Gue$$? free porn video

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How did I get here? What do I do now? I can’t believe I allowed them to talk me into doing this. When did I decide I wanted to become an object for men to leer at? Do women actually like being objectified and degraded by men for fun?

The music began to play in the common room of the sorority house. Around me stood these Barbie doll looking girls who thought their body was more important than their brain. The way the guys out there sounded made me wonder if they could be right.

I usually despised this kind of gathering but when Meadow came to me and told me that I would get a portion of the money raised, I knew I had to at least try.

I researched how to dance in front of oversexed men and women by watching Coyote Ugly, Bring it On, and some other brainless dribble. I couldn’t believe people watched that drab. I felt my brain cells cry out for some sort of knowledge. If I didn’t need the money, there is no way I would be here.

I picked up the scrap of fabric and held it up. How could Meadow expect this thing to cover me up?  I looked at the other girls as they walked around in their thongs, they did not seem to have an issue with their breasts hanging out. They pulled the white t-shirts over their body. The question mark with a ‘Gue$$ ?’ logo stretched across their breasts. I looked down at my size DD’s and hoped no-one would guess their size.

I stripped out of my jeans and shirt. As I looked at my white cotton underwear and bra Meadow walked into the bedroom and came to me. “Winter, look at you, how have you hidden that body for all this time? You are gorgeous.”

I blushed as she praised a part of me I only saw as normal. Nothing special, not like my knowledge. I graduated high school at sixteen, aced my first three years of college, but now I need this money. My mom was my biggest supporter, she always pushed me hard. She reminded me that looks come and go but a brain is with you no matter what.

“Come on girl, those guys are going to love you. I am sure they won’t know what hit them when they see you. Let’s get this t-shirt on. Here put a little gloss on your lips.”

Meadow took the white fabric out of my hand and pulled the t-shirt over my head. She grabbed a pair of scissors from the vanity and made a slit at the neck to make my cleavage stick out even more. She then applied some lipstick to my lips and pulled my hair out of its normal ponytail. Meadow proceeded to brush my hair out and told me to shake my head. When she turned me to face the mirror I gasped.

'Who is this woman?' I had never looked at or thought of myself as a woman before.

In nineteen years I'd never had a date or had a man look at me like they would like to date me. I wondered if Kai would be here. I'd had a crush on him for years.

“Winter, your group is next. Are you ready for this?” Meadow asked concerned.

“I'm as ready as I'm going to be.” I laughed nervously.

“You can do this. You’re beautiful. When you go out there dance around a little, then take a pitcher of water and dump it over yourself. Make sure your tatas are on display, girl.  Chloe is going to be recording the guesses."

Meadow handed me a drink as she explained this to me. I downed it one gulp. The bourbon made me cough but gave me the courage I needed. I looked back before I walked into the common area as Meadow took off her skirt. The last thing I saw was her tan cheeks with a black thong between them.

The common area was full of people, both guys, and girls. The other contestants were dancing around them. These girls were in their element. They danced in clubs and at frat parties. One of the Barbies came up to me with her fake smile. “I don’t know why Meadow brought you here. You're never going to win. Why don’t you just keep your nose in your books?” she said while dancing around me.

“Fuck off bitch! I need this money, I don’t expect you to understand. Someday when you realize the world does not revolve around your body then maybe you'll be able to see why this is important to me,” with that I started shaking my ass and moved away from her.

I thought of my mom and reached deep inside for my inner ‘coyote.’ I knew I could do this. I moved to the music, shimmying and shaking my body, then bent forward, grabbed the pitcher of water and in front of a group of frat guys dumped it all over my breasts. The water was cold and my nipples hardened instantly. The t-shirt didn’t hide anything and the guys started hooting and hollering.

I heard Chloe call me to the front of the room. “Alright girls and boys,” she yelled. “We have here for your viewing pleasure Miss Winter in all her gloriousness. What do you think of these gorgeous girls? Write your guesses down.”

As she spoke I followed the lead of the girls before me, I leaned forward pressing my breasts together, moved closer to the group in front of her and allowed them to dump more water over me. I couldn’t believe I actually was doing this. I needed to do this and win all the money I could though. With that in mind, I listened to Chloe.

“Guesses ready? Let’s see who is the closest to Winter’s size,” Chloe held up my white cotton bra so all could see she had the correct size.

“Everyone here knows how this works, the person closest to the correct size will get to fondle her tatas. In the event more than one person guesses the correct size then we will draw straws.” I turned to Chloe and whispered in her ear. “Well, well, well, it seems Miss Winter here is quite daring tonight. She has just upped the stakes. If more than one person guesses her correct size, you can all fondle her gorgeous breasts tonight then try to outbid each other to have a night with Winter."

A round of applause and hoots echoed around me. Chloe began to read the guesses. I shook and shimmied around the room one last time.

“Okay, all the guesses on Miss Winter’s girls are in? The results are that we have Jessica, Jack, Alan, and Kai with the correct answer of 38DD.  There were also several close guesses, thank you all. Don’t worry there are plenty more girls to try to guess but you four come on up and see what Winter has going on under this t-shirt of hers.”

Jessica stood right in front of me, she is the president of the sorority. I was not aware that she would enter a guess. She looked into my eyes as she reached up and pinched my nipples through my wet t-shirt. I never had anyone besides a doctor touch me before let alone a woman. I was uncertain how to handle the situation. She then cupped my boobs and pressed her face into my cleavage and kissed down to my nipples. Everyone watched us and I felt butterflies in my stomach as I stood there blushing with my pussy starting to tingle.

Jessica’s hands were replaced by John’s. John squeezed, caressed and kissed my breasts. I felt myself get redder and the tingles increased deep in the pit of my stomach. He ripped my t-shirt open and sucked on my nipples. I let out a gasp as the room became silent. Even the Barbies couldn’t believe I allowed this to go on. They thought I would stop them by now.

Alan fondled and squeezed my breasts together. He leaned down and began to ‘motorboat' between them.  Before I knew it I stood before Kai in just my underwear, blushing profusely.  I smiled at him as he leaned in and touched me gently. He was sweet and tender, not like the other guys.

He whispered in my ear, “You're beautiful, not just your breasts but all of you. When I heard you entered I paid my fifty dollars to be here.”

I didn’t know how to respond but I hoped he won the auction later. I wanted to explore these feelings I had with Kai. All too soon Chloe called time.

I walked back in the other room to get a new t-shirt for the contest as the next girl went forward. I was thinking that if I was going to lose my virginity soon it was for a good cause and I could think of no one I wanted to do it more than with Kai.

I bumped into the girl from earlier with the fake smile. “You think that auction makes you special? What do you need the money for?” she asked.

“My mom had always been my biggest supporter. She pushed me from the time I was born to make something of myself. It was always just her and I. My dad died when I was two. My junior year in high school my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had a mastectomy. Last year her cancer came back and I lost her. All the money I make tonight will go towards her trust to help find a cure for breast cancer. She always told me my body was not as important as my brain. I believed her but when I saw her lose her breast she was depressed for so long I didn’t understand it. Now I can see why. I still believe my knowledge is going to get me where I want to be in life but being a woman has some positive points.”

“I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Thank you for sharing with me. I know we got off to a bad start but I would like to be your friend. My name is Lyndsey. You can have any money I raise tonight for your mom’s trust.”

“Wow!  Lyndsey, that’s so sweet, however, I think we better get back out there. It’s time for the wet t-shirt contest.”

Meadow had just come to the door to call us as we walked out. All of the girls were lined up in front of the room. We took our places as Jessica and few other girls started to dump water on us. We then took the pitchers and dumped more on ourselves. I took my pitcher, stepped forward and shook my boobs as I dumped the water over my head and chest.

I found Kai and smiled at him as I did. I danced around happier than I had been in a while. Lyndsey smiled at me and let out a cheer. Kai whistled from the back of the room. I couldn’t believe how many people were chanting my name. For the first time, I felt like I could win this contest.  Chloe and Jessica judged the applause when they came before me everyone erupted into hoots and whistles. I just kept dancing around, not knowing what else to do.

Lyndsey came up behind me and whispered, “You’re amazing, you got this girl.”

Jessica turned to the crowd, “The winner of tonight’s contest, the surprisingly sexy Winter!”

Chloe then told them, “Coming in a close second and third we have Meadow and Lyndsey. Everyone did amazing tonight and now for the final part of the evening the auction of Miss Winter.”

Meadow and Lyndsey stopped Chloe and spoke to her briefly. “Well, well, a change of events here it seems that after we auction off Winter to her four winners the other pledges and ladies here would like to hold an open auction.”

I looked from where I was standing, surprised at what I had just heard. Meadow came beside me and whispered, “All the money we raise tonight is going to your mom’s trust, Winter. I wish you would have told me what you were going through.”

I didn’t know what to say. I just stood there as Chloe called me forward.

“Jessica, John, Alan and Kai are you ready to start the auction for our beautiful Winter?”

Jessica opened the bid yelling, “Twenty-five dollars.”

Quickly followed by Alan, “Thirty.”

John yelled, “Thirty-one.”

Jessica countered, “Fifty dollars.”

Alan stepped back and John said. “I’ll save my money for the…”

He was interrupted by Kai, “I bid one-hundred dollars for Winter.”

He looked at the other three as they stood shocked.

Chloe then said. “We have a bid of one-hundred dollars going once, twice.” Looking around she smiled at me and yelled, “Winter you are sold to Kai for one evening.”

The rest of the evening went in a blur as the other girls were auctioned off. Everyone had been paired up. It was a fantastic night. I set up a date with Kai for the next evening. I was very nervous as I walked into Meadow’s room.

“Meadow, I need your help. I’ve never been on a date before and the only time I ever kissed a boy was in junior high. I don’t know what to do or wear or anything.”

“Come sit here sweetie, let’s see what we need to do. Clothes are simple. We can find you something between all of us girls. Just be yourself, don’t try to be something you’re not. He'll like you for who you are.”

“You don’t understand, I really like Kai. He is so handsome and smart. We have classes together. I didn’t think he even knew who I was. What if he wants to kiss me or something else. I mean shaking my ass out there was one thing even allowing them to touch me was hard. I just thought of my mom and needing to do it for the money. This is different.”

“It’s okay, Meadow, I'll help you the best I can.”

We were both still in our t-shirt and underwear, Meadow leaned forward and kissed me.

I froze, “Wha... what are you doing?”

“Shh, I am just going to help you feel more comfortable with yourself and with him. I’ll take it nice and slow, if you don’t like something we'll stop.”

Meadow leaned forward again as her lips brushed across mine softly. She slowly ran her tongue over my lips until I allowed her entrance. She caressed my tongue in a sensual dance. She pressed forward and I lay back across the bed. She continued kissing me gently, passionately as her hands began to slide up my body. She lifted my t-shirt, to reveal my breasts as she did so. Her soft hand cupped my breast as she kissed down my neck. She then blew on my nipples making them hard and pointed. I never knew they could be so sensitive and just wanted to feel her warm mouth on them. As if she read my mind she took one nipple in her mouth and sucked on it. I let out a moan unsure where it came from. I felt butterflies in my stomach and feelings I had never felt before.

Meadow lifted my t-shirt off and took my breasts in her hands, she pushed them together and licked back and forth from one nipple to the other. My back arched toward her and I felt heat between my legs. She kept fondling my soft skin and came back up to kiss me again.

“Winter, you are very responsive. I know this is just to help you relax. If you want to stop here we can.”

“You have made me feel better than I knew I could. I didn’t know how a woman was supposed to feel. Does it get better than this with a guy?”

“When you are with the right guy it can be so much more. Your body has so many sensitive points for them to find. Like right here..” she kissed the nape of my neck which sent shivers through my body.

“You should think about all these feelings tonight. Tomorrow we are going to go shopping to get you some pretty lingerie so you are ready for Kai. Why don’t you stay here at the house tonight, and we can get Lyndsey to help us out tomorrow?”

The next evening as I waited for Kai I looked in the mirror. The girls had helped me a lot. We went out and got sexy underwear and a little black dress. They wanted me to get some super high heels but I just couldn’t do those. I chose a simple pair of sandals to keep myself comfortable.  They took me to the salon and we had gotten manicures and pedicures. I felt like a Cinderella. I just hoped my prince liked me as much as I liked him.

Kai arrived right on time. He kissed my cheek, “You look gorgeous. Wow, you didn’t have to do this for me. I like you as you are.”

“Thank you, I really enjoyed getting dressed up today with Meadow and Lyndsey. They were a big help.”

Kai and I went to dinner and then to a local club. We met up with a couple other people including Meadow and Lyndsey with their dates. We all had a great time. We danced, talked and just hung out. None of them made me feel uncomfortable and Kai stayed beside me the entire evening. He made me laugh and I felt like I’d known him forever. He took me back to my room and I invited him in.

“I had a wonderful time tonight. Thank you. I hope it was worth your hundred dollars.”

“Winter I wanted to ask you out for awhile but didn’t know how to. I only went to that sorority party because Meadow told me you were going to be there.”

I was surprised at his admission then nervously stood on my toes and kissed him softly. When I went to pull back he put his hand in my hair and held me close. He looked into my eyes then kissed me more passionately. His tongue found mine in a sensual dance. At first I felt awkward then I relaxed into his kiss. His kiss was different than Meadow's but it felt amazing. We continued to kiss for several minutes then adjourned to the couch.

We sat on the couch as I lifted my dress off for Kai. I revealed my new black bra to him. He sucked in a breath then cupped my breasts, he ran his thumbs over the nipples making them peek through the satin. He kissed my chin along my jawbone to my ear. When he sucked on my earlobe it sent tingles through my body. He opened the front closure of my bra, my soft flesh filled his palms, and he then squeezed them and pressed them together.

He whispered into my ear, “I love your breasts. They are so full and firm, so soft. Your nipples respond to my touches. I want to taste them.“

He kissed down my neck, he sucked at my nape then over my collarbone to my breasts. He sucked my nipple into his mouth. It felt so good.

I moaned before I bit my lip. He sent chills through my body. Kai sucked each nipple into his mouth. He squeezed my breasts together as I ran my hands up over his back into his hair.

“Mmm, ooohh.” I never knew anything that made me feel so free. I wanted more. I wanted Kai.

He continued savoring my flesh as I arched my back pressing my chest to him. He kissed downward over my ribs and abdomen down to the top of my black thong. He looked into my eyes as his fingers found my moist core. He slipped under the fabric to my wet kitty.

My body responded to his touch while the butterflies grew wild in my stomach. I needed to feel him. I didn’t know what else could quench the fire within. I looked into his eyes, whispered only, “please.”

Kai stood up and lifted me in his arms. He carried me to my bed. I lay back as he slipped my panties off, then I watched him undress. I had never seen a naked man before and I watched in amazement. Every button revealed his muscular chest. He had a tuft of hair that led to the button of his slacks. He slowly opened his belt before he flipped the button on his pants. As he pushed them over his hips he took his boxers with him. I saw his hard cock and let out a gasp.

“Will that hurt?” I asked nervously. “You're so large.”

He laughed, “Yes, darling I will fit. Your body will stretch around me. There will be a little pain, but then I hope you will feel nothing but the pleasure. Are you sure you want to continue? We can stop.”

“I want this, Kai. I want to give myself to you. Please be gentle with me.”

“Of course, Winter. You are precious.”

With that he crawled beside me and kissed me passionately. He inserted a finger into my wet slit. It felt amazing. Then he entered a second finger which was a little uncomfortable but still bearable. He pressed his thumb on my clitoris as he curved his fingers. He brought me to my first orgasm quickly. My body jerked under his ministrations. I moaned in ecstasy. He moved over me in the midst of it, he pressed his cock to my drenched opening. He slipped easily in until he hit my hymen. He pressed harder until he broke through kissing my moans.  He pushed until he filled me up and stopped. He held himself still until I relaxed around him.

Kai held himself up on his forearms as he began to move slowly. I was so full, it felt beyond any word I knew. I closed my eyes as Kai moved his hips up and down. He was very gentle but I didn’t want him to hold back. I began meeting his thrusts. He leaned down taking my nipple into his mouth and sucked. He was making my body quiver all over. I felt his cock throb against my walls as I erupted. It was euphoric, there were colors behind my eyelids. I moaned and yelled as I dug my nails into Kai’s back.

“Oh Winter, fuck you’re so tight I’m going to cum all over your gorgeous tits.”

He pulled out, got on his knees and stroked his cock. I looked up at him through hazy eyes as the first shot of cum landed on my chest. It was warm and sticky. Another rope landed on my nipple, I took a finger and swirled it around the sensitive nub before I brought it to my mouth to taste it. It was kind of salty but not a bad taste. I sat up and took Kai’s cock between my lips to clean him off. He was soft but hard. I ran my tongue over the head then brought my mouth to the base of his cock. I pressed my lips together and came back up as I cleaned him completely.

Kai kissed me deeply, then went to the bathroom. He came back with a warm washcloth to clean me off. After he made sure I was no longer sticky, he took me in his arms spooning me as we drifted to sleep. His hand cupped my breast all night.

I awoke the next morning with a text from Meadow, “We raised five thousand dollars for your mom’s trust. I am going to ask the sorority alum if they will match it. We’ve voted to have this fundraiser every year in honor of you and your mom. Hope you had a great night. I want deets later. Luv you gurl.”

I smiled as I curled back into Kai’s arms and drifted back to sleep. I thought I saw my mom in my dream. She smiled at me and told me she was so proud of me.

I didn’t think I could go through with it but was very happy I did.

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I was sitting naked on the couch and my ex-girlfriend Aisha was on my lap riding my cock. She was bouncing really hard on it; she had turned her head upwards with her eyes closed. She was moaning and screaming with every bounce, “Ohh yesss..mmmmm..fuck me ahhhhhhhhh”. I was moaning too and looking at her tits which were bouncing in rhythm; her belly was bouncing too and her body had gotten full sweaty. I had gotten sweaty too and we both were so wet that with every bounce, there was coming this...

3 years ago
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Shoe shopping with Mom

Shoe Shopping with MomSue, 43 years, housewife and motherMary, 69 years, pensioner, mother, grandmotherIt was a hot summer day in july and Sue gets visited by her mom. It was at the end of the month, and Sue was a little bit pissed off,because it was summer and hot outside, but she didn’t have some money to buy open shoes that she wanted all the time.She told her mom that she would like to have some flat and open shoes but that she don’t have the money.Her mom deiced, to go with her to the city...

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Second Time Around

Second Time Around By Saint Ein I had been married before so I wasn't surprised when, after the honeymoon, Charlene, my new bride, started sounding more like a wife than a sweetheart. Women must have some built in switch that changes them into rulers of the house. When we were dating she never complained about what I ate. When we went out I ordered my favorite steak and she always fixed one of my favorites when I went to her apartment for dinner. But after the honeymoon she...

4 years ago
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my friend jenny

Jenny woke up slowly, the warmth of the morning sun peering at her throughthe slightly opened shade. She yawned and stretched her arms through herblonde hair and up over her head. Sighing, she brought her hands down toher chest and slid them over the top of the thin, blue cotton sheet down toher waist.Her delicate hands sliding across the sheet felt good against her body.Opening her eyes, she could see the tips of her little nipples pokingthrough the sheet. Bringing her hands back up to her...

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The Tides of WarChapter 51

Two days later Sultar turned up at the house with a notepad in his hand. He followed David into the study and sat down. “As I understand it you wish to keep the statuesque of the land and inhabitants the same. Well, the Maasi and occasional safari are the only human activity that takes place there. The Maasi don’t pose a problem; they don’t hunt for food, and they live off their cattle. The safaris may create a problem. So I would give permits to only professional hunters that we know and...

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Kims First Lesbian Experience Chapter 2

At first Kim just stood there, looking at them in shock and excitement.Jen had three fingers buried in Lisa's hot, dripping wet pussie and she was sucking real hard on her hot, hard clit. Lisa's moans increased in frequency and she began begging Jen to finish her off and let her flood her face with her sweet, hot love nectar.Kim stood there watching and next thing she knew, her hand was back between her legs rubbing her ever increasing wet pussie. Just then Kim heard Lisa cry out in pure...

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Bahan ke sath maje

Yeh meri sachi kahani hai aur wo harkaten jo meine apni bahan ke sath ki. Yeh baat us samay ki hai jab mein 18 saal ka tha. Mera apni badi bahan seema ke sath bada lagav tha. Iska matlab yeh nahin ki mein use bahut pyar karta tha. Haan mein uske badan se pyar karta tha. Darasal wo khubsurat thi. Halanki us waqt uska badan bada bharpur nahin tha par uska chehra sundar tha. Gora rang medium size ke mamme patli kamar aur bharpur gand. Usme wo sab tha ko kisi ladki mei ladkon ko deewana banane ke...

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Shall We Dance

Shall We Dance By Paul G. Jutras It was raining when Ryan got to school soaked to the bone. As he leaned against the brick wall, he slipped off his white sneakers, turned them upside down and dumped water into the nearby potted plant. His bangs looked stringy like limp noodles. "What a day for picture day," he said as he saw his white dress shirt, pants and sleeveless sweeter reflected in the office window. "Come on," Dotty called as she put her raincoat in her locker and...

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RIDING THE BUS…DRIVERCHRISTYI have always prided myself on being a very resourceful person, but like most people now days I cannot live without my wheels. So when my car broke down about two weeks ago I was not a happy campier.The thought of having to take the bus everywhere did not appeal to me at all. The thought of sitting around for twenty minutes for a bus to come was not my idea of fun.All that changed one day when I had to catch a bus to get across town for a very important meeting. When...

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Hiding in SchoolChapter 7

After all my classes were over on my first day of classes I had to visit the bathroom on my way back to my dorm. I had been holding it in for a while so I could make it to my own restroom. I was pushing the door open when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turned around and saw Steven, “I know some freshmen like making a name for themselves in the first few days of classes but I don’t think going into the girl’s bathroom facilities would be a good way to make a name.” He pointed down...

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Jennys Dream

The quiet background music changed to a somber processional march. The congregation rose quietly and turned toward the center aisle. The procession was lead by a priest in full ceremonial vestments. The only unusual item was the stole. The usual brightly colored stole was replaced by one of black velvet, which contrasted sharply with the flowing, white robes. The priest was followed by two acolytes. One carried polished brass cross on a tall pole. The other carried a folded satin cloth. Six...

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Head Girls after school detention class

I was in my final year at secondary school and had generally been a well behaved student, having only ever been placed in detentions for minor breaches of school rules, such as forgetting my PE kit or handing homework in late. However, with just over a month to go at school, I was involved in an incident which resulted in being summoned to the Head Girl’s study to explain my actions and also to be punished for what I had done. Our Head Girl was Sixth Former, Joanne Wilson. Joanne had the...

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My Wife and I

I walk into the kitchen and see you at the sink. Walking up behind you I slip my hands around you, cupping your breasts and squeezing them. I whisper in your ear, “Grope of the day.” You shrug and tell me to stop. Continuing to massage your breasts I nuzzle your neck. Squealing you tell me to stop as my beard tickles you. “Let’s go upstairs,” I whisper in your ear, and continuing to kiss your neck. “I can’t,” you say, “I have to get these dishes finished.” Still nuzzling your neck my hands...

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My Slow Transformation 2

My Slow Transformation 2: In the first part of this story I shared how I had been hypnotised by my exhausted partner Carol. She had programmed me using a tape which said: "You are tired of being a man. This is because you are only pretending to be a man. Really you are a woman trapped in a man's body. Your girlfriend Carol is trying to keep you trapped in a man's body. She is worried that you will become a more beautiful woman than she is. Every morning you hear the parrot...

1 year ago
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BellesaHouse Aila Donovan Come On

These two first met on set shooting for Bellesa Films, where Quinton surprised Aila by asking her beforehand how she liked to come – he wanted to be able to please her during their scene. She laughed, saying that wouldn’t be possible because she can’t come on camera, and Quinton accepted the challenge. Though he didn’t quite make it, it was a solid foundation for them to build their budding relationship on and today, maybe they’ll finally score that on-screen...

2 years ago
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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXII - Jezebel primps, titivates, and beautifies for hir arranged date for the dance at the Harvest Moon Gala. Hir mother takes an extra 'precaution' with Jezzie, because a proper sissy on hir first date only gives pleasure, sie doesn't receive pleasure. We arrive at the house at warp speed 10. While in the garage, Mother, unlocks my sports chastity and locks me in my full chastity belt which really hides the 'bads' as my mother calls my 'equipment',...

1 year ago
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Asian for black and white A threesome story

After years spent living in China, I had found my perfect match. Petite like all Asians, my little China doll was 22 years younger than I was and we spent every hour together. Also like other Asian ladies, she had those gorgeous almond eyes, silky shiny black hair, and the sweet demeanor bordering on shyness.One thing that set my jewel apart was her breasts; tiny like other Chinese, but nipples to die for! I loved her large puffy areolas and the long meaty nipples that were heaven to suck on....

3 years ago
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Road TripChapter 46

There are those who are never happy to see someone else make money and they aren’t getting their share. Generally, they want you to pay them so you can keep working. The mob tried to muscle in. Joe A had connections ... sometimes connections fail. A cold solder joint loses contact and the song dies. A tube flashes or the glass cracks and the song dies. A fuse blows and the song dies. We had three more days to play when Joe A was killed in his office. When we showed up to play we couldn’t...

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DevilsFilm Eliza Ibarra Creamy Cowgirls

Eliza Ibarra is on vacation in Spain… So why is she staying inside instead of going out and having fun? Ramon Nomar is concerned and asks her what’s wrong, so Eliza sadly explains that she figured out through a video call that her boyfriend back home is cheating on her. Ramon is sympathetic, and tells her that the best way to get over that scumbag is to have fun without him. Eliza realizes that Ramon is coming on to her, and decides that DOES sound like a good time. In fact, they...

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Mausi Ki Ladki

Hi friends i want to tell you something about my sex experience with my cousin sister ye lagbhag ek saal pahle ki baat hai jab main apne ristedar ke ghar gaya tha dec ke samay meri mausi ka ghar tha unke ghar me unke pati ,ek beta aur ek beti hai unki beti bohot auchi dekhti hai aur mujhse bhaiya bhaiya karti rahti hai aur mujhe bohot like bhi karti thi jo mujhe baad me pata chala chalo ab story me ata hu meri mausi ki ladki ke sath mera 2 saal pahle kuch haad tak kiss karna aur boobs touch...

4 years ago
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The Final Surrender

Night has fallen in the forest outside the walls of the cabin, and the crickets have begun their incessant refrain. The dim light of a kerosene lamp illuminates the interior of the single room with a warm, flickering glow. The room is bare, save for a single bed in the center of the clean wood floor. Only a single fitted sheet covers the queen sized mattress. There are no other adornments, although the bedding is clean; immaculately so. You lie on your back on the mattress, naked. Looking down,...

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Loosening Up Book 6 SituationsChapter 3 A Suitors Questions

Taylor came bounding up to Dave after dinner the following Wednesday night. She had a smile a mile wide across her face and her cellphone in her hand. She wore an unbuttoned man’s dress shirt; she was nude underneath and the effect was positively arousing and stunning on the mid-twenty’s beauty. “Hi Doll,” Dave said as he reached out, slid his hand under the shirt, and put an arm around her lithe body. “You feel good and look tasty. What’s up and why the smile?” “I finally heard from Alec.”...

2 years ago
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Cute Indian Girl Fucked By Officers For Shoplifting

Hi, I am Chetan and I am back with another story. This is a story about how a cute Indian girl is fucked by strangers. The girl has a shoplifting disorder. She doesn’t do it intentionally but it has become her habit. So, one day this beautiful girl goes to a mall to buy some clothes. She was wearing a tight top and tight-fitting jeans which was displaying her curves very clearly. Her figure was 36-32-36, which can make any cock hard. Her name was Nisha. So when Nisha was in the mall, she came...

1 year ago
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An Introduction To My Crossdressing

Many of the crossdressing life stories I've read on Lush have similar beginnings. The early adolescence, the mother's or sister's clothes, the masturbation! It's fifty years since my first urge to dress in feminine garments, and ever since then, it has been an integral part of my colourful life.I remember the day fairly vividly. I was settling down in our bathroom, to do what EVERY adolescent does at that age. Wank! My inspiration back in those days were my mum's pals, her sister, and a couple...

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From a D to A

Introduction: Hey guys:) Thanks for all the encouraging comments! Still new here, so plz go easy! Mr. Derrick walked around, handing people their report cards. Jessica waited patiently for hers, hoping for something at least a little above a D. When he handed her the report card, however, Jess heart sunk. She had a D. And not even a D+, a D-. Her parents were going to kill her! She groaned as the bell rang. Jess knew she had to do something about this before it got to her parentsafter all, it...

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The lake voyeur

THE MASTER ON THE BEACHLast summer's voyeur ....It is starting to get very hot, we decided to leave early and go to Lake Miribel towards Lyon, but there is a small detail that my man forgot to mention. It's a nudist beach .... It doesn't matter ... We started walking towards a place a little more isolated ... I arrive with my beach bag. At this time, the beach is completely deserted. I take off my dress, I'm already in a bikini underneath. I dare not take off the swimsuit ..; it is the first...

2 years ago
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Young Man Finds Heaven in The Hot Tub

Cherry sighed heavily as she walked into her son’s room. This must be the messiest room on the planet that belonged to a 19 year-old boy, she thought. There were clothes everywhere, which she began to toss into a large basket. She was about half way through the clothes and ran out of room in the basket. She went to her room to get her basket to finish up her son’s room with as little trouble as possible. She heard the front door open and the sound of Jason, her son, and his best friend William...

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A Golfers Dream Book I The Dream BeginsChapter 14 Les Belles Filles

Dave, Ann, and Jennifer took a long relaxing shower highlighted by continued kissing and petting. The three lovers came out of the shower squeaky clean and then enjoyed carefully drying each other. Dave got dressed and kissed his girlfriends goodbye. Julie was waiting for Dave when he entered their trailer; she smiled at him and said, "Sounds like you had a good time." Dave looked at her quizzically and she continued, "I could hear Ann screaming from over here. You weren't lying when you...

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Strange Girl From T Nagar

Hi boys & girls and also aunties & uncles this is my introduction part for both for the Indian sex stories and also for the sex story. Myself Adithya(23) from Chennai and I am new here, so please support me as I have many real life stories to tell, all I need is either a positive or negative reviews which boosts me to write the further stories. Ok, here I am going into the story… This story happened in a very recent day of my life during my college day, one fine day while I was smoking a kings...

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Nazi Prison Camp

Copyright 2003 Loren found herself in the bed, naked. The Commandant had ripped her clothes from her body. She was bound again, this time her arms were pulled behind her and tied to her ankles, her legs bent backwards. She was left on her belly. He lay back down on the bed next to her, pulling her up until she was between his legs, her mouth only inches from his hard cock. He felt her hot breath on his dick and it jumped in anticipation. He grabbed her head with both of his hands, trapping it...

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The WolvesChapter 13

Earth Spectre Base, Canadian Rockies August 13, 2019 10:34 PDT (13:34 EDT) My mom didn’t say anything, she just moved a short distance away from the wall and crooked her finger. Alright, if she wants to keep going, I’m game. I got back to my feet. I made it seem like I was cracking my back, twisting clockwise and then counter-clockwise. As soon as I started the counter-clockwise rotation, I close one of my hands into a fist, and Blinked behind her. She must have anticipated something,...

4 years ago
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In the Dark

This is a real incident which happened to me. And I am sure some of you might have experienced some time or other in your life……At first I was not sure if it was deliberate or accidental. It did look deliberate, yet it was very subtle. We both were traveling from Bangalore to Hyderabad. At about 8.30 PM in the night the bus started from Bangalore. He was in his late 30s and I am in my late 20s. We spoke at length about different things, as co passengers. He seemed to be successful professional,...

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Doctors Sexamination Part 3

Introduction: continuin from where i stopped…hope ull like it….pls xcuse my grammer… It had been just a day since I was living in with my doc/lover for a few days since his wife was out of town and had sent all his office assistants and servants off so that we could have all the privacy. After a night of awesome sex, on Tuesday morning, while having breakfast, he asked me to get ready but wear only the black moslim burqa along with the abaya which he had got especially for me so that my face...

1 year ago
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Women In Charge

It was easy for him to put himself into the mindset of the young man on the sled. Mick was a 'taster' he had tasted every dish that the table of life had put before him. He had tried the sled with his girlfriend and partner Leesa calling the shots. It wasn't what he was looking for, but it was an experience that he would always remember. He tried out every device and toy that he made, he needed to know how it felt. It was his job. He was a 'test pilot' for all the kinky shit he made and...

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Mr Milky Way Bodybuildings Night of Shooti

As the lights went up in the auditorium, Butch Taylor switched off the microphone and stepped away from the podium. He was glad for the break, but he wanted more too. Butch knew that the best was always last. The final posedown was his favorite. The best of show in every competition, and tonight would be no exception. Mr Milky Way muscle extravaganza had attracted some of the best competitors. These were men with style. Size, too. But not just walking chemical factories. Butch liked that. He...

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Zeus and Io Books 1 and 2Chapter 14

"Well, did I check out?" It was Artemis' soft contralto, coming at me from the other side of a large salad bowl. We were sitting in the dining room of her house, finishing the dinner she'd prepared. It was actually pretty good: several types of salad greens, some thinly sliced chicken, all kinds of fresh vegetables, some hard boiled eggs, Chinese noodles, nuts, and all topped off with a sesame vinaigrette. She offered some wine, but I didn't want to even approach the limits that the VA...

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Spring Break part 1

This is the same characters as in my previous two stories, but with the appropriate body parts ???? We arrived Sunday night at our beach-side hotel in Savannah, Georgia for a week-long spring break during our sophomore year of college. After checking in and unpacking our clothes swimsuits, evening dresses, t-shirts, jeans, and sandals it was a little after 10:00PM. I was wearing a loose black t-shirt, a heavy contrast to my toned and muscular milky-white skin, short shorts, sandals, and had my...

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Amazon A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I was born in Morocco into a Moroccan Jewish family. My family had been living in Morocco for many generations after my ancestors were driven from Spain by the Christians. I have always considered myself to be North African. My family were had been involved in growing flowers and I was brought up in a town called Migouna. I spoke Arabic and Berber as my native tongues, French, and I also spoke English. My mother had been educated at a...

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Cupids ApprenticeChapter 9

The timing was going to be close. Kenny and Sandy would have to hustle to the boathouse before the girls and boys snuck out after lights-out for their little tryst. At ten o’clock, as soon as he killed the lights and closed the door to his room, Kenny crawled out his window and headed for the path around the lake. A few minutes later, Jimmy was about to follow, but he heard a noise and watched in the dark as J.J., Danny and Jackson slid out of their beds and tiptoed across the cabin to slip...

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