- 5 years ago
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Watching some of the soaps on television I heard that the writers East Enderswere running out of good story lines . So to this end I wrote this script,which is possible, more realistic than some I have seen.
For those who don't know of the Soap its based in a working class districtof London and uses characters in a village type atmosphere around a centralsquare contain a market and follows the day to day activities of the residents.But could easily be translated to many of the other soaps on any countriesTV it is mainly a corporal punishment story but uses blackmail to get 3 charactersin the soap to do porno videos under duress then adds group bondage and sexand a full day working in a bondage house as sex slaves
Revenge part 1
By BlackStar
Andy sat watching the video recorder, and thought about his next action.He was angry but also disappointed.
He had just been watching two of his employees ripping him off to the tuneof at least £150 a day. And if as he suspected this had been going onfor about three to four months, then those Bitches would have had him for over £12,000.maybemuch more
His hand automatically went to the telephone to call the police and havethem arrested, then he paused for a second and thought.
It might be a good idea to ask why they had done it, and if they had anyexplanation.
He doubted if he would get a satisfactory answer, but with the Employmentlaws as they were, it was worthwhile spending a little time quizzing them.
He had employed both girls primarily for their good looks, lively personalityand their sex appeal, after the girls had given up their clothes stall on themarket.
Both were extremely attractive, and knew it. Cheekily using their good looksto get extra business.
He employed this natural talent in his betting shop knowing that a prettyface, firm tits and a nice bum all helped the punters wager a little more money
Looking at the monitors, he could see that the girls were working hard. Whilehe waited for them to finish with a couple of customers, he again looked atthe video.
The video showed quite clearly Zoe stamping blank betting slips with a timeand then passing them to Kelly.
A little later Kelly was shown passing it to a punter, her friend, Katrinawho filled it in with the name of a horse that had just won the last race.The video then showed her passing it back to Zoe who slipped it back into thepile of winning betting slips.
That bet alone cost him £125.
During the day, the damning video showed her do these four or five times.
Each time the same female Asian took a time stamped, but blank, betting slipfrom Kelly, who passed it to Katrina, after filling, it in for the race thathad just finished she passed it back to Zoe who slipped it into the ones shewould pay out
A little later on through the video, he watched Zoe inaccurately calculatethe winning odds on several large bets, craftily pocketing the difference aftershe had paid out the punter.
That he wasn't interested in, it wasn't stealing from him and the puntershould have been more aware of the amount of money he had won. But all in all,it meant that Zoe and Kelly were definitely thieving
It looked as Zoe was the main conspirator, with Kelly doing as she was told,and they using the services of their female Asian friend to make it all work
Not that the Asian mattered, he would just ban her from the shop. And a wordin her father's ear would bring shame on all the family and she would be kickedout, that would be enough devastating punishment.
But Zoe and Kelly were different. They were trusted employees and he wasgoing to report both girls to the police
Pity he was going to have to sack them they are extremely good looking bitof skirt even if they were bit stand-offish.
Kelly had a lovely smackable arse and Zoe had a magnificent pair of spherical,firm, Titties on a lovely slim body and long legs that gave promise of first-classshag between them.
Several times, he had tried to engage them in light sexual orientated banterbut while they were friendly, they had cut him dead every time he said anythingwith a slight sexual connotation
When he had accidentally on purpose touched the very attractive and cuddlyZoe's bottom, she almost turned round and slapped his face. Never mind youcan't have everything.
Seeing the two girls had finished with their customers he called them intothe office and closed the door.
Getting them to sit down at the desk, he said very little, just switchingon the video and making them watch it.
The atmosphere in the office went very tense, as the girls watched the damningtape of their betrayal of trust
Switching off the video after a couple of apprehensive minutes. He just saidI am disappointed in you and unless you have anything to say, I'm going tocall the police and have you arrested .I hope you know a good solicitor, asI am sure this deserves going to go prison. I hope it was worth it.
Both Zoe and Kelly looked stunned. They had no idea he had recently installedthe CCTV, and would have been much more wary if they had known.
Suddenly Zoe burst into tears, Please, Please. Don't call the police; theremust be some way we can sort this out you.
Andy snorted and said. Unless you can come up with the £12,000, I reckonyou' owe me. I don't see what else you can do.
Kelly also was extremely distressed, and tried to make amends by saying.Look, I can get £4,000 by tonight, if Zoe could get some. Would thatstop you calling the police?
Zoe answered tearfully. But I don't have that sort of money. I have justcome back from a Holiday in the West Indies, and I'm skint and broke.
Kelly looked at her panicking. Surely, you can raise some money from somewhere,I don't want to be locked up, but I can't find any more, then looked desperatelyat Andy. Look both of us will work for nothing for the next three months andtry and repay this money back. Please don't call the police.
Sorry ladies I want my money by the end of the week, or I shall get greatsatisfaction in seeing you taken down to the police station to be charged withtheft and deception. Both Kelly and Zoe started to beg and plead.
They must be something we can do to earn enough to pay you back and stopyou going to the police. Both girls knew Andy had many interests besides runningthis betting shop.
They had seen Andy's many attractive girlfriends who boasted about how muchmoney they had just earn't. Both of them also knew that working in an officedid not learn that sort of money.
Well there are things you could do besides the shop. However, don't reallythink they would be to your liking, unless you fancy working as a Hostess inone of my massage parlours. For that, you have to do sex about 6 times a dayas well as suck a guy's cock or bring him off with your beautifully manicuredhands.
However, even then you're not going to earn more than £1,000 a weekthere. And you need £6,000 each by Fri. Not a chance
It would have to be something a lot stronger like say, Hard core sex videosand I don't think either of you really have got the attitude of mind to dothat sort of work.
Zoe and Kelly again both looked stunned, they knew he was into some dodgythings like massage parlours and sex magazine shops. However, hardcore pornvideos they didn't know about.
Zoe protested. Is that the only way you think we can earn money? Doing Porn.Who do you think we are?
Kelly was a little more realistic, having been around a little longer. Shehad several things in her past that she would rather other people did not knowabout.
She tried to calm the situation. Look Zoe, we need money desperately andsaid to Andy. if we agreed to do a couple of those, would you take that inlieu of the money? As I said I have money in a bank so, you can only be lookingfor about £8,000. That's £4,000 each
By the end of the week added Andy.
Couldn't you give us more time than that pleaded Kelly?
No, because I feel you don't have that sort of money and the only way youcan earn $1000 a day is by robbing a bank or from videos. Heavy ones.
If I leave it too long, the police will wonder why I let you carry on workinghere when I knew you were dishonest. It will make it very difficult to getthe decent length of sentence you deserve as trusted employees
Nevertheless, his mind was working overtime on this change of events, neverone a miss a chance; this was beginning to turn interesting.
Nevertheless persevered Kelly, If we did, say one video in the next threeof four days, then we could pay you back and all would be forgotten.
Zoe let out a screech. What are you doing Kelly. I'm not doing any Porn videosfor this perverted bastard.
I'm not suggesting you do said Andy.
A good spell in prison thinking about what you have done, and I suspect thethree-year sentence, you deserve would suit me fine.
Three years! Both the girls cried.
Yes! That's about right, I'm sure my lawyer's can make a case for somewhere £25,000 £30,000,taking in your nice little earner from changing the odds and ripping off thestupid punter, Zoe.
Oh God' you know about that as well said Zoe, her voice sinking in despair.That also is on the video, a bit later on, but it shows you ripping of a lotof clients answered Andy
Andy then said to them. Well! Where are we girls?
I'd brought you in here to tell you were going to be arrested, and now bothof you have pleaded for some work to let you off.
The only work I know which will pay you enough will be hard-core porn, butdon't think it will only be one.
At the going rate, to play off £8,000 in the time necessary you aregoing to have to do about 10. And even that will be a struggle for little Whoreslike you.
His language had got stronger as he realised that possibly he was going tohave a little bit of fun with these young ladies, and that fun started nowwith humiliating them with a little dirty talk.
TEN! Both of them screeched in unison. You dirty little Bastard, added ZoeI'm not doing that much sex for you or anybody she spluttered
If you don't then its prison retorted Andy .I don't know what you think weare paying girls to open their legs on video for other guy's people to watch,but £400 for a one-hour video is the going rate. It's a very competitivemarket out there
Slightly more if they agree to a three-way sex session. That's taking oneguy in the mouth while, another guy shoves his Dick, up the girl's arse, whileshe's take pleasure in being rammed in the cunt.
Both Zoe and Kelly looked stunned at this graphic description. But Zoe wenta little sick and green.
Andy continued. However, for some types of heavy sexual bondage videos, wewill go up as high as £3,000-£ 4000, but they will be a littlestrong for you to do, as they can get quite heavy. But this is the only wayyou can get that sort of money by Fri. Ten straight porn video or a coupleof S&M.
Kelly just said No Way!
Kelly was a little more realistic. If we had to do a couple of those, whatwould we expected to do. I've seen some S&M videos I know we will be tiedup, have sex and be given a hiding but how often and how hard
Forget it answered Andy, There is no way you would handle videos like that,even some experienced S&M girls have problem
That is unless you happen to fancy doing a Kow-Tow on the floor, after havinghad your bottom soundly whipped and, enjoying several guys screwing the arseoff you.
Then being tied and bound and having your pussy tickled with the businessend of a whip before getting a dildo up your arse. I don't think you wouldbe able to handle it. So, forget the money and lets go back to plan A and callthe police for several years banged up in Holloway.
No wait said a desperate Kelly.
Again, Zoe Slater panicked. What are you doing Kelly, I might have done acouple of straight sex videos, but I'm on the not into anything kinky. Liketaking on three guys all at once and I'm definitely not into letting some BitchWhip my butt.
Then go to prison you Silly Bitch, no matter what I'm willing to do nearlyanything. She looked beguiling at Andy. If I was able to repay my part, willyou withdraw the charges against me? She can go to prison, if that's what shewants.
Zoe was distraught. You turncoat I thought we were in this together.
We are, spat back Kelly. But do you realise what it is like in prison. Theirnow locking people up in a cell 23, out of 24 hours?
How would you like to be locked in a small room dependent on someone to letyou out to the toilet, get you food and tell you exactly what you had to eat?It is not something I am going to allow if I can help it no matter what I haveto do.
The Zoe went quite pale and started sobbing. But there must be somethingelse we can do.
Kerry again looked at her exasperated. Look, both of us are in for a hardtime. Definitely in prison, or in some sordid little studio at doing the videos.But the videos will soon be over. Andy has given us a way out, I don't likeit any more than you do, but you would be a very silly cow to turn it down.But don't expect me to come and see you in prison.
Then turning to Andy, what would these videos are actually entail.
I'm not really sure; he smiled a sickly smile at them. It all depends whatI have got orders for let me think, knowing exactly what he could sell.
Don't think you would handle more than one of the strong stuff. However,I have got to do a couple of unusually different straight videos, that youmight be able to handle, that I could possibly get you into. However, it wouldhave to be at least one heavy bondage/sex movie, and that won't be pleasantI can tell you. but, I could possibly get you into possibly into a lighterone but it will last all day.
Let me make a few telephone calls and I'll see what I can do. Get yourselfa cup of tea and come back in about 15 minutes. But consider yourselves suspended,as from now. If you do the videos it will be in your own time, not mine.
Get out of my sight before I decide to call the police and close the dooron the way out.
When the girls had gone he stopped and thought. Don't push the girls toomuch otherwise, he could end up being the one going to prison. Later, he couldpush them, when he had some interesting photos of them taking part in nicelydebauched and obscene things on tape.
He was going to enjoy the next two of three days and the young ladies weregoing to definitely pay dearly for their dishonesty. With a bit of luck hewas going to get his own back for all the rejection, he had from these SnottyYoung Bitches.
He was going to be interested to see what they said when they came back fromthe tea room, as he was absolutely sure they would be having a heated discussionover the coffee table.
Calling Kelly and Zoe back to the office, he put his proposition on the table.
I am formally telling you that I am going to report you to the police andhave you arrested unless by Friday you can repay in full the £12,000you stole from my company.
I have written up a confession if would like to sign it, then I can possiblyarrange for you to do extra work to repay that money, and pushed in front ofthem the typewritten sheets for them to sign.
Kelly and Zoe quickly looked down them and saw that they were being askedto admit they had stolen the money and had agreed repay the money in four days,if Andy held off reporting them to the police. And that their accomplice hadbeen a friend, Katrina who filled in the false betting slips
Both of them hesitantly and very reluctantly signed one after the other.
Looking at both girls as they sat very quietly, shoulders hunched , faceslooking at the floor. He said I had been able at very short notice to get youinto three videos,
I thought it suitable that we gave them names. The first will be called Remorse,the second I have called Pay back to Society, and the third I have simply calledPunishment after the modern thinking about what criminal sentencing is allabout.
Kelly looked up a little annoyed. Look you Bastard, cut this sarcasm let'sget on with what with what we are going to have to do.
I have a little difficulty with that as I have absolutely no idea how goodyou will be at that sort of thing retorted Andy.
Normally a girl isn't paid until after the video is over and we withholdmoney if she doesn't do a satisfactorily good job.
In your case, I have nothing to hold over you, as neither of you will actuallybe paid.
However, I don't see that as a problem. Have either of you ever had yourbottoms smacked? He asked with a smirk.
Zoe looked up startle, and Andy looked her straight in the eye. That's whatI proposing I should do to both of you if I don't get satisfactory performances.I need a guarantee that I will get my moneys worth. To that end, I intend tospank both of you, hard and you will do the scene again, hopefully the spankingwill urge you on
Otherwise, I pay out good money to arrange everything for the shoot, andget a rubbish video. And as you haven't earn't any actual money to withhold,there is no way I could get my money back. You will go to prison, but I willhave paid out extra good money for nothing
A good solution would be to give you an Adult type spanking and make youdo the scene again and again until you get it right. That's what you have toagree to if this is to go any further. If not it's the police now.
Both Zoe and Kelly looked unwell, and frightened, but kept their silence.Kelly wondering what was the difference between a spanking and an Adult spankingbut was afraid to ask.
This confirmed to Andy that if it came to it they would accept most things,and that if pushed do almost anything to get out of prison which was just whathe was hoping.
He had a strong kinky weakness in making girls touch their toes, ready tohave their bottoms soundly chastised.
Which was why he occasionally used to pay a Submissive Tart to take a spanking,and caning to satisfy his urges.
He occasionally, doing what he did, sometimes managed to meet a unfortunategirl who had absolutely no interest in erotically induced pain but desperatelyneeded a favour, be it drugs or money and making them excitingly, pay off thedebt with tears. Now he had Kelly and Zoe. With two girls in his power, hecertainly wasn't going to miss the opportunity of inducing a lot of excruciatingpain into their delectable backsides.
With a bit of luck , both girls would not only sleep on their backs for sometime due to just having had a stick across their bottoms but he would givethem a good Rogering into the bargain. As well as the delight of transferringthem to someone else to abuse while he watched
He knew he would have to be a little careful at first. But at sometime boththese sexy but stand-offish little bits of skirt, were going to get a genuineagonising Punishment caning, direct from the Victorian Work Houses that hehad read about.
Zoe looked confused so Andy spelt it out
Normally the girls doing the videos are only are paid if they put on a convincingperformance. In your cases, if you don't behave and perform convincingly thenI reserve the right to give your bottom a good hiding for wasting my time.
Then we will see if that helps you on the retake. If you still don't lookconvincing then you will get another hiding, up to three for the same offencebefore I continue with my intention to report you to the police and you canspend the next 2-3 years rehearsing in your jail cell.
That why all the videos, the Remorse, the Pay back and the Punishment, willall take place before Friday. The piece of paper you had just signed will explainwhy I hadn't reported you before, and of course, he's slyly added ,mean thatyou will now definitely be convicted
But that's not fair begged Kelly. We could do all the videos and you couldstill report us.
Yes, I could, but trust me! Once you have earn't back the money you stolethen as far as I am concerned it's all over. I have got my money returned.You will have suffered quite considerably and I will have had a little bitof fun, so what have I got to gain by having you banged away.
However, if I still have to report you because you are not suitable for thevideos I have selected. Then you will still have to come out of prison-convictedthieves and face the community that you stole from and some people can be viciouslyvindictive.
Well what do you want to do? asked Andy.
One way or the other as Kelly said, both of you are going to have a hardtime. It can either last 3 days doing hard porno videos or three years of totalmisery banged up in an eight by four cell.
If you go for the three years then prepare yourself to be escorted out ofhere in handcuffs with everybody knowing why you have been arrested and why
If you repay the money via the videos then no one will be any the wiser andafter a week even the soreness will be over.
Not quite thought Andy. If I get my way, both of you will still be unableto sit at all at least for two weeks, and uncomfortable for a month and beextremely sore between the legs from gross over indulgence for just as long.With the added possibility, that one, both of you will give birth to a brator two on the 9 months anniversary of your punishment
Look! Implored Zoe. If and it's a big if, we do theses videos for you, doyou promise that it will all over in three days.
Yes replied Andy and if you want to a change your mind even in the middleof a video, then you can do the prison thing.
But that means we could get do say two and pullout the halfway through thethird, and still go to prison.
Correct! Explained Andy, it would serve you right. I will have a half finishedvideo that I can't sell and be short of $2000 expenses It's a chance you'llhave to take, I'm all for sending you to prison. You're the one who wants todo the videos.
What are we expected to do in these video, whined Zoe. Not liking it at all,the "Suffered Considerably" statement she heard Andy say
Well-replied. Andy if you still want to do them I am going to have to giveyou an audition.
If you don't like what you have to do then you can refuse, or if I don'tthink, you can handle it enough to make a good video. Then I will just phonethe police tonight and you can then do another audition overnight about sufferingin a police cell and see if you like that. Then you can see whether you wantthat or the videos
However, one thing if you take that route, you will not be able to removewill be the shame and the disgust at of everybody knowing you have been arrestedfor theft.
Remember if you back out now then later want to do the videos after an overnightspell in the nick. , I warn you I will add two more hard punishment video forpissing me about, and the lose of face I will have to suffer if I withdrawcharges.
Ok we'll do the videos bleated Zoe thinking of the Horror and shame of beinglocked up in a prison for three years and burst into tears
Kelly was a little more mature asking when he wanted to do the audition
Right now replied Andy. Go into the toilet and smarten yourself up then meetme in the back studio
What are you going to do whined Zoe?
What do you think? You have asked to be paid for doing hard-core porno movies?I am going to see if you act well enough, and convincing enough them, so asto convince all watching punters. The only reason for them buying the videowill be to watch you being shagged, and then Wank themselves off.
When I am sure that you can handle being laid on your back and your cuntreamed out in front of several people. Only then will I arrange for scripts,cameramen and cameramen. It will be sexy, obscene and as one of the videoswill be an S&M. in the audition, I am going to see if you can take havingyour bottoms slapped. Seeing their horrified faces, he lessened the shock alittle, by saying
However, don't worry this is only an audition so you wont need contraceptives,and but added in his own mind. And when you do the three video, you won't beallowed them
No cried Zoe. I cannot do a audition now.
OK then said Andy picking up the phone. Lets do the jail cell thing first.Within 1 hour, you will be banged up eating police cell food while I watchthe television.
Please No pleaded Zoe and Kelly together
Don't mess me about. You were looking for a way out , not me so I hope youenjoy yourself in the nick
Oh God! Pleaded Zoe. just give me time to get used to the idea.
No! Do the Audition now or I wipe my hands of you and call the police retortedAndy.
Kelly pulled the distressed Zoe to her feet and promised that she would sorther out and they would be in the studio in 30 minutes.
Make that 15 min, as I am not waiting around demanded Andy
Be a minute late and you will be going to jail, as you deserve.
With that, he walked out and left the sobbing Zoe and the determined Kellyto talk themselves into the mood to be turned, not only into Hard-Core PornArtiste but worse unpaid Whores.
Andy knew for Zoe this would be hard. She was a sensitive girl, and she wouldfind it hard to open her legs and copulate with a stranger in front of herfriend and the cameraman and act as if she were a professional Whore.
However, prison would be even harder; her tender full body would be likehoney to the Dykes. And as it was usual, these days to put at least two girlstogether in a cell, and often leave them locked together in for 23 out of 24hours, if the Zoe was unlucky to be in with a determined Dyke. then very soonshe would be doing a hard-core video for three years, but her misery wouldnot be recorded on video just in her mind
Kelly on the other hand was tougher. It was rumoured that she spent someof her time in Greece as a holiday rep and supplemented her earning by takingmoney to allowing herself to be fucked. She would most probably have the attitudeof mind to be able to act convincingly in straight sex. However, what he hadin mind was not straight sex.
But for both of them, by the time they had done these videos, both of themwould have been totally degraded and humiliated and neither of them will beable to cope with that.
The studio that he had in the back of his betting shop was really just oneway of using up spare at storage space from when the premises had been a grocer'sshop.
It had been split into four small sets, a bedroom set, essential in all studios;the living room set in one side of the room. The other side of the room againcontained the usual boardroom, but instead of having a office, as the Fourthset. He had split the space so it contained a small schoolroom and a Dungeon,complete with a couple of torture devices, and in one corner a small triangularprison cell.
From the centre, six video cameras, were trained on the various sets, heset them all to point into the dungeon and making sure they weren't showingany on lights, set them running
As he sat in the studio waiting for the two confessed thieves to Tart themselves,up. His mind went lusting back to Zoe's gorgeous trembling red painted lips.
Soon he mused. Those red painted lips will be firmly wrapped around his cockinvigorating it. Having the effect of drawing hot salty spunk from my ballsinto her sexy soft mouth and down her slim throat.
No Ladies you wont need contraceptives but I am going to empty my cum deepinside your guts.
And thoughts about Kelly tight little bum came to mind. Giving that youngfirm bottom a good hiding would be very satisfying. He wondered if she wouldcry or take it tight lipped but she would certainly yelp loudly and loathethe pain and humiliation.
Kelly because she would possibly able to handle cock sucking due to her timebeing a Whore, was not only going to get a good hiding.
She was going to have to endure having his cock pushed up her tight, pertslim arse in an orchestrated Buggering
Right on, the dot of 15 min. Zoe and Kelly arrived for their audition. Zoewas tight lipped and anxious, Kelly looked resigned and grim.
Sit down ladies and I will explain what the videos will be about and whatthe audition will consist of.
Kelly looked up at the static cameras and asked. Are those on? If so, I wantthem off. I don't want any pictures of this audition being taken; we may stilldecide that we can borrow the money from someone.
No lied Andy everything is dead. Ok replied Kelly just checking
Right where was I? Yes the videos.
I have several to do but as I said the Straight Hardcore Porno ones willnot earn you enough money, not in the pay back time you need to stop you goingto prison.
So its one straight sex video with you agreeing to be shagged on camera.One Group sex. That sex with several guys in various positions. And one longS&M with you as sex slaves. That having your bottoms slapped being tiedso you have to accept sex, in your mouth, between the legs and up your backside.
Do you accept that or should I call the police now
Both girls looked horrified but said Yes Right sign this release form
Both girls hurriedly scribbled their signature, not daring to read it incase it was too horrendous
The first of the three I have chosen are a two girls one guy. In this a guyplayed, by me he smirked, engages the services of two call girls, you, to givehim a good time. He explained now he had their signatures in the bag. Not thatit would stand up in court but the girls did not know this.
Your going to be in it Cried Zoe. Yes, young lady and you are going to getmy cock right between those gorgeous long legs of yours as a treat well aswell as allowing me a good feel of those magnificent Tits of yours. And youKelly can look forward to having it up your back passage as well as other places.
The girls looked horrified. Both had been hoping for nice young studs. Butknew they had to continue and do the videos
It will be hard work, as both of you, will be working all the time. Eitherbeing shafted or massaging or caressing my body while I shove' my Dick intosome orifice of your friend.
Both of you will get cock in your mouth. In your vagina and up your backpassage, several times in the course of the one hour video. Plus several otherrude things, the punters will expect me to do to both of you.
Deliberately skipping over the point that he wanted to see how Zoe wouldhandle being made love to by her bisexual best friend. She would be sickenedby the thought, but still have to do it.
His mind slipped off at a tangent as he imagined the horror and disgust thedefinitely straight Zoe would feel in just being made to kiss and cuddle herbisexual friend. He couldn't imagine how she would cope having her bisexualfriend sucking her pussy. It will be interesting to see.
The second will be a Gangbang video where you will service eight guys.
Eight shrieked Zoe. That's only four each, half a day's work for a Whoreanswered Andy and some of our better girls have done 12.
Again, you will be take it in your mouth, between your legs in your cuntand up your arse. However, this time there will be no time structure and willfinish the video filming only when all the punters are slatted. It is liableto last 3-4 hours. However, there will be breaks for tea and food.
The last one will be an S&M, and mainly concentrating on abusing yourerotic areas and your sex organs and having your bottom attended to painfullyby several different types of corporal punishment devices. However, you willbe expected to punish male s However, At the end of this video, I intend tobend you over and subject your bare backside to a Punishment type caning, restrainingyou if necessary. That will be my personal satisfaction at your despicableconduct as trusted cashiers in my betting shop. You will find it painful, butpossibly cleansing said Andy lying through his teeth but then it will all befinished
For the main part of the last video, you will be slaves controlled by a Mistress.She will make you service clients, you could be bound and tied and the clientwill take advantage of your inability to protest effectively and use you torelieve himself of sexual pressure in his balls.
A lot of submissive are made to feel extremely randy and frustrated, andthen not allowed to relieve themselves, this is part of their punishment. Yourtask when their punishment is over will be to relieve that frustration. Ifthe guy can vent his sexual aggression on a captive female it is much moresatisfying for him, just a little hard on the poor girl who is receiving thepent up sexual frustration and of course his cum.
If you don't comply satisfactorily then he will be allowed to chastise you.Under the supervision, of course, of your mistress for safety. This will bea fly on the wall type of video and you will be working in the S&M housefrom about 10 o'clock in the morning to about 10 or 11 at night. A long day.
What if we want to pull out Kelly said
If you look at the release form you have just signed. Only if you are badlydistressed, will you be allowed to pull out, and then only after you have beenbeaten soundly to make you finish the task you have been set. In other words,I reserve the right to thrash you until I get the result I need, even if Ihave to have you restrained while I do it
However, remember after it is all over, I will personally destroyed the videosof you stealing in front of you, and you can have your confessions back.
Andy was enjoying himself. He had two young females who were known to befully sexually active, being forced to against their natural inclinations todo something, which they normally would call unnatural, vile, and perverted.However, he knew their natural curiosity into forbidden territory would bealso exciting them. In addition, that would be their downfall
Both of these girls were not shrinking violets. Zoe had stupidly put herselfin a position where she was she had been imprisoned in a brothel, made to stripand show her assets to a female pimp. Then told she was going to entertainclients for money. She was very lucky she was not right now, lying on her backbeing screwed every half an hour, fucked senseless in a Cheap Brothel. OnlyKelly's determination had saved her
Kelly on the other hand had actually consciously allowed herself to be aShag-Bag at least three or four times a week, by opening her legs to anybodythat fancied her, as long as he could pay for it
Moreover, he knew that theses types of girl always had a strong interestin the forbidden, and he enjoyed talking dirty to them. Knowing that in onemind, they would be titillated but the other part of their mind would be feelingrevulsion and perverted. For even listening to a man suggesting that they didthis sort of disgusting work.
He continued his graphic description of what the girls were expected to do
The main video will consist of bondage, chains, and suspension and will bemildly harsh. Painful and very uncomfortable as the mistress I will be usingI know loves to use a leather paddle and a Whip on her slaves naked bottomand Tits to spur then on to greater things.
But he reminded them not so painful and disturbing as having your face slashedwith a razor in prison for not doing as you are told or just making some otherolder slag jealous.
How would you like it Zoe, deliberately staring and leering at her full tits.
Being pinned against the wall by three strong inmates, holding you firmlyand stopping you struggling. While a Fourth smirking girl, sniggers as shepoured thoughtfully prepared sugared boiling water deliberately down the frontof your dress, soaking your bra. Knowing and relishing the thought, that thiswould soak up the scalding water. Holding it to do its destructive work onthose lovely Prime assets.
The sugar being deliberately added to the water to make it hold more heat.With the foreknowledge that it would also allow the scalding water to stickto your full cuddly breasts. Making doubly sure that it brings about severescalding to those plump assets, causing the skin of your breasts to bubbleand blister. Rendering you scared for life. Most probably also causing youto suffer the loss of those beautiful nipples.
He paused for effect while watching Zoe's face, which was growing quite terrifiedand concerned at his description of what possibly, could happen to her if shewas sent to a prison
Believe me, he added piling on the agony. It often happens to young girlsin prison like you who are pretty, attractive, vivacious and definitely worthbedding.
If you upset some Dyke in prison. Many a pretty girl has wound up bitterlyregretting that they had not been cuddlier to someone. And not necessarilythe Head Dyke, just her cellmate
However, whether you do any of these three videos will be up to the way Ifeel about you after the Audition.
If you don't convince me that you can handle hard-core porn videos then theoption of earning your way out of a 3-year prison sentence is off
Andy looked at the girls who looked quite sick. You don't have to do thishe said. . I am not forcing anybody.
However, if you don't, tonight you will be spending the night in a policecell with everybody knowing you are cheap nasty thief and not to be trusted.It's up to you
OK replied Kelly after a second's deliberation and looking very scared anddoubtful. Let's get on with the Audition.
Zoe looked pale and white but said nothing
What do you want us to do?
You will do nothing but co-operate. First, I will get to know you better,and then we will see how you handle being used and screwed without any realemotion. Then it's going to be time to see how you handle being a bit moresexually intimate.
What do you mean? Said Zoe looking pale
Look Girl just shut up and do as you are told. I told you, you wouldn'thave to worry about contraceptives. Don't worry I'm not going to shag eitherof you. That will be for later tonight. If I think, you're deserving enough.
Then tonight young lady, I am going to enjoy giving you one, right up yoursexy deserving little cunt, and will thoroughly enjoy squirting my come upinside you.
Zoe burst into tears, and called him a horrible dirty old man Andy laughedand then turned grimly businesslike
It might be a good time for you to inspect the props, both of you.
With that, that he firmly grabbed Zoe's arm and handcuffed her hands behindher back. .
The bemused Zoe allowed it to happen, but was still surprised when she foundthat her arms were securely pinned behind her back.
Andy smiled, as she wrestled her arms in frustration, and to emphasise shewas now captive, he reached out and put both hands on her tits and had a goodfeel.
Zoe's reaction was to twist away, indignant. A usually instinctive reactionwould be to slapped his face but as she suddenly realised that she did nothave use of her hands, her face showing panic, and she suddenly felt very vulnerable
Kelly was soon in a similar state, hands bound behind her back and Andy tookadvantage and enjoying himself slapped her cute little bottom, hard makingthe captive relapsed Whore yelp. Before sticking, his hand under her very shortskirt through her legs from behind her and groping her pussy. She jerked forwardsin an automatic reaction, and stumbled towards the bed set.
Andy laughed. Turned her around and pointed her towards the dungeon. Sayingdon't be so Randy, later it will be time to get your knickers off
Leading them into the dungeon, he opened the small triangular cell and pushedthem inside.
The door was solid metal with a tiny mesh window, black, hot, musty, andvery claustrophobic. With just a couple of hard wooden benches to sit on.
Zoe protested and bulked at the door and had to be firmly pushed in. Andyslapped her bottom and felt his hand sink into her soft cheeks so she yelpedforward as she was spanked inside.
Kelly walked in a little more dignified but her walk was a little stiltedas Andy had pulled her knickers down so they hung halfway down her bottom
Zoe pleaded when he shut the door leaving her inside the dark with Kellytaking up some of the air.
Andy walked away from the girls and left them pleading to be let out, heknew within minutes, being not much more than a Broom cupboard it would get,hot claustrophobic, and start to close in on them.
The small size giving the girls an experience similar to being locked upin a police cell for a night. All in 30 minutes. Therefore, he left them toget panicky for that amount of time. When he, without warning, opened the doorand ordered the now weeping, Zoe out, she had never been gladder to see someone.Kelly also feeling distressed, but he pushed her back in and slammed the dooron her. Serves the Bitch right. Let her suffer.
Right Young lady, said Andy, taking her over to the bedroom set and sat heron the bed her hand still handcuffed behind her back. Lets see how you handlea little kissing, cuddling, and heavy petting
Zoe looked frigid and pale and said she felt sick in her stomach, she definitelylooked it
She moved very warily and flinched when he put his arm around her. Her eyesflittering from side to side as she looked at the floor. Come on girl If youcan't take this, someone sticking his Dick into you is going to send you crazy,relax or go back in that cell till the police come.
With that, he lent forward and forced the issue by kissing her full and passionatelyon the mouth. Andy knew this would give her more trouble possibly than beingfucked.
Most prostitutes would never kiss, as this was far too intense and personal,preferring just turning their mind off and opening their legs.
This was not what Andy wanted, he wanted to get into the girls heads as wellas their knickers. With that, he stuck his tongue into the reluctant Zoe'smouth, put his hand on her plump left breast, and squeezed, rubbing it suggestively.
Zoe froze, her hands desperately moving in their cuffs trying to get theuse of her hands. Then after a second as she felt Andy pushing more and moretongue down her throat, relaxed in despair as she realised it was this or theclaustrophobic cell.
Feeling her capitulate, he again up the action by moving his hands off theoutside of her top, inside Zoe's shirt top and slipped his hand inside herBra. Her tits were warm, soft and malleable and felt great under his touch
As he carried on fucking her mouth with his tongue, the other hand foundits way to her crutch and casually, energetically, rubbed her cunt throughher jeans.
Zoe's mind was a complete mess as she tried to force her instinct to acceptwhat was going to happen to her sexually if she did not make a protest. Shelay inert in Andy's arms, while he sexually stimulated her
As Andy teased and stroked the young lady body, he knew she was going toget the full treatment and be hot and bothered within 10 minutes.
Laying the young thief down slowly on the bed, he then removed his mouthfrom hers and unlocked the cuffs. Zoe lay dazed on the bed with Andy lookingdown at her crutch as his hands moved down to the zip. And quickly withoutfuss unzipped her Jean zipper, pulling wide open the crotch of her jeans, sohe could see her yellow Coloureds knickers.
As his hand slid inside her jeans but onto her panties, he reinforced themessage by kissing her again. Zoe suddenly went stiff as revulsion again overtookher, but Andy ignored it waiting for her to accept the inevitable
Five second later his hands were fumbling their way onto her crutch and betweenher legs, as his tongue again shot penis like into the back of her mouth.
Zoe wiggled and squirmed beneath his grip, then suddenly relaxed and startedto pant.
Releasing the teenage thief slightly he moved her hand so it rested on hiscrutch and made her stroke his trouser covered penis.
However, not for long, he whispered in her ear to unzip him and get it out.His own hand still stroking her pussy. Quickly he slid to the edge and slidunder her panties. His hand cupped her Venus mound, and Zoe let out a sighand moaned as she felt his warm hand on her sex.
While he was telling Zoe to expose his penis, his fingers had found her cuntand gently slipped inside, a now, slightly damp cunt.
He felt her hesitate, unsure, knowing that once she obeyed his order theact of exposing his penis, then she was entering into a emotional commitmentwhich most certainly would end with her getting a creamed cunt.
Not realising how hot and bothered she was. She accepted that emotional commitmentby unzipping his flies and removed his large fat dick. Stroke it he mutteredin her ear and thrust his fingers firmly but sexually into Zoe's cunt, thenwithdrew slightly and fingered her clit.
Zoe gasped then pulled out his Dick from his trousers, which was a littledifficult as he was now semi-erect, she was soaking wet and panting. Andy pausedthe action, sat up, and dragged her trousers down to her ankles uncoveringhave long slim legs, her yellow panties soon followed.
She had a light covering of dark hair over her pubic region, which contrastednicely with her Lily-white thighs, her belly was flat, and her long slim legsmade her exceedingly fuckable
Stretching her inner thighs Andy opened her legs. Moving her slightly sothe watching cameras could get a good shot between her legs, at her now wetcunt as she lay passionately kissing and stroking his body, while he screwedher with his finger. Making her stroke and play with his Dick, Andy concentratedin getting Zoe close to an orgasm.
The teenage temptress had been tense, frightened and scared. He had turnedthis into a hot panting heat in less than 10 minutes.
Completely, opening her top while still stimulating her between the legs,he started kissing and sucking on her now totally exposed Tits. She had softpliable Tits and he felt them move beneath his fingers as he manipulated histhumbs over her nipples
Zoe behaved exactly as he thought she would. Like a Bitch Cur-dog on heat.
He knew several customers of his betting-shop would pay quite a bit for sightof the, now being shot, videotapes. Sat morning they would be widely available
As Zoe squirmed in sexual delight beneath him fondling his Dick in expectationof being fucked. Andy felt her start to tense as he reamed out her cunt withhis fingers and stimulated her clit. She was so close to getting that forbiddenorgasm
Right young lady lets stop it there.
He had no intention at all of giving this hot Slut a thorough screwing evenif she was now begging for it.
Very soon, he would be getting his sexual relief. This hot little Slut wasgoing have to sit with a randy cunt and wait until it was time to come backand be rammed on camera in her first real video that night.
Even though she would go off the boil, she would feel terribly frustrateduntil he felt it time to stick his Dick into her and make her climax. Thisunfortunately would not be for sometime. Do the Bitch good for the little RandyCow to pant and suffer a little.
Pulling Zoe her feet he told a puzzled, totally aroused Zoe to tidy herselfup and get dressed and stood watching and moving away when she tried to cuddleand kiss him, and pouted disappointedly.
Picking up the handcuffs, which he had placed on the bed, he pulled her handsbehind her and secured her arms. To stop her playing with herself in the cell,where she was now going.
To completely unbalanced her emotions, as he got her off the bed he fondledher cunt and kissed her passionately on the lips, which he knew would onlyincrease the intense frustration felt
Then pulling her to her feet and slapping her bottom with one hard slap,which again made jerk forward in pain, she pouted at him in disappointment.He propelled her back into the small cell pleading again, terrified of beinglocked up.
Andy totally ignored her pleadings and opening the door and after tellingKelly to make her way to the bed, wickedly shoved, from the back, one handthrough her legs, cupped her cunt then he lifted her off her feet by her crutchof her jeans and practically threw her into the cell
Slamming the door on the panting sexually aroused girl, who stumbled in aheap on the floor. He left Zoe panic stricken at being confined again, lookingout of the tiny grilled window.
With Kelly, he was far pushier. With this now degenerate relapsed Whore,he unlocked the handcuffs, turned her around and instantly positively but passionatelykissed her gently on the lips and placed his hand positively and deliberatelyon her left tit.
Groping it in a sexually perverted way
As with Zoe it was only a few seconds before his tongue found its way intoher mouth. But this time his hand slid inside her Bra, her warm tit feelingsoft and sexy
This type of behaviour, Kelly's mind told her body, meant that she was hisand she was now going to allow him to fertilise her with his baby.
Though her mind did not interpret her instincts this way, a horrible feelingrippled her loins making her instinctively clench her thighs.
Her instincts told her, that she did not want anything to do with this man,her intellect told her to spread her legs and let him shag her otherwise shewould go to prison.
Andy felt the internal struggle taking part in her head and took control.Running his hand round the her back he totally removed her Bra and then totallyopened her top so that Kelly's neat perfectly formed ivory coloured mammaryglands were fully on show to the watching camera.
He then removed his lips from Kelly's face, and started to suck and kissKelly's pert firm nipples while rubbing his hand firmly over her cloth-coveredcunt.
Her nipples very quickly went hard showing that the former part-timeWhore was being gently aroused against their owner's better judgement. Shehad more firmer Tits than Zoe. Just the type that the Woman, who was goingto be her mistress in the S&M video, was going to love to tweak withthe painful end of her whip while she was being punished.
Zoe on the other had had soft pliable Tits. Tits that would sway delightfullyas the whip played havoc with her nipples
After about a minute of stimulating and caressing her breasts he sat up andpulled her jeans down over her ankles. Her pink frilly panties quickly followedleaving the cameras to take in the site of a pair of lily-white thighs anda Blond thatch of pubic hair.
One of the other cameras also took in the sight of Zoe peering out of hertiny window looking slightly confused and uncertain. It also caught the a strangefeeling, akin to jealousy in her face as she unreasonably felt abandoned asshe observed her recent mate, now lusting after her friend while she sat randyand unfulfilled in a claustrophobic prison cell.
Andy was quite pleased he had been so easily been able to strip the 23-year-oldSlut totally naked. Even if the girls didn't do the videos and went to prison,he would make sure that all the local community got free photos of the Kellypractising her old profession.
He knew that and the mortification of realising that everybody now knew shehad again sold her cunt for use to anybody with a enough cash to purchase it,would a cause her intense embarrassment when she came out of prison.
Completely removing all of Kelly's clothes he turned her on to her frontand gently massaged the trim, slender buttocks that he adored and desperatelywanted to spank and make clench with pain
Putting that thought to one side for the moment, he made her get on to herknees on the bed, put one hand under her bottom raising it and the other onher neck and pushed her face down into the pillow. Andy knew this was an extremelysubmissive position. And an extremely sensual one for any girl to have to takeup.
Standing up and looking down at the girl, he put one hand on her bottom makingher flinch and made her raise it, so it was pointing straight at the cameraand then using both hands made her open her legs so that's all her privateparts were exposed and totally available.
He now had absolutely no interest in the girl's breast or face, once he hadgot her displaying her sexual organs. He only wanted to degrade the girl intoletting him inspect and allow him to carry out a interesting gynaecologicalexamination
Stroking the girl's bottom gently and running his hands around the innerparts of her thighs, Andy noticed her cunt was dripping sexual lubricant. Hethen separated the girls arse cheeks and spitting on her bum to lubricate hisfinger, minutely inspected her anus.
Kneading it with his finger, stretching it, testing it for elasticity, andpushing at it to check its firmness. He then moved down to her vagina.
He first opened the inner lips and flicked his finger over her clitoris.Kelly gave a start, and then resumed her passive pose while he continued todegrade her main sexual orifice.
Moving his position so he was behind her, he bent down and using two fingers,spread her inner lips so he could see the pink white now extremely wet liningthat later on tonight would be sending a message to his balls to provide fertilisingcum.
All the time that he was carrying out his perverted inspection, Kelly had,except for the occasional flinch, had kept very still, her head pressed inthe pillow. Like a good Whore should
Standing behind her so as not to block the camera's view he then proceededto ream his fingers in and out of the girl's vagina, until she started makingLow-moaning sounds.
Using his other hand, he carefully massaged the girl's clit arousing herincreasingly.
He continued with the camera recording every degrading second, until he sawthe inner lining suddenly start to turn a bright pink, which meant she wasseconds away from a climax. Again, Andy had other intentions for her.
At this point again like Zoe, this now aroused slag called Kelly was goingto have to suffer a horny cunt till she agreed to do the videos, or some heftyDyke abused her in prison.
However, not liking to miss an opportunity, he raised his hand and gentlyat first but getting heavier at each slap, spanked the girls exposed buttocksuntil she started to squirm, and protest. What better way to stop a orgasm
This did not stop him. He pined the now struggling girl down by putting ahand around her neck and pressing her face hard into the pillow and continuedto give her 15 more very stinging slaps before releasing her. Bloody hell youBastard she said as she sat up. That Fucking Hurt!!
Her eyes were red and watering, Andy's smiled knowing that this was onlyjust a very mild chastisement. Which he would gradually increase through thevideos, until she's was screaming and howling uncontrollably as he whippedher very delectable bottom agonizingly and viciously at the end of the thirdwith a purpose made rattan cane
Don't be silly replied Andy that was only a taste. Don't think having yourbottom slapped on a video is easy. However, if you don't like, you know thereal alternative.
After I have had a piss, I am going to give both of you a proper taste ofwhat a real video spanking is like, and you had better be able to handle itor the deals off.
Get dressed and we will see just how much you are offended having your bottompainfully smacked compared with having to sit on it for several of years injail
With that, he left Kelly to get dressed and went to listen to the girls talkto each other in private.
It started even before he had got to the video monitor desk. Zoe called fromher prison cell, get me out of here I'm panicking. Sensibly, Kelly told herto stay and endure it.
Zoe tried to calm her panic attack and said
Jesus do we have to do this, I find the whole thing dirty, sordid and perverted.I'm not sure I can go through with this. It's not as if its with my boyfriend.
Andy wants us to be a Gang banged by complete strangers. I'm not sure I canhandle that; it will totally mess up my mind. Moreover, send me screwy. AndChrist! he slapped your bottom hard. Didn't it hurt? And the way he pinnedyou by your neck to the bed for a minute I thought he was going to rape you.
No I think watching you, I'll take my chance in prison
Kelly started to get annoyed. Look, you suggested changing the betting slipsand getting our friends to put in post timed Bets. If you want to spend thenext three years in prison as a embezzler then that up to you.
However, if we go down for this I am going to tell them that it was all youridea and you will go down for a lot longer than I will. Possibly four years
Christ, you Bitch spat out Zoe, through the tiny grill. I am only broughtyou into this because I thought that you would be sensible. Maybe if we deniedit all he wouldn't be able to get a conviction.
Are you mad said Kelly, all our dealings are on videotape and it is surewe are liable to go down for a long time. Moreover, you're forgetting the confessionwe signed
What are we going to do replied a tearful Zoe?
Do these damn videos and get it finished.
But he talked about a punishment video with some female Dom. Zoe said horrified.I've seen a couple of S & M videos and I certainly don't want to be tiedup, have someone smack my bottom. Then have to allow some Dyke to arrange forme to be serviced, as and when she feels like it, while she leers at me whileI'm getting it.
Look Zoe said an exasperated Kelly. What you think he is liable to happento us in prison you naive Cow. We're both young and sexy and are liable tobe taken advantage of.
What he says about prison is true. I went to the prison hospital to see afriend of mine; she had been dragged to the floor in the showers. She was helddown while someone poured boiling water onto her face and strong bleach downthe inside of her trousers. Burning her pussy badly before she could stripoff.
Some other female, the Bastard, used a knife on her tits and actually cutinto her nipples.
When she came out after still having to complete her sentence, her face wasall scarred and she will never get boyfriend with deformed tits and scarredbelly
You get some very crazy evil people in prison. The girls get very sexuallyfrustrated and vindictive in there.
Some of the girls are in for pushing bottles into other girls' faces or ramminga broken bottle between a rival female's legs.
You will be in with murderers, perverted prostitutes and girls who have committedarmed robbery, and female pimps who would beat their girl's until they complied.
Don't forget the female pimp who tried to forced you to spread your legsis doing 10 years. If you come across her, I don't fancy your chances. Everytime you take a shower, or a bath, you will be terrified in case she sendsin someone to get revenge on you.
At least this way in three days, we can get on with our life.
Yes! I certainly didn't enjoy Andy smacking my bottom. and it's not goingto be nice to be told to open my legs and let that perverted old man fuck me.But at least if it gets too much, I can tell him to get fucked. In prison itjust happens and nobody even cares or tries to stop it and if you don't likeit. Tough! You still get it every day for three years
Have you any idea what it's like to come out of prison branded a thief, andhave to face all those punters that you changed the odds-on.
Remember you took about £1600 off Johnny the Doorman, do you thinkyour face will be safe once he hears.
Andy heard what he had been looking for.
Hell, that means we have to go through with it all. I'm frightened said Zoe.I'm not sure I can handle having my arse pinked by some kinky female. . AndI hope some of those guys we have to shag are at the least good looking. I'mnot looking forward to the next three days at all.
Look, it's not all that bad Andy is a nice guy and I am sure he wont makesus do anything we don't like, soothed Kelly. He has promised to let us go,I believe him
Andy smiled to himself at this; he knew Ginene would dance with joy at hearingwho he had got for love slaves in the next video.
She would really enjoy to get her hands on these two girls and make themsuffer. Should be a extra couple of hundred in it for him, as having theseinteresting two Sluts as love slaves for a day, to give to her punters, shouldit increase her earnings fivefold.
With that, he went back, released Zoe from her cell, and took both of thegirls into the sitting room set.
Once on the set, he surprised both the girls, embarrassed them by casuallypulling down his trousers and exposing a very erect penis, and then continuedto strip until he was a completely naked.
Pulling up a high-legged dining room stool, he sat down and explained thathe was now going to give them a chance to prove it to him that they could takethe humiliation of having their bottoms spanked.
Both the girls kept quite and listened but feeling slightly sick as Andyexplained that as this was only an Audition he would let them keep their jeanson. However, they would have to take off their bras, as he liked to see a girltits jerk about, as she was punished
Your especially he leered at Zoe. Yours will swing about like melons in thewind
But he emphasised strongly. If it became necessary for him to spank themagain while doing the videos, he couldn't withhold their fee. Then it wouldbe their bare bottoms that would be feeling his hand or if a serious problema strap would be used
Once I have given you a taste of a sore bottom, then we can see how you handlethe sexual side. I'm not going to go too deeply into sexual activities as Iexpect you fully understand just what will be expected of you, he lied throughhis teeth.
Nevertheless, I need to see just how you react, being naked and doing sexin front of a camera.
Some girls just cannot handle it at all. Again, if it gives you problem thenI can't use you for the videos. And you can rot in your cell
I'm not at all happy with the first part of the Audition as I felt both ofyou were too wooden, especially you Zoe, I expect much more commitment fromyou in the next part.
When you stroke a guy's penis, I expect you to show some emotion. You couldhave improved on your performance immensely if you had to turned and kissedmy prick, and when kissed you respond by pushing back, not moving your headaway. Do it again to me and I'll give you such a hiding.
Don't be shy. If you do these videos, you will be doing more than kissingmen, you will be sucking their Pricks. Zoe started to protest, and then beingsensible shut up, and looked at the floor with a red face
And you Kelly when you are being finger fucked naked on a bed I expect muchmore explicit performances.
The punters will be playing a lot of money for these videos and will be imaginingit is their Dick that actually in your cunt, so don't disappoint them withyour reaction. Do you understand it?
And with that, he stood up and grabbed hold of Zoe's arm and pulled her towardsthe stool saying, it's about time for me to have a little bit of fun slappingyour bottom hard
Bend over my lap and don't move, if you move too much and fall off, I'lltake off your pants, and use a leather strap on your bare arse. That will definitelymake you protest.
Zoe panic and resisted for a second, she dreaded pain then remembering itwas this or prison yielded to his demands.
Watching her strip to the waist he reached out a hand and took a large handfulof her plump tits, lowered his head and enjoyed suckling them, defying Zoeto pull back or complain.
Zoe stood tears welling in her eye, but full of shame allowed Andy to molesther.
Andy made full use of the opportunity and sucked and manipulated Zoe's Nipples.Knowing full well that he was unwillingly arousing the unfortunate young ladyand adding to her frustration. He knew aroused young ladies had buttocks thatare much more sensitive.
Pulling the Zoe over his naked lap, wriggling his hips so that his peniswas not being squashed. He put his hand between the young lady's legs and feltthrough the material, the soft young yielding cunt that was ready for fucking.Then squeezed her arse, which he was going to punish painfully.
Gently clenching his hand, he looked down at her now dangling face, and thesight of her cow's udders hanging nearly under her chin.
Right young lady you are 19 years of age so you're going to get your bottomsslapped 19 at times and then and looking up at Kelly said your next and youare 23
Zoe had an exquisite bottom firm but soft and yielding, making it very spankableand because she was bent over a lap sitting on a high stool, her legs wereoff the ground. They pulled her backside tight under her jeans, and makingthe exceedingly unpleasant sensations, she was about to feel in her bottom10 times more painful.
Keeping the jeans on would not help either, as their very tightness wouldhold the Zoe's bum checks firm and unable to move away from the force thatwas trying to flatten them.
Andy didn't mess about once he had got her settled, without warning he slappedher hard across the centre of her bottom. Andy had every intention of makingthe thieving Bitch cry
The Zoe yelped and flinched but a warning growl from Andy made her freezeready for the next slap, which Andy applied to the left buttock.
Ouch! Shouted Zoe and did for each of the slaps she got, up to about thetenth.
Andy called a pause there; to allow Zoe to fully appreciate the skill neededin having your bottom spanked professionally.
He reinforced the sexual nature of what was happening to her by using thetime to run his hands quite firmly through her legs and over her crutch squeezingher cunt through the cloth.
She was still trying to cope with the pain radiating up from her torturedbottom, but her change of expression on her face showed total horror of whatwas happening to her
When Andy resumes his slaps after getting his kicks rubbing her cunt throughher trousers she went deadly quite, her teeth clenched, and eyes tightly shut,she took the other nine stinging slaps that struck her Jean covered bottom.Nevertheless, her eyes had turned red from the pain and her eyes filled withtears.
From time to time Andy would look down and enjoyed the sight of her deliciousplump mammary glands, swinging to and fro, as she inadvertently jumped at eachsmack hitting her bottom.
Andy evened up the number by giving have a very hard 20 th slapto the back of her legs.
This really made the very shaggable thief on his lap, buck violently.
Inadvertently her long, slim legs shot open wide, and even though it werewas still covered by her jeans, the sight of her sexy crutch made him feelextremely horny.
Luckily, for her he controlled it, otherwise he would have had thrown heron the floor and slipped her a length, and given her something to complainabout.
No better to wait to the video, there he could rape her gently or violentlywhenever he wanted to do.
It was obvious from her body language that she hadn't at all enjoyed beingspanked, and in fact, she found it utterly humiliating and in the extreme discomfort.
He looked up at Kelly. Who was looking distressed and horrified, she realisedthat her friend had come very close to a unpleasant experience? But sensiblydid not protest, as she knew that if she said anything of her fears to herfriend, about seeing Andy lose control and nearly rape her she might want topull out.
Better for her not to realise how close she had come to having her cunt violentlypacked, and hoped she could handle it when, it actually happens, as she knewit would on in the videos.
Right young lady that's that part of the Audition over, enjoying it did youI did he said looking at her tear-stained face.
Stand over there, and take all your clothes off including your underwearand we will inspect the result.
Zoe looked horrified and scared at the same time. This scene bringing backmemories of when she had been nearly forced into prostitution by a former boyfriend.Not that she had actually entertained a punter, being rescued by Kelly. Butshe had been made to pose in the nude for the pimp.
Andy got exasperated. Look young lady, either strip or both of you go backinto that cell until we can exchange it for one in a police station.
And he was thrilled to see a Zoe's expression changed to acceptance and watchedfascinated as she obeyed and slowly but reluctantly changed into what wouldbe her working clothes for the next three days. completely naked.
Making the highly embarrassed girl stands with her legs apart facing himhe commented that before he would do any videos with her she would have toshave her pussy. At the moment, it was covered in thick black hair. He didsuggest that it could be shaved in the next video, or even now if she preferred.
Zoe hastily assured him she would do it later today. Ok agreed Andy laughing,but noting her embarrassment. It had better be completely and utterly smoothas a baby's bottom otherwise, I shall take it you are lazy and use a strapon it before I make you do it again. Do you understand? Yes said a miserableZoe
Here are then upped the pressure on Zoe for, by deliberately tickling cuntwith his finger, making her accept it
Right young lady turn round and let's see how your backsides stood up toa mild spanking.
She grudgingly obliged and turned round to show her bright red bottom. Andyran away appreciative hand over it, making Zoe quiver.
Right bend over and touch your toes, and then we can see exactly how it willlook on video if we have to spank you.
Again, Zoe hesitated then resignedly bent forwards so her backside stuckout.
Andy got to his feet and bent over to inspect his handiwork fully, aftercaressing her hot skin, he slid one finger down the crack of her arse and massagedher sex lips.
Zoe jumped as she felt his finger stimulate her cunt; it was still hornyfrom its last encounter with him.
However, apart from jumping and closing her eyes, she stood passive and lethim finger her.
As he fingered her his Dick slowly went back to a full erection which hemade Zoe aware of, as he stimulated her for a few seconds, then started tomake her feel randy again He thoroughly embarrassed her, by asking her whyshe was a little wet. And asked her if she wanted her friend have a look atit.
Zoe let out a, horrified, No please! Knowing just how much of a lesbian herfriend was, and how she had occasionally tried to get into her knickers. Thegirl oozed sex appeal
She knew Kelly would love to be allowed to inspect her hot cunt and of thethought of her hands intimately inspecting her down there, made her feel sick.
Andy noticed her reaction and felt a intense thrill
He ordered Zoe to her feet and made her stand facing the wall, legs wideapart and with her hand on her head.
Stand there and do not move an inch or I will reinforce the redness of yourbum by spanking you all over again.
With that, he sat down, looked at Kelly and said 23 slaps for you.
He had always fancied Kelly or at least her arse
Zoe was nice and cuddly and full of fun as a party girl and would-be a lovelybit of stuff to have as a one night drunken shag. Kelly a petite blonde wasmore of a handful.
She had a neat trim figure, a nice pair of firm pert breasts and a nice smalltight little bum. She wasn't as beautiful as Zoe, having a hard face, but heknew she was really a very moral girl who was bitterly ashamed of what shehad done stealing from him
She also had a forceful character, and that was what he was interested inbreaking. He knew that being a former amateur prostitute had hardened her nature.
What he wanted to do, at least for the videos, was to turn her into a professionalsubmissive who would allow herself to be dominated, humiliated, and treatedlike a Slut. This initiation was a start of that downfall.
He knew that even if the girls didn't get charged with theft, just the factthat they had been summarily dismissed from their job as cashiers in the bettingOffice meant that nobody would trust them, and give them a job.
He was sure that Ginene would find a way to get them introduced into beingWhores again. Both girls would be very vulnerable, after being so wickedlyabused in the videos.
He was sure that Ginene could find it a couple of young frisky males to comfortthem and supply them with drugs have to help them cope with their shame. Whiledegraded them even more at night, by insisting on doing depraved things tothem?
Give it maybe six weeks and he hoped to have both girls working in his Leedsmassage parlour during the day and either on the streets at night selling thehole between their legs or working in Ginene's dungeon. He didn't care.
The two were shameless thieves and deserved all they got. Beckoning overKelly, he took her arm as she went to bend over his naked lap and took controlby pulling her arm so she fell quicker than she meant to and literary stumbleonto his lap.
He then scolded her for before being a clumsy fool and hoped she would dobetter on the video. Moreover, made Kelly apologise for her clumsiness. Whilethe Zoe stood naked facing the wall.
Making Kelly wait over his lap while he caressed her bottom and blatantlyran his hands through her legs to stimulate her cunt, he asked her if she hadever had her bottom spanked. No! She replied guardedly. Oh, you didn't includein your menu when you were working in Greece I thought all whores liked a bitof slap and tickle.
Kelly was mortified.
She thought nobody knew she had prostituted herself to pay for her livingexpenses. And was horrified that Andy of all people knew that she had openedher legs for money, even if it was a couple of years in the past.
Andy saw her reaction and thoughtfully reinforced it by bringing his handsoundly down on the young ladies pert, firm little bottom.
Again predictably, Kelly jumped on his lap as her rear end received a meatywhack. Bring back memories are of when her father used to spank her when shewas naughty.
Moreover, the shame showed in her face as she tightened her lips, so as notto make a sound.
Andy look down at her and smiled and thought, yes you little madam, you mightbe able to handle a simple spanking, but you as the loser in the blow-job competitionare going to feel the strap whip across your naked bottom before you go hometo Tart yourself for a public shagging on the next video.
Andy commence to spank her enthusiastically, he knew she was going to allowherself to be made into a Whore, and worse and had no qualms in introducingher to a adult spanking.
Concentrating mainly on the centre of her tight bottom, he slapped the samespot repeatedly, knowing that the, after pain, would find its way into hercunt, reinforcing the horny feeling he had introduced earlier.
Not there that it would do her any good, as he did not intend to relievethat randyness until he had her properly stripped naked and getting the attentionof four watching cameras. Then on video, she could orgasm to her heart's contentwhile he raped her
Kelly continued to jerk up and down on his lap, stimulating his Dick. Andyhad no problem with this as very soon he was going to stuff it down this challengingwhores tonsils. Again, he watched her dumplings hanging vertical from her chestwobble like conkers on a string
At the halfway point, again he stopped to allow the pain just soak into theunfortunate girl's bottom and find its way into the nerves that fed her cunt.
He reinforced this again massaging the slit between her legs while Kellygrimly and stoically looked at the ground in front of her trying to ignoreit but had to endure it.
Yes, she would make a good Whore or go to prison. She had already been aSlut so the transformation would not be that big.
After a minute of sexual stimulation, he resumed the stimulation of her backside.
Zoe's bottom had been red; her bottom would be scarlet. Finishing the punishmentwith the traditional hard slap to the back of the girls' legs. He ordered thenow squirming former bookmakers clerk to strip and show her punished bottom,so he could decide if she was worthy of being videoed.
The results were spectacular. Having a neat firm bottom, the whole of herbuttocks were a blazing painful picture. Despite the girls dignified protestation.He knew he had not only hurt her bottom but also hurt her pride.
Making Kelly stands beside Zoe, he compared the redness. Turning both girlsround he made Zoe watch while he made Kelly touch her toes in front of them,legs slightly apart. Just to see their reactions, he hefted his still erectDick in his hand walked behind Kelly, standing behind her hefting his Dickhe made as if he was going to penetrate her.
Kelly Panicked and shot to her feet, hand flying back to protect her cunt.
That was an enough for Andy, he grabbed her by the neck, and forcing herdown on the bed, hit her very hard with his hand Ten times on the back of herlegs while she squealed in pain. Allowing the girl to get up he again toldher to bend over and touch her toes and, so he could inspect her bottom
Unlike with Zoe his hands didn't just wander down to her slit, he actuallypulled open the girls buttocks and thoroughly fingered her cunt quite unashamedly,but also made the girl stands absolutely still while he prodded and probedinvestigating the firmness of her anus. Again, Zoe felt a funny rejected feelingas she watched Kelly being molested
Kelly took it stoically this time, making no protest except a grimacing ofher face and the squeezing her eyes shut.
Making Kelly stand up besides the Zoe, he moved on to the next crucial partof the initiation/audition. The part where he got a sexual relief, while thegirls were left randy.
Explaining that he needed to see how the girls tackled being sexually invadedhe explained that he was going to run a competition.
Up till now their performance had been poor, he had seen better erotic behaviourfrom a couple of dogs, This was their last chance to get it right otherwise,he would disown them, and they could rot in a prison cell for all he cared.
The girls were full of apologies and assured him that yes, they could doa porno video, and it's just that they felt a little embarrassed, by doingsexual things so openly.
Most of the apologising came from Zoe who now knew that after spending timein the mock up cell desperately did not want to experience the real thing.
Andy was amused, and satisfied. While Kelly had a doll's exquisite body.Zoe would be fun to put through the mill. She was such a romantic, prim andnaive young lady that having to finally accept that her former experience ofnearly being forced into Prostitution was now going to be turned into realitywould devastate her.
He knew Ginene would especially concentrate on abusing her on, not only hersexual organs, but also making her feel all sorts of shameful erotic emotionsthat she never ever had associated with sex.
Like multiple orgasms while being unable to move, so associating extremepleasure, with feeling extremely vulnerable. At other times, she would feelnaturally sexually excited, and then Ginene would severely punish her, andhumiliate her for being at such a dirty Slut making her associate sexual pleasurewith pain
Her shame and humiliation over the next three days, at having to allow anybodywho Andy or Ginene said could have intercourse with her would send her intoa state where she would welcome any loving care, of course provided by oneof Ginene's young male rent boys.
It would be fun to follow her trip into Whoredom and see just how miserableand deeply she fell, following her future career. He expected Ginene wouldbe delighted with her downfall and adds to it at every opportunity. .
Again, he felt no empathy for the sweet young thing in front of him. He reasonedout his feelings by saying that she had been lucky to have been whelped inthe West. .
In most Third World country she would have had been raped and set to workas a prostitute as soon as she had a observable tits. Or, in Muslim countriestaken to prison and whipped. To study her eventual descent into the gutterwould be of the great interest and give him a great satisfaction. He had oftenwatch the two of them used their not insubstantial sexual powers, on the punterssaying at all sorts of sexually innuendoes to get what they desired.
And hopefully soon these young ladies would have no option, freely givingout use of their sexual parts of their bodies to survive
OK this is what I propose. I said you would not need contraceptives, so Iam going to a give you the task of giving me a blow job. Andy heard Zoe whisperunder her breath. Oh God! Give me strength
You will each get three minutes to give me your best efforts. Then I willjudge who will finish me off.
The loser will be bent over, hands secured to their ankles and I will demonstrateon their bottom the painful difference between being spanked by hand over yourjeans, and the devastating effects of having your naked bottom slapped witha strap. Do I make myself clear?
Both girls said nothing, though their faces took on a dismayed look and terrifiedlook, which Andy noticed with delight but totally ignored.
You first Zoe, he said standing firmly with his legs slightly apart, kneeldown and given me, the best total suck off you can.
Zoe stared at him in amazement her mind trying to come to terms that shewas going to have to stick this revolting man's Dick in her mouth and try andsexually excite him, and if she was successful, she would get the reward ofhaving to swallow his come, she didn't dare think of the consequences if shefailed.
Zoe walked forward as if being in a dream and knelt facing Andy's now veryerect penis.
Seeing the girl's hesitation, Andy reached out, placed his hand at the backof the Slut's head, and without any compassion forced the disgraced teenagersmouth decisively on to his Dick. Enjoying the feeling of power, he now knewhe had over this young and very attractive teenager
Still Zoe felt she could not comply and resisted.
Without mercy, Andy leant forward and brought his hand cracking down on theZoe's still sore bottom. Accompanying this slap with the words! Come on youWhore get sucking.
The shock and pain galvanised Zoe into action. Her lips shot down his cockand she started unenthusiastically getting on with the task she had been set.Andy watched her kneeling at his cock and encouraged her with comments like.Concentrate a little more on the head, Slut.
Run your tongue around the tip, and get more of it in your mouth, you Cow
Encouraging her with the threat. You will get another slap. And of course.Suck harder you little bitch.
All this encouraged the still naive 19 year old to excite Andy and the useof derogatory language towards her turned him on so much that he had to switchoff his mind, not to come too early. But couldn't help but enjoy watching herattractive mouth being so degenerately adapted for his sexual needs
The three minutes up he bent forward again slapped Zoe extremely powerfullyon her backside and yanked out his Dick from her mouth.
Zoe yelped and her hands shot back to cup her bottom, which was stingingbadly. Ordering her back, to stand with her friend Kelly.
After a moment's rest, he said that as she had put on such a poor performance,to save time he was going to put her straight over the trestle ready the forher bare bottoms slapping as surely Kelly couldn't be any worse.
When Kelly excited him, she could simply carry on sucking him off, whilehe picked up the strap and attended to Zoe's bottom.
It seems young lady that you can't even suck cock properly he said, draggingthe totally devastated girl towards the trestle.
Please, Please let me do it again are sure I can do it much better. I can'thandle the pain of having my bottom smacked.
Please, please don't hit me.
Its too late young lady. You had better pray that Kelly is merciful towardsyou and purposely doesn't do a good job.
But Kelly was also terrified of having her bottom smacked with the strapand certainly wasn't going to substitute her bottom for her friend, no matterwhat.
A good hiding might convince Zoe to stop pissing about and get down and dothe three videos, before Andy got fed-up and sent them to prison.
In fact, to reinforce this she actually went over and helped Andy bend thestruggling, pleading young lady over the trestle, and watched by Andy, treacherously,undid Zoe's belt and pulled her friends jeans down to her ankles, readyingit for punishing, and showing off Zoe's still red bottom cheeks.
Hoping that this would convince Andy that she would do all in her power toget these videos over and done with, and secretly hoping this would invigorateher into Andy's affections.
Tapping the terrified Zoe's now naked bottom, he promised her that she wouldn'tbe sitting on that area for a couple of days. Serves her right for not throwingherself fully into keeping herself out of prison. When I say suck cock, youdo it as if your life depended on it
He did not add that leaving the teenage girl positioned ready for a expectedbeating was cruel and despicable, as he knew while she waited she would imagineevery possibility of pain while she lay over the bench legs apart, and bottomin the air posing in a most licentious way.
She would be feeling almost like a prize cow in a crush pen being readiedfor fertilisation
Leaving her in this sexually degrading position, he beckoned Kelly over.The former prostitute knowing exactly what to do and fearing the second prizeof a strapping, set to work with enthusiasm right from the start.
She was good, he thought as he watched her energetically ramming his cockinto her throat.
But he preferred the thought of making the Slut scream and yell as he larrupedher arse with the strap to the act of spraying her tonsils with his cum.
So, he again abused her with belittling language and several times tenderisedher backside for its coming strapping, by spanking her with his hand.
Luckily, the break while placing Zoe in her sexually degrading position hadallowed him to relax, and he was easily able to resist the urge to fill Kelly'smouth. He wanted her bum.
The three minutes up, he astonished Kelly by making her bend over the trestleand secured her ankles to her arms, next to Zoe.
Giving Zoe the satisfaction of watching her friend having her trousers pulleddown, wriggling with embarrassment as her arse was bared to the elements. Whilehe waited to inform both of them of his decision.
In his typical cruel manner, he stroked and gently slapped both of the girl'sbottoms as he informed them just what the unfortunate loser was going to get.
His description of a leather strap meeting a naked female bottom terrifiedboth of them.
Eventually he said. While you, were both really deserving of a strap acrossyour backside? I think that Kelly, and here he paused sadistically, and lookedexpectantly at Kelly's face which brightened with relief. Then he added, shouldhave her bottom soundly thrashed.
Kelly let out a wail and her face crumpled as she heard the verdict.
And started to plead even more when he fetched the strap that she was goingto soon feel transferring its energy painfully to the skin covering of herrump
Leaving the strap resting on her naked back, she could only watch as he releasedZoe and made her kneel at his crutch while he stood close enough to Kelly toeasily punish her.
For some obscure reason, Zoe felt a warmth towards her tormentor, and wasalmost a grateful to be given the chance to swallow his Cum.
Looking down at Zoe he spat out, What are you waiting for you Slag startgobbling and fired her into action with a meaty couple of slaps in quick successionto her arse.
While Zoe was pumping away at his cock, he lovingly informed the relapsedamateur Whore trapped over the bench with her arse ready for Punishment, thatthere was no fixed number of strokes for her Punishment.
He was going to beat her backside for as long as it took Zoe to swallow hiscome.
Kelly panicked at this cruel treatment and started to plead. Please no, shecould take an hour to finish you, she has no experience. Let me do it, or atleast let me know a number.
Andy had switched his mind off so that the Zoe's efforts to excite him werenot working.
He wanted to add guilt to Zoe's sufferings as he made her work even harderand as she failed, she would have to listen to Kelly's screaming, as she wasstrapped.
Listen you little Tart. As I know Zoe could take a long time, I am goingto larrup your arse only once every 10 seconds.
That's six a minute. If she takes a longer than 10 minutes, she will be theone over the trestle and the you will be the one sucking at the font. Understood.
Kelly certainly wasn't satisfied as she shrieked but I could get 60 strokesand I can't handle even half of that.
Andy had no intention of giving this girl a true thrashing that was for Gineneand the final video. It was not mercy that initiated that decision just plaincommon sense.
These girls were going to have to do to very sexually orientated videos firstand nothing was more off-putting watching a girl being shagged, than seeingher skin showing blemishes.
So, while he fully intended to give these girls a good slapping from timeto time the real punishment would be towards the end of the last video. Wherethe punters would be expecting and would enjoy to see welts, cane marks andbruises as well as redness. A sight he was looking forward to.
Enforcing his decision, he brought the strap slicing down across Kelly'sneat tight bottom while at his crutch Zoe worked her tits off spurred on byhis comment of a changeover at 10 minutes.
Andy kept up his promise of the one slap every 10 seconds for the first minuteand a half.
Each time the promised strap stroke landed Kelly let out a agonising yell.The strap was long enough to completely encompass both her buttocks leavinga red sore mark across her rump.
He had purposely used a strap which while making a lot of noise did not bruisethe under lying flesh, just causing intense stinging to the surface skin. Aprocess, which could be undone by a half hour soak in the bath.
The time spent by not inducing pain into Kelly's bottom was spent reinforcingthe guilt in Zoe's mind.
Urging the girl to take more into her throat, he taunted the girl with commenceabout her ability to suck. Saying as he, jerked Kelly into emitting a piercingscream by landing the strap across her well-presented rump.
Just because you're unable to be a good Whore, your friend is suffering theconsequences. He told her
If you don't get more into your throat and suck harder then your bottom willbe next for the strap to kiss understand. Your going to suck so hard your facecollapses
Zoe went into panic and overdrive and really excelled herself. With her throataching from sucking and having Andes erect penis pushed down it she felt despairat her inability to bring him off.
To re-enforce these feeling he slapped Kelly's arse twice more and whileshe screamed and thrashed about, He then stopped Zoe moving, saying I'm nearlythere just stop and suck for all you're worth, I will move your head in andout.
Andy knew the loss of control and the humiliation of having her head movedbackwards and forwards against her control on his cock would add to the messof conflicting thoughts in her head.
Added to that he knew the lower air pressure in her mouth when he eventuallycame would cause the cum not to spurt, But spray into the Whores mouth. Fillingcompletely the interior of the teenage Sluts mouth with cum. that would thenslowly drip on to her tongue as she tried vainly to get rid of it by swallowing.
One minute later, his come burst out of the eye of his prick and did exactlyas he expected. The affects of having a small bomb of cum explode in your mouthwas quite devastating for Zoe especially as once it had happened, he forbidZoe to swallow, just open her mouth for inspection.
As he expected when he looked in her mouth which the gagging girl held openfor him the whole of the lining of her mouth was covered with a white milkyfluid, which slowly dribbled down on to her tongue and slowly slithered likea oyster down her throat.
Andy made the gagging, choking girl hold her mouth open for a good 30 seconds.And then putting one hand under her chin forced her mouth closed and commanded.Swallow!
Zoe was again totally devastated and humiliated at the actions that she hadto do, to save herself from prison.
Her self-respect plummeted and she felt totally degraded. Which was exactlyAndy's intention.
Totally ignoring the silently sobbing girl to attempts to vomit he walkedover to the filing cabinets and removed unseen to Kelly, a tin of Vaseline.
Walking back to Kelly who now lay whimpering over the punishment trestlehe spread her now extremely sore ass cheeks and inspected her tight brown anus.
Kelly paused in her squirming and writhing completely bewildered at his attentionsas he quickly covered her anus with the homosexual's favourite lubricant.
And used it in exactly the same way. Forcing his still erect penis deep upthe entrails of the punished Slut laid out before him. At the same time forcingher head to the down by the neck as a Tomcat does to a female ally cat whenservicing it
Kelly went in to such a humiliated outraged screech that even Zoe still vomitingup cum was startled enough to turn her head and observe Kelly getting Andy'spenis shoved up her rectum.
Though he had only just shot his lot into Kelly's upper digestive system,such was the atmosphere in the studio that he knew he could eventually comeagain and give Kelly a taste of having her lower digestive tubes filled withcome.
It took a full 10 minutes and a lot of ramming up the hysterically cryingKelly's back passage before he had achieved his objective. But eventually Kellyfelt her rear end fill with cream.
Taking the now exhausted Zoe by the hand, he slipped on handcuffs and pinnedher hands behind. Then made her lay on the bed.
When she seemed to relax, he released Kelly from her bonds and handcuffingher made her lay down, again on the bed.
He then went to get dressed and get himself a drink. Leaving the girls intheir misery
15 minutes later he returned sat down on the bed beside them, giving bothof them a stiff whisky and massaging cold cream into both of their backsides.
Right young ladies, you have had your Audition and while it was not completelysatisfactory I am willing to take you on to do the three videos.
But if you feel you can't handle it, you are going back in that cell forthe police to collect once they have seen the evidence. What is it going tobe?
Zoe who looked over at the mock up of the cell and shuddered, please don'tput me back in there I can't stand it.
OK. OK. Soothed Andy wearing his normal guy face. You both have just hada bad experience I purposely put you through a lot, so that you knew what youwere letting yourself in for.
Each individual video on its own will not be nearly as harrowing as yourAudition, as for that you had to handle all three vices at once.
The first video is only a straight sexual video, with very little naughtystuff added.
The second will be still straightforward but a little irksome on the holesbetween your legs, but I think you can handle that.
The third will be a little extreme, as you will be paid a lot for doing itand unfortunately in this game, the more you are paid, the more you have todo.
But once it has finished then I have absolutely no interest in contactingyou again.
I will have recovered a fair percentage of my stolen money and will havehad the satisfaction of having you punished.
If you decide that, you want me to go to the police, that is perfectly satisfactoryand will give me the satisfaction for the next three years that you are sufferingabject misery banged up with a load of lesbians. And that is not only the prisoners.
Kelly had bought herself together and said despairingly.
Look one-way or the other we are going to be punished I would rather it wasjust for three days than for three years. That way we can then get on withour life.
Andy looked at the tear-stained Zoe and got a nod to carry on.
Andy not pushing it any further stood up, helps the girls to their feet,and gently helps them to get dressed and tidy themselves up. Supplying severalfurther large whiskies.
Looking at the clock, he informed them that it was now 3 o'clock he expectedthem back for their video by 6 o'clock that evening, dressed respectably andlooking like a million dollars.
Have a bath and put your war paint on. I want no to Tartness showing in anyof my videos.
You are two respectable decent office girls that have been lured by the promiseof a large fee and a little excitement to do a twosome on a guy you know fromwork.
It will be straight sexual, no kinky stuff. But remember you will act asif your life depends on it, as the state of your bottom will.
If I feel you on not throwing yourself into the spirit of the video, whichis raw unbridled sex. I am going to give your backsides a damn good hiding,before I make you do the scene again.
DO YOU UNDERSTAND he bellowed.
Yes replied the two girls frightened out of their wits, knowing that if theydid not comply a prison cell awaited them.
Seeing the two girls looking so frightened Andy softened slightly look toshow good faith, lets go back to the office and I will erase the later partof the video. While the main part will show you thieving, at least you cansee I am honest in letting you go if you do the video, as you want to.
Yes, there will still be the copy tapes but if you comply with the repaymentof the money, those will be for you to destroy
With that, he took the girls to the door, reminding them that if they werelate, they could be expect to be greeted by the police.
Leaving the girls to make their way home, he got on to Ginene.
He had a good working relationship with Ginene who had a similar outlookon life as himself.
She was a self confessed prostitute who had now six brothels in the surroundingarea plus a couple way up in Leeds.
He knew that when she had been in the Square she had had to endure a lotof abuse and defamation of character as people called her a Whore and a slag.This was true he mused but not a good thing to say to someone's face.
He knew a lot of the abuse and name-calling had emulated from two girls calledZoe and Kelly.
Ginene would be over the Moon knowing they had sullied their reputation andwould jump at a chance in being a instrumental in sullying their reputationsmore.
If he were instrumental in actually arranging for her to actually degradeand humiliate the girls preferably sexually and painfully then she would beeternally grateful
When she answered her mobile, he innocently asked her if he could use herpremises for a video. In two day's time
Which one she replied. The brothels or the dungeon.
The dungeon replied Andy. All I don't know about that she mused.
It's very short notice. I have many clients who pay big money for me to turninto cringing wimps and to turn them away will cost you big money.
Andy grinned to himself as he listened to her greedy Spiel. Wait until youhear me out he's said.
OK but put money where your mouth is.
I have these two girls who desperately need to earn a lot of money fast orthey are in big trouble.
A couple of prostitutes short of drug money again retorted Ginene. The lasttwo were absolutely terrible, would not take any form of humiliation, and they'repain tolerance was bad.
They were not even a grateful that I had played their bill and saved themfrom a terrible beating.
In the end I had them taken out of the dungeon and put into the brothel,have them tied immobile over a bench and let the punters queue up behind them,and earn't my money that way.
The poor Sluts serviced 150 guys in two sessions of 15 hours at £20a sordid coupling in continuous shagging to clear their £2,000 debt,
Even then, when I last heard, they had upset another dealer. Who had luredboth of them out for an assignment, had them gang-banged and flogged at a shadyS&M sex show.
Then laid them out in their working positions on their back naked and letone seriously crazy psychopath, for a one off payment of £1,000 stretchtheir cunt's with a knife so they can now no longer work.
Serves them right in this game you pay your dues or some sod will gut youopen.
These two are not practising prostitutes. In fact you may have had contactwith them in their past. Interrupted Andy.
Who knew if he didn't get his say, she would ramble on over the gruesomedetails for hours.
Here! Not female cops are they. If so I say let them get their just desertsand all the best to whoever wants to set the dogs on them.
No. No. These are not female coppers, these you most probably would hateeven more.
Come on Andy don't mess me about I don't have the time for your silly games,who are they
Remember Zoe and her friend Kelly. Well they both have seemed to have gotthemselves a little bother with the police.
Ginene tone changed. You mean those two young slag's that had the dress-stallin the market. Now if I could get my hands on those two young ladies, I wouldreally make their life a misery.
The abuse I had to take off them when I was working in the area was vile.
Well and maybe, your luck is in Ginene.
These young ladies have agreed to do a video in your Dungeon with you ascommanding mistress.
What's the catch argued Ginene I suppose there are limits that are absolutelyimpossible, no Spanking, no Sex, no Fun, and no money?
No added Andy in this case there are no limits, they will take anything youcan do to them.
Ginene has voice changed to one of delight. You're not having me on are you?Those slag's Zoe and Kelly secured naked in my dungeon and no limits, it'snot Christmas.
Andy replied. No, it's true. No limits as long as they don't complain anddon't need hospital treatment.
Would you mean demanded Ginene, As soon as I put a Whip quirt anywhere neartheir juicy sensual little cunt's they will complain like mad.
No not this time they have got themselves into really serious trouble andare terrified of going to prison for a long time.
Especially as I said if they piss me about I will get a rumour started thatthey are in a for abusing young children. . Being at a nonce in prison is almosta death sentence, and Zoe is terrified that she will run into her old abductor.
Yes, mussed Ginene, she is in Holloway and that's where they would go. Itwould definitely be better to submit to me than spend time in the same cellblockas her, they might even end up in the same cell
The phone went dead for a short while Ginene mind went into circles.
You say they will do anything as long as they don't need hospital treatmentfor it.
Even that they will stand as long as it is not too serious but I just don'twant to get the authorities sniffing about.
As far as I can see, you can make them shag their cunt's off, they will takea large amount of buggering and you should be almost able to choke them withthe spunk you could force them to swallow.
I get the feeling that they would be even contemplate copulating with animalsif it meant they could stay out of prison.
Mm can't arrange that at such short notice but I like the drift
On top of that, they will take a beating and even allow you to use your whipon any part of their young tender sexually active bodies. You could even whipZoe between her long sexy legs
Mmmm I like the sound of that. It certainly would be nice to send that miserableTart howling like the Bitch she is. If I remember rightly she has a great setof Mammary Glands, a set to be proud of . A modest bit of painful manipulationof those should make her very repentant mussed Ginene again
I have told them they will have to spend a full day from 9 o'clock in themorning till 12 midnight serving in your dungeon as full obedient sex slavesfor you to rent out to some of your more randy submissive
I know a lot of your guys want sexual relief and you won't allowed them totouch you. You could tell, say Kelly to submit and present any orifice theguy wanted to fill with his prick. Or make both of them squat with their kneeswide apart and make them masturbate themselves into an orgasm, by say encouragingthem every minute ,y making them move their hands out of the way and punishthem for taking so long by flicking the quirt of your nasty little whip inbetween their sex lips
On top of that, pointed out Andy . one of the girls is bisexual and the otherhas a strong unnatural aversion to Dykes. Being careful, how he put it, heknew Ginene liked young girls
Yes I see your point whispered Ginene in a husky voice.
We could set the Dyke to force the conventional girl into perverted strongsexual activities. Like turning her upside down and having her cunt filledup with wine . Then allowing her Dyke friend to dip her tongue into her upturnedcunt and lick it dry, like a cat licking a bowl of cream clean '
Or interjected Andy, tell Zoe lick out Kelly's cunt ,then let her submitto a dildo, Ginene finished for him. The scene has many interesting possibilities.If I remember right, that Zoe was a sexy little Slut
OK! You can have the dungeon free for the day but I am going to insists thatthe girls stay overnight after, so I can get to know them a little better.
I am sure I misjudged them when they were calling me a Whore and a pervert,when people were posting contraceptives and sanitary towels through my door.
Andy chuckled to himself as he put the phone down.
Knowing Ginene and her perverted little mind she would have a great delightin making the girls chew used but still full condoms, and then give them aused sanitary towel to wipe out their mouths.
That day's video should be quite interesting. He wasn't sure how the girlswere going to take having to stay overnight with Ginene.
He felt it better that they didn't find out until Ginene had safely got themlocked in a piece of apparatus.
He knew Ginene had some interesting pieces of equipment. mainly to hold compliantgentleman still while she tormented their sexual organs, by introduced hotceramic penises into their anus. His mind shuddered at the things she liketo do to males.
She had hated her time in the square and had been glad to get out of it
Unfortunately, for the two thieves, that hated also applied to a lot of thepeople around the square who had protested at her even being allowed to walkaround the streets. Zoe and Kelly were in for a interesting time.
Andy just had to make sure that Ginene in her lust for revenge did not doanything silly like castrating the girls. The body she had to be careful withas it carried evidence if marked. The mind she could fuck with impunity.
Ginene put the phone down thoughtfully.
If Andy was correct and the girls were desperate to get out of trouble, onTuesday night till Thursday morning when she went for a shit, she wouldn'thave to waste toilet paper.
Ginene let her mind run riot. She must contact her Blacksmith. She had seenin a magazine a lovely illustration of a wire breast clamp that fitted tightup to a Tarts chest.
Shaped like a sideways figure of eight, it had a lifting bar in the middleso if necessary a young slag could be hosted up on to tiptoe by her Titties,the thick Circular soft covered bar totally encircling the fatty tissue. Withonly a couple off screws to mess about with,
it should be a possible to squash down that slag's Zoe's very respectablemammary glands into two swollen very sensitive purple balloons.
So sensitive in fact that 30 seconds spent titillating the Nipples wouldsend the Tart into an exhausting orgasm, and there were no limits to the timeshe could be made to orgasm to total exhaustion. Great for reinforcing a feelingof degradation of into a girl loins but also making her beg for more.
Ginene let her mind wander as, to what that type of experience would do totender young teenager like Zoe.
Pity about not being allowed to put them in hospital, she would love to filltheir Baby Making cavities with boiling oil.
Completely and utterly, turn them into still pretty but sterile useless bitsof meat.
Young, extremely attractive and sexy on the outside, but inside their vitalcore would be useless.
Never again would they be worth taking to bed as even the best plastic surgerycould not restore the smooth succulent interior lining of a vagina
The memory of a Gorgeous High-class Hostess who resembled almost exactlyHolly Valance the Actress and nearly obscene erotic Pop singer, who had triedto muscle in on her territory came to mind.
She had screamed from the time they had held her captive in her luxury PiccadillyBrothel apartment, until she had been found half dead, by ambulance staff menwith her innards cooked.
Ginene remembered fondly how she had heated the exquisitely delicate extravirgin olive oil in front of Hostess in her own personal flat as she lay squirmingtightly secured on to her specially imported luxury Moroccan leather coveredmassage couch.
Explaining to the distraught restrained Hostess exactly how she was goingto apply it, and what she would soon be experiencing.
The young slim Hostess was tied with her hands either side of her exquisitelydesirable slim body. Her hips and her legs encased in exclusive designer Guccipants, and hand crafted leather high-heeled boots that stopped above well-shapedcalves
The coarse ropes that held her ankles about a foot a part and the metal cuffsthat held her wrists to the handles of the bench only slightly debasing theillusion of a goddess.
Deciding that the delicate extra special Virgin salad oil, that she noticedhad been purchased in Forteman and Mason's of Bond Street London, was nearlyready for pouring. She had the Hostess manoeuvred into a position she couldfully appreciate the trouble Ginene had taken to give her a memorable retirement.And so that the treatment she was about to receive would be more interestinglyeffective.
Telling her henchmen to go to the opulent Bridal suite and bring out thefine Goose feather pillows.
She had the guys with her come over and help position the upper class Hookerfor her beauty treatment. Getting them to grip her slim thighs, she had thegirls petite waist lifted from the luxury massage couch she was resting, highin the air and held it there by padding it up with the pillows from the HoneymoonSuite, Where the Hooker used to take her more romantic millionaire Amours.
There numerous times she had her virginity taken in a wedding night fantasyand Ginene reckons the young lady had been wedded and bedded in there at leastonce every week. Using that fantasy ,among many others to learn her income
As she stuffed the expensive pillows from the fantasy room to support theyoung Ladies sexy desirable bottom, she found it ironic that they had comefrom her Marriage bed.
Asking if the captive Hostess was comfortable ,she adjusted the girls postureso its upper body was inclined backwards at about 30 degrees from the vertical,making its firm and globular breasts press captivatingly against her expensiveexclusive Italian blouse. Her long sexy slim legs curved from the hips, nowinclined down at the same amount.
She left them encased in their luxury coverings, just adjusting the amountthe young lady opened her legs, so she still looked demure, but access couldeasily be obtained to the important piece of meat between her legs.
Standing back and inspecting her handiwork, she was satisfied.
The high-class Call Girl was now lying tightly secured, on her back. Herbottom raised about half a metre from the soft luxury surface of the couch,held up by the soft downy pillows while her legs and head still touched thecouch
Her long slim graceful Gucci clad limbs bent from her waist so she was bentbackwards in a slim bow. With her debauched equipment that she used to providesher expensive living now gazing at the ceiling, begging for it. And would soonbe getting it
Once the expensive Hostess was positioned to Ginene satisfaction, and shetook her time ,not wishing to demean the Lady reclining in front of her. Shewalked forward and gently placed her hand between the Hostess slightly openlegs and gently but firmly manipulated the crutch of the Gucci pants enjoyingthe feeling beneath the cloth of the soft and juicy working parts of the Hostessshe was holding captive. Purposely concentrating the Hostess mind on the partof her that had caused offence to Ginene and to make her immensely aware ofwhere all the action soon would concentrated. The Whore on the couch respondedby squirming delightfully in horror.
Right from the start when Ginene and her henchmen had forced their way inand cut all the communications, she had been absolutely terrified. Realisingwhy they had come and desperately tried to come to an arrangement.
Very upper-middle-class decided Ginene, always looking for a way it out,of trouble from the lower classes. Even now, she was abjectly grovelling, andbegging to be let go.
Ginene apologise to her saying that it was nothing personal, but she hadto protect her business and the best way was for her rival to be retired, permanently,
As the young lady babbled her apologies yet again. Ginene continued to speakto her completely calm and naturally while she erotically stimulated and playedwith the soon to be redundant comforter between the legs of the beautiful sought-afterHostess.
Continually reminding the well connected Hostess just where she was goingto get it, and unfortunately how extremely uncomfortable and unpleasant theprocedure would most probably be
Trying to lighten the situation, Ginene inquired helpfully. If she had anymore appointments that evening? if so maybe she could contact another agencyfor her, as it was unlikely that she would be able to offer any worthwhilerelief to any of her rich clients between her slim lily white thighs again.Her fingers pushing down erotically and firmly on the cloth covering her victim'scrutch, emphasising her words. The young woman on the bed babbled incoherently.She then thoughtfully inquired, which of the many Rich Millionaires who cameto her for her special type of counselling. she would miss the most betweenher legs. Again the Whore on the bed sobbed and begged
Ginene spent a long time gently caressing and rubbing the Girls working equipmentwhile she chatted about the girl's love life. Did she have a boyfriend or didshe find the millionaires attentions sufficient.
She also innocently inquired whether the millionaires she had, and emphasisethe had, meaning never again, ever allowed to kiss and cuddle and bring herto an orgasm, or did she only do that on the privacy of her own bed, .
Again insinuating that never again was this young well-bred Courtesan beable to get relief from sexual frustration, if she ever had any
She was also very interested in whether any of her clients got kinky withher, possibly smacking her, or making her act out submissive roles, thoughshe did say that she knew many men like to feel the pain across their own bottoms..
The Hostess tried to answer a lot of these questions, but she found thatshe couldn't really concentrate on her answers are due to her present predicament.
So sometimes, she would have to be prompted to giving at answer by one ofthe henchmen who would slap her face hard .
Which was a shame as she had such a beautiful face, and each slap would slightlysmudge her exquisitely applied make-up and bring tears to the Beautiful butunfortunately silly Hostess long lashed eyes
Yes, of course when she entertained, she was like a girlfriend to a client.No she had never indulged in spanking of any kind, and the nearest she haddone to kinky sex was to allow one her of her clients in masturbate her witha cucumber .
What about your bottom, have you ever had that used for sex . No, definitelynot she indignantly replied .And genuinely interested Ginene asked her . Haveyou ever been raped by one of your clients. Here the girl stopped and paused,and then prompted by a hard slap on her face said Yes .
One of her gentleman had got very violent and abusive. Stripping off my cloths, damaging them , then threw me on the bed and shagged me for five times inabout 10 minutes. she then blubbered as she recalled , that that was the onlytime she had had it up the bottom then he left me without paying his bill.
No replied Ginene that wasn't rape that was just you, being made to be agood Whore for once
Ginene had plenty time to spend indulging in her Hobby as this type of expensiveHostess's charging so much as she did , only had one or two millionaires stickingtheir Dicks into her cunt a week. The rest of the time, she was a party girland a lazy Slut.
Leaving the girls crutch for a second, she gently kissed the totally securedHostess's on the lips and unbuttoning the top button of her silk blouse. Thenmanipulated and caress her breasts while continued to chat to the unfortunatecourtesan tied to the massage table, as if her victim was here as a customer, passing the time while the oil came to the correct temperature.
Not long now Young lady! she said, looking from the coffee pot of oil, tothe beautiful Hookers face, and went back to put her hands on to the girlscrutch. The £2,000 a night high-class hooker, let out a bitter sob
Finding the exact position of the equipment she wanted to stimulate, shestretched the material flat, with a finger and thumb, causing the stretch Guccipants to thin out and allow the shadowy outline of the aperture they were coveringto show through.
The Hostess being considerate and always ready for a consultation at shortnotice, never when working wore for any underwear, not even Silk .
Checking she was exactly above the area, she wished to transform .Gineneasked one up of the henchmen who still lounged expectantly in the soft Damsonsilk cloth covered Armchairs, to find a fitting knife for the delicate job,and accepted the offered grapefruit knife with its delicate fluted edges andMother of Pearl handle as a suitable instrument. Ginene knew the young ladywas refined and sophisticated and did not wish to offend her sensibilitiesby using a cheap penknife
Cutting into the expensive material of the stretch pants directly into theoutline below. Ginene apologise to the terrified, wriggling Whore whose expensivegarments she was mutilating, asking her not to tremble so much as she mightcut her flesh, and in such a sensitive area, and with it costing so much toservice, that would be a real disaster .
Putting her fingers into the neat four-inch cut, she had produced just belowthe Hostess Venus mound she pulled the cloth apart. Being careful not to ruinthe outline of the expensive pants as she fiddled the girl's outer sex lipsthrough the fine material. covering. Making the girl whose sexual equipmentshe was fondling and fiddling through the cloth, squirm her bum seductivelyin terror on the pillows supporting it.
So sympathetically did she handle them, that when the material closed backaround them, it left them a delicious pink colour but totally exposed to theoutside air.
She then delicately opened the girl's inner sex lips. by teasing them openwith her fingers, and kept them open for internal inspection by the insertionof a gold engraved wedding ring she had found on the dresser table.
The captive of high-class hooker on the massage table was actually gibberingin her attempts to appease the offence she had given to Ginene. Ginene justlooked at her pitifully and totally ignored her, preparing her for the funto come.
While she waited for the oil to come to full heat, she gently played andblew on the girl's genitals preparing them for the coming specialised attention.Exposed as they were peeking through her Gucci pants, warm and enticing, theylooked very sexy and extremely erotic. Ginene watched with delight, as eventhough terrified, the girl's sexual organs started to get aroused. UnfortunatelyGinene knew that this time, when her juicy organ got its longing gratified,it wouldn't get a lot of satisfaction though it would be very stimulating
To erotically emphasise them , she used one of the Hostess's expensive lipsticksand gently rouged the peeking lips, rubbing the wax colouring erotically aroundthe lips, decorating them for destruction
Standing back to admire her work, she found it amazing that even now whenshe had exposed the working parts of this expensive Whore, the overall impressionlooking at her from a distance was one of a Greek goddess gently sleeping .
That was except for the obscene emphasis of the girls shaved red rouged sexysex lips as they poked through her black coloured Gucci stretch pants , lookingjust like a pair of sexy lips looking for a kiss.
Once she had got the Lady's genitals arranged to her artistic satisfaction,she took a couple of photographs, to give the girl to remember.
Turning to her henchmen, she asked if they would like to give her one, andprovide her with one last cheap thrill . Saying it would be a pity to comeall this way and not use the equipment supplied . Knowing men, she stood backto allow them to climb on and hump the Whore's begging cunt.
She was slightly disappointed when they sensibly turned down the offer ofgiving the Whore a £2,000 thrill .
Which was a pity as she would have loved to have seen the effect of boilingoil meeting sperm and bursting into steam inside her womb .
It would have trickled downwards due to her downward inclined upper pelvisand being a unable to escape when suddenly turn to stream, excitingly thrustsup her slim belly in a short lived false pregnancy.
Out of pity for her client, being rejected her last couple of good fucks.She couldn't understand why such a obviously randy a cunt had been rejectedit in its hour of need, she kindly offered to masturbate her off herself. Sheheld up a very interesting silver etched Ivory "Double life size", fake penisobviously Japanese that had taken her fancy.
It had been stored in the guest's bedroom on the second floor.
She would not take No for an answer. even when the normally respectful BlondeHostess violently shook her head and looked extremely sick, saying quite shrilly,that if that was what she wanted to do it to her, Please, Please just use herfinger or one of the other dildo's in the cupboard, as that one was special.
When Ginene had inspected it earlier after finding it, she was amazed atits realism and the fact that it was fully operational.
but she had been entirely revolted at the evil smelling liquid that had spurtedout when she pressed the release button .
Inserting it forcibly into the Whore's hole , she was a little rough at first,not realising that the girls fear and horror at having it used on her had madeher completely dry.
Sending the nearest henchmen to the guest's room again to find a suitablelubricant, when he returned with a pleasant perfumed liquid, she poured a littleinto the girl's cunt and vigorously started to masturbate her. Unfortunately,the liquid caused her exquisite Hostess's cunt to produce squelching noises.So until a little of it had evaporated the whole action was sordid and obscene.
When she would press the button eventually to inject the contents into thegirl's birth canal, she wondered exactly what it was she was injecting intothe prone Holly Valance look-a-like.
She had been extremely wary of it as she knew a lot of these Posh Hookersoften had a perverted and weird sense of humour. So asked the exquisite EnglishWhore what it was .
She, after a little slapping told her, Baboon Sperm and a little pepper sauce.Oh, that's interesting and demanded a explanation .
It seemed she often let her Aristocratic girlfriends who visited her fromtime to time, stay overnight, titillated and intrigued by the way she learnther living .
These extremely posh young ladies were, extremely intrigued by the largeerotic Japanese import, especially as she told them it contained a Orientallong-lasting sexual aphrodisiac and was used by Concubines of a ancient JapaneseEmperor. Often after fondling it, it would be mysteriously mislaid, to emergethat night in the privacy of the guest's bedroom .
It seemed she often went to South Africa, for a holiday and usually purchasedAfrican homeopathic medicines, but she had taken by a spur of the moment thought,went into a African voodoo shop, where she had purchased a quantity of freshBaboon sperm.
It now seems that many of the Aristocratic, and Minor Foreign Princesses,who had stayed overnight in her guest room. as well as Actresses and femalePop Stars, had purloined the exquisite early crafted Japanese masterpiece,to masturbate with. And looking for a sexual Buzz they in perversely injectedthemselves with the one-month old Baboon spunk mixed with hot pepper sauce.
The Hostess got her kicks, watching her Posh chums and Show -Bis colleagueswith a hidden camera ,writhe and squirm in passion as they played with themselves,usually on the top of the sheets as she kept the room very warm, .
Then giggling to herself when she saw them press the button and the Peppersauce started to make them squirm for a different reason.
She could then watch her shocked Rich Chums and Old College Friends hobblearound their Boudoir embarrassed and holding a burning cunt , horribly unknowinglythey were also absorbing monkey cum into their loins . In the morning, noneof the aristocratic young ladies admitted to using the device though most ofthem used the Bidet frequently during the morning.
She confessed she did know which she enjoyed more . The thought of the painof the pepper sauce searing their randy little cunts or the more horribly sophisticatedjoke that they had actually obscenely inserted into themselves powerful animalsperm.
Fortunately or unfortunately for the Hostess sick sense of humour, none ofher friends actually became pregnant with it, as the resulting birth wouldhave definitely hit the headlines .
All this took a long time to get the girl to confess to, but Ginene had plentyof time and just kept on moving the Japanese import in and out of the girlscunt, enjoying herself . Ginene had always been fascinated by a female's sexualorgan. And this one especially, being contained in such little Slut's bodyso deserving of punishment,
She was working hard to give her last orgasm, and enjoyed stimulating thegirls tight hard little clitoris with her fingers as she Wanked the obscenedildo in and out of her begging cunt. Knowing that it was soon nothing wouldbe capable of stimulating the gorgeous slim body it was part of
As Ginene finally Wanked the captive young lady off, she took great delightin watching the Hostess's face as she triggered the dildo and watched as theBitch on the bed felt the evil liquid filling her love tube with the strongsmelling liquid, . Turning her also into a Baboon Lover . This produced a wailof horror from the young lady being masturbated and having to experiencinga orgasm for the last and final time.
Ginene didn't care what her rival was feeling , serves her right. She knewshe had set a steam time bomb in the Whore's vagina and waited to see the interestingresult.
She would be the only woman alive, who would ever have a Ape pregnancy, evenif only for a short few seconds ..
Leering at the high-class Call Girl at her mercy, she commented, that hopedshe had enjoyed it as except for possibly one more, which would be extremelypainful she would never ever again be using her cunt or any of her reproductiveorgans . A pity that her last filling of sperm had to have been from a Ape,but possibly it was justice
She knew the spasm wouldn't be fatal as the womb was a very muscular container, and it would only last a few seconds but it would be an interesting aftereffects
She then withdrew the instrument that had given the Hostess such mirth inthe past and tenderly inserted the end of a funnel into the expensive Hookerscunt. Turning around , she picked up the stainless steel, copper based coffeepot, especially imported from America containing the now smoking olive oiland set to work
She had her henchmen unbuttoned the Richman councillor's Italian silk blouse,decorated with its white and green butterflies and embroidered with sequins,and laid it carefully to one side exposing the Hostess's lightly suntannedMammary glands .
What are you doing, begged the captive Hostess.
Ginene totally ignored her. Now was the time for action not talking
Gently running her hands around the dark Aurora, she stimulated the girlso that her Nipples rose up hard and stiff .
Like a good cook, Ginene felt it necessary to test the temperature of theoil before putting it to its purpose, .So holding one perfect tit steady, shedropped a tiny amounts on to one of the gibbering Sluts Nipples, quickly repeatingthe action with the other breast , as the Hooker lay desperately trying tomove, writhing her chest. making her tits wobble and juggle, like a Egyptianbelly dancer,.
She knew she had got the temperature slightly wrong from the 170 degree Fahrenheit,that was recommended for searing Pork meat , as soon as the oil coated theLadies Nipples, they boiled and quickly turned black.
Putting the Virgin Oil on one side to cool a little, she spent her time,trying to give the girl another orgasm with her finger, she loved to play withcaptive girls sexual organs, and was a little annoyed she could not get toher anus.
But as she had already explained to the young lady laying expectant on aextremely well padded couch before she had exposed her wedding tackle. It wasquite possible that the oil would damage the membrane between her cunt andher back passage and possibly char it completely out. allowing the still scaldingoil to seep out through her anus. Downgrading her to a cheap prostitute withone hole between her legs.
However, she reassured her that they were making plastic dolls perfect thesedays.
If she purchased one, she could replace it with a plastic anus and a vaginafrom it having it grafted into place, though it would be totally inert anduseless.
For some reason, this caused her subject to lapse into utter despair, butGinene tried to cheer her up by saying, that if the worst came to the worstand her bottom and cunt did become united soon she would be able to shags ahorse without discomfort.
The wait for the oil to cool down had triggered a sudden memory flash ofwhat she had meant to get the well-bred Whore to do.
Walking over to an exquisitely carved mahogany glass-fronted wine cabinets,she carefully selected a fine hand-cut lead glass decanter. Walking back tothe girl she gently poured the contents of fine malt whisky on to the carpet, which was definitely genuine Turkish silk, leaving a brown stain on the creamdecorations. And proceeded to place it between the girls open legs.
Saying, it has just occurred to me that when I apply the salad dressing,to your cunt, your immediate reaction will be to hunch up and piss yourself,and we can't have that happening in public, to a such well-bred Slut. It issuch a embarrassing thing to happen to anyone.
So I thought it was a good idea if you relieved yourself into this decanter,and as you are soon to be extremely dehydrated, maybe be a good idea to replacethe salt to in your body by making you drink it. So, if you would happily obligeus, we can then get on anointing you with oil.
I can't do that, she sobbed. Not in public, it's so humiliating to have someonewatch you relieve yourself.
That's exactly why I want to watch you do it.
And to give her some encouragement she reached out with a finger and thumband gripped the young Ladies pisser valve and rolled it between them. She wasinterested to see the organ go white and then start to bruise.
The Hostess responded to this treatment with a yelping cry. . OK. OK. .
Just wait a minute instructed Ginene while I positioned the decanter correctly,and made the Blonde Hostess wait a few seconds while she slipped it betweenher legs. Saying be a little careful , don't forget you are still wearing thosevery expensive leggings
OK now young lady you can piss yourself in public we will all get great delightat your humiliation.
The Hostess's hesitantly released the contents of her bladder so Ginene helpedit on its way by pressing violently on her lower abdomen. Such was the forceit came out at that most of it Ginene was able to catch it in the decanterbut a lot of it made a wet streak down the side of her leg and she really pissedher pants.
That was naughty of you she scolded, I thought we wanted to save these expensivedesigner trousers. .
Never mind it also occurs to me that you haven't evacuated your bowels, andyou must be desperate for a shit after all the excitement.
The expensive millionaire's plaything, sobbed her humiliation. .You reallyare a bitch she spat out, knowing that she was bursting for a shit
Naughty, Naughty less of that language, if you would like to oblige us byfilling your pants with shit I can assure you we will be eternally grateful.
Ginene was fulfilling one of her ambitions of thoroughly degrading an upperclass icon.
Well known at parties and by the press she was very popular with party hostesses,as she knew they knew they could always send any unwanted guys with sexualurges her way.
Knowing she would take them home that night and for a fee fuck them, savingher any, scandal that might come from one of them finding their way into afemale guest bedroom.
The Hostess had many wealthy and influential friends some of them would havestayed over night and it possibly obscenely Wanked themselves off and filledthemselves with Baboon sperm
Many of her friends who included Posh Spice, Jordan and Liz Hurley were peoplewho wanted to boast they had spent a night in a Courtesans Boudoir, and itwas of course this upper-crust elite, that the expensive councillor had trickedinto obscene Monkey business.
Abusing her gave Ginene a great thrill
I'll ask you once more to oblige us otherwise I will forced to unfortunatelydamage your exclusives dress-wear again and cut a slit a little lower underthe last one, though it will possibly ruin the cut of your pants.
This would be necessary though because I intend to give you a whisky enemato make you comply with my instructions. That will not only forced you to shitbut will it sting out like hell as well. I hope that won't be necessary it'sso unfortunate if I have to upset someone. So if you would oblige.
Ginene watched her face as she strained at her bowels and grunted slightly,
Bit bunged up are we with all his excitement grinned Ginene. And moved thepillows so that the girl's bottom was resting on slightly out of the way, allowingGinene to see where the smooth line of the exquisitely tailored pants showeda faint hollow where the girls buttocks separated.
Ginene watched mesmerised as that area bulged out confirming that the upperclass Heiress had now shit in her pants.
One more push commented Ginene. I don't want you constipated, and watchedin girlish delight as a second even larger bulge appeared besides the first,making the once smooth line of the designer jeans, develop a ugly bulge.
Ginene was delighted and reached down and deliberately squished the wholemass back into the upper class Trollop's crease and around her bottom so againthe cream pants appeared nearly smooth again. .
I really think they know that you have been a naughty girl shitting in yourtrousers like that at your age, don't you agree you need to be chastised forit.
Please, Please no she said as Ginene produced an extremely whippy Ivory,leather-covered riding crop to which she was going to apply to this young Filly'sbottom.
Coming from such genteel stock, Kelly doubted whether she had even been spanked.Now she was going to feel across her rump exactly what it was like to be aMare, ridden hard.
Slow Smoldering Revenge Helen was my boss. Around two years ago I had reason to question some tax advice she had provided to a client. At the time I was 59 and was a senior tax adviser for a major firm of accountants. To ensure accuracy it was necessary for advice to be checked by a second person, in my case by Helen, and in her case by the tax partner. Although I was Helen's junior I had considerable more experience than she did having worked for many year for a major bank and having...
Revenge - By Lady in Waiting The headlights of Laura?s jeep peered out through the blackness of Night and the sleekness of rain. The only other light on the road was from the flashes of thunder. Laura was returning from a business trip, traveling along some unknown back road that was supposed to be a shortcut. At least that?s what the woman at the gas station had said. She tapped her Fingers on the wheel as the radio droned out another mindless tune, you know the ones that...
Revenge By Carol Collins Eighteen year old Sheila Coronet admired her reflection in the full length mirror as she fluffed her shoulder length blonde hair and batted the long lashes of her big baby blue eyes. Every thing was perfect today. She had graduated high school yesterday morning and was to be wed to Gregg Wilson on Saturday afternoon. Gregg had been the captain of the football team and she had been the captain of the high school cheerleader...
Eighteen year old Sheila Coronet admired her reflection in thefull length mirror as she fluffed her shoulder length blonde hairand batted the long lashes of her big baby blue eyes. Every thingwas perfect today. She had graduated high school yesterday morningand was to be wed to Gregg Wilson on Saturday afternoon. Gregg hadbeen the captain of the football team and she had been the captainof the high school cheerleader squad. They had been elected MostPopular and Most Likely To Succeed by their...
Revenge 1 Trial of Loveby LorasPa6loraspa6 (a) hotmail.comStory Codes: F/m, Chastity, Bondage* Background of this universeIn an alternate timeline, a feminist was elected as the President of the United States in 1920, bringing change that slowly crept over the world. By the 40s women were the ruling class in most of the world; only those areas of the Middle East and Africa where women had little to no rights to begin with, were men still in control. These were also the only areas where male...
I sit at the booth waiting like a jungle cat for its prey to cross its path, a few men came up to me trying to pick me up, but I brushed each and everyone of them off. I was waiting for someone special, but he didn't know it yet. As I waited, I thought back to my school days and I remembered him, and what a jerk he had been. He had teased me and others so much that we were afraid to go to school at times. He thought of himself as special and the things he did as amusements, but he never knew...
Chapter 1 She felt the hardness of his cock rubbing gently against her sensitive lips. Her entire body was alive, anticipating that first electric sensation of his cock pushing into her. Sheila bit her lip and waited. She needed this so badly, yet could not find the words to tell him so. The passing moments seemed like an eternity as he hovered over her, holding himself just against the entrance to her body, teasingly rubbing against her swelling clit. Their eyes locked, and in that instant...
So it was true, I waited near Lucy's house til tony pulled up in his car and she opened the door with a smile on her face, he stepped in and kissed her as his hand went round and squeezed her ass which wasn't a friendly greeting it was a sexual one, everyone said he was seeing someone else but I didn't believe them til now and that was enough proof for anyone well bollocks to him that was the last time I ever wanted to see him so It was back to the train station and home to pack anything he had...
So it was true, I waited near Lucy's house til tony pulled up in his car and she opened the door with a smile on her face, he stepped in and kissed her as his hand went round and squeezed her ass which wasn't a friendly greeting it was a sexual one, everyone said he was seeing someone else but I didn't believe them til now and that was enough proof for anyone well bollocks to him that was the last time I ever wanted to see him so It was back to the train station and home to pack anything he had...
This is another true story told to us by a fuck buddy of mine named Connie. Connie is an average looking woman in her fifties. She has an amazing cunt and is a real joy to fuck. Connis has a PHD and is a college professor. Here is her story. My name is Connie and thought that I was happily married to my husband. We were both professors at the college. We had money and a nice home. We had been married for about twenty years when this happened. My friend Gail had a video of our husbands...
Hi Indian Sex Stories dot net reader. I have come with another story for u all. This story is my fantasy and fictional only. Hope you guys enjoy the story and please do feedback me at This story is about how I get revenge by a girl and get cuckold humiliation in front, my wife. I’m Mahes, age 28. After the love of 3years, i get married with my wife name Megala. She has long black hair and slim and fair body. She blessed with a nice body figure 34-27-36. She has a perfectly round shape ass. All...
He just got out of the jail for a crime he did not commit. He was incarcerated for almost 3 years, during which time his wife left him and took his kids with her. He came back to nothing. No house, no family, no job, just the clothes he was wearing and a few hundred rupees he earned during his imprisonment for the chores he performed. He was given an address of a halfway house where he could stay until he finds his feet. He had a bath and changed into the only set of clean clothes he had, an...
Honourable high court judge meenakshi was in her mid to late 40s. She has done well for herself; she was a district courts judge at the time when the poor man was wrongly accused wrongly. Since then, she has been appointed to the higher judicial position. She was destined for bigger things in life. She was a grand daughter and daughter of high court judges. Was married to a former justice minster who happens to be in opposition benches, right now. When she realised that his party had no hope of...
Revenge from the other side. Hello ladies or gentlemen. I am Emma, a 20 years old passionate student living in France. I am studying hard to become a doctor, which means that I do not have that much free time, I’m not going to parties with my friends… Oh wait! I don’t have many friends or boyfriends… According to my best friend Carol it is mainly because I am too shy and focused on my exams. For Carol it is a shame because she thinks that I’m “hot as hell”. Just a short overview of myself...
My sixteenth year was the most miserable of my life. In fact, I could say it was the only miserable year. I had just begun to realize that I was different than the other boys my age that I knew. There was a new boy in my class named Calvin, and I had a crush on him.Calvin was a country boy from Oklahoma who was a year older, having been held back a year. His family had had a farm that had failed, and his father had moved to our state to try to find work. Calvin was taller than me and had the...
Gay MaleMy trust was broken as well as my world. The worst thing was that I hadn't suspected a thing. I had trusted Chris with my life. He had fathered my only child. Chris had had an affair. Although he claims it was a drunken one night stand with a hooker who was milling about outside a hotel where he was staying while out on work. In short - it was a terrible mistake and everyone deserves a second chance. The problem is, he often stays away from home. So one prostitute could easily be ten or more....
Revenge from the other side.Hello ladies or gentlemen. I am Emma, a 20 years old passionate student living in France. I am studying hard to become a doctor, which means that I do not have that much free time; I’m not going to parties with my friends… Oh wait! I don’t have many friends or boyfriends… According to my best friend Carol it is mainly because I am too shy and focused on my exams. For Carol it is a shame because she thinks that I’m “hot as hell”. Just a short overview of myself (even...
Revenge By Ashtyn & Cathy S? The smell of her feet was maddening! The heels had been simply sitting there out side his door. He knew what it meant?they were for him. Not a gift, but a torment. She was allowing him to experience the perfection that was hers. She was forcing him into this moment of experience. Tactile sensation, a treat for his nose, she was granting him an event for his miserable existence. Harry reveled in her scent. She had obviously been doing ...
REVENGE - payback for an earlier torment By Nicci Knox Chapter I Resolution - a decision made. Fern's ministrations roused me out of my nights slumber. Her persistent, practised fingers stroking and caressing my masculinity through the delicate lacy fabric of the French knickers that - with the matching lace trimmed satin camisole - have been my accustomed nightwear since my wife presented a set to me on our wedding night. She rapidly brought me to a condition of rigidity, but...
Revengeby zeb1094When I walked into the bedroom, I knew she wasn't expecting me by the wide-eyed look she had on her face. Other than that, she looked beautiful sitting up, her arms outstretched wrists tied to the headboard. She had on a nightgown of wispy white that allowed her exposed nipples to show through the material. Her legs stretched before her, her ass on three pillows, angled to either side of the bed restrained by soft rope. She wore no panties showing me she had shaved before...
Donna strained her neck to look behind her to discover the owner of the rough hands that were forcing the wide strip of cloth between her lips. But the other pair of hands that held her arms tightly behind her back kept her from doing so.She had just walked into her house when someone had grabbed her elbows and pulled her arms behind her. Now her mouth was filled with a cloth that was being tied tightly behind her head. She tried to scream but only a muffled screech escaped past the cloth. ...
Someone once said, "Revenge is a dish best served cold." My mind wandered as I sat in the 24 hour dinner. I had been sitting in the booth near the window since 2:00am. It was now 5:00 am. My mind was turning over and over and I just couldn't sleep, so I sat in the dinner drinking coffee. In my brief case was the private detective's report. It detailed all the times my loving wife had cheated on me in the last 6 months. It also contained video and 8x10 photos of these events... It was a...
Part 1, Prelude Eugene, Oregon, a farmhouse just outside town January 1999 I was sixteen and my world was still intact. I sat in my room and read a book when I heard strange noises from my parent's bedroom. I dismissed them for a while, but ultimately went upstairs to check. Sneaking through the house, I made my way to the door of the guestroom. I knew there as a peephole in wall where once a water pipe had crossed to my parent's bedroom. Looking through, I immediately noticed an orange-red...
FantasyPam was so upset with her father. He just married his fourth wife and she was just five years older than Pam. She ran around the house half undressed and her father was worse than a horny teenager. He was constantly putting his hands under her shirt playing with her huge tits or down her pants fingering her pussy. Tonight when Pam walked in the kitchen her dad had her bent over the counter with his cock in her cunt fucking her right there. She had caught them with the wife on her knees sucking...
After the show the old lady led the exhausted and somewhat drowsy white boy to a room on the third floor. Callum was asl**p before his head hit the pillow. Meanwhile downstairs Achmed was talking with Ijah and Jamaal about the boy. It was clear to Achmed that Ijah feelings towards the boy were growing, this worked to his advantage. At the same time there was a growing jealousy within Jamaal, he angrily demanded his share of the money from the show tonight. Achmed happily paid the boy, but he...
Jason sat in the bathtub with Michael but Jason was growing more and more angry at Michael. Michael had said all the right words and did all the right deeds to seduce Jason but now that Michael had gotten his kicks, it was becoming very clear that Michael was just using Jason like a toy. Michael suddenly changed his tune, giving Jason all kinds of excuses about why Jason should never contact Michael again. "I've got a church activity. It would look bad if they knew about us. Don't call me. I'll...
Intro This is a first/ and second person story about "you" James/Jenny , depending on you. Are u James (Guy) or Jenny (Girl) or someone else Everyone starts with the same background story
BDSMI was walking home from a rough day in my office, my assistant was trying so hard to get me alone with her, her and her dirty mind, but I had to tell I was married. I was walking into my large house with a bouqet of roses. I really wanted to have a little fun tonight in the bed so I was going to get my wife drunk and sweeten her up. I couldn't wait, I really wanted a little child. I walked inside and crept upstairs. I heard a noise, so I tip-toed closer. It was my wife she was laughing with...
This is the story of when I once followed my Doe into a bathroom and me and some strangers end up fucking the shit out of her. We were out having lunch at this little diner, not a great place but good food, local favorite especially during the lunch rush, lots of local construction, and trucker types. The place was actually pretty packed not too many females here but there usually wasn't anyway. We sat and talked for a bit about things and ended up getting into an argument that turned into a...
'Oh God I'm coming,' Dave shouted his face going red as he thrust into me. 'Bloody hell, already?' I thought. It had only been 30 seconds since he roughly pushed his cock inside me. This was not one of my best one night stands! Dave rolled off me and laughed, thanking me for a good fuck. At least he was polite I thought. I moved closer to him, trying to get him to play with me. I leaned over and kissed him but he was already nodding off. Within a couple of minutes he was spread-eagled on the...
Pam was so upset with her father. He just married his fourth wife and she was just five years older than Pam. She ran around the house half undressed and her father was worse than a horny teenager. He was constantly putting his hands under her shirt playing with her huge tits or down her pants fingering her pussy. Tonight when Pam walked in the kitchen her dad had her bent over the counter with his cock in her cunt fucking her right there. She had caught them with the wife on her knees sucking...
After the show the old lady led the exhausted and somewhat drowsy white boy to a room on the third floor. Callum was asleep before his head hit the pillow. Meanwhile downstairs Achmed was talking with Ijah and Jamaal about the boy. It was clear to Achmed that Ijah feelings towards the boy were growing, this worked to his advantage. At the same time there was a growing jealousy within Jamaal, he angrily demanded his share of the money from the show tonight. Achmed happily paid the boy, but he...
Mon nom est coline, je suis une femme de 25 ans. Mais je ne me suis pas toujours appel? coline, mon vrai nom est en realite john, et j'etais un homme. Je vais vous racontez comment tout cela est arriv?.Aussi loin que je puisse remonter dans mes souvenirs, je me suis toujours senti femme. Une femme prisonnier dans un corps d'homme. Quand je devais avoir dans les 4 ou 5 ans, j'ai le souvenir d'avoir mis les bottes a talons de ma mere pendant une reunion de famille, chose qui avait bien a...
Hi dear readers, I feeling very much relived after this incident. Let me tell you some history which is essential to understand this event my hubby Manish and Virendera {Vinu} were very good friends from schooling but when I joined them in college they have become number one enemy of each other, because of me as both wanted to marry me but I fell in love with Manish and got married to him. But from then they are enemy of each other and don’t loose any opportunity to hurt each other, they both...
Markus fuss is a man of normal physic and is roaming around on the streets. Last week he was fired from his job as he was falsely accused for sexual assult . He found his boss and his assistant (monica) having sex after office hours so he fired him . Now he is blacklisted and could not get a job in any of the companies. He sat on a bench in a park. Children were playing. Then he saw a notebook on the bench. He picked it up and opened it . Tge first page said. If you find this book you are very...
Mind ControlI pushed her left leg gently aside. She breathed deeply in her sleep. At least it seemed like sleep, though it may have been more of an alcoholic coma. She'd had enough vodka to induce one. She was well on her way when I entered the bar. I had assumed that she was with friends since there were three other people at the table. As things developed, however, it became clear that she had simply invited herself to their little party. During the next half hour the three finished their drinks, I...
I came to the conclusion many years ago that life sucks. I even managed to figure out the main reason this was an undeniable fact. Most people are ignorant, uncaring assholes whose only concern is themselves. If I sound bitter, it's because I am. I suppose I should back my revelation up with some research for the non-believers. My name is Sam Robinson, and I'm forty-three at the time I'm writing this. I grew up in a typical middle class home and had what most would consider to be a great...
Matt had always been a little different. When he was little, everyone called him 'sensitive'. He could feel what other people felt. When one kid on the playground fell and got hurt, Matt would cry too. His parents thought he was just extremely compassionate. But it became obvious to Matt, as he aged, that this was not the same thing everyone else experienced. He learned to tell the difference between someone else's feelings and his own, but it took a while to learn not to react. And it...
College life as I thought in the beginning was supposed to be fun. And for a while, it was. I met Chris in a sociology class, a fiery redhead that had a bit of a temperament to go along with it, that ... and an amazing pair of breasts that she didn't mind showing off to some degree. Almost immediately we hit it off and began dating with the only problem of that being, our class and work schedules didn't give either one of us as much time with one another as I would have preferred. Which is...
She had just gotten out of the hospital and wasn't even talking to her husband. Her husband will had left her in the hospital while she was in labor and gone out with his buddies to a titty bar. He didn't care about his first child. Maybe he would care about the next one, but it damned sure wouldn't be his. Who would it be? It had to be someone who would make a nice baby and someone who would know about Will's humiliation. Maybe it would be one of his coworkers. Oh she had plenty of time to...
Daniel led Emma down the hallway, holding her arm tightly, still afraid that she might change her mind. "Are you sure you want to do this? Really, really sure?" he asked repeatedly. "Yeah, Danny, I want to do this for you. Now let go, I'm not gonna take off." "OK," he said disarmingly, relaxing his hold. "But don't forget, I'm really counting on you." When they got to the door Daniel reached over Emma's shoulder and opened it. As Emma's eyes slowly adjusted to the...
Note: All references to medicines are figments of my imagination. A drug for cancer that worked without harming the patient would be wonderful. My name is Matt Coffman. I am 6’ 1” tall, 195 lbs. I have blonde (going to gray) hair and pale blue to steel gray eyes that change color with my mood. Carrie called them my mood rings. I am 45 now, but when I discovered her cheating, I was 41 and a highly successful stock trader. I also write fiction novels, mostly western post-Civil War ‘shoot em...
Marie bent down to open the lower drawer of the blue print file cabinet and from across the room she could here the definite sound of snickering coming from Ray Udell's desk!!! She struggled to remove the set of drawings she needed for the renovation project she was working on, but as the tears formed in her eyes, her mind wasn't on her work, but on how cruel some people could be for no apparent reason at all!!! She knew that Ray wasn't inherently a bad person, but when ever he had a chance it...
FetishChapter 3Laura looked up at Jan in disgust and turned her face away. Quick as lightning, he grabbed her chin and forced her head back to face him. “I don’t think you heard me,” he said smoothly. “Suck my cock, Laura.” “Go to hell!” she spat. Angered, Jan used his heavy penis to slap her in the face. “That’s not a nice thing to say, Ms Vandervoort,” he said, hitting her cheek over and over with his cock till her skin reddened. “First you break into my house, and now you insult me in my own...
“I hate to say it, Graydon, but you were helpless. You let the pain and shock overwhelm you. If I hadn’t been there to pull you out of it, Purdy might have died,” Mike said. Graydon hung his head; his face burned with shame. How did I lose control like that? he murmured. What will happen the next time? Will I be just as useless? “Don’t indulge yourself in self-pity!” Mike said. “It won’t help and you have no reason to be ashamed. You were caught unprepared, that’s all. You don’t yet have...
I am relaying this encounter, it did not happen to me, but I know this woman and I guess he had a delicious fuck.Helen was sunbathing in the archipelago, on one of the numerous islands available, small rocky enclaves, with little stretches of beach measured in meters.Swedes use them, most preferring to choose deserted sites, and with privacy, comes nudity.Helen was dropped their by her husband, who promptly weighed anchor and sailed back to complete business, then return.Helen set out their...
“Hi Mom... “Hi Dad, I’m home.” Mom and Dad were sitting in the living room, both were dressed for bed. “Hi Danny, how was the supper at the Deans?” Mom asked. “It was good. I talked to Mayor Dean some, he’s a really neat man. I just never knew him before. I met, Helen ... Melissa’s older sister who cusses so much. She apologized for talking to me so bad the other day. She even told me that if I ever get rid of her sister, call her.” I laughed, they did too at that. “Well get your shower...
Debbie and I have been married for over a year now,we also have one child. Before our child was born Debbie and I had numerous men have sex with her. Of course I was always there and joined in on the activities. She became quite the slut and would let anyone cum inside her,along with taking a load down her throat. We vowed never to cheat on each other and said we would always play together.It was fun while it lasted but stopped abruptly when our son was born. After three months of her...
I woke up with someone pounding on my hooch door. This is getting old I thought to myself. We were supposed to be on a three day break between missions. When I answered there was an MP standing there and I immediately recognized him as working for the Captain running his errands. "Sarge, Chung is at the gate and asked to talk to you. I tried to tell him you were still sleeping, but he said it was important." "Ok, tell him I am on my way." He left and I started getting dressed. I...
I sat in the small, dark interrogation room- I mean, “interview room” waiting for my interrogator. I tried to convince myself that everything would be all right. I took deep breaths and tried not to appear nervous, but l I wasn’t doing a very good job of it. And who wouldn’t be anxious? All I could do was mentally re-trace my steps from the time I exited the plane to when a hard tap on the shoulder by a Customs official removed me from my comfort zone. This trip would not go as planned. ...
Straight SexNote : This story is completely fictional! Last summer I went to my aunt's city for a week and my aunt made me live at her home all this time. All of this began the day I arrived, at about 8 30 her husband left for office and we were left alone . Although I had no plans the moment I saw her my mind began knitting sexy thoughts about her , she possessed a lethally sexy body and was bold enough to let everyone notice. Soon after her husband left she started doing her regular choirs washing the...
IncestMonday, May 17, 1971 "He's waking up!" squealed a young girls' voice. Throwing my right arm over my eyes to block out the bright light, I felt the weight of the plaster cast against my left ear. "I wonder what's with these casts?" I thought. "Good. You're back with us," said a voice I recognized as Nurse Sydney's. "I'm going to turn the lights down a little. I'm sure your eyes are still a little sensitive after all this time." The nurse fiddled with something on the panel...
Hello every one I’m Aryan this is my life incident about how i had sex with 5 beautiful women i have ever met. About me I’m Aryan from Hyderabad completed by engineering and doing a job in a reputed mnc. This is story is about how had sex with the first of the 5 ladies who in my engineering final year during our project. As i was good in studies i was the team lead of our batch which had 5 members including me with me being the only boy in it and our guide was also a lady professor. In our...
The following Monday I went in to work with my father. I had visited his office before, as a kid, and always enjoyed it, but it had been some years since that had happened. I knew Dad had been promoted in the meanwhile, changing divisions of the company, which was what had brought him under his current boss. I had never seen his new office, or met his boss, which when I thought about it was kind of strange; we'd seen his former boss fairly often, and socialized with his family. Perhaps that...
Hello friends, this is Veena again with yet another real story that took place in Delhi. I had gone for a vacation to Delhi at Manish bhaiya’s house at Ashok Vihar. Our relationship had been going around for more then a year now. The story I had already narrated about Manish bhaiya’s desire to have threesome involving Simran which I fulfilled had just happened on Manish bhaiya’s last trip to Mumbai. It was a winter season and I love visiting Delhi in winters. The cool breeze and dusky days...
Mo loves playing squash from the first moment he can run with a racquet in his hand. It’s the ’most perfect of games’ for him because he can run as hard as he likes and hit the ball as hard as he wants to in any direction, plus, best of all, he plays it with his mother and father. When playing it’s just Mo and Alice or Mo and Randy, and he has their full attention. With age comes better control and the application of the usual game rules. The rules place restrictions on where and when he can...