Openmind Sexy Mom
- 4 years ago
- 31
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When I got home the first thing I smelled was his soap–a rosemary chemical tang that hung in the damp air and collapsed over me as I stepped through the door. I breathed in as the door closed behind me, letting the smell ghost over my tongue and fill my mouth the way it filled the room.
Jared's smells had settled into the air of my condo almost as soon as he'd moved in. His old sneakers greeted me at the door. His shower gel dominated the bathroom. The stale smell of dirty laundry rolled into the kitchen every time he left his bedroom door open. After a few weeks, the traces he left in the air began to tell me more about him, about his habits, his pleasures, his laziness, than any of our brief conversations.
As I filled my lungs again I wondered why he was in the shower. Was he on his way out, or had he just gotten in? I scanned the darkened living room for clues, but I found nothing. Everything remained as I had left it that morning.
I wondered how he'd spent his day. Working? Drinking? Sleeping? Absently, I pulled again at the soapy smell and my mind conjured one possible explanation: Jared on the soccer field, his tight waist hugged by a sweat darkened jersey, nylon shorts revealing the dark hair of his thighs.
I hung my computer bag in the closet and tried to remember whether it had been a work day for him. On an off day he might have spent the day playing pick up games, but after a day of road work, of gathering brown smudges on his jeans, his arms, his face, sweat and the rich smell under his arms would have driven him into the shower as soon as he got home. But I didn't see his boots by the door, slumped where I had always kept my black leather shoes. Had he stomped with them down to his room again? Maybe. Probably. A small miracle I couldn't smell them from the door.
On my way down the hall I glanced into the open door of the bathroom, drawn by the light and the sound of running water. If I hadn't been preoccupied by the likelihood of a trail of mud in the hallway, I might have wondered what he was doing in there while the water ran and the door stood open. Clipping his nails or brushing his teeth, maybe, or shaving before a night out. But I didn't wonder. My mind was already filled with images of him, of the disarray that followed in his wake, and I was completely unprepared for what I saw.
The glass door was mostly clear, too much steam having escaped the room to settle and turn it opaque. Jared stood behind it, facing me, his legs planted wide apart. His hips were thrust forward slightly, his shoulders hunched. The water that had rinsed the lower half of him clean cascaded down his stomach to glide in sheets over his legs. The rest of him was slicked over with foam. It clung to him in mounds and streaks, the skin of his arms visible, the hair on his chest obscured, and I could see where his hands had passed through the suds, leaving valleys the size of fingers.
But it wasn't his chest that commanded my attention. It was the hand that gripped his shaft while the other cupped his balls. His knuckles glistened in the fluorescent light, shifting, tightening, rising. When they slid back down they revealed his dick--long and hard, rising out of a thick mat of dark hair.
That glimpse could have been the end of it. If he hadn't seen me I could have walked away with an illicit peek to savor during quiet moments alone. But I was too slow, or he was too fast, and just before I passed by and that thrilling moment became a secret snapshot, mine and mine alone, he looked up.
The expression on his face was calm, unconcerned. It told me he was in no hurry–not to close the door, not to cover himself, not to finish–and the frisson of that moment, of seeing while being seen, etched every detail of the scene into my mind. Above the mirror I saw the dark bulb he said he would replace. I saw his brown towel hanging on the radiator. I saw his clothes heaped next to his boots, the whole pile soaking sludge into the green bathmat. I saw the hair slicked down on his chest and the haphazard curls suspended in white foam on his head. I saw the way the fluorescent lights gilded his muscles with silver. I saw the stubble along his jaw. I saw his open mouth. And then, in the fraction of a moment before my momentum carried me past the door, I saw him look up, and his eyes, unblinking, caught mine.
When I reached my room I closed the door firmly behind me and stood in the dark, filled with the terror of discovery. Jared and I were cordial roommates, but we didn't share much of ourselves. He paid his rent on time and I used the money to chip away at the mortgage and my student loans. We didn't mix socially. We didn't drink together in the living room and share our worldly ambitions or our sexual conquests. If there was any intimacy between us it was one-sided, built on my appreciation of the way Jared's body filled the air we shared, the way I breathed it in and savored it. It was an offering he didn't know he made and one I accepted as my due, an appropriate entre into his person that mirrored his intrusion into my home.
But this was different.
I hid in my room, standing in the dark amid the private smell of dirty clothes and my unmade bed, nervous energy hovering in my chest. I shifted from one foot to the other, my mind a welter of images, my dick throbbing, until I heard the pipes in the wall shudder and stop. Moments later, the sound of heels on hardwood approached from down the hall. I waited for a knock on my door, an angry voice, accusations, but they didn't come. Finally, after the silence in my ears had become a roar, the door across from mine opened and closed.
I sagged in on myself. The thrill in my chest devolved into relief, then soured into anger. I wondered what he might have said to me if I'd been there in the hallway. Would he have been embarrassed? Angry? He didn't have the right. He'd been the reckless one, the one too thoughtless to close the door.
But I wondered. I remembered his unconcerned gaze, the way he hadn't seemed surprised to find my eyes on him.
I shoved angrily at the steel hard erection straining against the front of my pants. The idea that he'd intended to be discovered excited me and stoked my anger all at once. All my recollections of him, his smells, his appearance, burned with a new intensity. How many times had he passed me a rent check with a hand that had just been hard at work? How many times had he finished just before I got home? How many times had he slipped into his room for a quick release while I stood in the kitchen?
These thoughts thrilled me, made my dick jump, but the anger remained. With this brazen act, his invasion of my home seemed more complete. How long until I existed only on the edges of our shared space, embarrassed for both of us while he stripped at the door after a game or lounged naked in the living room after work?
But no. It wasn't possible. He'd lost track of time. He thought I'd be working late, like I sometimes did, and he thought he could jump in and out of the shower before I got home.
Stupid, then, to stop and jerk off.
Finally less angry than aroused, still wondering how often he'd stroked off in the open bathroom while I was out, I considered what to do about my hard on. I couldn't leave my room as I was, but neither could I take care of it in the obvious way, as much as I wanted to. If he hadn't seen me watching him I could have pushed my pants down past my ass and stroked to a toe curling finish there in the safety of my room. But he'd looked up, he'd seen me, and as I gripped the mound between my legs I couldn't separate the sight of him from the anxiety of being seen. Each time I thought of his dick I felt his eyes on me, watching, and I felt exposed.
So I changed out of my suit and lay on my bed. I read the news. I answered emails. Only when I finally felt sure my anatomy wouldn’t betray me did I go out into the kitchen to make dinner.
Jared's door opened as I filled a pot with water. He wore cargo shorts that hung low on his hips and a threadbare t-shirt that clung to his stomach.
"You were home early today," he said.
Behind me he opened a cabinet. The small city kitchen kept us close and if I extended my arm I could have stroked a finger down his spine.
"No," I said, keeping my voice steady as I lowered my pot of water onto the stove. "That was the normal time."
He made a noise, a distracted grunt, and pulled a jar of peanut butter from the cabinet.
I waited for him to apologize, to make a joke, to accuse me of spying on him, but he didn't say anything. He just opened the fridge, closed it again, then slid a jar of raspberry jelly across the counter to collide gently with the peanut butter.
"How was your day?" he asked.
I watched him pull bread from above of the microwave, sure that if I waited he would say what needed to be said. Instead he stabbed a knife into the peanut butter, scooped a glob of it into his mouth, then put the knife back into the jar. He stirred it around a few times before turning the jar on its side and pouring a wide, hesitant flow out onto a slice of white bread.
"Work was work," I said, turning back to the stove. The hiss of the gas flame filled the kitchen while his knife clattered around inside the jelly jar. "Yours?"
"Miserable," he said.
I turned in time to see him flip the sandwich closed and raise it to his mouth.
"Hit ninety today," he said.
His lips closed over a wide corner of the sandwich and I gritted my teeth as I listened to him chew. When he swallowed I could almost feel the lump in my
"Sounds awful," I said.
"New guy on the crew," he said. "Idiot. High school kid. Almost passed out from the heat." He paused to cram another wad of sandwich into his mouth. "Didn't drink enough."
I listened as he catalogued the new kid's failings, talking and eating until he had one last lump of peanut butter mounded in his left cheek.
I opened a box of pasta. Maybe it was better this way, I thought. Maybe if we didn’t talk about it we could pretend it never happened.
But as he moved on to the other members of the crew and their most recent fuck ups, my mind drifted. I wondered if he'd gotten off after I'd seen him. Had he been close when I walked by? Did he finish? What had it looked like?
Maybe he was a shooter like me and he had finished all over his own chest. Or maybe it bubbled up out of him in a thick flow and then slid down his knuckles to drip, drip, drip down with the water to circle the drain. Or maybe he hadn’t finished. Maybe his shorts didn't hide a member nestled sedately between his legs, soft and spent, but curled half-hard against his briefs. Maybe my gaze had frustrated him, had gone through him and stuck in his mind's eye the way his had burrowed into me.
I snuck an appraising look at the front of his shorts as he made another sandwich. I couldn't see a mound between his legs, but as I turned to him, intending only a glance, he reached up to a high shelf for a plate. The hem of his shirt lifted as he stretched and his shorts slipped down to reveal the top of a mound of coarse hair. My heart thudded. My dick hardened. I imagined going to my knees before him, bringing my face close to the heat between his legs and inhaling, filling my nose with the scent of his shower gel, his clean skin, his damp hair.
When Jared's shirt slipped back down over that crescent of skin I returned to myself. His plate hit the counter and I looked up. Our eyes met. As he watched me, unmoving, I realized that my mouth was open. I'd let my lips part unconsciously as I anticipated the taste of him, of his scent filling my nose and rolling over my tongue.
Neither of us said anything. I turned back to the stove and Jared passed behind me, another sandwich on his plate, to sit at the kitchen table. He ate in silence while I stood at the stove stirring my pasta. I could feel his eyes on me, like a physical presence against my back. The longer he sat, the heavier it grew, slowly boring through me to stare down into my pants where my dick throbbed. He knew. He had to.
When Jared finally stood and went to drop his plate in the sink, I felt light headed. I jumped when he spoke.
"So," he said.
My heart hammered.
"You gonna watch tv?"
"No," I said. I wondered if he could see my shoulders wilt in relief. "All yours."
Without another word he passed behind me, close enough to touch. I waited for the sound of the tv in the living room before I stepped away from the stove and adjusted myself with a quick tug. With my erection now pointing more discretely up toward my left hip, I moved quickly across the kitchen to pour out the pasta I'd stirred into mush. Setting a new pot of water on the stove, I prayed I could boil pasta and retreat to my room before Jared came back for another sandwich.
It wasn't until late, as I hovered at the edge of sleep, after project planning and work emails had given me distance from the excitement of the afternoon, that I let myself return to the scene in the bathroom.
I gripped myself beneath my sheets and began to stroke. I traced the drifting mounds of the soap that clung to his chest and imagined digging my fingers into his hair, the foam gliding beneath my hand while he worked both his fists between his legs. As I imagined him standing there pumping his dick, I could feel the tension of a climax tightening inside me. In my mind's eye I stepped back, wanting to see all of him, both his total nakedness and the thrill of his long dick, as I finished.
It was a mistake. When I stepped back to take him all in, I felt his eyes bore into me. Something lurched in my chest. Fighting the desire to retreat, trying to recapture the moment, I tried a closer view and focused on his narrow hips, his hairy stomach, the round head of his dick. It didn't work. He'd seen me again and his phantom moved into my room, exposing me.
I stopped, then I pushed him away. Too close to finishing to roll over and sleep, too sleepily aroused to fall into anger, I reached for something different. I had plenty of other faces, plenty of other bodies to call on when I needed release, so I reached for an old favorite.
But as I pulled it forward, first one, then many, I found that Jared's self-possession had infected all of my familiar play things. In their faces I saw his eyes and each of them knew that I used them.
The man with the chiseled face who waited at my bus stop every morning knew that I wondered what it would be like to reach into his jacket and open his starched shirt. He knew that, if it were possible to strike the other passengers blind, I would get on my knees there in the aisle of the bus and take him into my throat.
At the office, the VP of sales knew that sometimes I followed him to the cafeteria just so I could watch the way his body moved beneath the thin fabric of his suits. He knew that I wanted to take him into a bathroom to explore the hard body beneath those designer fabrics, to feel the heat of his muscles soaking into my hands through the cloth.
My boss knew that I imagined what it would be like to hide under his desk during meetings, to feel the heat of his crotch on my face, to take him into my mouth while his deep voice filled the room. He knew that I wanted to feel him explode against the back of my throat while everyone in the room watched him, listening, wondering why his voice deepened, inexplicably, just for a moment.
These secret fantasy men turned on me, saw me watching, and their gazes paralyzed me. I didn't know what to do, didn't know how to posses their bodies when they knew that I wanted them, so I pushed them all into the back of my mind where Jared lurked, his naked body covered in soap and dark hair.
As I lay in bed with my hand between my legs, still lingering in the ruins of my office fantasies, I drifted in a new direction. Hiding from the imaginary, accusatory stares of my boss, I ducked into a copy room. There I found a young man, entry level, maybe an intern, standing in front of the door with his pants around his ankles.
I didn't bother to fine tune the image. I let the door close behind me and I put the intern on his knees. Using both hands, I pulled his head forward and let my pants slip down over my thighs. I pushed myself into his mouth, over his tongue. I watched as his lips slid all the way down to the base of my dick. I tangled both fists in his hair and began thrusting. I fucked his mouth, my balls slapping against his face until his chin grew slick. He made little choked sounds of lust and abandon and clung to my hips with both hands to steady himself. As my climax neared, he shot without touching himself, jetting white lines of heat against my legs. I imagined the wet warmth gluing my pants to my shins as I dragged his mouth up and down the length of my dick.
And then my climax wiped the scene away. I threw back the covers with my free arm and my dick started pulsing. After my pleasure had peaked, I lay naked in my bed with warm lines stretching from my stomach to my chin. My mind pleasantly blank, I fell asleep just as warm beads began to roll from my chest down my sides to the bed.
Work and Jared's social schedule kept us from meeting in the apartment for the next two days. During that time I imagined what I would say if he happened to mention our encounter. I decided that if he brought it into casual conversation I would strike a balance between casual indifference and gentle reproof. I was no prude, I'd make that clear, but we were adults and we ought to respect each other's privacy.
But it never came up. On the third day after our encounter, a Friday, we both spent the night at home. He watched TV and I read in my room. He moved through the apartment the way he always had, casually possessing everything he touched, every space he occupied. When I hovered for a few minutes in the doorway to the living room to see what he was watching, I saw that he had removed his socks and left them under the coffee table. Later, when I went for a glass of water, I looked down the hall to see that he was bare chested, his shirt crumpled on the back of the couch. As I drank my water in the dark kitchen I wondered if he still had his shorts on. Was he in his underwear, or were those gone too? What intoxicating smells were his wide flung arms leaving on the couch?
I went back to my room and turned out the light. I slipped out of my clothes and conjured an image of my eager intern. I imagined a company shower room at the office and I took him there. While I pressed his face against the shower wall and pushed my way into him from behind, I lectured him about his indecent exposures around the office. Members of upper management had caught him in lewd and compromising situations, I told him. He'd become a distraction and it was my job to help him control his impulses before he threw away a promising career. No more jerking off in the copy room, I told him. No more stripping down in the elevator at the end of the day to walk naked through the parking garage. No more following the VP of sales to the gym across the street to undress in front of him in the locker room. If you ever feel yourself losing control, I told him, you come find me. I'll help you work through your urges. You can perform for me here. Or we can book a conference room. You can undress in front of the windows. No one will look up from the street while I fuck you until you come against the glass. No one will know if you sit naked under the table and swallow me once, twice, while I take a conference call.
And so it went, my intern gratefully accepting my attention, until I came with a shudder that threatened to double me over.
The next day was hot, windless, and filled with an urban humidity that made going outside a special kind of ordeal. I pulled on a t shirt and a pair of old shorts and settled in the living room to enjoy a day of reading in front of a fan.
Jared didn't emerge from his room until almost noon. I heard him pour a bowl of cereal in the kitchen then crunch his way down the hall. He said nothing as he sat down on the couch opposite me. In only a thin pair of basketball shorts that sat low on his hips, he reclined and held his cereal bowl close to his chest. I tried to ignore him as he chewed and clattered his way through breakfast. When he finished, he set the bowl on the coffee table, pulled up the legs of his shorts to expose the dark hair of his thighs, then lay back with his hands tucked behind his head. After a few long minutes of silence I glanced up from my book. His eyes were closed. They were still closed when I looked again a few pages later. His chest rose and fell in a slow, steady rhythm.
I read the same paragraph three times, then gave up. I turned to face him. When I heard a little rumble come from behind his nose, I let my book settle into my lap.
We'd had plenty of hot days since Jared had moved in and more than once I'd had the chance to see his lean, muscled torso. I knew, generally, the pattern of hair that began in the middle of his chest and flared out to cover his stomach. I knew that the same dark hair covered his legs and filled his underarms. I knew that his back was smooth, tanned, and tapered down to a narrow waist and a full ass. But I'd never had the opportunity to study the planes of his face or the angles of his body with any leisure.
I found that I liked the arrangement of his body in that moment. Asleep with his arms upraised and his thighs uncovered, he looked open, exposed. I let my gaze slide slowly over each limb before falling into his lap, running along his stomach, then up over his chest. I enjoyed every inch of him, each whorl of hair and every smooth, curving muscle. I savored the ridges of his hips and the pale, rarely seen skin of his thighs. I admired his mounded biceps. I considered the contours of his Adam's apple. I studied the shape of his lips.
I don't know his long I had been watching him before I realized his eyes had opened into dark slivers. When I did, my heart turned over and my body went cold. Suddenly ridged, I became aware of my posture: reclined against the arm of the couch, book in my lap, turned to face him. No way to pretend I hadn't turned to give his body my full attention. I waited for his face to cloud over when he realized I'd been watching him sleep.
But he remained placid. He stretched and his eyes squeezed shut under a yawn.
"Fucking hot out today," he said, and he rubbed at his face with both hands.
He didn't look at me as he stood and stretched, his tight, hairy stomach arching toward me. After he let his arms fall to his sides he leaned down to scoop up his cereal bowl. He drank from it while he dug behind the waistband of his shorts with his other hand. He didn't seem to care that they slipped low enough to reveal the thick patch of curly hair just above his dick. I stared, unable to move, until he wiped his mouth, sighed, and walked around the couch to disappear down the hall.
I listened to the sound of his bowl clattering into the sink, then the sound of the drawers in his bedroom opening and closing. My heart began to hammer again as I heard his foot steps coming back down the hall.
He stopped by the door, naked except for a pair of tiny white bikini briefs that barely contained him. The sheer fabric outlined the shape of his dick and the waistband stopped well below his hips. He tossed a shirt and a pair of shorts onto the back of the couch.
"Heading out to a game," he said. He used an open palm to adjust himself, then ran a thumb inside the waistband of his underwear in a futile attempt to tuck away the curls that were peaking out. "You gonna be around later?"
I nodded, unsure where to look, unable to look away.
"Cool," he said. He bent over to step into his shorts then grabbed his cleats from the mat by the door. "See you then."
He stood, slipped into sneakers, and was out the door before I could respond.
Bent at the waist so that the mound of my hard on couldn't be seen from the street, I rushed to the window to watch him walk down the side walk, entranced by the way his ass rolled beneath the clinging fabric of his shorts. After he disappeared around the corner, I retreated to the couch.
A clean, simple truth occurred to me then: Jared liked to have eyes on him. It had occurred to me before that Jared might have a taste for exhibitionism, but married to the suspicion had been a vague contempt. Exhibitionism, I was sure, was motivated either by insecurity or a boorish conviction that his body, his mere presence, was a gift to those around him.
But what Jared needed, it seemed to me, was different. What he wanted was both more casual and more intimate. It was the inverse of the need that drove me into quiet isolation more often than into the company of others. When I was alone, I unfolded. My mind ran in clean, untroubled lines. I could concentrate, think, and dream. I was sure of my body, of its value and its beauty. But where I needed solitude, maybe Jared needed verification. The gaze that had so unsettled me, looking out from the shower days before and then from the couch just minutes earlier, wasn't the penetrating, invasive thing I'd imagined. He wasn't gauging his effect on me, wasn't interrogating my reactions or demanding appreciation. He was looking only to verify that he was being watched. It was the watching that mattered, that gave him what he needed.
And then a second realization washed over me: I wanted desperately to be the intimate observer who looked in on his life and verified it's edges, its hidden places, its little intimacies. I wanted to explore him, to dig into him, to know him in his most private moments.
I looked around the room. After four years of living in that condo I had never once jerked off anywhere but in the shower or in my bed. I'd never considered it a thrill to reveal myself to an empty room intended for other things. But in that moment I saw the living room not as I knew it, but as I imagined Jared saw it: another place to be seen and revealed. The entire space, the couches, the windows, the hallway, they all carried Jared's charge. So I unzipped my fly, pushed my shorts down to the middle of my thighs, and let my dick spring into the warm air.
Using the body burned into my memory, I positioned Jared, casually naked, in front of one of the windows. I imagined him soft at first, looking down into the street as if he hadn't realized he could be seen, but growing hard when a middle aged man in a window across the street leaned out to get a better look at him. I imagined Jared taking a step back to sit on the arm of the couch, still fully illuminated by the window, to start stroking. He began slowly, running his fist up and down his shaft, taking his time until a clear little drop appeared on the head. Then he began to pump more aggressively. The muscles in his arm and his shoulder strained. His dick grew red and steel hard. Then he stopped, threw his head back, and convulsed once, twice. His balls tightened and a milky white fountain shot from his dick to splatter against the window, blocking the man across the street from view.
I positioned Jared on the couch next. I imagined myself in the kitchen where I'd been three days earlier, anxiously stirring pasta. He pulled his dick out during a commercial and stroked until he finished what he'd begun in the shower. As I strained spaghetti, he exploded, soaking the front of his shirt while his grunts were swallowed up by the noise from the tv. I imagined the wetness that would have covered Jared's fist, the way it would have slid down into the hair between his legs and mingled with the smell of his body. I grunted and shot against my own chin, then my neck, as I imagined that wetness clinging to him for the rest of the night after he tucked himself back into his shorts.
I lay back on the couch, trying to catch my breath as the mess I'd made melted into my shirt. I was still half hard as I dozed off in the summer heat, the fan's hum the only noise to disturb the quiet of the house.
By chance, I woke only a few minutes before Jared got home. I'd just zipped up my shorts and had been contemplating a shower when the front door opened and Jared stomped in.
"Fuck," he said. "It's too. Fucking. Hot."
Still shirtless, or shirtless again, sweat made his whole body shine. He remained in view for only a moment as he leaned against the wall to kick off his sneakers. He tossed his cleats on top of them then disappeared down the hall. I heard the sound of nylon shorts rustling, then the squeak of the shower turning on.
I waited for the sound of the bathroom door closing. When it didn’t, my dick twitched and began to harden again.
Tucking my hard on up into my waistband, I walked around the couch to look down the hallway toward the bathroom. If I wanted to, I had plenty of reasons to justify walking by that open door. I could be on my way to the kitchen for a snack, or to lay down on my bed and check emails. Maybe I needed to do laundry. Maybe I was heading to the gym. In any case, it wasn't my fault he'd left that door open when I needed to get to the other end of the apartment.
I squared my shoulders and strode forward purposefully, but as soon as I entered the hallway my excuses crumbled and I slowed almost to a stop. My timidity felt ridiculous. Jared wanted me to look and I wanted to see. Why should I pretend otherwise?
I stopped and took a breath. Then, after checking that my hard on was discretely positioned, I stepped into the bathroom doorway.
Jared was less brazen in his display this time, facing the jet of water rather than the door, but when he caught me out of the corner of his eye he turned to face me. An electric surge radiated out from the center of my chest as he met my eye and continued stroking. He wore the same calm, unconcerned expression he'd had the first time I'd seen him. I held his gaze for the bravest moment of my life, then let my eyes travel down to his pumping fist. He watched me for a fraction of a second longer, then looked down as well.
And then I moved on.
It had been a ten second interaction, maybe shorter, but it had felt ages longer than the first. Flushed with a feeling of triumph, I continued on to my room as I had days earlier, but this time I didn't resist the pleasure that had coiled at the root of my dick. I let my shorts drop to the floor, pulled my shirt off, and began stroking. I pictured Jared's long body glistening under the water, his sinewed arms flexing and bunching as he pumped his dick. I imagined the hard plane of his stomach, ridged and tense. I imagined his heavy breathing, his grunting as he came closer to a climax. I remembered the way he'd positioned himself on the couch, open and exposed, for my inspection. But it was the memory of that steady gaze, the confidence in his eyes as they met mine, that pushed me to the edge. The pressure began to build behind my balls. I let my head fall back as it increased. My mouth fell open. My breath caught in my throat.
And then the pipes shuddered in the wall and I heard the shower stop. I would have continued, would have flown past the point of no return, if Jared's voice hadn't come to me through the door.
"Hey, can you bring me a towel?"
I froze.
Naked, my dick throbbing, an orgasm a few intense moments away, I waited.
His voice came again.
"I think there's one in my closet. And the shorts on my bed."
I ground my teeth. I couldn't finish. If I did, I was convinced he'd know what I'd been up to. How could he not? He might not have cared, might actually have encouraged it, but even if I'd come to appreciated his exhibitionism, I didn't share it. I didn't want to stand in front of him while my body wound down from a surge of pleasure.
So I pulled my shorts up and shrugged my shirt back on, hoping he wouldn't see the faint white streaks from my earlier orgasm. I tucked my dick up into a discrete position in my waist band and opened my door.
I had to move carefully as I crossed the few steps to Jared's room. Caught between the warm skin of my hip and the band of my shorts, my dick rubbed and twitched, threatening to explode. I stopped at the foot of the bed and took a deep breath, hoping the pause would help me gain control, but the smell of his body flooded my nose and sent a wave of pleasure from my balls up to the head of my dick. I held my breath and waited. When the wave receded, I moved to the closet and carefully pulled a towel from the top shelf.
I studied the floor as I walked down the hallway. I would get in and out. I had to. If I lingered, he'd read everything on my face and I couldn't bear the thought of standing open before him that way. I'd throw the towel at him and leave.
When I stepped through the door of the bathroom I expected to be greeted by clouds of steam that would obscure us both. I should have known better, should have remembered from just minutes ago that the air had been clear, but I was preoccupied by my condition and unable to account for the reality of anything beyond the throbbing against my hip.
Jared stood waiting behind the clear glass, naked, dripping, and semi hard. The sight of him standing there, unconcerned by his nudity and his obvious arousal, hit me in the pit of my stomach. My dick twitched and I stopped just inside the door. I stared, drinking him in.
"Thanks," Jared said. He slid the door open a crack and put a hand out to take the towel.
I took another step forward and held the towel out to him. As he leaned forward to take it, as his warm fingers grazed against the back of my hand, I noticed for the first time the milky white streaks that clung to the inside of the glass in front of his stomach.
And that was too much. With a shudder that made my abs contract reflexively, I came. Hot little jets coated my hip with warmth and plastered my shirt to my side. My breath caught in my throat and my feet went numb. I gripped the cold radiator for support as tremors rolled through my body.
The pleasure was only just fading when Jared spoke.
"Jesus, dude. Did you just come?"
Mortified, I said nothing. I tried to collect myself.
Jared laughed.
"Man, it looked like a good one. Better than mine."
I unfastened my stare from the edge of the tub and looked up at him. He brought the towel to his face and began rubbing the water from his hair. In just a few seconds he'd toweled off from head to toe and opened the glass door to step out onto the bath mat just inches in front of me. His hard, damp, fragrant body radiated heat against mine.
I stared at his chest and felt him glance at my face, then look down at the sticky mess soaking into my shirt.
"You grab my shorts?"
"Oh," I said. While I had been attempting to keep my orgasm at bay in his room, his second request had slipped from my mind. "No."
I looked down at his dick, still half hard there between us, then shrugged and looked up.
"It's too hot out anyway, isn't it?"
Jared smiled, searched my face for a few moments, then smiled wider.
"Yeah," he said. "You're probably right. Here."
He pressed the damp towel against the widening circle over my hip and I jumped, startled by the contact and the pressure against my dick.
"Looks like you could use a shower," he said.
I caught the towel as he pushed past me, breaking my grip on the radiator. He didn't seem to mind that my forearm slid across his stomach or that the back of my hand grazed his warm dick and the coarse hair above it.
I turned as I heard him grab the doorknob and begin to pull the bathroom door closed behind him.
"Leave it open," I said.
He paused and turned to look at me.
"Yeah," I said. Then I pointed toward the white streaks on the inside of the shower door. "You have another one of these in you today?"
Jared glanced at the shower door, then shrugged.
"One at least."
I paused, then nodded.
"I'm looking forward to it."
Who’s up for some Open TGC? I bet you either got a raging boner when I asked that or you’re just utterly fucking confused right now. Hey, I feel you on that. My whole job is looking at Internet porn all day and it took me a good half hour to figure out what OpenTGC even stands for. It’s a deep-niche sexual fetish, so naturally, it’s going to have its own nomenclature, secret codes and in-jokes. It sprang out of Reddit, too, so the neckbeard vibes and insular posturing is doubled; I was scared...
Sex Stories SitesAnyone who regularly visits will probably know by now of my desire for Mrs.L to truly enjoy herself by exploring her sexuality and fantasies.So,when we moved to a new house and discovered that our neighbour would be a thirty-something bloke living on his own,it was only a matter of time before I gradually introduced him into our bedroom talk. Initially,any interest was denied but I couldn’t fail to notice that when C’s(the man in question) name was dropped into our pillow talk as I was gently...
It was a beautiful summer morning following a night of violent thunder storms. I had closed the sliding glass door last night because of noise from the thunder and closed the drapes because of the lightening. It keeps me awake. So when I got out of bed I opened the drapes and sliding door so I could feel the morning air on my completely naked body. As I looked out into my back yard I could see that the wind had blown a few leaves around. Then I saw that one of the branches in one of my trees...
From my last story, you might imagine I had some explaining to do to my husband. After more than 20 years together I had betrayed our vows by giving a blowjob to a total stranger. I had to tell my husband and I did. I loosened him up with some wine and porn and told him my story... similar to what I ended up writing. My husband was upset but also intrigued. He wanted details and I gave them to him. We had great sex that night and he called me a slut. He's never done that but inside I really...
For 10 years now I've been living nextdoor to a older Scottish women miss Trainer. She isthe most sexy beautiful super hot mature women I ever saw. She lives together with her husband an older Dutch man, mr Mulder. I can remember the first day I've met them and they invited me in for a beer.Miss Trainer was wearing (as always) an black tighties and a white shirt without bra. When I sat on their couch and she brought me my beer she bend over and showed me her awsome hot sexy saggy old Scottish...
Anyone who regularly visits will probably know by now of my desire for Mrs.L to truly enjoy herself by exploring her sexuality and fantasies.So,when we moved to a new house and discovered that our neighbour would be a thirty-something bloke living on his own,it was only a matter of time before I gradually introduced him into our bedroom talk. Initially,any interest was denied but I couldn't fail to notice that when C's(the man in question) name was dropped into our pillow talk as I was gently...
The Boy NextDoorMy name is Jack Duncan. I am 45 and a professional photographer. My wife Debbie is 32 with wavy, natural blonde hair atop a 5'6" body weighing 123 pounds. Blessed with a beautiful face and stark green eyes, Debbie has shapely hips carried on long, lovely legs. With supple breasts filling a B-cup, she is an attractive woman. My appetite for eroticism to some is strange. I am a voyeur and having a vivid imagination and pretty wife I am highly aroused watching her flirt with other...
All persons and events of this story are all just figments of my imagination and are not intended to represent any persons living or dead in any way, shape or form. Enjoy.Beep. Beep. Beep. I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock: 8:22 am... on a Saturday. I listened for a minute trying to figure out where the noise was coming from. Trash day? No, that was Wednesday. Car alarm? No, not quite right for that... Back up alarm? Yep, that was the noise. What the? I got up, threw on a pair of...
It was early september and a new college year had just started james was moving into a new aparment ith a college friends and was looking forward to it.. he was 5'11 and with dark curly hair and broad shoulders.They had moved in a week when james spotted her early one morning about 35 slim c sized tits and an amzing ass heading out for a jog.. her skin tight running legging really shoed off how amazing her ass and legs were while her unzipped jacket gave a slight glimpse of her bouncing...
Hum phir aa gaye ek nati story le ker……Isme meri gf aur two mazdoor maza lete hain…. Hamare ghar ke samne ek construction ho rahi thi aur wahan per kaafi saare mazdoor the….Aur hum koi bhi ek baar zaroor karte hain….Unko dekh ker mere dimaag mein tharki khyaal aane laga….Mrin unkr paas gaya aur pucha ki 2 log chahiye kaam karne ke liye……2 mazdoo aage aaye and maine unko gaadi mein baitha ;iya…….Dono kale rang ke the aur kaafi patle the woh dono…… Mein unhe ghar le ker aaya aur darwza ki bell...
The hot little minx next door has a penchant for much younger men. I have personally witnessed her fucking the pool boy, the pizza delivery guy, the cable man and just last weekend the lawn boy. She is a redheaded vixen about 5 ft 5 with DD breasts. Her nipples are teardrop in shape and dark brown, contrasting her pink flesh. To say that they are magnificent would be an understatement. She might weigh in at 130lbs. In her thirties she is married to a man much older than her. Older than me in...
It was a beautiful summer morning following a night of violent thunder storms. I had closed the sliding glass door last night because of noise from the thunder and closed the drapes because of the lightening. It keeps me awake. So when I got out of bed I opened the drapes and sliding door so I could feel the morning air on my completely naked body. As I looked out into my back yard I could see that the wind had blown a few leaves around. Then I saw that one of the branches in one of my trees...
Straight SexThis story can also educate you for getting maximum pleasure in sex especially for women so read it carefully till end Hi friends its me again Amit from New Delhi this is my another story about a lady who is the second lady in my life.. B,coz of my computer works and computer related projects I live in Delhi and working in Gurgaon as u know I am un married,so I live alone in Delhi my parents live in a Panipat Haryana.. I recently changed my residence to another apartments in Delhi. The place...
IncestHi guys this is Amit from Kolkata. This my experience when i was doing my degree.Now i am 27 years working in kolkata. We are staying in a building where 7 other families in the same building campus. My college is from 1PM to 5PM so i will be free and at home till 12:30PM and go by then. Very rarely i study.. Remaining times i used to go to neighbors house or take rest in home. There is a family next our door. Only husband and wife will be in that house, they dont have any children. Uncle is a...
Its happening today , its been 2 week since the neighbor ear me hump in the shower , wall pounding sound mixed with my moaning , Mike bbc got up listening ear on the wall not sure what he was listening too, it was incredibly exciting , as he stroke his bbc the wife asleep realising the young white boy next door like getting ass fuckedthe continuous pounding , the moaning getting more constant and loud, Mike listen to his neighbor fucking on his toy in the showeryMike cum a huge load down the...
r/FuckOutdoors!! The novelty of fucking in public is unrivaled by a lot of other sexual acts. The excitement is heightened by the fear of getting caught and the knowledge of engaging in an act that is frowned upon by society in general.I have had sex a couple of times in public and I would say that it was thrilling every single time.I am not rubbing it in your faces but I fuck a lot, it is what I am up to when I am not reviewing a porn website or forum for you losers.The novelty of outdoor sex...
Reddit NSFW ListNote : this story is complete fictional! Catherine toyed with her bald pussy. I could feel my dick getting hard just watching her from my window. It was pushing through my pants, begging to escape, so I let my nine inches free. I wrapped my hand around my dick, stroking it slowly as I watched her. I loved the way her body moved. I wanted to be one of her fingers as I watched her move them in and out of her faster and faster. She rubbed her little clit, moaning louder and louder. I couldn’t hear...
IncestWorking on the door of my local nightclub tends to provide a reasonable amount of excitement, not only do you get the buzz of doing a serious demanding job but also the perk of dozens of scantily clad girls/women to ogle every friday and saturday night! As with all nigthclubs the girls arrive wearing next to nothing in the hope of having a good night out and with the prospect of a shag come the end of the evening. The club i work at is to be honest a glorified meat market! As most doorman will...
Jennifer was a pretty and talented 18years old that lives with her very strict parents. Jen is an only daughter and she likes to hang out with her friends, her family and I are neighbors in an apartment. I am a 42 year old male and working at night time in a bar. Me and Jen’s father are close friends, because we are neighbors we share time and drink for sometime. Jen’s mother, Amy, is a really nice woman she cooks well and works during day at their store in the market. Her father is a business...
Adult HumorOpening Doors by Dawna Tompson In retrospect, I should have seen it coming sooner than I did. I should have caught on sooner. I can explain, but it would be best to back up and start at the beginning? I was frustrated and maybe a little bored by my job. I wanted something newer and more challenging. I had been working at the same job for almost twenty years and I wanted a change. Maybe it was the divorce. I needed a change of pace. No, that's not the truth. It wasn't ...
Not mine but one of my favourite storiesIt was only my first time in the club and my hands were shaking beyond control. I almost didn't make it through the front door I was so nervous. I felt so out of place. Everywhere I looked, it felt like people were staring at me, judging me. It was like they knew I had no clue what I was doing.I had heard about the place a few weeks ago. The Backdoor it was called. Not exactly subtle, if you ask me. It was supposedly the best place in the whole city to go...
I pulled into the alley and whipped my battered '68 classic VW bug over next to the leaning cedar fence that led into Libby's backyard. They didn't have any pets so the gate was never latched used, the slant of the rusted hinges now crusted and frozen in the same half-open position for ay least a decade or so. I crossed the small unkempt yard and jumped up on the concrete porch bypassing the crumbling steps and went to the open backdoor from the quite kitchen. Sticking my face up to the old...
Erotic FictionMMMM/F) "Shit," demanded Simon, "What the fuck is he doing to her in there?" Simon was referring to the fact that he and I had both been brought outof our rooms by the moans of the chick coming from my frat brother Jamie'sroom across the hall. "Sounds like he's showing her one hell of a good time," I replied. "But it's one o'clock in the fucking morning," whined Simon, "I got aterm paper due tomorrow." "Dude," I said, peering past him and into his room to observe that hislight and...
It seemed like such a great trip i coudnt wait to be out there alone living the life, free , away from society and everthingi convince mum and dad to let me go and off i was for the great outdoormy first trip to the great canyon, it was overwhelming for the first day, the grandeur and beauty off the place was outstandingi was hiking for most off the day then make a camp try to catch fish for dinner then move on in the morning''hey any luck?''I saw a tall dark guy wearing a white tshirt ask me...
Rachel hoped for a bit of privacy, but she never got it. Her parents believed in being open about everything and their house was always ready to welcome anyone who happened to be passing by. Inside the house there were doors but no locks, anyone was free to go anywhere. Unfortunately Rachel was now a woman and she would have liked some time and space to herself. It never happened. She would be changing in her room and her Mom would walk straight in. She would be in the shower and her Dad...
When Monday morning came, I was more than a little nervous about starting a new school. I went down to breakfast wearing my new uniform: grey knee-length short trousers, white shirt, gold and navy striped school tie, navy jumper with a patch sewn on with the school crest, and a school cap. Caity was already there wearing the same uniform (skirt instead of shorts) and told me that Mrs O’Keef had tried to teach her how to tie her tie. It looked alright, so I guessed that Mrs O’Keef had done...
You enter my apartment, and you have the most decadent intentions on your mind. You are lusting for some lascivious sex and you want to abuse my body. I knew you were coming over; I knew you had lust in your heart and a hard cock in your pants, but I did not care to give you the satisfaction of knowing that I wanted you to fuck me so hard. I dress for you arrival. A pair of low riding black lace panties which show an exquisite camel toe and my sheer black yoga pants over my panties. I choose a...
AnalBy: Andrew Bonzua (a. k. a Andrew M. Bosnjak)The door was open, and she had seen him drive off. Surely he wouldhave a copy of his own books in his home! Why, she could slip in andtake a look, and leave again, and he would never know.She did not know why this idea slipped into her head. She would neverhave thought of such a thing, usually. But it was true: here was anopportunity to read the very works she had been so frustrated in tryingto find. A silly thing, to be unable to buy or borrow...
The day was hot and the camera was heavy round my neck. Much heavier than usual with the 100-300mm Nikkor lens in place of the standard 50mm prime that had come with the camera. The lens weighed almost two pounds, more than double the weight of the camera it was attached to, the Nikon FG I had received earlier that year as my 18th birthday present. The camera was mine but the lens was on loan and expensive. Quite how expensive I am not sure but Dad had made sure that Mum did not find out...
The other I was feeling frisky after buying some new pairs of pantyhose. It was a gloomy day and cold, so I figured their wouldnt be too many people out. I know of a spot that has some trails. Its usually doesnt have many visitors during the summer months, so I figured their really wouldnt be anyone out hiking or jogging at this time of year. I decided I needed to wear a pair of my new pantyhose outside and take pics and maybe a vid. I put on a pair of pantyhose and a dress. i then put a shirt...
The day was hot and the camera was heavy round my neck. Much heavier than usual with the 100-300mm Nikkor lens in place of the standard 50mm prime that had come with the camera. The lens weighed almost two pounds, more than double the weight of the camera it was attached to, the Nikon FG I had received earlier that year as my 18th birthday present. The camera was mine but the lens was on loan and expensive. Quite how expensive I am not sure but Dad had made sure that Mum did not find out...
First TimeFun Sex OutdoorsBy: Londebaaz Chohan This was the first meeting between Norton and Jill. They had met many times before but that was only an online affair and this was a real face to face meeting. Norton had asked her plenty of times to come see him for some fun time and finally it happened. They had decided to meet in the Woodridge coffee shop around 2 pm where they sat, sipping coffee and talking a lot about their lives, jobs, likes and the dislikes. Yes they talked a lot but it seemed like...
[Story] Farmer's Daughter Enjoys Being Topless Outdoors While Doing ChoresMother says to daughter, "Jenny, I know that you like to walk around the farm half naked when the weather is warm, but you are twenty years old now and shouldn't do that anymore. Your brother Jason turned eighteen recently and most likely interested in girls, so you are unnecessarily teasing him. I want you to start wearing a shirt beginning today."Jenny replies, "He's definitely interested in girls."Mother says, "How do...
My wife and I were spending a long weekend camping with a few hundred other people at a campsite used for outdoor pursuits . There was a challenge run over the week end for each area taking part and our area consisted of about thirty people. On the Saturday evening my wife suggested she could get one of the items required from a hotel which was about 15 minutes walk away and then said to me Chris a young man in early twenties would go with her. Knowing my wife I was sure she had something in...
Cheating WifesA talk, an apology, a spanking, then sex in the woods. Nothing like a teenage romance story gone naughty to arouse things. I was dating a very pretty girl back in my teen years. She had the sweetest little body, tits just right, ass cute and curvy, but we had done nothing more than just cuddle and kiss and a little feel play. One day in summer we were out riding around. My best friend had a family farm where we'd go hunting, cut wood, that sort of thing. I told her we should go and up on the...
First TimeSo I was inside looking around ya know the new house thing seeing where stuff goes so I turned the light on in the dinning room there was a sliding glass door no curtains yet guys next I found myself naked walking around playing I opened my eyes and found myself in front of the door. I looked out and it was pitch black I saw nothing no where I'm in a pretty private spot half of the yard is privacy fenced the other part trees so I got to thinking I should go out side by the pool so I put my...
MasturbationI suppose the best way to describe Mike is to say he's fair but firm. Most of the time our sex life is pretty tame. We experiment a lot with lovemaking in various places and various ways, and we both love it. But sometimes I'm just feeling bitchy or frisky and I try to make demands. When I get into these moods, my lover has to take control and put me in my place. Of course, I know where these demands lead me; right into tight ropes and pain! It had been a wonderful day at the office. I'd...
I suppose the best way to describe Mike is to say he's fair but firm. Most of the time our sex life is pretty tame. We experiment a lot with lovemaking in various places and various ways, and we both love it. But sometimes I'm just feeling bitchy or frisky and I try to make demands. When I get into these moods, my lover has to take control and put me in my place. Of course, I know where these demands lead me; right into tight ropes and pain! It had been a wonderful day at the office. I'd...
I suppose the best way to describe Mike is to say he's fair but firm. Most of the time our sex life is pretty tame. We experiment a lot with lovemaking in various places and various ways, and we both love it. But sometimes I'm just feeling bitchy or frisky and I try to make demands. When I get into these moods, my lover has to take control and put me in my place. Of course, I know where these demands lead me; right into tight ropes and pain! It had been a wonderful day at the office. I'd...
During the years that Seth and Elisabeth worked together running the woodworking business they started, "all work and no play" was not part of the business plan. They often recall memories of their play times at the shop. One of their favorites is the time their erotic indulgence unexpectedly opened a new door.It was early afternoon on a hot summer day and Seth had been distracted by Liz for most of the day because she was wearing one of Seth's favorite outfits, her denim bib overalls over a...
Wife Loverswritten on 2015-08-08Maybe one of my best experience.To refresh the context. On this period, with my best friend we have try some things. My last acquisition was a magic wand and a full lycra hood (total obscur).She love playing with me. And I'm in total trust with herWe have not play again since some month (I was on couple in the meantimeWe are at my flat in the evening.The deal is if I refuse to do whatever, I will not have the right to cum tonight.Nothing to eat, so we order pizza.Waiting,...
Opening The Wrong Door. My nipples were rock hard from rubbing against the cool wall above the headboard. I had to use my arms to stop my head banging against the wall as he pounded my pussy from behind. I was kneeling up on the bed as his thick cock rapidly slid in and out of me as I tried to remember how I got here…. I had finished work at lunch on this Friday and got on a train to see one of my old school friends in Bournemouth. I had taken a year out before going to Uni and was doing an...
Masturbation“Please!” Alice cried as yet another almost orgasm began to build within. She’d lost count of the number or times she’s almost gone over the edge, only to be pulled back yet again. Enough that she was willing to do exactly as Nobody had claimed – beg him to release her and do whatever he wished to her as long as he would finally let her climax.“Please release me and make me- oh! Oh no. Not again!”She barely heard his chuckle so intent was she upon the bumblebeetle within her pussy vibrating...
Fantasy & Sci-FiBill was late. He was supposed to meet Anna at the Museum half an hour ago but lost track of time. Taking a short cut, he cuts through a deserted section of the city which has been long abandoned. The section looked derelict and mainly houses the city's addicts. It didn't help that it was a foggy night. After 20 minutes of aimless wandering, he conceded defeat and started to look around for some directions. He spots an old man sitting in an alleyway. "Excuse me, how do I get...
LIBRARY BEHIND CLOSED DOORSEpisode 1 "Perfection in the Skirt" He walked in thought, absorbed in the events related to the work at the Heat and Power Plant in Wrocław on the street Łowiecka 24 as the main power dispatcher. He considered the manager's accusations to be completely unfounded, even offensive, he probably intends to put his cousin on the job, so he looks for a "hole in the whole". Well, a lot of dark ones were gathering clouds, you have to start looking for a new occupation,...
Lewis wakes with a jump. He has woken to find himself in a room with ten doors. He has no idea how he got here, or why he is naked, but there he is lying spread-eagled on the cold floor. Examining his surroundings, he can see that he is lying in a circular shaped pit in a circular room. There’s a raised level surrounding the pit that has soft padding running around it and beyond this, there are ten evenly spaced doors. Lewis’ head is still heavy from the drink and he’s finding it difficult to...
Gay MaleHi, Dear Reader, This one is short and sweet. A little romance. Thanks to Gail and Ruthie for editing. And please comment and vote. Thanks. E. Z. * I opened the door to find Carla at thirteen. Big blue eyes with long lashes. Overpowering eyes. Gangly, coltish, flat chested, and hipless. Long, straight brown hair. Lips of brown from a Fudgcicle she sucked innocently. ‘I’m Carla. You’re Bill, Bessie’s grandson who lives here now. You’re twenty-six and working on your Master’s in English at...
Introduction: This is the new version of behind castle doors its a little different (Set in renaissance time (with some random 2013 objects), with slaves, servants and peasants. This is a sex STORY website. There are large bits that dont contain sex, if you dont like that then leave.) Nikki POV As I walk home late, the rain pours down on me in icy sheets that chill me to the bone. The only thing running through my head is why am I so stupid for walking down here. I hear a crash from behind...
"Okay, wow.""That is vigorous."I looked at the nightstand trembling on the floor of our room. "Are they shaking our lamp?""Old buildings, thin walls," Kevin noted. "Quite a reveille for our first morning in this backwoods log cabin.""It's a lodge, Kevin. And it's located approximately ten yards from the exit off a major highway. I confirmed that fact when you three nature lovers conspired to make our couples' vacation an outdoorsy adventure.""What's the difference between a...
Straight SexI got up, turned on the shower, and then I turned to the full body mirror. I always loved looking at my body in the mirror. I started to undress. I top off my top revealing my fully developed C cup breasts. I took of my bottoms and looked at my clean-shaven pussy. Then I got in the shower, masturbating thinking about a boy or a girl since I’m bisexual, and then I got out and got dressed. I picked a nice blue top and some of my favorite jeans. Since I’m 23, I live alone in my own little...
Things were awkward. No matter how hard we tried to cover things up with pleasantries…I’d fucked my girlfriend’s mother. Memories kept me up at night…and questions. Was she planning it all along? When she offered to pick me up that day was it just kindness or did she know her husband would be out? Maybe she knew I’d be able to see through her dress when she returned from that shower? Maybe she knew I’d look in the wrong draw? Questions. Questions. Questions. Of course the more I pondered it,...
Opening The Wrong Door. My nipples were rock hard from rubbing against the cool wall above the headboard. I had to use my arms to stop my head banging against the wall as he pounded my pussy from behind. I was kneeling up on the bed as his thick cock rapidly slid in and out of me as I tried to remember how I got here…. I had finished work at lunch on this Friday and got on a train to see one of my old school friends in Bournemouth. I had taken a year out before going to Uni and was doing an...
You may recall that my wife already has a lover in Illinois whom she visits on a monthly basis to fuck for the whole week that she visit’s him. You may also recall that she has to be completely naked every second that she is in his house. She has to strip naked outside and dress outside, and although she has never allowed me to cum in her mouth, she regularly swallows his cum. Some four months ago, we became friends with a middle aged divorced man named Robert. He recently moved to our area...
ExhibitionismHe climbed the steps effortlessly, two by two, and stopped directly in front of her. His bag dropped to the wooden deck with a thud, and he stood, staring at her. Her red hair billowed in the night breeze, glowing with warmth, unexpected in the harsh street lighting. It was a warm summer evening, and she was dressed for it. A short, thin cotton skirt, swaying with the wind, and a summer blouse, almost lime green in the light, nearly transparent it was so thin, unbuttoned enough to hint at...
I woke up late that night. Someone was pounding on my door, now who could that be. I got out of bed and threw on a nightgown, and then I went to answer the door. When I opened it I was nearly flattened by the full-grown woman who flung herself against me. She was crying hysterically. I didn’t know what to do so I just sat there in the doorway. Holding a complete stranger in my arms and trying to calm her down before she woke the neighbors. I got up and carried her to the couch, which was no...
LesbianI was sitting in my Telephone booth, we have got a small shop which houses an internet cafe, a telephone booth, a library and some gift items like greeting cards. she entered on a sunday afternoon, i was all alone and feeling bored she asked in a heavy accent whether i got a friendship card, i pointed her towards one row. she picked up a greeting card and started writing on the card, after a while she came to the counter and paid the amount, she turned to leave and then threw a flirtatious...
EroticNikki POV As I walk home late, the rain pours down on me in icy sheets that chill me to the bone. The only thing running through my head is why am I so stupid for walking down here. I hear a crash from behind me. I do something more stupid then walking down the alley. I turn around, as I do some ones arms wrap around my waist. The arm wrapped around my waist is strong and muscled. The guy pushes me up against the wall; I finally get a look at who it is. My jaw drops when I see that it is...
I stood up and stretched. The sun was warming up the day. My grass had been freshly cut and the flowers I had recently planted look great. I had a six foot wooden fence around my yard which gave me some privacy from my neighbors. I had sunbathed in the nude out here plenty of times. I always wondered if any of them peeked over to see me. I decided that I wanted to feel the sun on my body. I shed my robe and stepped out into my yard completely nude. The sun felt great on my body. ...