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Jayce reeled in pain from the impact to his forhead, a trickle of blood beginning to drip slowly down his nose. He stumbles as his feet entagle themselves in the strap of the satchel bag, dropped only moments before. The scene plays itself backwards through his mind as he in turn falls backwards onto the grey carpeted floor surrounded by the horrified faces of those unlucky enough to witness a man shot right between the eyes.

The twenty-five year old has not lost his balance yet, as his red hair echoes the plume of light and fire emanating from the dirty revolver a mere meter from his face. The bullet extracts itself from Jayce’s furrowed brow as it spirals back toward the fiery muzzle, finally pushing the flash back down into the barrel as the gun pulls down from recoil. The barely audible shout from his mouth now plain to everyone as the gunshot returns it’s deafening roar to the casing slowly spinning around in it’s own little chamber.

Jayce’s movements are quick even in this bastardisation of time and space that is his memory, he pulls himself back, leaping away from the woman cowering in front of the gunman whose eyes are soulless and rage-filled. The gunman is moving in reverse too, slowly stepping away from the woman as his grimace begins to resemble a grin. Jayce’s steps decrease in purpose as his body slows down a few meters from the scene unfolding.

A few well placed steps and the firey-haired man is now leaping backwards over the counter, his hand contorted into an odd position on the laminated surface from his haste as he twists mid-air landing behind the register as the gunman raises his weapon to the roof, striding in reverse, each step as solidly placed as the last. Smoke pours into the barrel as plaster lazily rises to the ceiling.

Another gunshot builds from a rumble to a roar as fire once more erupts back into the gun, Jayce’s eyes blinking confused as he taps away at the touchscreen in front of him. The plaster forms itself neatly into a ceiling tile as the bullet plunges earthwards into the barrel of the revolver, the sound ever increasing until all but silence.


Chapter 1
Bowties and Broken Arms

Jayce awoke with a start. His vision was blurry. Everything is too bright. Nothing smells right. Nothing feels right.

‘Am I dead?’ he thought aloud, staring at what he assumed to be some kind of bed. He raised a hand to his head in panic. His fingers were not met with a halo, but instead with gauze. ‘Fuck.’ Heaven wouldn’t have bandages.

Blinking his sight into submission he began to make out the familiar signs of a hospital, the horrid blue separator screen around his bed pulled tight to stop prying eyes, the myriad of machinery measuring his every movement both internal and external, an all-together too sterile vase of fake flowers mocking him from the bedside table, and a clipboard poking out above the foot of the metallic structure he was lying on.

Summoning an incredible amount of willpower Jayce pulls himself up and leans forward, reaching out towards the clipboard feeling just about every muscle in his body scream from the effort before falling back into the comfort of a pillow victorious. Blinking once more to focus closer, he takes stock of the doctor’s mostly illegible scribblings. Rereading his diagnosis a few times out of shock, he lets the plastic and paper slip from his hands as once again he reaches up to the bandage, fingers trembling as he attempts to find some way to remove it.

A man in a white coat flings open the blue screen, bathing Jayce in the harsh flourescent lights of the hospital hallway. He stood not much taller than Jayce at a little over two meters, his height accentuated by the suspenders barely visible beneath his hospital garb. Bespectacled with black hair combed back, this man seemed to have been pulled directly from the fifties, moreso as he straightened his bright red tie.

‘Now you don’t want to go messing about with that, mate.’ He said, reaching over to remove Jayce’s curious fingers from the bandage wrapped around his head. ‘You were lucky enough to survive the gunshot, don’t wanna pull that off only for it to get infected.’ The man mused as he began looking over the instruments linked up to Jayce’s arms.

‘What…’ Jayce was still somewhat in a daze. Memories were still slowly coming back. He struggled to pull himself upright in the bed, much to the worried frown of the doctor. A person in blue scrubs strode in from around the curtain before the doctor could answer, trading sentences in a conversation that sounded half English and half Algebra.

After the brief exchange the man in blue strides off purposefully as the doctor returns his attention to Jayce once more, spotting the clipboard on his lap. ‘Ah,’ he says, picking it up ‘I see we’ve been doing a little reading.’ Flipping through the contents himself before placing it back in the holder at the foot of the bed, the Doctor motions to Jayce’s head ‘It’s not uncommon for severe head trauma to instill some amount of cognitive difficulty. To be honest,’ he said, leaning down to the puzzled redhead ‘I wasn’t sure if you’d ever break the coma.’

‘How long?’ Jayce managed to sputter out as he once again reached for his head, the doctor relaxing as he felt around his jaw, the hairs of his beard having grown only slightly.

‘Five days.’ Came the reply ‘You were brought straight here from the cinema.’ He chuckled, quickly regaining composure as he explained ‘The TV’s calling you a ‘True Action Hero’.’ He pulls a newspaper from the top draw of the bedside table, thrusting it towards the bedridden Jayce. ‘Thought you might like a copy.’

Sure enough the front page is taken up entirely by a still frame from the cinema’s security camera, lucky enough to catch the gun firing at Jayce as he’s captured frozen mid-air between the gunman and a woman with her hands clutched over her head in fear. Dozens of onlookers stare in open mouthed horror at the scene, a few with their phones out filming everything. The title in big bold letters ‘Real Life Action Hero’.

Skimming the article Jayce rearranges his memories to that of the events, a gunman enters the cinema where Jayce was working, first firing a shot into the ceiling before aiming down his sights at a woman, when Jayce jumps the counter, leaping in front of the gun and getting shot in the process. From there on the story unfolds somewhat more dramatically than he could’ve imagined. The gun then mis-fires the third round, burning the man’s hand as a security guard bursts into the cinema lobby, takes aim and fires a full clip at the man, with the only stray bullet striking another cinema staff member in the arm. Both cinema workers were taken to hospital with Mia – the other cinema worker – only needing minor surgery on her arm and Jayce fighting for his life in a coma.

Jayce stares at the paper trying to take it all in. ‘Where-‘

‘Mia got through surgery fine.’ The doctor pre—empts Jayce’s question accurately as he continues to fuss over one of the slightly more noisy machines. ‘She was released yesterday, but wanted to know when you were better so she could come to visit. If that’s okay with you…’ he stared at Jayce from over the top of his glasses with a mischievous grin. Flipping one final set of switches, he turns his attention back to Jayce, standing arms akimbo as he backs out of the semi-enclosed space. ‘Rest up. Now that you’re awake, I’m sure you’re going to be pestered by all manner of media over the next few days.’ He flicks a finger over to something behind Jayce’s head ‘Hit that button if you need anything, or if they get too annoying.’

And with that the bespectacled doctor reaches for the blue curtains, drawing them closed to leave Jayce once again in his partially-lit space of strange smells and odd sounds. The beeping of the machines at the side of his bed drowning out the other noises, sending him back to sleep.


‘ a familiar face poked it’s way through the blue curtain. Jayce smiled as he opened his eyes, the visage of Mia slowly focusing before him. She stood near six feet tall, which only made her proportions that much more pronounced. Like Jayce her complexion is quite fair, but unlike his somewhat unruly dirty-brown hair, hers was a beautiful chestnut colour, wavy from follicle to tip and reaching well below her shoulders. Her larger-than-average hips and cleavage drawn tight around a relatively thin waist in a wonderful example of an Art Nouveau hourglass figure. The whole image slightly offset by her left arm in a sling.

Mia’s large green/brown eyes shone with a brightness Jayce had never seen before as she shuffled through the tight space to his bed. ‘Hey-‘ Jayce responded with a slight rasp in his voice. She seemed to find the break in tone amusing, so clearing his throat he tries again. ‘Heya, how’s it going?’

‘How’s it going?’ Mia sits down on the bed near Jayce’s waist. ‘How’s it- You got shot in the head!’ Jayce smiles and shrugs, his eyes attempting in vain to look at the wound.

‘I got better.’ He utters, Mia’s retort being a punch to the shoulder with her good arm. A sucker for punishment Jayce couldn’t help let slip another Pythonism ‘It’s only a flesh wound.’ He cringed, expecting another punch.

But the punch never came. Instead, Mia flung herself at him, doing her best to land as gently as possible on the bedridden workmate, pulling him up to her in a big one-armed hug. Jayce felt a tear drop onto his neck as he summoned his strength to hug her tightly in return. A soft voice full of emotion seeped into Jayce’s ear, ‘Thank you.’

Taking a moment to continue the hug, Jayce finally released his grip on Mia as she gave him one last squeeze before sitting up. Mouth opening to ask Mia a question, Jayce was beaten to it with the answer. ‘The woman you saved is my mother.’ The words filtered through his mind until they found meaning. A quick flash of panic crossed his face as he was beaten to the punch again. ‘Don’t worry, she’s fine, shaken but fine.’ Running her hand through her gorgeous hair Mia takes a deep breath before continuing. ‘That guy was a nutcase who thought Mum was his ex, and followed her to the movies. Thank the gods you were there-‘ Mia crashes back down into a hug as Jayce pulls her close.

Jayce’s arms wrap around the woman’s curvy frame so tightly that one hand meets her protected arm. Feeling down her wrist he finally finds Mia’s soft hand. Squeezing tightly, she returns the gesture and grasps his hand too, their knuckles interlocking. Jayce lay there with the gorgeous lady atop him, embracing him tightly, wishing he could lay with her like this forever.

Just then an intense pressure begins to build in Jayce’s head, a blinding pain searing the innermost portions of his brain as he scrunches his eyes closed, pulling Mia in tighter. All he can feel is the warmth of her body on him and the pain in his mind, she’s so close he can even feel her heart pounding against his chest. Everything began to get dark.

And then there was light.

So much light.

Jayce didn’t remember opening his eyes, but he must have at some point. Or maybe he didn’t. His mind is scattered as he stares off into the empty space in front of him, white as far as the eye could see.

‘Ummm…’ the voice behind him nearly caused Jayce to jump out of his skin, whirling around to find Mia standing there confused was the last thing Jayce expected. ‘Where are we?’ She continued as she moved closer to him, her hand once again interlocking with his. Her hand quickly slips his grasp as she inspects her arm. No sling. She rolls up her sleeve. No wound. She reaches over to Jayce, rubbing a thumb over his forhead ‘What’s… Where?…’ she stumbled back and forth over various words trying to vocalise some sense into the world.

With both of them standing there in their work uniforms – a dull black ensemble of long-sleeve shirt and pants- Jayce’s feet begin to ache. A chair appears. ‘Odd…’ he says, reaching over to it and sitting down. Again his instincts get the better of him, and after only the briefest of moments thinking about chapped lips, a bottle of water materialises in front of him. Mia has noticed these two miracles and grabs the bottle first, the cap opening with a pop as she inspects it with the same enthusiasm as her arm. She stares at Jayce with a look both accusatory and questioning.

‘What’s going on?’ she demands. ‘What the fucking hell is going on?!?’ The bottle gets flung off into the distance, disappearing into the white nothingness as Jayce sits on the edge of his chair. Mia steps over to him, grabbing his arm and pulling him out of the chair. ‘And how do we-‘


‘-get back?’

Mia is once again atop the bedridden Jayce, both of them looking as confused as the other.

‘Did you just…’ they both muttered, knowing the answer just by looking at each other. Mia regained her composure, standing up as Jayce sat up altogether too fast, falling back onto the bed dizzily.

‘Wait…’ he muttered as she turned to leave. ‘What happened?’

‘I- I don’t know.’ Mia ran her fingers through her hair hurriedly, uncomfortable with the way this visit had turned out. Beginning to hyperventilate she sat down on the bed again, Jayce moving slower this time to lean in over to her, shuffling around beneath the sheets until he was sitting beside Mia, his arm around her.

‘It’s okay.’ He cooed into her ear. ‘Whatever it was, we’re back here now.’ She looked at him in a way he’d never seen before. Unsure of how to react, Jayce did what he always did in these situations. He talked. ‘Well something happened. I don’t know about you but I saw white as far as the eye could see.’

‘And neither of us were hurt.’ Mia chimed in, intrigued by Jayce’s knowledge of what she saw.

‘And you threw my water away…’ Jayce mused, hugging Mia with one arm jokingly. ‘You owe me an imaginary water.’ This got a chuckle out of her, which was enough to get Jayce to make a bold move. ‘I wanna try something.’ He held out his free hand to her palm up.


‘You don’t have to if you don’t want to.’

Mia stared at him then at his now outstretched hand. ‘I don’t know…’

Jayce withdrew, not wanting to press the matter, he smiled. ‘Maybe another time-‘

A hand darted out towards his, her eyes closed Mia whispered ‘Somewhere nice…’

The blinding pain smacked Jayce in the head again as he closed his eyes to the oncoming darkness.

The sounds of an ocean beach assault Jayce’s fragile mind, seagulls squawk endlessly as the tide rolls across the sand. A light pierces through his closed eyelids as he feels the breeze flow across his naked torso.

‘Summer break…’ Mia’s voice broke Jayce from his pain-induced stupor. He opened his eyes and took in the sight of Mia standing in a Bikini looking out over the rolling dunes, scanning one end of the horizon to the other. ‘I remember this. Everyone else went up to the sunshine coast except me. I couldn’t afford it.’ She admitted, slumping down on the sand next to Jayce in a pair of unfamiliar and incredibly ugly boardshorts. Spotting the fashion disaster of neon colours and palm trees Mia chuckled ‘And I remember seeing those beauties in the shop on the way here.’

‘Thanks for sharing the experience…’ Jayce muttered with a smile, intrigued by the patterns of the cheap material. He looked his workmate over, spying a large birthmark on her side. Noticing his gaze Mia blushed and moved to hide it, but before she could it faded away, as if someone had wiped it off with stain remover. ‘How did…’

‘Wha- Where’d it go?’ Mia stretched and contorted her body trying to find the mark as if it had migrated, but was unable to do so.

‘It just… faded…’ Jayce had a look of puzzlement on his face of almost the same intensity of Mia’s. ‘It’s nothing to be, y’know…’

‘Ashamed o
f?’ Mia’s puzzlement turned to anger. ‘Was that what you were going to say?’

‘I don’t know. You look amazing regardless. You know what they say, scars add character-‘

‘It’s not a scar.’ She blurts out. ‘It’s not- it’s just a stupid birthmark. And ever since third grade I’ve not lived it down. So let’s not talk about it okay?’

Jayce nodded, hating himself for hitting a sore spot. ‘Summer break eh?’ he tried changing the subject in the hopes of forcing Mia to step off the defensive. ‘Alone on a beach? Sounds fun.’

‘Har har.’ Mia’s words were ripe with sarcasm.

‘No, I’m being serious.’ Jayce shifts in the sand until he’s facing Mia, taking a moment to stare at her wavy hair and gorgeous brown eyes. ‘I like taking time off to chill out on my own. Have you found the back stairs to the roof yet?’ Mia raised an eyebrow and shook her head. ‘Next to the Projection stairs there’s a door marked ‘Storage C’-‘

‘Yeah, that’s where we keep the paint and stuff right?’

‘Yep, and they never bother to check if it’s locked.’ Jayce grinned mischievously as he stared down at the sand. ‘It’s been unlocked for nearly three months now. At the back past the shelves of spare seat parts is an unlabelled door with a missing lock. Roof access.’ Picking up a shell, Jayce hurls it off into the waves with a victorious smile. ‘Check it out sometime. I go there on my breaks.’

Mia raises a finger. ‘I’ve always wondered about that. I never see you leave for break.’

‘Now you know!’ the heroic accent he adopted caused Mia to giggle, and he used this brief pause to slide a little closer to the buxom figure. She didn’t flinch, instead turning in towards him, a motion Jayce couldn’t ignore as his mind did somersaults with glee.

Mia once again adopted a more serious tone. ‘So what is going on? We can’t be at Broulee, we were just in the hospital.’

Jayce sighed, the moment broken for now. ‘I’m not sure. Before when I wanted a chair it just appeared. Instantly, you know?’ he looked to Mia for a response, but got none. ‘I’ve been thinking for the last few minutes that I want a towel to lie on, but nothing.’

‘A towel?’ Mia asked, looking down towards Jayce’s boardies and the sand below. Just then, the various granules formed into multicoulered fluffiness underneath the man’s form. ‘Woah…’

‘Wait wait…’ Jayce stood up, pacing across the warm midday beach in small circles, his feet letting out cute squeaks as the dry sand compressed beneath him ‘-you said something before we ended up here.’

Mia thought for a moment then blushed. ‘Somewhere Nice. I said ‘Somewhere Nice’.’

Jayce let that mull over for a moment, before pushing it into his long term memory. ‘Well, we’re here, ‘Somewhere Nice’. Before when we were somewhere white I’d thought…’ He paused mid sentence, realising the road he was leading himself down. Sighing, Jayce throws caution to the wind, ‘…When you hugged me earlier, I thought- I thought about never wanting it to end.’ He plonked himself down on the sand next to Mia, his feelings partially confessed. ‘I just… yeah….’

Jayce looked up into Mia’s eyes, their brown and green hues almost moving as she leaned in towards him. Before he could react, their lips met with a bolt of electricity that shot straight up Jayce’s spine. As quickly as it had begun it was over, Mia now nose-to-nose with the red-haired man as he slowly blinked himself out of his lust filled mindset. ‘Continue…’ she mused, shifting her weight to place a hand on his.

‘Um…’ Jayce caught his breath as he tries to re-engage his train of thought. ‘Yeah, so, before, I made things happen after wanting to go somewhere, and now you bring us here and you’re in control.’

‘So you’re saying I can do whatever I want?’ Mia’s voice lifted with an odd mix of mischievousness, interest and excitement.

‘Technically yeah. Actually, I think we’re in your mind.’


‘Well, this is your memory, and you’re able to make things happen. Before we were in my mind. So, yeah.’ Jayce moved on the towel, shifting his weight so his hands were holding onto Mia’s.

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Protection and Preservation Book 05Chapter 9

[Janice] Bennie said, "Roger. We're here waiting." I always enjoyed watching planes land but the Connie was impressive. We had moved the horses into a hanger. Experience had shown horses that hadn't heard motors did not like airplanes. Tom brought the Connie in gently flaring it down to land with a gentle chirp of the tires. He let it slow gently since he had plenty of runway. He turned and taxied to us on two engines cutting them as he came near. We had found a rolling stairway and...

3 years ago
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More High School Cyber Sex Real Email Daddy Fantasies by Sunny

Several months ago, I received an email from a high school girl named Sunny, who was in search of daddy/daughter incest cyber thrills. She'd read my stories and reached out to me. She's a very sweet, very pretty and insanely sexual girl. We quickly established a relationship and she's been sending me the hottest emails I've ever read. She also sends me pictures of her and her girlfriend, who she not only has a sexual relationship with but with whom she shares their mutual fantasies about...

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Email Reality

EMAIL REALITY by Lauren Westley (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. This piece is about humiliation, degradation and other XXXX sexuality. This is a short story and not sure when or if I'll complete. If you read it I hope you like it and if it's not your thing just stop reading now. Thanks, [email protected] I know I'm neither pretty nor young but even though to the eye I'm visible as an older man that's on the outside it doesn't...

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Protection and Preservation Book 03Chapter 9

[Preservation - In Missouri] We waited for more news about Dave being broken up about his wife's death. A few minutes passed. Mel came on sobbing. "Charles is. Charles is dead. Dave is, too. We're coming in." Pam and I looked at each other. A young woman came into the room. I said, "Monitor the radio. One of the Bradley's is coming in. We're going in to meet them." We left for the garage area. We went armed. I think anger showed on both our faces. When we arrived, the machine gun...

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The Witness Protection Plan With A TG Twist

****************************************************** THE WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM WITH A TG TWIST by Deane Christopher Copyrighted 1999 ****************************************************** "I have no further questions for the witness, your honor.", the attorney who was leading Jason Tamborn's defense team said in a off-handed manner; knowing with a certainty that though he had tried every ploy he knew during the course of his lengthy...

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Protection and Preservation Book 03Chapter 3

[Protection – Robby on the Road] All four of us were nervous, as were the horses. We had made very good time and I called a halt a bit earlier than I might but we could see a fine house with a good barn. We pulled in the drive and were met by a man with a rifle at the door. He looked more worried than belligerent. He said, "Have you seen the lions?" Pam answered, "Yes, sir. They were around us last night. My name is Pam. With me are my spouses, Melissa, Robby, and Charles. We were going...

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Protection and Preservation Book 08Chapter 8

[Janice writes] We went to their home and tied the horses. We sat on their porch drinking water and talking. I was introduced along with the rest of our party. I told Tim and Wendy a synopsis of the tale of Protection and Preservation and heard, in exchange, their story. Looking about, I felt that this couple had led a remarkable life and accomplished much in the world. Leaving a good place for your children is a big accomplishment. With their permission, we set up an HF radio and antenna....

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Email to Val

  This is the first of two emails between the friends. The second, "Email to Kay" relates the experience of her friend with inquisitive boys and subsequently Val is taught the sexual words of adults by her uncle, and he gives her pleasure following her dunking in the lake ! “Email to Val” by Susan England A letter from a young English nurse to her friend Val, who lives in America . Val, your email about your 'first time' was just so delightful. You painted the picture so beautifully...

1 year ago
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Yearning for Hot Illicit Sex Try Email You Will Love ItChapter 5

8th email from Brenda: responding to my 7th email From: Brenda McKay ([email protected]) Sent: Mon 4/29/13 6:25am To: Harvey Landers ([email protected] Dearest Muff, Oh I do love getting your emails. It was so arousing to hear of your wife being so nice to you by bringing you home what you love - a nice well used vagina full of spunk. I do feel sorry that you have to beat your cock off and waste all that lovely hot spunk when I know and have learned that the proper place for...

3 years ago
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Witness Relocation and Protection Program III

Witness Relocation and Protection Program III By Bill Hart Veteran WRPP field agent Jake Losfeld wondered what was up as he rode upwards in the elevator of the WRPP headquarters. He hated riding in elevators; they were too confining for his tastes. Given a choice, his preference would always be fieldwork. However, something was very definitely up; he could always tell. Whatever it was, Jake had a bad feeling about it. He'd been summarily summoned from the field and ordered to report...

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Protection and Preservation Book 05Chapter 7

[Janice] We were airborne again after lunch and flew to Oklahoma City for the evening. We found the airport and landed. I taxied to the general aviation section. We were getting good at this. We left the plane and found fuel and refueled. Then, we looked around to figure out where we would eat and sleep this evening. We found a lounge and put the cushions on the floor and rolled our sleeping bag over the cushions. There was an attached café and the natural gas worked. We would have an easy...

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Protection and Preservation Book 05Chapter 11

[Jack] She continued, "We are going to marry them. Our full-time residence will be in Protection but we want to keep the house here and will make frequent trips to see you and everyone else we know and love here. We also talked to Tom and Vic about a larger plane to bring all eight of us here. "You haven't lost a son and daughter but have gained another son and two more daughters plus two grandchildren with another on the way." We jumped up and hugged. Shirl told them that she looked...

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Protection and Preservation Book 02Chapter 9

[Tennessee] “Lovie, go as fast as you can safely. They’re coming this way.” She sped up. “Melissa, have you got a grenade or three ready?” “Yes, sir. I’m not sticking out but I can be in a second.” “Good, wait until we’re ready. I can see headlights in my rear-view mirror. They’re too far yet. When you throw, pull the pin, count three and throw in front of them. It will be more effective if a grenade blows up right in their faces or under them.” I paused for a second. “Melissa, Murray...

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Protection and Preservation Book 08Chapter 6

[Janice writes] I found it hard to believe that, within twenty-four hours of reconciling and marrying, Andy and Charlie would be off in separate directions to complete commitments they have. I managed to trap him alone while Andy talked to her parents. "Charlie, is everything really okay? This separation worries me." "It shouldn't, mom." "It does. It's me, Charlie. Explain things. I'm feeling very old and very slow." He hugged me. "Mom, it will be a long time before you're old...

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Secret Email Account

From: GraceeeDee To: SternoDan4Fun January 20, 2018 1:37 AM Remember me from that party at the Martins before Christmas? You whispered your private email address in my ear. I hope I got this right. I tried SternoDanForFun and that didn't work. Grace D --- Re: Is it you? From: SternoDan4Fun To: GraceeeDee January 20, 2018 1:51 AM Yes, it's me. I do remember you. Who could forget you? Wow. That was a month ago. We were all talking about how Margie got caught when Carl read her...

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Love At First Email

Big thanks to MissBoePeep for helping with her amazing editing skills and friendly perosanlity that made it so easy to do this. Thanks This is my first post but all feedback is welcome. I have changed the name of the other person mentioned in this to protect their identity, this is a true story it’s my story. I’ve written it so that other people out there can read it and hopefully it will help some people find their way and help others decide but also to say that everything you hear should...

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No Protection

A tedious witness protection evening is broken by an electric toothbrush that provides intense multiple orgasms. This is followed by hot unprotected sex leading to a surprise experience of female ejaculation for the young bored brunette detainee; at the hands of two mature detectives....White collar creative accounting crime and excessive laundering of money to tax havens offshore sounds like the sort of unacceptable societal transgression that most of us initially think, well fuck the tax...

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Witness Relocation and Protection Program

While I was running this throught the spellchecker this morning, I had the idea that this might make an interesting new universe. Bill -------------------------------- Witness Relocation and Protection Program by Bill Hart "On behalf of the state, Mr. Marwell, I'd like to personally thank you for coming forward and testifying." the judge said. "Without your testimony, its very likely we would have had to release Frank Farnelli for lack of evidence." "Prison's the best place...

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Witness Relocation and Protection Program II

Witness Relocation and Protection Program II By Bill Hart Superior Court Judge Abigail Carstairs looked down from the bench in the direction of the prosecution's star witness, while the convicted defendant was escorted in shackles from her court. She wasn't overly pleased about the deal that had been struck by the DA's office giving this particular witness immunity from prosecution for all of his earlier crimes in exchange for his testimony, but she also knew all too well that the...

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Protection and Preservation Book 04Chapter 45

[Protection – Janice] We learned a lot from Tom and Vic. Tom was more the flier and Vic was more the mechanic though the difference was more one of degree than anything else. Vic was a very good flier and Tom a very good mechanic. Both of them were also very comfortable with the theory of aeronautics as well. As we worked with them, they explained what we were doing and why interspersed with aviation theory and knowledge. Tom told me that we would pick a plane for our use and go over it...

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TG Author Protection

TG AUTHOR PROTECTION SERVICE By Mel Huntington The author welcomes feedback at [email protected] After slipping my keys and wallet back into my pockets, I checked my watch as I slipped it back onto my wrist. 7:58 AM. I turned away from the security checkpoint and walked with several others toward a long line that ran against the south-side wall of the building. When I got there, the man in front of me made eye contact, and he spoke. "I swear, the worst thing you can...

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Protection and Preservation Book 07Chapter 5 Janice El Paso TX

It was a masterful trap. Robby was driving with Bennie, Pam, and I up front and not a one of us saw it coming. Suddenly, the road was blocked front and back. People with guns were on both sides. A voice came powered by a big public address system. "You folks in the bus. You can surrender. That means you come out the door at the front slowly and without any weapons. The other option is to die. We dislike killing women and children but it's your choice." We surrendered. If you are...

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Protection and Preservation Book 05Chapter 2

[Janice] We watched as two wagons pulled by horses came toward us with people waving excitedly. We stood with hands hanging loosely at our sides until they came close. We waved back as they came close. They pulled up about fifty feet from us and piled out. Two men and two women approached us slowly and with a little care. I noticed one of the men eying me a little harder than really appropriate. Bennie saw that and gave him "the look." He moved his gaze away from me. The other three...

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Protection and Preservation Book 05Chapter 8

[Janice] We were all on foot and Bennie and I seemed to have our hands tied behind us. We came into a subdivision and I noticed four or so homes that looked occupied. People came out and began to gather around. Jerry said, "They fly. Joe and the others are looking over their plane. Marty and Jamie, you are to take the girl back with Sheila, Angie, and Joan. We're to hold the man here. Joe wants you to bring the truck." One man said, "Jamie, I'll get the truck." I saw another man nod...

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Protection and Preservation Book 09Chapter 10

[Charlie writes] I found Grandpop and Grandmother talking to Marco and Isabella through the same older woman. I notice that my grandparents were using some phrases in Italian now. I listened for a bit. Finally, I said, "Please excuse me but I must speak with my grandparents." Grandpop said, "Go ahead, Charlie. We're among friends." "Grandpop, you may not like this and I know of no way to sugar coat it. "There will be no, I repeat no, agreements to bind any person or group that are...

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Protection and Preservation Book 08Chapter 4

[Janice writes] Our learning efforts were beginning to pay off. Everyone was learning and Andy had a totally new attitude about helping and teaching. I would describe her as wistfully beautiful. She had lost something but I could tell she hoped to get it back. It, of course, was Charlie. The new attitude from her was utterly attractive. Along with her physical beauty, the young men were being drawn in. She politely ignored their overtures that started less than a week after she returned to...

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Protection and Preservation Book 06Chapter 3

[Janice writes from Lavaca] There were six or eight horses and five trucks in the party coming our way. They quieted when they saw us waiting there. Melissa and I were the only ones not carrying a rifle and we had pistols strapped to our sides. Even Charlie had a small-bore rifle. His instructions were to drop the rifle and grab Doris on the way to safety. Right now, all we could do was wait and trust Melissa's feeling that things were right. I trusted my spouse. When she had a feeling...

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Die Email Bekannte

Die E-mail Bekanntschaft "Hast du morgen um 18 Uhr Zeit für einen Kaffee?" mehr stand nicht in Ihrer Email. Ich war mehr als erstaunt. Wieso Morgen und wieso Zeit für einen Kaffee? Sie wohnt doch in Stuttgart. Ich konnte mit dieser Email wenig anfangen. Aber ich hatte Zeit, also warum nicht. Ich spielte mit. "Sehr schön. Ich sehe dich morgen im Café Diglas." Jetzt war ich perplex. Monica war also überraschend nach Wien gekommen. Mein Herzschlag hatte sich wieder etwas beruhigt. Was war mir da...

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The Misdirected Email the Teacher and the Cheerle

(The names I give characters are mostly arbitrary. This is the only one, so far, where the names have meaning - referencing some movie characters/actresses.)Scene begins with two 18-year-old blonde cheerleaders. They have similar height. Mandy has a bust size of 32-33B. We see Cindy walking down a path, and Mandy catches up to her with a smirk on her face. Cindy asks “What’s up with you? I’m not sure I’ve seen you with that expression before.”“I just got a very strange email. I don’t think I...

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It All Started With An Email

I picked up the blue mechanical pencil sitting on my book, and tapped in on my desk for a few minutes, before the girl sitting across the row from me, Gina exclaimed, “NIKKI! Knock it off!” “Wow, calm the heck down.” I replied, snottily. I resumed clicking the pencil on the desk until I got bored. I sighed loudly and pulled out my notebook of quotes. I flipped through the pages to a blank one and began to doodle. “I heart Mr. Zimmerman. I hate heath class. Nikki Smith Blah. Blah… I’m so...

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Protection and Preservation Book 06Chapter 6

[Janice writes from Mexico] The man said, "I apologize for Raymon's actions. I am Martin Gonzalez. We are glad to see someone new. Where are you from?" Robby said, "I am Robby Cook-Thomas-Sullivan and Janice is one of my spouses. We are residents of the communities of Preservation and Protection up in Georgia and Tennessee. We also represent Port Lavaca, Texas. "We are on an exploration trip to make contact with surviving groups to let people know they aren't alone." The woman...

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Email to Val

  This is the first of two emails between the friends. The second, ‘Email to Kay’ relates the experience of her friend with inquisitive boys and subsequently Val is taught the sexual words of adults by her uncle, and he gives her pleasure following her dunking in the lake ! “Email to Val” by Susan England A letter from a young English nurse to her friend Val, who lives in America . Val, your email about your ‘first time’ was just so delightful. You painted the picture so beautifully for me...

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How High A Price Another View ConclusionChapter 7 The Trouble with Email

Early was rumpled, stiff and pissed long before dawn Friday morning. He'd spent the whole night in the deck chair and at some point his laptop had fallen off his chest to the steel deck and now it wouldn't boot. It was fully backed up... at home. There wasn't anything he needed, but it had provided a nice source of solitary entertainment, and that was now gone. A steward had slipped a fax under his door during the night from Cynthia. Receiving faxes was free, sending them only required a...

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Irenes story Chapter 12 Bareback with no protection

A little over three months ago, I was a shy, normal forty two year old housewife and mother of two living a comfortable life in Barcelona, Spain. I had never had intercourse with anyone other than my husband, Oscar. We had a good, albeit somewhat boring, marriage. I was not sexually satisfied, but I never thought about it much. Sex just wasn't a huge priority in my life. I felt sex was a duty I fulfilled for my husband. I seldom climaxed. When I felt the need, once or twice a month, I would...

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Protection and Preservation Book 07Chapter 28

[Janice writes] We stood in plain sight with our rifles at rest. We were wearing sneakers, shorts, and tee shirts. Mine were tighter than Robby's were. The two people approaching us on horseback were a man and a woman. They were good-looking people though both looked to be in their mid to late forties. The woman was Hispanic and still very attractive. I couldn't resist it. "Arnold and Maria Ralston, I presume?" They looked shocked and nodded slowly. "I am Janice Cook-Thomas-Sullivan...

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Protection and Preservation Book 10Chapter 5

We landed in Taipei. We were met very soon by a group in trucks and military vehicles. Ellis was with us again. He began to speak and was interrupted by a man who kindly said, "Many of us speak English and practice it regularly. Let us use your language." We were surprised but he quickly continued. "My name is Lee Shan. We would be friends. Please call me Shan." He shook David's hand. "I believe you are the leader of this group?" David said, "Yes. My name is David Lewis and this is...

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Protection and Preservation Book 05Chapter 10

[Jack] They flew into the Carrollton airport to be met by Shirl and me and by Bennie's dad and step-mom. It felt good to have them back but I knew something was different. Bennie and Janice talked for a day. I could tell they were troubled about something but waited for them to talk to us when they wanted. Shirl said that I should ask them what was wrong but I counseled that we should wait. They came over the next morning after breakfast and chores. Bennie said, "We need to talk to both...

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