A Journey By Train - Chapter 2. free porn video

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She tasted so good I was reluctant to let her have her hand back. Eventually, I brought my attention back to inside the car and pulled out of the lay-by. I asked myself what I had started but was too excited by the promise of a wild adventure to doubt myself for long. I drove through familiar country lanes, much more slowly now that we were off the motorway but there was still the illusion of speed as the closeness of the hedges were a blur through the windows and the twisty lane held the promise of danger around every corner.

I kept silent and let the girl dwell in her own thoughts. Glancing at her, I saw that she was still on display, skirt up around her waist and  panties lost somewhere in the footwell. Her pussy was naked and unashamed. For the sake of discretion, I thought it should be covered when we drove through my village. Only a few people would be around at this time of day, but I had a reputation to maintain and it would be foolish to take chances.

“We are getting close to my home,” I said quietly, “it might be a good idea to cover up.”

She seemed flustered as she replied, “Oh sorry, I was day-dreaming.”

She leant forward to scrabble on the floor for her underwear.

“They’re not vital,” I told her. “Just pull your skirt down a little way.”

She wriggled the skirt down until she was at least halfway decent before glancing at me and blushing. I ignored her and slowed the car as I drove through the village before turning into my driveway.


I went into a sort of daze when she started the car again. The road was now totally different. Gone were the smooth open curves of the motorway, replaced by typical English country lanes, twisting and bending, and slightly claustrophobic. I was glad when it opened out enough for me to catch glimpses of the countryside. A checkerboard of fields, mostly green but some a bright almost garish yellow, which as a confirmed ‘townie’ puzzled me.

I was jolted back to reality when she suggested I cover myself before the next village. I’d completely forgotten about my skirt crumpled around my waist and my wet pussy on display. My panties seemed to have become lost somewhere so I just pulled my skirt down to cover myself as best I could. We drove into a small village of extremely des.res. little stone cottages and then out the other side. It occurred to me that I had no idea where I was or how to get to anywhere even slightly civilised. I could ask her to drive me somewhere or let me out at a bus stop, but something inside me didn’t want the adventure to end.

She turned into a gravel drive and pulled up in front of a large house. A small silver-grey car was already parked there. She got out and walked around the car, opened my door, and helped me climb out. I turned to grab my bag and saw the edge of my panties poking out from under the seat. I bent to pick them up and went to put them in my pocket but she stopped me.

“I think I’ll take those,” she said in that same commanding voice she’s used before, “And leave the bag, you won’t need that.”

Meekly I handed over my crumpled panties and then followed her into the house. It vaguely crossed my mind to wonder who the other car belonged to. She opened the front door and ushered me inside. There was a large hallway with a rather grandiose staircase that went round three walls winding its way to the upper floor. She led me into what was obviously the living room with two deep and comfortable sofas and a matching armchair in deep red leather all in a semi-circle in front of an unlit open fire. She turned to me and fixed my gaze with hers.

“Take off your skirt.” That same commanding tone, “It's too creased to wear. I’ll have it ironed before you leave.”

It seemed as though all choice had been taken away from me, so like a docile and obedient child, I scrabbled for the zip and slid it down my legs. I was in the process of stepping out of it when another person appeared in the doorway. When she saw me bent over and naked from the waist down, she gave a little gasp of surprise. My host and fellow-traveller turned, smiled, and planted a kiss on the lips of the new girl. Meanwhile, I stood, unsure what to do or what was going on, fully aware that the tail of my blouse was not long enough to cover my embarrassment.


“Hello, darling, what are you doing home?”

“I knew you’d be back early so I took some time off. But what have you brought with you?”

We both turned to look at ‘Train Girl’ as I had mentally named her, realising we had never got around to the proper introductions. She blushed as we looked at her and tried in vain to cover herself.

“She’s someone I found on the train on the way home. She’s at a loose end so I thought I’d bring her home with me.”

“Hoping to have fun while I was out?”

“Hoping to have fun, yes, but with you here we can have even more fun. Isn’t she lovely?”

“Very pretty, but why is she half-naked?”

“She became a little soiled on the train and later in the car. Silly thing couldn’t control her urges.”

My girlfriend raised her eyebrows and grinned knowingly. She slipped her arm from mine and ambled over to Train Girl and slowly walked around her. She lifted the hem of the girl’s blouse to get a better view of her bottom and the girl jumped in surprise. She was looking very nervously straight at me so I gave her a reassuring smile. My girlfriend looked at me and winked theatrically.

“You’re very naughty,” she said with mock seriousness, “But I love you, and we haven’t had anyone new to play with for ages. Does she have a name?”

“She’s bound to have but I’ve no idea what it is. We never got that far.”

“Then I shall call her Slut. After all, who else would be in a stranger’s house half-naked at lunchtime?”


I stood helplessly in the middle of the carpet as they stood side by side discussing me in the third person. I tried vainly to cover my nakedness but with little success. They talked about me as if I were a new plaything. I had half hoped and expected for the car journey to lead to some sort of fun and games but I hadn’t anticipated another party to become involved.

The new girl was quite a lot younger and very pretty. Blonde and almost deliberately girlish with a cropped top showing off her pierced navel, a short skirt and knee socks. Despite her youthful appearance, she seemed as much in charge as her companion. When she walked toward me, I became slightly nervous. What had I let myself in for? Suddenly it seemed too much to try and run away. My underwear was gone somewhere and my skirt was now kicked into a corner. Unbelievably, my pussy was tingling with expectation.

The girl disappeared from view behind me and I jumped when I felt the hem of my blouse lifted and my bottom was displayed to her. I know I was blushing frantically and when she said she was naming me ‘Slut’, my knees almost buckled. Her friend laughed out loud at this suggestion.

“What a lovely name and it suits her so well.”

I felt a hand gently stroking my buttocks and a jolt of desire went through me. When a finger slid along the valley between my cheeks and slid over my arsehole and lightly touched the entrance to my pussy, I had to readjust my position to stop myself falling over.

“Oh my, her cunt is so wet.”

Then, close to my ear, a stage-whisper, “You really are well-named, aren’t you, Slut? Tell us your name, say it out loud.”

When I hesitated, I felt a sharp smack on my bottom and a sting of pain went through me. I think I may have yelped, partly in surprise and partly in pain. I wanted to run but my pussy commanded that I stayed. She bent close to my ear again.

“Tell us your name,” this time more demanding.

“S-s-s-s-lut,” I managed to blurt out.

“And I am ‘Miss’ and she is ‘Mistress’. Got that?”


Another sharp smack followed my trembling reply. “Yes what?”

“Yes, Miss.”

“And who is that?” she asked pointing across the room.

“Errr, Mistress.”

“Well done, Slut,” her voice now soft and almost affectionate. Her hand once more stroked my bottom softly easing away the sting from the smacks.


From across the room I viewed Slut’s discomfort with amusement and delighted in her lack of response as the sound of the two smacks echoed round the room. I knew from the past that those were not light and playful taps. When she was ordered to name us, I smiled. Her hesitancy and awkwardness were a delight. So, for today, I was to be Mistress and she was to be Miss. Usually, it was she that bore the brunt of any rough treatment, but every so often one or the other of us would bring home a willing toy and we could both share the domination duties. Being nominated ‘Mistress’ meant I could sit back and spend most of the time watching and directing as she got on with the task in hand. I decided to do just that and took my seat in the armchair and folded my arms.

“I think it’s time she showed us some more of her charms, don’t you, Miss?” I queried mischievously.

“As Mistress commands. It will be my pleasure.”

She reached round and unbuttoned Slut’s jacket and slipped it off her shoulders and down her unprotesting arms. Then, slowly, she undid the buttons of her blouse. The blouse followed the jacket to lie in a crumpled heap in the corner. All that was left was her bra. Suddenly, it reminded me of her panties still tucked into my pocket. I pulled them out and fluttered them loose. They were part of a matching set. It was almost as if Slut had intended to dress up for us. I lifted them to my nose and inhaled the scent deeply. It brought back memories of her taste from the car.

The tension of the bra suddenly relaxed as the back clip released and Slut’s last protection disappeared. The bra sailed across the room to join the pile of discarded clothing in the corner. Her hands flew up to cover herself but Miss grabbed her wrists and forced them down to her sides. Now she was displayed in all her glory.

Chance, karma, destiny, call it what you will, but I had struck lucky. She was gorgeous. Maybe her tits were a little small but they were pert and showed little sign of her age. Her waist was slim and made a lovely curve of her body. Her pubes were neatly trimmed down to the smallest hint of their former glory. And then the ultimate prize ... her pussy, still showing signs of her recent orgasm, almost twinkling with moisture, much of which had leaked onto her thighs.

I watched as a hand curled round from behind her and felt her pussy, obscuring my view. I curbed my annoyance. I would let Miss have her fun but would extract my payment later.

“Is the Slut wet?” I asked, stating the obvious.

“Soaked,” came the reply and I watched two fingers disappear inside Slut’s cunt. She gave a moan and would have fallen had  Miss not held her up.


It was almost as if I was hypnotised as I stood there and let the unknown woman undress me. The penetrating eyes of Mistress, as I had now come to know her, fixed me from a few feet away. I felt my jacket slip from my shoulders and sensed it being thrown into a corner. Slowly the buttons of my blouse were picked free and that followed the jacket. Hands at my back, fighting with the clip of my bra, and then that sudden feeling of freedom as my breasts were released. I felt slightly ashamed as I always thought of them as pathetically small. Almost automatically, I tried to cover them with my hands but my wrists were grabbed and my arms forced down out of the way.

From across the room, Mistress smiled an almost secret smile as a hand reached from behind me to stroke along the length of my pussy. I could tell by the way it slipped in so easily that I would be unable to hide my arousal. When Mistress asked about it and also called me Slut, I nearly fainted with pleasure and, when two fingers insinuated themselves inside, my legs gave way.

The girl behind me, although quite small, was also very strong and she easily caught me and guided me to one of the sofas and sat me down carefully. Things seemed to be happening at a distance and she easily manipulated me how she wanted. I was dragged to the edge of the sofa and my legs spread wide. As reality slowly returned, Miss was kneeling on the floor and Mistress was now standing beside me with a glass of something in her hand.

“Water?” she asked kindly.

I smiled and nodded weakly, not trusting myself to speak. I expected her to place the glass at my lips to let me drink but instead she held it over me and slowly tilted it. Fuck, it was cold, and I yelped in surprise as it poured over my head. There was a sudden sharp pain as my pussy was smacked hard.

“Stay still, Slut,” Miss ordered from below me.

More of the freezing water was poured over my breasts and across my belly and then the last was directed at my pussy. Again, I yelped and tried to close my legs but Miss was kneeling between them and I received another hard smack for my efforts.

“She’s certainly wet now,” giggled Miss.

Her fingers pulled apart my pussy lips, opening me like an exotic fruit. A finger or thumb began to stroke my clit, flicking it up and down, and two fingers pushed deep inside me. Mistress took hold of my chin, tilting my head backwards, forcing me to look into her dark brown, almost black, eyes.

“Having fun, Slut?” she asked mockingly.

A wave of pleasure started to spread over me and I closed my eyes. I was slapped sharply across my cheek.

“Did I say you could close your eyes? Look at me, Slut,” she demanded.

Suddenly, all the points of pain became mere pinpricks as my orgasm came close. The sting on my cheek, and the slaps to my pussy, became insignificant. My nipples were almost painfully erect from the cold water and Mistress took the left one and squeezed gently. The fingers inside me curled forward and almost scraped against my spot as I exploded. My nipple was squeezed really hard and more smacks rained down on my pussy. I think I might have screamed. I remember my body convulsing and then little more.


I felt a little bit mean when I tricked her with the glass of water but it was such fun to see her reaction. Especially when Miss slapped her hard between her legs. That must have really hurt, I thought. If anything, the second slap was even harder. I watched as Miss started to play with her cunt. I tipped Slut’s head back and looked in her eyes. She seemed to be inhabiting a different world, some alternative reality. I could tell she was close to another orgasm and her eyes closed as a wave of pleasure swept over her. I wanted to watch her climax so I slapped her hard on the cheek. Her eyes flew open and re-engaged with mine.

I gripped one of her nipples and started to squeeze and pull at it. Miss was still busy probing deep inside her. Suddenly, Slut went stiff and her eyes widened even further. The slaps on her cunt that Miss gave her only seemed to intensify the moment. She uttered a coarse low sound, halfway between a groan and a scream, and her back arched violently and then she went limp. Her eyes closed and she sank back into the sofa. I looked at Miss and grinned.

“Let her rest for a while,” I said. “She has taken a lot.”

“Aww, but we’ve only just started having fun,” replied Miss, a note of disappointment in her voice.

“We have her all day and possibly all night as well. We can take our time. Now, fetch a blanket and cover her until she recovers.”

Miss reluctantly slouched off and returned with a blanket that she draped gently over the almost lifeless naked body. She came and stood next to me and linked an arm in mine. I turned my head and kissed her on the lips.

“What shall we do with her next?” she asked me.

“Let’s open a bottle of wine and make some plans,” I suggested.

I checked the Slut over and realised that her faint had turned into a sleep. She would be quiet for a while so we went into the kitchen and sat at the table with a glass of wine each and planned our next piece of fun.


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My first encounterin a train compartment

My first encounter...in a train compartment.It was almost exactly a year since my 'Changing Room' incident that was revealed in my previous story. I was a year older, but was I any wiser? I'd been working away from home for the whole of my summer holidays and it was time to return there, and then within days back to school. I was 16 and had been 'sort of apprenticed' to a foreman in charge of refurbishing shops for the last 6 weeks. The job wasn't really the type most schoolboys got in their...

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Sapana in train

Hello everybody this is Prakash. I am a working guy from Pondicherry. Basically, I am from North India but I am working in a south Indian company, so placed here only. I am 27 yrs, 5ft 7 inches male with a good look, & a very strong sex drive & I have a nice hard cock to please & satisfy any female craving for sex. My job requires lot of traveling in south Indian cities. So during a short period of time, I came to know about many cities of South India. But I never had any experience before this...

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London Train Encounter

London can be a very harsh place; especially if you are from India or sub-continent. If you have traveled in a Indian public transport you would have noticed that the majority of people love to talk. Talk to each other, talk to their maids on the phone, talk to the bus conductor, talk to the person sitting in the next bus or just moan about the conditions of road during the monsoon. In London the scene is quite radical. There pin drop silence on the trains. The most noise you can hear is from...

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Girl in Mumbai Local train

This is a normal morning at Virar railway station. Whole crowd rushing towards the arriving train. Some people managed to get in while train is still moving. I am in crowd near gate rushing to get in. crowd is pushing me from all sides. I am moving forward slowly and finally I am in. Still crowd pushed me from behind and I couldn't move further as there are many people ahead of me in train. I tried to hold handle, which is above my head. I held handle, which is already grabbed by someone....

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Strangers on a train

I honestly thought that, after two years of commuting into the city for work, I'd experienced it all. Until that was, the afternoon of the points failure. Now that was an afternoon that will live long in the memory. Sorry, I'm getting a little ahead of myself, let me back track a little. I'd been traveling on the train to work for quite some time. You get to see the same faces day in, day out, but you never speak, never acknowledge that each other exists. It just isn't done. The same train in,...

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Hard Sex With Bhabhi In Train

Hi readers, I am Kumar, staying in Bangalore for around 7 years, working as software professional and doing business as well in native, 29, fair, 6.1 ft tall, average weight, living alone in 1bhk rented house. Here I am going to tell true story with Amudha(name changed), 33, house wife, married to a shop keeper for 3 years, living with her husband Biju in kerala along with her mil in house, no kids. Story happened on 29th July 2015 in train. I use to travel every Friday week end for my...

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Train ki class

Hello dosto. Mera naam nilima hai, log mujhe nilu kahte hain. I am a student in B.A. first year. My age is 18+ ,, fair, slim, 5.4 height, sundar figure, 32 24 30. Mene isi saal collage join kiya he. Pahle jahan tak mene class 12 kiya wo ghar ke paas tha. Par collage bahut dur he, sabse sidha rasta train ka he collage jane ke liye. Local train me 1.20 hrs yani 80 minute lagte hain. Pahle to pareshani hui, koi sathi bhi nahi tha. Akele aana aur jana. Wapas aane ke samay office time ho jata tha....

1 year ago
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The Train Ride

Version One - Mother's Way Billy watched the train coast into the station. Glancing down at his watch, he saw that it was already four o'clock. He had been waiting for the train almost an hour. The smell of diesel and hot metal washed over him as the train finally came to a stop. Looking down the line of dirty silver cars, he saw a lady hanging out of a window frantically waving at someone. She was one more good looking woman, he thought before he realized that it was his mother. He...

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The stranger on the train

Standing on the platform heading coast bound, at 8:30am, Scarlett was stood up, slender back leaning up against a dirty grey wall, with a half ripped poster advertising a theatre, swigging a ice cold bottle of coke. A tiny bead of coke rolled from the bottle, down her chin and rolled on to her chest, her shirt was missing a tie, and was unbuttoned to the third one down. Her shirt looked like it had spent too much time in a tumble dryer on a high heat because her size d breasts seemed to be...

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Riding the Train to Whoredom

It never occurred to me when I decided to visit a college friend in Asia that I'd end up a victim of different cultural attitudes toward women. I'd traveled in Europe frequently, always without incident. Besides, I never worried about riding public transportation in the middle of the day, not even in New York City. But I was in for a hard lesson about what can happen in broad daylight, if no one chooses to help you. My friend, who called herself Susie in the states because her name was a bit...

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Eagle in the Sunset 2019Chapter 13 The Wrong Train Race

October 8th, 1995, 11:40 PM CT, Mile 2342 Union Station, Phoenix, AZ The finger for the train sat in the parking lot of Phoenix Union Station, in his brand-new 1995 Range Rover County, smoking a cigarette, and luxuriating in the scent of it and the Connolly leather of the poorly-built British luxury off-roader. He was intently listening to his electronic radio scanner waiting to hear from the freight train as it passed through so that he could give a good estimate, and ensure that it was...

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Midnight Train To Nowhere Ch 02

Chapter 2 The Kid The teenage clerk was looking at him with a blank stare, like someone trying to peer through a dirty window. The clerk craned his neck to look past the angry man in the grey pinstriped suit standing at the counter in front of him. The man realized the clerk was looking at something behind him and turned to see what it was. ‘What is it?’ The man barked. ‘What the hell are you looking at? And do you have my car or not?’ He demanded angrily. ‘He’s probably looking at the sign...

4 years ago
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CAW10 ENTRY by Hardrive The memory of that special day when a boy losses his virginity to a stranger on the midnight train to manhood.” ------------------------------------------------------------- It was a stormy evening and I was standing at the door watching my wife Cindy getting into her car. She was on her way to visit her mother and as she entered the vehicle she turned and waved a final good-bye. Looking at the distant sky I noticed that the flashing lights had...

2 years ago
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A long and boring train ride turns into a most pleasant one

This story is real except for the names. It took place on September 1985. This is my first story ever and I hope you’ll like it. I dry docked my 28 footer in Perama near Athens, packed my clothes and started my journey to Amsterdam to join a nice Dutch woman I met while sailing the Greek islands. It was going to be a long and boring train – ferry – train of about three days until I reach Maud in Amsterdam. I hadn’t have sex in the last two weeks and was quite horny from...

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Journey into Cuckoldry Fantastic Fifteen

It was Thursday night, one week later. The Grandparents were babysitting our two kids while my sweet, unfaithful wife and I went for what we had described to them as ‘a bit of light supper with some friends that might go on a bit late’. The truth was that it was nothing of the kind. Food was definitely a secondary consideration; the entire evening had been arranged by the She-Devil Carmen in order to allow me and our new friend Hilary to have an intimate sexual encounter in their house. For the...

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Journey Of Indian Wife To Whore Part 8211 1

The heroine of the story Priya is a 26yr old Indian wife married to Arjun. They were married for a year now. They had a very wonderful one year. Priya was a bomb. She’s a show stealer right from her college days. The guys always use to imagine what it feels like to see her nude and touch those 34D firm breasts of her. She’s a modern and outgoing girl, so the jeans and t-shirts she used to wear only enhanced her 34-28-36 body size. Her height of 5ft 6in only added to her beauty. She had a few...

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Journey Into A Beautiful World 8211 Part I

I am Raju, a software engineer from Anakapalli and this is my journey into a pleasant and happy world. The source of happiness was none other than my family which was usual for everybody but in my case it was a bit different. My family consists of my mom (Jaya, 40 years), dad (Vijay Kumar, 55 years) and my elder sister (Priyanka, 23 years, she is fondly called Chitti). I completed my engineering in Hyderabad and in campus selection got a job in a MNC. So at age 21 I was earning handsomely....

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Journey Without Pants

Myself Bhama Chouhan, I am divorced due to some circumstantial situations, I’m 30 and have a four-year-old child, but he lives with my parents and I live all alone. It’s not so that my parents don’t support me, but it’s me who want to stand on my own feet. I have a perfect figure of 34 by 32 by 34, I looked ravishingly beautiful and no one could resist fucking me. I am a white beauty and sun usually turns me red. I got puffy lips, tight boobs, broad waist, broad thighs and up straight bums. My...

3 years ago
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Journey to EdenChapter 10 Parting and Meeting

“Be careful, there is someone nearby.” Dann’s thought came to those who could hear it, even as he signaled the same message to those who could not. “Aard, look closely at the tree line to your left, at the single dead tree. Do you see anything strange about the bird perched there?” His protégé did as Dann instructed, and abruptly froze in concentration. “It is a decoy! It’s not real!” exclaimed Aard. “And now I see the hunter who waits near it, but I have never seen anyone like this before!”...

2 years ago
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Encounter With A Stranger In The Train

This is a story of me at that time when I was studying in class 12. My boards were over and I had a long vacation ahead of me. So I and my friends planned to go out on a week-long trip. But my family intervened and told me to go visit my grandma first, who used to live in a different town. It was actually a five-hour drive. But since my father used to be busy in those days my mom told me to take the train instead which took about two and a half hours. So here I was waiting at the train station...

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Grinding against the lady on the train

Last Friday a car accident occurred on the major freeway in the direction of traffic travelling to the city. I usually drive to work in the city and park in the company's parking facilities. Due to the accident a major hold up eventuated. Traffic reports over the radio alerted motorists though to late for those motorists already caught up in the traffic jam. I had not left home at that point so on hearing the news of the accident i decided to drive to my nearest station and catch the train to...

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A Journey By Train Ch1

A Journey By Train.I was late, dammit! Any other morning but this one. I ran into the station just as they were announcing the departure of the train. I scrambled through the barrier thankful that at least I already had my ticket. It was just starting to move as I managed to open the door. I flung my overnight bag on board and climbed in after it. I slammed it shut after me and then leant against the wall trying to recover my breath. Jeez, what a start to what I guessed was already destined to...

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The Path Train

Tired beyond measure, classes and her job so tiring on her (and she was only in her third semester - so many yet ahead of her), Sarah walked slowly down the steps that led to the underground PATH station. A young woman, not yet old enough to drink alcohol, Sarah was almost waspishly thin. The semi-short black skirt she wore showed that, although thin, she was lithe; her long legs were shapely and strong, her small firm breasts pressed out against her white button-up top that was loosely tucked...

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Sex on the Train Edited

His meeting overran and so he is now on the last train back to Leeds in Yorkshire that is just leaving the station 9.30pm. There are not many passengers getting on the train so he chooses a group of 4 seats with a table, sits in the aisle seat with his back to the direction of travel, puts his bag on the window seat next to him and hopes nobody decides to join him. After a long day and with a two and half hour journey ahead, he decides to have a snooze. He leaves his tickets on the table in...

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Sex on The Train Edited

PrologueOur hero in this story is Tom, a six foot tall, thirty something ex football player, who now travels around the world picking up odd jobs for friends or people he has met over the years.He retired when he ruptured his Achilles tendon but he keeps himself in good shape.Oh, and he loves the ladies! StoryTom has been in Edinburgh for a business meeting. A nice summers day had been forecast, so he is dressed in beige chinos, brown brogues, a white open colour shirt and blue blazer. With his...

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Crowded Train

Without moving at all, we were fucking each other. Her cunt was rhythmically squeezing my cock. The vibration of the train was buzzing up through the base of my shaft into her, and every bump drove me a little deeper. I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning so I didn't draw the attention of the other passengers. We were fully clothed and she was sitting on my lap, facing away from me, pretending to look at her phone. Her skirt was spread over my legs, which kept us from being too obvious, but...

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Neighbors on a Train

I was sitting in my compartment on the southbound train, heading for Los Angeles. I hadn't seen my girlfriend since she left for UCLA ten months ago. Why am I taking the train? I'm terrified of flying and I fall asleep while driving. But the expense was worth it to have my own compartment where I could stretch out to sleep. I'm six-six and the chairs in the cattle car just aren't conducive to sleeping. Also, I could shut out the k**s.We actually left Seattle on time, passing Safeco Field and...

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On a crowded Japanese train

I am a foreginer have been living in Japan for almost 4 years now and I always have the fantasies of being fingered or groped on crowded train. I think that is so sensual. I have a very small and timid structure. Height around 4”9-10 inches, weight less than 90 pound. I uses to commute at least 2 hours on train frequently to work and to go back home. I was a little worry to begin with, so I always use the “women only car” on train. But the long daily commute get really tiring and boring. Then,...

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Anjaan Raat Anjaan Anjaam Fucking Hot Bhabhi In Train

Hi to all ISS readers, myself Vineet from jalandhar, back again with n incidence , which clearly shows that how lust can seriously turn anything from negative to positive, if any of the lady feels a need of a man or want to have a cute looking man as yodream , just feel free to contact, everything will be between you and me, full privacy guaranteed.. My email id is you can also connect with me on facebook, there my name is ray sharma… First I would like to tell about myself, I m fun loving guy...

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