Glamour Shots Chapter 27
- 4 years ago
- 53
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Michael groaned, looking down at the mess he’d made on his own chest, the copious, glistening cum in parallel white streaks on his dark skin extending from his navel, where the swollen head of his cock lay, to his shoulder. He cupped his big hands under Allison’s ass, his muscles bulging as he lifted her off his groin, even as she continued to try to hump herself against his thick erection. He was obviously embarrassed at his loss of control in front of all of us, although I’m sure he’d enjoyed the release after her relentless teasing.
He shook his head, his eyes locked on my wife, whose attention was still focused inward on her own powerful but now-waning orgasm. “Jesus, Alli! I can’t believe you did that to me. You knew I was right on the edge, but you had to push anyhow.”
I saw some of the sexual tension go out of her body as her eyes opened and she drew in a long, shuddering breath, slowly bringing herself back into the present. “God! I needed that so bad – and so did you, so stop complaining!” She laughed and reached down to caress his cheek to soften her words before she reached down and painted his nipple with his own cum, making him twitch and gasp.
She looked gorgeous, hot and sheened with sweat, nipples erect, wanton, animalistic. Sexy and extremely aroused, her face and chest pink, suffused with blood and her hair wild and mussed, she was the picture of feminine lust and sexuality. Derek saw the same thing I did and focused on her, moving in, out, and around her as he shot frame after frame of my wife.
He paused, lowering his camera momentarily. “Alli, lean in and kiss Michael, and make it hot and sexy, like that first deep, post-coital kiss you long for after an amazing round of lovemaking.”
She did, willingly, and I knew her lips would be soft, warm, and eager, slightly swollen as they always are after sex, after a very intense and satisfying orgasm. Their lips met and crushed together, his cock trapped between them and her breasts and stomach sliding in the abundant semen on his chest, and they kissed like they meant it. It caused a brief, green flare of jealousy in my core, and glancing at Marci I could see that she looked the way I felt.
It was odd, feeling that stab of jealousy over a kiss after seeing them actually have sex in the past and watching their nude touching and teasing all that day. I didn’t understand why that very sensual kiss made me so jealous when the rest hadn’t affected me nearly as deeply, but it did, and as they swapped spit, their tongues tangling eagerly, Marci and I ached with jealousy and Derek clicked away.
I knew he had the skill to capture the moment, the wildness and sexuality in her eyes and her face, the beauty of their just-sated bodies, and the heat and passion of that kiss, and already, despite the jealousy, I longed to see the pictures. It would ache every time I looked at them, I knew, but Allison was so incredibly beautiful in that moment in time; despite all, I was thankful that he was capturing it.
It would do no good to focus on Michael’s body, his still-distended cock leaking cum onto his stomach, joining the massive load he’d spurted onto his chest; first, he’d already taken numerous shots of that view as it happened, even as Michael was pumping cum all over, but with even those shots unusable for his book of erotica it would be pointless to continue to take more of the same. Wisely, he zeroed in on Alli as her lips met Michael’s, the essence of eroticism at that moment, and I felt an odd sense of vindication in the fact that he, with the eye of a skilled artist, saw the same wild beauty in her that I did.
As Derek captured their kiss, Jen took a few shots from the other angle, from between Michael’s feet, capturing Alli’s wet, swollen pussy, open and eager, her smooth mound resting atop the base of Michael’s thick cock. His balls, recently drained, hung heavily in their loose sack, wet with sweat and the slippery, shimmering evidence of Allison’s arousal.
When she broke the kiss and sat up, looking a little stunned by the intensity of it, she looked down at Michael’s cock, lying on his belly in a slick of semen as it gradually began to go flaccid. She reached down and slid her hand beneath it, cradling the head of his cock, now partially sheathed by his foreskin, in her palm as she ran her thumb over the tip, her fingers slick and creamy as she toyed with the white goo still leaking from him.
He shuddered, his cock still in that very sensitive post-climax stage, as Jen took several shots of Alli’s pale, delicate fingers wrapped around his huge, cum-slathered glans and soft foreskin, and of the streaks of cum now trickling down my wife’s torso – more pictures that would never make the book.
Derek caught a few more shots of her as she gazed downward at her lover’s massive cock, then invited Jason back into the frame, instructing him to admire it with her. Jason put one arm across her bare shoulders, playing the protective and suddenly possessive husband, his own cock still standing tall, thick, and rigid, and then slid his hand under Alli’s, cupping her hand, still holding Michael’s cock, within his own as they both gazed at it.
Derek liked that image, judging by the way he continued to shoot frame after frame, and when Jason improvised and dropped to his knees to suck and lick Alli’s nipples, undaunted by the copious amount of cum coating them, Derek, muttered, “Oh fuck yeah, that’s perfect!”
He kept on shooting, rapid-fire, as Jason sucked her nipples and Alli moaned appreciatively, tangling her fingers in his hair and holding his head to her breasts as he licked her clean. At this stage, they weren’t posing as much as they were simply doing what felt good, but Derek loved it. Michael just stared, somewhere between shock and bemusement as he watched the younger man lick up his semen. I figured that as long as Jason made no move to give Michael’s body the same treatment he was probably safe.
When Jason pulled away, his lips and chin shimmering wetly and his impressive erection still standing tall, Derek asked Jen to quickly clean up Michael’s cock and the immediately surrounding area so that he could capture some shots that didn’t display semen. She put her camera down and stepped away for a moment, returning with a damp washcloth. When she wrapped her other hand around his shaft, lifting it free of Alli’s hand so that she could clean him up, Michael cleared his throat noisily.
“Ahem… Jen, I can do that for myself if you’d rather not.”
She glanced into his eyes, which she’d been avoiding up until then, and blushed crimson. “Really, I don’t mind. I’m used to working with the models, so it’s not a problem. Plus… well, you know…”
It was Michael’s turn to look embarrassed, although he was less than convincing; I think he was enjoying every second of it.
She was holding his cock lovingly, carefully moving and turning his shaft so that she could clean up every trace of cum, and for the first time, perhaps because she was now in front of the bright lights, I noticed her pert nipples straining against her t-shirt, rigidly erect; she was visibly, undeniably, and understandably aroused.
I saw that Michael had noticed that effect as well and that he saw me checking it out, and he wiggled his eyebrows at me lasciviously. There’s something seriously wrong with a couple of guys that are admiring a fully-dressed girl’s hard nipples poking out through her shirt when a couple of beauties like Marci and Alli are right there, equally hard-nippled and stark naked, but it is what it is; aroused nipples are to be appreciated in all their permutations, variety, and splendor.
Other than Derek, we were all watching Jen work over Michael’s cock, her attention to detail – and our attention on her - somehow fascinatingly perverse as she even slid his foreskin back to clean beneath it. He’d relaxed by then, simply enjoying her attention, not nearly as freaked out (understandably) as he’d been when Derek grabbed his package.
I glanced at Marci, whose gaze was inscrutable as she watched yet another woman explore and fondle her boyfriend’s genitalia; she caught me watching her and grinned, sticking her tongue out at me. It felt as if we had a strange kinship, both of us with partners who were far too fascinating to – and at ease with - the opposite sex, and I wondered if she felt it too.
As Jen toweled him dry and stepped out of the way, Alli again took up station with the end of Michael’s cock lying in her palm, her hand cupped in Jason’s such that he held both Alli’s hand and Michael’s penis. It seemed to me that maybe Jen’s loving touch had halted Michael’s magic shrinking dick and maybe even started its journey back toward its former turgid magnificence. Whatever the case it still – or again - seemed huge and thick, and he groaned softly when Alli squeezed it.
Derek took a series of shots of “husband and wife”, Alli lovingly paying homage to her “lover’s” big cock as her fake husband, Jason, his arousal rigidly apparent, looked on approvingly. Derek kept moving around to different angles and having them adjust their positions accordingly before he paused and addressed Michael.
“Mike, are you going to have a problem if Jason touches you, your ‘junk’, as you called it?”
Michael looked at him, then at Jason, then at Marci and Alli in turn before, for some unknown reason, looking at me. “Uh, well, he wouldn’t be my first choice – no offense, dude.”
Jason laughed easily. “None taken. Just so you know, I’m fine with it either way, and it’s just part of the job to me; I can’t swear I won’t enjoy it, but you won’t have to buy me dinner or promise to respect me in the morning or anything like that.”
That got a laugh and seemed to break the tension. Michael sighed, shrugged and said, “What the hell, you’re paying me for this, so if you think it’s necessary… Just be gentle, Jason; it’s my first time.”
That earned another laugh and further eased the tension. When Jason reached out and slid his hand under Michael’s cock and hefted it, testing the weight and girth before saying, “Wow, that’s one incredible fucking cock, dude!” and Michael groaned theatrically, it brought more chuckles.
Michael grimaced, muttering, “That’s not helping at all, man!” and it was the final straw; it brought down the house.
We howled at his embarrassment while appreciating his good-natured sense of humor about it, realizing yet again why we’d come to love and respect him so much. This was a guy that could have gone through life with a chip on his shoulder or been an asshole with an ego even larger than his massive frame, but he’d never shown us anything but friendship, kindness, humility, and even love. He truly didn’t mind being the butt of a joke, instead enjoying the laughter of his friends, and his self-deprecating manner was endearing and made him easy to be around.
It was small wonder that he was the one man, despite his potentially intimidating size, sexuality, and masculinity, that I trusted with my wife, the love of my life. He’d never given me the slightest reason to doubt his honor nor his intentions, not from the day we’d met, and we’d all grown very close very quickly. I know Alli loves him, as he does her, but in the same way that Marci and I feel about each other. It’s hard to describe – not platonic, by any means – but utterly different than the love I feel for my wife. I suppose I should choose to simply appreciate it rather than trying to analyze it.
Derek, smiling along with the rest of us, recognized another natural break point. He suggested that Michael go across the hall to the restroom to finish cleaning himself up and that the others chill for a few minutes, maybe get something to drink or use the facilities as needed,
As Michael reached the door, Derek stopped him. “Michael, hey – are you going to be ready to go soon?”
Michael shrugged. “Sure, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
“Let me clarify; I meant, are you going to be able to get it up again soon?”
It was an unusually personal question, bluntly phrased, but I suppose Derek needed to know to plan his shots. I’d never been asked that question by anyone other than Alli, eager for round two, or maybe one or two other former partners, but always in a much more intimate and private setting.
Michael seemed momentarily nonplussed but recovered quickly. “Yeah, I think so, sure – maybe not to that same ‘hard as a crowbar’ condition, but sure.”
Derek turned toward Jason. “Jase, you got any of your magic pills with you?”
Jason replied rhetorically, “Do bears fuck in the woods? Of course I do!”
As he padded over to where his pants lay, his cock waving in front of him, as Derek turned back to Michael. “Any issues with a little chemical assist?”
Michael laughed. “Hey, better living through science, right?”
Jason returned with a small brown prescription bottle and shook a pill out into Michael’s palm. Michael looked at it. “I thought Viagra was blue.”
Jason laughed, replying, “They are; that’s a Cialis, like Viagra on steroids. It will stay with you a good twenty-four hours, maybe longer if you weren’t such a big guy.” He glanced at me. “Want one?”
“Me? I’m just standing here; no reason I need a boner I could drive nails with.” I wasn’t entirely comfortable with him handing out prescription pills like they were Skittles, but my ever-helpful assistant quickly overrode my objections as I watched Michael down his with a swallow of Coke.
“Take it, boss, I promise you that tonight I’ll make you glad you did – and I’m betting you’ll make me glad you did!”
Jason stared at her, glanced at Alli, and looked back at me. “Well… am I missing something? I thought you were Alli’s husband.”
Marci giggled. “He is, and my boss, but we play sometimes and have plans for tonight. Alli wanted a shot at my guy’s huge schlong, and I couldn’t wait to get in the boss’s pants, so…”
I know I was blushing and near-speechless after Marci’s sudden and unexpected disclosure. I muttered, “Thanks a lot, Marce. Lord…”
She said, “Oh, come on! We’re all adults here, just take the boner pill and say thank you. I promise you won’t regret it.”
Jason was laughing, as taken with Marci’s outrageous style as most people were. Being sexy and gorgeous apparently helps when you’re prone to saying a lot of crazy shit. “Take it, Dave; it’s not a problem, and I’ll make Derek reimburse me anyway – besides, with these two girls you’ll probably need it.”
I held out my hand and he tapped the bottle, dropping a small, yellow, egg-shaped pill into my hand. “Thanks, Jason – and you’re right. With this horny girl, I’ll definitely need it.”
He smiled. “It sounds like a lot of fun, and it’s very cool that you guys are that good of friends. Hey, let me know if you ever need a fifth for your games – or a third hard dick, as the case may be.”
Michael returned and walked up to us as he said that, just as I was dropping the Cialis pill into my shirt pocket. “A third hard dick for what?”
Marci smiled sweetly and stretched up to kiss him. “Hi, sweetie; get all that stickiness cleaned off?”
He grunted, “Yeah, I’m good; a third hard dick for what?”
“Jason was just offering to join us for our fun sometime, in case we wear you boys out. Wasn’t that nice of him, offering up that perpetually hard cock of his for me and Alli to enjoy?”
Michael snorted. “Yeah, for sure; he’s a gentleman and a scholar. Appreciate it bud, very kind of you. Tell you what, don’t call us, we’ll call you.”
Jason laughed again, not offended by Michael’s reticence. “Just an open offer in case you need me – and don’t forget, I’m very versatile. If one of the ladies taps out I can step in there too.”
Michael groaned, and I laughed as he said, “Bro’, not the best time to remind me of that since he’s apparently going to have you manhandling me this afternoon!”
Jason wiggled his eyebrows at Michael, leering lasciviously. “Hey, no reason at least one of us shouldn’t enjoy it, and I plan to!”
Marci giggled at her boyfriend’s horrified expression, but then he chuckled ruefully. “Fuck! The things I let myself get talked into by beautiful women. When will I learn?”
Kissing him again, Marci said, “Never, I hope. I sort of like you just like you are; big, black, hung and gullible.”
He growled, “Hey, girl! You’re about to go over my knee for a good spanking!”
She giggled, “Promises, promises – but no handprints unless Derek asks for them, remember.”
He grinned cruelly. “Later – and that’s a promise.”
“What’s a promise?” Alli, who had been talking with Jen and Derek, now joined us, smacking Jason’s bare bottom with a resounding slap as she came up behind him.
He jumped but grinned. “Apparently Michael is going to give Marci a good spanking later tonight when you all get together to swap and play. I’d pay admission for a seat at that show!”
Allison cooed, “Oooh, me too!”
I looked at her. “You too what, a seat for the show or a spanking of your own?”
“Both, but I meant the spanking. Sounds like fun!” She looked over at Jason, still pantsless, though now gradually going flaccid, but who was incongruously still wearing the jacket, shirt, and tie. “Derek told me to tell you to get naked, by the way. He doesn’t need you dressed…” her eyes dropped to his groin, “such as you are… anymore.”
Marci raised her hand excitedly. “I second the motion!”
Alli, laughing, joined in. “Third! Of course, I’ve seen it all before, but I wouldn’t mind seeing it all again.”
Marci touched her arm. “Funny you’d say third – Jason just valiantly offered to be a third hard dick for our fun and games in case one of these guys tuckers out too soon.”
Jason nodded. “Not just that, but think of all the possibilities it creates for other combinations.” He looked at Marci. “We could make you airtight, for example.”
She giggled and blushed, but I think she found the idea very intriguing. Michael laughed, “Now you’re talking; it might be the only way we could shut her up!”
Alli looked at me. “Sounds like fun, but I bet the guys aren’t on board.” When I shrugged noncommittally, she continued, “We could invite Jen and Will too; I just overheard her tell Will that he better get his tongue all limbered up, because she’s totally dripping wet after fondling Michael’s cock. We could make it an all-out orgy.”
I knew she was just kidding, but at least with Jennifer included the idea sounded more attractive; I thought she was cute as could be, and I know Michael did too, so getting her naked would be one in the plus column for us. Then Marci had to take it one step too far and spoil the fantasy.
“And if we’re inviting everyone else we’ll need to invite Derek too - to avoid being rude, not just because he’s so handsome and sexy. Hmm, sounds about right, three women and five guys. That might work out perfectly!”
Michael growled, “Never mind; I think I’m good with just our original foursome.”
I nodded. “Me too; sorry, Jason, but we just started and we’re still getting to know each other that way, so we’d better take a pass for now.”
He nodded agreeably. “Hey, no problem, I understand completely, even if I am a little disappointed and destined to stay horny. Keep me in mind for a later date, or if you change your mind – and remember, I’m versatile!”
Alli giggled, nudging me. “Yeah, remember that he’s versatile, in case you get tired of the same old thing all the time.”
I smiled, shaking my head. “I don’t foresee that ever becoming a problem, but thanks for the offer.”
Derek called them over, and Jason, being the pro he was, immediately was all-business. He looked at Michael. “You ever used any ED meds before?”
“No, never had a need – I’m still young!”
Jason laughed. “That’s not their only purpose in life, not in this profession; consider it a recreational drug. Okay, just so you know; it won’t do much of anything for you for at least thirty minutes, and it might take an hour or a little more to have the full effect – oh, and you might get a slight headache or some sinus issues.”
Michael frowned. “What the fuck good is a pill that makes your dick stiff if it gives you a headache?”
Jason nodded. “I know; perverse, huh? And it makes your sinus tissues swell for more or less the same reason it makes your cock swell, I suppose.”
“Perfect, a nose boner. What’s the point of that?”
The girls were laughing at his discomfiture, but Jason just shrugged. “Nothing good comes without a price. I think you’ll enjoy it though, and I know the ladies will. Shit, I wonder if you need to take two of these when your cock is that big.”
When Michael stared at him, he laughed. “Just kidding; one will be plenty, especially for a young, healthy guy. You don’t need any humiliating trips to the ER.”
As they wandered over toward Derek, I heard Michael mutter, “Fuck, one more thing to worry about!”
I stayed in the background, trying to be unobtrusive as he called them around him and explained his plans for the remainder of the afternoon. He wanted to explore the black stud - white cuckold theme a little more deeply, but he also wanted some shots of the two girls playing humiliation games with Jason, some with Michael looking on.
I didn’t get the significance of that; a pimp, maybe, watching two of his girls with a client? I decided to wait and see.
He was also discussing what he called CFNM, or clothed female, naked male, with Jason acting as the embarrassed naked guy, and what he wanted the ladies to wear for those scenes. I noticed that Jason was slowly masturbating, getting himself hard and ready again. Because I had noticed, I also saw when Marci reached in and took over for him, more than happy to give him a helping hand. It was an indication, I figured, of how horny she still was, doing that with Michael standing right there.
He noticed too, I saw, and sort of rolled his eyes, but because Alli was fondling him he really couldn’t say much about it. From behind her, I hadn’t realized that she was doing that either, but now, looking more closely, I could see her shoulder moving rhythmically as she ran her hand up and down the length of Michael's semi-hard shaft. His ass muscles tightened into hard, square blocks as Alli fondled him, and I knew, whether he was fully hard yet or not, that it felt good.
When Derek started to set up with just his prior three - Michael, Jason, and Alli - Marci rejoined me in the cheap seats. “I guess I’m still on the bench for the moment. You wanna sneak off somewhere and fuck?”
“What? I’m so horny I’m about to die!”
“Me too, and really that doesn’t sound at all bad, to be honest. But no, let’s try to be good and save ourselves for later.”
“Don’t know about you, boss, but I’m always good, and I’ll be ready again five minutes later – or less. You trying to tell me you might not?”
“It’s a possibility, yes.”
“You take your magic pill?”
I shook my head. “Not yet; I’m not part of the action for hours yet, so I saw no need to be sitting here with my dick any harder than it already is – if it can get any harder than it already is.”
She giggled. “Cute! You want a blowjob?”
“Marci, jeez!” I looked at her and smiled. “And yes, desperately, but I’m really trying to be good and not sneak around our respective significant others. Hold that thought, though.”
“No danger of me forgetting it,” she grumbled, and I laughed.
“You get kind of crabby when you’re horny and frustrated, you know that?”
“You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet, boss.” She moved in front of me, pressing her ass back into my groin as we watched the others get started on the next sequence of photos. Slowly humping her ass against my aching bulge, she seemed intent on making sure that I was every bit as horny and frustrated as she was – which, of course, I already was!
Derek had posed Michael sitting in an upholstered chair, leaning back, with Alli straddling his lap cowgirl style, her breasts in his face. He took a few shots of that pose before moving Jason in, placing him on his knees between Michael’s feet, and instructing him to hold Michael’s mostly erect cock upright just below Alli’s pussy, giving the impression that he was the husband, guiding her lover’s huge cock into her.
I could see Michael tense when Derek instructed Jason to touch his cock, but when he was instructed to suck and lick Alli’s eager nipples it seemed to take his mind off it. Either way, whether it was Alli’s boobs, Jason’s hands on his cock, or the drugs he had onboard, his cock hardened and grew noticeably during the few minutes it took Derek to capture the shots he wanted. He was soon rock-hard, huge and thick, the heavy veins of his cock bulging with arousal.
Without waiting for instructions, Jason cupped Michael’s heavy balls with his other hand and leaned in to kiss low on Alli’s ass, slowly trailing his tongue up the valley between her perfect cheeks. Derek loved it and clicked away madly, as did Jen, and I saw Allison shiver with arousal as she lowered herself just enough for the thick tip of Michael’s cock to nestle between her inner lips, looking for all the world as if he was poised to enter her – which, of course, he was! She was dripping with arousal, and all she’d have had to do was lower herself to take as much of that huge cock as she wanted. As wet and ready as she was, even Michael’s huge cock would slide in very nicely.
The thought of that thick shaft stretching her as it slid into her tight, velvet grip almost did me in, knowing it would make my wife come yet again as it filled her. I pushed Marci away before her ass against my crotch could take me past the point of no return, struggling to regain control, barely succeeding - at least for the moment.
Marci knew why I’d pushed her away, of course, and reached back to see if she could finish the job, but I was fortunate to grab her arm before she could find her target. “Don’t, Marce. Seriously, I don’t need the humiliation, okay?”
“Killjoy! You made me come, so now I should get a turn.”
“Yeah, I know, but you didn’t make the mess I would, and everyone didn’t have to know. It’s different when it involves an embarrassing wet spot.”
“It doesn’t seem to be bothering him much.” She nodded toward Will, who was to Derek’s left, adjusting the angle of a light stand, and I saw she was right.
The poor kid had a long, wet oval darkening his right pants leg from about six or eight inches below his crotch almost down to his knee where he’d lost control and come, spurting his arousal down his leg. I felt bad for him even as I wondered what it was that had pushed him over the edge, but I fully understood how it could happen! The thing was, he’s just a dopey kid, and I, at least theoretically, was an adult and expected to have more self-control. That’s how I felt, anyway, and I had no intention of allowing Marci to prove otherwise.
“Wow, that’s the second time that I know of that’s happened to him. The first time I guess Jen helped the process along, but still. Poor kid; occupational hazard, I suppose.”
“Tell the truth, boss; you’d have given your left nut to have his job when you were that age.”
I laughed. “True, and I’m sure I’d have had the same result. I was a very horny kid. Fortunately, delivering pizzas never resulted in anything like that.”
“News flash, chief; you’re a very horny adult too. I sure wish poor Will had said something, I’d have offered my services. That looks like it must have been a huge load, just right for a tasty snack, or all over my tits. Yum!”
“One of the things I love about you, Marce, your spirit of altruism, always willing to give.”
“Until it hurts, if necessary… wow, look at that! Is that something you’d like to do, hmmm?”
While we’d been noticing and discussing Sir Will of the Wet Pants, Derek had rearranged his grouping so that Jason was now on his back on the low settee, Alli kneeling upright above him so that her pussy was just above his face. Jason, the Amazing Priapic Man, had his hands on her thighs, his cock once again standing up from his groin like an obscene rhino horn, hard as stone, with one of Alli’s hands encircling the head of it.
Michael was behind Allison, his cock between her legs so that her pussy was against the dorsal side of his hard shaft, the shiny purple head of his cock and a couple of inches of dark, throbbing meat protruding in front of her like she’d sprouted a very thick, though very short cock. Michael had to lower himself to get his cock between her legs like that, which he’d done by moving his knees farther apart. This left his heavy balls virtually resting on Jason’s face, but if either of them found that disagreeable in any way it didn’t carry over to their sex organs, which were gloriously tumescent, perfect oversized specimens of male arousal and virility.
It was an erotic scene, there could be no question of that, and even as the illicit thrill ran through me I could see that Alli felt it as well, her nipples hard as diamonds and her neck and face flushed with arousal.
Marci, being Marci, was unable to simply be quiet and allow me to appreciate the scene, however. “Well, wouldja? Would you enjoy doing that, being in his position?”
“Jeez, Marce; can’t you ever just enjoy something in silence?”
“Not that I can recall, no; now you answer my question.”
“Which one?”
She looked puzzled. “I only asked you one.”
“No, I mean which position are you asking if I’d enjoy, Jason’s or Michael’s?”
“Oh, that which one; Jason’s, I meant. Would you enjoy having a front row seat like that, where you could not only see Michael sliding into Alli, but hear it too, maybe smell their arousal… touch, even taste if you wanted to?”
Derek continued to work, repositioning his subjects and taking numerous shots as Marci and I quietly discussed things. I wasn’t sure if I was happy or upset that she was distracting me from the action but shooting the breeze with a naked and visibly aroused Marci wasn’t exactly punishment either.
I groaned. “Fuck, Marce, you’re killing me here. Yeah, in all honesty, I’d probably enjoy it, but it’s a moot point; I don’t want Michael’s balls in my face, and he doesn’t want my face in his balls.”
Marci giggled. “That’s very funny – but we’ll see. Maybe something similar, Michael drilling her from behind, you lying under them like that, licking Alli’s clit, me riding the fuck out of that hard cock of yours while Alli and I play a little suck-face or nipple-tickle. Gosh, the possibilities are almost endless!”
“Have I told you lately what a horny slut you are?”
“Yes, but a girl can never hear it too often!”
I heard Derek call out to Marci, and she jumped up. “Oops, we’ll have to discuss your kinkiness in greater detail later boss; my services are required.” She pretended to primp as she strutted forward. “All right, Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my closeup.”
Derek smiled. “You’re a firecracker, that’s for sure. I should get a discount for putting up with your sass.”
He told Michael to take a little break and relax as he called Alli, Marci, and Jason around him. I could hear him telling them what he’d planned and how he wanted them dressed, then he sent them to prepare and walked over to where I stood talking to Michael.
He addressed Michael first. “Mike, I’d like to get just a few more poses of you with Allison and Jason before we call it a day, but I’m hoping that pill kicks in fully for you first, which is why I’ve switched things up; I want the biggest, hardest cock that you can give me when you’re making love to the wife. The husband has to appear completely outclassed, you understand?”
Michael nodded, obviously uncomfortable with the explicit instructions regarding the role he was to play, but answered in the affirmative. “I’ll do my best; I don’t think it will be an issue.”
“That’s the spirit.” He turned to me. “So, what do you think so far? Are you enjoying seeing what we do, how Alli works in front of the camera?”
I nodded. “It’s been interesting, that’s for sure; eye-opening. It looks like harder work than I would have guessed.”
“It can be very exhausting, but I try to keep it fun too. How did you like the theme of these last few scenes, the cuckold genre? Erotic enough for you?”
I paused, but then looked him in the eye and answered. “It’s unquestionably erotic, but to tell you the truth I thought at first that it was just another take on a very tired cliché. The black stud - white wife - weak, white cuckold thing has been done to death, after all.”
He frowned. He didn’t appear upset by my honest response, more concerned, already considering what he might have done wrong or could have done differently. “You think it’s too much of a stereotype? Banal?”
“I did at first, like I said. As you went on and the three of them got comfortable together it became intensely erotic. Jason is not your prototype wimpy husband, first of all, and I think they kind of forgot the camera at times and just, you know, did what felt good; if you were able to capture that then you likely have some incredible images. It’s been done a lot, but probably not at your level of skill and creativity.”
“Thanks,” he nodded. “I saw that too, the heat they developed, and I think I caught it. Your wife has a very powerful natural sensuality that the camera loves, and both of our male subjects are hot as hell.” He smiled at Michael as he said that, and Michael gave him a nod of acknowledgment. “I hope they come out as well as I think they will. I wish I could use your cum shot, Mike; that was incredible, flaming hot. I envied you.”
Michael shrugged nonchalantly, but I knew he was embarrassed. “Very unexpected too, but that’s Alli for you.”
Derek laughed as he turned back to me. “It’s interesting that you thought I might be beating a dead horse with that theme; I had the same concerns, to be honest, but when I saw how our players looked together naked, I knew I had to give it a try. If I can get five or six truly hot, erotic shots from that series, I’ll be very happy.”
My jaw dropped. “Five or six photos, total, from all of those shots you took? You shot hundreds of frames!”
He laughed. “I’m my own harshest critic, Dave. I need to be; my reputation depends on it. Every detail of each image will be looked at under high magnification before any see the light of day, which is why my trust in your discretion with the files I give to Alli to bring home is so critical. Those are completely uncut and unmodified.”
I shook my head. “Wow. I had no idea.”
He laughed again. “There’s a good chance only one or two of the shots I’ve taken today will make it into the book.”
I stared. “You just said five or six, which was already crazy.”
“No, that’s for limited edition framed prints or special request one-of-a-kind prints, which are always in demand and can command huge sums. Collectors of erotica will pay handsomely for limited editions, and especially for single-issue art, especially when the subject is as uniquely gorgeous as Alli. Those will be the cream of the crop, while the book will be the cream of the cream.”
“Holy shit!”
I could see that Michael was as shocked as I was, but he laughed at my reaction. “Bro’ how many real estate deals do you work that never come together?”
I grimaced. “Too many, but my score rate is still way more than five or six out of a thousand.”
Derek smiled. “Yes, but how many hours do you spend on each miss? Each of my winners takes only a matter of minutes, although editing and culling will take hours. For the most part, the losers are easy to discard.”
“Valid point.” Behind him, I could see Alli, Marci, and Jason milling about. The two girls were dressed as they had been that morning, in their own floral dresses, while Jason was wearing baggy khakis and a very geeky striped polo shirt.
He looked woefully miscast, muscular and confident, way too much the sexy stud, and when Derek turned and saw them he sighed. “That’s just wrong; if I was casting a male stripper surprise CFNM scene he’d be perfect, but I wanted my male to be more the geeky nerd type that the ladies could have a little fun with. They were supposed to be humiliating him as they had fun with him, not getting turned on by some stud.”
I nodded. “Yeah, I see what you mean. You really need to find a model more along the lines of your assistant, Will.”
His head snapped around and he looked at me thoughtfully. “Will… hmm.” He glanced around the room. “Where the hell is that boy?”
“I… uh, I think he stepped out to hit the bathroom.” I’d seen him duck out as soon as Derek had paused the shoot, holding a box in front of him to hide his shame. I think only Marci and I were aware of his little accident, possibly Jen, and I saw no reason to mention it to the others and embarrass him any further.
He called out to his other assistant, “Jen, find Will for me; I need to ask him something.” It hadn't been my intention to set Will up as the wimpy model Derek needed, I'd merely been pointing him out as the right type.
Nonetheless, she took off, returning moments later with Will in tow. I was mildly surprised to see that he’d changed pants and was now clean and dry, but then I remembered his earlier mishap when Jen had teased him a bit too much and mentally congratulated him for adapting to the prevailing conditions and being prepared.
As they came up to us, Derek said, “Will, how would you like to earn an extra five hundred bucks?”
Before he could reply, I cut in. “Make him pay you a thousand.”
Derek’s eyes cut to me. “You just shut up, Dave; you’ve done enough damage.” Michael and I were both laughing as he went on, “Okay, fuck it, a thousand bucks. Easiest money you’ll ever make.”
Will looked at each of us in turn, as if trying to figure out if someone was playing a prank on him. “Well… sure, Mr. Chambers, I guess. I could sure use the money, but what would I have to do?” He glanced down with visible trepidation at Michael’s cock, as if fearful that perhaps he’d be somehow involved with that awe-inspiring appendage.
Derek put a hand on his shoulder. “Nothing disagreeable, son; you’d be posing for about an hour or so with two very beautiful women.”
Will’s eyes immediately went to Alli, who was still talking to Jason and then flicked to Marci, who was approaching us, and Derek laughed. “Yes, those two; I sense that you don’t find that idea entirely distasteful.”
Will stammered, “Wh-what? No, of course not, they’re both amazing, but I’m not a model.”
Marci only overheard his final words, but having no idea what’s going on has never kept her from blundering ahead. “I’m not a model either. Everyone here who is not a model, please raise your right hand.”
Every right hand went up except for Jason’s and Derek actually laughed out loud. “Yes, this is a bit of an unorthodox shoot – but Allison, my lovely, I have to disagree; you are most assuredly a model.”
She blushed prettily, but she did lower her hand. Derek went on, “There, you see? Now take off your clothes so that I can see if you’re suitable for what I have in mind.”
“Here? In front of everyone?”
His voice came out in a startled squeak, and Derek smiled as he replied, “Yes, Will; you’ll be posing with Alli and Marci, and Jen and I will be working around you so if we’re going to do this we’ll all see you eventually.”
He failed to mention that it wasn’t strictly necessary for me, Michael or Jason to be present, but I don’t think that’s what was bothering Will in any event, as that’s just locker room-normal; it was clearly the women that concerned him, and Derek had pointed out that being seen naked by them was inevitable. I saw his shyness warring with the idea of the extra grand in his pocket, and eventually the money – and perhaps the idea of posing with Marci and my wife – won out. He started unbuttoning his shirt.
Undressing in a room full of people seemed to me like it might just be worse, in terms of embarrassing situations, than walking into the room already naked. If the four already-nude players gave him any comfort at all, it didn’t show, and he seemed terribly ill at ease, but he plunged onward. We all tried to make small talk and act normal, making it a point to not stare at him, and it appeared to be easing his nerves.
Right up, that is, until Marci began to blare out the notes of ‘The Stripper’. “Buh-bup-buhhh, buh-buh-bup-buhhh, bup-bup-buhhh,buh-bupbupbup-buhhh-bupbabuh…”
Will turned crimson, everyone laughed, and the tension shattered. Even Will giggled as he kicked out of his pants and stood there in only his tighty-whities, the front tented out over his obvious erection. He was slender to the point of being skinny and quite pale. He wasn’t flabby, but what muscle he had was of the lean whippet type, designed for speed or endurance rather than strength, and what little definition existed was subtle, not the ridges and bulges that Michael, and, to a lesser extent, Derek displayed.
In only Jockeys and horn-rimmed glasses, Will looked every bit the skinny nerd that Derek had said he wanted, and I could see that he was pleased with the prospect. He verbally prodded the young man. “Those too, Will.”
He looked utterly humiliated, much as I would have in his position, but gamely hooked his thumbs in the elastic and slid them down, carefully avoiding meeting anyone’s eyes. He straightened, nervously twisting his underwear into a tight ball between his hands. Despite the load he’d soaked his pants with just a short time before, his cock was hard and upright, locked and loaded as it curved out from his abdomen and strained upward toward his navel.
He wasn’t large, probably just about average in length, but quite slender; long and skinny, not unlike Will’s overall build, his cock seemed to suit him. Relative to Michael and Jason, however, the other men who had appeared naked that day, he looked quite small.
Like his legs and chest, his groin was almost hairless, just a thin blond fuzz on his balls and over his pubic bone, and his nervousness and the resulting surge of adrenalin had drawn his ballsack up tight to his crotch so that the entire apparatus looked no larger than a golf ball.
Derek nodded, satisfied with his choice. “Perfect, Will, I think you’ll do nicely. Do you think you’ll be able to control yourself, posing with the ladies?”
Will frowned, still blushing. “Control myself?”
Before Derek could explain, Marci again jumped in, stepping over to put her hand on the young man’s arm. “I think what he wants to know, dear, is will Willy weestwain his willy or won’t he? He’s worried you might get… umm, let’s say over-excited.”
It took the barest moment for Will to translate her Elmer Fudd impression and catch the drift, but then his blush deepened as he giggled self-consciously. “Oh! Gosh, I hope so! Wow… I mean, I’ll try my best.”
Alli had also crossed to him, and she touched his other arm. “We’ll take it easy on you, sweetie, don’t worry. I won’t play any dirty tricks on you like I did on Michael, I promise.”
He smiled gratefully, but Marci wasn’t about to let him off the hook so easily. She stretched up and whispered in his ear – she told me later that she’d revealed that she was aware of his earlier mishap – and at the same time reached down and gave his balls two quick squeezes. “Beep-beep! I make no such promise, so good luck reining in your willy, Willy. Now go get dressed so we can strip you down and see what pops up.”
He jumped when she grabbed his nuts but laughed as he shuffled off, his cock still straining mightily. Derek called after him to wear his own pants, which were a pair of salmon-colored skinny jeans he’d changed into, but to get the striped polo from Jason. That would be a particularly ugly combo, as even though the shirt contained several different colored stripes, not one of the colors even remotely worked with salmon. He’d just upped the geek factor considerably.
As he was changing Alli came over and gave me a kiss. “Are you enjoying yourself so far?”
“Yeah, it’s been interesting, to say the least. Do you always have this much fun at work?”
She laughed. “It’s usually pretty laid back, but having more people involved has definitely upped the fun factor. With Marci involved, it’s inevitable because you never know what she’s going to do next.”
I looked at her. “Marci? You’re the one that set off the fireworks a while ago with that little trick with Michael. And to think, I figured you were only kidding when you said you were going to do that.”
“I was only kidding when I said it, but when we started teasing each other I think we both got a little carried away.”
“You came too, didn’t you? It looked like you had a pretty major ‘O’.”
Her eyes searched my face before she glanced away. “I did, yes. I’m sorry. I didn’t expect to, I was focused on teasing him, but then all of a sudden I was right there with him. It wasn’t planned.”
“You don’t have to apologize, you know. I love that you’re a very sexual, sensual person, so it probably surprised me less than it did you.” I laughed softly. “If anything about it surprises me it’s the fact that you were able to reach orgasm so easily in front of a room full of people. That’s so much not you, at least not you before all of this photography and modeling and everything began. That would never have happened even just a few months ago.”
She nodded yes, agreeing with me, but said, “No, you’re right. I don’t think it would have happened now either with anyone other than you or Michael. I’m intimate with both of you and I trust and love you both so I’m able to relax and enjoy; plus, knowing that we’re planning a ‘play’ evening with them tonight already had me so incredibly horny. Throw in the shots we were doing earlier, touching Michael and Jason and them touching me, and I was an easy mark.”
I nodded. “I know, and I wasn’t criticizing. Fuck, I’d have never held out as long as either you or Michael did after all that! It’s natural and it was pretty amazing to watch, it just surprised me that you could do it.”
“Me too. It felt wonderful if that’s any consolation.”
“Mmm. Not for me so much; my balls are undoubtedly a beautiful shade of indigo by now.”
She laughed. “So you’ve found it arousing, then?”
“Oh, yes, you could say that, especially if you were striving for a massive understatement. Sir Leaksalot has been very busy.”
She giggled as she reached out and squeezed my hard cock through my slacks. “Have you taken that pill? You’re really hard!”
“No, that’s all me – and you, and Marci, and your playfriends. Frankly, I’m a little afraid to take that pill when I’m already locked in the full upright position.” Michael strolled up just then, and I laughed. “I could end up like this guy!”
‘This guy’, who had downed his Cialis awhile ago, had a dick like a fencepost. He was hugely erect, so hard that it almost looked painful with the way the veins were bulging along the length of his thick shaft. His cock, erect, usually doesn’t stand upright so much just because of the laws of physics; with his length and thickness, gravity takes over and the sheer weight of it pulls it downward. Even fully hard, in the limited number of times I’d seen him, Michael’s cock didn’t seem to rise much above horizontal.
Not that day. With the benefit of the drug he’d taken, it was jutting out at a good forty-five degrees above horizontal, bobbing slightly with his footsteps. He laughed. “Feel this motherfucker! Man, it feels like I’ve got a crowbar sticking outta my crotch! That shit works as advertised it seems.”
Alli, never one to pass up an opportunity to seize a big, stiff cock, took him up on the offer and wrapped her hand around his shaft as far as her fingers would reach. “Wow,” she giggled, “that’s amazing! That’s really, really hard! Huge too… I mean, you’re always big, but holy shit!”
He looked at me. “Feel it, dude.”
I shook my head. “Thanks for the offer, but no. Bud, you’re getting way too comfortable with this shit way too quickly. You’re starting to worry me.”
He laughed. “Fuck that, it’s a single-time occurrence, not an open-ended offer. Just feel it, you’ll be amazed.”
“Seriously, no thanks; I’ve got one of those magic beans to take myself. I’ll feel my own dick later, when the magic kicks in, and we can compare notes.”
Alli laughed at my reticence. “Don’t be such a big baby! Feel it, it won’t bite. It has been known to spit randomly and unexpectedly, but it won’t bite.”
Before they could apply any more pressure Derek called Alli and Marci to him. I saw that Will was dressed and ready, although he looked more nervous than an anal virgin heading for his first prison shower. He’d been hesitant in any event, but Derek questioning him about his ability to avoid any unplanned geyser events seemed to have given him something entirely new to add to his worries.
Derek told them what he wanted, for the ladies to tease him a little and slowly undress him, starting with unzipping him and bringing the dangly bits out into the bright lights. He didn’t turn them loose to begin posing until he cautioned the girls to not do anything to set Will off prematurely, earning a laugh from them and a fresh blush from Will.
I wondered, with as nervous as he appeared, if he might have trouble getting and keeping it up at all, but when Alli reached down and stroked his very visible bulge, which his pink skinny jeans made all the more obvious, it was apparent that my concerns were for naught.
Bob was bored. His wife Molly had signed their daughter, Jill, up with a photographer to take some glamour shots, but at the last minute Molly had to go on a sales trip for her company and couldn't take Jill to the shoot. So Bob got stuck with it. Jill had disappeared into the dressing room over an hour ago with the photographer, leaving Bob in the studio alone with nothing to do. Bob had wandered around for a while, looking at various pieces of equipment, and he played a game of trying to...
I turned and looked at her and immediately noticed that her eyes had that smoky, sultry look, pupils enlarged, the way they get when she’s very aroused. That rocked me, but I managed to speak more or less normally anyway. “Are you actually interested in doing something like this? You’d be comfortable posing in front of a camera like this – in these types of suggestive, sexual poses?” Her hand squeezed my shoulder as she spoke. “No, I’d be terribly uncomfortable, I think – at least at first; but...
Wife LoversI came hard and huge, thrusting into Alli as deeply as possible. Of the same mind, she pushed her ass back against my groin, trapping my balls between us as her hot pussy tightened and clutched at my spurting cock. I had my arm around her and was squeezing her breast, pinching her nipple harder than I probably should have, but she didn’t object. I think we were both so wrapped up in the sensation of our respective orgasms that any pain from my crushed balls or her pinched nipple was irrelevant,...
Wife LoversThe next morning, Wednesday, dawned bright and clear. Both of us were well rested, our sleep sound after our vigorous lovemaking of the previous evening. Allison joined me in the shower and we touched, teased and talked as we cleaned up. It quickly became apparent that she was looking forward to her day, far more enthused about her modeling than I was about another mundane day of work, especially considering that I’d have the knowledge that she’d once again be posing naked with one – or...
Wife Lovers“What? He is not after me – that’s absurd!” I was pretty sure she was riding my cock and yanking my chain all at the same time. Multi-tasking, as it were. Accomplishing yet a third simultaneous task, she reached back beneath us and found my balls, which she gently squeezed and stroked even as her pussy tightened on my hard shaft. “Ah, but maybe he is! I have it on good authority that Derek likes the hunky guys just as much as he likes the pretty girls, and you, my sweet husband, are one hunky...
Wife LoversThis is the seventh story in my Legacy Universe, with the previous stories listed below for those who haven't read them. Like the others this is a stand alone story, though it might be helpful to have at least read the first, The Miracle Legacy. The Miracle Legacy Change of Heart Hardshell The Praxis Crossing Mannequin The Vengeance of Lady Hexx Glamour Girl By Morpheus It was late at night, much less than a half hour short from the stroke of midnight. Yet in spite of...
Introduction: An enchantress breaks the rules for lust If youre just here for the sexy bits, do a ctrl-f for cock. Thatll save you a couple pages of exposition and boring crap like that. Some people would call me an illusionist, but the title I prefer is enchantress. Mostly I can make people see what I want them to see: glamours are my specialty, after all. A glamour is a simple spell, but I take mine to devilish perfection. See, once an object has been glamoured its really no different than...
Some people would call me an illusionist, but the title I prefer is enchantress. Mostly I can make people see what I want them to see: glamours are my specialty, after all. A glamour is a simple spell, but I take mine to devilish perfection. See, once an object has been glamoured its really no different than it was before, but anyone seeing that object, feeling it, smelling it, whatever-ing it, will experience more or less acutely what the glamour's caster desires them to experience....
Seeing the photo of Derek with my wife, his extremely erect cock against her skin, had sparked a white-hot flare of combined jealousy and anger almost instantaneously. Now I was struggling to control it, struggling to apply reason and logic and not do something in a fit of rage, something that would be very uncharacteristic of me. Marci sensed my anger and had the wisdom to say nothing as I drove us out of the parking lot, my fingers aching and my knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel...
Wife LoversWe woke the next morning rested and satisfied, looking forward to our weekend together. While Alli hit the shower I went down to start the coffee, and was sitting at the table reading the sports pages and enjoying a cup when she walked up behind me. She reached over my shoulder and dropped something in front of me; it took me only a moment to recognize it as a pair of lacy black panties. “Okay, mister - would you like to explain to me why I found these in your pants pocket just now?” My mind...
Wife LoversGlamour Photographer By Heather St. Claire I love my work. Why? Because I get to spend my days making women happy....and a few special men, who should have been born women, extremely happy. On the surface, you wouldn't think there's anything special about me. I'm 51 years old (already!), tall, with a nicely proportioned figure and golden blonde hair that's still shoulder length. I exercise, try to eat healthy foods, and generally take care of myself. I beam with pride when...
I held her there as she rode out her orgasm, deeply impaled on my cock, her hot, tight sex squeezing and spasming around me as she came. As it began to wane she melted against my chest, her hard nipples thrusting out against her silky blouse. She rubbed them against the front of my suit jacket, shuddering at the intense sensations as her hips went on autopilot, making small, circular thrusting motions, using my hardness to touch every place inside of her that needed touching. It all felt...
Wife LoversShe reached for her small purse and opened it, withdrawing what was apparently a manila folder that she had cut down to protect the photos; it was obvious that she had put some thought into this, into waiting to catch me in a very relaxed, unguarded moment. She opened the folder and took out the photos in question - just a few it appeared, and in the same 5 X 7 format as the black and white ones she’d shown me about ten hours earlier. She set the folder aside and held the pictures in her hand,...
Wife LoversI glanced at her before returning my attention to the road.“Wow, he doesn’t waste any time, does he? How’s he going to meet with you on Monday and start shooting Tuesday when he doesn’t even have a contract offer out to Michael and Marci yet?” She shrugged. “I don’t know, he didn’t go into that much detail. I’m sure he has other models already under contract, or he may want to do some solo shots first.”“Yeah, I guess that makes sense.” I looked at her again. “And you’re sure about this,...
Wife LoversThe next morning, after the rousing success of the bath, the massage, the candles…and the sex, of course - I felt so much better that I wasn’t even dreading facing Marci! In fact, when I stopped at Starbucks, rather than take the easy path and order a simple latte for her in lieu of trying to remember her favored but very complicated choice, I dialed my office, hoping she was there. Fortunately she was, and when she answered I said, “I’m at Starbucks; I’ll give the guy my phone, and you tell...
Wife LoversHer thighs clamped tightly on my head as she came, her fingers tangling in my hair and holding my face to her wet pussy as I eagerly continued to lick her clit, driving her through her orgasm. Her hips were moving, thrusting herself to my lips, an entirely involuntary response to the sensations taking over her body. As her climax peaked and began to slowly wane her legs began to relax slightly, releasing their grip on my head and allowing me to hear again. I enjoyed her moans and heavy...
Wife LoversGlamour ModelOpportunities?She didn’t know it yet, but today would change the beauty ther****ts’ life irrevocably. It seemed like any other day, but it wasn’t. If she ever cared to look back, which she probably wouldn’t, today would be the day that her life changed forever. For good or bad, well only time would tell. It was a slow day in the salon, a very slow day. When she came to think of it, there had been lots of slow days of late, much to many. It was probably nothing to worry about, just...
“Alli, we never go in the hot tub. I don’t think it’s a good idea.” Charlie’s hot tub is usually the place where the parties end up, generally after most of the guests have left and just a core group remains. We are traditionally some of the last to leave of the pre-spa group, departing about the time that everyone starts to head for the hot water. We’re always invited and encouraged to join them, but in the past we’ve always politely declined; it’s just not in our nature – either Allison’s or...
Wife LoversI was pleased to discover that we’d be able to get a table after only a short wait. With last-minute plans on a Friday night, a short wait was not a sure thing by any means. We spent the time at the bar, where I had the pleasure of watching Alli, short skirt and sans panties, try to slide up onto the high bar stool without becoming intimate with the room. She slapped my arm when she saw me smiling at her struggle, and then I stood alongside her at the crowded bar, the two of us conversing in...
Wife LoversImpatient with my bumbling, she crossed to me and quickly finished unbuttoning my shirt. It was a little odd, because of her high heels, to be almost eye-to-eye with her as she pushed my shirt off my shoulders and then peeled my t-shirt over my head. I was very aware of her heat, and her scent, and the proximity of those gorgeous breasts and their extremely erect nipples as she began to tug at my belt. It wasn’t entirely out of character for Allison to take the lead in our fun and games, but...
Wife LoversSleep was elusive and fitful, at best, and when the music of my alarm started playing I slid carefully away from Alli, who was sound asleep, spooned into the shape of my body. I shut off the alarm and walked around to her side of the bed, looking down at her. I kneeled alongside the bed and very gently removed a lock of her hair that had fallen across her face, pushing it back, and then brushed my lips softly over her cheek in a very light, gentle kiss, not wanting to wake her. I whispered,...
Wife LoversShe was heat and liquid inside, molten, a tight velvet haven for my straining hardness, and she groaned softly and stretched languorously as she pushed her ass back against me, taking me in. When she had taken all I had to offer, when I was all the way in, she paused and reached back to put her hand on my hip, holding me there. “You’re so hard! Were you dreaming something sexy?” Her voice was soft and sleepy. I hugged her to me, my hand finding her breast and holding it, enjoying the...
Wife LoversThey had met in a hotel bar and she knew immediately she wanted to fuck him. He had her so wet just by looking at her, that when he told her he was a glamour photographer who had just finished a shoot up in his room with a local girl, she almost came there and then. Controlled by the pulsing in her damp pussy, she found herself telling this stranger that she had always wanted to be a glamour model and did he think she had what it took ? Would he take the bait ? He smiled and said the best way...
They had met in a hotel bar and she knew immediately she wanted to fuck him. He had her so wet just by looking at her, that when he told her he was a glamour photographer who had just finished a shoot up in his room with a local girl, she almost came there and then. Controlled by the pulsing in her damp pussy, she found herself telling this stranger that she had always wanted to be a glamour model and did he think she had what it took ? Would he take the bait ?He smiled and said the best way to...
Diana wanted to surprise her husband. Jason and her worked long hours and were always too tired to do much after hours and at times even on the weekend. Not to mention the toll the kids took on them as well. Diana still craved the passion that they once shared in the bedroom at night, but these days their sex life was non-existent. So, yes back to the surprise. Diana was talking to a friend at work and about her "glamour" photos that she took for her boyfriend. Bikini and lingerie pics, no...
Already simmering with arousal, my condition was not aided by Alli putting her hand on my leg, beneath the water, and slowly running her fingers up and down the inside of my thigh. She never went high enough to really tease my sex – sitting as she was it would have been awkward for her to do so – but just her touch alone was a delicious torment! I reciprocated by reaching out just enough that I could touch her right breast, which was closest to me, and I began to lightly brush my fingers across...
Wife Lovers“Do you really believe that he wasn’t admiring your ass in that shot? You do have one of the world’s greatest asses you know.”She laughed. “You’re so kind – and so classy, I might add.”“Yeah, well, it just bugs me to think of him with a big old hardon while he was ogling my wife’s tits and ass.”“Oh David, it wasn’t like that at all! He was too busy to notice! The entire time we were in the studio he was either taking pictures or talking to me, giving me encouragement and saying stuff like...
Wife Lovers“Do you really believe that he wasn’t admiring your ass in that shot? You do have one of the world’s greatest asses you know.” She laughed. “You’re so kind – and so classy, I might add.” “Yeah, well, it just bugs me to think of him with a big old hardon while he was ogling my wife’s tits and ass.” “Oh David, it wasn’t like that at all! He was too busy to notice! The entire time we were in the studio he was either taking pictures or talking to me, giving me encouragement and saying stuff like...
She took another sip of her wine before I took it from her and set both glasses down, and then I slowly peeled her t-shirt over her head as she raised her arms obligingly, leaving her naked from the waist up. Her breasts were gorgeous, so very perfect, with her rose nipples erect and pointed just slightly upward, sexy and adorable. I tossed the soiled shirt on the floor near the laundry hamper and knelt to untie her once-white athletic shoes, pulling each one and each sock off as she braced a...
Wife LoversSo engrossed in their conversation were they that they didn’t even notice me approaching – or, at least, not until Ruby ran on ahead and inserted herself quite forcefully between Allison and the stranger. Mostly she was just seeking Alli’s attention, not acting aggressively toward this guy, but I loved this dog more by the minute! Alli turned and watched me walk nearer, smiling up at me; the stranger glanced at me, as if surprised, and then quickly looked away, wiping his hands nervously on his...
Wife LoversSlightly chilled now, we felt the welcome heat of the house envelop our naked and still-damp bodies as we crossed the kitchen and great room and headed down the hall, en route to the bedroom where our clothes were. Our first inkling that we had a problem on our hands was the unmistakable sound of some very vigorous lovemaking emanating from that very room, through the partially-open door, those timeless, unique little noises – moans and gasps, a few soft cries and uttered words, the squeak of...
Wife LoversThings settled back into a routine after that; we both woke up the next day with a slight hangover – more from sexual satiation than from the alcohol, I think - but quickly got it together and made our respective ways to our jobs. Alli had a dog that she’d been talking about bringing home, one to replace our trusted old buddy, Sammy, a sweet, gentle, intelligent old black Lab that had died about a month prior to my birthday at the ripe old age of fifteen – or a hundred-and-five, in dog years. I...
Wife LoversAs much as I knew she was right, the wait – even though only a matter of minutes – would be excruciating, a situation that was not helped at all by her raising my pussy-slick fingers to her mouth and sucking her own sweet honey off of them as she stared into my eyes! I damn near creamed myself when she did that, and it may have been one of the most erotic moments I’d ever experienced. Throughout my entire lower abdomen I ached with arousal, a dull ache that I knew would persist for hours even...
Wife LoversI’d gotten up at that point, that day, standing on shaky legs just long enough to strip off all my clothes and drop them in a heap on the floor before lying down next to her again. She was still on her stomach, facing my direction, her body limp and relaxed; my cock was in the same condition, temporarily out of service. I knew she had come numerous times – three before I got there, and several more times since - but I also knew she had not had one of those “Oh my God!” moments; not with me,...
Wife LoversI took my car, an Infiniti G37, the previous year's model. Sometimes we traded vehicles for various reasons, but today I took my own. I loved driving it, and for me it was the perfect combination of power, sportiness, and luxury, and yet not so ostentatious that I felt like it stood out in a crowd; it fit my personality very well in that regard. I turned to a classic rock station on the radio. They were playing something instrumental, no lyrics; Stevie Ray, I was pretty sure. As I drove I let...
Wife LoversYou know how it is when something happens on one of the milestone dates in your life, or one of the ones on the calendar, something that then becomes inextricably tied to that date or that holiday each year when it rolls around? For me, for what I’m going to tell you about next, it started on my birthday, and I suppose I’ll always tie these events to that date. And that, for some reason strikes me as being very odd. Well, really it’s odd that it started at all, regardless of the date, but all...
I took my car, an Infiniti G37, the previous year’s model. Sometimes we traded vehicles for various reasons, but today I took my own. I loved driving it, and for me it was the perfect combination of power, sportiness, and luxury, and yet not so ostentatious that I felt like it stood out in a crowd, it fit my personality very well in that regard. I turned to a classic rock station on the radio. They were playing something instrumental, no lyrics, Stevie Ray, I was pretty sure. As I drove I let...
I had no idea what might come next, still shaken by the intensity of my own orgasm and Marci’s, not to mention the soul-searing intensity of seeing and hearing my wife rocked by a massive orgasm while engaged with and impaled upon another man’s huge cock. That he had entered her and come, mostly deep inside of her, had clearly been her choice, not his… not that he’d tried very hard to avoid the situation. To be fair, though, in the midst of his own orgasm that would have been expecting a lot....
Wife Lovers“Me? I thought you went in and cleaned up – you know, when Marci did.” “No, I just tried to soak up some of Michael’s cum from my clothes – and none too effectively I might add, which is why I have this other wet spot on my leg and no top on. Since you so generously gave me all of this, I didn’t feel like I should just wipe it off and throw it away!” She giggled. “Besides, I know how much you like me all…creamy.” I swallowed a lump in my throat as my cock twitched weakly, still exhausted from...
Wife LoversIt wasn’t a huge orgasm for her, but it was sudden, and intense, and something she’d desperately needed. Her hips bucked forward, pushing her hot, wet pussy against my lips and tongue as she came, and she kept her hand tangled in my hair, holding me there… as if I had any intention of trying to leave! She didn’t make much noise when she came, but then she usually doesn’t anyway, and having the others around us probably inhibited her at least a little bit. I rode it, tasting the flood of her...
Wife LoversBefore we could find a place to get undressed, Charlie came up behind us. “You two are actually staying, huh?” He seemed almost as surprised as I was. I nodded. “I guess, at least for awhile. Where’s the best place for us to leave our clothes, and where do we find towels?” “Come on, I’ll show you.” He passed us and led the way down the hall. He had shed his hood and his manacles, although I’d noticed he still wore his nipple clamps – and, to my dismay, with him in front of us I was assaulted by...
Wife LoversCharlie nodded and turned to her. “Oh yeah, where are my manners!” I had a ready answer for that one, but kept it to myself. He went on, “Dave, Allison, this is Diamond – and Diamond, this is my partner, Dave, and his wife, Alli. You can probably figure out which is which.” She smiled – a smile which expressed a whole lot of wickedness for such a simple little expression – and then said, “Hi, it’s really nice to meet you! Charlie has told me so much about you two, and I love your costumes! They...
Wife LoversMarci called me on the intercom a short time later to tell me that the guys for our 9:45 appointment had arrived. I instructed her to call Louis and ask him to join us in the conference room, then went out and exchanged pleasantries and led them down the hall. I made the necessary introductions when Louis joined us, and Marci inquired as to whether anyone might like a cup of coffee or other beverage and then filled requests accordingly. The meeting went well. The clients seemed very interested...
Wife LoversModel AvailableThe days passed quickly, and before Sukky knew it, she was again climbing the stairs to Chris’s studio. Her bag was heavier than it had been before, she had added various items, and bits and pieces to it since that first booking. Here she was on her forth outing as a glamour model. One of Chris’s contacts had booked her, for a photo session. Chris had arranged it of course. They went into the studio. Chris was talking to an older man at the desk. This was the guy who would be...
"Oh, Simone, I know just the thing!" I was talking with Moira about my anniversary and what I might get for Kyle. Suddenly she dashed off to her bedroom to fetch something, leaving me to wonder what it might be. She returned with a framed picture and triumphantly presented it to me. It was a picture of her wearing some scandalously revealing lingerie! I just sat there and stared. The picture appeared to be very professionally done, and her pose didn't quite reveal anything, but...
Jenny posed in front of the camera. The leather straps supported her large boobs. They wrapped around her body exposed everything yet was strangely erotic. She wore a riding cap, leather boots and held a crop. Her co model a skinny blonde on all fours wore a bridle, a saddle, leather boots and a butt plug in her ass that had long strands hanging off it like a tail. Christine the photographer had a large bench covered in bondage gear that had to be modelled and photographed. It was day two....
Hi readers my name is Shalee and this is the 2nd time I’m writing my story in ISS. My 1st story was about a month back, thanks to ISS for letting me express myself. I’m a normal cool guy and takes life as it comes. I’m not that supernatural guy, I’m fare average built, reasonably good looking, like the next door boy. I felt like sharing my 2nd experience with your readers. As already told I’m a Keralate now in Chennai with my studies, this story also took place there back home. During the Vishu...
Well, the day had finally come. Here you were, standing in front of a camera, getting your picture taken. Except, of course, it wasn't at any Studio. Time for the old home photo-album. You and your lover had talked about it for some time, after you had admitted to him that you enjoyed Looking at the women in the men's magazines, like Playboy, and Penthouse. But, you had told him, they seemed a little tame, and that you got more Excited and envious when you were looking at the more graphic...
When I pulled into the driveway I saw Alli with Ruby in the open space park at the end of our street. Once parked in the garage I left my briefcase on the roof of my car and walked down toward them. Ruby chased a tennis ball that Allison was throwing for her, and I enjoyed the sight of my two favorite girls taking advantage of the nice evening as they played together. Alli was still in the same soft challis blouse she’d worn that morning, all russets, browns, and tans with seemingly random...
Wife LoversSatisfied with the shots he’d taken of Alli pressing her cheek and lips to Michael’s cock, Derek handed his camera off to Jen and stepped in to adjust their pose. He instructed Marci to sit alongside Alli, who remained on her knees. Marci bent her legs off to the side, away from the others, which leaned her in toward Allison and placed her face at the level of Alli’s breasts. She playfully stuck her tongue out and flicked Alli’s nearest nipple, causing her to jump and then giggle...
Wife LoversYou know how it is when something happens on one of the milestone dates in your life, or one of the ones on the calendar, something that then becomes inextricably tied to that date or that holiday each year when it rolls around? For me, for what I’m going to tell you about next, it started on my birthday, and I suppose I’ll always tie these events to that date. And that, for some reason strikes me as being very odd. Well, really it’s odd that it started at all, regardless of the date, but all...
Wife LoversThe Party (Jello Shots) Todd invited me to a party at his place. He's been a friend of mine for some time at work, but we really never spent time outside of the office. There's not really a lot that I know about him. I know that he's gay, and he lives in some downtown apartment. He also likes to drink fruity Jello shots at company socials. He seems to have a lot of fun at those, so I chose to go to his party. I mean, what harm can come to me for going? He said that party...
Stopping in at our favorite watering hole for a night of unadulerated drinking and fun. We strolled into the dimly lit crowded bar and took our favorite stools in the darkest cornor against the wall. Unknowing to my husband, I was totally naked underneath my sleek black leather coat that covered just a bit more than my sexy ass, and even less of my full rounded melons. He loves showing off my ass, as I love flaunting it in extremely short skirts. I love short pencil tight skirts, so short that...
Wife LoversTHIS IS MY FIRST STORY, TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. I knew I wanted him as soon as I hit thirteen. My blonde hair was finally down to the middle of my back, my tan set in complimenting my long legs and face, my breasts were finally B cups, my ass was fit and almost filled out all of my jeans. After four years, I knew I had to have him. His perfect, muscular jawline. His ocean blue eyes that were set off with hints of green. All 6 feet of him: toned and tan. He hadn't a hint of gray hair, only...
IncestPauletta stopped in the doorway to look and listen. He'd kicked the sheet off at some point, leaving himself all but totally exposed, wearing only a pair of cotton sleep-shorts d****d over what appeared to be a solid erection. His breathing was deep and regular, a hypnotizing rhythm that captivated her. Hopefully, that breathing meant he was dead to the world. She checked her cell-phone and made sure the camera was on and the sounds were off. No sense in screwing this adventure up by the click...
My friend John and I decided to check out some trendy new bar downtown. It's one of those places where the drinks are twice as expensive, but we both had some money left over from school and we wanted to celebrate the beginning of summer. When we arrived, we walked towards the bar. The bartender was a beautiful blonde woman. She had hair down to her ass, big blue eyes, and what had to be the perkiest DD tits I've ever seen. "How about I get us some shots, Tim?" my friend asked. I...
had been without sex for a long time. I went to the bar one evening & visited with some male friends, none of them had ever appealed to me. We lived in a very small town where everyone knows each other. Aside from the bartender, I was the only woman in the place. James came into the bar and started visiting with my friends. He worked in town and lived in another town. I was immediately attracted to him. I had never seen him before. We made eye contact and soon he was next to me at...
I had been without sex for a long time. I went to the bar one evening & visited with some male friends, none of them had ever appealed to me. We lived in a very small town where everyone knows each other. Aside from the bartender, I was the only woman in the place. James came into the bar and started visiting with my friends. He worked in town and lived in another town. I was immediately attracted to him. I had never seen him before. We made eye contact and soon he was next to me at...