Sissyholics Anonymous free porn video

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Sissyholics Anonymous by Aimee Westin (aimee 2) Step One The first step is to admit that you have a problem. And that problem is twofold. First, there is your testosterone addiction which has been worsened by the social conditioning that has caused you to present yourself to the world as a faux man. Second is fact that you are powerless over your sissy urges. As a result, your life has become unmanageable. You will lie, deceive, & misrepresent yourself to others in order to maintain a male facade, all the while knowing that you have no control over your desire to be feminized. When that desire comes over you, there is nothing you won't do to satisfy it. You may try to resist at first, but in the end you know that you will surrender to your compulsion to wear pretty, feminine clothes and underwear, to paint your nails, to put on make-up & to walk in high heels. No matter how hard you try to banish them, these thoughts return again and again, possessing you, until you can think of nothing else. It is worst of all when your little clittie gets hard and the only relief you get is to rub it until you make a cummy all the while fantasizing about being a girl. But the relief is only temporary and you know the compulsion will return. In fact, it is still there, simmering just beneath the male mask you have once again assumed. No matter what vow you make to yourself that from now on you will measure up as a man, that you've worn your last pair of panties, that you'll never again slip your feet into a pair of strappy stiletto sandals--that you won't even allow yourself to think of such tantalizing delights again--you know it is hopeless. You have made such vows countless times before. You've even gone so far as to throw away your secret stash of girly clothes, erase the sissy sites from your computer history, delete your collection of transgender porn fiction. All to no avail. You only acquire a new wardrobe of girly clothes, search out the same sissy sites online, and reassemble your transgender porn collection. How many times must you run through the same destructive cycle before your realize that will-power is not enough? That you will never overcome your sissy proclivities? Accepting the fact that your sissy compulsion is stronger than you is the first step of Sissyholics Anonymous. Step Two Having admitted to yourself that you are a sissy and that you cannot control your sissy urges, you are now ready to turn your life over to a higher power. Only a stronger will than yours can bring your life to order and return you to some semblance of sanity. But first, you must surrender yourself unconditionally body, mind, and soul to this higher power. Are you ready, sissy? Unconditional surrender means just that. There will be no going back. You must truly and unreservedly open yourself up in every way. You must give yourself over to this power without question. You must let it fill you, guide you, do with you whatever it decrees. You must fully accept that you are no longer in control of your life--that you were never in control of your life. Consider yourself fortunate to have realized this at last. Many never do. Through no fault of their own, they lack the will & the insight, but most importantly the self-honesty necessary to admit their weakness and therefore change for the better. You, however, have reached a crucial turning point. But you must follow the decrees of your higher power faithfully and diligently and with no holding back. If you can do so, you are certain to succeed. Thousands and thousands of sissies attest to the fact. This program works! Step Three Dear Daddy, I have come to realize the need for guidance from a higher power. I have made the decision to turn my life and care over to you. I fully understand and accept the fact that this is the last decision I will ever be allowed to make. I know that sometimes the path you set me on will be hard to follow and I will be tempted to resist, to disobey, even to run away, but I promise to always do my best to stay the course. If I should falter, I expect and accept that you will punish me as you see fit. This is something I want with all my body, heart, and soul. My old way of life is ugly and unacceptable to me now. I can never go back to it. If I do, I know that I will perish. My attempts at being a man were always a failure and always will be, a pretense, caused by a deformity of birth and a mistake of nature. For me, testosterone is a poison that has warped my judgment and blinded me so that I have not been able to see my true identity. Please collar me, leash me, make me yours. Cure me, Daddy, once and for all, of this terrible disease. I am too weak to do it alone. I understand that now. Help me, Daddy, to become the sissy that I was always meant to be. Step Four It takes real courage to look at yourself and your life with complete honesty. Can you find the courage do that, sissy? Can you review your past behavior without rationalizations and excuses, without throwing the blame for your own shortcomings as a man onto others? This is an essential step in the healing process. It is not enough simply to admit that there is a problem; you must accept the fact that you are the problem. Being a sissy isn't easy. Being a sissy takes balls! It takes the balls to accept the fact that you should never have been born with balls in the first place, that all your attempts to "man up" were doomed to failure from the start. Do you have what it takes? You must come to understand that your relationships with others could never have succeeded so long as you were living a lie. In your case, being a man was a lie. You could never be truly happy in your career, in your family life, in your own skin as long as you lived this lie. So long as you kept your secret hidden, you were doomed to repeat the same mistakes again and again. You can blame your parents, nature, society, or even God. But ultimately only one person can take responsibility for your failures and change your life and that is you, sissy. Are you finally prepared claim responsibility for your past, your present, and, most importantly, your future? If so, you will begin to heal. Only then can you truly hope to change. But that change can only occur when you are fearlessly honest with yourself. This is why when introducing ourselves to each other at meetings we say, "My name is (your feminine name) and I am a sissy." Step Five At this stage, you must be ready to admit to yourself and to your Daddy a.k.a your Higher Power, all the defects of your character, the wrongs you have done, and the people you have hurt in your failed attempts to be a man. You can't hold back. You must divulge everything, no matter how shameful, painful, and self-incriminating. Be exact. Omit no details. Remember, the devil is in the details and you are trying to cast the devil out. The humiliation you experience while recounting these painful episodes in your life is the poison leaving your sissy body. Did you affect a swagger as a man? Did you try to do manly things, like lift weights, grow a goatee, or drive fast cars? Were you loud, boastful, opinionated? Were you driven by the need to succeed and dominate, running roughshod over anyone in your path? Did you present yourself as a "ladies man," attempting to seduce, charm, and bed every available woman who crossed your path? Did you marry? Did you "father" children in the mistaken belief that doing so would somehow prove you were a man? In other words, did you over-compensate for your essential lack of real masculinity by adopting an exaggerated but hollow faux manliness? Admit this to yourself, to your Daddy and also to at least one other person presently in your life, preferably a wife, girlfriend, or other woman who your actions might have hurt. This is not the time to hold back, sissy. Look deeply into your past behavior. Be ruthlessly honest and open about your shortcomings and own up to each of them without reservation. Step Six This program will only work if you are completely honest with yourself. We cannot stress this point enough. Are you ready to stop lying and pretending? Are you ready to stop projecting and blaming your character defects on others? Are you ready to give yourself over in trust to a higher power? Only Daddy can help you remove these defects once and for all. Are you ready to have Daddy cure you of the crippling disease of your fake masculinity? You must be prepared to make a 100% commitment to Daddy. You must be ready to leave behind everything you've ever thought of as "you." Your friends, your family, your profession, your hobbies and pastimes--you must be ready and willing to drop them all. This is a matter of life and death, sissy. Do you fully appreciate this fact? This is an all-or- nothing endeavor. You cannot take half-measures. Once you commit to Daddy, it is completely and for keeps. Whatever Daddy wants, you will do: whether it's breast augmentation, lip enhancement, permanent make-up tattooing, trachea shaving, cheekbone implants, piercing or other body modifications. Whether you keep your "boy equipment" or have it partially or even completely removed and replaced by a vagina is up to Daddy. It is Daddy who will decide whether you keep a regular job, continue to see your family, maintain some or any of your old friendships. It is Daddy who will determine whether you will become his sissywife, a prostitute, a sex slave--or all three. Daddy will determine what you eat, what you read, what shows you can watch on TV, what sites you can and cannot visit on the internet, even what music you listen to. Daddy will determine each and every aspect of your life from now on based on what will make you the best sissy you can possibly be. Some people will call this program brainwashing. Others will dismiss it as an unhealthy and potentially dangerous form of masochism. Still others will claim such a surrender of will to be a form of identity death. But it is only by making such an extreme investment in your own rehabilitation that you have any possibility of a cure. Are you ready sissy? Step Seven You've tried, sissy. You've tried to change on your own. But what you've found is that you can't do it yourself. That's why you have turned to Sissyholics Anonymous. This program offers you a last best chance at a cure. You need the help of a real man in order to help you overcome your testosterone addiction. You've taken the initial steps, but you can't stop here. Now you must go further. Ask Daddy to erase whatever remains of your pitiful and insignificant manhood. Be humble. Be authentic. Acknowledge that you cannot do it alone. You need a real man and a real cock to show you the way to a cure. Convince Daddy of your sincerity. That you are committed to overcoming your shortcomings and being the best little sissy you can be. That his efforts won't be a waste of his precious time. Model your prayer on the following, but use your own words. "Dear Daddy, i am a sissy. i fully acknowledge and accept this fact. i am not a man and never have been. But i need help in overcoming the conditioning of a society that has tried to make a man out of me. i need help in overcoming my own mistaken expectations that i could ever take my place in the world as a man. i have confused the biological "evidence" of my sex organ as proof that i was male, when, in fact, it is insufficiently endowed to perform such a function. What i have is not a "penis" but a sissyclit. What i have is not a vagina, but a "sissypuss." They exist, as does my sex drive, for the amusement and pleasure of a real man, such as you Daddy. If it pleases you, i want to be your fucktoy, your harem girl, your sex slave. Do with me what you like. That is what sissies are for. That is what i am for. Finish me, Daddy. Make me a sissy." Speak with sincerity. Don't hold back. Pray as you would to your Higher Power, for your Daddy is the manifestation of that Power. He is your Higher Power in human form. Humility is key. Convince Daddy that you mean what you say. Show him tangible proof of your intentions. Even if you don't have a Daddy yet, pray to him as if he were already present in your life. Rest assured, when the time is right, he will come. Step Eight Now is the time to make a detailed personal inventory of all your past relationships. This can be an intensely painful process for many sissies but it is absolutely necessary. You cannot in good conscience move forward into a new life until you've made amends with those in your past. Family, friends, lovers, spouses, children, even employers and business colleagues--how many have you disappointed and deceived by pretending to be a man? Blinded by your selfishness and your inability to control your sissy urges, your self-destructiveness has not damaged you alone, but caused untold hurt and embarrassment to those around you, those who thought they knew you, those who trusted you, and those who loved you. You insinuated yourself into their lives by pretense, even if that wasn't your conscious intention. Imagine their disappointment, their shock, and their anger when they discover that you're a sissy. If only you'd have been honest from the start. They would have never have become involved with you. No wonder they feel betrayed! Can you blame them for feeling the way they do? Haven't they every right? Think of how many lives you've disrupted, how many promises you've broken, how much of their time and trust you've stolen. But this is not an excuse to throw yourself a pity-party, sissy. Feeling sorry for yourself, wallowing in guilt, indulging in self-pity--that's what you've done in the past; ultimately, such feelings are just another manifestation of your selfishness. Instead, this is a time to take action, to take responsibility, to own up to the mistakes you've made. To become a better sissy. Make a list. Show it to Daddy. Ask for his suggestions. Have you left anyone out? Don't spare yourself. Be thorough. You have a lot of apologizing to do, sissy. The sooner you do it the sooner your burden will be lifted and the clearer and easier the path ahead will become. Step Nine Now comes the step you've probably been dreading all along. It's time to make amends directly to those who've been hurt and betrayed by your pseudo-manhood. In apologizing to those you've hurt--either purposely or inadvertently--through your testosterone addiction and uncontrollable sissy predilections, you will at last put your tumultuous past in order and prepare yourself to move forward with your new sissy life. But remember: this step is not primarily about you. You are not looking for pity, courting sympathy, or expecting to be forgiven. You are simply and honestly coming clean about who and what you are. Without excuses or rationalizations, you are saying you're sorry that your actions and attitudes have caused damage in the lives of others. You are taking responsibility for leading other people astray as to your real nature. Even if you'd been unsure, confused, or conflicted about your identity as a sissy up to now, you are acknowledging that it was your responsibility to have been upfront about that confusion. It is important that you talk to all those affected so long as doing so wouldn't cause additional harm; for instance, if you have young children, or sick or very elderly parents; in such cases it is advised that you consult a healthcare professional before proceeding. Those who are long out of your life and who have clearly expressed no desire to hear from you again may, in fact, have a change of heart if they were to learn of the "new you." In such cases, you must exercise your own judgment. Enlist the aid of your higher power--Daddy--if you find yourself in doubt. Parents, siblings, ex-spouses and ex-lovers should be at the top of your list. Chances are that you have hurt and disappointed them the most. They should be among the first of those with whom you seek to make amends. Friends and colleagues, neighbors, and whoever among your casual acquaintance that you feel you might have hurt should also be included. Sit down with your employer. He or she has the right to know, especially going forward, who and what you are, and whether, under the circumstances, they choose to keep you in their employ. Yes, it will be painful and embarrassing, humbling and humiliating, but this is the price you must pay for the hurt you've caused others in the past. This is the toll you owe in order to pass through to a healthy future without a debt to the past. Step Ten Each and every day a sissy must take stock of herself, her thoughts, her actions, her mannerisms, her speech, her dress and deportment. Is she exhibiting all the traits of a good sissy? Is she as pretty, as pleasing, as obedient, as submissive as she can be? There is always room for improvement. A good sissy is always trying to be a better sissy. She is always conducting an ongoing personal inventory. Has some former remnant of her old false male identity somehow insinuated itself back into her life? Has she become selfish, opinionated, aggressive, ambitious? If so, she must identify and eradicate these vestiges of inappropriate male behavioral patterns immediately. She must apologize as quickly as she can to anyone she has inadvertently subjected to these absurd outbursts of artificial masculinity. Relapses are common, but not inevitable, and if a sissy maintains a proper vigilance they can be circumvented even before they manifest themselves. A sissy can break the bad habits of her testosterone addicted past, but it takes a total, continued, and committed effort. It takes honesty and humility and a willingness to admit that you cannot do it entirely on your own. As a sissy, everyone knows that you are weak, that you need guidance and a firm hand. No one expects you to do it alone. So don't be ashamed to ask for help. Embrace your submissive and subservient sissy nature. Turn to those who are stronger, those who will be happy to help you to become a better, sexier, more useful sissy. Step Eleven Meditation and prayer can take many forms. For a sissy it takes the form of constant study in order to be the prettiest, sexiest, most man- pleasing sissy she can possibly be. Accordingly, her "prayerbooks" will be the most current fashion magazines so that she can stay au courant on the hottest new looks; her meditation guides will be publications offering tips and advice on make- up application, skin care, and hair styling. Her devotional reading will include romance novels, from the cheesiest found on drugstore bestseller racks to old classics like Wuthering Heights, and, of course, sex manuals whose purpose is to teach you techniques designed to drive men wild in bed. A sissy should also take care not to neglect publications offering recipes, such as cookbooks or food magazines, for a man doesn't live by blowjobs and anal sex alone. A good sissy knows how to satisfy a man's every appetite, whether it originates in his cock or bis belly. A magazine such as Martha Stewart Living is useful reading for a sissy as it provides myriad tips for creating a comfy, welcoming environment in which your man can fuck your brains out. He will be sure to appreciate the effort and pains you take to provide these feminine touches, even if only subconsciously. Just as prayer and meditation take a special form for a sissy, so does contact with and knowledge of her higher power. For a sissy, of course, her higher power is her man, a.k.a. her Daddy. A good sissy will forever be hoping to understand, satisfy, and even anticipate her Daddy's every need and desire. She will eagerly absorb Daddy's instruction and education in this and every regard. And, if for some reason she should fall short of expectations, she will unhesitatingly and with genuine contrition offer herself up for whatever punishment or correctional discipline Daddy deems fitting. Though she may never truly know Daddy's mind, it being so far beyond and different from her own, her life will be enriched by her effort to understand what it is to please her Daddy and in knowing that she always does her best to do so. In this way, a sissy will know that she has lived a meaningful life. Step Twelve Becoming a sissy is a spiritual, as well as a physical and psychological awakening. For the first time in your life, you will feel truly alive and free. No longer one thing in public and another in private, as a sissy, you will feel whole, complete, and at home in your own skin. Even though you are still often a subject of ridicule among the intolerant and ignorant, still shunned by a close-minded society, nonetheless you'll discover an inner freedom and a sense of self-esteem that you've never felt before. Why? Because you are no longer living a lie. You won't feel the burden of guilt and shame knowing that deep-down you are a fraud, that you are deceiving others--and even yourself. Having the courage to say to the world "I am a sissy" and to accept the consequences that may follow takes real courage. It's something of which you can be proud. What's more, only by being yourself will you make yourself known to the people who are looking for a sissy like you. Be assured: they are out there. But if you hide the fact that you're a sissy, how would they know where to find you? Up to know, you've known nothing but the pain and the fear of rejection as a sissy, but that's mainly because you've lived among people who would never accept you for what you are. By changing yourself, you will change the people around you. You will find your true tribe. No one pretends it will be easy. Sacrifices will have to be made--often painful ones. Breaking your testosterone addiction and the faux male conditioning imposed on you from birth will likely be one of the very hardest things you will ever do in your life. But the rewards are beyond anything you can imagine. Once you take control of your life, you will bring your growing sense of yourself as a sissy to every aspect of your life. You will be a sissy at work, at home, at play, and in all your personal relationships. At the same time, you will seek to carry the positive message of sissyhood to other sissies still struggling to free themselves from the chains of addiction. You will bring your message to them not merely through words alone but, more importantly, through your example as a self-identified sissy. And you will be in the vanguard of a new sexual/gender revolution One day, through efforts of sissies like you to reach self-realization, it may finally come about that sissies will be accepted for what they are and what they can offer. Until then, we continue on our path of sissyhood, day by day, night by night, waking each morning and moving forward one high-heeled step at a time. Good luck and godspeed! * * * * This story was originally written to caption a series of illustrations and can be read as such in its original incarnation on my blog sissypop! along with more of my stories, drawings, and real-life transgender musings. You can find sissypop! at: sissyforlife(dot)blogspot(dot)com.

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Fathers of Blondes Anonymous

The room was poorly lit with a low ceiling and open floor plan broken only by support columns in two rows of three down its length. It was mostly used to store folding chairs and tables, a dozen of the former and one of the latter set up. The chairs were in a circle in the center of the open space. The table was up against one wall with a carafe of coffee, cream and sugar and cups next to it. There was also a box of Dunkin’ Donuts sitting half empty next to the carafe, another box under it. The...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 41 Penguins Anonymous

April 11, 1988, Chicago, Illinois Jessica, Kara, and I were standing outside the ER early on Monday morning. “Ready to go back to work after your vacation?” I asked. “Yes! I feel so much more relaxed and refreshed. Of course, by tomorrow morning that will likely change.” “Just keep your eye on the end of May, Babe.” “June 10th - when I finish my last Board exam!” “Have a good day!” I said. “You, too! Are you going right to work?” “Yes. Mine has been backing up, unlike yours!” The...

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How High a Price Contributed Conclusionsby Anonymous

This conclusion is a fictionalization of a real incident. I am writing it while adding and adjusting the real life situation to prevent identification of the reader and spouse who was kind enough to share a soul wrenching experience with us. The two beds turned out to be the best idea Early had. My husband swore he still loved me, along with the feelings of hate and betrayal with which my behavior had filled him. We made it a rule to go to bed at the same time. Actually Early made the rule...

3 years ago
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THE UNKNOWN ARTIST AND THE CRYPT OF ANONYMITY Furthermore, I soon realized that I would need to ‘learn’ the highly personnal vocabulary with which the Unknown Artist conjures up a world. And He said : All around passagers, faceless, nameless, Mister X, unspeakable news in brief, c***dren of the night (protect them), night a****ls (protect them), discreet avengers, anonymous photographers (yes, you are), burlesque, broken houses, grotesque, clandestine souls, invisible walkers, please come into...

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THE UNKNOWN ARTIST AND THE CRYPT OF ANONYMITYFurthermore, I soon realized that I would need to "learn" the highly personnal vocabulary with which the Unknown Artist conjures up a world. And He said : All around passagers, faceless, nameless, Mister X, unspeakable news in brief, c***dren of the night (protect them), night a****ls (protect them), discreet avengers, anonymous photographers (yes, you are), burlesque, broken houses, grotesque, clandestine souls, invisible walkers, please come into...

1 year ago
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The Art of Anonymity

Jo sighed with frustration as she made her way towards the checkout. She’d taken the day off work with the specific intention of purchasing some desperately needed summer clothes and all she’d managed to find were a couple of packets of her favourite biscuits from the Food Hall. Perhaps, she mused, idly picking off the nail varnish from her fingers, if she wasn’t so keen on biscuits, more of her older clothes would still fit her. Her breasts had definitely increased in size recently, although...

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I had some time to kill. So, I decided to go to a nearby adult store to have a look around. I had been there before. I wandered around and checked out the different items there. I had a look at the movies on DVD. The usual things a guy does in a place like this. And, I noticed they had an arcade. So, I bought some tokens and wandered on in. It took a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to the subdued lighting. There were several short hallways with doors on either side. It was at this point that...

4 years ago
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I had some time to kill. So, I decided to go to a nearby adult store to have a look around. I had been there before. I wandered around and checked out the different items there. I had a look at the movies on DVD. The usual things a guy does in a place like this. And, I noticed they had an arcade. So, I bought some tokens and wandered on in. It took a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to the subdued lighting. There were several short hallways with doors on either side. It was at this point that...

First Time
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Felicity Ch 12

Chapter 12. Marina Marina and I began our last college semester as a committed couple. We lived together. Early that spring semester I had an important swim meet at a college just forty miles away so most of us drove to the site. With very few exceptions college swim meets do not attract much of a crowd so it was easy for me to spot Marina in the stands of the away venue. I picked that day to beat the conference record in the thousand meters free, which was what it took for us to win the...

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Sasur Ke Saath Maje 8211 Part II

This is a story of one of my known to in her own words. mera naam meera hai. meri shaadi ko saal bhar hua hai.main ek house wife hoon aur mere pati ek private firm me kaam karte hain. shaadi k 7 mahine baad tak main aur mere pati kapil akele rahe. mere sasur us waqt tak job pe the aur doosre shahar me rahte the. Fir vo retire ho gaye aur hamaare saath rahne k liye aa gaye. meri saas ko gujre kaafi saal ho chuke the. is se pahle main apne sasur se 3-4 baar mili thi. jab bhi kapil ki job se 4-5...

1 year ago
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Preachers Daughter Chapter 8 Ass

Well, for the next ten days I used her sex young cunt hole and mouth at least twice a week. I told her that Sunday before she got in the choir to sing she was to remove her panties and stuff them in her pussy. After singing she was to go remove them and slide them to me as she left the ladies room and I went to the mens room. What a sexy trained slut. Even in church she was now giving me her panties. So, it was time to get rougher with her and take that tight ass. Not make love to it, not...

1 year ago
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It was parents weekend at my daughter's college, and since Rose was just a freshman, my wife and I decided to go up to visit and make sure our little girl was doing well. My wife Lisa wasn't feeling well, but she didn't want me to make the four hour drive alone, so we packed an overnight bag, and hit the road. The school had several events planned for the parents, but my plan was basically to spend time with Rosie and do any shopping she may have to do. The drive went pretty smoothly and we...

3 years ago
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A Hot Shower

“This is the woman’s bathroom! You need to get out!” I heard a lady saying from inside a shower. The bathroom was empty, and I was wondering who she was talking to. I had been thinking, whoa these showers are nice. I didn’t even know they were remodeling. “What are you doing? You need to… Get! Out!” the voice said again. “Oh, my God! Oh, my god!” another woman started screaming from back in the locker room. I didn’t even see anybody in the locker room. “Is there a man in here? Oh, my God, is...

1 year ago
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Road trip

Four high school girls had decided some time ago that they were going to go away on a short trip together once Laura, the girl who had the idea, had gotten her driver's license. The other three girls were Katherine, Clara and Hannah. Going out on a limb they had asked Jared, the most popular guy in school, if he had wanted to join them. They were shocked as well as overjoyed when he had accepted. The girls were packing their stuff in the car when Jared showed up. "Hi girls!" "Hi Jared!" The...

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Ms Marca At 16 Was My First Big Dance Date

  Sweet 16  Oh Me My First Big Date   That fall I went into high school (10th grade) I was 16. It didn’t take long for the word to get around that I was a player.   I was asked to a formal Christmas dance at the country club that year by a guy who lived not far from us. His mother and father were big wheels at the country club and I was growing up faster than my mother or father wanted me to.   I begged for weeks for them to let me go on dates, so when I got asked to this big formal thing,...

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Adult Animorphs

My name is William. I can’t tell you my name or where I live. What I can tell you is the truth. The Earth is being invaded. They can be your mom, dad, brother, or best friend. They didn’t replace them with some sort of clone; they’re under alien control: Yeerk control. The Yeerks are like parasitic slugs, but smarter and much worse for your health. They slither into your skull and take over your motor functions, and sensory perceptions, turning you into a Controller. They invade your memory...

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StockingsChapter 10 The Next Morning

IT WAS ALMOST BETTER than breakfast. The sounds coming from Mom and Dad’s bedroom, I mean. Danny and I were up at our usual time, not terribly early and not late, either, but when we reached the kitchen Mom was nowhere to be seen. The mystery was solved when we heard a crash from their bedroom. “Christ,” whispered Danny. With that he headed for their bedroom door, me a step behind him. We stopped outside, neither of us wanted to knock, and the silence seemed to grow with every second. Just...

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TS Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the hous Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. For the wife and the kids were at mother's you see, So there was nobody home but little ol me. So in silk and in satin, and nylon and lace, I had settled for being my femmy best for a space, When down in the living room there was a loud noise I exclaimed 'Oh my dear, it's the wife and the boys! ...

1 year ago
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Dane Jones

DaneJones! The formula for good pornography is actually pretty simple: put at least one hot girl on camera and get her to do sex stuff. There are infinite variations on the theme, with most producers stacking their productions with more sexy sluts getting stuffed with a bunch of big cocks. Porn director Dane Jones certainly does that, but also includes heavy doses of elements not found in every airtight orgy video: passion, chemistry, and genuine intimacy.Who says romance is dead? Certainly not...

Premium Porn For Women Sites
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Sex Karne Ka Dream Pura Kiya

Hi story readers love you all girls bhabhies and aunties.. Mera nam rahul hai meri age 20 sal hai. Main dikhne main smart hun height 5.10 hain. Mera lund 7 inch lamba hai aur kafi mota hai.Story tab k hai jb main 18 sal ka tha. Ek din main gumne k liye bazar gya to aise h achank meri najar ek sexy si ladki pe padi voh akele bheti hui thi . Usne sleevless top aur niche skirt pehni hui thi. Thodi hawa chali hui thi uske bal muh pe a rhe the to usne balo ko peache karne k liye apne dono hatho ko...

1 year ago
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Tushy Haley Reed My Wife Won8217t Be Back Until Tomorrow

Haley has been babysitting for a couple for a month or so. The money isn’t great, but when she starts to send sexy selfies to the husband, the pay suddenly gets much better. After a while she finds herself enjoying the attention, and when his wife is away, her sexy boss offers her a little extra for some fun in the bedroom. At first, she’s a little apprehensive but when she sees how much money he is prepared to pay, she jumps at the chance. Once in the bedroom, she realises just how much she...

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Amazon Part 11a Boot Camp

Amazon - Part 11: Boot Camp By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Wednesday, April 7, 2275 The Settlement Interlude 2: Nicole paused in her narrative, stretched, and checked the time. "Oh my! We've managed to while away the entire...

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MyPervyFamily Addison Lee Morning Wood Before School

Addison came rushing into my room this morning, but I was still in bed. We needed to get school ASAP and I overslept.. But when my step-sister pulled the blanket off of me, she saw my big rock hard dick! Addison was clearly disgusted, but I couldn’t leave the house without cumming first. “You could help me out” I tell her. She wasn’t happy about it, but I convinced her to stroke her brothers cock! My bratty step-sister goes from sucking my cock to riding me! I wanted to...

4 years ago
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Metamorphosis The Story of Marilyn MonroeChapter 3

Some time had passed since we last sat down together and worked on this; Audrey used the ‘Let’s separate to see what we can think of away from each other’s premises’ concept, which actually worked. I called her to come over, telling her I had the words and a possible rhythm to another new song, called “Why?” She was there in less than ten minutes, I asked her to sit down in front of the piano and start a 50’s Motown backbeat. She did and I placed a piece of paper in front of her. She...

3 years ago
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BloodstoneChapter 10

"I've come to find you," Nigel said silkily as he stared hungrily at the girl he'd touched so intimately once in the castle of his master. "I've come to bring you back to Magnus and stop this foolishness." Luria's head was shaking, her wet hair causing the white shirt she'd taken from Balor's wardrobe to turn transparent. She could almost feel his eyes, those beady, nasty eyes, touching on her flesh, admiring her long legs that looked so sensual against the hem of the shirt. "I...

1 year ago
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Still Too Good to Be True in Vegas

Camryn smiled and went out to the deck. There was a lovely spread of scrambled eggs, bacon, bagels and fresh fruit. As she nibbled on a bagel, she noticed that Charles’ suite was adjacent to a secluded part of the hotel’s adults-only pool called “Bare”. As she looked through the fencing, she realized she could see out but no one could see her. She could see a few scantily clad beauties. She had heard that the traffic in this pool didn’t really pick up until late afternoon. As she scanned the...

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NuruMassage Angel Smalls Will It Fit

Buddy Hollywood’s pregame ritual always starts at the Nuru Massage with his favorite masseuse. Angel Smalls will be taking care of him today, and has all the details of how particular Buddy can be. Angel undresses and Buddy is definitely impressed evident by his half erect cock . After a quick rinse down in the shower, Angel guides Buddy into the bathtub and begins sucking on his massive cock. Angel tries to sit on it but her pussy is too tight for such a huge shaft. Angel comes up with a...

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Back to the Land

Prologue: This is a romance and my first attempt at writing fiction. It started off as a story idea for Earth Day but writing it and deciding to post it held it up for a while. Many thanks primarily to Dinsmore and also Techsan for patience and expert help and advice with edits and writing. As per usual, the characters are invented and bear no intentional resemblance to actual persons alive or deceased. All intercourse is consensual and between individuals over the age of eighteen. This is a...

2 years ago
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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 34 More of Molly at the Rourks

Robert gently removed his massive prick from Molly's mouth and gave her a chance to recover from her choking spell. Then he picked her up and brought her over to the large sofa only a few feet removed from his wife, Rosa and Dutch, who now found themselves sprawled out in and beside the armchair that Molly had been sitting in earlier. Only now it was Alice's legs spread lewdly over the arms as Rosa, now on all fours, held Alice's cunt open and hungrily munched on her labia. It wasn't...

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Out in the Cold

‘I’m very cold,’ said Millie as she was walking in the Arctic, Joel next to him. They had been walking over the Arctic polar region, after Millie had known him since they had met the last evening when they were boarding the helicopter. Millie and Joel were both Jamaican, both 16, wore ‘YOUNG EXPLORER’ t-shirts and they were black. They had secretly developed a crush on each other while in the helicopter. ‘I like the polar region,’ said Joel in reply. He was wearing one layer of clothing, and...

3 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 14

Challenged, Drained, Hunted As always votes and feedback are greatly appreciated! Enjoy! Blu Edited by: Old Fart “So, how does it feel?” asked Aradelle, lying with her elbows on one of her petals with her chin resting on her hands. A stray breeze shook the white and blue petal but Aradelle never moved, held up by the two thick vines coming from the center of her flower that turned into her legs. Where those legs met an occasional drip of her clear nectar fell to the petal and ran...

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Special Delivery

There was a knock at the door, so Emma hopped out of the shower, quickly brushed a towel over her body and threw on a large oversized t-shirt and a pair of pink shorts. Then she flew down the stairs just in time to catch the delivery man walking down the path towards the gate. She gave out a cry and he turned. She must have looked a state, she hadn't even looked in the mirror before she headed for the door, as he handed her the package and the pen to sign their eyes met and hands touched. The...

Quickie Sex
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Mera Dream Pura Huva

Hi friends mera naam varun hai. Mein yaha apni kahani aap ko sunane aaya hu. Me ek crossdresser aur bisexual hu. Ye kahani meri crossdressing ki hai. Thoda mere bare me bata du me 5″9′ hu with girly body. jab me 12th me tha tab se mujhe girls dresses pehanne ka bhut shok tha .me mummy k nahane k bad hi nahata jata tha taki unki utari huvi bra panty aur peticoat pehankar naha saku. bathroom me ladhki jese itrata tha aur jabhi bhi ghar me akela rahta tha to mummy ki sab bra panty pehankar dekhta...

1 year ago
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Dear Diary 01

The last time I remember having used or even seen my old diary was about four years ago, after my husband and I got married and found a new home. It was a new start for me; I did not feel the need to have to mark down every single event of my married life. I was on a path into a new territory, and I would remember everything. Every minute, day, and occurrence, every happy moment, probably every bad moment, too, everything would get imprinted in my memory. Or so I thought. Years went by and I...

2 years ago
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Metaxa MadnessChapter 2

The goodnight kiss in the car became a very long one, and it was obvious that the two lovebirds had no intention of ending it quickly. The house was in almost complete darkness with only a small TV light above the color set, and I guess Anne thought I was asleep, and so there was no reason for her to come in. Especially as things out there seemed to get better all the time. I couldn't tell exactly when her date took out his cock, but all at once he changed positions and at the same time Anne...

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The Gloryhole

This is another true story told to me by a friend and he wanted me to share it with you. Hope you enjoy. As I was growing up I was very close to my mom. My dad worked alot and it was my mom that I had around most of the time. Ever since I can remember she and I shared everything. My mom is an average looking woman. She is about 5.5foot tall. About 130 pounds and nice wide hips and I am guessing "b" cup boobs and jet black hair with blue eyes. She looked good in bikini-she was not hot but she...

3 years ago
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My step mummy 8211 3

Hello friends, Recap:- step mummy or papa ki chudai dekhne ke baad maine kai baar mummy ko choot ragadte dekha or sath me maine bhi lund ragda. Mummy Ko is bare me pata chalne per main dar gaya. Per mummy ne muskurate hue muhe bahar sofe pe aane ke liye kaha. Sofe pe hamne ek doosre ko buri tarah chooma. Maine mummy ko nanga kiya or unke boobs dabe or choose phir unki choot ko khoob chata. Phir Mummy ne mera lund choosna shuru kiya….. Ab aage….. Mummy ne mere lund ke supare{ aageki topy} ko...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 19

Our visit flew by, and before I knew it, Jim and Millie announced that they had to get back to Branson. Colleen said nothing, so I waited for her to tell me what her plans were. "I think I'll stick around and see what tricks Kevin hasn't taught me, yet," she said with a sneaky smile. I arranged for their jet to be serviced at my hangar, and made ready to depart by mid-afternoon. I sent Ann Marie into the city for some supplies, and then the four of us sat at the kitchen table discussing...

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