Nina And The Intern
- 3 years ago
- 38
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I arrived at work at my normal time, just before 8:00AM. Technically, I didn't have to be there until 8:30 but, as an intern, I wanted to make a good impression. My boss, Jill, usually showed up around 8:15 and I really liked her seeing that I was consistently there before her. So far, it had been a good plan. She was always giving me extra work and complimenting me on my work habit. It was the last week of my internship and I wanted to finish on a high note so that she would give me a great recommendation when I started looking for full time jobs after my senior year of college next year.
I started off with my daily routine of grabbing a coffee and checking my emails. From there I would put together my to-do list for the day and begin working on getting things accomplished. I really enjoyed working for Jill. She was a great mentor and role model for a young woman - just the kind of person that you would want to model your life after.
Jill was in her mid-40s and had a commanding presence as a professional woman. I think some of that had to do with her striking good looks. Even at her age, her morning routine at the gym kept her in good shape and she clearly took time to make sure she was presentable every single day.
In addition to her looks, she carried herself with more confidence than anyone I had ever met. Even other executives in the company seemed to be slightly intimidated by her and respected her opinions more than anyone else.
As I finished my list for the day, she walked by my office and stopped to say hello.
“Good morning, Kayla. How are you today?” she asked, pleasantly.
“Great, Jill! How are you?” I replied.
“Excellent. Do me a favor and clear your calendar for the afternoon. I’d like to take you out to lunch and my favorite spa for being such a fantastic intern this summer,” she told me.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to do that! It’s been a pleasure working here. I don’t need all that,” I said, a little shocked at her generous offer.
“Don’t be silly. You’ve been amazing to work with and I want to do something nice to thank you. Finish what you can this morning and we will leave around noon,” she said before turning to leave.
I was excited but I kept my composure until she was out of sight. It was rare that Jill spent any one-on-one time with any of the interns outside of the office, so this would be a great opportunity to build my relationship with her.
For the rest of the morning, I buried myself in my work and tried to complete everything I could in the three and a half hours that I had before lunch. I was able to complete most of it and it had the pleasant effect of making time fly by. Before I knew it, it was 11:45 AM. I finished up my last task and gathered my things for lunch.
At exactly noon, Jill appeared in my doorway again.
“Ready to go?” she asked.
“I sure am!” I replied.
“Great! Are you very hungry? I thought we could start with a trip to the spa before we eat,” she said, “I always find it easier to relax when I’m not full.”
“Oh, that’s fine with me!” I replied.
Even though I was pretty hungry, I didn’t want to disagree with Jill.
We left the office and took the elevator down to the parking garage. Jill offered to drive both of us so we climbed into her black Mercedes and began our journey across town to the spa. During the drive, we made small talk about various things - mostly work, school, and my future plans. After about fifteen minutes, we pulled up to a modern-looking building with a sign reading ‘Babylon Spa Services’ above the front doors.
Before we got out of the car, Jill asked, “Have you ever been to an upscale spa like this before?”
“I have not,” I admitted.
“Okay, that’s fine. Just follow my lead and let me take care of it. I come here once a week so I’m a bit of a regular. I’ll just set you up with my usual routine and we’ll do it together so we can chat during everything,” she explained.
I followed her through the front doors and up to the large front desk where a very attractive young woman was sitting.
“Hey Jill! Who’s this with you today?” she asked.
“This is Kayla, my prize intern this summer. I think she’s earned a special day at Babylon for all the great work she’s done. Can you set us up for my usual? You can just put it on my account,” Jill told the girl.
“Jill, you don’t have to pay for me,” I said.
“Kayla, honey, I know what you get paid. It would be ridiculous of me to expect you to spend two pay checks on a trip to the spa,” Jill said with a wink.
Holy shit. Two pay checks? That means this would cost at least $1,500.00!
“Any special requests for the two of you?” the girl asked Jill.
“No, any of the talented employees here will be just fine for us today!” Jill replied.
Once we got checked in, the girl, whose name I learned was Sam, lead us through the doors and into a private changing area. Once we were inside, she left us alone and closed the door behind us.
“Okay, I suppose I should tell you what we will be getting done today,” Jill started. “First, we will be getting waxed from head to toe. It hurts a little bit but tough it out and you will thank yourself. They are so good here!”
“Oh my, I’ve never had a wax before!” I said, nervously.
As we talked, Jill began removing her clothing, which made me a little uncomfortable. The room wasn't very large and I didn’t know where I should look.
“Don’t be shy, dear,” Jill said, “ we are both adult woman. There is nothing to be ashamed of!”
I laughed nervously and began following what she was doing. As I stripped down, I couldn’t help but peek at my boss. She was more than twice my age but her body was one I’d kill for. Her breasts were still high and perky with minimal sagging. Her legs were long and toned and her stomach was flat and trim.
I didn’t consider myself unattractive or fat by any means, but there was just something about being so close to such a confident woman that made me a little apprehensive. Eventually I was down to my bra and panties and began putting on the robe that was hanging on my side of the room. Then I noticed that Jill had shed her underwear completely and was now just putting the robe over her naked body. I didn’t want to seem like a prude so I, too, pulled down my panties and released my bra.
“Oh, look at that cute little bush you have!” Jill said, “Don’t worry, I’m only kidding. By the way, we are now on personal time so feel free to treat me as a friend, not a boss.”
“Okay, Jill - sorry. I’m just out of my element here. I’ll try to loosen up,” I told her, turning red at her comment.
As we pulled on our robes, Jill filled me in on the rest of the afternoon. It would be about an hour or a little more, complete with waxing, a massage, and some relaxation therapy. I was very excited that she was sharing this experience with me. I felt that it meant she trusted me and I knew that was a big deal for someone like Jill.
We made our way down the long hallway to a room that looked like it belonged in a movie. No wonder this place was so expensive! It was a huge room with two massage tables in the center. The floors looked to be an elegant marble material with gold flakes sparkling throughout. The walls were covered in a rich-looking purple, material that I could only describe as a velvet-like. There were fresh flowers on almost every surface, giving the room a strong but pleasant floral scent.
I just stood there for a second taking it all in until Jill nudged me and signaled that we should take our places on the table. Following her lead, I took off my robe and placed it in a basket near the edge of one of the beds. It may seem awkward that I was standing around naked with my boss at a spa, but she made it feel so normal. Her confidence was contagious and by this time, I felt completely normal doing all of this.
I laid back on the table and placed two small towels over myself to maintain a little modesty for when the spa workers came in, one covering my breasts and one covering my groin area. Jill did the same. We chatted idly for a couple minutes until we heard a gentle knock at the door.
“Come in,” Jill instructed.
Two Asian women entered the room and greeted us politely. I’m not sure they spoke English because they made no more attempts to converse with us. As Jill and I continued chatting, the two women set up some privacy curtains which made me feel a little better. The curtain was about two feet above the table and covered me from the waist down. I wouldn’t be able to see what they were doing to me when they got to that region but that was okay with me. Additionally, I couldn’t see anything that was happening to Jill. Another bonus for me, because it would be a lot easier to hold a conversation if I couldn’t see her getting waxed.
The girl working on me, started with my eyebrows. The pain was intense at first but she would immediately put pressure on the spot which seemed to dull the pain pretty quickly. From there she moved on to my arms, removing all traces of hair. As she worked, I couldn’t help but notice how pretty she was. She looked to be in her twenties, like me. Her jet black hair was pulled back tightly into a neat bun at the back of her head. Her skin was like porcelain and her tight uniform really accentuated her slim body. I was not attracted to women but I couldn’t deny her natural beauty.
I was still a bit uncomfortable being so exposed in front of the two spa employees and my boss, but the conversation and professional environment was starting to ease my nerves. Jill and I made small talk about my plans for my final school year and beyond. She was full of advice for succeeding in the business world as a woman. It was almost unfortunate that we were at the spa and not the office, I would have loved to be able to write down some of the things she was telling me.
As we chatted, the young woman worked on my legs with the wax. It was hot upon application and stung as she ripped the patches off me. It was an interesting experience, not unpleasant but made me laugh a bit on the inside at the pain women will subject themselves to in order to be completely hairless.
“Ok, we do your hoo-ha now, okay?” the young woman said, somewhere between telling and asking.
“Oh, um, no. That’s okay,” I told her.
“Kayla, don’t be silly. That’s the best part! You wouldn’t believe how great it feels to be completely smooth down there,” Jill said.
Feeling like I didn’t really have a choice in the matter, I turned to my girl and nodded my agreement. She lifted my knees up off the table so that I was still laying on my back but my legs were spread, allowing her access to my most private area.
I felt myself blush from this level of exposure. I was suddenly self-conscious of how my vagina looked and remembered feeling the same way the first time my last boyfriend went down on me for the first time. And that was in a dark room with a guy I had known for months, not in a well-lit room with three other people!
The anticipation was killing me. I knew this was going to hurt quite a bit more than the rest of the waxing because the hair was longer and on a more sensitive part of my body. She started on the inside of my thighs, very close to my vagina and rubbed the wax onto my skin just as she had done before. The wax was hot and I was worried that it might burn my lady parts. That was an irrational thought though, as they do this all the time so there was no real danger. The wax cooled in a few seconds and I felt her fingertips grabbing ahold of the edge of wax and ripping it off, taking a patch of hair along with it. It hurt a lot! I did my best not to react too strongly but the pain was so sudden that I gasped out loud. Jill turned towards me and smiled knowingly.
From there, the woman continued spreading wax on my sensitive areas and pulled the hair off. With each application, she got closer and closer to my vagina. As she did so, she had to pull the skin taught to get complete coverage and was not shy about having her hands all over my vagina. It was awkward but she was very professional.
I could tell it was almost over as she was now spreading wax around my outer pussy lips to get the last bits of hair directly surrounding my slit. It was incredibly intimate and I was still a bit embarrassed. More than ever, I was happy for the curtain hiding my now nearly hairless genitals from my boss. The hair here was the thickest and it took a few pulls which made it hurt more than the last few.
“Ow!” I hissed, unable to not react.
Jill smiled calmly from her own table, no doubt getting the same treatment on her end. As I tried to recover from the stinging pain, I felt the lady press down on the area to dull the pain. She also began rubbing and part of her hand was making direct contact with my sensitive clitoris. It shocked me and I nearly moaned from the surprise contact. I’m sure it was an accident but a woman touching me there was not making me feel any more comfortable.
She then repeated the process on the other side - waxing, cooling, and yanking. Again, the pain was searing! She pushed down and rubbed the area to dull the pain. Again, she made contact with my clit and sent chills though my body. I stared straight at the ceiling, trying to ignore what she was doing.
This went on for three more small areas around my vagina, removing every last hair that I had down there. Each time, she dulled the pain by rubbing the area she had just waxed, and each time she made contact with my sensitive little organ. I was sure that this was not intentional and just inadvertent contact even though it happened every time.
Just when I thought it was over, I felt her applying more wax. This time, it was just south of my now hairless pussy. She was about to wax my asshole! I wanted no part of this but was too taken aback to stop her at this point. Again, she waited for it to cool a bit and then ripped the wax off. The familiar sting returned and she again rubbed the area to calm the pain. No one had ever touched me back there before and I squirmed a bit. Perhaps sensing my discomfort, she stopped rubbing my asshole and applied more wax. A few more rips and I was now completely hairless down there. It felt strange feeling the cool air on my fully exposed butthole and vagina, but not bad.
She grabbed a small jar of oil to calm my raw skin. I felt her drizzle it on the top of my vagina and it dripped down along my exposed lips and down to my ass. Once she felt she had applied enough, she put down the jar and began rubbing it in. If I thought the last experience was intimate, I was in for a shock. Using her hands, she rubbed the oil into my skin and reached every nook and cranny in slow deliberate movements. Her fingertips were all over my vaginal lips and clit, rubbing and massaging the oil in.
As she did so, I felt myself becoming extremely aroused. The oil must have had some sort of essence in it to cause my skin to tingle. The oil and her hands were driving me crazy. It was beyond being attracted to her or women in general. This kind of stimulation was too much for my brain to distinguish. I looked over at Jill to see if she noticed my reaction. I immediately knew that she was receiving similar attention. She had a small smile on her face and her mouth was slightly open with her eyes closed.
The young lady's no longer trying to just rub the oil in, she was now deliberately trying to get me off. As she rubbed my clit faster and faster with one hand, she slipped a finger inside my well lubricated hole and curled it up to hit my g-spot. I knew I couldn’t hold off much longer even if I wanted to. My concern was whether or not I could remain quiet in the presence of my boss. As I was trying my hardest to not cum, I heard Jill moan a few feet away.
I glanced over at her and saw her head jolt off the pillow and grab the sides of the table. She had all the tell-tale signs of an orgasm about to rip through her. Seeing her like that pushed me over the edge. I couldn’t hold back any longer and felt my own orgasm taking over my body.
“Oh, fuck!” I moaned, as the feeling overwhelmed me.
A few feet away, Jill’s orgasm peaked and she, too, let out a string of profanities as she came at the hands of her talented spa attendant. As we both came down from our orgasmic highs, we turned our heads to face each other. She smiled at me with a look of complete satisfaction on her face.
“Well, how did you like your first wax?” she asked, laughing.
I could only giggle in response, as I was still feeling the aftershocks of my intense orgasm. As if nothing had happened, the two ladies placed small towels over our private areas, and removed the curtains. Their job was now done and they quietly exited the room.
“Ready for your massage?” Jill asked.
I completely forgot about the massage!
“I always find a nice orgasm gets me ready to really enjoy the massage,” Jill continued, matter-of-factly.
“I’m not even sure I need a massage after that!” I said.
“If you thought that was relaxing, just wait until you feel how great these guys are with their hands,” she told me.
Guys? I thought. It was one thing to be naked in front of my boss and two Asian women, but two men? I was suddenly nervous all over again.
Jill rolled over onto her stomach and covered her ass with the small towel to prepare herself for the men to come in. I followed suit, happy that my breasts and butt would be hidden when they arrived. We continued our chat from before and before long, two young men entered the room.
They introduced themselves as Lee and Darren. Lee would be massaging me and Darren would be working on Jill. These two could have been in a magazine ad for the place. Both of them were strikingly handsome with strong looking arms and tight white t-shirts coving the rest of their well-muscled bodies. The were both wearing light gray shorts that were tight, but not too tight.
My mind was already on sex after the last part of the spa experience, so seeing these two walk in, I couldn’t help but take notice how hot they were. Lee approached me and shook my hand, I looked up at him and smiled, telling him my name. He smiled back and asked if there were any special treatments I wanted.
“Um, no. Just your normal routine will be great I’m sure!” I said.
He wasted no time getting started. That familiar jar of oil made its return and he drizzled a generous amount all over my back. His strong hands began working it into my skin and I was in heaven. He was strong and had no trouble finding the most tender areas. I found it difficult to remain quiet as he deeply massaged my back and shoulders.
Time seemed to fly by and soon he was shifting his attention to the back of my legs and calves. His touch felt like magic and I never wanted it to end. Soon, he worked his way back up my legs and was working the crease where my ass met my legs. I was secretly hoping he had the same training as my wax girl, but he was professional and avoided making contact with me down there.
I felt the cool air of the room as Lee removed the towel and began rubbing my glutes. It felt strange to be fully exposed to a man like this but he seemed professional and the massage felt so good that I was not about to stop him, especially given the level of exposure I had just experienced during the waxing. I knew that he was able to see my freshly waxed asshole with the way he was kneading my cheeks, pushing them together and pulling them apart.
After twenty minutes or so, he had me roll over onto my back. I was so relaxed that I no longer felt self-conscious about exposing my perky breasts and bare vagina to him. He started from the bottom, massaging my legs. Again, I secretly hoped he would brush against my pussy but that seemed to be reserved for the wax girls, as he again avoided any contact, even when massaging my upper thighs.
Soon, he was rubbing oil into my naked breasts and massaging the muscles above, below, and to the side of them. I was in heaven. After several minutes, Lee wiped his hands and positioned himself at the head of the table above me. He was now rubbing my temples and forehead in a way that I’d never felt. I had never been so relaxed in my life. I felt I could fall asleep at any moment. I closed my eyes and just got lost in his magical touch.
I’m not sure how much time had passed but at some point, he stopped the facial massage. I didn’t know my face could feel so relaxed. I didn’t want to move so I just kept my eyes shut and hoped that the massage was not over. I felt his presence over me again and waited for him to resume touching me. A few seconds went by and he had not touched me so I opened my eyes to see what was going on.
The sight waiting for me was beyond anything I could have imagined. Hovering inches above my face was Lee’s fully erect penis, jutting out through the fly in his shorts. I was in such shock that I couldn’t move. It was bigger than any penis I’d ever seen. I’d only been with a few boys in high school and college and none of them were packing anything like this. Lee’s dick had to be at least nine inches long, unbelievably thick, and covered with veins.
I turned my head towards Jill to see if she had noticed, and saw that she was a step ahead of me. Darren was standing over her with his equally impressive tool in her face, but she was doing more than just staring in awe. Jill had the head in her mouth and was stroking the shaft as she lay on her back.
Taking his cue, Lee grabbed his dick and pointed it down toward my mouth. I had to tilt my head back a bit but I opened my mouth and followed Jill’s lead, grabbing Lee’s shaft and stroking with the head in my mouth. He was so big that I wasn’t sure I could take much more than the head in my mouth. Sensing that this was probably not the most comfortable position for me, Lee moved to the side of the table and I turned my head to let him put his cock back in my mouth. As I sucked and stroked him, Lee’s left hand felt my breasts while his right hand found its way a little further down.
My pussy was soaked from a combination of excitement over this erotic situation, the big cock in my mouth, and the oil from before. His fingertip slowly teased my clit and my hips bucked off the table, causing his cock to fall from my mouth. Before I could put it back in, he grabbed me and spun my body ninety degrees so that I was laying across the table with him between my legs.
I looked down and saw my glistening body with Lee standing between my legs, his cock sticking straight out, hovering over me. He grabbed it with one hand and waggled it up and down, slapping my pussy lips with it. It sent tingles through my body and I moaned loudly.
I dropped my head back to see what Jill was doing on her table. She was currently on all fours as Darren began slipping his rod inside her from behind. She moaned as he pushed inside her, filling her with his man meat. Turning my attention back to Lee, I saw that he was now lining up his head with my tight opening, coating it with the mixture of juices down there.
There was a slight pressure on the outside of my entrance as he pushed forward, followed by an intense feeling of being stretched open by his fat cock head. My eyes went wide and I took deep breaths trying to adjust to his size. I was lubricated enough that it was sliding in without much resistantace, but it was so big that I felt like I was being split in half. About halfway in, Lee stopped, and dropped his right hand to my clit. He rubbed furiously and it shifted the slight pain I was feeling into a feeling of our ecstasy. Seeing my reaction, he pushed forward again and buried the rest of his cock inside my tight pussy. I had never been so full in my life. Reaching down, he grabbed me gently behind the neck and pulled me up into a slight sitting position and kissed me passionately. As we kissed, he began his thrusting. Each stroke felt like I was losing my virginity again. I was far too tight for a cock like this. After a couple minutes, he must have felt my body had adjusted enough and picked up his pace.
I was out of my mind with pleasure. His dick was impossibly hard and was hitting all the right spots inside me with every stroke. I knew what was coming and made no attempt to slow it down as I had during the waxing. An orgasm was building inside me like a tidal wave, and I was ready to ride it out.
Suddenly, he thrust deep inside me and held it there. I thought he was cumming already and was immediately disappointed that I had not even orgasmed on this magnificent cock, but I was wrong. It was time for a new positon. He pulled me close and I wrapped my arms and legs around him. Effortlessly, he stood up, lifting me off the table and keeping me impaled on his shaft.
He then turned around and leaned back so that he was now sitting on the table with me in his lap. He grabbed my breast with one hand and sucked the nipple into his eager mouth, causing me to let out another loud moan. Lee then skillfully maneuvered us so that he was lying on his back on the table with me on top in the cowgirl position. I knew what to do and started riding him slowly.
I now had a great view of what was happening on Jill’s table. Similarly, she was on top of Darren but was facing the other way, away from him. She was gyrating her hips and grinding up and down. Her movements looked desperate, like she was trying to get that last bit of stimulation needed for her orgasm. Her voiced sounded deep and primal as she moaned and told Darren to fuck her harder.
All the moving around had pushed pause on my orgasm, but within a few seconds of riding him, it was making a fierce comeback. It was now the only thing on my mind and I was bouncing on his cock as quickly as I could to induce my orgasm. Knowing what I was doing, Lee decided to help out and returned his hand to my little button. That was the final straw for me and pushed me over an orgasmic cliff like I’d never been on before. It started in my vagina but spread throughout my body. Every muscle tensed as I exploded on top of him. I was yelling nonsense and had lost all control of my body. As I came, he took over, and thrust into me from below. This only served to heighten and extend my orgasm. It felt like I would pass out at one point!
As smoothly as he had gotten us into this position, he spun us over so that he was on top again. He was pounding me harder than before and I looked down to see my exhausted pussy was now bright pink from the abuse it was taking. Suddenly, he pulled out and pointed his cock at my tits. I knew what was coming and was so turned on that I reached down and grabbed him, pulling him up near my face.
Leaning down, I took him into my mouth and tasted myself for the first time ever. It was the kind of thing that would have disgusted me yesterday, but given the days events, it only turned me on more. I stroked and sucked him as quickly as I could, desperate to make him cum. Within seconds, I felt him tense and prepared myself. As he exploded in my mouth, I tried to keep up with him, swallowing as much as I could, but it never seemed to end. It flowed out of my mouth and down my chin, onto my tits. Soon he was softening and pulled himself away, jerking the last few drops out and onto my waiting tongue.
“Wow - that was fucking hot, Kayla!” I heard from next to me.
I turned and looked at Jill with a cum-covered smile on my face. She was in a similar state as Darren had released his load all over her face.
“Oh my god, Jill, what is this place? I’ve never cum like that in my life!” I said, exhausted.
“This… is a place that is one of the many perks that will come with your offer letter next week. How would you like to work for me full time after you graduate?” Jill asked.
“Are you… are you kidding me?” I said, stunned.
“I would never kid about something like that. Consider this an informal offer. The formal offer will occur back at the office when we are not both covered in cum” she said, laughing.
On the way back to the office, Jill explained that work performance is only part of what she looks for in employees. Today had been a test in willingness to get outside my comfort zone and take chances. She wanted people who she could trust in any situation and not be worried about them losing their cool. Apparently, getting fingered by a young woman and fucked within an inch of my life by a good-looking stud had been part of my interview!
I can’t wait to finish my senior year and start full time!
Chapter One: Futa's First Nubile Intern By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “I love it when you just demand my cock,” I moaned to my pregnant, young wife. I was twice as old as her and so lucky to have found her. All those years aching for that relationship her parents had, the one I almost had before my transformation. I never thought I would find it with Kurt's daughter. “Mmm, I know,” Sharron said as she grabbed my futa-dick had hiked up her own skirt, revealing her...
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My name is Gary, I’m 45 years old and I live in Maryland with my wife and three k**s. My wife is 39 and we’ve been married for 14 years. For a couple married as long as us we are a happy couple and I can’t complain about her looks or our sex life. That said, I’ve been known to have some late night fun on business trips and to fuck a girl I meet at a bar. Until last month that had been the extent of my cheating.I’m a senior executive at a high profile consulting firm. Every summer we have a new...
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Hey readers, this is my first sexstory here. It’s a fictional story of how I fucked my co-intern and ended with a creampie. So it was the last posting of my compulsory one year rotational internship that I had to complete before I graduated as a MBBS Doctor. Our college normally took interns from other colleges due to the huge workload. So I was on duty and my co-intern who was in duty with me was an intern from another college. She was 5 feet 3 inches tall, fair, perky boobs and the best...
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When she first saw the ad in the classified section, Jennifer giggled at the blatant misogyny implied by the wording.A part of her wanted to find some materials and make up a sign so she could march up and down the sidewalk protesting the filthy male perverts that saw the other gender as toys to be used and then discarded when they tired of them like yesterday’s newspaper or bags for the trash bin every Monday morning.Now that she was a fully grown-up adult at eighteen, Jen thought she was old...
Straight SexRecently her husband had been distant too. Melissa knew it was from the way she was treating him. It was funny she had been mean to her husband from her own mistake. He had said some words back that were harsher than usual. They had been in this fight for weeks. Tonight, was going to be the night they made up. She had dressed the part short skirt, black stockings, silky panties and black patent pumps. They still were trying for a baby and Melissa was in the middle of her cycle. She was...
INTERN MIKEWork has been very busy as of late, so my boss decided to hire an intern for the summer. I thought it was an excellent idea so we set it up that he would start on Monday. When Monday rolled around, he was on time and waiting in the lobby. I went out to meet with him and brought him back to my office. I had him come into my office. He introduced himself as Mike. He was very pleasant and well mannered. Young around 27 and very good looking. I felt a little twinge in my crotch. I asked...
It was nineteen seventy-three, and I’d just landed my first real job as a computer programmer with a small company on the East Coast. I’d skipped college, much to my parent’s dismay, and headed off to backpack through Europe and Asia. My grandmother’s estate had established a trust fund for me, which I was able to access once I turned eighteen. And a small piece of that nest egg sustained me for my four years of exploring the world. Now, at age twenty-two, I was ready to get serious and chase...
I was doing interviews at my office for new interns. This next interview was with a young female. She 17 years old, fresh out of High School and no experience. My secretary let her in. I got up walking to her to meet her. I put my hand out to shake and as we shook hands she put her other hand on top of mine. She introduced herself as ,lets say Kathy. She was dressed impeccably in a beautiful knee length dress and high heels. I noticed a small rose tattoo on her ankle. We sat and I looked at...
The Intern By Snow Girl This story developed as an offshoot from 'Stewardess.' Ideas that didn't fit in that one grew into their own with this. It's not that explicit, but if sexuality offends you, don't read this. This may be freely reposted to any free archive as long as it remains intact. I do read my reviews, and thank you for appreciating my stories thus far. You can also send comments, notes, or praise to...
It all started that Monday morning when I first laid eyes on her. She was leaning over a bookcase reviewing a file. She leaned forward in such a way that her buttocks was thrust out away from the bookcase with her nicely proportioned legs making a perfect line from her ass to the floor. I had a side view of all this. She wore a sleeveless silk pink top. Her dark tight pinstriped pants were almost, but not quite inappropriate. They framed a beautiful slim waistline. She had what I would...
It was in the depts of the hostile sea that covers planet SG-58231 that it was found. Though found is not the right word to describe what happened. Agnes was there, the one, lucky intern in Nasa’s most coveted crew, the crew that gets to plant an American flag in new worlds, unveils environments never before seen or touched by humans, plans and executes the initial research necessary before anything found is deemed safe enough to be shipped back to Earth for further examination. They entered...
Originally written by Frankel. I thought Mr Saunders was going to be a push over and I was right. How anyone could be such a pervert and still be a teacher was beyond me. In phys-ed he would make us get down on all fours and do leg stretches for ten minutes at a time while he patrolled the room. He would start at the head of the class and look down the girls loose fitting tops before moving around behind us so he could see up our mini skirts. I just knew he was imagining taking us...
Originally written by Frankel They say you only get one shot at fame and I knew the day I turned 18 was that day. Each year at my school the teachers voted for the student most likely to succeed. Normally it was just another entry for the year book and would amount to nothing but another meaningless award. This year, however, was different. This year a major TV network was going to make a reality series on life after school for the student from my small town high school who won...
I had been eyeing him for a while now... the first day we met I knew he would eventually be trouble. He was too young for me... I usually don't let age trouble me but eighteen was just taking it too far.The first time I saw him it was the night of the staff Christmas party. I had been away on an extended vacation so I didn't know a few of the new employees. The party location was dark and intimate, and dinner was flavourful, diverse and rich. The wine, deep red and full bodied, heightened my...
Office SexOne day as I got into work, my boss Tom called me into his office. When I entered, he said,"We’re bringing in a new college intern. Her name is Lauren, and we need you to train her as much as you can. You’re the best we got and if I could I would just clone 100 of you, but I can’t." “Sir, I'll do everything I can," I hesitantly replied, "but I don't think I'm the best teacher. I think somebody else should train her." “No! You’re the best at finding customers for our 3D printers; I want her to...
LesbianI just got to see the new intern who was assigned to me for completing her summer training. To tell you about the intern a round-faced girl with all good assets at right places one will die to see. She came wearing a business suit which was body hugging and showing all her contours. Coming back to the story. We interacted as a regular work thing wherein I explained her all her job responsibilities and future roadmap for her training. She had come to Pune for the first time and was staying in a...
I’m 28 and old enough to know my desires. I’ve been dating for 11 years now, and I’ve had only 1 boyfriend but I wasn’t stupid enough to have only one partner. We both met in college, and in an instant I knew he was someone I’d want to be with. We had amazing chemistry. On his 18th birthday, we went beyond kissing and fondling for the first time. I took him in my mouth and learned how I could control him. On my 18th, he finally entered me. It hurt like hell. But I haven’t looked back since. He...
Her name is Mrs. Kelly and she is the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen, much less met. In her early 30's Mrs. Kelly is 5'10," has beautiful red hair and bright green eyes. Her skin is perfect, not a blemish anywhere and her smile when we were introduced took my breath away, and I'm a woman. She looked so elegant, tall and slender, perfectly dressed as the HR person said, "Dora Kelly this is Donna, your new intern for the summer." "You're gorgeous," I gushed. I probably blushed, I...
Ever since Gia first saw him at the hospital she just felt this overwhelming attraction. She worked at the ward for her internship, he worked at the unit next to it as a doctor. They met in the kitchen by the coffee machine. He made her an espresso with something extra he said, something special to help her through the extra long night shifts, he said. The espresso was delicious, addictively delicious almost. It was love at first sight. His dark hair laced with silver strands, his faint...
I was working my first internship at college. Those were the days when I thought that being a lawyer would be one part "Paper Chase" and two parts "L.A. Law." There was nothing so glorious at Pierce and Pierce. They had a steady supply of free labor coming in from the university and rather than being the "star intern," I was just another face in the crowd. Or so I thought.During my morning rounds as I was delivering mail to the executive offices (how glamorous), I was keeping my head down and...
Gay Male“You know, it wouldn’t have killed you to do a load of wash or two,” commented Mom. We were down in the laundry room, and she was sorting through some laundry. They were back from Tucson and Daddy had gone upstairs to take a nap. It was a little after two in the afternoon, and when I asked Mom if Daddy was looking for some fun, she had just laughed. “You father needs a nap-type nap. Right now, he is nothing but a dried-out shell of a man!” I was sitting on the dryer, dressed in running...
I was working my first internship at college. Those were the days when I thought that being a lawyer would be one part ‘Paper Chase’ and two parts ‘L.A. Law.’ There was nothing so glorious at Pierce and Pierce. They had a steady supply of free labor coming in from the university and rather than being the ‘star intern,’ I was just another face in the crowd. Or so I thought. During my morning rounds as I was delivering mail to the executive offices (how glamorous), I was keeping my head down and...
I hardly recognized her voice when I answered the telephone in my hotel room. " Ohh... Bob, I am so glad you are still up, can you come over and help me." Jennifer was a summer intern assigned to Nottingham Engineering Development Group. We were attending a New Products Conference where she was assigned to help me with an important presentation in the morning. Actually, I was helping her as the consultant with the gray beard who could answer all the legal questions. It was her obvious...
"You know the biggest obstacle to getting laid for most guys?" Kay asked. "They don't try."It was a speech she'd given me more than once.It was early fall and we were in my new office. I'd recently been given a promotion. It was largely in part to a big project I'd completed over the summer with Kay's help. She'd been an intern at our office.She'd been a huge asset to the company and there'd been an offer for her to stay on part-time, but she'd declined once classes started so she...
Office SexI am eighteen years of age and, to be honest, I am lucky to have a job in this dog-eat-dog world. I wouldn’t describe it as a superb job but it provides money for the things I need, and who knows, I thought I would also meet someone new and interesting. Maybe form a relationship with someone, perhaps a girlfriend, marriage even. I had been in the job about six weeks and was coming up for my first review. I thought I had done pretty well. The job involved filing, making the drinks for important...
Office SexI am an accountant that works out of his home, I have lived in the same house now for 6 years with my wife of fifteen years, who works in the city for a law firm. My next door neighbors the Smiths (Janet and Greg) are good people and have two grown c***dren and one more daughter ready to go to University this fall. Greg mentioned to me his daughter was going to school this year to become a business major, asked if I had any advice or wisdom for her. I told him I had a better idea, she could...
I walk into the conference room with Stephanie. Her black mini skirt makes her ass look so incredibly nice and firm. I can only imagine what it would look like if it were out. How soft it would be. I got turned on and half hard just thinking about it. Stephanie was an intern at my mother’s company. I was just placed on a project with her where we had to completely clean the conference room. We would be alone for pretty much the entire day. I didn’t know how I was going to be able to be so close...
It had been one let-down after another for Jessie. She was in college and dying do an internship before she graduated, but it didn’t look like it was ever going to happen.Most companies were being too picky. She’d been on a lot of interviews and none had called her back, which she found insulting considering it was free labor.She’d spent a lot of nights crying, but not just because of that. Her whole life was going straight to shit.She’d recently broken up with her boyfriend because she’d gone...
LesbianI went to lunch in the company cafeteria as usual. After picking out my grub I noticed Minami, our Japanese intern, sitting by herself in the far corner. She was looking down as if she didn’t want to be noticed so I asked, “May I join you”? “Yes, Tony-san,” she replied quietly without raising her head. “Minami, is something wrong?” She looked at me and her eyes were starting to fill with tears. “It is nothing, Tony-san.” Just like a guy I said, “I can see that you are very sad. Let me...
Before we left to go to Kokomo, I took Samantha to the barn for some last minute instructions on caring for the horses. She'd been Rhonda's assistant last year and Princess thought she walked on water—or whatever the horse equivalent of that was. Sam planned to show her at the fair again, so I knew Princess would get a good workout this summer. But Jingo and Gypsy needed to be ridden as well, though not worked as hard. I was counting on Lexie and Judy falling in love with the horses. "And...
I had landed my first official job, right out of college and was working in the accounts section. I was a horny guy, but still a virgin and had zero experience on how to get a girl to do it with me. I got through college by completing it online and never had a chance of meeting and getting cozy with college girls. Getting a degree and a job to put food on the table was more important. But luck favored and I got to meet a sexy nymph soon! A few weeks into work, I heard stories about cam sites...
VirginDonna and Brad had been married for two years. Brad is twenty-seven in his second year working for a large law firm. Donna is twenty-four just finishing up her nursing certificate. Brad and Donna lived together while Brad went to law school with Donna working while Brad went to school. Once Brad graduated it was Donna’s turn for school.Donna is a petite five feet two weighing in at just over 100 lbs. Her baby face and small body gets her mistaken for a teenager all the time. Her blonde hair and...
Wife LoversPrivate Internment DAY ONE Making a decision I slid the vehicle over into the automatic lane and tried to relax. In theback seat Martha and Linda were sitting quietly, looking out the side windows.Some color had returned to their faces and their expressions were ones of bothconcern and relief. Concern over their future and relief from the fact thatthe last two weeks were finally over and they were out of the legal system.They are both former coworkers that I had known for a number of...
This is the third installment of The Interns. This storyline outlines that fun that Rachel, Sandy, Max, and Jason had while interning a local hospital. Rachel and Sandy had become close friends during this intern session as they were paired with each other through each rotation. This month they had duty in the neo natal department. It was a fun place to work, but it was hectic and very stressful at times. In a short amount of time, the two women had become assets to the department,...
Howie was up at dawn. He ran and worked out. Then he drew in his garage studio for an hour. At ten he was at the FIJI house helping the other pledges as they cleaned the house. "Chief, what have you got that Dorothy sees in you?" a pledge asks. "A dynamic personality, I guess," he said. One pledge said, "I hear that Dave is pissed." Another pledge asked, "What is the Dunger pissed about now?" Another one said, "Cause he is getting any, not less any that looks like her." They...
The Friday after football was over, Becky totally avoided him. Wanda said, "Three pounds and I feel good." Howie squeezed her butt and said, "You do feel good." Wanda looked good. Now she looked more muscular than overweight. "You look really good. I am very proud of you. I know it wasn't easy," he said. The next Friday, the school gave out athletic letters. The coach called out, "Howie Randolph, a letter and the conference champion patch. In addition, Howie was All Conference...
Howie waited patiently for the plane from Ireland. The television monitor listed their flight as one hour late. Howie sat totally relaxed and focused on the door. Howie thought he was patient before he met Black Eagle, now he knew how to be patient and vigilant. If he had to, he knew that he could sit and wait for as long as it took for his parents to come though the Customs terminal door. He waited, relaxed but focused. Howie's parents were very surprised when they cleared customs at BWI....
"It seems that I end up in the hospital with something major a lot. I get forced to think about things," he said. "There are better ways to do that. Hopefully, you won't keep this up or your mother is going to be old before her time," she said. "Nobody loves you like your mother. I never thought that I worried you. I feel much safer in Oklahoma than Baltimore," he said. "I feel much safer when you are home with me in Pennsylvania," she said. "Mom, I think I am going to law...
Howie decided to go the southern route. He liked the drive through the Virginia mountains. And he wanted to show Brooke where the Cherokee lived before they were marched to Oklahoma. Howie put a cover over the truck bed. With a cover over the bed, he didn't worry about a place to sleep. The cover was level with the top of the truck cab. Brooke had never been to the University of Virginia or been through the Roanoke Valley. And she wanted to see Charlottesville, where Dorothy was going to...
Dorothy called Howie. "We were afraid you weren't going to make it back. How is Brooke?" "I imagine Brooke is fine. We broke up," Howie said. "Are you serious?" "Yes." "Howie. I'm sorry. Mike's family rented Professor Trevale's house. You know, the big house just down from the dorm. Come over." Howie said, "I know where Amy lives. I am an art major remember. You are too busy to bother with this now." Dorothy said, "Howie, get your butt over here, now." "Yes maam. Who...
His mother said, "Howie, I am worried about you. You are getting mixed up with too many older women. I am sorry that Wanda moved and you had problems with Becky. You are juggling to many things for a boy your age." "My luck with women for the long term is not good," he said. When Howie started back to school and the new semester, he noticed that Becky wasn't in any of his classes. There usually was only one section of Advanced Placement in a subject area, so Howie was surprised that...
It was called the Pledge Leadout. At the first of the dance, the room was darkened. Each pledge came to the spotlight. The girl and her escort were introduced. "Howie, this is the A group. I wouldn't have been asked to join any group before I worked out with you and lost weight. It helps that mom has a high level job at this college too." Howie responded, "You dieted and you exercised. You did it and you deserve the credit. And we are going to have a good time tonight." "Thank you...
Howie was given two years of science credits for his paramedic license. He entered as a freshman. When he signed up for the fourth course, his status changed from special to full time student. Wednesday, he went to the Phi Gamma Delta house for his pledging ceremony. His father was invited and pinned Howie's pledge star on him. Howie listened to the words of the pledge ceremony. Dad was right. It is very much like the Kiowa. Of course, the Kiowa never spoke of Robert E. Lee or the southern...
Howie was up at daybreak and out running on the road. By seven he was in the Fitness Center. Brooke joined him everyday there. She used the Nordic track. Brooke studied after she exercised. Howie only had one final, and that was in Investments. He had an A average as did Dorothy. They both didn't need to study. Howie was so interested, because of the Kiowa trust, that he went way beyond what was required. Dorothy hung on for the ride. Dorothy was one of the few women in the business major...
Howie got home about four a.m. on New Year's Day. He slept until nine then ate breakfast with his parents and children. After they ate, Howie washed dishes with his mother. She asked, "How was the dance?" "Very fancy, but I wasn't able to dance much. It is a high society club. Did you have a good time on the cruise and at the country club?" he asked. "The cruise was wonderful and very romantic. I recommend it for any old married couple. Actually the country club was very nice. They...
My wife’s advertising firm typically has a couple college interns work with them during the summer months. This year she had a young gal from the Midwest in her marketing group. She was eager to learn and seemed to really enjoy the mentoring relationship with my wife Michelle.During a conversation one day while out to lunch, as they were discussing college life, social activities, dating and such, she discovered Katie was bi-curious (a pleasant surprise by the way). So Michelle invited her over...
LesbianIt was 9.30 am on a sunny September morning and Jodie Smith was nervously waiting by the reception desk of Burke and Hare Associates. She looked around the room. There were what were obviously a lot of other prospective interns there as well. She glanced at a tall, blonde, poised, sophisticated woman with flawless markup who was talking to a brunette wearing a dress that screamed money at her. Jodie felt out of her depth already.Three months out of university, Jodie was hoping for that lucky...
Office SexIt all started when I posted pics of her online without her knowing. I stated that the first person from my area that recognizes her and messages me can fuck her. Little did I know how well it would play out. She eventually found out I was posting her pics and was extremely hurt. Didn't understand why I would do such a thing. I let her know my feeling of wanting to share her and see her with another guy or even guys. It took her a while to get over by betrayal. She eventually did and stared to...
“Her name was Kelly Simpson. She was a producer for a TV series that was shown on three different cable networks,” the tiny redhead informed Sally Howe. “Maze, how did you make the ID?” I asked. “Her ID card,” Sally said pointing to it hanging from her jacket. “I’m surprised you missed your chance to say ‘elementary, my dear Watson’,” I said. You do that at least once every shift. “The Shift has just started Marion,” Sally said. “She is such a smart ass,” I said to Maze the forensic lab...
Maria peers into the mirror lazily. She dries her skin and pumps the lotion from the bottle, realizing it's running low and she will need more soon. She looks at the alarm clock next to the bed and realizes she is running late. She hurries, lathering on the lotion to her freshly shaved legs and her bare arms, before glancing back into the mirror before she goes to pick out something to wear. She knows she needs to show off her long legs—especially in a short dress. She hears me knock on the...
Governor Malone is divorced, which meant that I was undisputedly free to sleep with any women I liked, and I did. The Governor's Mansion was a buzz with rumors about my player lifestyle, but evidently the voters of Texas had chosen not to judge me for that. I was a wealthy lawyer and business tycoon turned politican. I also had six children from five marriages, for whom I paid consistent child support and with whom visited and maintaineded a good parental relationships with my ex-wifes....