Maxine’s New Life Ch. 09 free porn video

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Yes, I was suicidal on Sunday. But then I always am after that kind of Saturday night. By Monday I was myself again. The only difference was that I had done some good with my ill gotten gains, so I felt a lot better about myself, a lot sooner than usual.

I also had lost the death wish by the time I woke up on Monday. Since I no longer wanted to meet with Ivan in the middle of the night, I checked my security system. The wide angle camera I had installed on the post at the entrance to my drive was still working. I hadn’t used it for months. It didn’t do the job I really needed, but it was still working. I knew that my motion sensor flood lights, the ones hidden in the trees surrounding the cabin, worked as well. I knew it because they lit the small yard like daylight, whenever I came home at night.

I decided that it was time, at the very least, to install a gate at the entrance to my place. I also wanted to put more security camera in place. I had seen the boy wonder’s security camera system at the office. He could check them from his laptop anywhere he happened to be. I wanted to be able to check the whole compound, before I went through the non existent gate. If Ivan came, I wanted a chance to at least do some serious damage.

Once I got to the office, I set Lucas the task of adding a gate and cameras. ‘I do not want the gate to be a bank vault, just something to keep the average guy out. If they come at it with a blow torch, let them in, but let me know they are there. However if a guy comes to pick me up for a date, I want it to look like a cattle gate.’

‘Nobody is going to pick you up for a date, because you better not be telling anyone where you live,’ Ed said from across the room.

Also that Monday shortly after noon I finally realized that I didn’t get my answer about the Reverend’s past. Lucas had the security plan drawn up by 1PM, so I put him on the Reverend’s trail. I had given the man a thousand dollars, now I wanted to know exactly who it was that profited from my mouth and ass.

‘You might not like this Boss,’ Lucas said. ten minutes later.

‘Why not Luke?’ I asked.

‘Because he doesn’t exist,’ Lucas said to me.

‘Sure he does, I was at his church yesterday,’ I knew what he meant, but my reaction was that of a normal person, not some kind of jaded bitch.

‘Jason Archer just appeared here last year. He set up that ministry, but his ordainment must be from the back of penthouse or something akin to it.’

Shit, I have been conned, I thought. ‘So what’s his scam?’

‘I can’t find one. He isn’t putting money in the bank anywhere. His income from the church will barely cover his expenses. He actually seems to be dead broke.’

‘Well, let me do some checking,’ I suggested.

Lucas went back our real work. He got ready to serve papers, while I put in a call to Anya Bostic. ‘I need some information,’ I suggested to her.

‘Me first,’ she demanded.

‘My ass Bostic, you don’t have the high ground here. I’m not some terrified CI. We trade or you go fuck yourself.’

‘I’m a cop,’ she said. ‘You can’t talk to me like that. I’ll come over and jack your ass up.’ she insisted.

‘Well then you might want to expect a visit from internal affairs about ten minutes later.’ I hung up on her.

Two minutes later the phone rang. ‘You can’t prove anything,’ she said.

‘Want to listen to my amateur recordings? They aren’t RCA quality, but you can recognize the voices.’

‘You recorded me?’

‘I might have been born yesterday bitch, but it was early in the morning.’

‘Alright, what do you want to know?’ she asked

‘I want the full background on Reverend Jason Archer. I want to know what his scam is.’

‘That could take a while.’

‘Nothing I learned Saturday night requires immediate action,’ I suggested. We left it at that.

Lucas had taken the time to get the work for the afternoon scheduled. We served papers most of the afternoon. After we finished all the court orders we we traveled to the house of one Tyrone Marshall. We didn’t want to see Tyrone. We wanted to see Tyrone’s girl friend. Tyrone’s girlfriend was a fellow named Everette. Everette aka Eve was known to write checks without any money in the bank. Most of the time he/she caught the kite before it fell to the ground. He/she had missed a few kites three months before. She was out on bail thanks to a bondsman in Tryon. He called us earlier that Monday morning with the information download.

‘Tyrone Marshall, my name is Maxine Stone. I’m looking for your friend Everette Thomas.’ I really should have done the delivery scam but I doubted that it would work. Mostly because I felt like a confrontation. I could never have pulled off the subdued delivery person that day.

‘I ain’t seen him,’ was the reply from Tyrone.

‘Then you won’t mind, if I come in and look around?’

‘You got a warrant?’

‘I don’t need a warrant hon,’ I said handing him a copy of the supreme court ruling. The one that authorized a bond agents to break and enter to take a fleeing fugitive into custody.

‘Eve ain’t here,’ he said.

‘Tyrone, you seem like a nice enough guy. Everette has been declared a fugitive by the court. Aiding a fugitive is a criminal offense. You could well be doing his time, if you are indeed hiding him. So do you want to rethink that?’ I gave him a couple of minutes to think. ‘Will your boss hold your job for a month, while you are at the farm?’

‘Come on in,’ he finally said.

I put the plastic wire tie on Eve’s hands. Since Everette was dressed as a woman, Lucas and I called him Eve. It just made things easier.

It was after seven when we got through getting Everette into the county lockup. Like using the bathroom, we had to get the paper work done before we were finished with the job. I hadn’t had dinner, so I was short tempered by the time we got to the parking lot.

‘Maxine,’ the loud voice behind me shouted.

I turned to see Bostic headed my way. ‘What you got for me?’

‘The reason you and Lucas couldn’t find Archer is that his name isn’t Archer. His real name is Jacob Ashford.’

I was a little surprised, but not much really shocked me even in those days. ‘So why the name change.’ I expected the worst and I got it.

‘How about a voluntary manslaughter beef.’

‘You mean he is on the run?’ I didn’t want to think I had put the cops onto his ass.

‘Not from us. He is on parole. Went into the system at 18 for killing another gangbanger. It seems he found God in the joint. Everybody thought it was a gag to make parole, but on him it took.’

‘So why manslaughter and not murder?’

‘He acted more or less in self defense, but he did have a gun, so they plead it down. He got ten to twenty and did 12 years.’

‘So how long has he been out?’

‘Three years and before you ask, he hasn’t been in any trouble. He changed his name last year when he opened the mission and church. As for his parole officer’s opinion, he is the perfect client. The parole officer says he has a drug abuse outreach program as well as the mission.’

‘Sounds to me like he is the one in a thousand who really is rehabilitated.’

‘Yeah but no telling how he would react to red meat.’

‘What?’ I asked.

‘He has become a grass eater now, but what would the predator do, if someone were to drag red meat in front of him.’

‘Good point, but the drug intervention program sounds like he has already come in contact with temptation.’

‘Who knows, what I’m saying is be careful.’ She paused to let that sink in. Then she asked, ‘So what about Saturday night.’

‘How much do you really know about Marge, and don’t bullshit me Bostic.’

‘Her main income is from those parties. I don’t want to know the details to be honest.’

‘I personally don’t care what your involvement with her is, but watc
h yourself. Most people in the south would care. She is going down one of these days be careful you aren’t with her at the time.’

‘Thanks for the advice, but that isn’t an answer.’

‘They were Russians. Three couples, but only one body guard. That tells me they are all in bed together, so to speak. Also the bodyguard was more to protect their privacy than their asses. I think they are more or less legit, but into some sensitive shit. If they were big time mobsters, there would have been ten bodyguards not one.’

‘Marge tells me the one they had wasn’t very good,’ Bostic suggested.

‘Why because some hooker took his gun away? Don’t underestimate your working girl,’ I said. I still hadn’t decided where Bostic fit in the world. She might be good, bad, or most likely somewhere in between. My ace in the hole was that Blevins still hated her.

‘So you don’t think they are criminals?’

‘Oh, I’m sure they are, I just don’t think they are big time criminals. At least not mobster type criminals.’

‘What did she want?’ Lucas asked, when I was safely back in the van.

‘Just to tell me who our Reverend Archer used to be.’

‘You gonna’ tell me?’

‘Maybe later, right now I’m going to drop you at the office, and then I’m going home.’

‘Okay, but be very careful. Something has you spooked and I can’t get the new security up for a week at least.

‘Not to worry Luke, it is probably all a waste of time and money.’ In the parking lot while Lucas removed his paperwork from the van, I checked my messages. I had turned the phone off in the jail.

Voice mail said, ‘This is Jen, you really need to call me to set up an appointment.’

I punched the button to speed dial Jen at home. ‘What is it you want? More sex already?’ I asked it with a grin in my voice.

‘Always, but no it’s business this time. Besides Bob has been a lot better, since you showed him how to do it.’

‘See, I am good for something,’ I suggested.

‘Oh hell Maxine, you are good for a lot of things. One of them is making money without trying.’

‘Oh how so?’

‘Marty wants to settle for 75 big ones. It’s a good deal for you both. I recommend that you take it.’

‘Are you sure this is ethical. You representing us both.’

‘Oh no hon, I’m Marty’s legal whore. You will have to get someone else, if you want a lawyer. But if you do that, you will be giving them 30% for nothing. I did not tell you that.’

‘Get it ready for me to sign,’ I suggested. ‘By the way, when do the shops start springing up?’

‘Oh Marty sold a franchise deal to the custom bicycle shops everywhere. He has a group of builders already working on those things.’

‘If anyone can make it work, it’s our boy Marty,’ I agreed.

‘Yeah, I think he is going to sell them through Walmart once the big factory is going. He already has s deal with the Chinese supplier.’

‘The man is a dynamo,’ I suggested. ‘And not too shabby in bed.’

‘True on both of those statements,’ Jen replied. ‘So call tomorrow and set up a time with the receptionist to come in and sign your rights away. I think there will be an offer on the table from Marty as well.’

‘Our time has gone,’ I said.

‘No it’s business. You two are still an Internet phenomena. Marty manages to keep the hype going. Every time you do something in real life, he gets it posted to one of the fake news sites he has up there.’

‘Jen, I don’t even want to know about that. I promise I will call your cute little receptionist.’

‘You keep your hands off the hired help. Bye hon.’ she was laughing when she hung up on me.

Tuesday morning found me carefully leaving my cabin in the woods after a quick shower. Yes I had time for coffee, a cup at the tool bench and a cup in big ole plastic Delta coffee cup. You know the delta cup is shaped like a Mercury space capsule. It’s the only kind of cup I can walk across the room with. Well the only kind I can walk with while expecting to have all the coffee remain in the cup. It is also the kind of cup, which allows me to drive, drink, and still arrive without coffee stains.

All that to say I left really early in the morning on Tuesday. I had to take my trash to the county dumpster on the way to work. I found that some critter had gone through it again. What ever it was had to be pretty hungry, since I seldom threw away anything but empty boxes. I had to spend time cleaning the yard when I really wanted to get to work.

I wanted to do some research on the Reverend, since I finally knew his real name. I wanted to get that done before Lucas or Ed arrived. I made my deposit at the county dumpster site, then a pickup at Hardee’s drive thru before I got to the office. I didn’t have as much time as I expected, but I did manage to pull up the old, old newspaper articles. Some of the old articles made it into the digital files of the Tryon paper and some didn’t. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to it.

It was pretty much as Anya had said. At eighteen the young Jacob came from a single parent home. He and his mother lived in the one housing project in Aster. The Rollers were a middle class gang with it’s roots in skateboards and weed. The Dog Soldiers’ roots were in poverty.

Like Anya said, Jacob had a .22 pistol. When the Roller kid hassled him for being in the park, they had heated words. The pistol in Jacob’s pocket gave him false courage. As the saying goes, the Roller pulled a knife in the middle of a fun fight and died for it. Jacob was young and stupid so he went to prison. Whether he found God. or just a Jim Baker type scam, remained to be seen.

I finished my coffee, my biscuit, and my research before Ed arrived. ‘Mornin’ Miss Maxine, where is Luke?’ he asked. I wondered how long it would take for Lucas to become Luke. It had taken a while for sure, but at least half the time we thought of him as luke.

‘I have no idea, he is probably out pricing gates. It’s too early to be out buying cameras,’ I had to laugh as I spoke. Ed and I had no idea what was needed to make a video surveillance system. It was all duck quacks to me, when Lucas tried to explain it. He always made the futile attempt to make us understand what he was doing.

‘You going to let him in on where you live?’ Ed asked.

‘Hell, I’m going to let him live there too.’ I said grinning. ‘Or at least pretend to live there while the men install his toys.’

‘That’s a good plan, I hate when you make me go out there. The kid can do it from now on.’

‘That was what I thought. If I get lucky, I want have to screw him for the help either.’

‘You mean, I could have gotten laid if I had gone about it right?’

‘Hell Ed, that would be like screwing my dad. You still might get laid.’ I said with a laugh.

Sure enough, when Lucas came in at 10AM, he was filled with the description of the gate to be installed at the end of my drive. As I said earlier it was all duck quacking to me. I did get it that I had a two button garage door opener. One button disabled the horn, which blew if the gate was opened without the opener, and the other started the motor that pulled the gate from the driveway. If I needed for some reason to open the gate without the opener, there was a crank that would go under my car seat. It was likely to get crowded in the van, since first thing Monday morning, I had moved my vest from the secure store room to the van. Once I figured out how to hide it, I planed to move one of the shotguns to the van as well. I knew that I was a little paranoid, but I had been taught for years that the Russians could not be trusted. Lately I had heard how vicious the Russian Mob could be. Even though I didn’t think the visitors at Marge’s were Mobsters, they were still likely to be fringe players.

‘So when does the castle gate go up?’ I asked.

‘They can get started on it Wednesday morning, if I give them the go ahead and a deposit.’

didn’t tell them who it is for did you?’

‘Of course not, I know you are trying to stay off the radar.’

‘Good, I want you to go to my place and be there when they install the gate. As far as they are to know, you are the resident. If they check the tax records, Eds client will come up. I don’t want my name mentioned at all.’

‘I understood that from the start Boss.’ Luke said seriously.

‘Good, this is going to mean that now and then you will have to go out and let people into the place. Are you up for that?’

‘Sure we can work things out,’

‘The convict and I share a dislike of strangers. He had it set so very few things required an outsider to enter the compound. I have even less exposure. All the utilities are in his mother’s name. When she gets a bill, she calls to tell me. I just go by the utility office and pay it in cash. The fuel oil supplier goes into the compound once before the coldest weather and once in January. The cabin is small and reasonably draft free, so i use about three hundred gallons of fuel a years. Roughly one hundred and fifty gallons each time the man shows up. I dumped around five hundred dollar each time.’

‘I figure if I get the truck out before the gate goes in. it will save Luke having to out there one time at least.’ I said that just before I made the call.

The delivery company’s receptionist assured me that her driver would make the delivery that same afternoon. As usual he would leave the bill in the door. The bill would have the owner’s name on it. It was his account, I was just keeping his credit good for him. I explained about the locked gate. I gave her the cell phone registered in the company name as a contact after the gate went in.

My appointment with Jen was already set. She knew I could work it into my schedule so they just set it and informed me of the time. Wednesday at 3PM. I made a note after speaking with the cute receptionist, but knew that I would probably lose the note. I still used a ball point pen and paper to make notes to myself. My cell phone had a memo pad but I never used it. I didn’t even want to know how.

Luke and I took to the road before lunch, so I bought giant burgers with lots of crap on them for us both. We weren’t in Aster at the time, so Luke found a park on the GPS. We sat in the van to avoid the chilly wind. Even with the chill in the air the sun streaming through all that glass, made it quite comfortable.

‘Boss are you interested in that preacher?’ he asked.

‘Yes, Luke. I’m not sure exactly what my interest is though.’

‘Yeah, well when you get interested in someone, it usually lasts about a week. So I won’t be planning any religious awakenings from you.’

‘Let’s get these papers delivered and get back to Aster. I’m supposed to stop by to see Ed’s Son.’

‘Ah Ed’s son the Doc? So how are you doing?’

‘Luke you see me every day. Hon you would know if there was anything wrong with me. You might even know it before I do.’

The paper deliveries were quite easy as they usually were. We always got a little lip, but since I had the signs installed, the standard answer was, ‘Ma’am we are just a delivery service. You need to take that up with your lawyer or your ex husband or business partner.’

We did have to chase one man down. He knew someone was looking for him, so He wasn’t where he was supposed to be. We found him at his son’s soccer game at school. I hated to make the delivery there, but he made it impossible not to do it.

‘You are almost as big a bitch as my ex-wife,’ he informed me.

‘Thanks,’ I replied walking away.

He put his hand on arm as I turned to leave. ‘I’m not finished,’ he said.

I showed him the stun gun. ‘Yes you are,’ I informed him as I walked away. Luke watched him to make sure he remained calm.

‘Well we almost got away without anyone acting pissy.’

‘Those are rare and wonderful days. Now get me back to the office, so I can drop you and get over to see the doc.’

Ed’s son Jeff and I did our little dance, and he pronounced me cured. He had done very little, but since I had insurance I let him play doctor. Besides he was cute, so I didn’t mind him touching and poking me a little.

I dreaded my next stop, but I had promised myself that I would confront Marge. I didn’t see any advantage in putting it off. Since the office work was all done or at least being finished by Luke, I drove to the Hazelwood.

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 389

I was totally shocked by how involved I had been with the Irishman. I had to wonder, was it a software change, or was I evolving somehow. It did not matter one bit to me, which it was. The only thing important to me was how wonderful it had felt. I know what a cliche it is. but I had felt really alive during the experience. Maybe I felt that way for the first time, since I died. There I said it. I had died when they took my memories. It was the price I paid for eternal life. It had been so...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 214 an Uptown Address

"I tried to get in touch with you. You were traveling around Eruope with your new friends." Jen said. 'Ah, don't be jealous. It was a hide out trip that you negotiated with the feds remember?" I asked. "Yes I remember but now you are back and you have two weeks to clear out of the apartment and sign the papers." Jen informed me. "I guess I better get hustling around looking for a new place to live." I suggested. "That would seem to be a good idea," Jen agreed. "So, I have two...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 274 Home Again

I arrived back home via airplane from DC, then airport taxi service from the airport. I was in the Downtown House about forty five seconds before I unlocked my gun safe and put the .38 shoulder rig on. I felt better with some kind of self defense capability. The fat chick had impressed on me that I was not indestructible by any means. If someone turned me into scrap there was no guarantee they could or would salvage the computer and give me new life. I would be just as dead as the flesh and...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 317

Nobody spoke in the car on the drive back to the Diplomat Lodge. When we arrived, I went directly into the bedroom. I left the two of them to decide their sleeping positions. Then I plugged myself in and waited for any updates. Maxine the party was a huge success, the controller informed me. We are confident that the invitations will begin to roll in. We will sort through them for you, under the guise of the agent assigned to you by the network. You are entitled to an agent, now that you are...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 346

"What do you say to a naked man?" I asked Billy. "Sounds like a country song title to me," he admitted. At the time of that exchange we were sitting on the stainless steel and leather chairs of my dinning set, while we finished the warm up coffee. "You know for a woman your age, your boobs are holding up well," Billy said. "Is that like? You don't sweat much for a fat girl?" I asked. 'I didn't mean it that way at all. I was just marveling at what the doctors can do now. You...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 49

I felt really tired Saturday morning. It was a little bit of sleep deprivation and a little physical exertion. No not Ed, I had been to the Gym to work off some of the week's indulgences before the dinner party. It looked as though all of it together had caught up with me. Ed and his wife were the first to leave. I would have followed shortly thereafter, if it hadn't been my house. Even though I left the mess for the maid, I still had to stay awake until the last of the guests left. One...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 291 Just Leave It Be Maxine

I lay down with my plug sticking in the wall for the first hour, then I switched to free electrons for the rest of the night. By doing that I had free fun of the Downtown House. I walked around looking out the window and trying to think how I could give the kids at the community college even more help. Over the years I had hired them whenever I could. I just didn't have anything for the to do at the moment. I really had the resources to find something for them to do, but not everyone would...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 52

MAXINE I smiled as I left Chris at her dad's door. Of course I was not about to let her stop me from seeing Gus. I drove directly from the Evergreens Tower to the hospital five blocks away. At the receptionist desk, I asked, "Could you give me the room number of Gus Gallion please?" "He has been moved from ICU to the cardiac care unit. His room is 5012, he is on restricted visitor list though. It's family only." "I know, I'm his daughter. I was told the visiting hours were...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 151 Old Friend and Lovers

The flight from Germany passed in a drug haze. I am one of those people who can deal with pain, as long as my mind is on other things. When it is just me and the pain, then I feel it much more intensely. So I was popping the Vicodin like M&M candies. But once I got to New York. there were enough going on to take my mind off the pain. At least enough so that it was manageable. Gwen and I got a cab to a pizza parlor in the Village area. It was fun to watch the kids walking the streets....

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 312

Thursday started with me headed off on the bike. I rode my bike to the Sit Down even though I had the ugly red Chevy in the parking space behind my Downtown House. I didn't need exercise, and I wasn't green conscious, I just enjoyed the slower pace of the bike as I carried me through downtown. Pedaling it along was not a problem, not even in the thirty degree temperature. Since Sylvia had arranged a meeting at the bank for me at nine, I ate slowly. Sylvia and Peter Gordon were both in...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 329

The directions, which the Senator's staff provided, led us to a rough paved drive way entrance with a post and beam gate. I knew I was in the right place because there were armed guards, who looked like state police men at the gate. Fortunately there were no magnetometers for us to walk through. It would have been impossible of course, since the car I drove was metal. So was the 410 gauge stainless steel derringer inside my purse. Unfortunately, I would have to leave the pistol inside the...

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Greg and Shelbys new sexlife

My name is Greg and I have been dating my college sweetheart, Shelby, since freshman year of undergrad and now coming up on 25. We recently moved in together in a small but cozy 1 bedroom apartment close to the city. Shelby loved being in the city surrounded by people, while I enjoyed my solitude so we settled on the apartment not too far from the city but close enough to make her happy. I've been at my new job for about 4 months and have dedicated a lot of my time to my work, making our sex...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 135 Call a Spade a Shovel

The timing was correct almost to the minute, when the knock came on Cheryl's door. My reaction couldn't have been more inappropriate. "How the fuck did she get through the security gate?' I asked Cheryl. "If you have somehow gotten Kate a key, I am gonna throw your ass out of here." "Shut up and open the door," Cheryl demanded. I looked through the spy hole in the door to see Gwen standing outside. "What the fuck are you playing at now?" I asked, just before I opened the...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 200 on the Road Again

After I said my goodbyes, I tried to hide out till the call came from the company's travel agent. I might have managed it, had Jen not called, "Are you really going to sell the apartments?" she demanded. "Yes I am. I didn't have nearly as much fun here as I expected." I replied. "Honey, I know Cheryl broke your heart, but trust me you will find someone, someday," Jen said reassuringly. "Yeah, but if I do, you will probably sleep with him," I said it with a laugh. "True, so you...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 286 Real Life Crap and Being Smuggled West

Jen had to be lied to just a little. She wanted to make reservations on a commercial airline, but I told her that the Admiral owed me a favor. He didn't of course, but I really did not want her to know that the farmers were our travel agents of record. We were scheduled to fly out Wednesday at noon on one of the company's planes. Since I could never walk through a metal detector or a body scanner. "So, how many airlines do you have a finger in these days," I asked the empty townhouse as...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 298

Just like in my other life the urge to screw just anyone at all passed quickly. Without any 'romance' the animal urge passed easily. Okay that was probably bullshit in the new wrapper and maybe it had been in the old wrapper as well, but it helped me to stay sane. No woman, not even the sluttiest, wants to believe that they are beyond being able to say no to a man. I went into power saving standby mode. I just sat there like a microwave oven which was not being used at the moment. My clock...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 74 NEWPORT

We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...

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“My engorged clit needs to be licked and I want you all to watch. An extra turn on for me,” Maxine told us as she undressed for us. Donald was the first to lick her clitoris as Maxine stood with her back resting on the wall. The other three women were all watching on in awe as Donald teased her by licking just the tip of her clit. “Your huge, hairy clit is magnificent. Just a tease for you before my lady has you while you suck my cock,” Donald told her he stroked his erection. “Your huge,...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 87

"Maxine. we need to meet." The voice on the cell phone belonged to Vlad. "I'm at the house. It's going to take me twenty minutes to meet you anywhere." I explained. "I am at your gate now." "Alright, I'll turn off the alarm. Do you need me to come unlock the gate?" "No, I can get it open," He informed me. "I thought so," I agreed. I had time to pour a cup of coffee before Vlad showed up. I put the shotgun under the bedspread before I let him in. He didn't need to see the...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 202 So Thats a Lucy

I had probably experienced jet lag previously, but I honestly didn't remember. I can promise you this, I will never forget the feeling again. My head was buried so far up my ass, I could see my last meal. I took another shower, not so much to wash away the sleep sweat, as to try to clear the cobwebs. "Hey girl," Lamar's voice came from the phone. I had answered it still dressed in my panties and bra. I knew that I was on camera, but I also knew that I had nothing worth flaunting. If...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 289 Girl With the Frozen Nose

"So tell me exactly what you won at the awards show?" The man who lived in my second story apartment which was the least expensive of the group. I therefore expected no class at all from him or his wife and I wasn't disappointed. "I didn't win anything, The guy who put the show together one most dramatic reality show. It was a toss up whether it would be life and death or a foot race across the world. Mike won it thank god. If he hadn't won, he would be winning even now." I said...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 304

"So Teneesha, I'm Maxine Stone. Jerry here tells me you are game for most anything?" I asked. "I ain't eatin' no pussy," she said defiantly. She said it in a harsh whisper, since we were sitting at a table in the Cop Out Club. "Tell me why you would even say that?" I asked. "Everybody knows you a stone lezbian," she said in a condescending voice. "I see, so if that bothers you, why did you come down here?" I asked. "Well, Jerry said I would love having a big TV star between...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 77

After the excitement of the fake doctor died down, time passed slowly, but it did pass. I hated every lucid moment of my hospital stay. By Friday the catheter was gone, and only one bag draining into my arm. I finally was able to stay awake long enough to meet with Jerry on Friday night. "So Jerry, what's the word on Beth Ann? You told her, didn't you?" "Yeah, I told her that we knew. She was gone the next morning. I told her the night you got stabbed." "She just left us both the...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 86

When I awoke Sunday morning in the strange bed, it took me a few minutes to remember where I was, as well as how I got there. I had a feeling as if my mouth was wearing an overcoat. I think almost every woman can tell you where that feeling comes from. While I was trying to get my mind to focus, I listened to a male voice speaking a foreign language. That's when I realized I was in Vald's bed, but he wasn't. Vald sat in the small sitting area of the hotel room talking on his cell...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 95 Passing the Time

For my part of the agreement with Lucas, I agreed not to speak badly of his company. I further agreed not to enter into any competitive business for that same five year period. I signed immediately after Lucas and we even shook hands. Once Lucas was gone Jen asked, "Have you ever heard of Blackswamp Security company?" "Of course, no one who ever served in Iraq or even Afghanistan could have avoided hearing of them." I replied. "So what is your opinion of them." Jen asked. "It's...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 255 Max the Celeb

Eve and I left the the fortress, which had once been my downtown office. I no longer had any need for an office. I hadn't hadn't needed it even when I renovated the building Lucas occupied at that moment. The bike ride back to my downtown house was only five minutes. Traffic was light as it almost always was in the downtown. If for some sick reason, one wanted to ride in real traffic, she would be forced to ride to the mall area. There were a few old established neighborhoods around town...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 257 Gangbangers and Estimators

After not getting much information from the estimator, I made a call to Jennifer's office. "Maxine, how good to hear from you," the receptionist said. It was something new for people to check the caller ID and then act as if you were a long lost friend. I found it not just disingenuous but also insulting. "Thanks, did you get me the number for the prison gangster's lawyer?" I asked. "Yes, but I'm not sure Mr. Garcia's lawyer will see you?" she said. "Oh, I bet if I offer to pay...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 270 Interrogation

Besides Eve it's too late for breakfast, but we can ride the bikes to lunch, I said. That is just what we did. Lunch was a Barbecue sandwich at the barbecue pit, as the Gunny had called Keplan's. It wasn't near as far as Helen's which was a good thing since it was apparently going to start raining soon. I didn't mind riding the bike in the slight rain. If I had long hair I might have objected. Long hair requires fancy cuts and styling which go all to hell when wet. In my case the spike...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 271 a New Glock

The families, of the kids involved, just wanted to hang their heads in shame. They had been given a second chance in America and their kids had almost blown it for them. It would take years for the community to change its opinion of the immigrants. Even I wasn't happy with the immigrants at that moment. It had been too hard to get the information. They had chosen to hang together, instead of becoming part of the community at large. It might be understandable, but that didn't mean I forgave...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 276 Cloak and Dagger

There was one good thing about that first morning back. I got to wake Jen at 6AM, so that she could get home change and be at her office by 9AM. I made coffee for us both. My sense of taste wasn't refined enough to tell good coffee from terrible coffee, but I did remember how to make it. Like Eve had said the warm liquid was relaxing. I had the increased benefit of remembering how good coffee did taste. Memories was heightened, just because I no longer had the same feelings. Heightened to...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 319

"You are going to need to start looking for a car. Your check has been mailed it should be in your hands by the end of the week." the insurance agent's secretary told me. "Okay well I guess I'll have to take a look around to see what's available." I suggested. "Yes, when the check is delivered we expect the rental car to be returned that same day," she said. "That certainly sounds reasonable enough," I said into the phone. When the call came in, Sylvia was sitting at the...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 328

Sylvia loaded a dress bag and a small black half duffel bag like mine into the trunk. We were on the main road out of town, headed north, by 8pm. I engaged Sylvia in conversation as I drove the big clumsy car in a northerly direction. We spoke about nothing just to fill the air with noise. People often do that it seems. At the first stop for gas Sylvia raided the prepared food cooler which was located inside the convenience store part of the building. When I hit the road again she was...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 386

Nothing happened for the next couple of days, except I slipped back into the second part of my split personality. I went back to being Max the ugly, middle-aged, eccentric chick. I ate at Helen's in the morning, rode my bike around town. Sometimes I went to look at things for Sylvia, and the realty business. It was Friday morning after my walk that Walter made it into town. Walter not only was head of the Green County Savings and Loan, he was also an honorary member of the Swamp Thing team....

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Newport Adventures

This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 55

Sunday would have been one boring day, had it not been for Gus's bike. I took the bike to the park. The park had a designated bike trail. It was not one of those walking tails, which allowed bikes. It was designated just for bikes. I checked with the Tryon Parks and Recreation department before I drove to the access parking lot. I found that Gus's bike qualified as a bike, not a motor vehicle. So I put on my thermals, then made myself a bowl of cereal. First I added about an ounce of...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 59

I try to think out every move to minimize my risk of injury. I know it sounds like I go into things hell bent and stupid, but I actually do consider all my options almost every time. I never considered the big ugly boyfriend option, so I held ice on my cheek and eye. Those were going to be ugly, but the cuts inside my mouth were the most painful. I was pissed at my own stupidity, to mention my lack of planning to allow that jacket to bag over the stun gun holder. I tried to drink coffee by...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 61

I awoke Monday in a strange bed. I also awoke to the smell of bacon and coffee. Eggs don't seem to have an odor, unless they have gone bad. I expected to see Mosby in the kitchen, possibly dressed as a glamorous June Cleaver but alas the kitchen was empty. Well empty of humans anyway, I found coffee in the carafe of the coffee maker. It was also still turned on. I found a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich on a bagel. It was inside of a plastic container with detailed reheating...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 162 Clearing the Alligators

I was on my way home, when my jacket pocket began to play that song again. "Hello," I said after I pulled over. "What did you need," Jen asked. She sounded busy. "Can you swing by the jail. I need for you to take a statement from one of the Smiley vics." I replied. "Actually, I'm across the street at the courthouse. I can drop by, before I get in my car, which I was about to do." I knew that it was an imposition, but I didn't really care. She got me into most of this shit, so it...

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