Brynn Phytrelia Pt. 05 free porn video

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Kadri shook her head. ‘Right. Yes, of course. Let’s go.’ She led Brynn down the corridor until they reached the lift. They stepped on and Kadri didn’t say another word as she stood there, shifting a little uncomfortably before the doors opened. She allowed Brynn to step off the lift ahead of her, moving out onto the deck while she anxiously looked for a ride for Brynn. She waved someone down and the stopped beside them. ‘Just…take care of yourself, Ms. Phytrelia. And don’t be afraid to let us know if you need anything.’ She stepped back to let Brynn get situated on the ride before the driver drove away with her.

Kadri stood watching as she rode away, frowning. She watched until they disappeared behind one of the ships and then went back to the lift.

Brynn thanked her driver and walked to stand beneath Atalanta’s landing ramp. She stared at it for a long moment, before it started to descend on its own. Brynn made her way up the ramp and walked to the galley where Ophelia’s image was waiting for her on the table.

‘Hello, Mistress. Where is Captain Chariton?’

‘Ophelia, have you been listening to anything going on with the Avenger?’

‘No. Should I have been?’

Brynn frowned and stared at her for a long moment. She shook her head slowly as her shoulders sagged. ‘I…I guess there wasn’t really a reason to, that you were made aware of.’

The projection moved a little closer to Brynn as she sat down at the table. ‘Is there something wrong, Mistress?’

Brynn nodded slowly. ‘Yes, there is. Ophelia…Idris…’ Brynn started, and bit her lip. ‘Ophelia, Idris has been kidnapped. They don’t know where he was taken, but they believe it was the same ship that attacked us earlier. The one…’ Her voice trailed off.

Ophelia’s image did not waiver as Brynn went on. ‘Apparently, we are on our way to speak to some sort of council. Anyway we should…’ She blinked a little, pausing as the thought occurred to her and she couldn’t believe it hadn’t occurred to her earlier. ‘Wait a minute. Ophelia, do you have some way of tracking Idris? Any way at all?’

‘Yes, I do. Captain Chariton has a subdermal chip that allows me to track him for up to six hundred thousand kilometers. It should allow me pinpoint his location anywhere on Avenger and in most ports that we’ve docked.’

‘Oh. So…you can’t see it now…’ Brynn said. Her heart had soared at the thought, but felt it sinking again.

She shook her head. ‘No, Captain Chariton appears to be outside of my sensor range. Perhaps the interference from Avenger is not allowing me to locate him on the vessel that you say he is now aboard.’

Brynn looked at her a long moment, frowning. ‘No, I don’t think it is interference. The ship that took him…it’s probably light-years from here by now. Is there anything else we can do to…to maybe…boost the range?’ Brynn suggested cautiously.

‘None that I am aware of, Mistress. If the ship is still within six hundred thousand kilometers, or approximately two light seconds, Atalanta’s systems will be able to find him. Otherwise, I know of no other way to attempt to determine his location. Perhaps if you were to provide me with additional details, I could better advise you.’

Brynn looked at her, frowning. ‘Alright. Since you don’t really appear to be in the loop on this, I’ll start from the beginning…’

Brynn spent the next hour recounting everything that had happened to her, and Idris, since they left the ship. Even talking about the memory that Captain Johansen had shared with her.

‘So Kadri brought me down to the launch deck so I could come here, and…well, that’s everything. You know what I know now. What should we do next?’

The image nodded slowly. ‘It is likely that you would benefit from a refreshment cycle and 8-10 hours of healthy sleep. Perhaps you should start there and we can re-evaluate you.’

‘Sleep?’ Brynn repeated, her lips parting. ‘I don’t…think I can sleep right now.’ She tried to take a shaky breath. ‘Sorry, maybe I should just…calm down.’ She bit her finger and shut her eyes. ‘Ophelia, maybe you could suggest something else? Something exhausting and strenuous?’

‘Well, when was the last time you ate something?’

‘Um…when I…when we ate breakfast on here last.’

‘I understand. Please go over to the preparation machine. We can use one of the presets that Captain Chariton had configured.’

‘No, I just…I wanted to go with him. He wouldn’t let me.’ Brynn felt the memory welling up. ‘But at least, you know, with my power, maybe I could have helped, we could have found a way off that ship…maybe…’

‘I understand, Mistress.’

‘Ophelia, what if…what’s going to happen if…’ But the words choked Brynn. She bowed her head. ‘I am so, so sorry.’ She muttered instead, cheeks flaming.

Then she took a deep breath, eyes closed, and stood straight. She let Ophelia help her make some food, which she ate, all the while answering probing questions about Brynn’s life and past, anything that Ophelia’s social protocols could come up with to distract Brynn from what was going on. When Brynn had finished, Ophelia suggested that Brynn move into the living quarters and utilize the refresher.

‘Fine.’ She muttered. ‘Refresher. You’re going to tell me to sleep after that, aren’t you?’ She had to admit, with a secret and shallow hate, that she felt better after she’d eaten. She’d likely feel even better after she washed up and rested. It didn’t mean she was any less begrudging.

‘That is not what I said. According to my data, I believe it would be beneficial to you to get rest, but you have shown an aversion to it. The next best thing would be for you to drench hot water over yourself to relieve tension and stress, and remove undesired particles from your skin and hair. If it will make you feel better, we can continue to talk once you’re in the chamber. I should not that despite the rather sterile environment on Atalanta, it is likely that Avenger is not able to achieve such sterility. Your exposure has resulted in foreign infiltrates polluting Atalanta’s otherwise pristine environment.’

‘Oh.’ Brynn said. ‘That…makes a lot of sense. Um, yeah. I should.’ She moved from the galley to the aperture for Idris’ room. The sight of his room made her heart thump rapidly, so she hurried through into the chamber and practically jumped out of her clothes to get into the refresher. She stood and took a moment to get back her calm demeanor.

‘Please select a cycle,’ the automated voice said.

‘Hot…long…’ Her words came out in a groaning tone, and she sighed as the hot water flowed over her. The water was surprisingly comfortable. Brynn had grown accustomed to water temperature increases that consistently felt lukewarm, no matter how hot the water actually was. She smiled, pleased to find that the system had found such a perfect balance for her. She ran her hands through the locks of drenched hair and leaned forward until her forehead was resting against the wall, relaxing as the water ran down her back.

‘Ophelia?’ She said.

Brynn could hear her voice in her ears, but there was no image. ‘Yes, Mistress?’

‘Did someone else fly this ship…before Idris?’ The question slipped out before Brynn could give thought to it, but once it was out, she wasn’t sure she wanted to know. ‘Um, I mean…no, wait, you don’t have to answer that, I just…’ She stiffened, unsure of whether or not to keep questioning or drop it.

‘Yes, Mistress, my memory does not have information on Atalanta’s history, or who might have been the captain prior to Captain Chariton. I can tell you that Atalanta matched the standard design of most human, UDI military transports, like this one. Captain Chariton has made various alterations and upgrades since it turned over to him.’

‘Uh.’ Brynn thought she’d get more than that. Ophelia’s memory must have been altered. ‘Alright, I understand

Ophelia’s voice eventually pierced through the long silence. ‘Mistress, if it would please you, perhaps if I provided a few choices for you, I could simply speak at length about some neutral topics.’

Brynn thought about it for a long moment, just standing in the hot water, her forehead and hands propped against the wall. ‘Yes. Yes, that sounds fine,’ she said weakly. ‘I think I’m just going to stand in the water for a while. I would appreciate if I could focus the rest of my attention on something else.’

‘Atalanta’s systems are more than capable of recycling the water being used at least as fast as it is being expended for your cycle. Though it is not recommended, it is possible for a user to utilize the refresher indefinitely. You need not be concerned with regards to any kind of drain. In fact, the chamber floor consists of a material that allows water to be absorbed and channeled back into the reservoirs.’

As Ophelia delivered her dissertation on Atalanta refresher systems, Brynn noticed that a subtle bout of lethargy and drowsiness was edging in on her mind. She closed her eyes for a long moment and realized she was starting to feel a bit of disorientation. It had been a long time since she had slept, but she didn’t usually respond in this way. ‘Ophelia…? I feel…strange.’

Ophelia stopped in the middle of her sentence. ‘Yes, Mistress? Is something wrong?’

‘I…I don’t know…I’m not sure. I feel…I’m starting to feel dizzy…and weak.’

‘Understood. Should I end the cycle so you may get out and lie down?’

‘Yeah. That might…be a good…great idea.’ Brynn stepped out, dripping on the floor, and got a towel. Once she had it wrapped around her, she stumbled a little as walked into Idris’ room and sat on the bed, thinking about the council of whoever they were and the argument she might have to make. And then near the back of her mind, hating Tsela and the captain and wondering if Idris regretted forfeiting his powers to protect her.

That train of thought led to her wondering if she could do the same. If Brynn herself offered to give up her powers, would they give him back? Could she do that? Would she, might be the better question, and Brynn had a vision of herself standing as a sacrificial lamb in front of an angry dragon.

As she fell back on the bed, her mind filling with flying dragons and sheep, Brynn felt a part of her wondering at the sudden urge to sleep and how intense it had become. ‘Ophelia…?’ She tried to scream the name, but managed only to breathe it. Her eyes shut, despite the internal battle between scale and wool.

‘Goodnight, Mistress. I shall be sure to wake you once Avenger has stopped.’

When Brynn woke, she had no idea how long it had been. The towel under her felt dry, and she became aware that she was sprawled on the bed. She sat up quickly, and looked around, but realized the mistake as she found herself falling forward. She frantically reached out and latched onto the bedding underneath her, steadying herself. The moment of disorientation and dizziness didn’t last long, but she was still aware of it.

‘Hello, Mistress.’

‘You!’ She screamed, shrilly. ‘You-you-what did you-?’ She stood, throwing the towel down in her rage and stormed through the ship, her long, loose hair still drying. ‘Ophelia, I can’t believe you’d do this!’ She felt angry she’d been lulled into a sense of safety. Not safe on either ship.

Brynn turned to look at the projection that was standing on the dispenser. ‘What time is it, anyway? How long was I asleep?’

The projection held up its hands. ‘Mistress, you were in need of deep, rejuvenating sleep.’ She sounded completely unrepentant. ‘It has been twenty hours since you lied down. I am now checking the Avenger’s location and how far we are from our destination. Please bear with me while I try to complete this inquiry.’

‘TWENTY HOURS?! What?! Complete the-? What are you talking about?!’ Brynn screeched. ‘You drugged me! Ophelia, I was trying to stay where I could be safe. Why would you do that?!’

‘My biometric sensors determined that your body was suffering the consequences of not sleeping or eating for almost an entire day. The solution that was recommended to me by my records was to allow you to consume some of the sleeping cakes that Captain Chariton had programmed into the machine before his departure. The predictions indicated that you would be fed, and be able to wash, before the effects of the additives would begin to affect you. Unfortunately, I neglected to consider the difference in body mass and metabolism, which I had not yet been able to calculate for your records. Now you have rested and you should still feel clean, despite the fact that you were lying on the bed without having dried yourself…or dressed, of course.’

‘Of course!’ Brynn laughed harshly. ‘Of course that would be the case! Why not! I don’t even know what to say to that!’ Still half screaming, Brynn wished she could slam doors in the ship. It was built so gently. It was hard to throw a temper tantrum when everything was smooth and the doors opened without the slightest touch.

She yanked on clothes, as she shouted at her, walking to the cockpit so she could get a glimpse of whatever was outside of the ship. ‘Do you know-have you completed you inquiry yet?’ Brynn was livid, especially since she felt better than ever. It was enough to make her pull her own hair out. In the back of her mind, she couldn’t argue that Ophelia had seen to Brynn’s needs, despite how violated she felt.

The projection appeared on the console next to her. ‘Yes, I have. Avenger reports that we are less than three hours away from our destination. Is there anything else I can do for you, Mistress?’

Brynn stared at her. ‘You’re not sorry at all, are you?’ She half accused, and dropped into the copilot’s seat. ‘No, I guess not.’ She realized her stomach felt empty again. It had been twenty hours since she ate. ‘Ugh. Ophelia, can I get the number to that machine to get something that will not put me to sleep?’

‘Certainly,’ she said simply.

Once the right buttons were found, Brynn had been able to polish off a fairly substantial meal. Now she stood in the refresher chamber again, looking at her reflection. She touched her tangled hair and glanced at the well-worn boots she’d been wearing. Ophelia had shown her how to utilize the full length of the chamber’s mirror, and once she could see herself from head to toe, she started trying to find something else to change into.

Ophelia was happy to accommodate her, digitally displaying potential appearances. Brynn pulled her fingers through her hair, tugging at it until it was semi-straighter and at least marginally neater. She took a strip of black fabric, tied the gentle curls of her red-blonde hair back and pulled it into a bow. Although her hair was still in the way, since there wasn’t much she could do about waist-long, tangled locks, at least away from her face.

She turned a slow circle, appreciating the precision Ophelia had used to cut, fit, and style her new clothes. Not only had she been right about the need for food and sleep, but she seemed to be able to provide something a bit nicer for her to wear. Going through the ritual of cleansing and grooming herself had centered her. She would go into whatever council and not accept no for an answer. She stood tall, shoulders back, chin tilted up.

‘These Sisters of Twilight are a true threat,’ she said, her voice even as she practiced in front of the mirror. ‘My Captain and I had the misfortune of falling afoul of one who referred to herself as a Mistress of Twilight. Her name appears to be Moranna…Moranna…’ She stopped. ‘Ophelia, what was it?’ She glanced over at the vanity where the projection stood.

‘Moranna Thannatos is the name that was given, Mistress.’

She turned back to the mirror, starting again. ‘Her name appears to be Moranna Thannatos. My captain sought to hide me from her w
hile she searched and looted our ship. He was forced to disclose my location, and after I was found, this woman spoke of other people whose Gifts she’d stolen, and demonstrated her own use of these Gifts she had taken. After injuring us both, she released our ship, useless as it was. No, she released our ship, our engines unable to be repaired by ourselves. If another ship had not been close enough to help, we would have suffered a slow and agonizing death. Luckily, we were picked up, and our ship was repaired. Our rescuers were soon attacked, however. When my captain tried to aid in the battle, he and more than twenty others were abducted, along with the ships they manned. Clearly, these Sisters are a true threat to not only our existence, but the existence of all those who desire to live in peace.’ Brynn bit her lip, repeating the words over and over in her mind. It was clear, concise, without being heavy handed…surely she wouldn’t even need to speak, but if she did, she planned to be ready.

‘Well, Ophelia?’ She said. ‘Any pointers?’

‘It is likely you will achieve the desired effect. If you are asking to speak before this authoritative body, your delivery seems likely to sway them.’

Brynn nodded. That was good enough for her. ‘Ok, we should be close now, yes?’

‘I shall check. Please wait.’ And with that, the projection disappeared.

Brynn sighed, looking herself over again, wanting to feel as confident as she looked. She frowned and looked towards the empty room, wishing she didn’t have to do this alone.

The projection appeared again, looking up at her. ‘Mistress, there is a communication request for you. Shall I route it to the cockpit?’

‘A…from who?’ Brynn looked down at herself, running her hand over the fabric of the skirt to smooth it once more.

‘There is a communication, from Avenger. Would you like to move into the cockpit to take it?’ She motioned towards the empty room.

‘Yes,’ Brynn said, and gave one last peek at herself before she moved out of the refresher room. She walked serenely to the cockpit, reminding herself that her outer calm reflected her inner calm. She was in control and rational. Once in the cockpit, she sank slowly into the copilot’s chair and waited.

Ophelia appeared on the console, motioned toward the screen where the communication would appear and where to look for the person to see her. Then she disappeared as Brynn moved to face it.

Kadri’s face greeted her on the screen. ‘Ms. Phytrelia, I wanted to let you know that we’ve been diverted. The Tetryndai and Felicitas have encountered the ship that attacked us. We’ve been directed to assist. I wanted to let you know.’

For a moment, Brynn couldn’t comprehend what the woman meant. ‘Diverted?’ She repeated, and realized that meant the ship that had Idris was going to be there, right there, next to them. ‘Yes, thank you Kadri!’ She said hurriedly. ‘I understand!’ Her heart raced. ‘Any other word?’ She asked, belatedly. ‘Of, you know, any of the ships that were taken…?’

‘No. Not yet. I will see to it that you are informed.’ The transmission ended.

Brynn sat there, her heart racing wildly. ‘Ophelia!’

The projection reappeared and looked up at her. ‘Yes, Mistress?’

‘If…If we are going to be…if we end up that close to the ship, the ship Idris is on, do you think we’ll be able to pick up his signal? I mean, from the…’

‘The subdermal chip. Yes, Mistress. It is possible that Avenger will bring us close enough to the ship to be able to pick it up. Might I ask: what are you plans if such attempts are successful?’

‘Well…’ Brynn hesitated. ‘Find him, of course. Find him and help him escape and come back to us.’

‘I understand, Mistress. May I ask, how do you plan to get aboard the ship? I am aware of the fact that you seem able to handle your own safety, under certain circumstances, but do you think you will be able to leave Avenger and get aboard Astaria without coming to any harm? Or, worse, being destroyed in the crossfire? And if you get aboard Astaria, do you think you will be able to handle the situation better than it was handled when they came aboard previously?’

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Introduction: A teen boy gets his first look at porno c Out at the Ranch It was a nice damn day, the middle of the summer and the breeze was gently blowing thru the back yard and in the little basement window. It felt good. Middle of the afternoon and everyone was gone and it was quiet. Or so I thought. I was sitting there watching some porn on the computer, going to a website a friend told me about, a game site strangely, and there was porn pictures there that opened up automatically. Man...

2 years ago
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The Dental Assistant Oral Rinse BBBBTS

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories.... just got my new insurance card in the mail. I called my dentist who I had gone to for years. She did not take my new insurance card. She recommended a guy across town. He had just open a new office. I would be one of his very first patients. I called him and made a appointment for a cleaning. I got the last appointment for the day. His office was going to stay open until 6:30pm for me. I had to work late.I slept good the night before. I was a little nervous...

3 years ago
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Connors World A Gift from Miss Stevens part one

A warm smile spread over Connor’s face as he paced back and forth in the room. “Congratulations Miss Stevens,” he muttered deeply, looking at the dark haired beauty who watched his every move, seeking his approval. “She’s most perfect for our pleasure. But of course, I should not be surprised. I have come to expect only the very best from you.” Miss Stevens blushed deeply and lowered her eyes. “Thank you Sir.” She stood beside a chair in which a heavy titted girl with long blonde hair and...

4 years ago
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The After party intro

I remember It was Saturday morning 27/12 and i woke up still pissed from my birthday party last night ..I look over to my younger Sister whos 13 years old,brushing her hair in the mirror.My cock is throbbing and I have To get up and go to the toilet. My sister is watching me in the mirror , as I rush in to flick my rock hard 7.7"inch cock out of my bathers full of alcohol and start pissing .What a relief !!.We moved into a new two story house about 3 years ago and the renovations weren't fully...

2 years ago
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Long Lost Friend III

Long Lost Friend III By Teri Franken [email protected] Part II ended with Teri having Jack dress up in identical Victoria Secrets lingerie, they are both now dressed in powder blue panties, stockings, garter belt, stocking and black patent leather pumps. Jack is now called 'Mandy' and is checking out some new horizons.... Teri pushed me towards the bed and I fell backwards with her landing on top of me. The feeling of nylon against nylon almost put me on sensory overload! She...

3 years ago
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Ashs New Carreer Pt1

(Hey everyone, following my new schedule I'm back with another story that isn't one of my big two for the 10th. This story was commissioned by a dear Patron of mine, Julia Michelle. For more of my stories or if you want to see me write out your story idea you can check out my Patreon: ) Intro Ash was a regular though somewhat effeminate looking 19-year-old guy with a not so regular wish as far as guys were concerned. He had always dreamt of being a...

4 years ago
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The Wave Function

You can’t swallow you beer fast enough. “No, see. That’s why the last two movies sucked.” It’s late on a Tuesday night. Just you, the bartender, and your buddy Steve. “What are you talking about? You draw in a deep breath and exhale, allowing yourself a moment to collect your thoughts. “The first movie was all about heroism and sacrifice and liberation and fighting the system, right? But what made it COOL was watching Morpheus and Neo jumping between buildings and floating mid-air and dodging...

4 years ago
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The Power of The Moon ch6

Matty sat on the kitchen counter staring down at his feet. It was the day after the incident between him and Grace. He heard Landon wake up and walk down the hall and into the kitchen. "Hey man, wanna play some videogames? I bought the new Assassin Creed game." Landon looked at him. His face showed he was pissed off at someone. And he was not in the mood to play any game what so ever. "What’s wrong, Lan?" Landon burst into a pissed off laughter. "Matty, you seriously have the nerve to first ask...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Kristys New Owner ch 01

I never thought I'd be writing this down, never thought I'd be exposing all of our deep, dark secrets to the world but at this point, I have nothing left to hide. Nothing left to lose either. Isn't that right, Alex? Is that good enough for you? Is that what you wanted me to say? Does that make you feel like a big man? I have to be careful. Naw, fuck it, why bother? What else can he do to me now that he hasn't already done? What can he take from me that he hasn't already...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Alex Coal Pro Technique

Sex therapist Alex Coal is back for another lesson. This time, the couple she’s helping guide is you and your partner. On screen it’s just Alex and her hot hands, hard dildo, and of course, her sultry voice giving slow and steady instruction. Alex goes through some of the keys to a successful romantic relationship. Talking nice and sultry, she explains that physical intimacy is such an important part of any relationship. From there, it’s all about instruction. Light touches,...

3 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Second YearChapter 19

I knocked on the door. Robbie opened it and smiled. I cleared my throat. "And I'll sing you to sleep, after the lovin', with a song I just wrote yesterday." I sang. "What?" "Oh wait. I'm not supposed to sing that for another half-an-hour." "What are you talking about." "You'll figure it out," I told her as, in one motion, I came in, scooped her up, and kicked the door closed. "I have great faith in you," I said as I climbed the stairs toward her bedroom. "What's...

3 years ago
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The Post Office Parking Lot Part Two

Kelly raised her hips grudgingly as I slid from under her near-perfect puss.  After sitting up, I tucked myself back in my underwear and heard sighs in stereo.  Once I was all closed up with my hands on my lap, George offered, "Well, that was fun!  Did you two enjoy yourselves as much as I did?""Ye... Yesss!" Kelly stammered excitedly."Well, hell, yes!  Who wouldn't in my position!" I added."So, then we should do this again?" George offered questioningly.I looked at Kelly as she just stared...

Oral Sex
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FionaChapter 7

Fiona knocked stoutly on the door and waited; there was silence and she took out her key and slid it into the lock. "Boo!" A voice called from behind her and Fiona turned to see a tall brunette girl, soaking wet and dressed in a towel. "I've been expecting you. Been expecting you all day." "Yeah I've been at the Police Station," Fiona muttered and Kathryn just shrugged as Fiona opened the door. "Wasn't saying anything," she murmured and licked her lips. "I went down with the...

3 years ago
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Vance Is Interested In Sharon Part 1

Vance opened the door for me while still holding my hand. Although, I saw Sharon grin and sneak right by both of us. I surely thought he'd peek back at me after a second, but yet, I noticed his head locked towards her as she walked into the hotel.He stood frozen as I was all, but confident he had his eyes right on her ass and that dark blue satin thong sticking out of her shorts. As I thought I might get upset, I failed to do so, but suddenly felt my panties become slightly wet.I allowed him...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Bahan Ki Chudai

Mai vikram patil. Mai Eng. Ka student hu. Yey meri pehe li story hai. To mai story pe aata hu. Yeh bat tab ki hai jab meri chuttiyan chal rahi thi. Mai gaon ko gaya tha.mere ghar me hum do bhai hai,mai sabse chota hu.mere ek chacha hai unki do judwa betiyan hai.usme ek ka nam hai sandhya aur dusri ka nam nanda hai.jab mai ghar gaya tha tab mai hamesha ghar me akela hi rehta tha kyun ki papa kam pe jate the aur ma khet ko jati thi aur bhahi naukari karta tha. Tab tak maine ek bar bhi sex nahi...

2 years ago
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Cousin Blow Job

Lets start with a little back ground to better imagine the situation. My parents are divorced and when I was younger my mother and I would always spend a part of our vacation with our family in Serbia. We would spend most of the time in the wilage where my grandfather lived, there I would play and run around the wilage. His name is Darko and is a month younger than me. Darko was at that time about as high as me and had dark black hair that got to about the middle of forehead and dark black...

2 years ago
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A Voyeur Gets His Wish

My flat-mate and I don't like to smoke in our apartment so we always go out onto the balcony to smoke. We live on the third floor and overlook a courtyard, at the other end is the office and kitchen to a small conferencing centre, and we often see the lady who manages it sat in her office working late at night as we smoke. Her office is a floor down from us and she always has the light on so we get a pretty good view of what she's doing. One night a few months ago, my flat-mate and I were sat...

2 years ago
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My HighSchool Days

My High School Days. This tale comes from a new client. Peace Belle. Hello everyone. My name is Francine. It used to be Frank. My story starts from my time in high school. I was about at the end of my freshman year when I got a real whammy. Puberty hit me. Unlike most males, I started to grow breasts like a girl would. We saw my family doctor. Dr. Kim said to my mother, "Your son has a case of gynecomastia. Right now, I want to let his body adjust normally. In most cases, this...

1 year ago
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Nerds of Hollyweather Ch 04

(This story is a part of the Blackedmerica series, which is set in an alternate history.) On the first floor of the school, seventeen year old Scott Olson was heading to Mr. Turner's classroom. In his hand, he had Malcolm Jackson's homework on the history of Samuel Duval, an important black man in the French royal court during the early 17th century. A paper Scott had stayed up late last night to finish. He didn't want to hand in a black student's homework without it being perfect.As he turned...

1 year ago
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Panties at the rest room

I was just on my way to the bathroom to have a pee before I went out when I got a delivery. It was a new bright pink lacy thong. I had never ordered them but checking the box I saw that it was sent to me. I got into the bathroom, dropped my trousers and boxers and slipped them on. I imediately got hard and found I couldnt pee, I didnt have time to finish myself off so I slipped on my trousers and with my hard on throbbing in my new panties put my socks and shoes on and went out. By the time I...

3 years ago
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Bayonettas AbuseChapter 12 Inferno

The temperature gauge drew ever closer to the red line. A large trail of dust billowed behind Bayonetta’s GTO as it raced down the long dirt road. An occasional patch of trees and stretch of dry grass were visible here and there, but vegetation was increasingly rare as they proceeded into the badlands. If the pattern held, soon there would be nothing but boulders, scorched Earth, tall rock-faces and desolate canyons. The sun beat down on the yellow sports car mercilessly as Cereza and James...

2 years ago
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Class Reunion Party

As part of a class reunion, my wife had invited four of her girlfriends over to our house for a party. She made me promise that I would be the man slave and serve them whatever they wanted. I picked the girls up at the airport and after dinner we all went downstairs to the basement because all the girls wanted to dance. My wife had decorated the room with posters of beefy men and had put several copies of my Playboy Magazine on the coffee table to set the tone for a fun girl night. My job was...

3 years ago
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Chocolate Kisses Ch 01

Authors note:This is based on factual events. If not mentioned, all characters that engage in sexual activity are over the age of 18. In this variation of the story, I choose to focus on the main heterosexual coupling, so this will be a plot and character driven romance with a fair amount of erotica throughout, however if your looking for a quick fix, you might wanna come back to this one. If not, grab your snacks and enjoy. **** Chapter 1: Pinky Promise! ‘Mhhhhhhh,’ I moaned. My eyes...

4 years ago
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My Torture session with my Master oct 31 2010

Introduction: My Master picked me up for a torture session My Torture session with RL Master oct 31 2010. My Master ordered me to go naked underneath my long coat. Only wear high heels. He picked me up in front of my house in his Mercedes. After i got in he ordered to open my coat to show my nakedness. Like that we drove the 30 minutes drive to his farm. After arrivel he ordered me to leave the coat in the car and get out naked in the cold air. He put a leather collar very tight round my neck...

4 years ago
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Terrible Two MChapter 3 The World Intrudes

Bill Pierce cursed traffic as he turned onto Dempster. Driving all the way to the Loop and back meant a traffic snarl on the best of days, and November 2 was far from the best of days. On the other hand, he didn’t have to stand on an EL platform while this cold rain beat down. Mostly, though, the curses were because he could. When the boys were around, he censored himself. If his present situation was dreadful, stuck in a car, rain coming down like Niagara and the road slick, surrounded by...

3 years ago
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sister in law

I was staying at my sister-in-laws apartment while I was moving after a divorce. Marie is my brothers wife and she is 15 years younger than me. At the time I was 40. One weekend when her husband ( Mick) was away on a golf weekend we decided to go out with some friends on Friday night. We had a great time and by the time we got home we were wasted. We both got comfortable in our night clothes, which is for me a large tee shirt and for her a baby doll. Some how we wound up on her bed laughing...

1 year ago
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ManoJob Madi Collins Our Little Secret

Madi Collins is a barely-legal stripper who works at one of those all-nude strip joints. You know. The ones that don’t serve alcohol — so the girls who work the place are 18 and older. Madi’s a ginger, too. A redhead. Carpet-matches-the-drapes redhead. Madi’s invited you back into her Champagne Room. “Don’t worry about the cameras,” Madi says to start your VIP Session out. “I do this all the time! They’re totally off!” From there, Madi...

1 year ago
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Teen ass beauty

Note : This story is completely fictional! My daughter, Lisa, who just turned 18, two weeks ago, called me , right after I got home from work today, about 12 noon. Now she is absolutely gorgeous, standing 4'10" , 95 pounds, short brown hair, green eyes, perky 34b tits, that would give you a black eye if she hit you, tan all over, and one of the tightest, little , bubblebutts, I've ever seen. I'm 47, 6'1" , 185 pounds, married 19 years(Not getting much sex anymore!), and always looking to get my...

First Time
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my cuz and I

when I was thir#teen, my 15 year old cuz and I where checking out this new house that was being built. It was a Saturday afternoon and no one was around.The house had just been framed and there where just 2bi stud walls. The carpenters had just put the pull down srairs to the attic in and they had left a sheet of 4X8 plywood up in the rafters to work from.So being the two horny teens that we where, we went up and started to get naked on the plywood.This was realy the firstime we where...

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BlacksOnBlondes Liz Jordan 10192021

Sometimes you just have to go for it. You can’t live life worrying about what might happen. Just do it. That’s Liz’s motto – No Regrets. Like today for instance. It’s near the end of her high school experience and this horny little 18 year old student is about to graduate. All year long she has rubbed her little clit raw fantasizing what the teacher Mr. Pipers’ cock looked like. He is so big. And so black. It must be huge. Well today she finds herself alone...

2 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 71

I got the deal with the wrecker set up. I also had it handled so that I would be notified, if EZ missed a payment on the lease. It was everything I had promised him and nothing more. It still needed to be purchased, but I had managed a pro to go out to inspect it. While that deal was stewing, I went to work on the land for my air strip. I really didn't have much of a desire to negotiate. My main interest was that it be close and suitable for the take off and landing of ultralight aircraft....

2 years ago
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Special Delivery

You wouldn’t believe what has happened to me! I really thought you were kidding about the panties! Now, while I’m typing this, my cheeks are still burning and my fingers tremble with every letter I enter into the message window. I mean, you told me to be prepared for the shipment. You didn’t tell me what you wrote on the package though. But you know that yourself. * It was this morning, around nine, on a perfectly lazy Saturday. I had just crawled out of bed, slipped into my white...

2 years ago
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One Suite Cruise Pt 2

When I woke up the next morning, I stretched and the blanket fell away from my naked breasts, nipples stiffening in the cool air of my cabin. I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room, recalling the events of yesterday. Dawn, the sexy brunette who liked to be tied up… and that sexy blonde with the devil-may-care attitude and flirty smile. Choices, choices…. ‘Well,’ I said out loud to myself, ‘I can’t make any decisions until I get dressed and head out there.’ So, after I showered and dried my...

3 years ago
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The Bribed Fuck Toycontinues

Billy went to the door and cautiously peeked out, once he was sure it was clear, Billy exited closing the door behind him. I found some discarded paper and wiped away Billy's seed from my achingly tender bung hole. Adjusting my clothes I begin to count back from one hundred(100), I wanted to make sure I followed Billy's instructions clearly. When I had reached ten(10), I went to the door and listened closely. Hearing no one I slowly opened the door and peeked down the hallway, seeing no one I...

1 year ago
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My Mother

I was in junior high when I lost my virginity to my mother.I began to learn about sex from my parents porno magazine that I found accidentally in my parents closet one day when they all gone to a Christmas party. Since then I keep on going to their rooms when they are not present.My mother is a house makers . She is 44 years old, 5-2. My father is the Sea Captain for Cargo Ship. He is 58 years old,6-2. Most of his times /works, out of the sea.My mother have a habit sleeping (naped) in the...

3 years ago
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Wild GeeseChapter 11

Sunday morning, walking into Saint Mary’s, Gillian holding my right hand and Karen my left. Dulcie’s face lighting up like a sun, and almost rushing to us to kiss Gillian, and hug Karen and me. “I’m so happy for you! Have you got a date yet?” Gillian glanced at me. “Not yet, but I’m thinking ‘soon’.” I nodded. “We need to visit family.” I think a shadow passed over Dulcie’s face, but, “Quite right,” she said. “Not much call for weddings this time of year. Just give me a nod.” That...

3 years ago
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Naughty Fun at the Laundromat

Cara Andrew’s was on cloud nine these days. She finally had a boyfriend. He was one of her friend’s brother’s and she was madly in love. Her parents called it “puppy love.” This angered Cara. Her boyfriend was her prince in Cara’s mind. The Andrew’s just smiled and pretended that it didn’t bother them, but they were not that impressed with her new boyfriend. Her new boyfriend was good looking, funny, humorous, and just amazing in Cara’s mind. Her parents found him a bit controlling and didn’t...

Straight Sex

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