of a matronly woman caked in mud. Picking it up, she was surprised by how heavy it was. Her house- mate, best friend and sort of landlord Peter was fascinated by the things that turned up in his garden so she carried it into the house calling. "I'm home." Still quietly seething about her bosses patronising manner as she kicked off her heels she added. "Put the kettle on Pete," and stomped into the kitchen, grumbling, "Sometimes I wish I was a bloke with a bloody cock!" "I'll swap with you, and you can have mine if you want love!" Peter laughed placing a mug of tea on the table for her. "You'd be fucking mad if you actually did that!" Cathy said, adding as she slumped onto a chair at the kitchen table, "Having to put up with all the shit of being a woman... Thanks." "Oh don't know, being a bloke isn't all that great most of the time." He said cheerfully. "And anyway appearance aside you're the one who's forever telling me I'd be better suited as a woman." "Well, you are!" Cathy said. "You're a hell of a lot more stereotypically feminine than me." He laughed. "If you say so." In the years they had known each other Cathy had often teased Peter that if he had not been a bloody bloke, he would make the perfect wife. There was more than a grain of truth in her words because ever since they met, he had done most of the cooking and housework, and even today nine times out of ten it was Peter who ironed her work blouses. Perhaps even if he had been a little more feminine in his looks and manner she might have felt a relationship between them could work, but Peter regardless of his 'wifely' attributes was very much a bloke. "So what did Dougie Rutherford do today?" Peter asked cheerfully, he knew Cathy well enough to know that once she had vented she would turn into her normal offbeat self. "Oh, he was just being his usual pig-ignorant sexist self," she snapped. "I wrote the fucking spec, and did the program of work for the Waitrose warehouse job, and he still made Mick James the site inspection engineer. Micky for all he is a lovely bloke and a great theoretician is bloody useless at the practical end of the business!" "If I did not have these fucking monstrosities." Cathy jabbed her full breasts. "I'd have got that bloody job." "If I could take them and the rest I would," Peter said. "I'd swap being able to sit in an air-conditioned office typing reports, compiling and calculating data to having my arse fried by the sun, trying to be the boss of a high rise construction crew who know the job better than I ever will. Sometimes I think I should have listened to you in first year Cath and told my dad I was transferring to the archaeology degree I wanted to do in the first place rather than making him happy and staying in structural engineering." Unlike Cathy who disregarding her stupid manager actually wanted to be a structural engineer and really enjoyed her job, Peter went into civil engineering out of familial loyalty rather than a love of the subject. "I did tell you that you'd never be happy working for your dad Pete," Cathy commented as he sat opposite her. "I know," he said, "and it's not like I can't do the job, but I just don't find it in the least bit interesting." "That's because I enjoy it, and if wasn't for that daft bastard of a manager of mine being a patronising, sexist moron I'd be happy as a pig in shit," she said pulling a face. "He seems to think that because Helen and I have tits and arse, we're just jumped up secretaries." "Want me to talk to dad about him?" Pete not for the first time offered. "Don't be soft if I resort to pulling a string because my best mate is the bosses son then I'm playing to the image he has of me," Cathy said wishing not for the first time that she was attracted to men because Pete was quite a prize. He was tall, broad-shouldered with one of those naturally athletic 'manly' bodies, and he was a catch since he was the only son and heir apparent to one of the biggest construction contractors in Europe. They became friends while they were first years at university after they met in the kitchen of their hall of residence and when it turned out they were on the same civil engineering course their friendship bloomed. They were the very best of friends, and because Cathy was not attracted to men they were able to enjoy each other company without any of the stress that came from emotional attachments. The problem for them both was their friendship was so close it tended to scare off other potential partners. In truth, Cathy didn't mind that much that most people who knew them just assumed they were a couple including their parents. Although she was gay because of her parents' rather fundamental Christian views, she had never flaunted her sexuality even when she was at university. When she had been seeing a girlfriend, she ran into the problem that she wanted to find a woman who was as compatible with her outside the bedroom as she was with Peter, who also had the same problem when it came to girlfriends. Unlike Cathy Peter was never short of female company, and sometimes joked that he was lucky that many of the more direct girls thought he was involved with his housemate otherwise he would have to beat them off with a stick! Being young, good looking and wealthy he could have pretty much picked up any girl he liked but Peter had yet to find one who he was as compatible with as her, and although he felt it was a shame that they would never get together he had accepted when they were still at university that it would never happen and settled for friendship. The other reason why Cathy never openly displayed her sexual nature was Peter's father. He had taken a shine to Cathy when they met and had assumed that she was his son's girlfriend at their graduation. She knew he felt that she likely to end up with his son, but that was not why he had employed her, she got her job because he felt she had what it took to be a good engineer. This was both a boon and a bane because Sir William was also, unfortunately, something of a traditionalist, which why she had a comfortable office-based job rather than spending a year or two learning how things were in the real world on site. Given the choice, she would rather have been an on-site engineer like Peter, but the old man called the shots. Knowing how traditional he was Cathy often joked to Peter that herself, Helen, and the other female engineers were tied to head office because his father did not think women belonged on-site full time. "What's that?" Peter said nodding to the mud-caked figure on the table beside her. "Dunno. I saw it sticking out of the ground under that big beech on the drive and thought you might want to add it to the collection of crap you keep digging up in the garden." She picked it up, saying, "It's heavy for its size though." She scrapped a little of the caked earth away. "You know I think it might be gold?" She dampened her finger on her tongue and rubbed the face. "It looks old though." "May I?" Pete asked, lifting from her hand, "And for your information, my collection crap is Roman Archaeological finds," he laughed, "And I'm telling there is an important Roman building somewhere close." "So you keep saying." Cathy laughed. "But this close to St Albans I be surprised if there wasn't, and how many holes have you dug so far, and not found anything yet." "I've found loads of stuff, tiles, bits of painted wall plaster, a couple of broaches, a dozen or so coins, two styluses and... Fucking hell!" He gasped looking at the statue. "It deffo Roman from what I can see, looks like one of the goddesses, Venus maybe? Wow, you lucky bugger what a find. This is museum quality." "Well, something for your collection." She shrugged. "More like the prize of my collection!" he gasped. Cathy watched him gaze at the figure and repeat her finger lick before he rubbed at the base. "Looks like gold, feels like it too." He stood up and walked to the sink and got out a soft brush and gently cleaned the figure under the tap. "Wow what a find!" he commented carefully drying it off on a piece of kitchen towel and holding it up. "She's beautiful Cath." The figure was intricately sculpted and as he examined it Peter could see every fold in her dress and veiled headdress. In her left hand she held a short spear or staff and in her right what looked like a plate or drum, and on either side of her throne sat two lions. Passing it back to Cathy, he said, "What do you think?" "She's pretty," Cathy said, putting the figure down asking, "What's for dinner, I'm starved?" "Your favourite," Peter said. "Chicken, leek and bacon pie, with baked mash and gravy. Here." He passed her a bottle of wine and corkscrew. "Open that for me while I get the cutlery out." As Cathy opened the wine bottle a couple of drops splashed onto the golden statue and took a sip watching as Peter dished up dinner. As he carried them to the table Cathy joked, "You'll make a smashing wife one day Peter." "Is that an offer?" He laughed, setting the plates on the table. "Only if you were the girl," Cathy said. "And I was the boy." Suddenly there was the scent of incense redolent with cinnamon. Cathy swore she saw the golden figure shimmer and then there was an astoundingly beautiful woman dressed identically to the small statue stood on the table. She smiled down on them in benediction and said in a strangely echoing voice, "Bened?ctio deam vult sic faciam illud..." Cathy gasped and Peter leapt back in shock saying, "Jesus Christ!" The woman looked at them strangely and said nodding, "Brittannia?" She smiled and lent forward to touch Cathy on the forehead, before she said in a strangely toned voice. "The blessing of the goddess will make it so." "Who the hell?" Cathy gasped. "Are you?" "Do you not know me daughter?" She looked puzzled. "In you and your consort runs the blood of my priestesses?" She looked up and they could hear something like the rippling of pages. "Ah many years have passed since my temple and your ancestors stood in this place and pledged to me. I see I must educate you in your linage." She waved her hands swirling the scent of cinnamon over them. "For you are of me and part of me..." For a moment the kitchen shimmered and they saw a hall, with an ornate marble altar, and heard the sound of chanting. Shaking her head Cathy repeated, "Who are you?" "I have been known by many names daughter but all are but reflections of Magna Mater, the great mother in your modern tongue. To your ancestors, I was known as Cybele." "Cybele, the Greeco-Roman goddess?" Peter asked. "So the denizens of lands would style me," she said. "I have come as was ordained, drawn from my slumber by the call of my blood performing the ritual on this most auspicious of days. You anointed my icon with your fluid, served food before my altar, and invited me to bless your solstice meal with wine. You called. I heard your petition... and I will grant it until the years fall, but know my children to keep my blessing you must bring the gift of life into this world and fulfil this bargain with your goddess." Her hands reached out and touched their heads. Cathy and Peter felt a surge of warmth run through their bodies as she said. "It is done... When next you wake in the light, the goddess will have fulfilled your desire, and you will know you are amongst the most blessed of my children. Farewell." Cathy vaguely heard herself saying, "What the fuck," and then everything went blank until she was jolted awake by a high pitched scream. "Huh?" she groaned, slowly awakening feeling like she had just run a marathon. Almost opening her sleep glued eyes open she flopped onto her back feeling strangely cumbersome and heavy. A second scream echoed jolted her fully awake. "Cathy!" As she stiffly sat up in bed, she gasped seeing a sleepy-looking Peter reflected in the wardrobe mirror. "What the fuck?" Her mouth felt wrong, and as she looked down the bed she saw not her softly curved body but his trim muscular form! With a loud bang, the bedroom door flew open and she saw herself stood there white-faced, with her breasts swaying under the oversized concert tee-shirt she wore as a nightie. Fully awakened by the shock of seeing her body stood there looking at her, Cathy gasped, as she saw herself saying hesitantly, "Cath?" She nodded, her head felt heavy, as she whispered hoarsely, "Pete?" She saw herself nod with a look of terror in her eyes. Looking at herself triggered a strange almost primal sensation to course through her body, because looking at herself from inside a male body, with male responses let her see for the first time that she was bloody good looking. As she recognised her attractiveness she felt her heartbeat quicken as a warm pleasant sensation started to radiate out from her groin, which sent feelings of such intensity through her that she yelped in a horse tone of shock and excitement. "What the fuck?" "Cathy!" her voice said shocked. "Must you?" "I can't help it," she cried as the sheet over her waist tented up. God, it felt nice... She realised as her mind rebelled against the sensation of having an erection to deal with for the first time in her life. Although her brain told her she was female, her body disagreed and she found it hard not to get distracted by the effect of herself in the doorway. Her attention kept being drawn to her full ripe breasts swaying deliciously before her eyes, which just hyped up the combination of sensations that her new physiology was exposing her to. Pulling her eyes to what had been her face, she said in Peter's well-modulated tenor voice. "Did you have a weird dream last night?" She saw herself nod and start shaking. "About Cybele?" "Me too!" Although she was shocked Cathy found that she was suddenly able to shove her emotions to one side, and asked, "Who was she?" Peter trapped in her body was looking at her with tears streaming down 'her' face. Like a door opening in her mind, Cathy suddenly understood what was happening. Male bodies were conditioned throughout their childhoods to keep their emotional control. Now her mind was in a male body she had inherited the stiff upper lip emotional controls that had been drummed into Peter during his years at boarding school. In reverse now his mind was trapped in a female body with her looser emotional control, combined with the surge in hormones which accompanied the peak of her fertility cycle was starting to overwhelm him. As understanding bloomed in her mind a new emotion just as powerful as the eroticism she felt when she saw herself through male eyes filled her. It was one she had never felt before and as the need to protect 'her woman' surged through her she was out of his bed and wrapping her suddenly strong and well-muscled arms around 'his' shaking figure. "It will be alright," she heard herself saying in Peter's voice. "We're both going to be fine." Holding him and repeating compassionately that everything will be fine, she knew from experience that once her body cried itself out Peter would be able to think rationally. "I... I think you better put some clothes on Cath," Peter eventually said as his fit of tears slowly ebbed. "I.. I.. might be used to seeing it but-" He blushed, as his female body responded to the musky man scent that filled his nostrils. "Tell me about Cybele," Cathy said hooking Peter's scruffy robe off the bedroom door and wrapping it around her new body. "She was one of the fertility goddesses," he said in a weepy frightened tone. "I don't think she was originally Roman, but one of the goddesses they adopted from Greece as the empire expanded." As her question made him think, Cathy heard her contralto voice stabilising. "I... I know she's an aspect to the Great Mother goddess, and she goes right back in human history. The Minoans, the Assyrians, The Egyptians all had their own versions of her. In the Romano -Greek period its thought her priesthood were initially female and later transgendered males, but that's about all I know." "Okay so if we're not in some weird shared dream, then we were visited by goddess last night?" She chuckled hearing his voice rumble humorously. "Which kind of sinks my atheism." "What we going to do Cath... I'm you and you're me?" Pete whimpered. "Can you recall what she said in that dream if it was a dream?" Cathy asked needing to get him to think his way through the fog of emotions that had to be clouding his mind. Thinking when you are upset she decided was a lot easier with male emotions. "I don't think it was a dream Cath," Peter said in an uneven tone. "If it was we're still sharing it..." Cathy might have found her emotions easier to control but it was very hard to concentrate on what he was saying when she kept getting distracted by the erotic thoughts and sensations which filled her mind as she cradled what had been her soft sexy smelling body in 'his' arms! "Come on Pete you know more about this shit than anyone I know. We met a Roman goddess last night what happened?" Cathy said gently rocking him. "You... You found the statue of Cybele in the garden, and then we somehow fulfilled a ritual... Something about us being blessed," he sniffed. "Not that I'd call this a blessing... And that it would last until I guess the winter solstice, and about our creating new life or something." He sniffed again and said, "I don't know, it's all confused and jumbled... Oh god, what are we going to do Cath?" She could tell from having been through many emotional meltdowns that her old body, that Peter was still not thinking fully rationally and said in a surprisingly calm tone. "All we can do is make the best of it Pete. Look I know that body and know what makes it feel good. Why don't you go and have a long shower and get dressed? Trust me you'll feel better, and once I've been the loo, I'll make us a brew?" "I... I don't know if I can be a girl?" he admitted. "I can't do hair or makeup... I've never worn heels." "I don't know if I can be a guy." She laughed. "But I guess I'm going to have to be one for the next six months if the goddess was right." Cathy could tell that Peter was starting to get over his first female meltdown, and she said, "Look call it a hunch or maybe it's something Cybele left in my head when she touched me that first time, but I think if you just relax and let my body do what it's used to doing, you'll find that you can be a girl." "Do you think so?" her old body said hesitantly. "Yeah. Muscle memory is a powerful force, and my body knows what to do if you let it," she said kissing his head. Cathy was surprised to see that she could see the top of her head, she had never realised that he was that much taller than her. "Trust me, go and have a long shower it will make you feel better because I need a pee." "You might have to do something about that first," Peter semi giggled nodding at the head of 'his' cock sticking out from the robe. "Because you can't pee with it like that." "Why not?" "Physiology," he said. "When you've got a stiffy on guys can't pee." "How do I get rid of it?" Cathy asked. Peter giggled in a girlish way she never would have and said with a very pretty blush from Cathy's new perspective. "Same as every other bloke with a morning hardon. Having a wank usually sorts it." He giggled again and said. "Trust me you'll enjoy it same as every other bloke does and if you need something to help you along have a look in my bottom draw because there's a couple of issues of Penthouse and Playboy in there." He took a shuddering breath and said, "I... I'm over the shock Cath, and you're right a shower does sound very nice." She kissed his head again and said, "Use lots of my Coco Chanel body wash, it always cheered me up." He sniffed and said, "Okay," surprised to find he did not want to leave her arms as they slipped free and turned on his heels and swished away hyper-aware of how different and yet strangely pleasant her body felt from inside. Cathy could not stop his eyes following her arse it swayed from side to side as Peter headed back to her bedroom. "Jesus... this is weird," she whispered, she was fancying herself, and she knew from experience that the red cheeks and popped out nipples under Peter's rock band tee-shirt meant that her body had responded to his in the same way. "This is so fucking weird," she muttered again as she looked at the hard male organ sticking from her body. She had only ever touched a cock once before, and now she 'owned' one. Hesitantly she touched the pole of flesh sticking out from her waist and as her right hand moved the skin it felt scarily nice. Flopping back on the bed she gasped! God, it felt better than nice! Telling herself to relax and let her new body do what it did naturally she quelled her fears and let her hand do what felt right... "Oh god," she gasped it felt so good as her hand sped up and slowed down without any deliberate mental input. "How the hell do guys ever do anything other than this when it feels this good?" she wondered two minutes later when Mrs. Palm and her five daughters sent an amazing sequence of sensation coursing through her mind that made a right mess of both 'his' belly and bedsheets. After revelling in the ejaculatory high of her first male orgasm Cathy felt her breathing slow as she saw her cock gently relax against her groin. Feeling both a little embarrassed and strangely content Cathy rolled off the bed and padded to the loo astonished about how smoothly her new body seemed to move. Thinking about how coordinated her new body felt Cathy's mind expected her to sit down to pee, but her body had other ideas because she found 'himself' automatically taking the correct stance as she grasped her cock and pointed it down the loo. A little hesitantly she relaxed 'his' bladder and as she released the contents of her bladder she chuckled, this was a hell of a lot better than having to take a pee sat on a chilly toilet seat! As that thought appeared Cathy blushed at her manly reflection in the mirror on the wall and for the first time she scarily admitted to herself that she could really get to like being a bloke! Having a quick shower, she looked at the razor and decided to skip it because she somehow knew Peter had a barbers appointment that morning. As she brushed her teeth she found herself admiring the naked athletic body she now inhabited. At just shy of six feet tall, Cathy had never noticed just how well put together Peter was because he had the sort of manly physique that many men spent hours in the gym to get. As she gazed at her new body the more certain she became that she was going to enjoy being male. There was just something about it that she liked, and not having to strap a bra round herself to contain Cath's deliciously full round... God, was she a breast man now? The thought actually made her laugh, after all even as a girl she always did tend to like a more top-heavy girlfriend. Chortling Cathy could not deny that now she had got over the shock of being a boy she was actually delighted to be one. Instead of the slightly guilty feeling she once had about being attracted to other girls, it now felt completely natural to him to be attracted to women. Considering the possibilities, 'he' quickly dressed in a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt. Nodding with pleasure at 'his' trim healthy reflection he headed downstairs. As 'he' padded past her old bedroom door 'he' could hear the shower going, and could not stop 'himself' hoping that Peter was going to enjoy being a girl as much as 'he' so far liked being a boy! Cathy felt strong and confident in a way that she had never known before and seriously hoped this would be their new reality. Looking at his reflection as he walked downstairs Cathy smirked to himself when it occurred to him there was one sure-fire way to ensure he remained male even if Peter didn't want to be a girl. Assuming he recalled Cybele's words right, if 'he' got 'her' pregnant before the solstice then they would be stuck as each other forever. As he walked into the kitchen he saw the golden statue still where they left it on the table and picked it up and said kissing it. "Thank you," before putting it in pride of place on the Welsh dresser. As he made a pot of tea and some toast Cathy was starting to be consciously aware of being able to remember things from a childhood that he did not live, and that he was finding it increasingly difficult to see himself as female. Little things flashed in his mind. Cathy could now vividly remember his dorm at boarding school, and the hazy memories of his mother who passed away while he was at prep school, even though he knew 'her' mother and father were still alive and kicking in Shropshire. "Hey!" He said when his old body walked in wearing a skirt and loose top with her hair pulled up in the same high ponytail he once wore after showering. "You look nice." He sniffed the air. "Smell nice too." "Thanks, I guess," she said blushing. "This is bloody surreal?" "It is rather," Cathy said, handing her a mug of tea. "Do you want a banana on toast?" "Please, since it's about the only thing you can make without burning something," She giggled, it was the sort of comment and laugh she would have made when she was in his body but it sounded totally different. "You seem to have cheered up?" Cathy commented, as Peter gracefully sat down and crossed her leg. "I'm not sure cheered it the right word," she admitted. "But I don't feel overwhelmed anymore... I guess the best word I can find is accepting." "I guess if I think about that's pretty much how I'm feeling," Cathy told her. "Although I've got say I did like being able to pee standing up and it is kind of cool not having to strap a bra round myself to contain a pair of tits that got in the way all the time." "Can't say I've noticed them," Peter admitted lifting one of her breasts. "They are there but that's about it." She laughed. "They don't freak me out anymore." She blushed and added, "And neither does it feel weird not to have a penis anymore." Cathy laughed. "Well you're welcome to them." He felt himself blush as his voice tighten as he added. "After all you did offer to swap love." Suddenly very aware of what Peter's highlighting of her breasts had triggered in his cock, as it swelled back to life he said as his jeans tightened. "Please don't do that..." "Distracting is it?" She laughed, showing Peter's sense of humour as she sensually shimmied her torso. "Yes! Stop it!" "I suppose I better get used to calling you Cathy now?" Cathy said handing her a plate of toast and a banana. "Before we go to dads this afternoon?" "Oh fuck I forgot about that with all this... Bollocks its not something we can skip either with it being dad's birthday." "Well, you have a new dress to wear... Cath," the new Peter said. "I bought it the other day." "I guess that's one less thing for me to worry about Cath," Peter said. "Don't you mean Pete?" He chuckled. "Make a mistake like that at dinner and we'll both look like fools." "Yes," Peter said, "I know Ca... Pete. God this is weird!" "Yep!" he said. "Nice weird or horrid weird is the question though?" Peter's morning began with the shock of discovering when he padded to the loo half asleep and sat down that he had tits and no cock as pee fell out of him! The horror of it being gone and then seeing Cathy's reflection was just the start of it because his emotions had gone quickly downhill from there. The worst moment of all was when he saw himself naked through Cathy's eyes and felt his nipples stand up and the hole between his legs moisten, a combination of powerful sensations, which triggered his meltdown. That said he/she could not deny as 'he' watched Cathy in 'his' body making breakfast, that he was seriously good-looking hunk of a bloke, and she realised why so many girls flirted with 'him'. She had never seen himself as attractive, and viewing himself from inside a female body with female responses, she felt a shiver of pleasure when she recognised the look in his eyes, and the sensation of having his strong manly arms around her. "What's up Cath?" she heard the new Peter asking as he sat beside her. "You looked like you were miles away then?" She felt herself blush and said, "I was. I've just noticed that I'm an attractive guy, and it felt bloody weird because of how your body reacted." "It's your body now Cathy," Peter laughed. "But I know the feeling, when you walked back to my bedroom I could not keep your eyes off your arse." His laugh deepened. "I never realised just how sexy I looked," He tilted his head and said musingly. "I've always been attracted to girls, I wonder if that's why even when this body was still freaking me out, that I still found you attractive?" He let out a low rumbled sigh and said, "I guess I straight now because the feelings I get when I look at you haven't changed other than being 100 percent more powerful from how I felt when I saw a pretty girl in a club... Which is weird when you think that I'm getting turned on by someone I was a few hours ago?" "I was straight when I was you Ca, Pete," the new Cathy said. "And now I look at you and I find my nipples start tingling and I get a damp feeling between my legs and start thinking about how your cock felt against my skin, which is really fucked up?" "Seriously?" Peter asked. "Yeah." She blushed. "And I know consciously that feeling this body reacting like this should be freaking me out again because it feels completely alien, but it's not. If I am honest it actually feels oddly right." She cocked her head and gazed over at him and said musingly, "I wonder if Cybele also changed our sexual orientation. After all the way my body reacts to you, it seems I've gone from a straight guy to a straight girl, but you appear to have gone from a gay girl to a straight guy?" "Could be love," the new Peter said feeling rather unconcerned about that aspect of their change. They ate in silence looking at each other over the table blushing before the new Peter hesitantly said, "Cybele was a fertility goddess right?" "Yes." Peter's blush brightened. "Well since we're stuck as each other... I don't know about you but I keep finding myself wondering what sex would be like?" He watched 'Cathy's' face and saw the flush of colour and added. "From that expression, I'll take it as yes." The newly minted Cathy nodded. "Good!" Peter said. He hesitantly leaned over the table and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. "How did feel?" Cathy blushed liking it a lot and said with a smile. "Do it again and I'll tell you." This time the kiss was more confident and Peter felt her responding as the kiss turned into a long French kiss, that only broke when Cathy giggled. "That feels much nicer as you than it did as me." She sheepishly smiled. "It felt very satisfying to have you taking the lead." "It's supposed to." He chuckled. "What time are we due at dads?" "Three, sitting down for dinner at five," Cathy said pushing her ponytail from her face in a way that Peter knew came from letting her body act naturally. She blushed. "Do you want to find out now?" "Find out what?" Peter said deliberately playing dumb. "If sex is better?" she said hurriedly. "Only if you want to?" he said. "I'm a gentleman." "Oh!" Cathy blushed even brighter. As Peter she had been naturally quite shy and indecisive, and although boarding school had broken some that now she had feminine emotional responses that shyness had returned, which to the new Peter felt made her even more adorable. Taking her hand he said, "Look Cath I would love to make love to you all bloody day, but I think before we do we should both get a little more used to our new bodies. Also, you're not on the pill, so unless you have a packet of johnny's handy you could get up the duff and be stuck as me forever. After all, Cybele was a fertility goddess, and I'll bet this house on you getting pregnant if we made love without protection at this point in your body's cycle, and on a more practical note you made me a barbers appointment in an hour." "You can get a packet there," Cathy said with a blush. "Yes, milady," Peter said with a grin and another kiss. "While I'm having a trim and a shave. Might I suggest you have a look in your top drawer and see what my vibrator does to you while I'm out?" He grinned and said with a tease, "That way you won't have to deal with the embarrassment of me hearing just how vocal your body gets when you cum." He chuckled. "To use a male term, you're a screamer now Cath." He gave her another kiss and said, "Oh and if I'm going to be taking you to bed then we're a couple and we're seeing each other right?" "Yes," Cathy said responding to his kiss adding with a laugh, "Not that it matters since everyone assumes we've been going out since college." Later as Peter drove for the first time what was now his Porsche 911 it felt very natural for him to rest his hand on Cathy's thigh as they zipped along the motorway. He had chosen well because Cathy looked gorgeous in the slinky dress she was wearing. Annoyingly his cock again took notice when he wondered if she had worn the sexy underwear he had bought for that dress. He knew she was wearing stockings and a suspender belt because he could feel the tab under his hand. He suspected she had because when he got home from a wonderful barbers shop trim and shave, she was looking at him with hungry eyes. "Cath?" he said. "I was thinking while I was walking back from the barbers about how hard it was for me to be a gentleman earlier... It was like a force was telling me to give you what you wanted, and I came within a hairbreadth of shagging you over the kitchen table." He took a deep breath. "The more I think about it the more I feel that regardless of what precautions we take sooner or later Cybele will insure that you conceive. I'm going use a condom when we go to bed later, but I think sometime between now and the solstice she'll arrange an accident and you will get pregnant, trapping us like this for the rest of our lives." "I've been thinking the same," Cathy admitted. "It was like an animal instinct and if you had bent me over I would have begged you for more... Jesus Pete, while I was experimenting with my vibrator I was fantasising about you... Hell, I even saw myself giving you head." Peter chuckled. "You enjoyed your vibrator?" "Good yes," she gasped. "How the hell do get used to that, and why the hell would you ever want to be a guy after an orgasm that felt that good?" "Oddly I felt the same when I had that wank this morning love," Peter said. "It felt to me so much better than anything I ever experienced in your body, which never seemed to get horny enough for me to really enjoy sex unless I used a vibrator for an age." Peter shook himself and pushed the thought of taking Cath to bed aside far easier than he ever did when he was her saying, "If we take it as read that I'm going to get you pregnant, I was thinking we best get engaged, just in case anything does happen because we'd need to get married PDQ. If Dad and the families know we're engaged they will at least be expecting it." "Yes please," Cathy said eagerly finding her mind filling with thoughts of a big white wedding dress. "Oh and you'll have to ask him when you get home for my mum's engagement ring. He always said when I found someone I should use mothers ring." She giggled. "Do you want to make a scene of it?" "What do you mean love?" Peter said. Cathy did not know if it came from 'his' old mind or like the desire for a big white dress from the feminine instincts that came with her body, but she wanted a big romantic gesture from him and said, "When we get home, you'll need to ask him for a private word and tell him you want to pop the question tonight, and if you can use mothers ring." "Okay, does he know?" "Yeah, dad made the offer about the ring after he met you," Cathy said. "I mean me." "We're running a little late so by the time we get there everyone will have already arrived. If you propose there and then, you'll impress dad because it will repeat how dad proposed to mother, which he'll approve of," She giggled in that girlish manner which he would never have let himself do when he inhabited her body. "You'll feel like a right plank, but do it anyway." She giggled again. "Or I'll say no." "If I must," Peter said, realising that there was still enough of the girl he had recently been to understand why she wanted such a proposal. "Short engagement and a September wedding?" "Best get it out of the way!" Cathy said. "Because my parents would get the hump if dad had to walk me up the aisle with a bun in the oven." "Yeah, good point," Peter said, "I guess I better phone him, and ask if I can first?" "I would," Cathy said. "If I was still you." "You look nice tonight Cathy," Peter's stepmother Lady Susan said when they arrived. "Where's Peter?" "He wanted a word with his father about work," Cathy said. "Something to do with Collingwood Square." "And how are things between you?" she asked nosily as she guided Cathy towards where all the women were clustered on the patio. "Wonderful thank you, Susan," she said, "could not be better." "Well, you look radiant tonight dear," Susan said, saying to the women clustered on the patio, "I believe you all know Cathy, Peter's girlfriend?" "Hi," Cathy said. The place was full of Peter's father's friends and family. She had to suppress a smile of excitement when she noticed as she chatted, Peter's father Sir William walking in five minutes later with a delighted smile etched on his usually calm face. At that moment Peter was on the telephone to 'her' parents which felt more than a little surreal. "Hello Mrs. Morris, it's Peter Sutton, Cathy's boyfriend can have a word with Mr. Morris please." "I hope it for the right reason," she chuckled, calling, "Robert, our Cathy's lad Peter is on the phone for you, and judging by the tremble in his tone I think he's being all romantic and going to ask for permission." "Hello Pete, if it's you want to marry her, of course, my lad. When are you going to pop the question?" "Once I've hung up," Peter said. "Well get her to phone us as soon as you do, oh, and get a photograph for her mother to show off at work." "Thank you, Mr. Morris," Peter said, knowing he had just made 'his' parents day. "My name's Robert lad, no need to be formal if you're going to be family." "Okay we'll call you back in half an hour, all my family are here. I thought if I'm going to pluck up the courage and ask I might as well as do it properly for her." Cathy knew Peter had asked his father for the ring when two of his uncles and an older cousin gave her a look and was not that surprised when Peter walked towards her blushing. She did not know who felt sillier when he went down on one knee in front of everyone and held out the box saying. "Catherine Morris, will you marry me?" "Yes!" she said with a semi scream, and pulled him up into a long kiss, to the sound of cheers and his father saying, "About bloody time too!" Eventually, she let him go for long enough to put the ring on her finger, at which point he said, "You need to phone 'your' mum and dad." As she spoke to 'her' parents on the phone Sir William was wandering around with a bottle of champagne filling glasses. "Ow you look, lovely darling," her mother said. "What did Peter say to dad?" she asked. "Not a lot, your father did most of the talking," her mother chuckled. "Normally your Peter is always so well-spoken and confident but he sounded really scared when he asked to speak to your dad." "We'll drive up next weekend mum," Cathy said. "So when is the wedding?" her mother asked. "I guess it will be mid-September since that is when Pete was telling me he was going to book us three weeks or so off work. He said it was for a sun holiday, but I think he planned it as a honeymoon all along." "So what brought this on so quick?" her father asked. "You're not pregnant are you?" "Dad, no! We've been talking about it for the last few months, and I've been expecting him to pop the question for a while but I think it took him a while to pluck up the courage to ask you." She laughed. "You can be rather protective you know... Well, I guess he decided today since it's the anniversary of the day his father proposed to his mother." "Where are you?" "At Peter's parents' house. His father proposed to his mother on his birthday. I don't know if I've told you this before but Peter is also my bosses only son," Cathy said. "His dad's Sir William Sutton, the big boss of Suttons PLC." "Catherine!" her mother exclaimed. "I knew he was well to do and would see you right but my word you might have said." "He's kind of shy about admitting it as he wants to be judged on his own merit mum," Cathy told her. "Is our Julie there?" "No she out with friends love." "Okay, let her know will you, and that I'd like her to be a bridesmaid," Cathy said realising the desire to speak to her sister was another one of those inherited impulses which she acquired with the body swap. The afternoon was lovely, although Cathy did have to put up with Lady Susan and all Peter's female cousins wanting to talk dresses, and wedding plans, which much to her surprise suddenly became very interesting. Peter's father was also clearly delighted when he finally cornered her said, "I always hoped you two would finally come to your senses Cathy, welcome to the family." "Thank you, Sir William," she said blushing. "My family calls me Billy Cathy," he said cheerfully. "And so should you because very soon you'll be part of it. Now tell me where do you see your career going?" "In the short term nowhere past motherhood," Cathy admitted. "I want to have children while I'm young." "Marvellous!" he boomed. "Have a few rugrats, and at the same time get yourself an MBA, so that if and when you do come back, you can join Peter on the management team, but don't set your heart on just work because for all you're a damn fine engineer Cathy, there are other things in life and your priorities will change after you've had kids." "Happy?" Peter said after dinner when they finally got five minutes alone. "Delirious, you?" "Yeah," he said. "What did dad want?" Cathy laughed. "He wanted to know where I saw my career going." "What did you say?" "Given what Cybele wants." She kissed him and said, "I told him motherhood, and I'm not sure it came entirely from me because I never thought about having kids until that moment, but now I want them so bad... If you know what I mean?" "I've been starting to think that myself, I never wanted kids before," he admitted. "And now the thought of you with a big belly just turns me on... You think she is to blame?" "Yes," Cathy said, "because I want to be pregnant." She blushed and then whispered in his ear. "Do you think we can quietly slip off home fairly soon?" "I don't know about quietly, but yes," he said. "Once uncle Mike makes a move everyone else will... Hope it's not too long because this extra brain I've now got between my legs really wants to take you home!" "Welcome to masculinity sweetheart," Cathy said with a giggle in her tone. "You'll get used to it, I did." "You alright to drive?" Cathy asked as they made their farewells a little later. "I'm fine, I've only had three small glasses of wine all day," Peter chuckled, opening the door for her. "I did a Bruce Wayne and stuck to dry ginger and soda. Dad has given us a bottle of bubbly for when we get home though." "Well!" Cathy said clipping her seat belt. "Get on with it because I feel like a horny eighteen year old on my first night in Shagalof!" Peter laughed starting the car and said, "I know what you mean because this bloody cock of yours seems to react at everything." "It's not mine anymore sweetheart it's yours." Cathy laughed and added impishly, "I'm just going to be borrowing it later." "Not until I've given you a guided tour of your new body sweetheart, because I'm going to make you wait." Peter chuckled as they drove home. Getting home they were like teenagers, leaving their clothes strewn between the front door and his bedroom. When said Peter's tour of her body he meant it because he had Cathy screaming with pleasure long before they reached the main event. Inexperienced with male sexuality Peter knew from this mornings explosion that he would not last as long, and hoped that would improve with all practice he intended to get! Thankfully he was still able to find enough control over his actions to wear a condom, and prove what he meant about her being a 'screamer,' because of the sensations they both experienced were beyond words they could articulate. Cathy had enjoyed sex as a man, but she revelled in sex as a woman. "That... That... That..." She panted breathlessly when Peter finally rolled off her. "I know love." He chuckled cuddling her close, before blushing as he asked. "How the fuck do you take this off?" Cathy giggled, and said, "Let me." Her hands felt different with nails as she slipped the condom from his penis. All of a sudden she image of her giving him head when she was experimenting that morning came into her head and it captivated her to the point that she lent forwards and started kissing and licking his manhood, which reignited Peter's ardour. "Oh... Fuck!" Pete gasped. "Cathy!" The feeling of her mouth on him, and the sensations it triggered set off firework in Peter's mind and when he exploded for a second time he gasped, commenting. "Oh god, were going to be doing that a lot sweetheart!" He was panting like an old set of bellows as he added holding her close. "I thought sex was fun before, but Jesus it's so much better now I'm you." Much to Cathy annoyed amusement a few minutes later she heard Peter's breathing slow and deepen and giggled to herself. "I guess Cathy really is the guy now," as she slowly slipped into a sexually satiated sleep. Waking the next morning spooned against Peter felt very pleasant, and she would have laid there until he woke if she had not needed the loo. Other than a sleepy grumble he did not stir and after dealing with the immediate problem she padded back and looked at his figure. As she enjoyed his well-muscled torso her eyes were drawn to his left buttock and saw her old body now had a tattoo, which she knew he never got, etched into his skin was a Lionesses. "Peter," she said slipping back into bed. "What love," he said sleepily. "It can wait," Cathy said, suddenly distracted when her eyes were drawn to a morning occurrence for many males. For a moment she mentally argued with herself, but his musky odour triggered something in her, and Cathy's apprehensions evaporated as her body did what it felt natural as she slinked up the bed and lowered her lips to his penis. The scent, the sight, and feel of it triggered a deep need in her, and Cathy eagerly started to lick and caress it. "Fuck me!" Peter gasped waking up as her mouth engulfed him. It was something he never did during his one deeply unpleasant sexual experience with a man when he was in Cathy's body, but for all it felt bloody strange looking at his old body giving his new one oral sex the last thing on Peter's mind was stopping her because the sensation of her mouth on his cock beat having a girl lapping his old pussy hands down! His body knew what to do, and Peter let it when his hands found her head and the feeling of her tits mashed against his legs. "Oh, Jesus Cath... That feels... Oh god!" At least some part of the 'gentleman' in his sexually charged brain was working because he gasped. "Oh god Cath... Unless you want an early breakfast you better... Oh, fuck yes!" he gasped as his hips started to jerk and then his cock seemed to explode, sending a jet of cum into his girlfriend's mouth. "Good morning," Cathy said, grinning up at him licking the crown of his cock. She giggled and said, "I couldn't wake you up so I thought I'd try this." She wormed her way up his body and said, "I hope you liked that because I did!" Peter chortled. "I'm a bloke of course I liked it, sweetheart!" She grinned and said kissing him. "Yes you are, and you're my bloke." "Did you know you have a tat on your bum Pete?" She asked after they had kissed and cuddled for a while. "Pardon?" "You have a lionesses on your buttock, and I think I have one as well?" She rolled over to display her butt. "Is it there?" Peter nodded. "Yeah, its a lion, what do you think it means?" She giggled. "You have a lioness and used to be me, I have a lion and used to be you... It kind of makes sense if you think about it," Cathy said, finally rolling out of bed. "I'm going for a shower, and then I guess you better take me to the supermarket because we need to get some shopping." "If I must." He chuckled, watching her swish away. "You know I don't think I ever knew what happiness was until we changed," Cathy said as she pushed a shopping trolley around Sainsbury's. "A part of me tells me I should be freaked out by being you, and yet I'm not. It's weird I know I was Peter, and still have all my memories and experiences and yet I'm also fully aware that I'm you and feel comfortable about it." She laughed. "It's strange but the thought of being a bloke seems as alien to me now as being a girl was on Friday night before you got home from the office." "I glad you could put it into words because I couldn't, but yes I know what you mean," Peter said, and then laughed. "Sorry I think my mind was pretty much in neutral just then." He nodded at a bloke beside his wife. "A bit like that." Cathy laughed. "You're clearly already turning into a better bloke than I was love," adding as they approached the dairy, "What do you want for dinner?" "Whatever you want to cook Cath," Peter said almost on autopilot, adding, "You know, I think I'm going to repaint the gates and fence this afternoon." "I've been saying that since I bought the place, sorry you bought the place," Cathy said. "I know love," he rumbled. "But I actually want to do it, and won't get distracted by a bit of pot sticking out of the ground." True to his word when they got back from the supermarket, Peter shoved a sandwich down his neck and spent the rest of the afternoon industriously attacking the rusty ironwork with a wire brush on his angle grinder. Other than to take him a can of beer out, Cathy enjoyed herself cleaning the mess they had made of the house and their bedroom. Since she could not bare the thought of sleeping without him, she moved some of her toiletries into his en-suite and felt a chill when she found herself putting a box of tampons in the cupboard under the sink. Going to work the next morning was another weirdly normal sensation. Cathy did not have to think about what she was doing as she got showered and mostly dressed in her usual office suit, while Peter made the breakfast. After breakfast, he went for a shower while, she did her hair and makeup, and the only difference from the routine they had before was instead of the 'Peter' making the packed lunches, 'Cathy' made them. At seven forty-five Peter dropped Cath off at the station and other than the kiss as well as the usual. "See you tonight," it all felt weirdly normal. He knew it should not have done and wondered himself just how many other couples had been through this experience. It was still playing on his mind as he arrived at the job site at the same time as Ted the foreman. Although as Cathy, Peter knew he had never met Ted, he somehow knew him and said hopping out of the van. "Morning Ted, good weekend?" "Not bad, yourself?" "Great thanks." "I believe congratulations are in order?" "Let me guess my father?" Ted nodded, he had worked for Bill Sutton all his life and was one of Peter's father's inner circle of old work friends. "He called yesterday to say that he'd be pulling off this job in the new year." "To be honest Ted, I might ask him if I can stay and see this one out," Peter said, "I'd like to see at least one topped out before I'm chained to the top floor." "Good for you lad," Ted said, "so who's the lucky bird?" "Cathy? She works in Doug Rutherford's office we've been together since University." "Bright lass, tallish brunette with a tidy figure?" Ted asked. "Yep!" Peter said with a grin. "Kept that quiet." "Dad knew, but she did not want anyone to know in case they thought she got the job because of me, which she didn't." "Understandable, especially working for Doug. He doesn't think women should be in civil engineering and believes they should stick to being secretaries. To be honest, I'm surprised he's not tried to push her out, most women engineers who worked for him never lasted more than a couple of months?" "She's too good at her job, and he knows it so he just acts like a sexist bastard. I've offered to speak to dad about him but she won't let me." "Aye well, that will change once he finds out she's family," Ted said. Doug Rutherford was not happy when he saw Cathy's holiday request and immediately turned it down. "Catherine I just had human resource's on the phone and this holiday you want in September, I've denied it. You can have the first three in October." "But I'm getting married?" she said. "Well, you'll just have to move it then!" He said ending the subject, or so he thought. The problem was when he contacted human resources and said, "That girl in my department Morris, I've told her she's moving her holiday to fit in with young Simon's request. See to it will you." "Are you sure you want to do this Mr. Rutherford?" the HR assistant said, knowing where the holiday request came from. "Of course," he said. "It's just the request came from." "I don't care where the request came from she can't have it and that's the end of it." "But!" He put the phone down congratulating himself about putting another uppity skirt in her place! Five minutes later Doug Rutherford discovered why the HR assistant queried his decision when Sir William phoned his office. "What's this I hear from HR about you denying Cathy her holiday request, you do know its for her wedding?" "I do, Sir William and she'll have to move it, she did not follow procedure and clear it with me first, and if she works in my department then all holiday requests come to me. Also, young Simon who is far more useful to me than both the skirts put together wants two of the weeks, and I would rather keep him happy than her." "Well in that case," Sir William said coldly. "I suggest you look at who authorised the holiday before you carry on any further because I know damn well that Cathy is a superb engineer whose understanding of structural dynamics is better than anyone else in your department!" "I'm sorry sir, but that's twaddle," Douglas said, "I know who is more valuable in the real world. It's not like I can use them in a supervisory role, because they don't belong on a site." "Regardless of your personal feelings towards Cathy, Rutherford," Sir William said in a chilly tone. "You're going to tell Simon that he needs to wait because I am not going to move my son's bloody wedding because you're having a fit of spite and think that a recent graduate employee deserves preference over someone who has worked here for two years with an exemplary record!" "Catherine is off for all of September and that's the end of it. Also, Put Helen Jones on the Henderson job as site supervisor she deserved being promoted last Christmas and all the feedback I get from the site foremen say her specs and programs are top-notch. Also when Cathy gets from her honeymoon she'll be leaving you and coming upstairs, is that clear?" "It will leave me short sir?" Doug said feeling like he had just been kicked in bollocks. "Well you'll just have to manage, I want Helen building some site supervision experience, and Cathy will be dealing with the MOD contract out of my office since she wrote the spec." "Yes Sir," Doug said suddenly wishing he had looked at the holiday request form more carefully because he knew from Sir William's tone that he was in the shit. "Good now I suggest you go and apologise to my soon to be daughter in law, and tell her she off from the start of September, and tell Helen I want to see her at 2 pm in my office." "Yes Sir." "Oh and mention to Cathy that my wife wants to take her to lunch this afternoon for a chat about the wedding, knowing Susan she'll lose track of the time, so get Simon and Alan to do whatever you had the girls doing this afternoon." "Catherine," Doug said having calmed down enough to speak to her politely ten minutes later. "I've had a second thought about your holiday, you're off from the start of September." He turned to Helen and added before he spun on his heel. "Sir William wants you in his office at 2 pm." "Thank you, Mr. Rutherford," she said aware of Helen the only other female in the office looking at her. Just as he started to walk away, said to Cathy, "Oh and Lady Susan needs you for something this afternoon Catherine." "Okay thank you." With his tail between his legs, he walked back to his office and slammed the door. "What was that about?" Helen said. "I think he just found out who I'm marrying." She giggled. "Or rather who my future father in law is." Cathy grinned and pointed her finger upstairs. "Don't tell anyone but Peter is Sir William's son." "Your Peter the guy you live with, Peter Henderson, who came with you to my wedding is the bosses son?" "Yeah. He uses his mums maiden name at work so he doesn't get any special treatment. We've been together since university but we've kept it quiet until last weekend when he popped the question." "God, when it gets out which it will, you'll have ruined the day for all the single exec secretaries. I know Peter's more than a bit of a hunk, but I had wondered why out of all the site engineers, almost all of the available top floor secretaries seemed to want to sink their nails into him?" Helen laughed. "Hope I'm getting an invite?" "Er... Yes, I was going to ask you later, but will you be one of my bridesmaids?" "Of course." Helen laughed. "Just don't make the dresses too hideous." "They are going to be as bad as the one you got me in," Cathy laughed. "What they like Sir William and Lady Susan?" Helen asked a little later. "I've only met them the once." "You'll find out when you meet him later." She grinned. "I think Rutherford's fit of peek at me just got your promotion, Helen. Sir William is totally different out of the office, he's really funny once you tune into his really dry sense of humour and spends most of his time fly fishing, riding horses, or messing about with old cars. As for Lady Susan, she's just like your mum mixed with a horse-mad hearty girl guide leader. I like them both, they are just people." "And Peter?" Helen asked. She had never known her usually work orientated friend so chatty, normally when she was at work Cathy avoided gossip and chit chat. "He's great, he's a lot like his dad but more open. We met first night at university and were friends for three years before we sort of got together," Cathy said. "But it was always a casual thing if we needed a date for something we'd take each other, well." She giggled. "Until last Christmas when we started to get serious." Just after one Lady Susan strolled in and said, "Grab your bag Cathy, we're going to lunch." "Okay," Cathy said introducing Helen. "This is Helen by the way Susan, along with my sisters will be my bridesmaids." "Oh pleased to meet you, Helen. Oh, and if you're in the bridal party for god sake call me Susie, Lady Susan is such a mouthful." As they walked out Susan said, "I heard from Billy about that arse Rutherford's little stunt this morning. He really is a horrible man you know, can't stand him myself." "I'm not that keen either," Cathy admitted. "Do you ride by the way," Susan asked as they left the office? "Me on a horse? I would not know one end from the other." Cathy laughed. Cathy had discovered that practical skills they had in their old bodies had not transferred. Unlike when she was Peter, Cathy no longer had her former naturally athletic hand-eye coordination or his incredible sense of balance. She still retained all his knowledge of how to do them, but her new body did not come equipped with the same reflexes or fine motor skills to do things she once did without thinking. "We'll have to find out dear," she said as the driver opened the car door. "Peter is an excellent horseman and I'm sure he'll be willing to teach you." "Well, it is something I've always wanted to do," Cathy admitted. "So what do like to do for fun?" "I paint," Cathy said, "I sketch, I like cooking, I've always enjoyed dressmaking and I've got a hobby project in the house's garden, which keeps turning up bits of Roman building," Cathy said, telling her things that he knew this body could do even though the former occupant was a terrible cook, her cooking skills had transferred because it was knowledge. "I never would have pegged you for a sewer, and I think Billy once said that Peter has an interest in archaeology." "He has, which is why he does not mind me digging test pits in his garden." "What are we looking at today?" "Dresses dear," Susan said, "I've got a few designers for you to have a chat with. What with deciding on a short engagement we'll have to get our skates on otherwise it won't be ready." Cathy laughed and said, "I always expected to make it myself, and I think before I decide I'll have to chat with my mum." "Billy and I were talking about that, which is the other reason why I wanted to talk to you, would you mind inviting them down to the house for a get to know you weekend?" "Sure, we're driving up to visit them this weekend I'll ask them," Cathy said. If someone had told her a week earlier that she would spend an afternoon looking at wedding dresses with her stepmother and enjoy it, she would have told them to go see a doctor, but that was what happened. Susan had made appointments with three designers who all had models wearing the two or three different styles of dress at each studio, and Cathy found she really enjoyed discussing shape and fabrics. Two of the designers Cathy felt were more interested in what their dress said about them than how she liked them, but the third wanted to hear what she wanted before showing her anything. "I think something along these lines," Cathy said showing him a sketch she had made over lunch of Victorian styled gown pointing out what she liked. "It's rather 1840's for the bodice, with the curved neckline, but rather than the waterfall sleeves something shorter like you'd see in the 1860's party dress and skirts are sort of shaped a little like you'd see in an 1870's dress with aproned small bustle skirt." He looked at the sketch and said, "So you're thinking a corsetted waistline?" "Yes," Cathy said, "otherwise you won't get that smooth panelled shape to work." "Fine," he sketched a bodice, and then said, "So a bustle and apron and added a little more detail, and said, "Is this what you have in mind?" "Yes, that flat front rather like a natural form look with a smallish bustle, unless you think a gathered hoop would work better with the bodice?" Hugo, looked at Susan and said, "Why didn't you tell me Peter's girlfriend was a dressmaker?" "I did not know myself until a few hours ago Hugo," she told him enjoying how different Peter's usually stiffly formal girlfriend was. "I would not call myself a dressmaker," Cathy laughed. "I'm a bit of a fan of historical fashion and I can sew." In truth, she was amazed by just how much knowledge she had inherited because she knew she would not have known an empire waist from an A-line skirt two weeks earlier. Getting home a little earlier than normal she walked in feeling like she was cloud nine. "How was your day?" Peter said when he got home. "Good thanks, your dad put Doug in his place this morning. He tried to decline our holiday." Cathy laughed, adding, "You honk, go and get showered, while I finish making dinner." "I thought he might when we put in for the best part of a month," He laughed. "What did he say?" "He apologised and authorised the full month, and got his nose put even further out of joint when Susan took me out for lunch which took all afternoon as she wanted me to talk to dress designers." "You'll need to get mum in on that," Peter said. "I know, and I told Susan. She also wants us to invite them down to the house in the next month or so for a get to know you weekend." "Okay, anything else?" "Yeah, you're going have to teach me to ride," Cathy said. "You know how to ride?" "Not anymore. Here catch," She launched a plastic juggling ball from under the table towards him. Without thought, Peter's hand flew out and the ball landed smack in his hand. "Try juggling these." The other two balls flew towards him. Peter was halfway through saying. "I can't ca," when he caught both and immediately started juggling them. "You can now." Cathy laughed. "You have all the same practical skills I had, which is why you now can juggle." Much to Peter's surprise he found he juggling really easy even though it had been something he had never been able to do as Cathy. "The weird thing is I can't anymore," Cathy said, "I know how to do it, but my body does not have the same instinctive hand-eye coordination as I had as you, so now I can't." "This is weird, because I know I can't juggle," Peter said, throwing a pepper pot into the air with the three balls. "But I am doing." "The way I see it is, we have retained knowledge we had before the swap but not practical skills we had as each other Pete," Cathy said. "For instance, I can now draw and paint, and seem to know a lot about fashion history which I did not on Friday, but I can't throw, catch or juggle, and I think if I tried to do walk on my hands I couldn't because this body does not have the same fine sense of balance that yours does." "Oh, yeah it's like today at work when we were mixing I was able to swing a shovel," Peter said. "And just how much pressure to put on the bolting up gun. I'd never done either before." "If I'm right it means you'll have to teach me to ride in this body again. Your brain does not need to know how to do it because your body does, and I think you'll find like with juggling that once you try a skill that I had in that body, then it has been retained in the muscle memory." As the week rolled on the news that Cathy was getting hitched to Sir William's son soon went round the office building, and as Helen predicted she was aware of a few nasty looks from the executive secretaries. Although both Cathy and Peter suspected that Cybele was the cause they weren't complaining because they actually felt much more comfortable living each other's old lives than they did before. Cathy enjoyed the banter and hard work of being a site engineer, and Peter liked the more sedate world and comfort of office work. If she was honest she did not even mind doing the site survey proofing that had been the bane of Peter day when he inhabited her body. How much of the comfort they felt about living their new reality came from having a lot of mind-blowing sex neither of them knew, and if they were honest were not that bothered about finding out. "Are we still driving up to mum and dads tomorrow?" Cathy asked during the very nice shared bath after they had celebrated the end of their first week in their new bodies. "Yeah," Peter said, "we'll drive up in the morning, spend the day then come home." "Great I'll give them a ring once we're decent." She giggled making her breasts sway through the foamy water. Peter gave Cathy a look and said, "We won't be ending the week next Friday like this love." "Why not?" He laughed. "You'll be enjoying your first monthly visitation sweetheart. Hopefully, it won't make you as grumpy as it did me, but I felt I'd better warn you. You're as regular as clockwork so expect to feel a few cramps Tuesday night Wednesday morning and you'll start about six hours after the first cramp. Have a pack of liners and at least three Tampax in your bag and some of Paracetamol." "I was trying not to think about that," she admitted with a blush. "You'll get used to it love, just like every other woman," Peter said sympathetically, before adding with a grin, "Although not having to put it with it is another thing I'm glad to have given you." "Have you found you have missed anything about being me?" Cathy asked curiously. "No, not a thing, you?" Peter said, teasing one of her soapy nipples. "I miss being tall." She laughed adding, "Stop it! Having to use a step when I used to be able to get something off a shelf, but other than that no." Peter said after a moment's thought. "I can't say I dislike anything. For the first couple of days, I didn't particularly like shaving every day, but now it's just something I do without even thinking?" "If you think about it," Cathy said. "We both should be basket cases because we basically had our lives turned upside down seven days ago, and yet here we are perfectly comfortable as each other. I look at you and think about this." She wriggled her bum against his cock. "And it does not feel freaky that I like giving oral sex or having you stick it inside me... Hell, I want those things. I'm completely besotted with you, your scent, the way you hold your head, the feel of your hands on me." "That's because we're in love. How we ended up in love is beside the point," Peter said with a shrug. "If it was Cybele, then all I can say is thank you," He kissed her neck. "Quite frankly I don't care so long as I know your mine." The End Trish 2020

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Ma chud gayi parosi chacha se

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Unforgettable Rape

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Sex for Money Part 3

“Keep eyes on the road,” I told Kabir as we hit the road. I then crawled over to his seat and planted a kiss on his balls. My hands grabbed his cock and started stroking it, as I started to suck his balls.“Wow! That is unbelievable,” he said.His dick was limp but was trying to get up. I could feel it get harder and harder as I stroked and sucked on it. After working on it for some time, I could finally get it hard. He was trying very hard to keep his eyes on the road. I was desperately working...

3 years ago
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Faceoff Book 2Chapter 5

The king's birthday was an occasion for a lot of pomp and circumstance. There were a lot of people in fancy uniforms that they never wore on any other occasion, and some of them were threadbare, so you could tell how old the uniform was. This was some sort of status symbol, and there were rumors that some of the costumes were brushed with wire bristled brushes to produce that worn appearance. Well, I even wore a fancy outfit, but I made sure that it did not interfere with access to my...

3 years ago
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Girl Friday

Girl Friday One The fax clattered out a single piece of paper. It was the Hollywood producer again. Had Joanna any suggestions about who might play the leading role in the movie of her book. He couldn't find an actor who could play both male and female lead roles. Had she any suggestions? That was his job. Could she rewrite the script so there were two characters rather than one? Out of the question! She ran her fingers through her shoulder length auburn hair and looked at the pile...

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Objet dArt

Nora stood in the living room, nude with her hands behind her back. In front of her on the floor was a large wooden box, about six feet long and three feet wide. She knew what it was, and she didn’t even attempt to hide her nervousness. Master stood on the other side of the box, looking at her face intently. He could see her nervousness, but Nora wondered if he was able to see in her what always went along with the butterflies she got from his having complete control over her – what made warm...

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The Boy

I work as a bouncer for a nearby bar. I have the right physique and mentality for it, after all, with my 6'6" height and 240 pounds of solid muscle, bone and sinew. Very few people dare to stand up to me even when their brains are floating in a sturdy fix of alcohol. The joint I work for is mostly gay grounds, but occasionally the more foolhardy straight kids come a-cruising there just for the hell of it. It's usually because of them that troubles start. I met the Boy when he and a mixed-sex...

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When I met my Master

“On your knees BOY!!!” shouted the master as he pulled out his 11”cock and rubbed it teasingly in front of BOYs face. “YES SIR” replied BOY. Then with a whack around BOYs face from the monster cock, the Master shouted “ONLY TALK WHEN I SAY SO!!” BOY knew he had done wrong but being punished by The Master really got his groin burning in anticipation of things to come. My name is not important, but this is the story of my first time with The let’s see what happened. I met The...

First Time
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Granny Ellie

Ellie was my grand mother, but we could not call her our grand mother so we called her by her name, Ellie. I had always found Ellie to be very attractive, she was skinny and toned about five foot one or two. Beautiful face and eyes, nice ass and small tits but I liked them any way. She was well educated and very smart. She was strict and seemed very straight laced and never cussed. I had always felt she never thought about sex. Especially now that she was in her early sixties. When I hit...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 13 The Wedding Night

Joy’s flaccid cock slipped out of my cum sprayed pussy. A copious blend of mom pussy juice and son’s hot cum guzzled out of my cum and made a decent mini pool on the sofa. Joy watched the scene with the utmost gratification. It was unbelievable! I was shamelessly spreading my legs wide and letting my own son watch his cum spilling out of his mother’s pussy. “Mom, I can’t believe you made me cum so much. I don’t think any other woman will be able to make me cum like this.” The compliment made...

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Let's have a look at Tub X Porn! With the massive fuck pile of porn sites that are available for free on the internet, you’re bound to have completely missed a few. Sometimes this is for the better, because there are a shit-ton of sites out there that are nothing more than a ton of shit, full of dismally poor site design, low-quality scenes, awfully low-resolution pics, or that basically just function as little more than clickbait marketing hubs designed solely to generate ad revenue. Not every...

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Mum and her curvaceous stockinged legs

Mum and Dad had gone out for the night and I waited up for them so I could see my mum in a drunken stuper. She had a great pair of curvaceous legs which she liked to show off on nights out wearing short skirts with stockings and high heels. She would come in and sit on the armchair with her skirt riding up her thigh to reveal her stocking tops. While dad was upstairs getting ready for bed I'd go over and give her a kiss while resting my hand on her stockinged knee. That was enough for me to go...

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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 18

Our shower before we left was spent very quietly as we both thought of the ramifications of beginning to live together. She had about 3 months left on her lease, which had an option to buy with her payments counting as part of the down payment if she chose. She knew that if she gave that up and then we didn't work out she would lose over 10K and with her just getting on stable ground financially and within a few months of making an offer as planned to become a financial partner with Mary,...

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