Adam's Family Ch. 03 free porn video

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Christine walked gingerly as she crossed the airport to await her niece.  She’d added quite a bit to Becky’s cash flow with numerous private shows, and had the opportunity to watch Dan come several times as well, thanks to the camera she bought for him.  Angie and Adam had also joined in the numerous internet trysts, which always seemed to follow phone calls and emails to catch up with each other.

After plenty of time to recover, Christine had asked Adam to take her ass again, finding far greater endurance the second time around.  Though she was still a little tender a day later, she felt ready to take him and his cousin at the same time once Dan arrived.

Becky’s fiery red hair stood out from the crowd as she walked through the terminal, bringing a smile to Christine’s lips and a surge of wetness between her legs.  The tight t-shirt Becky wore without a bra likewise stood out – way out – once the redhead emerged from the tight press of the hallway into the open area where Christine awaited.

Aunt and niece both let out a purr into each other’s ears as they hugged, their breasts pressing together with quite intentional pressure.  When they parted, Christine noticed a young man with a look of startled fascination on his face staring at Becky.  She saw him as well, and blew him a kiss before waving to him.

“Someone you know?”  Christine asked as both women started toward the carousel to wait for Becky’s luggage.

“Not until on the plane – but he knew me.  He didn’t think I heard him whispering, but he recognized me from online.  I’ll tell you when we get out of here.”

“Well, well,” Christine laughed.

Becky laughed with her aunt and said, “It’s happened a couple of times.”

“We’ll go have a bite to eat once we get your bags.  Dan’s plane won’t be in for about two hours.”

“I can’t wait to see him,” Becky sighed.

“Not much longer,” Christine promised.

With Becky’s luggage in tow, the pair soon reached Christine’s car.  “Do you want to go out to get something to eat, or just head back into one of the airport restaurants?”  Christine asked.

“Here is fine.  I don’t want to miss it when he gets off the plane.”  Becky looked around for a moment and grinned mischievously.  She signaled for her aunt to lean in close, and then said, “When I realized that guy had recognized me, I waited a while to see if he’d say anything.  He got up and went to the bathroom, and I decided to meet him on the way back.  He looked like he was about to have a heart attack when we met in the aisle.”

“I wonder why,” Christine quietly chuckled.

“I asked him why he was staring, and he said he thought he knew me from somewhere.  Then he screwed up his courage and asked me if I was Cynthia.  I laughed and winked, but didn’t really answer him.  I went ahead to the bathroom, wondering if he’d went in there to jack off.  I started getting wet thinking about it, so I decided to give him a surprise.

“I rubbed my panties up into me until they were nice and sticky, and then took them off.  As soon as I tinkled, I wadded them up and hid them in my hand.  When I passed his seat, I leaned in and whispered that I had a present for him.  Then I stuck my panties between his legs and walked off.  He went back into the bathroom a few minutes later.”

“Oh my,” Christine laughed.  “So, you’re not wearing panties?”


“We’ll just see about that,” Christine said in a breathless whisper as she slipped her hand beneath Becky’s skirt.  She let out a moan as her fingers found her niece’s folds.

“Mmm – any more of that, and we aren’t going to get anything to eat  – and we’re probably going to get arrested.”

Christine brought her finger to her lips and sucked Becky’s juices from it with a shiver.  “I think it would almost be worth it.”

“You’ll just want it more if you have to wait.”


“It’s my job,” Becky laughed, and then walked back toward the terminal, her bottom swaying in an exaggerated, sexy dance.

Christine followed, thinking that this was going to be a long couple of hours.

The conversation actually steered away from sex over Starbucks and a salad, turning toward Christine filling in gaps of family history.  The two hours passed far quicker than either woman would have imagined during that chat, save for the last few minutes of waiting outside security for Dan’s flight to empty out.

Becky’s gasp indicated that she saw Dan before Christine did.  Glancing at the redhead and following her eyes, she soon recognized her nephew amongst the passengers coming down the aisle.  Christine could see the nervous energy building up in her niece, trying to send her running past the security line toward her brother.  She kept her instincts in check, and fell upon him with a delighted squeal as soon as he passed out of the secure zone.

“I missed you so much,” she finally declared after nearly bowling him over.

“Me too, Becca.  Hey, Aunt Christine,”

“Hey, Dan.  Let’s go get your bags and get out of here.”

“Uh huh,” Becky added with just a hint of suggestion in her voice.

Seeing the hunger in her niece’s eyes, she tugged on the redhead’s arm and whispered in her ear, “You’ll just want it more if you have to wait.”

Becky blew a raspberry at her aunt, but laughed and took her brother’s hand to lead him toward the baggage carousel.  His luggage dropped down in the first few bags, and the three were soon on their way to the car.

Christine knew that something was up when Becky leaned into the trunk almost as soon as it opened to say, “Let me move my stuff around to make some more room.”

Somehow, Christine managed to keep from chuckling as her niece quite purposely bent right in front of her brother, letting her short skirt ride up to reveal the lack of panties beneath.  He most certainly noticed, and let out an aroused chuckle when his sister dropped all pretenses and jiggled her bottom while giving him a sultry grin over her shoulder.

“So, does somebody want to ride shotgun, or do you both want to sit in the back?”

Becky answered almost before her aunt finished speaking, “We’ll ride in the back.”

Something in her voice told both Dan and Christine that the trip was rapidly developing some interesting potential.

The car pulled out into the final rosy glow of sunset, Christine having a difficult time watching the road as her niece and nephew engaged in increasingly passionate kisses.  She could see Dan’s hand beneath Becky’s t-shirt, and had little doubt about where Becky’s hand was.

Christine cursed the seat obstructing her view in the rear view mirror a few minutes later when she heard Becky gasp, and then both siblings let out a moan.  The slow pumping motion of her niece’s arm revealed what Becky was doing, but Christine was disappointed that she couldn’t see more.

“It’s been too long,” Becky said in a sultry, near whisper.

“God, that feels good,” Dan groaned.

“Mmm hmm,” Becky moaned in reply, and then leaned down into his lap.

Dan stiffened as his sister lapped his full length, ending with several flicks of her tongue over the swollen head of his cock.  A sharp hiss, bordering on a groan, burst from his lips as his cock slipped between hers.

Christine edged up her speed and reached between her legs to tease her need as she glanced in the mirror to see Dan tugging upward on his sister’s shirt, exposing her bountiful breasts to his hands.  Becky moaned around him, bobbing her head faster over his stiff organ.

“Ah!  Oh, Becca.”

His sister released him with a slurp and chuckled, “I’ve learned a few tricks.”  She didn’t wait for a response, but instead sucked him back in, almost all the way to the root.

Dan fisted his hand in his sister’s hair.  She sucked him hard for two strokes, resisting the pressure of his hand, and then deepthroated him again.  She swallowed around him, causing him to let out a sharp groan.

The pace of his breathing, the insistent pressure of his hand, and the thick tang of his pre-cum in her mouth let Becky know he was close.  She sucked him hard and fast, eager to taste his cum again, after so long.

Dan groaned, the sound long, drawn out, and growing in volume.  Then, his throat closed for an instant as he reached his peak, and the rest of his breath exploded from him in a growl.

Becky squealed around his cock as he filled her mouth with cream, though she nearly choked for doing so.  She swallowed, the effort leaving just enough room for his next spurt to fill her mouth again.

Her fingers rubbing fast beneath her skirt over her wet panties, Christine pouted, “No fair.  I want a taste too.”

Dan pulsed a final time in Becky’s mouth, not enough to fill it, but certainly enough to share with her aunt.  She sat up, pulling her shirt back down, and scooted to the front of the seat.  She then leaned forward and half-stood, her head against the roof of the car.

Keeping one eye on the road, Christine turned her head and tilted it up, parting her lips as Becky moved in to kiss her.  Christine moaned deep in her throat as her nephew’s cum dribbled from Becky’s lips into her mouth.  Their tongues danced over each other for a moment, and then Christine turned away to concentrate on the road, savoring the bittersweet treat in her mouth.

“He tastes good, doesn’t he?”  Becky purred as she sat back down.

“Mmm hmm,” Christine moaned in response, unwilling to swallow just yet.

“God, I’m so wet,” Becky gasped.  She sat back, flipped up her skirt, and parted her legs, giving clear evidence of her claim to even her aunt, looking indirectly through the rear view mirror.

Christine finally swallowed with a lick of her lips as she heard Dan’s seatbelt click open.  Becky lifted her right leg and braced it against the passenger seat, parting her legs wide enough to give her brother access.

Dan attacked her pussy with carnivorous hunger, not even bothering to put away his softening, slick cock.  “Ooo,” Becky moaned sensually, and looked up into the rear view mirror to grin at her aunt as she wiggled her hips beneath his tongue.

“Good?”  Christine asked.  She reluctantly pulled her fingers from between her legs, as she was edging toward climax, and didn’t think it would be a good idea to do so while driving.

“Oh yeah,” she chuckled, shivering from his darting tongue.  “He’s learned a few tricks too.”

Dan lapped and sucked, drinking up his sister’s juices.  He stabbed his tongue up under her hood just as a semi rolled up next to the car to pass.  The truck ceased accelerating, dropping back until the passenger window of the semi lined up with the car.  Christine and Becky both knew what that meant before they looked up to see the man in the passenger seat leering with a complete lack of shame.

Her brother’s tongue driving her toward her peak, Becky let a crooked grin spread across her face.  She pulled up her shirt, freeing her heavy breasts, and cupped the globes in her hands.  She looked directly up at the man in the semi above, licking her lips and putting her hand on the back of her brother’s head.

Christine laughed and held up one hand next to her face as she continued to drive, looking into the mirror to enjoy the show whenever she could.  Her niece was moaning and twitching, her breaths coming in pants.  Having watched the redhead come several times, Christine knew that Becky was on the edge.

Becky screamed, her back arching and her head slamming back into the seat behind her.  She pressed Dan’s face hard against her, lurching from the jolts of ecstasy shooting through her body.  He let out a satisfied groan, sucking her clit hard and drawing another yelp from her.

Becky finally pushed him away with a nearly chocked gasp.  Christine immediately said, “Your turn.  I get a taste of her too.”

Dan repeated his sister’s maneuver, and Christine once again watched the road with one eye as she lapped Becky’s juices from his chin, and then gave him a quick kiss.  The sound of the semi’s roaring engine let her know that they still had an audience, but she didn’t care.

Dan only noticed when the semi’s horn blew, startling all three of them.  He turned to see the trucker giving him a thumbs-up.  Christine glanced over as she hit her exit, seeing the disappointment in the man’s face as her car merged away from the truck.  She looked in the mirror to see her niece waving goodbye, her legs still spread wide and her pussy glistening with a combination of her wetness and her brother’s saliva.

“God, that was hot,” Becky gasped as she pulled her shirt back down and tugged at her skirt.  “You’ve gotten even better at that, and I loved having someone watch.”

“Damn, you taste good,” Dan sighed as he sat back down, finally maneuvering his flaccid manhood back into his jeans.

“How much farther?”  Becky asked.

“About ten minutes,” Christine answered, her sex screaming for attention.

“Too long,” the redhead pouted.

“Uh huh,” Christine agreed as she watched the siblings share a long kiss.  A few minutes later, she reached for her cellphone when it rang.  She put it on speaker and answered, “Hello?”

“Hey, Aunt Christine.  Did they make it in okay?”  Adam asked.

“Mmm hmm.  You somewhere safe?”


“Good.  Becky just finished coming all over his face, after she sucked him dry, of course.  We’re almost home, and the trucker that was riding along side us watching is probably trying to find a way to get back to the exit we took.”

“Hi, Adam,” Becky said in languid tones, her fingers beneath her skirt and rubbing her still quivering sex.

“Hey Becky,” Adam laughed.  “Heyas, Danbru.”

“Heyas, Adamant.”

“We’re almost home now,” Christine informed her nephew on the phone.

“I’ll be there tomorrow afternoon.”  The excitement in Adam’s voice couldn’t be missed.

“Can’t wait,” Christine responded.

“Me either,” Becky moaned.

“Gotta go.  Mom just came in downstairs.”

“See you tomorrow, then.”

“Tomorrow.  Bye.”

Christine disconnected the call and then said, “Don’t worry, Dan.  You won’t get left out.  I’m flying all of us up to see Angie before you both leave.  She has a sexy roommate, too.”

“Cool,” he chuckled.

Becky let out a low whistle as Christine slowed down a few minutes later.  “Wow, nice neighborhood.”

“This old place?” Christine said in an exaggerated Southern accent.  “Should be there in a couple of minutes now.”

Christine parked the car and then turned to see her niece and nephew once more kissing ardently.  “I was thinking we could just leave the bags for now, unless you really think you’ll need clothes any time soon.”

Becky shook her head and let out an excited “Nuh uh.”

Christine laughed and then got out of the car to let them in the house.  The door had barely closed before Becky pulled off her top and kicked off one of her shoes.  Christine rapidly followed suit, and both women were soon naked, with Dan drinking in the sight as they locked lips in a hungry kiss.

Becky’s hands roamed over her aunt’s body, even as Christine’s did the same.  Their tongues slipped over each other as they kissed, their need revealed in their passion.  Finally, Christine pulled away slightly and turned to Dan.  She asked, “Aren’t you a little overdressed?”  When he laughed, she tugged her niece toward the bedroom.

Dan followed, doing his best to shed his clothing along the way.  He was still wearing his unbuttoned jeans and one sock by the time he reached the bedroom, but dropped the last of his clothing as his sister and aunt fell into the bed.

Becky slipped her hand between Christine’s thighs and said, “It’s been a while since I went down on some hot pussy.”  She pressed her fingers between her aunt’s nether lips, causing Christine to stiffen and moan.  “Besides, you’re the only one who hasn’t got to come yet since we got here.”

“No argument from me,” Christine said with a grin as she rolled over onto her back.  Becky moved with her, falling into the V of her legs almost as soon as Christine parted them.

Becky stared up into her aunt’s eyes, using every trick of the trade she knew to make the dark-haired woman want her.  Her movements were carefully orchestrated, and her touches mere teases.  She kissed her aunt’s legs and thighs, frequently drawing close enough for her hot breath to kiss Christine’s nether lips, but never actually touching them.

Christine tensed in anticipation and drew in a deep breath as her niece looked up into her eyes.  Becky licked her lips and moved tantalizingly close to where Christine wanted her.  The redhead leaned in slowly, letting her breath caress her aunt’s folds three times, and then suddenly shifted her approach to kiss over the little patch of hair on Christine’s mound.

Christine let out a little moan of disappointment as her niece placed another kiss a little higher, but smiled when the trail of kisses led somewhere else interesting.  Becky sucked her aunt’s right nipple between her lips and flicked it with her tongue.

Becky straddled her aunt’s leg, rubbing her wet folds over it as she sucked and nibbled on the stiff bud between her lips.  Christine did her best to satisfy the need between her legs in much the same way, but her niece devilishly defeated her efforts at every turn.  The redhead sucked her aunt’s nipple hard, pulling it upward and then letting it snap free of her lips.  She then edged forward to dangle her pendulous breasts above her aunt’s face.

Christine took the hint, and accepted the opportunity.  Becky’s knee now rested right between her aunt’s legs, in perfect position for Christine to rub her folds against it with heated friction.  At the same time, she cupped her niece’s heavy breasts in her hands and pushed them together, giving her easy access to both pinky-tip sized nipples.

The mattress shifted, and Christine glanced over from her efforts to see Dan lying down on the bed where he could watch.  “You like?”  She asked, the sound distorted because she was still flicking her tongue over her niece’s right nipple.

“Oh yeah,” Dan answered with a lusty smile.

“Me too,” Becky moaned.  She then let out a yelp as her aunt nibbled on the stiff bud between her lips.

With a sexy growl, Christine let her niece’s nipple free.

Becky straightened her arms and asked, “Was that a hint?”

A nod of her head and a thrust of her hips against the redhead’s leg answered that question.

Becky sat up and dragged her wide-splayed fingers down Christine’s chest, ending the journey by framing her aunt’s sex with her hands.  Christine once again spread her legs wide as her niece scooted back, and then gasped as the redhead struck like a snake.

Dan moved again to attain a better vantage on his sister lapping his aunt.  He’d seen Becky with another woman before, but not having miles of wires carrying the sight over the internet made the act infinitely more exciting.  He could smell his aunt’s arousal, and clearly hear the soft sounds of his sister’s tongue.

Becky aggressively licked her aunt’s folds with strong pressure, moaning from the taste and scent.  Christine wriggled and cooed beneath her, already building toward a peak.  The redhead sucked her aunt’s nether lips, wiggling her head back and forth at the same time, and then stabbed her tongue in deep.

“Oh, that’s good!  Oh, yes!”  Christine exclaimed, fondling her breasts with one hand while she pressed down on her niece’s head with the other.

Becky pushed against the resistance of her aunt’s hand, rising enough to lift the protective sheathe hiding the brunette’s clit.  She slipped her tongue over the full length of her aunt’s sex, from bottom to top, and then flicked her tongue in rapid bursts over the exposed bud.

“Oh, god yes!” Christine squealed as shocks of bliss spread from the center of her pleasure to the tips of her toes, curling them.

The reaction encouraged Becky to keep up the assault, and to slip two fingers into her aunt’s tight embrace as well.  The relentless tongue-tip flicks pushed Christine to the edge, and Becky felt the warm, wet confines around her fingers grow even tighter.

“Ah!  Ah!  Ah!  Yes!”  Christine screamed as she exploded in orgasm.  Her hips thrust upward toward her niece’s mouth, while her hands pushed down hard at the same time.  She trembled and then sucked in a great gasp of air as her bottom slammed back down to the bed.  She screamed again as another wave of orgasmic energy flooded through her, thrashing away from her niece as her climax took complete control of her body.

When she regained her senses, Christine watched through half-closed eyes as Dan lapped her wetness from the redhead’s face and kissed his sister passionately.  All the while, Becky stroked her brother’s slowly hardening cock.  Christine reached down to tease her folds, twitching from the aftershocks of bliss that sent coursing through her body.

With her brother’s cock hard and throbbing in her hand, a look of hungry need filled Becky’s face.  Christine summoned up the energy to move, knowing that her niece had a need long denied that needed satiation – immediately.  She took a couple of deep breaths and then said, “Take her, Dan.  I want to see your big cock buried inside her.”

Becky slowly uncurled her fingers from his erection and sank to the mattress.  Dan moved over her leg as she parted her thighs, his eyes locked with hers – their hearts racing.  Christine’s hand replaced her niece’s around Dan’s cock, guiding him into position and pressing the flared tip against the redhead’s wet heat.

“I need you, Dan,” Becky said in a breathless whisper.

“Nobody could ever compare to you,” he responded, and then sighed as his aunt stroked his cock over his sister’s nether lips.

Christine pressed down on Dan’s cock, poising it to penetrate Becky.  She didn’t need to utter a word, because he pushed into her depths without hesitation.

Becky groaned as her brother’s big cock filled her as no other could.  He sank into her to the hilt in one steady push, and paused there.  Brother andTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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“HELLO. I’M REBA SMITH. I’ve been sent by the alphabet soup department to collect a baby from Mr. Adams,” the redhead at the door said. Ramsey looked at her skeptically. Another Smith sent to collect Jack’s... Wait a minute. “It’s not right to make someone work on Thanksgiving,” I said. “Come in and join us for dinner. We’re just having drinks before we go downstairs for the meal.” “Oh yes, thank you.” Reba pranced into the room like she owned it, went directly to Jack and kissed him. He...

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Adams ApplesChapter 18 If Not Me Then

“I THOUGHT YOU CUFFED HER to the chair!” Smith yelled at Smith. “We weren’t really restraining her,” Ms. Smith yelled back. “I tossed the other end of the cuffs around the chair leg but under the rung. It was just a reminder to behave.” “That is so stupid!” “She still has one end of the cuffs around her leg and is dragging the other.” “But did she take the President’s daughter with her?” Smythe demanded, shaking off his drunk and acting like a commander. “And did she go willingly or was...

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Adams ApplesChapter 19 Flash

“HE’S OUT OF THE WOODS,” the doctor said. Hamilton, I think his name was. My injury was minor. Half a dozen stitches and a bandage on my arm. I couldn’t even reasonably call in sick to work. Not that I had a job. “What was the damage?” I asked. Dr. Hamilton frowned. “I guess you are officially his guardian, so I’ll tell you.” He looked around to make sure no one was nearby and lowered his voice. “She managed to slice off one of his testicles. The other has a small cut. There was a lot of...

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Adams ApplesChapter 20 As Yet Undisclosed Location

I FILED A STORY Tuesday morning to follow up on the attack on Jack Adams. I listed Jack as “Recovering at an undisclosed location.” The speed of our relocation left the rest of the press in the dust. Of course, it wouldn’t take many more visits by Colonel Smythe, Kitty Muffley, Lieutenant Smith, or the Smith MIBs for people to surmise that Jack was living with the Smiths in Orlando. “Just say Jack is in a secure location which is only available on a need to know basis. He is being attended...

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Adams ApplesChapter 21 Happy Holidays

WITH JACK OUT OF WASHINGTON, life seemed to go back to normal. The stock market recovered. The protests died down. The size of SORDID, now that it had no ‘specimen’ to manage, doubled. “With everyone going about life as if it was going to go on forever, you’d think people must be having babies again. Any word on that, Mattie?” “A report from Russia claims they have found a virile man who lived in a remote area of Siberia. There has been no confirmation and the whereabouts of the man are...

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Adams ApplesChapter 22 Die Hard with a Vengeance

THE COLONEL’S NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY drew more people to our house than the Christmas party had. I constantly expected protesters to show up in front of the house because so many people knew Jack, Evelyn, and Lily were in residence there. But while it was common knowledge in the neighborhood, it seemed to be a tacit secret elsewhere. By the end of the party, there was another stack of gifts for Lily under the Christmas tree. It was like the entire community was bringing gifts to the manger...

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Adams ApplesChapter 23 Almost Normal

THE LEAST UPSET PERSON in the house was Lily. Put a nipple in her mouth and she was happy. Evelyn was surprisingly calm, sitting in a corner of the living room with Lily. When the SORDID Chief of Staff and his ... staff left, there were still eleven people left in the house. Mattie emerged from the basement office and went to the bar where she began mixing Bloody Marys. Sheila went to help her. “Ugh! Not for me,” Elizabeth said. “I think I caught a bug from my students. Not even a month back...

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Adams ApplesChapter 24 Starting Over

IT WASN’T MY FINEST HOUR. I’d wanted a child ever since we got married and Elizabeth kept rejecting the idea with a “Not Yet.” Then when I couldn’t have children, she’d become insatiable and determined to have a child. In the worst way. “So, that’s why you wanted Evelyn and Jack to live here under our protection,” I sighed. “So you could seduce Jack and have his baby. How are you going to explain that to Evelyn? She trusted you.” “You horrid animal!” Elizabeth snapped, going from sweet to...

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Adams ApplesChapter 2 Breaking News

“RELAX, PEOPLE!” President says, “We’re not at war.” President Malkin Muffley came on the air early this morning to reassure the American people after the spectacular show of outer space fireworks that the display was neither a hostile act nor an end sign of the world nor an alien invasion. “I’ve had a lot of calls ... a huge number of calls from important people ... very important people ... some of the most important people in the world ... who called me begging me not to push the...

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Adams ApplesChapter 3 Down to Earth

JACK ADAMS GOT BACK TO EARTH after rendezvousing with the freighter at the ISS and switching command of his repair shuttle to Lee Burke. “You got the easy stuff,” Lee groused. “I’ve loaded guidance for the shuttle from satellite to satellite in the deeper ranges of LEO. Sometimes it will take me three days to get from one to the next.” “Watch out for those black ones. After I boosted that last one and reset it, all hell broke loose. I went back and it was completely fried. I towed it back...

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Adams ApplesChapter 4 Testing Testing

“SAM, JUST GO TO THE CLINIC, jack off in a cup, and let them give you something to increase your virility. There has to be some reason you’re not getting me pregnant. Now would you make the call?” Reba demanded. The reason might be because she’s a spoiled, entitled, bitching shrew, Sam reasoned to himself. Ever since they (read ‘she’) decided to have children, Reba had been demanding and rushed. It wasn’t bad at first. Having a wife who wanted a baby was fun. She never turned down sex. But...

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Adams ApplesChapter 5 Beat the Clock

“RAMSEY, THIS IS DOCTOR SIMPSON. Do you have a minute to talk?” “Sure, Doc. Am I late for a checkup?” I sat up straight. There’s nothing to get your attention like having your doctor call out of the blue and say, ‘We need to talk.’ It was a slow news day and I couldn’t figure out why Doc Simpson would call me. “We’ve had some interesting developments over at the hospital. You’re the only person I know with an eye for real news. It has to do with dropping birthrates. I think we’re onto...

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Adams ApplesChapter 6 News Break

WHY AREN’T YOU PREGNANT? That’s right, you aren’t pregnant. No one is. Investigations have uncovered what appears to be a global sterilization of human males. No babies are being born and the world population clock is counting backwards. Of course, you can check with your doctor and even go to a fertility clinic. But they will all show the same. No matter how much semen a man produces in an ejaculation, it will contain no living sperm. It appears this has affected only the...

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Adams ApplesChapter 7 Boom

I LIKED MOTHER’S. It was reminiscent of a prohibition speakeasy and was modeled after the bar in the old Peter Gunn television show. It even had a small stage where a jazz trio played and was often joined by a chanteuse who whispered out sweet songs of seduction. That was like a hundred years ago when newsmen were newsmen. I even have a Homburg hat I wear when I go there. It has a wider brim than a trilby, but no side creases like a fedora. Other guys in the business like the Red Light, a...

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Adams ApplesChapter 8 Men in Black

I WALKED INTO ED’S OFFICE and felt the big man’s ever-present shadow fall over me. My story was lying on the editor’s desk. “You have genuine sources to back this up?” “Yes. They’ve asked to remain out of the picture until the story is picked up elsewhere. There’s a real fear out there that the government is quashing the real story and the people who would tell it,” I said. “Aren’t you worried?” “I just work in your shadow.” “This story isn’t enough. We need to know how and when this...

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Adams ApplesChapter 9 Birth of a Nation

THE STOCK MARKET ‘CRASH’ was more like an amusement park waterslide. It looped up and around, diving steeply and then going airborne on a rise. But ultimately, you knew you’d hit the bottom and hoped there was enough water left in the pool to buoy you up a little. “This is all your fault, Smith,” Derek Goldman yelled across the newsroom office. Derek covered the paper’s finance pages and was clearly unhappy. “The market is down another thousand points today. You just had to come along and...

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Adams ApplesChapter 10 Flight to Egypt

AT SIX O’CLOCK, Elizabeth returned with steak dinners for everyone on duty—especially Jack and Evelyn. She also began shaking martinis for us. It was my favorite interview technique. We sat at the little table between the chairs playing gin until food and drinks had been pushed between us. Jack was nearly catatonic with fear over the coming press conference. “I never talk to people,” he said. “That’s why I like my job, except for being away from Evelyn. Maybe I can get Indira to let her go...

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Adams ApplesChapter 11 Military Maneuvers

THE MOTORCADE FROM ANDREWS Air Force Base into downtown Washington, DC drew significantly less attention than the one in Florida. Motorcades are old hat in the nation’s capital. It’s unusual for so much as a senator from Kentucky to arrive at the Capitol in less than three cars. It was speculated that one particularly obese senator had to be broken up in three parts and was reassembled when his motorcade came to a stop. At six o’clock on a Monday morning, the United States Government is...

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True Friends and Family

True Family and Friends A Winnisimmet Tales Story By Efin Copyright 2015 Looking In Publications All rights reserved This book is a complete work of fiction. Any possible similarity to another work is completely coincidental and unintentional. Situations are made up based on the author's own feelings and are in no way based on reality. This book...

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Christmas With The Family

Christmas With The Family   An Original Work by Donato, Copyright 2007       Harry and Todd had been friends since grade school and now were freshmen at the same college, State University. It was almost Christmas and Todd had invited Harry to stay with he and his family as Harry's folks had been called out of town on a family emergency. It was the first time Harry was not to see his folks over Christmas and he was really down in the...

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Chapter 1 The week before school vacation is always a tough week, but for the large Finn Family this 2nd week of February was the toughest. It started with a wedding but quickly turned into fear and anxiety as two members of the family went into premature labor. Marcus Quentin Sylvester, the elder by one minute, was alright but Brent Louis Jones, the younger of the two, was in very real danger. Brent had trouble breathing and was on the small side for babies at his state of...

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My family

My Family My Family    I have lived next door to Jim and Cindy most of my life and they had two beautiful daughters? that were much undisciplined girls.  The oldest one Mary 18 years old and the younger one Vicki 17 years old. Jim drove truck and one day was killed in an accident. Cindy and I started to date about 3 months later and she and I were to go out for dinner one night. I was to pick her up at 6pm for a business dinner. I arrived and she was not ready and was just getting out of...

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Heading East The Jones Family

Newhall, Missouri was a changed place. In the past two and a half months every town agency had been completely torn apart by the state and federal corruption probes. There was rampant nepotism, greed, extortion, conflicts of interest, fraud, and embezzlement throughout the town brought to light by the investigators. It went further to include the County of Hadley which Newhall residents completely controlled. Things were dire in the town. The sheriff's office was torn in half...

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Making of a Family

Prologue James York was a tall, skinny, weak white teenager. His father worked hard as a distribution warehouse manager. His mother was a nurse who spent long hours working at a major hospital. The family lived in a modest four bedroom home in an upscale neighborhood in Winnisimmet, MA that their combined hard work enabled them to buy. James wasn't the best looking but he had an infections personality that made you instantly like him. He could tell what you were thinking and know...

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Heading East The Toro Family

The season had just ended in bitter disappointment. The Dodgers had lost in the divisional series yet again. They tried but there was always something that caused them to collapse or lose out on opportunities. Their performance wasn't really a problem to him, what irked was that the team was full of themselves. They were elites in the city but not all players were the same. Some were family people who chose to go home to their wives and girlfriends while others, like Miguel Toro,...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 9 Tuscaloosa Trip First Christmas with the Family

Characters Introduced Sophia, 18 5'4, white Dirty Blond hazel eyes 36D breasts, long swan-like neck Becca, 16 5'6, white Red Hair with Green eyes 36C breasts Martha, 35 5'4, white Blond with Blue eyes 36D breasts Victoria, 17 5'6, white Blond with Blue eyes 36C breasts Candy, 14 5'4, white Blond with Blue eyes 34B breasts Cynthia, 14 5'4, white Blond with Blue eyes 34B breasts Alileen, 12 5'2, white Blond with Green eyes 32C breasts Alexis, 12 5'2, white Blond with Green...

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Christmas Wedding Part 2 Evans Family

9 Days Before Christmas Charles and Grace Evans were about to enjoy their first extended period of solitude since their son was born. Charles enjoyed his job as a police officer but it often kept him busy at all hours of the day and night as be worked up through the ranks to become an Assistant Commissioner, the third highest rank in the Metropolitan Police Service. He had no plans on becoming the Deputy Commissioner or the Commissioner when the positions opened up, but still worked...

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A Bride for the Entire Family

Cindie Hightower’s entire body still tingled with the memory of the wonderful fucking her daddy had given her moments ago. Kalyn was so right, fucking was the best. She hoped that daddy would fuck her again soon, but if not, she had options — plenty of them! Cindie just basked in the afterglow of her happiness, remembering that only just a month ago, things had been so, so different. The 19-year old had not been a happy girl then. Almost all of her misery was caused by her unhappy home life....

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Very Loving Family

by Jen L. Lee © 2012 The thick cock was moving in and out of Brooke’s pussy at a steady pace. Her nipples tingle and she felt flush, but it was all so GOOD! Losing her cherry had hurt a little, but it hadn’t really been a long hurt. Now it was feeling so wonderful. Brooke Taylor was thrilled. At last she was one of them. At long last she could fuck with her loving family. Brooke’s long blonde hair covered her coral-pink nipples and it tickled a bit. She knew that she was a bit...

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The Shaw Family

?? ? ? ? ?The tea cup in my hand was probably worth more than my car in the driveway. It was a grand circular driveway of course. I loved the car though; it was an old old Chevy Cavalier, bright yellow. People on the street were always waving at me, trying to hail a cab. I felt popular. I got to hand it to the Shaw family, they were one good looking bunch of people. All three sons inherited their height, manner and masculine good looks from Dr. Donald Shaw, one of the world's most famous...

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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 1 The Family

Sunday, May 30, 1971 Grace stretched her nude body languorously beside me, reaching above her head to touch the rustic headboard as she pointed her toes. "Ooo! I can't believe I fell asleep," she said lazily. "You expended a lot of energy," I replied. "I think WE expended a lot of energy. You fell asleep too," she giggled. I just smiled. My name used to be Phil Brown. And up until two weeks ago, I was a fifty-six year old loser, stuck in a dead end job, a dead end marriage, and a...

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An Insular Family

A young woman finds a unique way to keep her family together. There were just 3 people plus the minister at the gravesite. As the minister spoke, the three people just stood there, holding hands, with tears streaming down their faces. The three people were Anna, her brother Shaun, and their father Carl Pearson. The person in the casket was the children’s mother. Just a couple of short months ago their mother had complained of feeling run down and went to see a doctor. What she found was that...

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Big Incest Family

Hi Friends, This is Bobby here again with a new episode. It was a last week event when due to my official work I had to go to Jaipur for 2 day trip. I planned to leave early in the morning around 6 so that I can be in Jaipur by 10 AM and can start my meetings. As per schedule I started and as soon as I crossed manesar, I saw one lady waiving for the Lift. She was standing near the car which shows that there was some problem with car and some male was inspecting the same. I stopped the car near...

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A First For Gracie Gracie Brings A Brother Into The Family

John was heading home after a long day of meetings. He worked construction so was not used to sitting inside all day. Needing to relax from the day, he pulled into Frank’s Place to grab a drink or six.  He walked into the bar and quickly realized everyone else in town had the same idea he did. Luckily, he found one bar stool open toward the end of the bar. As he sat down, a gorgeous bartender walked up. She had pretty black hair and was wearing a tight T-shirt. Nice tits, he thought to...

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Welcome to the Family

Zach sipped on his scotch and sighed. He had been dreading his daughter Danielle’s 14th birthday for months. Not for the reasons most fathers did; he wasn’t worried about the music she was starting to listen to, or the fact that she was getting older and more independent. Even her ‘hanging out with friends’ slowly starting to look a lot more like double dates didn’t bother him. “Honey,” his wife Olivia’s voice called softly from the kitchen. “You’ve been hiding in there all day. Go mingle with...

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Sex With My Boyfriends Family

Were both one7 in our second last year of high school and have been dating for a little over a year now my boyfriend is the definition of beauty, big blue eyes blonde wavy hair lovely slender body with a beautiful uncut 6 inch cock. I had the slutty physic im skinny curvy around the abdomen area with a cute little bubble butt and perky boobs my hair was long straight brown hair with tinges of blonde. Now that’s what we look like now just imagine us fucking we have amazing sex I love it how...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 94 Setting Up The Future for Business and Family

Mark I sat in my posh office with Andy Martin, my number two in the company, and Tom Power, a superb executive and leader I’d discovered purely by accident in St. Croix. Less than a year later I recruited him and put him in charge of a burgeoning start-up in nanotechnology we’d discovered in Silicon Valley; a great idea by several profs from Stanford but with no management talent to get it going and to market. Over the subsequent two years, he’d turned some hopes and dreams into a real...

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Marriage into a Fun family

I was 20years old studying in engg college near delhi my name is Vandana. I was not the best looking girl in my batch but i managed to come in top 10. Many boys gave me good attention and i had few hook-ups in first 2 years of college but nothing lasted more then couple of months. At home , i had my mother only dad had expired when i was 4 year old .. Mom took real care of me by working in a it firm . We never had any money problems in our life mom earned well and had enough of family wealth...

1 year ago
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Egg Nogged Family

Dec 24th 2008: the McLeod House, a small town in the American Midwest I stopped in the doorway when I saw her. She was sitting at the kitchen table with our baby in her arms, gently holding her daughters head as the baby's lips hungrily sucked at her fat teat. Involuntarily my tongue slipped between my teeth and started to lick my lips in anticipation. Of course she sensed my presence. "Hi you," she welcomed as she looked back over her shoulder with a broad smile on her face. I slowly...

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My Pervy Family

Have you met My Pervy Family? They’re not actually mine in the sense that I’m related to them, nor are they mine in the sense that I’m running the titular website devoted to them because I’m not. They aren’t my own pervy family any more than they’re yours. But in that sense, perhaps they belong to all of us the same way our favorite songs have a way of becoming human culture instead of just some musician’s intellectual property. Well, I’m probably getting way more philosophical about the site’s...

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