The Girl With The Emerald Eyes Chapter 1
- 2 years ago
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It had been six weeks since the Freshman Mixer and the hunt for my mystery blonde continued. Her smile was etched in my mind, and those eyes were burned into my soul. As I fell asleep each night, I yearned for them and everywhere I went I scoured for them.
My pursuit had not been completely in vain — just mainly. Once, when I was sat on a bus heading downtown I had driven past her, barely catching a glimpse once again. Then two weeks earlier, I spotted her leaving a dining hall just as I was getting my food. Both times she was with friends, sadly I didn’t recognise any of them.
How could this girl be so elusive? Why did our paths not cross more frequently? Surely someone I knew must know her? How could I get to her?
Despite my frustration, the rest of college life was going well. I had a good group of friends, I was exploring the fraternity options and classes were much simpler than I had envisaged. My most interesting subject was Criminology, a subject new to me and full of fascinating insights. However, the professor was very keen, dishing out tons of homework and additional reading. So unlike any other class, I had joined a study group.
My classmates were all intelligent and helped keep me on my toes. We’d meet weekly to stay ahead of the curve. After one particular group meeting, as I was leaving, a girl called Heather took me aside.
“Can I ask you a favour?” she asked shyly and looking very nervous.
“Of course,” I replied.
Hesitantly she continued: “I’ve been invited to a sorority event and need a date. Could you… would you go with me?”
“I’d love to,” I smiled back.
She told me when and where it was and then added: “It’s a James Bond-themed cocktail party, so you’ll need to rent a tux. Is that OK?”
“Believe it or not, I have my own,” I replied, suddenly very happy I’d bought one a year earlier for a series of black tie parties as I left school.
Heather was cute in that farm-girl-next-door type of way. Slightly plump, about five foot five tall, with long chestnut hair. Her rounded face had rosy cheeks that seemed almost clichéd for a girl from Nebraska. But she had a caring smile and her light brown eyes showed the warmth of her heart.
Plus, she really was a lovely girl, one I got on incredibly well with. She might not have been the usual type of girl I’d choose to date, but she was certainly a good friend.
The night arrived and I pulled on my Gieves & Hawkes tux; a Thomas Pink Marcella shirt with onyx studs; a pair of platinum cufflinks my parents had given me; and then tied my own bow tie. A shiny pair of Church’s Oxfords completed my outfit. Checking myself in the mirror before leaving, I thought I really did meet the James Bond theme — plus I had the English accent, all I was missing was the Walther PPK.
Collecting Heather from her dorm I was taken aback by how good she looked. She wore a flowing red strapless gown, that showed off her more than ample cleavage, and a pair of (very nearly) matching red heels. I thought that she really did look great — even if it seemed like she had either gained several pounds or she thought was a size smaller than she was.
Offering Heather my arm, I said: “Wow, you look amazing.”
Strolling arm in arm we headed to the most prestigious and popular sorority on campus. On arrival, we were greeted warmly and showed inside. These girls sure knew how to throw a party, a string quartet played in one corner of the large room, while silver service waiters circulated with trays of champagne and martinis.
Grabbing a drink each, we began to circulate. Heather introduced me to the sisters and some of the other prospects. Most of the girls there were very attractive, thin and incredibly self-confident — I could see why Heather wanted to join. I was therefore determined not to screw things up for her, so limited my drinking — especially this early in the evening.
The crowd slowly grew over the next half hour as more girls arrived. Most were obviously wearing their prom dresses, while their dates wore poorly fitting, rented tuxedos.
I felt her arrive before I saw her. It was as if the entire room paused and all eyes turned to the door, but really it was just me. There she was, my mystery girl, standing in the doorway, arms interlocked with her date. Surges of jealousy coursed through my body, and completely irrationally, I regretted being here with Heather.
For the first time, I saw her properly. She wore a tight, black dress that ended mid-thigh, fitting her like a well-tailored second skin. Each stitch enhanced her stunning curves and the thin straps highlighted her shapely shoulders. Hanging around her back, suspended between her elegant elbows was a black silk pashmina. Her golden-blonde hair was professionally styled in an updo, exposing a slender neck. Small diamond studs sat in her ears while her sultry, crimson lips looked ripe for kissing.
As she turned to hand over her shawl I spotted the perfectly straight seam of a pair of stockings running down her sylph-like legs to a pair of immaculate three-inch black satin stilettos. When she turned back around our eyes met for a fleeting second and there it was, my own personal kryptonite — those incredible iridescent green eyes.
The moment was shattered by a knife tapping on a glass as the president chimed in: “I need all the girls in here, please. Boys, you can entertain yourselves for a few minutes.”
With that, the girls all left to an adjoining room leaving their dates hanging around. Naturally, I made a beeline for her date.
“Have you been to many of these things?” I asked innocuously.
“No, this is my first. What about you? Been to many?” he replied.
“My first too. I’m Jon and I’m here with Heather,” I said, reaching to shake hands.
“Hi, I’m Alex, Emily’s date,” he responded.
Finally, I knew her name — Emily! Then as I was about to ask much more about her, he added: “Wow, your tux looks much better than mine, where did you rent it?”
I explained that it was my own and I’d had it tailored back in England.
“So you basically are James Bond,” he joked.
Laughing at his weak joke I casually asked: “So, is Emily your girlfriend?”
“Are you kidding? I fucking wish,” he replied as my pulse soared — perhaps there was hope yet. “No, she has a serious long-term boyfriend back in Texas. She even has a promise ring from him.”
Suddenly my heart was ripped from my chest. The girl of my dreams was promised to another man and a Texan at that. I might have been dressed as James Bond, but that bastard probably actually had a gun and wouldn’t hold back from shooting me if I messed with his girl.
As I wallowed in self-pity the girls returned. I couldn’t help but watch every step that Emily took, regardless of whether I stood a chance with her or not. She glided effortlessly across the room, her hips swaying gently with each expert step in her perilously-high heels. Following the line of her stockings upwards I could only imagine what lay beneath that form-hugging black dress. I pictured the soft area of tanned skin above the stocking tops and the lace garter-belt they were clipped to.
Trying to imagine what style of underwear she was wearing, I searched for a panty-line for a hint, but there was none. Could she be going commando? If I got close enough might I just be able to get a hint of her private scent?
I was snapped back to reality as Heather returned and locked her arm through mine. We began circulating the party once again. I subtly tried to steer her towards Emily and Alex, but we seemed to be like two of the same poles of a magnet, repelling each other. I still desperately wanted to talk to Emily but didn’t want to show up Heather.
The evening carried on and I tried to hide my disappointment from Heather — she didn’t deserve to be treated badly, I’d never been interested in her anyway but she was a friend. I hadn’t even spoken to Emily, yet still, I was mourning her loss worse than any girl I had ever dated.
So I tried to buck up, had a few drinks and strived to be the best date I could for Heather. I laughed at her jokes, I told amusing anecdotes to everyone we met and kept the conversation flowing whenever it lagged.
After what must have been her third glass of champagne Heather slipped her hand in mine and leaned close to my ear whispering: “Come with me.”
She led me upstairs to a softly lit bedroom and asked me to close the door. As I turned around she kissed me forcibly on the lips, slipping her tongue into my mouth. Her buxom breasts pressing hard into my chest. While she devoured my face her hand reached for my crotch, stroking my cock and balls.
As she pulled away, she looked me in the eyes and said: “I want to suck your dick,” while she fought with my cummerbund.
I hadn’t been expecting anything to happen between us, but I wasn’t going to stop her giving me a blowjob. So I undid the cummerbund and dropped my trousers. Instantly she dragged my boxers down as my penis grew, sticking out from under my long shirt.
Heather had clearly seen her fair share of dick. She knelt down and grabbed me, tugging until I was hard. With one motion she stuffed it in her mouth and began sucking me off. Her hot, wet mouth made quick work of my hardness — even if I was picturing Emily’s gorgeous lips instead.
Soon I was breathing hard as her fingers stroked my balls and her mouth consumed my cock. Nobody had ever made me cum this quickly, but I knew I wouldn’t last much longer.
“Oh, oh, oh, Heather, I’m going to cum. Fuck, I’m…” but before I could finish what I was saying the door burst open. Every sister poured into the room. Heather recoiled in horror, pulling my dick from her mouth.
In unison, they screamed: “You dirty fucking slut!” At the same instant, I ejected thick streams of cum. The first caught Heather on the chin, neck and cleavage. But she was still moving away, so the second shot landed across her body, while the third splashed across her skirt.
The sisters laughed hysterically as Heather burst into tears. Picking herself up, she ran from the room sobbing, forcing her way through the crowd, as the other girls shouted after her: “Did you really think we were going to let someone like you in?”
Feeling terrible for Heather, but only mildly embarrassed for myself, I pulled up my shorts and trousers. While I did myself up, I said calmly: “I think I should be going.”
As I pushed my way passed the sisters the president grabbed me and said: “You don’t need to leave,” squeezing my ass. Pushing her hand away I glared: “No I don’t! But now I want to.”
Descending the stairs I saw Emily and Alex looking surprised but couldn’t stop to talk to them.
I caught up with Heather about half a block away.
“Hold up Heather!” I cried as she sobbed loudly. Embracing her, I said: “That was fucking horrible, what they just did to you,” as she cried into my shoulder.
Looking at her bright red dress, the streaks of my cum were slowly drying but clearly visible, so I gave her my jacket.
“Let me at least walk you home,” I said sympathetically. She simply nodded as her sobs echoed around Locust Walk. I put my arm around Heather and escorted her back to her dorm. I stayed silent as she wept.
Arriving at her room she opened the door and asked me inside, I readily agreed. Slowly she recovered her composure as dark streams of mascara rolled down her face. We sat on the edge of her bed, my arm still around her.
“Th-they told us that whoever brought the most James Bond guy would get in. I was sure that I’d win with you as my date,” she said mournfully.
“So you just wanted me for my Bondness?” I joked, smiling at her so she knew I was kidding.
“Then they said they needed to know it was a “real” date, so I had to… blow you. Then…” she added, bursting into tears once more.
Slowly it dawned on her. “They were never going to let me in were they?” she wailed.
“I don’t think so,” I told her, “But you’re so much better than them. There’s no need to be ashamed. So what? They saw you sucking my dick, I bet every one of them has sucked more than one dick in their time. I wasn’t embarrassed and you shouldn’t be either.”
“Really!” she asked, her eyes lighting up once again, “You weren’t embarrassed to be with me?”
“Why on earth would I be embarrassed to have a cute eighteen-year-old girl sucking my dick? In fact, I think their president was jealous of you,” I replied.
She threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly. “You think I’m cute?” she asked coyly.
“Of course you are,” I replied, “Plus you’re much, much nicer than those bitches.”
As she looked at me I was suddenly glad that, as always, I had a condom with me. I knew I’d be fucking Heather before the night was over.
“I’m so sorry,” she said, “Your jacket is covered in cum, tears and make-up.”
“Don’t worry about it at all,” I assured her, “But why don’t we get that off you?”
Grabbing my jacket and putting it to one side I reached for her mascara-stained cheek. Holding it softly in my hand I tilted her head so our eyes met. Maintaining our gaze, I leant forward and kissed her lightly on the lips. Softly I pressed my tongue forwards as her lips happily opened to accept it. I knew she needed to feel wanted, so I let my tongue fight against hers passionately, as I pulled her body close.
Easing apart, I asked: “Now where were we?” while my hand reached for the zip on her dress. I was tugging the zipper down carefully when suddenly her huge chest popped out from the red gown. Her massive tits burst free from the black strapless bra that was wholly ill-equipped to deal with such breasts.
Two enormous mounds of bright white flesh hung limply over the top of her dress. Each must have weighed five pounds or more. The soft flesh yielded easily to my solid grip. With each movement of my hand, the uncontrollable masses rolled around, threatening to fall from my grasp.
Eager to please Heather, I clamped my mouth around one, sucking her giant nipple into my mouth. Her tits were so large I felt almost like a baby breastfeeding rather than a lover giving pleasure. But her moans and the way she pushed my head around suggested she was definitely enjoying my attention.
Taking a breath for air, I stood up and took a couple of steps backwards. Doing my best James Bond impression I undid my bow tie, then slowly pulled open my shirt. Each onyx stud popped apart with ease, one by one they went exposing my torso. Dropping my shirt to the floor I stepped towards her again.
As her hands strained to reach me, she said: “Jeez, you’ve got an incredible body,” her fingers gently tracing a path across my taut flesh.
Pulling her in, her face pressed into my stomach, she quickly began licking me, as I quipped: “I never realised you had such fucking huge tits.”
She looked up and smiled before grabbing my ass and pulling her face back into my six-pack. Despite Heather not really being my type, I could feel a swelling in my crotch.
I dragged her to her feet and watched as she shuffled herself out of a dress that should have fallen effortlessly to the ground. For the first time, I really got to see Heather. Stood in just her heels and a too-small-for-her pair of black panties, she looked strangely large.
She maintained her Midwest cuteness but freed from clothing her body seemed to expand. Her tits led the way, and her belly appeared larger, even her face somehow seemed chubbier than before.
Still, she was cute and I felt guilty thinking that if she lost thirty pounds then she’d be hot — suddenly, I realised that I was no better than those sorority girls. They’d rejected a beautiful person simply because they thought she was fat; I wasn’t about to do the same.
For a while, I’d know that we’d be having sex but had felt that I was doing her a favour. I was making her feel wanted, maybe even sexy. Now I wanted to fuck her and fuck her well. Not because she was as hot as Emily but because I wanted to. I desperately desired to have sex with my good friend, an overweight, rosy-cheeked Midwest girl.
Bending down, I swiftly removed my shoes and socks, while Heather sat motionless on the bed. Then I stood up and confidently removed the rest of my clothes, standing buck naked before her. She’d already had my cock in her mouth and I desperately wanted to return the favour.
Kneeling between her knees I looked Heather in the face and echoing her earlier statement, I said with a smile: “I want to lick your pussy.”
Heather froze, completely unsure of what to do and simply looked at me. Time seemed to stand still until I reached for her underwear: “You’re going to need to help me here,” I said, unable to undress her further while she was seated.
Shaking, she slowly stood. I reached for her waistband and began to pull her panties down. Suddenly she grabbed for them, pinning her legs together tightly.
“I-I-I’ve never done this before,” she muttered.
Looking up from my kneeling position, I replied: “Never done what?”
“I’ve given a few blowjobs before but never anything else,” she said.
Totally surprised, I looked at her and said: “You’ve never had sex?” and her head shook. “Has anyone ever gone down…” her head shook again. “What about fingers?” I tried, once again she shook her head.
Now I was angry. “Really! None of the guys whose dicks you’ve sucked has even fingered you?” I almost yelled. Embarrassed, she simply shook her head once more. “Then let me be the first,” I smiled as I lowered her panties.
Looking at Heather, her cheeks were glowing red with embarrassment as her voluptuous bush stood mere inches from my face. She was clearly terrified and I wanted to put her at ease.
With my hands, I urged her to sit down, slid off her heels and then softly grabbed her knees. At first, she resisted, but gradually she conceded as I pulled her thighs apart.
Almost instantly I was hit by her fragrance. Perhaps due to her size, or perhaps naturally, her powerful aroma smacked me in the face. Strong, musky and indelicate, I was sure that I was the first guy to ever savour her fragrance and I was keen for more. As I leant into her passion, she seemed to pull away, surprised at my desire.
I kept trying to reach her puffy pussy, but each time I tried she pulled away.
Looking up at her imploringly I plainly stated: “I want to taste your pussy. If you don’t want me to then please just tell me.”
She remained silent, but opened her thighs and leaned back slightly, pushing her cunt over the edge of the bed. “That’s it,” I said as I tried to lick her.
Finally, my now-eager tongue touched her hairy lips and much to my surprise she was already incredibly wet. I plunged my tongue into her opening, pushing her lips apart. Her flavour filled my mouth, strong, rich and deep, her juices tasted almost like a rare steak. Her cunt opened wide at the slightest touch and her thick, swollen lips wrapped around my own lips.
Soon I was driving my tongue into her pussy, the tip snaking deeper and deeper. Heather had clearly overcome her shyness and was grabbing my head and shoving it into her waiting wetness.
“Fuck, yes! Oh my god yes! Ugh, ugh, ugh, YES!” she cried as my tongue tried to dig its way through her pussy. Gradually I felt her orgasm rising, her breathing changed, she started holding my head in place and rubbing her slit on my face. Blowing softly across her bright red clit, I knew she was close.
“Cum on my face!” I shouted, my cries muffled by her pussy, ‘Fucking cum on my face,” I screamed as she rubbed hard against me. My words seem to set her off. Her legs opened and then closed tight, her cunt grabbed my tongue hard and she shoved her pelvis forward, dragging her pubes across my face.
Heather tried to speak but her words were garbled. Slowly her words turned to sounds and all I could make out was: “Oh, oh, oh, oh, OH, OH!” as her thighs tried to rip my head from my neck. Then her cries got louder still as she pulled my face deeper into her soaking pussy.
A tsunami of scalding cum surged across my eager face. Sloshing across my nose, mouth and chin, I gasped for breath, savouring the scent covering me. I slowed my licking, allowing Heather to catch her breath, then stood up and casually said: “I need to find a condom.”
Between panted breaths, Heather stammered: “You don’t need… I’m on the pill.”
In my ignorant youth, that was all I needed. Spinning around my cock was now at full size, fighting to be let loose and desperate for satisfaction.
Walking toward Heather I saw her eye open wide: “It looks much bigger in this light,” she whimpered.
“Don’t worry, it’s not going in your mouth,” I replied with a grin.
Pushing her onto her back lightly I moved her legs so that I could see her dripping pussy clearly. Gently I placed my tip against her heat and slowly pushed forward. For the first time in my life, I felt almost no resistance as I effortlessly slid inside a girl all the way to my balls.
For once I didn’t have to wait and could immediately start thrusting into her keen cunt. Back and forth I pounded, my body crashing into her hers as my cock delved deeper and deeper into her warm interior.
Although she claimed to be a virgin, her pussy was one of the loosest I had ever had. Despite my girth, I slammed into her with barely a tickle on my swollen shaft. Clearly, it was different for Heather.
“Oh, oh, oh… UGH, UGH,” she grunted as my cock drove into her. Finally, she regained her voice: “Oh, oh, oh yes! YES! YES!” she cried as she tried to clamp me in. I kept my rhythm, driving deep into her pussy as another wave of cum surged through her body, my cock still throbbing.
Her pussy was so slack that I knew it would take a long time for me to cum. But before I had the chance to change my pace I heard Heather moan again, louder than ever, as she reached for her slit. Matching my pace, she rubbed her clit
Intrigued, I began pounding her harder than before. Her whole body shook with each impact, but still, she kept rubbing her twat. Soon her screaming was louder still.
“Oh, Oh, Oh Yes. Yes! Yes. Just there! Just fucking there!,” she whimpered as I kept driving in. Suddenly her entire body spasmed as if she was having some type of fit, her cunt squeezed my dick hard and her sounds become animal grunts.
I tried to pull out to keep fucking her, but her previously loose passage gripped me tightly.
Then for the first time in my life, I watched in awe as she squirted. A river of fluid fired into the air level with my chest. With each thrust and rub, she shot again, her boiling cum landing all across her pubes. But I kept at it, knowing I was still a long way from cumming.
Her squirts stopped and she soon began to whimper with each push of my still engorged cock.
“Oh, that feels… that feels… oh… oh… that feels,” she moaned, unable to finish her sentence as each vein of my shaft ravished the walls of her pussy.
I knew that I could keep pounding her sloppy cunt all night and wouldn’t cum, and with each orgasm she had, the further I got from my own. Pulling out, I urged her to turn over.
“What?” she asked, “Turn over?”
I explained, and soon she was on her hands and knees facing the full-length mirror at the end of her bed. Eagerly I positioned myself behind her and rubbed my slick dick down her ass cheeks to her dripping pussy. As I easily slipped inside, I watched those massive tits sway while a look of sheer delight crossed her face.
With my pubes brushing her ass I began moving. Withdrawing as far as I dared before slamming into her, with each pounding her soft ass shook. Waves of ripples crossed from her upper thighs to her cheeks as my pelvis slammed into her.
Soon I angled myself just right. Her pelvis rubbed against my shaft as my swollen head dove into her G-spot. It only took a few thrusts until she was ready to cum.
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck,” she moaned, yet I kept going. “Yes! Yes! Ye…Oh my… fu… FUCK!” she cried as my tip bashed into her spongy tenderness. Another orgasm tore through her body as she fired one more shot of cum.
Still, I wasn’t ready to climax. I grabbed her hips and began fucking her harder than I’d ever done with anyone. My thighs crashed into her cheeks and the familiar slap, slap, slap filled the air. With each impact, Heather moaned or maybe groaned. Her swollen cunt poured juices all over my cock, down her thighs and onto the bed. She had long ago lost the ability to talk.
Struggling to annunciate, Heather muttered and moaned as yet another tide of cum splashed over my dick, leaking out onto my thighs. Sadly for Heather, I still wasn’t quite ready to climax. Whether it was the martinis or her incredibly loose-for-a-virgin-pussy I don’t know, but I knew I needed more.
Grasping her flabby asscheeks, I pulled them together, trying to create more friction. “Hold still,” I instructed as I began driving into her now tighter cunt. As I fucked her I and played with her ass I watched her anus as it opened slightly and then closed — it was intoxicating.
Still I pounded into her pussy and finally, I felt my orgasm building.
“Ugh, ugh, yes!” I groaned as I neared orgasm. Then before I could prepare Heather or myself I came. My throbbing cock launched a thick stream of cum inside Heather, just as she pulled away causing my dick to slide out. The second squirt splashed across her butt. The final surge — the last testament to my passion — fired hard. It arced over her cheeks, cleared her sweaty back and finally lodged amidst the luscious hair on the back of her head.
As one, we collapsed onto the bed and slowly regained our breath.
“That was… I mean… you were…” Heather started until I hugged her tightly.
“Was that really your first time?” I asked, not believing.
“Yes,” she replied sheepishly.
“Really, truly, your first time?” I asked again incredulously, as I rolled off Heather and cuddled her tightly.
She looked at me uncertainly. I-I-I’ve had four boyfriends,” she said, "I’ve… I’ve… I’ve always blown them, but… no… nothing more.”
Instantly I pitied Heather, sure she was curvy, but she truly was a mean fuck. Yet every other guy she’d been with had just used her. She’d become a pro at sucking dick but had never experienced a loving partner, never had her pussy licked, and never had an orgasm that she didn’t create.
Slick with sweat and cum we held each other closely and drifted off to sleep.
Saturday morning arrived as I felt a soft hand exploring my body, and I obviously didn’t resist. Incredibly slowly it edged towards my swelling cock. Finally, tired of Heather’s shyness, I grabbed her hand and placed it over my dick.
“If you want to grab it, then just grab it,” I stated, as her fingers grasped my dick.
As Heather teased me to full erection she started and then stopped speaking, never a full sentence leaving her lips. But by now she had me fully erect.
Having heard everything she’d said last night I was determined to raise her confidence. “If you want to fuck me you’re going to have to ask,” I said, but she remained silent and still.
“Look…” I started, before correcting myself, “I don’t want you to take this the wrong way,” I said, “So please, don’t be offended.”
Heather nodded slightly, so I continued. “You are a great girl, you’re cute, sexy and above all, you’re a great fuck.”
Instantly, I regretted my use of language, but I shouldn’t have.
“Really?” she asked, “You think I’m a good fuck? You, you think that? Really?”
With that, she swallowed my ever-hardening cock in her warm mouth. Unlike last night I wasn’t going to mess around. I knew what Heather could do. So my hips bucked driving my length into her mouth, soon it was smashing into the back of her mouth while she flinched against each thrust.
Just as she was getting into the swing I pulled out, knowing I’d be cumming soon. “Unless you want me to cum in your mouth,” I said, “Tell me what you do want.”
Peeking shyly at me, Heather mumbled something but I could barely hear her.
I grabbed hold of her face, that was still by my balls, and stared at her. “Nothing you want is wrong. Embrace your desires and tell me what you want.” I said, “I don’t care what it is I’ll do it.”
Stammering she uttered: “Will you… would you…”
“Just fucking say it!” I cried.
“Will you lick my pussy again?” she struggled to say.
“I’d be fucking delighted to!” I replied, pushing her naked body back onto the bed and tugging her thighs apart. Now her cunt smelled sweeter and sexier than ever.
Burying my face in her steamy wetness I began lapping at her like my life depended on it. Her cunt welcomed the softness of my tongue once more. Gradually, I expanded my range, exploring more and more of her pussy until my tongue was tickling her clitoris.
“Oh, oh, yes!” she moaned as I went deeper. Quickly her breathing changed, her thighs squeezed me and she started slamming into my face. For once I was unable to use my hands to help as her thighs were clamped so tightly. But soon I felt it rise, her breaths became shorter still, her legs pushed tighter and her moans grew louder.
“Ooh, ooh, ooh,” she moaned, ‘Ugh, ugh ugh,” she panted as my tongue dived deeper into her wetness. Suddenly she came and a wave of cum washed across my face — but nothing like her squirting from last night. Her hands grabbed my head shoving it between her thighs as she moaned.
As her panting slowly decreased I teased: “Is that it, are you done with me now?”
Trying to breathe slowly Heather stammered: “No. I… I…”
“You just came all over my face,” I exclaimed, “Do you really think you need to be shy?”
“Can I go on top?” she stuttered.
I rolled over sighing. “Heather, you need to be more confident,” I said, “You gave me the best blowjob I’ve ever had and you’re incredible in bed. Own that! You’re cute, you fuck like a demon and you can really suck dick. Be proud, most guys would die to be with you.”
With that, Heather pushed me down and straddled my cock. Swiftly she slid onto me, the walls of her pussy stroking my length as she did so. Rising up and down, Heather began to fuck me at last.
Her moans filled the room, and soon she was bouncing off me as if I was a trampoline.
“Oh fuck, yes! Fuck, fuck,” she screamed as her clit smashed into my pelvis. Her pace increased along with her moans, but I knew from last night that I was not going to cum soon. Still, I allowed Heather to ride me as hard and fast as she wanted. Her massive tits rebounded every which way as she fucked me hard. I revelled in the fact that she was slowly growing confident in her sexuality.
“Ohh. ohh, ohh,” she moaned, “I think I’m…” with that I shoved my full length into her and her breathing changed.
“Ugh… ugh… ugh,” Heather moaned as my manhood drove deep inside her. Finally, she could hold back no longer.
“Oh my… my… my… fuck… fuck, FUCK!” she screamed as her climax coursed through her body. I hoped I might cum soon after, but as hard as Heather rode me I could tell I wasn’t going to orgasm any time soon. Still, I let her rub herself off on my cock.
Once she had regained her senses she climbed off my still hard member.
“Will you cum if you fuck me doggy-style?” she asked climbing onto her hands and knees.
Honestly, I didn’t know, but I was happy to try! And I was over the moon that she was gaining confidence.
I aimed my engorged cock at her dripping entrance and carefully slid inside her. As I started fucking her I watched the ripples ride across her soft ass again. Taking hold of her hips I drove into her heat, feeling every inch of her slick passage. Positioning myself just right I could feel my tip rubbing against her spongy G-spot.
“Oh yes, right there,” Heather groaned. Slowing my pace to ensure I hit the right spot I pushed harder than before to intensify her enjoyment. The steady rhythm of my thrusts combined with the hot softness of her G-spot was really turning me on. As I held her hips I could see her ass cheeks spread, offering a quick glimpse of her tight asshole.
Driving hard into Heather I could feel the pit of my stomach tightening as my balls contracted. “Oh, oh,” I moaned, “I’m going to cum.” Heather pushed back harder and harder until my cock launched my sticky seed deep inside her.
I slid my cum-soaked dick out and gave Heather a light spank on the ass as we fell, sated, onto the bed. “That was incredible,” I said as we lay cuddling.
Holding my hand tightly, Heather replied: “You’re incredible. Thank you.”
We stayed there, our naked bodies entwined, until she had to use the bathroom. As Heather walked towards the door to grab her robe a huge dollop of semen surged from her pussy and onto the floor, causing us both to laugh.
While she was peeing, I began getting dressed, pulling on last night’s tuxedo, draping the untied bow tie around my neck.
“You’re leaving?” Heather asked as she returned to the room.
“I should get going, but thanks for an amazing night… and morning,” I said with a smile. “And forget those sorority bitches, you don’t need them,” I added, kissing her on the lips.
With that, I began the walk home, the so-called walk of shame. But I didn’t feel any shame whatsoever, quite the opposite in fact. I was proud, I’d helped Heather turn one of the worst nights of her life into a great experience.
As I strolled through the early autumn morning my thoughts drifted back to Emily, I simply couldn’t keep her out of my mind. I’d been so close last night, yet hadn’t managed to say a single word to her. Plus she had a boyfriend. Now she was lost, I’d never gaze lovingly into those incredible pools of green light and I’d never stroke her golden hair. She was gone before I’d even had a chance with her.
Yet still, I was determined to find her.
This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after the first generation characters have graduated, but I was in the midst of writing this before the 2nd Generation Canon came out - my apologies that it doesn't directly tie in there! This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy, and may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the...
This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after the first generation characters have graduated, but I was in the midst of writing this before the 2nd Generation Canon came out - my apologies that it doesn't directly tie in there! This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy, and may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the...
As Emily flicked through the pictures small “oohs” and “ahhs” emanated from her lips. A twinkle glinted in those effervescent emerald eyes and a broad smile was etched on her face. At least that was something — she wasn’t horrified or worse.Quietly I began to get dressed as she carried on examining Nat’s pictures. From where I was it was impossible to tell which image was attracting each response. But I was delighted that she seemed to be enjoying them.“So you’re much kinkier than just wanting...
College SexThis novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...
Steve Curtis hosted a big Fourth of July barbeque in his back yard. Almost the whole community showed up. Allyson and Charmaine Granger walked up the street. Jonah and Marcia Attenborough arrived. Almost every person affiliated with the Emerald Cove city government made at least an appearance. The cops who were off that day spent most of the afternoon. Those on duty stopped by for a burger and a soft drink on their lunch breaks. Linda and Bill Roberts were there with their three children –...
PART II "There, look!" "Where?" "Next to Ron Weasley of course!" "Wearing the glasses? It can't be!" "Did you see what he looks like now?" "Yeah I know, creepy isn't it?" Whispers followed Harry from the moment he left the abandoned girls lavatory three weeks before. He is still a girl. People queuing outside classrooms stood on tiptoe to get a look at him, or doubled back to pass him in the corridors again, staring, gaping at the new female Harry. He wished they wouldn't but at...
EPILOGUE Harry lay face down, listening to the silence. He was perfectly alone. Nobody was watching. Nobody else was there. He was not perfectly sure that he was there himself. A long time later, or maybe no time at all, it came to him that he must exist. He was more than a disembodied thought because he was lying, definitely lying, on some surface. Therefore, he had a sense of touch, and the thing against which he lay existed too. Almost as soon as he had reached this...
Emerald Princess ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 29: Combat Finals ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THAT NIGHT WITH Caireen in her castle she cuddled me, fed me, cuddled me, fed me, and cuddled some more; all while I continued teething in her world too. She turned the baby treatment on full blast, but I didn't honestly mind it that much with how miserable my mouth felt! Each time I nursed from her though, I felt stronger, and by the time she changed me and nursed me that night my...
Foreword: In 2016 I began posting this story, Emerald Princess, set in the Whateley Universe. Real life happened, along with a major case of writer's block, and I stalled out in the middle of Chapter 21. Several people have tried to get me to return to this since I stopped, but I just could never get my head back into the story. Finally a new friend, Chloe, badgered me enough I decided to take another look at it. As a result I have managed to finish the full novel, which is...
Passing beyond the garden they went down another short corridor and came to a small green door which opened as they approached it. Beyond they were in a large, airy room which seemed to be a smaller replica of the Throne Room of the Golden Palace. "This is your Throne Room," said the Emir, "We are now in the Emerald Palace." "But that doorway leads directly to your harem?" Elaheh was puzzled. "Yes, I had it made especially for you. There are guards on it and only you will be allowed...
PART IV For a moment, nothing happened and the full feeling was freed from her mind. She thought she had beaten The Emerald Curse. Suddenly, the amulet chain tightened and began to squeeze tightly on her throat. She tried to pull it off as it dug into her skin but it was much too strong. She trashed about the place, gasping for air, wrenching and choking. "The old man must DIE!" screamed Alys. "Arrrrrgh!" croaked Heather, pleading for Alys to stop. She started to feel woozy and...
Emerald Princess ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 26: Breaches ++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE NEXT WEEK at the daycare passed by without anything significant happening - just more boring time spent pretending to be a helpless baby. In Caireen's world I had watched several attempts at breaching the wall, but I was proud that nothing Camulus and his forces had tried had even scratched it so far! Our special forces groups had been reinforced with another hundred men, and continued to...
Rather than have Steve and Allyson track down their vehicles, Bryant suggested they take his SUV — since it was parked right behind them. He tossed the keys to Allyson and climbed into the backseat. Allyson admonished the lieutenant and patrolman to maintain radio silence. "If either of you call ahead to warn them, I will add tampering with evidence charges against you," she promised. The men nodded and returned to their vehicles. Then she turned to Steve Curtis. "You drive," she...
This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...
For the second time in 13 days, Bryant drove from Atlanta back to Emerald Cove. His had flown from Dayton to Charlotte, N.C., after dropping off the Lucas family in Wapakoneta. He had left Kelley Lucas with enough money that she could rent a car and a hotel room four times in the next two months. He planned to put the Lucas family in for the reward that the Feds had offered for the capture of Eileen Mayfield – if she ever turned up. That $50,000 would help the family a great deal, he...
It was my green night. I don't know why, I just like the color. My husband, Terry, was tying his bowtie in the mirror. His white cotton button-down and black slacks fit him well. The vee of his red and black suspenders widened at his broad shoulders and matched the black tie of his tuxedo perfectly. We did this probably three times per year for the last three years. It had to be the biggest event. It had to be the richest people. We didn't really run in those circles, but that's probably how we...
ExhibitionismIn the State of South Carolina, the prosecution gave the first closing argument. The defense would follow and then the state would get the chance at rebuttal. But before either side got the chance to wrap up its case, the judge would go over the instructions he planned to read to the jury before they began deliberations. As with most things in South Carolina v. Mayfield, this was ground for a contentious meeting between the opposing sides. Alex Manning passed out a sheet containing his...
The October air was chilly when Bryant first saw the Silver Memorial Bridge across the Ohio River and into Gallipolis. The temperature in Emerald Cove had been in the mid-seventies when he departed. Jan had suggested he fly to Ohio to interview the Brockleman family and Mary Beth Brockleman's friends. But after taking into account the drive to Atlanta, the wait at the security checkpoint, the hassle about bringing a firearm aboard the plane and the travel time from Columbus, Ohio, or...
The next call came from a detective in Huntington, W.Va. When the woman learned that Bryant was only an hour away, she decided she would prefer to meet face-to-face. Bryant offered to meet her halfway but she demurred, saying there was really nothing between the two places. She met him at a McDonald's near his hotel. She had no trouble picking out Bryant; he looked like what she pictured a South Carolina police detective would look like. Bryant would have never guessed the woman who sat...
As Bryant was racing down the streets in pursuit of Cassidy Bell, Jan Elliot was trying to track down an anomaly in her department. For months, there had been a line item in her budget for someone named Scott Lewis. She knew he worked somewhere for the city. She had received e-mails from him any number of times. But she had never met him and she couldn't seem to locate him. It took three wrong turns and twenty minutes of wandering through City Hall before Jan located a small office on the...
Bryant pulled back into the spot he had vacated only half an hour before. He knew the officers weren't dressed to wear a vest beneath their uniform tops so he picked up windbreakers for them to wear on top of their armor. He took Grant's spot while she slipped a vest over her uniform and then did the same for Harv. He did the same over the next few minutes until everyone was outfitted properly. Then he drove around the corner and pulled to a stop in front of Jan's house. He saw Holly's...
My lovers are always surprised, sometimes even shocked, at the overwhelming strength and duration of my orgasms. I never reveal the true reason, that would truly be shocking.It was July 1st. We’d arrived at my grandparents' farm the night before. It was thrilling to be back in Transylvania where I grew up. My parents and I had left when I was eight to emigrate to the United States for a better life. Now, at twenty-two, this was my graduation present, the one I’d longed for. My memories of the...
Monster SexThis novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...
Autumn had come and gone and now winter had firmly grasped Philadelphia. The temperature had plummeted and people were wrapping up. College was going well; I’d made the rugby first team, the only freshman on the squad, and was training with the ski team.Despite a range of casual encounters I still didn’t have a girlfriend and there was only one girl I wanted — but she was spoken for, promised to another guy back home. Instead of pining I dove headlong into college life. I went to frat parties,...
College SexWell at long last here we are! I last posted a chapter of this in February of 2017. I had some real life things that came up then and I just couldn't ever get my head back in the space to write this again! It's always bothered me that I didn't finish it... but Exchanged, Diamond Tours, Seems Too Good, Undercover Tour, and another novel under a different pen name all ended up coming out and I couldn't do anything with this one! (This particular chapter has sat half-finished for much of...
Bryant and Allyson flew separately from Jonathan Mayfield and two South Carolina State troopers. The judge had placed the videotape into evidence and immediately signed off on the extradition warrant. The Ohio governor's office agreed and Jonathan Mayfield was on his way to South Carolina to face first-degree murder charges. Allyson's alma mater, Northwestern, was in Bloomington, Indiana, for a Big Ten Conference game with the Hoosiers and she wanted to go west to see the game. They would...
The beach was starting to fill up. It was always that way on Friday mornings. The people heading out that afternoon wanted one last day in the sun and the people just starting their vacations were eager to see the sand and surf. Angel and Anna had disappeared in the room they shared to put on swimwear beneath their clothes. Maria decided that was a good plan so she did the same. Bryant was still wearing a pair of ratty sweatpants cut off at the thighs, an Emerald Cove PD T-shirt, flip-flops...
The FBI liaison pulled Bryant aside as he left the briefing. "I've discussed this with my superiors and we have a suggestion," the woman said. The FBI had been extremely helpful in getting the more mundane aspects of the sting operation into place. Merton Lysander Beckwith had a valid Georgia driver's license and a divorce record registered in the county. He had a vehicle registered with the state and had all of his tax filings in order. Beckwith Construction had a few contracts under...
100% fiction! Whilst Emerald Bay was working at her job as a Care Assistant, she was talking to one of her work Colleagues about sunbeds her colleague told her about a local hair salon which had a sun capsule. So the next day when Emerald Bay had her day of work and Emeraldbay paid a visit to the salon and booked a sun capsule session of 35 Mins at the rate of £25.00,after the session was booked Emerald Bay was in the sun capsule every other day then going of to the local bar for a Latte or a...
First TimeThis novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated. As such it is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...
Emerald Princess ++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 22: Preparations ++++++++++++++++++++ I RUBBED MY eyes as I woke up in my crib in Caireen's castle. I felt sore as I pushed myself to my feet, and discovered my diaper was already messy. I gave into my inner infant and began crying for Caireen. Fortunately, she didn't make me wait long before she gathered me into her arms and hugged me. "Shh..." She bounced me gently in her arms as she walked to the changing table and laid me down. My...
Bryant took his leave from O'Bannon's Pub at seven thirty. He had switched to water for the last hour, even though he'd only consumed two beers in the time he'd been there. A DUI would not bode well for him in his job search. He plopped down on his bed at the inn and stretched his legs out. He thought about what he knew about Emerald Cove. Sure, the job would have its downsides. Every job would be like that. But those problems wouldn't necessarily be his to correct. His job would be to...
All chattering ceased as Bryant entered the yard, accompanied by Charmaine and Allyson Granger. Forty sets of eyes turned to face the newcomers. Bryant took an involuntary gulp as watched as Steve Curtis stepped up on a picnic table. "Ladies and gentlemen, the man of the hour has arrived!" he stated. "Detective Bryant Hawkins has agreed to assume command of our newly created detective's bureau. It is the first step in turning Emerald Cove into the sort of city we all think it can...
Bryant was on an airplane, headed to Columbia when the reality of the situation hit him. The young woman had overheard his conversation with the bartender and set up Mayfield. A guy like Mayfield could probably take a lot of ribbing but to have an attractive female question his sexuality would provoke a response. Her companion obviously knew how to take care of himself. He had risked an assault conviction to help him put Mayfield in prison. Jan was incredulous when Bryant had phoned her. She...
The next morning I left the house two hours earlier than normal, my handbag packed with as many essentials as it could carry without arousing suspicion. My heart was beating faster than it ever had before as I slowly walked down the road to work hoping for opportunity to strike. Thankfully, before too long a red pickup pulled beside me and a young early, probably in his early twenties stopped to say hello. Naturally I accepted his unspoken invitation and got in the passenger seat, placing my...
Once upon a time in a parallel dimension there was a fairy named Jamara. She knew that a war was coming between her fairy people and the woodland elves because of her paranormal powers. How she hated the thought of a war with all of its destruction and hate. She was terrified of the possibility of losing loved ones. Finally, she could take no more of the ugly thoughts and images going through her mind, so she went to her favorite place to meditate. Emerald Lake was a beautiful, tranquil place...
Chapter 15: AFTER HANNAH AND I finished up we hurried to location of the Venus, Inc club meeting. As soon as we walked in the door it seemed like every girl there had their attention directly on me. "How old is she?" one girl asked quickly. "Supposedly twenty months," I said to their surprise. "Wait, the baby talks?" One girl asked. "Of course babies talk," one clueless girl nearby that was walking over came by. "No I mean..." "No I'm not a real baby," I said... "Well, at...
Emerald Princess ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 23: Teamwork ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE DAY I spent in Caireen's world was spent making some other fortifications around the valley. I had suggested building some tall tower structures around the Valley's perimeter walls to allow archers to defend in the unlikely possibility Camulus decided to come around the sides. They ended up becoming reinforced mini-citadels with housing for a small garrison of two-hundred archers a...
Emerald Princess ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 24: Approaching Storms ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ AFTER THE DEBRIEFING, and brutally honest criticism, all of us traveled back to Poe together. Hannah stripped me of the heavily soiled diaper I wore and carried me into the shower with her for a quick wash before lunch. We barely had enough time for me to nurse from her and make it to the cafeteria. Her lunch, and my real solid food, was finished in...
Bryant hung up from his call to Emerald Cove and explained the situation to the rest of the group. "So we have a Gallia County deputy interested in Shrekengost's whereabouts," Garvin summed up. "And Shrekengost and his mother are in the wind." "Sounds about right," Bryant agreed. "That's a hard thing to do without a lot of help," Andrews put forth from where he stood by the second vehicle the group would take south. "Think about it. You essentially have to have someone in your...
Ten minutes after Bryant's first meeting with his entire detective squad, Jan Elliot walked into his office and shut the door. "Uh-oh ... the closed door," Bryant said. "That means you plan to yell." "Maybe I mean to sexually harass you," Jan replied as she took a chair opposite him. "Nope, you'd have called me to your office for that," Bryant joked. "I'd have called you to my office if I planned to yell," Jan said. "Look, we need to hash out our responsibilities here....
Sgt. Scott's intent to pin a bad shooting on him disheartened Bryant. But he figured he had time later to worry about it – and that there was nothing he could about it either way. Instead, he followed Jan back to her house. She insisted she was doing fine but she could tell Bryant was worried about her. She also knew that Bryant had a lot more experience with this sort of thing than she did. So she didn't put up much of a fight when he told he'd come over to fix dinner for her. Bryant...
This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated. As such it is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Currently there are 13 chapters written -...
Amanda and John had invited Thomas over to their Christmas party. He has been so depressed and lonely since his wife's death that Amanda thought this might lift his spirits a little. As usual, John declined. He still was reluctant to go out anywhere especially to a party since he lost his wife. However, recently his 25 yr old niece Katrina had moved in with him. His niece, Katrina who worked at the local department store, had met John one day and he invited to their Christmas party. She...
When he died last year, all ten of his grandchildren were called together at a family resort for a weekend. Granddaddy had provided for everything, paying for our transportation, lodging, and food. At a banquet celebrating his life we were treated to a slide show of pictures of him as a baby in 1932 up until the death of grandmamma in 2006 when he posed with us after her funeral. A number of the pictures were of him receiving special honors throughout his life from 1st place in a spelling...
Emerald Passing: SHAMrock Stand-In III By Dee Eon I smirked at the spiffily suited grinning boy slipping into the empty airline seat meant for Sean next to coyly smiling Sheila up in first class. Fuck! Peering up the aisle from coach class, Robert and Andrew noticed too and we exchanged glances, but that's all we were ever going to admit in our silent wistfulness toward our Irish dance company buddy's transformed belle. And transformed was the operative word because it was...
Ramona Flowers Presents J.K. Rowling?s HARRY POTTER In The Curse of the Emerald Witch PART I The rays of moonlight shone through the gaps in between the curtains pulls, illuminating the boy?s dormitory like a shiny diamond ring. The four poster beds were placed around the room, the Gryffindor emblems hanging proudly from the walls. The low snoozing of the boys sleeping was defeated by the loud, heavy snores of Ron Weasley who slept in a crooked, awkward position. The wind howled...
This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...
This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...
Jan was somewhat disappointed when she saw Bryant making up his couch. She wasn't certain how far she wanted the night to go but she disliked the fact that the decision had already been made. She sat down in the chair opposite the coach and tucked her legs beneath her. Her silk robe fell open and her off-white panties were visible until she closed the robe. She chatted with Bryant, extending her legs and adjusting her posture to try to keep Bryant interested. He seemed resolved to sleeping...
This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after the first generation characters have graduated, but I was in the midst of writing this before the 2nd Generation Canon came out - my apologies that it doesn't directly tie in there! This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy, and may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the...
I was now spending more and more time at Emily’s while we prepared for the upcoming Spring Break. Having never been to Mexico, I was growing ever more excited — especially as I’d be going with her.Emily was clearly looking forward to the trip as well. The last couple of weeks had been filled with shopping trips. She had bought a multitude of swimsuits, short skirts, tiny shorts and all manner of clothing. I, on the other hand, would make do with just a couple of pairs of beach shorts and my...
College SexPERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Supergirl and Powergirl ? Snob?s Pleasure By? Sonya? Esperanto? [email protected] Synopsis: Supergirl and Powergirl are property of DC COMICS. This is not a story intended for profit-making. This is also not intended for anyone below the age of 18. Supergirl and Powergirl fall under the power of a jealous celebrity, who...
"So that's how you became like this?" asked Annabel, "No, that's how I became an air headed, sex-crazed bimbo that the stereotype expects. It took years to become who I am today. On that day, when I saw Lester for the first time as Lulu, I wasn't thinking of trying to escape, or even trying to think clearly. My goals were simple, to get his cock inside me as quickly as possible because masturbation pales in comparison to having as many cocks inside you as you can get your hands on. I...
“What's the situation captain?” asked my best friend Mike. I, along with the rest of the Seattle FBI's RRU (Rapid Response Unit) were called in just a little over an hour ago after our captain informed us of a bank robbery in progress. “We have approximately eight heavily armed men and thirteen hostages. The silent alarm went off at 3:45 so we can assume they entered in just before that. They've tried to destroy all of the security cameras but seemed to have missed one. From what we...
The man looks around the bedroom. Her party dress is placed neatly on a chair, yet her underwear is mixed in with the messed-up bedsheets. “Am I being pranked?” He rubs his eyes and looks around again. “Where’s the camera?” The woman with quick light taps splatters her cunt juice all over her large firm thighs. She raises her legs up in the air like a candle, showing off her massive round cheeks and spreads her pussy wide open. “Oh no,” she says smiling. “I’m, like, so embarrassed right...
This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated. As such it is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please keep in mind this story is a work of...
This work took a little bit longer hiatus than I planned due to the demands of real life, but not to worry I'm back at it again! There is a cue of three other completed chapters after this and I'm pretty sure if my energy holds up there will be another two or three done by next week. I hopefully will be able to post one a week for a while here. Right now I'm guessing there are right around 10-15 chapters remaining here. This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes...