Glamour Photographer free porn video

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Glamour Photographer By Heather St. Claire I love my work. Why? Because I get to spend my days making women happy....and a few special men, who should have been born women, extremely happy. On the surface, you wouldn't think there's anything special about me. I'm 51 years old (already!), tall, with a nicely proportioned figure and golden blonde hair that's still shoulder length. I exercise, try to eat healthy foods, and generally take care of myself. I beam with pride when someone takes me to still be in my mid-30s. Not that I'm vain, but I do take a lot of pleasure in my appearance, especially since I wasn't always this good-looking. For the first 21 years of my life, I was a male. How was I lucky enough to change? I'll tell you, but first, you need to know about my business. I'm a photographer, specializing in glamour shots for women. I live in a very typical suburb, and my studio is in a typical suburban mini-mall. I get the usual kind of women in this business...mostly from their late teens to their early 40s, sometimes older. Mostly looking for a special gift for a boyfriend or husband; sometimes just looking for a way to make themselves feel more pampered. And then, there are the others......the guys. That's where my "special camera" comes in. My path to womanhood began well over three decades ago, when I was a teenager growing up in a large Midwestern city. I had dreamed since childhood of becoming a woman; I had never felt comfortable as a male, and had always been attracted to what were considered girlish things. In my early teens, I read about Christine Jorgensen and other pioneering transsexuals, and thought for a time that a sex-change operation offered me my route to salvation. But the more I thought about it, the more I was convinced that wasn't the way to go. For one thing, I was too large to make a convincing woman. I had topped six feet by the time I was 15, and still seemed to be growing. Yes, there were six foot-tall women, but they seemed to have better a better proportioned body; slimmer arms and legs, smaller hands and feet than a man of the same size. No matter how thin I got, I was convinced I would always look like a linebacker in drag. But even more than that, I realized my greatest longing was to become a mother one day. If I was going to have the female experience, I wanted the complete experience; and to me, motherhood always seemed like a female's ultimate fulfillment. So I began researching magical means to womanhood. Let me tell you, in those pre-Internet days, it wasn't easy! I found out about the Medallion of Zulo, but could never track it down. I don't think Bikini Beach had opened yet. The Wizard and his movable Spells-R-Us was in business back then, but given the way most of his changes work out, I'm just as glad I never met the old man until after I had changed (but that's another story....) I had just about abandoned hope as I approached the summer of my junior year of college. I was majoring in photojournalism, and my advisor had arranged a job for me with a retired LIFE magazine photographer who still did freelance assignments and some studio work. Lance Burketts was quite a character. He had been all over the world during LIFE's glory days from the 40s the 60s, and had tales of kings and queens, war and peace, life and death. You name the celebrity...Edward VIII? Paul McCartney? Ho Chi Min? Lance had photographed them. He had been to all seven continents, and just about every country on the planet. This helped to explain, I think, why he was blase about a lot of things that excited me. Like the day he was out on an assignment, and I was processing several rolls of film, and Elizabeth Taylor called for him, and wanted to have dinner when she would be in town a couple of nights later. I couldn't wait to tell him when he returned. All he did was shrug and say, "Dear Liz! I first photographed her on the set of National Velvet. Such a sweet girl; I wish I could convince her to get the stars out of her eyes when it comes to men....." I spent that summer working hard for Mr. Burketts; harder than I had ever worked in my life. In exchange, he taught me a lot about the business....and did something more for me, something wonderful. It was getting on toward the middle of August; I began to think about heading back to college for my senior year. My desire to be female hadn't abated; if anything, it only burned more brightly with the passage of time. One afternoon, Lance was in an unusually relaxed mood, and asked me to join him for a cup of tea and some chat. He started by praising my work, and then wanted to know all about me; why I wanted to be a photographer, about my family, my background, my hopes and dreams; I talked a lot, of course, holding back my big secret. After a pause, he bit down on his pipe, turned directly toward me, and said, "Is that all, Henry?" "Is what all, Mr. Burketts?" "Isn't there something else that you want?" "I don't know what you mean?" "Oh, I think you do, I think you do," he said with a soft chuckle. "I don't mean to put you on the spot, but unless I'm crazy, you want to be a girl." My cheeks suddenly flushed crimson. "No.....oh, damn, yes, it's true. did you guess?" "I've seen you studying my files. All the glamour and fashion work I've done, you weren't looking at it the way most young men your age would, with a bit of lust in your heart. No, I could recognize longing when I saw it." He paused. "And the clincher? Remember our conversation about Christine Jorgensen a few months ago? (Lance had done the first big spread about her in LIFE) You just seemed so fascinated by her." I stared down at my lap, still fearing to look him in the eye. "Okay, it's true. So what difference does it make to you?" I felt myself on the verge of tears. His tone was surprisingly gentle. "Son, I didn't ask you to upset you or embarrass you. I asked you because I think I can help you." That caused me to snap to attention. "But--how?" He reached across his desk for a large, old portrait camera that looked to have been manufactured in the 1930s. "I picked this up from a street vendor in Casablanca years ago. A strange old woman. She said it was a magic camera, that it would change the sex of whoever was photographed by it. Of course I thought that was a lot of bull; I just wanted it for my collection of old cameras. "But then I got it home and tried it out on my male cat." I paused, waiting for the payoff. "All I can say is, Buster was no longer an appropriate name for her after the shoot was done. She had her first litter just a few weeks later. I've never used it since, but there's no reason to think it wouldn't work on a person." Now the tears came, but they were tears of joy. "Oh my God, this is incredible!" I gushed. "Will you use it on me? Please?" Now he looked a bit pensive. "Yes, but not right away. I know you want to know why. It's because it's such a momentous step for anyone to take, and because you're not 21 yet. I don't think anyone should make that decision until they're legally an adult. But, if you still want me to use it on you next summer, when you finish school, I'll be glad to." I was momentarily disappointed that I would have to spend nine more months as a male. But when I balanced that against a lifetime of womanhood ahead, it seemed like a fantastic deal. "I don't know how I can ever thank you, Mr. Burketts," I said. I wanted to hug him. He grinned slightly and said, a bit cryptically, "You already have." Returning to school for my senior year seemed like such an anti-climax! I had a big calendar on my wall, and started counting down the days until I could change. All was going along fine until cold winter day when I was in the school library, leafing through the New York Times, when the obituary caught my eye: Famed Life Magazine Photographer Burketts dies at 62 My hands were shaking so badly that I could hardly read the text. It turned out that Burketts had been found dead of an apparent heart attack by his cleaning woman. I was soon weeping; for the loss of a man who had been a friend and mentor to me, and the loss of my impending womanhood. I spent the next six weeks in a fog. I had a terrible time forcing myself to get out of bed, bathe, dress and get to class each day. I don't remember much of anything until that day in mid-March when I went to the campus post office to pick up my mail. There was a notice in my box to pick up a package at the counter. What could it be? I got in line, handed the student clerk the slip, and received a box in return. I walked over to a table sat down, and tried to figure out what it was and who it was from. I noticed the return address label. It was from Chicago; from a lawyer's office. Still puzzled, I took out my pocket knife, and carefully slit the top of the box open. Inside it was the camera, carefully packed. I wanted to laugh; I wanted to shout; I wanted to scream; but I was in a building filled with people, and somehow had to contain my emotions. How had this happened? I searched among the packing materials, and found a letter: "Dear Mr. Weatherby: "We represent the estate of Mr. Lance Burketts. Just a few weeks before his untimely death, he contacted us to revise his last will and testament. He only made a couple of changes, one of which was to include a provision making sure that this camera was to be left to you. He indicated that you were familiar with it and he was sure you would use it wisely. "Best wishes....." I hurried back to my dorm room as fast as I could and carefully stored the precious camera in the back of my closet. I had a hard time concentrating in class that afternoon. My wish was going to come true after all! Now, it was a question of making plans for the transition to my new life. First of all, I figured, was how to tell my mother. She was the only relative who mattered to me; I had been an only child, and my father died when I was 12. I finally resolved that the only way to tell her....was to tell her. Luckily, it was the week before spring break, so I could get it over with fairly soon. I drove home that Friday evening, sat down to a wonderful dinner of spaghetti with her special sauce, and headed for bed. I told her that I had something very important I wanted to discuss with her the next day. She seemed intrigued, but didn't press me for details. Somehow, despite my anxiety, I didn't have too much trouble getting to sleep that night. Maybe it was just sheer exhaustion. That night, I dreamed about being a woman; and I was incredibly happy. I reveled in the sensations of my new body; its gracefulness, its beauty, the sheer rightness of how it felt. I considered it a good omen. I woke up happy and refreshed, and when I sat down to breakfast, I noticed mom had prepared a big plate of eggs, potatoes and sausage. Perhaps looking ahead to my new life, and the new eating habits that would go with it, I barely cleared half the plate before pushing it aside. "What's the matter, honey, aren't you hungry this morning?" "Yes, Mom, but that's enough to satisfy me....anyway, remember I said I needed to talk to you about something important?" She had stood up and was carrying my plate to the counter. "So, talk," she said with a slight smile. "This is really important, changing. I need your undivided attention." She put the plate down, walked back to the table, and sat down with a look of concern on her face. "What's up, honey?" I took a deep breath. "I don't know how to tell you this....but I want to become a woman....and I'm going to become a woman." The look on her face showed both shock and concern. She didn't speak for a long time. "Well, this is certainly life-changing," she said with a slight grin. "Please, tell me more. Does this mean you want to have a sex change operation?" I shook my head. "No, not an operation...I'll get to that." And over the next 20 minutes, it all came tumbling out....almost 20 years of pain and loneliness, of feeling like I never quite fit in, of always being forced to play a role that I hated...and then of my search for any means to achieve my seemingly impossible dream. Finally, my summer with Lance Burketts, my heart to heart talk with him, and the gift he had bequeathed to me...the magic camera. Once again, there was a long period of silence. "Well, if this will really work...and if it's what you truly want, honey, then I'm all for it, and I'll help you in any way I can." I threw my arms around her and hugged her tightly for the longest time. "Oh mom," I said, "You don't know what that means to me." "So, do you want to do it right away?" I couldn't believe how calmly she was taking this, and how supportive she was. It was as if my greatest wish was about to be granted....and I was getting an extra bonus besides! I told her that I had decided it was best to finish schooling first, and then take the big step. In the meantime, I would see what I could do about setting up a new identity; mom agreed to do what she could to help. In those days, agencies were less careful about cross checking records than they are now; mom finally found the name of a baby girl who had only lived a few weeks; we applied for a social security number in her name, and by the time I was ready to finish my schooling, I had a new identity ready as Laura Michaels. Those last few weeks of school, final weeks of my manhood, were difficult. In one aspect, they seemed to fly by all too quickly, as there just wasn't enough time to get everything done; and on the other hand, they crawled by with an agonizing slowness...every minute brought me closer to womanhood, but was one more minute I had to spend as a male. At last, I was crossing the stage in my cap and gown, and saw my mother beaming with pride in the audience. We had made plans to ride home together; I had her van piled high with the contents of my dorm room. As soon as the door closed, I told her, "I was going to wait until tomorrow, mom, but I just can't stand it. We have to do it as soon as we get home, OK?" She smiled and nodded sweetly, "Laura, that's why I have the camera all set up and ready to go in the living room." It was the first time she had ever called me Laura; I fought back the tears as I thanked her for her love and understanding. The 90 minute drive home couldn't be over quickly enough. As soon as the van pulled into the driveway, I raced into the house, and found mom was right behind me. Soon, I was in my bedroom, stripping out my male clothing for the last time....oh, what a heavenly thought that was!....and putting on women's clothing for the first time. Among the few people I've confided my secret to, some have wondered why I didn't cross-dress before my change. "At least you could have gotten the feel for what it's like," one friend suggested. I told her that was beside the point....I didn't want to impersonate a woman....I wanted to become one! And soon, in minutes now, I would fulfill that dream. I don't know for certain why I decided I should be fully dressed and made up when I changed, except maybe that I thought the complete experience would hit home all the quicker that way. I didn't know if the clothing would change too (It didn't, and I was left with a blouse, skirt, shoes and lingerie that were all to big). It was such a thrill to put on a bra for the very first time. My nipples, though tiny, soon were erect. I slipped on my panties with a growing sense of excitement. I loved the feel of the lightweight, silky material against my skin, yet couldn't dwell on it, because something even more wonderful was just a few minutes away. My hands were shaking so much I could hardly get my pantyhose on, but I did. I pulled on a knee-length black skirt, put on a long-sleeved white silk blouse, and applied a bit of lipstick and eye makeup. I brushed my already shoulder-length hair, and hurried downstairs. My mother took one look at me, smiled, and said, "I think you were born to be a girl, honey." I felt the tears welling up. "You understand mom, you really do." She had set up the camera on a tripod; there was a stool for me to pose on; a portable backdrop was sitting in front of the fireplace. I climbed onto the stool, positioned myself, and smiled. The shutter tripped and the flash was triggered again and again. It wasn't long before I felt something happening inside of me; I guess I could call it a pleasant, warm tingly feeling. Then there was a bit of pain--I think my bones were reforming themselves at that point. But that was only momentary, and I was soon distracted by the first visible changes. My skin was noticeably softer; I could feel my face getting thinner. "Oh, honey," mom said. "This is amazing....It's as if your cheekbones are becoming more prominent, your eyes bigger, your nose smaller, your lips are so....pretty!" I felt myself blushing, and when I looked down, I could see my rapidly growing breasts. I pointed to them, smiled and said, "Don't miss these!" The thought crossed my mind at that point that one of the most significant changes was taking place outside of the camera's view. Beneath my skirt and panties, I could feel my penis and testes rapidly withdrawing into my body and my new, female lips forming. The stool was suddenly more comfortable to sit on, as my ass was softer, rounder and larger. All through this, mom kept snapping away, preserving a permanent record of my transformation. Then, the flashes from the strobe stopped. "What's up?" I said. "I've used up the film.," she said, "and I think you're done. Take a look're a beautiful young woman now." I hopped down from the stool and ran as quickly as my heels would carry me to the full-length mirror in my bedroom. I couldn't believe it; the soft, curvy, sexy body staring back at me.....was ME! And then, a strange thing happened. I started to cry. I threw myself down on the bed, and I think I cried for at least an hour. Mom came in at some point and held me and gently stroked my head, but didn't say anything. The character of the tears changed at some point, though. At first, they were tears of pain, for all the sadness, despair and deception I had been forced to endure; but then, they shifted to tears of joy; sheer, unbelieving joy that I had been so lucky to have my deepest wish fulfilled. It was as if I had been trapped at the bottom of an empty tears were filling it, but also bringing me closer to the surface, and daylight. When I finally settled down, mom said, "Are you O-K honey?" I sat up, took the tissue she gave me, blew my nose and said, "Wonderful, mom, just wonderful." --------- In the weeks ahead, I learned that being a woman wasn't all moonlight and roses. For one thing, periods were a bit more uncomfortable than I had imagined. And when I went looking for work as a photojournalist, I found several doors closing on me. I found myself the victim of a subtle form of sex discrimination. Yes, this was the early 1970s, and doors were starting to open to women, but there was still a lot of tokenism around. I finally decided if I couldn't find the job I wanted, I would create it for myself! I opened my own portrait studio, and slowly, steadily, built up a clientele. I started out in general portraiture, but by the late 70s, found myself specializing in glamour work. By this point, I had met Neil, we had married, and we had started our family. I was happier than I felt I had a right to expect. I thought I had an obligation to share my good fortune with others...but how? Then one day, the opportunity presented itself. It was late afternoon on a Friday; the phone rang. "Glamour Central," I answered. The voice on the other end was a little husky, reminding me of whiskey and cigarettes; I couldn't tell for sure if it was male or female. The voice asked about scheduling a private, after hours session. I asked why. "I have reasons for preserving my privacy," the voice on the other end said. I normally closed at 5 p.m., but the following Monday, Neil was taking the kids to a movie; I had planned a major cleaning of the kitchen. We made an appointment for 5:30 p.m. Monday. The mystery caller was precisely punctual. I opened the back door of my studio, and saw what appeared to be a gorgeous Asian woman, nearly six feet tall, standing there in a short red skirt and a silky, low cut white blouse. She seemed to have an especially ample pair of breasts, a wasp waist, and legs that went on forever. Her silky black hair fell gently to her shoulders. "Welcome," I said, "I'm Laura Plummer, and you're....." "Steve Chan." My jaw dropped. "You're a---" "A man," he finished. "Now you see why I wanted privacy." I invited Steve to sit down for a cup of tea, and soon, the story of his life unfolded....similar to mine in so many ways, except he was planning a more conventional transition to womanhood, sexual reassignment surgery. He had already been on female hormones for a couple of years, and wanted these pictures to help convince his family back home in Japan that he was meant to be a she. It was one of those rare moments when the cosmos seems to bring things into perfect alignment. "What if I told you there was a way you could become a woman, right here tonight? A fully functional one, able to bear children?" "Of course I'd love it, but I'd say it was impossible." Soon, I had brought the camera from its hiding place, and was telling Steve its remarkable history, including how it had effected my own transformation. He seemed skeptical, yet intrigued. Finally, he said, "Well, what have I got to lose? If you're nuts, I'm no worse off than I was when I got here!" We both laughed. As I set up the camera, Steve made a few last minute adjustments to his makeup. "All set, dear?" I said. He nodded, and I begin shooting. This time, the changes were so subtle as to be almost invisible. But from Steve's expressions, I could see that he was feeling a great shift inside. Soon, the roll was finished, and so was her transformation. The new Stevie stood up, and said, "Oh, oh, oh!....It's's really real! Wow! How can I ever thank you?" As she threw her arms around me, I said, "Just enjoy being a girl, dear. That will be thanks enough." In the years since, I've done dozens of transformations. Of course, I don't advertise. But the underground information network in the transgender community brings them to me steadily. Most, of course, don't believe I'm real, or that the camera does what it's supposed to...but those lucky few who have persevered and tracked me down know differently. I've discovered the ultimate in happiness, and the means to share it with others. What more could a girl ever ask for? The End

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Glamour Shots Chapter 23

We woke the next morning rested and satisfied, looking forward to our weekend together. While Alli hit the shower I went down to start the coffee, and was sitting at the table reading the sports pages and enjoying a cup when she walked up behind me. She reached over my shoulder and dropped something in front of me; it took me only a moment to recognize it as a pair of lacy black panties. “Okay, mister - would you like to explain to me why I found these in your pants pocket just now?” My mind...

Wife Lovers
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Glamour Model Model available

Model AvailableThe days passed quickly, and before Sukky knew it, she was again climbing the stairs to Chris’s studio. Her bag was heavier than it had been before, she had added various items, and bits and pieces to it since that first booking. Here she was on her forth outing as a glamour model. One of Chris’s contacts had booked her, for a photo session. Chris had arranged it of course. They went into the studio. Chris was talking to an older man at the desk. This was the guy who would be...

2 years ago
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Brenda and the Photographer

All through college Brent was never seen without a camera. Brent was always trying to capture the best shot. It would annoy the hell out his friends when he'd make them pose for pictures and hold it while he moved around searching for the best angle, but they all appreciated the end result. Everyone said he had talent, but he just viewed it as a hobby. He never took a photography class or even considered pursuing it professionally. As the days since graduation passed, Brent found himself...

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Wife gets carried away at a photo shoot and fucks the photographer

My wife Kamilla is still quite beautiful and sexy. A 33 years old petite, 5 ft, black haired, with brown eyes and thick black eye lashes she is very attractive. She has a gorgeous figure maintained by regular fitness exercise at the gym. I have always appreciated her small well-proportioned body and small rounded breasts which form small perfect globes on her chest, not to mention her thick black hairy mound. Even after over ten years of marriage and three children, unlike me, she appears...

2 years ago
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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 3 Bimbo Wife Fucks the Photographer

Chapter 3: Bimbo Wife Fucks the Photographer by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Frank Even in her baggy dress, my bimbo wife Alice looked amazing. Her ass shook as she walked to our car, her curly, red hair falling about her shoulders. Yesterday, she had been a plump and somewhat doughty woman. I loved her despite that. And then she had injected herself with the bimbo compound I had discovered. Now she was a perfect woman, large tits, hourglass waist, beautiful face, flawless...

3 years ago
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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 3 Bimbo Wife Fucks the Photographer

Introduction: Frank finds a virgin to make into his bimbo sex slave while his wife Alice is tricked into modeling for a stranger! The Bimbo Formula Chapter 3: Bimbo Wife Fucks the Photographer by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Frank Even in her baggy dress, my bimbo wife Alice looked amazing. Her ass shook as she walked to our car, her curly, red hair falling about her shoulders. Yesterday, she had been a plump and somewhat doughty woman. I loved her despite that. And then she had injected...

2 years ago
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Exposing All to the Photographer

When I left the University I had a degree in photography, and I looked forward to becoming a full-time professional. What I hadn't counted on was that for each job, there were at least twenty qualified applicants. And my sex was definitely a hindrance, too, as they seemed to favor male photographers. I became dishearten and desperate, then I met Tish... She was an upcoming model and we became fast friends. It was she who suggested I should take some glamour shots of her and try to sell them to...

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Portrait Photographer

In 1985 we decided we both wanted portrait photos of each other in our offices plus one of the two of us in our home, so we looked round for a professional photographer. A friend of ours recommended a photographer called Danny who had done some for them, on looking at them I had to agree as he had made her look like a film star not bad as in real life she was anything but, apparently he had also taken wedding photos at one of their friends nudist wedding and they were fantastic.A couple of...

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Cock Crazy Photographer

Bree Spencer set up her lights in the studio she had been allowed to use for the day, and then loaded her camera. She was a photographer for a nude male magazine, Cock Crazy. She loved her job - the thrill of seeing hard cocks and asses like steel. Lately, though, her work had been slipping. The thrill was gone, and the last ten models she'd photographed were nothing spectacular. But when the editor of the magazine, Leona, had called her with this particular assign-ment, it intrigued Bree,...

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The New Photographer

The New Photographer – by SBarak1It all started innocently enough. I was down at the pub chatting with a few mates over a beer or three. The conversation came around to me when Pete asked me what I would be doing in the way of work after the holiday season as I had finished up at my old job prior to Christmas. I mentioned I had a few irons in the fire however what I really wanted to try may hand at was some studio photography. I had been an avid amateur photographer for a long time and had...

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the photographer

You have decided that you want to have some professional photos done to try and spice up your sex life with your husband!! And you book me :) You have spent all morning getting ready you have had a lovely soak in the bath done all your hair and nails and you stand in front of a full-length mirror and admire your stunning body and think how can any man not fine me attractive ? You rub lotion all over your body as you rub your breasts you linger over your nipples stroking your now errect Nipples...

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Indian Wife Photographer

"Love, If you don't mind I would like to say something. " he said playing with her nipples. They were lying in bed. Anita was naked and Shekhar's body language distinctly showed that he was aroused.. "Sure, go ahead. "Anita was forthcoming. "Don't allow anyone who have sex with to discharge inside you. "he managed to say. "Why, you are jealous?"she teased. "No, I am not jealous. In fact I care for you. In these uncertain times, it is not clear as to who is carrying which disease. I have a...

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The Bimbo TreatmentChapter 3 Bimbo Wife Fucks the Photographer

Frank Even in her baggy dress, my bimbo wife Alice looked amazing. Her ass shook as she walked to our car, her curly, red hair falling about her shoulders. Yesterday, she had been a plump and somewhat doughty woman. I loved her despite that. And then she had injected herself with the bimbo compound I had discovered. Now she was a perfect woman, large tits, hourglass waist, beautiful face, flawless skin. She was also as dumb as a brick. She used to be a chemist like me. Well, I guess that...

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Amature Photographer

I remember the first time I came across her profile. She had posted pics of herself. Only a few though but it was of the one part that separated her from the rest of the people on here. She had magnificent breasts. No they were not the largest I had ever seen but they were big. They had a huge areola at least three inches across but that wasn’t what made them special either. They had this shape to them they were long and cylindrical with a dome shape accentuated by the dome of an areola. Those...

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The Lucky Photographer

Hi, pretty ladies and everyone else out there. This is Rohit back again with my 3rd real-life story which happened some months back. It sure has been quite some time since I last wrote. I have always thought about writing this out but was too busy to put pen on paper. Now finally I am able to write it. Hope all of you pretty ladies and lesbian couples haven’t forgotten this average looking guy. I would be eagerly waiting to hear from every one of you about your responses so kindly do mail me....

1 year ago
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The photographer

"You do understand the nature of the photographs we'll be shooting," Carl asked, "I just want to get everything out in the open so that later on we don't have a problem!?!" "I understand," the matronly female replied, "most of them will be me by myself, but some will involve other people!!!" "And just to make it even more clear," Carl responded, "those pictures with the other people can involve both men and women and are of the x-rated variety!!!" Glenna nodded her head slowly and asked, "And...

4 years ago
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Carol meets the Photographer

I had a new bikini for my 14th birthday and was proud to be showing it off. A soft pink pastel colour and tied up with strings on the sides. As a teenager I had a very sexy body and as soon as my boobs began growing I gained a lot of attention from the boys and any men passing by for that matter. I suppose at that age I was skinny, tanned and had nice curvaceous butt and perky tits. My girlfriend Anna and me were soaking up some sun, it was a Saturday when a cute man approached. At first he...

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My Friend the Photographer

I had a friend who was older than me, by quite a few years. His name was Warren and he was an established photographer. He got me into photography by giving me my first real camera when I was sever teen, taught me how to frame subjects, how to measure light, how to make the best of what light there was, how to use lighting and strobes, and shadows, and the dark room. He was into creative lighting and using fading and shadowing in the dark room. He taught me what poses really were, and how to...

Gay Male
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trannies beach photographer

I was looking to tranny photos on the beach so I started to think what if I was that photographerWho shoot those photos .... and wrote this. ...Nice ass and cute dick ... mmm if I was the one who's take that shoot ... I will slapping your ass and squeezing your dick and balls hard while I do that I would kiss deeply and suck your tuong ..mmmm yummy and bit your lips nicely mmm.. in turned you around and start massaging your asshole mmm what a tight asshole mmmm and so sweaty ass mmm.. you're...

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The photographer

This story is a true story and if you shouldn't bereading this then DONT! If you like it, tell me!I was hanging around the local strip mall sometime inmy 17th year around summertime. It was after closingtime and I was alone. I began to feel a twinge betweenmy legs and felt the need to jerk off. At this time Iwas so horny I felt as if I could do anythinganywhere.I began to walk towards a dark corner of the lot whena classic Mustang convertable began to circle the lot.Inside the car was an older...

1 year ago
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Indian Bhabhi Models Nude for Horny Photographer

This story is based on Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read in Savita was in the back of the restaurant trying to make sure everyone was working hard when her waitress, Deepa, burst in. She came and whispered in Savita’s ear. Deepa: That customer with the camera is back again, Savita. He’s been asking for you again. Savita: Tourist? Deepa: I don’t know…but I have a crush on him. Savita: He’s certainly not unattractive. Deepa was getting hot just looking at him. Deepa: Do you want me to...

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"Ouch." It hurt like hell when she rammed me from behind with that supermarket shopping cart. I was bending over, trying to get a can of soup from the bottom shelf of the display. I almost took a header into a mountain of cans when she ran into me. At first she was embarrassed and then there was a slight lilt of amusement in her voice when she said, "Oh, please excuse me." "That's quite all right." Now it was a little funny to me too. I assessed my attacker. Perhaps my age, mid to...

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"Oh, Simone, I know just the thing!" I was talking with Moira about my anniversary and what I might get for Kyle. Suddenly she dashed off to her bedroom to fetch something, leaving me to wonder what it might be. She returned with a framed picture and triumphantly presented it to me. It was a picture of her wearing some scandalously revealing lingerie! I just sat there and stared. The picture appeared to be very professionally done, and her pose didn't quite reveal anything, but...

3 years ago
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Glamour Shots Chapter 1

You know how it is when something happens on one of the milestone dates in your life, or one of the ones on the calendar, something that then becomes inextricably tied to that date or that holiday each year when it rolls around? For me, for what I’m going to tell you about next, it started on my birthday, and I suppose I’ll always tie these events to that date. And that, for some reason strikes me as being very odd. Well, really it’s odd that it started at all, regardless of the date, but all...

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Glamour Shots Chapter 2

“Do you really believe that he wasn’t admiring your ass in that shot? You do have one of the world’s greatest asses you know.” She laughed. “You’re so kind – and so classy, I might add.” “Yeah, well, it just bugs me to think of him with a big old hardon while he was ogling my wife’s tits and ass.” “Oh David, it wasn’t like that at all! He was too busy to notice! The entire time we were in the studio he was either taking pictures or talking to me, giving me encouragement and saying stuff like...

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Glamour Shots Chapter 3

I took my car, an Infiniti G37, the previous year’s model. Sometimes we traded vehicles for various reasons, but today I took my own. I loved driving it, and for me it was the perfect combination of power, sportiness, and luxury, and yet not so ostentatious that I felt like it stood out in a crowd, it fit my personality very well in that regard. I turned to a classic rock station on the radio. They were playing something instrumental, no lyrics, Stevie Ray, I was pretty sure. As I drove I let...

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Glamour Shots Chapter 39

Michael groaned, looking down at the mess he’d made on his own chest, the copious, glistening cum in parallel white streaks on his dark skin extending from his navel, where the swollen head of his cock lay, to his shoulder. He cupped his big hands under Allison’s ass, his muscles bulging as he lifted her off his groin, even as she continued to try to hump herself against his thick erection. He was obviously embarrassed at his loss of control in front of all of us, although I’m sure he’d enjoyed...

Wife Lovers
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Glamour Shots Chapter 36

Seeing the photo of Derek with my wife, his extremely erect cock against her skin, had sparked a white-hot flare of combined jealousy and anger almost instantaneously. Now I was struggling to control it, struggling to apply reason and logic and not do something in a fit of rage, something that would be very uncharacteristic of me. Marci sensed my anger and had the wisdom to say nothing as I drove us out of the parking lot, my fingers aching and my knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel...

Wife Lovers
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Glamour Shots Chapter 34

I held her there as she rode out her orgasm, deeply impaled on my cock, her hot, tight sex squeezing and spasming around me as she came. As it began to wane she melted against my chest, her hard nipples thrusting out against her silky blouse. She rubbed them against the front of my suit jacket, shuddering at the intense sensations as her hips went on autopilot, making small, circular thrusting motions, using my hardness to touch every place inside of her that needed touching. It all felt...

Wife Lovers
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Glamour Shots Chapter 32

I glanced at her before returning my attention to the road.“Wow, he doesn’t waste any time, does he? How’s he going to meet with you on Monday and start shooting Tuesday when he doesn’t even have a contract offer out to Michael and Marci yet?” She shrugged. “I don’t know, he didn’t go into that much detail. I’m sure he has other models already under contract, or he may want to do some solo shots first.”“Yeah, I guess that makes sense.” I looked at her again. “And you’re sure about this,...

Wife Lovers
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Glamour Shots Chapter 31

Her thighs clamped tightly on my head as she came, her fingers tangling in my hair and holding my face to her wet pussy as I eagerly continued to lick her clit, driving her through her orgasm. Her hips were moving, thrusting herself to my lips, an entirely involuntary response to the sensations taking over her body. As her climax peaked and began to slowly wane her legs began to relax slightly, releasing their grip on my head and allowing me to hear again. I enjoyed her moans and heavy...

Wife Lovers
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Glamour Shots Chapter 30

I had no idea what might come next, still shaken by the intensity of my own orgasm and Marci’s, not to mention the soul-searing intensity of seeing and hearing my wife rocked by a massive orgasm while engaged with and impaled upon another man’s huge cock. That he had entered her and come, mostly deep inside of her, had clearly been her choice, not his… not that he’d tried very hard to avoid the situation. To be fair, though, in the midst of his own orgasm that would have been expecting a lot....

Wife Lovers
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Glamour Shots Chapter 28

I was pleased to discover that we’d be able to get a table after only a short wait. With last-minute plans on a Friday night, a short wait was not a sure thing by any means. We spent the time at the bar, where I had the pleasure of watching Alli, short skirt and sans panties, try to slide up onto the high bar stool without becoming intimate with the room. She slapped my arm when she saw me smiling at her struggle, and then I stood alongside her at the crowded bar, the two of us conversing in...

Wife Lovers
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Glamour Shots Chapter 22

Impatient with my bumbling, she crossed to me and quickly finished unbuttoning my shirt. It was a little odd, because of her high heels, to be almost eye-to-eye with her as she pushed my shirt off my shoulders and then peeled my t-shirt over my head. I was very aware of her heat, and her scent, and the proximity of those gorgeous breasts and their extremely erect nipples as she began to tug at my belt. It wasn’t entirely out of character for Allison to take the lead in our fun and games, but...

Wife Lovers
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Glamour Shots Chapter 21

The next morning, after the rousing success of the bath, the massage, the candles…and the sex, of course - I felt so much better that I wasn’t even dreading facing Marci! In fact, when I stopped at Starbucks, rather than take the easy path and order a simple latte for her in lieu of trying to remember her favored but very complicated choice, I dialed my office, hoping she was there. Fortunately she was, and when she answered I said, “I’m at Starbucks; I’ll give the guy my phone, and you tell...

Wife Lovers
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Glamour Shots Chapter 20

She took another sip of her wine before I took it from her and set both glasses down, and then I slowly peeled her t-shirt over her head as she raised her arms obligingly, leaving her naked from the waist up. Her breasts were gorgeous, so very perfect, with her rose nipples erect and pointed just slightly upward, sexy and adorable. I tossed the soiled shirt on the floor near the laundry hamper and knelt to untie her once-white athletic shoes, pulling each one and each sock off as she braced a...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Glamour Shots Chapter 19

Sleep was elusive and fitful, at best, and when the music of my alarm started playing I slid carefully away from Alli, who was sound asleep, spooned into the shape of my body. I shut off the alarm and walked around to her side of the bed, looking down at her. I kneeled alongside the bed and very gently removed a lock of her hair that had fallen across her face, pushing it back, and then brushed my lips softly over her cheek in a very light, gentle kiss, not wanting to wake her. I whispered,...

Wife Lovers
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Glamour Shots Chapter 17

So engrossed in their conversation were they that they didn’t even notice me approaching – or, at least, not until Ruby ran on ahead and inserted herself quite forcefully between Allison and the stranger. Mostly she was just seeking Alli’s attention, not acting aggressively toward this guy, but I loved this dog more by the minute! Alli turned and watched me walk nearer, smiling up at me; the stranger glanced at me, as if surprised, and then quickly looked away, wiping his hands nervously on his...

Wife Lovers
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Glamour Shots Chapter 16

She was heat and liquid inside, molten, a tight velvet haven for my straining hardness, and she groaned softly and stretched languorously as she pushed her ass back against me, taking me in. When she had taken all I had to offer, when I was all the way in, she paused and reached back to put her hand on my hip, holding me there. “You’re so hard! Were you dreaming something sexy?” Her voice was soft and sleepy. I hugged her to me, my hand finding her breast and holding it, enjoying the...

Wife Lovers
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Glamour Shots Chapter 15

“Me? I thought you went in and cleaned up – you know, when Marci did.” “No, I just tried to soak up some of Michael’s cum from my clothes – and none too effectively I might add, which is why I have this other wet spot on my leg and no top on. Since you so generously gave me all of this, I didn’t feel like I should just wipe it off and throw it away!” She giggled. “Besides, I know how much you like me all…creamy.” I swallowed a lump in my throat as my cock twitched weakly, still exhausted from...

Wife Lovers

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