Motherfuckers Anonymous free porn video

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(Heads Up: This story makes attempts at humor and fantasy with actions and attitudes the writer does not condone beyond the realm of fiction. Everyone is equal, and deserving of respect. This story for its part is often misogynistic, toxic, and a little fucked up.)

“What? You’re not serious.”

“I’m dead serious. I don’t care what my dad does anymore. It’s worth it. She’s worth it.”

“But... She’s your mom, dude.”

Outside on the patio dining area of Leonard’s Pizzeria three young graduates squandered yet another summer afternoon. Patrons sparsely filled the tables during the lunch rush while waitresses wandered around in their green skirts. Close to their table a single man in a hoodie and track pants appeared to be studying a newspaper while nursing a beer.

Summer had started. High school was over with. College was around the bend. For Jason, Forrest, and Eric the world was their oyster, and they toasted the future with thin slices of greasy pizza. The way they leaned together and spoke in hurried, hushed tones gave them an air of conspiracy.

Despite the future looming ahead, Jason wasn’t here today for toasts. He was like a man starving to death while staring at the feast. Last night he’d decided there was no pretending for him anymore. He was going to make his mother fall in love with him.

Now he’d just told his two closest friends. He was confiding in them again by telling them about his decision. He was alive with nervous energy, and his hands shook as he brushed them through his hair, agitated.

“I can’t go on any other way, Forrest,” he went on, “I feel terrible all day, like my soul has just been slurped out of me. I feel like I’m going to explode or die or burst into fire. She’s gorgeous, and makes me feel like I can do anything. The thought of being without her? It’s like I’m not alive. I’m in love with her, and I need your help you guys.”

Forrest, a tall, lanky boy with sympathetic eyes and messy blonde hair rubbed his temples.

“You ‘need’ us? We’ve been talking to you about this all year. Haven’t we, Eric?”

Eric, a short chubby kid with curly brown hair looked up from his coke, “Mhm,” he affirmed solemnly.

“I thought the plan was this,” Forrest spread his hands over their leftovers, “you were gonna sweat it out until you left for collage then try to fall in love with someone at university. This? This isn’t good for you, dude. It obviously sucks, but come on. It’s fucked up. And what about your dad’s company?”

“I don’t need it, and I don’t want it. That man has barely looked sideways at me since I was born. He doesn’t deserve her, and she deserves better.”

“Then you’re really going to try and... what?” Forrest pictured Jason and his mom walking down the street together, imagined people seeing them together. He remembered Jason’s father, and how clearly in love Jason’s parents were.

“Well, what?” Forrest demanded,” What are you gonna do? Just walk up and ask her to mini golf? ‘Hey, mom, I was thinking you and I could ditch dad and go run off together?’ Listen to me. You are going to go to jail, or get disowned, or get locked in the looney bin, Jason.”

Jason pursed his lips for a minute. This wasn’t going well, but he felt his heart heat as he seriously tried to come up with a plan. How to seduce his own mother?

He didn’t have one. That’s why he needed Forrest and Eric. Together they could figure something out. He’d seen his parents together. Knew the values they’d raised him with. What was he willing to do?

“I- I don’t know yet. But I’m going to go for it. And it’s going to happen. One way or another.”

Eric slurped his soda loudly.

“Come on, guys,” Jason pressed, refusing to back down, “You’ve been with me through it all. I’m telling you it’s possible. Hell, our moms are just women. Women like any other. If we can have anyone, then I bet we can have them too.”

Forrest’s eyebrows pressed together. Eric laughed. Loud.

“You say that like we’re not all still fucking virgins,” Eric scoffed.

“And here’s that cheesy bread.”

Eric started as one of the waitresses brought an extra appetizer Eric had been waiting for. They’d seen her before at school, her green eyes always sparkling icily behind sharp bangs. “Mikayla” her name tag read. She was short, but leggy and slim, and smiled wordlessly as she turned to go. It was unclear what she’d heard, but Eric’s eyes followed her as she left.

Forrest’s words were muffled because his face was in his hands, “I can’t... I just can’t believe what I’m hearing.”

Jason shook his head, “I’m telling you anyone could do it. I’ll prove it by myself if I have to.”

Forrest held his hands up, “Its almost over dude. Just this summer. I can see how you feel. If it was anyone else then, geez, we’d have gotten started a long time ago. God, I don’t get why you would think of getting with your own MOM of all people. Back me up here, Eric. Talk some sense into him, before his crazy does him in.”

Eric stared at them both for a minute as he sipped his empty drink. Then he set his cup down and took a breath.

“What if... it’s not crazy, Forrest?” Eric said at last.

Forrest and Jason both gaped at him.

“What... what do you mean!?” Forrest raised his voice by mistake. A few people glanced their way, but quickly got back to their own affairs.

“Whaddya mean what if it’s not crazy?” His whisper came out harsh and tight.

“I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and well... well you know we’ve never been lucky with the ladies, Forrest.”

Forrest scoffed, but it was true.

“What if... What if this is actually our one good shot at getting some real pussy before we go to collage?”

“No. Some real... Some real pussy? Our moms? What the fuck are you talking about, Eric? When did you suddenly become such a motherfucker?”

Eric blanched, “Uh, well the thing is... Something happened a couple weeks ago. It put this in a new perspective. I was sleeping in and, as I often do, decided to jerk one out to start the day.”

“Uhuh,” Jason and Forrest cocked an eyebrow, used to Eric’s candor.

“It wasn’t hard thinking of all those girls in their gowns at graduation. Imagine if they weren’t wearing anything underneath? But, man, that day I just felt extra depressed. I kept thinking that I just knew I couldn’t get close to any of them. So, there I am stroking my dick and pumping the covers like I’m inflating a tent and about to fucking cry at the same time when my mom suddenly bursts in without knocking or slowing down at all.

At first I’m freaked, but then she says, ‘Mi hijo, why is your room always such a mess?’ and just starts picking stuff up. She’s got this hamper under one arm and is just focused on getting my dirty laundry off the floor, so I figure I’m clear and I’m about to roll over in bed when suddenly I remember all our talks with Jason. So I got curious...”

Jason tilted his head.

“Huh?” Forrest said, “What did you do?”

“Nothing. I just thought I’d check out my mom a little. I’ve always known she was pretty, but I’d never really tried to look at her this way. Like could I actually play with those tits? That day she was still in her fucking pajamas and they were pressing up against her slip like crazy, like they were just about to spill out of it. Then she keeps bending over. She has a pretty trim waist, and her hips flare really dramatically. You’ve seen her. I ask myself, could I put my dick in that ass? I realize I’m feeling kinda fluttery thinking about my mom, and notice my cock has gone back to trying to pitch the tent. With her oblivious and right there, I grab my dick again. I realize my mom isn’t just pretty: She could be a pornstar and I’ve got a show going on right there in my bedroom.“

“You didn’t?” It was Forrest’s turn to blanche.

“I fucking did,” Eric grinned, “With her still in the room and showing off so much of her body without a clue, I started rubbing out again under the sheets. Fuck, her slip is short to start, man, I was already getting an eyeful. But she’s like 6’ 1” with these long golden legs, but like I said she keeps bending over at the waist and doesn’t notice her slip is sliding up. I’m watching her and taking her in like for the first time, and I’m seeing her whole ass. My cock is harder than it’s ever been. Her ass is actually perfect. It’s round and flawless and heart shaped and she was wearing these cute lacy pink panties. Before I know it my eyes are boring right into my mother’s panty clad muff trying to picture it. What’s it like wet? Could I squeeze inside of that thing? I’m thinking, ‘God, why the fuck not with a lethal body like that?’ Maybe Jason’s right, maybe a pussy is a pussy after all. Maybe it doesn’t matter that I came out of this one. Would she really be surprised if I pushed my cock back up inside of her? Maybe she’d actually like it?” Now I’m fucking polishing with greed at full speed, thinking it’s wrong and I’m going to hell because thinking of fucking my mom was way more intense than I thought it was going to be. I came harder than I ever thought I would watching her clean in the same friggin’ room with no fucking clue what a class A pervert her son was getting his rocks off on her. It was such a fucking mess. She said, ‘Now be a good boy, Lario, and don’t spend all day in bed,’and she left. And I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her since.”

Jason nodded slowly and Forrest cleared his throat and coughed. Their table was silent for a moment after that. It was then the Stranger sat down.

“That’s a pretty neat story, kid.”

The three friends nearly turned green as they all turned to look at the man. He might have been 35 or 40 years old, unshaven, and a little dirty looking. Jason recognized him by his clothes as the one who’d been reading a newspaper close by.

“Uh- Um... we were just-“

“Don’t worry, boy. I ain’t hear to lecture nor condemn. Name’s Roger. I just o’erheard your little problems jus now and, well, you three remind a bit of myself when I was yur age. Figured, mebbe y’all could use some guidance.”

His demeanor was oddly calming. He wasn’t gonna humiliate them by accusing them of being depraved perverts? Irredeemable scumbags? Inhuman freaks?


“I thought you said you weren’t here to lecture.”

“Oh I ain’t,” Roger said, “See now, way I see it, you wanna give your mum’s a good dicking? That’s fantastic. What better way to let her know you love her? Sounds like every son’s job ta me.”

Jason and Eric might have leaned forward a little at that. Forrest eyed the situation warily.

“But y’all are goin’ ‘bout this all wrong. See, lady’s a lady. Got that right, young squire,” Roger nodded at Jason, “But ya’ll hardly need a plan, or anything complicated like that.”

Jason raised a brow, “What are you getting at?”

“Wait, why should we listen to him? We don’t know anything about this guy.” Forrest gestured to Robert.

“Not true little rocket. Y’all know meh name after all,” Robert snorted a chuckle at his own joke.

“I want to hear what he has to say,” Jason said.

“Wise words, squire. I may not look like much but I know one thing or four, and that’s this. There’s a lady in every wide stretched cunt, and a cum addicted cock junkie in every lady. There’s a slut in every woman, just dying to break out. You just gotta spring her out. Or post her bail!” Robert chuckled again.

“Momma’s act all silly about coplatin’ with their sons, but deep down it’s what e’ry momma wants. They take pride in it ya know? Knowin they raised someone that can please her. And they’s always curious bout trying a dick they helped make after all. It’s as natural as that.”

“But, how do you... break this cage like you’re saying?” Eric asked slowly.

“Ya need three things. First, ya gotta stop actin the fool and be confeedent. Smile when ya see her, be decissive, and don’t be afraid to show her ya got what it takes to give ‘er what she needs and take care of her. Protect her from men who ain’t worthy o her, buy her presents, uhh... keep the lights on and food in the ice box that sort of stuff.”

“Second, be suggestive. Momma’s want they sons to dick ‘em, and remind them o that. Do physical things that show her she wants you. Get closer to her than ya do now. Y’all talk dirty to her once in awhile. Make it clear you’re a warm and available dick, and you’re there for her when she needs ya.”

“Why are we listening-“

“Sh!” Eric told Forrest to shut up.

“Third,” Roger continued, “Ya gotta have a big ol’ fuckstick.”

Jason, Eric, and Forrest were all confused.

“Ya know? Big in the breeches? Packing? Hung like a stallion?”

It clicked, “Ohhhhhhh....” they all nodded in unison.

Robert laughed a wheezing drunken laugh, “I guess by yer reactionin you’re nervous bout that part. Here.”

Robert took a napkin and wrote an address on it. Then left it on the table.

“There’s a friend I’m seein’ here in town can help with dat. A real miracle worker. Let her know ol’ Robert sent ya.”

Jason picked up the napkin. He’d never been to that part of Sunnyvale before. The Stranger let them all sit in the sound of Leonard’s a moment. Somewhere in chorus of business and conversation Jason thought he could almost hear a siren.

“Whelp, I best be goin,”


Eric winked, “I think we’ll help each other, pal.”

“Waaait wait wait wait. This is SO fucking wrong. It’s INCEST. You’re both gonna just boink your moms? Is that it?”

Eric shrugged with his mouth full. He’d started on his bread, “We can figure it out. Ive decided I thingk there’sh something to what Jashon has in mind... Soo, yeah I guess so.”

Jason was stunned. Part of him had never believed he’d get this far, but this was exactly what he needed. Eric could keep him from losing his nerve, and they could put their heads together and figure this out. He knew it. He could be with his mom. He could be with April.

He let out a breath, “I don’t know how to say thank you, Eric. If your mom’s the one you want then of course I’ll back you up.”

“Fuck yeah! That wet milf pussy is ours!”

Jason cringed a little at Eric’s turn of phrase. Eric was talking about his mom too after all. He high fived him anyway.

“I can’t believe I’m hearing this,” Forrest ran a pasty hand through his hair, “You’re both fucking freaks. I could never think of doing something like this to my mom.”

“Well, maybe you should, Forrest,” Eric said flatly.


“Do you wanna be a virgin on your wedding night? Fumblin around without a clue? Your mom works all the time with no one around and really thinks a lot of you. You’ve got the best in of any, dude! And she could probably show you some stuff that-”

“You stop talking about my mom like that, Eric,” Forrest was really embarrassed by this conversation, then he flushed when he realized an erection was stirring in his own jeans.

“What? Your mom is like, a total bombshell, dude. Everyone knows that.”

Forrest started to panic as he felt himself become fully erect.

“I swear, Eric, if you don’t stop talking I’m gonna do something I regret.”

“Okay, okay! Just sayin.”

“Well stop it! You’re both crazy. I’m out of here.”

“And what are you gonna do? Jerk off all day by yourself?”

Forrest kept quiet as he turned his back on his friends, and left while meekly trying to hide the erection in his jeans.

Jason watched him go.

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Lets be honest, a large majority of men have imagined fucking their own mother. Very few of these guys allow this secret desire to be known by anybody else. And even less number of sons can concoct a scheme that replaces his right hand with moms mouth.Speaking honestly, ladies if you have a son and he has hair on his balls, his dick will gets hard if he thinks of fucking you. If he sees you naked enough times, masturbation will not fulfill his lust for you and he will spend a life time dreaming...

1 year ago
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I had some time to kill. So, I decided to go to a nearby adult store to have a look around. I had been there before. I wandered around and checked out the different items there. I had a look at the movies on DVD. The usual things a guy does in a place like this. And, I noticed they had an arcade. So, I bought some tokens and wandered on in. It took a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to the subdued lighting. There were several short hallways with doors on either side. It was at this point that...

4 years ago
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I had some time to kill. So, I decided to go to a nearby adult store to have a look around. I had been there before. I wandered around and checked out the different items there. I had a look at the movies on DVD. The usual things a guy does in a place like this. And, I noticed they had an arcade. So, I bought some tokens and wandered on in. It took a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to the subdued lighting. There were several short hallways with doors on either side. It was at this point that...

First Time
3 years ago
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Motherfucked by curiosity

I was always a shy kid. So having girlfriends was out of question. I was so shy that when I heard my classmates joke about hand practice I would fucking blush. Without knowing what it meant. One day a friend said just grab hold of your dick and rub it from top to bottom. It will harden. After some time you will feel funny. And something will come out. Fuck that was never so. I nearly hurt my dick by rubbing it for an hour. And God only knows if anything came out. Such was the level of my sexual...

2 years ago
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My Wife Is Beginning To Get It

If you have seen my profile or read my previous story, you know I am eager to experience a threesome or foursome with my wife. Hell, I would be happy to share a twosome more often with her. She has always told me that the most sexually exciting experiences she's ever had, were one-night stands before we met. Something about the novelty of the situation and not knowing the person gave her sexual freedom. She becomes much more sexual when we travel and we experience much more sex when we are in...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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I open the front door expecting an empty house. As I walk to the bottom of the stairs Ican hear soft moaning comeing from one of the bedrooms. I know that no ones supposed to be home so whos in. Hopefully the wife is having a play with her toys and I can catch her in the act, maybe she will have a play with me watching and wanking and then let me join her.I creep up the stairs hoping to catch her , when I hear a strange voice saying " you like my fingers inside you baby"Oh my god shes got...

3 years ago
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The Neighbourhood 03 20220615 Winns History

Your opinions matter, so comments with your thoughts are welcome. Constructive advice preferred, of course. Each chapter is labelled with the themes in that chapter. There are a lot of other themes to this tale as the chapters progress, including: anal, BDSM, blowjob, BDSM, bondage and restriction, cheating, discipline, domination/submission, first time, group, humiliation, incest, lesbian, oral sex, pregnant, romance, teen, threesome, toys, voyeurism, virginity, wife, young. XNXX doesn't...

1 year ago
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Taking Help to my 18 yearold Friend a Stage Further

I lay there beside Lori, still with my prick inside her little blue cotton knickers and her hot wet pussy till she slowly opened her eyes and groaned, "Fuck, Adam, that was out of this world - you almost drove me wild when you put your prick inside the leg of my knickers and into my hot wet little pussy then, when you came inside me, that was it.""So you liked it then, Lori?" I asked, gently easing my prick first out of her pussy then her knickers, "You liked having my prick inside you like...

4 years ago
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Statisfying chachi craving for years

Hi friends this is nishant 5,8’’ good physique and 8” cock, i am a big reader of iss and now a writer friends let me tell you my first sex’s story which i had with my chachi preeti(5,5’’ 32-24-3529yrs). I am a 12 th class student studying in science stream, and my aunt is a 29 yrs/ 4 yrs married craving for sex ,women , let me first put the base of this story 3 yrs ago when my aunt was pregnant, one day my uncle came home drunk and on some topic they started fighting and the fight went a kinda...

2 years ago
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Webslut Part 1 5

I'm not the author of this story! But I loved the story and loves to do this to a real slut some day! I hope you will enjoy the story as much as I did!Part 01Madison Kendall Holt sat on her bed with her phone in hand, thumb hovering over the "submit" button. Her heart was pounding with excitement and terror at the prospect of actually pressing it. Thoughts were racing through her mind as her left hand slowly crept down her pajama shorts and stroked her eager, throbbing pussy. "I can't believe...

1 year ago
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Okaerinasai Goshujinsama

“Tonight,” I say with a promise sealed with a kiss on your lips before straightening to tuck my shirt into my slacks. Tonight, I’ll make up to you for last night. For getting home late and making you feel neglected. You pout and tug at my shirt, pulling it from my waistband. I smile, stroking my thumb against your cheek, then turn and walk out the door so I’m not late. You are quiet all day. Even at lunch, when you usually call to make sure I’m eating, you barely speak. You seem distracted. So,...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Gym Girls Are Easy

You step off the bus in front of the gym. Still wearing the same skimpy workout outfit you had on after hooking up here yesterday afternoon, you palm the small key to your locker where your gym bag is waiting for you. Although you're lean and trim, and have a spectacular ass, your breasts look a little smallish for C cups in this sports bra / tank top combo. It's nice to show a lot of skin, but it's not terrifically flattering. Except for your butt. You're on your woefully short summer vacation...

3 years ago
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The JAG Crew Gets It OnChapter 9

Harriet Roberts was standing there beside Admiral A.J. Chegwidden's office desk and she finally started talking and asked him something that she'd never imagined before she'd be able to say to him. "A.J," Harriet stammered out, knowing how bizarre it was that she was on a first name basis with her boss, a Navy admiral, but even more how bizarre it was that she was about to ask him to father a baby with her. "Please just hear me out and then you can respond. I want you to fuck me and...

3 years ago
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The Republic Of Fear

Note to reader: This story follows the fortunes of Roya Ismailov, whose father Hossein Ismailov, is the absolute dictator of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Roya is his eldest and most feared daughter with an appetite for violence and sex. She’s a businesswoman, criminal, fashion model, singer and holds the office for oil and gas within the government. She holds rank within military intelligence and is privy to state secrets and has ambitions of succeeding her father upon his demise. Beautiful,...

3 years ago
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A Hard Days Shopping

A Hard Days Shopping. Part 1 It had an amazing day, so relaxing! We spent our time over a leisurely lunch, chatting and laughing as only two good friends can. Then the afternoon was spent shopping. Some lingerie from a small shop, that had raised no eye brows at two `girls' giggling over sexy underwear. Some stockings, dark and sheer. A lacy matching pair of boy shorts, bra and suspender belt. From Next you helped me select a dress; one you felt that would show my figure of in a way...

2 years ago
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College Stories 3

Annie and I decided to meet up later that night after dinner and hit a movie. As I went though the line at dinner, I could see her working in back of the cafeteria. She had to wear the most unflattering outfits in the cooking area with a hair net holding up her long straight blonde hair. It normally hung to just about the arch in her back. Even with the crummy outfit on, I was growing hard staring at her. She started laughing as she saw me gawking and people passing me up in line...I...

3 years ago
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Arbeiten kann hart sein in der Villa der Lust

Ronda hatte die Nase gestrichen voll. Der deutsche Beamte hatte ihr unmissverständlich klar gemacht, das ihre Deutschkenntnisse nicht ausreichten. Wieder einmal hatte sie die Stelle nicht bekommen und langsam wurde es finanziell knapp. Seit ihrer Ankunft aus Afrika vor gut drei Monaten, versuchte sie sich anzupassen. Ihre Sprachkenntnisse waren noch sehr schlecht, aber sie war lernbegierig und hatte gehofft, das sie wie ihre 23 jährige Schwester Sidan, die knapp vier Jahre älter war und schon...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Sophie Anderson She Takes Two Big Black Dicks

Hot tattoo model Sophie Anderson takes two big black dicks in today’s XXX premium hardcore threesome by DDF Network. The leggy curvy businesswoman gets laid by Antonio Black and Mr. Longwood in this epic MMF fuck, packed with intense cock sucking, impressive anal gapes and hardcore ass to mouth action! See her big tits being sucked on and squeezed hard by the two painters who soon take their brushes out of their pants to paint her big boobs with white sperm! After some multi-dick sucking...

1 year ago
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Maspalomas Nude Beach

We have just returned from a holiday in Maspalomas. What a place. In the sand dunes all sorts of sex acts take place. This story relates to an incident that happened on the nudist beach.We were staying in Meloneras close to the lighthouse. Our hotel had a great view of the sand dunes. From the balcony of our hotel you could see many sexual encounters taking place. It was very horny to be able to sit and watch people having sex from a distance without them knowing they were being watched.Those...

3 years ago
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Sex goes viral

I stared over my laptop at my mirror. While Joe, my boss, quietly read my report, I stared at my new haircut. Hmmm. I'd had the same style since I was a child. Straight to the shoulders, no bangs, probably the average haircut for a first generation Korean-American overachiever. To celebrate my 30th birthday, however, I'd chopped it. Pixie style. Still dutiful and straight, but with product and effort, it can get wild. I like to think I’m like my hair. A quick knock, and in walked Sarah, my...

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PE Teacherrsquos Physical Part 1

Keith Wilson was 47, married with 2 sons at University, and the PE Teacher at the local school and it was time for a full physical examination. He went about my normal day and headed for the gym about 4:30pm to meet the Doctor. The local doctor was Mike Hardy, a married man in his late thirties with short cropped brown hair and a beard, who had come home to join his father's medical practice after he had finished medical school and working in a city hospital.He was waiting outside the gym main...

4 years ago
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My Wifes Unusual Sex Life

I married my High School sweetheart when we were in our early 20's. We had been dating since we were in our mid-teens, and while we occasionally did some heavy petting, she wanted to "save" herself and the most I was able to do was play with her tits. While in the Army I had lots of sex with women, an occasional shemale, and I couldn't wait until I was able to fuck my long-time girlfriend. She also seemed primed for a lot of fucking and talked a lot about finally "doing it" once we were...

4 years ago
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King Cock PT4 GayMaker

Eddie came home a couple hours later. He had just witnessed me shooting a load on his girlfriend's face and he was still furious! "How could you cum on Kim's face like that? You know she's my girlfriend!" he growled madly. "You come out last week in your towel and drop it for us to see your giant cock and you show us how big it gets. Who does that? Who hauls out their dick when he just meets someone? I don't care how big it gets. That is just wrong!" Eddie yells. "You're a fucking trip!"Eddie...

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Given by the Campfire

In my third year of college, I started developing a crush on Martin, a guy who was rather shy. He was skinny, with glasses and plain hair that was a bit thin. Even though he wasn't my usual type, with each passing day in psychology class, I came to appreciate more and more how smart he was, and that he actually had quite an interesting personality. After class, we had conversations that spanned over topics about his ant farm, his ability to speak two foreign languages, computers, even weight...

Group Sex
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Huge Dicks Tiny Chicks

I’m a sucker for small chicks. If you manage to find a petite babe for me who wants to fuck, I will never turn down that offer. In fact, as long as she doesn’t look like garbage, she doesn’t even have to have a huge ass or nice tits. I like it when they have a cute face, and that’s about it. The reason why I like tiny chicks so much is that my huge cock is such a contrast to them. And if you’re the type of dude who likes punishing small girls with your huge dick, then you’re going to love...

Reddit NSFW List
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Balthazar Mf M solo Exhib Voyeur Inc

I had just moved to a new town and was out jogging a hot Saturday afternoon when, by pure chance, I saw him. I was wearing just shorts and trainers, running along the woods at the back of a nice looking neighbourhood and he was standing on his balcony about 50 yards of where I was. He was black, tall and heavy set without being fat.And he was naked.Not only was he naked but he was masturbating. Surprised, I stopped dead in my tracks looking at him while one hand flew up and down his thick, hard...

2 years ago
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New kind of Vacation

So there I was your classic stressed out, need a vacation workaholic. I never listened or joined my friends on their splurges for vacations. Then I couldn’t help it. I was always listening to my friends talk about how fun it was and relaxing and the men they got to play with when away from home. So when the next opportunity came up to go away for yet another group trip I shocked them all by agreeing to go. The offer was always there I just had never takin it. The next thing I knew me and...

1 year ago
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BlackAmbush River Lynn 07102021

“You see that? That’s cornbread and palates there. I’m going to fuck that and right there’s were my dick is going to be. I’m going to fuck that,” states ISIAH the stud to the MAX as he gazes in awe of today’s ambushee. WELL put. Very WELL put my man. I kind of wish I was putting my dick right in there as well because River Lynn is one fine piece of ass and I’m sure as fuck thinking everyone watching this is wishing the same. So you guessed it and River is fresh off her first ever sex on camera...

3 years ago
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Gorean Diary

Gorean Diary  Gorean Diary I smiled as I walked into the room.? My unit had seized power in the city less than 2 months ago when our slave revolt found some unexpected allies.? We ?Fighting Slaves? were the instigators of the revolution.? We seized control of the Kings Castle in a lightning strike, throwing the King and other rulers into the dungeon where they belonged.? We fully expected to fight, probably to the death when the praetorian guardsmen counterattacked from their bases...

1 year ago
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Teresa Scalia Riot in the Ring

Mark Anderson and Dominic Scalia were meeting in Dominic's office planning a major fundraiser for their Men's Club. The club was providing financial assistance and support to construct a new recreation facility for the youth of their city. The event, catering to the more affluent male population, was to be a night of boxing followed by an auction of donated items. The donations ranged from restaurant gift certificates, auto service coupons, and works of art, up to the grand prize of a 10 day...

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