Revenge! free porn video

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My sixteenth year was the most miserable of my life. In fact, I could say it was the only miserable year. I had just begun to realize that I was different than the other boys my age that I knew. There was a new boy in my class named Calvin, and I had a crush on him.

Calvin was a country boy from Oklahoma who was a year older, having been held back a year. His family had had a farm that had failed, and his father had moved to our state to try to find work. Calvin was taller than me and had the body of an eighteen-year-old who had worked hard for most of those years. He had sandy blond hair that went in every direction and a long but handsome face. He was also somewhat a wise-ass, which I think was part of the attraction.

Let me pause here to give a description of myself at this time, as that will be important later in this story. I hadn’t achieved all of my growth yet, was skinny, wore my slightly curly hair really long with bangs, and was pretty much geeky- looking.

One day in history class, (a class which Calvin wasn’t in, for some unremembered reason) I had to take a leak really bad. I got permission from the teacher (a man) and went to pee. By the time I got to the boys' bathroom, I also had a roaring woody. I stood at the urinal trying to pee and stroking my dick. The dick-stroking had become more intense when the door opened and in came Calvin. For some unknown reason, he chose the urinal next to mine and pulled out his dick. I, of course, couldn’t refrain from stealing a quick glance.

What I saw was the biggest dick I had ever seen up to then. But to be honest, I had seen very few – only those of my fellow classmates in gym class. Well, I couldn’t keep from looking again, and again. I guess my glances had become too long and too obvious.

Calvin looked at me and said, “What the hell are you looking at?” Then he noticed my boner and said something like, “Why you little freak. You’re queer.”

I fled the bathroom, tucking my dick back into my pants as I ran down the hall, all thoughts of having to pee gone.

The next few days were horrible. I dreaded going to school each morning. I couldn’t look at Calvin, but when I did, in my mind he was sneering at me. I wondered if he had told any of his buddies or if everyone in my class knew… or everyone in our small one-high-school town.

Here I need to tell you Calvin had a brother named Carl, who was four years older. I had seen him around town and knew he barely resembled Calvin. He was taller, heavier, had darker hair and wasn’t quite as good looking, although I don’t mean he wasn’t attractive in his own way.

My dad loved to tinker around the house, doing repairs, building things and doing gardening. He was a regular at the hardware store. On Saturday my dad asked me to take the hedge clippers to Thompson’s Hardware Store to have them sharpened. Mr. Thompson took them to the back of the store and gave them to an employee.

A few minutes later he called out, “Carl, I’m going to the bank. When you’re finished sharpening those, come up here and mind the front of the store.”

I wandered around looking at all the interesting things that a general hardware store contains.

In a few minutes, the guy in the back brought me the clippers. I was mortified to see it was Calvin’s brother. He wrote out the receipt and asked for the name.

I told him my father’s, Virgil Thorenson, and he said, “Oh yeah, you’re the little queer that put the make on my brother.”

It didn’t matter that it wasn’t true. It hit the intended target, and I didn’t know where to run or hide. I couldn’t get away since he was still holding my clippers, and he proceeded to make a few more comments about me being a deviant.

I grabbed the clippers and ran out of the store, leaving the money Dad had given me laying on the counter. I later told him I’d lost the change on the way home and endured his scolding.

Over the following months, they both continued to mock me and make crude accusations. They called me names, some of which I didn’t know what they meant, but knew were demeaning. My miserable life became even more miserable, and I wanted to die.

My saving came in a strange and tragic way. My parents separated and later divorced, my mother took me and we moved to Chicago, where she changed back to her maiden name and changed my last name to match hers. I continued to grow up, go through physical changes, and come completely out. The changes were rather dramatic. I grew to six feet, gained a nice body (through working out), cut my hair to a very short buzz cut, and got a nice-sized cock.

Shortly before I turned twenty-four, my mother died suddenly. Then I got news that my father, (who was only sixty-six) was seriously ill, and decided to move back to care for him. He was suffering from early-onset dementia and needed constant watching. I must admit, my mind was full of thoughts about Calvin and his brother.

Instead of forgetting about them, over the years I had grown bitter and hated them for the way they had treated me. I determined that I wouldn’t be satisfied until I had done something to humiliate them, and I devised a convoluted plan.

I did some nosing around and found out that they were both still living in town, that neither was married, (Carl was divorced) and where they worked and hung out. Calvin spent a lot of time in a country-style bar playing pool. I started going there, struck up a conversation, challenged him to a game and within a couple of weeks had made a “new” friend. He had no idea who I was, though once he did say that I looked familiar. I said I got that often. I had that kind of face.

It seemed that the women who frequented that bar were on to his bull-shit and didn’t want much to do with him, which meant no girlfriend. Despite his good looks, he hadn’t gained any social graces, and he still wasn’t too bright.

After several weeks, a time much longer than I had expected to be associating with him, one night we had gone out drinking and playing pool. When the bar closed he wasn’t ready to call it a night and invited me back to his place, a run-down one-bedroom apartment on the outskirts of town.

After a couple of beers, when topics of conversation had been pretty much exhausted, and we noticed that the TV, which was on but we had not been watching, had gone blank, I asked if he had any porn videos. (This was at the time CDs were just catching on, at least in our town, and people still clung to their VCRs.)

He said, “Shit no. I wish I did. I don’t know where you would find any in this berg.”

I said, “Hey, I just remembered I might have a couple I bought long ago in Chicago in the trunk of my car if they’re still there.”

He said, “Hell, well go look, buddy.”

I went down to the car and got out the two cassettes I had ordered over the internet a few weeks before.

These were really cheap productions, the first one consisting of outtakes from other videos of cum shots: guys shooting off on women’s faces, lips, tongues, tits and upturned asses. It was only about forty-five minutes long, but I noticed that for almost all of that forty-five minutes Cal (as he now called himself) kept touching his crotch, and uttering little “ Wow's" and “Shit's."

We had continued drinking beers and were both getting a little high. I popped in the second tape, (Cal had been reluctant to stand up) which started with ads for other tapes which featured women leering at the camera while spreading open the lips of their cunts, and sticking their fingers into their pussies. Then the main feature started in which two men (both middle-aged) had sex with one woman.

She sucked one while the other fucked her, then switched. One fucked her pussy while the other rammed his cock up her ass. Then she took both of their cocks in her fuck hole at the same time. All of this was shot from every possible angle while they moved into every possible position. There was no sound, both the focus and color were off and it was all boring as hell. That is, to me. I could see Cal’s cock was rock hard and straining to get out of his pants, and he couldn’t keep his hand off it.

I pretended to be turned-on and said something like I had to get my rocks off and would he mind if I jacked off there and then. He said hell no and that was a great idea. He pulled his cock out and I was sure it had grown after that first time I had seen it. But then again, that was eight years ago, and it hadn’t been hard then. But it was without a doubt a big and beautifully formed cock.

I pulled mine out, but Cal didn’t seem to notice I wasn’t completely erect. I could tell he was pretty wasted by now. I kept playing with myself and concentrating on his so I would get hard. He was slowly sliding his hand up and down the full length while watching the action on the screen.

I said, “Cal, let me do something buddy,” and reached over and replaced his hand with mine.

He kind of looked at his dick in a dull stupor, like he didn’t really know what was going on.

Then he sighed and said, “Damn, that feels good.”

I’m not sure anyone had ever touched his cock before. But surely they must have.

I said in a low whisper, “Now, do me.”

Without looking at me he reached over and started jacking me. We continued doing that for several minutes, sometimes laying our heads back and looking at the ceiling, sometimes looking at the TV.

I decided to make my move, and when he had his head back and his eyes closed I leaned over and took his cock in my mouth, swallowing as much of it as I could at one time.

He was of course startled and jerked up, saying, “What the fuck?”

I simply slid my closed mouth up and down his cock three, four, five times.

When I came up I said, “What, you don’t like that?”

He grunted out, “No man, it feels great. But I can’t do that to you.”

I said, “Don’t sweat it, dude. Maybe you’ll figure out something you can do.”

(As to the ‘dude’ and ‘buddy’, I had adapted to talking this way, mirroring Cal.)

I went back to sucking his cock, doing all the tricks I had picked up in the last few years. After several minutes (and I have to confess, after the past few months of celibacy, I was enjoying sucking his great cock.) I started pulling his pants down, and he quickly kicked them and his Jockeys off. I pulled his T-shirt off over his head.

While sucking his cock I maneuvered him so he was stretched out the length of the couch with his head on one of the arm cushions. I got on my knees between his legs and continued to drive him up the proverbial wall sucking, licking and tickling his cock with my tongue.

By this time the alcohol had really kicked in, and he was awake but approaching delirium. I stripped off my clothes, taking a condom I had in my shirt pocket out and sliding it under a back sofa-cushion. I licked and sucked on his ball sack, taking one and then the other of his balls into my mouth, and rolling them around with my tongue, then returning to his cock.

I ran my tongue down between his legs, under his balls. (Did I mention he probably hadn’t bathed that day, or maybe only since early that morning? He didn’t smell bad exactly, but certainly had a strong, not fresh, male-animal scent.)

Then I lifted his hips so his butt was pointed up. By this time he was a willing limp ragdoll that I could turn any way I wanted. I ran my finger over and around his ass-hole and sniffed to make sure it was reasonably clean. It was, so I started licking it with the flat of my tongue and then sticking the tip of it in as far as I could force it. He moaned like a lady and then uttered in a raspy voice how good that felt. I continued for a few minutes while I reached for the hidden condom, opened the envelope and rolled it down over my cock.

Then I said, “Cal, old buddy, I’m going to do something I think you’re going to love.”

I lowered his hips so my cock was lined up with his asshole and started pushing it in, slowly but without pausing.

I pushed until I was all the way in and asked, “Does that feel good?”

He made a sound something like, “Hmmmm,” and said, “Yeah.”

I then slowly withdrew almost all the way, and pushed inside again, repeating the movement over and over, slowly picking up speed, until I was plunging in and out at a furious rate.

I said, “Cal, old buddy, I’m fucking your ass. Do you hear me? I’m fucking you in the ass with my big cock. It feels good and you like it, don’t you? Tell me you like it, buddy.”

And sure enough in a slurred voice said, “oh yeah, I like it. It feels good. Fuck my ass.”

He had been jacking his dick ever since I had started rimming his ass, and now he was going at it furiously. It only took a few minutes until his breathing became hard, he said, “Oh, fuck,” and started spurting cum onto his chest and stomach.

As his breathing returned to normal I continued to pound his ass with my cock. Then he said, “I gotta piss.”

I said, “Hold on buddy, I’m almost there. I can’t stop now so you can go piss.”

He said, “No, don’t stop. But I wanna piss. I like to piss on myself. I mean, I gotta.”

I said, “Then go ahead.”

Holding his softened cock in his hand, while I was fucking his ass, he started pissing, directing the stream all over his chest and stomach. The smell of his hot piss, instead of turning me off, somehow brought me to the edge and I shot off, over and over. After weeks of no sex, I had plenty of cum in my balls.

When I finished coming I pulled out and stripped the full condom from my cock, dropping it inside out onto Cal’s glistening wet stomach, where gobs of his own cum were still evident. I stood up and walked the few steps to where Cal’s head was.

I said, “Cal,” and he turned his head toward where I stood.

I said, “Suck my dick clean, old buddy,” and stuck my cock into his mouth, which he opened and took it in.

I pulled it out and started putting on my clothes. He looked down at his piss-drenched body with its blotches of cum and my used condom stuck to it in an uncomprehending daze. He then stood up, staggered, righted himself, peeled off the condom with his thumb and forefinger, and headed for the bathroom

I called after him, “Man, it’s really late and I have to go. But that was a fun evening. We’ll have to do it again sometime, right buddy? I’ll see you later. Thanks again. Bye,” and I was out the door.



Even though the evening’s performance hadn’t gone as I had planned, (I had intended to only get him to have sex with me and then reveal who I was,) I was extremely pleased how it had turned out. But there was still Carl.

I’d had a plan of sorts with Cal. But with Carl, I had no idea what to do… maybe my original plan with Cal? Why not? Over the past months, I had gotten to know Carl much better through my relationship with Cal. Mr. Thompson had retired and turned the running of the hardware store over to Carl. Cal and I had gone to Carl’s house several times to play poker with him and his girlfriend Cynthia.

Cynthia was a loud, crude, over-weight woman ten years his senior, but she was jovial and ready to party at any time. She also seemed to genuinely like Carl. Carl could seem to be a really nice guy, but would suddenly lash out and say something cruel and demeaning. They both drank a lot.

Cynthia was actually an alcoholic, and Carl was probably border-line. His breath usually smelled of whiskey, and his skin did too. I wondered if I licked him if he would taste like Jim Beam.

He was now thirty or thirty-one but looked a good five years older. He was just beginning to lose his hair, and his stomach was starting to form a bulge. Instead of the smooth nearly hairless body of Cal, he had dark curly hair over his chest and stomach, though I wouldn’t call him a bear. The thing is, even though I didn’t like him, I found him sexy, which was unusual as I usually had sex with guys nearer my age.

It was on a Saturday night that I had screwed Cal, so the next afternoon I decided I had to get to Carl before he and Cal got together. I headed over to Carl’s, hoping Cynthia wasn’t there. I knocked on the back screen door, (I knew the front door was blocked by big-screen TV) and Carl came out. I knew at once he was drinking.

He was surprised to see me, but I told him I was looking for Cal and wondered if he was there. He said no, but he wanted to ask me about something. He invited me into the kitchen and asked if I wanted a drink. I declined, saying I was a little hung over and asked for a glass of water. He then got to what he wanted to know, saying he thought Cal was trying to get together with his girlfriend. (I had noticed he never used Cynthia’s name, but always referred to her as “my girlfriend”.)

He had called Cal that morning, but Cal hadn’t wanted to talk to him, which was weird. He hadn’t been able to get in touch with Cynthia or Cal the night before, and he thought they were somewhere getting it on. This was my dream opening.

I said, “Carl, I can assure you Cal wasn’t with Cynthia last night. We went out drinking together.”

He said, “Yeah, but after the bar closed.”

I said, “No, Carl. We were together all night.”

He didn’t seem to be listening. He said, “But they could have…”

I interrupted him and said, “Carl, Cal was with me. Do you understand? With me. We were together… all night. Do you get what I mean?”

Carl looked at me for a minute, and then said, “Are you saying my little brother’s gay?”

I said, “Well, I don’t know about that. I mean I think just because I fucked his ass once doesn’t mean he’s gay.”

Carl said, “You’re lying.”

I said, “Why would I lie to you? How well do you know your brother, I mean how well do know his body? Do you know he has a mole halfway between his bellybutton and the base of his cock, right where his pubic hair starts? Or that one of his balls is bigger and hangs lower than the other one? Or his foreskin doesn’t cover all his cockhead, so his piss hole looks like it’s peeking out at you?”

I paused and smiled like I was remembering something sweet. “And I bet you didn’t know he has a cute circle of curly blond hair around his asshole, like a halo.”

While we had been talking I had placed my hand on his shoulder, but he had quickly brushed it off, and then a couple minutes later I had lightly touched his forearm, but he had stepped back.

He was standing, leaning against the big square table in the middle of the spacious kitchen. I had noticed he had reached down a couple of times to adjust his cock, and now this talk was causing it to come alive and start showing its outline against the light grey sweatpants he was wearing.

He said, “Why would he let you fuck him?”

I said, “He didn’t let me. He wanted me to. He asked me to fuck him in the a…, no, he told me to fuck his ass. You know, your little brother has a really big cock. It’s probably bigger than mine, or yours.”

Carl had always been a blowhard braggart. He always had to be number one. True to life, he took the bait, and at once said, “No way. My cock was always bigger than his.”

I took a chance and lightly laid my palm against the bulge in his sweats.

He didn’t brush it away, and I softly said in almost a whisper, “In Cal’s defense I should tell you that when he told me to fuck him, I was sucking on his cock.”

Carl looked me in the eye and said, “Yeah?”

I closed my hand around his growing meat and said, “Yeah. Let’s see if your cock really is bigger than his.”

I pulled the waistband of his sweats down releasing his semi-hard cock. It was impressive… probably not any longer, but a lot fatter than Cal’s. It was a delicious looking light brown sausage with foreskin that ended in a nipple. My being cut, I always liked cock with foreskin.

I said, “Wow, that’s a really big beautiful piece of man meat,” and knelt down and took it in my mouth, massaging it with my tongue until it quickly became completely hard.

Carl only said, “Oh, my god. God damn, that feels good.”

I soon discovered that wasn’t the only thing he was going to say. Carl had evidently watched too many porn videos. He sounded like one of their soundtracks, but not just the ‘Oh, yeah’ and ‘Fuck yeah’ type. He said those things like ‘Suck that cock’ and ‘Yeah man, lick my balls’ and ‘Make my cock feel good’.

With his pants around his ankles, Carl had lain back on the table and I was bending over him working his cock and doing as he instructed to his balls. Several times he said I sucked better than his girlfriend.

Then he said, “Let’s take this into the bedroom.”

We went into the bedroom, Carl stepped out of his pants and pulled off his T-shirt and hopped up on the bed, spreading open his legs. He propped his head on the headboard so he could watch me suck him. I quickly stripped off my clothes, climbed onto the bed and took his cock in my mouth. He immediately started his commentary.

I decided to give him his money’s worth and started making yum-yum sounds in my throat, and with my mouth slurping and sucking sounds. When I let his balls or his cock slip out of my mouth, I did it with a popping sound, and let him slap me in the face with it.

I was wondering if I wanted to rim his hairy ass or have him face fuck me when Carl said, “I want to fuck you. Can I?”

I looked up at him while licking up and down his pole and asked, “Do you have a condom?”

He said, “In that drawer,” nodding toward the nightstand.

I jumped up, took the condom out of the drawer, tore the pack open and rolled the condom down over his big fat cock. He laid me on my side, lifting my leg so he could get a good view of my asshole, and started pushing his cock in. Its fatness made it difficult and being Carl he didn’t care if it hurt or not. I gritted my teeth and held on until it finally slid in. Then it felt good.

Instead of starting easy and building up speed, he started in pounding right away. After several minutes, he turned me on my back and lifted my legs up so he could continue watching his cock go in and out. My head was hanging over the edge of the bed, so it was difficult for me to lift it and look at him, but I didn’t particularly want to see him. I was jacking my cock so I could bring myself off.

I had devised my plan.

After several more minutes I said, “Carl, I want to sit on your cock. I want to ride it.”

He said something like, “yeah,” and pulled out and moved up again so his head was resting on the headboard.

I turned my back to him so he could get a good view, crouched down and slid down on his cock. I bounced up and down while continuing to jack off. When I was about ready, I swiveled around so I was facing him, and held my balls up so he could keep watching his dick and my ass. After only a few minutes I started shooting my cum.

I wanted to give him a full face shot, but that wasn’t possible. But I was pleased the first gob fell squarely on his chin, the rest spotting his chest and stomach. When the last cum was seeping out, I rubbed the end of my cock in his pubic hair. I then jumped off and started getting dressed.

He said, “Hey, I ain’t come yet. Get me off.”

I said, “Sorry Carl, you’ll have to get yourself off.”

He said, “Fuck!” and pulled the condom off and started jacking madly.

He shot off and sank back into the bed, spent.

I said, “Well Carl, now that you know you like fucking guys, maybe you and Calvin can get together and you can fuck your little brother’s ass.”

Carl looked at me with a scowl that was quickly building to murderous anger, but I was dressed.

I started for the door and said, “I’ve got to get home and check up on my dad. I think you know my dad Carl, Virgil Thorenson?”

I let the realization of who I really was, sink in as I let the screen door slam behind me.

Revenge is fucking sweet.

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Revenge from the other side.Hello ladies or gentlemen. I am Emma, a 20 years old passionate student living in France. I am studying hard to become a doctor, which means that I do not have that much free time; I’m not going to parties with my friends… Oh wait! I don’t have many friends or boyfriends… According to my best friend Carol it is mainly because I am too shy and focused on my exams. For Carol it is a shame because she thinks that I’m “hot as hell”. Just a short overview of myself (even...

1 year ago
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Revenge By Ashtyn & Cathy S? The smell of her feet was maddening! The heels had been simply sitting there out side his door. He knew what it meant?they were for him. Not a gift, but a torment. She was allowing him to experience the perfection that was hers. She was forcing him into this moment of experience. Tactile sensation, a treat for his nose, she was granting him an event for his miserable existence. Harry reveled in her scent. She had obviously been doing ...

2 years ago
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REVENGE - payback for an earlier torment By Nicci Knox Chapter I Resolution - a decision made. Fern's ministrations roused me out of my nights slumber. Her persistent, practised fingers stroking and caressing my masculinity through the delicate lacy fabric of the French knickers that - with the matching lace trimmed satin camisole - have been my accustomed nightwear since my wife presented a set to me on our wedding night. She rapidly brought me to a condition of rigidity, but...

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Revengeby zeb1094When I walked into the bedroom, I knew she wasn't expecting me by the wide-eyed look she had on her face. Other than that, she looked beautiful sitting up, her arms outstretched wrists tied to the headboard. She had on a nightgown of wispy white that allowed her exposed nipples to show through the material. Her legs stretched before her, her ass on three pillows, angled to either side of the bed restrained by soft rope. She wore no panties showing me she had shaved before...

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Donna strained her neck to look behind her to discover the owner of the rough hands that were forcing the wide strip of cloth between her lips.  But the other pair of hands that held her arms tightly behind her back kept her from doing so.She had just walked into her house when someone had grabbed her elbows and pulled her arms behind her.  Now her mouth was filled with a cloth that was being tied tightly behind her head.  She tried to scream but only a muffled screech escaped past the cloth. ...

3 years ago
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Someone once said, "Revenge is a dish best served cold." My mind wandered as I sat in the 24 hour dinner. I had been sitting in the booth near the window since 2:00am. It was now 5:00 am. My mind was turning over and over and I just couldn't sleep, so I sat in the dinner drinking coffee. In my brief case was the private detective's report. It detailed all the times my loving wife had cheated on me in the last 6 months. It also contained video and 8x10 photos of these events... It was a...

1 year ago
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Part 1, Prelude Eugene, Oregon, a farmhouse just outside town January 1999 I was sixteen and my world was still intact. I sat in my room and read a book when I heard strange noises from my parent's bedroom. I dismissed them for a while, but ultimately went upstairs to check. Sneaking through the house, I made my way to the door of the guestroom. I knew there as a peephole in wall where once a water pipe had crossed to my parent's bedroom. Looking through, I immediately noticed an orange-red...

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Pam was so upset with her father. He just married his fourth wife and she was just five years older than Pam. She ran around the house half undressed and her father was worse than a horny teenager. He was constantly putting his hands under her shirt playing with her huge tits or down her pants fingering her pussy. Tonight when Pam walked in the kitchen her dad had her bent over the counter with his cock in her cunt fucking her right there. She had caught them with the wife on her knees sucking...

2 years ago
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After the show the old lady led the exhausted and somewhat drowsy white boy to a room on the third floor. Callum was asl**p before his head hit the pillow. Meanwhile downstairs Achmed was talking with Ijah and Jamaal about the boy. It was clear to Achmed that Ijah feelings towards the boy were growing, this worked to his advantage. At the same time there was a growing jealousy within Jamaal, he angrily demanded his share of the money from the show tonight. Achmed happily paid the boy, but he...

1 year ago
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Jason sat in the bathtub with Michael but Jason was growing more and more angry at Michael. Michael had said all the right words and did all the right deeds to seduce Jason but now that Michael had gotten his kicks, it was becoming very clear that Michael was just using Jason like a toy. Michael suddenly changed his tune, giving Jason all kinds of excuses about why Jason should never contact Michael again. "I've got a church activity. It would look bad if they knew about us. Don't call me. I'll...

4 years ago
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Intro This is a first/ and second person story about "you" James/Jenny , depending on you. Are u James (Guy) or Jenny (Girl) or someone else Everyone starts with the same background story

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I was walking home from a rough day in my office, my assistant was trying so hard to get me alone with her, her and her dirty mind, but I had to tell I was married. I was walking into my large house with a bouqet of roses. I really wanted to have a little fun tonight in the bed so I was going to get my wife drunk and sweeten her up. I couldn't wait, I really wanted a little child. I walked inside and crept upstairs. I heard a noise, so I tip-toed closer. It was my wife she was laughing with...

2 years ago
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This is the story of when I once followed my Doe into a bathroom and me and some strangers end up fucking the shit out of her. We were out having lunch at this little diner, not a great place but good food, local favorite especially during the lunch rush, lots of local construction, and trucker types. The place was actually pretty packed not too many females here but there usually wasn't anyway. We sat and talked for a bit about things and ended up getting into an argument that turned into a...

4 years ago
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'Oh God I'm coming,' Dave shouted his face going red as he thrust into me. 'Bloody hell, already?' I thought. It had only been 30 seconds since he roughly pushed his cock inside me. This was not one of my best one night stands! Dave rolled off me and laughed, thanking me for a good fuck. At least he was polite I thought. I moved closer to him, trying to get him to play with me. I leaned over and kissed him but he was already nodding off. Within a couple of minutes he was spread-eagled on the...

2 years ago
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Pam was so upset with her father. He just married his fourth wife and she was just five years older than Pam. She ran around the house half undressed and her father was worse than a horny teenager. He was constantly putting his hands under her shirt playing with her huge tits or down her pants fingering her pussy. Tonight when Pam walked in the kitchen her dad had her bent over the counter with his cock in her cunt fucking her right there. She had caught them with the wife on her knees sucking...

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After the show the old lady led the exhausted and somewhat drowsy white boy to a room on the third floor. Callum was asleep before his head hit the pillow. Meanwhile downstairs Achmed was talking with Ijah and Jamaal about the boy. It was clear to Achmed that Ijah feelings towards the boy were growing, this worked to his advantage. At the same time there was a growing jealousy within Jamaal, he angrily demanded his share of the money from the show tonight. Achmed happily paid the boy, but he...

4 years ago
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Mon nom est coline, je suis une femme de 25 ans. Mais je ne me suis pas toujours appel? coline, mon vrai nom est en realite john, et j'etais un homme. Je vais vous racontez comment tout cela est arriv?.Aussi loin que je puisse remonter dans mes souvenirs, je me suis toujours senti femme. Une femme prisonnier dans un corps d'homme. Quand je devais avoir dans les 4 ou 5 ans, j'ai le souvenir d'avoir mis les bottes a talons de ma mere pendant une reunion de famille, chose qui avait bien a...

3 years ago
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Hi dear readers, I feeling very much relived after this incident. Let me tell you some history which is essential to understand this event my hubby Manish and Virendera {Vinu} were very good friends from schooling but when I joined them in college they have become number one enemy of each other, because of me as both wanted to marry me but I fell in love with Manish and got married to him. But from then they are enemy of each other and don’t loose any opportunity to hurt each other, they both...

2 years ago
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Markus fuss is a man of normal physic and is roaming around on the streets. Last week he was fired from his job as he was falsely accused for sexual assult . He found his boss and his assistant (monica) having sex after office hours so he fired him . Now he is blacklisted and could not get a job in any of the companies. He sat on a bench in a park. Children were playing. Then he saw a notebook on the bench. He picked it up and opened it . Tge first page said. If you find this book you are very...

Mind Control
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I pushed her left leg gently aside. She breathed deeply in her sleep. At least it seemed like sleep, though it may have been more of an alcoholic coma. She'd had enough vodka to induce one. She was well on her way when I entered the bar. I had assumed that she was with friends since there were three other people at the table. As things developed, however, it became clear that she had simply invited herself to their little party. During the next half hour the three finished their drinks, I...

4 years ago
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I came to the conclusion many years ago that life sucks. I even managed to figure out the main reason this was an undeniable fact. Most people are ignorant, uncaring assholes whose only concern is themselves. If I sound bitter, it's because I am. I suppose I should back my revelation up with some research for the non-believers. My name is Sam Robinson, and I'm forty-three at the time I'm writing this. I grew up in a typical middle class home and had what most would consider to be a great...

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Matt had always been a little different. When he was little, everyone called him 'sensitive'. He could feel what other people felt. When one kid on the playground fell and got hurt, Matt would cry too. His parents thought he was just extremely compassionate. But it became obvious to Matt, as he aged, that this was not the same thing everyone else experienced. He learned to tell the difference between someone else's feelings and his own, but it took a while to learn not to react. And it...

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College life as I thought in the beginning was supposed to be fun. And for a while, it was. I met Chris in a sociology class, a fiery redhead that had a bit of a temperament to go along with it, that ... and an amazing pair of breasts that she didn't mind showing off to some degree. Almost immediately we hit it off and began dating with the only problem of that being, our class and work schedules didn't give either one of us as much time with one another as I would have preferred. Which is...

3 years ago
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She had just gotten out of the hospital and wasn't even talking to her husband. Her husband will had left her in the hospital while she was in labor and gone out with his buddies to a titty bar. He didn't care about his first child. Maybe he would care about the next one, but it damned sure wouldn't be his. Who would it be? It had to be someone who would make a nice baby and someone who would know about Will's humiliation. Maybe it would be one of his coworkers. Oh she had plenty of time to...

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Daniel led Emma down the hallway, holding her arm tightly, still afraid that she might change her mind. "Are you sure you want to do this? Really, really sure?" he asked repeatedly. "Yeah, Danny, I want to do this for you. Now let go, I'm not gonna take off." "OK," he said disarmingly, relaxing his hold. "But don't forget, I'm really counting on you." When they got to the door Daniel reached over Emma's shoulder and opened it. As Emma's eyes slowly adjusted to the...

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Note: All references to medicines are figments of my imagination. A drug for cancer that worked without harming the patient would be wonderful. My name is Matt Coffman. I am 6’ 1” tall, 195 lbs. I have blonde (going to gray) hair and pale blue to steel gray eyes that change color with my mood. Carrie called them my mood rings. I am 45 now, but when I discovered her cheating, I was 41 and a highly successful stock trader. I also write fiction novels, mostly western post-Civil War ‘shoot em...

1 year ago
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Marie bent down to open the lower drawer of the blue print file cabinet and from across the room she could here the definite sound of snickering coming from Ray Udell's desk!!! She struggled to remove the set of drawings she needed for the renovation project she was working on, but as the tears formed in her eyes, her mind wasn't on her work, but on how cruel some people could be for no apparent reason at all!!! She knew that Ray wasn't inherently a bad person, but when ever he had a chance it...

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My 3 Years as A Sub

My 3 ½ years as a Sub.One time when I was 23 yo. I got online and went to a Gay Bear personal ad site. I saw this 56 yo chubby polar bear about 40 mi away from me. I sent him a message, would you like to talk? He said he would like to do more than talk. He said I could come on up. This was 7:00 p.m. on a Friday nightHe asked me what I wanted.I said I want to suck cock.He said we'll get your close off and come suck my cock I stripped and he pulled his pants and underwear off. I got on my knees...

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Initium NovumChapter 7

Robert met with Ed Cunningham to find out the status of their data storage facilities as to how much they would lose due to the pending Ice Age. Ed said none would be lost, as all the data had been stored in two different locations, in the Northern Hemisphere and again in the Southern Hemisphere. He said that Nancy also had the data stored on the spaceship that the AIs controlled. The only way they would lose any data on the planet was if the facilities were not accessible via communication...

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Raising Our KidsChapter 2

After school the next day as we were walking home and no one was around us I asked Julie if she had ever heard of a blowjob? She said she had heard something about it but it just didn't make any sense to her. Why should she blow on my dingus? And how was that a job? I told her I had thought about that and had some ideas that I wanted to try out once we got home, if she wanted to, that is. Julie punched me in the arm and said, "After what you did for me last night and will do again tonight,...

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Djinn Game IV

Djinn Game IV By Ellie Dauber (c) 2004 Harry Jerome pulled the car over to the side of the narrow dirt road. "I don't think this is the right road, Mr. DelFino." Tommy DelFino leaned forward from the back seat. "What're you talking about? The map says this is the way to the hotel." His company, DelFino Investments, owned 30 percent of Coral Breeze, a popular resort complex. DelFino had decided to spend a long weekend checking out his investment -- and its female...

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Our night

We sit on the couch watching Lord of The Rings. I don’t know why, but you make me so nervous. We have talked for hours, I trust you completely, and you know everything about me. So why do you make me so anxious? We’re just sitting there in our comfortable clothes, watching the movie. We had decided to have a movie day to watch the entire trilogy. We’d ordered pizza and refused to move from the couch. We both needed this day together, a day free of stress, of only enjoyment. I’d already made...

Love Stories
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Sweet Lass

I flew into the small airport to surprise her. After all the time we had known each other, I had never visited her homeland. She had of course told me about the beauty of her country land, regaled me with her countries rich history and sent me pictures of places she had visited just to share a part of herself with me. I had not told her that I was coming to Scotland because I knew how excited she’d be. I made arrangements for two train tickets from her town to another up in the whiskey...

2 years ago
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Long time coming

Long Time Coming.A work of fiction.This happened about fifty years ago, but I can remember it like it was yesterday.I was f******n at the time, of course in those days, things were totally different. Sex was not so in your face as it is today. I lived at home with my mother, my father having died five years earlier.My mother gave birth to me when she was forty six, let’s call her Mary, she had a sister Elizabeth, who was a few years younger than her, so that made her fifty eight to my...

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Brendas PhotographsChapter 8

Brenda was devastated when she didn't hear more from Mr Bennett. What had she done wrong? Didn't he like her? She couldn't stop thinking of what he had done to her. She was horny all the time, wondering when Mr Bennett would call her again, and what he would do to her next time. She knew absolutely that she would accept anything he dished out. She wasn't too sure about pain, but she would accept humiliation. And thinking that kept reminding her of the beautiful Sylvia. Would Mr Bennett...

4 years ago
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My First Real vacation Part 2

I stayed stretched out on the couch and staring at the ceiling for quite a while after Valerie had left because I still could not believe what had happened. Things like this did not happen to me as a rule. My mind recalled the feel of her hot lips and tongue on my shaft and the memory was enough to get hard again. As I recalled how she moaned when my tongue flicked in and out of her pussy and the feel of her satiny legs against my head, I had become fully erect again. I started masturbating to...

2 years ago
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Formez Vos BataillonsChapter 6

“Cat, before you start that new book, dear,” Kate asked. “do you think I might borrow Charles?” “C’mon, Cat,” said Kathleen. “It might be a miserable day outside, but you don’t have to sit in one place all day. I have something to show you upstairs.” While she and Cat went up to look at her last doll, Charles followed Kate into the dining room. “As I’ve said, dear, this is a planned feast. Midday, perhaps, but Sunday dinners are midday. Why not Thursday dinners? Anyway, I thought of calling...

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Senior Prom

> >Pete and his three buddies were shooting the shit as theydressed for the>high school senior prom. They had started drinking early,wanting to down a>few brews before they went to pick up their dates. Now, inJoey's basement,>they started to don their tuxedos. Pete, the self proclaimed leader and>joker of the group, pranced around wearing his tuxedopants, a bow tie and>no shirt or jacket. He loved to show off the tattoo he had gotten the>previous winter in Florida. The basement had a...

1 year ago
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Smut C02

Introduction: Chapter 2, Alexs induction. If there is little to no support for this one, I wont bother releasing the last parts. —– 2 — Jonas and Alex stood back to back in the bathroom slowly disrobing while the shower water warmed up. Alex finished first of course and pivoted around to watch her father. When he turned around, his private part was the absolute biggest she had ever seen. It was shooting straight up and it looked so incredibly hard. It was massive. She knew that penises went...

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I was leaving my kids' school in the morning after dropping my son off when I saw Laure, our neighbor who was very French in every way. I waved to her and she came over to walk with me. We only lived a few blocks away, so we usually could talk for a few minutes about kids and events in the school. She was very nice and very sexy. She had long dark hair that draped over her shoulders in a perfect way. Her DD breasts were perfectly formed and had nipples that always looked erect through her...


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