BackscatterChapter 13: Sins Of The Children free porn video

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Eight days later.

Time: Saturday, June 12, 2049 5:50 AM Universal Madeiran Time

The car trip from their Funchal condo to the energy labs was completely uneventful. Megan did the driving and let Alvaro close his eyes and get a bit of rest. He had come home just five hours before, after a series of short phone calls saying he would be late. And now after four hours of exhausted sleep, he was heading right back to the labs. This was the third day in a row he was doing this.

So Megan offered to drive him to work and she quietly walked with him to his office, hoping that he wouldn't dismiss her. He had been so kind and attentive earlier in the week as Megan entered the last month of her pregnancy, petting her feet, combing her hair, always asking if she desired anything. And then there were these last three nights, such a contrast, a few simple kisses after coming home after midnight and going straight into bed.

As they walked into Alvaro's office, Megan noticed a close friend of theirs sitting by the consoles around Alvaro's desk. Alvaro was the first to speak. "Lieutenant Rocha, you are relieved."

"Funny Alvaro, funny," Estevao replied. "You know, you should join the military someday. I think you'd like it."

"Oh, I don't know. Megan's been looking into the possibility, perhaps in a year or so when the baby's a bit older."

"Really?" Estevao turned to Megan and smiled. "Try the navy. It's the best!"

Megan gave a return smile. "From all your stories, it's first on my list."

Estevao nodded and turned back to Alvaro. "Do you think I have time for a shower before the festivities start?"

"Sure, take your time. Nothing's scheduled for the next hour. I'll page you if something unexpected comes up. Has Discovery reached its holding position?"

"Yes, just a few minutes ago." Estevao then bid them goodbye and left. Alvaro sat down at his desk, opening a few communications channels and checking in with some of the other senior lab members. Then he leaned back and sighed. He looked over to his wife and seemed mildly surprised she was still there. He gave her a kind smile.

Megan gestured to the room with her arm. "Green badge area." Her comment was a plea to tell her what was going on.

Alvaro nodded and after a moment hit the mute button on his console. "But this is classified as need-to-know only. It's not my decision. You'll have to leave before the conference begins. Hey, wait a minute." He unmuted his phone. "Renato, you still there?"

A warm laugh responded. "Surely you jest. I'm here by myself though. The committee members haven't arrived yet."

"Perfect. Renato, Megan is here with me now. I'd like to grant her need-to-know status. Do you concur?"

"Oh, absolutely. I officially concur. Megan's insight might prove invaluable. Good morning Megan. Alvaro, that's all you need, right?"

Alvaro started typing on his computer. "Yes, the two of us combined have the authority... Just click accept on the approval request I sent you... Great. Thanks. Renato, I'm going to mute and fill Megan in. Flash me if you need me or the meeting starts early." And after getting an acknowledgement, Alvaro muted the phone again.

Megan gave her husband a grateful smile. "Thank you, much appreciated."

Alvaro nodded and got right to business. "Three days ago Renato came into my office with some calculations. Life hasn't been the same since."

Megan tilted her head slightly. "So I've noticed. Good news or bad?"

"Yeah. I'm not sure how to answer that. Renato has a model for how Golem's bubble worked. It's an extremely elegant piece of mathematics, and it fits all the details of our observations."


Alvaro yawned and stretched. "The breakthrough came Wednesday morning when Renato realized Golem's bubble needed to work as a dipole. Once you make that assumption about the topology, everything else falls into place... Almost."

Megan stared at her husband. "You've completely lost me."

"Inside Newton's bubble there had to be two smaller bubbles. Think of the pair of bubbles as a temporal dipole. Renato modeled Golem as having a polarity oriented towards the north pole of time."

"The what?"

Alvaro sighed. "The Big Bang is sometimes called the north pole of time, the past all the way back to the beginning of time. That was Golem's orientation, not for the inside of its bubble but for what was outside. Golem's was focusing the backscatter of the dark energy into a net pull back in time."

"Uh, yeah, okay. So what would the people outside the bubble be observing?"

"According to Renato's model, their experience was similar to ours but on a global scale. Newton was just above geosynchronous orbit height on the opposite side of the planet. Earth probably still had their worldwide communications up. They were in total darkness for forty hours, just like us."

"Until we popped Golem?"

"Yes, which would have popped Golem's twin, the southern pole of the dipole. That was part of Renato's conclusions. You can't have a temporal monopole. And without an internal dipole, Newton must also pop. Think of it as a rubber band being stretched for forty hours, and then snapping back when we popped Golem. The Earth around us came here to the universe of 2049 A.D., and our future Earth snapped back to the universe of whenever."

"Any clues yet how far back?"

"The government wants to take things slowly. Judging by the brief exploration we did at the Canary Islands, almost certainly before colonial times, before the 1500's. In the two thousand years before that, the islands were probably visited by the Phoenicians, the Romans and the Arabs. We didn't see evidence of them, but we only searched one small part of Tenerife, around where the capital should have been."

Megan nodded. "I saw Discovery leave port Wednesday evening. Was it heading back to the Canaries?"

Alvaro shook his head. "No. For the last two and a half days, it was traveling flank speed to North America. It just got to a holding position a few minutes ago, fifty kilometers due south of Block Island..."


"... and about 260 kilometers from where we think southern pole of the temporal dipole was."

Megan was silent for a second and then whispered, "Princeton, New Jersey. My gosh. Does southern temporal dipole mean the future?"

"Well, sort of... No, scratch that. Megan, the past exists. It has a tangible physical reality. The future does not. It's completely unformed."


"I mean undetermined. I agree with Renato's mathematics, but we're contending what the mathematics means in physical reality. Renato thinks a ninety kilometer radius around the Princeton dark energy site might be in the far future. But that violates some of the core axioms of singularity mechanics. The only way to get to the future is at the slow pace of one second per second, in whatever your local frame of reference is. Moving forward faster should be absolutely impossible."

"But Renato disagrees with you?"

Alvaro gave a thin smile. "Well, only for the moment. We need to prepare ourselves for a nice dinner as the guests of Dr. Costa and his wife when all this is over."

Megan smiled. "Sounds like fun. You're that confident, huh? I mean, I wouldn't mind doing the cooking on this one."

"Oh, I'm sure. The universe just can't work the way Renato is suggesting."

Megan nodded. "So Discovery will be exploring New Jersey?"

"No, probably not, not unless the Bombardier jet finds something unusual. The bluebirds just don't have the range to reach Princeton from the Atlantic, and Congress didn't want to risk the mission to a helicopter. Discovery is there as a backup. The jet will do the reconnaissance of ground zero, and if nothing is found Discovery will make a brief scan of Long Island and the New Jersey shoreline and then return to Madeira." Alvaro looked at a clock. "The jet departed Madeira hours ago and is scheduled to be over Princeton just after dawn."

"Okay. And when's that?"

"Princeton sunrise today will be at 8:27 AM Madeira time, two hours from now. Local sunset will be about a half hour before midnight."

"Wait a minute. Wasn't the jet going to be unavailable because of the floor modifications?"

"Oh, that'll only take a few weeks. That work's been postponed." He paused for a moment. "You might remember the two pilots. I believe Xanti and Cintia are on this flight."

Megan nodded just as a light flashed on Alvaro's console. Congressional committee members were joining Renato at the capital building in Funchal. Alvaro announced Megan's presence and there where no objections. Estevao Rocha returned a few minutes later looking very refreshed. They all sat and waited for the jet to report.

Time: Saturday, June 12, 2049 7:30 AM UMT, fifty km south of Block Island, coordinates 40 degrees 42 minutes North, 71 degrees 36 minutes West

Xanti hovered 200 meters above Discovery, communicating with Captain Mendes below through a laser and briefing her with the last two and a half days of events. The jet and Discovery were both equipped with short wave radio and could contact Madeira directly at any time, but were under orders to maintain radio silence until the Princeton issue was resolved.

At 7:30 AM UMT Xanti and Cintia accelerated the plane to 257 kph, expecting to be over their target at 8:30 AM. The sun was still eight degrees below the horizon and the moon had set about two hours previously. The ocean below was lit only by starlight as they began their run, but the sun would soon overtake them on their slow west southwest course to New Jersey.

Cintia gazed at the dark horizon for a moment and then commented. "I hope we don't fly into a tree. I sure do miss GPS."

Xanti chuckled. "Yeah. Once we pass over Sandy Hook though, the terrain recognition software should be able to map our position to within a few meters." He studied his instruments for a moment. "We should be exactly on course, entering the mainland over what will be Leonardo New Jersey at 8:19 AM, eleven minutes and forty-seven kilometers from target."

Cintia nodded. "You think Dr. Lopes is correct then? All we'll see are trees, nothing from the thirtieth century or beyond?"

"I've never known the man to be wrong, once he says he's sure of something."

Cintia nodded. "I'm betting on Alvaro too. Literally, with a sailor aboard Discovery."

"Oh? How much?"

"Oh, nothing major, a hundred Milreis. Xanti?"


"We have a lot of discretion, what altitude we take this."

"I know. You want something higher?"

Cintia shrugged. "This low, we'd have no time to restart the jet engines if we lose dark power. And at 257 kph, we don't have quite enough speed for that either."

Xanti almost made a quick retort, but then stopped himself. "The dark power is so reliable, I wasn't even thinking about the jet engines. But you're right. It's a long way from home." He thought for a moment. "Maximum terrain elevation on our path to Princeton should be about thirty meters, and we should have good predawn visibility by the time we reach Leonardo. How about if we continue to detect no RF and see a virgin landscape at the shore, we do the final leg at 2000 meters?"

Cintia let out a sigh of relief. "Sounds great. I hate low-level flying. There's no chance to respond to a problem."

Fifty kilometers from Sandy Hook, Xanti and Cintia began to see the New Jersey shoreline on the western horizon. About twelve minutes later they flew low over Sandy Hook, seeing nothing but a wild sandy coastline covered in dunes in the predawn twilight. The meadows beyond looked pristine and wild too. Xanti began his climb to 2000 meters.

"My gosh, look!" exclaimed Cintia pointing. Near the shore there was a small community of people. Everyone visible was looking at the jet in such an absolute shock that it was obvious even from a height of 300 meters.

"Delaware Indians," said Xanti. "They fit our briefing profiles perfectly. I'm going to approach Princeton at high altitude, climb to 15000 meters and increase speed to 500 kph."

Cintia nodded and reminded Xanti, "Mission plan states we maintain radio silence until target scans are complete."

"Agreed. Wow, what a beautiful sight Cintia! I hope we didn't frighten them too badly."

Cintia nodded. "Yes. Did you see how small their community was? What would you guess? Thirty adults?"

"Yes, thirty to forty adults. That fits our mission briefing too, that the Delaware lived in small communities made up mostly of extended family members. Did you see the animal skins being dried?"

"Yes! What a privilege Xanti, so see the Earth like this."

"Yes, and what a responsibility, to see it's not destroyed again."

"I agree completely. This is big news! The Delaware were thought to colonize New Jersey about 10,000 years ago. Look at the climate below. The land is a delight! This is definitely the Holocene!"

"Yes, I agree. Any guesses to the exact time? We have a range from 8000 B.C. to 1500 A.D."

Cintia smiled. "Yeah. Pre-Columbian is almost a sure bet. But how much further back before 1500? Have any thoughts?"

Xanti sighed and thought. "Not really. I heard a rumor Lieutenant Estevao Rocha had an idea about exactly how far back but he's not talking about it publicly, at least not yet. I guess we'll find out soon enough."

A few minutes later the jet was hovering above the future site of Princeton, New Jersey at 15000 meters. At that altitude, the jet established a direct line-of-sight laser lock with Discovery 257 km away and reported their findings. They then spent the next ten minutes descending to 1000 meters and taking high-resolution pictures with two wing cameras of the exact spot where the Princeton dark generator was calculated to have been. Neither pilot saw anything at all that looked like a distinguishing mark. Returning to high altitude, they announced to the world their findings and then headed home at their maximum cruising speed.

Three weeks later.

Time: Saturday, July 3, 2049 10:15 PM

Megan was waiting for Alvaro in their Funchal condo, listening to some classical music and trying to relax. A few days ago her daughter-to-be had dropped low into her pelvis and was now pointing down head first to the birth canal, perfectly positioned for delivery anytime Megan's body wanted to start the birthing. But so far Megan's body seemed content to hang onto the child. Except for some lower back pain that she found easy to ignore, Megan decided she had rather enjoyed her pregnancy. But the anticipation of holding and nursing and cuddling with her daughter had been building week by week, and she was now eager for the pregnancy to end.

Except for the brief three-day period, Alvaro had been a faithful husband throughout June, pampering his wife so completely she would often blush from it. But today was another one of those times when his work called him away. He and a large number of other scientists were working at the University image processing labs. Megan didn't mind. She had a cell phone and neighbors. Any trouble at all and Megan would be at the nearby University Medical in minutes, with Alvaro joining her there. And the reason for his absence now? Yesterday was the second time Madeira had attempted to do long-range reconnaissance with the Bombardier jet. They had done a high fly-by over Thebes Egypt and the Valley of the Kings.

The cargo bay area of the jet had undergone substantial modifications in mid June. It now had a transparent acrylic floor and very powerful near-infrared lasers and precision downward scanning imaging equipment. From a height of almost 16,000 meters, the jet could hover silently at night and make extremely fine scans at wavelengths slightly longer than visible with the human eye. Alvaro joked they could almost read a book from 16 km away. They actually were able to read hieroglyphics.

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Sins from my Stepmother Book 1 Ch 67

VII lay there on top of Mom for a few minutes.  We were silent aside from the noise of our ragged breathing.  Finally, I pulled myself up on one elbow and looked down at her.  “Told you, it’d be worth it,” I said, a drop of perspiration rolling down my forehead and falling to her throat.“Christ, Teddy, I think I just came twice.  We need to talk about what you’ve been getting up to at college.”I smiled and rolled off, leaning down to pick up one of the discarded towels from the floor.  Then I...

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Sins from my Stepmother Book 1 Ch 67

VII lay there on top of Mom for a few minutes.  We were silent aside from the noise of our ragged breathing.  Finally, I pulled myself up on one elbow and looked down at her.  “Told you, it’d be worth it,” I said, a drop of perspiration rolling down my forehead and falling to her throat.“Christ, Teddy, I think I just came twice.  We need to talk about what you’ve been getting up to at college.”I smiled and rolled off, leaning down to pick up one of the discarded towels from the floor.  Then I...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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More Sins of my Country Girl Sis Me

(More) Sins of my Country Girl Sis & Me (Part one) Morning Remembrances I raced downstairs carrying my high-topped clodhopper work boots ready to face an early fall day on our two-hundred acre cattle farm. I’m sure my thunderous descent alerted all that an energetic young man of nineteen years in age was making his presence known. Yesiree, I was bull-strong, hardheaded, and I had a single-minded goal in my head. Here it is in a quick, concise statement of fact; I wanted another...

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StepFathers Sins

AA-35Step-Father's SinsBy UnknownChapter 1Michele Madison did not find out until her honeymoon that her husband was a sexual sadist. She was shocked to find that her new husband enjoyed causing her pain just as much as he enjoyed causing her pleasure.This was tough enough for Michele to handle at first, but her confusion was compounded by the fact that she was beginning to like the pain.At first she thought that it was annoying that Bernard had to tie her up and whip her before he fucked her in...

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Sins of A Father Part 2

Introduction: This is the second part of a story about a very naughty daddy Sins of A Father Part 2 Dean: After I began my secret affair with my daughter it was like I was a new man. I decided to join a gym, I was fitter than I had been in my entire life, I was doing better at work, and despite that I was still married to my bitch of a wife Janet, I was happier than I had been in years. Sarah was the best at giving head. She knew just how to move her little mouth around the head of my cock as...

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Sins of A Father Part 3

Introduction: This is the third part of a story about a very naughty daddy Sins of A Father Part 3 How time flies when youre having fun. Four years had passed. My sexcapades with my daughter were beginning to turn from a sick fantasy to an obsessive mission. A mission to turn my little Princess Sarah in to a full blown sex goddess. She was thirteen now and a fine piece of ass. She was about 55, 95lbs, beautiful round ass and tits. Her golden blond hair fell halfway down her back and her skin...

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Sins of the Mother

“Mario Petrovich Panchenko. Culinary arts,” the doctoral robe clad woman said.A few cheers from the audience erupted.The five-foot-eleven, 150-pound man blushed as he walked across the stage. His light-beige complexion had a warm, golden undertone. Underneath his graduation cap sat neat cornrow braids of extremely dark auburn hair.In the crowd, his companion captured video on her smartphone.. “Look at him,” smiled a woman with bronze skin and frosted hair pulled back in a bun.“Isn’t he...

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Seven Deadly Sins Anger

Declan was excited about this sin. Next to lust, wrath or anger was his favorite. There was nothing more fun than watching a quick tempered person being broken. Teaching them the meaning of patience, and what better way to instruct than using orgasms, or the denial of orgasms. Bella, the target for tonight, was a hot tempered red head. She didn't have time or patience for slowness. She wanted it done, and she wanted it done now. In every area of her life, she rushed through the minor details....

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

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Sins of the Past

Sins of the past Holly Disclaimer time. First, I was not the typical victim here. I have a better than average understanding and experience in the BDSM scene and FemDom in particular so I should have known better. Before I got married, I had played in the scene with a pair of lesbian dommes. In the process I learned a great deal about myself and in the learning, I became more focused on my desires. With my two Mistresses I was treated to every delight imaginable with several...

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Sins of the Ancestor part 4

Sins of the Ancestor: part 4 Rain woke me. Big, fat drops of decidedly rude water, splatting on my window. I blinked away sleep and peered about in confusion. The faint shift of my tits as I rolled made sure I knew the change hadn't been a dream. Thanks, tits. My room had gotten darker while I slept. I don't mean a small amount, like the clouds had come over. I meant as in I'd slept for hours. Crap. I shoved off the duvet and sat up. It was nearly seven in the evening, I'd slept for...

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Sins of the Ancestor part 3

Sins of the Ancestor: part 3 I drove with a plan through the streets of York. I had grown up in this area and knew it in a way only a misbehaved child could. I wasn't concerned about locking Sara in, she had spare keys to get out, and it had bought me time. If she had rushed out, I wasn't sure that I had the strength to fight her off. That would change though, soon as I got my plan in action. Speaking of which... "Yeah, twenty Chicken McNuggets, a Big Mac meal and two...

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Sins of the Ancestors

Sins of the Ancestors I'm never honest when people ask about my mum. It's a question that is always there when people see us together and, much as it irritates, I get why. I'm a middling height white guy with a body earned by a gruelling gym regime, with dirty blond curls, blue eyes and a mischievous smirk that took hours of practise in the mirror to get right. My mum, however, has a couple of inches height on me, black hair and the rich caramel skin of her Indian parents. Yeah,...

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The Seven Deadly Sins

It was pouring down when we got out of the taxi, the wet asphalt reflecting the club’s neon lights as the colours of a spoiled rainbow. It represented the place and my life perfectly; a distorted paradise. Above the entrance, the “7 deadly sins” sign glowed in its usual red, the colour of fire and hell, because make no mistake, whoever had a membership here was on a sure path to inferno.Mistress leading the way.She wasn’t fond of the rain and didn’t see the beauty in it. “I hate this foking...

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The Priest Teaches His FlockChapter 3 Sally Pays for Her Sins

He moved around in front of her, watching her expression as she sat there, her breasts pushed up by the bra still tightened beneath them, the twin peaks rising and falling with her ragged breathing, her eyes showing the humiliation of having to submit to the fondling and abuse of her youthful breasts. "Look at what the tempting of your body has done. My penis is swollen and hard. Your naked breasts and your soft hands have filled my testicles with the demon seed of sperm. You must purge the...

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Sweetest Sins

Have you ever loved two things so much you think to yourself if I love them each so much putting them together would be genius! I so have, and that’s what I plan to do. I happen to love sex, but who doesn't? I also have a really big lust for chocolate, and again what girl doesn't? I've never thought of mixing the two, but now I have an obsession in trying it. My boyfriend doesn't know what I have planned, just that I have something planned for tonight that he’s letting me do. I told him to...

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Pattaya 8211 Where Sins Are Committed And Forgiven

I am aged 37, mother of two, wife to one. An open-minded homemaker, a responsible daughter, and a supportive woman. I need not discuss my physique, I am sure you would have imagined me in the right way. It was our 10th year of anniversary, and men being men, my hubby had his way of celebration. A surprise for me until we reached the airport. We were heading to Pattaya. The land where sins are committed and forgiven. My hubby was a desperate man. Tries new things, not sure where he gets these...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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The Sins of the Fathers Repaid in the Vaginas of the Daughters

As the jeep entered the small town, Glenn looked about. It looked prosperous enough. The occasional person he saw had the blond hair so common among the Norths. A couple children played in a field. Here an old woman, there a mother with baby. The van stopped near the center of town and the six men and two dogs got out. William was going to be showing Glenn the ropes. Ben was a lab mix, and after sniffing the air, he pulled on the leash William was holding. William let him lead, and he and...

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The Sins of the FathersChapter 11

(1954 ... day of the visit) It was the Monday of the visit of an army doctor to see Tom and, other than Jenny attempting to teach her son how to dance, it had been a quiet weekend. Abi had confirmed that she could hold her own on the dance floor by demonstrating with myself that it could be done and then leaving Tony to step all over his mother's feet, as she later told us. We weren't sure as to the actual time of the doctor's visit but had invited Henry and Pamela over as soon as...

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The Sins of the FathersChapter 4

(2013) It was a bit of a drive to Annie's house, extended a bit further by my desire to reminisce over the family's past and take a look at the old Manor where much of my tale was set. It had been bequeathed at the death of my great-granddad to the Army Medical Corp as a convalescence and respite care home and had since been taken over by the National Health Service for the same purpose. That's not to say my legacy, if that's what you wanted to call it, had been squandered. Both my Dad...

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The Sins of the FathersChapter 7

(2013) "Interesting," said Annie as she snuggled into me, sharing warmth in the bed. "Well, at least we know where the family fortune comes from, as well as Dad's house by the lake, which will be sold off to pay the damned inheritance taxes we've been landed with," I chuckled. "Yes, great-granddad Alan seems to have been one hell of an entrepreneur," she replied. "I did drive past the old Manor on the way here, the commemorative plaque still names Georgette," I said. "Good,"...

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The Sins of the FathersChapter 3

(2013) It didn't take long after I emailed Annie the second chapter of the events before I got a call from her, though this time I'd been expecting it. "So, great granddad Alan was a child molester, huh?" she asked. "By the law of the land, yes," I replied. "So you think what he did with Aunt Abi was OK?" she asked. "I think Abi put him in a difficult position..." I prevaricated. "Me too," Annie admitted. "And it's a seduction in a sense, although she seems incredibly...

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