Sword Saint a New StartChapter 29 An evening out with Lady Megan
- 3 years ago
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She broke my stare and looked down in shame. "Everything."
"Everything," I repeated. She just nodded. I patted the ground next to me and told her to sit. She sat. I laid back down with my hands behind my head and rested my eyes.
My shoulder shouted in protest at the mistreatment.
"What exactly did you tell him?" I was not all that surprised by her admission. It had to have taken a lot of fast talking on Chandra's part to get him to agree.
"That you were a Wizard Lord, that you could best Mother Browynn in a fight, and that the wizard's guildmaster was afraid of you." She admitted.
"That wasn't enough, was it?"
"No," she said quietly.
"What finally convinced him?"
"I told him that you were going to kill Steven and reopen the pass for trade."
"How did you know that Steven was going to be there?"
"I told him." The steel in her voice informed me that this was something she believed that she did for the right reasons. I whistled long and slow at her admission.
"Did you tell him before seeing your father?"
"Yes. I told him that we would be coming through the pass, and if he wasn't there to stop you, then Lady Megan would go free and he would look like a fool."
"And you didn't think to tell me earlier?"
"Father told me not to." I could hear the conflict in her voice.
"We'll talk about that later. That still doesn't tell me why he let you go."
"I told him that you would die rather than let me get harmed." She hesitated. I could feel there was one last piece.
"Chandra, just tell me," I ordered.
"I told him you were a Body Wizard, and I didn't think you could die."
I opened my eyes and looked at her tear streaked face. I felt disappointed and I wasn't sure why.
"Chandra, why would you tell him that?" I let my disappointment show.
She flinched before replying, "Because that was the only way that he would have let me come, and I wanted to go with you."
"Have you ever heard the phrase: That is not my secret to share?" I was not pleased.
She shook her head to the negative.
"Stay there, I'll be back." I left to get some breakfast and time to think.
What to do.
I made myself some tea and thought. I let Armand know
we would be leaving late, there was something I needed to take care of first. Megan asked what the delay was and I put her off. I didn't want to deal with her this morning.
Once I had my tea, I knelt and tried to center myself. It eluded me but I managed to figure out what I was going to do about Chandra's betrayal.
She was still where I left her and she was alone, the others gave us space to deal with whatever was bothering us.
"Rise, Postulant," I commanded and she did. I could see her steel herself for the fallout of her actions.
I cupped her chin with my hand and she flinched slightly. "I understand what you did and why you did it. I forgive you for that."
"BUT, if you are to stay with me you are to swear that you will never divulge anything about me or what I do, without my permission, to anyone. This includes your father, your friends and even Mother Browynn. If this is too much for you, then I will escort you back to the garrison and have them detail a patrol to return you home. You choose. If you stay with me I demand your unconditional loyalty."
Even with the expectation of a punishment, this one surprised her. Chandra's eyes widened and a single tear started to form.
"Neither choice will bring you dishonor. Take your time and think about it." I released her chin and stepped back.
"I want to be your apprentice, Lord Charles," she rushed to say before I even took a step.
"Want to be or are?" I clarified.
"I am your apprentice, My Lord," she knelt and offered me her sword.
"Swear by Kassandra," I ordered.
"I swear by Kassandra that I am your apprentice and shall obey you in all things until you release me."
"Accepted, Postulant. Now go get something to eat."
Everything. She told him everything.
I had the men hitch the horses while Chandra ate and I rolled up my bed. I saw the questioning look from Megan, but she didn't need to know about this one.
Chandra seemed more at ease after our discussion this morning, which made the ride easier from that aspect. Unfortunately, the path narrowed randomly and sometimes dangerously so. To our left was a sheer cliff face going up, and to the right there was the drop off from the side of the mountain. I couldn't even see any trees to break the fall.
The road was actually dug into the mountain in some places. I figured that they had to send out a crew occasionally to keep it wide enough for a cart to use.
It was only a half a day's ride to the mountain garrison. There was a tower built into the side of the mountain, and the gates had catapults on each side facing further along the pass. The small fort couldn't have held many men; I figured that they could hold off hundreds. Maybe more if the path on the other side was as bad as it was on this side.
“My Lord, it is time to wake up.” Bah. Chandra’s hair was already brushed with a freshly washed face, my student bubbled with anticipation for today’s journey, “Did you order breakfast for us?” She was ready to go home. “Yes, My Lord, we are all waiting on you.” She gave me a devilish smile. It seemed that one of us had a very good night’s sleep. “Fine, let me wash and I’ll meet you down stairs.” I took the puzzle box with me, I wasn’t about to let it disappear during my ablutions or...
"Do you live by the lake?" I thought that I knew how to get there from here. "It's on the other side of the lake. Gamma's farm is easy to find." That caused her tears to start up again, but she looked like they were not going to overcome her this time. "Is that where you lived?" She shook her head no. I helped her mount my new horse, then grabbed its reins and started off in the direction of the lake. "How did you end up with the slavers?" "They attacked my father's farm and...
I continued down the hill following the stream until it abruptly fell off the side of a short cliff. The sheer face didn't even have any vegetation just a few exposed rocks. The risk of injury from sliding against the jagged rocks seemed too high. I needed to find a different way down. Choosing another path to follow I ended up climbing a few hundred feet. All the while trying to keep the stream within hearing distance. Near the bottom of the hill, I spotted an old overgrown path. The...
"What about my sword? It cuts through everything and it glows." "If you say so, My Lord, but your sword doesn't glow. It is you that glows," Chandra responded. She thought for a second and then continued, "Does your sword cut through everything or do you enhance your strength to cut through your target?" I thought about that. She was probably right on that one she knew more about magic than I did. I enhanced my strength whenever I fought. Come to think of it, I enhanced my stamina...
I was glad of the short ride back. The same soldier that brought me the horse met me when I returned. He asked solicitously about my ride, not even mentioning the different livery of the horse. "I'll leave it up to you to return this horse and get yours back. Oh, and soldier, thank him for me would you. I was not in the best of tempers when I left." "Yes, Milord," the soldier responded and mounted the horse that I just left. I walked around the house to the exercise yard and knelt,...
Off in the distance I could barely make out a group of three barns flanking a house. The barns were painted a faded red and the house was whitewashed. As we skirted around a plowed field that seemed to be growing wheat, I noticed that the main house was much larger than Kira's. This one also had a small shed that was just off to the east and one just off to the west of the main house with the main house facing us to the south. For reference directions I was using earth standard. I know that...
I called to the ladies in the house to come out and assist the slaver with the sliced leg and bring some rawhide to tie up the one that was knocked out. The rest I was sure were dead or almost dead. Kira brought me my scabbard and some bread. I pointed to the unconscious slaver; "Thanks. Make sure that you tie his wrists and his ankles tightly, if he starts to wake let me know if you haven't finished tying him up yet." I walked over to the slaver with the massive gash across his left leg....
"I may not." The Arbiter said sadly. I just stared at her, incredulous. "Then I will." I sheathed my sword and knelt beside the fallen priestess, her hands were covering the wound over her stomach. There was blood pooling from her stomach, and I could see the pain that she was in. I placed my hands on her blood soaked ones and stared into her eyes. "Let me heal you." She shook her head no. "There is no shame in losing, just in giving up without trying. Let me heal you, Priestess of...
I went out of my way to act like nothing happened the night before with Chandra. She mostly relaxed during breakfast and seemed to let go my teasing her from the previous night until I told her that I needed to check her wounds. She blanched at that. I led her into the carriage and pulled the curtains closed. I peeled the bandage off her face first. It looked like a week old scratch that so far had healed cleanly. I readied one of the bandages that she had brought and replaced the dressing...
As soon as we were clear of town I picked up our pace. Unfortunately Orlanth was not the best rider, even with instruction. On top of that, Juniper was fast; I had to make sure that we didn't end up miles ahead of the kids without even trying. Orlanth's book was wrapped up and packed on an extra horse that the stable master provided me. The new horse seemed to be more of a plow horse than a riding horse. She did occasionally want to move slower than a brisk walk; otherwise she did not have...
“When you are up to it, meet me at the training grounds.” She nodded and I went outside to ask directions. I thought that the grounds might be near the barracks and was proven correct by one of Allard’s men. I had been resting to recover as much of my strength before I started exerting myself again and thought that enough time had passed for me to return to my normal training regimen. I began stretching and continued until I felt comfortable enough to start working hard. Micro-focusing on a...
"Have you told Kira yet?" "She knows." "Have you sent someone to the other steads to warn them of the slavers?" Kira's grandmother just looked at me like I was an idiot. "Mine was the last one attacked, this was a coordinated attack. My granddaughter and I are the only ones left that I can see. If any of the other girls are alive they aren't on their farms." "Can you tell where they are?" "No. I do know that the slavers will be back here soon, and they will come as a group...
We rode at a much faster pace for the remainder of the day. The breaks were shorter, and the time spent walking was cut in half. No complaints came from the girl or from the horses. I still made her keep up her exercises, both mental and physical, for the journey. It was getting to be late afternoon when I noticed that the farms started getting closer together. The terrain was rolling and lush. We did pass one older man on the road, but he scurried off the road and hid before we approached,...
Because of our increased activity, I made sure that we ate very well. This did have a side effect of consuming our food all that much quicker. To alleviate this, whenever we came near a farmer's cart I tried to buy anything that was edible and portable. The farmers, who historically were always short on coin, were ecstatic to sell to me. Since we usually only bought a couple of apples or pears off a cart full of them, we pretty much paid for a bushel and just received the top couple of...
There was a rude pounding on my door, the sun had not even crested the horizon yet. "Who is it and what do you want?" I called from my bed while I wiped the sleep from my eyes. "Damn your eyes man! What did you do to my garden?" Shouted an inconsolable Lord Grant. I dressed and loosened my sword before opening the door. The effete Lord Grant was fuming. His face was flushed with rage, I thought that he was about to attack me with the defoliated twig in his hand. I saw Chandra peek out...
Chandra and I were busy for the next couple of days. The only time we were able to relax was when the tailors came to measure us for the new outfits I wanted us to have. Lady Megan had plenty, according to Chandra, so we didn't have that extra delay. I did not let our schedule interfere with her training; I made plans with the Sisters for us to work on our teamwork. We made it an afternoon at the Temple. Chandra and I needed to learn how to work together as an effective team when push came...
The warm sun blazed down on Megan Ruiz as she jogged along the footpath back towards her apartment complex, Her ample 32 D sized breasts bouncing up and down her chest contained in a neon pink sports bra getting the attention of many men as she past by followed by a view of her curvy, bubble butt in her skin-tight Lycra black leggings, her long blonde hair tied back into a ponytail and her striking big, brown eyes and red, juicy lips made her the perfect eye candy for the men in her...
I stopped partway to Duke Dwayne's estates for a chance to regroup. I looped the reins over a tree branch and knelt. I cried for a few minutes before I settled down. The anger had kept me sane enough to do what I had to do. Now that it was gone, my actions left an open wound. I didn't like it. I didn't have to like it. I knew that I had little choice in the matter. Still on my knees, exhausted from my crying, I prayed. Bright Lady, please forgive me. I felt her sad smile while her...
After the drama of the afternoon, I was wondering what the Wizards would bring. The three of us rode out into the light rain; I could still see the sun through the clouds, so I didn't worry about a pending downpour. Chandra led the way to the guild; it was located on the second level on the western-most part of the ring. I could feel a red malaise encircling the compound, it made me hesitate for a second but I continued on. The guild grounds looked to have numerous adjoining buildings, I...
I had a horse saddled for Megan the next morning. "Come, My Lady, I have a horse for you to ride. It seems that the rain has stopped." I bowed grandiosely, and offered her an orchid before she made ready for the day. "You seem to be in better spirits today, My Lord." "Why shouldn't I be? The rain has stopped, and there is a pair of beautiful maidens to ride at my side." I bowed with a flourish to each of them. Chandra looked at me funny when I bowed to her too. "Thank you, My...
I wasn't sure which was the real Megan, and I would try to figure that out later. It was even possible that it was all just different facets of her personality. I just didn't know. It set me on edge. The first things that I noticed in the mining town on the Fairview side of the mountain were the iron collars. The men in iron collars were quiet, as we rode through town I didn't hear one make a sound. The second was that this town felt off. I couldn't quite place what bothered me, but...
I entered the bedroom from the bath wearing only my towel, I found Tara waiting for me wearing a diaphanous blouse that matched her pants. She was about a foot and a half shorter than I was and this girl with her self-assuredness had me on edge. She found another towel and offered to dry my hair. I sent her to see if my luggage had been brought up yet. As much as I wanted her, I didn't feel right doing so now. I didn't oppose casual sex. There were just too many unknowns to this situation....
The horse kicking the wall of the barn that I was leaning against was one of the worst ways of waking up in the morning that I had ever experienced. There was a blanket across my legs and my sword was laid on my lap. Meri was nowhere in sight but there were plenty of other women and children already moving to do their morning chores. I slowly got up and stretched when I noticed that Meri was bringing me a bucket of water and a towel, while Kira was bringing me a platter of food. So much for...
Celia’s infection cleared up completely a week before we entered the capitol. The scars she wouldn’t let me see but Chandra assured me that they were slowly fading. I knew that I couldn’t wait much longer for a; very long, very hot bath. It had been four days since my last one at a small town’s inn. According to Allard’s writ, he was supposed to take us straight away to the king, but since we didn’t enter the city until after nightfall, he agreed that we could stay at my house until we were...
At least until we went to get our mounts the next morning, that is. We were up and ready before dawn, I sent Meri over to the stable to make sure that the horses would be ready for us to leave when we were done eating. Orlanth and I finished our meal and Meri still hadn't come back, I figured that something was amiss so I had him get his gear and meet me across the street. Instantly, I knew something was wrong when I approached the stable and no one was near it. I could see people...
I reluctantly let go of her hand as she glanced at the door to see who interrupted us. I figured that it was the kids and turned to meet them, Gail was there with the two of them in tow. "Meri, would you take my bags to my room, it is the one on the second level in the northeast corner. Then attend Miss Lori and go where she sends you. You too, Orlanth. After you get settled, I want you to do your exercises, and then you both have the rest of the evening to yourselves. Get some rest and I...
I heard a screech of "What?" coming from the Mother's office, followed by a low growl. I was almost out of the temple before Postulant Chandra caught up to me. Meri and the young petitioner were waiting to enter as I exited. I stopped before Meri, she looked lost and confused. "Meri, I want you to stay here for some training." Her eyes got big and she just looked at me. "You are to stay here and listen to the sisters. There is a set of weapons on my horse; they are for you. Don't...
I escorted Megan in, and we found Elizabeth in the sitting room reading a ledger of some sort. I remained standing after leading Megan to a couch. "I need to visit Lady Polyantha. Would it be too much for me to ask of you to entertain Lady Megan for a while until I return?" I asked Lady Elizabeth. She placed her finger on the ledger before she looked up. "It would be our pleasure, Charles. Are you sure that you want to be alone with Lady Polyantha? She does have an unsavory...
Cousin to the queen, damn. "Lord Allard, sheathe your weapons and see to your men. After we take care of them, you and I will need to talk. Just don't do anything dumb, I'd hate to have to kill you." I sheathed my sword after cleaning it off. He looked incredulous but followed my directions. Unfortunately for him, I only left one of his guards unscathed and four with a survivable wound. Two would be permanently crippled because of it, but they'd live. Bright Lady, watch over the souls...
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This is pure fiction!!!English is not my first language, so please be forgiving with mistakes in language and grammar Ralf and Megan Ralf lived with his sister Megan and his parents in a small town in the middle-west, he was 11 and his sister was 18. Megan was 5.5 tall and had an awesome body, green eyes, a lovely face full of freckles and dark-blonde hair.? When she was 16, she was caught selling drugs and went for four weeks to a boot camp, which was a terrible nightmare. She...
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CheatingShe opened her eyes and saw the concern in mine. She smiled again, stretched, and said, “Oh, poor Papa, are you worried about me? You should have warned me that your “Big Bubba” has wonderfully, strange affects on girls. Yes, I think I’m going to recover, but not just yet.” I bent down and kissed her on the forehead, then I made a suggestion. “Since Gramma and the boys should be arriving any time now, let’s say that you started coming down with the flu yesterday evening and have been in...
“Wow Megan, I can’t believe what a jerk your boyfriend is for leaving you. You are such a nice person,” Tina said.As Megan sat down sobbing, she said, ”I just don’t get it. He thought we needed more space and that we should see other people.”“You are better off without him. I know you can do a lot better than him anyhow. You are a beautiful looking 21 year old. You are still young so just forget about him. I got an idea Megan. Why don’t you come with my boyfriend Tim and I tonight? I really...
Straight Sex“Hey Megan.” “Hey sweetie. How are you?” “Great. And you my love?” “Hanging in Hayden, just like always.” “Well I’m changing that tonight. We are going on a double date and I don’t care how hard you protest its happening.” “But Hayden…” “Not another word Foxy. I’m picking you up in an hour and we’re meeting our dates at the restaurant. It’ll be fun. You’re date is gorgeous.” “I’m not looking for a boyfriend though.” “I know you’re not babe. Let’s just go out and have fun. More importantly just...
“Hey Megan.” “Hey sweetie. How are you?” “Great. And you my love?” “Hanging in Hayden, just like always.” “Well I’m changing that tonight. We are going on a double date and I don’t care how hard you protest its happening.” “But Hayden…” “Not another word Foxy. I’m picking you up in an hour and we’re meeting our dates at the restaurant. It’ll be fun. You’re date is gorgeous.” “I’m not looking for a boyfriend though.” “I know you’re not babe. Let’s just go out and have fun. More importantly just...
Chandra was moving slowly the next morning. I teased her about not letting them hit her next time. She gave me that dirty look that teenaged girls are born knowing. I chuckled and sat down for the breakfast that our new cook made for us. After we finished a heavier breakfast than any at Miss Lori's, Chandra and I went to the new stable that Chandra found for our horses, we would be needing a mount each, one for Megan, and a couple extra riding horses used as pack animals. The trip to...
I’d met Sorcha and Megan seven months before the events of this story took place. They were introduced to me as two Irish runaways, by a client that I was seeing on the south coast. I met them on what was a scorching day for England, with temperatures hitting thirty centigrade. With our meeting and business completed, the girls took me to a local naturist beach and, inevitably, we ended having sex. Seven months later, as I stood on the platform, waiting for their train to arrive, the weather...
Office SexAs Paul lay there, he wondered how he found himself in this situation. Here he was, lying on his bed, next to his wife, Megan, at twenty five, the same age as Paul. Also on the bed was Mark, Megan's younger brother. All three were naked, the bedsheets ruffled, wet with sweat and sperm.How had this happened, Paul tried to understand.Today was Thursday. Last week Megan had received a phone call from her parents, asking if it would be ok for Mark to come and stay. He had got into a bit of trouble...
Title: Celebrity Trainers – Megan Fox (Part 1)Synopsis: Michael Bay, having been referred by Robert Pattison, tries to solve his problem and get a measure of revenge from Megan Fox. This is a story of kidnapping, bondage, brainwashing and rape.Author Name : SadoRuskiEmail: [email protected]: MF, nc, rape, Mdom, mast, BDSM, kidnap, abduction, bond, Disclaimer: This is fantasy. Fantasy is not real. Rape is wrong. I do not encourage rape or violence against women.This is part 1...
Amanda Seyfried arrived at the expensive inner-city hotel, walking up the steps in the sunlight, her large designer sunglasses shielding her eyes. She was making sure not to walk too quickly, otherwise her large breasts, supported only by the tight black vest top she was wearing, would bounce uncontrollably on her chest and attract far too much attention. She didn’t have a bra on today, just her top and some very tight jeans, hugging every curve of her ass as she walked up the steps into the...