Anja, Just The Girl Next Door free porn video

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Yesterday, Anja had proven that, despite her tender years, just nineteen, she had commensurate skills in sexual activity. And, late in the afternoon on Sunday, she was at my door, as promised, for a follow-up session of reviewing her university essay and sex. And, after her candour and direct approach of yesterday, I was certain that within the next few hours my cock would be enjoying the hot, wet tightness of her young pussy.

She was wearing a light blue dress with thin shoulder straps, fitted to the waist, with a very short skirt that flared a little. She was obviously braless, and I wondered if the dress and sandals were all she was wearing.

“Do come in!” I beamed. She smiled back at me and stepped in.

As soon as the door was closed, her hand slipped onto my crotch and, looking up at me, she said, “I’ve been thinking about this all day. You quite surprised me yesterday.”

I have to say yesterday had been quite a surprise to me as well. Anja was the daughter of my next door neighbours, Erica and Oliver Raudsepp. We had been neighbours for over ten years and I had watched Anja blossom into the gorgeous, petite blonde with a slender, yet curvy figure, that stood in my hall with her hand stroking my cock through my thin shorts.

We were not particularly close friends of the Raudsepps, but we were neighbourly and invited each other a few times a year for a Christmas drink, a barbeque or similar ‘open’ event. Joyce, my wife, was reserved about the relationship since she found out they were naturists. I must say I had no such qualms, especially when Erica was in the garden practising their chosen way of life. Erica was a more mature version of Anja and definitely attractive in my opinion. The Raudsepps were of Estonian origin and their parents had escaped the Russian occupation of their country in the early sixties, a real story of ‘daring do’ by all accounts, involving crossing the Gulf of Finland in a small inflatable at the dead of night.

Joyce was away, having her customary fortnight with her sister, Marge. This year I had decided not to waste my precious holiday from work on what usually turned out to be a dire fourteen days. Marge was a spinster, teetotaller, and never allowed alcohol in the house, or went to a restaurant and pubs where an anathema to her. In return for being released from the visit, Joyce had assigned me to redecorate our bedroom, so I had taken a Friday and Monday off to give me a long weekend to tackle the chore. It was late June and, for once in the UK, really was flaming, with hot, dry, sunny weather since midweek. On Thursday evening, I had moved all our stuff out of the room, took down the curtains and covered the fitted wardrobes. I didn’t need to cover the carpet or move the bed as new carpet was to be fitted Monday morning and a new bed would arrive Monday afternoon.

Friday was all preparation, sanding down the paintwork and stripping the wallpaper. I was just taking a short break by the window on Friday afternoon when I noticed Erica sunbathing part way down their garden. She was, of course naked. Their garden was very secluded, and, in fact, only our bedroom window had any view into it at all. Normally they sunbathed up by the house, but obviously today, Erica felt the need to have grass under her. She was a delightful sight during a break from sanding down woodwork. Trim body, shapely legs and a lovely firm arse. Then she turned over and I had to force myself back to work.

Saturday dawned bright and blue and I was up and at it early. I wanted to get two coats of paint done in the day and all the prep for hanging the wallpaper on Sunday. It went smoothly, and I took a break mid-afternoon for a cuppa and to admire my handy work. For the latter, I was quickly distracted. Anja was on the sun lounger that Erica had used yesterday. She had the back propped up and was reading a tablet, feet towards me and legs slightly apart.

I didn’t just look but stared, so much so that I didn’t notice immediately that she was waving at me. Feeling a bit of a dirty lurker, I gave a feeble wave back and retreated from the window. I knew her parents weren’t at home as that morning, while I took some breakfast, they had packed up their car and driven off, presumably for a weekend away. Other than feeling a bit of a perv and at the same time as being delighted to have seen such a gorgeous body, I thought little more about it. While I had dreamed of doing something with her, that was locked away in the cupboard of dreams labelled ‘Impossible, never happen’.

It was, therefore, a great surprise to find Anja standing on my step when I answered the door late afternoon.

“Sorry to trouble you Mr Clarke, but would you be very good to me and review my essay?” she asked after we exchanged hellos. A few sheets of A4 were offered in explanation.

“Please come in and tell me more,” I replied, and she stepped in. I led the way through to terrace where our garden set was basking in the sunshine.

“Drink? Tea? Something stronger? Beer?” I asked, and she declined politely.

"I failed some of my coursework last term at Uni," she explained, "and my tutor is allowing me to resubmit it. It has to be handed in on Monday, latest, and mum and dad are away, so they can't review it for me."

I looked at the sheets of paper, it was about ten sides with double-spaced lines so wouldn't take long.

“I see,” I said.

“I’m sorry, but I left it to last minute. I was just enjoying the break from Uni.”

“Oh, no problem,” I said, “but I doubt if I’ll know the subject too well. What is it you are studying?”

“Computer Studies.”

"Well, I guess there is some hope for me." I had worked in IT for over twenty years.

“I can stay and help out if you have any questions.”

‘Oh, please do stay,' I thought, looking at her curled onto the chair opposite the settee I had taken. She had a loose-fitting, cotton top on, with deeply scooped under arms and draw neckline. The front had a silver thread in it, with two, top to bottom, stripes of lacework. It went so nicely with the shortest ‘Daisy Dukes’ I think I have ever seen.

"That's probably a good idea," I said and went to get my reading glasses.

As I settled back down and began to read, she added, “It is a little over the word count, so if you see an opportunity to cut out words that would be awesome.”

I was pleased to find it was a topic I did have some knowledge of, use of websites for education. I read past the introduction into the main body and became aware Anja was staring at me, but soon realised she was apprehensive of my opinion of her work. I looked up, over the top of my glasses and gave a reassuring smile. The concern dropped from her face and she returned a beaming, whole face smile. Those Daisy Dukes were minimal where it mattered.

The introduction needed resequencing and some sentences combining to shorten it and remove repetition.

“When you say, in the introduction, that…”

Anja stood and walked to my settee, bending down with a hand resting on the wicker arm. I continued and explained my point while taking in that the scooped under arms gave a view of side boob as she leant forward.

“…I think it would read more smoothly.”

“Oh yes! Yes, can you just put a note there.”

She offered me a pen that had been clipped in the neckline of her blouse. I took and as I did so I realised her nipples were poking through the lacework. For some reason, I found the pen pleasantly warm. She stayed by me as I read on.

“This bit here…" I said pointing at a paragraph with the pen. Anja moved in front of me then sat next to me on the settee to read the bit I was pointing at. She leant forward, pressing her breast against my upper right arm and not moving back until another change was agreed.

Another change sprung out of the page to me and she leant in again to see my point. As she read I looked at her young thighs, sporting a light tan from the summer sun. They were slender yet smooth and womanly. As she looked up at me, her thigh rested against mine, all the way from hip to knee. I could feel the warmth of her body she was so close.

“You think those points should be reversed?” she questioned.

“Yes, it’s more logical and flows into the next paragraph.”

Her hand joined mine holding the pages and looked straight at me. Those pale blue eyes were unblemished and iridescent. Struggling a little, I debated the point with her. She was very articulate which backed up the fact that I had yet to see a spelling mistake in the paper. As we talked, my arm relaxed, lowering the papers into my lap. Her hand followed them down, ending by resting, palm up on my lap, well against my cock really, the thin material of my shorts was all that separated the two.

As I used the arm of my glasses to reinforce my point, I realised two things. Anja made no attempt to move her hand away, and while my mind remained on the academic point, my body was beginning to react to the closeness of such a delightful woman.

My change was warmly accepted with a little nod of the head and smile that went from warm to wicked. Or was seeing what I wanted to see? I raised the papers to read on, but her hand remained where it was for a moment, then turned palm down, her fingers aligning with my responding cock.

I looked at her.

“You are so nice to help me like this,” she said. There it was again, the smile that started sweet and finished in a wicked, come on, grin. And her hand began to rub along my cock as it continued to gain in length and structure.

“I like older men, er, well I mean, mature men,” she said in just above a whisper. Her thumb joined in the action, giving my shaft a gentle squeeze through the thin material.

My mind raced. I should stop this right now, I’m three times her age. But she is a delightful, sexual woman. I’ll be branded a pervert. She going to ask me for hush money. She’s doing it unasked, it’s what she wants…

“I’m having an affair with a professor at Uni,” she confessed. “We meet at least once a week, usually twice, in his study.”

Her hand moved to the drawstring of my shorts and pulled the bow undone.

“You remind me of him,” she continued as she eased the waistband of my shorts. My cock was stiffening, making a distinct bulge.

“The sex is great,” she said as her hand dipped inside my shorts. “He takes his time, he listens to what I want. The students are always in a rush. Get it up, get it in, get it off, and down to the bar!” She giggled and looked away from me. "Sometimes, with my Professor, we have sex that lasts over an hour. He makes me come so many times.”

My half hard cock was now free from my shorts with her hand curled around my shaft and her thumb playing my foreskin across my glans. My mind was racing again but kept coming to the same conclusion. I did not want to stop this. No, I wanted this to carry on. I raised my arm to put it around her but she gently stopped me and pulled her blouse over her head revealing the firm, cute tits I had glimpsed from afar on Friday.

Anja nestled into me, accepting my arm around her body, then her head went down to my cock. I was now hard, and erect, the end out of my foreskin. She kissed the end, glanced up at me with a smile, turned back and licked around my glans, then took the end into her mouth. Her hand cupped under my balls. I slid my hand around her until her left breast was cupped in my palm, the nipple hard and extended. I relaxed back in the sunshine and sighed with deep pleasure.

She had me fully hard now and lifted off me to stand. She released the stud on her ‘Daisy's' and undid the short zip. Even so, they were so tight it was a struggle to get them down, but the hip wiggles were a delight to watch. Her pussy was shaven, with outer lips that were swelling with arousal, and more than a bit of inner lip pushing out between them.

“Lift up,” she said, taking hold of the legs of my shorts. I raised my body and they were gone.

“Lie along the settee.” I did, and she carefully placed a knee each side of my head, took my cock in her hand, pulling it to the vertical, then lowered her pussy onto my mouth.

“I love being eaten before a fuck.”

She took me back into her mouth and I licked deeply between her lips, pushing my tongue into her, tasting her sweet juices. It must have been ten years since I last eat pussy, Joyce would never allow it, but a brief liaison at a conference had shown me I had not lost my skill there. Appreciative sighs and moans told me I was on the right track.

Her clit extended and hardened until I could suck in between my lips and squeeze on to it. When I added a finger just inside her, I felt her body tense and folded my other arm around her slender waist to keep her in position. Another hard suck and wiggle of my finger made her jolt, her mouth left my cock, and I felt her whole body shudder.

“Oh fuck, yes, I cumming!" she growled loudly, and her arse bucked up and down giving me a square smack in the face. I let her go and she raised up onto hands knees. Looking at me back along her body, and between her legs, she said, "That was incredible! I haven't come that strongly for weeks!"

She moved around to face me, sitting across me, her pussy on the lower half of my cock.

"Now I want to fuck!” she growled, with that wicked grin on her face. She raised up, held my cock upright and lowered herself onto it, taking it right up to the hilt, and then settled her weight on me. The mood seemed to change as soon as her cunt was occupied.

“I love the feeling of being filled by stiff cock,” she started, in a very matter of fact tone. She started a gentle rock back and forth on me, keeping all of me in her.

“Don’t worry, I’m on the pill,” she stated in that same rather detached tone. Her hands were placed palm down on my chest to give balance and traction.

“You know my parents are swingers, don’t you?”

“Er, I’d heard rumours, but I don’t necessarily believe all I hear.” Joyce did, and that added to the reserve she had about the Raudsepps.

“They are. That’s what they are doing this weekend. They’re with one of their favourite swap couples.”

"Do they talk to you about that?" I asked, starting to get into this 'having sex while chatting casually' theme.

“Yea, a bit like the naturism. They’ve always talked openly about that. When I was of a sexual age, mum and I had a little talk. She told me she couldn’t just have sex with one man, but that didn’t mean she didn’t love dad.”

The rocking continued and was more than enough to keep my cock in its best form.

"It made a sense of the men that used visit when dad was out for the night. You see they don't always swap, sometimes a man would come and see mum and dad would see another woman somewhere."

I nodded to show I understood. She added a steady rise and fall to the rocking.

“After our chat, she didn’t try to keep her visitors a secret, so I got to meet a few of them. Some were good fun. Squeeze my nipples.” I obliged on both.

“One was a guy called Derek. He was fun. Harder.” I did, pressing each hard nipple between my finger and thumb, and using the rest of my hand to enjoy round firmness of her breasts.

“One night I heard him go to the family loo. For some reason, visitors were never entertained in their bedroom. He'd left the door ajar, so I slipped in behind him and took hold of his cock. He thought it was mum to start with and reached behind his back to hold my pussy. He had a surprise as I was furry then and mum wasn’t!”

Sex and dirty stories, what a joyous combination.

“I hushed him.” She put a finger to her mouth to illustrate. “Then lead him by the cock to my bed. He was stiff by the time we got there, so I lay on the bed and opened my legs.”

Her bounce became more vigorous, so I assumed recounting the tale was turning her on as much as me.

“It was my first fuck. I came so hard, nothing like masturbating.” I released her nipples to enjoy the little bounce they did in response to her rise and fall.

“When I recovered, he started to push in and out again, so I locked my legs around him to stop him pulling out. He flooded me, and it got me off again. Squeeze and pull my nipples.”

I did, and she mouthed ‘harder’ at me.

“We hadn’t realised that mum had come in until he rolled off me! It was so funny, he panicked and crawled up the bed away from her. But she was fine. ‘Well someone had to do it for you’, she said, ‘at least you chose a good one. I saw you weren't disappointed! Come on you, I hope you've got some left for me! We'll chat in the morning, dear. Don’t worry it’ll be a fun chat.’ And they left.”

Her vigour increased, now slapping down onto my body. It was only by concentrating on her story that I hadn’t shot my load already.

She was getting rather breathless, but continued, “It was a fun chat. She gave me condoms, showed me how to put them on with my mouth and told me to always know what I wanted to happen. She told me, so many women don’t have good sex because they don’t know what will work for them at that time, or don’t ask for it. Remember, sex is supposed to be fun, if it’s not, get a different man, she told me. And I’ve always followed her advice…”

She just finished her sentence as the orgasm swept her body. She slammed down onto me and stayed with me pushed in as far as I could be. Her head was flung back, and her legs trembled in and out, followed by the tightest pussy squeeze my cock had ever experienced. Still shuddering she lay down on my chest.

"Guess you got that one right then," I said softly while stroking my hands down her back and onto her firm, rounded buttocks.

I was just starting to think we were done, when she raised her head, pushed her hair aside and said, “Wow, that was good, now I’m going to get you off. And don’t you dare pull out!”

She squatted across me, hand on my shoulders to pull her on the upstroke and started a brisk but steady rhythm. She was a little rough, but so wet, all felt great.

I thought I’d rejoin the detached conversation, so asked, “Have you and Derek had sex since?”

“Yes and no.”


She quickened, and I felt myself coming to the boil.

“Since then I’ve always had him with my mum. Mother and daughter threesome!”

As soon as her words registered, I burst, pump after pump of hot spunk shot into her. My cock and balls continued to tremble after all the load was gone. She dropped flat on my chest again and the shuddering of her body and squeezing inside her cunt came back.

We stayed together until my cock slipped out of her. She sat up and I swung my legs off the settee to sit normally on it. The moment I did she lay along the settee, put her head low on my stomach and started to lick my soft cock. It was a thorough clean-up job.

Between licks, she said, "Can I come round tomorrow evening to finish my essay off?”

I almost said, ‘what essay’, as the reason for her visit had been totally pushed from my mind.

“Yes, of course, but not before five, I’ve got to get the decorating finished for the carpet layer on Monday.”

“That’s fine. We’ll fuck again as well.”

That said, she got up and walked naked back into the house to use the loo. When she came back out, still naked, I realised how at ease she was being naked in front of people. She made no attempt to turn away, cover her breasts with her arms or her pussy with her hand. She just did what she needed to do as though she was clothed. I kind of envied that body confidence. That said, with a body like hers, what reason did a person have not to be confident.

And her confidence and skill at sex, well that had blown my mind completely.

“I’ll redraft the essay tomorrow morning, so we can work on it in the evening,” she said collecting the pages. “I’ve got a date tonight.”

When she had gone, I wondered about the date. Would he ever think she had spent the early evening fucking a man three times her age? Would he notice the silkiness of a cummed in pussy?

I decided against a visit to the local pub for a few beers with the regulars there, deciding instead to eat early and have a glass or two of wine. With sessions of decorating and sex on the cards for Sunday, I probably needed the rest. It was only after finishing eating and retiring to the lounge that Mr Guilt came to visit.

I felt guilty on two counts. First was Anja. I’m early fifties, she’s just nineteen, an age difference that was indecent. But I didn’t force her, I didn’t even persuade her, she did all the running. And I wasn’t, apparently, the only older man that had had the delight of her body. Even so, I should have said no. But then she did seduce me…

Second was Joyce. I’d been unfaithful, committed adultery. It’s one of the Ten. As an aside, I’d always felt it strange that, out of ten, eight tell us what not to do, rather than guiding us in what to do. It wasn’t the first time I’d strayed. Twice before I had been with other women. The first was only a few years after we married. I was working on a project that involved many companies and this lady, Lynn, worked for one of those companies. We seemed to hit it off straight away, laughing and joking turned to innuendo, then a drink after work, a quick fumble, and, on an away trip, sex in a hotel. And we were very compatible. She was married and had no intention of leaving her husband, just fancied a bit of a change. It carried on for about two months, but then the project finished and, while we tried to continue, it, just wasn’t practical. I wondered where she was now.

The second was about ten years ago, and a much more casual thing. I was at a trade conference for four days, starting Sunday evening. There was a welcome dinner on Sunday evening and I just happened to be seated next to Maria, from Barcelona. We chatted freely. I had done some work in Barcelona so that started the conversation. After dinner, she suggested we find a bar as it was far too early for someone from that wonderful city to be thinking about bed. We didn't drink a lot, but I woke up in her room on the Monday with an empty condom packet stuck to my back. We continued all week, even slipping away from some boring presentations to have a little afternoon delight. She was the one that re-ignited my pussy eating skills. I never heard from her again.

Did all that make Anja just another? But this was with the next door neighbour’s teenage daughter. But they are swingers, and Erica lets her daughter join in threesomes.

I feel asleep with all these issues unresolved.

Sunday was a little cloudier and very humid. The old adage of the English summer being a few sunny days and a thunderstorm seemed to be about to be borne out again. The decorating went well. The paper flew up on the walls and looked straight, with no paste bubbles. I was all done, including clearing out, by three-thirty.

Though I’d kept a keen eye on the Raudsepp’s garden, Anja had not returned to the sunbed. I succumbed to a glass of wine at four and then moved the garden set undercover as the threat of rain increased.

Five p.m. on the dot the doorbell rang and I let Anja in.

We were standing in the lounge, French doors wide open to the garden and my cock was already thrilling about the blatant grope it had enjoyed as soon as the front door was shut.

“I thought we’d try a different format today,” she said with that wicked grin on her face.

“What do you suggest?” Her planning so far had been faultless in my opinion.

She put down her essay, phone and keys onto the coffee table.

“Sex, essay, then more sex!”

“Seems like a plan!”

“Good! Unzip me.”

She turned her back to me and I slid the zip down and undid the hook and eye. She lifted the dress over her head in one move. I knew already she was braless, but as the dress moved higher, I was delighted to see she was pantieless as well. With only her gladiator sandals on, she stayed back turned to me and bent from the hip to undo the zip that ran up the back of each sandal. That perfect arse was there right in front of me, and her pussy lips peaked through the gap at the very top of her thighs. She was already looking aroused and I wondered if she had been playing with herself while waiting to come and see me.

“Do you like the view?” she asked while undoing the second zip.

“Very nice indeed,” I replied and ventured a hand to stroke her smooth, firm buttock.

“My Professor likes it too. His study is in the old building, so it’s all stone and dark woods. He has a large teak desk and loves me to bend over it so he can fuck me from behind.”

‘I can see why,’ I thought as she stood up.

She undid the buttons of my shirt and pushed it off my shoulders, then released the waistband of my shorts and dispatched them to the floor. I was stepping out of them when her hands made contact with my already stiffening cock. As it hardened in her hands, she knelt and gave me a forceful suck, leaving me fully stiff.

“I need you to eat me like you did yesterday, right now.”

I was delighted to oblige and lay on our old leather sofa. It had seen better days and we kept it covered with a throw. It was on Joyce’s hit list, but I always thought of it as an old friend. An old friend that was about to witness the fuck of my life.

She climbed on top of me and we were in a sixty-nine in moments. God, her pussy tasted sweet, and it was wet to running in no time. Her clit responded quickly, hardening in my mouth as I sucked on it and swirled my tongue across it from side to side. All I could hear was reassuringly happy moans and sighs.

I eased off her clit and started long, deep licks in between her lips, pressing my tongue hard against her. I felt her body thrill, so I returned to sucking her clit into my mouth, repeatedly squeezing it between my lips. She was getting more taught and her sucking on my cock was becoming erratic, so I delved two fingers into her cunt, wriggling fast from the first moment.

She reacted immediately, arching her back, screaming ‘Fuck!” and “Yes!”. Then came the shuddering and bucking. This time I kept my nose out of danger and pushed my fingers in deeper, keeping the wriggling going. She rose up and rolled, slipped off the sofa onto the floor where her body continued to convulse, her legs shaking together, and her eyes closed. I was delighted at the pleasure I had stirred in her.

She calmed and opened her eyes.

“Fuck, that was good,” she exclaimed.

“Seemed to hit the spot,” I replied, with a smug grin on my face.

I reached out to help her up. On her knees, she edged to my end of the sofa.

“Off,” she commanded, and I rolled into a sitting position. She took my space, pushing me further off with her feet then lay, face up, along the sofa, knees bent and legs as far apart as she could.

“Fuck me, as had as you like and don’t stop until you cum.”

I knelt between her legs. I was tempted for another suck on her sweet pussy, but on seeing her spreading her inner lips apart with her fingers, I dived straight it. Her cunt engulfed all my cock in a hot, wet, velvety tightness. She pushed up against me as I started to stoke in and out. Her arms went around my back, pulling me onto her, her legs went around my waist, her feet locked together, and she used her lower leg to add force to my instroke, slamming me into her.

I tried to delay, remembering her conversation style yesterday.

“How was your date?” I asked, a little through gritted teeth.

“Not a bad fuck, but you were better. Now just fuck me hard until you cum!" Both of her feet crashed down on my buttocks, so I gave up the conversation idea.

I went for it, there was no resisting her wanton lust for my spunk. I tried to last, to slow but she was beginning to writhe beneath me and uttered an endless, animal moan, only broken by a growled 'Flood my cunt'.

I did. A lot. Pump after pump, and still my cock trembled. As my spunk pumped into her she shuddered and went into something like a spasm, her cunt tightening onto my cock. Her eyes closed.

Finally, her arms and legs released me, but I stayed on her, letting my cock soften in the hot wetness inside her.

“That’s the type of fuck I needed today,” she whispered very close to my ear. “A cunt filling, hard, fast fuck.” She was obviously still following her mother’s advice. I sat at the other end of the sofa to recover, looking along at her lying there, legs still apart, my cum flowing out of her lips onto the throw. I made a mental note to wash the throw tomorrow. Anja’s face was an ear to ear smile of satisfaction.

"Essay time," I said after regaining my breath and gathered the papers from under her phone.

She had re-drafted the work with the changes we discussed yesterday so I quickly scanned through the first part.

“It’s still two hundred words too long,” she said moving next to me.

We were part way through another page when her phone buzzed. She collected it off the table and sat back down on her ankles.

"Hi, Mum."

“Yea I’m fine. It’s looking a bit thundery here.”

“Have you had a fun weekend?”

I looked at her. She was naked, sitting on her neighbour's sofa, her old neighbour's sofa, having just fucked him rigid, his cum still dribbling from her, talking about the weather to her mum.

“I’m just chilling at home.” The lie came without hesitation and so easily.

“I went out with Henri last night. He came back for a little fun.” She winked at me.

“About three you say?”

“Ok see you tomorrow, bye.”

“Luvs ya.”

She returned the phone to the table.

“She would so jealous if she knew I’d fucked you.”

“Sorry?” I replied.

“She’s always fancied you, hadn’t you noticed?”

“Can’t say I have.”

“She was so upset when you didn’t make the Easter barbie.” Easter had been late and unusually hot. Joyce had declined their invite on my behalf.

“I think the idea of a naturist barbeque put her off. And it was all a bit last minute,” I added.

“You could have come alone,” she teased.


“She would love to fuck you, you know.”

I had no doubt by now. We returned to the essay and I was delighted to find a way of shortening it.

"This bit here," I said, pointing at a long paragraph. She was snuggled next to me, her bare breast pressed against my upper arm. If I hadn't just sated myself in her, doing anything about her essay would have been impossible.

“It’s a repeat of this bit here.” I skipped back a few pages.

“Yeah, but you’ve always got to fully argue the point.”

“I think if you clearly identify the perception issue in the first bit, give it some sort of handle or name, then you can just refer back and state the conclusions in this context. That cuts out all of this.”

I circled the paragraphs that could go.

"Hey, that's great!" She seemed so pleased.

When I got to last paragraph, I suggested a little rewording to make her conclusions stronger and we were done.

“Make sure the references are all in full, that all used in the text are there, and there are no other, stray ones,” I said, flipping the pages closed.

“That’s great, thank you so much!”

Her hand went onto my cock, cupping it together with my balls. I wondered if it was a little too soon for an old man like me.

“Now let’s see what we can do here.”

I surprised myself by reacting to her touch. The blood pumped in and my cock began to stir and stiffen.

“Oww, that’s rather nice. I love playing with cocks. I love the way they grow and stiffen.”

She went down on me, taking the end in her mouth and using her hand to rub up and down my stiffening shaft. I was soon in prime condition. She sat back up, legs folded underneath her.

“I won’t ask you to eat me.”

“It would be a bit cannibalistic!”

“But I would like a finger fuck.”

I slipped two fingers into her wet slit, not too far, and fingertips against the front wall.


I began to wriggle them, letting them search across the inside of her pussy. She was so wet, and hot, and the thick, but slippery, mix inside her slid between my fingers.

“Oh yes,” She moved closer.

“Just there, keep going.”

I increased the wriggle and the speed, and she began to grimace with pleasure. Suddenly she forced my arm down and my fingers out of her. I was worried I’d hurt her.

“Sorry,” she said, “you were about to get me and I want to cum on your cock.”

She eased away from me. She really did know exactly what she wanted right now.

“Let’s fuck,” she said, throwing cushions onto the floor. She knelt on one, lying onto the sofa seat.

“Take me from behind.”

I knelt behind her, taking an admiring look at her aroused and creamy pussy. I rubbed the end of my cock between her lips.

“Don’t tease, push it in!”

I pushed in and watched her body react.

“Don’t cum in me this time. I want to see you spurt, then eat your spunk. From the spurts I felt inside, you cum very strongly.”

I took in the plan and it seemed fine to me. I started to move in and out, but she pushed back onto me on the instroke and soon I was slamming against her buttocks. I realised I would blow very quickly if we continued like this, so reached under her, easily finding her hard clit and started to rub across it with my fingers. Her slamming back got harder and she was starting moan again. I added a little side to side move to the in and out and I could feel she was almost there so flattened my hand and slapped it quickly, but gently, against her lips.

“I love pussy slapping!” she screamed. “Faster, harder!”

I increased the slap and she bucked up and shuddered again. I pushed in and stayed still until she calmed. She moved forward, turning over so she lay part on the sofa, face up.

“Come closer.” I did, and her hand grasped my cock. I looked down at her. Her pussy was open, lips in disarray and covered in moose that we had whipped up from the mix of spunk and juice from our earlier fuck.

I was still slippery from being in her, and she started to pump my cock, quite firmly, running repeatedly from end to hilt. God, it felt good and I knew I was going to cum.

“Cum on me! Let me see you spurt! Splash it on my tits!”

I shot. It splashed over her breast, up onto her chin and cheek. She kept pumping me, but slid off the sofa and took my cock into her mouth for the follow-up spurts. As I subsided, she kept her lips firmly pressed on me just below my glans, then ran her finger along the underside of my shaft to push all the remaining spunk into her mouth.

Finally, she released me, and I sank back onto my heels. She opened her mouth wide to let me see the creamy white goo on her tongue, then did an exaggerated swallow, followed by wiping her lips with her hand.

"You taste so good,” she purred.

I collapsed on the sofa next to her and she curled up against me.

After a few warm moments, she said, “Sadly I doubt if we’ll ever get to do this again. Too many things have to align. Don’t get me wrong, I love to, it’s just…”

I had reasoned that out by myself while hanging wallpaper. Joyce had to be away, so that was only two weeks a year. Anja had to be here and as she got more into University life that was unlikely, and her parents needed to be away. An alignment of the planets.

“Got your phone?” she asked. I reached out and collected it from the lamp table. Anja picked hers up.

“What’s your number?”

I recited it to her and she called it then cut the call.

“That’s me, text me whenever there’s a chance. No promises. Maybe you could visit me at Uni?”

I kissed the top of her head in return.

Anja excused herself and went to the bathroom to freshen up, returning still naked. I was just about getting my mind around her ease with nudity in front of other people. She picked up her dress and dropped it over her head. It reminded me of the curtain going down at the end of a show, in this case, the greatest show on earth for me.

“I’ll see you out,” I said when she was ready to go.

“Think you’d better put some clothes on before standing at the door.”

“Good thought!”

I put my shorts and shirt back on. They felt restrictive compared with last few hours of nudity. And sex.

Before I opened the door, she turned and kissed me full on the lips. It was the first time we'd kissed. I opened the door and the first few spots of rain were falling.

“Thank you, Mr Clarke,” she said with a broad smile, then turned and walked quickly away. The confident, brisk strut made her skirt swing in time with her step. My mind immediately thought of the warm, wet, tight, willing and eager, bare, young pussy that waited under it, and wondered about a visit to her university.

Same as Anja, just the girl next door Videos

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Anja does the policemen

This story happened to my friend Anja like a three years ago when she was on a students’ exchange in Portugal. Anja comes from a Polish city which name you would have no chance to pronounce, so let’s skip it. I should be jealous of her, because she’s usually getting even more attention than I do. She has a wonderful, athletic body with breasts I estimate as 34C, slim waist, sporty thighs — Anja used to play tennis for her university. She’s a natural platinum blonde with hair below her arms. Her...

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Note : this story is complete fictional! Catherine toyed with her bald pussy. I could feel my dick getting hard just watching her from my window. It was pushing through my pants, begging to escape, so I let my nine inches free. I wrapped my hand around my dick, stroking it slowly as I watched her. I loved the way her body moved. I wanted to be one of her fingers as I watched her move them in and out of her faster and faster. She rubbed her little clit, moaning louder and louder. I couldn’t hear...

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Panjabi Sunitar Sathe Chodachudi 8211 Part I

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

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the stupid boy nextdoor

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The Boy Nextdoor

It was a beautiful summer morning following a night of violent thunder storms. I had closed the sliding glass door last night because of noise from the thunder and closed the drapes because of the lightening. It keeps me awake. So when I got out of bed I opened the drapes and sliding door so I could feel the morning air on my completely naked body. As I looked out into my back yard I could see that the wind had blown a few leaves around. Then I saw that one of the branches in one of my trees...

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SEX With Nextdoor

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The Beardsley School for Girls Chapter 2 Justine

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Justins Descent Part 1

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Motherless Vintage

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Motherless Images

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Robot Ponygirls

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Tanja the Boys

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Tanja and the Boys

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Motherless Amateur

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The Girls of Delta Theta Phi

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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Clothespin Girl Superhero

Once a upon a time, a long long time ago yesterday in fact. Today I began my plan to catch the elusive one. The one who rescues clothespins from clotheslines. The plan was a simple one to string up 7 clotheslines facing the wind knowing that if she was near that she might hear the cries of the clothespins. Now that the 7 lines were up I just had to wait and hope the wind would do it's job and carry the cries of the clothespins. This quest started years ago when I first put a clothespin on my...

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Clothesline Leather in Lawnville

Clothesline[This story is part of the Leather in Lawnville series.]   Clothesline By DuskPetersonYou can tell a lot about a guy from where he shops. Take my friends, who have specialized tastes. Some of them spend their time at the hardware store, while others take an interest in our town's fabric shop, which has needles and pins that make them drool. Still others hang out at the department store, eyeing the cutlery collection. Somehow all of us end up rubbing shoulders at the town's jacket...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Thevidiya Thangaiyai Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en sontha thangaiyai epadi oothen endra kudumba tamil kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar prathap vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Enaku oru thangi irukiraal aval peyar mala vayathu 26 aagugirathu, avaluku innum thirumanam seiya vilai Avaluku thirumanam seithu vaikum alavirku engal idam ipozhuthu panam ilai, loan apply seithu atharkaaga kathukondu irukirom. Naan oru kama veriyan eppozhuthu pen kidaikum avargalai...

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Sarah and Emily Sister Ponygirls

Sarah and EmilySister PonygirlsBy Sarah        Sarah and Emily awoke to the sounds of their collar chains rattling, and the sunlight beginning to filter into the barn where they were being kept.  The girls smiled to each other as they lay on their hay bed, playfully kissing each other as they awoke.  As they looked around their now familiar stall, their pussies moistened at the thought of what had passed, to lead them to their current lives.Chapter 1: Kidnapped and Transformed        Sarah and...

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