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This is a completely fictional story and any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental.

So, I’m resubmitting this story because I made a mistake in my first submission where I put a bit of part two into the file that I uploaded. I’ve removed that part and fixed a few minor errors I made in the story. Also, I’ve scrapped the original second part and am rewriting it completely since most of the surprise is pretty much already ruined.

I appreciated all the comments I received on the first submission, and I apologize sincerely for the mistake I made. I’ll definitely try and make up for it in the new part 2. For any first-time readers of Flames, I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.


Oh Calculus, how it bored me to death. I sat three rows from the back, with my laptop out and paying as much attention to the professor as Charlie Brown would. I did catch something about triple integrals, but it made no sense to me. Some Youtube video was playing on my laptop in front of me, and I was really paying no attention to that either. What I was looking at, though, was the reflection on the screen. Thanks to assigned seating, there was always this one girl sitting behind me and a little to the right, so I could see her through the reflection on my screen. I didn’t know anything about her, I didn’t even know her name, but that didn’t stop me from glancing at her. I guess it was kind of creepy that I carried on looking at her, but I’m pretty sure any guy in my position would have.

She wasn’t the most beautiful girl on the planet, but there was something about her that I could not get out of my mind. Maybe it was her half smile whenever the professor cracked a lame joke, maybe it was how when she glanced at my screen, I instinctively looked away for fear that she had seen me. There were a billion maybes going through my head and that was enough to blind me to the fact that class had ended and people were shuffling out. Someone pushed my chair by mistake and I snapped out of my mental DDOS attack. I quickly shut my laptop and packed it into my bag and left. My next class was an hour away and it was in the same building, so I decided to stay in the building and continue my Youtube viewing. I sat down on a bench in the main hall and got my laptop out again. Earphones.. My earphones were missing. I must have left them in the lecture hall. I was about to stand up when the earphones mysteriously floated in front of my face.

‘They look expensive, and I was a little tempted to steal them,’ said a voice behind me. I turned around to catch the eyes of the beauty that sat behind me in class. The red hair, the green eyes, and that enigmatic half-smile took my speech away. ‘But, you seem like the kind of guy that really enjoys his music, so losing these would kill a part of you.’

‘Uhm.. Yeah, it definitely be painful to lose those. Thanks for not stealing those from me,’ I replied, trying not to stare into her eyes too much.

‘Erin. My name’s Erin. You’re the guy that never pays attention in class. How do you manage to keep your grades up?’

‘I don’t. I think I have a high C when I probably should be making an A. Oh, and my name is Sean.’ She flashed me the smile again.

‘Well, you might wanna stop watching those Youtube videos. They distract me a little too by the way.’

‘I wish I could help it. The boring-ness of calc combined with the boring-ness of Sir Monotone is enough to make me suicidal.’

‘I hear that. Well, I’ve got to rush to a class, but..’ I cut her off, feeling unnaturally brave, or just extremely stupid.

‘Would you like to grab a cup of coffee sometime today? I owe you something for getting those back to me.’

She stood silent for a second and my heart sank. I was about to get rejected.. Again. ‘I can’t..’ Of course, the inevitable struck. ‘..today.’My emotions instantly reversed. I had never been so overjoyed to hear such a mundane word, but she still had a lot of room to reject me. ‘I could try meet you tomorrow since I only have two classes. Is that okay?’

‘Yes, yes it is. I have no classes tomorrow so I’ll be free all day. You can call me whenever you want.’ She pulled out her phone and looked up at me. ‘Oh, yeah, the number. 728-266-2455.’

She typed it in and saved it to her contacts. ‘Alright, I shall let you know when I’m free. Oh, and take these before I walk away with them.’ I just realized that I hadn’t taken my earphones from her. I opened my palm and she dropped them in, then she smiled, turned, and walked away. The sweet smell of her perfume and shampoo lingered for a bit then died either into familiarity or into dilution.

I sat back down and plugged my earphones in. I opened up my music player and played some lossless concertos. Even the beautiful deep sound of the cello wasn’t enough to fend off the swarm of maybes that once again raided my mind. The biggest maybe was whether or not she would call me the next day.

I woke up late the next day to the vibration of my phone. I groggily checked it and saw that I got a text from an unknown number. It was Erin, and she wanted to meet up in an hour. The maybes temporarily flew out the window while I jumped out of bed and beelined for the shower. After making sure I was squeaky clean and smelling good, I put on my daily attire in an attempt to look as natural as possible. I put on some cologne, grabbed my wallet and phone and drove to campus. I texted her back on my way to campus, asked her where she would like to meet up. She replied as soon as I had parked and told me to meet her at the biggest cafe on campus.

She arrived at a few minutes after me. We walked together into the cafe and placed our orders. I, of course, paid for the coffee. She went to a table and sat down while I waited for our drinks. Once they were done, I took them to her and sat opposite her.

I couldn’t help but notice how stunning she looked. Her red hair framed her semi-pale face in fire and her emerald green eyes seemed to pierce into my soul in the most welcomed of ways. Her look was further intensified by dark makeup around her eyes which made her seem somewhat sad. All of that darkness was betrayed, though, by her slim lips which were almost constantly smiling.

‘Thanks for the coffee Sean, I really needed it. This week has been terribly rough because of a project I had to do.’

‘What project was it?’ I asked.

‘A programming project. Like a lot of girls, I’m somewhat computer illiterate so I’m basically teaching myself the basics of computing while trying to learn how to program. I would ask for help, but my TAs and teacher are completely useless, and all my classmates are complete nerds.’

‘Yeah, I hated programming, but I finished all the required programming courses for my major last semester, so I’m done. I guess that makes me a ‘complete nerd,” I said jokingly.

We sat there and chatted for a good hour. Turns out she was in the same major as me, but she was a sophomore and I was a junior. I was slightly behind on math, and she was, as she said, ‘somewhat good,’ at math so she was ahead of her grade in terms of math classes. She loved computers as much as I did, but never really explored them until she got into college. I had been building and repairing computers since freshman year in high school. Because of our opposite strengths and weaknesses in our classes, and after she established that I was not a complete nerd, we agreed on helping each other through our courses.

I loved chatting to her. I’d only really known her for one day, but I already started noticing the little things that she did that made her irresistibly cute. She cocked her head slightly whenever I was talking and seemed to always give me that mysterious half smile. What drove me insane though was when she really smiled. I was talking about my dog and she absolutely LOVED dogs. Anyway, I was telling her a cute story about my pup, and when I got to the
cutest part of it, her smile just beamed. And, it wasn’t just her mouth that was smiling, her entire face did. Her eyes squinted and her slightly blushed cheeks rose. It was the kind of smile that could cure cancer, and boy did it. It cured the cancer that was my insecurity at that time. I felt like she genuinely liked being around me and that she wasn’t leading me on.

Another thing that caught my eye was when I was telling her about one of my dogs that died not too long ago. I guess she sensed that the dog was really close to me and she bit the side of her bottom lip and looked me straight in the eye. When I finished telling her about my beloved dog, she put her hand on mine just for a second and said, ‘I’m so sorry. I know how that is, and it feels terrible.’ Usually words don’t do anything to stop me from feeling sad, hell, even physical contact affected my emotions, but Erin had this profound effect on me. Her personality was so warm and caring, and it radiated around her. When she touched me, I felt that warmth, not just physical, but emotional.

She pulled out her phone and said, ‘Wow, we’ve been here for an hour. I swear it felt like a lot less. Unfortunately, I have to go to my next class, but I’ll see you tomorrow in calculus. Thanks for the coffee and I think we definitely have to do this again some time.’ We both stood up and she pulled her signature half grin. ‘Bye,’ she said, then hugged me and left.

I sat back down in the chair for a minute contemplating what just happened. The first thing that went through my mind is that she wasn’t single. Girls were only this friendly if they were taken or if they were actually single and looking. It was just very more likely that she was taken. But, if she was single, then did she really enjoy being around me? Of course she didn’t ‘like’ me just yet, but was there the prospect? Was there a chance that she was thinking that I was a guy she wanted to date? I got up and walked out of the cafe and drove back to my apartment. My mind was too active so I played my favorite playlist, put the volume as loud as my ears could stand and absentmindedly did some homework. I turned the volume down after I got an angry neighbor knocking at my door. Then, I carried on doing homework until I felt tired enough to pass out on the couch. I woke up at 3AM randomly, like I usually do and saw that Erin sent me a ‘goodnight’ text at around 11PM, long after I fell asleep. It was too late to reply, so I just went back into my bedroom and contemplated the enigmatic behavior that all girls seemed to be genetically predisposed to perpetuate.

At 8:30 the next morning, I woke up to my annoying cellphone alarm. Like any good college student, I put it to snooze about 5 times before I finally got up and went to the shower. I was feeling unnaturally horny that morning. I’m pretty sure I dreamt of having sex with Erin because I remember seeing her face without her signature grin. Rather, it had the look of a woman consumed with passion. In my memory, I heard her moan, her face jumping up and down from the force of my thrusts, but I never saw her body. My own dreams teased me. It was like my brain knew that I would never get to see her body without clothing so it would rather give me something that would drive my libido insane.

I masturbated vigorously in the shower, trying to get rid of any distracting sexual tension I had. Throughout the session, the only thing I could think of was her face, twisted by the throes of ecstasy, beautified by the harsh passion of the moment. What threw me over the edge, though, was the moans that my brain made up for her. They sounded real, as though she were right next to me on the verge of a cripplingly powerful orgasm. When I was done with the shower, I was completely clean, but only partially satisfied.

I went to my first class which was microprocessor design, My attention was hardly on the professor as he babbled on about switches and the new ‘high efficiency’ gates. The only thing going through my mind was Erin. I would get to see her after my microprocessor class, but I was impatient. 5 minutes before the end of class, I packed all my stuff and practically ran out of class toward the math building. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Erin was just outside the computer engineering building when I exploded out.

While thoroughly embarrassed, I tried to think of something to explain my hastiness. ‘What’s the time?’ I asked with feigned urgency.

’11:15,’ she answered, seemingly unfazed by my unusual behavior.

‘Oh, thank goodness. I fell asleep in my last class and I thought that I was late for calculus.’

‘I’m surprised you’re so anxious about missing it, usually you don’t give a sh-‘

‘I wouldn’t miss it for the world,’ I said sarcastically while interrupting her..

She smiled, immediately making me feel weak with her charm. ‘Well, we have 15 minutes before class starts. Would you like one of my granola bars?’ she asked.

I quickly agreed and we sat down on a bench just outside the math building. She handed me a bar and pulled one out for herself. While we chatted, she periodically sipped on a cup of coffee she brought with her. I watched her pick it up, and the entire time I did so, the only thing that went through my head was if I would ever get to hold her hand. She was attacking me with beauty and charm, and there was no way I could fend that off. Even if I could, I wouldn’t want to. I loved every second of it.

It felt odd that I was already thinking so far ahead. Usually I was more defensive about my emotions, and I was very rarely emotionally attracted to girls, but Erin broke down my defenses so easily. I felt vulnerable, because I had only really talked to her for two days and already I was thinking about a relationship with her.

‘Sean?’ she asked, snapping me out of yet another mental DDOS. Apparently I had forgotten to converse with her.. Happens often enough, but even more when I’m nervous.

‘Sorry, I zone out really easy. It’s my inner idiot acting up,’ I said. She giggled and looked down.

‘You’re too smart to have an inner idiot.’

I could instantly feel myself blushing. She looked up and saw my red cheeks and burst out laughing.’I don’t think I’ve ever made a man blush,’ she said while laughing. ‘I’m quite proud of myself right now.’

‘Don’t get too proud. I blush way too easily when I’m given compliments. I never quite know how to handle them.’

‘Well, a wise man once told me that you put them into your bag of self-confidence. He has very corny sayings, but they make you think of things very differently. You think of it differently enough to seriously consider using his advice,’ she said, ‘I think it’s time to head to class. Let’s go and pretend to pay attention.’

I stood up and took her granola bar wrapper to throw away. ‘It’s too much effort to even pretend to pay attention in there.’

She giggled and said, ‘You’re the second most laziest person I know.’

‘Who’s the first?’

‘Your inner idiot. He’s never doing his job.’ She melted me yet again as she smiled.

In class, we sat down and naturally I opened my laptop. I carried on glancing at her through the reflection. At one point, she looked back, but I didn’t look down or away. I smiled at her reflection and it smiled back and waved.

For three more weeks, we hung out every other day and I got to know her better and better. She was from a town about 2 hours away from the college and about 30 minutes away from my hometown. She had an older brother and sister who had both graduated college and had stable jobs on opposite coasts of the country. Aside from computers, she loved tennis, art, writing, and she reemphasized how much she loved dogs.

She was also extremely random and somewhat goofy. Out of nowhere she would just do something completely unexpected. For example, one day we were walking through the library and she saw a random guy sleeping on one of the couches. She asked me quietly if s
he could borrow the bag that my drink was in. I took the drink out and handed it to her. She inflated it, burst it loudly over the guy’s head and ran out the library. I ran after her wondering what other surprises she had in store for me.

One day, we were hanging out at the cafe and we started talking about our pups. She had two back home. One was a 4 year-old German Shepherd and the other was a year-old Doberman. I showed her a picture of my month-old Husky back home and she seemed like she would explode because she couldn’t handle the cuteness of it. She covered her mouth with her hands, disappointing me because I couldn’t see her smile.

‘He is the cutest thing ever!’ she said, almost screaming.

‘Yeah, wait until you meet him though. He’s got an evil side, and is probably the naughtiest puppy ever. See this right here?’ I pointed to a scar on my arm. ‘That was him. Apparently I look really tasty.’

She laughed and said, ‘I wouldn’t say tasty, but you certainly look good. Cue the blush.’

She was certainly accurate because I sensed myself blushing.. I looked away and her laughter began again. ‘That’s so cute.’

‘Cuter than my puppy?’ I asked, still too embarrassed to show my reddened face.

‘No, but definitely very close.’ The warmth in my cheek worsened after she said that.

When I felt the warmth of my blush fade away, I showed my face again. I didn’t know what I was thinking, but I asked her out, completely out of the blue. ‘Would you like to.. Go out with me?’ I felt more nervous than I had ever felt before and my shaky voice did little to hide that. Usually I waited until I felt confident that the girl I was asking would say yes, but this time, I just didn’t. I took a leap of faith, and her answer would decide whether I landed in a massive pit filled with memory foam pillows or on solid concrete.

She thought silently for what seemed like an eternity. ‘Yes. Yes, I would love to go out with you Sean.’ At that point, the only thing holding me back was my fear of attracting too much attention. I would’ve jumped out of my seat and screamed, ‘VICTORY!’ if my inhibitions weren’t so.. Inhibitory. That was another first. Never before had I ever been so happy to have a girl agree to go on a date with me.

Instead of making a complete idiot of myself, I said as calmly as I could, ‘That’s.. That’s great. I was thinking about having dinner at XXXXX. Since you’ll probably dress up to go there anyway, I was wondering if you’d be up for a little semi-formal photoshoot before then?’ XXXXX was a fancy dining place just off campus. The staff were given strict orders to not allow anyone dressed casually. Attire was strictly formal, and that’s why I chose it. I knew I looked good in formal clothing, and I was hoping that Erin enjoyed dressing up.

‘That sounds great! I’ve never done a photoshoot before. I didn’t even get any senior photos done. What if I’m a terrible model or something?’

‘You can never be anything less than a great model,’ I said, instantly regretting the corniness of the compliment. To my delight though, she blushed and looked down with embarrassment. ‘Ah, I see the tables have turned. Look over here.’ She shook her head. ‘Come on, I have got to see this.’ She slowly looked up at me with a grin on her face. Her cheeks were still red. ‘You look extremely cute right now.’

‘Cuter than your puppy?’

‘For sure.’

‘Well, I definitely am just as naughty as him.’ She stood up grabbed my iPod and phone. ‘Catch me if you can!’ And she just ran off. My pup did that all the time, minus the talking part of course. I quickly threw the trash away and ran after her. She was remarkably fast but I caught up to her once we got outside. She looked behind to see where I was, and once she realized how close I was, she screamed and giggled. I sped up and got within grabbing distance of her. I put my arm around her waist and gently slowed her down to avoid making us both fall down hard. When we had slowed down enough, I put my other arm around her while she tried to struggle out of my grasp. She was still giggling and it was infectious. Without a warning, she pulled us both down, making me lose my balance. If I hadn’t reacted quickly enough and stepped to the side of her, I probably would’ve landed on top of her. Thankfully, we were on the lawn of one of the buildings, so the landing wasn’t too hard. I came down next to her with the grace of a drunk elephant. She was already down on her back and was laughing constantly. We both ignored the confused looks from the people around us.

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The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls

The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls The Cheerleader Rubber PonygirlsBy Sarah ??????????? Sarah was like the rest of the college cheerleaders at her school.? She knew she could have any boy she wanted.? But little did she, or the other girls, would get when they crossed the wrong guy. ??????????? It happened when the squad was on its way back from an away game at Flagler College.? Flagler was UWO?s rival, and for the past five years UWO had not had a win against them.? Then the game...

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If I had to pinpoint one thing in my life that struck true, undiluted fear into me, it was flying.The whole ordeal terrified me. I would literally rather cross the country on a train for three days than be stuck in a flying metal tube for five hours, but since no one in my family seemed to care for my opinion, the plane is where I ended up on an August evening. A very large, selfish part of me wished I'd never even agreed to this trip. It wasn't like spending my last month of summer at my...

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Lisas Day

The holidays were over, and now it was the new year as well. Our New Year's wasn’t very exciting as mom, Klintuck and I went to a bar to bring in the new year. I woke up and headed down stairs to the kitchen and to my surprise found mom in her panties and an apron making breakfast. It was surprising to see her, as this was Klintuck’s house and not hers. “Good morning sweetie, did you sleep well?” Mom asked, smiling. “Ya I did mom, thanks. I didn’t know you were coming today,” I said with a...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Claras Catastrophe

Clara Ridings, a girl of exceptionally good looks and stunning figure. She was flirty, humourous and could make any boy drool. Most girls would hate boys constantly staring at her body, but not Clara. If anything, she craved it. The attention made her feel good about herself, making her body confident and happy with how she looked. She had a small group of friends, which she didn't mind a bit. She might have liked the attention she got, but wasn't very good in terms of social ability. Also, her...

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Wifersquos lesbian fisting

Where I live there's no real "scene", the town is too small for that, which suits me just fine. I prefer driving to the next major city to get it out of my system there, without turning into the talk of the town One of my first discoveries were gay/lesbian burlesques. That sounds more boring than it is, because I found a small club where (among others) a small lesbian troupe was performing once a month, and they didn't disappoint. When I saw them the first time, I was curious about the large...

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Everything For Female Boss

Daniel knew that his gorgeous female boss sometimes locked her private office door and got herself off to watching wicked man-on-man porn on her computer, whenever there was a happy lull in the workday. And she knew that he knew. He was the only one she would have trusted with that dirty little secret.She held one of Daniel’s secrets as well - that he was an active bisexual, playing with both men and women at will, sometimes even in groups. That little detail, in this company, could have had...

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Venus Flytrap Ch 02

(This is the second part of a three part series. Please read the first part before you read this. Any and all constructive criticism is most welcome.) * Jessica woke up in Jim’s bedroom as the light of the early morning slipped between the venetian blinds. The simple décor was much the same as the rest of the house and spoke of a man who needed just a touch of feminine style in his life. Somewhere there was a lonely seabird calling and a fresh sea breeze smell lingered in the room. Jessica...

1 year ago
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hi,friends...its really awesome to share my personal experience with you all and in the same feeling i am forced to share a new story for all of you.it was friday when i came back to my home suddenly i came to know that my friend George is comming to my home.as u guys know i stay alone...i was very scared that what he will be going to do with me as he warned me not to go outside the house ....bell rang George was drunk and he was in mood to fuck me....He pushed me to the wall held me in my hips...

2 years ago
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My First Time With Him

Well I have not had much experience in this so called sex field. I’ve only been with a couple of guys, and two girls. Anyways we had only been going out for about 2 or 3 weeks when all this happened. It was Dec. 31, 2009 and my parents were at the casinos. So I told him the house would be all alone, and if he would want to go just to hang out. He agreed. So after the movies were over we headed back towards my place. I opened the door, closed it and then we headed downstairs to my room.   I...

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My neighbors daughter

NOTES: I'm not prolific writer verbs and tenses may not be perfect, just thought I would share.This happen to me when I was 40 years old about 10 years ago. It's after this I started to Crossdress.About 6 years ago, after the passing of my wife, I moved into the neighborhood closer to work. What I liked about this neighborhood is that the vegetation his well established and it's private, nice and quiet. When I moved in you get to meet your neighbor, being a "don't mingle kind of guy", I wasn't...

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The Adventures Of A Virgin

It is my story the story of a virgin youth. I dedicate this story for all virgin boys who want to skip into the world of sex and loose their shit off. I introduce myself as karthikeyan who is 22 years from southern India Kerala ,a normal young boy of the age but not matured enough to look like a fully grown man. I discovered my sexual feelings and orientation at about 12 and started cumming of at 14,then I was attracted to the world of porn and usually never missed a day without it. The...

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Ana enjoying another huge black dick

Ana enjoying another huge black cockFriday night I had gone with my sweet Ana to a local bar in the neighborhood. Soon Ana had met a big muscled black guy and she had introduced him to me as Jordan.When the bartender announced he was closing the place; Ana asked me if we could continue the party at home… with Jordan, of course…Once we got to the house, Anita took Jordan into the living room while I got beverages for everybody. When I got to the living room I found my lovely wife on her knees in...

2 years ago
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Another Caribbean vacation A friendly story

Another Caribbean vacation.It seems whenever I take my wife, Anne, on vacation to the Caribbean island that we enjoy, she always gets in trouble… sexual trouble. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that I love nothing more than to watch her being taken by some younger, bigger, assertive studbull; and that she has a definitive fetish for strange men and showing off for me. A perfect combination for a couple. But on vacation, the inhibitions seem to lessen even more than normal. My Anne is not only...

3 years ago
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Laxmi Aunty Taught Life 8211 My First Experience

Hi frnds this is Kumar from Hyderabad working in an MNC. I am a big fan of ISS. I have been reading this ISS from last 2yrs. This is a true incident and my first story on ISS, so please comment on it and give feedback and mail me your experiences. Let me introduce myself. I am 25yrs old 5′ 7” tall and have a good gym physic and a good cock to satisfy anyone. This was happened in my age of 18 with my aunty Laxmi. She is well shaped lady with gud structure and massive boobs, little short in size...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Ivy Lebelle Has Her Throat Cleared By Dredds BBC

Ivy Lebelle takes on her BIGGEST cock yet, do you think she can handle the girth? Ivy Lebelle hasn’t been in the industry long but is making a name for herself as a talented size queen with bombshell looks. She’s looking super sexy in red leather lingerie and matching red fishnets. With her piercing blue eyes, perfect round ass, legs for days, and giant rack, this whore is sure to make you pitch a tent. She plays with herself in front of a mirror and shows off those amazing curves...

2 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Samantha Returns part 2

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Samantha Returns (part 2) 10 DAYS LATER Doug began to wake up. He felt his eyes opening but he couldn't see anything. He felt his arms and legs were restrained. His whole body felt restrained. He tried to remember where he was. He remembered going to the salon... meeting with the new owner, Brenda... being drugged! "Shit!" he thought. He took a deep breath to try to collect himself. "Oh, you're awake," he heard a familiar voice...

3 years ago
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Her First Threesome

"I've made up my mind", you tell me. "It's Rhett "   "You're sure? " I ask   "Yes, I'm sure.  Rhett will be the one" .   "OK, best you make the phone call then and give him the news.  Set it up for this Saturday  evening.  I'm pretty sure he's going to arrange to be free"     So you make the call to Rhett, letting him know that he is invited to join us for our first ever  threesome.  We've talked about it for a while now, and recently placed a contact ad looking ...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Adria Rae Sofi Ryan Her Love

Stunning Adria Rae is lounging on the couch with a glass of wine when her girlfriend Sofi Ryan comes in from a long day of work. Pouring Sofi a glass of wine, Adria lets her love know that she has an even better way to help her relax. The redhead makes sure the glasses are safe from being knocked over, then trails lingering touches down Sofi’s arms and legs. Leaning in for a kiss that gives her all the permission she needs, Adria considers what she’s going to do next with the...

3 years ago
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when the fire burns part 2

the glow of the fire made the colour of her skin even sexier... he couldnt resist... he wanted her right there and now.suddenly everything she liked came to his mind... but how couldn? it was absolutely the same with everything he wanted to do a girl!after some neck kissing and soft biting he put his hand between her legs... he touched her.. the skin was soft.. when he started touching her pussy a silent whisper to his ear said.. ' this must be heaven'the moisture on his finger was the perfect...

2 years ago
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Chance Encounter

Sometimes the totally unexpected is the best. After the storm on 9/2/16.The weather cleared pretty much last night and it was cool. Hubby finally told me to put on shorts and a button up shirt and get in the van. I was all pretty and in nothing but what he ordered. We cruised around for a while and I decided to undo my top and feel the AC on my breasts. It was pretty private till we went cruising through the mall parking lot and were noticed by some guys. They looked kind of harmless so he...

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CHAPTER 22A: OUR SECOND/FIRST HONEYMOONShe was a little taken aback despite the warning and description they had given her. She felt a hand on her elbow guiding her and she looked to see Tim moving her to follow their luggage to the registration counter. Behind it was a beautiful young woman who was topless, thong panties, sheer wrap around her shapely hips, and high heels. She wore her name tag on a slim chain around her neck which hung between her ample breasts. She greeted them by name,...

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My Lovely Virgin Venus Lucy Pt 09

While returning to my room, I passed her room. Lucy was curled up in a long chair, reading. Twisting her legs from under her petticoats, with a sudden movement that brought into full view her delicately embroidered drawers, she rose and came towards me, a rosy flush upon her cheeks, her eyes shining, her whole bearing instinct with an enchanting mixture of girlish coyness and anticipated pleasure. Her short white skirt swayed as she moved across the room, her breasts stood out firm and round...

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35 minutes

I looked at my watch it said 10.18 pm and 43 seconds. I’ve been meeting a girl for a while and we seemed to be getting on quite well, one night we ended back at my flat having sex. Ashley was on top of me gently rocking and swaying, breathing deeply and sighing as she ran her hands over my chest. I on the other hand was lying there watching her, although I was erect and merely participating but not enjoying her make love with me. Don’t get me wrong she has a great body, maybe a little...

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The conversion 6

Please read the prior posts on this story, this is the final installment!We finally got back from the beach. Juan pulled in right behind us in his scooter. I told Maria I had invited him to have a beer. She nodded with a hint of suspicion in her eyes. I told her to go shower (we were all still a bit sandy) and Juan and I uncorked a beer. She complied, and we watched her disappear into the backyard. Moments later I heard the water from the hose. I asked Juan:-so, do you dig Maria?-Man, the old...

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the conference room

My future husband and I were short on money, as most young couples expecting a baby are. Because of this I was working overtime most nights. The intern, Tim, was usually there, and usually hitting on me. One night he flat asked me what it would take to see me naked. I laughed and told him jokingly lots of cash. He took out his wallet and pulled out $80 and asked if that was enough. That night I told him no. When I got home that night there was a disconnect notice on my door. I had...

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Three for the Road

Our recently divorced friend has gotten a little from a few women since being on his own, he has been going through a bit of a dry spell as of late. At last count, we were up to 40 days give or take a day or two since he’d had any. We decided to take him on vacation with us to cheer him up. I began teasing him in my tight jeans and t-shirt without a bra as our vacation began in the airport bar. We spent our days sight seeing and our nights at local hot spots. Some evenings we just enjoyed...

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Locanto Made Me Lucky

Hey guys, this is Mr. X, a 29-year-old handsome and single guy from Bhopal. This story is about Vanisha (name changed), a 34-year-old married lady from Indore. So, without wasting much time, let’s come to the story. This all happened in November, last year. I was really feeling very horny at that time. I had a profile on Tinder, but getting a match for casual sex is not very easy in Bhopal. But it was not the case in Delhi where I was for 2 years and have been with 5 girls (not bad for a guy I...

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Bobbys Good DeedsChapter 10

Again, I took the lead, and again, I went with habit, going out the back door, and leading the whole party to Gloria's back gate. "I wondered why you always went out the back door," muttered my mother. "I had to, after Mrs. Abernathy tattled on me," I said, grinning. "I remember that!" said Suzy, almost skipping along in her excitement. "You mean she was your girlfriend way back then?!" "No!" I defended myself. "I was just doing good deeds back then. I didn't think I should...

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swingers wedding

After twenty yearsCeased to love, Mikicakoji masturbating all the time namestao so that it grabs the cock and stuffed her mouth eagerly, telltale sigh of pleasure at the moment to stop her husband who immediately began that pulls even harder and silovitije. I do not remember when the eovako violently fucked last Mikicino presence and participation are even more dubious suituaciju that she does not malte immediately when she grabbed his dick and not mal climaxed At the same time when she put her...

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A huge black cock in Anas asshole

My sweet wife Ana and I had met some interesting people when we lived for some months at Jacksonville.A couple of weeks after we moved there, one of our neighbors had a holiday party and we were invited. It was always a real nice evening with good meal and alcohol.We mingled together for the first hour, then our host wanted to show the men some new electronics he had purchased and Anita went over to talk with some other ladies.My wife was no doubt the sexiest woman at the party that night,...

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Bodyguards II Stolen SecretsChapter 12

Jun and I, at my place, were basking in the afterglow of a vast, cataclysmic orgasm that, once again, propagated sympathetic orgasms to the other G-girls. Wei, who was on duty at Hastings' company, and Mei, who was on call at his house, chided us mildly for distracting them from their duties. Stephanie, for a change, seemed to have slept right through the whole thing. The more I thought about it, the stranger her mental absence from our coupling seemed. She really was an avid voyeur,...

2 years ago
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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 23

Christmas day, and dinner at 12 Grimmauld Place. Thanks to McGonagall's skill, although the external physical dimensions of the dining room had not increased an inch, it was now able to accommodate most of the Weasley family and friends along with numerous members of the Order. Arthur Weasley was not present, for the recent hearing had been a great strain upon him. His wounds had reopened, and he had been taken back to St. Mungo's. The healers had repeated their assurances that Mr. Weasley...

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AntonioChapter 4 Dan

“I have no right to ask, but I want to learn about you,” Janet said, “That’s a dangerous thing to tell a man,” Dan replied. “We all like to talk about ourselves. As I said, I was sixteen, and -- as you noticed in your classmates back then, that means I was randy as hell...” And this is the story he told: “Mrs. Fisher? This is Martha Jennings, Lance’s mother. I’m about to invite Danny over for supper. I wanted you to know that it was my invitation; he isn’t cadging a meal.” Mrs. Fisher...

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RSOBChapter 10

I set about cleaning up the mess we had left and getting rid of the trash and beer bottles. I tried to think of anything we might have forgotten in this plan. If we fucked up, then we'd all be spending a lot of time in jail. I didn't relish that thought at all. I spent the rest of the evening going over everything in my mind and trying to think of scenarios that could mess us up. The only one I could think of was that he would recognize one of us or escape before he was sedated. Everything...

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498 oh Ian how things change

As expected Ian and Ruben returned suntanned and happy at about the usual time, they found her dressed and bright, in the kitchen, cooking a meal, Ian and herself exchanging eye messages and slight nods, that the lad had been, as usual they had a brew of tea together before Rufus excused himself and went off homeward. Ian off to wash up and change into PJ`s. The meal was served as he returned, and between mouthfuls she told him of the lad and the happenings including that this week she hadn`t...

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College Junior Sakshi Becomes Friend With Benefits

“Hi” – a notification popped on my screen. It was from my college junior. I received a follow request from her in the morning which I hadn’t yet accepted. “Hi,” I replied back. Sakshi – Remember me? Me – Of course, how can I forget my junior? Sakshi – Oh, it’s been a long time, isn’t it? Me – Yeah! 5 years it seems. Sakshi – I guess Me – By the way, how are you? Sakshi – I am doing great, dealing with my exams now. Me – Same here. And the messages continued. Even though I had an exam the next...

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