Harter Gangbang mit Schw ngerung
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Bis hierhin war es ein langer Weg. Ein harter Weg, aber auch ein verdammt geiler weg. Für mich zumindest. Und für meine Freundin Sophia. Wenn ich sie noch Freundin nennen kann. Eine richtige Beziehung im klassischen Sinne führen wir nicht mehr. Ich habe mich in die Hände eines Alpha-Paares begeben, wurde ihr extrem-Sklave, und habe nach und nach meine Frwundin Sophia, ihre Schwester Johanna und einige Freundinnen von ihr dort mit rein gezogen, die jetzt ebenfalls die Sklavinnen bzw die Extrem-Sklavinen des Alphapaares sind. Was ich mit extrem meine? Extreme Folter und Schmerzen mit Foltermaschinen, extreme Demütigung und Vorführung in der Öffentlichkeit, Extrembenutzung als Toilette, Extrembenutzung als Müllschlucker, Extrembenutzung als Putzsklave, Erziehung und Abrich. Die attraktivsten Sklavinnen und Sklaven dürfen auch als Sexsklaven dienen, während wir anderen nur als Benutzungs- und Belustigungsobjekt dienen. Daher wunderte es mich auch nicht, dass ich im Treppenhaus unseres Wohnhauses vom „Wachhund“ Lara begrüßt wurde. Lara wird als Tiersklavin als Hündin gehalten, verhält sich wie eine Hündin und wird wie eine behandelt. Und ab und zu gefickt von einigen der Hausbewohnern. Das Haus gehört dem Alphapaar. Im Keller und unterm Dach hausen einige ihrer Sklaven, in den restlichen Wohnungen wohnen Freunde des Alphapaares, die sich ebenfalls an den Sklaven bedienen können. Ich stieg die Treppen rauf, unsere Wohnung war unterm Dach. Unterwegs hörte ich aus den Wohnungen aus denen ich kam eindeutige Geräusche, stöhnen und manchmal auch Schreie, sodass ich mir denken konnte was dort vor sich ging. Als ich oben ankam und unsere Wohnungstür öffnete (die nie abgeschlossen ist, wir und unsere Wohnung müssen den andren im Haus und unserem Alphapaar immer offen stehen), bekam ich einen Schwall wärmer und Sticker Luft entgegen. Bei dem Wetter im Sommer ist es in Dachgeschosswohnungen ja immer sehr warm, aber als zusätzliche Demütigung und um uns Sklaven das Leben noch schwerer zu machen, dürfen wir nicht lüften, müssen die Fenster immer geschlossen sein und müssen wir zusätzlich die Heizung voll aufdrehen. Zusätzlich brennt in einem kleinen Ofen ein Feuer und in jedem Zimmer ist mindestens noch ein Elektro Heizlüfter. Es ist also schön heiß und stickig in unserer Wohnung. Wir wohnen zu dritt hier, meine „Freundin“ Sophia, ihre Schwester Johanna und ich. Man sieht den beiden an dass sie Schwestern sind, auch wenn Johanna Schlanker und sportlicher ist, wärend Sophia schöne Rundungen besitzt. Allerdings sind beide nicht attraktiv genug um zu den Top-Sex-Sklavinnen zu gehören. Vom Wesen her sind sie beide verschieden. Zwar dienen beide gerne und mit Hingabe dem Alphapaar und lassen deswegen alles über sich ergehen. Und erregen tut es beide auch, beide ziehen daraus sexuelle Befriedigung. Während Sophia sich aber nach jeder Demütigung, jeder Folter und jeder extremen Benutzung sehnt und es nie extrem genug sein kann für sie und sie dabei richtig aufblüht, leidet Johanna jedesmal unter den Aufgaben, Strafen, unter der Folter und Demütigung. So sind sie beide verschieden. Dies zeigt sich auch jetzt wieder. Als ich mich im Flur ausgezogen hatte (Sklaven müssen im Haus immer nackt sein) rief ich: „ich bin wieder da! Sophia, wo bist du?“ „in der Badewanne“ bekam ich als Antwort. Ich ging ins Badezimmer. Was ich da sah ekelte und erregte mich zu gleich. Gut dass ich einen Keuschheitsgürtel trage. Sophia, 162 m groß, schöne Rundungen, mittellanges schwarzes Haar, süßes Gesicht, saß in der Badewanne. Die war gefüllt mit Pisse, und es schwamm auch etwas scheiße in ihr herum. Ich beugte mich zu ihr hin und hab ihr einen Kuss auf den Kopf zur Begrüßung. Ich schmeckte die Pisse. Ihre ganzen Haare waren getränkt damit. „Was ist passiert?“ fragt ich. „Ach“, meinte Sophia, „heute morgen habe ich die Nachricht bekommen, dass ich wieder mal ein Pissebad nehmen soll. Das Alphapaar möchte mich mal wieder testen wie weit ich gehe“. Sie lächelte, dennn genau diese Art von Behandlung macht sie so geil! „Was haben sie mit dir vor?“ fragte ich. „also ich soll hier Baden, noch bis heute Nachmittag“ sagte sie „solange können die anderen Bewohner und auch die Sklaven aus dem Haus hier in die Wanne pinkeln. Einige haben auch schon reingeschissen. Dann soll ich diese Sachen“ - sie zeigte auf einen Haufen mit Kleidung neben der Wanne - „anziehen, ebenfalls kurz in die Wanne damit, dass alles voll von Pisse getränkt wird, und das ganze dann trocknen lassen..“ „und dann?“ fragte ich erneut. „Dann darf ich mich die nächsten Tage nicht waschen, und auch nicht die Klamotten wechseln. Das wird spannend bei den Sachen die ich eigentlich machen wollte bzw machen soll“ sagte sie und grinste mich an. Man merkte ihr an dass sie sich auf die Demütigung freute die sie erwartete, wenn sie stinkend in der Öffentlichkeit unterwegs war. Ich lächelte zurück und freute mich für die dass sie das ganze immer so gut mitmachte. Sie war echt ein devotes Stück! Da ich pissen musste stellte ich mich vor die Wanne, zielte ich mit meinem Strahl auf ihren Kopf und ließ laufen. Sie schloss die Augen und lies sich von mir voll pissen. Dabei nahm sie ein Stück scheiße dass in der Wanne rum schwamm, und betrieb es auf ihren Brüsten und anschließend die Reste in ihrem Gesicht. Sie war so versaut. Hätte ich keinen kg an hätte ich direkt ne Erektion!
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The five young women sat at an outside table at a nice restaurant in downtown Sarasota named Maurice’s: Edie, Kat, Amber, and their new friends Crystal and Melody. They were more upscale than the restaurant, and their looks and demeanor captivated the attention of everyone that walked by. Each of the girls had ordered a salad. There was some talk about the summer jobs that the latter two girls had taken: Crystal as a part-time waitress during the dinner shift at TGIFridays restaurant, and...
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The one-hour time change allowed Sean and Amanda to arrive at the airport in Tennessee only minutes after their departure from Atlanta. Sean had previously arranged for a car and driver to meet them, so within five minutes of Jeannie Sexton opening the door of the aircraft for them, they were seated in the back of the car heading out of the airport. Sean had advised their pilot to check into the Wallace hotel property adjacent to the airport, where a room was reserved for her. He would...
There is nothing quite like the feeling I get when I accomplish something. As the valedictorian of my graduating class at Mansfield University in Mansfield, Massachusetts, I have quite a lot to be proud of. For starters, I am the first black male valedictorian the school had ever seen. Not once in its two-hundred-year history has a black person achieved what I’ve done. I choose to think of myself as a myth buster and record breaker. A young Haitian-American man with talent and a good head on...
Suddenly Allen stood and spun around then speaking with a soft voice he said, "Let's get dressed, we'll discuss this later ... okay?" he said as he bent over to pick up his gym shorts.Mary sat in the bed and watched Allen slip on his gym shorts as her heart beat up her body. She didn't care about his massive erection anymore or the fact she had just offered herself to a man she had just met less then an hour ago. Mary cared about Allen's feelings and she knew why. She had no clue how to escape...
“My mother blushed at his words. ‘And already he is dying to serve.’ She said in a mocking voice. ‘By the name of goddess, aren’t you then?’ my father scoffed at my mother. “That made my mother to blush even more. She took my erection from my father’s hand and played with its foreskin, pushing it back and forth. “Dad put his hand around my shoulder and gave me a hug. ‘Look at mom; she blushes like a newlywed virgin. Take my word, my son; she is going to give overtime to your young wand.’ “My...
Incesthi friends i have been reading sex stories till from 10th standard.so now i have decided to write my own experience in this site.it all started during the days when i am studying 10th standard .there was a friend called mahesh who usually takes the place beside me in my class room.we were thick friends.but i usually a dominating type,so i used to dominate him.we will take generally the fifith bench in our class room.i will sit next to the wall and madhu will be on my right side.once i started...
GayA friend of mine was in a band. He had a show to play downtown one night. I was supposed to work, so I figured I couldn't go. Out of the blue, his girlfriend texted me. She begged me to switch my days around to go. We really didn't know each other all that well, but my naive self didn't think anything of it. So I switched my days to go to the show and keep her company. Heather was twenty-two, five feet seven, about 125 pounds. A slim girl with sandy hair and glasses, she looked like a...
SeductionCamille and her husband had been out of the country celebrating their wedding anniversary throughout her holiday she would send me dirty pictures of herself and tell me that she wished I was with her. Last Wednesday Camille had called me during the afternoon to find out what I was doing, she had told me that her husband had gone out with a few friends for the night and would not be back until late. Camille said that she was super horny and felt like she was ovulating and needed me to come...
Disclaimer time: One- This is an original piece of work by me, Dakro. Feel free to print this story for yourself. However, the only websites I authorize to post this is FM and Crystal's. Two- If you are not into age regression, don't read. Three- If you are not into transgender fiction, then why are you here in the first place? Four- There is no sex at all, and I mean whatsoever, in this story, so if you came looking for sex stuff in a 'Preteen Under 13' story, feel free to go...
"Why do you have to be such a bitch?!"I regretted the words the moment they escaped my lips. I watched as her eyes widened in shock, softened to a hurtful sadness, and then, as she scanned the food court to see so many people staring at us, hardened with an angry resolve. I had embarrassed her and she was pissed.We were having lunch at the mall where we had spent most of the morning shopping for clothes for her. I had followed her around as she tried on various outfits in various department...
SpankingI’m 41 years old, in good shape, and have a beautiful wife, Kelly, who is 36. She’s still got her long, dark hair and perfect lips, great eyes, and the ass of a 20 year old. Her tits are a small C cup, just perfect on her 5’6″ frame. I love our sex life, but every once in a while I like to crank one off to some of my favorite porn. I’ll surf through some of the hot group sex sites, or lesbians, or whatever, and chat with a few online friends about gangbangs and...
My name is Julius. I am 18 years old. I am 5'4 tall. I have shoulder-length brown hair that I keep tied in a messy bun. I have large blue eyes and full red lips that compliments my flawless fair skin and soft cheekbones. I have a slender torso that curves beautifully at my waist giving me a nice bubble butt. I also have a 5 inch cock that occupies a pair of average sized balls. All together, I have a fairly girly-model appearance. I am kind, shy and often by myself. I like strawberries and...
GayIt was now five months I had been going out with Lisa and had occasionally been up to Glasgow for shopping but she had yet to meet my family, so I told Lisa that we had been invited up for lunch and she was very nervous. I then reminded her what I was like meeting her Mum and family, which seemed to relax her. First she meet my brother, who, she had met down at the hotel, then my Dad and Step Mum came out the kitchen and said "Hello, can we get you a drink?" Lisa replied "Just some water thank...
Kimberly Gail Maxwell was a stay home mom with three children. Kim had tinkered with the idea of home-schooling Kimberly, Joshua Jr and Betsy ages, 12. 10 and 6, but thought better of it. Since Betsy was now in school, Kim found herself with lot of free time on her hands.She and her hubby, Joshua had fucked like rabbits while in college and the early years of their marriage, but sex had become rare these days. Kim suspected Joshua of having an affair, but dismissed the idea.Kim’s best friend...
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Her Special Uncles Basement &hellip,.I loved my uncle Chad. Ever since I was little he let me hang on him and paid attention to me. My think my dad wanted a boy, so he pretty much ignored me. My uncle lived two houses down from us and he worked at home. He was always there and working in his basement tinkering with things. I decided to go there after school. I quietly came up behind him and hugged him. He felt so good to hug. He let me feel him all I wanted. His tummy, chest and as I grew up,...
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ASMR Porn SitesAuthors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...
Cum On Clothes Reddit, aka r/CumOnClothes! Where do you like to cum when you fuck a chick? I love doing it on multiple places. For example, sometimes I feel like cumming on her face and so I do that. At other times I feel like I would rather cum inside of her, so I end up giving her a nice creampie instead. And then there are times when I want to get extra freaky and that’s when I think about cumming on her clothes. Imagine hot mad a bitch will be if you cum on her clothes. Chicks really don’t...
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First TimeHi . This is the first time am ever writing any story on this site . Am writing with the permission of my Bhabhi who was involved with me in this act . Now coming to the story – am an average looking guy Working for a Mnc – shuttling between Bangalore and chennai for work . This story happened 3 years ago when I came down to chennai for my project . I was staying as a pg at a place suggested by my friends dad . It was a decent living space and had all the basic amenities . Now coming to the...
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100% fiction! On sunday Dara went to her cousin Liams house, Before she could go the 19 year old had to get ready. Her mum called her "Dara hurry up im leaving in 5 minutes." Dara ran downstairs when her mum saw her left breast hanging out. "Ehem, pull up your top please and lets go." Dara gets in the car and puts on her ipod. She was listening to her favourite singer Nicki Minaj and she was jaming along to her tunes when her mum told her to get out the car, they arrived at her cousin Liams...
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MatureWarningThis is a tale of my search for professional help with my breastfeeding and domination obsessions with Escorts and Dominatrices in the U.K. Its pretty full on. Don’t read it if you are offended by prostitution or adult nursing or water sports or anything else. Some of it has appeared before on Literotica, but this is a revised and expanded text. I am the original author.IntroductionSome twenty or so years ago, I was depressed. I have never had a lot of good physical health, and I felt...
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Danielle Murray strode briskly through the front door of the downtown hotel, a bellhop trailing behind with her suitcase and a hang-up bag. She walked up to the front desk to confirm her reservation, complete the check-in process and obtain her key card. Once she had completed her business, she thanked the manager who was working the desk with a brief smile, then walked purposefully through the ornate lobby. As she walked through the lobby, she happened to look over at a man reading a...
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The young mother sat across the aisle from me on our short hop to the hub airport. She had caught my eye in the terminal, as we waited for the boarding call. Slender, she was in the company of an adolescent who appeared more interested in his phone than his (mother? Older sister?). She, herself, had a laptop opened, and was working upon what was displayed there. I admired her, and noted, when she stretched, her firm appearing, petite bust, proportioned nicely to her frame. She was no doubt a...
CHAPTER 5: LIFE WITH FREEDOMThe next morning breaks early for me. When I awaken to the sounds of the new day, I realize just how early it is and that I am the first one of the group. Even the dogs and Wolf are still curled nearby. I sit up and move to the dead fire, then watch the others sleep for a few moments. My attention is drawn to my surroundings and their significance. I see the men sleeping peacefully nearby, the tranquility of the setting of the camp by the river near the South shore...
Marcy sucked her boyfriend's prick and swallowed his cum because she thought he would marry her. "You're getting better at it" said Terry."Practice makes perfect" she giggled.Terry stuffed his prick back in his pants and started the car. "I better take you home"Lois was waiting for her . She didn't like Terry. He was too old to be dating an eighteen year old."I told you not to go out with him" she scolded."I love him mom" she replied."My god honey, he is thirty years old and divorced" "I don't...
Interracialeach other at having shot our loads simultaneously, and Jen in the bathroom, cleaning up. Dan said "bud, this is awesome! Look at my cock, bud... its still dripping wet" He held it up for me. His cock was still wet and smeared with cum and pussy juices. God I loved how it looked... half erect it was still about 7 inches, and it was still flushed after all the action he'd just had. "Sorry bud, I only have a queen size futon, we'll have to make due with sleeping together" Dan...
While Joy was positioning the two male slaves in a 69 position, Debbie got a dirty idea. "Marion, how about a side bet?" she queried. "I bet that Slave Ron (Marion's subby hubby) will cum first." "You're on," Marion replied. "What's the stakes?" "Loser has to eat the winner's pussy while her slave is getting whipped," Debbie replied. "How about the loser gets whipped along with her slave by the winner?" Marion replied. "You're on," Debbie answered. "It's been a while...
I was totally exhausted after that good fucking. He passed the joint...“I can't believe I just fucked you! I never imagined that you so good-looking as a girl! Mmmm, fuck, Caroline!”I passed the joint back to him. “I'm glad you took it like that! But I guess I relaxed a bit after seeing you being so crazy about my feet. I liked the attention. He-he!”He smoked some more. “I don’t just like them...they’re the best girl’s feet I’ve seen in pantyhose ever! I love you in pantyhose, Caroline!”I...
It was cold and frosty outside that night, frost lay a blanket on the roads, on the trees, on the cars. I pulled up into the driveway and shivered as I stepped out of the toasty warm car. The wind slipped through the gap in my coat and brushed my nipples, teasing and taunting them. I was etching to get into that nice double shower. I got through the door, dropped my bags in relief and made my way upstairs to the bathroom. I took off my coat and lay it on the bed. Then I stopped. I heard...
Straight SexTotally Tiffany I I don't remember when it started. It seems as if my earliest memories are of wanting to be a girl. I grew up in a family that was typical of middle class America, mom and dad both worked to support us. I had an older brother and two older sisters. Being the baby of the family had both its advantages and its disadvantages. I learned to live with it. My brother Jake was five years older than me and was my arch nemesis. We fought more often than not, and I was the...
My name is John Hodges, and I am a nose. Yes, yes. Laugh it up, imagining that I am some sort of animated character or someone with an elephantine proboscis. No. I am a nose – which in the industry is the name given to an expert perfumer. What that means is that my nose is naturally very talented in distinguishing certain scent ingredients and then combining them into the perfect perfume. I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to take that natural talent – which is just a matter of luck...
I don’t remember much about my childhood like most people but there’s one thing that got stuck with me, that is, a teenager jerking me off. From that point on, I have never been the same. I have masturbated ever since. I am 27 now and my need for sexual thrills has only gotten worse with time, which makes it difficult for me to remain loyal in relationships also to sustain them. The following story is something I find extremely hot as it was my first time cheating on my ex-girlfriend. This...
Brit, Crystal, and Kari had some decisions to make. After playtime was over, they sat on the couch in the front room, discussing what the future had in store for them. The first and foremost thing on their mind was the status of Brit's and Crystal's relationship, or more accurately, how much of it they were willing to admit openly. Crystal was all for announcing to the whole world that the two of them were lesbian lovers, but Brit knew that that would have some serious consequences. One of...
A while back, Maryanne Jeffords came by the Buck Horn and had a beer or six. She stands just about six feet even and weighs an easy two-fifty. She can pitch hay with the best men out in the fields and will work alongside anybody all day and never falter one iota of an inch. She has this big moon face and a loving smile that lights up the whole out of doors. He heart is big and her kindness knows no bounds. But she also scares the hell out of all the men in Humper County. Most guys find it...
Jake, Melissa, and Trish walked into the quiet house holding hands. The women went to the bedroom while Jake checked on Leslie. Leslie was sleeping soundly, so Jake hustled to the master suite in happy anticipation. Melissa was in the bathroom changing into her nightgown and Trish was already in bed, under the covers. Trish, like Jake, slept naked. Muffy almost always wore a long gown, she said it helped her stay warm and she liked the feel of the satiny material against her skin. Jake...