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I didn't really have anything going on that day, so I thought I'd give old Clyde a call. I was working second shift and other than gardening and/or housework, I usually had daytimes free until I had to go to work at 4:00.
Clyde and I had been friends for several years. We met one day in the park when I was cruising through, just looking for what I could find. I stopped by one little restroom kiosk to get rid of some of my morning coffee. The kiosk (which the city later closed) was well known as a trysting spot for the local gay community. While I was standing at the urinal relieving myself, Clyde walked in. He went into the stool beside the urinal and started doing the same thing.
Glancing at him out of the corner of my eye, I noticed he was a dapper gray-haired gentleman. But Clyde was bolder than I am. He leaned over to the side and looked over the low wall that separated the stool from the urinal.
“Nice,” he said.
“Thanks,” was my reply. I knew that the very fact I said anything at all to him showed I was interested—such was the protocol of meeting places of that nature in those days. I glanced over the wall myself, but he was already in the process of putting his dick away and zipping up.
“Got anything going on today?” he asked.
“No,” I answered. “Not really. Just have to go to work later.” By now I was finished and putting my dick away, too. Even though some guys did give and receive blowjobs inside the kiosk, I was always leery of doing that. Too many chances someone could walk in on you.
So Clyde and I walked outside and he asked if I wanted to visit for a while. Getting an affirmative answer from me, we went over to his car. We visited for a few minutes, with both of us letting the other know we were interested in sex—a blowjob at least. And, thankfully, Clyde was like me—not interested in doing it in a car. Instead, I followed him in my car to his house in the southern part of the city not too far from the area where I lived.
What transpired in his house was me getting one of the best blowjobs I'd ever had in my life. I sucked on his cock for a while, too, but since he'd had to have his prostate removed a few years before because of cancer, he was unable to get a boner. But that lack of ability was more than made up for by his technique. Clyde had the ability to use his mouth like a vibrator. No just simple bobbing up and down on a dick until the guy came. He did his magic on my cock, taking his time until I just couldn't stand it any more.
I blew my load into his mouth and he just kept on going at it. Finally, it was tickling so bad, I had to make him stop. But I did thank him profusely.
He gave me his business card with his phone number and told me that if I ever wanted a repeat performance, to give him a call.
So during the course of the next couple of years, I would call up Clyde ever once in a while and he'd usually invite me over for a repeat performance. Occasionally, Clyde would already be entertaining another man when I called and several times, after checking with the other guy if it was okay, I would come over for a three-way. I met some very nice guys that way.
But this one particular instance I'm telling about here, I was the one being entertained when Clyde's phone rang. In fact, he had just started, both of us lying naked on the floor of his dining room when he got the call. We were in the dining room because plenty of room there—Clyde was in the process of getting a new dining room suite but it hadn't been delivered yet. And like other guys had done when I'd called Clyde, I told him I had no objection to a third guy joining us.
It wasn't more than five minutes later that a knock came on Clyde's front door. He put on a short robe, went to the door, opened it and told the man there to come on in. Soon, into the dining room strode a tall, handsome man in a business suit. I sat up on the floor and after introductions (the newcomer was “Roger”) and handshakes, he started disrobing, too.
When he removed his boxer shorts, though, out sprang one of the most beautiful cocks I'd ever seen. It was fully nine or ten inches long in its current semi-erect state and nice and thick, too, with well-defined veins accentuating its length. My eyes must have bulged out at the sight. And since I was already on my knees, Roger just boldly walked up to me. Needless to say, I quickly gobbled the magnificent member from sight. I knelt there, sucking and enjoying the feel of a good, hard dick in my mouth, moaning with pleasure. It was magnificent!
But Roger broke it off after a bit. Damn. But, after all, it was Clyde that Roger had called and not me. And it was Clyde's house, after all. Roger lay down on the rug beside me and Clyde knelt beside him. Then, it was Clyde's turn on that magnificent piece of man-meat.
After a while, Roger rolled up onto his side and Clyde lay down beside him, still sucking away. Roger reached behind himself to me and began to pull me up behind him. His hand found my still-erect dick and he pulled me toward him, guiding my dick toward his ass.
That was all the encouragement I needed. Soon I was plugged in. So there we were in one of the sweetest threesomes I've ever had—me humping into Roger's sweet ass as Clyde sucked away on the other side.
It was fabulous!
What with Clyde's talent for sucking and me jabbing my dick in and out of his ass, it wasn’t long before Roger was moaning with pleasure—a moan that increased in volume and pitch until it was almost a screech. Then a loud “Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” was bellowed out of Roger’s lungs and I knew he had cum.
Afterwards, Clyde, Roger and I chatted for a while as Roger got dressed again. Roger told Clyde and me how he had once been caught in the act by his wife as he was in the midst of fucking another guy—something that made me a little envious of that other guy. They asked me if I'd ever been caught by my wife. “Not with another guy, I told them. “But she has smelled the scent of another woman on me a couple of times. But I was able to convince her that it was the smell of her. But I'm not sure she believed me.”
“Well, just be careful,” Roger told me. “Divorce can be very expensive.”
And with that, Roger left. He had just called and stopped by Clyde's for a quick “nooner".
Clyde came back into the dining room, after letting Roger out carrying a wet washcloth and a towel. These, he used on my dick which, after all, had just been up Roger's ass. After washing me off thoroughly, Clyde went back to work on my cock. He did his usually vibrator-mouth technique on me and it wasn't long before I was cumming, too. Of course, the thought of me sucking Roger's dick or him using that magnificent member to fuck me meant that I didn't last long. Soon, I was shooting my wad into Clyde's talented mouth. It was great, like always.
I always remember that afternoon threesome as one of the best I ever had. But I didn't get to see Roger again until about three years later. Clyde's cancer had returned after a couple of years and he passed away. But at Clyde's funeral, there was Roger plus several of the other guys I had shared time with at Clyde's house. So we all got re-acquainted. But the story of what happened then will have to wait for another time.

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