The Art Of Anonymity free porn video

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Jo sighed with frustration as she made her way towards the checkout. She’d taken the day off work with the specific intention of purchasing some desperately needed summer clothes and all she’d managed to find were a couple of packets of her favourite biscuits from the Food Hall. Perhaps, she mused, idly picking off the nail varnish from her fingers, if she wasn’t so keen on biscuits, more of her older clothes would still fit her. Her breasts had definitely increased in size recently, although her waist thankfully remained fairly trim ... for now, at least.

Absentmindedly delving into her purse for some money whilst standing patiently in the queue, she found her attention unexpectedly drawn to the person ahead. The man being served in front of her had the most gloriously taut, muscled ass she had ever had the fortune to lay her eyes on. Subconsciously letting out a deep sigh of pleasure, her eyes willingly devoured the rest of him. Dressed in a tight T-shirt, cargo pants and Timberland boots, his strong, powerful body seem to teasingly draw her in. Jo admired his thick, muscular thighs, wide shoulders and strong arms and was almost grateful she couldn’t see his face which, in comparison, would probably be a disappointment. After all, nobody was perfect.

As the stranger concluded his transaction, he bent down to pick up a number of bags beside his feet. As well as enjoying more of that delicious ass, Jo watched the muscles tense in his suntanned arms as they took the strain. The vision caused a sudden image to appear in her mind; that same man, taking his weight on those sturdy arms, as he slowly entered her tight, willing body. God, she needed to get laid if she’d started salivating over random strangers. As he turned to leave, she made the mistake of glancing up at him, causing a red flush of shame to tear across her neck as their eyes momentarily locked. Jo felt her stomach flip as she took in his broad chest, flat stomach, perfectly messed-up black hair, chiselled features and deep brown eyes which seemed to drill down into her very soul to converse directly with her blatant desire. Damn, perhaps there was such a thing as perfection after all because this man looked as close as was humanly possible. Blinking her lustful eyes away, the moment was lost. As she stepped forward to the counter, the man walked out of the shop.

Jo meandered along the high street in a state of shock, her heartrate slowly reducing back down to the norm. At forty years old, surely she should have passed the stage of acting like a teenager, for goodness sake. Having been divorced for nearly three years and failing on all fronts with the dating game, Jo was forced to admit she was more than a little sexually frustrated. She’d been feeling increasingly horny over the past few months particularly, which she ascribed to the sunshine. Summer always made her feel happy and carefree. Clearly, she was just going to have to be brave and put herself out there, if her situation was ever going to improve. But it was never that simple. She simply wasn’t a one-night-stand kind of girl. She didn’t just want sex; she wanted a connection, friendship and ultimately somebody to share her life. And that was an altogether more difficult proposition.

Thoroughly distracted by thoughts of that incredibly sexy man swirling around her head, Jo wrote off the remainder of her shopping expedition as a bad job. Returning to the car park, she lobbed the small number of purchases she’d made onto the back seat and dropped down gratefully behind the steering wheel. She wasn’t a natural shopper and found the process both tiring and extremely dull. Inhaling deeply, she glanced into the rear view mirror. Staring back at her was a wide-eyed, freckled woman with a messy bob haircut, which at this moment was a lot more mess than bob. Sighing, she closed her eyes, providing an opportunity to centre herself and recover from her recent excitement.

As she slowly allowed her eyelids to open once again, she was shocked to find the cute guy walking in her direction. Just before he reached her location, he shuffled his numerous purchases into one hand, unlocked a nearby car and deposited all of his purchases inside. Then, grabbing a couple of empty bags, he set off in the direction of the supermarket, seemingly unaware that his delectable body was being closely observed with every step he took.

One thing about getting divorced and hitting the big four-oh, mused Jo as she grabbed a pen and paper, was that you really didn’t care too much what people thought anymore. Recently, she’d found herself doing much more outrageous things than she would ever have done in her twenties. She tried to console herself that it wasn’t a sign predicting the onset of madness, but rather suddenly being aware of the fact that life was there to be lived to the full. Quickly scribbling a note, Jo walked across to the man’s car and slipped the paper under his front windscreen wiper. Grinning, she hurried back to her own car, started up the engine and sped away, feeling like a naughty schoolgirl.

The car park exit was controlled by two automatic barriers, behind which a long queue of traffic had formed. Jo craned her neck to try and see what the problem was. A parking attendant was beside one, stabbing an electronic keypad with his index finger, to no visible effect. The other barrier was clogged up by an embarrassed couple who had failed to pay for their parking prior to exit and were now attempting to reverse, very unsuccessfully. Sighing, Jo pulled on the handbrake, cranked up the stereo and wound down the window in order to enjoy the glorious English summer’s day. This was clearly going to be a slow journey home. Closing her eyes, she allowed the calming melodies of Ed Sheeran’s ‘Thinking out Loud’ to wash over her.

Jo was happily (and tunelessly) singing along to the lyrics about people falling in love in mysterious ways, when she became aware of movement nearby. Her eyes hazily re-gained focus as she glanced in the side mirror, only to observe a pair of familiar-looking cargo pants making their steady way towards her. Gasping, a red flush of shame spread across her neck and chest which increased exponentially as their owner stopped beside the car door and squatted down. Close up, it wasn’t just his butt that was cute; he was utterly gorgeous. A layer of stubble covered his chiselled face and Jo couldn’t help but be drawn into his dark eyes which were now on a level with her clear, blue ones. Upon more careful observation, she noticed they had tiny flecks of gold in them, accompanied by long, sweeping lashes. Just in case Jo wasn’t already utterly overwhelmed, he also smelt divine.

Leaning a muscled forearm on her car door, Jo quickly retracted her limbs, as though in danger of being burnt, lest their skin touch. Her stomach rolled over with a combination of horror and adrenalin as she observed him dragging out the note she had written from his back pocket. Holding the note right in front of her, she re-read her brazen words.

“I wanted to let you know that you have the cutest butt I’ve ever seen.”

Feeling a mammoth wave of shame pass through her, Jo sat in silence, her mouth slightly open, words entirely failing her.

‘Hello,’ he said in a deep, rumbling tone, oozing sexuality.

‘Hi,’ replied Jo quietly, casting a glance down at her hands, her voice sounding unnaturally high.

‘What is the meaning of this?’ he demanded, wafting the note between them, his expression unreadable.

‘Umm ... it was an anonymous compliment,’ she stuttered.

‘You’re not very accomplished in the art of anonymity, are you?’ he observed dryly.

‘I thought you’d gone,’ argued Jo.

‘I left something in my car. I had to double back.’

Staring straight ahead, Jo suddenly realised that the flow of traffic had recommenced and felt a genuine rush of gratitude towards the car park attendant who had manage to fix the barrier. Seeing a method of escape suddenly open up to her, she shifted her car into first gear.

‘Excuse me,’ she murmured. The man raised one eyebrow questioningly, stood up and took a step back. Jo pulled the car forwards a few meters, desperately hoping he’d get the hint. He didn’t. Her heart sank as she watched him in her mirror walk the few steps back towards her car. As he squatted down once again, she noticed his eyes flick over her body before returning to her face. Feeling very self-conscious, Jo smoothed her hands down her thighs to push her pretty summer dress firmly towards her knees, in order to prevent him getting another eyeful.

‘So, do you normally ogle men when you’re out shopping?’ His eyes drifted to the bags on her back seat. ‘No wonder you haven’t managed to buy much.’

‘It wasn’t like that,’ replied Jo outraged.

‘Women have complained at men for years, saying we look at their breasts rather than their faces,’ he continued, looking firmly into Jo’s eyes as though to prove a point. ‘And all the while, you’re staring at my butt.’

‘I was behind you! It would have been impossible to look at your face,’ she argued.

‘So, do you often put notes like that on strange men’s cars?’

‘No, never,’ explained Jo. ‘I just ... couldn’t help myself.’

‘Why?’ he asked curiously.

‘Because... ‘ she started shyly before the words petered out.

‘Go on.’

‘Because your body was just so bloody perfect. And I thought how awful it would be if you didn’t realise. I mean,’ she continued, the words tumbling from her mouth in her rush to explain. ‘I’m sure you’re told often enough but there was a small chance you simply didn’t have any idea how ... desirable you are. Excuse me, I must go now,’ Jo added, as she pulled the car closer to the exit barrier. Once again, she watched him follow in her side mirror but this time, she became aware of a bulge in his cargo pants which certainly hadn’t been that pronounced earlier. He dropped back down to her level for a third time.

‘So, it was an act of charity?’ asked the man, his lips twitching. ‘A public service, if you will?’

‘Stop putting words into my mouth!’ complained Jo. The man stared intently at Jo’s mouth for a long moment, before dragging his eyes back up to hers. His look was scorching and Jo could feel a dull pulse taking hold of her rapidly swelling pussy lips. Subconsciously, she bit her lower lip as she watched him nod towards her empty front passenger seat.

‘Do you want me to come with you?’ he asked, a tiny grin flitting across his face, in recognition of the unintentional double entendre.

‘What? No!’ exclaimed Jo. ‘I don’t even know you!’

‘That wouldn’t take very long to remedy,’ he said in a low rumble.

‘You could be a psychopath!’

‘I could be. Or I could be a psychologist,’ he chuckled.

‘Are you?’ demanded Jo. Maddeningly, he wiggled his eyebrows and smiled. ‘Maybe you’re a criminal,’ she added when he didn’t reply.

‘I might be. Or maybe I’m a policeman. Or both. The two are by no means mutually exclusive in my experience. Tell me, do you always give people the benefit of the doubt in this way?’ he asked sarcastically.

‘Life’s taught me to be cautious,’ said Jo, trying to justify her pessimistic approach.

‘Hmm, I can’t blame you for that. So?’ he asked, nodding towards the seat again.

‘No!’ said Jo defiantly. Aside from the fact she knew nothing about him, he looked a damn sight younger than her and probably ten times fitter. He’d wipe the floor with her.

‘Okay,’ he grinned. ‘Well, thank you for the almost anonymous compliment. It was nice to not quite meet you.’

‘But I don’t even know your name,’ stuttered Jo, as he began to stand.

‘And why would you need to know that?’ he asked. Realising she had no answer, Jo sat there mouthing like a goldfish. After a moment, he shot her a wink, straightened up and walked away. Jo watched him in her mirror until he was out of sight, her stomach twisting with unexpected regret.

The following week, Jo was sitting in a bar, sipping a white wine spritzer with her best friend Kath. The tinkling music, chatter and occasional rumble of the coffee percolator provided excellent low-level camouflage noise to enable a good gossip to take place without being overheard.

‘I still can’t believe you did that,’ chuckled Kath, shaking her head in disbelief. ‘I would have died of embarrassment.’

‘I almost did,’ giggled Jo. ‘But he wasn’t supposed to know who’d written it.’

‘Was he really that cute?’ grinned Kath.

‘Fuck, yeah,’ she sighed, staring dreamily out of their large window which overlooked the high street. Jo had thought of him fairly continuously since their brief meeting, mostly to imagine what might have happened if she’d allowed him to climb into her car. ‘He was seriously shaggable.’

‘You should have taken him up on his offer, then,’ giggled Kath. ‘If anybody needs to get laid, it’s you.’

‘Yeah, thanks. I really don’t need you to remind me of that,’ groaned Jo, her head in her hands. ‘But the thought of being naked in front of somebody new... ‘

‘You’d be fine,’ soothed Kath. ‘You’re in good shape and once the moment takes hold, I doubt you’d give it a second thought.’

‘Mmm, perhaps,’ replied Jo, sounding unconvinced.

‘We just need to find you a nice man. How about that one?’ grinned Kath, nodding towards a young guy in his twenties, jogging past their window.

‘I think he’s more my speed,’ laughed Jo, pointing towards an octogenarian, cautiously crossing the road with his walking stick. ‘And if I could confiscate his glasses, I wouldn’t have to worry about him seeing my wobbly bits.’

‘Give over!’ giggled Kath, shoving her friend playfully on the shoulder.

As the two women continued to scour the high street for suitable victims, they found their attention unexpectedly diverted by a youth wearing a black hoodie and running at speed through the pedestrians. Suddenly, he tried to wrench a handbag from the grasp of a short, grey-haired lady. Although she initially put up a good fight, he was clearly much stronger. Pushing her violently away, she relinquished her hold on the bag and fell heavily to the pavement. Within seconds however, the sprinting youth was intercepted by a man who ran towards him full pelt, rugby tackling him clean to the ground. There looked to be quite a scuffle taking place between them, until the man smashed his fist straight across the mugger’s face, knocking him out cold.

‘Oh my God!’ exclaimed Kath, rising from her chair at the same time as Jo. ‘That looks like Ivy Marsham. She lives on my street. I must go and help her.’ Grabbing her handbag and coat, Kath dashed out of the restaurant with Jo in hot pursuit.

‘Ivy?’ said Kath gently, as she dropped to her knees beside the older lady. ‘Are you hurt?’

‘Only my pride, dear,’ gasped the woman rubbing her hip painfully, as police sirens blared onto the scene and the gathering crowd stepped back. In the excitement which ensued, Jo and Kath slowly helped Ivy up onto a nearby bench to catch her breath and provided a preliminary description of what had taken place to a policeman. In the distance, they could see the handcuffed mugger, who seemed to have partially regained consciousness, staggering into the back of a waiting ambulance. As an evidence bag containing a knife was carried past them, it suddenly dawned on Jo that the outcome could have been a damn sight more serious.

‘Here you are, Ma’am,’ said a sergeant, returning to them with Ivy’s handbag. ‘Now, if you’re absolutely sure you don’t require medical attention, then we’ll need to take a statement. But we can do that back at your home, if you’d be more comfortable there?’

‘Yes, yes, I would prefer that,’ replied the trembling woman. ‘But firstly, please can I thank the brave person who stopped that young man in his tracks?’

‘Yes, one moment. I’ll just bring him over. He’s an off duty police officer.’ As all eyes followed the sergeant to a group of men nearby, Jo found herself gasping in shock.

‘Oh my God!’ she groaned.

‘What’s the matter?’ asked Kath, her eyes snapping round to her friend.

‘It’s him,’ she croaked. ‘The bloke in the car park.’

‘Oh Lord!’ breathed Kath as a slightly battered man strode confidently towards them, a bruised, blood-smeared cheek only slightly detracting from his astonishingly good looks. ‘You’re right. He is fucking gorgeous,’ she grinned.

‘Hush!’ hissed Jo, her cheeks flaming with embarrassment.

‘This is the Detective Inspector, Ma’am,’ announced the officer in a respectful tone.

‘I’m just Simon today,’ he smiled in a self-depreciating manner.

‘Thank you so much,’ gushed Ivy, grasping his hand. ‘That was awfully brave. How can I ever thank you?’

‘You don’t need to,’ he replied, casting a curious glance towards Jo before returning his full attention to Ivy. ‘It’s part and parcel of the job. Are you okay?’

‘I am, thanks to you,’ she admitted. ‘But I would have been feeling ever so sorry for myself otherwise.’

Half an hour later, much of the excitement had abated. Kath, Jo and a number of other bystanders had provided witness statements and Ivy had been accompanied home.

‘Are we allowed to leave now?’ Kath asked Simon as he walked towards them.

‘Yeah. We have your details. Thanks very much. We can all go home now.’

‘Will you be okay?’ asked a concerned Jo. Simon was looking a little worse for wear after his scuffle. The adrenalin had obviously dispersed and Jo felt he looked tired and in some pain.

‘I’m good thanks,’ he nodded.

‘You aren’t going to be alone tonight, are you?’ asked Jo. Hearing Kath snigger beside her and watching Simon’s face break out into a broad smile, she immediately realised her faux pas. ‘What I mean is... ‘ she stumbled. ‘I don’t think you should drive yourself back. I don’t think you should be alone.’

‘Are you offering to take me home, then?’ he teased.

‘If you like,’ joked Jo, not really expecting him to take her up on the offer.

‘I’d like that very much,’ he replied immediately, shooting her a hungry look. Jo glanced across at her friend for support, but Kath was too busy shaking with laughter to offer any.

‘I think that’s my signal to leave. Goodnight both,’ giggled Kath, giving her friend a big hug. ‘And I want all the details tomorrow,’ she whispered before squeezing her tightly and walking away.

‘Have you eaten?’ asked Simon. ‘I’m suddenly feeling in desperate need of a Chinese takeaway.’

‘Sounds great. There’s a good one recently opened in the high street. The Golden Dragon?’ explained Jo, surprised at quite how forward she was being and knowing that his confidence rubbing off on her was a major influence.

‘After you, then,’ smiled Simon, holding out his hand and tilting his head slightly.

The atmosphere inside the restaurant was tranquil. The air was cool, dark and still whilst the air filtration unit from the nearby fish tank provided a soothing backdrop of gently bubbling water. Once their order had been placed, Jo migrated towards the seating area provided and dropped down gratefully onto the sofa.

‘Look, do you mind if I just go and clean up?’ asked Simon, gesturing towards his face which was still smudged with dirt and his own dried blood.

‘Of course not,’ said Jo quickly. ‘I’ll wait here.’ Nodding, Simon walked towards the restroom as Jo’s phone vibrated for the fifth time in as many minutes. Grabbing it from her bag, she scrolled through her messages bemused, shaking her head at her friend’s antics. Kath was clearly finding it difficult to contain herself. Her texts ranged from “OMG he is FUCKING gorgeous!” to “What’s happening? Tell me! TELL ME!”

“We’re just grabbing a Chinese takeaway. Nothing to tell. Speak soon x” typed Jo, knowing that Kath wouldn’t be able to leave it there. Sure enough, within only a matter of minutes, a new message had appeared in her inbox.

“You have SO GOT TO SHAG HIM!!!!!!” Jo giggled and looked around to ensure she was still on her own, before typing back a reply.

“Don’t be ridiculous. I barely know him.” She pressed ‘send’ with a flourish and dropped the phone back into her bag.

‘Anything I can do, to help you know me better?’ asked Simon, sitting down quietly beside her. Jo gasped and turned an unattractive shade of puce. ‘Sorry, I couldn’t help but see your message.’

‘I’m sorry. It’s Kath. She’s... ‘

‘Disturbed? Unhinged? Mentally deranged?’ grinned Simon.

‘No,’ giggled Jo. ‘Well, actually sometimes, yes. All of the above. I guess she’s just trying to encourage me to ... live a little.’

‘And why would she need to do that?’ asked Simon gently.

‘Oh, you know... ‘ began Jo quietly.

‘No, I don’t,’ replied Simon, shaking his head.

‘Well, I got divorced a few years back and ... well ... I’ve been on my own ever since.’


‘Because I’m not cut out for casual affairs, I guess,’ smiled Jo. ‘Now, why don’t we talk about something else?’

‘Because I rather like talking about you,’ said Simon, standing up to collect their takeaway order which had just been called. They walked in silence back to Jo’s car. As she pulled away, it suddenly dawned on her that she was transporting a serving police officer, so probably ought to observe the rules of the road a little more closely than usual. Her right foot tended to be a little heavy during times of stress ... and this definitely counted as one of those.

They drove along in silence for a short time. Jo was aware of taking short, sharp, apprehensive breaths yet seemed unable to prevent herself from doing so. She was also conscious of being closely watched.

‘Do you wanna fuck me?’ asked Simon as they waited to pull out of a junction. Jo gasped with shock, her foot slipping on the clutch and stalling the engine.

‘Umm... ‘ said Jo, playing for time as her cheeks flamed once more. Turning the ignition back on and slowly pulling forwards, her brain kicked into gear. This whole situation had started because she’d been bold and honest. Why stop now? ‘Who wouldn’t?’ she muttered, glad that concentrating on the road made it impossible to look at him.

‘And do you want me to fuck you?’

‘Oh God, yeah,’ she breathed, eyes half closed, clenching the steering wheel tightly at the mere thought of it.

‘Sorry. I’m not great at sub-text,’ explained Simon. ‘I prefer straight talking.’

‘You don’t say,’ breathed Jo.

‘You’re very honest, you know?’ observed Simon. ‘I spend most of my life trying to read people. Trying to decipher to what extent they’re lying to me. You’re an exceptionally refreshing change.’

‘I’m too honest,’ said Jo quietly.

‘There’s no such thing as too honest, as far as I’m concerned. I live up the next road on your right, by the way,’ said Simon, providing Jo with directions on where to park. As they pulled into a large driveway, Jo cut the engine and slowly exhaled.

‘Nice place,’ she observed, admiring the large bungalow framed with pretty gardens that were frothing over with flowers.

‘Thanks. Come on, let’s get inside. I’m ravenous.’

‘So,’ began Simon, once the takeaway had been demolished and they’d made impressive in-roads into a Strawberry Pavlova he’d found loitering in his fridge. ‘Is there anything I can do, to help you get to know me better?’

‘I don’t think so,’ said Jo quietly.

‘How about one minute of questions and answers? For one minute, you ask me whatever questions you want and I have to answer truthfully. And then we switch places.’

‘Ummm, if you like... ‘

‘It’s either that or Simon says,’ he grinned.

‘Your first suggestion is fine,’ said Jo quickly. She could envisage a game of “Simon Says” being seriously detrimental to her mental health.

‘You ask first then,’ smiled Simon. ‘Your time starts now,’ he added, glancing at his watch.

‘Ummm ... Full name?

‘Simon Derby.’



‘Really?’ asked Jo, slightly taken aback. ‘You look much younger.’

‘Thanks,’ he grinned. ‘But yes, really.’

‘And you work for the police?’

‘Yes,’ he confirmed, pulling his wallet out of his pocket and passing it across to her. It felt reassuringly heavy and as Jo opened it, she could see his metal warrant card, along with a set of credit and bank cards on the opposite side. ‘I joined the police service straight out of university. I’ve worked in CID ... the criminal investigation department ... for about ten years now.’

‘And you’re single,’ Jo asked hesitantly, appreciating it wasn’t a given.

‘Of course,’ replied Simon, sending her a questioning look. ‘Ten seconds remaining,’ he added, glancing down at his watch.

‘Oh! Okay,’ said Jo, quickly weighing up whether she should dare to ask her final question and deciding she should. ‘What do you want from me?’

‘That’s more like it,’ grinned Simon. ‘I want ... I’d really like ... to see more of you. A lot more of you.’

‘Why?’ she croaked.

‘You sure you want the entire truth to that question?’ he confirmed quietly.

‘Um ... yes. I think so.’

‘Because you’re extraordinarily sexy,’ he murmured. ‘And since we met in the car park last week, I’ve thought of precious little, except how wonderful it would be to rock myself relentlessly inside your amazing body and mercilessly drive you to orgasm over and over and over again.’

Although Jo did her best to reply to Simon’s pronouncement, her astonished response never managed to crawl any further than the base of her throat. Staring at him in disbelief, she was embarrassingly aware of her tight, hard nipples and the blood suddenly pumping to her pussy lips in hopeful anticipation.

‘Time’s up,’ grinned Simon, enjoying watching her physical reactions. ‘And just so you’re pre-warned, all of my questions are going to be a lot more personal than yours. Ready?’

Jo nodded, still lacking the capacity to converse but hoping that the ability might return to her shortly.

‘Good. When did you last have sex?’ asked Simon in a self-assured way.

‘Wow,’ breathed Jo. ‘You weren’t kidding about asking personal questions.’

‘Well?’ asked Simon, smiling kindly.

‘When I split up from my husband so ... I don’t know ... over three years ago?’

‘And why haven’t you had sex since then?’

‘Oh God, a multitude of reasons,’ said Jo expansively.

‘Such as?’

‘My body’s not great,’ said Jo quietly.

‘You are kidding me, right?’ said Simon, with an astonished look on his face. ‘You’re beautiful.’ Jo dropped her head in gratitude at his compliment but couldn’t find the right words to respond. ‘What else?’ asked Simon after a moment.

‘I couldn’t just have sex with anybody. It would need to mean something, for me at least.’

‘You’re not the kind of person to sleep around. That’s a very attractive trait.’

‘Yeah, maybe,’ sighed Jo. ‘But it does mean I’m horribly out of practice.’

‘Nothing some time with me wouldn’t fix,’ he chuckled. ‘So, will you stay with me tonight?’

‘No!’ yelped Jo, quite unprepared for such an upfront conversation.

‘I thought you said I shouldn’t be alone,’ smiled Simon.

‘I didn’t mean it like that!’

‘Pity,’ he sighed. ‘If it helps, I grew out of meaningless sex in my twenties. Contrary to popular belief, I’m not a one night stand kind of guy.’

‘You’re... ‘ said Jo, pausing.


‘Younger... ‘

‘A whole year, wow!’ he said jokingly.

‘And clearly you’re much fitter and more experienced than me,’ continued Jo unperturbed. ‘I’d be a disappointment.’

‘Please don’t say that,’ murmured Simon. ‘Nothing about you could disappoint me.’

‘I’d better go,’ said Jo, suddenly standing up and shrugging on her jacket.

‘You could,’ agreed Simon. ‘Although my preference is for you to stay.’

‘And do what?’ stuttered Jo. Simon gave her an old-fashioned look which drove adrenaline around her body at a terrifying speed.

‘What do you think?’ he grinned. ‘I know you’re attracted to me. I can assure you, the feeling’s entirely mutual. I reckon we’d be fantastic together. Don’t you?’

‘I’m sorry,’ said Jo, shaking her head and backing out of the room. ‘I ... I must go. But thank you for dinner.’ As she stood in the hallway and fiddled with her keys, Simon opened the front door.

‘You’re most welcome,’ he smiled. With her heart pumping wildly, Jo dared to glance briefly up into his eyes before she nodded and rushed out of his house. Simon stood calmly and watched her leave. As she got into her car, Jo looked back towards his house to see him raise his hand to wave goodbye and then close the door. Taking a painfully deep breath, Jo closed her eyes and exhaled slowly through pursed lips. Had she just made a magnificently catastrophic mistake?

For close to ten minutes, she sat quietly in her car, wondering how to summon up the courage to do what she desperately wanted to do; return to Simon’s home and allow the activity which he’d been hinting at since they first met to occur. On legs which were barely able to hold her upright, Jo eventually stumbled back across the driveway and knocked quietly on the front door. It was a minute or so before Simon appeared and when he did, it was clear what the delay had been. He was dressed in only his fly-button Levi jeans, torn at the knees, scuffed at the base, holding a towel in his hand. Jo guessed she’d disturbed him getting into the shower.

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Art in the Back Seat My Very First Handjob

Introduction: This story is all about the second dirty little secret that I confessed to my live-in boyfriend, who would later become my husband. This confession turned out being my way of finally coming clean with the love of my life, and admitting to him that I really wasnt the naive, innocent young lady that I had always represented myself as being, ever since we had first met and started dating. * * * * * The first dirty little secret that I ever shared with my live-in boyfriend, Ray (not...

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Art in the Back Seat My Very First Handjob

The first "dirty little secret" that I ever shared with my live-in boyfriend, Ray (not his real name), was a real doozie! It was about how I had lost my virginity in a very unique way, back when I was a young lady. It happened on a hot and sunny summer Sunday afternoon, when I was unexpectedly cornered in a small bathroom at a middle-aged Hispanic friend's equally-small house, and then sexually molested--and ultimately raped--by her teenage son, Freddy, who was so dark-skinned that he...

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Ashley Art Model Part Three

Taylynn's sock was still hung on our dorm room doorknob as I passed by. I couldn't believe I had cum before her or even before her boyfriend exploded. I had to laugh a little. Then I wondered if that actually was a good thing. Oh well, it was what it was. I made a poor decision, however, to just wear my clothes. I was still rather moist and my clit rubbing on the denim sure didn't help. My nipples were also still hard. I couldn't cover them. So everyone saw my pokies as I walked to the art...

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Holiday With Art

HOLIDAY WITH ART by "C.C." For years: I wanted to spend a Vacation down in Texas with Art, my long- time pen-pal, and share some pointers on our mutual interest--Cross- Dressing! We're both "straight", but Art's a very accomplished TV, and I've always fantasized and wanted to try it, so this looked like the Chance! A few- days before I went down, Art told me he'd just met a wonderful woman who enjoyed having him dress up for her and play mild bondage games. He said things...

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Art CriticChapter 11 Dinner Party

“I stole one of your paintings, Artie,” confessed Mavis as she looped a hand through my arm. We’d started the day with her as my model for a new composition. I guess I had ulterior motives. I wanted Morgan to experience prolonged eye contact with Mavis. The two had been getting along incredibly well, but both Annette and I had held Mavis’s eyes for an hour or more and the effect had been profound. I’d done the same with both Annette and with Morgan, but I wanted this last loop closed. I’d...

2 years ago
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Art HeistChapter 2

There was the case of the research manager of a pharmaceutical giant, let's call him Jerry. His company was about to launch a new skin cream to fight wrinkles, a product which combined the benefits of Botox with the advantage of not having any side effects. Mirella mentioned to Jerry that she had always been curious about what a specification for products like a skin cream looked like and that she was dying to see one, even if it was an old, out-of-date one, but said she'd understand if he...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 12 Cousin Sister Bharti Intro Episode

Hello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kaamnaye. Aapke mail mile mujhe, behad khushi hui. Thanks sabko. Chaliye aaj ka episode padhte hai. Jo bhi ye episode pahli baar pad rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padhne se pahle season 1 padhle jisse apko saari kahaniyo ki jad se pata chale. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur apni sujhaaw dena chahte ho, ye raha mera mail id ( ). Aur haan agar aapko meri series pasand aa rahi ho to mujhe vote karna na bhoole. PART 12: Cousin Sister Bharti – Intro...

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Anns Art Project

Ann couldn't remember when those dreams started. Ever since her breasts became so large, pictures of her globes started popping up in her mind all the time. Her boobs materialized as part of old paintings and art installations, on walls and windows, in fruit baskets and even inside bookshelves! It was just crazy, and quite irritating. At some point, Ann was concerned that she was about to go crazy. She knew she had to do something about those weird thoughts. And so she decided to study art,...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Chapter 6 Inspiring Art

Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part Six: Inspiring Art By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Sixteen: Fairy Delight Sven Falk – Queen Sidhe's Palace, Faerie I rose from Queen Sidhe's bed, certainty settling upon me. I knew what to do: rescue Aingeal. No choice. I wouldn't let my faerie-wife perish. I brought her here. I promised to protect her. My eyes fell on Princess Siona. She took a step back from me, her purple-and-black...

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Art Part Two Ch 03

Art, part two. Ch. 03 Art meets laboratory staff charged with making him ‘normal’. It was a long night with lots of thoughts or maybe more like nightmares and I felt lousy when I finally did wake up. I could hear Suzanne in the bathroom, but for some reason I didn’t join her. I was still deep in thought when I heard her say, ‘Good, you’re awake. I’ll order us some breakfast and then I want to talk to you.’ I lay there with a sinking feeling as Suzanne called room service. When she finished...

1 year ago
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DaftSex Art Porn

Ladies, have you ever felt that porn was just too hardcore for you these days? Does it feel that most of the porn is just catering to guys and their fantasies? Fear not, because there is some porn out there that I do think you’ll enjoy a lot. Specifically, I am talking about art porn and this is basically a genre of porn that is pretty close to what erotica has to offer. So, if you like erotica, you’re probably going to love art porn. You might even love it more than you like erotica. Art porn...

Porn for Women Sites
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Art ProjectChapter 2 Scary Girl

It hadn’t been this bad since my first couple of weeks in high school. At least when I started high school, my sister was always nearby to help set me straight. And keep bullies away. No one crossed her. I knew my panic would pass and I’d be okay, but knowing that didn’t make it easier. I clutched Annette’s hand as I approached the classroom for my Liberal Arts Seminar. It would have been so much easier if we were in the same section. “See the bench over there?” Annette asked as she squeezed...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 591 Rahul Ne Jaana Bharti Ka Chupa Roop

Narrated by Author Pichle bar mein aap logone dekha ki Rahul apni maa aur aunty ke sath ab vaasna ki maidan mein kafi kareeb ho chukke the. Lekin un teeno ko ek baat ki fikar thi. Aur woh thi Bharti ka ghar mein hona. Jis karan Rahul, Sarika aur Kavita khule aam apne nange armano ko pura nahi kar sakte the. Lekin baad mein Bharti jab wapas aayi to Rahul ke sath uski kafi baat hui message ke zariye. Bharti Rahul aur uski maa ki harkato ke bare mein jaanti thi aur sath hi uske andar bhi halki...

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Earths CoreChapter 12 The Earthly Crater

“This obstacle called the Gentic Belt”. Benni explained to Zax, “It encircles the planet, like a very long belt, and can only be safely crossed through the Emerald Cross, on an equipped vessel. Imagined it as the sole punch hole on this large belt”. The girl was very patient and the closeness she maintained to Zax signaled the development of a certain interest. “The buckle is where we’re heading, the Earthly Crater, there- Eh, look! The eruption is finally over”. She pointed at the wall of...

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AdamDesire 2 Marinas Art

AdamDesire 2 - Marina's Art Introduction: Welcome to the world of "AdamDesire" for a story based on an experience that I actually lived. You might want to first read "AdamDesire 1- Meet Miss Lulu", to get to know Adam and Jodi and to share their first cross-dressing experience together. The English word "tableau", plural "tableaux", comes from the French term "tableau vivant", literally meaning a living picture. --- "It must be him. It must be him." sings the lovely and alluring...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 791 Maa Bete Kar Rahe Bharti Ko Taiyaar

Narrated by Rahul Hello dosto, main Rahul. aaplogo ne dekha kitchen mein Bharti ko dikhate hue main apni maa ki gand chod raha tha. Kavita aunty maa ke kamre mein so rahi thi. Unhe kamre mein lock kar hum teeno yaha kitchen mein the. Mujhe aur maa ko dekh Bharti kafi uttejit thi aur abtak jhad bhi chuki thi. Main ab bhi jhada nahi tha. Maa mere lund ko pakad muh mein lekar choosti hui Bharti ko dikhane lagi. Fir lund ko muh se nikal haat mein lekar hilati hui mujhe dekh boli: Ise bacha kar...

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Life Art

‘Oh my God, You’ve got to be kidding me? You’re pimping out your friends to keep your geeks happy now?’ Kallah couldn’t believe it and shook her head with a half-laugh hoping that Amber was kidding. ‘It’s not like that,’ Amber said defensively. ‘You said yourself you’re in a rut and I thought you might like a change of pace. He’s a great guy honestly.’ ‘I am sure he is, but I am not sure I am I cut out to be a corporate whore, like you,’ Kallah replied a little angry that her friend had...

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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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A Piece of Art

Edited by Barney R and qxvw198 Hello again, Sue here to tell of another of Mike and my adventures. Mike has always been spontaneous so when he suggested we go to the modern art exhibit at the last minute I had no problems or worries. On our way Mike starts a conversation about art. "You know standing there being looked at by so many people," he said. "I bet a piece of art must have an exhibition fetish like you." "Yes but what piece of art gets to make love to her husband after being...

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Art Part Two Ch 05

Art, part two. Ch. 05 Art finds out what Dr. Heidi’s plans are for him. * I was reliving last night’s activities in the shower, which unfortunately, included experiencing a healthy dose of guilt about Suzanne. There’s no way I could just claim I was doing Lisa a favor. Well I could, but it would be pure BS. Lisa’s a nice lady, I’ll have to be damn careful what’s happening here. My life is so screwed up, I’m in no position to be thinking about any relationship. The hot water was taking away...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Art ProjectChapter 8 Rebellion

“Bitch!” Kendra’s voice cut through the air echoing my own before I got to the door. “You humiliated my friend and classmate. I don’t need this class.” “Me either.” I turned at the door to see Susan standing up. “I already graduated from kindergarten. I don’t need a self-righteous nursery school teacher to humiliate me.” She picked up her books and headed toward Kendra and me. “Now see here,” Mrs. Reynolds said. “I want this class to come to order immediately. There is no reason for...

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The Art Class

Art was a class of nine students, seven boys and two girls with a great teacher who gave us the opportunity to do basically what we liked in practical (painting and sculptor) but pushed us hard in theory. The art room was a double standard size with sinks, potters table and kiln at one end with the students art folders kept at the opposite end with its own lock up section. Each student’s folder where kept in their own section. My folder was at the back of the storeroom on the bottom shelf....

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I Masochist 01 Performance Art

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

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XArt! I’m not what someone would consider an X Art fag. Hell, the only time I ever tried going to the museum, I ended up being dragged out by the police after rubbing one out to some classical nudes. What can I say? Paintings of fruit bowls and photographs of architecture bore the hell out of me, but naked ladies always seem to catch my attention. That’s why I was pretty happy to find out X-Art wasn’t your typical fine arts has been around for a while now; the domain was...

Premium Porn Pictures Sites
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Andee Poses For A College Art Class

There weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...

Wife Lovers
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Andee Poses For A College Art Class

There weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...

Wife Lovers
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The Greatest Lie Chapter 13 Does Life Imitate Art

THE GREATEST LIE, CHAPTER 13 - Alexandra Rivers © [email protected] DOES LIFE IMITATE ART? I love technology, in spite of the stereotype about girls. Although I was a guy, at least outwardly, until a year ago, I think I was always inwardly a girl. According to the stereotype, we girls are supposed to be indifferent to anything more technical than the designer covers of our cell phones. Still, I just can't help myself: I enjoy mastering new technology. Even...

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Life time achievement with Aarthi

Hi friends …This is a real life incident which happened between me and my aunt Aarthi. My name is Kannan and I am 19 years old. I finished my 12th standard in Madurai and wanted to pursue a B.e degree. I thought that Chennai was the right place for it. I proposed the idea to my parents and they readily accepted. But they saw a problem in it. They didn’t want me to stay in a hostel since they felt that its not safe out there perhaps not conducive enough for me to study. At that moment, an idea...

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Art of Pleasure Ch 01

My name is Lynette Adler. I’m 26 and I live in New York City. I’m a curator at the Guggenheim Museum of Art. I love doing what I do and all, even though it has gotten kind of boring. My home life was also boring, my husband Derek, a Xerox salesperson, and I had a very large rift in our 6-year old marriage. All that plus my overprotective, overbearing mother lives with us. My life with my mother had been volatile since my father had died. He died when I was 13. I managed to do extremely well...

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The Most Beautiful Art

Normally trekking through an old growth oak forest would be the cat’s meow for me. After all, I am an ecology major just on the verge of graduation. The thought of graduation reminded me once again why I was here in these woods and my ire rose. Damn art requirement and damn counselor who had realized I was missing it! I hate art. I can’t even draw stick figures well for goodness sake. I had figured my safest route was a class called ‘Art in Nature’. I love nature…plus it was reported to be a...

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Art Part Two Ch 12

Art, part two. Ch. 12 Art gets an invite to the Manor House. Suzanne tried to call again several times, but it’s been quiet now for awhile so maybe she’s given up. I heard the front door slam and a moment later Lisa and Heidi came barging into the room. Lisa’s face is all red. She’s either pissed off or crying, probably both. ‘Damn it to hell, it’s none of their business.’ Heidi said, ‘You don’t have a choice. John Berger is only following your father’s orders. He needs this Barrington...

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Art Object

The first time that I saw Violet Gable was on a warm Saturday afternoon at the end of March, when I decided to sit in Mount Vernon Square and admire the weather, as well as the young women just out of their winter coats. Needless to say, I had no idea that she was named Violet Gable. I was fairly sure from looking at her that she was somewhere between 18 and 25 (20, I eventually found out), and that she was a student at the Art Institute since it was nearby and she was using a...

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Art Part Two Ch 09

Art, part two. Ch. 09 Dr. Lisa and Art find a possible new beginning for him. Suddenly Heidi said, ‘Well hello ‘Lees’, you’re late.’ Lisa from somewhere behind me said, ‘It doesn’t look like I was missed. Heidi, you and I need to talk.’ When I sat up the two women were looking at me, so I said, ‘OK, I’m out of here.’ What else was there for me to say? Then it dawned on me I was still naked, ‘Heidi, where are my clothes?’ ‘They’re up in my workshop. Grab one of my large T-shirts in the top...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Art CriticChapter 12 Exhibition

It’s largely up to the exhibitors as to what kind of event the BFA exhibition is. Les and I wisely chose to let the women decide. As a result, the two of us stood side-by-side in the guest bath downstairs as we worked on tying our formal bowties. I had to admire the way Les had filled out and matured over the three-plus years we’d been friends. When we first met, he was a scrawny, frightened kid trying not to be noticed amidst a school conflict. We were a lot alike. I remember thinking that...

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Art Object

The first time that I saw Violet Gable was on a warm Saturday afternoon at the end of March, when I decided to sit in Mount Vernon Square and admire the weather, as well as the young women just out of their winter coats. Needless to say , I had no idea that she was named Violet gable. I was fairly sure from looking at her that she was somewhere between 18 and 25 (20, I eventually found out), and that she was a student at the Art Institute since it was nearby and she was using a pencil and an...

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Art Class Interrupted

Phil sat in the waiting room with several other people. All seemed to be answering the want-ad in the student paper. 'Needed: 2 Models for Figure Drawing Class. Must be at least 18 and in good shape as classes may exceed 2 hours. Proof of age required. Payment: $50.00 per hour. Overtime for sessions over 2 hours. Classes meet Wed. and Fri., 3:00-5:00PM Apply in person at the Art Department main office Monday morning, 7:00AM. Swimwear or equivalent required.' An extra pair of C-notes a week...

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Art Part Two Ch 10

Art, part two. Ch. 10 Art has a frightening experience. Our next stop was a hair salon where apparently they had both male and female customers. A majority of the customers and attendant’s were little people. I don’t see the connection between height and hair, but maybe it’s just a matter of being more comfortable among their own. Lisa must have called ahead, because we’re led immediately to an open chair. Lisa went into a discussion about what she wanted for me and I was left out until the...

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My name is Selina, and I am a pupil at Hirstmere Hall, an expensive boarding school for girls, located in the rolling green countryside of southern England. I have just turned sixteen years old, and all my friends say I am as pretty as a doll. I have thick dark curly hair which falls to my shoulders, deep large brown eyes in a heart-shaped face, a clear pale complexion and pink rosebud lips. I am also quite petite – only five foot three inches tall, with a narrow waist and a slender body...

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Exhibtionists Art Class

Not my Story - RepostSummer of sexual debauchery for exhibitionistDuring my job as a nude male model for an art class at the local college, I realized I loved being naked in front of women. After each class, I would race home and jack off. As I stroked my cock, I would think off the many eyes that had devoured my naked body during the two hours I posed nude. I'm sure some women, judging by the way they had looked at me, would go home, think of me, and masturbate, or fuck their boyfriend or...

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Art History Class

For my first story, a experience that happened in my last year at school (before Uni). I was still a virgin at the time (17). Names have been changed, but it is based on true events which happened a long time ago. I have taken some poetic license but mostly it is true.I was sitting in a darken room with about 20 other students watching a projector slide show of 20th Century art. Our teacher Mrs Ingley, I suspect, was a bit of a sex addict, because she showed lots of nude pictures and painting...

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Edith Art Brian and Me

My wife and a male co-worker had become close at work, just good friends she said, but for some reason I didn't believe her. Edith had never before given me any reason not to trust her, but there was just something about that friendship of hers that didn't seem right to me. It took a while, but the friendship between her and the man started to affect our home life. One or two nights a week she would come home late from work and she never hid the fact that she had been with him, but she...

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Nikis New LifeChapter 10 Art class would never be the same

Niki slowly woke up, groggy, remembering slowly that she had been having a very erotic dream. She’d been on the school stage demonstrating her exercise routine, when suddenly the principal had bent her over, lifted her skirt, and began to fuck her in front of the whole school. She was so turned on (in the dream) she did not even wonder how that could happen. As she woke up, she realized her face was pressed down into the sheets of the bed, her hips were raised high, and Max was sliding his...

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Art CriticChapter 9 Left Out

“I’m looking forward to this little exhibition,” Lily Wells said. We were leading all the parents upstairs to our studio. Part of what we’d accomplished when our friends came over in the afternoon was to arrange our studio so that Mavis, Kendra, and I had artwork displayed. Annette and Susan had manuscripts sitting on opposite ends of the reading sofa. Morgan fired up her laptop with a sales graph for our work. I was happy to see that even some of Susan’s poetry had sold. “Ah, the scene of...

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The Art Show Part 1

There’s a man about our age, in his early 50s, sitting on his own at a table. He’s having a drink and reading a London tourist guide. Looking around for a place to sit in the crowded hotel bar, we approach him and I ask if we can share his table. “Please, be my guest,” he says and I go to order drinks while my wife sits and waits. At the bar, I turn to see them exchanging words but he’s not looking at her; he still has his head in the guide. When I return, I hear him say he’s an art tutor here...

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Angela and Martin p1 Martins session

Angela and Martin p1: Martin's Session "What the fuck are you doing?!?" Martin had just walked in on his sister, Angela, pissing. They lived with their mom in a three bedroom, two bathroom house. The two were less than pleased to share a bathroom while their mom got her own. Angela, who was 16, wanted to share with her ever since she started her menstrual cycle. Unfortunately, for her at least, Mom refused. She was forced to share a bathroom with her obnoxious,15 year old brother....

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The OConnell Chronicles One Mans Art

Untitled Document The Chronicles of Jerry O?ConnellThis is the second part of an intended chronicle detailing the works of a ratherunpleasant man by the name of Jerry O?Connell. ( the first part being ?The Objectof His Affection?) Jerry is a physician, of sorts, who deals in the art of women,modifying them to suit the needs of his clients. He has a long and sordid history,which should be detailed in future installments. Some installments of this chronicle,such as this, will feature Jerry as a...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Art CriticChapter 8 Judgment Day

Mavis lived in a house that was twice as big as ours in a gated community on the west side of the city. We were ten minutes later getting there than we planned and awestruck when we pulled into her big circular drive. Even in black and black, the structure seemed to have a southwestern charm that spoke of old wealth. I guess I’d never asked Mavis about her home and family. Too lost in her eyes. We were met at the door by Mavis, who threw her arms around each of us and gave us a kiss. It was...

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HQporner Art Porn

I like my pornos to be as dirty as possible, with sticky liquids everywhere, cumshots, facials, and all that crap. However, that does not mean that sometimes I do not like to sit down and enjoy classic pornographic scenes, or the ones that are called “artistic”. It all really depends on our mood, and I think everyone can agree on this with me. Sometimes I love to watch hardcore porn scenes with choking, spitting, and gagging, but then again, I also enjoy watching sensual and passionate...

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