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Maria’s officemates planned a long holiday weekend going for upland hiking up north, where the native tribes of the Cordillera, collectively known as the Igorots, still lived. They expected to see the magnificent sea of clouds that were rumored to be witnessed at the top of the mountain as the sun rises. The crystal cave, celebrated for stalactites and stalagmites, could also be explored cruising along the cold underground river. One of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Rice Terraces, was something she had been dreaming of seeing. With all these reasons, she agreed to tag along.

They left the city one Friday night straight from work and arrived early the following afternoon. It had been a long trip, first by plane and then by bus to get to their starting point, but they were glad to be there. All of them agreed to take an early dinner and get some sleep in preparation for the hike before the break of dawn. All of them, that is, except Maria.

She decided to take a walk and explore a little bit, enjoying the fresh air which is rare in the city she lived in. Maria began strolling down a wooded path leading from her hotel into the forest of big tall pine trees she could see from the hotel room. At the end of the path, she found a small village and wandered around in it looking at the houses and sights until she found a small old rustic Spanish mansion with a big sign "The Library” hanging on the gate.

Maria's natural curiosity hit her, and she decided to look inside the mansion a little bit. Inside, it was more like a museum than a library, but a spotlessly clean museum and everything in it looked strangely brand new. The furniture was old Spanish designs in heavy kamagong wood, an extremely dense and hard wood from trees found only in the Philippines. Old paintings hung on the walls in the living room and in the dining room area which was furnished with a long mahogany table and chairs, and glass window cabinets filled with Chinese porcelain plates and silverware.

Wandering from room to room down the long hallway, she finally reached the last door - the library, where the smell of old books mixed with the smell of pine trees coming in from outside through the large open windows surrounding the room. The scents wafted through the room hitting her nostrils and making her feel at home.

Almost hypnotically, Maria slowly walked towards the books on the shelves. Her hand softly touched the spine and caressed each book with care, reading the title of each hardbound book as she went along the shelves. Some were science texts dealing with things like agricultural farming, weather, and chemistry, while others are about mineral mining and a few didn't have a title on spines at all. And each book was an 1809 edition, which Maria also found quite curious.

Suddenly one title caught her attention as she browsed the books and she felt it seem to beckon her to get closer to it. The book title read:

"Freedom: Maria's Journal"

Maria, in a trance, carefully pulled out the hard-bound book from the shelves and seated herself comfortably on the sofa in the well-lit corner of the library. She started browsing the first page, a dedication:

"To my beloved, Señor Miguel"

Reading the strange old leather-covered book; about a native girl sold by her adopted parents to the Spanish Conquistador, a mine owner in a remote corner of Benguet, a province of the Philippines.

He was called Señor Miguel; he was described as a widower and strict, but generous landlord. His full physical details were also given; a very tall man, a mestizo - a man of mixed native and foreign descent. He had a pointed aristocratic nose, golden-colored knowing kind eyes, unruly dark brown hair and thin sensuous lips with a perfect set of white teeth.

She was called Maria, a typical shy native woman, curvy, five feet tall with her wild black curly hair, eyes as black as midnight, natural red pouty lips and dark cinnamon brown skin.

She became one of the house slaves in the mansion, doing all the cooking and cleaning exclusively for the Master of the house, then later on serving him in bed. He never raped or forced her to join him in his bed, he only asked her discretely to submit to him and become his mistress.

However, in time Maria found herself falling in love with him. She didn't mean to, she didn't plan to, and she didn't realize it was happening until it was too late. But it did happen, nonetheless. Miguel was also very fond of her as well. All the other servants and service people noticed the way his treatment of her changed. She went from being a simple slavegirl to a cherished mistress.

But to Maria, she was still just a slavegirl... a slavegirl who happened to be sleeping in the Master's bed. And while being part slavegirl and part Master's concubine had certain perks and privileges around the mansion, it meant little in the village and outside the mansion's estate.

One night after their typical sexplay was finished, Maria sat up in bed with the sheet wrapped around her young firm breasts as Miguel came back to bed from the bathroom.

"Señor, may I please speak to you? I wish to talk about my freedom. How can I earn my freedom or how much would it cost to buy it?" she asked.

"Your freedom? What do you mean, Maria dear? Are you not happy here? Do I not treat you well enough? I don't understand," he said confused.

"Oh yes Sir, you treat me very well. Please don't misunderstand, Sir, I am very happy here. I do not wish to leave at all. It's just that when I go into the village to shop or do business, I am treated like a slavegirl. I am looked down on and treated as if my opinions and my desires are not important. I am always the last one served or waited on if I am served at all. I have to sit at the back of the bus and crowded even then. I wish to be like the other women - respected, listened to and treated as if I am more than just the dirt they scrape off their boots.

Sir, I want to be free to come and go as I please, to conduct business on my own without telling everyone that my Master says this or Señor Miguel wants that. I want people to pay attention to me not just because I represent you. Can you understand that?" she explained.

He looked at her as she spoke and when she had finished he thought about what she had said. "Yes, my dear, I do understand. How long have you felt this way?" he asked.

"For some time, Sir. Since right after becoming your mistress. I would have said something earlier but I felt that it was too soon after you brought me into the main house. I didn't want to seem ungrateful for that," she said.

"Well, I wish you had come to me sooner... I don't want you to feel like you don't matter. I don't want you treated like that by anyone here or anyone in the village either. You do represent me and when others see how you are treated in the village it reflects on me - as if I am not taking care of you. And I don't want that.

I will tell you what I will do. Let me think on the matter for a few days and see what I can think of to solve this. I am not saying no, my dear, I just need to look at this from all angles before making my decision. Okay?" he said.


It was several days before the matter of Maria's freedom came up again. Miguel was sitting in the living room in his favorite chair, relaxing after dinner. It was a warm night, as most are there, and with the big double patio doors wide open, a nice breeze blew softly through the mansion, cooling things down a bit.

Maria brought him a drink as he sat there digesting his delicious meal. "I thought you might like something cool to drink, Sir," she said smiling.

"Thank you, my dear," he said as she sat the drink down on a small table next to his chair. Just as she turned to leave, he grabbed her wrist. "Come, my sweet, sit down. I wish to talk to you," he said, patting his lap and indicating that he wanted her to sit there. Maria smiled and crawled up into his lap, straddling his legs and facing him.

"I have considered what you and I talked about a few days ago...about your freedom. And I think I have a solution we both can live with... " he began.

Engrossed in her reading as the sun set on the horizon and the room started to get cooler, Maria was unaware of the room's dimming light. Someone lit the fireplace, warming the room and a lit oil lamp appeared on the table beside the sofa near her corner. Raising her head up from the book and looking around the room, she saw that she was still in the old library alone. She also noticed that it was getting dark and knew she would have to be getting back to the hotel before it got too dark to walk the forested path.

Just then a commanding male voice coming from the darkened doorway on the other side of the dim living room. "Maria, dinner will be served in an hour." The voice startled her - she thought she was alone in the library!

Maria curiously got up from her comfortable sitting position in the library sofa while closing the book to see who was calling her. As she walked towards the doorway with the oil lamp illuminating her way, she suddenly came upon the source of the voice.

There standing just inside the ring of light from the lamp was a tall well-dressed man in a crisp white shirt and black pants. He wore a bolo tie with silver medallion and tips on the strings, black wingtip shoes, and a white Panama hat. He smiled as she stood there in the lamplight.

"I am terribly sorry to have bothered you, Sir, I am going now. Thank you for allowing me to stay and read in your library," she said. Looking past him she noticed the mahogany dining room table had two formal place settings as if she had interrupted a private romantic dinner he was planning for someone. It was only then that the delicious aroma of the food hit her nostrils and it made her stomach grumble reminding her that she hadn't eaten all day, either. Maria blushed at her ignorance and lack of awareness.

"If you are done with your reading, shall we eat dinner, Maria?" he asked in an authoritative voice. He removed his hat and set it on the hallway table, looking back at her. Their eyes met, and she froze in shock looking at the man’s familiar face.

"Going to stand there on your first night of freedom, Maria?" the man smiled.

Maria, still in shock, stared intently at the man. A nagging feeling of familiarity kept kicking in. The book described the man in front of her in detail as the man called Señor Miguel!

"Señor Miguel" she breathlessly whispered.

"I am Miguel to you now, Señor no more," he said, as his kind eyes twinkled.

"You look lovely as ever in your yellow dress," he said, offering his hand to her.

She automatically lifted her hand to his, placing her palm on the back of his hand as she scanned her clothes. Indeed a yellow off-the-shoulder summer dress had strangely replaced the blue jeans and white button-front blouse she had worn since arriving at the hotel earlier that day.

Looking at his eyes, she whispered "Gracias, Señor"

"You're still beautiful, Maria. How do you like your freedom, my little one?" he asked.

"I have missed you, my love," as his lips softly grazed hers.

The kiss paralyzed her mind, taking the breath from her lungs. The room melted away for her and nothing registered but the soft lips caressing hers. Slowly her eyes closed on their own accord and her hands gripped his upper arms as he pulled her into a deep kiss.

"Señor" she softly moaned.

"Ssshhh, just kiss me," he whispered, kissing her hard again. Gently she bit her lip as he slowly unbuttoned the front of her dress. His lips traveled down her chest to the now exposed breast. His mouth closed over one hardening nipple as she moaned again. Her head fell back and she arched her back offering herself to his ravenous mouth, running her fingers through his hair as he devoured her.

He licked and chewed on her tender morsel for a few minutes as Maria felt her passions rising. But then he playfully pulled away from her. "I don't want to stop but dinner is getting cold and I hate cold dinner," he said, giving her one last kiss to her now hard nipples.

"Nooo," she softly protested, her eyes still closed.

Laughing, he escorted her to the table and carefully seated her in her chair. "We're celebrating your freedom."

Embarrassed, Maria hurriedly buttoned up her dress and tried her best to sit comfortably.

The dinner was quite delicious but very uncomfortable for her. She sat there blushing, head bowed down throughout the dinner, like a child who happened to be reprimanded while she ate. Miguel, on the other hand, just smiled, looking at her the entire dinner time.

"Señor, I am sorry but I have to leave. I had a wonderful time though and thank you again for dinner and for letting me read in your library," she anxiously said, looking up at the clock on the wall.

"Leave? What's wrong, Maria?" he said. Worried, he stood up to come to her side. knelt on one knee and gathered her hands in his "I thought we agreed. Freedom was yours as long as you wanted it and if you came back, it would be to stay for good. Was I wrong?" he softly inquired, a deep sadness in his eyes.

"Señor, I don't understand. This is my first time here to this place. I have never been here before and I have never met you. I am here with friends for our weekend hike," she nervously said.

"Maria, I am Miguel to you now. You're free to be who you are," he said. Confused as well, he tried to reach for her hand.

She quickly stood up and the chair fell to the side as she moved backward, scared. She didn't understand what was happening at the moment.

Miguel quickly rushed to her side, reaching for her. Wrapping an arm around her waist he pulled her into his arms and pressed his lips to hers for a kiss. Maria gasped as their lips touched and she automatically deepened the kiss as naturally as if she kissed him like this every time he got near. Their kiss heated up, and Miguel’s hands roamed up the sides of her body and cupped her breasts outside her dress. Lost in what she felt at that moment. Maria didn’t notice what happens next

Miguel swept her legs up in his arms and carried Maria into the bedroom and set her down beside and facing the bed. He moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her, cupping her breasts as he kissed her soft neck. Maria moaned and laid her head to the side, allowing him access to her as his hands began working to release the buttons on her dress. This time, however, he didn't stop at her breasts, he unbuttoned the garment completely, removing it and letting it fall onto the floor beside her.

He stood up and removed his shirt, as Maria took off her panties. She knew she wanted this; she didn't know how it happened or why, but she knew she wanted this. She moved onto the bed and placed herself in the center of the big bed just as the Maria in the story had for her Señor. Maria bit her lip in anticipation as he slowly revealed his well-defined, powerful chest. As the shirt fell to the floor behind him, Miguel moved onto the bed and positioned himself between her slightly spread legs and leaned over her. With a hand on each side of her shoulders, he lowered himself down to kiss the young Maria on her full, red lips.

"Ohhh..." Maria moaned softly as his lips touched hers, then their kiss deepened and became more passionate and more urgent. Miguel feasted on her sweet lips for a few moments before moving his kisses to her cheek, then down her neck and across her collarbone to the center of her chest. He began moving slowly down her breastbone as her moans became louder and she arched her back, thrusting her chest up to meet his mouth.

Just before he reached her now heaving breasts again he paused, looking up at Maria who was trembling with anticipation. Her eyes flicked back and forth as if searching for some sort of sign or reaction from her amante (lover). Miguel smiled, his soft brown eyes sparkling and she returned the smile with a small one of her own.

Maria lay there in all her splendor, fully open and spread apart, wanting him. Miguel paused for a long moment drinking in the sight of the beauty that lay in front of him.

Maria, concerned that he hadn't spoken yet broke the spell herself. "Miguel? Is everything all right?" she asked.

"More than all right my love... you are... beautiful. Simply beautiful," he said when he found his words again.

Maria held her arms out to him, and Miguel wasted no time in accepting the invitation, moving onto the bed and over the woman. When he had moved up her body to eye level, she reached down to gently take his hard cock in hand. She guided it to where they both wanted it and he settled down on top of her, sliding deep inside the beautiful woman's eager pussy and eliciting a happy groan from her. He slid in as deep as he could to the delight of Maria and when his balls slapped her ass, he began slowly stroking in and out of her, gently at first, but accelerating at a pace she was comfortable with.

"Miguel, fuck me hard! Please! I need you to fuck me hard and deep. That's how I like it. Please, Miguel, take your pleasure in me!" she cried as he pumped in and out of her.

Hearing that she needed more, he was only too happy to give it to her. He instantly picked up the pace, thrusting harder and deeper into her. Maria moaned her approval and Miguel set about making sure this young woman got everything she wanted from this experience.

Maria came multiple times that night as Miguel fucked her in several different positions in front and behind. Finally, when he had reached his end, he announced "I'm going to cum, Maria! I'm going to cum now!"

He got off her, not sure what she wanted until she dropped to her knees in front of him, her mouth open and holding her tits out to catch any stray drops. He smiled and then stepped forward. He jacked his cock until the first spurts shot out, landing on her tongue and in her mouth. The second shot wasn't quite as accurate, jetting out to land on her face, but she didn't mind. Another shot dripped off her chin onto her tits, and she took him into her mouth to catch the last couple. When he had stopped pumping his seed into her mouth, she sucked the last remaining drops from him. Then using her finger, she wiped the white stuff from her face and licked it off. She used his cock to smear the cum on her tits into her skin, letting it dry there as he picked her up and they lay together on the bed, recovering.

Miguel gathered Maria into his arms. Looking at her contented smiling lips as her eyes sleepily closed and she started drifting to unconsciousness, deeply breathing and finally falling fast asleep.

Maria became aware of someone caressing her face, and a soft-spoken masculine voice whispering in her ear. “Wake up, little one.”

He was looking at the loveliest sleeping face of a woman he ever saw in his life. His heart was beating so fast. He shook his head and tried to figure out how she got there who she was.

Smiling sleepily, her eyes slowly opened to a pair of beautiful golden eyes watching her. Still foggy-headed, she stretched like a cat on the sofa. Then a sudden confusion hit her as she looked at where she was laying. She was on the sofa in the library again! The last thing she remembered was that she was in a bed with a handsome man who made passionate love to her.

How did she get back into the library? And who was this young man sitting here watching her? She looked around the room. It was broad daylight now and she could see that some redecorating had taken place. Some things remained the same but there were subtle and not so subtle differences than what she remembered. How long had she been asleep? What was going on? Maria began to panic.

"Are you awake now, little one?" he asked, "How come you are here in our library and reading my great grandfather's private book?"

"What? Who are you? Where am I? I thought I was in the public library and...where is the man I was with - Señor Miguel? she asked, still in her confused and hazy mind.

“I am David and who might you be, young lady?” he asked extending his hand to the lady who is still lying on the sofa as if she was still in the Master’s bed.

"I-I am Maria. Maria Sanchez," she said.

"Well, Maria Sanchez, the way I see it, you got lost going to the public library which is located at the end of the road from our house. This is a private residence of the "Master" which is my great grandfather Señor Miguel who was long been gone a few hundred years ago and you are reading his mistress's diary." David patiently explained.

"Oh my God!" Maria exclaimed. "Oh, I am so sorry!"

Embarrassed, Maria reached for the offered hand and as their hand touches all that she felt last night came rushing back to her mind as if it was the familiar hand of Señor Miguel. Maria properly sits on the sofa. Her face feels hot; she puts both her hands to covers her face.

She realized what David has told her about where she is, who she thought she was with last night and where the library was. What had happened last night while reading the book was that she fell asleep and it was just a beautiful dream... but a dream as real as the man standing in front of her.

Maria could only imagine how stupid this man thought she was right now, and her face turned crimson as she thought about it.

“I’m so sorry, I have to go. I didn’t mean to intrude on your privacy and read the book. I really thought this was the library,” she hurriedly explained as she stood up, only to be caught by a hand that gripped her arm.

“Not so fast there, speedy! You aren't steady enough on your feet to be running off!” David said trying to control his mirth at the girl’s obvious state of dilemma and embarrassment.

“I really do have to go; my friends have been looking for me by now,” she said again as she tried to free herself from his gripping hand.

David pulled her into his arms to hold onto her and keep her from falling and hurting herself. As he held her she suddenly felt safe and cared for - it reminded her of how Señor Miguel held her the previous night in her dream. She relaxed and allowed him to hold her. Maria looked into his eyes and she didn't see David anymore... she saw Señor Miguel instead.

As David held her, he also felt a drawing towards her and he slowly closed in for a kiss. As their lips touched, Maria moaned and melted in his arms; all her resistance evaporated and she surrendered instantly to him. Maria put her arms around his neck and their kiss became a passionate, burning hunger for each other.

After a few heated moments, she broke the kiss. "I really should let my friends know I'm all right. They will be worried," she whispered softly.

"I'll show you where the phone is. You can call them if you like," David said.

"Yes, thank you," Maria said. He offered his hand just as Miguel had in her dream. She placed her hand on the back of his and they went to make the phone call.

"Maria..." David said, "That was my great grandmother's name - you know, the Maria in the book you read..."


Master Jonathan,

Thank you so much, Sir for making this story possible by accepting my invitation to write this story with me even in your busiest days, a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen to with my rantings, for being a very supportive dear friend and making magic with our story.


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Invisible EmpireFinal Chapter 2009 to 2010

You can see us, but you do not know where we are. You can hear us, but you do not know what we are. You can even speak with us, but you will not know who we are. We are an invisible empire, a secret kingdom, and we rule the world. PREVIOUSLY: Stanley's affair with Rosalind escalates until he includes his brother, Andrew, in the debauchery. This leads to domestic disharmony when Andrew's infidelity sullies an existing friendship Janet had with Andrew's ex-girlfriend's sister. This...

2 years ago
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The CatalystChapter 49 An Invisible Mans Work is Never Done

[On the way I told Linda, “It figures. The one weekend that we needed to get a whole bunch of stuff done and we get shanghaied. Sometimes it really sucks to be a crime fighter!”] This whole thing made this weekends planned events tentative now. We couldn’t buy rings without all six of us being together. With Mary being tied up with Tom for who knows how long, I was starting to stress out. Mary flashed, “Charlie, You magnificently shortsighted yet overthinking dumbass! Anyone not with you,...

4 years ago
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Invisible Woman in the Negative Zone

Susan Storm-Richards floated in the Negative Zone, her communicator was totally busted. "Why did I not listen to Reed, I shouldn't have come here alone." She had responded to a signal from Rosetta Stone, a high ranking political figure in Shadow City, one of the many places in the Negative Zone that the Fantastic Four had visited. Now here she was floating aimlessly, as her comm system was busted on a floating asteroid when she came through the distortion area. There would be no signalling home...

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Invisible Girl An Erotic Romance Pt 2

Outwardly she was still the Invisible Girl, for which she was thankful, because this allowed her to give her attention almost entirely to the stranger she had suddenly become. Who was this girl who had done all those things, things that played themselves over and over in her mind, things she had never even heard of but knew were bad, things that would shock anyone who knew her? Things she had only done because she’d been forced to, she told herself, but still things she was certain no other...

1 year ago
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Misadventures of the Invisible Pervert

After months of trial and error, Ryan has finally done it. He achieved the secrets of invisibility into an elixir that he created. He decides to experiment it on himself right away. At first, there was no reaction after drinking it. He thought there was something wrong. He looked into the mirror, then his hands, legs, body and face slowly started fading away. There was a delay effect, it took about 10 seconds for him to turn completely Invisible. All he could see now is a empty clothing...

2 years ago
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Invisible Woman in the Savage Land Adult Story

Sue was disoriented. She had been separated from the rest of the team. She had fought a piece of the strange alien robot Reed warned them about. To her utter horror, a dinosaur like creature had lifted her off the ground in mid-battle. When she finally reacted with her force powers, she was dropped miles away from the team. Unfortunately, the fall broke her communicator and locater. It would be hard for Reed and the team to find her. To her own dismay, she decided to trudge out into the forest...

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Invisible Man

Alexander found whenever he became angry he would start to disappear. After several months he learned how to control his moods to the likeness of Hannibal Lector. Alexander kept his secret from all except his older sister. It wasn't long before Alexander used his talent to sleep with women. It was easy finding out what they liked by following them and listening in to conversations. He eventually found a girl he considered perfect. She was 5'7, blonde, with emerald eyes, and natural...

4 years ago
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After nearly an hour of staring at my lack of a reflection in the mirror, I thought about being visible, and there I was again. It was amazing. I still can't explain how I came about this ability, there was no meteor or radioactive spider, tonight I could just...make myself invisible. I sat there, naked on my bed for the longest time, and the implications began to set it. That meant I could do pretty much whatever I wanted. I mean, how many guys haven't imagined strolling through the girls...

2 years ago
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The Invisible Girl

Jessica found it laying in the field behind her house. She was sun bathing nude when, in the corner of her eye, she saw something glittering in the sunlight. It was a golden pendant. When she wore it, she saw her body disappear. Jessica wasn't hurt in any way, but she was just invisible. She took it off. She went back inside, put on some clothes, and put the pendant back on. Jessica's body disappeared again but her clothed stayed visible. She would have to be naked to be invisible.

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Invisible Man

“Dr. Doe, I’m going to go now, will you be able to finish without me?” your hot assistant asks you. “Yes, don’t worry about it Kira. You go, I’m almost done and I’ll be going in a little bit.” You reply to her as you put a light blue liquid into a vial. “Oh if you’re almost done I’ll wait.” She says as she takes off her lab coat to reveal her hot tanned body is only being covered a small black mini skirt and top. “I don’ have anything planned tonight.” “No, no that’s OK.” You answer back not...

4 years ago
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Invisible Girl An Erotic Romance Pt 8

“I’m home...anybody here?” The voice from downstairs startled her awake.  She didn’t remember drifting off, but she must have.  And Peter must have as well, because his eyes were wide with dismay when hers snapped open in the twilit room.  “Oh god, it’s my Dad,” she whispered.   She jumped out of bed and ran to the bedroom door. She opened it, leaned her head out, and called,  “Hi Dad!  I’ll be right down!” She closed the door and hurried back to where Peter still lay on the bed, still...

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Invisible Girl An Erotic Romance Pt 14

“So—how did the dinner run go last night?” asked Suzy.   She and Jane were unpacking and hanging a shipment of baby clothes at the back of the store while Mrs. Jorgenson minded the register.  It was a rainy day, and there were no customers in the store. “Oh, fine,” replied Jane.  “I just brought him some sandwiches and stuff.  He works at The Word Works—you know, the bookstore?” “Oh sure.”  Suzy concentrated for a moment on a tiny dress that wouldn’t stay on its hanger.  Then she asked,...

3 years ago
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Invisible EmpireChapter 3 2000 2001

You can see us, but you do not know where we are. You can hear us, but you do not know what we are. You can even speak with us, but you will not know who we are. We are an invisible empire, a secret kingdom, and we rule the world. PREVIOUSLY: Stanley recollects what the older telepath Tseng reveals about the invisible empire. Tseng later introduces Stanley to "the agency" (the United States' National Security Agency, or NSA). Thus begins Stanley's involvement in agency operations,...

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Invisible EmpireChapter 4 2001 2008

You can see us, but you do not know where we are. You can hear us, but you do not know what we are. You can even speak with us, but you will not know who we are. We are an invisible empire, a secret kingdom, and we rule the world. PREVIOUSLY: Stanley develops his gifts further, and cements his relationships with his lovers. He also participates in a major agency operation that ends with mixed results. A talent named Phillipa is recruited but at a cost Stanley regards as...

1 year ago
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The Invisible Line Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Here is the Part two of Invisible line I hope you like the first Part. After my Amma left, I watched as Lathika slowly washed the inside of the big sliding glass windows. She must have done a crappy job, because her eyes never left my ass. The whole thing had given me a hard-on, and I decided to give her a good show. While she watched, I pretended to move around a little bit in my sleep, then turned over to lie on my back, with my head angled enough so...

2 years ago
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Rabbits Foot Key Chain

This is my first attempt to write fiction. The disclaimer: This story contains rape, sex, violence, revenge, and magic. So view desecration is advised. I am not going to lie. I took the rabbit's foot key chain from CCE without their permission. However, it was only an attempt to get them to finish their story. Please make comments. I also have another one in the works that will hopefully get Dill Bill to finish his burning candle story. I hope you enjoy! Oh and feel free to make...

2 years ago
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A Reflection of Batwoman and Her Sister Alice

A REFLECTION OF BATWOMAN TO HER SISTER ALICE Belinda She is a fan of the TV series "Batwoman." Eagerly awaited the first episode and even with the previews wonder who would play Batwoman. In later previews, becoming aware of the other characters; one character she remembers from watching the movie "Enigma." The additional character she remembers in the previews is Alice. Batwoman and Alice seem to strike a special reflection with her. She could tell...

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On the Chain

Preface The punishments and terms used in this story are described in Robert Burns’ memoir ‘I Am a Fugitive from a Georgia Chain Gang!’ (1932) Burns saw or suffered treatment far worse than anything described herein. While this story is set in the 1930s, it takes place in a less severe border-state that is beginning to transition to a more modern prison system. Some elements of the old ways are kept as punishment, and this story explores how they affect the main character. ***** Chapter 1 ...

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The Broken Chain

The Broken Chain Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown I wrapped the light nylon jacket more tightly around my chest, but the chill of the night was still seeping into my bones. My shivering was as much from cold as hunger. It had been almost two days since they gave me food at the shelter ... two days since they laughed at me when I said I'd been thrown out of my home because I'd told my parents I wanted to be a girl. My legs were starting to cramp from crouching in the shadows of...

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Tales of the Naked Invisibles

*authors note* feel free to add to this story In the modern age some would dismiss the notion of individuals having superpowers as comic book nonsense considering that science fiction is pure fantasy and thus creating a public image of ridiculousness. That's what our unsuspecting protagonists though as they stumbled upon objects of fantastical powers that grants he or she powers of invisibility. Follow the adventures of a teenaged girl that has trouble maintaining her powers ultimately caueing...

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Dont Break the Chain

Copyright© 2002 ===================================================================== CHAIN LETTER CHAIN LETTER CHAIN LETTER If you do not mail this to 50 people, you will be cursed by a DEAMON. This DEAMON will POSESS you, curse you and possible KILL you. This is no joke. If you do not mail this letter in 24 hours, you will be sorry!!! A nice sweet girl named VICKIE was hopeless in love with this guy named JASON. She was totaly...

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Saving Atlanta The Invisible Hand Chapter 5

“Ho, Kash, ho, Kash, ho! Whew!” said Alex, letting out deep long breaths while maintaining sharp eye contact with Kash. The tanned Emily Ratajkowski lookalike was experiencing such emotions and sensations that she was unfamiliar with, inciting a mad raging arousal.Kash had wrestled his good friend Alex down to the bed and had made out with her so aggressively that she rushed to take off a piece of clothing at every turn. Slowly but surely, Alex was nude, aroused, and very happy of it. The sexy...

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Susan Storm The invisible Wendigo

Walking through a stark corridor in the sub-levels of the raft, three men walked down the hallway of the supermax containment center; one devoted to containing the most dangerous of prisoners SHIELD had ever found and contained. Unlike other facilities, THIS one was designed for each specific inmate they kept watchful eye on. Almost every corridor was met with a pair of armed and armored guards, eyeing the trio of men as they passed each, their actions scrutinized as they made their way down to...

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The Adventures of an Invisible Taylor Swift

I suggest you watch the "Delicate" music video by Taylor Swift to get the general idea of the story. Feel free to add on to the story as well. Taylor sighed as she stared back at the mirror. For once she just wanted to be herself, but her four body guards outside the luxurious bathroom would never let her out of their sights. Sometimes Taylor hated all the fame, all the money, sometimes she wished she could go back to being herself. Taylor glances...

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I awoke to a pounding headache, and aching eyes. The ground was damp and soft underneath my back as I held my head and tried to make sense of the world. Rolling onto my knees, I dragged myself up and the swimming world started to come into focus. I was in a forest, though I could hear the distant sound of traffic carrying in the still air. It looked about midday, and a sunny and pleasant one. Even as my senses cleared, my mind remained blank. I couldn't remember who I was or how I got here....

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You awaken to the pitter patter of rain drops falling on your roof. Rolling over in an attempt to fall back asleep you accidentally fall off your bed landing with a thud on the floor. Groaning in pain you push yourself up walk to the bathroom. Turning on the sink you splash cold water onto your face. Slightly more awake now you look out the window and notice that it is still dark. A quick glance at the clock tells you that it is five A.M. You sigh and the sigh quickly turns into a long deep...

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Invisible Hijinks

Eureka!!! After years of relentless research, you finally pulled it off. Your heart is beating a hundred times a second as you walk over to the test area. This makes up for all the time you spent buried in books, your almost total lack of utter human interaction, and the last 10 years of being so busy working you hadn't even had a single date. You lowered your head to eye level with the cage that looks to contain only a pet exercise wheel, food/water combo dish, and a motionless plane of cider...

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The Invisible Man

It is a stormy night and it's raining cats and dogs at your neighborhood. Thunders that strike every now and then flash creepy tree shadows into your bedroom. "Come on Brad, sleep!" you tell yourself. It's already 1.30 am and you are trying to force yourself to sleep. "Damn the thunders!" you mumbled. Only the sound of clock ticking answers your discomfort. You finally give up your comfy bed and push yourself up. You make your way to the kitchen to find something to drink. You found the half...

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Terry Mann was bored. What he thought would be an interesting well paid job in a laboratory not far from home admittedly paid well, but the job was routine testing for faults in various types of house paints and rather mundane though the company he worked for thought it rather important. It seemed the company Couldn,t get young people to believe it was so important as they seemed to have staff flow problems and though there should have been three technicians assisting Terry he coniually worked...

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Girl Invisible

Girl, InvisibleInitially, she thought it was a dream.Not that having Buffy in her room was a strange occurrence – no, Buffy wasn’t one to regard another’s privacy as a matter of any importance, and Dawn had caught her several times snooping through her diaries and stealing things from her closet – but for Buffy to walk in, at night, completely naked…Well, that was exactly the bizarre sort of shit that dreams were made of, Slayer or no.She wondered if she should say something, or perhaps pinch...

1 year ago
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Invisible Girl An Erotic Romance Pt 4

Though as it turned out her mother just stuck her head in to say good night before heading upstairs to bed. For the next two weeks the two of them played a kind of tag in school. Every so often she would look up—in study hall, or the lunchroom—to find him looking at her. Tag. And then his eyes would quickly look away. Walking out of a class he would spot her, just passing by in the hall, giving him a quick sideways glance. Tag. Once, at a school event, she had chosen an empty seat in...

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Invisible Girl An Erotic Romance Pt 9

As they continued along towards her house she suddenly remembered all her news.   “Oh Peter, guess what?” she said.  “My parents are going away for the whole weekend!  You can come over!”  She stopped, struck by a new thought.  “Hey, why don’t you come over for dinner tomorrow night?” Peter smiled at her.  “You can cook, too?”  He looked thoughtful for a moment, and said, “God, that sounds great.  We could actually together.  Yeah!”  And he even gave a little jump as he said...

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Invisible Girl An Erotic Romance Pt 17

Jane was lying on the beach when she heard her mother calling,  “Jane, we’re going into town now.  Do you want to try to call Peter again?” She certainly did.  She felt as if they’d been apart for weeks.  She jumped to her feet.   “I’ll be right there!” She grabbed her blanket and towel and took off for the cottage.  The path meandered around the dunes but she was in such a hurry that she ran right up the dune in front of her.   As she neared the crest there was a sudden excruciating pain...

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Invisible EmpireChapter 5 2008 2009

You can see us, but you do not know where we are. You can hear us, but you do not know what we are. You can even speak with us, but you will not know who we are. We are an invisible empire, a secret kingdom, and we rule the world. PREVIOUSLY: Stanley relives the years between 2001 and 2007. Now a young father, he lives with his wives in San Francisco, and further masters his gifts until they approach the level of his mentor Tseng. Despite this improvement, he still achieves many of his...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 9 Ineffable Inconceivable Invisible and Incomprehensible

June 19, 1984, McKinley, Ohio On Tuesday evening I played chess with Grace and I won with the black pieces, but we both won with orgasms afterwards. Grace hadn’t come up with any rules variations, but she promised to think about it. When I got back to the dorms, Clarissa was with Jocelyn and Dona, and the four of us went to my room to hang out. Just after 9:00pm the phone rang and I jumped up to answer it. “Mike, it’s Hannah.” “Have you heard from Maggie?” “No. There are two cruisers from...

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The Invisible Line Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi reader sorry for delay it is good for you because you now got a super story this story is a master Classic, it is also from my Indian reader that who likes the Mother and Son Incest stories. I am sure this story will make you cum in your pants. or you will masturbates when you read half of this story if it is not happens. I think you are not interested Incest stories.Kindly close my story and go to another stories. A Nineteen-year-old boy gets to...

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1st time with a Transwoman

My first time with a transwoman was a very unique experience I must say. Having explored my options on the internet wasn't an easy one. I was nervous and curious about my first experience having sex with a transwoman. I only had sex with biological women throughout my entire sexual life and this was a new experience for me. I checked for several months on Backpage and Craigslist on the dating classifieds ads for transwoman.What I was looking for is an mature erotic, sexy and beautiful...

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Captivating Catwoman

Sarah's husband Robert had only been away on assignment for a few weeks when he informed her that he was involved with a woman in Europe. He hoped that any legal proceedings could wait until he returned. In the meantime he instructed a lawyer to draw up papers transferring the house to her name and providing financial support for her. He said he knew she had been unhappy and hoped that she would try to move on without him. Otherwise, he was unapologetic. Sarah assured him she would be fine and...

Group Sex
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Lois Lane and Catwoman

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. The story I posted last night was a scenario joining events from the Lois & Clark TV show and the Lois Lane comic books #70 and 71. I hope most of you remember some of the details I put out for background there. This story is derived from events in the story in LL #71. The opening paragraph...

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