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I paste a smile on my face as the unmistakable hand of my father lands on my shoulder. Sitting at his fourth dinner as Mayor of Serenity, I have never felt more like a piece of meat or an overdressed commodity at the very least. "Lana, Sweetheart, May I introduce you to a friend of the campaign?" I turn slowly, preparing myself for further boredom, the pasted smile, I'm sure, looking more fake than ever now. "Lana, this is Damian Knight, CEO of Phoenix Technologies. He has donated over three million dollars to the campaign." I nod attentively to my father's spiel, his warm brown eyes glitter with excitement. Dollar signs would be the cartoon equivalent to his current expression. I open my mouth to speak and promptly close it when I am caught in the depths of eyes deep enough to drown in.

"It is wonderful to meet you, Miss Ellison, your father talks about you profusely." I feel my cheeks flush bright red as I realise he's been holding out his hand and I still haven't shaken it.

"I... Thank you..." I clear my throat and grip his large hand gently. "That is an extraordinarily generous donation, Mr Knight," I somehow manage to stammer, clearing my throat again.

"Well, it's a worthy cause. You're father's a good man. There's no one I would rather see as mayor of this place." He says, not like the others who gush and fluster over it, but with complete sincerity born of what appears to be a steely determination and confidence of a man so sure of himself he needs no one to tell him anything otherwise. My father, conversely, blusters. Despite his own confidence, this man, this entrepreneur has him like putty in his hands.

"Well, without your support this campaign would be nothing," my father says, his eyes crinkling with pride in himself. "Of course, Lana here is bored, as usual. She's not a fan of the shmoozing. She'd rather be reading her books or working. We don't often get to see her beautiful face." He smiles at me and I feel a blush heat my cheeks.

"Dad, that's enough. It's a busy time of year for me." He nods with a wry smile curving his lips.

"Well I'm glad to meet you. You certainly lend a degree of natural beauty to the room, but also, I believe, a sharp critical mind like your father." I flush again, shaking my head as I hear my dad hum in agreement.

"Ha, well set me down with some paintings or pieces of art and then you'll find your critical mind. Which reminds me that I should have your art installation for the office by next week," I murmur, turning to my father whose eyes sparkle and away from the keen, wolf like green eyes of Mr Knight.

"Damian, you should see the art my girl picks out for me, utterly beautiful, though I know nothing about art. She has a keen eye for beauty and style, as well as a good investment," says my father, squeezing my arm and looking at Mr Knight until someone catches his eye and he waves. He kisses my cheek. "Sorry, darling, your mother has just walked in. I'll speak with you soon, Damian." He shakes Mr Knight's hand firmly.

"I'll come with you." I begin to follow.

"No, no, Darling. It's nearly speech time. I know where you like to be at speech time. Your mother and I will see you at home." He smiles, squeezing my hand again. A warmth of being closely watched drifts up my spine and I turn to find the gentle, yet predatory gaze of Mr Knight still watching me. I smile nervously.

"I should... Excuse me, Mr Knight. I need to be somewhere." I excuse myself, holding out my hand to him to shake. "It was lovely to meet you, really it was. I only ever read of you in the gossip and business columns so putting a face and voice to the name has been very pleasant." I say, more confidently than I feel. Suddenly those calm, sharp eyes begin to glitter with mirth and his sharp, handsome lips tilt into a deliciously crooked smile which would melt the heart of every woman in the room had they all been looking. I steal myself against him. He isn't my kind and neither am I his. He can stay very far away from me.

He takes my hand very gently in his, just holding my fingers and turns it so my knuckles face upwards. His eyes never leave mine as he lowers those same lips to brush against the top of my hand. "We'll see each other again I am certain." He promises, I'm sure seeing the panic in my eyes and he begins to let go of my hand, his fingers trailing over the tips of mine.

"Good evening," I stammer, before turning away and slipping through the crowd, the feeling of those wolf-like eyes still on my back until I finally turn out of his view into the corridor leading to the cloak room, or my destination, the upper balcony. I lean against the wall, and for the first time, I discover I am shaking. My whole body glows hot and adrenalin rushes through my veins and most startlingly of all, the touch of his lips against the top of my hand has left a burning caress there the likes of which I've never known.


I watch her as the utterly understated beauty walks away from me in her meek, reserved knee length black dress which hints at curves rather than hiding them. Her pale skin in stark contrast to the rest of her, her flaming red hair, which curls in a waterfall of violent red, coils down her back, held back from her face just slightly by an elegant silver clip in the shape of a Celtic knot. Her ice blue eyes still burn in the back of my mind as I watch where she goes. I knew she was beautiful, but pictures don't do her justice. She isn't just another beauty of the tabloid pages, she's a reluctant celebrity with an astounding level of selfless, unknown beauty and I want her. As I watch her I feel it like a tug around my chest. I have to have her and I have to have her now.

I follow in the direction she disappears, shaking hands and making excuses as I pass, contemplating what I know of her. An art curator and gallery owner, her gallery has been open for six years, opened when she was twenty years old and had become one of the most reputable and celebrated galleries even before her father's rise to fame four years ago as a politician. She, despite her small and self-deprecating demeanor, has still been the target of the tabloid fashion police, proclaiming her a plain Jane, untalented and unoriginal in her choice of clothing and not one for the public to watch, unlike her mother. She'll no doubt be targeted for her clothing tonight as being dark and non-celebratory, but the unintentional sultry nature of her appearance tonight has a lot more appeal than that of the young peacock birds here, parading themselves among the wealthy.

By the time I reach the corridor she disappeared down, I find she has gone. I move casually towards the cloakroom and frown, seeing nothing of her. I step up to the counter and the attendant looks at me in awe. "Hi, the mayor's daughter hasn't come to collect her coat has she? Her father would like to see her before she goes," I ask, leaning against the desk and smiling my trademark poster boy smile which my PR assistants say makes me look more human than wolf-like. The girl nods her head, looking almost overwhelmed and raises a hand to point in the direction of a small door on the right hand side of the corridor. Her awe continues as I drop a ten dollar bill on the counter in front of her. She blinks and looks at it.

"Thank you?" she squeaks and slides the bill into her pocket.

“No, thank you, Jane." I murmur, reading the name tag on her white blouse. She gasps as I turn away and I almost permit myself to laugh as the woman stares after me.

Strangely, as I open the small door, I feel my heart begin to pound. Rubbing my hand against my chest, I begin to climb the narrow stairs as silently as I can, a slow grin curving my lips as I step onto the balcony above the ballroom. Pushing the door open silently, I see her at the balcony edge, pacing slightly, wringing her hands gently and shaking her head. "Stop it, stop it, stop it," she mutters to herself. "Just a man," I catch her saying and I frown, hovering back in the shadows as she continues to pace. "Calm down, woman," she says, abruptly halting her pacing and turning to grip the bannister. Her knuckles turn white. Could she possibly be talking about me or is that me just being very full of myself?

Her hips sway, demonstrating her need to still pace, but she is stopping herself with impeccable self control. "Come on, Dad, hurry up I need to go home," she mutters looking down. A long, elegant hand pulls her fiery curls over her shoulder, exposing a column of porcelain skin. "Fuck," she mutters and she squeezes her legs together, which takes me by surprise. Her hands run up and down her arms. "Come on, Dad," she mutters again, "this is your fault so get on with your stupid speech so I can get away from these people," she mutters, her right hand moving up over her arm to caress her neck. Could it be? Could she, right now, be turned on? "Ugh, fuck this," she mutters, turning violently from the bannister and walking towards where I am standing, she stops just as violently when she spots me, her eyes widening. "What're you doing here?" she asks, her voice leaving her in a surprised whisper.

"The same reason as you, to get away from the crowds," I reply, stepping towards her. She takes an automatic step back.

"I don't believe you. You never avoid the crowds or the women.," she says with a wry, almost cruel smile. "I've read about you, Mr Knight. Chronic Lady's Man, billionaire playboy. I like being alone to listen to my father's speeches," she mutters, turning back to the bannister. I notice how tense she is as her shoulders arch slightly. She doesn't like me being here.

"But you were about to leave. Something has you shaken up, Miss Ellison," I murmur, stepping closer behind her. I notice her press her thighs together again as her body heats, the blush running up over the back of her neck. "Why would you specifically want to get away from me, I wonder?" I murmur, trapping her against the bannister, a hand on either side of her before she can move, her tiny frame trapped and tense in front of me. She is frozen and I can just hear, over the chatter and music from below, her breath leaving her in short sharp puffs of air. "Let me tell you a theory." I can't help myself from inhaling her scent of coconut and musk from her skin. Her hair brushes like silk over my cheek as I lean in towards her neck.

"Let me go, Mr Knight. You're over stepping the mark," she murmurs, pushing away from the bannister, backwards into me in an attempt at forcing her way out of my trap. But instead, I spin her towards me, wrapping her in my arms, her small, soft, curvaceous frame pressed to me. She eyes look at me in terror. "Let go of me this instant," she says, her eyes flicking from mine to my lips and back to mine again. "Other women may willingly fall into your arms, but I'm not one of them. So let me go," she orders, beginning to push against me. She freezes as she brushes against the erection that has been growing since Malcolm introduced us. "Don't do this. It's a mistake to get involved with your friend's daughter," she says, tightening her thighs again.

I let my hand drift down her back to her thigh and she stiffens even more. "Who says your father is my friend?" I reply, before forcing my lips to hers and gripping her even tighter. She arches in my arms, even as she gives in, kissing me tentatively back as I coax her along. Keeping a tight hold on my control, which wavers as her pelvis grinds into mine. I run my hand around between her thighs, gently lifting the skirt of her dress and trailing my fingers over silky soft skin and lacy panties. My touch makes her flinch and pull away, panting.

"Mr Knight, no. Not here," she says, looking from me to the door behind us, causing a smile to curve my lips.

"I can think of no better place, Lana."


My name drips from his lips like melted chocolate making me whimper. This is so, so wrong, but since I ended up on my own up here my own body had descended into a metaphorical puddle of hormones and lust. "Mr Knight, don't," I warn, biting my lip, even as his hands tighten around me. "Please," I begin to beg, "please, this is a mistake, let me go and we'll both be on our way," I say, beginning to push against him again. "I know nothing about you and you know nothing about me, let's keep it that way," I protest, as he grips me tighter. That crooked smile curves his lips again.

"I have no intention of letting that happen," he says, an arrogant smirk curving his smile. Who knew arrogance could be so sexy. Before I can renew my efforts to get away from him again his lips are back over mine, this time ravaging me rather than coaxing me. My whole world spins and I can do nothing but cling to him and my sorely neglected cunt begins to throb and pulse. I've never been so turned on and it is terrifying me. I feel him lift me against him, cradling me against his chest and forcing me to wind my arms around his neck. He breaks the kiss and I can do nothing but look at him.

"Where are we going?" I ask, my voice only just a whisper and his hands burn through me.

"To lock the door," he growls, nipping my lower lip as we reach the door, one of his hands leaving me as he locks the door with a decisive click. "There's no getting away from me now," he says, his predatory gaze travelling over my bruised lips, down over my dress. A magical thrill of excitement rushes through me. I shake my head, hypnotized by him. He chuckles gently above me before stepping away from the door. The chatter of the crowd below drifts into the background and he kisses me again, and this time everything around me is obliterated as he sets us onto the floor and begins an assault on my senses that has been so carefully practiced that I can do nothing but give in, arching and twisting and moaning against him as he touches me, his hands like flames, removing my clothes and caressing every inch of me. When he finally touches my cunt I almost explode with a scream. His fingers flicker over my clit and his lips press to mine sweetly as he takes me up and over a peek I didn't even know existed, my pleasure erupting from me in pulsing throbs of agony, which are muffled by the kiss which takes and takes and takes.


Fuck me, she is more beautiful than I thought, with her hair spilling across the cream carpet beneath us, her fingers gripping me tightly and she cums hard, her cunt pulsing around my fingers which are buried deep inside her tight wet core. Kissing her is all I could do to avoid us being discovered from below as she came powerfully enough to gush her arousal over my hand. I've never seen beauty like that which lies naked before me, and trust me, I am very familiar with the female form lying beneath me. Her small puckered nipples top breasts which are unaltered by surgery and fit my hands perfectly. Her stomach is slender, but soft and I can't see her ribs. She is all softness and warmth. Her waist tapers out to full hips, which right now, my cock wishes to have sat over him.

Kissing down her neck and taking a nipple gently between my teeth makes her gasp as she comes down from her orgasm. I trail my lips back up to bite her ear softly. "I'm going to fuck you now, Lana, but before I cum you're going to cum again. Is that understood?" I pull back to find her watching me, her eyes wide once more. "Do you understand?" She nods her head slowly whilst opening her mouth, and I press my fingers against her soft, bruised lips. "You can and will cum again for me, Miss Ellison," I command. Instantly a light of excitement and anticipation enters her wide blue eyes, which, rather than ice, have turned the deep blue colour of the ocean. She nods, separating her legs beautifully for me. My cock throbs, trapped in my trousers and my hands shake as I release myself. I frown and she tenses beneath me. I find her watching my face, carefully.

"Somesthing's wrong?" she asks, pushing herself up on her elbows, her big, blue eyes searching my gaze. Her hand reaches out to touch me. Her concern has me suddenly taken aback and I look at her as her fingers brush my cheek. She leans closer and replaces my hand at the fastening of my trousers. My little nervous fairy has decided it's time for her to take over. She undoes my trousers carefully and pushes them over my hips. Toeing off my shoes,, I push them the rest of the way off my body, and by the time I am done she has loosened my tie and unbuttoned my shirt. I shrug it all off and cover her, kissing her deeply.

Winding her legs around my hips I feel the heat from her cunt radiate over my cock making it jump. "Fuck me, Mr Knight." The harsh words in her delicate whisper do something to me that makes my heart throb and ache. Women don't tell me what to do. I tell them, but not this woman, this wildcat. "Fuck me, don't leave me waiting," she murmurs, brushing her lips against my cheek and then up under my ear. My breath leaves me in sharp bursts as I line myself up with her, determined to relish the first penetration as I slip through her wet lips and feel her cunt resist me just slightly before she gasps and my head pushes in, her cunt snapping closed behind the head of me, the sensation sending her arching up from the floor, thrusting her perfect breasts into the air. My world spins and I have to close my eyes to keep from losing control. The tight heat of her envelops me and I groan, before feeling her fingers press against my lips. "Shhh," she whispers, a seductive smile curving her lips. She pulls herself up to me and I sit up, pulling her into my lap, sliding her impossibly tight cunt the rest of the way onto my cock. I shudder and close my eyes, feeling her arms wind around my shoulders. Her soft lips plant gentle kisses over my face. "You promised me another orgasm, Mr Knight. I'm so close," she murmurs, pressing her whole body against me, her touch setting me alight.

Thrusting up into her is about the best thing I have felt in my entire life. She gasps and closes her eyes, biting her lip as she moves slightly against me, grinding her hips into me. "Yes," she says, leaning her head against the dip between my shoulder and my neck. There is nothing fake in her ecstasy, nothing put there to please me, there is a complete selfishness in her desire to feel. She isn't here for me, she is here just to feel her body being flush with mine and feel pleasure as it floods her. There is a naive beauty in that which makes my chest ache again. I thrust up into her over and over, and instead of loosening to the size of me, she tightens. As her cunt tightens, her breathing turns into whimpers and her teeth scratch over my shoulder. She suddenly arches away from me and for a beautiful, perfect moment everything is still as I slide my cock back into her slick core. She closes her eyes and I gently lay her back into the carpet, cupping the back of her neck as she cums, harder than before, her whole body clenching and tightening. She works desperately not to make a sound, her teeth savaging her lower lip and her hands scratch into the carpet beneath her as she drags me with her, thrusting rope after rope of my own release into her hot, tight depths.


I lie against the carpet, his head cradled on my chest, breathing deeply as he rests within me, his cock still hard, but softening. It throbs occasionally, sending aftershocks rippling through me. My legs are wide around his athletic hips. I can smell him, like freshly cut grass and something dark. I can smell it all round me. I wonder if he knows what he's done to me, as I lie facing the ceiling, my eyes open, listening to the end of my father's speech.

He stirs and rolls over with a deep sigh, pulling me with him, my neck cradled by his hand. He slides out of me as he brings me to lazily straddle him. "God you're special, Lana. You are spectacular." I flush deep with embarrassment and stay silent over him until his finger moves to tilt my face up to meet his. "What's wrong?" he asks, not letting me turn my face away again. I smile and shake my head. He frowns and leans down to kiss me. "I want you all over again," he murmurs, his hand running over my ass.

"Not here," I whisper as the applauds from below begin and echo the end of my father's speech. I push myself up from him. "I thought you were a fuck and run type?" I say, tilting my head to look at him.

"But I don't think you're the kind of girl any guy could possibly just 'fuck and run' as you so eloquently put it," he says, that damned crooked smile curving his lips again. "I certainly have no intention of doing so."

"Look..." I begin to say, but his fingers press to my lips. His other hand grips mine and takes it to his cock which is, once again, astoundingly hard. My eyes widen.

"Don't say this was a one time thing, because I would have to disagree and show you exactly why all over again," he says, growling and running my hand over his cock with his own, closing his hand around mine to tighten my grip. "Now, I am going to fuck you again before tonight ends, but I will do it in a bed, whether it is yours or mine is up to you." I shiver, once again feeling the command in his voice that arouses me immediately.

"I don’t think…. I should really go home,” I murmur, making to stand up. He stops me with a tight arm over my waist, startling me.

"Kiss me," he says softly, releasing my hand from around his cock and running his now free hand over my cheek to cup my neck again. I hesitate for a moment, but he just watches me, like the wolf again, his eyes watching my face with keen interest before I press my lips softly to his, taking his lower lip between mine and running my tongue over it, running my hands up into his hair. I deepen it, feeling him giving me power, lying prone beneath me. My tongue runs along the seam of his lips and he parts them, bringing his tongue to meet mine in the softest, most gentle exchange we have shared yet. I break the kiss and we look at each other for a moment. 'You are perfect," he breathes, brushing my tousled hair back from my face. "Stand up, Darling." My muscles carry me to do as I'm told. His cum trickles down my thigh again and he smiles, picking up his silk tie and running it up my thigh, collecting our mixed fluids. I rest my hand on his shoulder for a moment as he runs the soft silk over me. He pulls his clothes on and I turn to put mine on, "Don't move, Lana," he orders and, once again, my body adheres to his command. He comes around to face me, now fully clothed. I see him slip the ruined tie into his pocket and I bite my lip.

He picks up my bra and looks at me, an eyebrow raised, but his eyes soft. I raise my arms and he slips it onto me, fastening it expertly, his fingertips brushing over my skin. The cobalt blue lace scratches over my overly sensitive nipples and I close my eyes. His hand taps my leg and I open them again to find him crouched before me. Placing my hands on his shoulders, I lift one foot and then the other to let him slip my panties back on. He slides them slowly up the length of my legs, caressing every inch deliberately. His hands rest on my hips for a moment when he is done and he looks at me with a smile, kissing my lips gently. He leaves me and steps behind me to pick up my dress, which he brings around for me to step into. The black satin slips over my skin and he takes one hand to slide it into the sleeve and then the other. Stepping around behind me, he trails his fingertips over my back as he does up the zip on the back of the high-necked bodice. He takes my hands to help me step into the high-heeled black satin court shoes that have had my feet in agony all evening. I step into them after a moment’s hesitation.

"You make everything a command," I murmur, before I can stop myself. It's more a statement than a complaint, but I brace myself for an over reaction, but what comes is a soft chuckle. I look at him in surprise.

"You submit to my commands so beautifully." I bristle at that, pulling back, but he catches the base of my spine in one powerful hand, pulling me back against him. "You do, Lana, it's just an observation." he murmurs, leaning in to press a kiss on the side of my throat, just below my ear. "But I sense a wildness in you that I plan to get down to soon," he whispers, his breath just tickling my ear. I tense slightly and pull away.

“I need to go down or someone will come looking for me,” I murmur, pushing away from him, but his large hands catch my wrists and I look up at the wolf-like, but warm eyes above me. “I’m serious, this was great, but I don’t want to be found out. My father would kill me if there was a scandal,” I say, desperately, trying to look away again but failing.

“I’ll see you later then, Lana.”

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Girlfriend Ko Choda Usi K Ghar Pe

Hi..mera naam Aryan hai aur mai chandigarh ka rehne wala hu. Mai ISS ka regular reader hu nd ye meri pehli story hai kaise maine apni girlfriend k sath virginity loose ki. Mai normal built ka ldka hu height 5’5” bt mera lund bhot bda hai aisa meri gf ne muje bola tha nd uske baad 2-3 gals aur bol chuki hain..its more den 7 inches. Ab apni story pe aata hu. Tb mai 12th clas men tha nd hmare skul men ek function tha jisme hmari team men bhot se students the jisme se ek ldki thi Radhika meri...

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Fantasy Girl Laura Vandervoort

FANTASY GIRL Sequel to INTRUDER Synopsis: It’s exactly a year after Jan’s erotic encounter with Laura Vandervoort in his flat. He thought he’d never see her again. He was wrong. Rated NC-17. Adults only.***WARNING! ***This story is very erotic. It contains very graphic descriptions of fisting, oral sex, anal sex and rimming, along with elements of bondage and the use of sex toys. So pretty much all the freaky stuff you can think of. If dirty!bad!freaky!twisted!kinky!wrong!sex is not your...

3 years ago
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CorruptionChapter 14 Preview of Disaster

Caleb was sitting in a road-side park, about five miles from the ranch, and he was fuming. Five other men were in the Suburban with him. They were crowded with all their gear, but they had nowhere to go. Two more equally packed vehicles were parked behind the Suburban. Two similar teams were on other roads, watching other exits from the ranch. The only thing they were authorized to do, so far, was stop the SUV if they saw it. The search warrant for the Mosque had been a state warrant,...

2 years ago
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Had Sex With My Widowed Cousin Sister Many Times

Hi.. this is reddy.. i had sex with my widowed cousin sister 5 years back. i have a cousin sister whose husband was dead 8 years back and she has good daughter,where they both stay alone. Her daughter is studying her +2 now. i never had any kind of feelings on my sister before. wen my jijaji was expired, i had feelings on her. my engineering college was very near to her house. one day i thought of having sex with sister. i’v gone wild on that day because i’ve seen a BLUE FILM while going to...

1 year ago
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Death and Damnation Book 2 of Poachers ProgressChapter 3 Marlow

The Swan Inn turned out to be a flea infested midden of a place, so I swiftly returned downstream to Maidenhead and put up at The Bear, a well-known and hospitable coaching inn. I recalled that it was at Maidenhead that Susannah Procter had lost her maidenhead, and I wondered if she and Gethsemane Goosepath, her husband's Welsh curate, were still taking their 'nature walks'. I confess I felt envious of the curate, and would welcome being able to revisit Susannah's silken-smooth, soft,...

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The Pact Episode 5 the ClubhouseChapter 4

"Randy?" Bernice, who was hiding from Tyrone Baker, eyed her cell phone, thinking, 'What the fuck?' Randy hadn't been pleased with her yesterday... "Look, I need to talk to you -- about Miriam. You busy?" "No, but..." Bernice thought furiously; Tyrone had been stalking her off and on all day. "I need help. Can you take me home?" Randy frowned. "What's the problem?" "Tyrone," Bernice related. "He's ... stalking me." "I thought you and Tyrone were..." "It's not like...

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One lucky summer

It was the summer of 1999 and it was one to remember. For one I had just finished all my exams, two it was hot and sunny and third, I was about to go abroad on holiday for the first time ever! I came from a family that didn’t have much money, so holidays abroad were something that we just couldn’t afford. 6 months earlier my best friend asked if I would like to go on holiday with him and his family for 2 weeks in Florida in our own private villa and pool! Well I jumped at that thought and...

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Satisfying her sexual needs

Continued from chapter 1...It is a beautiful Saturday night at the hotel, Ruhi and I went for dinner, she was wearing a black one-shoulder dress with heels, it was a perfect fit dress, enhancing her figure. On her ear she wore a glamorous tear drop earrings and her long hair is just flowing from one side of her head upto her waist, She looked magnificent that night. I wore a self Design white shirt with a pair of black trousers.It was a lakeside, dinner date. Cool breeze with soft background...

1 year ago
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A Common Man From Bangalore 8211 Part 5

Hi, guys here I am with yet another incident of sex with another female in my life. It was one of my neighbors. I could have sex with that aunty with the help of my Sharu aunty. She was staying in our building. One building consists of 5 houses, one my landlord resides. We reside on the first floor. Opposite to my home, there was a family. I haven’t seen that family’s women without their traditional wear. They were 6 people living in a single bedroom, Syeda, her husband, 3 kids and her mother...

2 years ago
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Barbarian World

‘We will make history as the first in depth field work on Spika Five. Not many barbarian cultures are as much of an enigma.’ ‘Mark, I know you look the part but there is too much about that planet’s customs we do not know.’ ‘Which is why exploratory field work is a necessity, Doctor Baines!’ ‘They don’t take well to outsiders. If you are not successful in blending in, they will kill you. If you are dead, no data makes it back to earth. You DO realize that you will have to go in on your own?...

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Reflections of a Love Slave Ch 02

“Leonius … Leonius” … his name rolls so easily off my tongue but even now, I dare not speak it. Instead, when my lips form the words, all that comes forth is “Master”. I’ve spent the last two years trying to drive the haunting, yet comforting image of him from my mind and heart and thought I was doing pretty well. In the few times I have been at his feet since his return, I have been painfully reminded that I have failed in this endeavor. His existence as the driving force in my life still...

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Lyndia Explores Her Submissive Side

Things changed for Lyndia and me after that night at the bowling alley. She was still the beautiful, elegant woman that I had married and I still love her. I think I love her more now, if that's possible. I started to assert my control over Lyndia immediately. That very morning I told her that she couldn't put out for anybody, at least not any more, without my permission. I sat on the couch in our living room while Lyndia knelt on the floor in front of me with her head down. "I want to...

3 years ago
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Hi story readers me Gujarat ke rajkot sahar se hu meri age 27 sal he aur mere lund ki size 8” he Aaj me jo apko kahani sunane ja raha hu vo aaj se karib 6 month pahale ki he muje office ke kam se ahmedabad jana tha to vaha me apne papa ke dost ke ghar thaharne vala tha me karib subah ke 9 baje ahmedabad pahucha aur vaha se me auto rixa me papa ke dost ke ghar pahucha vo apartment me rahate the maine maine doorbell bajayi to papa ke dost ka ladaka jiska nam amit he usne darvaja khola aur mera...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 48 Chrissy and Friend

****WARNING: This chapter and the next have some forced sexual situations between cousins that some may find disturbing. If this sort of action is offensive to you, please skip ahead to Chapter 50.-- Chrissy was a bundle of eleven year old energy at dinner and bouncing off the walls afterwards. Dad was assigned to take her over to check on her house, water plants, and then let her burn off some energy mom said was built up because we stayed cooped up in the house all day long. "You know I...

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Be Still My LoveChapter 6 A Little Off the Top

There was an exact moment when Hamilton Bahn's world began to piece itself back together and he started to detect the things in his surroundings. Before he even opened his eyes he could perceive that he wasn't able to move his arms or his legs because his wrists, elbows, ankles, upper torso and knees seemed to be bound to the wooden chair he was sitting in. He didn't want to open his eyes but did so anyway. The first thing he noticed, as his vision cleared, was that he was totally naked...

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Cody Ryan Leo

“They’re finally ready… Cody, Ryan and Leo,” the Scientist announced, making some notes briefly on his clipboard, and then asked, “But where will you keep all three clones, Sir?” “An Island,” I answered, “A little one just off Maldives… Tell me, Doctor, why did you need so many of my pictures, a video of me, and even a sample of my DNA? How am I a part of their creation?” “We factored it all in. The technical details are rather tedious to outline. But in the process of manufacturing these...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 9 Cherries Jubilee Part I

June 1981, Milford, Ohio On Saturday morning, Stephanie and I woke up at our usual time. She pulled me out of the room and we swam our laps naked. Afterwards, we showered together, making sure we were clean all over, then dressed in shorts and t-shirts and ate breakfast. We cleaned up the kitchen and I checked to make sure we had all the things we needed for Stephanie’s sundae treat. Once I confirmed that, we went to sit in the living room to wait for her friends. “We really need to use the...

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Wild in the CountryChapter 38

Priscilla watched Lightning paw the ground and give a tug at the reins, which she had tied to a branch, while she carried on with her target practice. She didn't know why she was so obsessed with practicing hitting little beer cans when she would only need to hit a warm body from a few feet away. Yes, five or six shots into Desirée's vitals at point blank would put her well and painfully out of the picture, so why was she going through five boxes of fifty practicing? She supposed it...

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Kevin transferred to our school from California in the Venice/Santa Monica area. The first thing I noticed about him was how he had those chiseled good looks that made me think of Keanu Reeves a lot. He was more buffed than most of the guys in our school and filled the tee shirt well enough that you just knew he was the guy you wanted on your team. He had the muscles of a light heavy weight wrestler or a dedicated swimmer. Not that our guys were a bunch of pantywaists. I mean, in a town like...

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Girl Friend Ki Behen Ki Mast Chudai

Hello all girls and aunties.Myself Rahul Arora meri umar 25 saal he aur me delhi me rehta hu Meri email id he Meri ek gal frnd thi uska naam ritu haí woh bahut hi sundar he uska fìgure 36 28 34 he fair color, lal hoth kale baal, neeli aankhen bahut hi mast lagti hai me uske sath 3 mahine se relationship me tha aur do bar uske sath sex kar chuka tha. Apni aur ritu ki kahani me aap logo ko baad me sunaunga. Aaj me apni aur apni girlfriend ki behen ke sath ki gayi chudai ki kahani sunane ja...

4 years ago
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Marine Dad and King

Marine Dad and King By Buck Jones Note: This story is based on real events that occurred nearly 60 years ago, and is another story in my series of how seduction can be perpetrated with a degree of ease, even though the emotional harm can last a lifetime. The small three bedroom house was oppressive. Two growing boys shared one bedroom, the parents shared a bedroom whenever the husband decided to come home, the third room was a sewing, storage room… all within 900 square feet. And this Marine...

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First Encounter Part 50

I release your nipple from its confines between my lips. They are so hard right. There is a definite flush to your upper chest, too. Another wonderful indicator. So nice of you to advertise your desire. I decide that I will leave the examination of your torso and legs until you are on the bed. I’m sure that your arms are getting tired right now, along with your legs getting a bit wobbly. You have been enduring this quite well. “Hands behind your head. Move your hair up and away...

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Cynthia MartinChapter 52

The girls were all wearing sun dresses when they went out on the field to watch the practice. "Where are your uniforms?" were the first words Ditka spoke to them. "Didn't you get the word? Now get your tails into the women's locker and change, damn it. You'll find turf shoes that fit at your lockers." The girls were startled but followed an assistant trainer to a room with a sign saying, NFC Women's Lockers. Going in, they found a locker room with each of their names above a locker....

1 year ago
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A woman finds her sex mate in her neighbor with help of his wife

A sex starved lady finds a French National in her neighbor and gets full satisfaction. She is helped by wife of the French neighbor during Christmas week. Read on Merry Christmas Hello friends, Let me tell you story of my friend Bharati, my closest friend since college days, in her own language. So I am writing in first language only as it is her story told to me few weeks back. She narrated her exciting story thus: Read on… We came to Ahmedabad after marriage. Ours was an arranged...

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Endless Nights

We met you after nights and nights of talking over the phone about each other. You like us and we liked you. You thought it would be nice to feel a woman’s touch spiced up by a man’s cock driving you wild, and wild is what you knew it was going to be. Oh yes, wilder than you could ever image was the truth you didn’t know at the time, but will never forget. We arrive at the dark and cozy restaurant where we were waiting for you at the bar. From behind us you approach and looked all around the...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 39

Johanna's turn: It's not about sex. We're cuddled together. The sex is over for the night. And I still love him. Of course, right now we're both glowing. I mean, if we tossed the covers back, the room would light up. The post-coital (coital? - Damn you, Sheldon Cooper!) tingles will subside in a bit, but that loving glow hasn't. Nope. Hasn't. Not since I first admitted to myself that this was the guy for my life. I trust him. He trusts me. Kara's turn: Kara Sevinsky. That's me. I...

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Widows Whiskey and Willow SwitchesChapter 6

The minute he was out of sight, Abby wrenched at the ropes around her wrists. She tried to turn to get a better look at them, but the rope holding her feet together tripped her and she stumbled. Her weight tugged painfully on her wrists as she struggled to get her feet under her. A breeze picked up and she shivered at the chilly air on her bottom and thighs. He’d left her stockings and boots, but they didn’t do much toward protecting her from the weather. She tugged again on the ropes,...

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My wife8217s colleague Jaya

As decided by us to spend the night in Smita Desais Room who was my neighbor as I said in my earlier episode. After enjoying with her I went back to my room and slept in deep. In the evening when doorbell rang I wake up and found that smita was at my door. I asked her to come in but she refused and asked me what time I will be coming for dinner with her in her room so she has to prepare food yet then I said may be I will come by 9.00 PM. So she handed over the key for her door and asked me not...

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Racing Minds

Introduction: When Sherlock is crashing down, his brother is always there to save him. Woah, probably the most controversial thing Ive done. Fantastic. This is a short, quick… whats the definition, suck and fuck? Anyways, read the tags before you read just in case. I dont want anyone flipping their shit. Sherlock fanfic. Holmescest. The gayest thing Ive written yet. (In the good way, of course.) This monstrosity is based off of BBCs Sherlock written by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss. And...

4 years ago
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Submitting Evelyn

Submitting evelyn (MF, D/s)----------------------------------Synopsis: A young Asian business woman gives in to her primal instincts on a flight from San Francisco to New York.Part One---------- She dressed as he ordered.  No bra, sheer black thongs, the shortest skirt allowed on a commercial airline flight, light blouse, top two buttons opened to direct the wandering eyes of any man towards her unsupported 34B breasts.  They had been communicating via email on and off for over a year.  she...

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My first gay experience with an old guy pt8

When we entered his room, I walked out to the balcony that overlooked the pool area then remarked about the view. Still nude, Vern walked up behind me and started caressing my shoulders while he too took in the view. I leaned back and rested my head against his massive chest then his hands made their way to my breasts and started pinching my nipples, which felt fantastic. I had my eyes closed then he started kissing the back and sides of my neck. His kisses were soft and gentle and he knew the...

3 years ago
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Out of Control

‘The lights that move sideways and up and down/The beat takes you over and spins you round/Our hearts steady-beating, the sweat turns to cold/We’re slaves to the DJ and out of control’ The music is so loud it deafens out all other senses. I see the beat in the pulse and sway of the dance floor and feel it in my feet and hips and hands. My body moves regardless of me and sweat and slicks up my whole body. My thighs are moist where they run together as I sway and my hands encounter wetness as I...

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Jojos Quest

My name is Jolene Brenner, Jojo to my friends, and I am on a quest. I am looking for the perfect mate but my approach is anything but typical. I have figured out that the standard method used by almost all women just doesn't work. The most important factor to be considered in a relationship is good sex. I feel that most women compromise in this area, and marry a guy even though the sex isn't that great and figure it will get better as the marriage progresses. This does not make sense to me....

1 year ago
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First Sex With Divorced House Owner

Hi everybody. I am krishna from chennai.My age is 26.My native place is dharmapuri. I am staying in an apartment since last three years. working in a private company. I am new to iss.Good to be here. I am an athelete. I am 6 feet tall.So I look slim and fit. Coming to my story. My house owner was a divorced women. Her age was 29 years old. She have a son 5 years old.Because of some family issues she got divorce and staying alone. But she have four rental home. So she is well settled and she...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 565

The Alien Ship ... As the Captain knelt shaking and pissing on himself, he realized that his weapon was very near his hand, and the First had his back to him. Knowing that he would never have a better chance, he eased his hand forward as if he were just shifting his weight while preparing to stand. In an instant, the weapon was in his hand, and since it was already pointed in the general direction of the First Officer, raising it enough only took an instant... Unfortunately for the...

2 years ago
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River RatChapter 43

As expected, the turnout for the season wrap party at Al's the next night was large -- in fact, larger than Crystal and Scooter had expected. Many, although not all, of the summer crew were there. Glenn couldn't make it, and Bill had called to make his apologies. There were a lot of people who had helped to make the season a success, including Jon and Tanisha, who had driven up from Phoenix several times to help with the groceries and loading. Usually they went up to Lee's Ferry to help...

4 years ago
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First Full Swap

Hi, my name is Kelly, and I want to tell you about our first full swap experience.   We had been dabbling in the swinging lifestyle for about a year, with only girl-girl or soft swap experiences.   It seemed like we just hadn’t met a couple with whom we were prepared to take that big step.   Just few weeks earlier, we joined a new swinger dating website and met many local couples.   We were amazed at how many hot couples we met, and we were anxious to turn those meetings into full swap...

Group Sex
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Chula Vista Dreaming part four

The weather was changing quickly. Our summers were dry and hot, and we often had brush fires around the county. Our wet season was most people's cold winter. I don't know if anyone had ever seen snow in town. I didn't have any memory of that. I had only seen snow once when Dad took us up into the mountains east of us.  Mount Laguna was supposed to have snow almost every winter. I suppose it did. They said if we were getting rain, then there was snow on Mount Laguna. We didn't really take too...

1 year ago
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Daydream Masturbation

Dressing myself in silk and satin. Massaging my skin with a light scented oil from India and dreaming about my lover, the one with the beautiful long hair, her green eyes looking faraway dreaming of me. As I lie on the floor before me is a mirror. I see myself all dressed in silk and satin. My breasts are beautiful and full.. My nipples all hard and erect. I'm spreading my long legs as far as I can view the lovely lips that embrace my cunt.. The pinkness of my flawless lips is a turn on for...

3 years ago
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Whatever It TakesChapter 8

Finally, we got our laugher. El Paso's final game in St. Paul was just what the doctor ordered. We were ahead, 11-2 in the eighth inning. Boots McDaniel had come in to pitch one inning earlier in relief of the starter, and I was sent out to open the eighth. Nobody on, nobody out. All up to me. All I had to do was avoid giving up nine or more runs. If all -- or even most things -- went well, I'd pitch two innings of harmless mop-up. What a concept! Dolly Parton knew my signals: one finger...

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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 10 Itrsquos Not All Academic

In Inkie’s view, the ‘contest’ was a huge success from the start and a royal pain in the ass. Submissions rolled in. Good ones. But also, far too many pedantic, repetitive propositions that wholly missed the point of the contest. There were also a plethora of submissions from psychologists and similar professions that proposed to analyze ‘aliens’ to understand their aversion to violence. That was more than a little troubling. Had they guessed the intent of the symposium? In short, the Pareto...

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Through a Glass Dimly Book 2Chapter 5

We went to the church and entered by the front door. There was an usher there who was quickly silenced thanks to a touch from me. We tied and gagged him using his clothes and listened. Pam nodded and we walked in. It was a small church in a fairly big room. Everyone was sitting in front so we were able to get half way before attracting attention. Pastor Joel looked up from his praying to see me and went pale. He stopped talking and others started to look up and then back at us. We continued...

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Group session

Caleb had no idea that sex with older women could be as good as it was. Younger women might have a better body, but Mary had sucked his dick and fucked him as hard as he had ever been fucked. It was nice knowing that there was nothing expected of you after you shot your load.She had called him the next day and scheduled another sitting. She had asked if it was ok if a couple other people were there and he told her that would be fine. He knew that not all older women were as attractive as Mary,...

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