The Bookstore, Ch. 8 free porn video

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Marie felt wretched. While he was gone, it had been easy to nurture her feelings of resentment towards him for leaving her alone all day, tied up and bored, and suffering acutely from her unsatisfied lust. As the long day had worn on, her jaw aching more by the hour, her stomach growling, her body cold and bruised and her head more often than not in one of his toilets, Marie's frustration had grown and grown. She'd even started to feel like she was justified in snooping around in his study. After all, she'd given up her whole weekend for him and he hadn't even seen fit to stay at home!

Marie hadn't been able to form any kind of resolve about how she was going to behave when her Master came home, other than the vague idea that she certainly deserved some attention from him and would be prepared to communicate just that if she didn't get any. But her resolution wavered the second she sensed him in the bathroom. He'd startled her, standing there so quietly while she worked, squashed up against the toilet for all the world as if she were embracing it. She'd dropped the cleaning brush and it had splashed her, and just like that, she was at a disadvantage. As usual.

As she'd struggled to kneel the way he liked, Marie tried to cope with the confusing riot of emotions that she was feeling. On the one hand, she was still mad at him, anxious to show him that she didn't appreciate his leaving her; on the other, his presence overwhelmed her, intruded even on her carefully nourished anger, and all her instincts were screaming at her to throw herself at his feet and show him her joy and relief that he'd returned. Her desire to have her suffering acknowledged by him warred with the desire to suffer still more, to do anything he wanted as long as he would smile at her and tell her she was a good girl. She could feel him studying her and trembled. Her urge to grovel grew stronger as he approached her, overpowering her with his presence, torturing her with suspense. As he gripped her chin and raised her face to look in her eyes, Marie had panicked, terrified he'd be able to see her every disloyal, petulant thought, and then she had made the terrible choice to show him her anger.

How quickly he'd put her in her place, she thought miserably now. In truth, he'd had all the power from the moment he'd come into the bathroom, had controlled her more efficiently with just his presence than his chains had been able to do throughout the long day. He stood before her and her body shook with the desire to kneel; he humiliated her and she craved his approval beyond every other need. She had tried defiance just this once, confronting him with nothing more than the look in her eyes, and his reaction had been immediate, painful and devastatingly effective. Marie had realized again, with excruciating clarity, that her attitude was still all wrong. It was her privilege to be allowed to spend the weekend with him, her undeserved honor that he was willing to teach her. After all, she hadn't been a very good slave...

She clung to his ankles, her forehead resting on his feet, trying to control her sobs and hoping against hope that her obvious contrition would mollify his displeasure with her. At long last, he spoke.

"You're getting toilet-water all over my shoes."

The mildness of his tone, with its bare hint of amusement, filled her with such relief and delight that Marie felt like scampering around the bathroom and wagging her tail like the good little doggie she wanted to be for him. But she made herself hold perfectly still for a moment, then slowly raised her face to his again and, trying very hard not to smile, said, "I'm sorry, Master."

Yes! His expression was now one of bemused affection; he was no longer angry with her! Oh, thank God.

He grabbed a hand-towel from a nearby rack, roughly dried her face and hair with it then threw it down on the floor beside her. Marie knew he was expecting her to use it to dry his shoes.

Instead she once more lowered her head...and began licking them clean.

It didn't take long—less than a minute—to complete the task, but something about it, the complete and utter abasement of kneeling at his feet, naked and in chains, licking toilet water from his shoes, was setting her on fire. She had no time to analyze it—all she knew was she had to have his cock in her mouth—now.

She sat up. Her eyes flickered up to him once—he was frowning down at her, but not angrily. He seemed intent, as if he was trying to guess at her thoughts. Feeling suddenly sure of herself, Marie leaned forward and placed a kiss on the front of his pants where his erection strained against the fabric. She nuzzled her cheek there and looked up at him again, holding his gaze this time. "Please, Master," she said, "may I suck your cock?"

They were both a little stunned. Marie couldn't believe how strong and confident her voice had sounded. Her pussy flooded with moisture at the sound of the words; her eyes sparkled with excitement. Even though he'd just spanked her, even though her hair was wet with toilet water and she was naked and chained, this felt right.

As for her Master, he couldn't get his pants open fast enough. He'd think about what her behavior meant in a few minutes—right now, he focused on Marie's hot, talented little mouth as she bent to her work. Good God, it felt like she was trying to swallow him whole!

Marie was overtaken by a strange sort of frenzy. It was as if she couldn't get enough of his cock in her mouth. Her captive hands reached for his balls and her fingers lifted them, rubbed them, and squeezed them gently all the while her face was pressed against his groin, her throat full of him. She massaged the spot below his balls and her tongue went into overdrive on his shaft.

This was one time he wasn't worried about coming too soon. He thought he was going to die of pleasure... He lost control as he came, grabbing her head and thrusting himself violently down her throat. She swallowed gamely, and when he finally opened his eyes, still breathing hard, she was kneeling there smiling at him.

He could hardly believe it. She had just begged to be allowed to pleasure him. She'd begged him before, to gain her own pleasure or because he'd ordered her to, but this was different. He'd never have expected her to reach this stage of submission so soon. And he knew she'd been sincere. Even now, she was still grinning like he'd just given her a present.

What was it about this girl that she'd gotten under his skin so fast? To be truthful, he'd come home earlier than he'd planned, anxious to see how his little slave had fared in his absence. He'd had to conceal a hard-on quite a few times throughout the day, every time he pictured her humping his fingers as she had this morning or the desperate, pleading look on her face when she realized he was going to leave her bound and frustrated. What a homecoming he'd gotten! And they still had all evening to spend together before he really ought to be getting her back to campus. They'd eat first—and then he had a few things he wanted to try.

Her Master hadn't said anything, and he'd only given her the briefest of smiles, but Marie knew he was pleased with her. She tensed just a little as he reached down and hauled her to her feet—grabbing her elbow this time, instead of her hair—surely that was a good sign. He tossed her over his shoulder into a fireman's carry and headed for the stairs. Marie felt a little panicky as she realized that, with her hands bound by her neck, she had no way to break her fall if he dropped her, but his grip was firm and the feeling subsided. Now, as he entered the kitchen—the scene of her imprudence that morning—she just had to worry about what he would do with her next.

It seemed that they had both learned a lesson from that morning's encounter: when they reached the kitchen table he simply put her down next to his chair, lifting the table leg to secure the end of her leash as she took her kneeling pose. He said not one word to her about cooking, and Marie allowed herself a small grin as she watched him preparing dinner.

It was a simple meal; he steamed some rice and sautéed a few chopped vegetables, tossing in some bits of cold chicken from the refrigerator. But he added spices like a master chef--a pinch of one, a sprinkle of another, tasting and nodding to himself. The air began to fill with a deliciously complex aroma and Marie was forcefully reminded that she'd had nothing to eat since breakfast, unless she counted her Master's come. If she still had her ball-gag on, she knew, she'd be drooling all over herself. As it was she simply swallowed hard, kept her position tight and her attention on him, hoping that her stomach wouldn't gurgle and embarrass her as it had that morning.

Yet even though she was famished, not to mention ragingly horny, she became aware that underlying all the physical and emotional turbulence lay a very unfamiliar sensation: serenity. Her needs were no longer her concern—her Master would take care of them in due time, and that's all she needed to know. She felt a contented smile creep across her face.

Her smile only widened when she saw him reach down into a cabinet next to the stove and bring out a shining aluminum dog bowl. She knew it was for her, and she brushed away the troublesome thought that it already been there and not purchased especially for her. Maybe he used to have a dog. Or, she would not think about that. This moment—now—was all there needed to be.

She gave him her most loving smile as he set the bowl, filled to the brim with steaming food, on the floor beside her before setting his plate on the table. She followed him with her eyes and then her body, shuffling around on her knees to remain facing towards him as he pulled out his chair and sat. She gave not the slightest glance to her bowl of food—it was not hers until he said it was.

When he was settled in place he turned to look at her, and to Marie it was obvious that he was pleased with what he saw: that his slave was simply waiting, giving him her complete and silent attention. He actually beamed at her and caressed the side of her face with his hand, and Marie felt as though she would melt with happiness. After a moment he withdrew his hand and said, "You must be starving, princess. Please go ahead."

"Thank you, Master," Marie replied, wishing she could kiss him just then. She turned away and bent down to her bowl...and was quite pleased to discover that he had placed it so that while she ate she would be displaying her upraised ass and pussy for his pleasure. She began to eat.

Marie's hands had reached out automatically to steady herself as she bent over the dog bowl, only to be jerked back by the chains holding them to her collar. She was suddenly mindful of her discomfort again. She hadn't been able to straighten her arms for hours, now, and the urge to stretch her elbows was driving her crazy. Marie tried to focus on the food, which was fragrant and delicious and which she was eating way too fast, but her mind kept wandering. Would he let her spend the night again? She could get all her homework done tomorrow, if she was diligent, and it would be totally worth it if he'd fuck her again tonight, and hold her like he had last night as she fell asleep.

Before she knew it, Marie found herself licking the bowl clean. She'd scarfed her dinner down with undignified haste, and blushed rosily as she realized her Master had probably only taken a few civilized bites by now. She really was just like his pet. Well, in for a pound...Marie thought, and shuffled on her knees over to his chair to lay her head on his knee. She held her breath, hoping for some sign of approval from him, and sure enough, a moment later she felt his hand resting lightly on her head. Another moment passed, and he stroked her hair. Marie felt her chest expand with happiness.

Several minutes later, he gently tugged on her hair to get her to sit up. He held a glass of water for her while she drank, waiting until she had finished it. He, she saw, was drinking from an expensive-looking bottle of red wine. A few more minutes passed while he savored his wine, then he stood and retrieved a clean dishcloth, wet it, and came back to clean Marie's face. She blushed anew. She certainly hadn't been worried about keeping her face clean while she ate, she realized now. She was vaguely surprised that he did it silently, making no attempt to humiliate her further. Was that because he had more challenges in store for her later this evening?

Marie watched as her Master performed only the most rudimentary clean-up of the kitchen. Leaving the dishes for later didn't seem like his style, and she smiled to herself, imagining that he was in a hurry to play some more with her—his toy.

She wasn't far off, if she'd known it. The impromptu blow-job in the bathroom might as well have never happened for all the difference it made to his cock, which was again hard as a rock. He deliberately kept the wine bottle in one hand while he freed Marie's leash from the table leg and led her into the living room. He knew from experience that if he had a few more swallows he'd be able to last a lot longer, and he definitely wanted to drag this next experience out as long as possible.

Leaving Marie kneeling in front of his oversized armchair, he set the wine down on the end table there and went upstairs to get a few supplies. He was pleased to see, on his way back down, that her eyes hadn't strayed from the stairway; she was avidly watching for his return. The apprehension in her gaze was adorable, and as he sat in the chair in front of her he took a moment just to look her over. Then he leaned forward and unlocked the chains at her wrists.

He watched her eyes fill with tears as she tried, with excruciating slowness, to straighten her arms for the first time in hours. He let her struggle for a moment, then he reached for her hands, saying, "It's easier if you do it all at once"—and yanked her arms straight before she could react.

Marie gasped, but as the blood flowed freely into her stiff joints, she saw that he was right. She flexed her arms for a few minutes, unable to keep back a sigh of pleasure as the pain and stiffness eased.

She wasn't going to be relieved for long. "Turn around," he ordered suddenly, "and give me your hands." She obeyed, turning her back to him and holding her hands behind her. He cuffed them together, then used a leather cinch he'd brought down on her upper arms just above her elbows, pulling it tight and watching her shoulder blades point out and her back arch, hearing her gasp. He bent to unlock the short chain between her ankles then said, "Face me."

Perfect. His little pet, arching her back to relieve the strain on her arms, looked as if she were presenting her tits for his pleasure. He was also surprised and pleased to see that she'd spread her knees apart after he'd unlocked them, and he could already see the telltale sheen of moisture on her pussy. She was panting, but whether it was from arousal or the pain in her bound arms he couldn't tell. He leaned back in the chair and took a sip of wine, then said, "What did you think about today, Princess?"

Her eyes flickered up to his--then she lowered them modestly. "I missed you, Sir," she said quietly.

He wasn't going to let her off the hook that easily. "And did you like cleaning the house for me?"

Marie only debated for a second—he'd know if she lied, she reasoned—but she couldn't look at him.. "No, Sir."

"Why not?"

"It was—I was bored, Sir," she stammered. He could tell she wanted to add something, so he waited. "But—but I'll be happy to do it again, Sir, if you let me."

"Why is that, Princess?"

"Because I like...obeying your orders, Sir." Her voice nearly died at the end of her reply, but he was satisfied. This must be the result of the epiphany she'd seemed to have in the bathroom earlier. Unquestionably, she'd been angry with him before he came home, but now she seemed to have come to a better understanding, and acceptance, of her role as his pet—all on her own. However, it couldn't hurt to give her some additional encouragement.

"And I like giving them to you, pet," he said, smiling at her. "You did very well today."

He watched her face glow with happiness for a moment, then he brought out the nipple clamps. These were a different pair than the one she'd worn last night; they had a gentler bite, but came adorned with tacky pink plastic hearts that dangled on a thin, short chain about an inch and a half long. Remembering her face as she'd looked at the purple, heart-shaped paddle in the store, he guessed that wearing these would humiliate his princess more than wearing the plain ones had. Indeed, she looked chagrined at the sight of them, but bravely maintained her posture, her chest still thrust towards him invitingly. He took advantage of that for a few minutes, fondling and teasing, and she didn't flinch from him even when he twisted and pulled her nipples, although she winced and whimpered a little. He even slapped her breasts a few times, noting that they were just large enough to bounce when he did it. This was going to be great.

Her face flamed as he attached the clips and she felt the dangling hearts brushing against the underside of her breasts. He thought he'd never get tired of seeing that blush. He jiggled her breasts, just to rub it in a little, then very deliberately removed his pants and boxers and leaned back in the chair. Her eyes went wide at the sight of his fully-erect cock, and she actually licked her lips, making him want to laugh. "Climb on, princess," he said, some of his amusement leaking into his voice. 

She looked at him like she wasn't sure he was serious, then stood up eagerly and way too fast. She teetered for a moment, throwing one foot behind her to catch her balance, then more carefully moved toward his chair. He helped her, reaching for her waist and settling her over his lap, her knees balanced on the chair's seat on either side of him. There was plenty of room for her legs on the wide seat, and she looked down into his face as she hovered there, leaning forward slightly to keep her balance. Her pussy, visibly wet, was mere inches from his upthrust cock, and they were both breathing heavily already. "Two rules, Princess," he said, his voice rough with arousal. "First, you can come as much as you want—but you have to tell me, every time. Second, I want to see these—" he flicked the dangling hearts on her nipple clamps "—in motion. If they stop moving, we're done. And, Princess, break either rule, and I will punish you."

He watched her shudder with desire at his words. "Yes, Master," she said, her voice as hoarse as his. He gripped her hips and helped her lower herself onto him, inch by pleasurable inch. As their hips finally met, he felt her grinding against him, finally stimulating her clit, which had been aching all day to be touched. But, mindful of rule number two, she didn't linger there, but started to ride him, rising up on her knees, then sinking down and taking his whole length again. It was hard, because with her hands bound behind her, she could rely only on her leg muscles both for balance and to move over him. Her tummy muscles clenched with her efforts to keep upright and not tip forward or backward.

She'd only humped him twice when she suddenly threw her head back, moaning, "Oh, oh God, Sir, I'm going to come!" Her cry ended on a gasp and he felt her clench on him, felt the rush of moisture where their bodies were joined, and it took all his self-control not to come himself. "Keep fucking me—keep going, Princess," he rasped, restraining himself from grabbing her hips and setting his own rhythm. She started humping him furiously as she rode out her orgasm, her head back and her mouth open, and he watched a fiery blush spread over her face and down her chest. She didn't seem to be breathing, but just as he was going to intervene, she sucked in a huge breath of air and slowed down slightly.

The slower speed was almost better. He could have sworn she was clenching on him each time she rose up, her pussy squeezing every inch of him as if it were afraid to let go. He had no idea if she was doing it on purpose or not, but that, combined with the sight of the clamps bouncing on her chest, had him close to coming again within a few seconds. He couldn't resist reaching up to pull on the clamps, and that set her off again, and as she started to come she cried, "Sir, oh, I can't help it, I'm com—" Again, she lost the end of her sentence as her whole body tensed in rapture. It lasted even longer this time, and when it finally stopped he was gripping the arms of the chair in a desperate attempt to hold back his own orgasm.

She didn't slow this time, but continued to fuck him rhythmically, at an almost frantic pace. She was putting all she had into it, slamming her pelvis down onto him with each thrust. Her whole body was covered with a sheen of sweat and her face was beet red. Her thighs must have been burning by now, but she obviously had more in her. He wondered what some dirty talk would do to her, so he tried it, growling, "Oh, yeah, fuck me, you horny little cunt! You can't help yourself, can you? Such a dirty slut!"

It worked—she howled as she started to come again, just barely managing to gasp out, "Com—coming!" before her pussy contracted like a vise. He felt her squirting again and suddenly couldn't help himself any longer. He grabbed her hips and started slamming her down onto his cock himself, grunting as he neared his climax. She had recovered somewhat and tried to urge him on, saying, "Yes, Master, I'm your dirty slut!"—and then she felt his hot load filling her, and lost herself again. He might not have seen it, so lost was he in the throes of orgasm, but that she lost her balance, tipping backwards as she closed her eyes against the surprising onslaught of pleasure. He had to quickly shift his grip to keep her upright, and even as he experienced his final shudders of pleasure, he was thinking of how much he'd enjoy teaching his slave a lesson about breaking the rules.

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Caught At A XXX Bookstore

With the invention of the internet, you don’t see to many adult bookstores anymore and the ones you do see and nearly empty. Why leave the comfort of your home when you can download endless quantities of porn for free. I still go once in a while to pick up a new magazine or buy some lube. I just turned 19 years old and like most young guys I had a hard-on that wouldn't stop no matter how much I jacked off. So today I decided to visit a new bookstore because the one I used frequent closed about...

1 year ago
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The second night beyond the bookstore

I woke up Saturday morning still wearing my lace panties, bra, breast forms, and thigh high stockings from the night before. I had dried cum between my breast forms in my bra, my shoulders, face, and in the front of my panties. The crack of my ass was still a little wet with lubrication. I went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet feeling like a woman, still reveling in the orgy from last night. I turned on the shower before reluctantly stripping down. When I stepped into the shower, the...

1 year ago
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The Cougar and the Bookstore

Since a few years ago, I noticed a few things about me were changing. I didn't feel any older but gravity had certainly begun its betrayal of loyalty to me. I wasn't happy about that but what's a girl to do? The funny thing about hitting my 50's is that while everything seemed to be in a slow decline, my desire for sex was staging a rebellion. As a young woman, my cravings had a hair trigger on them and, more than a few times, the slightest stray thought of flesh or a glimpse of my own naked...

4 years ago
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Sissy teen at an Adult bookstore

The Adult bookstore across town had opened my world to new experiences and allowed me to explore the overwhelming urges and desires I felt. I was young, not old enough to even drive, yet I had found my way there several times and snuck inside. Darting into a video arcade booth just inside the open doorway, I found peep holes drilled onto the side walls, some small and some larger. I also found horny, anonymous men in the booths next to mine. These men wanted, needed, to have their sexual needs...

2 years ago
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Trip to bookstore

Last weekend I came home from a week away for work and as I walked in the house my wife greeted me naked as she stays naked when home. She was very excited to see me and said she had a surprise for me. I said ok what is it. She said remember the waitress at the restaurant that we had at the steak house 2 weeks ago. I said yes why. Well what was the tip you gave her? I said yes I gave her a large tip and your thong and our number. Well she called me and wanted to talk to me so while you were...

3 years ago
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Wife best friend and I go to the bookstore

As told to me from a friend : It has been awhile since my wife or I have posted any updates, but as you can see from our photos we have been busy traveling up and down I-5 looking for places to fuck. We can't wait for the rain to stop and the sun to come out so that we can start doing some outdoor fucking. But what we want to share is an adventure we took with her best friend.As you may have read in our previous writings, her friend was brought into our kinky lifestyle when I decided to cum on...

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ive recieved numerous emails lately asking for more stories and i have so many REAL sex stories to tell that its incredible sometimes for me to remember them all. heres a TRUE story of an adult bookstore my husband took me to one day to have the gangbang of my life!one day me and my husband wanted to check out an old adult bookstore that is right in the middle of downtown where we live. tons of guys go in there, go right to the back of the store in the private booths and jack off to porn, some...

4 years ago
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Truth or Dare The Adult Bookstore

Why is it that some games get to serious? And why is that stupid games with friends always get taken too far. I won't bore you with the details of how the game started. I will say there was 4 of us. And I will say that it was the bitch Libby who dared me to go into the Adult Bookstore and come back out with a 'Glory Hole in Use' picture to prove it. She would not have suggested that for either of the other 2 girls, but she didn't like me. I am not the type of girl who could walk into...

2 years ago
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Bewitching Bookstore

When I walked into the tattoo parlor, there were already 3 guys ahead of me. I wanted to get a tat of a king cobra on my left shoulder. It would compliment the flaming dragon on my right shoulder and I liked to think that I could make the dragon and the cobra fight it out when I was doing lats at the gym. My ink guy told me it would be a while. I decided to wander around the corner where there was this funky, little used bookstore with a clangy old bell on the door. It was piled...

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Blowjob in a bookstore

I need to tell you about the first time I went to an adult bookstore. The facility was fairly clean. I think it was converted from an old office building. There wasn't any movie theaters or small booths...but rather a lot of smaller office-sized rooms left and right down a long hallway. Each "office", so to speak, was outfitted with on-demand TV's, chairs, couches and even end tables. You could enter any of them and a small dollar machine was mounted on the wall...along with a channel changer...

2 years ago
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Ass Fucked In Hose at The Adult Bookstore

I had been split up from my ex-gf, Kate for almost 2 years at this point. I was in my mid 20's and I was still emotionally fucked up from it when it came to women cause I was trying to replace her with another her. Anyhow, I had been going to adult bookstores and theaters rather regularly at this point and seeing a guy named Paul a few times a month who lived close to me. Nothing intimate, it was all about cock. I wasn't and still am not into kissing or cuddling with guys or that sort of thing....

3 years ago
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Cock sucking at the adult bookstore

I wasn’t very familiar with the sex scene at adult bookstores. I wasn’t very familiar with sex in general though I had experimented somewhat. I wasn’t what you would call experienced by any means. I walked into the local adult bookstore which had video preview rooms available to watch DVD’s before you rent them. I now know, this place is where you go when you want to fuck or get action of any kind! I rented a DVD and went back into the room on the couch and shut the door behind me and locked...

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A New Bookstore

For years I'd frequented adult bookstores. I would bourse around a little pretending to be interested in buying something from the store. After what I felt was a sufficient amount of time browsing I would get tokens from the clerk, always hesitating to look directly at him so as not acknowledge what I was about to do. Then, my nose assaulted by the quasi-chlorine smell of the cum combined with the musky smell of sex and perspiration, would enter the dark, dingy area that housed the nasty little...

Gay Male
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A First at the Adult Bookstore

I used to go a lot to adult bookstores back in the eighties when I was on the road. I was always horny and ready for some sex. It excited me to be around the erotica of toys, magazines, movies, and books. I would buy something to read and go back to my room, read and masturbate. I would slowly rub my erection and pause, rub and pause, building a huge climax. When I finally rubbed fast to cum, I would cum huge all over my hand and stomach. At one point, I became curious and licked my hands and...

3 years ago
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Cock sucking at the adult bookstore

I wasn't very familiar with the sex scene at adult bookstores. I wasn't very familiar with sex in general though I had experimented somewhat. I wasn't what you would call experienced by any means. I walked into the local adult bookstore which had video preview rooms available to watch DVD's before you rent them. I now know, this place is where you go when you want to fuck or get action of any kind!I rented a DVD and went back into the room on the couch and shut the door behind me and locked it....

2 years ago
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The Adult Bookstore

Billie and mark were just married, while going on their honeymoon in the Pocono’s they were snuggling in the car the whole way. They arrived at the place and checked in about nine that night. Both being in there 40's and trying at love once again. They went to their room and decided to check out the place real good. So they are headed to the main building to see what was going on. They ordered a meal and a couple of drinks in the entertainment room as they listened to a band....

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The Bookstore

Route 1 south was relatively empty for a late Saturday afternoon. True, it was the long way home, but nonetheless it was on the way home and not too unusual from our normal drive around Saturday routine. This week’s fruitless adventure was to find a nice table fan at the large hardware store on the east edge of town. I soon discovered it’s easier to find moon rocks at a flea market then it is to find a table fan at a giant category killing retail store in Maryland in the middle of January. With...

Group Sex
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The Bookstore

“Fuck!” I screamed as my alarm clock told me it was 8 am. I was supposed to get up early to do laundry before I met an old friend for coffee, but that obviously wasn’t going to happen now. I had 20 minutes to get to Powell’s, the bookstore, where I’m meeting an old friend of mine from high school. Rummaging through my dresser I realize I have no underwear left, so I decide to wear a dress that hopefully will cover everything. I opt for a light blue number with spaghetti straps that can hold up...

4 years ago
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My First Adult Bookstore

I have lots of stories. But lately, the male, male, female, bi stories have been making me so hard. So here is one from my personal experiences. Enjoy. The first time I went in an adult bookstore, I had just turned 21. It was in Norfolk, VA, in an outdoor mall called Granby Mall. i was very self-conscious. The graphic magazines and video covers had my cock straining to break out of my shorts. I perused the aisles, looking at every genre. It was so hot. Just the fact that other people...

1 year ago
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Claire at the Adult Bookstore

My husband had taken me to the bookstore booths a few times and I had a great time sucking his cock and a few others. The store we frequented attracted a lot of black clientele, which I loved. One afternoon, when I was really horny, I pulled in to the parking lot of the store. I told myself I’d just watch a few pornos, maybe watch a few guys jerk off, maybe play with my cunt, but that was it. Ha! I got a bunch of tokens and sat in a booth with a big glory hole. I was wearing a white...

3 years ago
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First Visit to an Adult Bookstore

This is the true story of Traci’s first visit to an adult bookstore, as she told it to me.      When I was a freshman in college a girlfriend and I were messing around one night and we decided we wanted to watch an x-rated movie. Nothing was showing on cable, so we decided to go to a neighborhood ‘Adult’ book store and video arcade. When we arrived, the parking lot was nearly deserted so we put on our sunglasses so we wouldn’t be recognized if anyone came in.      We then went in. There were...

2 years ago
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A Night of Firsts at the Bookstore

In 1989 my National Guard unit was activated to support Operation Just Cause, the invasion of Panama. Since we were a helicopter maintenance company, we knew that we would be busy but not have to see any action. Due to all the shots and paperwork that was needed, we got to Howard Air Force Base on the west coast of Panama after the fighting was over. My unit then set about helping the local maintenance staff repair all the birds that had been used hard during the invasion. We were there a few...

Gay Male
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MIss Piggy goes to the Adult Bookstore

I took my first trip to an adult bookstore with a married couple from my swinger group. At first it was kind of strange, but looking at all of the porn kind of turned me on, so I relaxed a bit. I kind of wondered away from Lance and Lisa over to the DVD section. I was wearing a short yellow sundress and flip flops, I never wear panties and wasn't wearing a bra. Anyway, I kind of got absorbed in looking at all the DVDs, When I realized that I was by myself with four men who were definitely aware...

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My first trip to the Adult bookstore

I took my first trip to an adult bookstore with a married couple from my swinger group. At first it was kind of strange, but looking at all of the porn kind of turned me on, so I relaxed a bit. I kind of wondered away from Lance and Lisa over to the DVD section. I was wearing a short yellow sundress and flip flops, I never wear panties and wasn't wearing a bra. Anyway, I kind of got absorbed in looking at all the DVDs, When I realized that I was by myself with four men who were definitely aware...

2 years ago
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A sissy and the bookstore

Very young and no other place to explore my needs and desires. I went back to that adult bookstore only days after I had snuck in that very first time. I was beginning to realize my need and lust for cock was overwhelming. Almost like a need for oxygen. I rode my bike there and hid it like I had done before and quickly bolted inside before anyone saw me, I knew I was way too young to be there but I seemed to be drawn. Just inside the door, were the booths. I found this out by wonderful accident...

4 years ago
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Teen sissy finds Adult bookstore

So horny, so driven by lust. Like most boys that age, all I thought about was sex. Although I’m not sure if most boys had the urges that I felt. I wanted to pleasure men, at that young age I was exactly sure how to, I just knew I wanted to be with them. I had found a “Playgirl” magazine a few months before and even then my young cock ached as I looked at the pictures of naked men, Their beautiful, soft cocks looked so manly, so amazing. Looking at those pictures gave me feelings and urges I...

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Trip with Sub Wife to Adult Bookstore

Last Saturday night I decide that I would take my sub wife to,a local adult bookstore since we have not been in a few months. I walked with her to our bedroom and looked at what I wanted her to wear. I found gartebelt, nylons, shelf bra and 6" red fuck me heels and a leather collar that had SLUT in studs on it. I told her to get herself ready shaved and her blond wig since she has a bald head. I left her and told her she had 2 hrs to get ready. She took a long hot bath and shoved hernpussy and...

1 year ago
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Slut wife at bookstore

My wife of 12 years has turned into a complete cum slut slave. She loves to be displayed and used by all. About 3 months ago I called he and told her tonged ready for tonight. I told her to shower shave her pussy and asshole are dress in garter belt hose , heels and a dress only. I instructed her to do a heavy makeup with her bright red lipstick. I said I will be home around 7 for her to be ready. I arrived and she was standing waiting for me. I said are your ready slut she said yes sir. I...

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Barebacking at the bookstore

After a few visits to the adult bookstore I work up the nerve and head back to the booths. I'd seen online to come prepared so I had my balls and ass smooth hoping to entice some daddy dick. Lube in pocket with my butt plug up my ass I found three occupied booths. I knocked on the first door, no answer. Second booth had two younger guys inside jerking each other off. They invited me in but they were not what i was looking for so I declined. Almost loosing hope I knocked on the last booth's...

3 years ago
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My trip to the Adult Bookstore

Today was one of those days at work when I was really busy and to add to everything else I was extremely horny. It was difficult getting my work done when all I could think about was getting off. I finally finished work at about 9pm and was on my way home still horny as hell. There is an Adult Bookstore kind of on the way home so I decided to do a drive by and see how busy they were. As I drove by, the parking lot was full so I had to find a parking spot across the street. I went inside and...

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My sexy wife at the XXX bookstore

We went out to dinner at a fondue place that my Sexy slutwife loves to go to and she had a few glasses of wine with dinner. She was feeling pretty horny all day and the wine was helping her to get even more aroused. After dinner we went to a strip club and ran into Michael a black guy we had met there some time back.We were sitting at one of the female strip stages and she played with his cock for a long time under the bar and he was playing with her tits. She had on one of her really loose low...

3 years ago
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My First Adult Bookstore

I have lots of stories. But lately, the male, male, female, bi stories have been making me so hard. So here is one from my personal experiences. Enjoy. The first time I went in an adult bookstore, I had just turned 21. It was in Norfolk, VA, in an outdoor mall called Granby Mall. i was very self-conscious. The graphic magazines and video covers had my cock straining to break out of my shorts. I perused the aisles, looking at every genre. It was so hot. Just the fact that other people...

4 years ago
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Play at an Adult Bookstore

I have posted some photos of several girlfriends of mine as they played with men and women at a local adult bookstore near downtown Dallas, Texas. I thought I’d share some details of part of one of those memorable evenings.This store has a couples-only policy on Friday and Saturday nights. At nine, the entire upstairs is swept clear of all single men around 9:00 P.M. Only single men willing to pay a sizable sum of money are allowed upstairs at that time because it is open only to couples. ...

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Visiting The Bookstore

So when I was married to my first wife I went through a period of serious curiosity of my sexuality. Now, I had "experimented" with men on more than one occasion. Once I had admit to my wife that I was sexually attracted to men as well as women, a flood gate opened in my mind. I had sexual urges and didn't have a man to act them out with. I had told my wife that I wanted to fuck my boss at the time but wasn't sure if he would be interested and wasn't about to just ask out of fear that he would...

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Claire at the Adult Bookstore

My husband had taken me to the bookstore booths a few times and I had a great time sucking his cock and a few others. The store we frequented attracted a lot of black clientele, which I loved. One afternoon, when I was really horny, I pulled in to the parking lot of the store. I told myself I’d just watch a few pornos, maybe watch a few guys jerk off, maybe play with my cunt, but that was it. Ha! I got a bunch of tokens and sat in a booth with a big glory hole. I was wearing a white button-down...

2 years ago
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Peeping Tom at the adult bookstore

It was a weekend. I went to my local adult bookstore looking for some action. I went back into the private booths where you preview a DVD (so basically an excuse to hook up and get some action.) I was very disappointed because there are 6 total rooms, 3 on each side. A, B, C, and D, E, F, on the other side of the hall. I went into the last room on the left side with a full length loveseat, TV and DVD player to "preview my DVD." I pulled my pants down and was hard as a rock. I started watching...

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Adult Bookstore

I had just gotten a divorce a few months back and met a sexy, wonderful woman named Nancy. She was one year younger than I, and had two boys, one in college and one in Jr. High, and both lived at home. She was extremely shapely and I wanted to screw her badly but held off because of her boys being home.One night we were so horny kissing and playing with each other that we fucked in the living room while the boys were asleep. It was great but, I felt so bad knowing that we could have been...

3 years ago
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First Visit to an Adult Bookstore

This is the true story of Traci's first visit to an adult bookstore, as she told it to me.      When I was a freshman in college a girlfriend and I were messing around one night and we decided we wanted to watch an x-rated movie. Nothing was showing on cable, so we decided to go to a neighborhood "Adult" book store and video arcade. When we arrived, the parking lot was nearly deserted so we put on our sunglasses so we wouldn't be recognized if anyone came in.      We then went in. There were 2...

Straight Sex

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