- 3 years ago
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I guess it has been all my life. My parents used a harness when I was in my crib or playpen because I would climb out. In public I wore a harness and leash if there were any crowds. I was on a leash in the backyard, there was no fence and a lake close by. It was that or I had to stay in all day, and I hated that. They were trying to protect me and I always felt secure.
When it was time for my orthodontic braces, Iwas 14 and really needed the braces, I saw a girl, about 10 or 11 years old, wearing a more complicated headgear than I had ever seen. She was leaving the treatment room as I was coming in. I had seen kids in headgear before but this one was different. It had a regular facebow but the dark blue one piece strap seemed to cover her head. It had an elastic neckstrap pulling on the facebow, and large rubber bands connected the facebow to hooks on the strap down the side of her face. More like a harness than anything I had seen in years.
Dr. Reynolds, my orthodontist, saw the look on my face. ?Generally new patients seem intimidated by headgear, they are very effective tools but they require significant cooperation which is difficult to get; especially a teenage male, they will not wear even a simple headgear, even when it is the best course of treatment. They are not socially popular, even in middle school.?
We could see the girl leaving the office. ?I would wear that. ? Reynolds stared at me curiously. It had sounded strange, a little too opposite of normal behavior. ?I mean if it will help treatment. ?
?I am glad to see you have such an open mind. You will have to wear headgear 14 hours a day minimum and I require it be worn every day for that long. If not you would be wasting time, effort and money and the final result. But if you are actually willing to make the commitment,and wear headgear as directed, it will help, you have a complicated case. You might be wearing the appliance for some time.?
I got an erection when I saw I was getting the same headgear as the girl. Most kids would have run screaming into the night and I was hiding a hard on, a stiff one at that. I was a poster boy for cooperative patients. There was something about the harness feel about it, and that I could wear it in public. I wore it for better part of two years and despite being socially stigmatized in high school, I felt somehow secure in it. A year later the braces came off. I didn’t miss the braces at all, but I remember wishing I had kept the strap.
Occasionally I would look in sporting goods stores at the climbing harnesses and wonder how they fit. I tried one on in front of my wife one day and she told me to stop wasting time. But I remembered that harness when we made love the next time. We were divorced 4 years later.
My closest friend from the office is lesbian. We had fun together after the divorce, no commitments either way, just friendship. Her girlfriend worked nights, so Lila and I had dinner a lot, and more than one cocktail. One night we were both drunk and the subject of fetishes came up. She kept on probing until I mentioned my occasional erotic harness thoughts.
I told her about early childhood harness, which some people see as wrong, and Lila agreed. I told her about my headgear. She was the opposite of me as an orthodontic patient. Would not wear her headgear or rubber bands and hated every second of her two years. She thought that proved my fetish. The harness represented control and security to me.?Nothing wrong with dipping into the other side of sexual norms. It works for me.?
That night I went on line to look up harnesses. Most were typical fall prevention harnesses for working, young children’s safety, some were sports harnesses, and others were leather bondage harnesses. None really excited me and was about to check the scores when I found a site for Harcon, ?Control Harnesses for Special Needs.? They were designed for home care of patients that would wander off. A harness was specially designed to each person’s measurements and could be worn on top of or underneath clothing if needed, to be as discreetas possible.
One link at the bottom linked to‘SecureAccessories’. That was intriguing. I clicked. The basic design of the harness was the same as the others with several major distinctions. The strapping was a special cut resistant Kevlar material reinforced with titanium webbing over wire. To get in the harness you stepped into each leg, put an arm through each side. The neck had a strap that laced through both sides of the vest and connected down with the waist band. It was closed at that point. It was awireless lock. Properly fitted, it was sleek and inescapable and could easily be hidden under clothing.
I got stiff just looking at it. There were modifications and accessories. Another click.Another drink.
?Monitoring and Control.? Click.
?Secure cufffor institutional needs can be adapted for electronic control. A programmable wireless circuit allows for daily, weekly or monthly scheduling using either satellite location or mechanical means. Control reminders can be programmed for light to temporarily disabling. Some control functions require additional components, please check specifications.?
?Can control reminders be anything like shocks?? I asked myself laughing.
It was the mechanical meansI found interesting. Cable sets could be set up at several points up to 50 feet. There was a sliding lockthat fit the back of the harness. Once locked to the harness it could only be removed if another cable was locked in place. Then the first cable would open. There was a separately programmable leash that, when locked to the harness, allowed the harnessed person to move more than 50’from the central unit or cable station.
I was mesmerized. This was every pent up harness dream I ever had. I grabbed the charge card and went at it. I got it all, locators, cable enough to go through the house and outside, special programming, extra secure materials, time lock, everything on the page. I did not look at the cost. I should have, there went my vacation to pay for it. This would be a real new twist on a stacation.
Lila was sound asleep on the couch, one of the only times I wanted the word lesbian to go away. I needed to get laid. I masturbated once again.
I did not tell Lila or anyone about my little buying spree. I got an email saying before they could complete the order I needed specific physical measurements to craft the harness. They suggested having a tailor do the measurements. Also there was a two page release that needed to be notarized. I sent both back that day.
Six weeks later there were three boxes waiting inside the porch when I got home. I carefully un-wrapped all the boxes in an upstairs room and spread it out, saving the small box with the harness for last. The large box had the stations and cables, a medium box had the electronics and two plastic wrapped white packages labeled ‘optional wear’. But it was a definite thrill opening the small box. I stripped and tried it on. It seemed to fit great as I stared in the mirror, the gray/black harness looking at once slim and form fitting and ominous as I stared at the locking mechanism in front, and the control panel in back. I peeled off the harness right after wiping off my dick.
Somehow the excitement led to an almost instant sense of shame. What had I just spent all that money on? Was I reverting to my child hood?Or was Lila was right, it was? just a little bondage fetish, nothing big?? But an hour later I was reading the manual cover to cover. It could be programmed so the harness vibrated gently as a reminder, or it could vibrate for maximum distraction. Once the remote was set, it ran the program at the appointed time.
The cable locking system seemed more fun. I could put a cable upstairs, one down stairs,one in the back. There was more than some installation required. In the house the central unit cable bases had to be bolted to the floor or wall. Once the pressure plate was activated it would disabled if moved. Outside cable locks attached to the stations could be cable locked to a building or tree. Once set disabling any part of the system shut down the program and all locks released, except for the harness lock, which would remain locked and the leash would work in manual mode. The cables were made of the same materials as the harness.
The secure system included two wireless ankle cuffs. They were designed to deliver electric shocks from minor reminders todisabling shocks. It was not required to run the program; just part of the institutional stuff I had purchased it in my buying frenzy.
I was not being foolish. Each step of each program was tested twice before my first locked experience. I set everything on medium vibrate. Set the timer for a ten minute session in ten minutes and waited. Ten minutes later the harness started vibrating andbeeping, reminding me I was due to be locked into the system. If not another reminder was sent every 5 minutes. I programmed this reminder for a level 4 (out of 10) vibration and stepped into the harness. It locked promptly. I waited 5 minutes to check the warning system. It sent another strong vibration. I went to my bedroom and locked a cable in place. Ten minutes later, both the cable and lock released as scheduled.
I ran several more tests over the next couple of weeks and all worked perfectly. I even tried the ankle cuffs. The shock on level 5 was enough to convince me to do as the remote said. I had everything entered into the remote. I had my two week vacation coming up and I could stay harnessed for a week. I had been planning 12 hour harnessed days to start.
In order to make sure I put the harness back on each day put the cuff on. It would not release until after the program had completed. I wanted to make sure I did not just put it on, jack off, and take it off. Even then it was only 12 hours for seven days. The program tested successfully before I put myself in it, now I was ready.
I invited Lila for breakfast. She still did not know about the harness and I knew it would amuse her. Lila was early and I wanted a good shower before I started, so I let her walk around and inspect my system. I felt very strange; this was definitely a new step for me. I would be harnessed and controlled and locked into the system for 12 hours a day on my own accord, but I always had the leash, which I had not programmed yet. It was my safety, it would release any cable. Still it was a very long shower as I decided.
I set the program to start at 9 am that morning. At 8:55 exactly I felt a shock, the5 minute warning. I let it go to shock again so she could see (this time on three). I locked on the cable and I was secured. We moved around as I unlocked one cable, moving to another. It was a beautiful summer day and it was going to be hot. After breakfast we decided to take a long walk around the lake. I grabbed the leash, locked it in place,and unlocked the cable, as I had done a dozen times before.
This time it whirred and clicked. I looked at the screen on the leashes handle which read ?program reset in process? itblinked four times and went black. What the hell is wrong with this thing??
?It was acting funny when I was playing with it before. Kept on turning red, green and orange, just like a Christmas tree. Then it asked for a code and I shut it off. Wouldn’t stop without it.?
The harness unlocked. ?That’s a relief. I left this unprogrammed as my safety outlet. Bad girl Lila. Not a video game. Please don’t do that again.?
?Sorry. Now I don’t get your leash for the walk. Let’s go anyway.?
Then I got the first jolt. Lila saw me wince. Both ankle cuffs erupted with electricity.The remote spoke in its mechanical voice ‘Level 3 warning. Secure wear not detected, please correct or return to home station.’I entered my code to disable the program. ‘Incorrect code, please reenter.’Two minutes later I got another, stronger jolt with the same announcement, except it was now a level 4 warning. ?Lila, what the hell did you do? What code did you enter??
?I didn’t enter a code, I don’t know.? She tried some passwords but all the same result, another stronger shock drove me up to the home stationin my bedroom. I went back up, put on the harness and tried to lock in the cable, but the harness and cable would not lock.
Another stronger shock.‘Level 5 warning. Secure wear not detected.’ I grabbed the manual and checked the warnings. It reminded me about the white packages. I ripped open one which contained a white jumpsuit and two smaller wrapped bundles. The manual said to put on the suit and then the harness. I tried it the other way first, I was supposed to be able to wear the harness under my clothing. ‘Level 6 warning. Secure wear not detected.’ I tried to put on the jumpsuit but could not close the zipper in the back. I put the harness on anyway but it would not lock. The remote intoned a dry ‘secure wear not fastened’.
?Lila get in here and help me with this god damned suit.? I was losing my temper and certainly did not want another jolt. Even she had a tough time with the fastener. Finally the zipper was closed and fastened electronically, I put the harness on, and it still did not lock. ‘Diaper not detected’. We just stared at each other. I got half way in to a good ?what the fu?? when a near crippling shock hit. ‘Level 7 warning. Diaper not detected.’ I was on my knees. Undo the suit. It was designed to keep patients from removing it; I could not do it on my own. She made great time but not fast enough for Level 8.
It was intense. A combination of adrenaline and electricity,agony and a scream that could wake the dead. I had tears running down my cheeks as I clawed open the two bundles. One was a packet of ‘adult diapers – extra absorbent’.
The other was a pair of adult sized plastic pants. A tag said ‘Press for additional time’. And it worked. ‘5 minutes remaining’. I did not want to try level 9 and would not have stayed conscious on level 10. I had no choice as I figured out how to put on the diaper. Then the pants. Next to the safety button was an electronic clasp. I tried to close it but it flashed red. ‘Unauthorized. Patient cannot self-operate. Three minutes remaining.’ ?Lila, try tightening this.? She pulled both ends together and closed the latch. The light turned blue just like the clasp holding the zipper.
I pulled on the jumpsuit and Lila closed it. Working as fast as I could I put on the harness, and it locked. I sat on the bed, locked in a cable and lay down, exhausted from the shocks and the stress of the last 15 minutes. ‘Diaper change successful. Next scheduled change 8 pm’.
?What the hell just happened??
The harness stood out against the white of the jumpsuit. Lila was trying hard not to laugh at me. In a sense the harness looked like you might be wearing it for a legitimate purpose. But the harness and diaper made my ass look huge. It was then I noticed the reason for the diaper. The jumpsuit had no opening other than the back. The harness said it was locked until 8. The bowels could wait, I already wanted to piss and there was no way to get the suit off with the harness on.
And how was I supposed to get the jumpsuit off if I could not self-operate. And then the diaper and plastic pants.This was humiliating. I had to get the cuffs off. The manual only explained how the harness would lock if I tampered with them and any tampering would result in a maximum shock. What I needed was an override code for the remote. Whatever Lila had done had locked us out. I called the customer support number. The first person I talked to clearly had no clue, but the second guy had nothing but bad news.
I was not the first customer to get himself in an ‘unwanted situation’. The company in Germany that manufactured the harness had an emergency code, but it went out of business a year ago and no one returned any phone calls. He just worked for the American distributor, when the stock was gone, it was gone. They did not have the software or the code. If I tried to go to a computer geek, and the remote or leash got tampered with the harness would lock and the cuffs would activate. I had put on both cuffs. They were designed for high security prisoners, not for Alzheimer patients. Patients are supposed to get the vibrations from the harness. Level 10 shocks are meant to disable a grown man. He had never heard of the high security package being used with the patient package. Even if I found someone with the technology to get the cuffs off, it would take so long the shock might do permanent damage. That is what they were designed for. He must have said that ten times.
Then more bad news. He told me how to check the program. Lila had set everything to maximum security for both patient and prisoner. It would run 24 hours a day for the next year, the maximum length of the program. The program was set for two daily cycles, 6 am to 8 pm waking and 8 pm to six am sleeping.
One of the objects of the secure wear was to prevent disrobing in public. The jumpsuit and diaper also made sexual stimulation difficult. The same was even more true with the secure sleepwear. It was a one piece,just like an infant, with booties and mittens. The mittens were made so my hand were all but useless, making masturbation all but impossible, as it was designed for. I could not even work the remote for the tv with the mittens on. It also had secure clasp on the back so I could not put it on or take it off by myself. Diapers were required. The program would detect any tampering with the secure wear.
And yet the news got worse. The pants, the remote, the clasp on the clothing and the leash could not be ‘self-operated’. ?That is by design, anyone can use the electronics except for the one wearing them. That’s how you programmed it. Most people who purchase the secure system use it on someone else. You seem to be using it for , umm, a different reason.?
I detected more than a bit of a snicker from him. ?Regardless of my reason, are you telling me I can’t get this stupid harness off, I have to wear the jumpsuit or the sleeper, I have to wear a diaper all the time, I can’t leave the house by myself, and I can’t even change my own diapers. And there is nothing you can do and no one you can suggest to help? I have to live like this for the next year. This harness makes me look like a fool.?
?They were designed to help the mentally challenged. The system is just doing what it was designed?.?
?Do not say that again. I have to get this off or reprogrammed, you are responsible and I want some answers. I cannot go out in public wearing a harness and diapers. I am going to sue the shit out of your company if I don’t get this thing off today. And I don’t want to hear any of your fucking explanations. Are you tooretarded to understand what I am saying?
?Please sir, I understand your frustration but?.?
?But fucking nothing asshole. I want the name of the owner and I want it now. I should never have wasted my time with some idiot answering the phones on a Saturday. I need to piss and I am not going to do it in a diaper.? I had lost all control of the situation, the conversation, and my kidneys. I could feel the urine flowing into the diaper. I instinctively reached down but there was nothing to be done.
?Look sir, I have tried to be helpful. This company is owned by someone in Taiwan, good fucking luck getting in touch with him, the IRS has tried for three years. The German designers are long gone and I do not care anymore whether you get out of the harness or not. I am not the retard that signed a release then put himself in an electronic harness and diapers. You want to be adult baby, I don’t care. Whatever turns you on? But unless you have a lot of money and can take a lot of pain, I suggest you go down to the supermarket and buy some fucking pampers, you will need two a day for the next year. My last paycheck bounced once and I do not need to sit here and listen to some asshole insult me. If you don’t like the idea of pissing in your diapers I wish I could be there when you finally have to walk around work all day in a baby harness on a leash with your panties full of shit.?
The line went dead.
?My god, work. How am I supposed to go to work like this? Go anywhere like this??
Lila could not stop apologizing. ?I know a guy who is an absolute techno-genius. If anyone can reprogram this it’s him.? That sounded great until I heard where he worked, a computer shop at the mall. Reluctantly I grabbed the leash to leave. ‘Patient cannot self-operate’. I turned to unlatch the cable. ‘Patient cannot self-operate.’ Lila latched the leash on as the cable released. I picked up the leash. ‘Patient cannot self- operate.’ I walked out the door and got a jolt. ‘Level 3 warning, exceeding leash boundary.‘A quick check of the manual revealed that on a secure setting I could only move ten feet from where some else last touched the leash. I did not matter. Lila took the leash and we went to my car.
It was not a long drive and the mall was crowded with people escaping the heat. People instantly gave us a stare. A typical comment came from a ten year old boy ?Mommy, what’s wrong with that man?? We moved as quickly as we could to the computer store. I remembered back to my days in headgear, but I stuck out much more in a white suit with a black harness. After several curious stares from clerks Lila’s friend came out. His amusement was only overcome by his curiosity. There were no ports for cable inputs and he could not break the code. He had no idea how to remove any of it.
I passed an old friend on the way out but did not even stop to talk, too many questions I did not want to answer. I pissed into the diaper again.
We tried online searches for the German company, for electronic security experts, locksmiths, anyone who we thought could help. No site had the info I needed. Lila tried to be positive pointing out I had two weeks to figure it all out. I had several stiff drinks. At 7:55 the remote said ‘5 minutes until changing period’. Then I had to ask Lila a question I never thought I would ever have to ask anyone ?Can you help me with my diaper. I really want to get it off.? I hooked myself onto the bedroom cable. At 8 pm exactly the harness opened. ‘5 minute changing period.’ That was soon to become my favorite expression, it meant I would be clean and fresh smelling, if only for a little while.
She had figured how to easily open the clothing latches and my fresh diaper was soon on. The rubber pants and suit. The harness would not lock. ‘Sleeper not detected. One minute remaining.’ I opened the package with the sleeper got into it and Lila closed the latch. ‘Level 4 warning’. The shock was unpleasant but I was able to put the cable on. It seemed I could attach cables but could not remove them. ‘Diaper change successful. Next changing period 6 am.’ Instantly the cable shortened to 5 feet. I lay down on the bed and soon found the sleeper was much more restrictive than the jumpsuit. The mittens made my hands useless. I could not hold a book, but I could use the remote if I held a pencil in my mouth. Lila promised to be back by 6 to change my diaper.
I spent the next ten hours trying to plan my best move. I would have to get a specialist in high tech materials to cut the cuffs off. Once the shocks stopped I could cut everything else off myself, given enough time.
‘5 minutes until changing period’. The remote woke me up. No Lila. At 6 am the harness unlocked, still attached to the cable. ‘5 minute changing period.’ But I could not get the sleeper off. ‘Level 3 warning. Patient cannot self- operate.’ At least the shock level reset at each changing period. I tried putting the harness on and to my surprise, I managed to get it done with the mittens on, and it locked. Problem was I was still in the sleeper and my diaper was already wet. ‘Sleeper detected. Next changing period 8 pm.? I could wear the sleeper all day and night; the jumpsuit could only be worn during the day.
With the harness locked the cable extended back out to 50’. Then Lila walked in. ?Let’s get it done?.
?Too late, I had to relock the harness already. Next changing period is 8 pm.?
?What about the new diaper??
?Not for 14 hours.? I let more urine flow into the diaper. ?I’m an idiot.?
It was even hotter than the day before and I was not about to go out with the sleeper on. I was trapped. We had breakfast at 8, and by 10 am I could not take the cramps any longer. I could feel the shit squeezing out of my ass into the diaper. It was a horrible feeling. Lila’s words of encouragement did nothing and her idea to ‘get out of the house’ was even worse. By 8 pm, with lots more piss, I could smell myself and I was sure she could smell it too. My diaper was full.
?Look, our lease is up next month. Let Carol and I move in and we can be here for your changings.?
?I don’t want to wear this that long.? It was that or?what? I had no choice.
?I know that. Carol works at General Dynamics. Her co-worker knows about all of the special materials out there. He is willing to help. He has a workshop with a lot of high tech shit, we can go there tomorrow night. Until then maybe you better use some baby powder, you are getting chaffed.?
Lila put the leash on and we sat on the back porch and had some drinks.
I made an effort to wake up early and fill the diaper. I did not want to walk around all day again with it full. I remembered what the clerk on the phone said about walking around work with a loaded diaper and it scared me. The humiliation of having to walk into work like this was too much to think about. To do it reeking like a 1 year old kid. Some shit came out but by 11 am the diaper was full.
We me Carol’s friend after Lila got home from work. Once he got over my predicament and unique aroma, he used all sorts of scanners and tools to examine every piece of equipment. It could be done, but I had to fly to Europe to get it done, but it would cost more than I could afford. Was it better to wait out a year or put myself in debt for ten. Then he pointed out that flying was probably out of the question, no way I could get through security. ?Try to find a job you can work from home.?
We rushed to get back to the house for my 8 pm changing.
It went on like that for the rest of my vacation. I rarely went out, Lila ran my errands. I tried talking work into a telecommute but with no luck. I had to show up or quit. I went in to all the laughter and stayed at my desk. Lila would attach my leash to my chair. People would walk by laughing or just point at me and whisper. I had no real reason to leave my desk, bathroom breaks were out. Four months later I found a lower paying job but I could work from home.Carol and me during the day, Lila and I at night and three of us all weekend.
Lila and Carol were very kind in how they treated me. They helped me with my predicament and did not belittle me. In fact I saw Carol looking at me in a way Lila never did. I started waiting more and more for her to come home. There were only two brief periods during the day where I could get any sexual relief and Carol was getting home just in time for the morning change.
And so it went for the next 11 months. Each day I became more and more attracted to her and I could feel her getting closer and closer to me, physically and emotionally. I would masterbate in my 5 minute showers but it was becoming harder to hide my feelings and she could see my dick getting hard as we buried it in the diaper, locking it away for another 14 hours. One Monday morning she walked into my room 10 minutes early. I made an effort to keep my diapers pretty clean in the mornings.
That morning she removed her clothes before she took off mine. I was hard before the diaper was off. The sex was quick, but it was my first sex with another person in two years and her first sex with a male in ten years. While ever trusting Lila was at work, Carol and I would talk about what we would do after I was done with the harness. And how Lila would feel about our having sex.
Two days before the program ended Lila walked in on our morning quickie. It was an ugly scene as she stormed around the house trying to figure out who she hated more, Carol or me. In a rage she left for work. Carol and I both tried to talk to her but she was not interested.
When Carol woke at 2 from her sleep we decided to take a walk around the lake and figure things out. The leash was nowhere to be found. I then looked for the remote. Gone. I did not need either of them for the short term, but I did not want any other accidents at programming time. Lila had to have them and she was very mad at me.
When she did not come home that night we were concerned for her, and I wanted the controls back. She did not answer her phone and no one had heard from her. The program would end between 9 and 10:30 Saturday morning. Carol helped me with my diaper and we just waited. At 10:27 the harness unlocked. I still needed help to get out of the jumpsuit, but I could take the pants and diaper off by myself. As I was reaching for the cuffs a jolt hit me. The cuffs were on a different program. Once Lila’s program was gone my password would work again. With the remote I could shut everything down, even the leash.
One minute later the second jolt hit. I had come to rely on the voice commands. We had no idea what I needed to do. It was after the third jolt Lila walked in with the leash. ?Here, have fun.? She walked out without saying another word. ‘Level 6 warning you miserable traitorous bastard. Sleeper not detected.’The leash was yelling at me.
We ran upstairs and went through the changing routine with the sleeper. The harness did not lock. ‘Level 7 warning asshole. How does it feel to have only a minute to change your diaper? Double diaper required.’ We raced through the changing sequence and added a second diaper. But we were not fast enough. ‘Level 8 warning. Now you almost know how it feels to be betrayed, I wish Carol wore some cuffs.’The diapers made everything even more snug as the harness locked. ‘Diaper change successful. Next changing period 8 am. You should really stink by then.’
It was going to be a long year.
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It started at Halloween. Several co-workers arrived as fantasy characters. Some female colleagues came dressed in male suits. I was the only male who turned up in a dress. I'd bought the dress in a charity shop. It was quite lucky that it fitted me as well as it did. It was quite tight around the bust area, but this was OK because I didn't have any tits. The skirt came to about three inches above the knee. I'd also found a pair of ladies' shoes in the same shop. They had one and a half...
Mera naam harman hai. Yeh meri pehli story hai indian sex stories pe. Yeh story meri bhabhi k baare me hai. Iss story mein m btaunga k kaise mene apni bhabhi ko apni randi bnaya. Apne baare me btata hoon. Mera lund 7 inch ka hai aur height 6 foot. M chandigarh ka rehne wala hoon. Mujhe ladkiyo ko randiyo ki tarah chodne meh bahut maaza aata hai. Chandigarh ki agar koi ladki, bhabhi ya aunty ko badeh aur motte lund ki talaash hai toh meri email pe msg kre: .Chlo story shuru krte hai. Meri...
Hi friends on iss. This is Ranjit again with a new story in which I fucked one angry girl in her own house. This happened in the year 2015 December. The girl in this story is Anamika aged 26 not very fair but she looks damn sexy with stats 34-30-36. She has the perfect pair of boobs and round fluffy ass in shape. Coming back to story, I saw Anamika in office and she was looking super sexy as she was in tight jeans and tee shirt with a muffler. I was attracted by her looks. But she was behaving...
I have found that my mature wife is getting bolder the older she gets. She is more willing to talk about fantasies and much more willing to act on them. A few days ago we had overnight visitors. An old friend was driving through town taking his son to a nearby university so we invited them to stay. I had noticed that both of them checked out Marg’s tits and that she had left a couple buttons undone to show a little cleavage. This is something she is doing more often and something that I am...
*************************************************************************************************************** Hello. My name is Carol Lewis, I'm 5'6 curvy, green eyes, black wavy hair, tanned skin, size C bust, full lips. I live in a small city in California on a wonderful Cul-de-sac with wonderful secrets. We all know each other and we're all close. All of my neighbors have been to my wedding, birthday parties, holiday parties, and most importantly.....the gatherings. It...
I was in my car, being chauffeured by my driver a very tall Czech woman named Aura, and my administrative assistant, a Vietnamese woman named Nebia. They are bonded to me as consensual "slaves" and display this to all who are informed by wearing chokers of dark green and black fibers interwoven with a silver chain with a single pearl affixed in the mid point. They wear intertwined bangles on both wrists with rings that can be hooked together thereby binding hands either in front or back. We are...
FetishI am a sissy faggot. While browsing the instant messenger I started a chat with straight guy. He had been out at a club trying to pick up girls but came up empty and was all horned up for a blow job. When I got to his house he was nervous as he had never been with a guy, so I jumped right in. Quickly I was butt naked and on my knees in front of him. He leaned back in his recliner and took out his beautiful cock, gently stroking it. I took his soft, flaccid dick in my mouth and slowly began to...
So tonight was the night. I had finally, after much searching, stumbled across the tickets I had fawned over for so long. The show was hanging in my perceptible future, I was so close to him. It felt ridiculous to be as excited as I was. I was going to see him, sure, but from a safe distance, untouchable as always. Almost as if there was no difference between our proximity now than if I had stayed at home 30 miles away. I walked through the entrance to the cosy bar, looking around awkwardly,...
Love StoriesAfter I had finished cumming Grandma and mom snowballed my cumm between theyre mouths.Gawd donny you have the sweetest cream ever.I could use some of your cream too ladies.i said and smiled.I though you would never ask Mom said and sat squarely on my face.i licked and sucked her pussy for about 5 mins.she then climbed off and grandma took her place.I also ate her cunt cream and licked her still dirty asshole clean.After about 5 minutes grandma dismounted and we sat together me between the both...
Technology moves fast these days, so you have to give Reagan Foxx credit for trying to keep up with the times. But when she creates an online profile, she finds that no one is accepting her friend requests. To prove she is a cool mom, she sucks off her pervy stepson with her MILF DSLs. Later on, Reagan is still trying to stay hip. She is trying to flip a water bottle so it lands upright, but cannot get the hang of it. She continues to practice as her stepson plows her pussy from behind! A...
xmoviesforyouLilys mom is relying on her friend Aaron and the babysitters club to help straighten Lily out. She has been misbehaving/out of control and needs some structure in her life. Her first assignment is at Aarons house. He tries giving Lily a little pep talk, but shes the least interested person in the world. She might be hopeless, but watching Aarons children and house are her last shot to really prove herself. Lily is left by Aaron, and its all up to her now. Aaron arrives a few hours later, only...
xmoviesforyouThis is the first part of a new storyline taking place within my Goddess Realm Series. It is not necessary to read Saved by a Goddess or Saved By a Goddess: Gifts to enjoy this story but admittedly it does help and is recommended. Life Renewed By StefB Thank You LorasPa6 for your wonderful help editing and being there to bounce ideas off of. Chapter One "This is why you moved home," I reassured myself as I paused just outside the large ornate wooden and glass...
Melinda hurried about the next morning with an urgency that bordered on frantic. She wanted to get down to the house early, before Jason got there. She wanted some time to herself with the house and get it to do what she wanted. There was another reason for her rush. Now that she had had a glimpse of what her room could be like if she did not have her sister around, she hated being reminded of what she was forced to accept as a poor substitute at home. The sunlight trying to stream around...
Kissing says, ‘I want to play with you and spend time with you. We’re taking our time and not just moving towards the goal of having an orgasm.’ It tells your partner you’re into them, The lips are not the only part of the mouth which should be joined in kissing. Every lover is a glutton. He wants everything that is part of his sweetheart, everything. He doesn’t want to miss a single iota of her ‘million-pleasured joys’ as Keats once wrote of them. – The Art of Kissing, Hugh Morris...
"She's not into sex anymore" is what he told me that first time in the garage.I'd lived down the street from Vince and Kathy for over a year and had started helping them with stuff around the house after Vince broke his hand. After he got the cast off, I kept stopping by to help because I wanted to be a good neighbor and because they were genuinely nice folks.He was early 60s, not quite 6 ft, sturdy build but with a few extra lbs around the middle, salt & pepper hair, almost always a little...
Introduction: Please make comments to let me know what you think about my story. Thanks ,) Jessica was a medical student and Doug was a doctor. They both worked in Chicago Hospital and they have a relationship, but yesterday they had an argument, because Doug cheated her with one of his ex-girlfriends in a little room in hospital and Jessica saw him together with this chick while they were kissing… But today were a big party in a nice restaurant for all the people who worked in the hospital....
"Rachael?" Gail called over the intercom. "Yeah" "There's a Mr. McElroy here to see you." She stared at the phone. "Rachael? Rachael?" "Uh, yeah." Her hand was shaking, "Uh, I'll be down in just a second." It had been more than three months since she any contact with the family — she did not count the card at graduation. Maybe it was not him. She almost called the front desk to ask for a first name but paused. If it was JD, he was here for a reason. If it was not JD, then...
Hannah paid the driver and then took my arm as we headed towards the hotel. After dropping our coats at the cloakroom, we breezed through the lobby and headed for the restaurant. I felt so good in my new red dress and lingerie, but I was still a little uneasy on the high heels. Hannah gave her name to the maitre’d, and he showed us to our table. Fortunately for me, we were placed near the far wall, so although I had to walk through the entire restaurant to get to it, once there, we were fairly...
I am out of service. I was in a car accident. Not a bad one but I did break my hip and I have a ridiculous collar around my neck. Needless to say, I can hardly move and I have no desire for sex. My husband is in great need of some fucking, I can tell. I suggested we place an ad online for temporary help. I do not think that I could watch him fuck another woman and asked if he would mind fucking a guy. His only condition: that he be bisexual; he would feel more confortable with the idea. He...
EroticJill Kassidy And Alex Grey are ready to stay after school and do some extra studying on each other! They made sure to wear matching school girl outfits and show off those panties under those short little skirts! Extra credit for whoever makes the other cum first! Jill just can not keep her hands and mouth off of Alexs cute little toes and feet! She wants to suck each one of those little toes so badly! Alex rubs her pussy getting herself all worked up and wet before getting into a 69 and burying...
xmoviesforyouI woke the next morning, snuggled against Aaron's back, then became aware of what had woken me. Ryker was standing in the doorway with two cups of tea in his hands.“Common, you guys, the day is well started and it’s time you were up and at 'em!”He put the cups down and went back to the galley, and I became aware of an amazing smell, permeating the cabin. It smelt like our house when my mother cooked jam. And plum jam at that, so I knew he was cooking the plums for our breakfast.“Let’s go for...
First TimeTips 'n Toes: Getting to Know Diane...In a Biblical Way! I really thought myself very lucky, having met Teri, Fran, and Diane. My friendship with them grew as the year went by, although at first I spent most of my time with Teri. She was a lot of fun to be with, and took great pleasure in teasing me about my nails, and my sissy attitudes. I of course took even greater pleasure from being teased, and I would do anything Teri asked of me. Every week or so I would do Teri's...
The spaghetti was a hit with the entire crew at the supper table. We didn't have enough to satisfy everybody, but everybody still got a good sized helping. We filled everybody up with regular food, but they all wanted to know when I was gong back to Johnson. After supper, I told Jane and Juan what I had done in Johnson about trying to find the mysterious dandy and they agreed that we would have to come up with a better description. In the meantime, we'd just have to keep our eyes open and...
Rowans parents think he’s strayed from God... Rowan thinks his brother should teach him a lesson... “Rowan, hurry up, we’re going to be late!” My bottom lip quivered as my mother dragged me into the church. As we went up the steps, I wondered if I was going to be disowned for the sins I had committed. My family were very religious people, and due to recent events my mother was taking me to a priest who specialized in extreme cases of lost faith so that I could confess and get...
IncestMika and I were both flying home in first class. I was certain that this would be a very long flight, or series of flights. First, we'd fly across the country from Boston to Los Angeles. During that flight, we had a flight attendant assigned to us to make sure that we ended up with our parents. To me, it was incredible how, in the blink of an eye, we went from sharing in an orgy to having someone treats us, as if we were infants. Lisa, our new flight attendant, quickly realized there wasn't...
Hello to all the readers of ISS. My name is sunny and I am 26 male now here to submit my real stories in my gay life. I am cool chubby person with fat this, cute belly, sexy plump chest and red nipples. I have nice ass. This incident happened when I was in class 12 and my age was 18. I am not that good in studies when I was in class 12. I used to fail in subjects and I was a poor student. So my parents decided to send me to tuition. I found a tuition near my house. My tuition master is a nice...
Gay MaleOur lives settled down over the next six months. I spent the summer on the brewery packaging line as supervisor. All of the men knew I would be moving into administration in September, and I got the impression they were pleased to see someone get the job who knew what the operating floor was all about. True, I knew little about the brewing end of the business, but that wouldn't be part of my responsibilities anyway. In early July, I asked if I could hold a round-table meeting with the...
„Oh mein Gott, was wollen die denn hier?“, seufzt die 36jährige Mary-Ann. Sie sieht aus dem Küchenfenster, wie vier schwarze Jungens aus einem klapprigen Chevy steigen und auf ihr Haus zukommen. Die Kerle sehen in ihrer schlampigen Kleidung wie Ghetto-Kids aus. Mary-Ann erkennt ihren Anführer wieder, einen gewissen Tyrone, der nach dem Footballspiel in der vergangenen Woche die ganze Zeit um ihre 18jährige Tochter Lisa herumscharwenzelt ist. Gott sei Dank ist Lisa jetzt nicht zu Hause, denkt...
Shopping in Manchester Tom and I had trailed around the shops in Edinburgh, looking for some sexy outfits for Marks party. We just couldn’t find anything that grabbed our attention. Oh there were loads of nice things, but nothing that made us shout, “Eureka”, if you know what I mean. The last shop we entered, we started chatting, well, I did, to a very sexily dressed young woman. I asked her where she had purchased her outfit and explained to her that Tom and I had been searching all...
The small, cozy room was awash in the warm glow of candles, the air lightly scented with incense, relaxing new-age background music softly flowing through. In the middle of the room was a small table, about a meter tall, d****d in linen and soft towels. The woman who greeted me was dressed as if she were about to take a yoga or excersize class, her colourful, skimpy, form fitting outfit did nothing to hide her toned, fit body. Her blond hair was short, but long enough to tie back in a tiny pony...
My first time ever having sex was when I was 18. Actually I was a few months shy of 18 at the time. I went to a party of a cousin of a friend. There were all guys there. I had always wondered why I found men so attractive. And there were a lot of attractive guys at that party. I had noticed this one guy kept staring at me. Actually there were a few, but this one guy was older and I found that I liked him looking at me. He winked at me and I smiled back at him. Later he walked by me and told me...
GayElizabeth Carson sat in the car. She was far from comfortable she had to be acknowledge to herself. The 36-year- old was suffering the effects of the 24 fierce red lines across her bottom given courtesy of Mrs Denver’s senior cane. She got herself as comfortable as possible before driving off. She drove carefully as the stinging distracted her but thankfully got home without incident. As she drove she reminded herself she suffered the humiliation of being spanked and caned to prevent her...
SpankingHi all. I am Sameer from Delhi. I am 29 yrs old and my height is 5’11”. I am fair and everyone says good looking. Do not want to appreciate myself. I occasionally read stories here and as per my view most of them are only fantasy. I might be wrong. Today I thought about sharing my true incidence with you all. I am writing to make new friends. Hope you will enjoy it and will share your views and hopefully we will be become friends. I was working in Bangalore, when this incidence happened. I have...
Hi, everybody, I am Harshith from north Karnataka I am 22 years old just now I have completed PUC I have a huge cock 7 inches which will satisfy anyone easily I am a good looking and I have an athlete bodySo let’s get into the story this is the real incident which happened with me. This is my first story in Indian sex stories please forgive me if there are any mistakes. This story tells about how I had sex with my aunt. This is a real life experience so it’s actually quite long as I have...
I had known Allison for more than 20 years before I finally made up my mind to try to fuck her. A very pretty, very classy lady in her mid-40s, Allison is quiet and unassuming and the type of woman that many men would never even notice. But I notice her. I notice them all. I love and adore women. To be more precise, I love beautiful, intelligent women who are very sexual in nature and who truly love to fuck. My goal is now and always has been to seduce and fuck as many of these women as...
Jay Smooth lends a compassionate ear to his sexy office mate Aaliyah Love when she tells him about her boring 12 year marriage. The American nympho then takes the opportunity to strip down to her lingerie and jump the stud in the office break room. Who knows how long it’s been since she’s had her trimmed pussy eaten out, but it drives the blonde milf crazy, and soon she’s bending over the kitchen counter to be banged doggy style and continuing the action over on the couch so...
xmoviesforyouAUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a prequel to the first story that I posted on Fictionmania, titled "To Become A Woman." Permission is granted to post this story on any free archive for transgender stories. Feedback would be most appreciated. Enjoy! IT'S WONDERFUL TO BE A WOMAN By Mr. Solitude In a dark corner of the Lakeside Bar and Grill, a twenty- something slightly heavyset man sat alone at a table for two. He looked up expectantly at the door each time it opened, as though...
--A bitchy general contractor gets hers--As I go into work early in the morning, I am greeted by the big boss. He informed me the day before that he would be moving me around to different crews to evaluate my strenths and weakness' out in the field. As everyone filtered in to the shop and was loading up thier trucks he introduced me to the supervisor of a new department, I guess with him being the only one in the department as of yet he would be his own supervisor.Introductions were made then...
After a few moments I stop. “What are we doing?” He looks at me. “I'm sorry?” I sigh. “I'm with Keenan.” I tell him and he blinks a few times. “Really?” He backs up right away. “Oh man, I'm really sorry. I had no idea... So it's you and Keenan and her and Peter?” “I thought you would know that.” I groan and then stand up. “God, I'm sorry... This is awkward.” “Yeah. You're telling me.” He sighs. “I just saw my friend fucking some random girl, and then made out with my...
Leather & Lace Chapter 1 - Temporary Initiation By the White Knight I responded to a call from my temp agency to be at Madison and 63rd, at 9:00 am on Monday morning, for an undetermined length assignment. Short on money I really wanted to make a good impression, hoping that they would keep me on for a while, so I showed up a half-hour early. Walking into the lobby of the brown stone building, I was immediately met by a doorman. He asked if he could help me and I told him I was looking for the...
When I first joined the adult dating site I got a ton of responses from single and married men. The one that got my attention was from a man named Dan. In his response, he said that he was happily married but missed the exhilaration of meeting a new person and the thrill of discovering a new body and that he found my photo and bio very attractive.Out of curiosity I wrote back asking him how he would discover my body. The next day I got a response detailing how he would explore my body with his...
Straight SexI was on my knees on the rug, ass up, head down to the floor, being fucked in the butthole by a vigorous young stud. He was getting a charge out of the ride. I was feeling wonderful with the probing pulsations of his long shaft, yelping and squealing as he went in and out. In my mind, I was being ridden by a cowboy, waving his ten gallon hat, shouting "Yee, haw!" as he broke my wildness. Oh super yummy. I was having waves of small orgasms when he came too, filling me with his warm juices,...
Group SexMy face may have drained at that point even beyond the normal lack of blood caused by the rush of same to supply my erection. Words couldn’t adequately describe the fix I was in. In my panting state of passion I did hear Hanna’s statement, “The C.O...” The wife of the commanding officer was staring at the two of us in the water I was currently having my orgasm in. Plus all the orgasm juice Hanna had bathed my face with sparkled especially on my glasses. With it dripping from my the end of my...
As a college student, it was very hard to believe that I was still a virgin and it didn’t help that I looked pretty hot. I had waist-long, golden-brown hair, baby blue eyes, firm D cup breasts and a round ass which I got from my Latin grandmother. Nobody believed that, at 19 years of age, I had never masturbated, given head or been given head. I grew up with the strictest parents and the male anatomy was one area I feared to tread. After a lonely first week in college, I met a very handsome...
Hi everyone, This is Neha (name changed) Mine is love marriage and had a peaceful life after marriage. My husband Viki (name changed) works for a big IT company here and travels US very often. To satisfy my sex urge i used to finger myself. Even with fingering, there is little dissatisfaction. That’s when I got a lesbian friend in my gym.. She is little stout and we used to explore all kinds of sex.. It continued for 3 months and we both were very happy and satisfied. Unfortunately she got...
Kyra looked around and grinned; the coast was clear. Tightening her light gray raincoat around her body, she hurried her pace until she reached the steps of the teacher’s dorms building. Glancing around her once again, Kyra entered in the building and quickly climbed the stairs, running toward her Uncle Jon’s room. Once she stepped in front of his door, Kyra stopped there for a second, a grin playing in her lips and a tingling in her pussy as her mind went back to what had been happening...
IncestThis is a little different, some may find it interesting; others a waste of space ... Jack This one is compliments of John Here's a prime example of "Men from Mars, Women are from Venus." It is offered by an English professor from the University of Colorado as an actual class assignment: A creative writing professor told his class one day: "Today we will experiment with a new form called a tandem story. The process is simple. Each person will pair off with the person sitting next to...
Send us a message and we'll send you a pic or two of Mrs Friskee on a beach. Enjoy. Sometimes you just need to take a break. It has been four weeks since school has gone back and when I woke up this morning to a glorious sunrise over Port Stephens I decided it was time to have a sickie. I called in at about 7.30 and faxed my lesson plans at 8.30. By then the sun was blasting into my lounge room window and I knew that it would be another hot day. I have numerous beaches to choose from and...
It was three days till New Year's Eve. Trish and I had discussed going out, but the truth was, we really didn't want to have to face all of the amateur partiers that we knew we would run into that night, no matter where we decided to go.I was sitting in the media room with Tracy.'Do you have any plans for Friday night?' I asked her.'There's a bunch of k**s who want to go out, but nobody wants to pay for hotel rooms so we don't have to drive home. You know me. I don't care if they all want to...
So my story begins on Thanksgiving Eve about two years ago. I was driving home from being on the road for the company that I worked for at the time. I had not been home in 2 years so everything has changed so much couldn't even remember some of the smaller businesses that I was driving by. I seen a small gas station and pulled in so I could use the restroom and fill up on gas to make it another forty-five minutes to my mom and dad's. After finishing everything there I pulled out on the two...
One time I was at my friend Alicia's House. It was me, 1 of her girlfriends and one other guy. We were just hanging out watching TV and just having something to drink. All of a sudden I start getting a huge boner in my jeans and Alicia saw it. While everyone else was watching TV Alicia put her hands down my jeans and started feeling it, ooo fuck it felt great. So we both sneak up stairs to her bed room.So we are upstairs in her room both undressing really quickly and she starts to blow me. Fuck...
I met Mary a little over three years ago at a sex party so we both knew that the other fucks around. It was a pretty big party with probably 20 guys and a dozen women. Both couples and singles from early 20's to early 50's. After the group warm up with introductions, jokes and prizes there was a sex card game where the high male card and low female card had to get up and the guy had to take off an article of her clothes and then had 30 seconds to do whatever he wanted with her. The next...