River Ch. 10 free porn video

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I woke up late Sunday morning after a long night of wonderful lovemaking. I felt warm, safe and utterly comfortable in his arms. With a smile I thought back to the past night, reliving every moment, slowly and with pleasure. Everything from my initial feeling of being in control and bringing him pleasure to our final slow lovemaking before falling asleep in each other’s arms.

And in between those two perfect memories, Johns fulfilled promise to punish my previous teasing by kissing, licking and tickling my whole body from top to bottom, with a strong emphasis on bottom. He absolutely worshipped my round butt, rubbing, massaging and finally kissing every part of each butt cheek, whispering words of adoration. Don’t get me wrong, he payed homage to my hungry pussy as well and I don’t know how many times he brought me to the very edge of orgasm, bringing his caresses and kisses to abrupt stops to prevent me from climaxing. In the end he almost had me crying from my desperate need for release.

When all I could do was sob ‘please, please, please’ he flipped me over again and made me lie down on my stomach as he pushed himself inside of me. He then took a hold of my hands, I suspect to prevent me from rubbing myself to completion, and started pushing in and out with slow but strong strokes. I could feel every part of him on top of me and inside of me, I could feel the pattern of my coverlet rubbing my nipples and the texture of the pillow that I was pressing my cheek against, every sense heightened.

‘I can’t’ I said ‘I can’t come this way, please, please, I need…’

I thought I heard him laugh real low as he started moving faster and pushing in deeper. He let my hands go and moved his hands slowly down my back. Collecting all of the pillows he could reach, he pushed all of them under my stomach and pussy giving his thrusts a slightly different angle. I don’t know if it was the changed angle and his deeper penetration or the fact that one textured pillow was rubbing me as he pushed and pushed and pushed himself into me faster and harder, but before long I came with a long, tormented cry. He kept his rhythm up and kept my climax going until I was completely spent and then he came with his own loud shout. He fell down on top of me and although he was heavy, I liked the feel of his body pressed against me, pushing me down into my soft bed.

The thoughts of our night together made me hot and needy again and I lazily squeezed one nipple and pressed my fingers against my clit. Before I could start rubbing myself I felt his arms circling my body from behind and his hand stopped mine so he would be able to let his fingers caress me instead. ‘Good morning’ he said sleepily just before he pushed himself into me and started loving me slowly and gently. This time my orgasm came in a long, gentle wave and as it settled down, all of my feelings for John seemed to settle along with it. I loved him. I let myself get pulled back into his arms, my face pressed against his chest, and then fell asleep again, happy and in love.

An aggressively loud signal woke us up half an hour later and John threw himself out of bed to look for his phone in the heap of clothes on the floor. He sat down on the edge of the bed and with an ‘I’ve been up all night having sex’-raspy voice he answered ‘Hello’. I couldn’t hear what the person he was talking to said, but he instantly straightened up, pulled a frustrated hand through his hair and said ‘I’ll be right there’. Tossing his phone on the bed he started throwing his clothes on quickly. With short sentences he explained that he had to go to Sam’s grandparents, because Sam’s mom was there causing problems. With a quick kiss on my cheek he left me sitting up in bed with a stunned expression on my face, an expression that quickly crumbled as I started crying. I had forgotten everything but my own happiness, I had forgotten about the mother.

I dried my tears, decided I needed some comforting words from a friend and then quickly called Mary.

‘Hello, Sarah? What’s wrong?’ she answered. When a Sunday morning phone call causes that type of response, I guess you don’t call your friends often enough.

In a fast flow of words I told her what had happened, what I was worried about and that I wanted to help, but couldn’t think of one single thing I could do. Before I started repeating myself she stopped me with a commandeering voice, told me to get dressed and to wait for her on my doorstep. ‘I’ll be right there’ she said before hanging up.

I washed my face, brushed my hair and threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I had just made it outside when a sleek, fast-looking, silver car pulled up. Mary jumped out of the car, pulled me in for a quick hug and then said ‘come on’ nodding towards her car. As soon as I hit the seat, Mary pulled out with screeching tires.

‘What…how… where are we going?’ I asked her.

‘We’re going to Sam’s grandparents’ she answered, keeping her eyes on the road.

‘What… why?’ I continued.

‘There’s a problem that needs to be solved, and it’s time for us to solve it’ she answered cryptically. Before I could ask any further questions Mary’s phone called. She picked it up and answered quickly with short sharp words, ‘yes’ and ‘get there as soon as you can’ and ‘I’ll be there in 10 minutes’.

‘What?’ I tried again, but Mary just shrugged, turned the music up and continued driving fast. After about eight minutes she slowed the car down and parked by a small house with a large, beautiful garden. Before stepping out of the car Mary reached into the back seat and pulled out a largish bag that said ‘First Aid’. She gave it to me with a muttered ‘just in case’-comment.

As we walked up to the house we could hear a woman screaming angrily. It was hard to hear what she was saying, but she was yelling ‘Sam’ and ‘money’ and I actually think I heard a ‘help’ in there somewhere too. As we came closer we could see John standing not far from the house, screeching woman, knife in her hand, standing far too close to him for my comfort. Scanning him for any injuries, I could finally take a deep breath, it looked as if he was unhurt.

Mary told me to go stand on the porch and to wait for John. Her voice said ‘no arguments’ and I did as she said. The porch was close enough so I could hear most of what was being said, but far enough away for me to be out of harms way. Mary then walked quickly up to John and the woman.

‘Hello John’ Mary said with a calm voice ‘I’m Mary, Sarah’s friend’.

Surprisingly she then also turned to the woman and said ‘Hello Jane’. How could she possibly know her name? Come to think of it, how could she possibly know where Sam’s grandparents lived?

Before I was able to figure out any answers to the mysterious how-questions, Mary used the same calm voice and said ‘John, I would like you to go to Sarah and your son Sam now. They both need you’. John looked as confused as I felt, but as he turned around and saw me standing there, he obviously decided to do as Mary said and started walking towards me.

The love in my eyes turned to dread as I saw the woman – Jane – start running after him, knife held high. Before the panicked scream that was building inside of me could reach my lips, Mary stepped in, deftly removed the knife from Janes hand and stopped her.

‘I think you’ll find that in this episode of the story, I’m the knife-waving crazy woman’ Mary said before tossing the knife into some bushes by their side. Jane started waving her arms, this time simply using her hands to try to cause pain, but Mary brushed all of her attempts off, as if she was nothing more than a bothersome fly.

The angry woman seemed to tire soon, and when she stopped fighting, Mary stepped closer and started talking as calmly as before, but too low for me to hear what she was saying. John then came up to me and pulled me into his arms. ‘Sarah’ he whispered and pressed a kiss to the top of my head. Leaning backwards
in his arms, I started looking him over to see if he was hurt after all. He seemed to realize what I was doing because he whispered ‘I’m fine, I’m fine’ and then hugged me close again.

Mary kept talking to Jane, who was no longer trying to fight, but seemed to be shrinking into herself, no emotions left but a deep, tired, desperate sadness. She started sobbing and then, strangely enough, let herself be pulled into Mary’s arms. Mary held on to the sad shell of a woman, still whispering to her. She seemed to want an answer to something, and when Jane nodded, Mary lifted her head and gave a discrete sign, looking down towards the street.

Two darkly dressed men came walking up to the two women. When Jane saw them approach she looked scared and started shaking her head, but Mary just calmly introduced the men and continued talking to her, explaining something with that annoyingly low voice. Jane seemed strengthened by what Mary said, pulled herself up and with her back surprisingly straight she walked with the men down the garden. Mary walked with them talking to one of the men before handing him a folded paper and turning around towards us.

We had been standing, staring at what was happening with surprise on our faces. When Mary came close to us, she probably saw our gaping expressions, because she laughed softly and then said ‘Let’s go inside and I’ll tell you all about it’.

As we entered the house, an elderly couple came walking towards us, obviously anxious and worried. John introduced me and Mary, and then started looking for his son, desperate to see him and hold him. ‘He’s in the kitchen’ the old woman said and started walking, leading us to him. Sam was sitting on the kitchen sofa, feet pulled up under him, hugging a cuddly toy, his face pale. As he saw his dad his face grew brighter and he threw himself at John who hugged him close.

Moments later Sam leaned over his father’s shoulder and spotted me. First he seemed confused, but then he smiled at me and wriggled out of his father’s arms. He came running up to me, took my hand and with fast words explained that he needed to show me something he’d built from building blocks his grandparents had just given him.

I happily went with him, certain that John would tell me everything Mary told them, later on. I was glad that I could provide some sort of comfort to both Sam and John by being there for them, if only by admiring Sam’s creations, and probably by helping him build additional ones.

* * * * *

Waking up in Mary’s bed, closely pressed against her, feeling her sweet smell made me smile. And that smile grew wider as I felt her moving in barely noticeable, but highly recognizable movements, this woman of mine was aroused and needed some loving. After making lazy morning love to her I pulled her into my arms and before falling asleep I realized that that was what is was all about: love. I loved her and she loved me. Smile wide on my face again, I let myself fall asleep, my love pressed against my heart, where she belonged.

It seemed like it was just moments later that I woke up to my phone ringing. I threw my tired body out of bed and quickly found the phone in the mess of clothes on the floor. My tired ‘Hello’ started a tirade on the other side, I had to come quickly, Jane was there making trouble again. With a quick explanation to Sarah, I threw my clothes on, ran to my car and drove away, heart beating, one thought in my mind, to get to and protect Sam.

As I got to the house, Jane was standing outside screaming at her parents through the window. Realizing that Sam was safe inside the house, I took a deep, calming breath and then walked slowly towards Jane, making sure she saw me approaching. ‘Jane’ I said ‘you know you can’t keep doing this’ I told her, trying to make my voice sound calm, although there was nothing calm about me.

She looked at me with distaste, almost loathing, and started walking towards me with angry steps. With waving arms she started yelling at me, telling me what she really thought about me – nothing I hadn’t already heard before, telling me that I had taken her family from her, that she had no one and nothing. In my anger I could still feel somewhat sad for her, although it wasn’t me that had taken everything from her, but the drugs. Both I and her parents and had tried to help her, to get her off the drugs, but in the end the task was too big for us. She didn’t want help and she didn’t need it, she’d kept saying.

Looking at the skinny, filthy, tired woman before me, I could only see small signs of the person she’d been before, the woman I had once loved. As if she could feel me pitying her, her anger and her yelling increased, repeating herself over and over again about how unfair life was, how mistreated she was, that her family didn’t help her and on and on. It seemed like she was going to go on forever, but in a surge of anger, she pushed her hand into her coat and pulled out a short, sharp-looking knife.

I took a step back as she started waving her hands again, holding the knife out, still repeating the same litany, the thoughts she obviously believed was the truth. Keeping my eyes on the knife, I stood still and listened to her, knowing that trying to make her see that there might be another truth was hopeless.

We were both interrupted by a dark-haired, dark-eyed woman that walked up to us and started talking with a calm, decisive voice. She told me to go to Sarah and Sam, and when I turned towards the house I could see Sarah standing there, eyes wide and scared. As if pulled by an invisible thread I started walking towards her away from the screaming mess behind me. Sarah smiled but then suddenly looked scared again. I turned around just in time to see the woman – Sarahs friend, Mary? – removing the knife from Jane and tossing it away.

I walked slowly backwards looking at the dark-haired woman talking with calm words to Jane, telling her something about addiction now being considered a brain disease, not a personality problem, talking to her in a steady stream of words, about how she knew how it felt, that some people were always going to feel that desperate need for something, but that she also knew it could be controlled and she knew that Jane would be able to see that too.

Having now reached the porch and Sarah, I couldn’t hear the low words anymore, but I don’t think the words were as important as the very slow and calming voice that she was using. Some of the things she said obviously had an effect, since Jane first started trying to hit her and then stopped and fell apart, crying. I hadn’t ever seen her cry when she was on her warpath against everything and everyone. Seeing Jane held by the strange woman, crying with great heaving sobs, made me feel angry at myself. Why hadn’t I tried harder to help her?

Two men came walking and after being reassured by the woman, Jane walked with them towards a big, dark car that was parked in the street.

The dark-haired woman, Mary, walked towards us and with a low, husky laugh she told us to go inside and she’d tell us what had happened. With my hand in Sarah’s I opened the door and was met by Fred and Ingrid, Jane’s parents. They were worried, but Ingrid led us into the kitchen where I was met by a running Sam, who threw himself into my arms. He was safe and seemed mostly unharmed by what had happened. When he saw Sarah, he quickly pulled her with him, to show her his new toys and if I knew him right, to play, build and create stuff, the way they both liked to on weekdays.

With a cup of coffee each, we sat down at the table, ready to hear the story Mary had to tell. She seemed to collect her thoughts and then started talking.

‘In short, what we have done is to send Jane to a very special facility that has had great results treating addiction by addressing the fundamental problems instead of treating the symptoms. Addiction is considered a brain disease, or rather a small malfunction, and people with that malfunction will have to
learn how to live with it for the rest of their lives. She will go through an initial, standard detox process, followed by weeks of learning how to handle her new, clean life. She will be given tools, so she can identify when she’s in the risk zone for new addictive behaviors. Because she will be an addict for the rest of her life, be it drugs, alcohol, gaming, sex, basically anything can trigger addictive behavior. She will have to be strong, but I think she has it in her.’

She took a breath and then continued. ‘She will be given every possible help, and when she’s proven free from her addiction, she will be given a new life and a new start, with a small home and job opportunities.’

‘How…’ I started worriedly ‘how is this all payed for?’

‘Every expense has been cleared by an organization that I have a close cooperation with’ she answered. I wanted to ask her what organization, but she seemed unwilling to discuss the money issues further.

Ingrid and Fred both started crying, holding on to each other, their worries calmed by the fact that their daughter would be taken care of. Mary said her goodbyes, shook our hands and I walked her out. She gave me a wide smile, told me to take care of Sam and Sarah and jumped into her sports car. The expensive car made me think that perhaps there was no organization, but just a well-off woman’s crusade against the evils of the world. I shook my head at that fancy idea and walked back into the house.

I brought Sam and Sarah to our house and we spent a wonderful afternoon playing together. In the evening, both of my loves, exhausted by a full day, fell asleep against me in our sofa. With all this love and not having to worry about Sam’s mom any longer I felt a sense of calm and joy. We were going to have a wonderful life together.

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Tan and toned southern belle Olivia Blu has been working hard to get her masseuse license, and she is excited to give her new skillset a try. She needs a few extra hours to get everything all squared away as she tries to get her first real job, so she enlists her stepson to let her work some magic on his body. But as she oils him up and starts massaging, she finds her pussy getting wet through her panties. Finally, she cannot fight the feeling anymore. She peels off her shorts and climbs on top...

2 years ago
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The Confession Ch 07

The past couple of weeks had been a frustrating time for Kevin, for the first time in his life he was in love. The beautiful Shannon O’Malley had captured his heart and he was unable to express how he felt. He had talked to his best friend Jack about the feelings he had for her. Jack just rambled on and on about how confessing was good for ones soul, he claimed he had confessed something recently and it changed his life. Kevin felt that he was not sure if he was ready to put his feelings on...

1 year ago
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A sexy surprise

I was sitting in the bar after a hard day’s work at the conference looking forward to a couple of drinks then a good night’s sleep and a late start tomorrow when she caught my eye. She walked in and took a seat on the other side of the bar, sliding her curvy figure onto the barstool. She was absolutely gorgeous, tall (almost as tall as me), with olive skin and shoulder length dark hair. Her make-up and jewellery were understated but classy, adding further to her allure. She was dressed in a...

She Males
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Sex Education Single Parents

Ron Taylor was walking down the hall toward his bedroom. It had been a long day. He was just passing Elly's room when he heard something that sounded like a moan. As a single parent for the last dozen years; he had always had a sixth sense when something was out of the ordinary.He placed his ear next to Elly's door and now he definitely heard her groan as she sounded restless. He was concerned that perhaps she was sick. He slowly opened the door and as he did his heart froze.Elly was on the bed...

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A Curious Woman 1

They met one day through the high chain-link fence of the space port gate. The landing pad area was an old NASA concrete expanse. Behind her was the dusty desert of West Texas. The high-speed rail car that had brought her to the backside of the most active freighter port in the solar system had already left. The man had seen many visitors come and go over the twelve years he’d operated his tramp freighter, in the almost forgotten dark corner of the remote space port. “Seen three aliens,” he...

1 year ago
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My first ever sex with another man A true story

Subtitle: How I discovered my bisexual side.It was 1980 and I was a student in Manchester. I was married. My wife was away for three months in the summer because she was studying German and had to spend some time over there. My married sex life was a disaster. We were married at 18 years old and both virgins. We had sex on our wedding night and that was it. It seemed my cock was too thick and she just couldn't take it. Her vagina would go into spasm, something called vaginismus. At least I'd...

2 years ago
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At the movies

The film is almost over. The cinema is quiet. I can see another couple kissing. But my girl is dirtier that that...ff I play my cards right. She’s wearing her little black dress so I can move my hand up between her silky thighs and gently touch her right where she’s sensitive, right where I can make her scream if I want to.I feel her shiver in pleasure. She takes my ear in her mouth and puts her hand down my shirt, pulling at my nipples. She grows wetter as I finger her -I can feel that through...

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My first time With a Porn Star to Be Chapter 1

I am 17 years old right now and I am a junior in high school. I have a larger than normal sized dick. It’s around 7-3/4′ and for the last couple of months I have been hooking up with Candace, whose business name is Candy. She is two years older than I am and is in the porn business. Living out in California is the best for me. She first fucked me when she was drunk and I had just arrived at a party with some of my older friends to hang out with their older friends. Anyway Candace was just all...

3 years ago
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The Camera Club

It turned out to be quite a night. Not at all what I was expecting as I drove to the station to pick up the young lady who was going to be our photo model for the evening. It was not the same model we had had on previous occasions, we had been informed that the agency thought this one, Veronica, would be "more interesting". That was OK by me. Sally had been very nice and everything, but we had got a bit tired of her routine which didn’t vary much. She always wore a jumper and skirt which she...

3 years ago
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Jamal wants to fuck me in the ass

My Black Master came at our home that night. He said that his sexy black wife did not want anal sex; so Jamal warned me he was too horny and needed some sexual relief…But he wanted to feel my tight asshole…He added my loving husband could stay and watch as his huge black dick enjoyed my poor tight ass…After dinner, I got ready for my Master. I put on a sexy black dress, with black seamed stockings, no panties and a pair of sexy stilettos. I looked at myself in the mirror and knew my black stud...

1 year ago
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The FETISH Ray Tales Fuckbuddies Glendas Story

Glen came over the first day of summer after graduating to play basketball and video games, like she always had while we were in high school.Her full name was Glenda, but nobody called her that. She had always been a tomboy, and we had grown up together, exploring the woods, playing sports, and getting into trouble. It never really occurred to me to think of her as a girl, even after both of us hit puberty; she always just felt like one of the guys. She was attractive enough I guess, when I...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Anal Conduct Part 1

David couldn't wait to fuck his little pussy for the weekend and he had been waiting for this for months. Sarah, his little slut with her big boobs and round ass, 1.75 meters tall, just over 18. His cock just couldn't be any harder when he thought about her. That night she called him up and David stopped by at her place. He knocked on the door and the door open and there she stood, in her panties, inviting him in for a good fuck. He undid his pants when she lead her to her bedroom, oh, he was...

Erotic Fiction
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Pretty Pipers Private PerilChapter 4 First Rewards

Piper woke up and, for a brief moment, she could imagine that all was well with the world and that she’d just had a bad dream. But reality set in, despite her denials. Her fingers felt weak as she checked her phone. There was another email, this one simply had a link to a game to install on her phone. It looked like scrabble, but a chat client popped up inside it. It was him. “Thank you for installing this little game. It will let me chat with you anytime I wish. You should make sure to keep...

4 years ago
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Mistaken Identity

I'm house sitting for a couple of days for my step-daughter and her husband. I've been in bed sleeping for a couple of hours when I feel a warm slim body slide into bed with me. "Don't say a word - just fuck me now please" is the request from Dani. I've spashed a fair bit of cum fantasising about her in the past - brunette, perky B-cup tits and a great shaped ass. Dani is a friend of my step-daughter and a frequent house guest. She is laying on top of me - pressing her body to mine. I...

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Battlemage Book 9 Glimpses Into TomorrowChapter 8

"We have a problem. It appears that killing their own men doesn't seem to be a problem for whoever took the wagon. I'm kind of surprised they even left Gem and Haley breathing," said Ariel as she got up from kneeling over the body of the second man they found today. It looked as if someone had strangled him, but Ariel was hard pressed to figure out why, as they had no defensive wounds on them anywhere. It meant the man was in some position where he couldn't fight back. They lost a day...

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What The Neighbors Daughter is Really Like

Like any man I had just been going with the flow. I went to work each day and came home to a home cooked meal. My wife and I married five years ago so planned to celebrate our fifth anniversary. Since we married at twenty-five each we were both thirty at the time. We decided to have a party for our friends. We had our plans made when the next door neighbors called and asked us to watch their daughter. I didn't see a problem as long as Leslie would be upstairs watching television in the library...

Group Sex
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Strip Searching RebeccaChapter 3 Girl Sex and Ass Rape

Rebecca heard the sound of the door opening. "Please, let me off of this, my pussy hurts so bad, I will do anything, just let me off," the pain in her voice making it tremble. She had been riding the ridge for over an hour since the Judge had left. No matter how much she tried to stay still, her tender pussy was continually rubbed raw on the sharp edge. The Commander walked into her view. Rebecca was tied onto the pyramid, her arms bound behind her back, her breasts thrust forward. Sweat...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Selena Love Lolly Dames 4th Of July Wiener

Selena Love and her stepmom Lolly Dames are ready to celebrate 4th of July, but Lolly wants to make sure that Selena follows her diet and keeps practicing for her dance recital. When stepbrother Johnny arrives at the party, he starts grilling some hotdogs, and sneakily gives some to Selena who starts sucking on his wiener as a way to say thank you! Once their stepmom leaves to see some fireworks with their neighbors, Selena and Johnny go to the bedroom and finish what they started… Nothing like...

2 years ago
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L'aria nel vecchio scantinato non era delle migliori e poi c'era il fatto che un' unica finestrella in alto non faceva passare che poca luce dando a quel posto l'aspetto di una cripta. Mia aveva messo un tavolo, delle sedie per i suoi compagni e c'era perfino un telo che serviva come base per le proiezioni. Guardò l'orologio. Mancavano ancora venti minuti all'incontro. Lì sotto faceva caldo, ma il sudore che le imperlava la fronte e ricamava aloni poco carini sotto le ascelle era dato da un...

2 years ago
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Mind games

Hey,I'm Mark, 24 years old student in the University of Arizona, studying computer sciences. I guess I am an average guy,reasonably good looking, playing soccer so moderately built but above average in my grades. My life was pretty nice. I was sharing a flat with 4 others students: two guys, Alan and Jim and two girls, Nadia and Jessica. On the romantic side,I just started to date Megan from my class two weeks ago. I woke up that day with a terrible headache. I had a quiet evening the day...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Hear the Drip

This is the first part of a trilogy set in a world that is slightly different from the one we know today. Where will it all end? Cecile lives each day hoping that times will change. Until then... 'Life is what you make it' even if each day is a little crazier than the day before. Hear the Drip By Annie Firewire (c)2002 I could hear the drip, drip, drip of the drainpipe next to my window as the morning rain sent its comforting echoes into my room. I'd become so used to hearing...

2 years ago
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Christmas Surprise

My mom’s family had been coming to our house for the holidays for as long as I could remember. Since we had a small house and she had lots of relatives, we always had some strange sleeping arrangements. When I was smaller I would share a bed with my brother and one of my boy cousins. I didn’t like boys at that age and they hated girls so there was no worry of anything inappropriate going on.I had stayed over at my girlfriend’s house the past few years during the holidays to avoid having to...

3 years ago
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The Accidental MasterChapter 8 Doctor Doctor

I awoke early the next morning to thunder rattling the windows of the bedroom. The house was quiet and I could hear the rain beginning to beat against the windows. I slowly rose from the bed and walked over to the windows, looking out into the predawn darkness, the torrential rains visible only during the moments when streaks of lighting raced across the sky. As I stood there, it dawned on me that for the first time in several weeks I wasn't overcome with lust at the sight of all the...

3 years ago
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Tims Pool Party

As the sun set, only a handful of friends remained at the party. Don, two sheets to the wind, hung onto his scotch and soda in the shallow end of the pool. He was watching his wife Katie flirt with Tim who was playing it cool but ogling her tits when he could. Don knew Tim’s love for big tits, and his blonde wife had a great set. Don’s cock twitched at the thought of Tim titty fucking his wife. But it was nothing new, he often thought about threesomes with Tim and all the various...

1 year ago
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NFBusty August Ames Unzipped

Big tits blonde August Ames get naked in a hot striptease dance and starts to blow her horny man! This delicious looking babe was wearing a short little mini skirts that showed off the sleek curve her firm sexy butt cheeks. She had glittering blue eyes and her long wheat-blonde hair swung as she did a sexy dance for her appreciative lover, who could hardly wait to screw her in this hardcore NF Busty film. He started out by licking her clit, this drove her wild with desire, and she began begging...

1 year ago
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Purgatorys ChildrenChapter 2

Getting up and down was relatively easy from the first level down to the sixth; stairs, ramps and moving platforms were common and easy to find. Every major corridor had plenty of choices, and the stairwells were relatively well lit. Below the sixth level, randomness and murky purpose intervened to create a maze of walks, tunnels and runs than ran hilter-kilter throughout the Temperdis. Folk history says that the Upstairs people built the first six levels, but the denizens of the Temperdis...

4 years ago
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Chrissie and Julian

One of my oldest and wealthiest clients is a foreign born gentleman I'll refer to as Julian. I don't see Julian as often as some of my other clients but always look forward to a session with him. I think the reason I so enjoy my time with Julian is because I never know what to expect from him. Whenever his assistant contacts me to appraise meof one of his impending visits my mind goes into overdrive. A visit from Julian is always interesting, always exciting and certainlynever dull. Julian...

4 years ago
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Steve and I

Now, to what you came here for. Being part of the Water Polo and Swimming team I was used to being around hot naked guys. Yet, every time it was shower time I had to concentrate hard or I would get an erection and that wouldn’t be good for the reputation I had. I was sort of known for being a womanizer. One time, after a tiresome practice that ended at 6:30pm on a cold March night, everybody headed to the showers. I had been late with my best friend Steve. So the coach made us do some...

2 years ago
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Vicious Days Insane NightsChapter 5

My daughter was home and we fucked like minks – the tone was set as she walked in the door, her clothes were hitting the floor all around her. I held her face down atop her wet and slightly smelly underwear while I plowed her from behind, holding on to her hip with my other hand - the constant stream of "thank you Daddy" and "fuck me Daddy" had me coming deep inside her far faster than I'd wanted, so I'd pulled out my spent cock and fisted her until she was incoherent. Christie watched...

2 years ago
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Ice seduction

Hi friends Suresh here again with my next incident. I am a regular reader of ISS and I feel that there can’t be better way to bring out the feelings of us males and females. Thanks for ur response to my previous story. I will wait for ur feedback on this one also. This actually a sequel to the earlier but you will enjoy it separately also. So I will not bore u with repetition of my earlier story. Well any ladies or gals if want to know more or experience some extreme joys of sex can contact me...

1 year ago
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JAV Babe! Where the fuck can you go when you are horny as hell for JAV pornography? Well, you could fly over to Japan and buy the hot shit in one of the numerous porn stores in the country. You may have to deal with a horny fuck behind the counter trying to dry hump your leg, though. But, hey, if that’s the kind of adventure you want to experience, you go and do you!For everyone else that does not want to have to deal with battling traffic in Japan and getting accosted by a porn clerk that’s...

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