Nina And The Intern
- 3 years ago
- 38
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"Mrs. Detroit?"
I nodded at the young lady holding a name card in her hands. She was behind a waist-high barrier, the last obstacle for passengers arriving at London's City Airport. I watched her move to intercept me.
"Mrs. Detroit?"
I arched my eyebrows at the unnecessary repeated question but let her continue. "I'm Miss Darcy. I've been sent by Mr. Roberts to look after you."
"How did you recognize me?"
She held up her smartphone. "Whatsapp. Mr. Roberts sent me a picture of you.” She proffered a hand.
"My, aren't we a model of modern proficiency?” I murmured as we shook hands, wondering which photo Chris had sent. He has quite a collection but some are not for public viewing. I relaxed and smiled agreeably. She seemed encouraged, although I got the impression she wasn't sure how I felt about her.
"I'm his new intern."
Again my eyebrows rose. I looked her up and down and was delighted to see she appeared anxious. Chris, or Mr. Roberts to young Miss Darcy, certainly had an eye for beautiful women. Another one for his personal 'harem' as I sometimes called his office.
"This is my second month of a six-month internship."
"Ah ha."
She obviously has brains, I thought. I knew from personal experience that Chris — 'Mr. Happyman' as I call him when we're together — can be a hard taskmaster, in more ways than one. Although he likes having attractive women around him, good looks won’t save them if they’re not capable of doing the job. It doesn't matter whether they have twenty years’ experience or are just starting out, intelligence, and the ability to use it is the important thing for Mr. Roberts. That said, Miss Darcy was certainly pleasing on the eye.
Like me, she was tall, maybe an inch taller, but standing five feet ten in my bare feet, I'm no slouch. I quickly glanced at her feet. Also, like me, she was wearing sensible heels. Her oval shaped face and the darkened hue of her skin suggested that her ancestors originated far from drizzly London. I guessed Northern Africa or the Middle East.
My assumption was strengthened by her exotically shaped, almond eyes and her long straight black hair pulled back and tied in a very long ponytail. Her height hinted at a mixed marriage somewhere in the distant past and that served to increase her attractiveness.
Dressed in what she probably thought was the proper uniform for an intern — crisp white blouse, dark gray pinstriped pencil skirt and, because she was out of the office, a matching jacket — didn't disguise her slim, athletic build. Judging by the way her full breasts strained against the blouse, I guessed the garment was probably a size too small. From her almost knee length skirt, a pair of long, stocking-clad legs protruded. Shapely legs, I might add, and I wondered if she wore hold ups or suspenders.
All in all, Miss Darcy ticked Chris's boxes and I wondered… hmm, ’two months,' she'd said. I studied her and noted the calm serenity gazing back at me. 'No, probably not,’ I thought. ‘At least, not yet.'
"Here, let me take your baggage, Mrs. Detroit," she said, reaching for my traveling case. "Mr. Roberts insisted I get you back to the office as quickly as possible. In fact, he seemed quite on edge today. Not his usual self at all."
I smiled at the news. "Then we'd better not hang about," I said, my accented English contrasting strongly against hers. "We wouldn't want to keep him waiting; he might decide to reprimand me."
Miss Darcy looked pensive, her inexperienced but businesslike mind probably trying to work out if I was joking.
"What's your name?" I asked bluntly.
"Miss Darcy... oh, I see," a hand moved to her mouth. "You mean my Christian name don't you?"
I nodded.
"Sorry, Mrs. Detroit… Dominique, my name is Dominique, but most people call me…" Her words faded away and she looked a little uncomfortable.
"Okay, Dominique," I said, "did you walk here or do you have a car?"
"The car is outside Mrs. Detroit.” She pointed to the exit.
We walked through the automatic doors and, to my surprise, there was no chauffeur-driven Mercedes limousine waiting. Instead, the vehicle was Chris's personal car, a plush Range Rover. Dominique, it turned out, was also the chauffeur. Normally, I would have sat in the back and given my papers a last minute check, but this young woman had piqued my curiosity.
The drive to Greenwich was uneventful, could even be called boring, but that would be doing Dominique an injustice. She handled the bulky vehicle with an ease and confidence that suggested this was nothing out of the ordinary, once again causing me to ponder her background. I knew Chris very well. He was slow to trust someone, but when he did, his loyalty was legendary. What had Dominique done to inspire such trust? Gone down on her knees?
A good blowjob might have achieved that, but I knew this car was his pride and joy. Letting a lowly intern drive it... well, no blowjob is that good. When I asked how she came to work for Mr. Roberts, things became clearer.
Dominique's father was one of the original investors when Chris was struggling to build up the business. Already impressed with the work Chris had done for him, Mr. Darcy offered to underwrite the loans Chris needed to buy the business from his retiring mentor. Mr. Darcy's hunch about the young engineer proved to be correct. Not only was he a talented engineer but Chris had the ability to predict the needs of his clients — even before they knew it. When they came to him with a problem, he invariably had the solution ready.
Despite fierce competition from heavily subsidized companies in the Far East, 'Roberts Engineering' thrived and continued to grow. A lot of customers were based in Silicon Valley, companies that built and designed huge mainframe computers, and they liked the British craftsmanship and ingenuity provided by Chris's company. More importantly, they were prepared to pay top dollar.
Eight years on, when Mr. Darcy asked Chris if his daughter, who was returning from finishing school in Switzerland, could do her internship at Roberts Engineering, he could hardly refuse.
As she explained the situation to me, so many things became obvious. Her poise, serenity, and confidence, were born of money. She was daddy's girl and whatever Dominique wanted, she got.
Then I wondered why she’d chosen to work at Chris's factory. I mean, she could have anything she wanted. Money was definitely not a problem, and having been given the best education her father could provide, the decision to work at a small private company when the jet-set lifestyle that so many of her peers enjoyed was within reach, seemed to be a little out of whack.
"So, do you like working under Chris?" My voice had just a hint of sexual overtone.
When we stopped at a traffic light she looked at me, one eyebrow raised inquisitively. "I'm not sure I get your drift," she said with an innocent defiance. I thought that defiance was interesting and explained what I meant, watching an expression of understanding cross her face. Apparently relieved she had misunderstood my inquiry, she happily started chatting.
Listening to her talk about what it was like to work for Mr. Roberts, I looked out at all the buildings which were zipping past and smiled. I don't know if Chris had noticed, but there was no getting away from it: when Dominique talked about him or mentioned his name, her demeanor subtly changed, giving away more than it concealed.
When I walked into Chris's office, his face lit up. Dominique was right behind me which he clearly hadn't expected. While a frown temporarily creased his brow, his hands quickly disappeared beneath the desktop. Seconds later, he stood and came to greet me.
"Ah, you've arrived, Andrea. Well done, Dominique."
"Thank you, Sir.”
The young intern looked surprised as Chris kissed my cheeks not once, not twice, but three times, only understanding after he explained that it was the custom in Holland. I smirked, knowing that Chris had planned more than three kisses as a greeting, but Dominique’s presence had put the kibosh on that. Pity really.
So, it was down to business. Our company manufactures computer processors and Roberts Engineering is one of our British clients. As senior saleswoman for the UK, I’m responsible for not only establishing the contract but also for maintaining it. Unfortunately, the reason for this trip was to inform Chris of our new price increases; not something any sales person likes unless they're on commission, which I am. Not that I was worried: we’d always worked something out.
“Right, you're here to extract another pound of flesh are you?" His words were businesslike but his flint gray eyes shone with humor.
"Oh, don’t worry, Chris, I'm not that greedy. I’ll leave the shirt on your back," I said, trying to keep a straight face. In the corner of my vision, I saw Dominique watching us. Obviously, she didn’t know the closeness of our relationship.
"Only my shirt?”
I nodded. Despite the presence of Dominique, his eyes twinkled and from the way the corners of his mouth twitched, I could see he was also having trouble keeping things businesslike.
“Dominique,” he said, turning toward the young woman.
“Yes, Sir," she answered, a little too enthusiastically.
"Don't be fooled by this woman's amenable appearance. The Dutch are some of the sharpest operators in the world. This one," and he nodded at me, "had to have her fins surgically removed because people stopped doing business with her. Be warned, young lady, she's a killer shark."
The young woman regarded me cautiously and then turned back to her boss. "Maybe I should get the company harpoon gun and stay here to keep an eye on you.”
Chris shook his head, smiling at her attempted humor. "No, that won't be necessary Dominique. I'm quite capable of taking care of myself. You can leave us now."
Turning back toward his desk, he didn't see the look of disappointment on her face, but I did.
"Oh, can you bring us some coffee in about..." he looked at his watch, "thirty minutes?" Then he looked at me for confirmation, his eyes twinkling mischievously. I nodded. "Right, thirty minutes it is. That will be all."
"Yes, Sir."
I looked away and bit my lip. The young intern, recognizing a dismissal when she heard it, turned to leave, her shoulders slumped. Within seconds of her departure, Chris Roberts strode towards me and thrust his hand beneath my skirt. Our lips met, mouths opened, and our tongues engaged in a passionate dance.
"Jesus, Andrea, I've been dying for this ever since I found out you were coming over. I’ve been sitting here with a rock hard cock and my fly open so you could immediately get on your knees when you arrived."
"I'd guessed that," I said huskily after another passionate kiss. My cunt was juicing up nicely under his hard, frantic rubbing. That’s exactly how I like my sex to be treated and I reached down between us. Sure enough, I felt the hardness there. "You weren't joking were you?" I sounded shocked because I hadn't felt him this rigid in ages.
A strong masculine hand reached inside my jacket and squeezed a breast. My nipple stiffened between his thumb and forefinger. "Of course I wasn't joking," Chris said, sounding a bit peeved. "Why did you let her follow you in here?”
"Because I thought that's what you wanted. How was I to know you wanted to fuck me right away? Anyway, you've always wanted a threesome," I added sweetly. He glared at me for a second, knowing it was the truth. Then his hands left my body and he began undoing his trousers. Quickly, belt and buttons were undone, and he pulled out his cock, the exposed helmet glistening with pre-cum.
"Why don't you get on your knees and employ that beautiful mouth of yours for some useful purpose." He stroked his thick erection while waiting for my response. Having been taught to give clients what they want, I did exactly as he asked.
As soon as my lips were around his throbbing shaft, strong fingers weaved into my hair, ruining my loosely formed bob, and guiding me in the way that he wanted. Chris likes a sloppy blowjob, likes having his cock covered in saliva so there's plenty of lubrication when a woman wanks him. She doesn't necessarily need to be a deep throat expert — but it helps. He likes thrusting as far down as the woman can take it, just to see how she reacts. He also loves it when a woman pays attention to his balls. Doesn't matter whether she sucks, licks, or squeezes them, he enjoys it all.
Chris was now holding my head with both hands while his hips eased back and forth, sliding his cock in and out of my mouth like a well-oiled piston.
"Jesus, you slut. I can't decide if I want to cum all over your face or in your ass."
I released my tasty morsel and stared at him. "You'll have to fuck me first… Sir.” My imitation of Dominique’s ‘Sir’ elicited a snort of laughter.
"You sarky bitch. Get up and bend over my desk I might have to tan your backside for that." Things were looking up.
I stood, released the clasp on my mid-thigh skirt and pushed it over my hips. At the desk, I leaned forward, taking my weight on outstretched arms. I spread my fingers on the shiny surface and saucily wiggled my bum.
Chris stood with his gleaming erection pointing in my direction and obvious lust in his eyes. "God, I love your ass," he said, hurriedly pulling down my skirt until it fell around my ankles. I stepped out of the garment and spread my legs further. Chris tugged at my knickers, drawing them down as far as he could before I heard a tiny snap of elastic breaking. Desperate to have Chris inside me, I neither worried nor cared and simply begged him to get on with it.
He cupped my sex with one hand and a finger slipped expertly inside. "Fuck, you're wet," he breathed heavily into my ear. He was leaning into me and his rigid cock pressed deliciously against the back of my thigh.
"Don't waste time, Chris. Dominique's going to bring the coffee in a few minutes.” Like him, I'd been looking forward to fucking and didn't want to be disturbed before its rightful conclusion.
"Hmmm, you're right as usual, Andrea," he said, immediately inserting his cock into my pink wetness.
He bucked his hips and when his prick surged deeper I moaned like a cheap whore trying to please her score. I groaned when he grasped my hips and ground his pelvis against my bum. His member is bigger than my husband's and his size always surprised me, among other things.
Without delay, Chris began screwing me, long deliberate strokes filling my cunt again and again. Feeling naughty, I opened my eyes and looked across the desk. Finding what I needed, I reached out to use it. Behind me, unaware of what I'd done, Chris was breathing hard, his small grunts mixing harmoniously with my whimpers and cries.
"God, you're so fucking beautiful, Andrea. I wish we could keep this up all fucking all day," he panted loudly, grinding harder into me.
I was so excited as the erotic squelching his cock made between my legs competed with the sound of our bodies slapping against each other. Thinking about what I'd just done, I wanted to laugh but the pent-up feelings of raw sexual release coursing through my body blanked out all other emotions. Squeezing my cunt muscles on his fat cock, I was determined to make Chris cum. Suddenly, he gripped my hips tighter and started shouting obscenities.
"I'm cumming. I'm cumming… you … ahh... you fucking bitch."
He slammed into me with powerful urgency, his cock expanded, and fierce explosions of white hot cum splattered my insides. Chris's wild bucking gradually subsided and his ejaculation lost power. I again squeezed my cunt muscles around his throbbing member, trying to milk the last remnants of sperm from his balls. Despite the frustration of not reaching my orgasm, this quickie had been a delicious interlude.
Chris slapped my ass and stood back. That was my cue. I turned, knelt in front of him, and took his spunk covered dome between my cherry red lips. The salty flavor tantalized my taste buds and, after sucking him dry, I rubbed his cock over my face, as if I was marking myself in his scent. Before I was finished, Chris stepped back and, grinning triumphantly, stuffed his manhood back inside his trousers.
Rising to my feet, my knickers hung loosely around my legs. I removed them and tossed the tiny piece of cloth at him. "They're ruined, you bastard," I said, grinning. "Now the whole afternoon, I'm gonna feel spunk, your spunk, trickling down my legs and getting my stockings all wet. Is that what you wanted?"
The triumphant smile on his face said it all. "Anything that gives me the edge in the negotiations, darling," he said in his best Cockney accent.
Despite the wrecked underwear — and despite having not reached a climax — knowing what I'd secretly done and to whom I’d done it, made everything worthwhile. Ten minutes later, there was a light knock on the door and Dominique, doing her best not to look outraged, entered with a tray of coffee and biscuits.
"Would you do the honors, please?" Chris didn’t even look up at her: he was preoccupied with the papers I'd given him. "And then get ready to take some notes, if you will."
"Yes, Sir."
It was difficult to keep a straight face after hearing those words, but the next thing she said almost caused me to wet my panties… had I'd been wearing any.
After pouring my coffee, she looked into my eyes and asked if I wanted some more cream. We stared at each other, both knowing the facts, and one of us wasn't happy. I treated her to a wispy smile, said, "Yes please," and watched her pour with precision and dignity. Then she nodded coolly at me. The fleeting look of disapproval told me enough but, before it went any further, Chris spoke.
"Dominique, before you come back in here, please call my wife and tell her I'll be late tonight. This new contract is very substantial and we won't be finished in time for dinner, so we'll have to go out for something to eat. Book my usual table at..." he looked over at me, "I assume you're staying at the Berkeley?" I nodded. "Well, that's sorted then. Book a table at Marcus's for three people. Because we'll be late, Andrea insists you join us." There was a slight hint of irritation as he spoke.
“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."
“Don’t thank me, thank her for that," he replied offhand.
"Yes, Sir,” she said and looked at me.
"You're welcome," I said. "I'm looking forward to it."
“Is that all, for now, Sir? Shall I make the calls and fetch my notebook?”
"Hmm?" Chris’s attention was back on the papers and he wasn't really listening.
"Please excuse us, Chris," I said, delicately wiping a corner of my mouth with the soft napkin. "We have to powder our noses."
We’d ordered coffee and were seated in one of the half-moon leather benches in the spacious restaurant. Because we’d arrived late, I hadn’t had time to freshen up in my suite. Instead, while Chris and Dominique had walked through to the restaurant, I’d arranged with the concierge to have my luggage taken up. That done, I’d rushed to join my fellow diners.
Now, Chris glanced up from his iPhone and nodded absently."Sur... sure, no problem. Go ahead."
Dominique followed my lead and we left Chris engrossed in his phone. In the restroom, I stood touching up my makeup in front of the large mirror. I watched the reflection of the young woman approaching me. She'd been acting cool all evening and eyed me suspiciously. I wasn't worried and regarded her amicably. She stared, apparently still unsure of my intentions, before standing next to me and taking some lipstick from her purse.
"You really are beautiful," I said, watching her at work. "It's a shame he doesn't see it." Her eyes briefly flickered toward my reflection. "If only he'd take the time, I'm sure he'd love fucking you.”
She glared balefully and delayed her response. “So, you switched on the intercom?"
I smiled and nodded. An expression of 'I thought so' crossed her face but she didn’t speak.
"You see Dominique, there's more going on here than just your adolescent infatuation." She stared icily at me but I moved beside her and placed a hand on the small of her back. "Let's just say I was laying my claim. You can't blame me for that, especially when someone as gorgeous as you are working for him." Our gazes met. Hers was cold.
"Don't you care that he's married?"
I had to smile. "Of course I don’t, and neither do you. If you had your way, he’d be screwing you right now and you wouldn't give a rat's ass about his wife. So, let's stop bullshitting each other." She had the grace to blush. Knowing I was on the right track, I carried on. "You want him, and I'm offering you the chance to have him." I slipped a hand down and cupped a firm buttock.
For an instant, her eyes stared and her nostrils flared, but I saw that she was thinking, debating.
“You're a very attractive woman, Dominique, and I would love watching him fuck you." She looked shocked but remained silent.
I moved behind her, put my mouth next to her ear, and slid my hands down the outsides of her thighs. "I want to watch you get on your knees and swallow his prick… all the way, before letting him fuck your mouth," I whispered, reaching to fondle her firm breasts. Within seconds, a tiny bump appeared in her blouse and I pinched it between finger and thumb. I glided my other hand over her soft belly and eased fingers inside her waistband. She offered no resistance.
"I want to see his big fat cock fuck your hot little cunt.” My fingers traced the outline of her damp sex through the satin-smooth underwear. "Then I want to hear you scream as he takes your ass."
She was quiet except for her heavy breathing. I felt the moist heat between her legs.
"Is that what you want, Dominique?" I gently kissed the nape of her neck and pushed aside her panties. Pressing my fingers against her naked sex, I felt her wetness accept me. Warm, silky nectar covered my middle finger when it entered her pussy and, although I knew the answer, I wanted her to admit it.
"Is that what you want?" I repeated, fingering her more purposefully. She nodded and moaned. "No, say it, Dominique."
She was clearly reluctant to confess to me what she wanted — but she also knew I could help her fulfill her deviant desires. Her mental struggle was beautiful to watch. Of course, my manipulation of her wanton flesh played a part.
"Yes, Andrea. I want Mr. Roberts to fuck me," she eventually murmured. Then, as if relieved of a heavy burden, she continued, "I want him to make me scream out his name. I want to feel him explode inside me, filling me with hot, delicious spunk."
Still caressing her, I raised my eyebrows in respect. I'd demanded honesty and she was complying totally. I smiled.
"Ever since I was introduced to him by my father, I've been infatuated with him."
"And that's why you asked your daddy to fix it for you to work for him." It was a statement. Biting her bottom lip, Dominique nodded.
We stood looking at each other in the mirror and I watched her hands cover mine. “Pleeease, Andrea, I'm so fucking horny. And jealous. When I think about what I heard this afternoon…” she sighed, “well, I wanted to murder someone but, at the same time, it got me so hot, I desperately wanted to join in."
“Hmm, now's your chance, Sweetie," I said, increasing the speed and pressure of my fingers.
"But," she panted, "he doesn't think of me like that. To him, I'm still the sixteen-year-old daughter of Max Darcy.” She breathed heavily and pressed her hands hard on top of mine.
"Of course he doesn't, but you're right about him not seeing you, Dominique. Sometimes he needs help to see what’s in front of him, that’s all.” She pressed her groin against my hand, gasping with urgency. "When we get back to the table, I'll distract him and you can make your move." She nodded rapidly, closed her eyes, and forced her excited sex into my hand.
Without warning, I removed my fingers from her dripping cunt, and she groaned in disappointment and frustration. "See these, Dominique," I said, holding my soaked fingers in front of her mouth. "When Chris has tasted your nectar, he'll be dying to fuck you."
Her tongue shot forward and licked the length of my forefinger. Moaning erotically, she tried licking the middle digit. Before she totally cleaned them, I took them out of her reach.
"That's enough, Dominique. We need to leave some for Mr. Roberts. Now, let's go back to him."
"Here Chris… taste this."
Dominique and I sat either side of Mr. Roberts, but the young intern was a lot closer to the boss now. He was reading an email on his phone, but at my request, automatically opened his mouth in my direction. I put my fingers between his lips and watched his expression change from one of concentration to surprise.
"You dirty fucking bitch, Andrea," he whispered, "did you finger yourself in the toilets for me?”
Laughing softly, I leaned into him and offered him my lips. As I did, I nodded at the younger woman. Chris's lips met mine and our tongues reached for each other. As soon as Dominique saw how distracted he was, she placed her hand on his lap. Knowing what was lurking there, I had a fleeting moment of envy but kept in mind the bigger picture. Judging by Chris’s moans, he was enjoying the experience.
Breaking off the kiss, I traced a finger over his lips and whispered into his ear. "No, lover, I fingered Dominique. That’s her juice and the hand squeezing your dick is hers."
His head swiveled, first to glance down at his lap, then up at the young woman, and finally back at me.
When we’d been returning to the table, I'd instructed Dominique to ignore whatever happened and under no circumstances was she to back down. That said, the look he’d just given her wasn't very encouraging. And when he turned to me, his eyes burned furiously and, for a moment, I wondered if I'd miscalculated. I decided to go for broke.
I grabbed his tie with one hand and pulled him toward me. With my other hand, I covered the one already busy in his lap. Encouraged by this move, Dominique squeezed harder.
"I want to watch you fuck her," I growled into his ear. "She wants it, I want it. Judging by the hardness beneath our fingers, you want it as well." He smiled sheepishly and my hand was no longer resting on Dominique’s. His eyes looked into mine, searching to see if I was joking.
"But she's the daughter of… anyway, he’d kill me if he ever found out," he said, but I shushed him to be quiet.
"I know exactly who she is.” I decided to push home the point. “And, for some inexplicable reason, she wants you very badly. She's a grown woman, a very attractive and a very sexy woman if you want my opinion. I want her, and I'm not going to let you spoil my fun. You're not the only one here with needs," I said, licking my lips.
We stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity before he finally conceded. "Alright, if that's what you want, Andrea. But, be warned, I won't spare her anything. If she wants it from me, by God, she's going to get it from me."
"She wouldn't have it any other way."
After walking out of the restaurant, through the lobby toward the elevators, and finally along the third-floor corridor, Chris sat in one of the high backed chairs in my suite. He had a challenging expression on his face: 'Bring it on!’
This change was caused, in part, because he wanted to please me, but it was mostly due to the way Dominique teased him. Leaving the restaurant, she walked in front of us, swaying her hips seductively. Then, subtly, she began raising her skirt hem until her stocking tops were visible. In the lift, the provocation continued. Standing opposite Chris, she undid buttons on her blouse, revealing the smooth swell of her breasts and sexy bra. Dominique proved to be an outstanding temptress, using one hand to play with her long dark tresses while the other slipped inside the opening of her blouse.
I can't speak for Chris’s excitement, but the bulge in his trousers was evidence enough. My pussy was oozing and I pressed a hand against my soft mound. I would have gone further but we'd reached my floor.
The sexy intern again walked ahead of us, resuming her teasing. Only this time, instead of pulling up her skirt she undid it and allowed it to fall to the corridor’s lush carpet. It wasn't just her stocking tops on show, it was her suspender belt, buttocks, and a raunchy thong. I particularly liked the way the sexy undergarment disappeared between her voluptuous ass cheeks and reappeared stretched tightly over her sex. Luckily, we were only a few feet from my door and, before she was caught by someone in her state of undress, we entered my suite.
"Why don't I undress you completely, Dominique," I said, moving behind her. "We'll let Mr. Roberts watch."
I reached around her gorgeous body and continued what she'd started in the elevator. In seconds, her blouse was on the floor and I tweaked her hardening nipples. It wasn’t long before the sexy bra was pushed up over her full breasts, providing me free access. Across the room, Chris gently stroked a growing bulge, his gaze never leaving our lewd display.
"Do you like watching me with another woman?" My voice was dark and husky. "Do you want to see some more?" His eyes glinted and it was obvious that any reservations about Dominique had gone, consumed by his sexual hunger. The young woman, seemingly growing in confidence, guided my hands between her legs.
In sheer black stockings, suspenders, and the absurdly small thong, she looked a picture. The underwear concealed very little and, judging by Chris’s expression, it met with his approval. I slipped a hand beneath the translucent material and, for the second time that evening, I felt her pink wetness.
"Isn't she wonderful, Chris? Look how turned on she is," I said, busily working her into a frenzy.
"I wanna see some cock, Daddy," she said hoarsely.
She wasn't the only one.
“Yes, come on, Chris," I said, managing to keep a straight face at Dominique's use of Daddy. "Why don't you show your appreciation of Dominique's sexy body. I know she's ready." Her cunt was dripping wet and my fingers slid easily inside. Suddenly, a hand moved between us and, after slipping inside my skirt’s waistband, it pressed against my willing apex.
We stood pleasuring each other, waiting for Chris to pull out his cock. When his mighty erection came into view, I withdrew my fingers from Dominique’s pussy and licked them clean. She tasted delicious. Wanting more, I sank to my knees in front of her. Seeing the hunger in my eyes, Dominique eased the small triangular piece of cloth to one side, beckoning me with a finger. "Come on, whore, make this pussy nice and wet for Daddy's big cock."
I craned my neck, stuck my tongue out toward her smooth pussy, while the dirty bitch used her fingers to splay open her dripping sex. She then bent her knees, lowering herself onto my willing mouth. Sweet nectar flowed over my lips, tantalizing my taste buds. As I consumed her slick secretions, the more I licked, the harder she pushed against my upturned face. Stifled cries escaped her mouth before she grabbed my hair and guided me to exactly where she wanted my tongue.
"Does this make you horny, Daddy?” she gasped while I nibbled on her swollen clit. "Seeing your bitch girlfriend licking my cunt, getting it ready for your big cock."
Although I couldn't see him, I knew that watching me with another woman was a dream come true for Chris. In the past, I’d told him I wasn't averse to the idea and it only remained to find someone. Dominique seemed to be a perfect choice. Having eagerly accepted her chance, I couldn’t tell whether she was acting or — and this seemed more likely — she was a genuine, depraved whore, like me, who needed this sort of action to achieve real fulfillment. Who knew?
Determined to make a show of it, I inserted a couple of fingers inside Dominique's dripping cunt and was rewarded by a long drawn out moan.
"That's it, Daddy, wank that huge fucking cock while I cum all over your slut's face. Just like you did this afternoon."
"What did you say?" Chris demanded. Hearing him, I wondered if Dominique had ruined the moment. However, she seemed unfazed by his tone and told him everything.
"Your slutty girlfriend switched on the intercom while you were screwing her. I heard everything. I heard the moans and groans, the heavy breathing, the sound of your bodies slapping each other. Everything. Fuck, I even heard the squelching as you fucked her with your great cock."
"Is this true?"
I grinned into the hot pussy smothering my face and managed to nod. Chris knew me well enough and I heard him sigh loudly. "Jesus fucking H. Christ, Andrea. You're a dirty little scrubber, aren't you?” Busy feasting, I simply wiggled my bum at him. "I ought to give you a damn good spanking, but I know you'd like it too much.”
"Daddy, get your cock ready, I'm gonna cum."
"Let her have it, Dominique," Chris said darkly, “and then lie on the bitch's bed."
She pulled at my hair, shoving her sex into my face. "Don't... stop... slut," she ordered. Her body tensed and she had increasing difficulty keeping her clit between my lips. I felt her cunt grip my fingers and a long stream of obscenities, accompanied by loud wailing, filled the room. She shuddered violently and pulled my head hard against her heaving pussy. Hot, sweet cum flowed from her cunt and, although I tried to drink it all, some dribbled over my lips and chin. Eventually, the powerful waves of orgasm receded.
"That's enough, bitch. Now it's my turn," commanded Chris gruffly.
I turned to look at him and smiled wickedly. Of course, I should have expected it but I was surprised to see him naked. For a successful forty-plus businessman, he looked good. The rigid muscular outlines that were once defined, were now softening and reduced to something more comfortable, but the handsome face still turned heads, despite the tufts of gray. And one aspect that hadn't been affected by age was my favorite piece of him — his great cock.
Just shy of eight inches, his splendid girth was made even thicker by the pulsating veins running along the shaft which curled splendidly toward his navel. I watched him leisurely stroking it, stretching the foreskin back and forth over the engorged helmet, revealing glistening pre-cum. A shudder of delight rippled through my body at the memory of his flavor.
Seeing this, he spoke authoritatively. "She's mine now. You had your fun this afternoon. I hope you enjoyed it, Andrea, because now this thing is just for her." He thrust his pelvis forward and, for a moment I almost regretted my decision. He pointed a finger at me. "You only get to watch."
I stood and tried to act disappointed but couldn't. I unzipped my skirt and let it fall to the floor while Chris grasped Dominique's hand, ready to lead her to the bed.
"On your hands and knees, bitch. Watch how I take this slut."
Dropping obediently onto all fours, I saw the wanton expression on the younger woman's face and felt the heat rising in my belly. The hunger and eagerness she displayed couldn't be an act. She was dying for it. Wanted Chris to fuck her.
"Come on, you dirty little slut, on your back and spread 'em."
Although his colorful language was more suited to the factory floor than the boardroom, Chris knows he doesn't need to rough up his ladies to get their obedience. Mind you, a bit of hair pulling at the right time does add spice, and Dominique clearly enjoyed being dragged across the room. At the bed, he gave her a gentle shove and she toppled backward. Almost instantly, she spread her thighs.
"Give it to me, Daddy. I'm so fucking wet, give it to me hard."
"You dirty little scrubber,” Chris growled, “spread that cunt open."
I moved to a side of the bed and leaned against the wall. I widened my stance and began caressing my moist sex. Seeing this, Dominique flashed me a smile and spoke again to her boss.
"Fuck me hard, Daddy. Make her wish she was lying here."
Chris glanced at me, distant and aloof.
I watched Dominique reach between her thighs and part her pussy lips, displaying her glorious pink wetness. Chris moved closer, his broad hips forcing her shapely legs even wider apart, and as he lowered his body to enter her, I glimpsed the muscles rippling beneath his smooth skin. I had a stunning view of his prick nudging against her orifice. It was such a turn on that I swooped to finger the length of my slit, open my labia, and probe my twitching pussy.
With one powerful thrust, his cock disappeared from sight, swallowed by Dominique's hungry body.
"Oooh my fucking god,” she cried through clenched teeth clenched. I knew what she was experiencing, the burn of his fat penetration.
Chris buried his cock to the hilt and, fascinated, I watched her pussy lips close around the meaty shaft as he rotated his hips. This elicited another long moan from her.
"Is this what you want, Dominique?" He bumped his pelvis against her belly to emphasize his question
"Fuck yes!"
That said, he began fucking her with powerful determination. Using long, slow strokes, he almost withdrew completely — and then slammed back into her depths. I felt like I was like watching a movie and yet, having experienced his moves, I somehow knew what was going to happen. Or, at least, that's what I thought.
"Finger yourself while I fuck you," he commanded. Dominique, gripping and clawing the duvet, obeyed.
The fucking was such an aphrodisiac, I didn't have enough hands to satisfy my needs. With three fingers in my cunt and two fingers probing my asshole, I enjoyed both myself and the action on the bed. Not wanting to attract Chris's attention, I bit my lip to stifle my cries.
Dominique had no such inhibitions. She moaned, groaned, grunted, and whimpered in time with the powerful pounding of her body. Then her cries increased in intensity and she grabbed Chris's buttocks.
"Oooh Daddy, I'm cumming. You big dicked fucker… I'm cumming, oooh."
It looked like Chris wasn't paying attention because he just kept pummeling her, despite the way her nubile body tensed and shook. I watched entranced as his cock, sliding forcefully in and out of her quivering pussy, became drenched in cum.
On the edge myself, I plunged fingers in and out of my soaking pussy and nestled a middle finger deep into my rear hole. Eyes closed, I let my body speak to me — until I heard Chris talking. I opened my eyes and I saw him step away from the young intern, his cock glistening from her orgasm, a look of satisfaction on his handsome face.
"Turn over slut, and spread your fucking ass." Then he turned to me. "As for you, bitch, you know what's expected."
Obediently, Dominique did as commanded and treated me to an unimpeded view of her starfish. Although I could have stayed where I was and continued to pleasure myself, Chris's order was something I would have done anyway.
I crawled across the floor toward Dominique’s splayed buttocks while Chris climbed onto the bed in front of her. Resting on his haunches, he held his greasy shaft and grabbed her long dark tresses. He positioned his engorged dome near her sultry mouth and I saw the gratification on his face as she greedily parted her succulent lips. At the same time, I knelt behind her prone body, this time covering her hands with mine. I poked my tongue between her open pussy lips and tasted the last remnants of cum while my nose pressed against her brown rosebud.
A muffled squeal of delight rose from the bed, and when I wiggled my tongue over her perineum, the girlish squeaks turned into raucous giggling. Finally, when I actually penetrated her backside, the giggling switched dramatically to a long moan. To emphasize how much she enjoyed me rimming her ass, she continually pushed back into my face.
"Jesus, Dominique, you're one hell of a cocksucker,” Chris said, almost in disbelief at his good fortune. “I don't know where you learned how to do it but you had a good teacher.”
The young woman stopped sucking and looked up at him. Grabbing his erection, she began playfully wanking him, twisting to one side and making it difficult for me to continue my task. She looked down at me and smirked. Raising one leg and bending at the knee, she placed her foot on my back, just above my shoulder blades. What she then said was provocative and teasing.
"I learned by watching my stepmother… who looks an awful lot like Andrea, by the way… when I discovered she was fucking the gardener in the summer house. It was during the holidays when I was back from finishing school. She'd forgotten about me and when she thought no-one was home, she'd sneak out and join him. I followed her."
I listened in amazement.
"She let him use her like the whore she is, quenching her carnal desires. I swear, there was nothing that woman wouldn't do. I'm just copying what I saw. Spanking, cock sucking, rimming, anal — I saw it all. That's when I realized it was okay for a woman to be a whore if she wants to be, something which Andrea reinforced today."
She giggled softly. "Oh dear, step-mummy would love to be in my position right now. The horny bitch absolutely adores you, Daddy. I once overheard her telling a girlfriend that she has to change her knickers after you’ve visited. It seems she gets so wet thinking about all the nasty things she'd like to do with you. That's when I decided I was going have you first."
I could see this revelation left Chris flabbergasted. The dirty young mare had determined to seduce him even before she arrived. In fact, it was obviously her main reason for being there, not the trainee career position. And my arrival and subsequent behavior had been the catalyst she needed to pursue her agenda.
"You fucking cow," Chris said and she giggled again, his throbbing cock still in her grasp.
"I know. In fact, I'm two up on step-mummy.” The use of the childish term of endearment was both horny and disconcerting. "I fucked the gardener as well. Thursday's spa day. She goes there to meet her other whore friends, and they compare notes on their lovers. So, I cornered him in the potting sheds and threatened to tell Father about him sowing his seed into the ‘Whore of the manor’. The poor man was so scared, he didn't know whether to grab his tools and leave, or grab his tool. Luckily, he stayed and gave me exactly what I asked for. Has done ever since, every Thursday, regular as clockwork. Until I came to work here."
I couldn't decide whether I should admire or deplore her deviousness but one thing was for sure: whatever Dominique wanted, Dominique got.
"And now I've had you,” she told Chris. I bit my lip to prevent a smile spreading across my face and Dominique gave his cock an extra sharp tug and a little kiss. Then she said, "Sooo, when I've finished sucking your cock, and Andrea has finished kissing ass, I want to you to fuck me where the sun doesn't shine... Daddy. I want Andrea to take your place in front of me — I'm just dying to taste her — and you, Big Daddy, get behind me and make me scream."
I briefly wondered what would happen if Chris didn't perform as well as the young woman anticipated. She hadn't threatened anyone, but her story about the gardener couldn’t be ignored. But knowing Chris as I do, he would never go down without a fight and he had noted the lust in her eyes.
As I settled in front of her, she winked at me and whispered, "I want to make you cum."
I nodded and smiled. "That's what I want as well, slut, so get carpet munching."
She laughed raucously at the reference to my patch of pubic hair. Nothing coiffured, simply kept neat. Her tongue whipped along my slit and the familiar ripples of pleasure spread through my body. Behind her, Chris stood over her prone body, his cock primed for action.
"You truly have a gorgeous ass, you devious little minx. I'm gonna teach you not to play with people's lives. Get ready for a good ass fucking." With that, he reached down and roughly lifted her backside high in the air until she was kneeling beneath him. Amid some surprised shrieking, he slapped her ass — very hard. Unfortunately, he’d pulled her from between my legs but I couldn’t do anything about that. Chris needed to recapture his dominance and he was doing it the best way possible.
Noticing that I’d been denied the pleasure’s of Dominique’s tongue, Chris flashed me an apologetic smile but I waved it aside. Watching him take Dominique was what I'd wanted to see all along and my wish was coming true. I had a ringside seat.
He spat disdainfully on the young bum in front of him, the glob of saliva landing between her well-formed buttocks. Her saucy "Ooooh" was silenced when he slid his length up and down her anal crack. Watching avidly, I ran fingers along my slippery slit.
"Now Slut, spread that juicy ass.”
I saw Dominique's eyes widen and a wickedly decadent smile appeared, her lips curling at the corners as Chris penetrated her backside. Standing over her, his proud cock seemed much too thick for her tight hole, but showing no mercy, he continued thrusting and didn't stop until his balls banged against her. At that point, I plunged my fingers deep into my cunt.
"Is this what you want, you dirty little whore?" Chris growled, rotating his hips and grinding his tool deep into Dominique's asshole.
We both nodded, but it was obvious he was addressing her. From the look on her face, she was loving every second of it and she confirmed that by screaming back at him, "Yes, yes, yessss… fuck me harder, you big pricked bastard. I want it all."
Chris responded by slamming his cock into the young woman, pummeling her back passage for all he was worth. It seemed as if the temperature had risen dramatically in the room because sweat ran down the side of his face and his body gleamed. He wasn’t alone. In the ambient lighting of the hotel suite, our bodies glistened, covered in a sheen of perspiration.
Dominique had the duvet between her teeth and hands, clinging to it under Chris's pounding. Apparently determined to match his every move, she kept thrusting her ass back into his pelvis, while muted screams erupted from her throat. Her eyelids fluttered wildly, but wanton lust was clearly visible in her almond eyes.
Seeing her like that, I felt I was looking into some sort of surreal mirror. It was a huge turn on, watching someone derive so much pleasure from acts of carnal debauchery, but it was also weird: I knew her expression was a mirror image of mine.
I was using both hands now, ramming three fingers into my soaking wet cunt and using the other hand to rub my swollen clit. After all the arousal and unfulfilled promises of the day, I needed to cum. Although the action in front of me was white hot, I closed my eyes and drifted into my own world of depravity. The image of Chris pounding Dominique’s ass was scorched into my brain and it kept popping in among so many other erotic thoughts charging through my mind.
I heard them grunting and moaning, but they seemed far away. I knew they were talking but couldn't identify individual words as they urged each other toward orgasm. My heavy breathing drowned their obscene cries as I approached the precipice that I so longed to dive over.
Once more I opened my eyes to witness the tremendous battle of wills taking place on the bed. The participants were equally matched, the age and experience of one countering the youth and enthusiasm of the other. They traded insults and obscenities in an effort to intimidate each other — but neither seemed to be gaining control.
Then all the pent-up emotions of the day, sent me spiraling into the abyss. For a split second, my stomach muscles contracted tightly and I held my breath. Suddenly, I was shuddering uncontrollably, gasping for air while trying desperately to continue the stimulation between my legs, wanting to prolong my orgasm. My fingers, thighs, and the bed duvet were covered in sweet nectar as I did something I do only on rare occasions: I squirted. I was so turned on by everything that had happened I simply couldn't avoid it. Luckily, my bed partners didn't seem to mind.
Dominique, having heard my moans, gazed at me with palpable lust. Drops of cum were splattered across her face, but it didn't disturb her at all. On the contrary, she lewdly stuck out her tongue out at me, indicating that I should give her more. Even though I wanted to oblige, my enormous orgasm was ebbing away.
Unfortunately, in trying to coerce me, she obviously dropped her guard. Suddenly she buried her head in the duvet to stifle a wail of ecstasy. Chris thrust his cock deep into her ass while her taut, athletic body tensed like a cobra about to strike. She started to tremble violently. Another smothered cry and Dominique surrendered to another orgasm. It might have been the third or fourth of the evening, I'd lost count, but it was certainly the most powerful, probably due to Chris continuing to fuck her mercilessly. Each time he plunged, she convulsed like she was wired to the national grid. Her loud whimpers sounded quite pitiful.
I think Dominique's orgasm triggered Chris's climax, although he denied it at the time. Abruptly, he rammed his cock home and roared triumphantly. I watched with fascination as he ground his pelvis against her backside, his stomach muscles contracting while he clearly pumped his spunk into Dominique's ass. I'd seen this many times when he filled me with his cream, but this was the first time as a spectator and watching his jerky release made me yearn for him more than I would admit. When he had no more to give, he slumped over her, eyes closed, body spent — but sporting a huge grin of satisfaction.
When Chris eventually rolled off her, Dominique turned to him. "That was super, Daddy. Now you just lie there and rest. Andrea and I are gonna have some girlie fun; you know, put on a show for you. You might have beaten me this time but the night is still young."
Chris looked at her in disbelief but that didn't bother her. “Tomorrow,” she said, “everything will return to normal. Andrea will be going home, you'll be Mr. Roberts the boss, and I'll be Miss Darcy, your intern, ready and willing whenever you are.” She winked. "If you get my drift."
Chris continued staring at her, then slumped back on the bed, eyes closed and shaking his head. Clearly exhausted he was in no mood to argue. "Whatever you say, Dominique,” he mumbled, “whatever you say."
Dominique stood up and moved towards me. When she towered above me, she flashed me a mischevious smile. Looking down at my prone form, the twinkle in her eyes was priceless. Her hand cupped her ass cheeks. "Andrea, I have something of Chris's that belongs to you." I opened my mouth hungrily and waited impatiently.
Special thanks to Jwren for his time and patience.
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I walk into the conference room with Stephanie. Her black mini skirt makes her ass look so incredibly nice and firm. I can only imagine what it would look like if it were out. How soft it would be. I got turned on and half hard just thinking about it. Stephanie was an intern at my mother’s company. I was just placed on a project with her where we had to completely clean the conference room. We would be alone for pretty much the entire day. I didn’t know how I was going to be able to be so close...
It had been one let-down after another for Jessie. She was in college and dying do an internship before she graduated, but it didn’t look like it was ever going to happen.Most companies were being too picky. She’d been on a lot of interviews and none had called her back, which she found insulting considering it was free labor.She’d spent a lot of nights crying, but not just because of that. Her whole life was going straight to shit.She’d recently broken up with her boyfriend because she’d gone...
LesbianI went to lunch in the company cafeteria as usual. After picking out my grub I noticed Minami, our Japanese intern, sitting by herself in the far corner. She was looking down as if she didn’t want to be noticed so I asked, “May I join you”? “Yes, Tony-san,” she replied quietly without raising her head. “Minami, is something wrong?” She looked at me and her eyes were starting to fill with tears. “It is nothing, Tony-san.” Just like a guy I said, “I can see that you are very sad. Let me...
Before we left to go to Kokomo, I took Samantha to the barn for some last minute instructions on caring for the horses. She'd been Rhonda's assistant last year and Princess thought she walked on water—or whatever the horse equivalent of that was. Sam planned to show her at the fair again, so I knew Princess would get a good workout this summer. But Jingo and Gypsy needed to be ridden as well, though not worked as hard. I was counting on Lexie and Judy falling in love with the horses. "And...
I had landed my first official job, right out of college and was working in the accounts section. I was a horny guy, but still a virgin and had zero experience on how to get a girl to do it with me. I got through college by completing it online and never had a chance of meeting and getting cozy with college girls. Getting a degree and a job to put food on the table was more important. But luck favored and I got to meet a sexy nymph soon! A few weeks into work, I heard stories about cam sites...
VirginPrivate Internment DAY ONE Making a decision I slid the vehicle over into the automatic lane and tried to relax. In theback seat Martha and Linda were sitting quietly, looking out the side windows.Some color had returned to their faces and their expressions were ones of bothconcern and relief. Concern over their future and relief from the fact thatthe last two weeks were finally over and they were out of the legal system.They are both former coworkers that I had known for a number of...
This is the third installment of The Interns. This storyline outlines that fun that Rachel, Sandy, Max, and Jason had while interning a local hospital. Rachel and Sandy had become close friends during this intern session as they were paired with each other through each rotation. This month they had duty in the neo natal department. It was a fun place to work, but it was hectic and very stressful at times. In a short amount of time, the two women had become assets to the department,...
My wife’s advertising firm typically has a couple college interns work with them during the summer months. This year she had a young gal from the Midwest in her marketing group. She was eager to learn and seemed to really enjoy the mentoring relationship with my wife Michelle.During a conversation one day while out to lunch, as they were discussing college life, social activities, dating and such, she discovered Katie was bi-curious (a pleasant surprise by the way). So Michelle invited her over...
LesbianIt was 9.30 am on a sunny September morning and Jodie Smith was nervously waiting by the reception desk of Burke and Hare Associates. She looked around the room. There were what were obviously a lot of other prospective interns there as well. She glanced at a tall, blonde, poised, sophisticated woman with flawless markup who was talking to a brunette wearing a dress that screamed money at her. Jodie felt out of her depth already.Three months out of university, Jodie was hoping for that lucky...
Office SexIt all started when I posted pics of her online without her knowing. I stated that the first person from my area that recognizes her and messages me can fuck her. Little did I know how well it would play out. She eventually found out I was posting her pics and was extremely hurt. Didn't understand why I would do such a thing. I let her know my feeling of wanting to share her and see her with another guy or even guys. It took her a while to get over by betrayal. She eventually did and stared to...
Maria peers into the mirror lazily. She dries her skin and pumps the lotion from the bottle, realizing it's running low and she will need more soon. She looks at the alarm clock next to the bed and realizes she is running late. She hurries, lathering on the lotion to her freshly shaved legs and her bare arms, before glancing back into the mirror before she goes to pick out something to wear. She knows she needs to show off her long legs—especially in a short dress. She hears me knock on the...
Governor Malone is divorced, which meant that I was undisputedly free to sleep with any women I liked, and I did. The Governor's Mansion was a buzz with rumors about my player lifestyle, but evidently the voters of Texas had chosen not to judge me for that. I was a wealthy lawyer and business tycoon turned politican. I also had six children from five marriages, for whom I paid consistent child support and with whom visited and maintaineded a good parental relationships with my ex-wifes....
I have a low tolerance for irresponsibility, especially in young adults who should know better and who should have been raised better. Yet, my law firm keeps hiring summer associates with no respect for anyone or anything except themselves, and then sticking the worst of the lot with me. I know that the managing partner gives me charge of these baby lawyers because he feels that I am the best lawyer to whip them into shape, and most of the time I am. But, I’m sixty, and I didn’t go to law...
Office SexSo, I got to do this internship thingie at my mom's work. It was for a few weeks and it was so fun!So, anyway, on my first day, I thought I should dress really professional and stuff. So, I got a knee-length black skirt and black high heels (I was soooooo tall!). Then I found a white blouse and a black sport jacket. I even wore my hair up in a bun!My mom showed me around and introduced me to everyone. They were all so nice! The last person I met was Ms Red, who I was to work with for the next...
This was great-I got an internship with a small local company. Now half my school day is spent working. I was so bored at school and thought this would be great. My job was to assist the assistant to the owner of the company. Liz was her name. A tall woman around sixty years old. She looked older than she was, long gray hair, warm brown eyes and a very pretty smile. She wears these black rimmed glasses that just turn me on. I had never been attracted to an older woman but I was crushing on this...
After getting my MBA and also the fact that I always deliver in my job I was promoted at the age of 24. As a Manager I always made sure I treated my team well and made sure I took care of them. Besides thanking them on a daily basis, I always made sure I go out of my way to learn how their family life is going and always emphasize the importance of family life. Because of this my team pretty much will work themselves to death to make sure we meet any goals my boss sets for us. People would...
My best guy friend has graduated from college and has started his internship at the local hospital. We have been studying together since high school. I would help him with his math and he helped me with science.One day we were talking about sex and how he hasn't had any in a while. I told him I knew how he felt. We started to joke around and tell each other about some of the affairs we had. Some of his were intense, outdoor adventures and almost being caught in the locker room. I told him...
Raised to submit to anyone’s will and never question their reasons or orders, Agnes has always been bullied and pressured into doing things she would never normally do, only to please her abusers and indulge them in their whims. Despite all that, or perhaps further enforced by the restrictive life she grew up to know both at home and at school, the brunette has always been a dreamer and a hopeless romantic. From her early years in school, she displayed a keen talent and natural tendency...
"Have you paid the babysitter yet?" Jessica Cooper called from the baby's room. "I'm just about to," her husband replied. Melanie smiled as Rick Cooper buried his face between her legs. She loved when he went down on her, but she loved what was coming next even more. Rick teased her clit with one more lick, and then straightened up. His cock jutted out over her tummy, a long pink shaft topped with a dark pink helmet-shaped head. "Ready?" She shifted slightly, opening her legs even...
"So you see, Ambassador," Kashim went on fondling the helpless and struggling Suzie, "Mr Daniel's present makes a very acceptable addition to my harem. I've felt for some time that a new blonde would be a worthwhile acquisition." Gerry noticed the slightest raising of an eyebrow by Sir Patrick. He clasped his hands across his belly and nodded understandingly. "I remember you saying so Minister, I remember you saying so and it was for exactly that reason that I was worried." A look of...
“You should see your face when Phil has his ‘conversations’. It’s priceless.” Meg imitated her mother, opening her eyes wide with her fingers. “Your eyes grow big and you don’t know what’s going on.” “She’s not the only one,” Abe added. “You have to admit, it’s hard to follow one side of a multi-part conversation when you only hear one person.” “Are the other ... creatures always with you?” Betty asked, resting her hand on her chin. “I mean, do they ever give you a break to go to the...
Today while talking to a friend, I recalled that I used to write stories on ISS. I shared a story with her, and she liked it. So I again got the motivation to share some more of my experiences. [email protected] or ping me on hangouts.
IndianThree young people were working as summer interns at Jamison’s Magazine in New York; it was in an old, rambling building on lower Fifth Avenue. They were all nineteen-year-old students who had finished their freshman year at City College: Darina Kuznetsov, Paul D’Amato, and Judy Weinberg.Darina was an art intern, while the other two were on the editorial side. One of their tasks was to find other works that could be reproduced in the opening section of the magazine and obtain copyright...
ToysFor adults only! If you cannot separate fantasy from reality this story is probablynot for you. While the story is based on some "life experiences," italso is embellished with fantasy. Enjoy!!! The Interns Chapter I—The Interview LynnLangley was on her way to her interview. She had waited for this day sinceJanuary. It was now June, and the internship she had applied for at the beginningof the year was at hand. All she had to do was get through this interview.Lynn was a third year law student...
"Hello and welcome to the new series of Big Fucker International. I'm your host John Doe." "And I'm Jane." "What kind of a show have we got lined up for the viewers at home, Jane?" "Well, John, over the next week and a half the viewers will have the opportunity to nominate a contestant to enter the Big Fucker house, each day, until there are a maximum of 10 people in the house." "And after that?" "After that, John, the audience will continue to add contestants to the house on a daily basis, but...
Die Sonne brannte ziemlich, als ich den Berg zum Wohnheim hochlief. Klar hätte ich mir ein Taxi nehmen können, aber dazu war ich zu geizig.Nur dass mir mein Vater viel Geld zur Verfügung stellte hieß ja noch lange nicht, dass ich es mit vollen Händen zum Fenster rauswerfen musste. Ich gebe zu, ich hatte den Berg unterschätzt. von unten sah der Weg gar nicht so steil aus, wie er sich jetzt anfühlte. Meine Waden schmerzten. Aber wenn ich eines gelernt habe, dann dass man hier in Japan keine...
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