Indonesian Boy Story
- 3 years ago
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I had met her online. She was a fan of my writing. My name is David, and I write erotic stories for Lush Stories. I am also a D/s Master and live the Life with my submissive. So my BDSM stories are written with first-hand knowledge of what I'm talking about.
I got an email from Hannah and she told me she had just finished reading my story, "Welcome Home, Master". She told me she loved how I had made the relationship between the Master and submissive in the story so warm and loving, and yet so hot and sexy. She told me she loved how the Master in the story could control her even without touching her, and how she seemed to adore his control over her. "It's so romantic... and so sexy!" she wrote.
I told her I was glad she liked the story and thanked her for reading it. She said she was going to read more of them which made me feel good. I always like it when someone enjoys my stories and especially if they are a repeat reader.
The next day, I got another email from Hannah. She had some questions about D/s which I was happy to answer. The first one, and one I have gotten quite a lot, is "How do I know if I am really a submissive or not?" she asked. This is a pretty common question and I tried to give her some simple advice on it.
I told her that being a submissive isn't just kneeling in front of someone and fetching them a drink or something. Being a submissive is not something you DO, it's something you ARE. A true submissive had an innate desire... almost a need... to please. To do for others. Submissives feel most comfortable and happy when they are serving others in some way. They just choose one person to focus that service on.
Hannah was satisfied with that explanation and said she thought she was a submissive because she did like serving others. She asked me if I would mind helping her learn to be a submissive; if she could ask questions and get my ideas on what a submissive is. I told her I would be happy to help her learn and gave her some URL's that she could go to to find out more about it.
After that, we began to correspond fairly regularly. She asked questions about D/s and I answered them as best I could with my own views on different aspects of the Life. I told her that when the time comes for her to find a Master, he will want to do things his way but the things I told her were pretty much how most Masters felt.
Along with talking D/s and the Life, we also began to become more familiar with each other on a personal level. I learned that Hannah was thirty-two years old, and worked at an agency for the physically disabled. She helped clients write up grants to get the adaptive equipment they needed, to get money to have their homes modified to suit their needs, and other things.
I told her that I was an information technology specialist - a computer geek, I told her - and that I set up and maintain networks for companies, I find and fix viruses and other malware, and help with computer security. She seemed impressed, and we soon become pretty good friends.
After about three months of writing and getting to know each other, we were on Lush in a chat when she told me of a problem she'd had the other day.
"Sir," she wrote, "A few weeks ago I met a man who said he was a Master. He told me all about his experience and what he was looking for in a submissive, and he sounded like the perfect Master for me. He said he liked the fact that I was new to all this - he said he wouldn't have to waste time UNtraining me and could bring me up his way.
"Everything was going along great until the other day when he said he wanted to meet me. When he found out about me though, he said he couldn't work with me and he said goodbye. He did it in a nice way, I guess but it still hurt, Sir!"
"Well, I'm sorry things didn't work out for you, Hannah," I wrote, "But you and I have been corresponding for a few months now and I think I know you pretty well. What is it that made this Master cut and run?"
There was a long pause while I waited for her to respond. Finally, I wrote, "Hannah are you still there or did we get cut off?" I asked. I know that the Internet is anything but reliable and I thought maybe her computer had a brainfart or something!
"I'm still here, Sir. I'm afraid I haven't been completely forthcoming with you, Sir. You see I'm in a wheelchair. I had an accident many years ago - I was hit by a car while I was riding my bicycle - and I am now paralyzed from the waist down. I can't walk and I can't feel anything from just below the belt down. I'm sorry... I should have told you before this," she wrote.
"I see," I wrote, not really knowing what else to say.
"You probably want to leave too. I can understand that. Who wants a submissive that can't serve, that can't kneel and can't have sex!" she wrote.
I could sense the sadness and the hopelessness in her words. She wanted more than anything to be a submissive, but due to an unfortunate accident, she was now confined to a wheelchair.
"Hannah, my dear, who says you can't serve? Who says you can't be a good submissive. I mean sure you may not be able to kneel and you may not be able to do other things that most submissives can do. But that shouldn't prevent you from becoming a submissive yourself. Aren't you in the business of helping people like yourself lead productive lives?" I asked her.
"Yes, but..." she wrote.
"But nothing. There is no reason why you can't be a good and useful submissive yourself. You live on your own, right?" I wrote.
"Yes Sir," she replied.
"Then you can obviously take care of yourself. And I have gotten to know you and from what I've seen so far I think you would make a fine submissive. You seem to have the drive and the heart for it. And your job is a service job. So unless you have some other deep, dark secret, I don't see why you couldn't be a serviceable submissive. You aren't an ax murderer are you?" I wrote.
"No Sir, not an ax murderer. But I can't find a Master willing to give me a chance!" she wrote.
"Well, you found one. How many do you need?" I wrote her.
"You mean... You, Sir?" she wrote.
"Sure, why not? I mean it would be an online thing, you being in St. Louis and me being here in Chicago, but at least it would get you started and get you in the habit of submitting to a Master. And there are things we can do - things I can have you do to show your submission. It's not the perfect arrangement you were hoping for but-" I wrote.
She stopped me right in mid-sentence. I looked below and in all caps, she had written: "I WOULD LOVE TO SIR!!!"
And so began Hannah's online submissive training. We set up a regular time to meet and I gave her "lessons" or tasks to perform so she would feel she was serving. She did everything I asked of her without question or complaint. She really wanted this I could tell.
One day, I decided to meet with her on Skype. She had told me she had Skype on her computer and that she used it to keep in touch with her family, so she was familiar with the program. I used it quite often in my work as well. But today I wanted to use it to see her for this assignment. We connected up and this was the first time we could actually see each other.
"Hello Hannah," I said, using my microphone headset.
"Hello Sir," she said, beaming. "You look just like I pictured you would Sir. Very handsome and distinguished!"
"Well, thank you, my dear. You look very lovely as well," I said. And I was pleased with what I saw. She was as she had described herself (which pleased me very much - I knew that occasionally people misrepresented themselves online and were younger/prettier/in better shape than they said they were. I was happy that her description of herself was accurate.)
"Thank you, Sir. I am pleased that you are happy with my appearance," she said.
"I am. I love long hair, but I notice yours is loose. I would like to see it in a ponytail. Like this, it shades and covers your pretty face and you have lovely eyes. I wish to be able to see them. And a ponytail makes a much better handle and leash to guide a submissive!" I said.
"Yes, Sir. Shall I put it in a ponytail right now?" she asked.
"No, that won't be necessary. But from now on, I would like it that way," I said.
"Yes, Sir. I will remember. May I ask why you wanted to meet here today, Sir?" she asked.
"Well, submissive, I want to test your resolve a bit. I want to see if you are really willing to submit to me unquestionably," I said.
"Sir?" she asked, concerned.
"Hannah, I know that you are self-conscious about your body and your looks and perhaps rightfully so. I'm sure it hasn't been easy for you - you probably get looks and stares and people feeling sorry for you all the time. But if you are going to be a proper submissive, you will have to learn that occasionally you are told to do something which makes you feel uncomfortable because your Master wants to see if you will do it - if you will obey.
"So today I want you to undress for me. I want to see you without all the clothes you are wearing. I want to see my submissive in all her glory," I told her.
"But, Sir... my legs..." she said.
"Yes, I see that you have two of them. So do I. So what?" I asked.
"They are... not right Sir," she said, looking down in her lap.
"Hannah look at me," I said. She looked up and I could see sadness in her eyes. "Do you want to be a good submissive or not?" I asked her.
"I do, Sir. I want to please you, really. It's just -" She said.
"Then do as I say and get undressed. Be a good girl and do as I tell you," I said.
"Y-yes Sir," she said cautiously. She began getting undressed as I waited. It took her a bit to get out of her pants, understandably, but I was patient and waited for her. Soon she was in nothing but her panties.
"Panties too, subbie. I want to see it all," I said. I heard her sigh, but she moved to comply.
"Okay, Sir, I am completely naked now," she said.
"Good girl. Now roll backward and let me see the finished product," I told her. She did as I said and then rolled forward again.
"Very good. I am proud of you Hannah. You met with a challenge that was uncomfortable for you and you accomplished it without argument or disobedience. You have done well today my dear," I said.
"Thank you Sir," she said, blushing but smiling.
"You can call me Master," I said.
"Thank you... Master," she corrected herself, smiling even broader now.
It was about a month later on one of our regular Lush chats that I took us to the next level. We had just begun talking when I announced the good news.
"Hannah, I have been called to go to St. Louis to do some work for a company there. I will be flying down there at the end of next week and will be there for three or four days probably. How would you feel about getting together while I'm there? Maybe dinner or something?" I asked.
"Oh, Master! Oh, I would love to meet you in person! Oh Yes! Yes!" she said excitedly. I thought for a second she was going to jump up out of her chair and I'm sure she would have too if she could!
So for the next few days, we talked about getting together and about what we would do while we were together. She asked how long I would be working and what I would be doing. I told her as much as I could - it wasn't a big secret or anything, I just wasn't sure what it would entail until I got there!
"Master, where will you be staying while you are here?" she asked.
"I have a hotel room reserved at the Hyatt-Regency, why?" I asked.
"Sir, I hope you won't think this too forward of me, but since we have such a short time together why don't you stay with me? You won't have to pay for a hotel room and we can have more time together," she said.
"I have a better idea. Why don't you come stay at the hotel with me? All the rooms are handicapped-friendly and you won't have to worry about dishes or laundry or anything like that. I have an expense account so it would be like a stay in town vacation for you!" I said.
"Ooh, yes! I like that idea. A vacation in town!" she said. So it was settled. Hannah would come to stay with me at the hotel while I was in town, and that way we could have some time together. She was so excited that she could hardly sit still in her chair!
Finally, the day arrived and after an uneventful hour-long flight, I landed at the St Louis International airport. As I walked into the terminal building I saw her sitting there waiting for me. I didn't expect her to be at the airport waiting for me but I was glad she was. I went up to her smiling.
"Hello Sir," she said. She softly took my hand and kissed it, then put it to her forehead - a sign of respect since she couldn't kneel (and it wouldn't have been appropriate anyway). No one else even noticed her actions and wouldn't have said anything if they had.
"Hello, my dear, I didn't expect you to meet my plane!" I said.
"I know, Sir, but I just couldn't wait to meet you face to face! I hope you don't mind," she looked up at me.
"Not at all, my sweet. I am happy to have you here. It is a very nice surprise. Shall we go get my bags and go to the hotel?" I said.
"Yes Sir," she said, and we headed to baggage claim. We managed to navigate the crowds with her in her electric wheelchair and me walking alongside her. I deliberately put her on my left and it was fortunate that her controls for the wheelchair were on her left as well. This allowed she and I to hold hands while we walked - something she thoroughly enjoyed. She looked up at me three or four times just beaming as we made our way to the baggage claim area.
After I had my bags, I waved down a steward with a baggage cart to take our bags to the taxi boarding area. We hailed a cab that could handle her wheelchair and headed for the hotel.
It took about forty-five minutes to get to the hotel - almost as long as the flight itself! But we made it and once we had Unloaded her wheelchair and my bags, the cab driver graciously went into the hotel lobby and got a hotel baggage steward to help us get our things inside. I checked us into the hotel and then we went up to the room with the steward bringing up our bags.
After we got to the room and I gave our steward a generous tip, I set my bag down on the table and opened it, wanting to get my clothes out and hung up before they got any more wrinkled.
"Please, Master, allow me. After all, I am the submissive," she said.
I walked over to her and sat down on the edge of the bed next to her. I pulled her as close as I could and reached over to take her chin in my hand.
"No, Hannah, you are not the submissive... you are MY submissive. And there is a great difference," I said.
I felt a shudder go through her when I said that, a realization that she was now owned, she belonged to someone. It's what she had always wanted, what she had longed for.
I had never seen anyone so supremely happy as she was at that moment. It was as if she had won the Lottery, on her birthday, while marrying her childhood sweetheart! I swear if she could have, she would have been skipping around as she gleefully put my clothes away with great care.
As she finished her work, I looked at the clock on the wall. We still had a couple hours or so before dinner, so I called her over to the bed. "Why don't we lay down and relax a bit before dinner," I said. I helped her into bed and then lay down next to her. I pulled her into my arms and she cuddled next to me, resting a hand on my chest.
As we lay there together, I suddenly felt a wetness on my neck. I turned to her and looked at her face... it was wet! "What's the matter, Hannah?" I asked.
"It's nothing Master, really," she said.
"Hannah, I am your Master. It is my job and my responsibility to know when there is something wrong. And I can see there is something going on here. Now, what is it?" I said.
"It's just that I always wanted this, Master... I have always dreamed of belonging to a Master like you. I am so happy, Sir, I am just so happy to be here with you. Thank you, Master. Thank you for giving me a chance to serve you," she said.
I leaned over and kissed her tenderly.
Author's Note: A special note of thanks goes out to BlazeImp, who inspired me to write this story and without whose immense advice and assistance, this story would not have been possible.
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Liu took off his shirt and was now completely naked and stroking his very erect cock as Mel and I basked in our afterglow in each other’s arms. He left the room, but quickly returned with a plastic chair. This was no ordinary chair. It had a huge hole in the seat so that when he sat in it, his ass was exposed. When he sat in that chair, he wanted his ass licked. I left Mel’s embrace and crawled on our fours towards Liu. Positioning myself to the back of the chair, I opened his ass cheeks and...
Group SexI sat on the couch, stunned by the image before me. My boyfriend Liu had my best friend Melinda over his knee. His powerful, relentless spanks brought Melinda to tears as her bare bottom turned red from the punishment. Here was sassy-mouth Melinda, who had an answer for everything, who never took shit from anyone, now whimpering in remorse. I winced from the sound of his hand meeting her now tender skin. Hers was a position I had been in many times before and one I was about to face again. He...
LesbianShe had no fears of hamsters, mice, gerbils, snakes, spiders, lizards, turtles, cats, or even horses. In fact she loved most animals. Just not dogs. What made this a real problem was that she was studying to be a vetrinarian, and this is what was keeping her up late for so many nights since September, much like tonight. She was nineteen, currently in her first year in university, a pleasant girl if a bit shy, with a peach, easily flushed complexion, especially around the cheeks, which were...
“Yes, I thought Orlando might be too expensive for a young couple. There’s a house a few miles from here that has been on the market for two years, so the price has dropped below the comps. It’s in great shape, move-in-ready, fully furnished, and affordable. I have to disclose that three people died in it, parents and their 20-year-old son. The leaking heater has been replaced. People say it’s haunted by their umm, friendly ghosts. If you don’t believe in that, it’s a steal. What do you...
The haze hung from heaven like a rebuke, wreathing the entire compound with its chilly breath. His fingers stung as he dipped the bowl into the bucket to splash water on the car. He cracked and stretched them to remove the stiffness and he resumed wiping the windscreen, gingerly pulling back the wipers. The water sluiced around the glass edges taking with it the harmattan dust. "Ahh! "He particularly hated banging his numb knuckles against the rusty red tyre rims of the old Peugeot 405. The...
"I think I really screwed things up," Lucinda said to Joy as they ate lunch the next afternoon. "Why do you say that?" Lucinda sighed. "Because, I made the first move and kissed him." Joy smirked. "Well is he gay or what?" Lucinda laughed. "No why would you say such a crass thing?" "Because Lucinda, you are a gorgeous woman. I don't understand why a guy would freak if you kissed him." "I guess maybe he just wants a friend. I mean I am a lot older than he is and maybe the...
Jake had called Lucinda at work several times but only got her voice mail. He figured she was probably out in meetings for going out to the colleges. He couldn't wait to see her again that evening. That night he would reveal to her that he was her son; at least he hoped to have the balls to do so. Lucinda went from one meeting to another that day and her mind was on Jake. He'd been incredible last night but the fact that he had lied about his age really scared her. She wanted to confront...
Lucinda woke up the next day and found herself smiling and feeling so good. She squirmed a bit on the bed and looked to her side but Jake wasn't there. She was about to panic, but then looked down to see her son between her legs. He was tasting her! God he felt so good! "Mmmm baby, oh yess!" Lucinda purred. Jake had his head between her legs taking turns licking and sucking on her swollen clit. He'd managed to get between her legs when she was fast asleep. He hoped to wake her up by...
The rain outside began to pour down violently and thunder could be heard. Jake's eyes stared at his beautiful mother as she slowly removed her white night gown. Her lovely breasts were exposed and Jake's hand reached up to touch them. Lucinda held his hand on her left breast. She closed her eyes for a moment hoping never to forget his touch. "Mmmm your touch... Jake your touch gets me so excited," Lucinda said softly. Jake's hands roamed his mother's breasts pinching her nipples and...
When Jake arrived back home to Texas, everything seemed so empty. He opened the door to his parents' house and was immediately greeted by his mother. Sara Morgan stood up and ran to her son. Her hair was still in curlers and it seemed as if she had just gotten out of bed and her green eyes were puffy as if she had just finished crying. "Jake! I'm so glad you're finally home!" She squealed throwing her arms around Jake. Jake held her but his mind was elsewhere. "I missed you mom," he...
Jake and Lucinda stared at each other from a short distance. Jake felt his breath go short and his heart pounding. She looked more beautiful than ever. Her brown hair was short, just under her ears and her face was youthful as he remembered. She wore a short black skirt and a beautiful ivory color summer sweater. He felt almost frozen for a moment before he could even move. Lucinda felt her whole body numb. Her son looked more handsome than ever. He looked now more mature. He'd grown a...
Saturday early afternoon, Lucinda stood in her room putting on the beautiful long white satin spaghetti strap wedding dress. The dress fit like a glove and she smiled looking at herself in front of the mirror. Never did she think she would find love again. She'd been so hurt after having to give Jake away, that she never really loved until now. She found it harder to believe she was actually getting married. Now finally she would be able to have a wonderful husband, a beautiful child and a...
~10 months later~ Jake got home late that night and found Lucinda feeding Jackie, their newborn baby girl. He smiled watching the baby sucking her mommy's nipple. Lucinda looked at Jake and her face light up. "Hi sweetheart," she greeted him sweetly. "Hi babe." "How was work?" Jake walked towards Lucinda and kissed her. "Fine. I've got two articles I'll be working on next week so I'll be traveling. It'll only be for three days though." "Aww I hate to see you go," Lucinda...
Done Took by johnyoung It had been months since he last saw her, and they hadn’t parted well. In fact it had been kind of ugly. But he had missed her, on the road. Missed twining his fingers in her long tangled red hair, missed the feel of her lips and her tongue on his cock as she watched his face with her green eyes. She had a long and complicated trick that always ended with a tug on one of his nipples as she took the tip of his dick into her throat and pressed the shaft into the roof of...
Done Took by johnyoungIt had been months since he last saw her, and they hadn’t parted well. In fact it had been kind of ugly. But he had missed her, on the road. Missed twining his fingers in her long tangled red hair, missed the feel of her lips and her tongue on his cock as she watched his face with her green eyes. She had a long and complicated trick that always ended with a tug on one of his nipples as she took the tip of his dick into her throat and pressed the shaft into the roof of her...
BDSM“Hello Nika speaking”“Hey Nika, thank god you’re still awake. I need your help!!!! Me and the guys were pissing around today, then some pretty hot chicks came and we hooked up with them, but then the cops came and discovered that I had some dope on me. I have no idea how it got there, maybe those chicks planted it. I really don’t know, just help me please and whatever you do don't tell mum and dad ok?”“Umm Ill see what I can do ok.”“Ok hurry up!!!”Nika was a hot young brunette; a figure that...
ReluctanceI soon discovered that under her calm and reserved exterior beat the heart of a vampire/Gothic lover. When I related my background on the amateur stage and the haunted house project we had many long conversations about vampires in general and we began to date on a regular basis. It was while returning from a local restaurant one evening we happened to pass by the old house that was used as our haunted attraction. I pointed it out to her and to my surprise she expressed a desire to see...
Why do people save themselves for marriage? There should be a rule that you have to have sex before you get married just to make sure that it's what both people want and can live with for the rest of their lives. That is what marriage is supposed to be, right? Eternal, loving, committed, enjoyable?No matter what a marriage is supposed to be, I know what mine is not. There is love there, but I can't say that I'm in love, maybe I never was. Maybe I was just in lust, and thought the sex would...
Tina worked in our data processing division. She always looked and conducted herself as the total professional who was dedicated to her job. Some of her co-workers dubbed her a cold fish, but I always felt they read her wrong. Since it always seemed that we had our lunch at the same time I attempted to break the ice by starting a conversation, and she responded. After a few weeks of polite conversation in the lunchroom I finally got up the nerve to ask her out, and she accepted.I...
FetishNumber One: I was to drop her at the house and seal her inside and come back two hours later. Number Two: No running lights or sound effects were to be switched on. I of course agreed to her conditions. We then had a lengthy discussion about a safety word, something simple that would not be misunderstood. We agreed that saying my full name and adding "stop" would cause me to cease any and all action. So when would you like to do this?" I asked. "How about tomorrow," she...
“Hello Nika speaking” “Hey Nika, thank god you’re still awake. I need your help!!!! Me and the guys were pissing around today, then some pretty hot chicks came and we hooked up with them, but then the cops came and discovered that I had some dope on me. I have no idea how it got there, maybe those chicks planted it. I really don’t know, just help me please and whatever you do don’t tell mum and dad ok?” “Umm Ill see what I can do ok.” “Ok hurry up!!!” Nika was a hot young brunette, a figure...
The following Friday I met my lovely co-worker for cocktails and conversation as per usual. After a few drinks she shyly admitted that our little tryst in the haunted house had awakened an erotic vampire fantasy that she had wanted to act out for years. However most of her previous lovers were far too straight-laced for such a departure from the ‘norm’. She then asked if I was interested and I could not say yes fast enough. She would not go into any detail but added there were conditions that...
Tina worked in our data processing division. She always looked and conducted herself as the total professional who was dedicated to her job. Some of her co-workers dubbed her a cold fish, but I always felt they read her wrong. Since it always seemed that we had our lunch at the same time I attempted to break the ice by starting a conversation, and she responded. After a few weeks of polite conversation in the lunchroom I finally got up the nerve to ask her out, and she accepted. I...
The following Friday I met my lovely co-worker for cocktails and conversation as per usual. After a few drinks, she shyly admitted that our little tryst in the haunted house had awakened an erotic vampire fantasy that she had wanted to act out for years.However, most of her previous lovers were far too straight-laced for such a departure from the "norm". She then asked if I was interested and I could not say yes fast enough. She would not go into any detail but added there were conditions that...
SupernaturalConference Room Four again! My instructions were to show up nude with Fenster, a European wolf, and to use the main doors. Sometimes I’d use a transporter pad set in one of the walls and I even literally dropped in from the ceiling once—but those stories can be told later. I speculated with Fenster on why Georgia had summoned me to Conference Room Four at precisely four. That’s 1600 Arc Dios time. Fenster did a wolf snicker and told me I was drawing stud duty. He was correct. When I entered,...
Different "Are you sure coming back the morning after vandalizing a fucking storefront to such a brilliant plan?" I asked as I grabbed my bag from the back of Chris's car. "A bit risky, don't you think?" Chris favored me with a smirk through his dark mop as he said, "Am I the only one with balls around here?" I'd had just about enough of that skinny runt, but I couldn't think of any way out of this without looking like a wimp, so I turned and headed for the beach. "Not so...