Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 82 Choices
- 3 years ago
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This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. Previously posted on another site.
Captain’s Choice
Chapter 9 What next?
The shock was enormous. I was speechless and stood there, bewildered by what she had said. My mother? Was that even possible?
I was frozen in place for the moment and it wasn’t until I felt Ardele come up behind me and put her hands on my shoulders that I regained some kind of balance.
‘Please come in,’ Ardele said softly to the woman.
I managed to step aside and make room for her to pass by me. Ardele led her to the sofa and indicated for her to sit. I turned to look at her, trying mightily to dredge some memory of my mother from the past. I couldn’t find anything at that moment. My mind was in turmoil and I was still speechless.
I walked robotically to my easy chair and sat, gaping at the woman, trying desperately to think of something to say. The only thing I could determine was that she was very nervous and unsure of herself. I wasn’t any better off.
‘It’s been a long time,’ I finally mumbled.
‘Almost eighteen years,’ she said, finding it difficult to look me in the eye.
‘Why?’ It was the only question that seemed to matter to me.
‘I’m ashamed to tell you, Patrick. I’m ashamed of myself and what I did to you and your father. I did a horrible thing and then I ran away. It was the only thing I could think of to do.’
‘Dad told me you had an affair.’ I was beginning to gather my wits about me.
She was shaking her head. ‘No, not an affair. Something worse. A tawdry, sleazy one-night-stand with a stranger. I still get sick to my stomach when I think about it.’
She sighed deeply. ‘I don’t have an excuse, Patrick. I can tell you what I did, but it isn’t an excuse.’
‘Go ahead.’
‘Your father had been working hard to get the business up and running. He was working long hours and not at home very much. I was getting frustrated with it and with him. I knew it was important, but I was selfish and wanted him to spend more time with me … and you.’
‘I remember that much,’ I said. ‘You were arguing about it quite a lot.’
She nodded. ‘One night, I got a babysitter for you and went out just to have a break. I thought I was entitled to it. I went to a bar and had a few drinks. More than I should have. I let myself get picked up by a man I had only met a few minutes earlier. I went to his motel with him and … I had sex with him.
‘I knew it was wrong and the next morning I felt horrible. I had cheated on your father and he didn’t deserve that. I could barely stand to look at myself in the mirror. I felt that way for days before it began to wear off and I put the incident in the past as a bad memory. Something I would never do again.
‘Six weeks later, I discovered I was pregnant. I knew it was that man’s and not your father’s baby. I knew I couldn’t deceive your father and have him raise another man’s child. I did the only thing I could think of. I ran. I left a note telling your father that I had cheated on him with another man and I couldn’t live with myself any longer and took off.’
‘So … I have a half-brother or sister somewhere?’ I asked.
Again, she was shaking her head slowly. ‘I lost the child in the second trimester. A miscarriage. I was almost grateful it happened except that it had ended a new life. I was staying with an old school friend in Calgary who had taken me in. She was a life-saver. I was borderline suicidal for a while. Eventually, I got a job at a women’s clothing store in a mall and that led to getting an apartment for myself.’
‘I threw myself into the job and that helped fill the days. After a while, I was promoted to assistant manager, then I was made manager at a new store in a new mall. Eventually, I was noticed and offered a position at head office in Toronto. That’s where I’ve been for the last ten years.’
‘Have you remarried?’ I wondered. I didn’t see any rings on her fingers.
‘No. I haven’t even had a date since I left your father.’
‘Who do you work for?’ I asked.
‘Estelle Cartier. It’s an upscale women’s wear chain with stores across the country in the best malls.’
‘What do you do there? In Toronto, I mean.’
‘I became the head buyer after serving with the previous buyer for four years. But I’m retired now?’
‘Retired? But you’re only … fifty, aren’t you?’
‘Fifty-two last month. Our company was bought by an American firm a few months ago. They decided that their buyers in New York were capable of looking after the Canadian stores and I was given a golden handshake. I had stock options and I hadn’t spent very much money at all over the years. I’m very secure, financially.’
‘I should introduce myself,’ Ardele finally spoke.
‘I’m sorry, Del, I wasn’t thinking. I apologize. Mother, this is Ardele Quinton, my fiancée. Ardele, my mother, Sarah … uhhm.’
‘Sarah Seaton, Ardele. Seaton is my maiden name. And I’m delighted to meet you. Patrick has chosen very well. You are a very beautiful woman.’
‘Thank you,’ Ardele answered shyly.
‘And what do you do for a living, Patrick?’ Mother asked.
‘I … we … have a charter boat business. We take people on cruises and fishing trips and nature explorations, mostly during the summer months.’
‘How in the world did you get into that?’ she asked, clearly surprised.
‘Do you remember Father’s boat?’
‘Of course. We spent many a happy day on that boat before … before I left.’
‘Did you know Father had died?’ I asked, unsure just what she did know.
‘Yes, I was at his funeral.’
My head snapped up. ‘You were? Why didn’t you see me? Why didn’t you talk to me?’ I was beginning to get angry now.
‘I couldn’t make things any worse, Patrick. You were grieving and my showing up would just make you more miserable. You had gotten along without me for thirteen years. I couldn’t do that to you.’
‘How do you know that?’ I spat. ‘How could you know how I would react? I had no father. I had no one. No mother, no father, no grandparents, no uncles or aunts. I had no one!’ I almost shouted, tears now flowing freely.
‘I’m sorry, my son, I’m so sorry. Everything I did was wrong, wasn’t it. Right from the start, everything I did was wrong,’ she wailed, her face in her hands, her head bent.
Ardele put her arm around my mother and held her. I watched as she did that and I felt my anger releasing. There was no point in making her feel any worse than she already did. She wasn’t putting on an act. I could see she was remorseful.
I sat in my chair as Ardele comforted my mother, a myriad of thoughts going through my mind. How did I really feel about all this? Should I let bygones be bygones? Should I ask her to leave and never return? That didn’t feel right, but I couldn’t tell what did. What was I to do about this unexpected surprise?
‘When are you going back to Toronto?’ I asked.
‘I’m going to be here for a couple of weeks, looking for a place to live. I’m not staying in Toronto. I’ve got my condominium up for sale and I plan to return to the west coast.’
‘There’s something you should know,’ I said looking at Ardele. ‘You’re going to be a grandmother next year.’
‘Oh, Patrick, Ardele, that’s so wonderful,’ she said, tears appearing once again. ‘I never thought I’d see the day. I’m so happy for you both.’
‘Thank you,’ Ardele said with a comforting smile.
‘There’s also going to be a wedding reception in January.’ It was hard to get out, but I asked, ‘Will you be able to come?’
‘Of course. Thank you so much for allowing me. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.’
‘You may see one or two old acquaintances,’ I suggested. ‘Both Joel and Kerry said they would be there.’
‘Are you still partners with Kerr
y?’ she asked.
‘No. I made an agreement with him to buy out Dad’s share. Joel is still handling my investments.’
‘It will be good to see them again. I hope they won’t be upset with my presence.’
‘I can probably head that off by calling them and letting them know about your being there.’
‘You’d do that?’ She seemed surprised.
I sighed, running my hands over my face. ‘I don’t hate you, Mother … not any more. Maybe when it happened and Dad and I were alone, but we made it okay. This is so sudden, so I’m not sure how to express myself. Ardele and I are going to have our own family. Our children are going to want to know why they don’t have four grandparents. Ardele’s father is dead as well, so there’s only her mother and you. I wouldn’t deny you your grandchildren.’
‘Do you think there’s a chance we can learn to be mother and son again?’
‘I don’t know, I really don’t know,’ I said. ‘I’ll try.’
That brought about another session of waterworks from her and I could see tears on Ardele’s cheeks as well.
My mother got up and came to me, knelt down and put her arms around me.
‘Thank you, Patrick. I know I don’t deserve it … but thank you.’
It felt strange to be in her arms again. I could vaguely remember her holding me when I was young, but it was only a fleeting memory. I did feel some comfort with the gesture. I wondered if we could find our way back to being a family.
‘I can’t get over how this city has grown,’ my mother commented as we toured the west end. ‘Everywhere I look there’s a new high-rise or office building. I’m not sure I want to live in this area. It’s just like Toronto. I want some open space and maybe a view.’
‘Do you have a car, Mom?’ I asked.
‘Yes, but I seldom drive it. I’ll probably sell it before I move back.’
‘You’ll need one here. Our public transportation is primitive compared to what you’re used to. You might look in North or West Vancouver. There are some nice townhouses up on the mountainside. Would you like to look there?’
‘Yes … let’s do that. My realty person tells me there’s a bidding war on for my apartment, so I’m going to be able to afford a nice place here.’
‘I’m sure you can. The market’s soft right now, so it’s a good time to buy.’
We had been touring around, looking at possible places for my mother to live. At first I thought she wanted an apartment style condominium, but listening to her, I got the impression a townhouse might suit her better.
‘Have you found a real estate agent yet?’ I asked.
‘No. I did talk to a couple, but they suggested I decide on a general location first, then look for an agent.’
‘Yeah, I suppose that makes sense.’
‘Where is Ardele this morning?’ she asked.
‘She’s at the doctor’s office, getting a checkup.’
‘Smart girl.’
‘Yes, she is. Very smart,’ I smiled, more to myself.
I had traded in my somewhat battered old pickup on a new Toyota RAV4. It was much more practical for our business and I had the company name and logo on the front doors. Three interlocking Cs for Captain’s Choice Charters. It was too late to change the name now.
I had now come to terms with my mother’s unexpected return. Ardele had made it plain that she thought I was doing the right thing and that she was very proud of me for being so forgiving. I wasn’t so sure about the forgiveness, but we had started toward reconciliation at least.
‘What happened to your father’s boat, Patrick?’
‘It was stolen last summer. The guys who took it made a bad mistake and a propane explosion destroyed the boat, killing two of the thieves. They were two of five men who had chartered the boat two weeks earlier and to be honest, we thought they were crooks right from the beginning. After they left, I let the RCMP know about them, but the last thing I expected was for them to return and steal the boat. It’s still an unsolved crime with no known motive.’
‘Perhaps one of them hid something on the boat,’ my mother said idly.
‘I thought of that. That might explain why they took it, but why hide it there?’
‘Someplace no one would think to look for it. Then, when they stole the boat, they could retrieve it.’
‘But, they could do that by just breaking into the boat at night and taking what was left behind. Why take the whole boat?’
‘What if they didn’t know exactly where whatever it was they were looking was hidden?’
‘Maybe,’ I pondered. ‘So if two of the crooks knew something was hidden and wanted it for themselves but didn’t know where to look for it, they steal the boat to give themselves the time to find whatever it is. That would account for why only two of them were on board. The other three guys weren’t involved.’
‘No honour among thieves?’ she said.
‘Could be. Well, I haven’t talked to the RCMP in a while. Maybe I’ll give their CID people a call.’
‘That was a pretty old boat, was it insured?’
‘Yeah, I restored it and it qualified as a heritage collector boat, so it was insured for a half-million.’
‘Really? I can’t imagine it being worth that.’ She was exhibiting the shock most people did when that number was mentioned.
‘Yes, I put a year of my life into it after Dad died. It was something to see. I have some pictures – before, during and after shots in an album at the apartment if you’re interested.’
‘Yes, I am. I would like to see it. It would bring back some good memories.’
We stopped at Lonsdale Quay for lunch, and then did some more exploring of North Vancouver. I got the feeling my mother would be happy if we could find a place suitable for her here. We ended the day back at her residence hotel, promising to see each other again in a day or so.
My mother really enjoyed the carol ship parade and our new boat. I had forgotten that she did like boating and had felt quite at home on Captain’s Choice. She recognized immediately that I had named the new boat after Ardele. She mingled with the guests and was quite at ease introducing herself to our friends. She remembered Joel Burger, and I was happy that there was no awkwardness between them. My growing acceptance of my mother’s return must have been a key factor in that.
Mother spent quite a bit of time during the three evenings talking to Tom Thompson. Tom was a few years older than mother, a handsome gentleman and I think the kind of man my mother was comfortable with. She had mingled with a number of wealthy, important people in her former career and wasn’t in awe of them. She seemed quite genuine with our friends and Ardele remarked at how easy she was to talk with. She was still a very attractive woman with an engaging smile and pleasant voice.
It was strange to have a family Christmas once more. I hadn’t enjoyed one in years after Dad died and even then, it was something quite simple between the two of us. Now, with Ardele, mother, and inviting Tom, Joel and his wife Ruth, and Sam and Florence Fowler, we had a crowd for Christmas dinner and it was a wonderful change from the past. Mother and Ardele prepared the meal, a fresh turkey with dressing, mashed potatoes and vegetables, topped with cranberry sauce and homemade gravy. It was a special treat for me. I couldn’t remember a better Christmas feast.
I spent a little extra to find some good wine for the meal and with a couple of additional bottles gifted by our guests, we had quite a lot of choices. Ardele abstained and that was my cue to announce her pregnancy to our guests. It was met with congratulations along with plenty of wisecracks and good natured ribbing. I noticed my mother drank very little and wondered if that was a carryover from her past.
Everyone had arrived by cab, reserved to make sure they were available. They left together at eleven that evening, Tom sharing a cab with my mother. They seemed to be getting along very well and I was fine with that. I had come to the conclusion t
hat she had served her time for her misdeeds and was entitled to some happiness now. Ardele agreed with me.
Tom invited us and mother to join him at the yacht club for New Year’s Eve. We accepted. We had a lot to celebrate in the New Year. Tom was a past commodore and we were his invited guests since we weren’t members. I can remember Tom grumbling about the politics of the club and being glad he was out of it. I could just imagine what turmoil a collection of wealthy and near wealthy members might create. I remembered my father’s warning from years ago: never volunteer for anything.
Ardele bought a new dress for the occasion and it was only the second time I had seen her in a more formal outfit. The first was her skirt and blouse ensemble at Christmas. The dress was chosen by my mother and I had to agree she had chosen well. My lovely fiancée never looked better.
Of course, I was persuaded to get a new suit, since I no longer owned one. I had been getting by with blazer and slacks, but I was informed by both my mother and Ardele that it wasn’t good enough for someone of my standing. My standing?
I thought briefly of renting a naval officer’s costume and going as Captain Queeg, but discarded the idea before even mentioning it. I never saw the bill for Ardele’s dress. I guessed it was some serious coin, so I’d better play along with their wishes. I was led to a very well-known tailor shop downtown and told to let them ‘do their thing,’ with the two women along to offer their opinion, of course.
I ended up with two new suits, one navy blue solid and the other a dark grey with a narrow medium blue subtle pinstripe. I liked the look of both of them, but wondered when and where I would wear them beyond the upcoming party. Despite the short notice, the suits were ready the day before New Year’s Eve and with a new shirt, tie and dress shoes, I was declared presentable.
Tom had arranged to pick up my mother at her hotel and Ardele and I arranged a cab for the short ride to the yacht club. For a change, the evening was clear with almost a full moon. It was cold for Vancouver, the temperature hovering around freezing. The clear air and the bright light of the moon highlighted the snow on the surrounding mountains. The lift line lighting on the ski slopes, gave it a magical touch.
The yacht club was crowded and a band was playing music in the background, barely audible above the noise of the guests. Our seating had been assigned at a table for eight with Tom and my mother. The other four guests must have been off somewhere socializing, since there was evidence they had already arrived.
I remembered my father talking about the ‘rubber chicken circuit’ part of the business world, especially when you belonged to an organization. Dad had been a long time member of the Chamber of Commerce, largely because he was a business owner in the community and wanted visibility and contacts, even if it meant participating in some pretty boring gatherings.
I was much more fortunate. I had never experienced the phenomenon and, looking around that evening, I got a sense of what Dad had talked about. Tom had taken Mother with him as he sought out various acquaintances and introduced her. I watched her handle herself with self-assurance and realized that she was in her element here. She could schmooze with the best of them.
There was also something else about her that I noticed. It was her bearing, her posture. She presented herself with confidence and her posture emphasised it. Was it always so? I couldn’t remember. I could, however, understand just how she could deal with the European fashion houses and meet with them as equals. It may have been a façade, but it was a very good one. My mother, it seems, had made herself into a very remarkable woman.
Ardele and I sat for a few minutes like bumps on a log, the only two at our table. I was about to suggest we get up and join Tom and my mother when I spotted two familiar faces. They were old college classmates and they looked very little different than when I had last seen them except for the clothes and the fact that they were still sober. I dragged Ardele over to meet them, grateful for at least two familiar faces.
‘Gentlemen, fancy meeting you here?’ I said, not too originally.
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Life and Choices COPYRIGHT 2004 There can exist at any given time in this world one mind to one body. There are exceptions to all rules though. Some folks or at least one existed of two minds in one body for a time. This person is Jay Hall. Of course, Jay has never realized this, unless you count his dreams. Although these facts should be painfully obvious to him, he fails to realize that his entire state of being is a paradox to the universe, and one that should soon be...
I was sitting in the railway waiting room on a cold winter night, wondering which sin of my last life had cursed my commonsense so I had to make a series of wrong choices , which had condemned me to spending the night in a deserted station 100 kilometres from the nearest town. . A tiny voice in my mind told me I was lucky too, if I hadn't been I wouldn't have gotten tickets to the next train in the morning, which would take me to the nearest outpost of civilization. And to think all this...
Wishes don't exist, but you always have choices! Greetings to anyone that finds this journal/story. My name is Brandon. I will once again be a 20+ year old male living in Northern California, sorry for being cryptic but I will explain what I mean later. My wife and I have to sacrifice our memories of the events I am about to transcribe, so I am writing this letter and hoping it finds someone who believes me. I am leaving this letter to be a testament to all that has happened and a...
(Author’s note: This story is an entry into FAWC (Friendly Anonymous Writing Challenge), a collaborative competition among Lit authors. FAWC is not an official contest sponsored by Literotica, and there are no prizes given to the winner. This FAWC was based around the theme of music, with four songs given to choose from. The song that inspired this story was ‘Midnight Train to Georgia’ by Gladys Knight and the Pips.) * * * * The blast of a departing train’s whistle drew me to the window of...
Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Steve Davies Sam looked so sexy in the shower. She let the water spray on her body as she leaned against the wall. My teenage daughter, fourteen and nubile, made my dick so hard. She grinned at me, that mischievous joy on her face. She grabbed my cock and pulled me to her. I groaned as she stroked me, teasing me. She brought me to her pussy. She rubbed me against her flesh. The shower sprayed on my back as my wicked daughter guided me right to...
Choices, by Armond Note: this is a continuation of my story, 'Useful Information'. It helps to read that story first. 1. C-r-a-a-c-k! The wooden banister splintered on impact. All went slow motion: body slipping backward, hands grasping at air, emerald eyes, opening wide, dark red eyebrows, arching high, mouth opening to scream. She fell. Through the banister, toward the hallway floor, three stories below. "DEIRDRE!" "Una, wake up!" Ula said, giving her a sharp shake....
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Sister's Naughty Choice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this and to PAEUL for an idea used in this story. Melody Samuels What did I want? My Darkest Day's Porn Star Dancing thudded through Flashing Glitter, the strip club. I was on stage, my hips swaying, my tartan, schoolgirl skirt dancing about my thighs. Men whooped and hollered around me. They showered me in attention. It was an exhibitionist wet...
The next morning I am awakened by Wolf. But this is different, this is the morning after my successful survival of The Hunt. And not just any Hunt, the first ever Hunt when the hunted has survived the full three days and nights. The concept of The Hunt is very specific, but I wonder if any of the leaders who established the criteria, rules, and rewards had any anticipation that someone might actually evade capture all three days. Was the outcome even defined for this condition? Would...
Sarah and I grew up together. We were from the same country stock, hard working families that sweat together from daybreak to dark with almost no thought of weekends or vacations. Living on farms away from all of the rich kids that lived in town, with parents who had jobs and money caused us to gravitate towards each other. We were friends, the kind there is no explanation for. No matter where I was, she was somewhere nearby and vice-versa. Sometimes we would have a few hours free from work...
NOT VERY NICE PEOPLE by Crazy Baron Chapter 11: Mike's Choice Synopsis: The moment of truth has arrived for Michael Caldwell. He must choose between two different paths, but neither is free of troubles and challenges. Perhaps destiny or higher powers just cannot be fooled, regardless of what you do. ***** I was filled with a cold horror that threatened to disable my mental faculties altogether as I witnessed how a creature out of the most outlandish nightmare I could possibly...
A story of a man and his choice to accept their daughter as his own or choose to turn his back on everything he loved. Thanks to Angel love for her editing skills. I read the report from DNA Testing Centers without anger or suspense. I had anticipated the results in part but still had no idea of whom Penny's real father was. All this report told me was that it wasn't me. That much I had already figured out. But, I had all I needed now to find out. Penny Ann Hendricks was our baby's name....
Choices. So many choices, so many ways things could have worked out. But we make our choices, and we try to make good ones. And we take responsibility for our choices, too. Did my choices lead me inexorably to this point? Or was there an uncontrollable, unchosen outside force that got me here? Not that it really matters, because I choose, every day -- every minute of every day -- to live like this. Wasn't it Sartre who said that every day we make the choice to go on living, so we are...
Would you believe it that what I am about to tell was done by choice. Really it was a queer find, me finding a coke bottle painted pink and having a cork plugged into the neck of it, when I removed the cork, low and behold there came a cute as sexy very feminine a Genie. Commonplace to what is thought of a Genie, she was elated to being set free from her bottle, and was willing to grant me three wishes. As asked, she suggested her fancy was for making middle-aged men like me to looking like...
Fantasy"Sophie's Choice" Chapter 1 - The Awakening It was the sudden strong pungent smell (smelling salts) that brought me back to consciousness. Was it me that was brought back to consciousness? Was it a different person? It was my brain, my thoughts, my feelings, my memories. But not my body! "Stand up next to your cot at attention" the female voice coming over the loudspeaker system said. Very feminine but not to be messed with. My head spun. I tried to bring my body up to the...
Petronella's Choice by Bryony Two finely-dressed women were taking tea, in an opulent sitting room. Althought both were in their late 40s, they were undeniably attractive, and of athletic build. A maid stood nearby, demonstrating a near-perfect submissive pose. The Mistress of the house fussed over the tea ritual, while her visitor regarded the maid, and not for the first time she shook her head in wonderment. "I still can't believe that's actually Lord Mandrake." "I can...
Chapter Eighteen: Cheerleader Slave's Naughty Choice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Justin Sampson The rings thrummed as I passed between them. I hurtled head-first towards the machine. I thrust my arms out before me. My skin crawled. My toes tingled. I felt the next arm spinning down at me, trailing a wake of particles that made my entire body feel like it wanted to fly apart. I hit a metal shelf around the base of the machine, hovering with the arms. I grunted, rolled, and crashed...
Deena’s Story Tears ran down my face as I walked up the garden path towards our new house. Blinded by the sadness, I couldn’t find the keyhole as the key scraped over the brass lock. My shoulders shuddered while I let out another cry for help. “Toby!” The door opened and I fell into the arms of my love. “Fuckin hell... what’s up with you, Rainy Face?” I didn’t know how to tell him. So I just spilled the words from my mouth. “I lost it. I don’t know what to do. I’m scared.” “Lost what?” “My...
CuckoldAngie's Choice By Angela Renee Rineheart I had just turned 22, and felt as confused as when my Father passed away at age 13. I had no more of an idea what to do with my life now, as I did then. My relationship with my girlfriend of five years had arrived at a decision that needed to be made. Her family was constantly asking the question of "when are you two getting married?" It was almost Springtime, and the questioning was heating up again for a Spring...
I had no choice. By Sissy Melanie 1 - In the beginning. My wife, Susan and I used to have a fairly normal life. We had been married for about five years, I felt that things were good between us. We both had reasonable jobs, we had a nice house and kept to ourselves for the most part. We were not party goers but we did like to socialize on occasion, by this, I mean going out for drinks a few times a year. We did not have a circle of friends so to speak. I met Susan while she was...
His Birthday, Her Choice by A. P. Damien Note: I've used the name "Anita" for the bottom in this scene. The producer can substitute the usual stage name of the model who enacts the part.Scene 1: Interior, a corridor, evening. Anita is walking toward the camera. She is wearing "hot" clothes, the sort of thing a college girl might wear on a date when she has decided it's time to bring her boyfriend home for the night. Her midriff is bare. She walks past the camera.Shift to a view over her...
The Choice Mistress looked down at me, I could see the pleasure in Her eyes as I knelt there by Her side. I was wearing hosiery, panties and a lacy bra stuffed to give the illusion that I had something worth keeping inside it. And, of course, the collar. My heels sat next to me, today I managed to wear the 5 inch heels all day without complaint, and Mistress was pleased with my progress and allowed me this small respite. She spoke, "Ah, my little Sapphic toy. Today is going to be a...
I was tied down to a table, very tightly, my arms and legs spread out as wide as they would go. ?The man of my dreams stood above me, looking into my eyes. ??"Do you want to be my slave?"?We had spent the weekend together and it had been bliss for my masochistic heart. ?He had beaten me and fucked me with equal passion. ?I was humiliated and pushed to the edge of any limit I ever thought I had. ?I had cried more in that weekend than I had for years, but I'd also never been so excited. ?All of...
This is book two of the Metamorphosis series. This entire series has been completed years ago, but the most boring thing on earth is editing and re-editing a book. The entire series has been a collaboration between my husband/slave and myself. We figure that it should take us anywhere from six weeks - fifty years to edit each chapter...I suppose that our emphasis on Mikah's almost minute by minute emotional state can be quite boring for most readers. But this was the aspect that most fascinated...
Career choice Career choiceby JensenDenmark1. A childhood lost ?Rick. You have to come with me. Your father has been taken to the hospital? I am Rick and I am 17 years old. I live in Filmore just north of L.A, where I have lived since I was born. 2 year ago I lost my beloved mother. My father broke down and I very much got to live my own life because he shut me off and concentrated on his job. I was mourning also and my grade slipped because clothes, food etc. became a struggle when...
Steve Davies “A god,” I said. The word rippled through my soul. I had set things up to be hero-worshiped, for the entire world to see me as something more than them, but to hear my wife say it was intoxicating I glanced down at my phone, at the power it held. So many edits left... We used to be good Christians, but then we learned about all of this truth. How the Most High operated. Things changed. And now ... Now we were flirting with crossing the line into blasphemy. It was a heady...
Choices Joss Whedon portrayed it right. High school really is hell. At least mine was. A genuine monster came to my school, and I was one of those who lived to tell the story. Sometimes I envy those who didn't survive.... It started on a very nice day at the end of October of my grade eleven year. I had hoped that the worst of the bullying I had suffered in grade ten was behind me, and for the most part it was. I still got the name-calling, mostly variations on "fag", but I could...
Rose Gallagher gathered the bibles and stacked them neatly on a bookstand. She had finished another long day at the church helping her Uncle, Daniel, who was a priest. Rose had just turned 18 at the time and had volunteered to help her uncle at the church. It was past eight at night and the sky was dark. The night was chilly forcing Rose to put on a soft cotton pink sweater. ‘Uncle Dan, I already finished picking up the bibles and song books,’ Rose said poking her head in her uncle’s office. ...
Bikini Beach: Choices By JDG Brad Damien was not a happy man, but then, he hadn't been really happy for some time. It wasn't really anything he could readily identify. He was content in his work, being a construction supervisor was rewarding. You got to see the physical manifestation of your effort come together bit by bit. It wasn't his kids. His daughter, Jan, was the prettiest 16 year old at Arcadia High School, and the best behaved too. His younger daughter, Patricia, was a...
Sammy and Kyle, two slacker dudes who spent most of their time looking for trouble, and usually finding it, were cruising slowly down Fourth Street on a Friday night in Sammy's Camaro. They were supposed to be celebrating Kyle's release from county lockup after serving nine months for assault, but the night was getting off to a slow start. "Damn, I need some pussy," Kyle moaned. "You wanna go over to Highland and find a hooker?" "Nah, I don't want some skank ho tonight. I want...
If reading this story offends you or the law, do what I do, don't. Choices by Vickie Tern I was so miserable I felt like crying. A single sob escaped, but I stifled it, couldn't allow it. I was terribly worried yet there was nothing to do but wait. There never was. Sit in the living room, turn on the tube, turn pages in some magazine, wait. Ignore all sorts of hysterical fears. Finally realize I'd been dozing in my chair,...
??????????? Choices.??????????? Part One.??????????? The Nipple Cull. Page 1. ??????????? I'd called a meeting.??????????? Their attendance was compulsory.??????????? They were eating me out of house and home and I just knew my cock would get plumb worn out if I was to bang them all as much as I knew I wanted to. I'd never really intended to capture five of them at one time but now it was a done deal and the real problem was I didn't know which two of the five I liked the least. I...
Choices By Vickie Tern "I'm sorry! You humiliated me, Keith! Now it's my turn!" She spoke precisely, with authority, and though she no longer sounded vindictive her voice could still etch glass. She'd made up her mind, and when Cynthia's mind is made up there's nothing more to say. Now I had to make up my mind. "That's how it is, Keith! My sweet disloyal husband! Your decision! You want this marriage to continue, we can get past this ... this thing you've done to me. To us....
I’m not entirely sure when my interest in my step daughter Sophie changed from fatherly to sexual; somewhere between her sixteenth and eighteenth birthdays I suspect.It probably happened gradually, without my knowing it rather than striking me one day like a bolt from the blue, but however it happened, by the time she was eighteen I found myself with a serious crush on my wife’s pretty daughter.My name is Simon; Doctor Thompson in my professional life. I live with my wife and stepdaughter in a...