Selfie Stuck free porn video

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Just a few more months, he thought as he erased the blackboard, avoiding the show that Sabrina was no doubt putting on as she rose from her desk at final bell.  Only when the room was empty did he breathe a sigh of relief and put down the eraser.

Jacob picked up his things in preparation to leave, but there was a new vigil to observe first.  He waited for a half hour, watching out the window, until Sabrina’s red Audi pulled out onto the street.  Only then did he make the trek to his own car.

The day before, he had found a folded piece of paper under his windshield wiper.  Upon examining it, he discovered it was Sabrina’s phone number, sealed with a lipstick imprint.  Already shocked and embarrassed, he received a second jolt when he looked behind him to back out of the parking spot.  His blonde student was sitting in her car, parked in the space directly behind him, giving him her trademark sultry stare and crooked smile.

Her increasingly aggressive flirtation wasn’t the unnerving part – his sexual dreams about her were.

In a way, he couldn’t blame himself.  He was thirty-five, two years divorced, and a month outside his last sexual relationship.  Having a stunning seventeen-year-old making a play for him was certain to stir things up.  He still kicked himself for secretly lusting after her, though.

Thankfully, there was no note on the windshield this time.  The mantra from earlier returned as he drove home.  In a few more months, she’d graduate, and be off to college.  He only had to survive that long.

Back at his apartment, he contemplated whether to take a shower or make dinner first.  Before he could make a decision, his phone sounded an alert for an incoming text message.  He pulled it out of his pocket, unlocked it, and stared at the message in confusion.  It was from an unknown number, and simply read, “Guess who?”

He didn’t have long to ponder.  Only a few seconds later, another message arrived from the same number, and it was a picture.  He froze, staring in openmouthed shock at the thumbnail of Sabrina in a pink hoodie, which was opened to reveal her shirt was pulled up, exposing her bra.  Two more pictures arrived in rapid succession.  In one, she had pulled her pants and panties down, showing off her bare-shaven pussy.  In the final picture, she was completely nude, lying with her legs spread wide on a bed.

Even as part of him screamed to tap the thumbnails to see the full sized pictures, he quickly deleted the entire conversation, wondering how she had obtained his cell number.  He’d barely erased the evidence when she sent another message asking, “You like?” with a string of emojis he was too scattered to try to interpret.

That message likewise vanished into digital oblivion, and he began to pace.  Her already troublesome flirting had just taken a quantum leap forward.  However briefly, there had been nude pictures of his seventeen-year-old student on his phone.  He had to find out how to change his phone number – immediately.

She sent him another message that said, “Hello?”  He deleted it.  He thought about turning his phone off, but realized that wouldn’t stop her from sending him messages, but would prevent him from deleting them.  Another message followed.  This time, “Hello,” was in all caps, with an exclamation point.  He erased it as well, and wiped his brow, which was beginning to dampen with sweat.  Then he called his mobile provider.

While in the midst of negotiating the customer service menu, two more messages arrived.  He ignored them, continuing on to find out how to change his number.  Finally, he was connected to a representative – or rather, put on hold waiting for one.

He went back to pacing, half listening for the music to stop while considering the hassle a changed number would cause.  He would have to update the bank, his credit card company, all his friends and relatives, the school...

A knock on the door snapped him out of his musing.  He walked over, looked through the peephole, and nearly dropped his phone when he saw Sabrina standing in the hall.

Fuck!  Fuck!  Fuck! he thought as he backed away from the door.  She has my number and knows where I live.  How in the hell?

She knocked again, and he faintly heard her say, “I know you’re home, Mr. Adams.  You can open the door, or I can stand out here in the hall yelling through it.”

As if he wasn’t panicked enough, that nearly pushed him over the line into an anxiety attack.  Naturally, the customer service rep decided to pick up at the exact moment Sabrina called out for him to open the door again.  He quickly ended the call and opened the door, but didn’t unhook the chain.

“Sabrina, you need to leave,” he said without looking through the crack.  “I don’t want to have to call the police.”

A foot slipped into the door, and she said, “I wouldn’t be the one who had to explain things to them.”  With that, she stuck her phone through the door.

He glanced down at the screen and couldn’t believe his eyes.  On her phone was a nude picture of him in a Twitter DM coming from his account.

“You’d better let me in,” Sabrina said.  “What would the neighbors think?”  She pulled her phone and her foot out of the door.

Trapped like a rat, he swallowed hard, closed the door enough to unhook the chain, and then opened it.  She slipped past him – giggling – and turned to face him while he closed the door and locked it again.

Sabrina grinned at him – the same lopsided smile she always affected when flirting – and then looked down at the picture of him on her phone.  “I could tell it was big.  But wow.”

“I didn’t send that to you.  How did you get it?” he blurted out.

“The same way I got your number, and your address, and pretty much everything,” she said while walking over to the couch.

She sat down, and it was only then that he realized she was wearing the same pink hoodie and pants from the pictures she’d sent him.  His face burned as he remembered the tiny thumbnails of her body.

“You were trying so hard not to look at me last week that I could see your address in the email you were sending,” she explained.  “And Mrs. Dunstan’s.”

The moment she mentioned the other teacher’s name, he knew what had happened.  The two frequently sent each other funny pictures and links.  His laptop had frozen after clicking a link she’d sent him a couple of days before.  He’d restarted the computer, and all seemed well, but obviously, it wasn’t.  When he mentioned the email to Abby, she didn’t recall sending it.

“You hacked me,” he muttered.

“Nobody says hacked anymore,” she said, and giggled.  “But, yeah, that gave me remote access to your laptop.  The pictures of you were an unexpected bonus.  Now, I want to see the real thing.”

His eyes widened, and he took a step back.  “You can’t be serious.”

“Oh, I’m so serious,” she said as she unzipped her hoodie and shrugged it off.  Her top wasn’t pulled up, as it had been in the picture, but she remedied that in a hurry.

Jacob stood frozen, his eyes wide as saucers, and his mouth slowly dropping open as she discarded her top.  She walked toward him.  Slowly.  Sensually.  She reached behind her, unclasped her bra, and slipped out of it without breaking her stride.

Sabrina came to a halt in front of him, bare-breasted and smiling.  Even as she let her bra fall at her feet, she reached for the buckle of his belt.

“Sabrina, please don’t do this,” he said with his voice quavering.

She ignored him and opened the buckle with practiced ease.  “I’ve got you.  You have to do whatever I want, or I could ruin you.  So just relax and enjoy it.  You know you want it.  You can’t take your eyes off my tits.”

Somehow, his face flushed even hotter, because she was right.  His eyes were focused with laser intensity on her firm, young breasts.  They were taut, unblemished, and capped with rosy pink circles that surrounded her visibly stiff nipples.  The effort required to look away from them and up into her eyes was shamefully difficult.

“Why?  Why do you..?  Why me?” he asked.

She shrugged, and then popped open the button on his slacks.  “My friends and I were checking you out that first day this year.”  She grasped the tab of his zipper and pulled it down with agonizing slowness as she continued.  “Somehow, I ended up in a bet that I could fuck you.  Originally, I just didn’t want to lose the bet.  Now that I’ve seen a picture of it, I just want this cock.”

Jacob shuddered as she parted the V of his slacks.

She glanced down, chuckled, and said, “Boxers.  Guess you need the room down there, huh?”

He gasped when, without further preamble, she reached into his shorts and fished out his cock.  Nerves and shock had only let him swell slightly despite the half naked young woman in front of him.

“Oh my,” she breathed as she squeezed it.  She then began to stroke him and gave her shoulders a shake, making her magnificent breasts jiggle.  “Make it hard for me.”

For a moment, he thought he’d found an out.  If he could keep from getting hard, perhaps she’d abandon her scheme.  He tried to focus his thoughts on something else, and homed in on the thoroughly unattractive vice principal.  The image in his head evaporated almost immediately, boiled away by the sensation of her soft hand sliding along his length.  It was hopeless.  He swelled rapidly in her grip.

“Oh yeah,” she moaned as he hardened.  “God, it’s fucking huge.”

He couldn’t hold back his groan as he reached full hardness under her ministrations.  Though she was blackmailing him, he was still ashamed of what he was doing, despite a small, reptilian part of his brain screaming to rip the rest of her clothes off.

Her fingers still curled around his hardness, she looked up at him, moaned, and said, “Bedroom.  Now.  I can’t wait to have this inside me.”

A flash of inspiration caused him to seek another escape route by saying, “I don’t have any condoms.”

She tugged on his engorged member, forcing him to walk with her toward the hall.  “Good,” she said, dashing yet another fleeting hope.

She released him after a couple of steps, and he followed her to his bedroom in a curious reversal of the walk of shame, which usually happened when leaving the bedroom.  To avoid stepping on the legs of his pants, he tugged them up, slipping his cock back inside in the process.

Sabrina glanced back, and she affected a pout for a moment upon seeing that he’d concealed himself, but then laughed as she stepped across the threshold of his bedroom.

He followed – his heart racing and his cock throbbing.  It obviously shared none of his reservations.

She didn’t pause or even look around.  Instead, she proceeded straight to the bed and sat down to remove her shoes.  They landed with unceremonious thumps on the floor, and her socks quickly followed.  He stood a couple of steps away, still holding his slacks closed.  Sabrina rolled her eyes, stood up, and dropped both her pants and panties with a quick push.

“This is happening,” she said matter-of-factly.  She then took his free hand, pulled him toward the bed, and forced him to sit.

Jacob drew in a deep breath, and let it out slowly.  His teenage student stood up in front of him wearing an amused grin, but with her hands on her bare hips and one exquisite foot tapping.  He reached up and began slowly unbuttoning his shirt.

Sabrina gave a shake of her head and stepped in.  She stooped down, grabbed his leg, and lifted it to pull off his shoe without bothering to untie it.  He had only managed to unhook three buttons by the time she dispensed with both shoes and his socks.

“Hurry up,” she said as she climbed into the bed.

He continued to stare at the doorway while she settled in, and he finished unbuttoning his shirt.  He slipped it off, and at a loss of what to do, let it flutter to the floor.

“Not bad,” she cooed at the sight of his bared chest.

He glanced toward her when she spoke, and immediately wished he hadn’t.  She was caressing her right breast with one hand, and the other was between her parted thighs.

“Get them off and come here,” Sabrina instructed.

He sighed, stood, and pushed his pants down.  She moaned at the sight, and the hand between her legs moved slightly faster for a moment before she used it to beckon him into the bed.

Sabrina bent her knees and parted her legs wide as he climbed into the bed.  As if they had a mind of their own, his eyes homed in on her revealed pussy.  It was the perfect pink of youth, with not a stray hair or razor bump to mar its beauty.  The lips were thin and dainty, parted just enough for him to see a glimmer of wetness between.

“Why don’t you warm me up a little first?” she suggested, and then licked her lips.

Jacob dropped down onto his hands, knowing that there was no turning back.  After fighting a desire he knew he could have easily satiated for so long, the battle was over.  He moved into the V of her legs, and the first hint of her arousal tickled his nose.  Then he breathed deep, filling his lungs with her need, and surrendered to his own.

Sabrina let out a warbling yelp and scrunched the bedclothes in clawed fingers as his tongue slipped into her wet heat.

His hunger, so long denied, could not be contained.  Jacob devoured her sweet young pussy as if it was his very first taste, so long ago.  But it wasn’t.  His tongue roved over her folds and clit with skill learned through experience.  Moans and groans rumbled in his throat as he lapped her nectar, breathed deep of her scent, and reveled in the sound of her pleasure.

“Fuck yes!  Oh yeah!” she cried.  “Just like that.  Oooo!”

Her writhing grew more pronounced with every passing moment, and he curled his fingers around her thighs to hold her in place.  He refused to let her sweet pussy escape him for even a fraction of a second.  Her wetness grew more abundant and sharp in flavor as he pushed her closer to the edge, and still he wanted more.

“Now.  I need you inside me,” she cried.

Though he heard her, and understood the words in a distant, disjointed way, he was too intoxicated on her juices to relent.  She squealed loud and long when he pulled her clit between his lips and sucked it hard.

“I need that cock,” she reiterated while pushing on his head for emphasis.

His grip on her thighs tightened.

“N-n-now!” she cried, and this time, pulled a fistful of his hair – hard.

Tears welling up in his eyes, he snapped out of his pussy-drunk stupor and lifted his head.

“Fuck me.  Now,” she demanded, using the handle of his hair to force him to look into her eyes before releasing him.

The shame returned as he sat back over his knees with her teenage juices dribbling down his chin.  It didn’t quell the bouncing of his cock in the slightest.

Before he could open his mouth to again beg her to reconsider, she sat up.  She grabbed his erection, pulling him toward her.  He awkwardly knee-walked forward, until she pressed the head of his cock against her hot, slippery folds.

Her eyes intense with both desire and demand, she said, “Give me that fucking cock.”

In a flash, his burning shame was shot through with anger, and he gave her exactly what she wanted.

Sabrina squealed as his cock dived into her tight embrace.  Despite how wet she was, and how hard he was pushing, her walls clamped down on him like a steel trap with barely a quarter of his shaft inside her.  A foot slapped against his hip and abdomen as well, effectively stopping him from penetrating deeper.

The words all running together, and her voice a loud squeak, she said, “Oh my fucking god!”

Jacob closed his eyes, clenched his teeth, and grunted.  Her hot, wet pussy was wrapped around him like a second skin.  He could feel her walls irregularly relaxing, only to immediately clench again.  He could hear her panting for breath – each exhale tinged with a whimper.  His body trembled, a response to the war going on in his head.  Half of him wanted to pull out, while the other half wanted to jerk her restraining leg out of the way and shove his cock in her to the hilt.

She shivered as well, the quake transferring through his stiff organ inside her and the foot pressed against him.  Then she breathed, “Oh wow.”

His eyes opened, and he saw hers.  They were wide in amazement as she lay propped up on her elbows, marveling at the sight of his cock stretching her.  Her eyes lifted to his – still filled with wonder – and her foot dropped to the bed.

“More,” she said.

Her firm young body and tight little pussy offered only one option – unconditional surrender.  He pushed against the still considerable resistance, feeding her a little over half of his throbbing cock.  The sound of her high-pitched groan and the sight of her eyes rolling up in her head spurred him on.

She gasped as he withdrew, the ridge of his cock helmet popping out of her canal far enough for her pussy lips to kiss it.  Then she yelped as he pushed back inside her.  He grabbed her legs, taking control, and thrust again.  Once more, she cried out as he penetrated a fraction of an inch deeper.

A groan.  A squeal.  A yelp.  Her voice sounded out with every thrust, each louder than the last.  Growls rose unbidden in his throat as he pushed deeper, slowly opening her up.  His fingers tightened on her thighs, and hers curled into claws, clutching at the bedclothes.

Instinct took over.  He changed his stance and manipulated her legs, changing the angle of his thrusts into her depths without warning.  He would give her several rabbit-quick thrusts, and then end with a hard, lingering slam.  Her face grew flushed, the crimson glow spreading down her neck.  He could feel sweat beading on his forehead, and see her skin beginning to glisten.

He snapped a hand to her clit.

Sabrina let out a long, warbling scream as he slammed into her, furiously rubbing her clit.  When the sound died down, she sucked in three noisy breaths, and then her mouth dropped wide open, her eyes closed, and her back arched.

Though not a squeak passed her tight throat, he knew she was coming.  He could see it in her pinched features.  Feel it in her canal wrapped around him.  A howl finally escaped her when the first white-hot shock of her orgasm ebbed, but only for a moment.  Her head lashed on the pillow and she thrashed from the throes of her orgasm.

Jacob pumped hard and fast into her climaxing pussy, causing her juices to squirt out around him.  Her breasts bounced and quivered.  The sound of the headboard tapping the wall joined the cacophony of their cries and the slaps of their flesh colliding.  He fucked her relentlessly – mercilessly – as she soared to ever greater heights.

A moment of panicked clarity barely cut through the red fog in his head, just before he hit the point of no return.  He jerked free of her and sat back hard on the bed.  Sabrina let out a screech when she was suddenly left empty, but continued to writhe from her ongoing climax.

He breathed hard, clenching his teeth as his cock bobbed in protest.  Her pussy was gaping, the lips twitching from her orgasm as her juices dribbled out in a slow, but steady stream.  She trembled, jerked, and whimpered while slowly drifting down from the peak of her pleasure.  The sight of her coming was exquisite.  Knowing he’d caused it was bliss.

Her spasms slowly settled, and she moaned, “Oh, that was so much better than I imagined.  I don’t think I’ve ever come that hard.”

Despite the pride and excitement that welled up in him from her words, he said, “Okay.  You got what you wanted.”

“Oh no.  You’re still hard.  We’re nowhere near done,” she countered.  She scooted over to the opposite side of the bed and said, “Lay down.”

He hated himself for how quickly he complied with that demand.

She barely gave him time to settle before straddling him.  The tip of his cock brushed against her tight little butt as she looked down at him with a smug smile.

“You know you want this,” she said, and cupped her breasts.  “Admit it.”

Fuck yes, a voice screamed in his head, though he remained silent.  His rapidly bobbing cock tickling her butt spoke louder than words anyway.

She chuckled, lifted her hips, and shifted them backwards.  Despite himself, he drew in a deep breath of anticipation, which ended in an abrupt rush of air when her fingers curled around his manhood.  She wriggled it against her satiny folds to wet the tip, and then sank down.

His groan and her moan mingled, sounding back loudly from the walls.  She was breathing hard and fast, with only about half of him inside her.  A slight shift of her hips, and she sat down, engulfing him.

A pained whimper escaped her as her labia reached the root of his cock.  “Oh my god, I’m so fucking full.”  She wiggled her hips for a moment, stirring him inside her, and then asked, “Does my pussy feel good?”

Good didn’t even begin to describe it.  Her canal molded around him as though it was made for him.  So hot.  So wet.  Even if he’d wanted to answer, he couldn’t have.

“You love my little teenage pussy, don’t you Mr. Adams?  Say it.  Admit it,” she cajoled.  “I know you’ve thought about it.  I bet you jerked off pretending you were fucking my little pussy.”

Though he never had, he’d come oh so close – so many times.  It must have been obvious in his face, because she chuckled again.

She began to swivel her hips atop him, and moaned.  “Such a naughty teacher, dreaming about fucking a high school girl.  And now you’re doing it.  So deep in my little pussy.  Tell me to ride your big dick, Mr. Adams.  Tell me to come all over it again.”

The teasing was enough to make him irritated, which was enough to keep him silent.

“No?” she asked.  “Oh well.”

Her right hand slipped between her legs, to her clit, and she braced the other on her knee.  Then she slammed her hips back.

Jacob cried out from the sudden, painful tug on his erection.  Her hips rushed forward, and then back again.  He grunted with every forceful tug, his eyes pinching closed from the discomfort.  She was taking what she wanted – hard.

On and on it went, until the pain dulled from repetition.  Then suddenly, she changed tactics, bouncing atop him instead.  Her clinging canal slid along his length, immediately triggering an itch in the tip of his cock.

“Fuck yes.  Fuck yes,” she cried out.  He slipped out when she rose a little too high above him, but with the speed of a striking viper, she grasped his slippery organ and jammed it back inside her.

She rode him with wild abandon – bouncing, rocking, circling her hips.  All the while, her fingers moved between her legs, stimulating her clit.  Long before his brain could register what his eyes were doing, they were roving over her.  Her breasts quivered and bounced from her efforts.  Her pussy was stretched tight around his girth, leaving it glazed in her wetness.  Color again flooded her face, slowly spreading.  Her hair bounced wildly, sometimes covering her reddening face.

“Yes!  Yes!  Yes!” she squealed as she returned to slamming her hips forward and back.

Though the twinges of pain when she tugged on the root of his erection staved it off, he was rushing headlong toward an explosion.  He clenched his teeth and his intimate muscles, forced his eyes closed, and tried to think of anything else.  He could not cum inside her.

It was a losing battle.

Sabrina’s cries grew louder – even over the thundering of his heartbeat in his ears.  Her gyrations became erratic, and even more violent.  Then her voice suddenly went silent for the space of a breath, before erupting into a wail.

Fighting his own climax with every ounce of will he possessed, he dared not open his eyes as she jerked and thrashed above him, impaled on his cock.  She screamed through the first few waves of her climax, and then fell forward.

Her hot, firm, sweat-dampened breasts squished against his chest.  Her screams and whimpers assaulted his ears from only inches away.  In a flash, her hands were between his back and the mattress, where her nails dug into his flesh.  She just kept coming, and he had no choice but to fight his own orgasm.

He hung by his fingernails on the edge of oblivion for what felt like hours, somehow – miraculously – not blasting cum into his young student’s pussy.  Ever so slowly, her muscles relaxed, her cries quieted into whimpers, and her throes settled into quivers.

“Holy fuck,” she said in a weak voice between pants.

Though he’d managed to claw his way back from the precipice of orgasm, every flutter of her walls threatened to push him to the point of no return again.  Afraid to try to move, he lay buried inside her as she caught her breath and settled down to earth.

“Mmm,” she moaned, and a final shiver rippled through her.  “I fucking needed that.”  She turned her head to the side so she could look at him, wearing a satisfied smile.  “And you’re still fucking hard as a rock.”

She moved, and though it was barely perceptible, it was more than enough to shove him toward the edge again.  He sucked in a sharp breath, trying to maintain control.

“Did you almost come in me?” she asked.  “You’re still close, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” he answered in a tight voice, hoping it would encourage her to let him free.

“Tell me you love my pussy, Mr. Adams.  Tell me you loved fucking me,” she said.

When he didn’t answer immediately, she moved, slightly stroking his cock in her velvety embrace.

It was enough to push him to the brink again, and he relented in a rush of words.  “I love fucking you.  I love your pussy.”

“See?  How hard was that?  Not nearly as hard as that cock,” she teased.  “You’re so close.  I can feel it throbbing.  I’m not on birth control, and you’re about to blow your load inside me.”

“Please, Sabrina,” he growled from between his teeth.

“Please?” she repeated with pure, unbridled mischief in her voice.  “Okay.”

“No!” he cried out as she began to bounce atop him.  “Stop.  You’re going to...  I’m about to...”  He tried to jerk free of her, but somehow, she kept him inside her.

And then it was too late.

A growl rumbled in his closed throat as he blasted cum inside her.  Trying to hold it back only made it worse.  He erupted with a ferocity he hadn’t felt in years.

“Yes!  Give it to me!  Fill me up!” she cried as she felt him pulsing.

His hips bucked of their own accord, sending even more hot jets of cum into her depths.  The pleasure was so intense that he roared in release, which only encouraged her to stroke him with her clinging pussy.  Every vestige of conscious thought vanished, and he thrust up into her like an animal, feeding her every drop he had to offer.  His strength fled him as the last bit of cream dribbled inside her, and he went limp.

Sabrina moaned and wiggled atop him, quickly changing pleasure to discomfort as he grew sensitive.  Finally, she pushed up onto her knees, and he felt his softening cock slip free of her.

She moaned, and he felt hot streams of cum drizzling down onto his sensitive cock.  He opened his eyes to see her with her pussy lips spread wide above him, still pushing his cum out of her.

“Wow.  That is so much,” she said, and then giggled.

“Why?  What if you get pregnant?” he groaned.

“Don’t be ridiculous.  I’m on the pill.  I’m not stupid.”

Before he could second guess himself, he muttered, “Oh, you fucking bitch.”

“Well, if you hadn’t been so stubborn, I might not have had to be so mean,” she said, and then laughed.

He glared at her, but regretted it when she dipped her fingers into her pussy and brought the sticky digits to her lips, to suck them clean.

She lifted a leg, crossed it over his body, and then flopped down next to him.  The next thing he knew, she was snuggling in next to him.  He tried to hold onto his anger, but it slowly slipped away between the lethargy of his orgasm and her warm body snuggled up next to him.

He almost dozed off when her voice startled him back to wakefulness.  “That was so good.  I know I was a bitch, but I know you enjoyed it.”

He was almost relaxed enough to agree with her.  Almost.

She moaned, scooted in, and kissed him on the cheek.  It gave him chills.

“I’m going to go clean up,” she said, and then popped out of the bed with a youthful exuberance that was a direct contrast to his post-come coma.  She bounded out of the room, and he summoned up enough energy to think about cleaning up the mess between his legs.  He settled on opening a drawer in the nightstand, pulling out a pair of boxers, and wiping off as best as he could with them.

He didn’t even realize he’d drifted off until the sound of a gasp startled him awake.  He opened his eyes, and they just kept going when he saw Sabrina’s blonde friend Jewel staring at his nude body.  He quickly snatched up the other pillow and covered his flaccid manhood, but Jewel’s eyes remained fixed on the spot.

“I had to prove I won the bet,” Sabrina said.  She had dressed at some point, and walked over to the bed carrying a phone, but the case was a different color, so he knew it wasn’t hers.  She turned the phone toward him when she reached the bed, revealing the same nude selfie of him she had on her own phone.

“Look what you sent Jewel, Mr. Adams,” she said, and then handed the phone back to the other blonde, who had walked over to the bed.  She then grabbed the pillow between his legs.  He didn’t bother resisting, knowing it was pointless.

Jewel licked her lips when his cock emerged once more in the daylight.

“It will probably take him a while to get hard again,” Sabrina said, “But he can go down on you until then.”  She then turned to him and said, “She’s on the pill, too.  So are Tiffany and Angie.  Don’t make any plans for the weekend, because you sent them that naughty pic too, Mr. Adams.  Have fun.”

Jewel didn’t even wait for her friend to make it out the bedroom door before she started pulling off her clothes.  Knowing the sweet trap he was in, he barely let her butt hit the bed before he dived into her seventeen-year-old pussy.

Sabrina had overestimated how long it would take him to get hard.

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Sometimes in life we become so lonely that we are willing to do most anything to fill the void. Frequently we do things that are risky and foolish. Often our high risk actions come with unexpected consequences. Clair Davis woke late that Saturday morning. As she sat up she looked at the digital clock sitting on her nightstand. The red numbers displayed ten thirty."Richard?" She called out.There was no response.Clair remembered that her husband of fifteen years had left the evening before to...

1 year ago
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Abbie gets stuck

Abbie is a 22 year old girl who has recently been dumped by her now ex boyfriend Josh! She still loved him but he was with someone else now. She left some old cloths of hers at his house that she really wanted them back and didn’t want to talk to him for them because it would be another long conversation on her trying to get him back! She found out that him and his family are going on vacation for a week leaving the house completely empty! “Yes this is my opportunity to get my things without...

2 years ago
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Shannon gets Stuck

“Fuck,” she thought to herself, trying the door anyway and finding it definitely secure. Whomever had left after her must have locked the bolt and she probably locked the knob. “Damn,” she fumed and struggled back to the car, setting her bags down in the back frustrated, fishing out her phone to call up a family member was her first thought. This would have been a great option had anyone answered. She left voice and text messages. “Shit,” she swore, frustrated, standing there in her...

4 years ago
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STUCK I never thought I would find the perfect woman, perfect for me, that is. You see, I have a little hobby, well, not so little when it comes to finding a partner. You see, I can't find out if they would put up with it until I know I can trust them and they won't up and leave me. Unfortunately, I can't trust them until I know if they would put up with me after they know my secret. Before my head hurts any more I will just confirm, as if you didn't know, that my hobby is...

4 years ago
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finding my grandmother stuck


2 years ago
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My Hair is Stuck

He and my mother married in college and lived a pretty normal life. They had me and, unfortunately, my mother passed away when I was about 3 years old. I remember very little about her, but I know that my father was devastated when he lost her. He has never dated and insists he won’t until I graduate high school and move away. Let’s start with the obligatory information that everyone needs to know in order to play this out in their mind: My father is in his mid-40s and is about as...

3 years ago
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My Hair is Stuck

Introduction: This is my first story. I truly hope there are more to come. If you asked me when I first felt attracted to my father, I couldnt tell you. Honestly, Im not entirely certain that I am attracted to him at all. At least physically. Its more the idea that hes my father that really gets me excited. He and my mother married in college and lived a pretty normal life. They had me and, unfortunately, my mother passed away when I was about 3 years old. I remember very little about her, but...

2 years ago
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STUCK This happened some years ago. Back in an age of sexual experimentation and little concern about the diseases that we worry about today. My wife and I were young college students at a University in the South East. We had been married about a year so we still had the youthful enthusiasm of newlyweds. We had little money and we spent our free time exploring the national forests around the college. There were a labyrinth of sink holes and spring fed streams crisscrossing the miles of woods...

2 years ago
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my slutty wife gets her tits stuck

this happened not long after her loan and taxi events. She was getting more slutty in her every day life when my friend came over to watch tv she would take her top off and suck our dicks. When she had a few drinks she would let us both cum in her mouth and show us both loads before swallowing. She would wear tops so low cut her nipples would fall out when she was shopping often in the supermarket leaning over the trolley her tits would be completely out of her top sometimes for minutes at a...

2 years ago
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MAU Painting the Town Pink Part 5 Stuck

I woke slowly the next morning, my memory of the previous day's events coming back in bits and pieces. Someone was stroking my back, and I could hear morning birdsong. I opened my eyes to see dappled sunlight falling across Julia's face and breasts. I was lying on my side. My arms were around her, and she was smiling at me. "Good morning, beautiful," she said. My god, I thought, as the various parts of my brain began to integrate into a single conscious whole. I finally got Julia...

1 year ago
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I first posted this story on another site I belong to. I have thought about doing a story on Fictionmania for a while and decided this one may be a reasonable starter, but I will leave it up to you to decide. Please enjoy and if you like it, let me know if it's worth continuing. There I was, all alone, unable to move. My wife Amanda and I had been playing about earlier and now I find myself stuck. She had helped me dress and I felt such a sissy. How did I end up in this position?...

3 years ago
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StuckI guess it has been all my life.  My parents used a harness when I was in my crib or playpen because I would climb out.  In public I wore a harness and  leash if there were any crowds.  I was on a leash in the backyard, there was no fence and a lake close by.  It was that or I had to stay in all day, and I hated that.  They were trying to protect me and I always felt secure.When it was time for my orthodontic braces, Iwas 14 and really needed the braces, I saw a girl, about 10 or 11 years...

1 year ago
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The Day I Came Unstuck

A male colleague of mine once claimed that money, when it travels at a certain speed and trajectory, can turn anyone into an asshole. I never believed him until it happened to me.The day I realised it was just like any other at my company. The climbing sun streaming through the windows of my spacious thirtieth-floor corner office warmed my bare legs beneath the charcoal pencil skirt. I gazed out at the nearby skyscrapers packed with scurrying people who used to be me. Mere ants clambering to...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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The Reluctant SultanChapter 11 Coming Unstuck

I should have been able to see it coming. I should have been able to predict it ... but ... I didn't. Over the next eighteen months, the bond among the five of us evolved almost the way a marriage would. There was the "getting to know you" stage, the "sense of comfort" stage, and the "established routine" stage. The idea that our mutual relationships would be equal was the first to fall by the wayside. We weren't equal, and so we didn't behave equally. It didn't seem to be a...

1 year ago
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I woke up in a daze, the last thing I remember was flying over the Femington Archipelago and then bang. I moved my hand up to my forehead but it was pinned down with a huge piece of metal from the small charter plane my company hired for us to fly over to New Caledonia. I began to panic, being pinned down by the giant weight was hugely uncomfortable and I was never particularly comfortable with tight confined spaces. Not to mention the rumours of savages on these Islands did not make me feel...

2 years ago
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Jessica Gets Stuck

Just then, her partially closed bedroom door suddenly burst open and the family dog, Buster, came bounding in, crashing into the side of the bed. The bed shook with a force that startled Jessica, as she was not prepared for it, almost causing her to fall over, however she caught herself by falling back on her elbow, now taking a lounging position on her bed. After recovering from the sudden shock of being interrupted from her hot fantasies, she looked over and saw the big ball of energy that...

2 years ago
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When the lift got stuck

There we were, stranded in a lift in this tower block in London. I had been calling on a client, and had just finished the meeting and was on my way home. We had just started off, the last person into the lift a middle aged woman, joining myself and a couple of other suits. Suddenly the lift jerked, we heard a shrill shriek of metal on metal and we jolted to a halt. I fell to the floor, and grabbed for a hold at the nearest object, which turned out to be the woman. I didn’t know whether to be...

2 years ago
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Spin the Bottle Til Its Stuck

New Year's Eve was always something I looked forward to with mixed feelings, as I felt obligated to be social while everyone else got increasingly drunk. Neither the former, nor the latter appealed to me very much, and so I had turned the end of the year into something relaxed and quiet for me and my loved ones, ever since I was living alone.2016 was no exception. Novella and myself had a nice evening, watching a little bit of TV and she enjoyed a few glasses of wine while I ravaged the orange...

2 years ago
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Hey all. My name's Sam Vernel. I need to talk about something. Call it an entry #1, an introduction, whatever. I live in what I think is my mom's house, but I'm not quite sure. Any pictures you would expect to be there are missing, any notebooks you would think I had aren't there. It feels like any evidence someone grew up here vanished. This would be a nonissue, if it weren't for the fact I cannot remember anything about myself except my name. I'm feeling very frustrated. Over the last few...

2 years ago
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Oooooh, boy Jackson. What have you gotten yourself into?! First my stupid friends set me up to a dumb slut deal, now I have to obey her! "All good fun!" she says. Jessica. The all around perv! So now i'm going to a hotel. King size bed. Figures. Oh, boy! What's she gonna order me to do first?

3 years ago
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When the lift got stuck

There we were, stranded in a lift in this tower block in London. I had been calling on a client, and had just finished the meeting and was on my way home. We had just started off, the last person into the lift a middle aged woman, joining myself and a couple of other suits. Suddenly the lift jerked, we heard a shrill shriek of metal on metal and we jolted to a halt. I fell to the floor, and grabbed for a hold at the nearest object, which turned out to be the woman. I didn’t know whether to be...

Group Sex
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It started at Halloween. Several co-workers arrived as fantasy characters. Some female colleagues came dressed in male suits. I was the only male who turned up in a dress. I'd bought the dress in a charity shop. It was quite lucky that it fitted me as well as it did. It was quite tight around the bust area, but this was OK because I didn't have any tits. The skirt came to about three inches above the knee. I'd also found a pair of ladies' shoes in the same shop. They had one and a half...

3 years ago
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Spin the Bottle til Its Stuck

New Year’s Eve was always something I looked forward to with mixed feelings, as I felt obligated to be social while everyone else got increasingly drunk. Neither the former, nor the latter appealed to me very much, and so I had turned the end of the year into something relaxed and quiet for me and my loved ones, ever since I’m living alone. 2016 is no exception. Novella and myself had a nice evening, watching a little bit of TV and she enjoyed a few glasses of wine while I ravaged the orange...

3 years ago
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Gujju Bhabhi Ka Kya Kehna

Hi, Ek divas hu mari job puri karine ghare java mate nikdo time lagbhag 6pm thaya hase hu mari bike par thode dur pochyo rasta ma mari over take kari ek car nikdi bov speed ma haji thodej agad te car pochi to tema puncher padi gayu me gadi dhime kari nakhi .. joyu to temathi ek bovaj good looking aunty bar nikda … Hu tene joi ne tyaj ubho rahi gayo.. aunty gabhrai ne gadi na tyre jova mandya to agad na tyre ma puncher padi gayu hatu … aunty confuse thai gaya k have su karu thodi var aju baju...

4 years ago
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kirsten had been disobedient and disrespectful. The emptiness inside at having disappointed Him gnawed through her stomach lining like a rusty can making its way toward her heart. ?you are one nasty fucking whore,? He said. Words that during play sessions might have turned her on, now made her want to cry, need to cry but the tears were stuck in her throat. The thought of Him dismissing her made her whole body numb. Is this what shock feels like? He strode through the parking lot toward his...

4 years ago
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In FluxChapter 3

When he pulled into the driveway he saw Joanie’s car. Damn the luck, he thought to himself; he’d been hoping she wouldn’t be there. Resigned, he got out of the car and walked to the front door. Unlocking the door he went and headed to the bedroom to get some clean clothes. Then he heard Joanie’s voice from the kitchen. “Mike? Mike, dear God, where the hell have you been? Are you alright?” There was concern in her voice. “Me, I’m fine, I just thought I’d spend a night on the town,...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Daya Knight Claire Roos Being Discreet At Dinner

Claire Roos and her girlfriend Daya Knight are chatting when they hear the doorbell ring. Not expecting any visitors, Claire leaves to answer the front door. The surprise visitor turns out to be Claire’s parent, who is standing in the doorway with takeout. Despite having arrived unannounced, she invites herself to stay for dinner. Claire seems unnerved, but lets her in. When Claire and her parent enter the dining room, Daya starts to introduce herself but is interrupted by Claire, who...

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Celebrities BLEACHED

Different people find sexual appeal in different things and ideas. Some like getting tied up, some like to be held softly, others like calling their partner 'Daddy' or 'Mama', some like to be hurt, and others like to do the hurting. This is not about those people. At least, it isn't about the people who like those things by themselves. This is a story about the well known and recognizable people that so many look up to and hold the title of 'role models' that have a very particular desire that...

2 years ago
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Seducing My Sexy Boss

By : Nss My name is Ravi. I am 25 years old. I am working in MNC. This story is about my affair with my boss Sowmya who was a sex bomb. She was 28 years. I had joined this company when I was 23 years. She was unmarried at that time, she used to wear sarees. I could see her melons and navel. Whenever I see her my cock gets erected. To relieve it I had to go to office bathrooms and masturbate thinking of her. I even thought of proposing her as I needed her body in anyway. But as she was my...

3 years ago
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All or Nothing The Female Executive Part 2

If your government of choice doesn't want you reading this, don't. If you're 17 years and 364 days old, this will permanently warp your mind ruining all your hopes and dreams. Thanks to Trisha for inventing the universe and everyone who gave good remarks about the first installment. Please don't post this anywhere else without asking, or giving me a cut of the profits at least. Warning: There is a small rape scene, had to be there for the plot. If you don't like it, I'm...

3 years ago
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He is always ready

He is always ready..This morning when I got up, I had one thing on my mind. I needed real sex. I only had one man in mind that I knew could give it to me. Without hesitation, I texted Paul. “Hello! what time do u get off work?” I didn’t have to wait long for a reply. “Around one. Why?”“U have time for me today?” “For u always. U want to come for a visit?” “That will be nice, but I can`t stay long thou.” “What can I get u to drink?” “Nothing thank u. I`ll see u after one then.” The thing about...

Quickie Sex
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Hes Taught a HARD Lesson at Summer Camp

First of all, I'm kinda freaked out about what I did that summer and of what I had become and was made to do, by the time I finished summer camp. This is a true story and I swear that everything I'm confessing actually happened to me and might happen to you if you so desire!I was pretty young and had just gotten my drivers license.Being inexperienced at almost everything I was a willing student, but as far as sex goes..absolutely NOTHING had ever happened to me without using my own hand if you...

3 years ago
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Titty Fuck

About a year ago my sister got a divorce. She has an all too common story: A beautiful high school cheerleader meets a handsome jock. They got married "because they had to." Then 4 or 5 years later he left her for someone else. Like many women, to help improve her image of herself after he divorce, she wanted a boob job. The problem was that being a single mother with a sleaze bag ex, she didn't exactly have the cash laying around to do it. So one day I was talking to my mother and she...

1 year ago
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Reminiscing My High School Days Hannah

I look back on my high school days and realize how easy it was to get some. Now that I'm older it's a little harder, no, quite a bit harder to get some. I try and look back to see what I did then that I'm not doing now to see if there is anything I can pick up on to help out my lame ass. Where the hell did my confidence and swagger go? In high school I would always venture to the next town if I wanted to get laid for the weekend. It's not that there weren't any girls to fuck in my town, it's...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Victor Amigo de mi padre

Relato: Víctor, amigo de mi padre, mi iniciador. A mi edad vienen a mi mente, aquellas experiencias que he tenido a lo largo de mi vida, de las cuales guardo bellos como unos bellos recuerdos, mi infancia transcurrió dentro de una estricta disciplina por parte de mi padre, mi madre era más condescendiente. mi nombre es Juan.Escribí este relato pensando en que les agradaría leerlo, sucedió hace tiempo, y aun la recuerdo con agrado de como sucedió aquella mi primer experiencia, con un hombre...

1 year ago
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XmenBast Ch2

*** Legal issues: Kia Jaeger(codename Bast) is an original character and belongs to me. All other characters and core X-men concepts are copyright Marvel, Stan Lee, and other creators. I do not own any of them, nor do I profit from them in any way. Author Note: This story is based upon the story and setup in the comics and takes place at no particular point in them, but is instead treated as it’s own events separate from many of the large happenings in the comics. Also, I am not fully aware of...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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My Baby Takes the Morning Train

So, Maryam and I were at the stop, getting ready to board the rail to downtown Sacramento, and she had her fingers down my pants for a moment. To be fair, I had my hand on her booty, so it was tit for tat, as it were. One would never know that we were brother and sister, albeit with benefits. Yeah, I regularly humped my sexy Arab sister, but wouldn’t you? We had the same father, but different mothers. Dad impregnated her mother while still very much married to Mom. Yeah, you do the math. Mom...

2 years ago
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Babysitting Candy

When Jessica turned fourteen, her mother's best friend and neighbor asked if she would like to earn a little money babysitting her daughter when she wet out. Jessica was thrilled at the idea of earning her own spending money. Besides she thought her mother's friend Tina was very sophisticated and looked upon her as the kind of woman she wanted to be when she grew up. Jessica's family lived on the edge of town in a pretty new housing development. Every house in the...

4 years ago
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The Trial

At the tender age of 31, I became a widower and had a heart attack, all within a month. I was in the Cardiac Care Unit of the local hospital for a week before returning home to finish my recovery. Apart from a weekly attendance at a recovery class where I managed to start rebuilding my fitness, it was a lonely time as I had no other family within a hundred miles and having only recently moved into the area in any case, I had very few friends locally either. Work, which had been...

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A divorce present

My name is Becky, I’m a 26 year old secretary. I’d been going out with Brian for a year. I knew he was married and was going through a divorce. However his divorce was coming through within a month and I was planning something special for him.Little did I know during the planning that it was going to change our lives forever.His divorce was coming through on a Friday and so I had planned a sexy present for him: a foursome! Me, him and a couple I know who swing. I know that Brian has always...

2 years ago
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Judys chapter 1 Bird Watching at the Lake

It was 7am. Her husband had gone to work, a real, not work from home job. Today was a day for her to meet an old friend who would soon be traveling south for the winter. They planned a short hike around Lake Haydon. She had her usual breakfast and was headed to the shower. Her shower was nothing out of the ordinary. Wash her hair, shave her legs and general grooming. It was nothing unusual for spending another day with a long time female friend. As she dried herself, she double checked the...

2 years ago
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Hunted Ch 05

We were woken up early by someone screaming, ‘OH MY GOD!!!!!’ I jumped up and ran outside, with Liv right behind me. Nate was standing by the fire with a look of horror on his face. Bre was sitting up against a tree, dead. Her throat had been slashed from ear to ear. The knife was lying next to her, with dried blood on it. Liv gasped and grabbed me. I shielded her from the sight and said, ‘Oh Christ, not another one.’ Cody came running over and swore when he saw the body. ‘We need to...

2 years ago
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How Did I Get Here Part 1

How did I get here, to this point in my life? How did I get to where I now have three spouses? The law may not think that I do, but in my heart, I am married to all three of them. And in all of our hearts, all four of us are married to each other. Even more incredible to me is that one of my three spouses is another man! And that I truly do love him, although not in a sexual way. Not yet, anyway. In this adventure, I have learned not to rule out anything. I never thought any of the...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Cuckold lifestyle 65

The weather here in Georgia changes day to day, sometimes even hour to hour. A week ago the weather man said Saturday was going to be milder than normal for this time of year. I had planed on doing some much needed yard work but I thought I had best check with the wife first. Good thing I did, she said since it was going to be nice she wanted to go to down town Atlanta and do some shopping/showing off. Saturday around noon she said I should shower and get dressed first. I did and while she was...

3 years ago
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SecretsChapter 20

Vikki’s eyes fluttered open. She was still a bit woozy from the drug, her mind trying to comprehend what had happened. “I’m sorry, my dear, perhaps it would have been more humane to have dispatched you while you were unconscious, but I thought I, at least, owed you an explanation even though it will do you no good.” It was only then that Nikki realized she was nude and tied securely to a straight back chair. They seemed to be in some kind of cellar. “It’s an old bomb shelter my grandfather...

1 year ago
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After Dinner Seduction

Copyright© 2004 There was an old man of Duddee Who came home as drunk as could be. He wound up the clock With the end of his cock, And buggered his wife with the key. Mother looked up from where she sat on the stool before her vanity mirror as I approached from behind. Without my shoes, I walked softly across the hard wood floor like a memory out of my youth. She watched me with her wide green eyes, a smile pleased, but nervous, smile on her full red lips. It had been a...

2 years ago
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I was my husbands Bosss office fuck s

Sex is about two people, or so I thought. Read on and see if you agree with me.It was around this time of year when we were celebrating on Princess Street, of all places, our company Christmas Party. I had met my husband in this job, and we had been celebrating our first anniversary, and using this works party as a continuation of our celebrations.I felt great, not only on the outside with everything apparently falling into place, but on the inside, as sex, was better than great, and I was, as...

2 years ago
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A walk in the park

It's a real hot summer and the last weeks broke any heat record measured in this town ever. So everyone comes out at night to enjoy the slight bit of cooling. So you decide it's time for me to take me for my first public walk.You've been training me for two weeks now into being a good dog. Every single meal you made me eat from the bowl down on my hands and knees. I wore a broad pink collar because you trained me to be a bitch. After spending a week living on the floor spending the night in a...

1 year ago
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FamiliesTied Avi Love Luna Star Teen Goth Sex Witch Transforms Her Parents Into Anal Sex Monsters

Avi Love is a little goth nightmare with a hot teen body brewing with evil sex magic. Her sexy step-mother Luna Star keeps bringing home the worst new age hippy geeks to live with them, but Avi has a plan. She’s had it with all the fake Southern California bullshit, she just wants everyone to get real. After one bad fight with her step parents, Avi sits down at her alter and uses her dark sexual energy to curse her family. Baphomet hears her cry, and renders Avi’s family unable to...

2 years ago
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My Sister Tashu8217s First Time With Me

I am Hitesh. I used to stay with my grandparents till my class 8. When in 9, I came back home to continue further study. Our house had two floors, upper one was used by my parents and one room was given to me when I shifted here ground floor was used by my uncle, aunt and my cousin sister Tashu. I was very fond of Tashu. She was 18 years old when this incident happened. I was 20. When I shifted here, I used to miss my friends. So, I would spend much time at home with Tashu. She used to come to...

2 years ago
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Just a blow he asked

Victor had gone fishing with some friends that night, leaving me home alone and absolutely mad and horny. I wanted some action.After dinner I masturbated myself in our bed and later I enjoyed a warm shower; where I touched myself again until I reached a loud shattering orgasm on my fingers. Now I finally felt relaxed.I ended the night in front of my computer, answering a message of a guy in a date site. It was titled "black stud looking for blowjob"... He had added some pictures of him there,...

2 years ago
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Sisters request

"Please," she pleaded again. Emma was dressed in an incredibly sexy, very slutty Harley Quinn outfit, looking almost exactly like my favourite comic book character, but with a bonus. Her version of the fictitious character was enhanced by a sleek pair of thigh highs, and her sexy toes, adorned only in sheer silk, were in my clear view. This Friday evening, three days before actual Halloween, she'd arrived home with a surprising request. "But won't they know I'm not Jake?" I pointed out. She was...

1 year ago
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Playtime Stories Ch 1

1.I am such a slut. I was soft a few minutes ago after cumming hard, but now as I drive to my motel I’m getting hard again. I keep pulling my cock out of the side of my panties and rubbing the sticky head as I remember the man behind me gripping my hips and pumping my ass. Precum lubes my thumb work. My ass is a little sore and leaking lube after a hot slow fuck from an older Hispanic man who was a little too gentlemanly and a bit too small for my tastes. I fixed my makeup but I should...

1 year ago
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We’re used to seeing dudes doing all the work in porn. They are the ones who always do the fucking and banging, and the chicks are just there taking it. Well, I don’t know about you, but from time to time, I like to just kick back, relax, and let the chick do everything. If you want that too, then you should check out /r/SheFucksHim. This place is made for guys who like to relax during sex, as they let the chick do all the heavy lifting. Listen, it might seem unfair to let chicks do all the...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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A woman in a Futas world

For Sam the previous night was a wreckless one. A large gathering of him and his friends went drinking in pubs and clubs with Sam drinking excessively to numb away the feelings of recently breaking up with an ex-girlfriend. Besides the first hour, the rest of the night was a blur. The next moment after that for him was in a dizzy state waking up in a white room with no door or window. Entrapped in this white room and hungover as hell, Sam thought he was within a dream. Within moments a...


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