When Mistakes Happen - Chapter 2 free porn video

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Miss Summers watched as April left her office before standing up and without knocking went straight into Miss Coe’s Study. Miss Summers glared at Miss Coe and demanded sternly, "Who asked you to cane April?"

Miss Coe looked up in surprise and replied, "I thought you said last night that April would be coming to my Study for a caning?"

Miss Summers retorted quickly, "I said no such thing. What I said was that April would be coming to your Study this morning and you were going to tell her that she was going to be made a Prefect."

There was a sudden look of horror on Miss Coe’s face as she realised the mistake that she had made. "Oh my goodness, what have I done?" Miss Coe asked.

Miss Summers gave a despairing, "Exactly. What have you done? Well I can tell you what you have done. You have given six strokes of the cane to a girl who didn't deserve to be caned."

Miss Coe looked at Miss Summers now wincing at the realisation of the mistake that she had made. As soon as Miss Summers mentioned the word Prefect Miss Coe remembered the conversation clearly. She looked up at Miss Summers and asked as though looking for help, "I will need to apologise to April. Could you please ask her to come back to my Study?"

Miss Summers replied, "April will be back in her class by now and if I go in and ask for her to return here she will be even more embarrassed. I think that should wait but in the meantime, I should deal with your continuing mistakes."

Miss Coe realised that she needed help as she was well aware of the mistakes she had made over recent weeks and with that in mind was thankful that Miss Summers was her secretary and was confident that she would be able to help her. In fact, she often looked on Miss Summers as someone with a strong maternal instinct and that might be exactly what was needed in order to point her in the right direction. So, she smiled at Miss Summers and said, "Yes please, Miss Summers, I will be really grateful if you will help me prevent making any more mistakes."

Miss Summers smiled at how quickly Miss Coe had asked for her help although she was pretty sure that once she explained to Miss Coe just what form that help would take she might not be so happy. However, what Miss Summers knew, was that Miss Coe needed something to make her memory more reliable, or if not that, at the very least to help her remember the things that she needed to do. That way the chances of a further mistake would be greatly reduced.

Miss Summers asked, "Well, Miss Coe, you have made several mistakes lately. However, when one of the girls makes a mistake such as missing a class, forgetting to do her homework or just forgetting to bring it into school, what do you normally do?"

Miss Coe looked surprised at the question but realised immediately that in each of those cases the girls would get a detention or corporal punishment. Forgetting to bring homework in could quite easily lead to a bare bottom spanking and if done twice then a caning. Miss Coe presumed though that Miss Summers meant something else but wasn't sure what and so she looked inquisitively and asked, "I know that caning April was probably the worst mistake I've made, but surely you don't mean that I should suffer the same disciplinary action as one of the girls?"

Miss Summers snapped, "That is exactly what I mean, Miss Coe. I think it is about giving you the incentive to make sure that either you remember things correctly, or start to make notes about what you have to do so that it prevents you making anything like the same mistakes. So yes, Miss Coe, I do think you should suffer the same disciplinary action that you would be giving one of the girls in the same situation. The mistakes you have made are certainly bad enough to earn you a caning."

Miss Coe swallowed hard and tried to think desperately about how she could avoid what Miss Summers was suggesting. She tried almost in desperation, "But you are my secretary, Miss Summers. Surely it isn't right for a secretary to discipline her boss in such a way?"

Miss Summers retorted, "I am the school secretary although happen to work for you as well. However, I also report directly to the Governors and suppose that I could report you for this. If I do though, what do you think they would do given the number of other mistakes you have made recently?"

Miss Coe swallowed again as she thought about that. She had already received one letter from the Governors telling her to be more careful in future because some of the mistakes were starting to be spoken about outside the school and could have an impact on the school’s reputation. The letter had certainly got Miss Coe worried, but, she realised, clearly not worried enough for her to stop making mistakes. Maybe therefore if Miss Summers were to deal with her in the way that she just suggested, and then helped her sort herself out in the future, just maybe it would not be necessary to report this particular incident to the Governors, she reasoned.

So as Miss Coe came to the conclusion that she should accept whatever punishment Miss Summers decided upon, she said in a rather more respectful tone, "Okay then, Miss Summers, I will let you decide what is best for me."

Miss Summers still glared at the Headmistress. Of course, she accepted that Miss Coe was really her boss and so disciplining her was going to seem a little bit odd. On the other hand, she knew that Miss Summers had to be wary of the Governors because of the warning letter. Miss Coe had been so shocked to receive the letter that she showed it to her but luckily didn't even think to ask how they knew about the mistakes. Miss Summers had blown the whistle on Miss Coe but had assured the Governors that she would do what she could to monitor her going forward. No one had expected Miss Coe to fail so spectacularly so quickly after getting the warning letter and so Miss Summers knew that threatening Miss Coe with a reference to the Governors should work. 

Miss Summers ordered, "I think six strokes of the cane are needed and then you can apologise to April."

Miss Coe winced at the thought of getting the cane. At least though if Miss Summers caned her it wasn't as bad as the Governors or even April disciplining her. After all she loved the maternal demeanour Miss Summers had and once when Miss Summers had jokingly threatened her with a smacked bottom she had even felt rather aroused at the thought of going across her lap. Her own mum had never spanked her even though it was always considered that 'Spare the rod,' had a lot of truth going for it. Instead though Miss Coe fantasised about being spanked by lots of other women mainly because of the failure to actually be spanked herself. Now, in her late thirties, she was going to experience not a spanking but actually the cane and although worried about the prospect was amazingly aroused at the thought of being disciplined by her mother figure.

Miss Coe quickly recovered from her reverie of thoughts and went into naughty schoolgirl mode which after all she knew so much about. At least she knew what naughty schoolgirls had to do when about to be punished and meekly went to the cupboard and lifted a cane off a hook and, turning, walked across the room to Miss Summers and handed the cane to her.

Miss Summers then raised her skirt and lifting the hem above her knickers eased her thumbs inside the elastic and pushed them down to her ankles and stepped out of them. She looked across at the caning table and had momentary doubts about whether she should accept the caning and wavered. However, she quickly changed her mind and accepted she needed the caning and remembered that when girls resisted or objected they quickly earned two extra strokes and with that in mind stopped wavering and went over to the caning table.

Miss Summers saw Miss Coe waver and was about to tell her she had earned two extra strokes but once she saw that Miss Coe moved quickly to the caning table she decided that six strokes were in fact a fair tariff, for a first caning, anyway. Therefore, she decided that so long as Miss Coe continued to be submissive then the six strokes would stand.

Miss Coe stood in front of the caning table and quickly pulled her skirt up well above her waist and clutching it in front she quickly bent over making sure her tummy secured the dress under her before stretching her arms up and grabbing the sides of the caning table. She wriggled her tummy and bottom until she was comfortable before placing her legs apart and lifting her head up which she knew meant her bottom would be presented ready for her caning. 

Miss Summers inwardly smiled at the sight of the Headmistress’s rather sumptuous bare bottom which was presented so well making sure she retained a stern glare in case Miss Coe looked at her. Miss Summers then stood behind Miss Coe to position herself.

Miss Summers had always been jealous of Miss Coe’s right to discipline the girls so she had taken a cane home with her one time not so long ago and had practiced on a cushion although never thought she would actually get the opportunity to use it on a bottom. Now she was and it was Miss Coe's bottom and it looked so inviting she felt goose bumps on her arms as she rubbed the cane backwards and forwards across her bottom.

Miss Coe took a deep intake of breath when she felt the cane being rubbed across her bottom and grasped hold of the sides of the caning table feeling so defenceless and unprotected although at the same time reckoned that if anyone was to cane her she would have wanted it to be the motherly Miss Summers. So, although she was anxious about the pain she knew she would suffer she also hoped that Miss Summers would cuddle her afterward when she would no doubt be crying. It couldn't happen with the schoolgirls as contact like that was strictly against the rules but Miss Coe hoped the same would not apply given they were both adults without the teacher schoolgirl relationship. 

Miss Summers had mixed feelings about caning Miss Coe. After all she had secretly reported her to the Governors for her mistakes. Really, she knew that she should report Miss Coe to the Governors for today's totally unacceptable caning of April yet here she was taking the law in to her own hands so to speak. Was that right, she asked herself? Probably not, she admitted to herself, and even reckoned that Miss Coe should be sacked for what she did. How would she feel if Miss Coe made another mistake like that and another girl got wrongly caned? Surely she would feel too awful for words and maybe even resign her position?

However, as Miss Summers looked amorously at Miss Coe's so beautifully presented bottom she decided that she would still notify the Governors but say she had dealt with her without giving the details. Hopefully she would get away with that she convinced herself as she pulled her arm back and focussing on Miss Summers bottom brought the cane down really fiercely. As the cane was almost enveloped by Miss Summers ample bottom cheeks and she heard Miss Coe’s grunt so she told herself she had now passed the point of no return.  

Miss. Coe cried out as the cane sent waves of pain backwards and forwards across her bottom. She was shocked how much the cane hurt and wondered how the schoolgirls were able to cope so much better than her. Maybe, even, the cane was too cruel an implement to use on the schoolgirls bottoms she started to tell herself.

Miss Summers got quite a buzz from the way Miss Coe cried out. She had heard many a girl being caned as she sat at her desk and listened intently but actually being in the room and wielding the cane and listening so close up as the fierce red welt appeared was so much better than she had ever expected. 

Now she had landed that first stroke Miss Summers suddenly wanted to be a disciplinarian and focussing pulled her arm back and brought the cane down again and as Miss Coe cried out she reckoned she nearly wet herself. She was now so engulfed with adrenaline as she pulled the cane back and landed the third stroke and once again had an urge to pee although realised it was actually closer to having an orgasm rather than wetting herself.

Miss Coe was really struggling as the fourth stroke landed and as she cried out so loudly she grasped the sides of the table more to quell the pain than to stop herself getting up. She even reckoned she had yelled out so loudly that the whole school probably heard her and she felt so embarrassed because if one of the girls cried out like that she would have added a stroke to ensure she took the rest of the strokes without the drama. However, when the fifth stroke landed Miss Coe forgot everything she had just told herself and cried out even more loudly. She even raised a leg which she knew was an admission of struggling with the pain and was an involuntary movement that she loved to see when caning a girl.

Miss Summers pulled the cane back and looked at the five raised welts and brought the cane down just below the fifth welt. She listened as Miss Coe let out the loudest cry so far and knew it had been right to punish her here and now rather than leave it to the posers on the Board of Governors who would probably have given Miss Coe a slap on the wrist at worst. The caning on the other hand would certainly be something that Miss Coe would remind herself would be the punishment she would earn for any future mistakes as bad as todays with April.

Miss Coe was breathing heavily all too conscious of the intense stinging pain that engulfed her whole bottom. It was undoubtedly the worst pain she had ever been in and although she wasn't crying she didn't understand how come. She knew some of the girls even got off after being caned but all Miss Coe could think of was that she never wanted to be caned ever again.

Miss Summers had different feelings. She was turned on by giving the caning and making Miss Coe suffer so much and all she wanted to do was go to the lavatory and masturbate. 

Miss Summers looked again at the raised welts and placed her open palm on Miss Coe’s hot bottom and gently rubbed and squeezed her cheeks. It felt so good to her.

Miss Coe was surprised that Miss Summers was fondling her bottom but loved the feeling and even lowered her tummy and raised her bottom cheeks hoping Miss Summers might run her fingers along her pussy lips. She was disappointed though as Miss Summers kept rubbing and squeezing her bottom cheeks but did nothing else.

Miss Summers kept squeezing and rubbing but although she had maternal feelings towards the Headmistress she knew she wasn't actually attracted to her. On the other hand, she fully intended caning her again. "Get dressed, Miss Coe," she ordered sternly.

Miss Summers watched as Miss Coe slipped her knickers back on and straightened out her skirt. She saw Miss Coe looking relieved but that changed in a moment as Miss Summers said, "Here is your punishment letter. Get it signed and bring it back to me in the morning. Understood?"

Miss Coe looked shocked but supposed that she should have expected it from Miss Summers who after all gave out the punishment letters to all the girls who got caned. Her only issue was that she lived alone and had no one who could deal with her. Mind you her bottom was still stinging and a spanking was the last thing she wanted. Nonetheless she knew the rules and that she would have to suffer a spanking somehow or get six more strokes of the cane. “Understood, Miss Summers,” Miss Coe replied despairingly.

Miss Summers smiled knowing that Miss Coe was unlikely to be able to arrange a spanking tonight which meant she would be able to cane her again tomorrow and the thought got her so aroused once more.

Miss Summers added, “Don’t forget any more mistakes will lead to another caning.”

Miss Coe winced at the threat but knew that it was for the best as better to have Miss Summers cane her than for the Governors to be told of her mistakes. “Of course, Miss Summers,” Miss Coe acknowledged ruefully.

Miss Summers looked sternly at Miss. Coe and said, "I have also just sent a text to April and asked her to come to your Study at the end of her class.”

A little while later April arrived at Miss Summers office and looked nervous as she waited to be told why she had been summoned. Of course, she wasn’t worried that Miss Coe might cane her again as she already knew that she should never have been caned earlier. 

Miss Summers smiled at April and asked, “Did you get my text and tear up the punishment letter, April?”

April blushed as she lied, “Yes, thank you, Miss Summers. I tore it up and put it in a waste bin.”

Miss Summers smiled again as she said, "Miss Coe has something to say and to tell you. Go on in and listen to what she has to say."

April took a deep breath and walked towards the Study. She knocked on the door and immediately heard the instruction to enter.

Miss Coe forced a smile as April entered her Study. "Do sit down, April," Miss. Coe said.

April didn't feel like sitting as her bottom still stung. "I'll stand, Miss Coe, if that is alright."

"That is fine. In fact, I will stand too," Miss Coe replied with a strained smile.

April saw Miss Coe wince and put her hand on her bottom and appeared to rub and April smiled to herself picturing Miss Coe being spanked. 

Miss Coe took a deep breath and said, "First, I need to apologise for caning you. I am really sorry about that."

April knew she should be really annoyed but she had felt so alive after the caning and still intended getting spanked later on as she had kept the punishment letter. “That's okay, Miss Coe. I understand," she said honestly. In that moment she realised that being caned had opened a whole new world for her but made sure she didn’t show it by smiling. 

Miss Coe smiled as though she was relieved by April's acceptance of her apology. "I have other news as well. I am delighted to tell you that you are to be made a Prefect."

April was taken totally by surprise. "Wow, Miss Coe, that is really cool."

Miss Coe smiled warmly and again unwittingly rubbed her bottom which was still stinging as she wondered how soon it would be before Miss Summers caned her again.

April saw the rubbing again and was even more certain Miss Coe had been spanked. April glanced at the caning cupboard and even wondered if she had been caned. Maybe Miss Summers had caned her? Unlikely but possible, she supposed, but felt the flutters flying around her vagina as she considered the prospect.

Miss Summers listened through the slightly ajar door and when happy that all was well left her office and made her way to the staff toilets. She was glad to find no one else there and went in to a cubicle. She was soon sitting on a toilet with her knickers halfway down her thighs and her fingers running up and down her very wet pussy lips edging inside and flicking her taut clit until she gasped erotically as she climaxed and knew she was going to discipline Miss Coe again. 


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MistakesChapter 12

Somehow after a helter-skelter rush through the flat, we found ourselves in the bedroom and she was standing by the bed, legs apart, hands on hips, now confident in herself, brazen. She was perfect in every way. I moved to take her in my arms again but she held up her hand to arrest my progress and began to strip rapidly. She crossed arms on the hem of her sweater and flung it up and to the left, followed by her tee shirt which flew to the right. Her skirt was pushed down and allowed to fall...

3 years ago
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Short and PointyMistakes

Do you remember the worst mistake you ever made? Well, I do. Vividly. Oh, I’m Anna by the way. You met me and my sister Bella earlier. Anyway, my mistake. It’s only been a couple of weeks, actually, so I can remember every detail. It was a torture session, of course. I was alone, I don’t have a master or mistress at the moment, and my sister didn’t have time to play. So I got myself ready for a nice evening of self-torture. You see, I was lying down on my x-frame. You know what an x-frame...

4 years ago
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Hey It Happenned to Me

Paul, my dad passed away a few years back in an accident that rocked my family to pieces. But we pulled through it with just scratches. We all have our different lives now. When I say we all, I mean my sisters, my mother and me. So let me tell you about us now. My name is Mick. I have two sisters Rachael and Jennifer. Rachael has a body you could call a perfect figure. A real good-looking piece of work. She is doing her post graduation. She occasionally has a boyfriend change. She is a few...

3 years ago
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What i wished had happenned cont from last story

Now in my last story i told of my only almost gay experience of jerkin beside my buddy when we were younger. Ive always thought of what i wished had happened and today i decided to write it down. Read my other story first before reading this one :)....So there we were, two drunk teenager but naked jerking off beside each other watching some porn. As we continued to jerk i couldn't help but watch him stroke his cock. All i wanted to do was touch it. Eventually he looked over and noticed i was...

1 year ago
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Strange Things Happenning Part 1

Hey, guys, my name is Varsha { real name }   It’s my first story nd also of my life. Hope you like my story and give me feedbacks too. So coming on topic   I’m from Jaipur city, Rajasthan and my age is 22 yrs with fair complexion body that is 5’8″ height with fat on perfect places and very sexy curves with 34d boobs and dark nipples. 4 years back I was a guy with not much muscular body but with little chubby chest and curvy ass. My friends in school used to tease me by sometimes squeezing my...

4 years ago
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No Strings Attached Mistakes Are Made

The party is pretty boring. It's full of loads of preppy guys and women just getting on each other. Justin seems to be enjoying himself, though. He and Becka had hardly kept their hands off of each other, and it makes me feel sick knowing I had fucked her the night before. I had told him about it, but he shrugged, uninterested. He just wanted to get laid.I feel like being by myself so I go upstairs into what is evidently a study. I'm not used to being sociable after spending so much time by...

2 years ago
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My Wife Paid for My Mistakes Part 2

For weeks following her rape Kel wandered aimlessly around the house in dazed and contemplative silence. We seldom spoke and when we did the conversation was always degraded to the same conversation. I would tell her that it wasn’t her fault and that I should have never let it have gone so far. She would shake her head and say ‘NO’, she talked me into letting him take her into the parking lot, it’s her fault, she’s stupid, she’s a fucking slut who got what she deserved. I tried to...

3 years ago
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Thinking With My Dick Ch7 Permanent Mistakes

Yeah, it's been a while. Life happens, and writing this was one of the casualties. While I do have plans for quite a bit more of this story, it may take some time to actually get the chunks on the page. Sorry to those who've been waiting, hopefully this is enjoyable. =================================================================== I woke up the next morning before the sun came up, disoriented and desperate to pee. I rolled out of bed and almost collapsed sideways into the wall...

3 years ago
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A Mothers MistakesChapter 9

As had happened a lot lately, Chris was in a daze the next morning when he got up. He knew what happened last night wasn't a dream... it had been unbelievable, but not a dream. For the first time, he found that he felt guilty. It almost seemed that he had taken advantage of his mother. She had obviously had too much to drink last night and he could have stopped things before they went too far. Unfortunately, he hadn't had the moral character and now he feared that his mother would somehow...

2 years ago
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A Mothers MistakesChapter 11

It was an early spring morning when Allison and Chris's lives changed forever. Spring was in full bloom and the weather had turned unseasonably warm. The windows of the Hudson house were open and the noise of birds singing in the trees outside awoke Chris earlier than normal. He slipped out of bed and stuck his head out of a window overlooking the driveway and saw that his father had already left for his regular Saturday morning golf match. Seizing the opportunity, he quietly padded down the...

2 years ago
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MistakesChapter 2

We had decided we would not go along with Gary’s plan to cuckold him, and were trying to find a plan which would stop him farming her out to someone else. It was at this point that she came up with the beginnings of a cunning plan. “Well,” she said again, “I know I can trust you, and I already like your company. Gary doesn’t have to know what I actually do with you. I can tell him you use condoms, and I can easily make it look like I’ve had sex. Could we just meet? I want him to suffer for...

2 years ago
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Mistakes Were MadeChapter 2

The following Monday after work I put on the disguise and went to the bar I had followed Parker to on several occasions. He was there when I walked in. He was shooting pool by himself so I got a beer and went over and asked him if he wanted to play. He said, "For a beer?" I said, "Sure." We played three times I won twice he won once. As we were drinking a beer after the last game I introduced my self as Glen Jackson and he said he was Chris Parker. We talked for a while and I asked him...

3 years ago
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What just happened0

there was what looked like a jail cell-style toilet, a drain in the center and sorta weirdly a king-sized four poster bed – quite feminine in its appearance: frilly and fluffy pink pillows and quilt The last thing I remembered was smoking from a pipe with Danell and Donnell McPhillips ,twin brothers I knew from school. And drinking a coke they had told me had a little rum in it. We had become friendly in a kind of a weird way. They were juniors and varsity football players -all...

2 years ago
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it just sort of happened2

Toni gave me mainly bland things items for kitchen etc but I took a different approach I wrote a list for sexual things that I would like, it went like this: I would like a blow job. Sex in a new position or location, Slide up and drip the come from your pussy all over me after we fuck then make me lick your pussy clean while you lick me clean, wear only sexy see through nigh ties while we are home and no panties (which really is not a problem since she does not wear panties most of the time...

2 years ago
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A Strange Happening0

My name is Ian and the story I am about to relate, you might think is a strange one, but it is all true though hard to understand. It started some 18 months ago, I had been working away from home, I am a self-employed software engineer, and had been working in Germany for a month. When I arrived home at about 2200 the house was in darkness, this, I thought, was very odd. My wife Sue and I had been married for 25 years, and when I was away, she always stayed up to welcome me back home in a way...

2 years ago
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A Strange Happening1

My name is Ian and the story I am about to relate, you might think is a strange one, but it is all true though hard to understand. It started some 18 months ago, I had been working away from home, I am a self-employed software engineer, and had been working in Germany for a month. When I arrived home at about 2200 the house was in darkness, this, I thought, was very odd. My wife Sue and I had been married for 25 years, and when I was away, she always stayed up to welcome me back home in a way...

4 years ago
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Accidents Happen2

Some may say that we had a “shotgun wedding” but neither of us felt that way, as we were genuinely in love. Eighteen years into our marriage we were still very much in love with each other. Of course, there are the regular ups and downs like in every long marriage, but everything levels up with time. That summer we noticed that our eldest, “our baby boy” as we still jokingly called him, was starting to mature a lot. He was spending ever more time with his friends outside home. To us he said...

3 years ago
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it happenedon vacation and continued at home pt 5

I don't know why but fucking a girl in the ass is something I always had wanted to do. Sure pussy is great, hell its fantastic but there is just something about the thought of fucking a girl in the ass. Maybe its just the fact of going in thru the out door (so to speak) or a girl being in that submissive position and you know your about to enter where your not supposed to or that you know its a tight tight hole and it just has to feel so dam good, perhaps its all the above and the fact that...

3 years ago
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Howd that happen3

Comments/criticisms are welcomed by me. These stories are meant to be read serially. The next morning I was barely able to get off the ground. It seems something else did come up and I was able to cope with it. Barely. Those ladies almost did me in. This morning I felt like I might not make it so Sante Fe if this kept up. After thinking about that for a while I smiled to myself and figured, what the hell, if it happens I don’t make it I can’t think of a better way to go. But we really had to...

2 years ago
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Howd that happen3

Comments/criticisms are welcomed by me. These stories are meant to be read serially. The next morning I was barely able to get off the ground. It seems something else did come up and I was able to cope with it. Barely. Those ladies almost did me in. This morning I felt like I might not make it so Sante Fe if this kept up. After thinking about that for a while I smiled to myself and figured, what the hell, if it happens I don't make it I can't think of a better way to go. But we really had to...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Little Mistakes Ch 1

‘Dear Journal Girl, Life sucks good bye forever’ That’s how I should write it, short, sweet, and to the point, right? Well, wrong I’ve never been accused of being short and to the point, I am long winded in my suffering. So here goes the real writing. ‘Dear Journal, I have been on this planet for all of 17 yrs, and ever since I’ve grown out of my childhood it’s been nothing but pain. To have to fake happiness one more day is impossible. No matter how deep the razor cuts it never seems...

2 years ago
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Little Mistakes Ch 2

It’s midnight and the phone’s going off in Lydia’s apartment, waking her from a peaceful sleep. Her first year at college was really kicking her butt not to mention the part time job she was working. On the third ring she picked it up and knew it would be a bad omen. ‘Lydia,’ ‘Dove?’ ‘Well its been a year almost, and we should be celebrating. However I shouldn’t, three days ago, I forgot what color my blood was… Hell for all I knew it could have been purple. This is a recording if you...

2 years ago
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Chain of Mistakes Day One

Devin: 15 years old. 5 "7 1/2". Sandy, brown hair. Brown eyes. Nora: 16 years old. 5 "7". Long, black hair. Blue eyes. Rose: 18 years old. 5 "8". Semi-long, brown hair, usually kept in a ponytail. Blue eyes (like her mother and sister). I'm writing this because I know they'll be sending me off soon, but before that happens I have to tell you how it all started. It was not my fault and I had no intention of things turning out like this. they just sort of did. I'm sure that if...

4 years ago
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Where mistakes may take you Part 2

Now the kiss had confused Katie. She wasn’t a lesbian, she wasn’t even bisexual, but she could notice a women’s beauty and therefore appreciate it. Admittedly, she had formed a slight crush on Lucy during the short time she had known her, but that doesn’t mean she could go from being as straight as ruler to being either lesbian or bisexual… Could it? Katie entered her squalid apartment, barely big enough to accommodate a dog never mind a fully grown adult, but it was home. After spending the...

1 year ago
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Where mistakes may take you Part One

“I hate public transport. I hate shopping, especiallyChristmas shopping. Heck, I HATE CHRISTMAS!” Katie shouted as she exited the bus into pouring rain with bags of Christmas shopping in each hand. “Why did I sell my car? Why? I’m a fucking idiot that’s why.” She huffed and sighed heavily before snuggling into her scarf and shuffling the mile walk to her house. ******** “Oh well I wish it could be Christmas everydayyyyyy!” Lucy sang in her car as she flicked the tinsel surrounding her rear...

3 years ago
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Making Up for Past Mistakes

 When we’re young we do some really stupid things that we regret for many of our adult years. When I say “we” I’m talking about myself, of course. I don’t like to think that I was a bully, but I’m sure that’s the exact word people would use.In my defense, I can say I never physically attacked any of the boys my “gang” harassed, but that’s a lame excuse. In fact, I’m as ashamed to admit I was one of the wannabe thugs that followed the main bully as I am that I said the things I said.The targets...

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Couple makes mistakes in Vegas

This story happened to me (us) at the end of June in Las Vegas. I am nervous and a little on edge. I was told by a friend to write it out and submit it to this site and another one like it. He feels that others on this site may have gone through something similar and would be able to give advice and feedback over what to do about all of the surreal events. My name is Mitch and my wife's name is Megan. We are from Ohio and have been married for 5 years . We have 2 boys ages 4 and 2 and our...

4 years ago
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Where mistakes may take you Part 2

Now the kiss had confused Katie. She wasn’t a lesbian, she wasn’t even bisexual, but she could notice a women’s beauty and therefore appreciate it. Admittedly, she had formed a slight crush on Lucy during the short time she had known her, but that doesn’t mean she could go from being as straight as ruler to being either lesbian or bisexual... Could it? Katie entered her squalid apartment, barely big enough to accommodate a dog never mind a fully grown adult, but it was home. After spending the...

Love Stories
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Where mistakes may take you Part One

“I hate public transport. I hate shopping, especiallyChristmas shopping. Heck, I HATE CHRISTMAS!” Katie shouted as she exited the bus into pouring rain with bags of Christmas shopping in each hand. “Why did I sell my car? Why? I’m a fucking idiot that’s why.” She huffed and sighed heavily before snuggling into her scarf and shuffling the mile walk to her house. ****** “Oh well I wish it could be Christmas everydayyyyyy!” Lucy sang in her car as she flicked the tinsel surrounding her rear view...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Drunk Mom Mistakes Son For Husband

I am a 25-year-old guy and this  incident happened when I was 18. My mom is a 5ft 2in lady with 32-28-36, pear-shaped figure. Her complexion is wheatish and she is pretty looking. She is a cultured Indian housewife in the early years. When I was around 15, my dad began traveling a lot for his work and my mom would pass time with the neighbourhood aunties. Boredom got the better of her and she began to go to parties with them. She began to drink on social occasions and slowly the habit crept...


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