24: Interrogation Ch. 01 free porn video

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Authors Note: This story is based in the TV series 24 and its main characters are Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) and Chase Edmunds (James Badge Dale). I have tried to make this story as much about its gripping events as it is about the sex, but it will come and it’s going to get quite dark.

Sunday October the 24th


CTU had been relatively calm of late but Jack knew today would be different. They had received a bomb threat of a rather different kind. The threat had come via an e-mail sent directly to Tony Almeida Co Director of CTU, and had an attached file with full schematics of the bomb. The bomb was not physically destructive but was designed to emit a massive EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) which would totally disable and corrupt all electrical devices within its radius. The bomb was much bigger than any the government had yet experimented with themselves, this bomb was capable of emitting an EMP big enough to take out all technology in the whole of LA. This would destroy everything from a simple credit cards magnetic strip to a hospital ventilator in an intensive care unit and would throw the city into chaos.

There was not much to trace the e-mail by but the CIA were able to help with intel on someone they had been covertly investigating and had a strong indication was involved in this threat. The man in question was in San Francisco named Matthew Cannon and the managing director of a major Software house there. It had been confirmed that he also had links to computer terrorists in Malaysia. The plane ride was not too long but they needed to get under way. Jack and Chase went with a small team of agents as back up and were in the air by 9:30.


More intelligence had reached them on their journey and they now knew that Matthew had a sister that also worked with him and that she lived at the same address a large family house near the coast. It seemed the father had died in a tragic accident some years ago and having lost their mother at an early age the two siblings inherited the house and the family business their father had run. Matthew was 29 years old and his younger sister Chloe was only 22. She was not known to have had any dealing with her brothers’ terrorist associates but she was automatically now a suspect too.


The plane landed and their transport was waiting for them, the house wasn’t far from the air field and they were there within 10 minutes. Jack led the way into the house with two other agents, meanwhile Chase was co-ordinating the others from outside. He entered the building where the infra red had told them there were only two occupants both in the dinning hall. As he turned the corner cautiously into the room he saw two women sitting at the table and entered shouting at them to both stand up and keep their hands where he could see them.

One of the women was oriental and looked to be in her mid 40’s, she wore a casual uniform that showed she was a maid of some sort. The other fitted the description of the younger sister Chloe, she looked young and slim with dark brown eyes and long dark brown hair trailing in a tight twisting plait down to her waist.

‘Slowly step away from the table and place your hands behind your head.’ Jack commanded abruptly. Both women complied looking positively petrified at this man with a gun pointed at them. Chloe gathered all the courage she had and demanded to know what was going on.

‘Are you Chloe Cannon?’ He asked slightly calmer now not wanting her to panic.

‘Yes’ she said ‘but I haven’t done anything wrong, please what the hell’s happening here?’ Jack responded softly but firmly.

‘We believe your brother is involved in terrorist activity and we need to apprehend him and take you both in for questioning. Do you know where he is now?’

‘This must be some kind of mistake Matt would never be involved with people like that, this can’t be what’s happening, there has to be another explanation.’

Jack moved behind Chloe still with his gun aimed at her and removed his cuffs from his belt, signalling for one of the other men to do the same with the maid he brought her hands behind her back and cuffed them tightly.

‘Chloe I never mentioned any other people who is it you believe Matt has been having dealings with lately. I need you to tell me everything.’

‘A lot’s been happening lately people coming and going he’s not told me what he was up to, said it was personal business and to stay out of it.’

Jack took her firmly by the arm and led her to their van, while one of the other men took the maid to a different vehicle. Chase was waiting in the van and Jack explained the situation to him and sat Chloe next to him.

‘Calm her down and try and find out where Matthew could be while I check out the rest of the house.’

Chloe’s breathing was heavy and she was obviously distraught, Chase put his hand to her face and turned it to face him.

‘Chloe it’s very important that you tell us where we can find your brother we don’t have time to search for him when we know you can likely tell us exactly where he is or could be at the least you know how to contact him. This is serious Chloe he’s involved with terrorists from Malaysia and they’re threatening our government. So you’re going to have to start talking soon or we’ll need to find other ways to get the information from you.’ His tone turned colder and threatening, she tried to turn her head away but he held her tightly by her jaw and looked hard into her eyes.

‘You’re wrong I won’t help you, you can’t do anything to me you’re federal agents for god’s sake, I know you’re threats are empty.’

With that Jack re-entered the van. ‘What’s she said?’

‘Nothing she refuses to help us.’ He leaned to Jack and whispered.

‘I have pushed her jack and she’s frightened but she’s made it clear she thinks any threats of harsher interrogation are empty.’ Jack nodded and sat back. Suddenly he got from his seat opposite Chloe and grabbed her by the arm pulling her to her feet then pushing her to the floor. He pulled his knife from his pocket, flicked it open and held it to her face. Chloe closed her eyes tight and held herself perfectly still.

‘You can’t hurt me you won’t. Matt’s done nothing wrong I won’t let you drag his reputation and our company through the dirt he’s a good man, I won’t tell you where he is.’

Jack moved closer to Chloe putting his face merely inches from hers.

‘Wrong move!’ He said smugly. ‘Now you’ve told us you know where he is we will make you tell us.’

He brought his knife down to the top of her shirt and laid the blade against her chest. Chase looked at Jack and could read his intentions from his face.

‘Jack wait, what if we can use her later to go back in with her brother once we’ve proved to her his part in this. She can help us get more information but only if she’s not got any visible injuries and if she requires medical treatment that’ll set us back even longer.’

‘So what did you have in mind?’ Jack replied with a slight smirk.

‘I’m not saying we shouldn’t hurt her but maybe there’s a better way to hurt and frighten a women into co operating that won’t leave any marks.’ He moved closer to Jack and whispered to him his thought for their next move. Jack nodded and Chase sat Chloe up and held her in his arms on the edge of one of the bench like seats that ran down either side of the military van. He sat with her perched between his legs in front of him and he held one arm round her body and the other wrapped round her mouth. Being the only ones in the van Jack made sure the doors were locked and that they were out of site through the front windows. He returned and knelt in front of Chloe.

‘Chloe we are going to hurt you I promise you that but it won’t leave any marks or any evidence it happened especially not at our hands. This is your last chance to talk to us before we begin. He nodded to Chase and he slowly relea
sed his grip from her mouth.

‘Fuck you, you bastards!’ She barked as Chase quickly replaced his hand.

Jack moved between Chloe’s legs and started to unbutton her trousers. She fought and wriggled but to no avail. When her trousers were undone the two men lifted her and placed her on the floor where Jack brought her trousers down to her knees, swiftly followed by her underwear. She kicked and bucked but was firmly held down by both men with her mouth still covered. She was terrified but more than that she was furious with them for doing this to her and her anger showed in her eyes. They laid her on her front and Chase lifted her head uncomfortably back to look at him as he leaned over her.

‘I’m going to remove my hand now to give you a chance to back down at any point but if you scream I’ll put it straight back and you’ll have no chance to stop this until we decide. Stubborn as ever she held fast staying silent and glaring back at him.

‘Very well.’ said jack as he positioned himself over her legs putting a knee either side of her right leg to hold them slightly apart then he held her left leg with his left hand. He then moved his free right hand to part the cheeks of her tight quivering ass. He placed his dry thumb on her tiny hole and gently pushed at it.

‘No please’ She whimpered. ‘Please don’t do this please I’ve never even been touched there before please, please don’t.’

You know how to stop this, Instructed Jack firmly but calmly. ‘No he’s my brother I can’t let you arrest him for something he hasn’t…. Ahhhh’ Her words trailed off into a cry as Jack harshly pushed the tip of his thumb into her ass. She wept and panted trying to cope with the burning pain in her ass. Chase held her face in his hand which she leaned into closing her eyes, he stroked her hair from her face and stroked the side of her cheek.

‘Come on Chloe don’t make us do this to you, we wouldn’t be going this far if it wasn’t extremely important.’ Chase tried to persuade her to give in but she just shook her head and sobbed further. Jack pushed hard at her ass and pushed his thumb past its first joint and further. The dryness of this intrusion into her virgin ass hole was incredibly painful and she couldn’t help but cry out. Chase quickly covered her mouth and tried to calm her.

‘This is it Chloe’ Demanded Jack ‘I am going to hurt you further unless you agree to co operate with us.’ Once sure she had calmed and wasn’t going to scream Chase removed his hand from her mouth.

‘Please I can’t, I can’t’ Jack nodded to Chase who replaced his hand and held her tightly. Jack pushed his thumb the rest of the way in and then pulled it back nearly all the way only to shove it back into her ass as far as it would go. Chloe screamed into Chase’s hand and was now shaking quite badly with the pain and fear combined. Jack continued moving his thumb back and forth though only by a centimetre or so just enough to keep the feeling going. Chase removed his hand and stroked her face whilst whispering softly in her ear.

‘Come on Chloe let us stop this now please let us stop hurting you, you’ve been very brave but we don’t want to have to push you any further.’ She nodded her head weakly.

‘Where’s your brother Chloe?’ Demanded Jack firmly, he’d stopped moving his thumb now but had not removed it yet.

‘He’s in our off site office with….’ She paused and Jack pushed again with his thumb. ‘Alright, alright please, leave me alone.’ She pleaded helplessly. ‘He’s with Marcus, Marcus Tham he’s…. Malaysian.’ She sobbed profusely and she let out a weak whimper as Jack slowly removed his Thumb from her ass.

Jack released his weight from her legs and replaced her clothing. Chase held her close with his arms wrapped fully around her. As Jack took an anti septic wipe from the first aid case under the seat to clean his hand he looked at Chloe.

‘I’m glad you’ve decided to co operate and we will prove to you that you’re doing the right thing I promise.’

Jack turned to Chase ‘Distract her from what’s just happened we need her to co operate with us no questions asked.’ He leant towards him then whispered his instructions for him into his ear. ‘Alright Jack.’

‘Be quick’ Said jack as he left the van.

Chase lifted Chloe’s face by her chin and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. ‘I’m going to make the pain go away now Chloe, don’t be afraid just let it happen.’ Holding her in his left arm he brought his right hand down over her left breast and caressed it through her shirt. He carried on moving his hand down to the top of her panties still visible as her trousers were not yet done up. He slipped the tips of his fingers under the rim and she gasped and tried again to wriggle away.

‘Please don’t, I’m OK please don’t touch me there.’ She pleaded with him but he continued to move his hand further until he had his hand cupped over her soft neat pubic hair, holding her pussy entirely in his hand.

‘Shhhh it’s OK just relax Chloe, this is going to happen and you’re not going to fight me.’ His words were soft and kind and as he spoke he moved his face against her cheek. She could feel the warmth of his breath touching her skin and for the first time since this whole ordeal began she felt remotely safe.

He parted her labia in one swift but gentle motion and in an instant he had two fingers deep inside her already soaking wet pussy.

‘Hmm well they went in easy, it seems maybe not every part of your body hated what we did.’ She panted heavily now and was shaking her head in protest.

‘Shhhh relax.’ He said as he pressed his thumb against her clit and started to move it gently in circles. Chloe let out a meek sound as she gasped at his touch. Her body was now totally limp as she surrendered to him and his ever so talented hand. He gently fingered her while rubbing her clit and it drove her wild, but other than the occasional flinch she did as she was told and kept her body relaxed and still. She moaned quietly in his arms as he continued whilst kissing her softly down her neck and collarbone. As his pace increased she arched her back leaning into him hard. There was nothing she could do to deny the warm wave building inside her as it crashed down over the full length of her body. She bucked and writhed as the orgasm hit. Chase took his hand from her pussy and placed a glistening finger to her lips.

‘So you see we’re not that bad honestly, if you do as you’re told then you won’t get hurt any more in fact maybe like just now it’ll be quite the opposite, but don’t test us.’ He said warningly.

He laid her now completely limb body flat onto the floor of the van and took a tissue from his pocket. He first whipped his hand and then he dried her pussy and replaced her clothing fastening her trousers back up.

In almost perfect timing Jack opened the van door and entered. He looked down at Chloe. ‘Is she OK?’

‘Yeah I think she’s more than recovered.’ Said Chase with a smirk on his face. Jack lifted her up to sit on the seat at the right side of the van. He lifted her face so her eyes met his and her face was suddenly full of fear once again. ‘It’s OK Chloe I’m not going to hurt you I promise. He took his other hand and brushed a little stray hair from her face. ‘Now it’s time to help us again like we talked about earlier. Where are we going Chloe? Where is the off site office?’ She quivered at his every touch still petrified of this man that had hurt her so much. She took a moment to gather herself, still totally flustered by what Chase had done then she gave him the address as Chase started up the van.


To Be Continued . . . . . .

Authors Note: I fully intend on continuing this story but I would like to know at least that there is someone reading it before I continue so if you have enjoyed my story so far and would like to know what happens next then please let me know also any input would be warmly received.

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Badass MILF babe Trinity St Clair is not shy when it comes to getting all the dick she needs. Today, she shows up in extra hot fishnet lingerie, ready to flaunt every inch of her perfect body. She runs her hands over her tight twat, getting soaking wet as she waits for our stud to deliver some dong. She even wears a kinky leash around her neck! When he finally presents his boner, Trinity spreads her legs wide, watching as he penetrates her tight MILF pussy. Then, he slips his dick in her...

3 years ago
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For Old Times Sake Part 1

**This is my first story. At least the first I’ve submitted for public viewing. I hope you enjoy it and please leave comments--honest feedback. Part 2 is in the works and coming soon.**For Old Times Sake, Part 1Ashley held her breath, and pressed “send” on her phone. It was done--no way to take it back now. She’d just sent a text to Shaun, her ex-husband, asking him to meet her later that day. “Why?” was the curt reply she received minutes later. “I have a proposal I need to discuss with you”,...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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The Master DownstairsChapter 9

I stood over the naked Tina and the clothed Linda sprawled together on the floor. Kristen remained kneeling at my side with her clothes half undone, cleaning my cock of yet another woman's juices. I noticed that Jeremy had returned and was looking a lot less purple. He thanked me for allowing him to cum. "Kristen, is there anything you would like to do here?" Kristen didn't say anything, but quickly stripped before pulling Linda to a sitting position and removing her clothes. She then...

3 years ago
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The Dinner Party Part 4 Second Helpings

Maggi quickly made sure all three of us were free from our “accessible” clothes.  Then she made Mitch and I lie next to each other while she positioned herself between us on the bed.  Facing us on her knees, she took a cock in each hand and slowly stroked.  She looked somewhat mesmerized by the feel of us.  Then she began to speak. “Do you like this?  Does this feel good?”  We mumbled our approval.“Do you like seeing me do this?  Do you like seeing me so hungry for cock?”  Without giving us a...

Group Sex
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Angels TaleChapter 9

The concessions area was in good shape. Just the usual low level stuff that the morning wipe down should handle. The storage areas were mostly good. The key word was "mostly". One case of HealthyBites chips struck her as wrong. When she opened the case and checked a bag, she understood why. It was contaminated. She used her eCom to call Mr. Moore in and started checking other cases more carefully. She found one more bad box of the chips, just as the manager arrived. She told him about her...

3 years ago
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Een hels ritje

***Een hels ritje....*** De 18-jarige Tony staat te liften bij de afrit van een truckstop langs een drukke verkeersweg, ergens in Frankrijk. Telkens als een truck de baan weer opgaat steekt hij zijn duim op. Reeds bij de vijfde truck krijgt hij 'n lift naar het zuiden. Tot hier is hij met de trein gereist. Om geld te sparen is hij uitgestapt om de rest van het traject te liften. Hij mag voor de eerste keer alleen op vakantie en zijn ouders stonden er op dat hij op een veilige manier...

2 years ago
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Arys initiation

Introduction: This is most definitely a harpie dream of mine. Chapter 1 The sludge encrusted harpies circles Ary slowly. Lassa left brownish marks on the floor. Do you wish to change… Lassa said, in her echoing voice I do replied Ary Do you have the bowls of cum from a male, female, horse and yourself? Lassa I do Do you have the bowls of shit from a male, female, horse and yourself? i do Do you have the ounce of blood. I do Take these four feathers. they are the final ingredient Take...

1 year ago
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Tranquility The Story of a Pridigal Accepted

Tranquillity - the description of a prodigal; accepted - by Nicci Knox This story is not a fantasy neither is it a true biography. It is a marginally fictionalised account of part of the history of a dear friend of mine who, having read most of my work, explicitly asked me to write it - and has approved it. I have fictionalised it only in respect of the names, some localities and to 'fit it in' to my overall sisterhood theme. Those who have read some of my previous offerings will by now...

4 years ago
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The Temptations of BabylonPart I

I was in Dockers and my Stanford polo shirt looking Heavenward. Damn, but this is a tall building. I stepped into the lobby and found the elevators. At ten of ten the elevator deposited me in front of the glass doors opening to a plush reception room. As I entered the receptionist asked, "May I help you?" "I'm here for the reading of a will," I said. The receptionist looked at me a little strangely, then nodded. "Ms. Sharp will be right with you." Mizz, I thought sourly. God how I...

3 years ago
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A sticky Tail with no End in Sight

"Come on baby, PLEASE", I begged her. She continued to resist and for the life of me I don't know why she wouldn't just try it. She knows how I am and how careful I would be so to reject it outright without even a thought or to not even just consider it and indulge me just a little bit is frustrating. I was certainly happy to be fucking her pussy, I sawed in and out of her while I thumbed her hole. She loved that stimulation but if she would just be a bit more receptive and relax and let...

1 year ago
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Lucky to get

I think my long story posted on 20th April didnt go down very well, so decided to post a true incident that happened 2 years ago. Its a short one. A friend had this fantasy to see his wife fingered in the car while he was driving it, (he told me his real fantasy was that a cop stops him for a late night drunken driving and strikes a deal with them to avoid fine etc and fingers her in the back seat as he drives around)no penetration or blow job allowed , I even asked If I can do oral on her and...

1 year ago
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Joes New Look Sexy Joe and Viewtiful Sylvia

"Wake UP, Joe!" a voice shrieked, as Joe Black aka Viewtiful Joe found himself kicked out of his bed. "Urgh... Silvia..." muttered the red-headed hero as he looked up at his girlfriend. "It's Saturday... let me sleep in peace..." "There's no time for that!" shouted the blonde as she grabbed their V- watches, tossing one to Joe. "Big John's back, and he's attacking Downtown!" Joe immediately shot up upon hearing the Gedow member's name. "He is? Well why didn't you say so!" he...

3 years ago
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Carnival Stageshow

Every fall, the carnival comes to Chrystal Heights. The carnival sits away from the city limits proper. This is ostensibly so the lights and noise doesn’t bother the residents, but everyone knows it’s actually so as to allow the comings and goings to remain a matter of personal business. After all, say the many, what happens at the carnival should stay with the carnival. It’s an ordinary carnival in many respects. Once you step inside the gates, you will be assaulted with a variety of noises...

2 years ago
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Mom and son8230

Raja looked in his mother’s bedroom, and saw half-empty plastic bottle was lying near mother’s feet. Both mother and baby were fast asleep. The scene looked so peaceful compared to night before when baby kept them both up with her frantic crying. Raja watched his mother as she dozed. His mother, sunita devi was still a young woman, only 34. She was beautiful with long black hair and beautiful even wearing an old house use sari and blouse. Raja noticed that the hook in front of her blouse was...

3 years ago
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The Wall

George had told me to be at his house no later than 7:00pm. Every time he said something like that to me I understood the consequences of being late. George said wear something seductive and somewhat reveling. My mind was going through my wardrobe when the perfect combination came to mind. I had a crotchless cat suit with a lacy transparent top that along with my black leather mini skirt did the trick. I got to George’s house at 7:06, I silently cussed traffic. I ran up the stairs and was met...

3 years ago
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My Younger Brothers Friend Part 4 Artie 2

Introduction: Me & Artie get some alone time After Artie and I dropped off Phil at his house, I asked him if he wanted to hang out still. He obviously answered yes, so I figured why not head back to my place. It was only 2 oclock and we had the house to ourselves for at least another three hours. When we got back I was feeling adventurous, so I went in my parents liquor cabinet and took out a bottle of vodka. Want to take some shots? I asked Hell yeah, weve been trying to drink together...

1 year ago
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BAMVisions Kenna James Hard to Resist

It’s hot enough for BAM Visions that blonde Kenna James loves to play the innocent teen, but when she dances her tartan schoolgirl mini-skirt up her perfect PAWG ass, Mick Blue’s big cock rises with the temperature. She bends over and, through translucent white pantyhose, the silhouette of her shaved pussy promises vag sex. She has a natural little gape, but her big ass isn’t primed for anal. She’s still a virgin in ways, yet the small tits tease remains irresistible. And Mick doesn’t resist!...

3 years ago
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White Master Son Slave Mom

Her Yoga Trainer Mike left, with a kiss on the cheeks, and sweat drying up on his forehead. He always has a smirk on his face, that says , "I love how you suck my dick making spew my load down you lengthy throat, and ride me like a cowgirl until you bucking; moaning, "white master, fuck me harder. please make me cum, don't stop, Stahop, Stahop, Stahop." "where i let my load go deep in your dripping wounds.". I get jealous of that smirk because i be wishing it was me. Mike was about...

2 years ago
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My older cousins wife

When I went away to school, I stayed with an older cousin and his wife and new born daughter. They had a spacious house, so there was plenty of room for the young family. The baby was about 6 months old at the time when I lived with them. My cousin worked hard and was always out of the house, making money to support his growing family. His wife is a beautiful, curvy, perfect titted woman with full juicy lips and a very friendly personality. I often had her in my mind when I beat my cock into a...

Wife Lovers
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mafia godfather note there will be action in beta1

he blubbered some words to me in Spanish. then, he said in English ''go back to your country pig''. where do you thing we are I ,chuckled? I had brought thiss man over the border because when we were illegally trafficking some things his cartel hit us and stole our stuff I being the godfather had to find out where he hid it. realization hit him and terror crossed his face before he had a chance to speak I said,''yeah were in America and I want to know where you all hid or stuff...

4 years ago
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The Cableman

The cableman was coming at 11 to fix her TV and she has showered and waxed her pussy and glossed her nipples. She has big firm DD tits and can suck her own nipples to entertain the men. Her favorite hobby was sex. She loved men of all sizes and colors. She has even been paid for sex and loved being a whore. Her body earned her lots of money, but she loved doing it for free with repair men.He pulled up to the house and she liked his looks. He knocked and she opened the door stark naked. She told...

3 years ago
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Katies Escape

Katie reluctantly pealed open her eyes and tried to ease the morning sun shining right into them. She shut her eyes, stretched and yawned. A refreshing wave of peace and relaxation came over her and she wanted to nestle back into sleep smothered in her blankets. Her eyes opened again, hoping it was pouring rain so she could have an excuse to just lay around all day. Katie frowned when she turned to look out her window…it was gone. Slowly, she took in the sight of… a room that was not hers....

2 years ago
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Last patient of the day

It's been one week since I called to make the appointment. Now here I am, sitting in the waiting room. It's a quite late in the evening and I'm the last patient of the day. This was the only free slot that the girl on the phone could offer me. She told me that Dr. Linehan was really busy this week, so I gladly accepted it. This was an emergency as far as I was concerned and I had heard that this doctor was the best in their field for this kind of thing. The surgery is a typical for a private...

Straight Sex
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My GF Trains Me Creampie

I was totally taken by surprise when Meredith had me put on her panties and bring her to orgasm orally. Even more surprising than that was when she had me jack off into her thin panties and cum in them. Then she instructed me to go to sleep. I was intending to fuck my sexy girlfriend as long and hard as I could. I was that turned on. I guess when she told me I was to be the submissive, she really meant it. The next morning as instructed, I got up and removed the soiled sheets and put a new set...

3 years ago
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Divine SuccessionChapter 5

Jack was rather confused when he woke up the next morning. He could feel that he was naked, which was pretty normal, except that he could feel a warm, wet sensation on his hard cock, sliding up and down on it. Jack opened his eyes, and saw Megan, who was laid on her front, giving him a blowjob. "Morning..." Jack said sleepily as he got a wake-up blowjob. "Morning," Megan said, sending pleasurable vibrations through Jack's cock. Jack watched Megan's head move, sucking him expertly....

1 year ago
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My First Sex With My Girlfriend

My hot girlfriend Hello friends, this is Jacob here with a first story of my life with my hot gf named Isha Kapoor (name changed). Oh yes this is my sweetie gf. I met her at India Gate. She was looking awesome while approaching me. I was sitting near swimming pool when I saw this lady. I was amazed by her looks & smile, oh god I never saw anyone such beautiful. I thought of how to initiate and suddenly she approached me as she lost her mobile & needed to make a call to her parents. Then we...

4 years ago
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College boy gets a Thanksgiving gay massage

Hi, my name is Billy and I'm a 19 year old sophomore in college, but this story takes place over Thanksgiving break and as my home is in Seattle but I'm going to college in Virginia and wasn't able to go home for Thanksgiving this year.I suppose I should describe myself before I get into my story too far. I'm 6 ft tall and weigh 165 lbs - sort of what I think of as lanky. I thought I would be taller than 6 ft, but that's how far I got and haven't grown any taller in the last year. I went out...

4 years ago
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Takin it to the BanksChapter 2

While all this sounds idyllic, unfortunately, it wasn't, and the reasons all revolved around Ed. Fidelity wasn't in Ed's vocabulary. From the first, although he was careful not to rub her nose in it, Marion was not his only girlfriend - she was his fall-back position. Ed was big on variety, and, frankly, many times his silver tongue got him things his less than impressive equipment wouldn't support his hanging onto. When Marion moved in, all it meant to Ed was that he no longer had to...

4 years ago
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A crazy little story where a young man finds out if his hidden desires are what he really wants. This all started with my desire to see what it felt like to have big breasts. That’s a little odd for a guy. I was a normal heterosexual guy who dated some in high school and now that I was in my mid 20’s I found myself at a crossroad. A couple of years ago I had decided to start taking some female hormones. This would help me fulfill my desire to grow boobs. All my life people would tell me that...

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