Brynn Phytrelia Pt. 01 free porn video

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Brynn pulled the hood on her cloak down a little further, hiding her face. She felt her shoes clicking against the street as she walked. She was hurrying, not because she had anywhere in particular she wanted to go, but because it was starting to rain. She tugged at the vest she was wearing under the cloak and cursed her luck. But, in a way, she supposed she should be grateful. Caught stowing away again, it was fortunate they’d simply kicked her off-ship on this rimward planet, instead of…well, the innumerable things they could have done to her instead.

She was wearing a pretty, lavender, ruffled skirt that flowed just beyond her knees. Her cloak also covered the pink tunic she’d ended up with, and the skirt she wore was well worn, but neatly mended.

She hadn’t been paying attention. Someone’s hand wrapped around her arm and she was yanked right off her feet and thrown to the ground. She tried to get to her feet and someone’s hand wrapped in her cloak to pull her back against a man’s chest. Her wrists were grabbed and held above her head.

‘Lookee here.’ The first man purred. There were three of them. ‘Thought you lost us at the last jump, didn’t ya?’

‘What are you talking about?’ She asked, deciding to feign ignorance. The second man laughed and touched her leg, above her high socks.

‘Last time you was wearing pants.’ He grunted, and slid his hand higher. Fear spiked and she squirmed in his grip. If she screamed, the authorities would come, but then they’d ask her what she was doing in this place…they’d notice her, and that would be worse…

She closed her eyes. Don’t lose control.

She heard her captor gasp and he dropped her. He screamed, his jacket erupting into flames, and she tried to duck under his waving arms. One of the others grabbed her ankle and she fell, the wind knocked out of her, and she kicked at his face. She struggled to her feet and took off. The two men, not currently fighting the flames took off after her.

She made it to the station without being caught, but that wouldn’t last for long. They were bigger, she was faster, and they were not breathing as hard. She slammed into someone, nearly knocking both of them off their feet.

‘Please, help me…!’ She cried, then gasped. When the man looked at her, he looked equal parts stunned, angry, and confused. Then he looked behind her, where the two men were still chasing her. She saw him take a second to weigh his options.


He made his choice, ‘Fine, come on…’ He grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a run.

She huffed out a painful breath and nearly protested, but she wanted to hide more than anything else, so she didn’t argue. She ran with him, following him where ever it was he was going to take her.

Idris considered pulling his gun and just dealing swiftly with these men, but without more information on the circumstances, he couldn’t commit to such a severe action. His boots didn’t have any trouble with the sprinkling rain that was slowly growing heavier. He knew that the walkway would be slick with the rain, very soon, and her ability to keep up with him would be hampered. They kept going down the walkway, his grip firm on her hand, but not uncomfortable.

Brynn felt faint. She had already been running a lot more than her shoes had been made for and quite a bit more than she had intended to when she’d left that morning. She was out of breath and her steps were coming less and less easily.

Idris reached over with his free hand and took her opposite elbow, holding her arms in either hand as he pulled her into a gap between two shops. Her back pressed against the wall, his chest very close to hers as they squeezed into the narrow space. His head slowly looked out over her shoulder. She was completely concealed from anyone who was not immediately nearby, so he felt confident that whatever was going on would probably miss her.

He turned to face her, his face a few centimeters from her own.

‘Now, do you want to tell me what is going on?’

‘I’m, um, in trouble?’ She said, uncertainty in her eyes. ‘They were trying to- they wanted to- my skirt, they were t-touching and I ran…’ She stopped. ‘Can you help me? I’ll tell you everything, I swear.’ She would tell him nothing. ‘Please…’

Idris studied her face for a long moment and then nodded. ‘I see.’ He said simply. He looked up the walkway and didn’t see anything threatening, other than the rain. It had picked up to a bit of a downpour now. ‘Very well, but we have to hurry. I don’t want to be out in this any longer than I’ve got to.’ He stepped out of their spot and reached out for her hand, inviting her. She looked at his hand and hesitantly took it.

‘I’ve no love for rain, like this, either.’ She agreed, and they stepped out into the storm.

He rushed them down the walkway, his cloak pulled over his head. ‘It’s not much farther. Just try not to slip.’

He led her along, and Brynn’s legs complained as they went on for what felt like a few kilometers. It wasn’t that far at all. He continued to lead her and made a quick turn down a different path. The first door on his left, he pushed open, and stepped inside, holding her hand as they went through the door, and received relief from the now pouring rain. The lights of the room lit up as the door closed behind them and she could see they were now in a large hangar. A large ship, about thirty-five meters long and twenty-five meters across, met them as the hangar filled with ambient light.

Idris called out towards the ship, walking towards it, and leaving her hand free. Brynn did not spot anyone else in the hangar with them, but she checked around to see if she had missed someone. ‘Ophelia! Start the engines and warm up the ship!’

The landing ramp slowly descended as they approached, time to touch the ground the moment Idris’ feet reached it. He motioned Brynn to follow. She could hear the various sounds of engines and generators coming to life. As they reached the top of the ramp, the lights in the ring corridor stayed dim for a moment, and then sprung to life, bathing them both in dim lighting. Once the ramp had closed behind them, he turned to look at her.

‘Ok, if you’re going to come along, we’re going to have to have a few ground rules.’ They’d stopped just inside. It seemed like Idris was in a little bit of a rush, but the cause of his urgency didn’t seem apparent to Brynn. She looked around a moment and then focused on his face again.

‘Um, ok?’ She said, mildly.

‘Alright, for now, I need to get off this rock. So, I want you to either sit in the copilot’s seat, or buckle up in the galley.’ He pointed, indicating their respective locations. ‘Once we’ve left the system, and we’ve initiated the jump, we’ll figure out where who is going to sleep where and find you something to change into. I don’t usually have passengers on my ship, but, no offense, if you’re going to be with me for three days, you get to use the refresher at least twice between now and then. That’s…not negotiable.’

‘Yes, I agree. Copilot’s seat then.’ She was cold wearing wet clothes, shivering a little now that they were in the even cooler air of his ship.

He started walking down the corridor and around to the passage that came off the ring, and up to the cockpit. He sat down and strapped in. Reaching up overhead, he flipped a few switches, looking up at the cloudy sky and the air traffic lanes as the hangar door opened above them. He spared a glance at the copilot’s chair as she strapped in, then maneuvered the ship for lift off. Brynn heard the roar of the sublight engines as they took to the sky and ascended towards orbit.

‘Ophelia, bring up the navicomputer, and get me Baramasta jump coordinates.’ He waited until the antispace window generator had a green light, and then throttled forward. The vast window seemed to peel open for that small fraction of a second, and then they were enveloped
in it, the viridian and azure hues of antispace engulfing them. He looked down over the panel, and then at his wrist, checking to be sure his chronometer matched ship time. He sighed, and then turned to look towards the copilot chair again.

She was sitting rather stiffly, staring at the display in front of them, her hands tight in her lap. ‘I don’t mind Baramasta. I’ll be out of your hair quickly.’ She said softly. ‘I won’t make trouble.’

He shrugged at her, obviously not having paid it a great deal of consideration.

It was then that the miniature projection came to life on the control console, standing near the center. The holographic figure was about as tall as Idris’ forearm was long. ‘Captain Chariton? Why…do we have a passenger…again?’

Brynn had jumped at the sight of the small woman made of blue light. The woman, who must be Ophelia, looked and sounded like an adult, but her voice held the curiosity of a child. It was rather charming.

‘We have a passenger because…’ He stopped mid-sentence, looking over at Brynn a moment, his eyes taking in her appearance, before he turned back to Ophelia. ‘Well, she’s here now.’

‘I have…no, I had coin. I had to leave it in the inn.’ Brynn said, disappointed. ‘I’ll pay you back, help in any way I can. I can sleep anywhere, too. I’m really used to it. Thank you so much for taking me with you.’ She was earnestly, truly grateful, and she was thinking of all the ways she could avoid answering any real questions. ‘Did you have anything I can help you with?’

‘I can do a status check and then meet you in the galley. It’s not anything that you can help with yet though, so just follow Ophelia.’

She frowned. ‘Are you sure?’

‘Yeah. It’s something I have to do so I can make sure it gets done. Also, if there is something wrong, do you think you’re going to be able to correct it?’

‘Oh. No, I guess not.’ She pursed her lips in frustration. ‘I hadn’t even thought about that.’

‘It’s okay, really. It won’t take but a few minutes, unless there is a problem.’

‘Alright.’ She turned to look towards the console, searching for Ophelia’s image.

Idris smiled. ‘It’s just in there,’ he said, pointing into the corridor. ‘Just take a right when you reach the first wall and then it’s the next left in the corridor. You can’t miss it.’

Brynn nodded and walked out of the cockpit, following the tunnel into the main deck. The walls were barren, just hard bulkhead from floor to ceiling. She followed the curve of the tunnel to the right, as Idris had directed, and then found the opening into the galley. It was open and relaxing. She was worried it was going to be cramped, like the cockpit, or small and destitute like the feel of the ship so far. She sat down on a cushioned bench off to the side of a table and was greeted by Ophelia’s image.

‘Hello again. Is there anything I can assist you with? Are you hungry?’

Brynn’s hands instinctively went to her stomach and she thought she heard it gurgle. ‘Actually, that would be nice. What are my options?’

‘I can remotely access the converter to produce a large variety of items. It may not have anything you are familiar with though. Perhaps if you give me a bit more information on what you would like I would be able to provide you with some suggestions.’

Brynn looked down at the table as she thought, staring at Ophelia’s image. ‘I don’t want anything extravagant. Maybe just some soup and bread?’

‘Light or dark?’

Brynn furrowed her forehead. ‘I’m sorry? Light or dark what?’

‘Would you like your bread darker or whiter? And would you like your soup to be thinner or more heavy?’

Brynn nodded. ‘Ah yes. Um, well, I guess just lighter bread. And…thinner soup?’ She wasn’t entirely sure what her request was likely to produce. Then she looked to the hall outside of the galley and saw Idris run by. Brynn stood and moved away from the table. ‘Actually, never mind. I will eat later. Where’d Idris going?’ As she asked, she was already making her way back into the corridor.

She started walking in the direction she’d seen him going. She found Idris stopped in the tunnel, looking through a transparent panel. ‘Idris?’

Idris jumped a bit. ‘Brynn. Hi. Sorry, I just didn’t hear you come over here.’

‘What’s in there?’

‘Nothing,’ he replied too quickly.

She arched an eye brow at him. ‘I mean, I know it’s not my ship, and arguably, it’s not my business. But obviously there is not ‘nothing’ in there or you wouldn’t be glued to the door.’

Idris nodded once. ‘Fair enough. It’s not anything you need to worry about. It’s just a…’ His mouth hung open a long moment as he decided on the right words. ‘An unexpected complication.’

‘What? Why? What’s happened?’ She demanded, not mousey at all. ‘Idris, can I help?’

‘No, it’s fine, I’m just running through the status check still. And, this is part of it. Just go back to the galley. I’ll be there soon.’

‘Alright.’ Brynn said, calmly. She walked down the hall, looking over her shoulder to see him watching her. As she walked into the galley, however, she saw the lights flicker and she could hear what sounded vaguely like rending metal. She looked out into the corridor just in time to see someone step out of an aperture. She assumed it was Idris, but they were dressed in full body armor. He walked past the galley and slowed a moment, turning to her. The face plate opened and he pointed. ‘Stay in the galley.’ He didn’t wait for her response, turning back to the hall and making his way around the corner out of sight.

She blinked and moved to sit again. She heard another noise, the whirring sound of another motor, echoing from around the corridor. Frowning, moving carefully but at a brisk pace, Brynn defiantly made her way down the hall towards the strange clanking noise.

The door Idris had been glued to was now open. It open into a cargo hold’s antechamber. The door to the cargo hold itself had broken loose. Blue, red, and yellow hues were reflecting on the bulkhead floor from it onto the corridor bulkheads. There was an intense heat coming away from the hold and out into the corridor. She made her way closer, not feeling quite confident enough to rush into whatever mess Idris may have ended up in. As she got close enough, she could feel herself sweating and looked around the corner, into the hold. Idris was struggling to extinguish several fires that were burning inside of the barren chamber.

The compartment was about six meters wide and probably only five meter to the wall opposite the broken door. There was a creature inside of the hold, with Idris. It was large enough to monopolize the space for most of the compartment. It reminded her of a huge lizard, but it was black, with hard scales and thorny protrusions over most of its body. I was also the deepest shade of purple she’s ever seen. Its face glowed orange for a moment and she saw it spray fire onto the bulkhead wall. She noticed a section on the floor where it looked like half a dozen chain links had sheered in half. So that’s what the ‘complication’ was. And she realized the other reason he hadn’t said anything.

‘A pyre fiend? You brought a PYRE FIEND on a cargo ship?! Are you insane?!’

She made her way closer, deflecting the intense waves of heat coming out of the hold. She saw that Idris had some kind of weapon in his left hand. Unfortunately, the energy it was emitting seemed to disperse over the beast’s natural armor, leaving it completely unphased by his efforts.

He spun around to look at her when he heard her voice. ‘Brynn! No! Get away from here! I’ve got it, really! Just…’

She folded her arms, skeptically glaring at him. But then the creature caught a glimpse of her and turned to try to come after her.

Idris called out to her. ‘Brynn! No!’ He grabbed onto the tail of creature, rooting his feet, and holding on. The creature jerked back a little, its h
ead turning as it sprayed another blast of fire towards the corridor. Despite his efforts, the creature was too close, and he watched as the fire blew out of its mouth to try to encompass Brynn in a wall of bright, blue flames.

Brynn raised her arms, instinctively, trying to shield herself while backing away. The flames engulfed her, but as they dissipated, she came out unharmed. Her heart sank as she watch Idris pause. She couldn’t even see his face now, but his body language was enough. She sighed and focused on the creature that was now eager to hurt her. Even if it couldn’t burn her, it could still pummel her to death. ‘Is there another way to, to stun it?’

Even if she hadn’t shown up, Idris seemed a bit overwhelmed, and if he ended up hurt, she couldn’t pilot the ship herself. It was either step in this moment or carry him out later. Well, maybe if she made herself very useful in potentially saving his life, he’d be nice enough to not say anything until she jumped planets a few times.

Idris hesitated for a long moment. Intellectually, he knew she should be dead, but she wasn’t. He didn’t have time to dwell. The tail came out of his grip and its head moved closer to Brynn, blowing another blast of fire over her. Again, nothing. Even her clothes weren’t singed or hurt.

Then the creature flicked its tail and hit Idris in the midsection, launching him off his feet. He flew into the bulkhead, his back slamming against the wall, hard, and he crumpled to the floor for a moment. By the time he got to his feet, it was already on top of her. Brynn held the jaws of the creature with her bare hands, trying to hold it back. Idris ran over to her and swung his armored fist into the side of the creature’s head. With it distracted by trying to kill Brynn, it didn’t have time to turn away from the blow.

The sound of metal hammering rock echoed through the compartment as the beast’s neck jerked to one side, its body following it as it smashed into the bulkhead. It stopped moving, and Idris worked frantically to drag it into the center of the compartment. He walked over to right side of the room and opened the lid for a hidden interface. He input a few commands, and a door opened in the ceiling. A large, metal cage slammed down on the creature, denting the compartment floor as the delivery arm savagely pushed into place.

Once he was sure that it was contained, he walked over to Brynn, his face plate receding. ‘Are you alright?’

Brynn looked up at him, reaching up to take his hand and letting him help her to her feet. She winced with pain. Her hands had been cut trying to hold the creature back, but not badly. She didn’t say anything as she watched the cage behind Idris. The cage was filling with thick, white smoke.

Idris sighed and wrinkled his forehead at her, turning his head to look at her out of the corner of his eye as he gave her a suspicious glance. ‘I can’t help but get the feeling that you MIGHT have left out some details about why you were so anxious to get out of Janx City and off planet…’

‘What do you mean?’ Brynn asked, her eyes widening with innocence.

Idris stared at her, hesitating. ‘Right…’ He shook his head and walked away from her, back into the antechamber. Brynn moved to follow, standing next to him outside of the compartment. She glanced at the broken door and frowned. Then Idris moved out of the chamber to stand in the hall, closing the outer door and standing next to her, wordlessly.

‘Okay.’ She said, at last, and her voice was firm. ‘There…might be a reason I was running. Or even more than one reason. But they did…they were…well, there was more to it than just that, but it was a large part of it.’

He heard the outer door of the cargo hold close and nodded to her. ‘I see,’ he said simply. He frowned at her. ‘Well, I suppose it wasn’t any of my business for you to tell me, and I guess I can understand why you would want to…be discreet. However, I had hoped that if you had enough trust in me to go gallivanting off with me, isolated on a ship, that you might also have enough confidence in me to be…honest?’ He tasted the word as he said it, his eyes looking up at the ceiling as he tried to decide if that was the right word.

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They both ask me for a cigarette , late outside , at the bus stopboth finishing work and going home waiting for the rideboth in their 40s , nice black guys , talking about worki got in the bus with them , they both sat with me making me sit between em two the bus went on the road and they started to ask me if i had a gf''no i dont''''we both have wives''''cool''i talk with them until i had to got off the bus, i did and they followed mesaying they were going the same wayi knew going throught the...

3 years ago
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A Walk in the Park

Ally blushed as he felt the phone in his pocket vibrate briefly, followed by its usual chime. He slipped it from his pocket, glanced at the screen and gulped a little loudly. Someone had responded. The message was brief and simple, the way he'd asked. "Meet @ Park, 2am bench near Lake." the message read, the young male still trying to decide if he would go at all. The idea of being taken by a stranger for his first time seemed strange, almost dangerous, but just the thought of it made his skin...

4 years ago
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The Chaperone BluesChapter 5

Lori couldn't believe it when she saw her mother follow Coach into the bathroom. Bobby gasped as well. Both of them had watched as they saw their mother's hand being placed on what was obviously Coach's hard dick. And both had seen her hand squeeze that lump. And then there had been the kiss and some whispering. Bobby, who had always had a letch for his mother anyway, felt his prick harden. Lori, who knew that part of the attraction Bobby had to her was that she was her mother's daughter,...

3 years ago
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Sex Diaries Stepsister

I want to fuck my stepsister. I know some people will be turned on by that statement, while others will be mortified. Even though there is no shared DNA or blood relation, many people will still consider me a sick fuck for wanting to do my stepsister. To each their own. But I didn’t always want to have sex with her. When my dad and her mom got married two years ago, I didn't pay much attention to her, let alone notice how attractive she was. Our interaction with each other was tepid at best....

2 years ago
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Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls. It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world, except for Lola. Lo lo lo Lola. Lola had just turned fourteen. Her party had been a roaring success, as far as she was concerned that is. All of her friends had been invited. She had received a ton of presents. Everyone had watched movies, talked, and played games. Several kids had sneaked away to play spin the bottle. Lola had even been able to sneak away and take a turn. She had kissed Jacob and Troy...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Evelyn 23 Years Old

23 year old Evelyn is one of those club bottle girls and she’s from Miami. She’s blonde, fit, flexible, absolutely gorgeous and she’s about to get rocked. Evelyn is what I like to call a prime candidate. If she actually finds an agent, she’s gonna go far in the jizz biz. From the moment she walks in the door she’s a hoot. I’m pretty sure she’s savvy enough to have figured out where the fake job interview was headed pretty early on. That doesn’t deter her in the slightest. Especially since she...

1 year ago
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Never Again

Disclaimer: If it's illegal for you to read sexually explicit material, do not read this fine composition. ~~~ It was 12:34 AM and Fai was awake in his bed. He couldn't sleep. Fai was an engineering student in Oregon. His grades were mediocre, but he was rather popular. He liked having a good time a little too much, really. He suddenly felt movement at the foot of his bed. Someone was there, but he was strangely unalarmed. The weight moved up and he felt a soft hand on...

2 years ago
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Jess was standing on a podium in a slightly chilly classroom, sunlight was pouring in the nearest window, shining over her small, firm right breast. Her nipples were erect, and goosebumps appeared over her arms. As always, it was a mixture of the temperature and her arousal. She stood at 5′ 3′, looking over the class that was viewing her nude form, taking in her body, and forever immortalising her beauty on a canvas. At 24, she felt more alive than partying had ever made her. Just another ten...

4 years ago
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The night that changed my life Ch Three The hotel

The night that changed my life chapter 3 “The hotel room” As I enter the door I hear soft music playing and met with the dancing flames of candles adorning the room. Shaking like a leaf, I honestly don’t know if I have ever been this nervous. I breathe a sigh of relief finding out that it is just the two of us in the here. Walking by the bathroom and notice a bubble bath has been drawn and is awaiting us. Smiling to myself I reach the end of the hallway to see her. My fucking god does she...

2 years ago
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Ill fix more than just her wireless connectivity

It started out as a typical weekend, woke up Saturday morning to the bright sunshine with my wife still sleeping next to me in bed. We had our coffee and breakfast on the front porch a little while later, along with some light conversation.While we were sitting there, our neighbor Colleen walked out on her front porch wearing sweats and a t-shirt. Colleen is a single woman, about 5'10" with long sexy legs and overall a nice body. She and I have had episodes of flirting and touching during...

Straight Sex
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Introduction: oh yeah she was seirous __It is still unclear as to just where and how the neighbor lady, Jan, and her daughter, Melinda, had been. Some secret government location in the U.S. They had spent most of their life there and were isolated from the rest of the world. When the dad came up missing, thats all they were told&hellip,missing -permanent. They had to get permission to move away from there, and never say anything about where they had been or anything else. They decided to move...

1 year ago
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I wish my wife was this dirty part VII

“Well, I’ve still got it !” my wife greeted me with delight one evening when I returned home from the golf club.“You certainly have my dear. And I am sure plenty of men would agree with me. Who is it this time ?” I smiled.“Well, to cut a long story short, I found Luke’s semen in our garden.”“I hope there’s a good explanation for this.” I replied, sitting back in my armchair, and although taken somewhat aback, I whetted my lips at what I expected to be an arousing account.Luke had been spending...

1 year ago
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Eye Of The Storm

It was late. Storm clouds hung in the air, each adding another dark textured layer to the night sky. A flash of lightning illuminates all around for the briefest of moments before the deep rumble of thunder and darkness descends once more. Heavy rain pounds relentlessly against the floor to ceiling office windows, the bustling city swarming below. Building lights span as far as the eye can see, the red streak of blurred taillights painting a vivid picture as people feverishly rush to get out of...

Office Sex
4 years ago
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A Surprise On The Seventh Hole

After spending a full day golfing with my husband, I decided to write a letter to him, recapping the day's events. That was a great idea for us to go golfing today. I really had a great time. I also enjoyed the dirty talking that we did as we walked the course. It was a beautiful day. The sun was beaming on us, sweat starting to bead on our foreheads, between my boobs and in my pants. It was hot, but not as hot as you or what happened on the seventh hole. As we approached the seventh hole, the...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Amys FamilyPart 3 Amys Surfing Adventure

As Amy's and my plane slowly taxied away from the gate at San Francisco's International Airport, an elation started to build within me, an elation born of knowing that I was finally leaving the dreary, rainy, foggy Northern California days behind, and that for the next three months I would be in the place where I belonged, Hawaii. ~ HAWAII Just the sound of the name is magical, conjuring up visions of blue and green and aquamarine seas, of an explosion of colorful plant life, of surf...

3 years ago
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I think Id never look back

Never Look Back Author's note: This is based on I think I'd have a heart attack, which you can find a version of here: I always had my defences up never could admit who I was because if I ever did that I know I could never look back Always knew that I had to hide Always had to try to be a guy Never talk about what I want Even though it made life so tough Pretended I didn't care that they took my girl doll and cut my hair though...

4 years ago
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"Our last award this evening is for someone very special to us here at Apraxis. He has been a big part of the Apraxis family for some time now and his hunger and commitment never fails to surprise us. For the best national sales performance of the year, it can only be…” He let the anticipation build amongst the assembled staff. This was fine dining for two hundred souls in black tie and evening dresses. Free booze and a band would round off the evening; the awards were the high point before the...

2 years ago
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Wife takes her first big cock

I had chatted to this guy online a few times. Then we text’d for about two months. We were both married and looking for some no strings fun. He was obviously sex crazy. We had been constantly flirting and there was definitely a sexual attraction. Finally, the day came for us to meet. I got up that morning and my husband and I chose what I was going to wear. we decided on a pair of skin tight black leggings and a tight black top. As I went to get dressed my husband told me not to put any...

3 years ago
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Like a Moth to a Flame

All-consuming passion and soul-shattering vulnerability: this is the only way to describe it. A man who will kiss you for fifteen minutes straight, ceaseless, passionate, over and over, almost suffocating you with intensity — and then pause, suddenly: pensively, the crease of his brow and narrowing of his eyes just visible in the glimmers of early morning light which seep in through the gaps in the blinds. He stares into your eyes, out beyond the end of the mattress and into the room, then...

1 year ago
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XNXX Forum

Forum sites have sort of gone out of fashion in recent times. Mostly because people have moved on to some more interactive things which include clean user interfaces where you can jump straight to the content without having to browse through an entire post just to get to it. Forums were really popular back when porn sites weren’t a thing because this was the only place where you could actually find some erotic content to jerk off to for free. This means that you were no longer confined to your...

Porn Forums
3 years ago
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5 Cheerleader Sex Slaves Chapter 2

This is the story of 5 high school Cheerleaders who get lost and have their car breakdown, only to have a friendly garage owner "help" them out and turn them into slaves. Thanks for reading…Chapter TwoI couldn't believe how rested I felt in the morning. I found my cheek pressed into Monique's breast. I was a little surprised to find her sleeping, breathing softly, seemingly contented.I eased out of the bed and headed for the bathroom. I could already feel the aching in my loins, I knew I needed...

3 years ago
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Shopping for More than Clothes

Patrick and Alice had been married for eight years. They loved each other dearly and spent most of their free time off work with each other. When asked about married life, both of them would enthusiastically answer that it was wonderful and no regrets were to be had. The problem was, Patrick had a vivid imagination. He loved his wife and relished making love to her, but he had always imagined long love making sessions full of romance and foreplay. To Alice, sex was a 'duty' she owed her...

1 year ago
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Hark the Comet Passes Again the Wolf BiteChapter 2

The night air was still and quiet. The sun had long ago dipped away to rest and yet the moon was bright and full. Its rays reflecting light and shadows across the greater Wolferton Valley area. It was that time when all manner of insect and bug or even small animal had found a private spot to rest. As Gabe walked home the sound of his sneakers slapping the sidewalk was the only thing breaking the quiet late summer air. Gabriel decided to take his normal shortcut thru the high schools...

3 years ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 54

I fucked and ate my classmates all during lunch. Then it was time to go back to classes. Of course, I had to be naked all afternoon, which I don’t mind at all. I kind of enjoy having others see me. I never would have thought that, but since I became a whore, I like it. Nothing to get in the way when it is time to fuck. We went back to class and once again I was being used by another teacher. I got fucked in the ass in front of my class and then another teacher came in and I sucked his cock....

1 year ago
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How I Get My MotherInLaw With The Help Of My Wife

Hi guys this is hard-dick this is my first story so if there any mistake please forgive me . So let come to the story . Meri wife ka naam mahi hai delhi ki khule vicharo ki ladki height 5’6″ dikhne me pyari . Ek din mein aur mahi drink kar rahe the .Waise wo sirf mere saath hi drink karti hai .Ab tak to usne aisa hi bta rakha hai .Mene isi dauran mahi se kaha apni sexual fantasy btao to wo thoda jhijki fir mene kaha chalo me apni fantasy btata hu to mahi kehti hai haan haan btao ji mene kaha...

1 year ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 45 Facing a Major Test

I had announced that the crew needed to show up at ten hundred hours. As was my usual pattern I walked into the bridge simulator thirty minutes before then. For once I was alone, as all of my ladies were still sleeping. The orgy that Lenore had demanded had run far past midnight. I was still a bit sleepy, but the content smiles on my slumbering concubines warmed my heart as I took my seat and powered up the displays. The displays were flickering into life when the doors opened up behind me....

3 years ago
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Something Old Something NewChapter 4

Uncle John did, in fact, knock on my door at one. By this time I had decided that being coy was probably a waste of time, so I was already naked. I also had an idea to break the ice, if just being naked wasn't enough. I had taken a quick shower. While I liked the taste of sperm, I wasn't sure Uncle John would, and I wanted him to suck my pussy. That's because Uncle John could do the most impressive impersonation of Gene Simmons from KISS. He had the longest, fattest tongue of any real...

1 year ago
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A Short Indian Railways

Hi friends this Samay again but after such a long time so many people of this site already knw me or jo nahi jante unko bata doon ki main ke normal looks wala ladka hoon or main apni jyada badai bhi nahi karta na hi yahan sex partner ki talash me apni story likhta hoon, main to sirf app logo ke enjoyment ke liye or jo mere saath hua wo batane ke liye.. Let me tell you about myself 1st.Jaisa ki maine bataya ki main ek normal looks wala ladka hoon, slim actually very slim body… chashma lagata...

1 year ago
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The business trip to Riyadh had been an uneventful one for Peter.  Having just started with an American petrochemical company he had been excited to be offered the chance to travel as part of his job.  Little did he know that his trip was about to take a decided turn for the worse.Across the breakfast room in the hotel Mehmet was staring at the clean-shaven handsome American while he slowly sipped his coffee.  This white man was just Mehmet’s type – smooth light skin, slim build, an almost...

3 years ago
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Charlotte Sometimes Chapter 3 Close to Me

Fiona parked outside Charlotte’s house when they got back from their trip across the border. Charlotte longed to lean across and kiss Fiona but knew that sort of thing was never going to happen. Not in broad daylight with her mother watching through the living room window.“Thanks for being my model.”“I loved it. And I’ll drop the dress round later.”“There’s no rush. Drop it round any time. I’m heading back to Belfast this evening. Need to get into the darkroom to develop these pictures, and...

1 year ago
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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 33

Steve Amazing, one night the little ones don't wake you up, and the next they wake up a couple of times. It wasn't bad either time, as Mickey and Giovanna were quickly up to take care of them. I can't imagine what Chuck is doing with ten of them in his big suite. Chuck has made some very nice plans for us, considering I thought the resort was sold out to other customers. Chuck is sneaky that way. He'll have had this planned for months now, and was able to coordinate holding the Costa...

1 year ago
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Gay phone hook up

Way back in the mid 1980's I was working for a major computer firm in California. I was in my 20's and loved it there with the perfect weather and always something to do on the weekends. My ex was beautiful with a really hot body tight ass and pussy I could munch all day and night but she was extremely jealous and insecure. I would have loved to share my love for sucking cock with her but she was really uptight so my dream of sucking off a well hung guy with her or letting a guy fuck her...

3 years ago
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Reversal of Fortune Part 4

Part 4 The first night alone, together Before we came back to the apartment, Rajkumari instructed me to take two more cups of his fluids and give him two more of mine that night. She said, "Take one cup after two hours and one early in the morning one hour after you drink his piss." Immediately I corrected her with a "Please call it as his liquid and not piss" and she just laughed it off. Then I went to my apartment soon after and went to the toilet to relieve myself. Now a days,...

2 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 111 Old Wounds

She'd been asleep. Doubtlessly dreaming of family and friends left behind on Majesta prime. Nagi remember being excited, as always, she supposed? on the prospect of seeing a New World. Wondering the same sort of things any girl of fourteen standard galactic years did. She'd had her moment of temper of course, demanding why she should have to go? Perhaps father would begin advising construction of a new spaceport on planet Boralis as newly appointed master architect for the imperium, But...

3 years ago
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The ContractChapter 2

My name is Rebecca. I am a married woman, with three adult kids. My husband John and I have been together since high school. We were married the day after high school graduation, and we have been very happy all these years. We've had twenty-four happy and wonderful years so far, but our time is short. Rather, my time is short. You see, I'm dying. I have several kinds of cancer in my body, and any one of them would be lethal to me. My doctors have given me four to six months to live now....

3 years ago
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Pakathu Veetu Mama

Vanakam enathu peyar Raami vayathu 23, naan enathu kaluri padipinai mudithu vittu ipozhuthu thirmanatirkaaga kaathu kondu irukiren. Naan paarpatharku migavum azagaga irupen enathu mulaigal perithaaga irukum pinbu ennathu udal vadivam 32-28-34 migavum sexyaga irupen. Ennathu mulagal irandum therivathu pondru aadaigalai uduthuven. Naan enathu kalluri kaalathile enathu pulaigal perithaaga irupathaal naan athai pirarugu kaama aasaiyai vara vaipatharkaga irukamaaga aadaiyai poduven. Appozhuthu...

1 year ago
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A Challenge

As I walked into the dimly lit room, I could smell the heat in the air. The note had said, ‘Room 469, 1:00pm. Wear something easily removed.’ It had been typed, but when it had been delivered with a dozen white and fuchsia gladiolas, I knew it was from one or the other of them. Maybe both. Also, It didn’t say which hotel, so I assumed it would be the one place the 3 of us had rendezvoused several times before. The key attached to the note did not have a tag, and the only marking was the room...

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