Am I Weird? free porn video

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This is an utterly true story of events that took place some 50 years ago. I’ve only written this because I wanted to be able to keep the memories fresh as I get older and because my “friends and lovers” have either moved on with their lives or passed away, but since the intent of this opus isn’t just pure sex, some realistic ‘fill’ was necessary. I might mention a tiny bit of back story. My whole life I’ve only ever been good at three things – swimming, guitar playing and sex. © Hellraser 2014 This is NOT a stroke story

Ok, so call me weird...

The backstory here starts about age five. I’m doing whatever five year olds do around Christmas ... hoping I get a new cap gun set, that was really all I’d asked Santa for at Sears. Christmas day rolled around and I KNEW I’d gotten my cap guns, but I also KNEW I’d gotten a pedal car. Don’t ask me how, it was locked in Grandma’s garage until the night before. I was excited about my new gun set, but even more thrilled that I was getting wheels and had the gall to ask about it before they [parents] brought it out. “How did you know you were getting a car?” asked Sis “I dunno, I just knew.” My bitch of a mother piped up with “The little bastard peeked somehow. For that, we should make Santa take it back.” Dad asked if I’d peeked but how could I? Grandma lived clear across town.

I knew everything I was getting, be it Christmas or birthday. I think the parental units were about at wits ends on how/where to hide things. I didn’t peek, I just knew. I turned five and 11 months when Christmas night rolled around again. By tradition, our family did the presents thing Christmas night because some of the family worked and didn’t GET Christmas day off. I knew all I was getting, even the boxer pup my brother picked up that evening from the owners house. The bitch told anyone that would listen that ‘damned dog’ was not staying at our house. Well, he did you a year, then disappeared.

Move ahead five more years – I’m playing in the backyard, staying out of the bitch’s sight when like in the movies, a lightbulb just went off in my head. In my mind’s eye, I could see my uncle, a career soldier, laying on the ground all bloody and quite dead. This was mom’s favorite brother [I didn’t hold that against him] and I ran into the house bawling. Mom asked me what was wrong and I was afraid to tell her, like it was my fault. I eventually did and she slapped and punched me til her arms wouldn’t work, then confined me to my room. A short while later, my aunt called to tell her the news, then she got a belt and tried to wear it out on me. Left to myself, I waited it out until Dad got home. All he asked me was ‘how’. I told him everything I knew, EXCEPT for the beatings I’d gotten from the bitch – THAT would have gotten me beaten again and probably worse. I didn’t catch any hell from Dad but he told me to shy clear of mom for as long as it took for her to deal with this.

The knowing beforehand about any presents for me got to the point of why wrap the damned things ... it won’t be a surprise. Sis didn’t live at home anymore and the bitch only allowed HER in our house ... her ‘worthless’ husband and their spawn were not allowed. I know it was hard on her, but that’s the only way she could connect with our family. Even she was amazed I knew exactly what she got me, living 60 miles away. That was another reason I had only two birthday parties growing up. My few friends thought it was neat- I’d pick up their present and KNOW what was wrapped up. The bitch decided doing without would be easier on everyone.

Move ahead to Jr High...

Now some shit went down that was strange, even from MY point of view. Several things happened, not always related to each other. For one thing, not EVERY test, but more than coincidentally, I knew what questions were on the test, like I could see it in my teacher’s mind. I got accused of cheating a few times to the point I had to sit front and center before the teacher. Too many times, I got sent to the office until finally, a guidance council wrote home for permission to give me an IQ test. The bitch tried to tell them it was her ‘other’ son that was the smart one ... I was just marking time to graduate. Dad agreed to the test.

The kids at school had labeled me NERD from the seventh grade on, now the school would confirm it. All I asked of the school was to keep the results private. Knock me over with a feather ... my IQ in seventh grade was 120, I’d qualified as genius level ... just what I wanted everyone to know ... NOT! A FEW of my teachers became aware of this, especially my science/biology teacher. That guy pushed me to do more, do more intensive work and push my boundaries. I entered the state science fair with a machine called a ‘Lord Kelvin Dripper’, it generates an electric current by dripping salt water through a series of metal rings, wired together. Not a big deal, but it was enough to power a flashlight bulb, all at about 3 volts. So I won. Big freakin deal. The teacher told anyone that would listen that this was college level stuff. I wished the hell I woulda just stayed home, the damned school had an assembly in my ‘honor’. It was more to my shame. The bitch kept after me to tell her how I cheated.

I did a few other ‘nerdy’ things, like sending a helium balloon 1500 miles to Michigan and had it on a Polaroid picture as evidence. The bitched called the newspaper like it was all HER idea. My perfect older brother got a blue ribbon through FFA for a sheep he’d raised. Somehow, I don’t think it compares.

High School - I started having dreams...

In ninth grade some of us got together and formed a garage band, much to the bitch’s dismay ... matter of fact, if she could have managed it, she woulda had us all jailed. We had many visits by the police after someone, naming no names, called it in as a nuisance report. It took Dad intervening to stop them from shutting us down to the point he rented an empty warehouse for us to practice in. We officially became money makers [wow! $50 a head] by the end of the school year, playing for parties and the occasional church dance. The guys all liked playing, but couldn’t see doing this in the long haul, fortunately, there were two other jr highs in town. Over summer break, we’d put together a really professional group, good enough to be recognized by the largest radio station in the state. The money came in, way more than we ever dreamed possible. Maybe you’ve heard of Andy Warhol ... HE took notice of us and moved us to Hollywood.

We were also required to take an SAT as sophomores. I scored 1850 out of 2400. Not Einstein but more than respectable. At least I THOUGHT they were a private thing. ANOTHER guidance councilor, this time a psychologist had me take a new IQ test ... oh joy! Now I was up to 145. I swore her to absolute secrecy. I was a minor and no one gave her permission to present the test. A group of eggheads called Mensa flagged me down and wanted me to join their ranks. That would REALLY label me as ‘normal’. I wish people would just stay out of my life and private affairs. As a senior, we had to re-take the SAT and I was the first one to turn theirs in. That got me sent to the office by the proctor for ‘blowing’ the test. I damn near maxed it. It also appeared my mechanical aptitude was off the charts. Oh well, I’ll make a hell of a mechanic if music plays out.

Now to the dreams. I’d start going out with a girl and when it started getting serious, I’d dream we were on an ocean liner and it was sinking. Everyone made for the lifeboats and I’d end up sitting next to a beautiful girl I may or may not even know. The present GF would be clinging to the side of the lifeboat that was about to sink if ONE MORE PERSON got aboard. I pushed her head under water and held her til her body floated away. Sick huh? It was a recurring dream for the next three years and I’d always end up with the girl sitting next to me. The dream got out, somehow and I got asked regularly if I’d dreamed about the new girl I was with.

Another five years down the road...

My dad was gravely ill, dying from a brain tumor. I did everything in my power to make his year he had left as good as possible. I spent every spare minute with him, even to the point of taking him to work and doing his oilfield job for him. The higher-ups knew but didn’t care so long as the job got done. When he got really bad, he was too sick to even go to work and the bitch announced she didn’t sign on to care for an invalid, so she shunted him off to the hospital. I think at the families’ bidding, she did visit, as long as my sister-in-law or another relative went with her.[likely to pressure her into visiting at all] I sat with Dad all night, every night. We talked and I tried my damnedest to let him know how much I loved him. Dad was alert enough to know he had one foot in the grave and it was only a matter of time. It got to the point he was no longer able to speak but he could squeeze my finger. We worked out a yes or no system, I asked questions, he squeezed yes or no. I watched him reduced to a skeleton and curled in a fetal ball. I spent my and his last night with him and hugged him for what would be the last time. [God, this is hard... 46 years later and I’m bawling like a two year old] I went home to sleep and told my barfly wife that he wasn’t going to last and went to bed.

About two hours later, my sister-in-law’s sister knocked on the door in tears. “Oh Buck, I’m so sorry. He died about 30 minutes after you left.” All I was capable of was hugging her as we both cried. I could tell she had something on her mind. I guess she’d tell me when she was ready. I took her in the kitchen and started the coffee pot. We sat, drank our coffee while I stared at the floor. What do you say? My world ended. Mary [the sister’s name] finally worked up a head of steam and with tears pouring from her eyes, she related the story of my Dad’s last few minutes.

“Buck, were were gathered around his bedside and he just sat up like nothing was wrong with him and wanted to know where you were. Your mom kept saying SHE was there, but he pushed her aside trying his best to call out for you. That selfish bitch that had you kept after him – didn’t he want his son, his OTHER son? He wanted you and only you, then his eyes rolled back in his head and he was gone. I’m so so sorry.” If someone had called, I’m sure he may have held on or not until I got there ... now I’ll never know.

That night...

I was a zombie. The wife had little or nothing to say except when the reading of the will would be. Fuck that! I went to bed and tried to sleep. I should mention here that the wife Marge is one of those sleepers that just turning over in bed wakes her up. I’d been asleep for a while when I heard my name called ... yeah, right. I heard it again and it was Dad’s voice when he was going to brook no shit from anyone. THAT got my attention. I propped up on my elbows and looked at Marge still sound asleep. The room was dark but there was a glowing, bright spot on the wall at the foot of the bed. “This is not for her, son. I have some things to tell you and a short time to do it in, so listen and just shut up.” With that he told me things about himself, the bitch, my brother and some uncomfortable things about me. The stuff he told me about his marriage, his wife and his oldest son shocked me but I kept it to myself. The things he told me about myself were that I still had a lot of growing up to do. Bills or a checkbook were never part of our household that we shared growing up. I was kinda bad about spending or saving money, not as bad as the woman I’d married, but that’s another story. The main thing he said was that as long as I did my dead level damnedest to solve my problems on my own, when I was at the end of my rope, he’d step in to help me. When I needed some serious advice, he’d be there. It might seem like a dream, but the advice would come, just pay attention and DON’T blow it off. He was done and the spot winked out. I fell into a deep sleep but turning over all the information my dad had laid on me.

The next morning, I tried to tell my wife Marge what went on. She blew it off to grief. She KNEW how close to my Dad I was and had resented the fact I spent so much time with him the last year. Fuck that too! HER parents couldn’t WAIT to unload her on someone else ... she would be a problem for outside her family to finance.

After the funeral we all went to our old house as a family and friends. The bitch made it plain what she thought of Dad asking for me instead of his oldest and pushing her, such a devoted wife away. That chapped my ass so I unloaded some of the stuff Dad had told me. My older brother decided to take his place as head of the family and got up in my face telling me I really wasn’t welcome there. Getting in my face when I’m that emotional was definitely the wrong thing to do as he found himself on his ass with a bloody nose. To say people were shocked, hmm, might be right. Whether it was because of the things I said or because I’d just decked my brother. I figured it was a good time to make an exit before I killed someone. After I left, the brother helped himself to all of Dad’s tools that Dad had already promised to me.

In about a week, Sis and I got a letter from an attorney saying it was requested that Sis and I refrain from trying to attend the reading of the will. I was only twenty at the time and couldn’t retain a lawyer with out an ‘adult’. Sis was told if she showed up to just forget she had a family because she wasn’t wanted and if she did so, she’d never be welcome at home again. The brother did rub in my face that all of Dad’s finances went to mom and she could decide, if ever, to split it with her other two kids. Hell, I’d been on my own for years, what’s so different now?

A second marriage...

I got rid of one cheating wife and should have been gun shy about taking on another, but this one was a terror in the bedroom. I’d been a cop in OKC for a few years and had gotten tired of all the politics. A friend talked me into selling health insurance. Yeah, I got to ask a bunch of nosy questions, but it was fun and I made good bucks at it. Seems I had a knack for selling people something. Musta been my honest face. Moving right along, I did so well, the company gave me my own territory in southern Oklahoma, the border counties along the Texas and Arkansas line. It turned out the new wife’s mother and grandmother lived within my new domain. They were both sweethearts.

I’d been on the road for a week and home for a change of clothes and to do some paperwork. I’d been in bed asleep for a short time when I had the strangest dream. Another spot appeared on the wall and the wife’s ex called my name. My wife’s ex lived on a farm, commune style, up near Tulsa on the Illinois River. He also had custody of their boy Allan. WE had custody of a fourteen year old girl. Anyway, I dreamed that Ron [the ex] was talking to a guy I’d met for maybe all of 30 seconds during a trip to return the boy Allan home. This guy, Blackie, asked me to buy a baggy from him which I turned down. I’d done enough drugs in the service to quell that need a long time ago.

In the dream, Ron and Blackie were having an argument while sitting under an oak tree in Ron’s front yard. On this same property, the wife’s brother and significant other lived and I watched her brother shoo his wife in the house and close the door. Ron was famous for making a concoction of THC and orange juice and both he and Blackie were under its influence. One of Ron’s OTHER favorite things was to argue playing God and the Devil and the argument was getting pretty violent. Suddenly, I was back in our bedroom, sweating like a pig. I got up and went to my desk and found a spiral notebook and wrote everything down as I remembered it, dated and timed it. Then I went back to bed.

The next night, Ron called my name again and this time I went INTO the glowing spot, finding myself in Ron’s bedroom watching through his eyes as he looked out his window. All of a sudden, there was a loud crack, like when you drop a billiard ball on a cement floor, and a blinding white light, then darkness. I don’t know how much time passed, but there was the sound of a gunshot and I was back in my own bed.

I was bawling by this time. I KNEW Blackie had done something to Ron and I knew, without a doubt, he’d shot Ron in the head. Dragging out the notebook, I wrote it down as I’d seen and felt it. Soon, I was back in bed. The next night, Ron woke me up again, whisking me through the spot on the wall. Now, I watched Blackie and Mouse [Ron’s live-in GF] digging through the insulation in the attic crawl space. I KNEW he was hiding the gun. Wide awake, I went to the notebook and wrote it all down and about how far I saw Blackie reaching into the insulation. All along, I’d kept this to myself, not knowing if it was real or a figment of my warped mind. Why upset the wife? It was enough it bothered the holy shit outta me.

I’d gone to the post office to mail my company reports and the local night watchman flagged me down. “Your wife wants you to head to I-35 and let her mother follow you home.” “For... ?” “She didn’t say except to find you and give you the message, now I’ve done that. I don’t think I’d blow this off for any length of time. It sounded like her mother was close to your exit and she was upset to say the least.”

Ok. I know how to maintain marital bliss, so gassing up, I made the eight miles to our exit. The mother-in-law had beat me to it by a few minutes. Not saying a word, she motioned me to get on the road home. Like in Sherlock Holmes ‘Curious-er and Curious-er’. After a twenty minute drive, we arrived at the house and Doris, the mo-in-law raced inside. I’d no sooner walked in the door to meet the wife and her mom on the way back to her car. “What the hell is going on and where are you going?” “We’ve got to get to Ron’s house. There’s been an accident and I don’t know any of the particulars except Allan is there all alone.” “What about your brother?” “He’s not answering the phone. I’ll call you when I know something, just take care of our daughter.”

I was also in the middle of a career change. Selling something just lost its glamour to me and I was looking for something simpler and less stressful. I applied with a local oilfield service in my old home town as a tank truck driver. The pay was good and I was home all night nearly every night. This also put me closer to my sister, her farm and her marital troubles. Finding a place to live was a breeze because our little town was bordering on being a ghost town since the oil boom had moved on.

It was mid-afternoon and I’d finished my loads, so it wasn’t a big deal to hang out at the only diner in town, drinking ice tea and bullshitting with the locals. It also appeared everyone in town knew something was up, just not what. I was waiting for my step daughter when she left school. “Where’s mom?” “She took off with MeMa [her word for her grandmother] and went to your dad’s house. She’ll probably call tonight.” Well, that was a bust. No word from her. I got up the next morning and after seeing the daughter off to the school bus, did a few errands of my own. That night, still no word and I was beginning to worry. Rinse and repeat the next day except about 9pm, I did get a phone call. “Oh Buck, you will never in a million years guess what went down up here...” I took a deep breath; “Ron’s dead. Blackie killed him. The gun is in the attic under the insulation and before he shot him, he did something to the back of his head.” The phone went totally silent for several minutes. “How did you know? The sheriff’s department is still going over everything. We’re at my brother’s and not even allowed into Ron’s house.” I’d heard several ‘clicks’ on the line, but didn’t think anything of it at the time.

After telling me she loved me and that she’d be ok, we signed off. I hadn’t said a word to the daughter about what went down. The next morning at breakfast I did tell her Allan would probably be staying with us a while. She scoped out her dad was probably in trouble for selling drugs again so I didn’t correct her.

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A Bit of Bass a Whateley fanfiction part 1

This is a work if fan fiction set in the Whateley Universe. Knowledge of the universe may be helpful to fully appreciate the story but may not be necessary. The setting and any previously established characters belong to their respective creators. A Bit of Bass Chapter 1: Indy Punk Chase Price sat on the weight bench in his room, doing curls with a 40 pound dumb bell. His massive arms swelled on each raise and the veins pop up from the skin. He did 20 quick pulls then switched...

4 years ago
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Daddys little slut

Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two, I was a freshman in high school and had just tried out for the junior varsity cheer-leading squad. I think i was the youngest one in the new recruits being only f******n but i really wanted to be a cheerleader so i worked hard to make sure i made the cut. After a long day of boring classes then cheerleader audition after school i was beat. I went home, took a nice hot shower and got dressed for bed. I think i ate dinner, but i was...

2 years ago
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Fun times with Romy

As soon as the shower turned on I heard a loud stumble followed by a scream. I put on some pants and went to the source of the sound. It appeared to come from the Women’s changing room. “Is someone in there?” “Yes, please help me” When I walked in I was shocked to see my longtime friend and gym partner Romy compactly bare on the ground. She is your typical sporty teen with dark blond hair and a muscled body. “I slipped while showering, I think I maybe have broken something” “Are you still...

3 years ago
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Song of ThanksChapter 11 June 12 1996 In Search Of New Answers

The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers. M. Scott Peck: South Dakota June 1-2, 1996 ... I have seen that in any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself. -Lone Man (Isna-la-wica)(Teton Sioux) Gaho's daughter...

3 years ago
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SardinesChapter 5

Those first pangs of uncertainty bred like rabbits. By the time I got there I was a wreck. I went forth on pure adrenaline and pounded on the door. When he answered it I must had scared him half to death, because I burst into tears and he thought something had happened to Chrissy. I quelled that fear first, telling him she was fine, but it was like a dam burst inside me and I couldn’t keep anything in any more. It all came out, not in the logical, reasoned bits and pieces I had practiced...

1 year ago
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Mum 3

It was half past midnight when I got in, tired, dirty and not in the best of humour.Sunday had been going well. Mum had been out most of the day and Jen and I had the place to ourselves, so a leisurely lunch with a couple of glasses of wine saw us very relaxed and amorous. We almost went to bed then but by a sort of unspoken agreement we decided to wait until the evening when our anticipation would be so high we would fuck uninhibitedly. I was also aware that I would get additional...

3 years ago
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THE MASSAGE FOR MY NEIGHBOR LADYAt age 16 had completed secondary education, and had entered the university. But had an unfulfilled ILLUSION, had the desire to make love to my neighbor a woman over 50, and single. At that moment I wondered how I could approach her, and get her caresses. She was a thin woman but very elegant.She was single, never married, lived with his sisters and nephews. This happened almost 25 years ago. I had to invent the story that was studying a technical program in...

2 years ago
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Mera Pahala Anubhav Train Me

Hello friends David here par yeh mera real name nahi hai mai chote se gav se talluq rakhta hu aur kuch waqt pahale apna gaon chor kar city me paisa kamane k liye aa gaya hu mere age 28 yers hai aur mai abhi singal hu na toh mere koi g/f hai aur na hi koi spl frnds jis se mai apne dil ke baate share kar saku ,mai app logo ko mera anubhav batana chahata hu ,dosto har mard ke khwahish rehti hai k us ka pahala sex Kisi khubsurat ,garm ladki k sath ho waise hi mere bhi dili tammana thi k mai bhi...

4 years ago
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Harry Potter and Susan Bones 2

Susan collapsed forward onto the bed as the last spasms of her orgasm left her. The full weight of her mate was atop the buxom Hufflepuff as she felt his still stiff prick finish unloading inside of her. “That was wonderful Harry,” Susan whispered as she tried to catch her breath.The two magicians were in Harry’s bed in Gryffindor tower. “Mmm…yes it was,” the wizard agreed with a purr as he nuzzled the sweaty side of his partner’s head, grazing his teeth over her ear.“Harry,” Susan said with a...

1 year ago
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Playing With My Pussy In Public

In my early to mid-twenties I developed a fetish for masturbating in public places. I usually indulged in this naughty pastime in the company of my boyfriend (now my husband) but occasionally I fulfilled the urge when I was alone. Usually the act took place when there was no one else around, but it was always more exciting when there was a chance someone might catch me in the act. Over time, I became more adventurous in my wanking exploits, but more about that later.The first time, I was with...

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Ballbusting war

You approach the fighting area with another group of boys with a few of tension. The rule are simple:if you manage to cuntbust a female player you get 2 point. On the other hand if a woman is able to bust your balls will gain 1 point for each testicle popped. A special rule is that one extra point will be gained for forcing an orgasm from the opponent. The only rule is that the fighter can only combat 1vs 1. If a group catch a member of the opposite sex only a component will fight him,or the...

3 years ago
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Bimbo Pop Princess

Prologue – Candy Records The auditorium was filled to the brim. In the modest country town, high-profile entertainment was a rare occurrence. Knowing this, when the local high school got to host a sponsored singing competition, the locals didn’t stop to ponder whether they really were interested in watching teenagers make fools of themselves. Indeed, most of the townsfolk had never heard of this ‘Candy Records’ label, and generally expected nothing more from the event than an utterly tacky...

1 year ago
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Crazy Twin Sister Chapter 9

Crazy Twin Sister Chapter 9 Crazy twin sister tricks her twin brother who got the family inheritance to go to a costume party dressed as each other. She has him drugged, checks him in to a mental hospital as her and pays off the doctor and staff to keep her brother there. In this chapter, a clear-minded Brian makes a desperation visit to his old office looking for help. Chapter 9 Back at the motel, Brian dared not go to sleep, fearing that he'd wake up back in the hell that...

3 years ago
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Community Three SigmaChapter 4

Alan’s turn: I just have to get it in my head that the women in my life, NONE of them fits into that neat little contemporary mold marked ‘normal’. Let’s start with my wife Tina. She’s more than twenty years junior to me, brilliant on any scale except perhaps the rarified world of our community, but we’re talking about a girl that achieved a baccalaureate degree at the age of nineteen. Make that a degree in electrical engineering. She’s on the ‘mommy’ track now, her choice. Before I met...

2 years ago
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A sweet afternoon with LatinaWife01 Dadddies b

Latinawife01 stopped by to See me ((( Daddy ))) It`s 9:00 am I`m laying in bed watching TV drinking coffee. I hear her go in the hall bathroom.. That's strange?? She always uses the bathroom in here in the master bedroom. she has since she was young. Her mom hated that because as she got older she would leave her bras and panties with other clothes laying around. ( But Daddy didn't mind that at all) She soon came running in totally naked. HI DADDY.. I jumped up to Greet and MEAT her. HI Baby...

4 years ago
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James the gobble monster

James found himself, once again, tied up and bent over a spanking bench. This time, the girls had him put on his cheerleading uniform. His skirt was so short that it revealed his butt cheeks and lacey red thong panty while he was bent over. The girls each held a ping pong paddle and stood on either side of James. They took turns swatting James’ sweet butt cheeks. First the right, then the left. They spanked him for 20 minutes non-stop until he was whimpering. He kept saying things like,...

Gay Male
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SweetheartVideo Sarah Vandella Emma Straletto The Nanny

Barbara (Sarah Vandella) is recently divorced, like many single mothers she tries to rebuild her life and find love again. After another bad date, she comes home completely bummed out. Luckily for her when she gets home her babysitter Abby (Emma Starletto) is there. The baby is sleeping, and she decides to stay a little bit longer and keep companies to her boss. The two women will chat together and slowly learn more about each other’s life, but when Barbara learns that Abby is a lesbian,...

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Peeping Perv Gets Whatrsquos Deserved

This stomach virus was kicking my ass. I was bed ridden for two days and it wasn’t letting up. My wife was taking care of me but I hated for her to miss work. I was tired of the house. The only enjoyable thing besides tv was the hot piece of ass next door. At least once a week I’d rub one out to Emily fromNext door. She could be fully clothed and still get a stiffy. The thought of her made me get up and look out the window. There she was tanning in her backyard by the pool. I instantly stuck my...

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A handyman exposed

From her perspective My first impression was, he was a true professional. He was tall dark and handsome. He was dressed nice, in clean dark blue work slacks and a button down dark blue work shirt. I couldn’t help noticing how well he filled out the shirt with broad shoulders and his bottom was quite a view. Every word he spoke was clear and professional. I was happy to find Randy, because other handymen had their drawbacks . After he finished the light switch and receptacles he asked...

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A quick stop at a gas station

I was coming that night from a conference in the West.I felt tired and wishing to come back home as soon as I could. But it would be useless; because my lovely hubby was out of town and then he could not give me the good fuck I needed so badly. And I really needed it…I was travelling by the main highway that ran into my home town.There was a gas station there, where I knew that I could find a trucker eager to enjoy my growing arousal that night…I reached there, finding that the parking lot...

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GirlsWay Syren De Mer Dee Williams We Like Girls

I’ve had the pleasure of working with the amazing Dee Williams a LOT in the past year, so when she told me about this incredible five-year relationship with Syren De Mer, I was riveted. It sounded like the kind of love that you only read about in fairytales, so how could I NOT feature them for this project? ‘We met on set, actually,’ Dee answered when we asked how she and Syren first met. ‘She walked into the green room, I didn’t know I was working with her, and I...

3 years ago
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Sandys First Weekend Enslavement

Sandra was 25 years old, a striking strawberry blonde with long hair and rather ample boobs. This Sunday evening, she was early in a very unusual 5-hour drive home. She was naked except for a rather large butt plug in her ass and a large electronic vibrator in her pussy. These were held in place by a locked chastity belt to which she did not have a key. Her cell phone was propped up in a holder in front of her and was answerable through her car’s audio system by voice command. Her back, legs,...

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A Most Convienient Bank

It was spring in Montreal and my friend Adam and I had just finished our last exam of the year. As planned, we met up afterward outside the library to go out for drinks. Unfortunately it was a Tuesday night, so it seemed that it would be a pretty low key celebration. Still we had to do something. We’d just finished another semester and more or less managed to maintain our focus during beautiful Montreal spring. I don’t know what it’s like to try to study in more temperate climates, but when the...

Quickie Sex
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AWAKENINGS I really dont know where to start with this but I have to get it off my chest or the stress will just go on. My husband is a military hardware contractor. Weve been happily married for four years, and trust each other implicitly. His job entails a lot of travel, but that has never been a problem for me until recently. We moved to Washington, D.C. a few months ago, where I dont know a soul, and for some reason, making friends here is difficult. The one exception is Randy, a chef who...

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A Little Help From Our Friends

The neckties around my wrists and ankles were tight. Tighter than usual for sure. So tight in fact, I’d probably have a tough time getting loose if the need arose: like if Pam fell and couldn’t get up or if a fire broke out or some other equally unlikely event. No matter. The odds were slim enough to be almost non-existent. I put it out of my mind, preferring instead to focus on the fun I’d be having in a few short minutes when my wife would make her grand entrance. Pam and I had been married...

Wife Lovers
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The Well

The new stranger was screaming. He watched. They always screamed. Unless they didn't. Some did nothing. Did not so much as move, just floated. Until they didn't. This one moved. Screamed. Called out for help, hands reaching up towards the circle of light above. Help never came. He wondered why they fell down that long, curved stone wall. They did not come often. Not that he knew time, knew increments by which it could be counted, but he knew nothingness was only rarely interrupted by some...

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The Cuckolds Reward Gregs Story Part V

Two months had passed by since that first night together at Al’s home. That night, after their dinner date, they went back and fucked into the early hours when exhaustion claimed them. Greg came back close to lunch time next day. They had not been out of bed all that long and had just showered. They were both in the bedroom still naked when Greg came to join them. Cathy greeted him. Al watched them kiss and talk quietly between themselves. Greg had had a very busy night but it was now his...

4 years ago
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Fucked a hot married event manager

Hi, I am rover from Delhi. I have been reading ISS for quite sometime now and after much thinking I thought of sharing my own experience with all of you guys. I work in a marketing team in a telecom company here and the nature of the job entails a lot of traveling. This particular incident happened when I was on a 3 day trip to Jaipur last month. The event was being supervised by a hot female Vijaya. She was very fair and looked almost western, short with nice assets. Her boobs were 34c and she...

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Charity Graduates 4 The Big Game

The year was now 1990 and the eighties were officially over. Big hair would stubbornly cling to life for a couple more years, but it was in it’s death throes. Cassette tapes were going the way of the dinosaur and cd’s were the big new thing. And I was half a year away from graduating . The rest of the year was mostly sedate for the most part; Beeder’s departure for some reason took the winds out of our wildness. Don’t get me wrong, I was still fucking up a storm every weekend. But gone...

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My friends dad 19

Jeanette was a little depressed, and I just had to talk to her and make feel better. It was like back when she was dating those guys and they just lost interest in her. “But do you ever wanna see your mom again?” I asked. “Well she's my mom. So I guess I do, why do you ask?” Jeanette asked. “Well, nothing I guess. I mean, I don't know how you are feeling exactly, well because I haven't been in that boat, but I can't imagine anything that would make me never wanna see my mom again,” I replied....

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The VisitorChapter 15

Sally and Jimmy would stop by most nights when Sally got off work. Sally loved coming over but she also worried about Tom getting upset. Beth and Brenda pushed Sally to stand up to Tom. It took about two weeks for Sally to get up the courage. Things didn't go to well. It was after midnight when the doorbell rang. I opened the door to find Sally and Jimmy, both crying hysterically. It didn't take long to see Sally's left eye was swollen shut. Sally had finally stood up to Tom. After...

4 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Judy

I probably never would have experienced the excitement of watching my wife fucking another man if she hadn't gotten drunk at her cousin's wedding. She didn't get 'passed out' drunk, just silly, giggly, almost falling down drunk, but it was enough to set the stage for the most excitingly erotic scene I'd ever seen to that point in my life. Judy is not normally a heavy drinker, in fact in nine years of marriage I'd only seen her drunk once, but even then she was ambulatory and I had no...

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Vitoria secrets

We both looked at one another as if we were studying each other, almost like we were strangers. She was letting her natural blonde hair grow out of the highlights she always wore with me and I had put on a little weight and changed my hairstyle, so we were both adjusting to a little change.“I’m… I’m good — I’m sorry, you look great,” she said, cutting herself off. I chuckled and said, “Thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself. I like the hair; it looks incredible. I was wondering if you would...

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My first time with a shemale

Let me tell you a little bit about myself I'm five feet 10 inches tall around 220 pounds, brown hair and eyes very muscular, I'm an ex-professional boxer.Around 10 years ago I I was working as a bouncer erotic a nightclub in Fort Lauderdale, when one night I heard a commotion in the parking lot. There were several men beating up a beautiful woman, when I tried to break it up I ended up getting very banged up myself.Her name was misty, she thanked me for helping her and asked if I need a ride...

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The Sebastian Files Michelle

SEBASTIAN: Why would you argue about that? MICHELLE: I didn't. That was them. They were a little drunk. We were all drunk. We'd had enough of the family gathering and we were hiding and being bad. Except we didn't plan on being that bad. SEBASTIAN: Indeed. Can I ask, who has the better body? MICHELLE: Oh, probably my sister. She's stunning. But my brother is pretty hot too. It's close. Call it a tie. SEBASTIAN: So they were arguing... MICHELLE: They were joking around. We...

3 years ago
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My wifersquos been a slut all along part 6

Roosevelt had my wife Dina get on all fours on the bed right in front of me.get up on close Dave. I want you to see this real good. I am going balls deep.he got up behind Dina like he was going to hike a football. He put both hands on the small of her back. He worked his cock up to her asshole and looked back at me. You ready Dave? You ready ho? Once I do this you belong to me, is that what you choose ho? Yes. Dina said. You gots to say it. You gots to say I choose you. I choose you. Dina said....

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