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This is the first part of a new storyline taking place within my Goddess Realm Series. It is not necessary to read Saved by a Goddess or Saved By a Goddess: Gifts to enjoy this story but admittedly it does help and is recommended. Life Renewed By StefB Thank You LorasPa6 for your wonderful help editing and being there to bounce ideas off of. Chapter One "This is why you moved home," I reassured myself as I paused just outside the large ornate wooden and glass door. My lunch meeting was at Union Junction inside Market Station with Kevin Snider, CEO of Axis Music Group. Axis was a small but growing record label, they had a limited but very talented stable of artists and many industry insiders say it is at the precipice of greatness. Originally an old train depot, Market Station had been repurposed into a hotel and restaurant. It was gorgeous with arched 22-foot ceilings lined with exquisite crystal chandeliers and detailed walnut paneling. A large stone fireplace rested in one corner with large leather couches on either side that begged for intimate conversations. It was rather elegant and would be such a romantic destination for a date but it felt a bit odd for a business luncheon. It would be my job to convince Mr. Snider that our ad agency had the ability to take his record label to the next level. I didn't feel that nervous as I possessed confidence in our company and having started at the bottom, I carried an understanding that allowed me to assure potential clients of our abilities as well as the knowledge to put any questions they may have to rest with relative ease. From what I discovered through mutual business contacts, Kevin was a very hands-on and unconventional leader who started his company from a studio he built in his garage. Almost everyone I talked to told me that, contrary to his youthful appearance, he would not be easily swayed and was a very shrewd businessman. After being seated at a table in the center of the room I informed the waiter that I would prefer to wait until my party arrived before making any orders. I recognized him as soon as he walked through the doors. He was younger and far more laid back with his appearance than any of my other clients. He strolled in with an easy confidence and the physique of a man who enjoyed running. Although you'd never tell from his looks, he was thirty-three years old. After seeing him in person I believed my sources lied, he easily appeared twenty-five. He possessed a boyish quality in his hazel eyes that were partially hidden by stylish black-framed glasses. His light auburn hair rested just below his collar and he kept it in the unkempt manner that had become popular. He conveyed a comfortable attractiveness in his distressed gray Mickey Mouse tee shirt, blue sports coat and black jeans. I laughed to myself when I noticed he wore black Chuck Taylor high tops instead of the cowboy boots so many men in this area prefer. Everything I saw about him conflicted with a man who exhibited enough drive to own his own successful business. Kevin Snider was definitely the type of man my mind attempted to be attracted to these days. Well... he would be if I allowed myself to be attracted to men... which I would not. Never again. I hoped he had a pleasant personality but if not, there were much worse things to do over lunch than to have to look across the table at him. I noticed my reflection in one of the many mirrors lining the walls. It really hit me how his casual appearance was in stark contrast to my professional look. I smoothed my black knee length skirt and lightly tugged on the pink silk blouse I wore beneath the jacket that matched my skirt. I discreetly checked that my hair was still pulled properly into a chignon bun and my minimal makeup was unblemished. I quickly glanced around the room. My attire was in line with most of the patrons but compared to Kevin, I was definitely overdressed. I rose as he arrived at our table and greeted him confidently. "Hello Mr. Snider, very nice to meet you. I'm Sara Collins thank you for taking the time to meet with me." I quickly noticed that in one inch-inch flats he was at least two inches shorter which put him at about five foot eleven. "Mrs. Collins, it's a pleasure." He nodded as his eyes locked onto mine and his fingertips gently embraced my hand. I inwardly cringed at the often mistaken assumption that I was married. Marriage is fine for other people, just not me. "Actually it's Miss Collins but please call me Sara." He did not even try to hide his pleasure with my words and his eyes drifted the length of my body. "In that case Sara, please call me Kevin." I couldn't help but to blush under his scrutiny. "Thank you Kevin." With the pleasantries out of the way we settled into our chairs and a calm businesslike demeanor enveloped him as we started discussing business. My sources were correct when they warned me that he was a shrewd business man who did his homework. His knowledge of what he required of our company was so detailed that I wondered, more than once, why he needed our services in the first place. About midway through our meal an associate of Kevin's interrupted us. I had to do a double take when I saw him. Damn, I had no idea such men actually existed. This man was gorgeous. Truth be told, calling this man gorgeous would be an insult since he was so much more than simply gorgeous. Standing in front of me wearing an untucked black cotton western shirt and black jeans that were tight in all the right places was lean, mean and muscular manliness piled at least six foot five inches high. He appeared to be about the same age as Kevin, maybe younger. His long sleeves pushed past his elbows, accented a sculpted upper body and dark tan skin tone. His beautiful facial features told me there had to be a large amount of Native American in his family tree. He possessed long straight black hair and had the warmest brown eyes surrounded by the longest lashes I had ever seen on a man. I was mesmerized and regretting the vow of celibacy I had taken soon after my son's birth. The sexy man that filled my vision looked like bad news served up in a delicious package. I gasped sharply and it took everything I had within me to maintain a professional demeanor as I gazed upon this dark God before me. A very attractive bleached blonde with a rather pale complexion who rivaled my six foot height accompanied him. She had crystal blue eyes set above high cheekbones and possessed full lips that, as my uncle would say, could suck the chrome off a 57 Chevy. Her build was more athletic than my curvier fame. She could easily be a model and definitely dressed to impress in a short black dress that hugged every curve and she completed her look with four-inch heels. I felt more than a tinge of jealousy creep within as I looked at her. I remember when I used to look like that. Kevin looked up, he seemed surprised by the interruption. "Hey Zeus, how ya been?" Oh so this epitome of manliness has a name and that name is Zeus. The name fit him like a glove. "I'm good, it's been awhile. How about you?" "Good man, real good." Zeus glanced over at me with a glorious smile. "Who is your friend?" Kevin's expression fluttered with annoyance only long enough for me to think he either didn't want to introduce me or he did not feel I was worthy of an introduction. Before I had a chance to allow it to bother me his smile returned. "Oh where are my manners? Zeus, allow me to introduce Miss Sara Collins." I found it difficult to remain professional in his proximity but I believed I succeeded as I extended my hand. "Very nice to meet you Zeus." I felt a stirring in a place that had not stirred in quite some time as our hands touched. My pupils dilated as I looked into his commanding bedroom eyes. The smile he gave me would make a nun forgo her vows and his deep voice rumbled deep into my never regions. "Please call me Adam. My name is Adam Carson. Zeus is a nickname that unfortunately stuck," Yep, that name fits too because "Ah Damn" was what I thought as soon as I saw him. Kevin began to laugh. "Oh come on man you used to like the name, claiming it fit a sex god like you." The blonde on Adam's arm shot him a look as if the verify his status as a supernatural sexual being. I realized I was staring so I quickly looked away from Adam and felt my cheeks begin to warm. Why am I blushing? I never blush! Oh man, this can't be good. Okay mind, time to take control cause body can't be trusted. I politely endeavored to include the young woman into our conversation to allow myself a momentary distraction from her companion. "Hello, I'm Sara." I wanted to laugh after it became painfully obvious that she was not used to female attention when she was with Adam. She jumped slightly and nodded awkwardly. I continued to stare at her until she remembered she was expected to speak. "Oh sorry, nice to meet you. I'm Britney." I turned my attention back to Adam who shifted uncomfortably in place. It seemed he was rather ill at ease and eager to end the conversation. "That was a long time ago man, anyways it's always good to see you. We finally opened the club last week, you should swing by one night." He casually glanced back in my direction in manner that, if not for the fact his very essence oozed self confidence, would appear shy. I knew from experience that for men like him, shyness was definitely not an issue he dealt with so there had to be another reason. Had he forgotten I was sitting here? My lips settled into a grim line as the thought entered my mind and he offered his hand. "Take care and it was a true pleasure to meet you Ms. Collins." Even though I knew he was out of my league and so not my type anymore, I secretly pouted at the perceived slight. How could he not feel the connection? I know how. Just look at the young leggy blonde with him. Well, he's not my type either... At least not anymore. I accepted his hand in mine and the stirrings began anew. "Oh please, call me Sara. Don't worry Adam, I know all about unwanted nicknames." I started to ramble and stopped quickly with an inward groan. "The pleasure is mine." Adam stared at me for a moment without releasing my hand. It felt as if he were searching for something, his scrutiny was uncomfortable but seeing how this was my only chance to be so near perfection and I could not turn away. His hand closed a little tighter and he leaned a little closer as he spoke. "Have we met before Sara?" His question as well as his proximity caught me off guard. "Not that I'm aware of. I don't think the world could handle two of me so it's a good thing I'm an only child." I felt myself rambling again. "Why do you ask?" What is wrong with me? Mind, you are slipping on your job. Adam continued to stare. "I used to know another girl with the same build, same general features and she has the same exquisite eyes only hers are blue." I pursed my lips. My eyes are unique, I always considered them my best feature. Truth be told, my large deep set electric blue eyes were the only part of me I truly liked about myself but they were also why I wore brown colored contacts. I stood out enough as it was. I started to flush under his gaze as I shook my head. "I don't know, I have my father's eyes and I don't have any girl cousins on his side of the family that I know of." Adam smiled briefly before he released my hand "Sorry, you remind of someone. You sure we haven't met before?" My eyes scanned him from head to toe. I have no doubt that I would have remembered him. This conversation started to feel like it should be taking place in a bar instead of a fancy restaurant. I stilled my overactive pheromones to resume my businesslike demeanor before I stared into his tempting pools. "Sorry, I think had we met it wouldn't be something I could easily forget." Where did that come from? I felt myself flush again as Adam nodded his head as if he weren't so sure. "it could have happened in another life I guess." I was about to ask what he meant until a couple of women walking up caught his eye. One was a very attractive, rather petite red haired women with the most exquisite eyes I had ever seen. I do not know how to describe them other than to say they looked like someone captured two rainbows and placed one behind each of her eyelids. I had never coveted another woman's looks before but I found myself wishing I could be half as beautiful. Something about the woman's friend seemed familiar. I studied her dark brown hair and tan skin trying to remember where I knew her from. I mean, there can't be that many women that rivaled my six foot one inch height. We were like in a secret club and usually remembered each other the next time we met. An anger I thought I had let go of long ago resurfaced as I looked into her lavender color eyes. It was the day of my eighteenth birthday... Chapter Two "You know Mom, if you... Oh I don't know... Actually got a job, you would not have to call me with these harassing phone calls every month." I said angrily into the phone. "Sean Lawrence Collins, how dare you say that to me! As my only son, it is up to you to take care of your disabled mother." She screeched in my ear. I held the phone away from my face as I mumbled, "I didn't realize being an alcoholic slut was a disability." "What did you say?" Mama said angrily. "All it would take is one call to the police and I can report you as a runaway. I bet your mouth wouldn't be as smart if you were standing in front of me." I sighed at her tired warning, especially now that I had reached the age it would no longer work. She always threatened to call the authorities and let them know I was living in Los Angeles using a false ID. She claimed many times she was going to report me as a runaway because I moved away when I was only sixteen but we both knew her threats were hollow. She was glad to have me out of her hair and so long as I sent her a few hundred dollars a month to buy her liquor, she was content as someone like my mother could be. I decided it was best to let it go rather than continue the pointless argument. "I'm sorry Mama, I'm broke right now but I'll wire you some money at the end of the week as soon as I get paid. Happy now?" "If that's the best you can do then I guess I have no choice. I reckon I'll let you get back to doing nothing." Mama said before hanging up without even waiting for me to reply. "Thank you for wishing me a happy birthday. I love you too," I said to the silence on the other end of the receiver before I placed it back into the cradle. "I don't have to guess who that was Brah," my roommate Matt said as he walked in the room hugging a cup of coffee. Matt and I met within a week of me moving to L.A. when I walked by him playing his guitar on a street corner. I started up a conversation and a fast friendship formed. I found out he was bouncing from house to house so I offered him the couch in my rundown apartment. Matt was a great guy but always tried to hide behind different personalities. When we met, he pretended to be Australian a few months later he started talking in an English accent. Lately, he had been trying to sound like a surfer. He was slightly taller than me at six foot three with long dark unkempt hair, chocolate brown eyes and a perpetual tan that, to my dismay, stood in contrast to my porcelain complexion. Matt could tan at the thought of the sun whereas I would develop second degree burns after an hour outside without sunscreen. He had the looks and personality to get any girl he wanted but more times than not, he left the club alone. He claimed he was choosy instead of living by my golden rule of...If they were willing then I was able. I was okay with his apparent lack of interest because the more women he turned away, the greater my chances. I glared at him as I walked to the refrigerator and retrieved a can of Mountain Dew. "Nope, that was my Mommy Dearest. I'm so sick of hearing how it's my duty as a son to take care of her when she never took care of me." Matt looked at me sympathetically and spoke with his attempt at a laid back California accent, I wanted to laugh when he did it because I knew he had been born and raised in Oklahoma. "Sorry Brah, I wish I knew what to say. When is your old man's parole hearing? Maybe he can take care of her once he gets out." I shuddered again thinking of my father. My entire life he always acted as a buffer between me and Mama. He was a good man who made a bad decision. Dad had always been the stability in my life. He was the one who gave me my love of music and also taught me all he knew about motorcycles, which was alot. I had happy childhood until the night he accidently killed a man in a bar fight after he found the man in the back room of a bar he worked at as a bouncer making out with my mother. That happened a week after I turned thirteen and life went downhill after that. With him gone, Mom went off the deep end and tried to bring me with her. She often went on drunken rants, hitting me with whatever she could get her hands on while telling me I ruined her life and everything was perfect until I came along. I crossed my fingers on both hands and held them in front of me. "Dad's parole hearing is in two weeks. I pray he gets out." Matt smiled and nodded. "I hope he does too, I never met the man but he doesn't sound like he deserves to be there." I poured four aspirin from the bottle as I shook my head. "No he doesn't." The quick movement made me wince. "Why did you let me drink so much last night?" Matt laughed. "I tried to stop you but after your fight with Tiffany, you were on a mission." I grimaced thinking of my now ex-girlfriend as I swallowed the painkillers. "What a bitch." I glanced at the clock to notice I was cutting it close on time before I had to be at my modeling shoot. "Any idea where my car is?" Matt laughed. "Right where you parked it last night. You refused to drive and decided the rest of us were too drunk too." I nodded as I walked to the bathroom for a quick shower. "Oh yeah, I remember now." "By the way, Happy Birthday Brah. We're going to get you even drunker tonight since you're finally an adult." Matt called out to me. "I don't know about that Brah." I relied in a tone mocking his attempted accent. "Dude, I'm telling you this as a friend, stop talking like that. Just be yourself." --- With my long blonde hair still wet, I went to retrieve my car from the parking lot where I left it. I might have been young and definitely wild but I was not stupid. L.A. was hard enough to drive in when you're sober, I was not about to try it when I could barely walk. I panicked when I walked to where my cherry red nineteen eighty-five Pontiac Fiero should have been, only to find it was gone. I noticed a street vendor setting up on the sidewalk next to where I had been parked. "Excuse me, you did not happen to see a red Fiero when you arrived this morning?" The man nodded. "Yeah, the owner of the lot had it towed away about an hour ago." "Damn." I muttered under my breath before I started to walk away. "Thanks." The vendor laughed lightly. "Your girlfriend is going to be pissed that you didn't take care of her car." I paused and looked back at him angrily. "What's that supposed to mean? That's my car." He laughed even harder. "Let me give you some advice son, let the city keep it and get a real man's automobile. Fieros are a chick car if there ever was one." I glared at the man. My father bought that car before he went to jail in the hopes that we could fix it up together. I ended up doing the work myself along with bartering with a couple of his friends after he got locked up. I traded working on their bikes for them doing the major mechanical work or painting on my car. My Fiero and I had a connection he could never understand. That car was my freedom when I had none, it was my escape when I needed to get away to think. "Whatever," I replied as I turned to make my way to the bus stop. By the time I caught a bus, I ended up with barely enough time to grab a sandwich and get to my modeling shoot on time. I cursed my luck and regretted ever getting out of bed when I walked in the studio and saw who I would be working with. "Hello Regina." I said almost bitterly when her eyes made contact with mine. All I received in return was the slightest head nod. In her mind, I was not worth the extra effort. "Bitch." I muttered to myself as I started walking across the open room filled with the latest style clothes sent in from various designers hoping to have their wares displayed in whatever magazine bought the photos. Regina Van Burke was gorgeous, almost the perfect height at five foot nine with long brown hair and clear blue eyes. The fact she had the body of most men's dreams allowed her to bend them to her will with a wink of her beautiful eyes. "Don't forget we are supposed to be onstage at seven tonight." I said to Regina as I took a seat in the makeup chair next to her. She rolled her eyes and sighed. "I know, you don't have to remind me every time you see me." Actually I did. Regina was an excellent singer but tended to be a temperamental artist, with an emphasis on the mental part. Some days she would show up early and be a joy to work with, but other days, she would show up whenever she felt like it and act like she was doing everyone a huge favor by being there. Her erratic behavior had cost our band a few gigs and I would have kicked her crazy ass out of the band months ago but she had had the other guys eating from her perfectly manicured hands. The reason I did not really like her was simple, she was a bitch. A complete diva who thought the world revolved around her and owed her a favor. I figured that out long before the other guys asked her to join the band. I knew how she was because I had to work with her on modeling shoots like the one we were about to do. I rolled my eyes as I took the wrapper off my sandwich. "Whatever, just don't be late this time." "That's just mean Sean, how can you eat that in front of me?" Regina scolded as she waited for Polina, the makeup artist our agency preferred, to start preparing her for our photo shoot. I never understood why Polina did not model herself because she was breathtaking. She was the same height as me which made her about six foot one, with long dark brown hair, golden skin and the most amazing eyes I had ever seen. I asked her once why she stayed behind the camera and she laughed off my question saying she was better at making other people beautiful. I took another bite of my meatball sub before I looked at Regina. "What? I'm hungry?" "Uhg," she sighed with mild disgust. "At least swallow your food before you speak." Regina watched me take another large mouthful and shook her head. "Must be nice to be able to eat like that without having to worry about gaining weight. I have to watch every single calorie." Polina rolled her violet colored eyes. "Not this again." I could not fault her reaction. Regina always had a chip on her shoulder about how much better men had it than women. Every time she started one of her rants I would egg her on with snide comments or pointing out where women clearly possessed the advantage. I would never admit it to Regina but she had a point. No matter how much I ate I always managed to keep my lean build. I was lucky in that regard. I was lucky in many ways actually. I had always been considered good looking with my blonde hair that I had let grow out to shoulder length and electric blue eyes. I also happened to be on the tall side, which also helped in the looks department. My looks are what saved me from living with an alcoholic mother who cared more about her next drink than she did her only child. A modeling agent saw me one day at a mall in the small Nashville suburb I grew up in and asked me if I would be interested in working with her. I figured...pretty lady, job offer, why not? I lied and told her I was eighteen, she didn't question it because of my size and before my head had a chance to catch up to what was going on, I found myself in a small, rundown apartment in L.A. I enjoyed my life overall now. My passion is music and there are plenty of clubs where I can play until I make it big one day but for the time being, I am able to use modeling, as well as a part-time job working on motorcycles, to support my fledging music career. I smiled at Regina as I swallowed. "You don't hear me complaining." She started to glare at me. "God, guys have it so easy. You can eat whatever you want, You can roll out of bed, throw a brush through your hair and your good to go. Plus you can get away with anything." I laughed, partly at her audacity but mostly to piss her off. "You're kidding right? Women have it easier than men. You're the one who can get away with anything. All you have to do is flash your baby blues and every man around you bends to your will. You never have to pay for a drink at the club, you make almost twice as much as me on the modeling gigs and let me tell you, it takes a lot of work to get my hair like this." It was Regina's turn to roll her eyes. "You must be gay or something if you spend more time on your hair than I do. It's the nineties now, metal is dead. Get a haircut. For the record, every drink bought for me comes with the expectation of something more and modeling is about the only profession where women make more than men." "Yeah right," I replied. "Men don't expect anything, we might hope for the opportunity but we don't expect a woman to drop their panties simply because we buy a drink. If men do make more it's because when we become involved with a woman it is expected we pay for everything. Women have the power because they can say no, I can't think of a single man outside of myself who would say no to you once you turn on your charms." Knowing Regina like I did, I was glad Polina was working on her because if not, something would be flying towards my head. I could see the anger and hatred in her eyes as she glared at me. "Fucking idiot. You are such a country bumpkin with no clue how the real world works. I wish you could spend one day as a woman Sean Collins and I bet you would see it's not as easy as it looks." I shoved the last of my meatball sub in my mouth to taunt the woman who had been a bane to my very existence ever since I moved to Los Angeles. "I'd do a damn sight better than you. It might be nice to have nobody depending on me and the lower insurance rates would be great too. I think I could handle not having to worry about everything as much." Regina started laughing. "You wish it was that easy. You wouldn't last a week as a woman." I rolled my eyes. "Shit bitch, you wouldn't last a day as man. Someone would kick your ass for acting like a arrogant douche." Polina's eye's narrowed as she glared at the two of us bickering. She grabbed both of our hands simultaneous. "I've heard this argument for the last time. It is time to teach both of you a lesson." --- I slowly opened my eyes wondering where I was and what had happened. Slowly the fog lifted as I looked around. I noticed I was at the studio and remembered I had been arguing with Regina. I looked toward her and jumped when she was no longer there. In her place was a man who could pass as her brother and she was staring at me with a magnificent smile. I marveled at how attractive he was with his long dark hair and ocean blue eyes I could set sail in for days. I swallowed hard at the fact I found a man undeniably attractive. I was still trying to figure out what was going on when the gorgeous man, I suddenly remembered being named Reginald, spoke. "Happy Rebirthday. Look in the mirror Bumpkin." My eyes cut to what could not possibly be my reflection. I ended up sprawled across the floor after rising from my seat quickly and losing my balance trying to get away from what I saw. "What the hell?" I shrieked. Reginald laughed. "It looks like we got our wish." I slowly got to my feet and moved back to the mirror. Staring back at me was an absolutely gorgeous woman who could have easily passed as my twin sister. She was obviously very tall and still had my crystal blue eyes as well as my high cheek bones and blonde hair. The similarities stopped there though because the woman in the mirror possessed full lips, long dark lashes and a body to die for. I cautiously ran my hands down my body over my new curves and ran to the restroom to see if everything had changed. As soon as the door closed behind me I lifted my tee shirt to two large breasts encased in a white padded underwire bra. "How the..." I asked aloud trying to understand why I was wearing female underwear in addition to the obvious. I frantically tried to drop my pants but they were so tight it took some wiggling on my part to get the denim past my new hips. I wanted to scream when I saw the white silk panties hugging a very flat area between my legs. "Isn't it great Bumpkin?" Reginald said from behind me. I tried to quickly pull up my jeans as I glared at him. "What are you doing in here? Get out!" He laughed. "Hey, I am right where I am supposed to be. This is the men's room." My eyes pled with him as I spoke. "Can I have a moment Reginald?" His blue eyes narrowed and he started to raise his hand toward me. "Nobody calls me that. My name is Razor now." I wanted to give him a smart ass remark but did not feel like fighting at the moment. "I'm sorry Razor. May I please have a moment? Obviously you are happy with what has happened but I'm slightly freaked out." In a rare show of compassion the man who only a short time ago was Regina nodded his head as he walked from the room. As soon as the door closed my hand went between my legs. Even though the region was covered in silk and denim, I could still feel an odd sensation as I cupped the area where my member should have been. My free hand grabbed my right breast and once again odd sensations ran throughout my body. "This can't be happening to me. What was in that sandwich?" I asked myself as I stared at the stunning blonde Amazon beauty feeling herself up in the mirror. I slowly redressed and gathered my composure enough to walk back out to the studio. When I reached the open area, I saw Razor talking to Polina with a wide smile on his face. "Wow Sara, you look even better than I thought you would. I'm quite proud of myself," Polina said with a smile after turning to see me. My brows furrowed as I stared at the woman. "What do you mean you're proud of yourself? Are you saying you did this?" I continued to intently look at her but it was odd because I was no longer consumed with desire at the sight of her. I no longer went weak in the knees at the sound of her deep European accent. If anything I felt a tinge of jealousy that she was so perfect. Polina nodded proudly. "I was tired of listening to you two bicker all the time so when the two of you started talking about changing places I thought it was a wonderful idea." She motioned to the chairs. "Take a seat and I will explain the rules. First, all aspects of your life have changed. I could have simply done a straight up switch of your bodies but I have always wondered what you would look like as a girl Sara. This way will be easier for both of you since it will allow your friends and family to remain the same except their memories are of the way you are now. Your total identity has changed. Your mindset, preferences and body language have been rewired to better allow you to understand what it is like the be the opposite sex without the burden of having to relearn the rules society places on people from birth." I sat in stunned silence listening to her. I don't think it had quite set in that everything was real. I was still convinced I would soon awaken from the craziest dream I had ever had. "That means..." Polina continued, oblivious to the inner turmoil I was feeling at the moment. "Both of you will find yourself acting in a manner that does not quite match with what you consider your normal behavior. The reason that will occur is because you will now act in the exact manner you would have if you had been raised as the gender you are now. As you become accustomed to the new you, your actions will not be so automatic." Inwardly I wanted so badly to jump from my seat and wrap my newly feminine fingers around Polina's long, elegant neck. Instead I found myself sitting quietly while my anger seethed. I glanced at Razor and noticed him leaning back smugly. I swiftly came to the conclusion that I thought as little of him as a guy as I did when he was Regina. Polina snapped her fingers in my face to direct my attention solely back on her. "You can only speak of your changes with each other. If you try to talk about it to anyone else, what they will hear will be a deep confession you never wanted anyone to know." "Is this permanent?" I asked when there was a pause in her speech. Polina smiled. "That depends on both of you. When you Sara..." She cut her lavender eyes at Razor. "And you Reggie can equally come to the conclusion that both sexes have it rough then I will change you back, but until that get to learn how the other half lives." Tears started to trickle down my cheeks. "Why are you doing this to me...I mean us?" Polina showed no remorse as she grinned. "Because for the last three months all I have heard when you two are together is how lucky the other is. I figured I would allow you to see for yourself. I am granting you a rare gift. You should be thankful for allowing you an insight most never receive. It will make you a better person in the long run." "I was only trying to tweak Regina," I implored in the hopes of getting her to change her mind. "I didn't seriously mean any of the things I said." Polina pursed her lips as she stared at me. "Yes, you only said those things to annoy her but deep down you believed every word of it." I sighed knowing she saw through my flimsy argument. "What if I learn my lesson and Razor doesn't?" I asked timidly. Polina shook her head. "It doesn't work like that. It's both or nothing." Razor smiled and started to stand. "I don't know why you are crying Bumpkin, you look better than I ever did." He turned to the dark haired devil in disguise. "Thank you Polina but I doubt you will need to change us back because I have the feeling I'm going to like it better like this." Polina looked at him skeptically. "You say that now but keep in mind that I will hear you if you disagree with that sentiment." Razor started to laugh. "Listen all you want sexy lady but you will never hear me complaining." The statuesque demoness laughed at him. "You are a cocky one." Razor grabbed the package between his legs. "Yes I am, thanks to you." I rolled my eyes. "Giving you a dick didn't cause that. Your attitude hasn't changed that much if you ask me." The back of a masculine hand across my cheek knocked me to the floor. "Shut the hell up. You better be glad you're cute because you are still a stupid country bumpkin." Small flickers of flames danced from the ends on Polina's hair as she glared at Razor. "Reggie, never place your hands on her in my presence again or you will regret it." He backed away quickly with fear in his eyes. I was still on the floor cradling my cheek as Polina stooped beside me. "Let me help you." She placed her hand over where I had been hit and suddenly it felt slightly warm as small tingles replaced the pain. "Thank you." I meekly said as she helped me to my feet. "What did I do to make you hate me so much?" For the first time, I saw compassion in Polina's eyes as she replied. "No child, I do not hate you in the least. In fact I see that you are capable of great things. I am only trying to provide you with an insight that will help you grow as a person. I hope that, in time, you will see that." "I hope so too," I said under my breath. "Now that we have established the rules I believe it is time to get back to work." Polina said with a smile. Next thing I knew I was being led to a large rack of dresses while an assistant scolded me for still being in my street clothes. I wanted to explain to her what was going on but Polina's warning echoed in my mind so instead of screaming that five minutes ago I was a man, I kept my mouth shut and nodded apologetically. I noticed Razor starting to walk out. "Where are you going?" I asked before he reached the exit. He turned to me and laughed. "I'm out of here. As you often told me, male models don't make shit so I'm not wasting my time. By the way, I won't be at the gig tonight either. I'll see you when I see you Bumpkin. Have a nice life." I started to protest before Polina walked to my side. "Let him go. This may be the best way for him to learn his lesson." I nodded. "I hope so." Chapter Three Adam greeting his friends interrupted my thoughts. I continued to stare a hole through the brown haired Amazon demoness until she shifted uncomfortably and offered me her hand. "Hello, I am..." I rolled my eyes and did not allow her to finish as I leaned forward so only the evil woman could hear me. "I know who you are Polina. I wish I could say it is nice to see you again after all these years." The woman appeared troubled but I did not really care. She started to say something else but before she could reply I looked to Kevin as I rose from my seat, "If you will excuse me for a moment, nature calls." He nodded and I turned to walk out of the restaurant as quickly as possible without attracting unwanted attention. I had become so used to who I was now that I rarely thought of it anymore but seeing that awful woman brought it all back at once. I barely made it to the restroom before years of pent up anguish flowed through my body while I thought more about the day immediately following what that awful woman had done to me... --- After Razor walked out, the photographer decided, that with no male model and my not fitting his initial desire for a brunette model, to cancel the shoot. I wanted to ask Polina more questions but she was nowhere to be found. I walked to the back of the building away from anyone and released an anguished cry over what had been done to me against my will. After I realized crying was not accomplishing anything, I found myself walking toward the bus stop so I could pick up my car from the impound lot. I caught a full glimpse of myself as I walked past a mirrored building. It amazed me how absolutely stunning I had become and how I strutted like I knew it. Inwardly I was freaking out beyond compare, yet on the outside I appeared cool, calm and collected. As I waited on the bus to arrive, I could not help but notice how the women stared at me with no small amount of jealousy in their eyes while the men stared at me just as hard, if not harder, but seemed to lack the courage to talk to me. Not that I minded, they could look all they wanted so long as they did it from afar. Once I stepped on the bus I fumbled for correct change, apologizing for holding up the line as I did so. The gruff older looking driver smiled and dropped a few coins in the bucket for me. "It's not a problem Miss. You can take a seat, I took care of it for you." I grinned earnestly as I placed my hand gently over his. "Thank you very much sir. I'll try to have correct change ready next time." He nodded as his eyes roamed the length of my body. "I'm sure you will." As I took an empty seat it suddenly dawned on me how I had just flirted with the man as a way of saying thank you. I looked at the small bag in my hand with amazement that I was not only carrying a purse, but all the contents I had been rummaging through were familiar to me. Another one of the she-devil's tricks I supposed. I looked at the large mirror at the front corner of the bus. I could not get over seeing the blonde beauty sitting calmly like all was right with the world while in my mind , I was still crying my eyes out. Twenty minutes later I thanked the driver again before I stepped off the bus and walked into the office of the impound lot. It was a large open room with chairs in the center and small teller windows along the right hand wall. Luckily I was the only customer at the moment so I did not have to wait. A friendly looking middle aged gentleman greeted me from an open window. "Yes young lady, how may I help you?" I smiled and presented him all the necessary information. "Yes sir, I need to pick up my car please." He gathered my paperwork and nodded as he started to type in the information. "Where in the south are you from? You sound like my wife," the man asked. "Middle Tennessee, a little north of Nashville," I replied. "I thought so. That's a nice area," the man said to me. "I was stationed there when I was in the army. My wife is from Clarksville." I smiled. "It's nice to meet someone with a connection to home. I don't meet many people who know of it." He nodded. "Becky feels the same way. Maybe you two can meet and reminisce." The thought of talking to someone who would not make fun of my accent gave me a rare moment of happiness on an otherwise horrible day. "I would like that very much." I reached into my purse and found a pen and some paper where I quickly wrote my name and number. I momentarily stared at the name Sara Liberty Collins written in a feminine script by my hand with disbelief before I handed it to the man. "Please give this to your wife." He looked at it and smiled. "I will be sure to do that Sara. I know she will be pleased. My name is Gary Trimble by the way." I offered my now smaller hand through the tiny window. "Nice to meet you Mr. Trimble." He shook his head. "Please call me Gary and it will be two hundred and fifty dollars." I frowned and was almost able to cry in front of someone. "I don't have that much. Can I make payments?" He shook his head sadly. "No, I'm sorry but you can't. Is there anybody that would loan you the money because the cost will increase each day because of storage fees." Tiny droplets escaped my eyes because I knew I was screwed. Nobody cared enough about me to lend me a hand. For a brief moment I was glad I was in a female body because the tears would have escaped regardless and at least now, it was not nearly as embarrassing. I tried to do the right thing by not driving while I was drunk and this was the way karma paid me back. It was starting to feel like no matter how hard I tried to do the right thing, the harder I got knocked down. I tried to smile as I placed the paperwork back in my purse. "No, there isn't anyone. Thank you, it was nice to meet you. Have a good day." I turned to walk to the door when Gary yelled for me. "Sara wait. Let me see if there is anything I can do." As Gary disappeared out a door in the back of the large open room I tried not to get my hopes up. It would be a huge relief if he could help me but from the moment I opened my eyes that morning, nothing had gone right. A few moments later Gary reappeared with a wide smile. "We don't seem to have a record of your car being towed this morning but it just so happens that someone left a red Fiero parked outside our gates. If you will accompany me, we can see if it is your car." I waited until we were outside and I saw my car next to the road before I hugged him tightly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. I have been having the worst day of my life and your kindness has made it better. I had almost forgotten what compassion felt like." Gary awkwardly returned my hug. "I am glad I could help. I can't help it but when I look at you I see my little Doodle Bug in ten or fifteen years and I hope if she is ever in a jam someone will lend a hand." I raised my brow as I looked at him. "Doodle Bug?" He laughed. "My daughter Olivia Nicole. She's only five but I can see her looking like you when she is your age. The two of you share the same hair and eye color." I wanted to frown at the thought of looking like someone's daughter but instead smiled as I dug my keys from my purse. "Let's hope she doesn't turn out like me. I am in your debt Gary. Please have your wife call me." He nodded as he waited for me to get in my car. "I promise I will." As I drove the motorcycle shop where I worked a few hours a day as a mechanic, I was able to scream and cry over what that evil witch had done to me but I knew that as soon as I saw someone the tears would dissipate and again I would be trapped within myself. In many ways I felt like I was ensnared within a bad dream. As I drove I tried pinching myself, hitting myself and eventually resorted to cutting myself with the small knife I kept in my purse but nothing I did allowed me to awaken from my living nightmare. I pulled in front of the bike shop where Snake, the owner, came outside to greet me before I even had the chance to get out of the car. "What are you doing here so early?" My father and Snake were old friends from high school and when I told Daddy I was moving to L.A., he told me to reach out to him in the hopes that he would watch out for me and give me a job. I smiled at the large muscular man covered with tattoos as I stepped out and closed my door. "I'm coming to work." He nervously tugged at his long hair that he kept in a single braid. "I've been thinking about that. A dirty old bike shop is no place for a lady, I'm afraid of what might happen to you if someone comes in when I'm not around or what I would do to anyone who tried to hurt you. Your old man and I go way back and I'm afraid I would end up like him if anyone tried anything on you in my shop." I stared at him. "What are you saying Snake? Are you firing me?" He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a billfold that was attached by a chain to his belt and retrieved a few bills. "Take this to hold you over until you find a respectable job." I glared at him as I started to get back in my car. "Don't do me any favors." He quickly opened the passenger's side door and placed the money on my seat. "Don't be that way. I'm trying to help you. This is no place for someone like you. Your father has high hopes for you and so do I. You can go far but not if you hang around people like me." Tears started to flow again. The bitch Polina told me my life was going to basically be the same but it was becoming apparent she lied. I looked at the currency spread across my seat and knew I could not accept it. I gathered the money and stood back up before I reached across and offered it back to him. "I'm not my mother, I don't take handouts." He frowned as he crossed his large arms across his massive chest. "I know you're not which is the only reason I offered it to you." I stormed around the car and threw the money at his chest. "If I am too good to work in your shop then I am too good to accept your money. I didn't want anything from you but friendship and chance to earn my way. I'm not some damn charity case because you and my father have a history." I ran back to drivers side and hopped in to drive away while he scrambled to gather his money from the street. --- "Are you okay?" someone asked from behind me. I shrugged as I turned to see it was the petite red head. "It does not matter how I feel. That bitch friend of yours has made sure of that." The woman took my hand in hers. "My name is Cali Zoyra and the woman that was by my side is my wife Dani. Polina is her twin sister." She frowned momentarily. "Your hate for Polina runs deep and I can't say it is not deserved. I am sorry for what she did to you." I felt an odd tingle run through my body and immediately tensed up at the familiar sensation I had only felt in one other person's presence. "Are you like Polina? Stop whatever it is you are doing to me." Her beautiful eyes filled with compassion. "In some ways I am but in others I am much like yourself." My brows furrowed as I tried to comprehend. "How are you like me?" Her voice was soft and warm. "I too was born a man. In fact you have met me before." I should have been surprised by her words given how femininity oozed from every pore of her tiny body but I was not. I would believe anything after what had happened to me. I started to open my mouth but Polina's warning echoed in my mind causing me to close it with a frown. "I can't talk about it." Cali smiled. "You can with me since we have shared a similar gift." I started toward the door. "It doesn't matter anyway. That was almost twenty years ago and I could not go back to that life even if I wanted to. I've now been female longer that I was male and I have a son I would not trade for anything on this earth. My life is what it is." Cali stepped between me and the exit. "But are you happy?" I shrugged. "Happy as the next person I guess. I'm happy to be a mother and to have a career I enjoy in these trying times." She nodded skeptically. "I agree about being happy to be a mother. I hope to experience that myself one day. I love my daughter immensely but I never met her before I was changed so she will always see my brother as her Daddy and me as her aunt. Tell me Sara, what do you have outside of your son and your job?" I suddenly became defensive. "I don't need anything else." Cali sighed deeply. "Everyone needs someone to love them that they love back." When I started to protest she raised a finger to quiet me. "And kids don't count." I rolled my eyes in disgust as I pushed past her to get to the door. "Fuck love. I'm not about to give another man that weapon to tear me down. Nobody will get close enough to hurt me again. If you will excuse me, I am in the middle of an important business lunch. Seeing your wife unlocked a lot of painful memories I thought I had successfully suppressed. I just needed a moment to regroup." Pausing briefly outside the entrance of the restaurant, I painted on my professional smile and straightened my posture. I still had a meeting that needed to be concluded. --- Callista slowly walked back into the lobby of the hotel contemplating the best way to help the tortured soul she had just met. Her wife Danica and best friend Adam joined her side with a look of concern. Adam's lunch date Britney excused herself to use the restroom which was previously occupied by Sara and Cali. "What is her problem?" Adam asked. "She totally freaked out when she saw Dani. It was like she knew her." Cali shook her head sadly. "She thought she was seeing Polina." Cali then glanced at Dani. "Your sister did a number on her." "I would like to do a number on her," Adam responded. Cali glared at her lifelong friend. "Dammit Ry, I mean Adam, you leave that girl alone. She is a sweetheart and has been through enough without you using her like you have done every other woman since you changed." Adam raised his hands defensively and his voice became serious. "Sorry Cali, but for the record I have not made any promises to any of the women you think I've used. They are using me for sex just as much or more than you think I am of them but if it makes you feel better, I promise not to make the first move." He paused momentarily before he winked at the women. "All bets are off though if she comes on to me first." Dani rolled her eyes. "I really hate your new ego sometimes Adam. Ryan was much more humble about his looks." Cali laughed thinking of the man Adam used to be . "No honey, that part is still the same you just never heard it without a filter before." Britney rarely experienced intimidation but she felt downright ugly as she rejoined the trio of beautiful people. Plus the woman who Adam made a beeline to meet also possessed an attractiveness that rivaled the three. Even though the brunette woman tried to hide her beauty, a blind man would be able to see her appeal. Britney regretted agreeing to meet the man who could rock her world unlike any other. She wondered if her confidence would be able to recover. Dani looked at Britney knowing they could not talk freely in front of her. "Adam why don't you go head back to the table. We will follow shortly." He nodded as he led the attractive blonde back into the restaurant. Once they were alone Dani turned to her wife. "What did you find out?" Cali sighed sadly. "She had been a boy until the day she turned eighteen. Polina changed her and another then left the poor girl in the middle of hell to figure out her new place in life. Polina offered no guidance and only a sliver of hope she could change back. Sara held onto to that impossible hope entirely too long. Her hold on the one person that your sister said could change her back was almost her downfall. She has done extremely well for herself but it has been all on her own and the scar is deep." Dani stared at Sara through the glass in the door. "Sister use my eyes, please be swift and remember this woman you damaged with a foolish gift." Moments later Dani's phone started ringing. "What did you do?... Oh, she is the one.... No, do not come because the sight of me sent her in a rage, I can only imagine what seeing you will do... I will talk to mother for advice and let you know... I love you too...I will let her know... bye." "We need to talk to mother after lunch." Dani said as she placed her phone back in her purse. Cali nodded as she held the door open. "I hope we can help but in the meantime I think she needs to learn how to relax and I provided the desire to do so." Chapter Four "Are you okay?" Kevin asked as I rejoined him at the table. I nodded. "Sorry about that but I needed some air." "I understand. I usually need to get away from him too" Kevin sighed angrily as he glared at Adam and his friends. "I thought you two are friends?" Kevin shook his head. "Not really. Zeus and I are only business acquaintances." I thought for a moment. "Maybe he's hoping you will allow your artists to perform for him or he's angling to host events for you." Kevin smiled at my assumption. "I like your shrewd mind but no. I don't see him as the type to own a country rock establishment." I laughed at that thought. "I can't either. If I had my guess he'd own something like the Tipsy." Kevin nodded knowingly and joined me with his laughter. "I'd lay good money on that." The duration of our lunch meeting was rather pleasurable as we discussed more business. My knowledge of the record industry impressed Kevin. His passion for music radiated when he talked. We discovered our varied tastes in music overlapped quite a few times giving us more in common that I would have imagined. Surprisingly I found myself relaxing and really enjoying Kevin's company. He turned out to be very intelligent and rather witty. We were having such a nice time that our lunch lasted longer than either of us had planned. After we finally finished our delicious meal Kevin paused before placing his napkin on the table. "Sara, this has been a delightful diversion from my normal business engagements. These meetings are usually rather boring but I find myself truly enjoying your company." I looked across the table feeling assured the meeting had been a success. "I feel the same." Kevin smiled warmly. "I was wondering if you would do me the honor of joining me for a drink tonight?" His request caught me completely off guard. Without a doubt, Kevin was very nice and quite attractive and if I wanted a man I could do a lot worse than him but this had bad idea written all over it. Given the nature of our meeting it was never recommended to mix business and pleasure. I needed to quickly come up with an excuse. "Kevin I'm flattered and have no doubt it would be fun but I already have plans tonight. I'm sorry but I can't." I wasn't lying. My cousin Ellie and I had planned for tonight all week. Kevin shifted in his seat, his confidence momentarily vanquished. "That was foolish of me, I should have known you have someone in your life." His vulnerability looked adorable in a boyish type of way. Silently I cursed him for putting me in such an awkward position. He was not the first client to ask me out but he was the first who caused me to pause before I declined. It was like I was compelled to accept his offer. If not for the business side of things I would not have hesitated to accept his invitation but seeing how there was, in fact, a potential conflict of interest I couldn't see how it was possible to go out with him. I learned long ago that I needed to let him off easy. Most men's ego are fragile and must be handled gently otherwise it would affect our promising business arrangement. I gave him a genuine smile as I placed my hand on his. "It's not that at all Kevin. I'm flattered and very much appreciate the offer but I'm afraid it would be a grossly negligent on my part to accept." Kevin appeared amused and sly grin formed on his lips, "Look, I know I'm not exactly dressed properly but you don't have to call me gross!" I found myself laughing. "I like what you're wearing. I think you're cute but you know what I mean." Oh my God, did I just tell him he's cute? How old am I? His expression changed from amusement to one of determination in an instant. This was a man who was used to getting his way. "I know what you meant but to be clear, I don't see it as a conflict at all so allow me to ask you one question if you don't mind." "Of course." His smile reminded me of ones I had seen in past negotiations. It was a smile of utter confidence. "If I agree to give your company my business would you accept?" Oh this man is playing dirty. I leaned forward slightly and twisted a cloth napkin in my hands to control my anger. "Kevin, that's not a fair question and I don't appreciate the implication. I refuse to influence your decision with promises outside of what our company can offer." He paused, taken aback by my words. He scratched underneath his bottom lip with his thumb but appeared as resolute as ever when he spoke again. "I'm sorry. That was never my intention, I had already decided to work with your agency before I ever arrived. Your proposals have been remarkable and I love what you have in mind. Today has been nothing more than a formality and a chance to meet you face to face so let me ask you this...If we had met somewhere other than via a business lunch with you vying for a contract would you have accepted an offer for a drink?" This answer was an easy one so I responded immediately. "Absolutely." Damn, what a time for my mouth to speak without first asking permission from my brain. His enthusiastic hazel eyes lit up with satisfaction. "Great, I'll send a copy of the contract to my lawyer and provided there are no unforeseen complications consider yourself hired." I had little doubt a look of confusion crossed my face as he flashed a million dollar grin and leaned back. "Now that that is out of the way how about that drink?" I felt nauseous and knew this would not end well. I wracked my brain but could not figure out how to get out of it. I finally managed to smile as sweetly as I could. "As I said before I already have plans for tonight." Undeterred, his expression never faltered as he pressed forward with the intensity of either a shrewd businessman or a man-child who was used to getting his way. "How about tomorrow night then? When and where should I pick you up?" I gave in, Kevin was obviously a man of determination and if I was being honest I found that trait rather sexy. Contrary to outward appearances, I have always preferred a man willing to take charge which is the very reason I had sworn off men. But... It could be fun but I'd rather drive in case I was totally wrong about him and needed an easy out. I glanced at him with a warm smile. "Yes, I think tomorrow would be feasible but I'd be more comfortable meeting you there." Kevin straightened in his seat and nodded, "I completely understand, how about The Palm at seven?" I thought for a moment. If Mom didn't want Hunter to spend the night again I would need to pick him up by nine which would not give us very long. Additionally the subject of my son had not come up and I would rather he knew up front so he could bail before feelings became hurt. "Any chance we could meet at six? I'm not sure I can get a sitter on late notice and I'd hate to show up then have to leave shortly afterward." Kevin nodded. "I understand, see you at six." --- I readied myself in the mirror and knew I was cutting it close on time. I stepped out into the hall and shouted down the stairs. "Honey, are you about ready? We need to leave in ten minutes." I grabbed my tube of mascara and slowly applied it while wishing my lashes were longer when I heard a voice from just outside my door. "Almost ready Mom, just need to put on my shoes. Did you sign my permission slip for basketball?" Hunter Robert Collins is twelve and the center of my universe. Very tall for his age at five foot nine, he had reached that age where he was taking charge of his appearance and decided to let his wavy brown hair grow out a little. With some effort he finally agreed to let me get him a textured cut so he could look like his favorite rock stars. He was a little heart breaker with his 'sick' hair, as he called it, and my bright electric blue eyes. He was active in sports and he shared my love of music so I taught him how to play piano and guitar at a very early age. To my delight, he had become very well rounded and I thanked the Good Lord everyday he placed him in my life. My son saved me and gave me purpose when I had none. I popped my head out of my bedroom door. "It's on the piano but don't touch it. You'll lose it before Monday." I never knew it was possible to love someone so much. I quickly put on my black leather skirt. It wasn't exactly a mini skirt but nobody would call it conservative either. Next I put on my red corset top and topped it off with a man's black suit jacket that had been custom tailored so that it was more figure flattering. When you are a size they don't carry on the racks of most stores you learn to become inventive if you don't want to spend a fortune to look good plus it was a small connection to the person I used to be. I often wondered if it was genetics or a by-product of what Polina had done to me but I was secretly pleased to appear far younger than my thirty-six years and thought that again as I gave myself a once over in the mirror before sticking my head out into the hall. "Are your shoes on? All I have to do is put on my boots and then we need to go." I learned long ago to double check on Hunter. He had a bad habit of saying he was ready only to leave me waiting angrily at the door. "I'm a man. I was ready ten minutes ago. As usual, I'm just waiting on you," my son replied in a sarcastic tone. Yep, he was my kid. "On my way Mr. Smartypants." I descended the stairs from my bedroom while putting silver hoops in my ears. I ran into the smell of Curves for men as soon as my feet hit last step. I tried to fan the strong smell away from my nose. "My God Hunter, did you use the entire bottle? Go wash your neck and change your shirt." A very angry almost teenager glared at me. "It's not that bad Mother." I laughed. I'm Mom most of the time, Mama when he wants something but I'm Mother if he is pissed at me. "Listen sweetheart, sometimes less is more. You can get as mad at me as you want but I'm only trying to help. You're going to burn some poor girl's nose off smelling like that. Trust me on this and go do what you're told." Hunter sulked to his bedroom without saying anything. "Remember now, I'm going out with Aunt Ellie tonight. I'll have my phone on me. Are you ok with me going out?" I rarely went out when we lived in New York but since my parents were so close and begging

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Ancient Life Renewed

Ok so I am writing this story as a sort of prequel to a game that I am making on TfGameSite. It is also a way to help with my creativity for writing scenes in the game. Please feel free to comment about it and provide CONSTRUCTIVE criticism if you see fit. Also this is my first story I have written of this kind and first story of any kind that I have decided to post anywhere. Thank you and I hope you...

2 years ago
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Charlene Ryan A love renewed

A few years ago, they had been lovers, when they had met on one of Ryan’s leaves. Ryan had been in the Armed Forces for 15 years and had just come back to town for a longer than usual leave.  He had been overseas and had earned some extra leave. He was a tall guy, 35 years old about 6’ 2”, with a short black military hair cut and deep brown eyes, which had shots of gold through them, depending on his mood. He had a very sharp face with a cleft in his chin.  He was a very fit man, being very big...

Love Stories
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THE Harem Tales 3 Whats So Maybe About KatieChapter 5 Contract Renewed

Katie was thinking as she went through her newly learned kata in the dojo, ‘I like this Harem. I feel a lot like a Don Quixote de la Mancha, out fighting evil and righting wrongs. Who would ever have thought?’ Introduced to the forms through sleep-learning, she was now incorporating them into muscle memory, watched and coached by Dora. Shortly, one or both of the Ninja Twins would arrive to spar, but for now she and Dora were alone, enjoying music as she worked. As if summoned, Linda Eder’s...

4 years ago
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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 46 Megan Renewed

She broke my stare and looked down in shame. "Everything." "Everything," I repeated. She just nodded. I patted the ground next to me and told her to sit. She sat. I laid back down with my hands behind my head and rested my eyes. My shoulder shouted in protest at the mistreatment. "What exactly did you tell him?" I was not all that surprised by her admission. It had to have taken a lot of fast talking on Chandra's part to get him to agree. "That you were a Wizard Lord, that you...

4 years ago
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Lifeguard At A Nudist Camp

Lifeguard At A Nudist Camp I could not believe it when I got hired as a lifeguard at a nudist camp. Interestingly I had to wear trunks that identified me as the lifeguard, while everyone else was naked. The job came with food and lodging. I saw women from babies through teenagers, adults, and old ladies. I saw breasts from nonexistent to drooping to their waists. I saw guys too but tried not to look at their cocks, even so I saw some real monsters. I saw all sorts of scars from...

3 years ago
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Lifes Strange Turns Part 1

Introduction: First, let me introduce myself…the author. I am a 37 year old divorced career woman, no kids. I am in a serious hetero relationship with an interesting sex life…pretty creative, with role playing and outdoor encounters being the most exciting. I have been lurking here for a few weeks, reading all the hot, sexy stories members have posted. I thought Id try my hand at writing and keep it busy and away from my coochie for a change. Im going to try telling this story as a male, to...

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Lifes Strange Turns Part 3

Introduction: Best read the stories in sequence! Lifes Strange Turns, Part 3 Monday and Tuesday came and went, with nothing exciting happening, except that Sandy called to say that she had gotten a nice offer on the house from a couple about 30. Her kids were back from their Dads, so she couldnt come over, but wanted to. Id gone to the gym after work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and chatted with a pretty woman in the my age bracket that was interesting and had no rings or other evidence of...

2 years ago
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Lifeguard 2

From the Lifeguard 1 Story:I woke up sometime later with my spent mother on my chest snoring peacefully, my now soft penis still in her anus. My mother was smaller than me, so her weight wasn’t an issue, it’s just that I really needed to pee. So I started trying to wriggle out from her embrace. When I did she stirred. She said, “Don’t move.”She slowly pulled herself off of my penis, did a quick spin where her asshole was in front of my face, and said, “Eat it out.” Before I could even form a...

3 years ago
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Lifes Strange Turns Part 2

Introduction: Youll want to read Part 1 first! Lifes Strange Turns, Part 2 The phone rang, waking both Karen and myself with a start. Wed slept for only about 15 minutes. Well, it would have been bad to sleep longer, but it would have been almost tragic if the phone had rung while we were writhing around having such marvelous sex. Especially if shed had my cock in her mouth I thought! To give Karen some phone privacy and to take care of some personal hygiene issues, I ran into the shower and...

1 year ago
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Lifes a bitch and now so am I

This is Lifes a bitch and now so am I!!! This is a fiction story!! The people in the story are not real!Please exsuse the puntuation and spelling I'm just a blond sissy!I start of my story with my wife leaving to go bingo with her mum, as soon as the car pulls away I'm up to my secret girl cloth's and sex toys.I am a sissy cross dresser, I can't help it i love the feel and how girlie it makes me look. I have...

3 years ago
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Lifeguards Tale

When I was eighteen, I got a job as a lifeguard at Cherry Park Apartments, a new housing development just outside Chicago. These days pools and recreation centers are dirt-common in suburban developments, but back then the concept was new and a bit daring, smacking of sybaritic luxury. This was some time ago, and things were a lot different than they are now. A lot different. The Beatles had just arrived, the Pill had just been introduced, and I'd just finished high school and was looking...

2 years ago
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Lifeguard 5

From the Lifeguard 4 Story After she was finally done cumming, she pulled her now flaccid penis out of my mouth and proceeded to give me a big French kiss and started sucking the remainder of her cum into her mouth. We started hugging and kissing and kissing and hugging. That was even fun.After a few minutes of doing this, we just laid there giggling and laughing about what we had just done.Caley then said, “You are one sick boy.”I then said the only sensible, normal thing an eighteen-year-old...

3 years ago
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Lifeguard Has a Speedo Boner

“Do you know where I can get some tanning oil?” Chris looked down from his lifeguard post upon hearing the question and found a stunning stud at the bottom. A mere ten feet below Chris was a majestically muscled blonde, boasting firm washboard abs and rock-hard pecs. Chris looked down in amazement as he checked out the rest of the stud’s body, his toned biceps and forearms, his defined thigh muscles and tight calves. Chris got his gaze stuck in the tanned stud’s defining feature, his swelling...

4 years ago
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Lifeguard Stand

“All right,” I said to the three boys in the room. “Your Mother and I are going for a walk on the beach. We’ll be back in a while. We’ve got our cellphones if you need us. Only call us for fire, flood, or blood- and there better not be any blood, ok?” “Ok, Dad,” said one of them non-commitally, staring at the TV screen. The oldest, my 15 year old, grunted in agreement as he continued to hammer away at his Xbox controller. The other sibling was silent, engrossed in watching his brothers shooting...

Straight Sex
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Lifeguard 4

From the Lifeguard 3 StoryIt was a fairly long walk out of the pool, first came her beautiful breasts, her thin waist and her penis…Without touching my dick, I immediately shot my load in just one long shot.I doubled up in pain I had ejaculated so hard.Caley walked up beside me, held my head, kissed me and said, “Now that’s got to be love.”And I then knew what my special opportunity was that my parents were talking about. It was Caley.I kissed Caley back.Lifeguard 4 StoryI was in a daze. A sex...

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Lifeguard 6

I was still hard of course. I proceeded to flip her over the arm of the couch and pushed my tongue straight into her anus sending another jolt through her body. I learned later nobody had ever done that to her. I spat on her anus (actually, she was so lubed up from her vaginal flow her butt was already slick) and slowly pushed my cock into her back canal. I found out later she had never allowed anyone to do that to her before.She knew immediately she’d really been missing out. Within a minute...

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Lifeguard 7

Lifeguard 6Jill was shivering even on a warm summer night. Once Alex had Jill’s clothes off, he turned her slowly around so that now they were both facing his parents, Jill in front, Alex in back. Alex reached around and began to slowly rub her breasts with both hands. Her nipples hardened and extended as far as they could. Her nipples ached. She moaned. He kept one hand on her breast, then slid the other one into her wet pussy and moved his cock so it was sliding up and down the crack of her...

3 years ago
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Lifeguard 8 Group Mom Dad Son new GF

Lifeguard 7 RecapSlowly but surely, Alex started rolling onto his back pulling Jill along with him. She could barely control her legs, they were like rubber, and so they splayed on either side of Alex’s thin strong body. When he was finally fully on his back, he was also fully inside Jill’s ass so once he was fully inside of her she started cumming. Not like she’d come before, something totally different. Something totally… divine.She kept cumming and cumming, and along the way, Alex did too....

Group Sex
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Lifeguard 9 All Together Now

Lifeguard 8 RecapFriday morning Alex was shaken out of bed with a, “Get up, sleepy-head. We’re leaving to go to Derek and Belle’s in thirty minutes.”Alex jumped into the shower, packed a small bag of clothes, headed downstairs, grabbed a water bottle and some snacks and headed for the garage. He was the last one in the car. When he jumped in he saw his sister Ashley for the first time. He’d totally forgotten that his sister was joining them for the weekend. Ashley was twenty-four, so being six...

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Lifeguard 10 Here Cums Jill

Lifeguard 9 RecapAlex was poolside with Caley languishing in a kiss, lips locked for the longest time. Their combined hardons were only partly slowing them down. Ashley came over and grabbed Caley away from Alex and started to ravish her, paying particular attention to her penis. Caley’s mother Belle came over and did the same thing to Alex. Fay walked out of the pool and kneeled down, then started kissing Belle as Alex started kissing Belle’s lovely boobs and slid his cock between her legs....

3 years ago
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Lifeguard 8 Group Mom Dad Son new GF

Lifeguard 7 RecapSlowly but surely, Alex started rolling onto his back pulling Jill along with him. She could barely control her legs, they were like rubber, and so they splayed on either side of Alex’s thin strong body. When he was finally fully on his back, he was also fully inside Jill’s ass so once he was fully inside of her she started cumming. Not like she’d come before, something totally different. Something totally… divine.She kept cumming and cumming, and along the way, Alex did too....

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One moment, you are in bed, and the next, you are standing in your underwear outside a gate which seems to be the entrance to a park. A man in a white uniform greets you. "Hello," he says. "Welcome to Afterlife, the place you go when you die. Normally, I would check you in," he tells you, "but today, we are short on staff and our maximum has been reached. So instead, you get to go back to Earth, as a different person. Choose."

4 years ago
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Afterlife When Your Descendants Have SexChapter 2

Molly came to consciousness as a vagina -- a very tight one. A new one. It hurt. “Oh, Daphne, oh, baby...” The penis got deep enough into Daphne to wake up the clan. “What the hell is going on?” came a loud voice, very close by. It could be no one else but Adam. “Hi, Adam,” said Molly quickly. “Don’t worry. You’re dead. You come alive when your descendants have sex.” The penis poked in and out, the live boy gasping. “What? Come off it!” shouted Adam. “Yes, Daphne, yes!” said the boy,...

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Afterlife When Your Descendants Have SexChapter 6

“Dad, I’ve gotta say, that was the nicest dinner we’ve had in a long time. It’s really nice when you don’t make those digs about, ‘When do I get my grandchild?’” Zach’s stomach went cold. If she only knew... As they drove back from the fancy restaurant in the big city to her suburban home, Jen’s eyes drooped. A few minutes later her eyes were shut, mouth open a bit. “Hey, Jen?” he asked. “Jen?” “Huh?” she said very groggily, then went back to sleep. The drug was taking effect. Five...

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The smell of steaming rice and the fumes of teriyaki sauce being painted on soft, juicy chicken enter the room, setting the mood for the usual dinner. Mother always cooked like this of Fridays. This is the only day of the week that Father would come home early from work and the only time where I can converse with him. It's quiet in the kitchen at this time. Mother and Father isn't on good terms right now. The absence of Father from the home worried Mother. She would come up with the most...

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LifelineChapter 14

I arrived at the county lockup before breakfast was served. The guard let me bring in an unopened container of yogurt and a bottle of skim milk for my client. Desmond "Tiny" Huntley grinned when he came in and sat down across from me. His grin grew when he saw he had a choice of a healthy breakfast instead of the runny eggs, grits, bacon and coffee that were served every morning at the jail. "You'll be going home today," I said. He was pulling the top off the yogurt and he stopped. He...

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Lifes What You Make It Robs Story Chapter Five

This novel is an experimental writing collaboration by TheGulfCoaster and runnergirl. The story has two perfect halves, a male and female side, which fit together as one. Runnergirl will reveal Emmy’s feelings and tell the tale through her perspective, whereas TheGulfCoaster writes from Robbie’s perspective. The two stories share mutual dialogue and action where the two characters intersect and thus this is unique venture. Only by reading Emmy’s and Robbie’s stories, will the reader get the...

2 years ago
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Lifestyles of the Very Rich and Unknown

Lifestyles of the Very Rich and Unknown Introduction This is another of my stories depicting possible real-life situations, no magic, no science fiction, no unknown chemicals, though adult situations of sexual activity, coercion, kidnapping and some limited violence are involved, so consider yourself forewarned. My intent here is to explore the nature of friendships and relationships, and how people respond to events that are verging on the impossible to deal with. And the ending...

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Lifestyles Urban Vintage And Exquisitely Permanent

"Lifestyles: Urban Vintage And Exquisitely Permanent" It was an early fall day in the city. October 1955 as Ted Hawthorne finished his coffee and morning newspaper. He left the change for the check on the table then after buttoning his suit coat and putting on his hat he left the restaurant and began his walk down the city sidewalk. By the time he neared the downtown beauty salon he paused and lit a cigarette. But it was only a few moments later that an attractive woman exited the...

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Lifeguard Training All Tied Up

“Mike!” shouted a voice down the corridor. “Hey what’s up?” “My friend didn’t show to help out with the lifeguard examinations, and we need a person to pretend to be unconscious!” “Sounds easy; when do you need me?” “In, like, five minutes?” I’d just left the gym and was on my way home. Jessica is my flatmate, a slim brunette girl. She was wearing black capri leggings with three white Adidas stripes on the side and silver stripe around the knee, white trainers and a red polo shirt. She’s...

4 years ago
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Lifeguard 1

I was a shy, geeky teenager. I was a really good swimmer and competed on my junior high and high school all-boys swim team. Being in all-boys schools and being a programming geek, I just really didn’t pay attention to girls much, or even have much of an opportunity to meet them. That changed the summer I graduated from high school and turned eighteen.Up until then, my parents drove me everywhere. To practice, swim meets, etc. I was always too busy swimming or programming for hire to be bothered...

2 years ago
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Lifeguard 11 And 12

Lifeguard 11Jill woke up a little disoriented from her early afternoon with Alex, Caley and Ashley. She was having a difficult time sorting it all out when Alex walked back in the room carrying a big glass of orange juice. She sat up as he handed the glass to her. She drank heartily. Alex was naked but seemed nonchalant about it as he waited for her to finish her juice. As she finished he took her glass, put it on the side table, hugged and kissed Jill and said again, “I love you.”The smile...

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Lifes Challenge

A young woman learns to accept a difficult challenge. Life's Challenge ? by: Dawna Tompson - June 2002 She walked with a purpose through the low shrubs growing below the dark forest canopy, each foot landing softly on the steep moss-laden path. She wore a cape with a hood thrown over her long brown hair. A short piece of the soft linen of her dress lay exposed just below the cape. Her bare legs lifted the fabric and allowed it to be tossed in the light breeze. On another...

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Lifes a Bitch Then You Blow

'Life's a Bitch, Then You Blow' By Felicia Trans [email protected] Here I was, sitting on a dirty toilet seat in a filthy gas station restroom, trying to not get grease stains on my mini skirt or camisole top or step in the puddles of urine on the floor with my heeled sandals. I was waiting for the attendant to come in so I could pay for the tank of gas that had just been put into my crappy old Civic with 'service rendered'. And I was thinking back to a little over a year ago...

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Lifes a Lottery

This is a long story and it is also my first, please be gentle!! I originally wanted to do this with images, but it proved too hard (anyone with help or images they feel suitable please email) normal stuff applies if you are under 18, of a nervous disposition or don't like bondage/tg etc (why are you here!) don't read. Please give feedback (except spelling, grammar mistakes - life's too short!!!) Denver I love your stories please write more soon. On with the...

1 year ago
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Lifes Little Curveball 3

Months had pasted since Sarah and Holly the little movie. Their love grew stronger everyday they spent together, and the sex was like going to heaven each and every night. Sarah knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with the love of her life, Holly. The week before valentine’s day, Sarah went to the jewelry store and bought Holly the most magnificent proposal ring they had. The perfect engagement ring. On valentine’s day Sarah took Holly to Beau Chattuo, an italian resturant. ...

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Lifes Little Curveball 3

Months had pasted since Sarah and Holly the little movie. Their love grew stronger everyday they spent together, and the sex was like going to heaven each and every night. Sarah knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with the love of her life; Holly. The week before valentine's day, Sarah went to the jewelry store and bought Holly the most magnificent proposal ring they had. The perfect engagement ring. On valentine's day Sarah took Holly to Beau Chattuo, an italian resturant. ...

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Midlife Ch 02

Tuesday came and Peter found himself pacing his office. It was 3:30 in the afternoon and he was waiting for a client to get back to him about a new contract. He moved to the window, tapping his pen on the windowsill. He hated waiting. He was trying not to think of Maria moving around his home, doing all the domestic things that he loathed to do. He pictured her in his bedroom, changing the sheets, vacuuming under the bed, kneeling on the floor to fetch a stray sock from under the bench at the...

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In his small but immaculate barracks room Marine First Sergeant Jake Weeks took off his uniform for the last time. In his mirror he saw a man who was more at home in a uniform than jeans and a pullover shirt. Tall and lithe with cropped grey hair, blue eyes and leathery tough skin, he looked exactly what he was: a warrior. Or at least what he was up until today. He had spent the afternoon in the NCO club laughing and joking with old friends and avoiding the question of what he was going to...

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Midlife Ch 03

There were only dying embers left in the fire pit as the breeze off of the lake picked up making Maria shiver in Peter’s arms. ‘Better get you inside.’ Peter broke the silence. ‘It gets pretty cold at night at this altitude.’ Maria sighed, ‘Okay.’ They didn’t move for a moment, enjoying the warmth of each others bodies pressed together on the wicker sofa. Peter liked the way Maria’s body felt in his arms. She was so soft and pliant. He pressed his nose to her hair and inhaled. She smelled...

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‘Well, that ended badly.’ Peter mumbled to himself. He tried to get to his feet. He was sitting on the floor of his living room trying to sort out just what had happened. But his alcohol clouded mind and his stinging cheek made coherent thought a little difficult. He had acted like a prick and he knew it. He made another attempt at standing up but his pant-legs were bunched around his ankles and one foot slid out from under him again. ‘Fuck it.’ He growled. And lay back onto the floor, his...

2 years ago
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Midlife Breakthrough

As a recently divorced man pushing fifty, with few social skills and even fewer dating prospects, I felt a change of scenery was in order. I was fortunate to have some money saved up after the breakup, and as I work online as a consultant, I could go anywhere. As the wind whipped the snowfall into the tavern window, my friend suggested I take a trip out of town awhile, and suggested Florida. “The weather is better and you may get your groove going again.” My groove! I had to laugh, I was the...

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I had just broken up with my boyfriend, Bryce. I wanted to be able to go to a club, get drunk and fuck with a guy I’d just met. Bryce was too clingy, I liked to be free. Well, now I was. Tonight would be fun. I would get drunk and have sex. Simple, right? Right. I was 21 and in college, and partying was what college was for. I dressed in my sluttiest dress, skipping underwear. The dress was long enough to cover my ass but short enough that when I bent over you could get a full view. I did my...

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In all your life you could only feel one way about yourself. You were a loser. Everything about you could be described as "below average" everything from your eyesight to the size of your penis. You were socially inept. You frequented the library, you would spend your time reading romances and erotica, wishing that you could have something like the characters in the stories. Despite everything you told yourself, despite all of your efforts, your attempts at improving any aspect of yourself...

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You recently moved to the big city to find a job, since unemployment is very common where you come from. Another aspect was, that you wanted to try out new stuff. Sexual stuff. But word in the small town spreads fast and you did not want to shame your Family. You like it rough, and none of your small town friends could really satisfy you. So here you are. Your name is Lena, 20 years old. You are 1,62cm short, have blonde curly hair, a slim body with nice 80c breasts and a cute small ass. It’s...

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Midlife Crisis

"Big" James Johnson was one of the best professional basketball players of his time. Two NBA championships, 9 time all-star, top 25 all time in both rebounds and points, the 6'11" power forward had an excellent career playing for Miami, New York, and finally Detroit. After nearly 20 years pro, his bad knees suffering more and more each season, he finally decided to throw in the towel and retire. Retirement was an interesting time for James. He spent the first few years just hanging around the...

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The third phaseTen days had passed, by now Dora and Terry, had been sleeping together each night in the marital bed, though till then, during the daylight hours they were just mum and son. A policeman had called that afternoon, saying that “someone”, he didn’t say who, had been in his words “Taken up for maliciously spreading diesel fuel on the road for a bet! he had been charged with manslaughter, and he gave a crime number, so she could contact the insurance folk. That she did and a few days...

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The Worm TurnsI thought that I would let you, the reader, know how my life has changed, some would say for the better! It all started as a normal day at work, where I am sales manager for a team of guys who sell fitness equipment. As a totally non P.C. team, we have chosen our office staff for their, shall we say, flexibility to work procedures, which they are quite happy with as it is reflected in their bonus payments. This afternoon I had just closed a big deal, and as I reflected on the...

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Midlife Breakthrough

As a recently divorced man pushing fifty, with few social skills and even fewer dating prospects, I felt a change of scenery was in order. I was fortunate to have some money saved up after the breakup, and as I work online as a consultant, I could go anywhere. As the wind whipped the snowfall into the tavern window, my friend suggested I take a trip out of town awhile, and suggested Florida. “The weather is better and you may get your groove going again.” My groove! I had to laugh, I was the...

Quickie Sex
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Midlife experience

I was trying to remember when I first got the urge to see another man penis. I mean, i am a straight guy. I've had many woman since an early age. Patty, my first girlfriend use to come over to my parents home during 8th grade school lunch period. No one was home. We would quickly go into the living room and start playing with each other. Petting and kissing, trying to undo her bra. My she had the biggest tits an eight grader could have !! I would the slip my hand down to her white panties and...

3 years ago
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iStartLife chapter 14

Carly sat on her hotel bed watching some documentary on the TV. She had been trying to call Sam for half an hour. Then she tried calling Freddie. Same thing, it went straight to voicemail. She a left a message for both of them, figuring they had their phones off while they were "together" or something. A little concerned that she couldn't reach her friends, Carly stretched out on the bed and waited for one of them to call her back. She fell asl*ep sometime around 10.She woke up at midnight when...

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