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The book slid into place – the last of those that had been returned that day.  Melissa pushed the cart back to its normal parking spot next to the front counter.  Along the way, she glanced out the door, and then at the clock above the counter.  It was half past six – nearly closing time – and she was beginning to worry.

Dani was like clockwork, arriving at five after five every Saturday for the entire seven months Melissa had worked at the library.  Today, there had been no sign of her.  For a fleeting moment, Melissa considered looking up her information in the database to see if there was a phone number.  Her rational mind overruled her emotions, though.  She pushed the cart into its place, walked behind the counter, and took her seat.

Things come up.  She’ll probably come in tomorrow, Melissa thought.

It didn’t help.

With the library empty and all her work done, she flipped her dark brown hair over her shoulders, and reached for the book she’d been reading.  It was then that the door opened.  Melissa looked over and her heart sang.

Dani wasn’t wearing her usual smile, but the blonde only looked slightly less radiant without it.  The way she walked was impossible to ignore.  Her flowing gait and the way her hands moved at her sides were magic – pure femininity.  Melissa’s heart raced.

After decades of living a heterosexual life – if it could even be called living – she’d finally accepted who she really was.  True to the tragedy of her life, she’d almost immediately found herself infatuated with a woman easily half her age.  Saturday was both a blessing and a curse.

“Running a little late today,” Melissa said as Dani approached with the books she’d checked out the previous week.

Dani rolled her eyes and sighed.  “Sorry.  It’s been a very long day.”

“It’s no problem at all,” Melissa said as she took the books to check them in.

There it was.  The perfume was Eternity, and the scent of it gave Melissa chills.  Dani always wore it, and though Melissa had recognized it, she couldn’t recall what the name of it was until she happened across a sample in a magazine.  That night, with the scent of it filling her lungs, was the first time she had purposely and unreservedly masturbated to a fantasy of another woman.  Though she could ill afford it, she had purchased a bottle, and now it was part of her nightly relief.

“I suppose I should hurry if I want to find anything before closing,” Dani said.  Though her smile was slight, it was more than enough to make Melissa weak in the knees.

“Good luck,” Melissa said.  As the blonde left the counter, Melissa purposely looked down at the books, so as not to be captured by the beautiful young woman’s retreat.  She’d nearly been caught staring more times than she cared to think about.

Melissa finished checking in the books, and then carried them to their place on the shelves.  She couldn’t have avoided a glance at Dani standing by the card catalog if she tried, but she did manage to keep it brief.  Even that was sufficient to set her heart to pattering.

With the books put away, Melissa returned to her seat and opened her book.  It was an autobiography of a woman who had only accepted she was a lesbian in midlife, and hit close to home.  The author captured her own turbulent emotions perfectly.  Reading it was helping her sort through things.

Movement in her peripheral vision caused her to look up some time later, and she saw Dani approaching.

“I know it’s almost closing, but I haven’t really found anything yet,” the blonde said.  “Is there any chance I could stay a little longer?”

Melissa prayed the younger woman didn’t notice her breaking out into gooseflesh.  The look on Dani’s face had just a hint of a pout, and made her utterly irresistible.  Melissa swallowed and answered, “Of course.  I’ll go ahead and lock up.”

This time, Dani’s smile beamed.  “Thanks.  I’ll hurry, I promise.”

As soon as the blonde was out of sight, Melissa allowed the shiver that had been threatening to overtake her free reign.  She blew out a long breath while dropping her head into a hand.  Her forehead felt warm, and she knew that a blush had accompanied her chill.  She composed herself and rose, letting the task of locking the doors distract her as much as possible.  This time, her embarrassment kept her eyes from drifting toward where Dani perused the shelves.

Melissa returned to her chair and her book.  She’d reached the point where the author was taking the first tiny steps into her new life – her true life.  Again, the anxiety chronicled in the pages matched her own.  The author described her first date with another woman, and how thankful she was her date understood her situation, helping her to relax and enjoy the experience.  Then, the anxiety returned when the couple reached her house and she contemplated a first kiss.

Caught up in the narrative, she never noticed Dani approaching from the back of the library.

“That’s a good book,” the blonde said.

Melissa’s heart skipped a beat as she turned and saw the blonde leaning over the counter – a pair of books she’d selected sitting next to her.

Dani stepped around the back of the counter and continued, “I think I was reading that when I really accepted who I was.  Is it helping you?”

Her face felt as if it was on fire.  Melissa’s brain locked up, and she could only stammer, “I...  I...”

The blonde reached out and laid a hand on Melissa’s shoulder.  “It’s okay.  Your secret is safe with me.  I know what it’s like.”

Of course, the touch caused her to shiver.  This time, there was no suppressing it.

Dani smiled and said, “I had my suspicions, but I wasn’t sure.  Have you taken the first step yet?”

Melissa found her voice to answer, “I’m not sure what you mean.”

The blonde continued to caress Melissa’s shoulder and said, “Well, asking someone out, or going on a date.  I think the real first step is a kiss, though.  That’s when I knew for sure it was the life I was meant to lead.”

Her heart racing from the closeness, the touch, Dani’s perfume, and the young woman’s words, Melissa answered with the barest shake of her head.

“A library is no place to be so overdue,” Dani said, and then leaned in.

For a fraction of a second, Melissa panicked, wondering if she was ready to take such a leap.  Then, she knew she was.  Dani’s lips touched hers, and she finally understood everything she’d ever read or heard about a first kiss.

She felt as if she were floating.  The chill that ran through her was nearly overwhelming, but oh so beautiful.  A soft hand tenderly caressed her cheek, and before she could form the thought, Melissa reached up to do the same.  Dani’s tongue tickled her lips, and Melissa’s slipped into the kiss as well.  Long before she was ready for it to end, Dani stood up straight, though she left her hand on Melissa’s cheek.

The blonde let out a soft, sweet moan.  “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that,” she said.  “Or how badly I needed it after the day I’ve had.  So, what do you think?”

Melissa covered the hand on her cheek with her own and answered with a single word, “Wonderful.”

Dani smiled and said, “Maybe we should try again, just to make sure.”

Melissa nodded her head, and then punctuated it by kissing the younger woman’s wrist.

Dani chuckled and leaned in again.  This time, Melissa cupped the blonde’s cheek in her hand before their lips touched.  The kiss was just as soft and sweet and wonderful as the first, and this time Dani didn’t pull away.  After the first soft peck came another, and then another.

Slowly but surely, passion crept into Dani’s kiss, and Melissa matched it.  Their tongues slipped over each other, and arousal mingled with the simple, sweet joy of knowing what a real kiss was.  Melissa didn’t resist when Dani grasped her wrist, allowing the younger woman to guide it.  They both gasped into the kiss when the blonde laid Melissa’s hand upon her breast.

Arousal surged within Melissa as she explored the firm globe, wishing the barrier of top and bra weren’t between them.  Then an even sharper pang of need assaulted her when Dani squeezed one of Melissa’s larger breasts.  Their kisses grew ardent – needy.

Melissa nearly protested when the blonde’s hand moved from her breast, but then she realized its path.  Her breathing quickened as Dani’s hand slid down her side and then settled onto her thigh – so close to her need.

“Do you want this?” Dani asked with her lips still touching Melissa’s.  Three fingers tugged in a walking motion, raising the hem of Melissa’s skirt an inch or so.

Melissa had never wanted – needed – anything so desperately.  “Yes,” she answered in a breathless rush.

The younger woman kissed her once more, and then sank down to her knees with the same flowing grace as her walk.  Melissa’s heart raced as Dani slipped her fingers beneath the hem of her skirt.  Then the blonde looked up and their eyes met.  Though her smile was as sweet as ever, there was a fire of desire in her eyes, and it caused Melissa to shudder.

“You have such beautiful legs,” Dani said while gliding her fingers up and down them just under the hem of Melissa’s skirt.  “So smooth.  I looked forward to seeing them every week.”

“So do you,” Melissa said.

“If I’d known you were looking, I’d have worn skirts or shorts more often.”  Dani pushed her hands a little higher, bunching up Melissa’s skirt with it.  Her eyebrows lifted, and she waited to see how the older woman reacted.

Melissa nodded, finding her lips curling into a smile.

Dani smiled back, and then pushed Melissa’s skirt up, letting her thumbs glide along the brunette’s thighs, revealing the pale pink panties adorned with flowers that she wore.

“So pretty,” Dani said while tracing a fingertip over the material near the crease of Melissa’s thigh.

The touch caused the older woman to shiver and draw in a broken gasp.

Dani licked her lips and said, “I know that what they’re hiding is even prettier.”  With that, she held out her hand.

Melissa took the blonde’s hand, and then stood at her silent urging.  Dani reached up under the older woman’s skirt, her fingertips tracing a path up Melissa’s legs.  She slipped her fingers beneath the waistband with practiced ease, and ever so slowly slid Melissa’s panties down.  A caress of each leg indicated when Melissa should lift her feet in turn, allowing the blonde to slip the pink cotton free.

Dani quickly – but perfectly – folded Melissa’s panties into a square and slipped them through the loop of a drawer handle on the counter.  Only then did she begin to push up Melissa’s skirt.

Melissa’s heart beat faster with every inch her skirt rose.  The sound of Dani’s quiet gasp and sweet moan when she revealed the treasure she sought gave the brunette chills.  Melissa grasped her skirt, holding it bunched at her waist to free the blonde’s hands.

Dani looked up from the dark curls on Melissa’s mound and said, “I was right.”  With that, she turned and kissed the older woman’s leg, just above the knee.  A kiss slightly higher followed.  Melissa drew in a deep breath, expecting the next kiss to be higher still, but instead, Dani turned and planted a soft peck on her other knee.

The blonde slowly kissed her way higher, moving from leg to leg, until Melissa thought she was going to burst with need.  She never would have imagined she could possibly be so aroused, having never experienced anything like it before in the lie she had been living.

“Please,” Melissa begged when Dani planted yet another kiss a few inches below where the older woman so desperately needed it.

The blonde nodded, and then grabbed the chair behind Melissa to wheel it over to the side.  Next, she curled her fingers around Melissa’s ankle and tugged.  Melissa lifted her foot into the chair, inviting Dani in.

Dani stretched two fingers into a V and traced the outer edges of Melissa’s labia, causing the brunette’s intimate muscles to contract.  She then tickled the trimmed curls above and looked up to ask, “You’re sure?”

Her voice husky with need, Melissa answered, “Yes.  Yes.”

Dani curled her fingers around the older woman’s unbent leg, and leaned in.

Melissa whimpered and jerked from the sensation of the younger woman’s soft lips kissing her folds.  A warbling moan followed when Dani’s tongue slipped out and slid along the parting of her lips.

“Oh yes,” Dani said before sliding the tip of her tongue between Melissa’s folds again.

Melissa didn’t even remember reaching out with her free hand to run her fingers through Dani’s hair, but it was there nonetheless.  She was awestruck with how beautiful the blonde looked kneeling between her legs.  Dani seemed to be positively glowing as she tongued the brunette’s folds.

The feeling was indescribable.  It was so much sweeter and intimate than anything she’d ever experienced before.   There was none of the sense of urgency she’d felt when men had gone down on her.  They always seemed to be forcefully pushing her toward an orgasm that rarely happened.  Dani’s touch was more of a dance, leading her to pleasure.  The gorgeous young blonde was enjoying the journey, rather than hurrying to a destination.

Melissa whimpered and moaned in utter bliss as Dani led her toward sweet surrender.  Dani almost seemed to know her better than she knew herself.  The blonde would tongue her folds, tasting her nectar, and just when Melissa needed more, she would have it.  Dani’s tongue would swirl over the center of her pleasure, assuaging her need.  Every tender kiss, swipe of the tongue, or suckle of her bud was there exactly when Melissa needed it, without fail.

Soaring ever higher, Melissa’s hips gyrated, her back arched, and her head lolled.  Her sounds of pleasure grew louder, echoing back from the walls and shelves.  So too did Dani’s as she reveled in the brunette’s building ecstasy and the sweet tang of her wetness.

The older woman was on the cusp of a true climax for the first time in her life, and yet, she almost didn’t want to reach the point of release.  The slow bubble of orgasmic energy was infinitely more divine than the simple satiation of coming.  She wanted to stay in that perfect moment forever.

With a suck of her tingling nub and a deft swirl of the tongue, Dani lovingly carried her over the edge.

As with everything else, it was like nothing she’d experienced before.  Her orgasm wasn’t the sharp, overwhelming crash she’d experienced while masturbating to fantasies of the young woman between her legs.  It wasn’t the lackluster, barely adequate release she’d known before accepting her real sexuality.  Her every pore felt alive with energy, and slow-moving ripples of ecstasy radiated out from her sex to her extremities.

She trembled, broke out into goose bumps, and voiced her pure rapture in a long, quiet cry.  Dani’s lips continued to enfold her throbbing bud, massaging it beneath its protective hood, drawing out Melissa’s climax.  The young woman moaned in delight, and the vibrations caused Melissa’s orgasm to surge even stronger.

On and on it went until sweat was beading on her forehead and her knees could barely support her.  Just when she felt she could endure no more and remain standing, Dani released her clit, gave her folds a final kiss, and then stood.  The blonde wrapped her arms around Melissa, and the brunette responded in kind.  They stood together in a wonderfully warm embrace as Melissa settled down from her heights.

When her panting breaths finally slowed, Dani leaned back in their embrace, wearing a heart stopping smile, and cupped Melissa’s cheek in her hand.

Melissa looked deep into the young woman’s green eyes and said, “I’ve never... I can’t...  So wonderful.”

Dani’s smile somehow grew even brighter, and she held a finger against Melissa’s lips to quiet her.  A moment later, she replaced the finger with her lips, and the older woman nearly swooned from the combination of the sweet kiss and the taste of her own wetness.

When their lips parted, Dani guided Melissa to sit down in the chair, where the brunette sat limp and utterly satiated.  Dani pulled over another chair, sat down next to her, and leaned against the brunette’s shoulder.  They sat in silence, occasionally caressing each other for long, wonderful minutes.

“I suppose we should probably go.  The library closed an hour and a half ago,” Dani eventually said.

Melissa glanced up at the clock and was shocked to see that Dani was right.  She looked into the blonde’s eyes and said, “I don’t want to.”

Dani said, “We could always leave together.  I don’t have anywhere to be tonight.  I’d love to spend it with you.”

Melissa gasped and said, “Yes.”  She then took the initiative and sought the younger woman’s lips, finding a newfound source of strength in her kiss.

It was easily a minute later before the kiss ended with a final, gentle peck, and Dani said, “So, check out my books for me?”

Melissa couldn’t help but laugh as she rose to do exactly that.


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The Black Seas Ch 19

Port Royal, 1706 After a couple months of rest Maynard made a full recovery from the injuries he had sustained by the hands of Blackbeard. During his recovery period Maynard kept was kept up to date on ship movements throughout the Caribbean in hopes to track any of the Black List targets. He had lost his prized ship, the Ocean’s Innocence, which was the Black List’s most heavily armed and fastest ship. The loss wasn’t a tremendous blow to the organization though. Stretched out over the...

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The Breeding Room Part II

Judy stood naked in front of the mirrored wardrobe doors, one hand held a large bath towel and the other cupped her left breast. She was admiring herself. She couldn’t understand why because until moving into the house she had never spent a great deal of time paying attention to her body. She had never really paid much attention to her sexuality, Judy just took it for granted. Yes, she was aware of her body and took care of herself as far as diet and exercise was concerned but she had never...

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Courtneys ConversionChapter 16 Conclusion

If you’ve read all my tales of my wife’s tail, you’ll agree that it has been quite a time. We’ve both learned a lot from all the adventures. Some were more difficult than others but that is how life goes. Perhaps the only regret is that we didn’t start exploring our sexual capacity earlier. But then maybe we wouldn’t have been ready. What is, is, and we are making the very best of it. Some might be concerned that my wife is somehow abusing me. During all the years we have been married, we’ve...

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Mc Allisters RedemptionChapter 4

"The Compact of Raphael," McAllister mused aloud, as the Horse and Rider cantered down the road from Nanterey. "What is it, and why were we commanded to break it?" "It's a shame the priest wasn't more help." "I suspect the Mother would have said more had we asked in private." "She did seem vexed with us," the horse said in a considering tone. "When we get to the library at the port of Crest, we'll look for a description and a guess at its location." "You shall...

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JulesJordan Christiana Cinn Naturally busty Christiana Cinn has her ASS penetrated

Christiana Cinn is back at JulesJordan.com for more Ass-Fucking from Manuel! Christiana knows when she needs a big dick in her ass, Manuel is the guy to call. She’s looking hot as hell in her pink lace lingerie set with stockings and high heels as she walks around Manuel’s house and shows off her body. Christiana pulls out her tits right away and starts squeezing and licking them before pulling down her panties and to finger her ass. Manuel pulls out his cock so Christiana can suck on it while...

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And our girlfriend makes three

‘Oh, my God, Dane, I swear you have some female traits in you.’ That’s my wife, Stephanie, reminding me how good I am at eating her pussy. She’s always telling me that I eat her like I were a woman. Something to do with how soft my lips and tongue are when I lick her down there. She has first-hand experience there, having been in a girl-girl relationship when we met. I hesitate to describe it as a lesbian relationship because she was fucking me during the time she was with the other woman. We...

4 years ago
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My Boss Myself and I

Sitting on my desk, swaying my legs, I was conjuring another one of my ‘cupid attacks’ on two colleagues. I was quite good at it, having set up four couples and one of them getting engaged within the year. It was something that thrilled me but also depressed me as I was cupid for everyone else, but if only cupid would shoot an arrow in my ass… Woe is me. My own lack of a love life wasn't due to being unattractive. Not to be vain but I'm quite good looking. I have dark brown hair that waves...

Straight Sex
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FIrst Date sex

Now shawty I no u no all bout ma good side… But I think its time I introduce u to ma other side I aint one of them fast ass niggaz who breaks off 2 quick … I get it down nice and slow… the way we be bumping and grinding… tonight u ll b sliping and sliding… Baby girl on ma **** u ll riding… Now I no u heard rumours about how I’m the baddest sexer but I guess tonight u r gonna find out for sure Now baby watch ure step… The living room is this way… Get ureself comfortable as I...

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TryoutChapter 9

Kim and Emily kissed her lightly, one on each cheek. "Is everything OK?" Kimberly asked. Connie nodded. "He had some last-minute jitters, but they've been soothed." She closed the door quickly and took her guests' coats. "He's just showering right now." Emily was wearing another beautifully tailored suit, while Kim was casually sexy in her jeans and an oversized sweatshirt. Emily carried her briefcase; Kim's totebag clanked. Kim suddenly giggled. "I feel so - naughty!" Connie...

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Barb comes out

Chapter 1 Barb had been raised in a church going household. As she entered her teen years, she heard the stories from some of the kids she went to school with about sex. Cock, oral sex, std’s, and of course babies. She didn’t think about it much. She was from a religious family and of course, she would never have sex before marriage. Through her teen years, she noticed the increase in her senses when it came to looking at and being around boys and men. Her sexuality was awakening. She...

1 year ago
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Taking the Class Part 4Chapter 17 Monday Afternoon 332PM

“I think this might be the best meal I’ve had all year,” Laura said. She looked down carefully at the bowl in her lap, speared a single piece of lettuce, and chewed it. Her eyes closed, and she smiled a little. Her eyes opened, and her smile changed to a worried expression as she looked across the coffee table at Alaina. “You don’t have to be so suspicious. It’s not just the food. I haven’t...” She looked down and poked her fork around her salad bowl aimlessly. “When I’d eat with my family...

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A night out

like a complete slut as my lips curled over his purple knob-end and felt the cool night air on my twitching cock, knowing that he could see everything I had as he looked down and watched me."Christ, that feels fucking good." he rasped as he looked down and saw my head bobbing back and forth, "You suck just like a real woman.""That’s because I feel like a real woman." I smiled as I pulled off him and continued to slide my fist up and down his rigid shaft, "And just like any other woman, I love...

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Anjas Weg nach Ghana

Mein Weg nach Ghana beginnt im zarten Alter von 17 Jahren. Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt verlief mein ganzes Leben vorgeplant und eigentlich ereignislos… vor allem sexuell. Meine stinkreichen Eltern haben mich schon in jungen Jahren in ein Internat abgeschoben. Und im katholischen Mädcheninternat im Süden Bayerns bekommt man zwar schon einen theoretischen Einblick, was die Welt zwischen den Frauenbeinen mal zu bieten hat, aber an der praktischen Erprobung hapert es dann doch gewaltig. Jetzt im...

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Teen Love To Sex With Neighbor

Hi to all ISS readers. I’m Nikhil a cool, well placed middle-aged guy working for an mnc based in Bangalore.I travel to all the main metros on work regularly.Please mail me at with your comments after reading my story. I stay in a multistoried apartment block on the 14th floor with my family. We have our neighbours the ahujas living across in the next flat. They have a real cute and sexy daughter Dipti who was in class x but she was 18. Now let me describe Dipti – fair, long straight waist...

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(Copyright 2020 Kaizer Wolf) Submitted to Sexstories: April 5, 2022 Tags: harem, supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde, mystery ***** Hi there! Thanks for checking out this story! This series is written like a novel, so be sure to start at Chapter 1 if you want to avoid any confusion. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy! ***** - CHAPTER 7: Date - After Gabriella and I rinsed off in the shower together and got dressed, I made sure I knew what mall we were going to, and then took a...

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Owner Wife Ki Echina Sex Rent

Hi, na peru krishna madhi tirupathi na age 23, na studies antha chennai lo complete ayindhi. Prasthutham chennai lo untuna evarina unsatisfied ladies unte naku mail cheyachu Eka story ki vasthe edhi 6 months mundhu jargindhi, na studies ayaka na job search kosam nenu chennai lone undevadni. Pallavaram dhagara oka pent house lo rent ki undevadni, aa house owner uncle ki age 57, daughters andharu married foreign lo settle ayaru ethanu matram ekada railways lo job chesthunadu, thana wife 10 yrs...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart VII 6 Will You Be My Slave Tonight

Friday morning and early afternoon seemed to pass in a flash, but then it slowed down to a drag during crafts as it neared the time our parents were due to arrive. Although we had fun at camp, things tended to become very predictable and... well, dull. The entire camp was restless, everyone knowing that there would be a even bigger wow than when the helicopter came unannounced. The worst of it was I was looking forward to it myself. We almost failed to notice them when they did finally show...

2 years ago
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Nurturing Nubile NovicesChapter 17

Dear Diary - (August 10) Today disaster struck. I have to go home. Mom broke her leg trying to learn how to water-ski and I have to go home and take care of her... and do her work around the house. I don't know if I can stand it. It's not just missing Bill and... well, you know... he's done it to me six times so far and each time seemed better than the last. Maybe he's got me pregnant? That would solve everything, even if I'd get a real rough time from the family. All it would mean is...

1 year ago
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I think Ive waited long enough

So there I was. It was a typical Saturday night out. Beautiful girls -much more beautiful than me- and hunky guys lined the streets and bars. I was in the of the biggest and busiest clubs, hanging out with my brother and his, let’s say, hardly unattractive friends.  I’d always liked one of them. Matt. He was a few inches taller than me, standing at around 6’3′, and his eyes were a beautiful, piercing blue. He was just my type. He was into rock music, like me, but he didn’t have long greasy...

1 year ago
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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 13 Katie negotiates for

Katie negotiates for the missing file Sweat poured off of Katie's forehead as she felt the burning sensation in her stomach. She increased her breathing and fought through the pain as she kept her fingers firmly wrapped around the back of her head with her elbows facing forward. The beautiful wife continued counting; bringing her knees up to her chest as her upper body moved forward to meet them. After she reached 100 she stopped and stared at the ceiling of her bedroom and let her stomach...

3 years ago
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My Ghost House ch 3

It seemed that when Colt was active, Beau was dormant. I lay there in the bed pondering my situation, but it seemed that there was no answer forthcoming. Colt made me feel safe, but what did I really know about him? Beau had only shown himself that one time in the shower. Turning onto my side, I stared into the dim light of my bedroom. What about that door? What secrets were behind that door? Flopping on my belly, the thoughts of what happened earlier had my insides warm and liquidy. It was...

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She was blacked very hard

I was very tired and not in the mood for going to a party; but my little wife insisted and she finally convinced me to go.Ana told me to give her ten minutes to change her outfit.When she came back from the bedroom, my sensual babe was wearing a sexy black short dress, revealing her long beautiful legs.Before leaving, Ana bent over her waist, to show me she was not wearing a thong. Even her swollen labia looked to be already wet and glistening…I asked her about her plans for the night and she...

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mom and her boys part 1

Mom and her boys Jackie Malone pulled into her driveway and pressed the button for the automatic garage door opener. After work she stopped by a local grocery store where she did some shopping for dinner which she would be making later that evening. Her three boys came running out of the side door to help her carry the groceries inside. She popped the trunk as her boys kissed her on the cheek one by one. Her husband John greeted her as well. She kissed him on the cheek and said with a smile....

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Ubering Another Couple

I saw them whispering about something and then the boyfriend leaned up to the driver’s seat and said, so what do you think of my gf Well, I didn’t lie I told him “she’s fucking hot… you’re a damn lucky man” He said, “well she thinks your cute too and she wants to fuck you” Well, shit, I almost ran into the back of the truck in front of me. I said “what?” He said, I want you to fuck my gf while I watch, is there some place secluded we can go where no one will bother us” I said, “yeah, I...

4 years ago
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The Den

The DenThis story is based entirely on reality as I can best recall it, but it was so long ago some details may have been forgotten. This story is a prequel of sorts to my tale “First Fuck After French Exam” https://xhamster.com/stories/first-fuck-after-french-exam-617745 and details the intimacy that grew between John and myself leading up to those events.My best friend John and I used to make use of a little known dirt track that ran a neat little groove through the wooded edge of our local...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Sex With Neighbour Aunty

Hello indian sex stories dot net readers, this is raj Kumar age 22 from Mumbai had a 6.5-inch tool, I am a very avid reader of iss. I am penning down my real life sex experience with neighbour hood aunty. Please give me feedback at I live in Mumbai, there is a beautiful aunty with stats 34-28-36 to next our room. She lives along with her husband who is a workaholic (he goes at 8 am and comes 10 pm) and 12-year-old child. I am so descent and shy person, we have been neighbors from last 6...

1 year ago
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Mom gets married Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Earlier I had related how my mother came by the house one sunny afternoon, discovered me in the pool area of the backyard, tanning naked, and eventually started to fondal and suck my cock. That fondaling and sucking turned into my mother spending the rest of the afternoon, and all night feasting with me, on each other's sexuality, eventually becoming sated enough to sleep. That had been saturday afternoon and evening. Well...Mom, whom is a 38 year old...

3 years ago
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Introduction: Jessica is tricked into takeing her former friends place on the spit at her family barbeque. Deception Story: #31 Copyright 2005 Written: May 15 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** RING Jessica picked up the phone, Jessica was surprised to find it was Stacey on the other end of the call, Jessica hadnt spoken to Stacey in over two...

2 years ago
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Every Woman Has a Price26 Blood Money

The idea that gunshots were loud had always been something Owen knew, but had never experienced. Gunshots were loud. Gunshots were loud enough that a small cafe full of panicked and screaming women was only sometimes louder in a given moment. He pressed his cast against the weeping bloody hole in his previously uninjured arm. He had dropped to his knees, out of shock, and to keep from twisting over and falling onto his back. Blood dripped down the blue of his shirt sleeve, overtaking it...

4 years ago
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My uncle Joe

Now for the last couple of years when school is in session I have to stay at my uncle Joe's and aunt Lisa. Friday and Saturday. Because my mom works her over night shift. This past summer I stayed at my dads. So I haven't seen anyone for several months. So on Friday I walked to my aunt and uncle's h. Hi aunt Lisa. Omg you have grown. We talked and uncle Joe came in the door. And grabbed me from behind with ease. I'm only about 4foot9 And 100lbs or so. We all laughed and talked. Hey...

1 year ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 12 Candys Striptease

Saturday, June 5, 1971 When I opened my eyes, there was a faint light peeking around the heavy drapes of the windows in my room. This had been my first night in the previous Michael's bed. It had been a good night. I scanned the still sleeping girl beside me. Candy was dreaming. Her emotions running freely, unencumbered by her worries or fears. There was a purity to them; young and unmarked by the ravages of time, or life's tumults. Last night, I had carried her up the stairs and down...

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wedding day whore 3

Please read parts 1 and 2 first for this story to make sense. Feel free to leave me comments and suggestions on what should happen next. As soon as the pictures had sent to mark, lisa stood up and went to the bathroom to get herself cleaned up. As she stood at the sink looking in the mirror at the naked woman in front of her with cum dripping down her face and clinging to her eye lids she started to cry, how had she let it go this far? why did she ever fuck those strippers? how could her...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 30

The Real Story Osama Bin Laden was living with three wives in one compound and never left the house for 5 years. It is now believed he called the Navy Seals himself. Your smile for today... Ma was in the kitchen fiddling around when she hollers out, "Pa! You need to go out and fix the outhouse!" Pa replies, "There ain't nuthin wrong with the outhouse." Ma yells back, "Yes there is, now git out there and fix it." So Pa mosies out to the outhouse, looks around and yells back,...

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