S.H.E.I.L.A. 19      free porn video

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Ruslan (short blonde hair, 6'7'') - Leader

Serafima (dark red head) - support/medical

Karina (blonde Hair) - Sharpshooter sniper

Timur (Dark hair 5'2''} - computer/hacker expert

Egor- Electronics expert - killed in fire fight

Stas - Explosives expert - killed in fire fight

Pibald group


Evelyn (Auburn hair) - Leader former wife of General Gance/sniper

Christine/Chris (blonde) - personal combat expert- Evelyn's daughter

Trina (red head) - Tall muscular, armed combat, Chris's lover - Injured shot in both arms

Betty (Dark brown hair) - Recon/explosives expert, sister of Cathy

Cathy (Light brown hair} computer/Electronics/hacker expert

Diane (Dark brown Hair) short, mistress of deception/assassinations - Severely injured internal injuries


Synthetic, Humanoid, Enlightened, Inquisitive, Living, Android - Sheila

Evelyn and Ruslan had little trouble putting both teams at ease. The only problem was, none of either team wanted to mingle nor associate with the other group. Evelyn advised her people to not start anything, nor to fire a weapon.

"That means no injuries of any kind, Chris!" Evelyn advised her, who threw looks of disgust at the other team then her mother. Walking to Ruslan she told him, "I have to report in to that bastard. The son of a bitch, was pitting us against each other. If I could, I'd kill him this moment."

Ruslan nodded, he too had no choice at the moment though, he hoped that the situation changed soon. "Da comrade, I must as well. We will meet up soon." As he walked away his anger was still simmering at the General. Pit them against each other would he? Smiling he thought, ‘this would be over soon one way or another.’

Evelyn punched in the number to the General. She was quite a distance from the others, though she had her eyes open in case.

The other end was picked up almost immediately. "Bout fucking time you contacted me." The General said his voice a bit angry. Both teams were long overdue to check in. Looking over the reports, he saw that there were at least two dead from the skirmish, which, he didn't care. That just meant that later there would be less of them to kill.

"Listen you pompous piece of shit! You set the other team on us! I am two people down, you son of a bitch! Then there's the fact that Roger doesn't know that his sister-." Evelyn was shouting into the cell when the General cut her off.

"Shut the fuck up you useless bitch! Of course, he doesn't know, I made sure of that! She had better have no idea, that he is alive either. I'm warning you, not a fucking word from your whoring lips." The General snapped at Evelyn. Evelyn started to laugh, "What's so funny bitch!?"

"I won't have to asshole, I saw him as he did me. His little toy resembles his sister. Had it scanned my group when they approached he would have known you lied. I've never lied to him except about Christine, THAT, was only to save the both of their lives." Evelyn stated a smile on her lips.

"You saw him and he's still alive? I should-." the General started.

"I think you should be afraid if he does find out. He's not the same, he's far faster and stronger than the last time I saw him. Yeah, you should hide." Evelyn said starting to laugh harder.

"Shut the hell up bitch! Kill that bastard as quick as you can, or the next dead will be the both of you. Plus, the rest of your disgusting, filthy crew!" The General growled as he cut the connection.

The General quickly regained his composure when his phone went off a few minutes later. A mere ten minutes afterward The General lit another cigar as he puffed away absently. So far, things were a go, if the two groups joined together, the new group would be damn near unstoppable. Unstoppable for Roger and the machine, and any other he sent against them. Then again, Ruslan's group trusted no one, Evelyn's group hated almost all men. Just then a sadistic smile lit up his features, it just might work.


Sheila and I walked back into the university almost as if we owned the place. I was nodding to everyone we passed a smile pasted on my face. All of them though seemed to be giving Sheila and I a very wide berth.

As we approached the computer lab room, the same man as before was waiting for us. A moment later another man far better dressed also approached.

"I'm sorry, when I saw her leave I thought that the two of you were done. It became obvious that you weren't finished when I couldn't get into the system." The department head stated extremely nervous.

The older man in a suit approached us a slight look of concern on his face. "I take it all is well here?" He stated eyeing the department head.

I was doing the best I could to not start laughing. The poor department head looked as if he were about to piss himself.

I was about to speak when Sheila did. "No Dean, all is well. Your department head has been most cooperative. We hope, to be finished with our work in a few hours. We apologize for the system being offline as long as it will be. This should be rectified soon." Sheila finished with the biggest grin.

The Dean's eyes were wide a moment, then he nodded as he clapped the other man on the back. Turning, they both moved away down the hall.

"They are out of audio range Doctor Gance." Sheila said as I nodded then had to sit , the laughter spilling out of me.

A few minutes later after I had quieted, I looked at Sheila. "Were you able to complete all the upgrades that wouldn't draw undue attention?"

"I was at ninety nine percent. I find that the increase was quite refreshing." Sheila stated.

I nodded as I took a seat, reaching in my pocket I grasped the data cube. Almost immediately I was flying through what appeared to be a light tunnel. Blinking, at least I think I blinked, I watched as Sheila appeared before me.

Nodding to Sheila I looked around, "I want to make sure that you aren't in any danger. I don't want a repeat of last time with you or me." I told Sheila.

Sheila looked, was that startled? She then nodded as a large door appeared before us. "The nanomites will make facsimile images that your corporeal mind can understand. With you at the second level, your comprehension, reasoning and learning have increased triple of what it was."

I must have looked shock, for Sheila gave me a smile. "Though I don't feel this, I will concur with your assessment."

Sheila nodded again, reaching out she touched the door abolishing it, another lit passage beyond. Stepping through we both seemed to fly through what appeared to rooms of memories. Plus, there were what appeared to be several massive libraries interspaced between them. Almost half way through I stopped seeing something that didn't look right.

Shaking my head, I started to reach out then quickly withdrew, my hand? What in the hell was that? Looking at where my hand was supposed to be, appeared to be a usb connection. Holding it up, I could only stare at it with what I assumed was my mouth hanging open.

I turned to look at Sheila, "how in the hell am I supposed to repair what I see, with this?"

"Doctor Gance, this is just a representation for you. It can, if you prefer, be anything you require." Sheila said her ever present smile on her face.

I continued to stare at Sheila as my mind finally 'caught up' with what she was stating. Shrugging, I imagined a none direct connection, then a mental keyboard. Nodding I started to 'think' about what I wanted to change. In what seemed only a few seconds it was, then we moved on.

We only seemed to be at this for a few minutes when we stopped before a second, heavier, more solid door. Looking it over I could only guess where we were.

"So, we have made it to your core." I looked at the door shaking my head, this wasn't going to do at all. "Sheila, everything I've seen so far is by far, the best I've ever seen. This though I am afraid, isn't very good."

Sheila's eyes opened wide a moment, "Doctor Gance, I can assure you this is very secure." When I only shook my head, I could swear that Sheila was a little mad.

"Let me show you Sheila," I said as I reached out disassembling the door as if it wasn't there. Then reaching the second and third, passed through them as easily. I looked back seeing that Sheila was standing there with HER mouth open. Upon reaching the fourth door, I started to nod then sighed. Reaching out

I was through it in under a minute, well to me it was.

"Thank you Doctor Gance, I know now that you will always have my safety in mind. Had we gone into the military mainframe again, my core would have been regrettably vulnerable." Leaning over Sheila kissed my lips for only a second, though to me it felt like almost an eternity. Pulling away, Sheila had an even larger smile, I had to shake my head to clear my thoughts before we moved on through into her core.

As before, we rapidly advanced through room after room of libraries. I was stopping what seemed every few seconds to fine tune or adjust some miniscule amount of data that I saw was wrong. Finally, we reached what appeared to be the last room. Just before I entered it Sheila vanished, leaving me a bit disorientated.

"Sheila?" I asked a little unsure as I passed through the doorway. "Where have you gone? Are we in danger?" Looking around I saw a lit area a long distance ahead. Shrugging, I started to accelerate toward it more. Upon reaching it, I could only stare opened mouth at what I saw there.

"Finally, you have reached me Doctor Gance." An almost naked Sheila told me.

My god I thought, she is perfect. Every millimeter of her no imperfections, no flaws. If my mouth could have fallen open further, I feel it would have. With just a simple shrug, Sheila, stood before me in all her glory what little covering falling away.

"As I have said before Doctor Gance, Roger." This last word whispered so low, I wasn't sure she had actually spoken it. "I will do anything to ensure that you survive. Though now, thanks to your brilliant reprogramming, I cannot directly sacrifice myself."

"I told you," I said finally able to find my voice. "You are the greatest of anything I have ever done. The loss of you, would be the greatest crime to the world. I value you, far more than I do myself."

My god, I thought when I saw Sheila blush a deep crimson color. "No Doctor Gance, as we discussed before and the facts prove out. You are the most important human. You created a whole new race if you remember, I am... I am unsure what to call this emotion I feel going through my emotion programs."

I looked closer at the facsimile of Sheila, was that, by god I was certain, that was pride, she had on her face. "From what I can see Sheila, you appear to be proud."

"Proud? Now searching data base. Unable to correlate present data with this proud, concerning my present condition." Sheila said after a moment of searching.

I nodded as I thought about a reasonable explanation. "The best I can come up with is: feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one's own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated." I stated rattling off the definition I saw in my mind.

Sheila stared at me a moment as she took in this new information. "Yes, Doctor Gance, I believe that you are correct. Correlating all facts now to determine best response. Please continue with your corrections, I will notify you when I am done."

I nodded as Sheila stood stock still. Really looking around the room, I could see it was an almost impossibly huge area. It was circular, with what seemed to be massive rooms every few meters that were jammed full of books. Shaking my head, I was wondering why the nanomites had chosen these images.

{Now correcting images.} I heard the nanomites 'say.'

Now what I thought, then the rooms multiplied by three, filled with data discs. Ok I thought, better though still a little antiquated.

{Images now at a more advanced level. Primary control, third level of unit saturation rapidly approaching. Warning, warning, data cube exposure approaching dangerous levels. Suggest disconnection before corporeal CPU is damaged.}

What the hell? I'd only been here for a short time. I looked at Sheila as I started to fly as fast around the room as I could. I was starting to get frustrated as it seemed every other second I was having to stop and repair data. I had finished the first two sections when I stopped. I still had to improve her defenses, though the little time I had left I hoped I could.

I withdrew back to the opening of the room closing the last door, I increased its effectiveness at least five hundred percent. The last three I was throwing what I could up with them, as I was starting feel a bit of strain.

{Warning, warning! Strain upon corporeal enclosure and CPU starting to reach high to critical levels, withdrawal recommended immediately.

I was about to turn and go when I was jerked to a stop. I turned to look into the worried eyes of Sheila, my god was that tears I was seeing? Pulling me to her, I heard her whisper remember, then she kissed me with a passion I had never experienced before.

As soon as she released me I couldn't think straight. Sheila took hold of my arm, then everything blurred as we headed back the way we'd come in.

What seemed less than a minute later my eyes slowly drifted open. Damn it! I was cold as hell. I saw Sheila nearby as I tried to speak to her, unfortunately all that came out were several sounds like squeaks. I tried to raise my arm finding I was far too weak for even that simple movement.

Crap I thought, I had to have been in there a lot longer than I thought. trying to talk even harder seemed to drain my energy that much faster.

{Sheila?!} I thought. {Just how long were we in there? I only seemed to sense an hour at the most.} I asked her.

{No Doctor Gance, you were under almost eight hours. It will be a few hours 'til your body returns to any resemblance of normal. All the corrections you made to my lower functions, have increased efficiency; they’re another twenty percent. Higher functions have increased another fifteen percent. Those that you did to me,} here Sheila sighed. {Have made so much more clearer, thank you, Roger. I was confused before but I am no longer, nor am I as afraid as I was.}

My eyes must have grown wide, as I saw her smile then nod to me. Then she was piling more blankets on me.

{Are you going to be able to persuade them to allow us to stay here long enough? If-} I started.

{Primary command, third maturation level has been achieved. Now accessing control over corporeal enclosure.} The nanomites 'said'.

{Perhaps we won't be here that long after all.} I told Sheila as I started to reach out feeling all of my systems that were mostly shut down. {Now raising corporeal enclosure temperature. Advise all units to maintain heat shielding 'til further advisement.}

{Compliance control now in defensive positions.} The nanomites responded.

Within minutes I felt my temperature start to rise. Good I was actually starting to get more feeling back in my extremities.

A moment later Sheila walked to me kneeling beside me, she passed a hand over me nodding.

{You seem to be recovering far faster than I at first thought Roger. Might I suggest that you do not overtax your systems yet. You have just achieved the third critical mass.} Sheila's thoughts 'said' to me.

I hadn't noticed that I had actually nodded to Sheila. Suddenly, a thought hit me that caused a bit of worry in me.

{You said that I had been at it for almost eight hours? I remember that you told the Dean and the Department head, that we would only be a few hours. They aren't going to allow us to go on that much longer are they?} My worried thoughts told Sheila.

{They will not interfere. I communicated to them that you, as a master Computer repair technician, my boss, had detected far more problems. Far more than we had at first anticipated, therefore we might be at this the rest of the day. I also informed them that

we'd contact them when we were finished.} Sheila responded with a little smirk crossing her lips.

I could only nod my head, I was glad that she was on my side. Then I thought of all that I had seen whilst I had been in her programs. It suddenly hit me like a sledge hammer, she really was in love with me! Nothing I had seen, indicated that this was a prearranged part of the program or any program. Then I also realized, that I myself was starting to feel a hell of a lot of emotion for her.

The tingling in all my extremities let me know that my body was starting to come back, good the sooner the better.


Timur and Cathy were both trying to track where Sheila and I had gone. They both had hit a wall though they were both still at it. Finally, both of them frustrated, asked permission to meet with the other. Though neither thought the other was better than them, there were rare times they needed help.

Almost eight hours after Evelyn had met with me, the two met on neutral ground with both teams nearby. As they started to hesitantly exchange data both their faces started to light up. It appeared that they each had what the other had been missing.

Both started to get excited, they'd finally got a clear cut signal as to where Sheila had gone.

"Comrade!" Timur excitedly yelled, bringing both Ruslan and Evelyn to him and Cathy, at a run. "I believe that we have found them!" Cathy was nodding her agreement as she was adjusting the equipment.

"The both of you are sure?" Evelyn stated. "That is a heavily populated building."

Both of the computer experts turned to look at both the leaders frowning. "We would not have told you if we weren't certain." Cathy said a little hotly.

"Da, comrade after all this time you doubt?" Timur said irritatedly.

Both Ruslan and Evelyn looked at each other, then the two sitting there. Finally, they threw their hands up.

Turning, they both started to bark orders causing both teams to load up. They were moving out within ten minutes. Less than thirty minutes later they were rolling up near the University of Alberta: Department of Computing Science.

Both leaders looked at their computer experts, they both stated that the machine was within the main computer lab. Though they weren't getting any recognizable human signs, they were sure that I was here also. Suiting up they entered with as much stealth as possible.


I was just starting to be able to sit up, my legs on the other hand were another thing.

"Roger, I can still carry you if need be, I can-." Sheila suddenly stopped turning her head toward the hall way. "Warning! Warning! I am detecting the same heavily armed personnel that I did before. It appears that they are somehow tracking us again. I suggest we go before they are too close before engagement is necessary."

"Damnit! I've just started to get most of my body back." I only thought a moment then nodded, "Time to go." Sheila nodded as she put me over her shoulder, then everything was a blur as she moved out.


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Sandra came down the stairs remaining naked. She turned on the TV and DVD player. “The DVD is cam recorder film put onto it,” she said. She sat, cuddling close to Brad and pressed play for the machine. He placed an arm over each shoulder, holding at tit in each hand. “There’s no editing just a series of recordings my husband and I did over the years.” The video began with a scene in a large room of several couples mostly naked. “Here we are again enjoying another fun time,” the male...

3 years ago
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Teaching Carol Ch 9

The incident in her classroom seemed to remove a lot of boundaries for Carol as a submissive, and she no longer fought the impulse when it came. In fact, she became very creative herself. Not long after that episode she called and asked me to come over, and when I arrived I found an envelope with my name on it taped to the door, and inside the envelope was a small key. There was no answer to my knock—but when I entered I found her kneeling on the floor, wearing only a pair of bright yellow...

4 years ago
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Making DoChapter 4

Nancy was staring into space. She was sitting at her desk typing up more notes for Henry. Her boss had become more than a boss. He had become her lover and husband. She reminissed about the first time she saw him as a person who was more than an older man. He had come to her bedside with her father after he had heard that she had some evidence that might show corruption and murder in their town. He had heard some of the story and she had broken down and cried. He had bent over and tenderly...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 6

Mere images in the mind might have been all Jenny had to think about, had her mistress been content to wait a week to further her plan. But Her Ladyship was called into the lord's chamber twice that week, where he roused himself from his drunken stupor enough to heave his bulk on top of her. He managed to get hard enough to fuck her on one of those two occasions, and duly deposited his aged sperm in her nubile womb. The other time his body failed him, and she took pity on him and brought him...

1 year ago
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Medusa Part 3

Love was the sort of thing that happened to other people and not me.All that mattered was that I had a head for business and a bod built for sin and I rode that sucker as hard as I could for as long as I could. Love them and leave them was my motto. Hook up, fuck-hard, and screw regret.Men - and women - have come and gone over the years and not one - not a single one - has made me take so much as a second look and go back for more. For one reason or another, I always come away knowing that...

Love Stories
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The New StartChapter 3 Getting Acquainted

With reluctance, they left the beer behind and followed the stream to the cliff where they found it easier to scale beside the water's edge. Upon reaching the top of the cliff, they looked out on a vast meadow of low shrubs and grasses and dotted with clumps of forest. From their elevated vantage point atop a large boulder, they had climbed this topography extended to all horizons with the exception to that on their left, which had, what appeared from this distance to be a huge range of...

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I look like what

I am wearing what... By TOXIS What do I look like? People are staring and I can see the women stop and then they giggle a little, almost guilty about it. What do I look like? Rhonda owns me and she knows it. So do I. She's my boss and a total bitch. So perfect, never gains weight, always in perfectly fitted clothes, so fashionable, so trendy. Hair just so, everything about her is so designed to say that she is better then you... than me. We used to be rivals until I found her going...

2 years ago
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Dost Ki Shaadi Meri Chaandi

Hello indian sex loving friends . I am anzan poet. Main 3 saal baad dubara ek kahani lekar aapke bich aaya hu. Ye kahani mere dost ke gaon ki ek bhabhi ki hai. Jis se mera dost pyar krta tha. Meri umar 23 saal ki h or main haryana mai rohtak mai rhta hu. Maine pichle saal hi delhi university se graduation complete ki h. Jb mai college m tha to jassi naam ka ldka mera dost ban gya. Hum saath m pg mai rhte the. Jassi amritsar mai ek gao se hai. Hum dono ki achi dosti ho gayi thi. Wo umar mai...

4 years ago
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The Deep of Night

The dim light of a desk lamp barely illuminates the keyboard as Dr. Hook’s ‘Baby Makes Her Blue Jeans Talk’ plays faintly into the darkness. There’s no one home but me tonight and I sit in the darkness re-reading a sex story my friend penned. I’ve lost count of the number I’ve times I’ve read it through. Settling back in the chair I look around, the empty silence outside my little circle of light reminds me that I’m alone, aroused and have hours ’til anyone is expected home. Glancing back at...

4 years ago
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Emmas adventures and misfortunes

Introduction: Some sentences are a bit messy, but I couldnt think of a way to make them better. Anyhow, this is my first attempt at writing and posting a story… hope you enjoy. Today is June 16th, a day since Emmas school year came to an end, while also the day on which her mother Evelyn is having several interviews with potential candidates for a job of a live-in nanny. Even though Emma feels glad to be away from boring school and excited about her free summer, shes also both slightly worried...

2 years ago
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Uncle Lees WayChapter 2

The next morning, we had some more fruit and milk for breakfast. I had each of us take a multiple vitamin. We had a pretty good supply of those and taking a couple per week would help with our general health. During breakfast I asked which of them was the best hunter. Esta said that she was the best of the three, but was not considered a good hunter. I asked if she liked to hunt, and she said she did. I said okay and we got ready to go on a hunting trip. I got my .308 out and wore a Glock and...

4 years ago
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Eating Out

Eating Out Eddie couldn’t stop himself from sneaking glances at a couple at another table. From the corner of his eye he caught some movement and watched enthralled as the guy slipped his bare foot from his shoe and pushed it between the knees of the girl sitting opposite. She had let her legs part to accommodate the action but was still sitting demurely as if nothing was happening. ‘Well, she wouldn’t be writhing around in a busy restaurant as if she had a big toe in her pussy, would she?’...

4 years ago
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Welcome to Summer CampChapter 5

I got up on my own the next morning, and Mom was just getting up as I was coming out of the bathroom. She was brushing her hair at the dresser when I emerged. When I stepped out of the bathroom, she put her brush on the dresser and smiled at me. I had told her about our trip to town today, and she had written a grocery list out. She folded it and stuffed it into an envelope that I could see contained cash. She folded the flap closed and put it on the top of the dresser. “There’s a list in...

3 years ago
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It Was Just Dinner Ch 2

The evening ended sooner, and less satisfactorily, than I anticipated, so I was on my way home.  I thought of stopping at a bar, but decided going to bed would be better.  When I reached my house I cut the roadster's motor in the street and coasted up my driveway and into the carport.  I put the top up and pulled my cock out of my pants to wipe it off with my handkerchief. But most of the cum and pussy juice would need soap and water to remove. I very quietly entered my house, but my wife was...

2 years ago
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The Captains Wife Chapter 5

Chapter 5 - My Education Begins The Red Devil gave more orders and the large man silently obeyed. More ropes were produced. He came over to me and quickly tied a rope to each of my ankles. Then he adjusted the rope above my head to lower me. As he did so two others pulled my legs apart. When my legs were stretched quiet wide the ropes were tied to fittings on the deck. I was now hanging, my open crotch only two feet from the deck. My face was even with the Red Devil's chest. I was completely...

2 years ago
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Bi men and me at Chameleons

I go to a club on a bi night most weeks Last week I was joined by my handsome friend from London, tall, blonde, good looking, we have met several times before. He met me at a local restaurant and he wined and dined me, all the while we had a good giggle but the sexual tension was evident. He loves munching my clit and fingering me until I cum all over him. And even more he liked to fuck me and join in whilst I fuck others. We left the restaurant and entered the club. I slipped into a sexy...

2 years ago
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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMChapter 31

My father held up the leather collar, and the stainless steel butt plug meant for my ass when Charity returned from the bedroom. “I haven’t heard much from you, Matt. The look on your face tells me you don’t have any interest in learning about submission. He was clearly offering me a lifeline to let me out of this. “Speak up, Matt? Or should I call you Toad?” Lindsay said with her arms crossed. Lucy giggled when she heard the name Toad again. She looked up at me with stars in her eyes like...

4 years ago
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50 year old couple fuck boy toy

Disclaimer: this is a purely fictional story... Or is it? Let's just say it is though. One night when I was nineteen years old I found myself searching the mw4m ads on Craigslist. The situation was horny and desperate. After a marathon of fakes, flakes, and robots it seemed I would never reach the finish. But fate had other plans for me, plans on me role playing "parent/son" style with a couple in their fifties. The ad read something like "bi couple looking for boy toy" age said "50"....

2 years ago
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Politicans College Age Daughter

Stacy's eyes welled up with tears, "There is no reason to cry or scream, just relax and get ready." With that said I began to run my hands all over Stacy's body. I rubbed her tits and played with them while she chocked back her tears. My hands work their way down her stomach and started to trace the outside folds of her hairy pussy. Stacy tried to close her legs but I pushed my hand into her neck causing her to gag for breath. She cried and allowed me to do what I wanted because she was...

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Biology Needed Great Part 1

Biology Needed, Great. Part 1 By: Ms. Jenny Ann I wrote this story, it may be downloaded or shared at free sites only. Comments may be sent to [email protected]. Inspired by a 1969 article I read at the school library, Mannheim, Germany. I think the title of article was 'If the shoe does not fit, change the foot', it was about Christine Jorgensen, the first widely known person reported to have had sexual reassignment surgery. Chapter 1 What Project I woke up to hear...

4 years ago
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Texting SethChapter 4

Rachel rode as Noah drove toward his condominium. He parked in a covered stall and they walked across the driveway to his unit. He unlocked the door and escorted her inside. "This is very nice, Noah," she said. "It's so light and airy. I like the skylight over the stairs." "There are two bedrooms upstairs and they both have skylights. I use one as a home office. Let's see that CD." She retrieved it from duffel she carried. He switched on a Denon amplifier and pressed a button to...

4 years ago
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Turning Fantasy to a Reality III

‘Shit, you make me so wet’ whimpering through my words.  Silence remained, which added to the lure of it all.  Back and forth his tongue flickered out to tap at my pussy, my hands twisted and pulled at the bed frame, the friction of the lace against my soft skin almost burning.  ‘Sit still kitten, your going to hurt yourself’ he mumbled with his lips pressed against my sex.  Instinctively my hips thrust upwards, feeling him there like that urging my senses awake, needing to feel more....

3 years ago
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Hospital Exposure

A few weeks ago, my wife Dee and two co-workers were returning from a client meeting and while entering a taxi, the cab was struck by a pickup truck . Dee was thrown against a parked car and was knocked unconscious. Ted, one of Dee’s co-workers injured an arm and luckily, Joanne, the third member of the group was uninjured. While Dee and Ted were attended to by the EMTs and placed in the waiting ambulance, Joanne called and told me what happened. I ran out of my office building and went...

4 years ago
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An apple without an apple tree would just be a bit

Give me what she had. This story happened in the winter of 2010-2011. This was the year of the "big freeze" in the uk. It was a few weeks leading to christmas.I wanted to cut the story short but without the back story it wouldn't have been a good read so hope you enjoy every bit of this story. I had taken then train from london bridge where I used to work to Catford. I was on my way to see a friend, Glen, who ran a Caribbean styled coffee shop cafe right outside the station. I hadn't seen...

2 years ago
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StopwatchChapter 4 The Box Is at the End of the Tunnel

WELL, I NEVER... My Grandmother's exact words. She was speechless after that. Mom greeted Wendy with the hug reserved for her brother ... the hug kept for momentous occasions. When Harry came home from Germany after the war, he got that hug. Mom came from a family of nine. Eight girls and Harry ... Harry was the treasured, and only boy. The Bleeker's, Harry Sr. and Myrtle, had Mom, then seven spectacular beauties, and Harry. Harry had been captured when his B-17 was shot down three...

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Jenna blinked her eyes for a few moments than lazily sat up and stretched. Her white cardigan gently opened to reveal large smooth breasts and a diamond heart dangling from a pierced belly button. She suddenly remembered about the arrival of Alexis her new dorm roommates and jump off the couch. Checking her watch she saw there was only fifteen minutes before Alexis arrival and quickly gave the room a once over to ensure everything was in place. Spotting her reflection in the mirror Jenna...

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ElevatedChapter 3

Senator Petronius was an education in civic government. Before that night, Corvus had never met the man or even seen him on television. A plebeian's relationship with his senator was always a tenuous thing at best. Every six years, a district's patricians would put forward the candidate for a senate seat to be voted up or down by the plebiscite. Voting was mandatory and a "no" vote meant coming back to the polls six weeks later. If he stayed in the aristocracy's good graces, a senator...

1 year ago
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The Black Dog

I write for myself as a sort of free range psyche delving. But... Writers like to have their stories read and hopefully appreciated, funny that. At least I know 1 person read my last effort - Thanks Joan. This is another idea that has been 'running' around my head for a while. It didn't want to go where I originally intended so the trip is a bit different and perhaps will not go where you expect it to. The story of a relationship with the possibility of pain or joy depending on...

4 years ago
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Travel Titillation Part I

"On the road again . . ." Willie Nelson's trademark song. It describes my professional life - ever on the road. That brings me to my latest interesting encounter.I had dinner at a new Mexican restaurant this evening. I dined alone, as is most common. While 1/2 way through my meal, a strikingly attractive woman entered the restaurant and was seated at a table next to me. As she passed, we made eye contact and smiled. I suggested she order what I had, as it was delicious. She smiled again and...

1 year ago
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kate sunday

I woke in the middle of the night Kate was out cold, the smell of alcohol and cigarettes on her breath was awful,I got up and slept on the sofaAbout eight thirty, I heard her come down the stairs, she looked a mess, she was complaining about her head.I ignored her moan and not talking to her, She finally asked what was wrong?I reminded her of her humiliating me in front of sallyshe claimed she couldn't remember, she reached across the table to hold my hand,I got up and went to have a wash...

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Princess of Castile chapter 7

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 7: First Strike This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around three to four years after the events in Rikkis story. Elsa sat in the darkness of her private chambers, wondering what foolish plot her sister had planned now. She had received news that her sister had been captured and taken to the island province of Aragon...

2 years ago
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Naked With Her DogChapter 5

That evening, all cleaned up again, sitting on the couch with her dog nearby and her hobby around her, Janey reflected a little more on the fun and the weirdness of the life she was leading. Maureen and Duke--two new lovers in her life which had seemed almost monogamous less than a week ago. Now she'd been with her girlfriend and with her dog. Each was very different, as Rodney was different from them. Maureen with her beautiful long tits and uninhibited ways was a sort of mirror image of...

2 years ago
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Cheater Trapped and Tortured

John sits on the edge of the bed looking down at Merida. Her teasing smile has faded. The look on her face says she’s getting angry. Maybe she’s still pouting.?I don’t like them,? she says, tugging on the cuffs, her wrists locked to the headboard. ?They’re cold. I can’t touch you.?John smiles, watches Merida pull at the cuffs. They were fooling around when he pulled them from his dresser drawer, dared her to try them on, saying it would be fun.That’s what he’d told her. What a lie. Fifteen...

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