Butterfly Beach XII: Discoveries Or Must The Stars Be Ever Out Of Reach? free porn video

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Strangely, Prel’s reluctance rekindled the spirit of motivation in me. I’d become complacent, losing myself in the haze of sexual desire and that of the potent berries that were so easily obtainable.  The Kintinku provided me with a challenge – not only that of learning to communicate with the cat-man, but to seduce him as well.  At first it was difficult.  I had, in a true sense, become addicted to a heady mix of heightened sexuality and sensuality that the fruit induced.  However, I soon discovered that I was able to recall the sensation without partaking of the berries.  In essence, I was able to bring myself to those heights through the memory of experience, leaving my mind much clearer to learn while my body was still attuned to wanton pleasure.

Between Isshu and I, there was very little change or, rather, it was in such small increments that neither of us was aware.  In retrospect, our time together began to center more and more upon the physical act of, not making love, but engaging in primitive, almost savage, copulation.  My need for him to stimulate me with pain and even fear grew exponentially with each passing day and he, in turn, fed from my psyche, pushing me to my limits and helping me to surpass them until we had both come dangerously close to losing control of our passions. 

That was my nighttime world, the time spent beneath the earth, cloaked in darkness and silence, my wings useless in the confines of the caverns we shared, while Kintinku reflected my daytime world; unfettered and free to spread my wings and travel as far as my spirit desired, often spending hours exploring parts of the island that I had never before seen before returning to our open air classroom amongst the tall grasses where I had rediscovered my love of learning new language.

Prel had done his best to share his travels and his, presumably extensive, knowledge of the island but I needed more.  Much more.  I needed to experience it with my own eyes, especially once I had grown strong enough to lift myself into the air and view it from above.  Strangely, it felt like I had freed myself from constraints invisible to the naked eye.  Once again, much like that day not too long past in the strangely glowing waters deep beneath the surface, part of what made me Olivia shivered away upon gossamer wings, and yet, I felt no loss, only freedom from the tatters of a moral compass birthed in a world almost forgotten.  Yes, my memories of my life before remained and I had not lost who I was but, rather, I had become, or was becoming, more.  I was, evolving within as surely as I had evolved without.  Yes, perhaps these feelings were merely flights of fancy, but they felt right.  Though I had fond memories of the civilized world and most certainly of my companions, especially those in whose company I had been castaway with upon this island, I no longer hoped for rescue. No longer did I fear living out my days in exile. 


“Tell me about your home.”

As we became more comfortable with each other’s tongue, I felt the need to enlighten myself.  We had established that Prel was an explorer whose travels had brought him far from home to this place. Another Island, one of many that dotted the vast ocean, he’d explained as best he could, drawing a map in the white sand of the beach one morning with a talon while doing his best to give me an impromptu geography lesson of the region.

“Here. Vaha. Candan. Prel.  Tsuta,” he purred, pointing at a large sized vaguely crescent shape as I knelt beside him, one wing brushing his shoulder casually, as I tapped a nearby smaller shape.  Tsuta was his word for the reptilian creatures that had captured us, before exiling me to the darkness.  I shivered at the thought, recalling the creature who’d taunted me with its lullaby like-song.

“Zan?” Here?

He made a flapping motion, and screeched softly. “Inta. Birds, yes?  Many coloured like Vaha’s wings.”  I wasn’t the only quick learner upon this uncharted island.

“Inta.  Birds.  Good to eat,” he said, showing his sharp teeth in what I hoped was a playful smile reminding me that Prel, first and foremost, was a carnivore.

“Also, Tankaku.” Touching his chest to indicate himself, he then brought his taloned hands together to indicate small.

“Tankaku. Cats, non?” I wondered out loud, studying Prel carefully.  While he was, more or less, a mixture of panther and man, his metallic scales often turned my thoughts to the mythical dragons of legend. I dipped my finger into the sand and sketched a feline shape as best I could, smiling when he nodded his approval.

“Oui.  Tankaku, Vaha. 

And so, he did his best to teach me of the world around my small slice of paradise.  To the west was an island of fearsome beasts.  Another where the earth shook and there was a mountain of fire – a volcano, I surmised. One was home to a city of apes, or perhaps monkeys, who sometimes traded with Prel’s people.  Genta-Mahyar, which translated to Water Star in his language was many leagues distance. I guessed that, had I have a sturdy boat on which to sail, it would still have been a journey of weeks.  Without one.  I had discovered, only recently, that Prel had been shipwrecked by the storm that had wracked our camp so many months ago.

“Prel have family? Woman? Jasku?” I’d asked, more than once, curious as to why he seemed in no hurry to return home. Each time he’d answered with a shake of his head, smiling as he tapped the tip of one razor sharp claw against my forehead.

“So many questions, Vaha, make Prel tired,” he’d yawn, before leaving abruptly, disappearing for several hours at a time before returning as if nothing had transpired, leaving me frustrated and, once again, filled with unrequited carnal yearnings which would drive me back underground where I would submit myself to Isshu, my own desires a mirror to his increasingly violent lust, our passions leaving my flesh cruelly marked.  I wondered that Prel never remarked upon the obvious signs of our savage union, having taken note of the way he studied me when he’d greet me once more, his eyes calculating, and yet, silent.


Isshu waited for me, as always, sensing my presence long before I did his. He rose from the pool, water sluicing from him, appearing as a dark god awaiting the sacrificial maiden that was his due.  Far above us warm tropical rains fell and lightning flashed as yet another summer storm raged, spending itself against the landscape before wandering out to sea once more.  Below, all was silent, save for the sound of my pounding heart and the cascading drips of water as they fell from my alien lover’s black flesh and struck the surface of the pool.

I watched as ripples broke the stillness of the water, moving towards me, snakelike.  Several heartbeats later I felt the brush of his tentacled limbs slithering and coiling around my ankles and calves seductively, moving slowly upwards, the tips brushing against my flesh like tongues.  Desire burst within me and I moaned with lust as I waded deeper into the pool, the water up to my waist as one of his tentacle pushed its way into my welcoming pussy.

I have something to show you, Olivia Delacroix.

“Oh?” I managed, as he pulled me into his arms, a single tentacle coiling around both our waists so that we were inseparable as the one within me began to slowly fuck me, questing deep within until I gasped with pain.

Does that hurt, little insect?


I felt his laughter in my mind, teasing its way done my spine.  It was cruel and yet… there was love, or perhaps fondness, as well – the affection one would feel for a well loved pet.  He kissed me, savagely, his voice inhabiting my head, leaving little room for my own thoughts.

Would you like me to hurt you some more?

For the love of God, oui.

I felt a second tentacle pushing roughly into my ass, stretching painfully, twisting inside until I cried out, begging for mercy. 

Too much, Butterfly?

Non. Jamais. I managed, already lost in the haze of exquisite pain that my body had become so adept at translating into pleasure. 

I felt his teeth against my throat, sharply pricking into my sensitive flesh and I surrendered myself to him, heat blossoming deep within me as I climaxed suddenly, shuddering against him, my scream erupting from my throat and echoing in the darkness of the cavern.

My mind filled with cold laughter he suddenly freed me, pushing me from him. I fell into the pool with a splash, sputtering as I felt his hand atop my skull, pushing me under before I had a chance to fill my lungs with air, his cock pressing against my lips, his massive head pushing past my teeth and down my throat pulsing violently and thickening as he filled my belly with his seed before pulling me to my feet, his strong fingers gripping my sodden tresses, my scalp burning.


He dragged me stumbling behind him from the pool, shivering with spent lust in the chilled air, to the far edge of the pool, releasing me without warning so that I fell to my knees on the unyielding stone.

Watch, Olivia Delacroix.

Carefully, he knelt down beside me, his imposing figure dwarfing me as he placed his hand upon a curiously perfectly circular stone, palm flattened, fingers splayed.  I watched in wonder as it began to glow brightly blue, forming several curious looking markings that reminded me of those within the cave on the beach, discovered a lifetime ago by my fellow castaways.

Watch. He commanded with an intensity that sobered me.  Memorize.

Deliberately, he traced a seventh figure upon the stone with his fingertip, leaving a trail of light that resembled red embers.  A moment later the stone began to move, slowly sinking several inches and then, shifting noiselessly to one side, revealing a small portal, vines clinging to the sides, forming a lattice that could be used to climb.  I glanced up at Isshu, perplexed, my mind awash in curiosity.  It would be a tight fit, especially with my wings to hinder me. It would be an impossible fit for him.

Where does it lead?

With a reverence that I had never seen before, he brushed his fingertips along the rim of the portal. When his voice sounded in my thoughts again there was a longing sadness within that frightened me.

The sky. The stars.  Heaven.  Close it.  Just like I showed you. Write upon the air. 

Perplexed, I did exactly as he said, tracing the pattern he’d shown me over the opening, wide eyed as my fingertip left a trail of fire behind it. When the shape was completed, the stone reappeared and rose, once more sealing the opening, leaving me with yet another mystery to ponder upon as I lay, sheathed in Isshu’s protective coils, in the darkness and let myself drift off into an ocean of vague dreams, awaking in solitude, the memory of my lover’s revelation fresh in my mind, reminding me of my previous life, stirring a different form of desire within my breast, that of the unknown.  There was no hesitation as I made my decision to explore this newfound discovery, sensing that Isshu knew my mind well enough to know that, once revealed, I could not simply ignore the lure of this new mystery.

Happily, my mind had not become so muddled from partaking of the lustberries that I could not recall the pattern I had been shown.  The portal opened once more.  Entry wasn’t easy, for I was forced to carefully fold my wings behind me and, even then, it was awkward as well as exceedingly uncomfortable.  Thankfully the vines were sturdy and free of thorns.  It was a slow climb, but not a difficult one.  Nor was it a long one.  I had feared that, perhaps it was an endless passage deep into the bowls of the earth, one that I would have to abandon long before I reached anywhere of interest. 

My fears, however, proved unfounded as the opening widened suddenly and I emerged into a small cave, not unlike the one that Carter had discovered on the beach what seemed a lifetime ago.  This one was lit by softly glowing lichen that matched the colours of the rainbow.  Whether or not it was a single species or several different species, I was unable to discern, botany not being one of my strengths. They looked quite analogous to my untrained eye.  I couldn’t help but wonder if there was a similar portal with it as well and made a mental note to investigate further, dependent upon any discoveries made upon this expedition.  It occurred to me that Isshu had given me a gift beyond measure, just as Prel had, in awakening my spirit of adventure.  In a way, they were partners in complicity in returning the essence of who I was while not taking away what I had become.

I explored the cave, my eyes growing used to faintly lit chamber, appealing to my sense of touch and smell and hearing as well as that as sight to search for a passage beyond the moss covered walls.  It took little time to discover an indentation that felt unnatural at knee height.  I tested it, excitement flowering within as it shifted slightly to the right. Eagerly, I applied every ounce of strength I could muster and felt it shift perhaps a centimeter, perhaps less. I paused, gathering my resolve and made another attempt.  This time, rewarded not only by more movement, but a faint sliver of light seeping through, revealing a vertical meter long opening in the chamber’s wall. Determination filled me and I tried again with renewed vigor, employing several curses that I’d learned from Bull to bolster my efforts until I had managed to create an opening wide enough to peer into what lay upon the other side of the doorway.

The stars, Isshu had told me. Heaven.  I understood why.  A myriad of stars glittered and winked, just out of reach, blinding me to what lay beyond.  Crystals, perhaps, or even diamonds, embedded into the dark stone creating a blanket of lights reflecting an unknown light source further on.  This time I was able to use both hands to grasp the edge of the stone door.  Planting my heels against the wall, I fought to open it wider, but without success.  Again and again, I tried until I had worn myself out.  Frustrated, I simply lay still, breathing hard, eyes closed until I felt calm filling me.  Isshu, I mused, or Prel would be able to open it, I was sure, and yet, the passage was too small for either of them.  A prisebar, perhaps, although where I might procure one or of how I might fashion one escaped me at present. 

I sat up, pulling my knees to my breast, absently plucking a clump of orange lichen and sniffing it curiously. It had a pleasantly bittersweet smell to it.  Without considering the consequences, I tasted it, tearing off a small portion with my teeth and absently pushing it around my mouth with my tongue, savoring the taste, somewhat reminiscent of honeyed cocoa. My mouth began to water as the unexpected taste overwhelmed me, reminding me of nights spent in Paris sampling the best that the city had to offer.  I could almost feel the tickle of champagne bubbles in the back of my throat as I swallowed the glowing vegetation, reaching out for more as I took a moment to drink in my surroundings, now partially illuminated. 

As I had noted before, the walls were covered in colorful vegetation.  It even hung from the ceiling, reminding me of tinsel at Christmas, and covered the floor, giving it a sponge-like feel as I reclined.  Comfortable enough to slumber upon, certainly.  I considered my situation, looking for a viable solution to my dilemma.  The door, for that’s what it was, I was sure, was meant to be opened. Perhaps a clue was hidden behind the glowing lichen.  Or even a trigger.  Carefully, I began to explore further, using my fingers to test the growth, pushing and prodding, pausing on occasion to taste more of the bittersweet treat, enjoying the memories it dredged up. Passing time reading a book in the tearooms on the Rue des Barres on an autumn afternoon.  Strolling through the markets and Bistros of Rue Montorqueil with a beau. The scent of bread and pastries that teased my nostrils on the Rue des Rosiers…

I snapped back to the present with a suddenness that was almost jarring, my hand pushing into an unexpected depression the wall furthest from the one cleaved by light. Curious, I began tearing at the growth to reveal a rectangular slit that ran lengthways through the rock, one that seemed cut by man-made means rather than natural. Cautiously I squatted, bringing my eyes to the level of the impression, peering eagerly into the shadows, half expecting an insect, or perhaps a rodent, to leap out at me and claw my eyes out.

Nothing of the sort occurred and I drew a breath of relief as I carefully reached within, my heart fluttering as my fingertips brushed against cloth.  Throwing caution to the wind, I grasped the find and slowly slid it from its hiding place, my heart beating against my ribs in anticipation, until finally, it was free and exposed to the soft light. 

“Oh,” I whispered, settling on the chambers floor once more, my eyes never leaving the impossible prize I had just discovered. A cloth satchel wrapped around a book shaped object.  Fingers trembling, I lifted the flap and peered within.  It contained a flat metal box and what appeared to be either a diary or a notebook. All else was forgotten as I reverently placed both items on my lap before, inexplicably, bursting into tears.




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Chapter 3:Thursday morning, as Gary and I prepared for school, neither of us spoke of the events of the night before.I sensed a level of shame and regret from my older brother. I may have been projecting my own feelings, but it felt that Gary might be ashamed and embarrassed at what he had done to his younger sister.I wanted to say something; I wanted to talk about what happened, but I simply did not know what to say. And it was clear Gary was not prepared to discuss the events of last night,...

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Butterfly Beach V Secrets and Revelations

From the Journal of Olivia Delacroix - Sixth entry.I have yet to share the truth with anyone, even Emma, with whom I have grown closer to than anyone else in my life. It tears at me, keeping secrets, here, where we have torn down the walls separating us. I feel apart suddenly, and it is not a feeling I find comfortable. Before, I would leave the thoughts within these pages for all too see. Now, I hide my journal, unwilling to share and guarding my feelings jealously, wishing I could simply slip...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Butterfly

Often times when I watered the plants in the window of my apartment, the woman in the third floor apartment across the courtyard would find a reason to come to her window and watch me.In the summer time, I would ride my stationary exercise bike by the window for the breeze, and she would watch me from the shadows of her curtained windows. After a while, I began to see flashes of her at her window, in her under wear, or sometimes completely nude, and at other time topless. She was always...

4 years ago
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Me and My Brothers Chapter XII

We were on the road before I woke. I don’t think there is a much better way to wake up than the gentle rocking and vibration that you get laying on a bed in a motor home as it goes down a turnpike at 70 miles an hour. There are usually regular rhythmic motions in conjunction with the occasional unexpected motion. I thought of Bruce. He had looked so disappointed last night when I told him I had to sleep alone. More than two days of sucking and fucking had totally worn me out. The...

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Cleverly Planned Wife Swap 8211 Master Plan To Convince Conservative Couple 8211 Part XII

This is real story of a two friends where we exchanged our wife with each other for bit lengthier live in relationship. Usually in swinging/exchanging wife with others, generally people will exchange partner for just a fucking session in just a week end visit or night visit to one of the couple’s home. In our case, to make our life spicy and have more thrill and adventure, we have decided to do this for bit longer period of time, where my wife will be with my friend for 2 months and where as...

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Chapter VI Exile and Ecstasy or Butterfly on a String

From the sketchbook of G. McCrossen.Captured! Thankfully, only James’ pride wounded. In hindsight, it was fortunate that his pistol misfired. The fight had been short. Although James did his best to defend us, his revolver failed to fire, much to his obvious chagrin. After a short, but spirited skirmish the lizard-men, as Emma has dubbed them, quickly overpowered him with their spears, disarming him of both pistol and saber before the others could reach him. Soon, we were all within their...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XII The Room of Doors

“Please!” Alice cried as yet another almost orgasm began to build within. She’d lost count of the number or times she’s almost gone over the edge, only to be pulled back yet again. Enough that she was willing to do exactly as Nobody had claimed – beg him to release her and do whatever he wished to her as long as he would finally let her climax.“Please release me and make me- oh! Oh no. Not again!”She barely heard his chuckle so intent was she upon the bumblebeetle within her pussy vibrating...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Turnabout at the Beach

TURNABOUT AT THE BEACHChapter 1Dotty and Carol had been best friends for years.  They both worked in the accounting department of a small insurance firm and their families had gotten together often for picnics and such over the years, until Carol’s husband, Roger, had died five years earlier.  Although the two remained close, the family get-togethers had ceased.  Dotty and her husband, Mike had a son in high school, Greg, who was the same age as Carol’s only child, Beth. Spring had arrived and...

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Exposing Cindy The butterfly vibrator part one

Volume three: Exposing Cindy - The butterfly vibrator Chapter one – a night on the townJim and I had been married several years, and we had a reasonable assortment of various experiences in the first years of our marriage. So I was not shocked when he showed up on a Friday evening with a gift for me; a ‘butterfly vibrator’ which had its own harness to hold it in place; however a pair of latex panties had me confused. "OK, what's with the girdle?" I asked. I knew at 5 ft 4 in. and 105 pounds...

Wife Lovers
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Butterfly Synopsis John was changing physically and mentally and was doing so within hours of that moment in the forest. It takes twelve hours for the common cold to take hold and give us a hint that we have it. It took about that same amount of time for all of the signals that flow through us naturally to change as well, and John woke to a new world. John woke to the same sun, room and bed, but clearly it didn't feel the same, and it would only get worse... Players John,...

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Butterfly Beach XIV Captivity

A mockery of a woman, most decidedly feminine in feature, stood before me appraising me in silence.  In return, I examined her as well, more curious, at the moment, than afraid, although I wasn’t entirely without fear.  She would have once been regarded as beautiful, I surmised, despite that her features were somehow alien in cast – her single eye slanted and overly large, a lavender pupil filling the entirety and her features somewhat sharper than any human I had ever encountered.  And her...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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After the Energists Mikes and Tempes NIS WeekChapter 6 Butterfly Fly Away

NIS Day 3 – Halloween Morning - Medway High School 6:55am, Wednesday, October, 31, 1979 “Hey, Cuda! Whatcha think?” Sammy shouted with her hands about her auburn mane as I walked into Mrs. Stenn’s art room studio. “Hot damn, Wushu! You’re the sexiest copper cop I’ve ever seen!” I replied as Mrs. Stenn was putting the finishing touches on the lowest silver dress-button over Sammy’s recently trimmed red pubic hairs. Our art teacher had covered all of Sammy’s upper body to her mid-thighs in...

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Sorkanas Rise New Discoveries

Sorkana's Rise, New Discoveries By: Malissa Madison As Shalarra was getting to know her new Queen, her parents were making a new discovery. In an attempt to try and capture a few of the Earth similar species, LtCmdr Ta Tsong was leading a flight of three science skimmers trailed by one of the shuttles. The sudden burst of static followed by an electronic Colony Ship Identifier, was almost disregarded before Ta realized it wasn't just static bleed over from their...

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Swapping Wives and Fucking Teen Girls at the Beach Cottage

Carolina Beach, North Carolina is a small town and a beautiful place for our retirement. We’re only twelve miles south of Wilmington if we want to take advantage of the amenities and health services of a larger city. My name is Dan, and my wife, Jenny, and I were recently able to retire after working our whole lives in Wilmington and raising our daughter, Ashley, there.We bought our modest, one-bedroom, beachfront cottage on Carolina Beach when I had just turned thirty, at a time before the...

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The Murder of Sharon Weathers Slut Extraordinaire

My name is Rebecca. Everyone calls me Becca. I entered the police department right out of college. I progressed rapidly, through different divisions and assignments. I always had my eyes set on Robbery-Homicide and after six years of hard word and dedication, I finally made it. At age thirty, I was youngest female in the division for such a coveted assignment, but I was superb at my job. I made it because of my skill not my gender. It was Saturday. Dispatch called our number just after we had...

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Butterfly Effects

The saying goes: a butterfly flapping its wings in China can cause a tornado in Kansas. That’s bullshit. Well, it's inaccurate at the least. But, in the affairs of men and women, tiny ripples often do magnify into huge waves. At least that’s been my view. Looking back on my life with Laura I used to see how little moments cascaded into life changing events. About two years ago, after first meeting Laura, I rejected her despite our mutual attraction, all because of a ring. Eventually, that ring...

Wife Lovers
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The Neighbourhood 05 20220616 Dinner and Discoveries

Introduction: A tale of lust, love, and longing, spanning a few weeks and dozens of lives. Jim meets most of the family next door: Cindy and her teen daughters. No first person sex in this one – but some interesting discoveries over dinner. Your opinions matter, so comments with your thoughts are welcome. Constructive advice preferred, of course. Each chapter is labelled with the themes in that chapter. There are a lot of other themes to this tale as the chapters progress, including: anal,...

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Your Wish Come True Chapter 9 Discoveries

"Your Wish Come True" by Pol Roget Chapter 9 Discoveries She makes discoveries about herself and the future becomes clearer. __________ STILL rather stunned by her new apartment, Mandy decided she needed to get two things fairly urgently: her own new mobile phone and a new computer. She locked the apartment and, taking advantage of a lull in the rain, walked up to Chesham Place where she caught a cab to Oxford Circus. She intended to visit a computer shop she had...

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Your Wish Come True revised Chapter 9 Discoveries

Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 9 Discoveries She makes discoveries about herself and the future becomes clearer STILL rather stunned and excited by her new apartment, Mandy decided she needed to get two things fairly urgently: her own new mobile phone and a new computer. She locked the apartment and, taking advantage of a lull in the rain, walked up to Chesham Place where she...

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The Pink Butterfly

The Pink Butterfly We had lived in our new home for about 6 months. Our next door neighbors, Erika and ?J? quickly became best friends, we seemed to do just about everything social with them. Erika and her husband, ?J,? are about our ages, mid to late 30-s, and were not only great looking as a couple, but intelligent, and just plain fun to be around. But I digress; a little about me. My name is Lisa; I’m 34, 5’6? tall, about 110 pounds wet, with mid-back length, jet black hair and long bangs...

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Jingbang In Goa 8211 Part II The Butterfly Effect

Author : JINGBANG Email: For the Part 1 of this story please go to https://www.indiansexstories2.net/group/jingbang-goa-part/ I finally managed to reach the top berth. I had two guys sitting on my either side and 2 guys sitting in the opposite berth. I asked them which game they were playing and they said it was bluff. Since I knew how to play that game, I also expressed my eagerness to play with them. Anyways I wanted to improve my rapport with my colleagues. I so wished that Riya was also...

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Butterfly Love A Halloween Story

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

1 year ago
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Madame Butterfly

Madame ButterflyIn my last story “I Found a DVD”, I told of how I had witnessed my work colleague, Jane, getting cum splattered over her face from her husband and how this made me so horny everytime I saw her that I had to find ways to achieve desperately needed orgasm at work.I decided I should expand on this part of the story.So, as I mentioned, I had found videos of Jane getting cum squirted into her face and it made me sooo horny. Every time I saw her at work, we would stop and chat,...

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Elizabeths story sexual discovery with my stepbrother

“Elizabeth’s story: sibling love”Background: I am Elizabeth. Today, I am a happily married woman, age 27 with two small children. The story I am about to tell occurred almost exactly ten years ago, during my senior year in high school, within a year of my stepdad’s death in Afghanistan.Events occurred that I did not plan, and I am not necessarily proud of. My husband, whom I adore, knows about these events, and not only understands, but actually finds them stimulating and exciting. He asked me...

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Bikini Beach The Family Outing

Copyright by the author. All rights reserved. This story may not be reproduced without the express permission of the author. Bikini Beach: The Family Outing By Elrod W "This one doesn't look good, either." Mike Harwin slid his key into the ignition as he slammed the car door. He glanced over the seat. "Sorry kids, but this doesn't look like a very nice beach." There was an immediate cry of protest from little Jimmy and his older sister Nichole, seated in the back of the sedan....

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Androids of Evergreen pt3 Athena

Although Tom liked the quiet moments with her, today it was hard to resist his want to take Chloe there on the couch. He hadn’t fucked her in over 24 hours now. He was holding off and building up his cum for when his new daughter arrived. It was supposed to be any time now, but it was still frustrating having such a great piece right in front of him and having to hold off fucking her. He kept reminding himself that he would be blowing his load inside his new daughter very soon. Then, he would...

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Madame Butterfly

In my last story, “I Found a DVD”, I told of how I had witnessed my work colleague, Jane, getting cum splattered over her face from her husband and how this made me so horny every time I saw her that I had to find ways to achieve desperately needed orgasms at work.I decided I should expand on this part of the story.As I mentioned, I had found videos of Jane getting cum squirted into her face and it made me sooo horny. Every time I saw her at work we would stop and chat, usually by the...

3 years ago
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My Unwanted Butterfly Tattoo

Divorce can be hard for a single Mom like me. Especially if you’re a practicing Catholic. But I felt like I had to do it, given that he ran off with one of my best friends. I’ve been trying to keep it together for my eighteen-year-old son. I’ve gotten a lot of help from my support group and the parish priest.Yesterday I was just relaxing by the pool for a while before I had to get dinner ready for Jeff and I. He wasn’t home from marching band practice yet so I figured it was ok to put on a...

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Butterfly Wings

BUTTERFLY WINGS By Tcheena3 CHAPTER ONE ?- Metamorphosis, Wings Begin to Flutter They say that the sweep of a butterfly?s wings in the Amazon rainforest can cause a hurricane on the other side of the world.Sounds great, but it?s a ridiculous premise, really, when you get right down to it. Oh, yes, I?m sure we all understand cause and effect. But to suggest that such a small action could spiral into such a huge reaction in such a comparatively short distance seems absurd.At least, that?s...

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Discoveries With My Brother Chapter 1 and 2

This is a work of fiction... Chapter 1 – The Temptation Begins: Although a quarter of a century has passed since these incidents occurred, it seems like only yesterday that they happened. I have never related these events to another living soul until now. To the best of my knowledge, my brother and I are the only people who are aware of our time of discovery together. Yes, I suspect it is a combination of shame and guilt that have kept either Gary or me from sharing these experiences with even...

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Beckys South Beach Spring Break

FRIDAY, March 10 2006 — SOUTH BEACH, MIAMI, FLORIDA "Oh look Mandy," I cried as we turned left off 5th Street onto Ocean Drive and saw the white capped blue waves breaking on the famous beach to our right, while on our left the architectural splendor of the Art Deco district flashed by. I could feel the excitement of Ellie and Crystal behind me as Mandy slowed her red A-6, as engrossed by the passing scenery as the rest of us. "There it is!" Ellie screamed in my ear, her arm pointing...

2 years ago
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Taught to Suck Cock at the Beach

tThe weather and life-style in South Florida is envied by many people, especially those living in the colder climates. I was fortunate to be born and raised in the greater Miami area, and then even more blessed when I was able to find gainful employment back here after going away to college. My wife Laura is from the Orlando area, and we met in college in our senior year. Now we live in a suburb of Miami that is close to the beaches where I spent time as a teenager.My name is Jimmy, and we are...


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