A Day at the Costume Shop An Anonymous Amulet Story
- 2 years ago
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Dominas Anonymous: A Little Shop Story
Michelle came into the Little Shop, smiling hesitantly. "Excuse me." she said to Soapy, the manager. "Is the Dominas Anonymous meeting upstairs again tonight, like it was on Monday?"
Soapy surveyed the husky voiced brunette with languid, opiate dulled eyes. "Yeah, it's in the Show Room upstairs, are you familiar with where..." Michelle nodded quickly.
She'd taken Hiram there for the last Little Shop party, where he'd placed Third Green Ribbon for taking in a large strap-on.
"Thanks very much." she said hesitantly, and walked to the back of the store, hurrying up the stairs. She opened the door into the Show Room, where there were a number of women sitting in metal chairs.
Michelle slid into a chair as a statuesque woman with firey cropped hair was speaking. "I'm just having a problem with Wendell, because he's rebelling against Mommie." The rest of the group, all women, chuckled.
The redhead smiled, breathing air into her full breasts. "I adopted Wendell when he was thirty-three years old. I was twenty-nine." Another laugh. "And he's very obedient much of the time. And he asks me for challenges. 'Mommie Erica, make me deserve you,' he tells me."
Erica paused, and drummed coral nails against her purse. Michelle calculated the woman's age in the early fifties, which meant Erica and Wendell had been together for some time.
Erica looked to be a member what Michelle's friend Lauren called "the facelift brigade" subgroup of Dominas Anonymous...
The younger dominant girls, like Lauren couldn't connect well with the older ones. Michelle was in the middle, a good solid thirty-six years old, so she tried hard to relate to both age subsets.
"Wendell is in a good solid Iron Maiden Chastity Lock, and for the past fourteen years we've experimented heavily with periods of orgasm denial, starting with two to five day sessions, and then in the last ten years, limiting Wendell's orgasms to once every ninety days."
The redhead paused. "At first this was very difficult for him, especially as I am a believer in self-holding training."
"What the hell's that?" whispered Michelle's friend Aline in her ear, and Michelle snorted. Everyone had a different term for usually the same old training stuff.
Michelle hadn't allowed Hiram to cum in about four and a half months, because he was so childish...but she didn't put him through any weird exercises, she just tied him up and teased him--wait, what was Erica doing now?
Erica had stood up and gone to a huge wide screen at the corner of the Show Room, and switched it on. "I got permission from this month's Dominas Anonymous Chairdomina to show this brief home movie which can give a visual explanation of self-holding training, as I'm hoping to get some advice here, and a picture is worth a thousand words, right girls?" Everyone laughed.
The screen opened to show a pudgy middle aged man standing naked with his hands cuffed behind him. His eyes were downcast, and his erection was fully rampant.
"I cut the part out where I unlocked the Iron Maiden, because Wendell made a lot of fuss...boring whining about how he wanted to make love to me."Erica's voice was contemptuous, but trilling with amusement.
"Even after all these years, he persists, what a salesman. No wonder Wendell has done so well with his insurance company. Sell, sell sell."
Michelle and the other women watched the screen. Wendell stood there, looking quiet, and then all of a sudden Erica was in the screen, dressed in a corset covering the nipples of her full breasts, and ending just below her pubic area.
Michelle had to admit that for her age, Erica did look damn good. Huge boobs, and long, shaved legs. On screen, Erica's nails were painted magenta, and everyone watched as the onscreen Erica began massaging Wendell's tumescent penis. Wendell closed his eyes and began moaning.
All the ladies watched as onscreen, Erica's forefinger and thumb began probing and pressing round Wendell's purplish glans. Erica pulled and stroked the growing cockhead enthusiastically.
"How does this feel, you pathetic little worm, you crybaby?" Erica was asking Wendell in a stage whisper. Michelle wondered who was filming this thing--a boyfriend?
Once, Michelle had forced Hiram to kneel and suck a neighborhood crossing guard's penis while her stepdaughter, Melissa, had filmed the whole thing...it had humiliated poor Hiram something terrible.
But Michelle couldn't take her eyes off the screen. Erica was continuing to twist and pull Wendell's bulbous glans, now and then squirting a bit of lube on her fingers. "How's this, darling" she whispered to Wendell.
"Does my nice soft hand feel good after all those weeks locked up in the Iron Maiden? It must be quite a festival for you to have my soft white fingers toying with your poor denied penis after long months of being denied, my love."
Funny, Michelle thought. Wendell doesn't look as if he's enjoying it much. Eyes closed, he was gritting his teeth. Erica's fingers moved from Wendell's glans to his shaft, and they began pulling the cock faster and faster, and the onscreen Erica leaned her full soft breasts against Wendell's sunken chest.
"Do you want to cum, my sugar blossomed milquetoast boy? Does your wee- wee, tiny and inadequate as it is, want to have an accident?"
Wendells' face was now bright red and he was biting his lower lip. "Please, Mommie, stop...I'm getting so close... I'm about to spurt, please take your hand away."
Erica leaned closer. "You know if you cum, darling, you'll be severely whipped... Mommie's cane is quite ready to bash your little cock until it is bleeding, before going around to your little white buttocks. Mommie can make you cry quite loudly, can't she, Wendie?"
Wendell's eyes were tearing up, and his teeth were bared. Michelle understood now. This was not so much a tease of Erica's as a cruel exercise in which Erica made Wendell hold back his orgasm, even though it had been months and months since he had cum.
Jesus, this is much worse than anything I've ever put Hiram through, Michelle thought. I tease Hiram and pull my hand away, and the game is to see if he can cum before I stop playing with his dick, but this is much worse...a tease where you have to hold back your semen!
Still, Michelle felt herself growing wet as she watched Erica's cruelty. Wendell was trembling all over on the screen, and the camera focused first on Erica's hand, fondling Wendell's now engorged purple phallus, and then the camera showed Erica's full lips speaking in Wendell's ear.
"You know I can make you just miserable if you cum, darling...maybe I'll put you in diapers in front of your staff...remember when I changed your diapers when you had your darts league over? They didn't invite you back, did they, Wendell? No more manly nights at the bar after that...you don't want me to punish you through humiliation, for making a nasty mess in my hand, eh Wendell?"
Now the camera backed off a bit and all could see Wendell sobbing, his cock trembling and bouncing. Erica's long white fingers tickled and tormented Wendell's cock, and suddenly there it was---Wendell had his accident, squirting all over Erica's palm.
"I'm sorry-I'm so-so sorry!" Wendell's tears looked genuine, but Erica shook her head, smiling. "No, unfortunately you aren't sorry enough, darling."
Suddenly Erica was beckoning offscreen, and a tough looking construction worker type in tight jeans and a plaid lumberjack shirt walked up, surveyed Wendell, and suddenly kicked him brutally in the nuts, and Wendell, his hands still trapped behind him fell to the ground, weeping. A moment later, the camera showed Wendell sucking the construction worker's huge penis, tears still falling down his cheeks.
Then the real Erica in the room clicked the movie off and turned to the rapt women.
"You see? Wendell's semen self-holding training is lacking, ladies. I don't know what to do about it. He is supposed to be able to masturbate to orgasm after ninety days, but after twenty, thirty, forty days he has these accidents...and I want to be able to fondle him without him making these awful messes."
"And the problem is, Wendell wants a longer sentence. He wants six months of chastity..but how can I give him a six month term of teasing and denial if he can't take seventeen days, or forty days, which is what he was denied at the time that film was taken!"
Erica shook her red head and sat down and another woman raised her hand. She had a sporty looking blonde ponytail and long legs. "Hi, I'm Cordelia and I'm a Domina." "Hi, Cordelia" the group chorused.
"I feel for you, Erica" Cordelia said with a smile. "I also have been trying to train my husband Trevor to withstand excessive teasing.
But what I do, is give him the kick in the balls or the whack with a cane before--not after--he's had an accident. Trevor hates it when I've been running my nails--"
Cordelia waved her French manicure in the air--"up and down his cock to the point he wants to explode and then I say--
'Honey, if you're about to cum, maybe I need to calm you down' but he knows one stroke with the tawse across his balls to make his dick small is far better than a horrible flogging after he's made the mess."
Cordelia smiled, running a long pink tongue across her glossed lips. "And then of course I can tease him to the point where he's ready to squirt yet again...and then I give him just a wee bit of pain...and all is calm!" The ladies laughed uproariously.
Cordelia tossed her ponytail. "Poor Trevor. I had to give him a nasty paddling with my big hairbrush just before coming to the meeting because he was complaining that I have been going out too much..."
Cordelia looked a bit guilty."I saw my boyfriend last night, went dancing with some college boys on Sunday, and now I'm here."
" Trevor just doesn't understand that he can't be so possessive. Though he might be reconsidering since he was weeping in the corner with his pants down as I walked out the door."
Cordelia shook her head. "Am I too temperamental, I don't know...it's a mystery" The women laughed and clapped.
Michelle suddenly raised her hand. She had never spoken at a Dominas Anonymous meeting before, but she felt she had an issue.
"I'm really glad to be here tonight" Michelle said politely. "Erica's film was quite entertaining." Everyone tittered good naturedly. "I'm hoping that the other dominant ladies here can help me with the darndest problem I'm having."
Across the room, Lauren smiled encouragingly at Michelle. Michelle adored Lauren, though she was so young! Lauren had an older submissive who loved to rub Lauren's long legs with scented massage oils, hoping that Lauren would take off her tiny denim shorts...
Michelle had watched the man once burst into tears when Lauren, after he'd rubbed her legs for two hours, had ordered him to kneel in the corner instead of getting to lick her precious pussy!
But Lauren was very sweet to Michelle, if not to her poor lover, and the rest of the women looked quite encouraging, so Michelle continued her story.
"Hiram is having a really hard time with the fact that I want him to service my boyfriend and his friends. It took so long for Hiram to process his jealousy over my lovers, and finally he was able to accept that his role would be watching me from the closet as I fucked my dates...
he would even trim my bush for me before I went out! But now I've moved to a new phase...
I want Hiram to suck my boyfriend's cock regularly, and serve us breakfast in bed! I don't see why this is such a big deal. I've explained to him that his role as a man in my life is finito; that the fact that he asked me years ago to dominate and punish him ends any masculinity he might be clinging to."
Michelle shook her head. "Of course Hiram has sucked quite a few cocks at this point, I've made him do that! But why is he so resistant?
No, he's not a homosexual, but that's part of his humiliation, isn't it, that he is able to look after my boyfriend, suck his dick, lick out his asshole, make him feel comfortable as a a guest in my home--I hear some of you talk about what obedient slaves you have, and it makes me jealous." Michelle smiled ashamedly, and everyone laughed.
Another woman raised her hand. She was about sixty, but quite well groomed. "Thanks for sharing, Michelle...I'm Pearl and I'm a domina." The group said "Hi, Pearl!" enthusiastically.
"I have an idea of how to make your boy service other men...I've been making my Owen do it for forty years--I turned his Navy buddy from Guadacanal into a strict Master in '46, and it's been going on ever since!"
As Michelle leaned over to listen, she knew she would get the best advice here at Dominas Anonymous!
Dominas Anonymous: A Little Shop Story
Michelle came into the Little Shop, smiling hesitantly.
Soapy surveyed the husky voiced brunette with languid,
opiate dulled eyes. "Yeah, it's in the Show Room upstairs, are you
familiar with where..." Michelle nodded quickly.
She'd taken Hiram there for the last Little Shop
party, where he'd placed Third Green Ribbon for taking in a large strap-on.
"Thanks very much." she said hesitantly, and
walked to the back of the store, hurrying up the stairs. She opened the door
into the Show Room, where there were a number of women sitting in metal chairs.
Michelle slid into a chair as a statuesque woman with firey
cropped hair was speaking. "I'm just having a problem with Wendell,
because he's rebelling against Mommie." The rest of the group, all women,
The redhead smiled, breathing air into her full breasts.
"I adopted Wendell when he was thirty-three years old. I was
twenty-nine." Another laugh. "And he's very obedient much of the
time. And he asks me for challenges. 'Mommie Erica, make me deserve you,' he
tells me."
Erica paused, and drummed coral nails against her
purse. Michelle calculated the woman's age in the early fifties, which
meant Erica and Wendell had been together for some time.
Erica looked to be a member what Michelle's friend
Lauren called "the facelift brigade" subgroup of Dominas Anonymous...
The younger dominant girls, like Lauren couldn't connect
well with the older ones. Michelle was in the middle, a good solid thirty-six
years old, so she tried hard to relate to both age subsets.
"Wendell is in a good solid Iron Maiden Chastity Lock,
and for the past fourteen years we've experimented heavily with periods of
orgasm denial, starting with two to five day sessions, and then in the last ten
years, limiting Wendell's orgasms to once every ninety days."
The redhead paused. "At first this was very difficult
for him, especially as I am a believer in self-holding training."
"What the hell's that?" whispered Michelle's
friend Aline in her ear, and Michelle snorted. Everyone had a different
term for usually the same old training stuff.
Michelle hadn't allowed Hiram to cum in about four and a
half months, because he was so childish...but she didn't put him through any
weird exercises, she just tied him up and teased him--wait, what was Erica
doing now?
Erica had stood up and gone to a huge wide screen at the
corner of the Show Room, and switched it on. "I got permission from this
month's Dominas Anonymous Chairdomina to show this brief home movie which
can give a visual explanation of self-holding training, as I'm hoping to get
some advice here, and a picture is worth a thousand words, right girls?"
Everyone laughed.
The screen opened to show a pudgy middle aged man standing
naked with his hands cuffed behind him. His eyes were downcast, and his
erection was fully rampant.
"I cut the part out where I unlocked the Iron Maiden,
because Wendell made a lot of fuss...boring whining about how he wanted to make
love to me."Erica's voice was contemptuous, but trilling with amusement.
"Even after all these years, he persists, what a
salesman. No wonder Wendell has done so well with his insurance company. Sell,
sell sell."
Michelle and the other women watched the screen. Wendell
stood there, looking quiet, and then all of a sudden Erica was in the screen,
dressed in a corset covering the nipples of her full breasts, and ending just
below her pubic area.
Michelle had to admit that for her age, Erica did look
damn good. Huge boobs, and long, shaved legs. On screen, Erica's nails were
painted magenta, and everyone watched as the onscreen Erica began massaging
Wendell's tumescent penis. Wendell closed his eyes and began moaning.
All the ladies watched as onscreen, Erica's forefinger and
thumb began probing and pressing round Wendell's purplish glans. Erica pulled
and stroked the growing cockhead enthusiastically.
"How does this feel, you pathetic little worm, you
crybaby?" Erica was asking Wendell in a stage whisper. Michelle wondered
who was filming this thing--a boyfriend?
Once, Michelle had forced Hiram to kneel and suck a
neighborhood crossing guard's penis while her stepdaughter, Melissa, had filmed
the whole thing...it had humiliated poor Hiram something terrible.
But Michelle couldn't take her eyes off the screen. Erica
was continuing to twist and pull Wendell's bulbous glans, now and then squirting
a bit of lube on her fingers. "How's this, darling" she whispered to
"Does my nice soft hand feel good after all those weeks
locked up in the Iron Maiden? It must be quite a festival for you to have my
soft white fingers toying with your poor denied penis after long months of
being denied, my love."
Funny, Michelle thought. Wendell doesn't look as if he's
enjoying it much. Eyes closed, he was gritting his teeth. Erica's fingers moved
from Wendell's glans to his shaft, and they began pulling the cock faster and
faster, and the onscreen Erica leaned her full soft breasts against Wendell's
sunken chest.
"Do you want to cum, my sugar blossomed milquetoast
boy? Does your wee- wee, tiny and inadequate as it is, want to have an
Wendells' face was now bright red and he was biting his
lower lip. "Please, Mommie, stop...I'm getting so close... I'm about to
spurt, please take your hand away."
Erica leaned closer. "You know if you cum, darling,
you'll be severely whipped... Mommie's cane is quite ready to bash your little
cock until it is bleeding, before going around to your little white buttocks.
Mommie can make you cry quite loudly, can't she, Wendie?"
Wendell's eyes were tearing up, and his teeth were bared.
Michelle understood now. This was not so much a tease of Erica's as a cruel
exercise in which Erica made Wendell hold back his orgasm, even though it had
been months and months since he had cum.
Jesus, this is much worse than anything I've ever put
Hiram through, Michelle thought. I tease Hiram and pull my hand away, and
the game is to see if he can cum before I stop playing with his dick, but this
is much worse...a tease where you have to hold back your semen!
Still, Michelle felt herself growing wet as she watched
Erica's cruelty. Wendell was trembling all over on the screen, and the camera
focused first on Erica's hand, fondling Wendell's now engorged purple phallus,
and then the camera showed Erica's full lips speaking in Wendell's ear.
"You know I can make you just miserable if you cum,
darling...maybe I'll put you in diapers in front of your staff...remember when
I changed your diapers when you had your darts league over? They didn't invite
you back, did they, Wendell? No more manly nights at the bar after that...you don't
want me to punish you through humiliation, for making a nasty mess in my hand,
eh Wendell?"
Now the camera backed off a bit and all could see Wendell
sobbing, his cock trembling and bouncing. Erica's long white fingers tickled
and tormented Wendell's cock, and suddenly there it was---Wendell had his
accident, squirting all over Erica's palm.
"I'm sorry-I'm so-so sorry!" Wendell's tears
looked genuine, but Erica shook her head, smiling. "No, unfortunately you
aren't sorry enough, darling."
Suddenly Erica was beckoning offscreen, and a tough looking
construction worker type in tight jeans and a plaid lumberjack shirt walked up,
surveyed Wendell, and suddenly kicked him brutally in the nuts, and Wendell,
his hands still trapped behind him fell to the ground, weeping. A moment later,
the camera showed Wendell sucking the construction worker's huge penis, tears
still falling down his cheeks.
Then the real Erica in the room clicked the movie off and
turned to the rapt women.
"You see? Wendell's semen self-holding training is
lacking, ladies. I don't know what to do about it. He is supposed to be able to
masturbate to orgasm after ninety days, but after twenty, thirty, forty days he
has these accidents...and I want to be able to fondle him without him making
these awful messes."
"And the problem is, Wendell wants a longer
sentence. He wants six months of chastity..but how can I give him a six month
term of teasing and denial if he can't take seventeen days, or forty days,
which is what he was denied at the time that film was taken!"
Erica shook her red head and sat down and another woman
raised her hand. She had a sporty looking blonde ponytail and long legs.
"Hi, I'm Cordelia and I'm a Domina." "Hi, Cordelia" the
group chorused.
"I feel for you, Erica" Cordelia said with a
smile. "I also have been trying to train my husband Trevor to withstand
excessive teasing.
But what I do, is give him the kick in the balls or the
whack with a cane before--not after--he's had an accident. Trevor hates it when
I've been running my nails--"
Cordelia waved her French manicure in the air--"up and
down his cock to the point he wants to explode and then I say--
'Honey, if you're about to cum, maybe I need to calm you
down' but he knows one stroke with the tawse across his balls to make his
dick small is far better than a horrible flogging after he's made the
Cordelia smiled, running a long pink tongue across her
glossed lips. "And then of course I can tease him to the point where he's
ready to squirt yet again...and then I give him just a wee bit of pain...and
all is calm!" The ladies laughed uproariously.
Cordelia tossed her ponytail. "Poor Trevor. I had to
give him a nasty paddling with my big hairbrush just before coming to the
meeting because he was complaining that I have been going out too much..."
Cordelia looked a bit guilty."I saw my boyfriend last
night, went dancing with some college boys on Sunday, and now I'm here."
" Trevor just doesn't understand that he can't be
so possessive. Though he might be reconsidering since he was weeping in the
corner with his pants down as I walked out the door."
Cordelia shook her head. "Am I too temperamental, I
don't know...it's a mystery" The women laughed and clapped.
Michelle suddenly raised her hand. She had never spoken at a
Dominas Anonymous meeting before, but she felt she had an issue.
"I'm really glad to be here tonight" Michelle said
politely. "Erica's film was quite entertaining." Everyone tittered
good naturedly. "I'm hoping that the other dominant ladies here can help
me with the darndest problem I'm having."
Across the room, Lauren smiled encouragingly at Michelle.
Michelle adored Lauren, though she was so young! Lauren had an older submissive
who loved to rub Lauren's long legs with scented massage oils, hoping that
Lauren would take off her tiny denim shorts...
Michelle had watched the man once burst into tears when
Lauren, after he'd rubbed her legs for two hours, had ordered him to kneel in
the corner instead of getting to lick her precious pussy!
But Lauren was very sweet to Michelle, if not to her poor
lover, and the rest of the women looked quite encouraging, so Michelle
continued her story.
"Hiram is having a really hard time with the fact that
I want him to service my boyfriend and his friends. It took so long for Hiram
to process his jealousy over my lovers, and finally he was able to accept that
his role would be watching me from the closet as I fucked my dates...
he would even trim my bush for me before I went out! But now
I've moved to a new phase...
I want Hiram to suck my boyfriend's cock regularly, and
serve us breakfast in bed! I don't see why this is such a big deal. I've
explained to him that his role as a man in my life is finito; that the fact
that he asked me years ago to dominate and punish him ends any masculinity he
might be clinging to."
Michelle shook her head. "Of course Hiram has sucked
quite a few cocks at this point, I've made him do that! But why is he so
No, he's not a homosexual, but that's part of his
humiliation, isn't it, that he is able to look after my boyfriend, suck his
dick, lick out his asshole, make him feel comfortable as a a guest in my
home--I hear some of you talk about what obedient slaves you have, and it makes
me jealous." Michelle smiled ashamedly, and everyone laughed.
Another woman raised her hand. She was about sixty, but
quite well groomed. "Thanks for sharing, Michelle...I'm
"I have an idea of how to make your boy service other
men...I've been making my Owen do it for forty years--I turned his Navy buddy
from Guadacanal into a strict Master in '46, and it's been going on ever
As Michelle leaned over to listen, she knew she would get
the best advice here at Dominas Anonymous!
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‘I think we should have long talk, Heather.’ Said the voice of my friend Stacy. My fingers gripped my steering wheel as my heart raced with fear. What did my friend know? ‘Ok, we can talk at my place.’ I said. ‘I will see you there.’ She replied as the call ended. The drive home was longest of my life as I wondered just what my best friend now knew. Had she followed me to the porn store? Did she know that I had been having sex tonight? What if she knew my father was in there too? I pulled...
Hushed And Anonymous SuckingBy: Londebaaz Chohan The dream was extremely intense but thankfully, I woke up before ejaculating. I was feeling an extreme haze of desire. My one hand slid through the bed covers to reach and hold my fully erect and steel hard cock’s thick shaft and even before the other hand reached, cupped, caressed my heavy balls; I could feel a drop of slick pre cum travel upwards and slip out of the cock hole on the top. My cock skin was very hot but more satiny smooth due to...
He had contacted me in the net. He wanted the same as I wanted. Just sex.Now I was in a filthy room at that highway motel, waiting for him…I sat on the edge of the bed waiting for his text. He had told me he would let me know when he pulled into the parking lot so I could be ready for him. He wanted it to be completely anonymous. The room was in darkness.I would be blindfolded and on all fours, ass up and at the edge of the bed ready to be fucked. The fact of taking an unknown cock in my hungry...
Chapter 4"I think we should have long talk, Heather." Said the voice of my friend Stacy.My fingers gripped my steering wheel as my heart raced with fear. What did my friend know?"Ok, we can talk at my place." I said."I will see you there." She replied as the call ended.The drive home was longest of my life as I wondered just what my best friend now knew. Had she followed me to the porn store? Did she know that I had been having sex tonight? What if she knew my father was in there too?I pulled...
This is a story that I started to publish earlier but never finished. If you are easily offend by Taboo stories please move on. If you would like a story that has sex in it please read on.Chapter 1"It was so cool last night! I met this guy and wow we had the hottest role play yet!" Said Stacy."I don't know about that! You have no idea who you were chatting with on the net. I hear that some of the real perverts can track you down." I said as I looked at my friend"It is totally anonymous! There...
"I think we should have long talk, Heather." Said the voice of my friend Stacy.My fingers gripped my steering wheel as my heart raced with fear. What did my friend know?"Ok, we can talk at my place." I said."I will see you there." She replied as the call ended.The drive home was longest of my life as I wondered just what my best friend now knew. Had she followed me to the porn store? Did she know that I had been having sex tonight? What if she knew my father was in there too?I pulled into the...
Sissyholics Anonymous by Aimee Westin (aimee 2) Step One The first step is to admit that you have a problem. And that problem is twofold. First, there is your testosterone addiction which has been worsened by the social conditioning that has caused you to present yourself to the world as a faux man. Second is fact that you are powerless over your sissy urges. As a result, your life has become unmanageable. You will lie, deceive, & misrepresent yourself to others in order...
I didn't know what to do. Everything came rushing back at me and I felt like I was being crushed by King Kong or something. Then we all sang a hymn and the minister said it was time to greet each other and pass the peace, or something like that. And everybody stood up and started moving around shaking hands or hugging people. Everybody was smiling and like ten people I'd never seen in my life shook my hand and said they were glad I was there. I looked for Mia, and saw her shaking hands and...
As with some of the stories posted here these events recently took place in our lives. We wanted to share it with somebody so here's what happen: Enjoy. My Wife, "Mary" and I "Jim" have been together for over 18 years. We have no kids and lead a very hectic work schedule 5 days a week. Mary is 45, very petite at 5"-0" and 98 lbs with a hard body, firm 34c breast, dancer's legs, hazel eyes and long auburn hair. I'm 49, 6'-1", 200lbs with an average cock. Because of her work and my travels for...
Cheating WifesAnonymous sex is very hot and pleasing. A girl like me loves to tease. So do with me, as you please. You got to be an adult to go to this place. Its a secret so I try to go without a trace. I go under the darkness of the night. Always having a tinge of fright. Glory holes are there for people like me. To be able to go have anonymous fun and then let it be. People come from all around. To be able to have a chance of getting down. When I go I always have a plan. I try to fuck as many men as I...
Erotic Poetry. The Melinda 109: A Little Shop StoryPART ONE "I can't believe it's here!" Webb said excitedly. Soapy shook his head, as Plato and Cato dismembered the packing case, and pulled Melinda 109 out. She was something--five seven or maybe five eight inches tall. Blonde. Icy sapphire eyes. Beautiful face, much like Mary Hart from Entertainment Tonight, but with much fuller lips. And Melinda 109 was dressed in a snug turtleneck, a miniskirt and high heels on the long legs. "Oh she's...
I was sat in my office, watching the depraved beauty, my wife Melissa, on the PC in front of me about to take a new cock. The bloke lifted his head from her soaked pussy, and from the view of the camera, even I could tell that she had soaked the thick cotton fabric that covered the massage table. I watched the bloke hook his thumbs into his jogging pants and pull them swiftly to the floor.My mouth dropped open as I sat back in the leather chair.There were only two words to describe my thoughts,...
ExhibitionismAnonymous Pleasure As I stood under the shower and let its warm spray wash over my body, I thought back to how frustrating the day had been. Everything seemed to go wrong. It all started when I told my boyfriend that my boss wanted me travel to Rosetown for a few days to attend emergency negotiations over a contract that would be the largest we had ever signed. He threw a temper tantrum, saying that I had more time for work than him. When I tried to say that that wasn’t true he told me to...
ExhibitionismChapter 6“I’m a total slut!” crossed my mind as I turned off the ignition to my car.I looked across the street to the parking lot of the strip club where I could see my father’s old pickup truck parked. I walked toward the entrance to the sleazy porn shop. I knew what was about to happen but while my stomach churned I knew I wanted this more than anything.I stepped into the store and my nostrils filled with the smell of sex. The old man that sat at the cash register just looked at me and...
One of the delights of gay life that has pretty much disappeared in the US is anonymous sex. In the good old days, bathhouses had dark rooms. In there it was all about dick and ass. There was no pretty boy posing, stand and model, pick the most glamorous boy in front of all the others and make a big show of taking him back to a private room.No, it was just about sex, and that was what made it so exciting and attractive. It didn’t matter what you looked like, as in the dark we were all the same,...
“I’m a total slut!” crossed my mind as I turned off the ignition to my car.I looked across the street to the parking lot of the strip club where I could see my father’s old pickup truck parked. I walked toward the entrance to the sleazy porn shop. I knew what was about to happen but while my stomach churned I knew I wanted this more than anything. I stepped into the store and my nostrils filled with the smell of sex. The old man that sat at the cash register just looked at me and smiled. My...
"It was so cool last night! I met this guy and wow we had the hottest role play yet!" Said Stacy."I don't know about that! You have no idea who you were chatting with on the net. I hear that some of the real perverts can track you down." I said as I looked at my friend"It is totally anonymous! There is no way for the guy to know who I really am. Besides you should hear just how outrageous his fantasy is. He wants me to dress up in a school girl uniform and sit on his face while he jerks off! He...
[b[/image][/b]I sat on the edge of the bed waiting for his text. He told me he would let me know when he pulled into the parking lot so I could be ready. He wanted it to be completely anonymous. The room was mostly dark and I was to be blindfolded and on all fours, ass up and at the edge of the bed ready to be fucked. I LOVE anonymous sex. Sex clubs, video stores, cruising spots. The act of taking an unknown cock in my hungry cunt had my heart racing. I had no idea how old he is, age, or his...
Gambler Anonymous by Bashful [email protected] George Hamlin was a compulsive gambler. He had a disease just like an alcoholic except, he craved the high he got from winning a bet instead of the oblivion that getting drunk brought. Like most compulsive gamblers, George wasn't very good at it. He constantly lost and then he would take long shots to try to get even. Of course, he never did. Every once in awhile, George would hit a good number or pick the right horse but he...
The Anonymous Bastard Strikes Again By The Anonymous Bastard HE became SHE.
I was traveling on business and was feeling quite horny. I wanted to pursue a little anonymous sex, but there were not really good glory holes around. I posted to craigslist my desires and asked only for a picture of their cock in return. No description ext. One guy seemed to really love it and had a thick 7inch cock that turned me on. I told him where I was staying and that I would leave the door unlocked so he could be anonymous. I got completely naked, blind folded myself, and laid...
Gender Anonymous Men, women, children, elderly, all four were represented here tonight. I know what the sign says and how this works- I do, but at the end of the meeting I asked everyone and most agreed that it might help someone out there to read this tail of a night at a meeting of people that have one thing in common. "Hi, my name is Brad," I said, followed by an uneven group of 'hello Brad.' Of course I did not slow for more then a second or two- "been forty two days...
One time I was tired as hell I had been working for 12 hours, and then there comes this strange call from some one that said that she wants to be ANONYMOUS, from a city that is 130km far from where I live. so she said that she don’t know me but she is horny and she just dialled this number without knowing who it may be, she said believe me that this is not a joke or no one made me call, just that she is willing to get some sex from some one that she never knew before, and never seen before....
When the doorbell rang, George Washington Harper was in the kitchen making his morning coffee. It was a ritual that George had no intention of interrupting, with only 30-seconds or so remaining in a process that would result in the perfect cup of coffee. "Who in heaven's name would be out today, anyway?" he asked himself out loud. He looked out the back window and saw that the temperature on thermometer was still hovering below 20 degrees. Not the coldest it had ever been here in town, but...
THE LITTLE OLYMPICS: A LITTLE SHOP STORY THE LITTLE OLYMPICS: A LITTLE SHOP STORY CONCORD, NEWHAMPSHIRE, JANUARY 5, 2006?Tuff-Cuff Disposable Satin Nickel Handcuffs??Check??Humane Restraint Nickel Finish Leg Irons??Check??Custodial Cuffing Lightweight Aluminum Handcuffs??Check??Tactical Hinged Handcuffs with Colored Coating??Check? Soapy looked up from his pad wearily at his very pregnant daughter Selma, now The Widow Vesuvio-Soaperstein, who was busily checking off...
Tinker was delighted as she looked over her small audience. While some of Ellen’s girls loved the various sale drives and events over all else, Tinker preferred the workshops. Trisha had come by her nickname of “Tinker” honestly, she was the store’s de facto expert on sex toys of all types and the little seminars she ran as an extra for their VIP customers were her preferred duty at Ellen’s Delights. Today was even better than usual, as this particular, rather small, class was among her...
Fantasy & Sci-FiBrianna and Jayden, Episode 2 a TG Dress Shop Story Read my previous short solo "Brianna and Jayden - A TG Dress Shop Story" from 2015 for the back story. Reviewers asked for a continuation, but my mind has been away from fiction writing. In the last two years society has changed and Jayden has learned a great deal about herself. She is excited to talk again with Brianna. Let's listen in as they come to closure. ___________ "Hi, Brianna, recognize me?" A short, slender, smooth...
The Kennel The KennelPhoebe smiled. ?Soapy, I think I?m going to leave Nolan down there in the Kennel for another week.? The now platinum blonde giggled, and her full breasts bounced a bit in the violet halter top. Soapy tried not to drool behind the counter. Damn she?s looking good he thought, just like the tramps in my Narcotics Anonymous meetings. ?But I thought your original bargain with Nolan was he stayed a week, wasn?t it, Phoebe?? Jesus, Soapy thought, Nolan had actually...
VIVA PICANA! Penley looked quite nervous as Eden took him into the Little Shop, leading him gently by the hand. She was much calmer and in control now than she'd been that morning. ? Eden had been so angry with Penley's stubborn little hard dick that she'd attached several clothespins to it and knocked them off...but it just didn't do any good...he couldn't control his erections! ? Now, in the bizarre Little Shop, Penley looked around at all the leather and lace paraphernalia and shuddered....
The Locket: A Little Shop Story Part One Crowell Stapinsky walked into the Little Shop and sighed, looking at all the great stuff. Whips, canes, scourges and Scottish tawses adorned the walls. Facing him, there were glass cases filled with nipple clamps, chastity devices and to Crow's left, an entire wardrobe of enticing bustiers and leather corsets! Jesus, Ambrosia would look so hot in some of those outfits... I'm a freak, Crow thought. Any other guy would be happy to have a sexy redhead...
"I'm sorry sweetie. I haven't been able to concentrate much lately." "Sounds like you need to get laid," she quipped. "Mmmph," was all I could say to verbalize my agreement. My wife was an amazing woman. She had the smarts, the sense of humor, the endless kindness; all of it. In fact, the only part of our relationship that wasn't enviable was our sex life. We had our daughter in our thirties. While this afforded us a better financial situation and greater patience than we...
THE ANONYMOUS ACCOUNTANT. It all started nearly a year before. Anthony, Tony to everyone, and Erica his wife were bored with their sex lives after nearly ten years of marriage and started various things to spice it up. For a while they tried some light bondage but neither of them were enthusiastic and didn't like to be the bound one, so they only carried on for a while, still looking for something they really enjoyed. A friend of Erica's suggested swapping, but she knew she'd be...
Tabitha was at the same time excited and terrified. In the year since moving out to her own apartment for college she'd become very promiscuous, but what she was about to do was on a whole different level. Going back to some guy's room in the middle of a frat party? Didn't even compare. The time she gave head to her roommate's boyfriend in her roommate's bed? Not even close. Nope, today she was going to a glory hole. She certainly didn't need to. She was a beautiful girl, tall and...
It was bustling in the Little shop when Cobb and Giovanna came in It was bustling in the Little shop when Cobb and Giovanna came in. On a Friday night, people were all excited, picking up their bondage equipment, riding crops and little leather miniskirts for the weekend. Cobb's heavy, muscular arm rested on his beautiful Italian-American wife's shoulder as they came into the store. "See anything you want, babe, before I...?" Cobb looked questioningly at Giovanna, who...
There were two events going on in our family during December of 1961. One was getting ready for the Christmas holidays and the other was getting ready to move to a new house after New Years. These two events would come together for me in a way that was quite unexpected. I was just about eleven years old, and like all kids, was looking forward to getting out of school for two weeks. Of course, having the holidays as the reason was the bonus. The anticipation of moving into a new three bedroom...
I am a 22 year old male writer who adores sex and dearly wants to gain more experience in the area. My tale I imagine is more common than many people understand. You see I am 6 foot 1 with a muscular physique but not over the top. I guess I enjoy working out more than playing sport. I am tanned with brown short hair and big brown eyes. Some would think my most distinguishing feature is the 11 inch stick of salami I carry around in my jocks. To my way of thinking this is my biggest curse....
He'd been wanting to meet me for a while, a long while. The problem was that while he wasn't exactly a friend; Harold was a little bit more than just a casual acquaintance. He was married and had kids so was obviously on the down low but so was I, so that wasn't the issue. The problem was that knowing him, he'd screw things up by opening his mouth or something. It was a lot like dealing with Stifler from the ‘American Pie’ movies. Usually Harold would go away for a while, then weeks later he'd...
Gay MaleI had a couple of days free and was glad of the rest and a chance to reflect on passed happenings, the AirBNB guests, the dentist visit and then OMG the blowjob in the park toilets, now that was something else and my mind raced through all kinds of scenarios, was it male or female?, did I know them? Or did they know me?, so many questions which in a way made it all the more exciting.I had to pop into town to sort a few things out and as it was a warm day decided to walk through the park, I...
I sat in the darkened video booth, with the door slightly open. I had a gay video playing which was showing a younger guy getting his cock sucked.In the hallway, different guys were walking past, cruising what was being offered. I was here to suck cock.An older guy looked in, leaned close and whispered, "Do you want a blow job?' I answered,"No. I'm here to suck cock."He moved on.Several of the guys were older. I wasn't as interested in them, as I had a younger guy in mind. In the hallway, a...
As Travis walked along a busy street that morning on his way to the bus stop for his trip to work, he was met by the spectacle of a man with a bloodied head sitting against a building. Any unusual sight disturbed Travis, and what disturbed him even more in the present case was the behavior of people walking past, unconcerned and in some cases even resentful at the inconvenience of having to walk around the man’s outstretched legs. Only one person even acknowledged his presence explicitly, and...
Gay MaleI was in a different state on business and I was without transportation. The company only rented three cars for seven people. However, I had passed the test we were sent there to take and I wanted to celebrate by doing something in the nearest decent sized city about 30 miles away. No one else wanted to go out that night so I borrowed one of the cars. Before heading out, I posted an ad on CL. My ad said what I wanted. I wanted to be fucked and cummed in. Simple. I posted a picture of my bent...
On Saturday morning I woke up and looked out my bedroom window just in time to see Melanie's car pull up to the house. I watched as the redheaded woman got out of her car. She was an extremely attractive woman who was about five foot seven inches tall. She had pale blue eyes. I had always thought that her body was wonderfully balanced with striking curves. Her complexion was just what you would expect on a redhead with light freckles on pale skin. Maybe one of reasons she had such a great body...
When my male friend and I began to seek sex partners by appearing as a couple the response for me a retired well spoken woman in her sixties was rather overwhelming! After he had sorted out the inevitable time wasters two groups emerged as potential sex partners for me. Young men aged 16-24 and a group of men who felt that sex with an elderly woman was especially attractive of all ages.I tend to be celibate for several weeks between sex partners as I find that way I can have a week before...
Anonymous encounter at the buffetKris had gotten hungry while he was out, and being a little indecisive about food, he decided the best thing to do would be to hit the buffet and just have a bit of what he liked the look of, and make life easier for himself. He didn’t really like going to the buffet alone. It made him feel alone, especially as whenever he went on his own, he seemed to be the only person there without company of one sort or another. But, as he needed to eat, he always pushed...
Author’s note – Please read my previous experiences by . Sorry for being too late to post a as I was injured and it took me 6 months to recover from the injury. For those who don’t know me, my name is Jay (name changed) currently 31 years old and well-settled with my own business from Mumbai. More about myself – I was 150 kg, huge and fatty till the last year and then suddenly somebody from my business friends motivated me to get fit and be healthy as he had faced the consequences of being...
Hi, Friends! This is Korn Mathews once again with another sex story. This is about the affair with me and an anonymous friend. Actually, our introduction happened here only. With one of my stories, she sent an email. We slowly started chatting on email. Exchanged our numbers. Started chatting on WhatsApp. She was sending adult jokes, lover especially if I create jokes on her. She enjoys it a lot. Slowly we started calling each other and enjoy voice sex also. We decided to meet. She is from...
My First Bi Experiance writer: anonymous________________________________________Well I must Say that My First Bi Experiance was Unexpected,....I`ll Make this short as possible,....My husband had his Christmas party at this fancy hotel; to start I`ll tell you a little about me,..I`m 53 now and still firm and sexsuall,...I`ve always wondered about having a fling with another woman,...but never got the nerves to do it,...I`m 5'8" tall weight about 128 lbs,...34B breast with very large and dark...