Virgin. Whore. Mother. Queen: The Whore. free porn video

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It was the evening before Flora's wedding and she had been cloistered for six days. She was the one who insisted she follow the traditions of her mother: no one would see her until the day of her wedding and then, only shrouded until her husband came to her in the wedding chamber. It meant she didn't need to meet the Veilanders when they came nor respond to Prince Julian's magnetism until he was her husband.

Still, if she cracked the door to her bedroom open, she could hear the music from their strange instruments. The palace nobles and the Veilanders had been reveling since just after noon. They had only grown louder as the day wore on. And now, after sunset, it reached a raucous pitch. Flora tried to settle the nerves in her stomach.

She longed for Marie's comforting arms, but tradition forbade even her presence. Before the cloister, Flora had followed Julian's command: that she sleep alone without her Lady. Nonetheless, Marie sat with her through hours of gown fittings and flower choices. She helped Flora embroider her morning-after dress. They always shared a cup of tea and a kiss before they parted for the evening. Sometimes more than just one kiss.

She closed her door and poured a small glass of the wine that had been sent to sooth her nerves. It was strong. In a few sips, she warmed and calmed. She poured the remainder of the glass back into the flask, so she wouldn't be tempted to overindulge.

A tap sounded at Flora's door. She crossed the room and opened the door a crack. "Who is it?" she asked.

"Prince Julian's advisor."

"How can I help you?"

"It's our tradition that a bride receive a kiss from her groom on her wedding eve. It seals the promise that you made on your betrothal night," he said.

Flora rolled her eyes. These Veilanders seemed to have a fair number of mandatory kisses as part of their wedding rituals.

"I am cloistered," she protested.

Next, it was Prince Julian's voice she heard. That velvet voice that made her heart leap into a gallop. "Your father said that he would defer to your judgement as to whether you would prefer to follow your family's traditions or those of your new husband."

It was a loaded, political choice. Flora thought for a moment, opened the door a bit wider, and put her hand through the crack. She offered the hand with the pearl purity ring.

"Will this suffice?"

"If it must."

Two hands turned hers palm-up. A mouth pressed to the middle of her hand, the most sensitive spot. A moist tongue swept over her heart line. The aching, throbbing need between her thighs returned after two weeks of absence. Her breath quickened.

Her hand was turned knuckles-up again.

"I don't remember this," Julian said, his lips kissing over and around the pearl ring. His tongue caressed her finger then ran sensually over the pearl. Heat flooded her cheeks.

"I accepted it when I was cloistered," Flora managed, knowing her voice sounded strange. "It represents my purity. I'll exchange it with you tomorrow for my wedding ring."

Suddenly, her ring finger was enveloped in a hot, wet mouth. "Oh," she gasped aloud.

Julian drew on her finger. It was like he drew on her nipples, her body responded so strongly. Moisture trickled down her thigh. He used his teeth to pull her ring past her knuckle and kissed her fingertip.

"I would take this now, if I could," he said.

She wanted to open the door and invite him inside. Her body begged her to do it. Instead, she curled her fingers to keep her ring from falling off and withdrew her hand.

"In one day, Prince," she said in a shaking voice.

"Sleep well tonight, then," Julian answered. There was insinuation in his tone that spiked her need.

She closed the door and listened there for his retreating footsteps. When she was sure that he was gone, she returned to the wine flask. This time she poured herself a healthy dose and swallowed it all down at once.


For the first time in two weeks, Flora dreamed of Julian. He crashed through her locked bedroom door and was on her before she could even sit up from her bed. His mouth covered any protest; his hands groped under her nightdress.

Without thought or hesitation, she spread her knees for him.

"I want to hear you scream," he growled, as he fit himself between her legs.



Flora did scream, alone, in her room. She had ripped her nightgown from the hem to her navel. But, like all the times before, she awakened before anything truly sexual happened.

That was one of the moments she would remember of her wedding day. The next was when Marie came in and laced her into her wedding gown. Flora was hidden under layers of transparent 'illusion' but Marie hugged her through it.

"I've missed you, Princess," she whispered.

"And I, you," Flora whispered back. She felt cold.

Later in the day, she was escorted by her father's footman to the chapel. Her father lay there in an ornate bed. Flora could recall speaking her vows and kissing her new husband through the veils. Then, she was escorted out. The wedding wasn't about the bride, after all.

The rest of the day, Flora spent waiting. She sat on the bridal bed in her wedding gown and the layers of veils, waiting for her husband, as tradition prescribed. She fell asleep at some point in the afternoon and jumped awake when she heard laugher outside the door. The room was dim. She hurried to light the lamp but her hands were shaking.

Luckily, the hilarity continued for a while. Flora had time to adjust the light, and her veils, before the door swung open.

"Good night, Gentlemen," Julian said. There was a smile in his voice and laughter met his farewell. He let himself into the bed chamber and closed the door behind him.

Flora, heart sped. Julian's shirt was unfastened past his sternum and the glimpse of his chest through the filmy illusion was identical to what she remembered from her dream. He sauntered across the room and set a bottle and two glasses on the bedside table. Then he drew a chair over to the bed and sat in it.

"You're so tense," he said.

Her hands were clasped in her lap so tightly that her knuckles were white. Julian took them and warmed them between his own. His touch brought back every illicit dream, every near-touch. The warm arousal seemed to travel up her arm. She pinched her lips together.

"I'm not going to ravage you immediately, Princess," he said, teasing. "Did you think I'd be a brute?"

"I've been having dreams," Flora answered in a low voice.

Julian cocked his head and let go of her hands to tug at the edge of her veil. Slowly, he pulled away all of the layers of transparent material. For some reason that made no logical sense, Flora felt vulnerable without it.

"Dreams of me?" Julian asked. Flora nodded. His blue eyes seemed to darken. "Ravaging you?" he added. It also should have been a tease; his tense smile tried to make it one. Still, Flora sensed the answer was very important to him.

"Not quite," she whispered honestly.

A relieved smile spread across his face. "Drink with me," he said. He poured two very full glasses of red wine that was so dark, it was nearly black. He handed her a glass. "A tradition from my culture. Either you'll find me so irresistible that the wine will ease your nerves, or you'll fall asleep. And, then, I must wait... and try harder."

Flora giggled, though mostly out of nervousness. "Is that true?"

"I swear it," he said.

She sipped at the drink, expecting something syrupy. Instead, it was delightfully crisp, fermented from a fruit she hadn't ever tasted before. Something between a pear and an apple.

"You've just turned sixteen, I'm told," he said.

"Three months ago," she said, lifting her chin.

"And so poised."

"How old are you?"

He looked at her for a moment. "Older than I look," he finally said. "So, I'm fascinated by your wedding traditions. Have you really been cloistered for seven days?"

"I have."

"Without even your Marie?"

Flora met his eyes without embarrassment. "Without Marie."

He lifted her right hand and drew the tip of her index finger into his mouth. Her middle finger, too. He sucked on them both until Flora could hear her own breathing.

"Not even any self-pleasure to ease your need," he commented in that velvet voice.

"How do you know these things?" Flora whispered.

A trace of a smile played on his lips. He didn't release her hand. "Drink your wine."

She obliged with another swallow. The warm calm spread.

"I can taste your purity," he said, watching her. She tilted her head and gave him a disbelieving look. "It's true," he said, smiling again. He licked across the pads of her fingers. Her lips parted. "You haven't recently used these to pleasure yourself. Nor to pleasure Marie."

Flora couldn't speak.

"And these lips," he said, releasing her hands and tracing the curve of her lower lip with his index finger. "Have only ever tasted two other pairs of lips besides mine: my advisor's and Marie's."

Flora's breath quickened. How could he know such things? Julian nodded at her wine and she took a long drink.

"I have only a few places left to taste," he said lightly.

Flora felt the blood flow to her cheeks. "I shouldn't know what that means," she said softly, "but the dreams...."

"Where I nearly ravaged you?" he asked in a low, velvet tone.

"Sometimes, it was nearly with your mouth."

His eyes traced the length of her wedding robes. "Tell me."

Flora swallowed and then swallowed some wine. It made the words easier to find. "It was when you were here for our betrothal," she said. "I dreamed we were in here, like this."

He tapped her glass and she sipped again. "Go on."

"You held me, kissing me. Your hands were all...." The memory caught her breath. "You told me... you said, ‘Spread your legs, Princess.’ And you laid me back. Then your head went under my hem."

Julian took a drink from his glass and Flora followed his example. The warmth has stolen all of her nervousness. All that remained was the new and growing want between her legs. She wasn't even certain what she wanted.

"Did it end there?" he asked, his voice with a hint of huskiness.

"No...." Flora said, finishing her glass.

Julian leaned forward. "I insist you tell me the rest."

"I could only... feel you. You kissed my ankles and my thighs. You pressed me wider. I felt your breath. Then...."


".... I woke."

Julian let out his breath. "Damn your innocence," he said softly and not without a measure of amusement. He refilled Flora's glass and topped off his own, abandoning his chair and sitting on the bed next to her. "And what happened next? After you woke."

"Marie heard me yelling," Flora said. "She woke me and got into bed with me."

"Did she kiss you?"

"Yes," Flora whispered.

"Did she touch your pretty breasts?"

Flora sipped at her wine. "Yes," she finally whispered.

Julian's eyes fell to her bodice. "How can I blame Marie? I would do the same. I must admit, though, I would find it difficult to stop there." Julian's eyes traced the length of her. "Did she stop there, Princess?"

"She did."

"I'll know if you're misleading me. It would be better to tell me now."

Flora lifted her chin. "I'm not misleading you."

He ran a finger over the neckline of her wedding dress, reaching around behind her and untying the lacing at the back. The tight material relaxed around her breasts. She swallowed her fear. No man had ever seen her naked. What if she was unattractive? The dress's lacing loosened down her back; she didn't even feel his fingers working the strings. She only knew that her breathing was easier and the silk had gapped away from her skin.

"Stand," he instructed.

Flora did and the heavy wedding frock sagged away from her. She slipped the sleeves over her shoulders, carefully managing her drink, and yards of creamy silk fell in a puddle at her feet. She still wore a chemise and a corset, but the corset didn't cinch her breasts. Only cobweb-thin cotton covered her there.

She took a longer drink of her wine.

Julian pulled her back on to the bed. "My sweet, innocent wife," he asked, sitting back. "Tell me, have you ever seen a nude man?"


He broke into a wide, wicked grin. Then, he backed away so she could get a better look. He stripped his shirt and then his pants, letting his erection swung free. Flora's eyes traced his form. Muscled and solid. Ridges where she had curves. Powerfully beautiful, really. She only stole glances at his arousal.

"Come here," he said, holding out a hand.

Flora rose up onto her knees, her nervousness returned. She took his hand, as she knew she must. He placed it on his swollen erection, covered her small grip with his own, and worked her hand up and down.

Flora flushed scarlet. She also throbbed between her legs without knowing really why.

"Kiss it," he told her, still working himself with her hand.

Her lips parted in surprise but he waited. She took a deep breath and bent over at the waist, kissing the tip of his fisted organ. Silky moisture wet her lips. She licked them.

"Oh," she gasped.

"Yes, Princess?" he said in his velvety, sly voice.

It was a heavenly taste. Just that little bit warmed her stomach like alcohol. She looked up at her new husband.

"May I kiss it again?"

Hot pleasure shone on his face. "Of course."

Moisture beaded at the tip of his penis. She opened her lips and licked it with her tongue before she pressed greedy lips against the head. She sucked a little bit until he made a pleased sound. Heat flooded her body as the taste spread across her tongue. The throbbing between her legs doubled in intensity.

She looked up at him again. Sweat stood out on his chest. "Do you like it when I do that?" she asked.

"Very much," he answered, his voice almost a purr. "But there's something that I would like more."

Julian traced the lips of her upturned face and put his thumb into her mouth. Gently, gently, he eased her mouth open and even with his erection. Equally gently, he eased his thumb out of her mouth and his cock into it.

Her eyes widened as he pressed himself to the back of her throat.

"Suck," he commanded.

She closed her lips around his organ, saw him flinch when her teeth brushed him, and adjusted to please him. Slowly, he pulled out of her mouth, stopping so her tongue could taste the tip, and then eased himself back in. Flora's nipples hardened to the slow, masterful possession of her mouth. He used her like this for a minute or more.

Then, with an increasing rhythm, he hit the back of her throat and pressed further.

She pulled back but his hands on the back of her head stopped her. Slowly, he fed his cock down her throat. She gaged and her eyes watered. She looked up at him, almost in a panic.

"I know you can't breathe," he said, holding himself there. "But I promise that I'll reward you for this."

He eased back and she gasped for breath. Her eyes streamed.

"Good girl," he praised.

Then, he pressed into her again, holding her head, and sliding into her throat and out of it. He made husky, lusty sounds. Sounds that made Flora aware of her own heat.

He pulled back. Again, she gasped for air. Her already wet eyes flooded. When he pressed into her a third time, though, she managed to relax her throat so he slid deep in his first thrust.

"Oh," he moaned. "Best girl." He thrust so deeply that his hair tickled her nose; her mouth was at the root.

Flora didn't feel a bit like herself. That warm fluid from his penis had made its way from her stomach to every part of her body. Her toes tingled when he moaned. Her hands inched to his hard flanks and encouraged his thrusts.

"And, your reward, my pet," he grunted in a strained tone. He stopped his thrust, shuddered, and let out a long low moan. Hot fluid ran down her throat. Accepting it wasn't a choice. Warmth flooded Flora's belly. A bolus of desire bloomed. Suddenly, she was deeply aware of her need. It was as urgent as thirst or breath.

He withdrew his cock and fluid spilled onto her tongue. She savored the taste in her mouth and lay back on the bed. Her body was on fire. Her hands caressed her breasts through the thin cotton and she was neither embarrassed nor satisfied by the action. Her hands started to travel over her corset, but Julian caught her wrist.

"Poor wife," he cooed.

"Is this normal?" Flora asked breathlessly. "I feel like... like...." She didn't know the proper word. "I'm heated," she finally said.

"Veilander seed is potent," Julian said, sounding satisfied. "It sustains a proper virgin for the three day wedding celebrations."

"Three days of celebrations?"

"Three days and three nights," he confirmed. Then, rich, full lips brushed hers so gently that she forgot any further questions. His touch was bellows to a fire.

His kiss skimmed the skin of her jaw, her collarbone, and finally her smooth, powdered chest. By the time he was at her breasts, her nipples were hard and aching. He took one between his lips, through the cotton and she gasped. He took the other one between two fingers and pinched it gently. She mewled in pleasure.

"Spread your knees for me. I'd like to see for myself about your purity"

Flora's body was aflame. Julian's voice seemed to command her. She opened her knees and his hand went under her chemise. It skimmed the insides of her thighs so lightly, her whole body trembled.

"Wider," he said, lifting his face from her breast and looking into her eyes.

She obliged and his hand finished its travels. He spread her much more gently than the doctor had when she was examined. His finger slid between her folds, seeming to look for something, and then massaged her. Her breath came in surprised shudders.

When Julian withdrew his hand, Flora nearly groaned.

When Julian put his slick finger into his own mouth and tasted her, he actually did groan.

He put his fingers to his nose and breathed through them. He inhaled a second time. His eyes seem to glow; somehow, he even seemed to get wider through his chest; his erection started to climb again.

"You've never even come," Julian whispered, a type of wonder in his voice.

"I beg your pardon," Flora replied.

His hand went back under her chemise. Slowly, softly, he traced a line up the inside of Flora's thigh. When he reached the apex again, Flora's need seemed to double. He toyed with her moist, soft hair.

"Have you never played with yourself here, Princess? I know you haven't recently, but, never?"

"No," she said. Her voice was breathless. "Though you make me wonder now, why I haven't."

He chuckled. “It will be my pleasure to show you what it’s for.”

He was notably eager and visibly flushed. He opened Flora's corset, using the hooks and eyes running down the front and tossing it aside. He pushed her cotton shift up until it was tangled around her arms. She had nothing on underneath.

Her breathing picked up when she couldn't free her arms from the cotton.

"Easy," he told her, caressing her bared breasts. Caressing her torso and shoulders. Stroking her neck. Stoking the desire that already left her fevered.

He crouched next to her on the bed and took a hardened nipple into his mouth; one hand held her restrained arms still over her head while his other hand traced a shivery trail from her hip to her inner thigh.

"Oh," Flora gasped.

"Yes, Princess?" Julian said, looking up for a moment, circling her nipple with a wet, soft tongue.

"That's so--" He sucked on her nipple and her back arched. "--exquisite."

That soft but insistent hand parted her thighs. It parted her skin. It found a swollen, sensitive node in the drenched flesh and circled it with tender pressure until her legs peeled wide. Julian slipped up her body until he was eye to eye with her.

He kissed Flora's lips while he worked her sex without penetrating her. Her nipples were so hard. Her hips moved against his touch. One hand gripped her pillow.

"I love seeing you like this," he whispered in her ear. "I'm going to make you do this to yourself while I watch."

"If it pleases you," her voice was strained.

"What a perfect answer."

Flora seemed to rise and rise, and then her senses exploded into pleasure. The sound the ripped from her throat was feral. She'd never imagined that bliss could be so focused, intense, and universal, all at the same time. She undulated and shuddered, never wanting the feeling to end. Only sensitivity eased her motions.

Flora opened her eyes. Julian's full lips touched hers again even as his touch slowed.

"Whatever you just did," she said, catching her breath, "thank you."

"An orgasm," Julian told her. "The first of many. Calmer?"

"Not a bit."

He chuckled. "No. I imagine not."

Then, he dipped his head to her breast and suckled her; she cried out but it didn't stop him. He used his teeth gently and his tongue even more gently, until her back arched. He put her hand on his already-hard organ and helped her work it. When he rolled on top of her, Julian's cock was thick and hard against her thigh.

He pushed her knees wide and held them in place as he lay on top of her. Slowly, sensually, he kissed her. She moaned against his mouth and it only made him more ardent. Something silky and blunt rubbed over the spread wetness between her legs. After a few strokes, it fitted itself into her and pressed.

All of her heat and want focused in a single place. "Now," she pleaded against his lips.

The pressure gave way to pain and her flesh yielded to his thrust. She cried out and he moaned at the sound. His lips pressed to hers again. Another hard thrust split her; she felt him deeper. Her cry took on the edge of a moan.

He held himself inside her, pressing his pelvis against her. "It hurts a little the first time," he said in a velvet tone. "I like knowing that."

He pulled all of the way out and slowly and pressed all the way back in. He did it again. The pain faded. The throb returned. Her breath came out in a shudder.

He thrust into her faster; her hips tilted to meet his.

"That's my little minx," he growled.

Her body warmed to the motion. His smooth, hard penetration satisfied the burning need that the taste of him had sparked. She opened her legs as wide as they would go, hoping he would understand the invitation.

And, clearly he did.

He drove himself into her, his mouth on her neck and his fingers toying with her nipple. The pleasure started much deeper inside her this time. It bloomed from her stomach out and hit her like a wave. She clutched at him as she shuddered through the pleasure.

It only made him thrust harder.

"Yes," she gasped.

It was her voice that undid him. He faltered, hesitated, and moaned, falling on her. In a few moments, he withdrew, spilling his seed on her thigh.

They lay side-by-side, breathing heavily. It was quiet and cool; Julian didn't try to talk to her. After the tension of the day, and the force of two orgasms, Flora's eyes started to droop. She knew that she was supposed to make herself available all night but sleep started to claim her.



Before Flora was even completely conscious, she was aware of the insistent throb that still tormented her from between her legs. That, in spite the very new, very satisfying sex she experienced the night before. The reality of her life came rushing back to her: she was married. She barely knew her husband and, yet, she ached for him.

Her eyes fluttered open. The first thing she saw was Julian’s handsome face next to her on the pillow.

“I fell asleep,” she said almost guiltily.

“Yes, you did. Though, I can hardly blame you.”

“I apologize for cutting our wedding night short,” she said, lowering her eyes.

“No need. The Veiland tradition is three days of celebration.”

She look at him and really understood what he was saying. When he had mentioned three days of celebrations the night before, she had been too distracted to really understand what he meant. In her innocence, she had equated a celebration with food, drink, and dancing. However, his tone now suggested something very different.


“It will take at least that for the aphrodisiac to wear off. In fact....” He ran a soft hand under the covers and over Flora’s body. She sighed and pressed into the touch without even thinking about it. His hand slipped between her legs; she was dripping. She moaned and spread her thighs in a most unladylike way.

“Come here, Princess,” he said in that amused, rich voice.

He took her hand and pulled her out of bed. They were both still nude, so she had a moment to admire the hardness of his body. She couldn’t help but notice his erection, already purple-headed and ready. He sat in one of the richly upholstered chairs and drew her astride him.

“Kiss me,” he instructed her. She did as he said, loving the rumpled feel of waking mixed with her morning need. His mouth just made her aching worse.

He lifted her a little, impaling her on his hardened organ without any additional foreplay. While she adjusted to his size anew, he played with her breasts, making her moan. He put an arm around her waist, using it as leverage for hard, upward thrusts. She moved with him.

In moments, her pleasure built like a bubble. She used Julian’s shoulders to steady herself. His mouth played over her skin.

A tap at the bedroom door made her jump and turn. Her arousal wouldn’t go away, but surprise joined it. She would have dismounted if Julian hadn’t held her in place. His cock throbbed inside her, not softening in the least.

To Flora’s astonishment, Julian said, “Come in.”

“Julian,” she gasped.

But the bedroom door swung open and a Veilander that she hadn’t seen before stepped inside. He was more slender than Julian, but he shared those bright blue eyes. He look a long, appraising look at the scene in front of him. Julian thrust into Flora again; her shudder of pleasure made her gasp despite herself.

“People downstairs are starting to ask about you,” the stranger said. He moved closer to the chair and brushed escaped wisps of Flora’s still-braided hair over her shoulder. “Though I understand why you might delay coming down.”

Julian put both hands on Flora’s hips and moved her up and down on his shaft. She wanted him to stop; she wanted to retain a moment of dignity. But, all she could do was enjoy the shivering pleasure every stroke gave her and reward him with pleased whimpers.

The stranger stepped up behind her. She couldn’t see him but a light touch played down her spine.

“We'll be down soon, Brother,” Julian said.

“Brother?” Flora whispered.

Julian's lips grazed her neck. "My mother's son," he breathed. "And my most trusted advisor. Now your brother-in-law, Lucas."

"When Julian is home in Veiland," Lucas said from behind her, "I will see to things here for him.” His hands went to her waist and warm lips pressed against the back of her neck.

Flora moaned without meaning to. Something about having four hands on her instead of two just made her aching more intense. Even with Julian taking her, her need didn’t ebb.

“There’s still one place on my new bride that remains unexplored,” Julian said, looking over Flora’s shoulder. “I wasn’t going to introduce her to the others until I’ve opened her last door.”

“Of course,” Lucas said. “I’ll just leave you to—“

“Unless you would like to,” Julian interrupted.

Flora’s body quivered. She wasn’t sure exactly what they were talking about but the aphrodisiac worked on her body. Everything sounded arousing.

Lucas’s hands slipped up her rib cage and cupped her breasts. Two hands on her hips and two hands on her breasts. Gently, Julian slipped his hands onto her backside and spread her.

“You’re too generous, Brother,” Lucas said. A wet mouth traced a line down her spine. It went lower and lower. Julian stopped his movements. It made Flora groan, but only for a moment. The moment it took for Lucas’s tongue to slip down her crack and massage her anus. To gently poke his tongue into her. She moaned in Julian’s ear and contracted around his cock.

“She’s absolutely fresh,” Lucas said with admiration.

“She's perfect,” Julian replied, kissing her lips again. Flora warmed to his praise.

Lucas used his tongue back up Flora’s body and Julian’s thrusts resumed. A hard, wide shaft of flesh pressed against Flora’s tense virginity.

“Julian,” she said nervously. But she couldn’t deny that a new warm wetness lubricated Julian’s shaft, and that the new wetness came from her arousal.

“Shhh, Princess.”

She started to open to Lucas. She couldn’t believe that her body would accept something so large, but it did. The pain, though, was more than she’d felt losing her virginity. She cried out before he was halfway inside.

Julian felt for her most sensitive place. It was nearly trapped between their bodies, but he found it. She moaned when he hit it and her hands tightened on him when he made a rhythm out of the stroking. Lucas completed his entry with a satisfied grunt.

It was a trio of motion. Lucas and Julian see-sawed in and out of her. Her husband kissed her and played with her sex; his brother thrust into her with increasing force. She felt his teeth on her shoulder. Flora rocked back and forth, well past the pain and back to seeking pleasure, so deliciously full.

The only orgasms she’d had were the ones that Julian had given her. Still, as this mass of pleasure and tension built, she could tell it wouldn’t be like something she had already felt. Her body started to shake. She reached for it. Then, a crashing pleasure rained down on her. Her whole body clenched and the brothers moaned in unison. They worked her harder, making her writhe.

She couldn’t say how long the dance went on. Nor could she say if being had by both brothers gave her one, long, shattering orgasm or a dozen in a string. She only knew that her ears rang, her senses swam, and she still widened her legs hoping for more pleasure.

They used her as harshly as they liked. She didn’t make a single protest.

Lucas came first, his seed dripping on the back of her legs. Then Julian, his mouth slack on a nipple, raced to his conclusion. Their thrusting stopped and slowly each man withdrew from her. She dripped from both front and back.

“If you bring her downstairs, you might not get her back,” Lucas commented breathlessly.

“Oh I will,” was Julian’s dark reply. “During the day, I’ll share. At night, the princess is mine.” He seemed satisfied as he watched Flora trying to catch her breath. “Tell them that we’ll be down within the hour.” It was clearly a dismissal.

“Of course. We’ll all be waiting.”

Lucas backed out of the room. Julian took another long look at Flora. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” he said. “My people would like to meet their new Lady.”



There was a bath attached to the bridal chamber. Though she didn't have time to properly bathe, Flora freshened herself with a basin of warm water and scented soap. She splashed cool water on her face.

When she wasn’t having sex, Flora's shame returned. What had happened to her? Purity and modesty were the standards for women in her world. Until now, she had been a master at both. She tried to calm her mind and failed miserably. All she could think of was how the rough cloth and warm water felt against her skin.

Though the bath was private, Julian let himself in without knocking. He wore just his trousers from the night before and no shirt. "Are you refreshed?" he asked.

"Yes. Shall I wear my morning-after dress?"

"I think you look lovely as you are."

She glanced down at herself, as if she needed to confirm what she already knew. "I'm naked, Julian."

"I can see."

She flushed and her heated arousal grew again. "I couldn't possibly--"

"Would you insult me and my court?"

His voice was stern but his eyes still twinkled. She got the distinct impression that he was enjoying her discomfort. She had to bend; she had no choice. He knew that even better than she did.

"Are you unhappy with me," she asked desperately.

"On the contrary. I'm extraordinarily pleased with you."

"Then why would you choose to humiliate me this way?"

He lifted her chin and kissed her. "Why would you choose to be humiliated? They only want to admire you."


"Would it make you feel better if I was naked, as well?" he said, his voice a tease.

"It might."

A smile played at the corner of his mouth. He took off his pants. Most of his erection had already returned. "Ready, now, Princess?"

"All right, then," she whispered.

She hadn't ever been naked in the halls of her father's palace. The enormous blocks of stone just reminded her of how soft and vulnerable she was. Of how much the movement of the air around her breasts stimulated her.

The came to the door of the Great Hall. Flora took a deep breath and reached for a dignified expression. Julian smiled at her and opened the door.

Nothing could have prepared her for the scene inside.

To Flora's eye, it was a room crammed with the very things she had been taught to avoid. Only Veilanders remained and they were in every stage of undress. Empty wine and liquor bottles lined one wall and the unopened ones lined another wall. Music played, but the musicians were quite visibly drunk. The sounds they made had a steady rhythm but only flat, slouching tones.

Couples kissed and some copulated. Laughter drew Flora's ear and wild dancing drew her eyes. As Julian led her into the room, though, a quietness fell over everyone. All eyes turned to them. Flora flushed but Julian wouldn't let her stop. He drew her to the throne, which somehow remained empty.

"Princess Flora," he said, lifting her hand. "My wife."

Applause sounded. Julian started to help her sit in her father's throne, but she protested. "This is your place," she tried to whisper.

"Not tonight," he replied.

So she sat. She did it as she was taught, even if she wasn't wearing royal robes: straight backed, her knees close together, and her chin lifted. Only when Julian knelt beside her, did she realize that holding court wasn't the purpose of this introduction.

He spread her knees. Then he hung each of her legs over the arms of the Great Throne; she was spread, lewd, and open to the guests to see. Dripping with arousal, throbbing with need.


"Quiet, Wife." He lashed her legs to the throne and then he tied her wrists to her legs. "They're going to pay tribute."

A line formed. Flora's flush couldn't have been hotter, but neither could her need have been. An older man stepped forward first. He was balding and he had his organ in his hand. He knelt in front of Flora's splayed body and gave one long, sensual lick over her entire sex.

Flora's long throaty moan echoed through the chamber. He continued for a moment longer. Then, he stood, bowed, and backed away. Julian ladled something out of a pot and poured it over her sex. It was icy water, rinsing her, shocking her arousal.

A second man knelt before her. This one lapped at her hard. She writhed against him. She nearly started to feel the promise of orgasm when he stopped and bowed. The cold water shocked her again.

Breathlessly, Flora looked at the line stretching around the room. A woman knelt before her this time. She spread Flora's sex with two hands and rubbed her mouth into the princess.

"Yes," Flora moaned, the stimulation and the arousal too much.

But the touch was too short to bring her to a conclusion. And the line moved on. For well over an hour, eager tongues penetrated her and lapped at her, without letting her have any satisfaction. Men and women, young and old, they all tasted her.

When just a few people remained, she was gasping and begging. "Please, Julian," she whimpered.

He poured the icy water over her and she cried out. She could see couples all over the room pleasing one another; it made her need more urgent.

The last person in the line was Lucas. He licked his lips and knelt. "Let me finish her," he said, looking up at Julian.

"How I do indulge you," Julian said.

Lucas's tongue had a determined lash to it. And Flora had been so close to the edge of pleasure so many times, she was nearly mad from it. When he didn't stop after a moment, she pressed into his mouth. She strained at her binds.

"Oh please," she begged.

She started shaking before the orgasm ripped into her. She cried out but Lucas was relentless. His enthusiasm as much as his friction sent her to a shuddering orgasm that left her seeing stars and clenching her teeth. While she recovered, his lazy tongue cleaned her. She felt like a well-satisfied cat.

Then, she looked around. All the other sex-acts in the room had stopped. Everyone was watching her. Some of the men fondled themselves. Suddenly her body ached anew. It was as if she hadn’t had release just moments before.

Julian untied her. He knelt beside her and said, “Three days, Princess.”

Lucas took Flora’s hand and led her from the throne, down the steps, into the revelers. Someone tied a blindfold over her eyes. After that, all she remembered was hands on every part of her body. Moist mouths on her skin. Two tongues lapping at her nipples. Rough fingers massaging between her legs.

They lifted her and lay her on her back on something rough and wooden. A table. Mouths on her breasts and between her legs. A finger pressing into her backside, then two working her. And, finally, unmistakably, a cock feverishly entering her slick hole. His thrusts pushed her head over the edge of the table and a rough pair of hands captured her face. Another cock pressed against her mouth. She opened her greedy lips.

Flora felt glorious. Fingers caressed her sensitive skin; mouths kissed her neck. An errant finger toyed with her pleasure, even as she was used. The member down her throat gagged her or the whole room would have heard her pleasure.

The man between her legs went faster. The man in her throat suddenly hardened more. She drew on him but couldn’t swallow everything he gave. She tried, though.

There was a voice in her ear. “My princess.”

Someone turned her sideways so that her head was back on the table. She sensed someone kneeling over her. While the man pounded between her legs, a woman’s musk settled over her lips. Flora clasped her hands on silky thighs, and pulled her sex closer.

The man between her legs went into a tense, steady stroke. He moaned as he came. Flora felt it dripping from her. Then, tongues lapped there, cleaning her, poking into her, stoking her to writhing pleasure.

It went on like this all day.

Flora couldn’t get enough. She almost moaned with disappointment, when the sex stopped hours later and warm, scented cloths washed away semen and sweat. But then she was returned to Julian and he used her through the night.

“Husband…,” she asked as she rode him.

His hands played with her breasts. “Yes, my love.”

“What if I conceive?”

“Then we will all rejoice.”

“How will you know it’s yours?”

He sat up, wrapped his arms around her and speared himself into her. She moaned and gripped him with her knees.

“It will be Veilander; it will be mine.”

He continued the assault until they both cried out in pleasure.



Looking back, Flora didn’t understand how she could have made it through such a rigorous three days without pain. And, in all honesty, there was soreness, but always with that tingle of need behind it.

Each day was an orgy of pleasure. Each night a marathon of sex with her husband. And though each day was filled with new delights, Flora longed to get back to Julian. Her body liked him most of all. She loved the way his eyes glowed when she fell on her knees before him, before he even asked.

On the third day, in the late afternoon, she finally started to feel tired. The mood in the room shifted.

“It’s all right, my love,” Julian whispered to her as she was lowered into warm water. “The aphrodisiac is wearing off.”

Hands kneaded her muscles and others washed her. Her hair was brushed and braided. Then she was dried and returned to the throne room, where Julian waited. Everyone waited. He stroked himself, though he didn’t need to. He was already engorged.

Flora smiled at him, remembering her dreams, now knowing how they ended. She went to the table closest to him, presented her back to him, and bent over it. She heard his chuckle and she heard him rise. When he slapped her backside, it echoed through the room. So did her moan that followed it.

He entered her roughly and it was like the whole room sighed. One hand found her pleasure while the other used her shoulder for leverage. She felt utterly possessed by him.

“You and I are going to get along just fine, Princess,” he said, grinding into her.

She turned her head and whispered, her voice hitching, “I like my wifely duties very much.”

His fingers turned determined. His stroke was brutal.

“Come,” he told her. “And let them hear it.”

It was so powerful, she couldn’t help but cry out, her fingernails scraping the tabletop, her voice already hoarse. Nor did it seem to end. He stopped and started his thrust, even as he played with her and the pleasurable shocks kept her mewing and writhing for minutes. She didn’t remember anything after that.



It was odd to put on clothes after three days of nudity. It was odd for Flora to rejoin the duties she’d had before she was married. But, it was good to see her father again.

“You’re so pale,” she told him. “Have they been giving you the tea I left?”

He pulled a face. “You can’t keep me from dying, Flora. Certainly not with a tea that smells like sour rags.”

She could see his decline and it broke her heart. But, she hid her grief and told him what she could of Julian. He made the effort to smile for her as well.

Flora met with the Veilanders who had moved into the castle. Some of them must have been among those who used her. She recognized a few faces from those who had lined up to lick her sex. It made her throb to think of it. Still, not a single person treated her with anything but the upmost respect.

Every night, Julian drove her to pleasure, again and again. He whispered to her through the act, patiently, instructing her at how to please him better. Flora was an eager learner and bright besides.

It wasn’t long before her mouth left his knees wobbly without any instruction at all.

She never denied him. And when, three weeks into their marriage, her bleeding was four days late, Julian was the one who urged caution to her optimism.

“You’ve lost your virginity, my love. You’ve been under the influence of the aphrodisiac. Your cycle could be affected.”

A few days later, when Julian prepared to go back to Veiland to do his monthly duties, Flora still remained bloodless.

“I will miss you,” she told Julian. She meant it, too.

He smirked at her. “I have a gift for you. Perhaps it will ease your loneliness.” There was a soft rap at the bedroom door. “Impeccable timing,” he added.

He opened the door and Marie stood there, looking nervous, clutching her hands together. “You sent for me, your Majesty,” she whispered.

“Yes,” he said. “Come in.”

Flora’s smile split her face. Marie hesitated, but only for a second, before she hurried into the room and curtsied.

“She may stay with you while I’m away,” Julian said fondly. “She may even touch your pretty breasts, if you like.”

“You are too generous, Husband,” Flora said.

He crossed the room. Marie backed away from him. Julian lifted Flora’s chin and looked into her eyes. “I can hardly wait to return to you.” He kissed her cheek and whispered. “My cock will be weeping.”

“Shall we take a moment alone?” Flora offered in a whisper. “Before you go, so I can console it.”

Julian’s eyes flickered to Marie. But then, he sighed. “I’m late leaving already.” He kissed her, long and lingering. And then again, possessively.

He looked back at Marie. “Recall our conversation?”

“Yes, Highness.” Her voice was barely a whisper.

Flora looked up at her husband, her eyebrows a question. He kissed her quickly; she knew it was to stop her mouth.

“Come back to me safely,” she said after the kiss broke, instead of what she wanted to.

He smiled, looked back at Marie one more time, and left.

Flora held up a finger to Marie, listened for a few seconds, then opened her arms.

“Now, come here,” she whispered.

Marie ran to her. They clung to one another.



They spent an hour doing nothing but kissing. Sitting on the bed, then laying on the bed, then laying atop one another.

Flora’s hands wandered first, down to the layers of material covering Marie’s breasts. She noticed it when her lady stiffened.

“What troubles you?” Flora whispered.

Marie tried, and failed, to speak twice.

“Does it have something to do with the conversation you had with my husband?”

Marie flushed. “Yes.”

“You should tell me.”

“He came to me while you were with the Veilanders. To thank me for my restraint with you.”

“What else.”

“He knew I wasn’t pure.” Her color was almost purple. Flora tilted her head. “He knew I’d been with one of the kitchen girls. And two of the visiting ladies. And Miss Brown.”

Flora started to giggle. “All that?”

Marie answered with a sheepish smile.

“Miss Brown? The head house maid?” Flora pushed.

“She was my first. I was barely sixteen. A masterful woman,” she said with a dreamy look.

“And Julian didn’t like that?”

Her eyes fell. “He said… he said I could only use my tongue on you. Clean you, like the proper whore I am. Only please you. Never accept pleasure from the princess, he said. Otherwise, I might find myself dismissed.”

“Really?” Flora said, standing and going behind Marie, undoing her lacing. She slid the material over her lady’s shoulders. Marie’s nipples were taut through the thin cotton fabric. Flora nuzzled her.


“We’re following his every rule,” Flora said, mouthing Marie’s nipples through the fabric. “I can’t tell you how this pleases me.”

Marie giggled and her hands nimbly did away with Flora’s dress, as well. They lost the rest of their clothes between kisses.

Marie’s soft lips trailed down Flora’s torso. “He said I mustn’t penetrate you, either,” Marie whispered. She parted Flora gently, her soft tongue playing, her full lips nibbling.

“I have no need,” Flora gasped. “Just don’t stop what you’re doing.”

The soft teasing edged her higher and higher. She pressed into Marie’s mouth. When, finally, her pleasure broke, it was sweet, pure intensity. She moaned and undulated, draining every drop of sensation.

Marie kissed back up her body and held her. Flora held her back just as tightly.

“There is one more thing,” Marie said.

“Good heavens. Did my husband also prescribe specific positions?”

Marie giggled but quickly sobered. “This isn’t about him. This is about your cousins.”

“The ones imprisoned?”

“They’ve requested an audience with you.”

Flora bit her lip. They had betrayed her father so many years ago, she didn’t even think of them as family anymore. “I’ve heard nothing of it,” she said.

“That’s because your husband refused the request. He also instructed that you not be bothered by it.”

Flora sighed. “If it’s a leniency plea, I have no say about such things.”

“No. They claim that they have information about threats to you father’s country.”

Flora sat up and looked at Marie. “Does he?” Marie nodded. “Said who?”

“I spoke to your cousins myself.”

“Have they asked for my father?”

“They have. The request was denied for health reasons.”

Flora chewed at her lip. She was very sure that if her father wouldn’t deny such a request if he knew about it. Even while his health failed, he continued to complete his royal obligations.

Marie pulled the comforter back over both of them. They cuddled, naked under it.

“Perhaps I’ll pay a visit to the prisoners tomorrow,” Flora said.

“It would best be done discreetly,” Marie replied.

“I’ll bear that in mind.”



Flora slipped down to the dungeons the next morning before the moon had set. The only people awake were servants. The guard, a Veilander, napped in a chair. Flora just slipped past him. They didn’t keep many prisoners at the castle. There were only the two traitors inside.

Flora clicked one of her heavy, jeweled rings against the bars until her cousin started awake.

“Flora!” He sprung to his feet.

“You have no right to call me that,” she said. “I am your princess. Nothing more.”

He lowered his eyes.

“I’m here because you had a message for me,” she added.

“Yes.” Her cousin looked up again. “I needed to warn you and your father. The Veilanders. You can’t trust them.”

Flora lifted her eyebrows at the man. Surely, he saw the irony.

“Princess, please believe me.”

“The word of a traitor over that of my own husband?”

His face paled. Flora could see it even in the low light. “Husband,” he breathed. “So quickly.”

“My father’s health demanded it. As did your impending insurrection.”

“Listen to me,” he said, stepping forward, putting his hands on the bars. “Please. It may not be too late.”

“Why should I listen to anything you say?”

“Because I’ve seen what they really look like,” he said, his knuckles whitening. “The Veilanders. I’ve seen them and they’re not human.”


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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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My little Whore Mother

Note : This story is completely fictional! I was downstairs in my room when the night of my life that I would never have even thought of, and the thought of it all would never have even crossed my mind was about to happen. I was down in my room and had just finished my arm workouts for the night, when my mother yelled down Would you come upstairs and help me move this dresser? So of course I went up and helped her move the dresser (which really wasn't that hard but hey it gave me something to...

3 years ago
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Fiona Alice Mother daughter Two whores are better than one

It happened on June the 30th 2005, Alices 19th birthday. Id got up around 10am, absolutely exhausted from my previous days hard graft then fucking Fiona until late last night. I was seriously pleased I had the day off, it was Alices birthday and I knew that shed booked the day off. My plan was to spend the day fucking Alice all over the house whilst everyone else was at work. I needed a cup of tea to wake me up so headed to the kitchen. Stood pouring a tea at the worktop was Alice, she was...

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Ass Whore Part1 the mother who worships her son

"Bzzzzzzz", my cellphone vibrated. I rolled over and grabbed it to look at the new text message.I knew who it'd be from. I was expecting it almost an hour ago."How was it? - Mom" Her face on the top right corner beamed back at me with a broad smile.I smiled and typed with one hand, while propped up on elbow of the other."Ok. I guess." I sent it."Ok? What do you mean okay? - Mom""I am tired" I typed back trying to end the conversation."Tell me, you asshole. - Mom""You can ask her.  I am too...

2 years ago
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Conservative Marathi Mother Turns Whore Part 3

Hello all, welcome to the third part of my story. In the previous part as I had told you how my mom admitted she wanted to be a slut and became one and how she had turned a nympho. My house was full of sex all the time. How she had sex with men at home and with me every night. Even at 52 how her hunger for sex was so high and how she had sex so many times. Coming to the story, my mother had asked me to take leave for a week as we were going to goa. I was a bit surprised and was thinking what...

1 year ago
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My Dirty Whore of a Mother

100% fiction! The author would appreciate any comments - both positive (naturally) And negative - as long as they are logical and constructive. Those who decide to waste their time writing "flames" will find that they have succeeded in doing just that and that alone as they will receive no response. I hope that you find that my work is provocative enough to be worthy of your comments. I would also appreciate it greatly if you would E-mail your comments directly to me (wolf_man_rex at yahoo dot...

2 years ago
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Whorestone Heroes of Whorecraft

"Oh!" chuckles the Innkeeper as you push open the door. "I can tell you have some new stories tonight!" What started as a joke by Blizzard's Team 5 turned out to be a punchline nobody saw coming. The world of Hearthstone spawned an entire universe unto itself, uniting players who enjoyed the lore and history behind its MMO predecessor, and those who became hopelessly addicted to a free-to-play card game that didn't take itself too seriously. It was really only a matter of time before Rule 34...

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Conservative Marathi Mother Turns Whore Gives Pleasure 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, this is Hardick (thats what my gf calls me) without wasting time I will come to the story. In my family there are two people left me and my mom, asha I am 26 and my mom is 52 but she looks hot as she is just turned 40. She has a great busty figure of 38d-34-38, her milky thighs are mouthwatering. And I m 26 not muscular but lil plump having a 6.5 inches dick and a horny son of my mother. My father left us two years back, and went and settled with a rich bitch, rather she bought...

3 years ago
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Hotwife Mother and Whore for the Family Business

The bad economy over the past five years or so has been devastating for many companies. That is especially true for small businesses that don’t have the resources to ride out the hard times. Larger companies can survive by laying off employees, or otherwise having adequate funding. Our family was especially hard hit since I lost my job as an administrative assistant in a large company, and my husband’s small business suffered the loss of customers and sales volume.My name is Cassie, and I was...

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I mothered my Father in Laws Kid8230

Lust is a forbidden fruit in our society especially when you are married.I would like to share an experience with my dear readers wherein i had an opportunity of having the forbidden fruit.My name is Rathi.27 years old.Fair,voluptuous and many has admired my beauty. My boobs were really huge and this used to attract a lot of people wherever i go.I had an arranged marriage.My husband is a very loving person but a bit reserved when it comes to sex. Sex is just a mode of reproduction for him.So...

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Snow White The Queen

-Alice Hoffman *** "Mirror, mirror, on the wall…" "What's that, mother?" The Queen turned away from the glass. Her stepdaughter sat at the tower window, embroidery in her lap, looking puzzled. "Just something I used to say when I was a little girl," said the Queen. "A rhyming game. There's a second part to it, but I can never remember how it goes." She looked at the mirror again, frowning over her reflection. Something didn't look quite right about it. It was...

4 years ago
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Queen Aromas Festive Party

Chapter 1:The Invitation"Oh look at that, we got an invite to Queen Aroma's annual festive party!"My gorgeous brunette queen Hannah tells me with a grin.She's standing in the kitchen, going through her mail as I'm knelt behind her, my head tucked away out of sight under her pink fluffy dressing gown, sniffing her delightful bare ass.It's early in the morning, a week before Christmas, and she's still not fully awake just yet, yawning as she sips her coffee, and places her invitation carefully...

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The Queens Whipping

The Queen could not believe what she was reading;a letter had arrived from the Abbess of the Abbey of St.Deaglan that was accusing her of cowardice.It had all started a long time ago,when the now Queen was a young Princess.Her father,the King had made sure that a girl of noble birth would be appointed as a 'Whipping Girl' this girl would take any beating that the then Princess should have received, "Her Royal skin shall not feel the hand or the lash...the 'Whipping Girl will be honoured for...

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The Queen

The Queen lay back on her featherbed, urging the young lad that was betwixt her legs onward. He was young, far younger than she usually chose, but he was eager to please, and she eager to train, he glanced up at his mistress, his lips, nose and chin glistening from her essence. He replaced the void of his mouth with three of his work worn fingers and stroked her as she had shown him until she writhed on the bed. Without much warning the Queen spun the lad until he was pinned betwixt her legs,...

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Enslave the Queen

It had been months fighting but the Mokrull finally was closing in on the Gyu. Their complete takeover was imminent. Until now the Gyu's superior intelligence and agile execution of their training had been the key to their survival. But the Mokrull's size and superior strength gave them an advantage at hand to hand combat.The Mokrull are a race of hideous Mongrel-like humanoids, each one weighing somewhere between 300lbs to anywhere as large as 500 lbs (very little of it actually being fat...

4 years ago
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Katie Becomes A Whore For Her Brothers Chapter 2

"What's wrong, Katie", her father asked, noticing how quiet his normally talkative daughter was. "Nothing, I'm fine", she answered shortly, glaring at Tyler, although he refused to meet her gaze. On the other hand, her other brother, Jason, couldn't seem to stop staring at her. Jason was four years older than her and was going to graduate high school this year. Katie knew that several of her friends, including Linda, found him attractive. And, she had to admit, he did have certain...

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The Queen The Guard and The Farm girl

The Queen, the Guard and the Farm girl Queen Katherine was a young Queen. Her mother had died giving birth to her. Her father, the King was kind, and his people loved him, and so did Kathryn. Sadly, he fell sick and died shortly after her 18th birthday. Kathryn was named Queen and promised herself and her kingdom that she would rule as her father had and her people would love her. Queen Kathryn was a beautiful woman, she stood at 5’6” and 110lbs. She had beautiful, flowing black...

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EmergenceChapter 3 For the Love of the Queen

Feeling the familiar warmth and weight of Suzi lying on top of him, Joey didn’t move when he first awoke. But when he opened his eyes and found himself back in the royal bed chambers, he decided he needed to after all. “Suz,” he said gently, rubbing her naked back. “Wake up, Suz. The dream is back.” “Hmmm?” she said sleepily, then smiled and stretched as she pulled herself up to give him a kiss on the lips. “Morning to you too,” Joey said tenderly. “Is the Queen the Queen, or herself...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart 7 For the Love of the Queen

Feeling the familiar warmth and weight of Suzi lying on top of him, Joey didn't move when he first awoke. But when he opened his eyes and found himself back in the royal bed chambers, he decided he needed to after all. "Suz," he said gently, rubbing her naked back. "Wake up Suz. The dream is back." "Hmmm?" she said sleepily, then smiled and stretched as she pulled herself up to give him a kiss on the lips. "Morning to you too," Joey said tenderly. "Is the Queen the Queen, or...

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My Mother My WhoreChapter 3

After having fucked my mother in the ass for the first time, things really heated up, as I started getting my mother into more kinky behavior. Over the course of the coming months, we continued all of the activities that I described above. But it was while I was fucking my mother doggie-style, that I made a discovery that would lead to my mother becoming much more submissive for me and lead to some very unusual sexual activities between us. When I fucked my mother from behind, I would slap...

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Your Mother The Queen

You were first conceived when your mother was only sixteen years of age. As with most royal brides, your mother's courting was not entirely consensual. In fact, she was once a peasant girl, until the king found lust in his eyes and simply bought her for a large sum of gold from her family. Over the past twenty years, she has grown into a voluptuous, surprisingly young woman, with her body alone attracting the gaze of many young nobles from distant kingdoms. However, your mother is still young....

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The Son of Lust Chapter 18 Pleasing the Rakshasa Queen

Chapter Eighteen: Pleasing the Rakshasa Queen By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith My stomach roiled. Summoned to see the...

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Alyce and the Queen

Alyce continued down her path. What a strange and fascinating land? Part of her wanted to stay and explore every sexual adventure, but the other part just wanted to go home. She walked down the well-worn path, looking in every direction for a clue as to where to go next. “Where is Chet when I need him?” she pondered. Coming to a fork in the path, she looked left and then right. Lush green vegetation surrounded her, and she felt the sickening dread of being lost. Sitting down on a large...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 22 Secrets of the Rakshasa Queen

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – Ankush, Queendom of Naith I fought to keep my fear at bay and marched up the last few steps of the Ziggurat to the top where the open throne room lay. I...

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My Mother My WhoreChapter 5

Morning arrived and the anticipation waiting for my cousins to arrive was nerve wracking, for both me and my mother. My mom was dressed slutty, as usual. She had on a short micro mini, that barely covered her ass, no panties, light black stockings, garter belt, ankle strap "fuck me" spiked heels and a pushup bra that exposed nearly all of her big, juicy, forty inch chest. Her hair was all teased up and she had on a heavy coat of makeup, with shiny lip gloss over her luscious cocksucking...

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Sir James The Doctor And The Queen

James reluctantly left his bedroom with a slightly wistful glance at Fiona still asleep in his bed. She was sent over from his Service to help him heal from injuries suffered during his last mission. She was doing more than just heal his physical injuries, but also reminding him that even with his replacement parts, he was still a man! His still healing leg was stiff and uncomfortable, but he knew he had a very important appointment to keep and one does not keep her waiting.The young Queen...

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The Ice Queen

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

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The Ice Queen

I really should have listened to Dwayne. He told me to stay away from her. He told me she was way out of my league. He told me she was dangerous. But I didn’t believe him. Besides, everyone picked on me and teased me and I thought this was one opportunity to tease back.I guess I’ve always been teased. When you are smaller than all the other boys and don’t have a lot of body hair, you are going to get teased. Gym class was bad in grade school and worse in high school. By my senior year, it was...

2 years ago
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Romancing the Queen

Romancing the Queen By: Malissa Madison Lars Grendel had no idea why this very young Queen was being so kind to him. Especially since he had just confessed to having accepted a contract to kill one of her best friends. The Royal Guardian, Leonida sat staring at him, clearly, she had no clue either, why her Queen was acting this way. Finally, she pushed herself away from the wall. "I don't know if you're the bravest person I ever met, or the...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 27 The Rakshasa Queenrsquos Naughty Offer

Lasla – Ankush, Queendom of Naith I followed the dwarf out of the cell, leaving behind my sister and our sex slaves. I walked in my purple robes like I were a queen. I kept my head straight, my black hair falling down my back. My slipper-clad feet whisked on the stone floor. The dwarf marched before me, not saying a word. I wondered what the Queen of Naith wanted from me. It was too early for there to be word from Kurtis. This was so dumb. I hated that we had been forced to do this. He and...

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The day my Queen came over

5:00 AM. I wake up and shower off the night. I grab my phone and text my Queen. “Good Morning my Queen. I hope You find the day to Your liking. (I also include a pic of my morning wood for Her.) I move on to my work out. 100 pushups, 100 body squats, and a two-mile jog. Once back home, I open my laptop, I log on to and see who is online as I make breakfast. As I look over the girls online, my phone goes off. It is my Queen. She has sent me a video with my tasks to honor Her...

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