Heidi (Ch.02) free porn video

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Jack woke the next morning to the feel of hands caressing his neck. He stared into the darkness of Heidi’s underwear and shorts that had so completely taken away his sight.


There was no reply, just the constant clinging of the silk and denim that enclosed his head and removed his senses. Heidi’s used clothing was also limiting his air, forcing him to lie still and behave, conserving every last drop of scented air.

The hands were now on his chest, tickling and teasingly him, but with the handcuffs and the confines of the cage, he was totally unable to protect himself. Jack strained to hear bare feet pad away, leaving him once more in his isolated world.


The hands returned and this time they reached for the padlock that was threaded through the belt hoops of the short denim shorts that had held him hostage all night. A small click and the shorts were finally unlocked and the soft damp material removed from around his head. A second later and Heidi’s used panties were also pulled clear, their damp silky fabric peeling away from his face.

“I’ve let you out of my shorts... but I can so easily put you back inside.” There was an edge to Heidi’s voice.

Jack turned his aching body to look through the bars of the small locked cage. Heidi looked different. The slim young woman looked intimidating as she prowled around her bedroom in white tee-shirt and white lacy panties.

“I think it’s time I got out of this cage,” he stuttered, pulling pointlessly at his wrists that were cuffed around the bars of the cage.

“Life isn’t all about what you want Jack.”

She had never stood up to him before and it scared her.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

Heidi’s expression was a mix of anger and frustration. “You asked me to lock you up so you could live out some fantasy and now you’re telling me to let you go?” Heidi paced back and forth, towering above his tiny cage, “What about what I want?”

“What do you want?” Jack asked, his pained body desperately trying to unlock this woman’s mind.

He tried to sit up as high as the cage would allow, but even then his head was barely above her knees. With Heidi standing close to the cage, her shapely legs and slim barely clad body soared imposingly above him. It was a terrible position from which to negotiate, made all the worse when Heidi turned and sat down above his head.

Heidi was struggling with her emotions. At first, the kinky request from her ex-boss had intrigued her, but the text messages from another woman that she had just read on Jack’s phone made it clear that these games wouldn’t bring her any closer to the man that she’d fantasised about for so many years. Her wide dreamy eyes were fighting between arousal and anger, and yet again she was feeling used.

What she really wanted was Jack, but if that wasn’t possible then maybe she could take advance of the situation and do something else that had crossed her mind on many a slow day at the office. If he was living out his fantasies then why shouldn’t she?

“What do I want?” she repeated.

Heidi stood up and walked nervously to her underwear drawer to retrieve the key. She could see his beautiful eyes willing her to push the key into the padlock, his total attention reminding her of the power she had over him. If she and the key were to disappear then he was fucked.

She unlocked the padlock and heaved up the heavy steel bars. Jack contorted his body in an attempt to get out, but because his hands were still cuffed to the bars, he could only get his head up through the opening.

“Maybe I want this,” Heidi said as she placed some cushions around the opening to the cage, knelt down on them and sat back on her haunches. Her round butt was now perched just above the cage, her body longing for Jack’s attention before she had to let him go. She looked down at Jack’s head that was seemingly dwarfed between her open thighs.

“You want oral sex?” Jack asked.

“Fuck you Jack, why shouldn’t I?” she snapped.

“Hey Heidi....”

“Why can’t I live out my fantasies too?”

Jack was already overcome by the scent and warmth of Heidi’s body, enjoying his first opportunity to kiss her thighs without heavy steel bars separating them. Heidi sat motionless above him, watching impatiently, waiting for him to move deeper between her legs. She shuffled forward a little until Jack’s lips were in kissing distance of her lacy lingerie.

Heidi was embarrassed and she could feel the heat in her face, but still she kept her panties pushed up against his face.

“Why the fuck can a guy do what he wants, but a woman...”

“Hey it’s okay,” his voice was smooth as he interrupted her, “I’ve wanted to do this to you ever since you locked me in here.”

Jack waited to make sure she had finished and then gently kissed her, barely making contact, but already fire was pulsing through Heidi’s body. As the fire reached her mouth she cried out. She was almost shaking as his lips circled her vagina, again with a touch so gentle that there was barely contact. His tongue was venturing deeper, slowly and tenderly and Heidi had to grab his head to hold herself steady.

She climaxed and cried out.

“Fuck,” Heidi breathed in a barely audible husky whisper.

Heidi’s legs snapped shut, her thighs tightening around his neck. Her trembling body had locked him in a vicelike grip making it difficult to breathe. With his air running low, she finally opened her legs, her perspiring skin peeling away from his face.

Jack’s lips retreated to her clit, licking and breathing warm air against her trembling body.

“I think this may be both of our fantasies,” he panted.

Heidi looked down and smiled.

“You just had to ask.”

Heidi climbed off the cage and swung the heavy barred door down until it rested on Jack’s head. The feel and taste of Heidi’s body had had kept him on edge, prolonging an incredible sexual feeling that pulsed through him, even though his body was in agony, unable to stretch and relieve his aching muscles.

“If you don’t lower your head I’ll sit on the lid,” Heidi whispered hoarsely.

Jack swallowed on his dry throat. He didn’t want to ruin Heidi’s moment and so crumpled his aching body back inside the cage. He was desperate to make love to her, but that now seemed an impossibility as the cage door clanged into place above him and Heidi sat on top of it.

He wanted to ask her to make love, but remembered what she had said about taking advantage. He twisted his body so that he could kiss her bottom in the vague hope that she might change her mind. She didn’t. He was still kissing along her panty line, trying to get closer to her clit, when Heidi locked the padlock.

“Was that what you wanted?” Jack asked hopefully, looking up at her lacy butt.

Heidi didn’t answer but instead pushed her feet through the bars and closed them around Jack’s erect cock. She curled her toes and squeezed. Jack’s chained hands and aching body were powerless to stop her as she ran her soles back and forth, rolling his helpless penis between them. She felt the cage vibrate as he climaxed in his cruelly restrictive cell.

She stood up and stretched her arms above her, arching her back and standing on tiptoes. That had been fantastic, but it really didn’t change anything. She stretched down to pick up Jack’s phone and dropped it in reach of his manacled hands.

“You’d better reply to Lisa,” she sighed.

Jack could read the disappointment in Heidi’s expression, her downturned pout and eyes that were glistening with moisture. Without even reading his messages, he tossed the phone across the bedroom and out of his reach.

Heidi used her bare feet to kick the phone back towards the cage.

“It’s okay, I’ll still unlock you,” she sighed.

Jack was annoyed with himself; he hadn’t intended this little kinky game to lead Heidi on. He hated to see her hurting. He had always used his position in the company to look out for her and now she was almost in tears. He was also surprised by how much he loved being in her cage. Heidi looked so fucking sexy.

“She wants to see you tonight,” Heidi persisted, kicking his phone back in reach.

“You can stop me,” Jack replied breathlessly.

“Don’t think I can rely on a cage to keep a man.”

Heidi perched on the edge of the cage and looked down at the crazy guy locked up beneath her. He was gazing up at her and still seemed intent on kissing her butt.

“Think you could shrink me and put me in your pants?” Jack smiled, now totally besotted with the woman sitting above him.

“You’re crazy!” she replied, although the very thought caused a smile to break out on her lips.

“Well then it’s just as well you have me locked up.”

Heidi giggled.

“You really sure?” he asked again.

Heidi paused and played with her hair as she thought, “What would you do in my panties?”

“Mmm... I’m guessing I’d be in there for a while,” Jack breathed, totally lost in the moment.

“There’d be no escape!”

“Okay... In there for life...”

Heidi shuffled back and opened her legs to get a better look at the guy who was now trying to push his face up through the bars, with steel running across his cheeks.

“Well I’m sure I could please you,” Jack continued.

“Your life would depend on it...”

Heidi was now stroking herself strangely at ease masturbating in front of her ex-boss. Her touch felt nice, but could only take her so far. Jack meanwhile was again struggling against the cuffs; trying anything he could to get closer to her trembling body.

“I’m going to shower,” she said simply as she stretched her keyed up body and bounced away to the shower.

When she had finished showering, Heidi returned to her bedroom still completely naked. A combination of arousal and resentment meant that she no longer cared what Jack thought of her. She then dressed in a pale flowery summer dress that she hadn’t worn for years. It was too short and too tight and required more self confidence than Heidi had ever had.

She paired it with tight yellow tartan panties with lace top and bottom. Underwear designed for show as it was high cut around her buttocks and was shaped to disappear deep between her cheeks. With the material nestling in its place, she perched on the edge of Jack cage and slowly brushed her long damp hair.

“I probably need a shower too,” Jack’s deep voice seemed to resonate beneath her.

Heidi didn’t reply, hoping to delay the inevitable time when she released him and watched him run off to Lisa or whoever was next.

He pushed up at the locked cage door which was now being held closed by both the padlock and Heidi’s bottom. His fingers pushed through the bars, gently massaging the back of her thighs.

Ever so slowly, Heidi stood up and retrieved the single padlock key. She popped open the lock and watched despondently as Jack climbed out and hobbled to the bathroom. He showered and dressed and was sending a text as Heidi returned.

Feeling like a small boy who had been caught misbehaving, Jack immediately stopped typing and hid the phone behind his back.

Heidi’s heart sank as any slight chance that he didn’t want Lisa evaporated in an instant. In a strange way she also felt angry that he had violated her body, even though she had as good as forced him to go down on her. The bastard was now checking his hair in the mirror.

“Get back in the cage,” Heidi snapped, resentment welling up inside.

“What?” Jack stood in shock.

“I’ve changed my mind,” she tried to sound confident, but she was shaking, “And I assume you don’t want the world to see the pictures I took?”

Jack held his hands up in surrender, but was too shocked to move.

“Now!” Heidi cried.

“Okay,” he whispered as he started to undress.

Why was he doing that? She hadn’t asked him to strip. The gorgeous guy was now completely naked again and climbing back inside the cage. Heidi was shaking, false imprisonment was a crime and blackmail was a dangerous game to play. Again she was confused, his obedience and the look in his big brown eyes had once more stripped away her anger.

She felt hot and was grateful for the moisture from her damp hair that was seeping into her dress. She had to follow through. Heidi slammed down the cage lid and locked it once more with the padlock. Jack’s freedom had lasted less than ten minutes.

“Why did you take your clothes off,” she shouted, “I’m not sleeping with you!”

“I’m sorry, I thought that’s what you wanted.”

“I want you locked in the cage!”

“I am...”

Heidi was taken aback by his reaction, his gently spoken words and his adoring eyes. Why wasn’t he shouting back or threatening her? The padlock key was between her fingers, but she seemed at a loss as to what to do with it.

“Put it away,” Jack whispered, looking at the key, “I don’t want it.”

Heidi opened her wide painted lips to shout at him, but then stopped. When she finally spoke it was in a bemused whisper, “Where are you taking Lisa?”

Jack used his eyes to give her permission to check his phone.

She sat down on her bed, sniffing back the tears as she read his texts. Jack had turned Lisa down, a decision that Lisa hadn’t taken well, especially when he’d told Lisa that he was with ‘Heidi’. Lisa had been dumped for Heidi! She turned off the phone and placed it carefully on Jack’s jacket.

“I’m sorry,” she sniffed.

“I’m not,” he smiled. “Would you like to have dinner tonight?”

“Maybe,” she replied, a nervous smile on her lips.

Jack turned to watch the woman who was once again sitting on top of the cage and he cried out in pain as he knocked himself yet again against the unforgiving bars.

“You must think I’m crazy,” Heidi said nervously, a false smile on her face.

“I love crazy.”

 “Oh my god, I’d better let you out,” Heidi suddenly exclaimed.

“No rush... the restaurant won’t be open until this evening.”

“You wanna stay in there?” Heidi exclaimed, nervously hooking her hair back over one ear.

“Can I have ‘pissed’ Heidi for a little longer?”

“She’s gone,” Heidi smiled, “But regular Heidi can keep you locked up for as long as you like.”

Heidi had shuffled backwards on the cage, her short dress had ridden up and she was looking at him through her open thighs. Her fingers were inadvertently brushing against her thighs that were teasingly perched on the opening, intimidating and immovable.

“I think you want me to stay in here too,” Jack replied, trying to reach what he could of her body.

“That would be mean and cruel,” Heidi giggled.


She smiled and nodded slowly as she stood up to leave. Her short pale dress fell back into place, but from Jack position it hid nothing from view.

“The label on your underwear is showing,” Jack observed, lying back and enjoying the sight of his barely dressed jailer.

Heidi’s underwear had also ridden up even further between her cheeks and she stepped closer so that Jack could reach through the bars. He pushed the small label back inside and then straightened the lingerie on her hips.

The feeling of power as her ex-boss lovingly smoothed her underwear and then her dress was almost indescribable and she just waited, enjoying his touch.

“Thank you,” she said with glistening eyes as she stepped into some heels and left for a much needed coffee with her girlfriends.

Heidi closed and locked her bedroom door, leaving Jack alone in the small cage. The air was still and dark and filled with Heidi’s scent. The padlock that locked the cage was dangling above Jack’s confined body. It usually secured Heidi’s bicycle, but now it secured him. Jack was just one of Heidi’s possessions, under her lock and key until she decided otherwise.

Jack ran his fingertips over the empty keyhole and imagined the key sliding in and turning. In his mind he was climbing out of the cage and making love to Heidi. It was easy to imagine as he could still smell and taste her body. He closed his eyes and pushed his hips forward as he imagined them making out. With one hand on his cock, he massaged himself as he daydreamed until he climaxed and cried out in pleasure.

He opened his eyes to the cruel reality of being locked in the cage. His mind then turned to Heidi walking down the street in her cruelly short dress, her taut curves and long legs on view to everyone except him.

Heidi was sitting outside the cafe with her two friends. Having tried to answer their questions as to why she was wearing that dress, as opposed to her usual jeans, she spent the next hour trying to hold it in place and stop the breeze was revealing even more.

She had excitedly explained that she was seeing Jack and had barely been able to stop herself telling them that he was locked in a cage in her bedroom. That would have been too much for them and they would probably have stolen her keys and run to her house to see.

Heidi felt strangely shy as she returned home, opened her bedroom door and peered inside. The very thought of seeing Jack was bringing back memories of meeting boys as a teenager. The skimpy dress she was wearing was about the same length as it had been back then. She stepped bashfully inside, her heels neatly together, her manicured hands clasped in front of her.

She stood for a moment waiting for Jack to approach her, but that wasn’t going to happen. Jack would never be going anywhere again unless she unlocked his cage. That in itself made her tingle. Her heels clipped on the wooden floor as she slinked up to the cage, deliberately close so that Jack could see the key handing from a garter belt high up on her right thigh.

“How was your morning?” she smiled apprehensively.

Her cool demeanour was then spoilt as she looked down and her sunglasses slipped from her head and clattered to the floor.

“Just waiting for you,” Jack replied with a relaxed smile.

“It’s beautiful outside,” Heidi purred, her body already tingling.

Heidi had a dilemma that even a morning drinking coffee with her friends hadn’t solved. She was desperate to make love with Jack, the sexy eyes and gorgeous body that were now obeying her every command were just too much to take. Unfortunately, she’d told both herself and Jack that she wouldn’t sleep with a man after just one date. And anyway that would mean he’d won, wouldn’t it? Fuck, if only society was different.

“What are you thinking?” Jack asked, her expression as usual giving too much away.

“It might be quite nice to...” she looked around nervously, “You know, make love?”

“It would,” Jack’s replied, trying to hide his conspicuous cock.

“But I don’t like being used.”

“Well use me,” Jack offered, “And maybe use the key that’s hiding under your dress?”

Heidi closed her legs and tried to smooth down her dress to hide the key.

“I don’t know... this is all so new,” Heidi replied.

She sat down on a chair, crossed her legs and tried to stretch her dress as far as it would go down her thigh.

“What did your friends say?” Jack ventured.

Heidi looked up and smiled, “I didn’t tell them everything.”

Jack had reached his hands through the bars in a hopeless attempt to reach her and it was all too easy for Heidi to read his mind. She elegantly stood up, reached for her handcuffs and within seconds had snapped them closed around his wrists.

“That’s for thinking those thoughts!” she cried.

“And you’re not?”

Heidi was now squatting down in front of him, her legs apart and her arousal on show. She reached and touched his biceps that were already tensed and straining from his attempts to break the handcuffs.

“I didn’t say I’m not thinking that, but I’m not locked in the cage...”

Heidi stood up and unzipped her dress in one flowing movement, the thin material slipping to the floor, tickling her body as it fell.

“I could help with the bra and panties... And garter belt,” Jack offered, getting increasingly frustrated by the locked cage. 

“No need,” she smiled sweetly.

Jack watched in disbelief as Heidi then squeezed back into denim shorts and a pale patterned blouse that exposure her taut waist. She removed the garter belt and attached the cage key to her hair elastic and used it to tie her hair back in a ponytail.

“What’s the point of foreplay if we don’t make love?” Jack begged.

She ignored him and pushed her feet into some beat up trainers while stuffing both her phone and handcuff keys to her pocket. She then squatted down to watch Jack fighting against the cage.

“I doubt anyone can escape from that cage,” Heidi breathed, “So save your energy... cos when I come back we’ll make love.”

Heidi’s eyes were smiling. The feeling of control was overcoming her inhibitions and allowing her at last to take what she wanted. She would fuck Jack all afternoon, but first she had to buy something to ensure she stayed in control. Jack would have no choice but to make love ‘Heidi’s way’.

She returned an hour later with a large package and a mischievous smile. She pulled it open and unfolded a bondage body bag made out of thick black and with heavy straps fixed at intervals along its length.

“Still want to make love... my way?” she asked.

Heidi hadn’t made love to many guys, but each time she had felt vulnerable and scared. The thought of making love on her terms, being in complete control, was sexy.

It had taken a long and convoluted conversation with the guy in the shop, but she had finally chosen an inescapable body bag which she had paid for with Jack’s credit card.

“I can leave you in the cage,” she continued, walking back and forth above him, hoping that her tiniest of denim shorts would work their magic.

Jack’s eyes had already given her his answer and she untied her ponytail to retrieve the key that was hidden discretely from sight in her thick brown hair. She then breathed in and dug into the front pocket of her denim shorts to retrieve the handcuff keys that surely must have given up any hope of ever seeing the light of day.

She unlocked her would be lover and watched discretely as his fantastic body unfurled and hobbled to the bathroom. Less than ninety seconds later Jack had returned and stepped into the black body bag, placed his arms into the tight side pockets and was listening to the ominous sound of his body being zipped up.

The bag fitted him like a glove, following his masculine curves and ending up by tightly encircling his neck. Heidi took the small padlock from her suitcase and used it to lock the zipper in place. She turned and tossed the small key on to her dressing table where it skidded across the smooth white surface and disappeared behind the heavy furniture.

“Opps,” she giggled.

“What about the key?” Jack asked, concerned that he could barely move a muscle.

“The key’s no good without a girl to turn it,” Heidi breathed as she tightly buckled the six sets of straps that surrounded her lover.

The final strap encircled Jack’s neck and they stared into each other’s eyes as Heidi decided whether to tighten the strap by a further hole. Jack was breathing fast as Heidi helped him to lie down on her bed.

“Oh fuck Heidi, I can’t move at all!”

“I know... turns out I’m good at tightening straps.”

“I can’t even roll over!”

“You still want to make love to me?” Heidi asked with big innocent eyes.

Jack nodded.

Heidi then unzipped a small window in the middle of the bag and eased out Jack’s genitals, his erect cock protruding conspicuously from the tightly buckled bag. Jack struggled with all his strength which only made his cock stand even more to attention.

“Oh fuck this is so cool,” Heidi breathed in a husky whisper, her eyes darting out from behind her long freely hanging hair as she crouched on all fours above him.

Heidi was now popping the buttons on her shorts and running her hand down the inside of her lacy panties. Some things she would have to do herself now she had reduced her lover to nothing more than a cock. Now completely naked, she rolled on a condom and sat astride her helplessly bagged man.

With her trust issues now buckled away she could enjoy the feel of a man inside her. She took it slowly and gently, but she was so open that Jack was soon deep inside. Jack pushed his hips up into her, enjoying the only movement that she hadn’t taken from him.

The pleasure built slowly until Heidi orgasmed for the first time in her life. It was only as she finally came down from the high that she kissed his lips for the first time.

“I can’t stop shaking,” she moaned, gripping the bag tightly with both arms.

“I would hold you, but...”

Jack kissed various part of her face, but soon ended up with a mouthful of hair. Heidi kissed him back. Again he kissed her and she was losing the kissing fight until she leap forward and placed her naked bottom on his face.

“I win!” she exclaimed.

Jack was struggling to breathe, she could see that, but she tightened her thighs to lock him into place beneath her. His cries were muffled by her cheeks and his eyes were bulging by the time she released him from her leg lock.

Heidi was on a dangerous addictive high.

“Again!” she cried, wild hair being pushed back over her shoulder.

“Fuck yeah!” he panted.

The second time was even more intense with Heidi sitting up straight and riding Jack like a bull. Only when she climaxed did she flop down and enclose him in a tangle of hair and lips.

“You like Heidi’s Way?” she panted, her brown eyes wide and dreamy.

“Fuck, I want to hold you.”


Heidi held her finger to Jack’s lips and then traced seductively around his features. Only once he was silent again did she roll off his bound body and giddily hop and wobble back into her panties and then squeeze back into her tiny shorts.

Jack was struggling again inside the tightly buckled body bag, unable to even bend his body. Heidi was now dressed and about to leave the room with seemingly no intention to release him.

“Can I take you to lunch?” he tried.

Heidi was tying her hair which swished as she turned.

“One more word and you go back into these shorts.”

“Lunch?” Jack asked again.

Heidi seemed annoyed as she undid the buttons on her shorts which had been on her hips for less than a minute. Now naked from the waist down, she secured her panties around his head with a hair elastic and then padlocked the shorts back around his neck.

“Now I’ve nothing to wear!” she complained.

“Heidi? Where are you?” Jack called.

He lay back knowing better than to fight the solitary confinement of Heidi panties when he felt her warm body drop back down on to his cock. With no other senses available, he lay still enjoying the feeling as he eased deep inside her, feeling only the thrust of her hips and hearing only her cries he brought them once more to orgasm.

“Oh fuck Heidi, that was so nice.”

Heidi kissed him through her shorts before climbing off and walking to her wardrobe.

“What are you wearing?” Jack asked.

“That short dress you like,” she whispered back, “The dress all the guys like...”

Jack looked around blindly, “Can I see?”

“No, this one’s for the other guys,” she teased.

There was more futile struggling from inside the locked bag.

“Don’t worry,” she breathed into the crotch of denim shorts, “I only like guys who do things ‘Heidi’s Way’.”

Heidi put her hand to her mouth to stop herself laughing as Jack tried to kiss her, his lips pushing lovingly against her used underwear, her denim shorts moving slightly as he kissed.

With Jack otherwise engaged, Heidi locked her bedroom door and walked into town to buy lunch, with much of her glowing thighs on show.

An hour later Heidi returned, unlocked her room and sat astride Jack’s waist, her butt resting on his constantly erect cock. After much pleading, Heidi had unlocked her shorts from his head, but no amount of begging had made her release him from the body bag.

“I’m going to get out of here,” Jack breathed as he struggled beneath her.

“No you’re not.”

Jack stared into her gorgeous commanding eyes and relaxed, eating the small piece of cheese that she dropped into his mouth.

“Where are you taking me tonight?” she asked with excited anticipation.

“Are we still going out?”

“If you want to...” Heidi looked a little disappointed.

“Of course I do! I guess I’d just given up any hope of getting out of here.”

Heidi could see his confusion; after all she’d held him prisoner for the most of the last twenty four hours and she had to think back to her earlier resentment and jealously to remember why this had started.

“This is just Heidi doing what Heidi wants... for a change,” she breathed, her lips hovering above his.

“When do I get released?” Jack asked, his throbbing cock frustratingly crushed beneath her butt.

“Ask again and you go back in the shorts...”

“Toilet?” he asked nervously.

Heidi started to tighten the strap around Jack’s neck, just for a teasing moment, before releasing the neck strap and all the others down to his ankles. With the body bag itself still zipped up tightly, she helped Jack jump and shuffle across to the bathroom.

“How convenient that your cock is already sticking out,” she giggled as she left Jack to pee into the toilet. She then took hold of his exposed penis and pulled him, half jumping and half shuffling, back to her bed.

She studied his frustrated eyes for a few seconds, “If you don’t want me to accept your invitation to dinner I can unzip you right now.”

Jack had intention of losing the attention of this cute woman, no matter how crazy, “I love the bag,” he smiled as he lay back on the bed and watched the brunette in the short dress straddle his head.

“Time to buckle you up.”

“Can you do them tight this time?” he teased.

She stopped and looked down at him.

“You know how tight my shorts are... you really want them on your head?”

Jack smiled to himself as he watched Heidi’s slim manicured hands strain and tighten each of the straps. She looked happy; the act of tightening the straps almost seemed therapeutic. She finally lay down next to him so that he could enjoy the loving and uninterrupted gaze of her eyes.

It was a slow afternoon of teasing interspersed with love making interspersed with YouTube clips. Heidi had changed back into her shorts just so she could more graphically illustrate what would happen if Jack asked for his freedom.

“Do you want me to unzip you?” Heidi asked, now sitting on his neck with Jack’s head between her thighs.

“I can’t win, can I?”

“Would Lisa have tied you up like this?”

Heidi’s pulse quickened as she tightened the buckle around Jack’s neck by one hole. Jack’s cock was even more erect as Heidi undressed and sat astride him, watching carefully to ensure he was breathing. This time was amazingly intense and Heidi cried out before flopping on to him.

“Heidi?” Jack croaked, her strap painfully tight around his neck.

“Are you asking me to release you?”

They stared into each other’s eyes, on a high from the power and control, both knowing that if Heidi chose to wrap her panties around his face it would probably kill him. She lovingly kissed him one more time before quickly unbuckled all of the straps.

Jack was breathing hard as he watched the naked girl lying on her front on the floor, her butt wriggling, trying to reach the key to his body bag that had fallen behind her dressing table.

“Is spending the rest of your life in the body bag a problem?” she called, “The key’s a long way under.”

“Might be a problem for dinner.”

“Oh yeah,” she giggled, as she scrambled back to her feet, her hair a mess, her nipples still erect and the small silver key in her hand.

“So you still taking me to dinner?” she checked.

Heidi was now dressing in old yoga pants and a baggy jumper and only once she was completely covered up did she unlock the small padlock and pull the zip all the way down.

“See you tonight then,” Heidi smiled as she put a finger to his lips to prevent his advancing lips and pointed to the door.


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Heidi and Her GrandfatherChapter 3

Heidi was afraid to do anything before she went to sleep that night. She knew her guardian was still awake and she was nervous that he would catch her pleasuring herself under the blankets. She was certain if he was to find her in such a compromising situation, she would have a sore behind for several days. She worked hard all day at a number of chores assigned to her by Gunther. When they quit before dinnertime, she felt like every muscle in her body was aching. Her bottom was still a...

2 years ago
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Heidi the Zombie Bad GirlChapter 2

Never being one with much inclination to plan anything other than turning on the baseball game or going to the bathroom, Juan decided to take Heidi the Zombie Bad Girl home to his mother. You must understand that Juan’s mother Maria didn’t speak much English and she was not enthusiastic about her children picking up the habits of their northern neighbors because they were not according to the good book or traditional cultural feelings about marriage and family. She knew her son worked at...

1 year ago
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Heidi and Her GrandfatherChapter 4

After Hans and his father left, Heidi was so filled with naughty thoughts; she used her hairbrush handle to bring her vibrating pussy to a swift completion. She rested on top of her bed exhausted, her juices were running down the inside of her legs and her little brown hole was pulsating with excitement. If only her new guardian would use his big thing to make her feel good between her legs like right after a nice spanking. She had really enjoyed the shower of creamy cum he had anointed her...

2 years ago
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Heidi and Miles MilesChapter 3

My apartment was clean when I returned from Audrey's. There was food in the cupboards and my bed was made. There was a note with an amount on it saying to pay Glenna this much for the food. It was in Heidi's handwriting. My apartment didn't feel as empty as it had. I did as Audrey suggested and caught a nap. There were some salad fixings so I made me a salad for lunch. There were park benches in the common area in front of the buildings, so I sat out there bundled up against the cold. Some...

2 years ago
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Heidis First Time 3some

Another story from Mick who wants to fuck Heidi and me ............. It would be her first time for a 3some ............do you think she would like ..............comments plese You and Heidi go out for a meal and i arrange to come along after i have finished in the bar -- i manage to get away early and join you just as coffe's and liquors are being served .....perfect timing ..... you have both had a bottle of wine and are well on the way .... so anything i suggest you will both be more than...

4 years ago
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Heidi and The Prof

Heidi and The Prof I'm Heidi, and I like to think of myself as a confident, outgoing student here at Henley. I'm 19 and this is my second year here. Henley is a small, private college in rural Pennsylvania specializing in liberal arts, I'm studying English Literature and trying to fit in as much extra-curricular activities as possible while getting decent grades. Oh yeah, I was born male. I'm not sure if I'm transitioning or what, but I identify as a woman, wear women's clothes and all...

3 years ago
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I was staring at Dale with as much hatred as I could muster at that early an hour. He was young, dumb and full of cum and I was forced to sit and listen to his telling and retelling of every last little thing that had to do with his sex life. He wasn't really a bad kid, but when my sex life was in the toilet I didn't need to be hearing all about his. My sex life had gone to hell and it wasn't a gradual thing either. One week I was getting laid six and seven times a week and the next week it...

1 year ago
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Heidi and Miles Heidi

Chapter 1 Miles told you how he found out his wife was cheating on him and how it destroyed his life. I am that stupid, cheating wife and I not only almost destroyed him, but myself as well. That was then, but he was a man with a big heart and he loved me. He was big enough to put us back together. Miles, I'll love you forever. Heidi Ringwald. That is me. I had everything and ever since I was a child I expected that everything would come to me as my due. My parents were fairly well-to-do and...

3 years ago
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Obeying Katie Ch02

I arrived promptly at 6pm with a duffel full of toys, restraints, plugs, dildos etc... that I had acquired over 10 years. My ex-wife particularly liked the we-vibe and the rabbit. (I liked the butt toys). My ex would do some things with my ass if I asked but I could tell she didn’t like it so I quit asking. She actually liked it when I fucked her in the ass though so I thought it was selfish of her to not return the favor. Katie met me at the door and told me to strip and put my clothes on the...

2 years ago
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Adam Martin The Pupil CH02

By Christian G. Kay [email protected] Edited by Sherry Please send me feedback, I would love to know what you think of the story.   DISCLAIMER: Please read and abide by the DISCLAIMER posted on the first chapter.   "Adam Martin - The Pupil" is an erotic story, with some parts containing graphic sexual scenes. If erotica is illegal in your area by local, county, province, or national law, please stop reading now and go elsewhere.     Chapter 02 - The Travel Plaza.   She...

4 years ago
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My daughter Miriam ch02

Jen was alone downstairs in the family room sitting on the couch. She really needed some alone time. Her pussy was begging for some attention. She needed to masturbate in the worst way. She slipped her right hand into to wet bikini bottoms and started to rub her pussy. She could not get over just how wet she was. She play with herself for a few minutes, and was just about to start to play with her tits when she heard someone start to come downstairs. She pulled her hand away from her...

1 year ago
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Reversals Ch02

CHAPTER TWO Doldrums It had happened much as Samantha had suggested it would. Shortly after lunch, Julia had been called into a meeting with the vice president of Human Resources. The woman had flown in from New York to meet with people in the Chicago office as part of the reorganization effort. Julia had been escorted into the executive conference room by the woman's administrative assistant, a tall, handsome, well groomed, young man with a nice smile, who'd brought her a coffee just...

1 year ago
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New Beginnings Day 2 Ch02

I awoke the next morning with damp pool of cum underneath me, as I slept on my stomach because of my tender ass. I has vivid and wild dreams that I never in my life dreamed of having of another boy. I climbed out of bed and headed to the shower as I entered the bathroom all I could see was a huge smile on my face. I did take time to check my cheeks as they were no longer sore. I was back to my normal skin tone and no more red marks and to my surprise no bruises. I jumped in the shower and...

2 years ago
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Incestual Thoughts Ch02

Sam resumed talking to Kevin every day again, and I figured things were back to normal. I, however, kept thinking of ways to get her mind back onto the subject. I even wondered if I should bring it up again when we were making love, but heck, I didn't want to ruin a good screw. Even if it was back to ordinary sex. It seemed that since Kevin was interested in his mom and Sam, when intoxicated, was fascinated by him, I couldn't fantasize about it anymore. Trust me, I tried, but when I did my mind...

2 years ago
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Tempted Moms Summer Awakening Ch02

Drunk and horny, Margery arrived home and paid the driver before stumbling into her house. Staggering her way into her bedroom, she tossed her clothes onto the floor and lay naked on her bed.Closing her eyes, she pondered how Terri and Dustin had masturbated each other.Fuck, that was so hot! she thought, as her index finger lightly slid down her body until it was tickling her clit.With her eyes closed, her finger slid between her folds while she reminisced over the scene in her mind."Mmm. Ohh....

1 year ago
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Loving Moms Wildest Dreams Ch02

The day before the fall break, Mom was waiting for me when I came home from school and asked that I sat next to her.Not sure what this was about, I took a seat next to her on the sofa, and she then informed me how the school had called once again, saying I still lacked in my studies.Wow, that news bummed me out since I genuinely figured I was doing much better.I think Mom also knew I was disappointed and said, "Are you still having trouble sleeping?"I just slowly shook my head and then heard...

2 years ago
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Summer Fling Ch02

I fixed my shorts and went inside to change, and when I came back downstairs, I found Bethany in the living room waiting for me."Tyler. Please, come here. I think we need to talk.""Okay," I said and sat next to her."I think what we did was a mistake. We can't do that again even though your father has been neglecting me for some time. It was wrong for me to let us do that.""But..." I started to say before Bethany cut me off and once more said I should find a girl my age.I unwillingly agreed, and...

4 years ago
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Incestual Thoughts New Beginnings Ch02

We must have been on the couch for a couple of hours drinking and relaxing when I heard someone coming down the steps and turned my head to see Meadow dressed in a pair of tight black shorts and a dark tank top.Slowly, she approached us and said, "Kevin's already asleep. Mind if I join you guys. I'm not that tired yet.""Of course," Sam said kind of in a slur from all the wine we consumed and went to move her legs while I set our glasses down on the end table.However, Meadow quickly spoke up and...

2 years ago
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Loving Moms In The Dark Ch02

Mom definitely seemed overly excited as we drove to the bar, and I couldn't believe I was actually doing this with her.Mom held my arm as we approached the door, and I paid for both of our covers. We arrived just about the time Stacey was supposed to be working, but as we settled into a booth, she was nowhere to be seen. I order us a couple of beers, but Mom stopped me and said she wanted a Long Island Iced Tea instead."You sure? Those are kind of strong, aren't they?""Yes. But it's been ages...

3 years ago
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Getting Mom Interested CH02

My mind drifted back over all the stuff my girlfriend and I had done over the past weekends, and I found myself almost giddy releasing Friday was fast approaching, and I couldn't wait to see what wonderful sexual things we were going to try next.Only what I wasn't aware of was how everything was about to change when Becky called on Thursday with some terrible news. Her parents had split up. I could tell she was distraught, so I went over to her house that night and tried my best to comfort...

1 year ago
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Incestual Thoughts Temptations Ch02

I recalled our conversation the next morning and was flabbergasted by what my wife said, and excited at the same time. Was this really going to happen? Was my wife going to let our son touch her sensually? Would it go further once she did?I almost couldn't control myself with the inkling of that happening and found myself wondering how I could get things started since it appeared my wife was a little hesitant. But, at the time, I was drawing a blank.My moment arrived the following day when we...

1 year ago
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Twins Summer of Discoverych02

Note : This story is completely fictional! When I awoke, Donovan’s arms were still holding me. My stomach growled at me, and the fact that the sun was setting, indicated that it was evening instead of late afternoon. I looked at my watch and saw that 3 hours had passed. It was now suppertime. I giggled when my brother’s stomach began complaining as well. He woke up immediately and looked at me with a mischievous grin. “Looks like I’ve slept with my sister. Are you still hungry?” he winked at...

1 year ago
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Happenstance Quarantine Ch02

A Mother and Son deal with a trying time. Well, of course, I had another great night's sleep, and another the night after, till it became a whole week of us masturbating together before kissing on the lips at the end. While in the daytime, we both acted as if nothing happened the night before. Only, I guess you can call me selfish for wanting more of this sexual game we were playing. Yeah, it was great masturbating with Mom every single night. Still, truthfully, it was becoming harder just to...

4 years ago
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Heidi and the Headmaster

I am sitting at my desk in our home office. I hear a little tap on the door frame. "Mr Headmaster, Sir?" "What in the...?" As I start to look up from my paperwork, I see the patent leather shoes with the silver buckles, the white knee socks. Your beautiful bare thighs. The shortest, sexiest little plaid skirt. A crisp, white button-down shirt, tied just above your naval. The top two buttons of the shirt are unbuttoned, revealing the white lace bra underneath. Judging from the amount of...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Heidis Naughty Checkup

Heidi Prince sat nervously in the corner of Dr. Nadler’s office wishing for the life of her that she was any place but there! Momentarily lost in thought, she jumped a little when a man in scrubs burst into the room and offered, ‘You must be Heidi, I’m Mike Kean, and I’m Dr. Nadler’s assistant, so, what can we do for you today, Heidi?’ Heidi was a little taken aback at Mike Kean’s enthusiasm, but after finally regaining her bearings she replied softly, ‘Well, uh, it’s a female problem.’ ‘I...

1 year ago
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Heidi By Waldo Chapter 1 - Introduction to Soho It is the first fog of the 1891 season. A great pall covers the dismal ancient buildings of Soho, hiding the second floors of the brick and wooden buildings as if nature hated this traditional British neighborhood. The wind and street layouts alternately hold and push the fog so that some areas are so thick with fog as to limit sight to no more than five feet, while in other areas, the entire block can be seen through the...

4 years ago
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Heidi My Fantasy

Me, my friend and his sister were watching a movie in their living room. Their family is very rich and their house is enormous. They had a real home theater there and three sofas. My friend’s sofa was in the middle, her sister’s on left wall and mine on the right wall. We all had a shower earlier that night, separately, though. My friend had bathrobe, I had T-shirt and loosen pants and she had only a nightgown. Before we go further I must confess you that I’ve fantasized about her for a long...

1 year ago
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Heidi and the Headmaster

I am sitting at my desk in our home office. I hear a little tap on the door frame. ‘Mr Headmaster, Sir?’ ‘What in the…?’ As I start to look up from my paperwork, I see the patent leather shoes with the silver buckles, the white knee socks. Your beautiful bare thighs. The shortest, sexiest little plaid skirt. A crisp, white button-down shirt, tied just above your naval. The top two buttons of the shirt are unbuttoned, revealing the white lace bra underneath. Judging from the amount of...

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Heidis Punishment Chap 3 Making Daddy Happy

Note : This story is completely fictional! A side note: Heidi’s Punishment Chap 2- “The Rules” was added in the Bisexual section accidentally, if you have not read it yet, you might want to. Thank you. They’d been on the road for a couple of days now, when something unbelievable happened. Heidi began to worship her Daddy, the way he wanted. But that wasn’t the strangest part, it happened late one day, on the last leg of their journey to their new home. Daddy allowed Heidi to rest in the car,...

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Heidis Punishment Chap 2 The Rules

As Heidi lay on the bed, remembering what had happened to her in the last hour or so of her life, she wished to know what her sister, Helena, and her mummy went through, with Daddy. She knew that Helena had probably suffered through what she’d just experienced, but she escaped. So how could Heidi escape as well? Plotting about how she could call Helena and get her help to save herself, she heard Daddy climbing the stairs. Entering the bedroom, he smiled at her, as if nothing was wrong. “Heidi,...

2 years ago
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Heidis Salon

I had just graduated from college and gotten a job working in a bank. I had my own place, and my life was coming together. I was having pretty good luck finding all of the good places in town; the best deli, the best dry cleaner, the good supermarket. But I hadn't had much luck finding a good place to get my hair cut. I tried several before I saw a salon that looked nice. I walked into the salon and the receptionist said that Heidi had an opening as soon as she finished with the...

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Heidimaries New AttitudeChapter 2

The four of them were seated on the carpet in the conversation pit in front of the fireplace. Tony was reading a very dirty story by a French author with a flair for unexpected kinky activities in the strangest of places. His new bride Victoria was face down on her elbows opposite Heidimarie's older brother Peter's friend Werner playing a game of chess with the handsome 20 year old student. Heidimarie was sitting between Tony's legs absentmindedly trailing her fingers over his muscular...

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Heidis Salon 2 The Weekend

Heidi's Salon - The Weekend By sssydiane I had just spent the most wonderful afternoon at Heidi's Salon. She had made me her last appointment of the day so she would be able to perform her magic on me. She had been styling my hair longer and more femme at each appointment for quite a while. While I had always considered myself a straight guy, I loved the look and I loved spending the time to style my hair every morning. Well, today was the culmination of all those months. Heidi...

1 year ago
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Heidis All Grown Up

Heidi’s All Grown Up Peter the goatherd approached the old man’s house. He had been tending the goats of his village for 10 years, since he was eight years old. Shortly after he had assumed his responsibility, Heidi, who was a year older than him, had moved in with the man of the mountain. Peter did not know the older man’s name, but had simply always called him Sir. “Heidi!” he called. “Are you coming with me today?” “I’ll be right out, Peter! I just have to finish getting ready.”...

3 years ago
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Heidis Heinie

There comes a time when a typical girl want to be her lover’s sex slave. Usually for me it’s about the time I realized I want him inside me and I’m probably going to get my wish. It’s not so much his actual penetration as my acceptance of it’s delightful inevitability. And I guess any sort of penetration qualifies. Even giving him a blow job makes me his lover. Anal sex certainly does, though I can’t remember ever having anal sex with a man and not also sharing with him the...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Adira Allure Will Not Stop Squirting

If there is one thing we are certain of at Cherry Pimps it’s that Adira Allure will give you her all during a show! She absolutely loves to tease and please you any way she can. Don’t let that big fluffy hoodie fool you she has on a most sexy bikini and a nice buttplug surprise in her ass just for you. She loves how much you want to see her smell her heels and suck on her toes but she will put you over the edge when she explodes, squirting all over the bed as Mark drills hard into...

3 years ago
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Shellys car breaks down

The heat of day was almost unbearable, and the stillness and quiet of the desert highway seemed to double the fury of the sun. About a week ago I was driving to pick up a new car and spotted a girl with a great ass and huge tits broken down on the side of the road. I almost crashed my car into hers - there was no way I was going to leave stranded this sexy blonde. 'Hi', I said as I walked up to her car. She looked nervous and her pouty mouth was definitely not smiling. 'Hi', she answered. 'I'm...

2 years ago
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Ashley IIChapter 3

“Are you ready to try this last address?” Ed asked, as we finished eating and were finishing our soft drinks. “Sure. Let’s drive over there and see if this guy is still there,” I told him, as we collected our trash from the meal, put it in the provided trash receptacle, and left. We checked our weapons before we started out again. I had my trusty pump shotgun and a pistol. Ed had brought his double barreled shotgun, and a pistol - a .45 Colt automatic. The address that we had for Mark...

1 year ago
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Youll be sitting with the bridesmaids

"You'll be sitting at the bridesmaid's table today, dear." "Why won't I be sitting with you?" "How dare you question me like this. I want you at the bridesmaid's table and don't ever question my authority again. I'll sit you wherever I damn well please. I want to sit with some real men. Not some fucking little pantywaist like you. I don't know why I'm explaining this to you. You have much more in common with the bridesmaids then you have with any of the men sitting at 'our' table....

3 years ago
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Sex With maid Servants

This is Raj from Hyderabad. I am 36 years old, 6’ tall well built guy. I am going to tell about a sex experience with a village girl. This happened in about 2001–02. I go regularly to my village which is about 100 Km from Hyderabad. There was a girl who was the grand daughter of our servant who took care of our farms & house since a long time. My house is in the end of the village and is in 5 acres of land. There is a lot of open space all around my house. This girl, I will call her Pallavi,...

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Laura part 19

"My power flurries through the air into the ground," I sing as I dramatically glide across the stage, my ice blue dress flowing around me with every step I take. "My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast I'm never going back, the past is in the past..." "Let it go, let it go," I sing, my lungs feeling like they're going to break under the strain. "And I'll rise like the break of dawn, Let it go, let it go, That perfect girl...

4 years ago
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Looking After Anna Part 3

I returned to the lounge and put the glasses on the table and stood in front of Julie with my cock bulging inside my shorts, she moved to the edge of the sofa and widened her legs for me to step closer, she looked straight at my bulging trapped cock. “OMG Frank” she sighed softly as she gently put her hands around my arse cheeks pulling me closer so the cotton fabric of my shorts was rubbing against her face, “Mmm” she moaned as she felt the hardness of my cock rubbing her.Her fingers went...

1 year ago
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Battlemage Book 3 Return of the Prodigal SonsChapter 8

"What do we do?" asked Brianna worried. She sat across from Caelan looking at him. Ever since Jaden brought him home he was out of it. He sat in his chair and stared straight ahead. He barely blinked. It was a week since the day that Jaden brought everyone home. Jaden dropped Gail off first. Her parents were frantic. He told them the abridged version of what happened. He did tell them he killed all the men trying to rape her, and that they drugged her, but she was making it hard for...

4 years ago
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In Plain Sight An Escorts Story Part 3

--- In Plain Sight: An Escort’s Story – Part 3 --- At this point in the day I can honestly say that I didn’t know how I was supposed to feel about everything that had happened. Let me explain. I had been yelled at by my boss. I had walked in the scorching heat only to get to the owner of the ice cream parlor’s house and see him standing naked on the deck. I was then invited into his house and shown a video of me giving a blowjob to his son, my boss at the ice cream parlor and accepting money...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Georgia on My MindChapter 3

"Delta flight 193 now boarding at gate 24 on the blue concourse for Atlanta with connecting flights to Savanna, Orlando and Miami. Please have your boarding passes out for the flight attendant." The time had passed quickly for Jamie. He had had two scotches and time to think about his upcoming trip. He hoped there wasn't anything for him to do regarding the will. He couldn't imagine that there would be but Mr. Waters said he should be there. He certainly wasn't expecting a bequest or...

1 year ago
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Paying the wages

It started when these three owners of Savita's ass were commissioned to build Savita's beloved home. They did and then misfortune struck as Savita's business went bust. Bankrupt, she had almost all her property sealed by the bank; all the property except for the house. So when the workers demanded their leftover pay, Savita had nothing left to give them; or did she ? They had been keeping an eye on the haughty women for a while who had an authoritative streak in her. At 5'3" with a...

3 years ago
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Trouble Part 2

Chapter 5 As Flora was enjoying the day with her new class, Fiona had an entirely different experience over at the middle school. She was introduced to her new teacher, Ms. Putnam, and told what they were doing in class and what to expect from everyone there. She was less than thrilled to tell Fiona that she was going to be assigned to be the new partner of the other new girl, Maisie Campbell, and that she didn't want either of them in her class at all but had to put up with...

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Ursas Downward SpiralChapter 9 Rape

Ursa picked Terrell up on schedule, but again refused him her body. That would continue for three more days. On the fourth day Terrell finally exploded. No woman had ever held out on him for so long. Especially one this needy. And it wasn't easy for Ursa either. Her body had gotten accustomed to being properly loved, and ached for it now. Terrell ranted and raved around her eerie, while Ursa kept her legs firmly together, and arms folded and locked over her chest. Finally Terrell stormed...

2 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 23

“Found this one slipping away. Must have been forgotten somehow, Your Graces,” Ser Bronn informed King Jon Snow and Queen Daenerys Targaryen as they were formally crowned and enthroned. “My lords, I present to you Their Graces, Jon, of Houses Snow, Stark, and Targaryen, First of His Name, King of the Andals, of the Rhoynar, and of the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, King of Meereen, Astapor, and Yunkai, the White Wolf, the King in the North, the Resurrected,...

2 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart IV 1 Sharing With My Buddies

Two weeks later on the first day of spring, Joey and I were sitting at my kitchen table after having our after school snack. Joey was twirling my coin slowly, concentrating on it. "I still don't get anything. It... just makes my fingers feel warm and tingly. That's all... " "Come on, Joey. You're right there. I can see it in your head. You're just right at the edge of getting it." He sat there, struggling, concentrating, even going a little bug eyed. He still couldn't bridge that...

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Amandas Introduced

Amanda sat alone in the real estate office's reception area. Most of the Realtors were off at lunch. Her being the newest in the office and basically still in training was 'volunteered' day in and day out to sit her lunch at the phones. She had eagerly anticipated this profession. Her only thought was finding the 'perfect' home for a family to be happy in the rest of their lives, like she had been before the tragic fire had taken her parents. A slight twenty three year...

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The Wager part 9

Chapter Twenty Nine Week thirty four and we had still heard nothing from our policeman friend. We talked to him on Monday and he said that he would talk to his old colleagues to see what progress had occurred. On Thursday we had a call. He had spoken to the chief inspector friend that he had passed the information to. He in turn had taken it to his boss who had got excited by the prospects of a prosecution. His boss had been in discussions further up the line and everything had gone...

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Dance with a fattie mom

When I was 16 years old, my family and I were staying at a hotel for Spring Break that also happened to be the location of a BBW Bash, basically a hookup and relaxation and week-long party for fat women and people who like them. My parents tried to ignore it, but I was fascinated. I didn’t even like women (I still identify as a straight woman, just with a few exceptions) but the outfits and novelty of it all intrigued me. So I did what any smarty-pants teenager would do and snuck into...

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Long distance becomes face to face

Please, comment. No one gets paid for writing this stuff. My payment is knowing that people like you get off reading my stuff. That I can get you sexually aroused, just with words!! I am not gay, but for me, this is singularly about power. If you want some of it back, leave a comment!!*******************************************************************************Kay told me about a friend she had back in college. She had been married to a guy that was big, funny and loved sex!! But being...

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Its Not Prostitution Ch 01

It’s not prostitution, or at least that is what Trevor tells me. It’s not sex in exchange for money, not exactly, because that would be illegal in L.A., but there’s nothing illegal about a phone call is there? I would have actually wanted to ask Mr. Facelli about it, but he didn’t seem much for small talk when we met, he was more about getting straight down to business the minute he got me alone in his car. He flashed the money the moment we were alone, like a good customer, though Trevor...

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A young man by strange circumstances begins a consensual sexual affair with his aunt

She flinched when it popped open and yelled. Part of my forefinger was now resting inside her moist lips. She didn’t notice it because of the pain, as I wiped up the discharge and told her to hold still. I was now going to yank out the hair follicle. Looking back, I can’t say whether I intended to do it, or if just happened. But I was slowly massaging the wet lips of that pussy, as I steadied my hands to use the tweezers to pull out the follicle. I found the hair follicle, gave it a...

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