Sophie's Choice free porn video

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I’m not entirely sure when my interest in my step daughter Sophie changed from fatherly to sexual; somewhere between her sixteenth and eighteenth birthdays I suspect.

It probably happened gradually, without my knowing it rather than striking me one day like a bolt from the blue, but however it happened, by the time she was eighteen I found myself with a serious crush on my wife’s pretty daughter.

My name is Simon; Doctor Thompson in my professional life. I live with my wife and stepdaughter in a pleasant, four-bedroom house in a pretty East Anglian village. To all outward appearances we are a ‘normal’ family with a ‘normal’ life, taking our places in the community as the local Family Doctor, Family Solicitor with a clever student daughter away at University.

But our lives are far from normal, even for Norfolk.

After a good few years living the fun life of a bachelor, I married in my mid thirties, somewhat later than most of my contemporaries. My lovely wife Susie was a single parent when we first met with one young daughter, Sophie.

Susie is a lovely brunette, average in height, average in build but most certainly not average in attractiveness. She has smooth, pale olive skin, no doubt from a distant Mediterranean ancestor and a sweet, youthful face with deep brown ‘come to bed’ eyes that still enchant me on a daily basis.

Devastatingly intelligent, she has had to work hard throughout her life and despite being a single mother and relatively young, at the time this story is set, she had just become a Partner in the local firm of solicitors. She works almost exclusively on family law and feels things passionately. When angry at home she can be scary; in court she must be terrifying!

Sophie is a little taller than her mother and as long as I have known her has been very slim – almost skinny – making her seem much younger than she actually is. She is fairly attractive to boys but until the time of this story hadn’t had many boyfriends.

This pleased me; I didn’t like to think of the clumsy fingers of spotty youths touching my precious stepdaughter’s body. Fortunately, her fiery temper and strong personality seemed to intimidate most of the boys she met but of course, I knew her as the sweet girl she will probably always be – inside anyway.

When her mother and I started ‘dating’, it took a full year before Sophie accepted me into her family. I worked hard to understand her as well as to make her mother happy, and over time our relationship gradually progressed from hostility to tolerance and finally to affection. She and I had been close in an undemanding way for a long time before the events told in this story took place.

For most of our life as a family, my attitude was that of a normal, if over-protective stepfather. However, it was impossible to live in the same house as such a lovely, maturing girl without noticing the changes that were taking place in her.

One moment we were lamenting the arrival of her stroppy teenage years; the next we were singing ‘Happy Birthday Sweet Sixteen’. A blink of an eye later, the skinny waif of a girl I had known for so long had become a maturing woman.

It was equally impossible to live in the same house as such a beautiful creature without feeling strong sexual urges. For two full, difficult years I had to fight to suppress my feelings but my dreams were increasingly haunted by her and it was these dreams that finally betrayed me, the night everything came out and our lives changed.

The moment of truth came during the early hours one Sunday morning when I had woken both myself and Susie by talking loudly in my sleep, calling Sophie’s name over and over into the night.

“Simon! Simon! Are you okay?”

Susie was tapping me anxiously on the arm, as my body trembled.

“Simon! Wake up! Wake up... ugh!”

“What? Whatsthematter...?”

“What are you dreaming? What are you saying?”

“Nothing! Nothing I... Oh, shit!”

My body had betrayed me! The wonderful dream had turned into a wet one; I had ejaculated copiously in bed while calling out my stepdaughter’s name and my wife had heard and seen every moment of it.

Susie turned on the bedside light, pulled back the duvet, surveyed the sticky mess and glared at me.

“What are you doing, Simon? What were you saying about Sophie?”

“It was just a dream and...”

With my shorts and the bed sheets wet with extraordinary amounts of semen and the smell of it filling the room, I could no longer conceal my unacceptable feelings from my wife.

“I’m sorry. Susie I...” I babbled.

“Is there something you should tell me?”

Susie’s ‘professional’ voice was commanding and would allow no obfuscation on my part so I had no choice but to explain.

The confession that followed was one of the most difficult conversations of my entire life but Susie, with her Lawyer’s instinct, would not let me stop until she had learned the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

With every sentence, I felt more and more ashamed and could feel my marriage coming closer and closer to an end.

But to my surprise, Susie heard me out, listening calmly without passing judgement and without the violent, emotional reaction I had expected. When I had finished I lay shame-facedly next to her waiting for the house to come down around me.

It didn’t.

Susie gave me a strange penetrating look which would have unsettled her most strident clients. It certainly unsettled me; all sorts of possible outcomes sped through my mind; none of them good, most involving painful and expensive divorce proceedings.

Having prepared myself for almost anything to happen, I was in no way prepared for nothing

When I had confessed all, Susie sat in complete silence for a full five nerve-wracking minutes as if contemplating the terrible revelations she had just heard. There was no anger; there were no tears. Then as if having made a big decision, she raised her head and looked me straight in the eye.

I closed my eyes and waited for the axe to fall on our marriage but still it didn’t. Instead, my amazing wife told me that she had a confession to make too.

My first thought was that she had been having an affair and that my revelation had simply convinced her to leave me. I couldn’t have been more wrong!

Susie looked first at the ceiling, then the floor, then her eyes fixed on the corner of the room. When she finally spoke, her voice was flat and factual.

“I understand what you’re saying,” she began.

You could have knocked me down with a breath, let alone a feather.

“You understand?”

“Yes, I understand. Do you promise to give me the same calm, silent attention I’ve just given you?” she asked, again in her ‘lawyer’ voice. “No interruptions?”

“Of course,” I insisted, my puzzlement growing.

“You promise to let me finish before passing judgement – like I did for you?”

“Yes, of course.”

And she began. With a new frankness and openness, my astonishing wife told me an incredible story.

Broken marriages run from one generation to the next; I had always known that Susie’s father had left them when she was tiny and that she had been brought up by her mother and eventually her stepfather. As a family of three, they were very close.

What I had never even suspected was the extraordinary revelation that her own stepfather had made advances to Susie when she was about the age at which I first began to have inappropriate feelings for Sophie.

What was more astonishing was that, after a long period of rejection and then ambivalence, Susie had eventually responded to his advances. At first naively, then over time with increasing pleasure followed by enthusiasm and finally love, they had developed an ongoing physical relationship.

As a result, she did not find my desires for Sophie to be either incomprehensible or revolting.

I sat open-mouthed while she explained that in her case, the relationship had become intimate in both a loving and sexually rewarding way and that it had lasted many years.

Susie did not feel she had been abused – she had been over-age and had not been forced in any way – rather it had given her sexual confidence and deepened her love for her stepfather.

Since his early death she had felt an overpowering need to talk to someone about it all but of course she could never tell her family or friends and was worried the revelation would badly damage her relationship with me.

It was only because of my own confession that she felt free to talk to me about her past and was very grateful for it.

They had stopped sleeping together when she had married her first husband. The closeness of her relationship with her stepfather might have contributed to the early failure of that marriage but he had been there for her throughout the divorce. Since then she had been involved in a number of short term, unsatisfactory affairs until she and I had met and fallen in love.

But the most astounding revelation of all was that her daughter Sophie was, in fact, the happy but unplanned result of Susie’s affair with her stepfather and not a product of her brief, unsatisfactory first marriage.

She had fallen pregnant just before her wedding; everyone had just assumed that the child was her husband’s. It was only years later when blood tests were taken for other purposes entirely that she realised the truth; Sophie could not possibly be her husband’s child.

There was only one possible alternative sire – her stepfather – but this fact had been covered up by the two of them ever since.

Then her marriage had failed and shortly afterwards her stepfather had died at an early age, leaving her feeling abandoned and alone. Her extended family had been quite unable to understand why his death had affected her so very badly and, of course, she couldn’t explain.

When she had finished speaking we lay side by side on the bed staring at the ceiling while our minds tried to adjust to the new realities they had each heard.

“I would never have guessed,” I eventually said. “I know she looks nothing like your ex but still...”

“She looks like me. We were lucky,” Susie replied.

“And you really feel you made the right choice?” I asked, still amazed.

“I’ve made a lot of bad choices in my life, my first marriage being one of them,” she answered honestly. “But I’ve never regretted my relationship with my stepfather or wished Sophie was anything other than what she is.”

“You’re an amazing woman, Susie,” I told her and meant it.

We lay in silence a little longer before Susie spoke again.

“How far have you imagined going with Sophie?” she asked. I was very surprised.

“I don’t know. I’ve often fantasised about making love to her in her own bed, but I never imagined anything could happen ‘for real’”

“Have you tried anything with her?”

“No! Of course not,” I insisted. “I’m her stepfather!”

There was another long silence during which another set of unwanted outcomes filled my head. But the words that finally left my wife’s mouth were words I had never even dreamed I would hear.

“But you’d like to sleep with her in real life as well as your fantasies?”

I didn’t know how to respond to this question. If I said no, Susie would know it was a lie; the sticky bed sheets testified against me. If I said yes, I would be telling my wife that I wanted to cheat on her with her own daughter. There was no telling where that might lead.

“What if I talk to her?” Susie’s words stunned me.


“What if I introduce the idea of a sexual relationship with you over the next few weeks?”

At first, I could not believe my ears, but Susie assured me she was deadly serious.

“I mean it. I won’t try and persuade her or anything; I’ll just suggest it as a possibility and see how she reacts.”

“You would do that for me?” I asked again, truly gobsmacked.

“I would do it for her,” she corrected me. “You are quite capable of looking after yourself.”

“Do it for Sophie?” I exclaimed, amazed.

Susie explained that her own relationship with her stepfather had been so close, strong and positive for her that she wanted her daughter at least to have the chance of something similar in her life.

Naturally I was excited at the idea, but at the same time apprehensive. After all, I had no reason to believe Sophie had any sexual feelings for me at all!

“And you really wouldn’t mind me sleeping with her?” I asked when she had finished.

“Not if it’s genuinely what she wants; she’s eighteen and won’t be around here forever. You won’t get any younger either. Just as long as you both remember which of us you’re married to!”

And that was the end of the discussion for that night. After a long time, I fell asleep, my mind reeling.


In the morning I could barely believe it had all happened, a problem made worse by the complete absence of any reference to it in our many conversations. Days passed, then weeks until I told myself it had all been just a weird dream; after all, that seemed much more likely than my wife wanting me to sleep with her only daughter.

Meanwhile, our own sex life inexplicably took a sharp turn for the better. Susie became both more demanding and more adventurous in bed which of course delighted and excited me. But despite this, although I said and did nothing untoward, I found myself fantasising about Sophie more and more.

I found myself noticing the things she did more too; little things like the accidental leaving open of the bathroom or bedroom door while she was changing or bathing, or the careless flashing of her panties getting in or out of the car. And she seemed to have started wearing exceptionally short skirts around the house too. In fact I had twice sent her back to her room to change into something more modest – an action that seemed to hurt her rather than make her angry.

I put it down to coincidence and an overactive imagination on my part but whatever it was, it kept going on!

After six weeks of increasing frustration, late one evening I finally plucked up the courage to talk to Susie once again about how I felt and about the difficulty of living with a girl whose sexuality seemed to be growing by the week.

Susie’s response knocked me sideways.

“Haven’t you two done anything yet?” Her voice sounded exasperated. “Just how slow are you, Simon?” I stared at her dumbstruck. “She’s been sending you messages for weeks – so clearly even I can see them!”

I just stood there, speechless.

“I thought you two had already started having sex! Christ, Simon, for an intelligent and successful man you can be really stupid sometimes!”

“Wh...What?” I stammered, making even more of a fool of myself than usual.

Susie made an exasperated sound and walked across the kitchen to where the kettle was boiling.

“I spoke to her as she went to bed the night after your ‘confession’,” she began, pouring two steaming mugs of tea and sitting down, indicating that I should do the same. I sat, and as we sipped our tea, a strange unreal feeling crept over me.

“What…What did she say?” I asked.

My voice sounded surprisingly hesitant. Susie sat back in her chair.

“I won’t pretend she was pleased. Actually, at first she was horrified,” Susie told me. My heart sank like a stone; had I just destroyed our family? Then she leaned towards me and stared straight into my eyes.

“I said, at first,” she continued, seeing the look on my face. I pressed her for more news.

“We’ve had a few mother – daughter heart to hearts since then,” she went on. “I told her… well, I told her how much you loved her and that it was because of that love, not in spite of it that you felt this way towards her.”

Nice words, I thought. All the nicer for being true!

“What eventually got through to her – and you’ll understand how difficult this was for me, Simon – was when I told her about my stepdad and me; how special our relationship was and what it meant to both of us.”

“You told her?” I asked. Susie nodded, her eyes lowered.

“It wasn’t easy but I felt better afterwards. Eventually,” she added.

“What did she say to that?” I asked, eager to learn.

Susie leaned back again and thought for almost a whole minute.

“Actually, I’m surprised how mature she was. I can’t be sure she really understood everything, but we both cried a lot and hugged each other a lot.”

“Did you explain who her father really is?” I asked tentatively.

“Not directly. And she didn’t ask directly either, but she’s a bright girl and will probably work it out. She asked me lots of questions about her Grandfather – her father I should say and to my surprise, I answered them all, truthfully. Actually, it was good for me to talk about it all.”

Susie looked genuinely pleased as she continued.

“I asked her a few questions too – including if she was still a virgin and she said she was.”

This was a genuine surprise; Sophie had had a number of boyfriends coming to the house. Although I hated the thought, I had just assumed that, being eighteen, she must have slept with at least one of them by now. She might, of course, have been lying to her mother but I let that thought go, and listened intently.

“She told me she was frightened about giving herself to a boy who might hurt her both physically and emotionally,” Susie explained. “She told me she’d heard lots of ‘kiss and tell’ stories from the boys at school.” She laughed. “Some of them might even have been true!”

I smiled, remembering the nonsense that had been talked when I was her age.

“What did you say to that?”

“I told her I had felt exactly the same, especially with all the pressures that there are on girls her age,” Susie replied. “It seems she’s reached the point of no return several times with boyfriends but has always stopped short of full sex.”

I nodded, oddly pleased.

“Now, of course, she has the reputation of being frigid,” Susie said unhappily. “But she’s genuinely scared of what might happen if she lets a boy go any further.”

“What did you tell her?” I asked, eager to know what happened next.

“Well, it took a while to summon up the courage, but I told her how good it had been for me to learn about sex in a safe and loving environment with an experienced man whom I could trust absolutely.”

At this point, I began to have self-doubts. Was my interest really a manifestation of love and trust? Or was it just lust on my part? To be truthful, I’m still not sure of my own motives but it was too late to go back now, and Susie was still talking.

“I told her how I had surrendered my virginity to my stepdad and in return had learned how wonderful sex with the right person could be. He had been caring and gentle and loving afterwards and there had never been any risk of stories getting round the school.

“I told her how it had given me confidence to deal with boys my age on equal terms, and how, after a while I had felt able to try new things with him in bed in a loving, supportive and safe environment.”

I could tell the memory was still vivid in her mind by the tears welling up in her eyes.

“In fact, I told her how it gave me the confidence to really enjoy my sex life with the few partners I’d had - right up to and including you!”

This was certainly true. From the moment she had decided to go to bed with me, Susie had been an exciting and adventurous lover. She still was.

“That’s the advantage of being married to a lawyer,” I joked. “You could persuade me to do anything if you talked to me like that.”

She smiled broadly.

“Well, as a lawyer I should tell you what I told her; that having sex with her stepfather might not be illegal but isn’t usually acceptable so she mustn’t ever tell anyone. I made it very clear that she must never tell anyone about her Grandfather and me either.

“I also told her that she should think hard about whether she wanted the same relationship with you. If she decided she did want it she must remember that, although she would have my approval and help if she needed it, in the end, you are married to me, not to her.”

My head was swimming with bewilderment by now, but Susie hadn’t finished.

“I suggested she thought about it carefully and made a cool and calm decision one way or the other. That if she said no, you and I would understand and would still love her as a daughter; that it was entirely her decision and she shouldn’t feel under pressure either way.”

“And what did she say?” I demanded, eager to know.

“She said she would think carefully about it. Simon, she hasn’t spoken to me about it since so I don’t know for certain what she thinks.”

I felt crestfallen. How could Susie have told me such a story but without an ending?

“But since then,” she continued, “as I said, I’ve seen all the messages she’s been sending out to you; all the open doors and flashes of knickers; all the short skirts and coming downstairs in her night clothes; all those looks across the breakfast table.”

“And I missed the significance of them all?” I asked, feeling very stupid.

She nodded.

“I’m pretty sure she wants you!”

“But I need to be absolutely sure! I can’t possibly make a move unless I know for certain. I can’t take the chance of ruining my relationship with Sophie through a – a misunderstanding on this scale.”

Susie thought for a minute.

“I’ll go and talk to her in her room now. Go and have a shower – you look hot and sweaty! Neither of us will want to get close to you when you’re like that.”

And with that, she abruptly left me sitting at the kitchen table and went upstairs.


The next twenty minutes were some of the longest in my life. After Susie’s footsteps had ceased, I followed her upstairs, straining unsuccessfully to hear the conversation taking place behind my stepdaughter’s bedroom door. There were murmurs but no words could be distinguished.

Disappointed, I went into our bedroom and the en suite bathroom where I undressed and stepped into the shower. The warm water immediately made me feel better, and as I soaped myself all over I began to fantasise once again about what being in bed with my stepdaughter might really be like. Within seconds, a huge erection was developing between my thighs.

I was washing my hair vigorously and didn’t notice Susie entering the shower room. She, however, immediately noticed both the soap suds on my face and the erection slapping against my lower belly.

“I see you’ve been – contemplating things again,” she shouted above the roar of the water.

I jumped with surprise, clumsily tried to wash the soap from my body then threw open the shower door and stepped naked onto the bathmat, my erection starting to droop with embarrassment.

I grabbed a bath towel and hurriedly dried myself down, at the same time throwing my wife a glance which was loaded with doubt and uncertainty.

“Well? What did she say?” I asked, rubbing myself with the towel until my skin was red.

Susie breathed out heavily. It didn’t sound good. My erection drooped further.

“I suppose you might be the luckiest man in England, or perhaps your timing was inspired.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I mean that the object of your desire was within hours of giving up on you!”


She laughed and sat down on the edge of the bath.

“Your beloved stepdaughter has been trying for nearly two months to show you that your advances would be welcome. You, of course, didn’t notice this.”

“Oh, Jesus!”

“Your apparently complete lack of interest in the most precious thing she has to give has hurt her. She thought you didn’t want her after all – that you had led her on and then rejected her. She was preparing to let her latest spotty teenage boyfriend take her virginity tomorrow night.”

“Christ,” was all I could say.

“So if you don’t want to mess things up even further, I suggest you and your lumpy towel get down to her room in the next two minutes!”

I looked down at the tent in the bath towel that my rapidly-reviving erection was making and grinned sheepishly. I moved quickly towards the door then stopped suddenly in my tracks.

“And you’re sure you don’t mind, Susie? You’re really sure?”

“I’m sure. I’ve had two months to think about it too,” she replied. I turned back to the door and was just about to go through it when she added.

“Just as long as you don’t forget who you’re really married to, I think it would be good for both of you.”

“You’re an angel, Suze!” I exclaimed, rushing back and kissing her on the lips.

“Bugger off and be gentle!” she laughed and I almost ran out of the room.

I closed our bedroom door behind me and stood on the landing for a minute, my mind full of doubts. What I wanted was certainly not normal by most moral standards but by her own admission, it had done Susie no harm. In fact, she believed it had helped her.

Did I really have my stepdaughter’s best interests at heart?

Or was it just my own perverse sexual gratification?

Perhaps these thoughts were merely an attempt to make myself believe I had made a rational, sensible decision, because looking back, nothing short of sheer physical force could have prevented me from crossing to Sophie’s room and gently tapping on the door.

There was a rustling sound from within and a soft, almost inaudible voice spoke.


I opened the door slowly and peered into the room. It was dark and there was no sign of movement.

“Princess?” I whispered. “It’s me!”

There was a rasping sound as a match was struck and light flared at the bed head. In the red-orange flame, I saw my stepdaughter carefully lighting a low, thick candle. Its wick caught and the room brightened a little.

Sophie put the candle down on her bedside table and looked up at me. I was speechless. In the low light her dark hair, brushed till it shone, simply glowed. Her olive skin, free of make-up looked soft and fresh in a picture of sweet, yet definitely accessible innocence.

She was sitting upright in the bed, the single white sheet covering her knees which were drawn up almost under her chin. The sheet’s embroidered hem rested on her breasts hiding them from my eyes, but I could clearly tell that, beneath it, she was already naked.

Her mother must have spent some time preparing Sophie for this encounter. I felt a warm glow within me and a pain in my groin as my erection strained against the towel.

Closing the door firmly, I crossed the room to her side and sat carefully on the edge of the divan, my towel uncomfortably over my un-concealable erection. I kissed her on the forehead.

“Mum told me. I’ve been an idiot, haven’t I?” I said.

Sophie looked sheepish.

“I would never call you that, Dad?” she replied, looking very young and very innocent. She stared awkwardly at her knees. “I was upset when you didn’t say anything though. I thought you might hate me and…”

I put a finger across her lips.

“Princess,” I whispered earnestly. “I could never hate you no matter what you did. And to think you were offering me…” I couldn’t finish the sentence, my throat felt so choked up.

Sophie took my hand in hers and squeezed, smiling at me.

“Are you sure you want this? Really sure?” I asked.

There was a pause just long enough to make me believe she really was thinking it over one last time, and then she nodded.

“I’m really, really sure,” she replied, squeezing my fingers again.

I smiled and raised her hand to my lips. I kissed her fingers, then her hand and her wrist as my other hand stroked her cheek. I drew a finger along the line of her jaw then across her lips, which opened to let her teeth nibble my fingertip.

Releasing her hand, my arm snaked loosely around her neck and drew her towards me until our lips met.

For the rest of my life, I will remember every second – every fraction of a second of that kiss; the moment when my lovely stepdaughter became my lover.

Her lips were cool; her mouth was hot; her tongue astonishingly active against mine. A virgin she might still have been, but she was certainly no stranger to kissing. I pressed my lips onto hers and her hair fell backwards over my arm, its clean, fresh smell filling my nostrils.

Her hands fell to her lap, taking with them the white bed sheet and leaving her naked breasts exposed in the candlelight. My hand rose instinctively to caress them. They felt small and firm under my fingers, with nipples already erect. I cursed the rough skin of my hands as my palms cupped and gently kneaded their soft globes.

As my hands toyed with her breasts, Sophie’s mouth became more active on mine as if a tide of desire was rising within her. Our lips parted and she panted a little, her heaving chest forcing her cone shaped nipples against my palms where the pressure seemed to increase her desire still further.

The softness of her flesh under my fingers was making me harder still. I laid her back on the bed, her sweet head on the crisp white pillow then, stroking her cheek again, lowered my head until my lips found the large, dark circles of her nipples. My fingers raised her teats gently to my mouth and I flicked my tongue lightly over each in turn, hearing hear her breathing quicken as my tongue danced over the hard, dark flesh.

For a few blissful minutes, I suckled softly on my stepdaughter’s firm young breasts, drawing each nipple into my mouth in turn, caressing each delicate teat with my tongue. My lips sucked gently, my teeth lightly nipping each hardening bud.

Sophie writhed on the sheet, her hands stroking my back and sides. I raised my mouth to hers and kissed her lips again, my tongue seeking hers deep in her toothpaste-fresh mouth. As we kissed, I slid my left hand under the sheet and along the soft skin of her thigh, drawing my fingers slowly in a long line up the inside of her inner thigh towards her sweet teenage vulva. As my fingers bushed against its heat she instinctively pressed her knees together as if to prevent my touching her most private parts.

I smiled at her and lowered my hand to her knees again.

“Are you ok Princess?” I whispered. Sophie nodded.

My fingers retraced their path and approached her vulva again. Again her legs clamped together but less firmly this time. I stroked her upper thigh gently then ran my fingers slowly up and down her legs, each gentle stroke reaching deeper and deeper, higher and higher, overcoming her fast-fading resistance and working her legs apart fraction by fraction until finally my fingers brushed against her soft, tightly curled pubic hair.

Sophie froze at the touch of my fingers on her outer lips. I held my hand still, allowing her body to adjust to the new feeling. I kissed her deliberately, deeply, thrusting my tongue deep into her mouth; the tension in her body began to relax.

Encouraged, I pressed my middle finger between her outer lips, parting them gently. She was hot and wet inside. Kissing her lips more gently now, I began to work my finger up and down her slit, feeling her legs parting slowly and her vulva opening like a flower at my touch.

With as much gentleness as I could muster, I slid my finger towards the top of her slit to find her clitoris. It was tiny and hooded and took several small circles of my fingertip to locate, but when eventually I touched its delicate underside, my daughter’s body jumped in surprise on the sheet alongside me.

“Did I hurt you?” I asked softly. There was a pause then she shook her head.

“Do you want me to stop now?” This was answered by an emphatic shaking of her head.

Relaxing a little, I began to move my fingertip in little circles around her tiny but swelling clitoris, feeling it grow harder and larger at my touch. Sophie’s legs opened wider to allow me freer access and she began to moan softly under her breath. I felt her vagina lubricating rapidly, her wetness running down my remaining fingers and into my palm. I kissed her breasts as I fingered her, my tongue and teeth toying with her nipples as her excitement grew and grew, her head rocking slowly from side to side on the pillow.

It was time to move on.

My fingers still pressed firmly against her inner lips, I kissed her firm, pointed breasts one last time and slowly planted a line of tiny butterfly kisses across the smooth skin of her belly as I moved my mouth closer and closer to the heat of her vulva. The firm muscles of her skinny tummy emphasised her youth and innocence and brought a lump of emotion to my throat.

I wriggled around the bed until I was kneeling on the floor, my head between her open thighs. I lowered my face to her vulva.

“What are you doing?” she asked in a hushed, slightly dreamy voice.

“Shhh Princess!” I whispered. “Trust me; you’ll love it!”

And with that, I gently teased open her puffy outer labia revealing her red, wet core. I could smell the pungent aroma of arousal against the sweet smell of bath oil on her skin.

I breathed heavily onto the puffy outer lips of her vulva. She shivered a little.


My tongue toyed with her tightly curled pubic hair and tickled the hairless crease where her vulva and thigh met.

“Ohhhh!” she exclaimed almost in surprise.

Then, in a single stroke, I ran the tip of my tongue from the base of her slit upwards until it danced over her tiny hard clitoris.

“Oh My GOD!”

Sophie’s body convulsed on the bed. She sat bolt upright and grabbed my hair with both hands.

“Princess! Did I hurt you?” I asked for the second time.

She did not reply but I felt her painful grip on my hair relax a little as she lowered herself to the pillow again. My confidence restored, I returned my attention to her vulva where, with even more care, I began to lap at her inner lips.


This time, the pleasure in her voice was unmistakeable. I slid my palms under her soft buttocks and lifted her sweetness to my mouth. Gently, gently I lapped again at her inner lips, and upwards until the tip of my tongue found her already-swollen clitoris. I worked my tongue under the hood, then round in circles until I brought it upwards in a long stroke along its underside.

Sophie convulsed on the bed once again and a loud squeal shattered the silence in the room. The sudden noise surprised me but I held her buttocks firmly in my palms and kept on licking and kissing. Her pleasure mounted; I dipped my tongue into her vagina with each stroke, feeling the resistance of her intact hymen against its tip as I teased her.

Her hands gripped my hair tightly again as tremors of what was perhaps her first minor climax passed through her body. Sophie began to moan loudly; a strange, unfamiliar feral sound, almost like an animal in pain and I realised she was probably at least as scared by these new sensations as she was aroused.

Once again the flat of my tongue enveloped her hard clitoris and she squealed aloud.

“Are you alright?”

The voice came from behind me. I turned guiltily to see Susie peering around the door’s edge. I froze, trying to imagine my wife’s response at seeing my head buried deep between her daughter’s thighs. But I needn’t have worried.

“Mmmm Mummy,” Sophie mumbled, waving her hand in Susie’s general direction as if to summon her closer.

Susie, her white bathrobe wrapped around her, stepped quickly over to the bedside and held her daughter’s hand tightly.

“Do you want it to stop, darling?” she whispered. Sophie shook her head.

“N….No… No, not now you’re here!”

Her head fell back onto the pillow and without speaking I turned my attention back to the moist triangle between her thighs, licking again and again. The taste was unlike any I had experienced before or since; the unique flavour of a young girl’s body preparing itself for its first penetration.

I lapped; I licked; I circled; I drove my tongue as far into her vagina as her hymen would allow. Sophie gripped her mother’s hand tightly as her body trembled and shook. The moisture in my mouth changed in taste and texture as her excitement rose until I realised that I was in danger of cumming myself before the most important deed had been done.

Reluctantly raising my face from her wide spread thighs, I slid up the single bed alongside Sophie’s trembling body until my eyes were level with hers. Her face was flushed pink, as was her chest. There were beads of sweat on her forehead.

“It’s time Princess,” I whispered. “Are you still sure?”

The look in my stepdaughter’s eyes as she replied almost brought tears to mine.

“I’m sure. Please!”

I looked at my wife for final reassurance. Susie smiled and nodded too.

The towel around my waist had long since fallen away and my erection had become painfully hard. I knelt again between my daughter’s thighs and, taking my weight on my left arm, used my right to guide the red, swollen head of my cock towards its goal.

Sophie grasped her mother’s hand tightly as I gently slid the head of my cock up and down her moist slit until its head nestled against her inner lips and parted them. Her tiny, delicate hymen obstructed the way; insubstantial, paper thin but psychologically as strong as a steel door.

“Last chance to change your mind,” I whispered one last time.

Sophie smiled and I saw her grip on Susie’s hand tighten. Then, with all the love, care and bodily control I could muster, I gently but irresistibly pressed myself forwards.

There was the softest, sweetest, surprisingly strong resistance from her hymen which made me pause. Sophie yelped in pain and surprise, gripping her mother’s hand even tighter.

I pulled back then pressed forward again, this time, in small, jerking movements, each one a little stronger than the last until finally I felt something within her yield and my cock sank half way into my stepdaughter’s beautiful body.

Beneath me, Sophie gasped aloud and her body went stiff. I heard Susie gasp too as Sophie’s knuckles turned white, so tightly had she gripped her mother’s hand. I paused, watching my beautiful stepdaughter’s face contort in sudden pain, then slowly begin relax as her body adjusted to the unfamiliar invasion into its most private part.

As the tension began to leave my stepdaughter’s body, I pulled back slowly before very gently beginning to thrust myself backwards and forwards, sawing inch by careful inch, deeper and deeper into her vagina.

With each tentative stroke, I heard Sophie gasp and felt her body tighten then relax, gasp, tighten and relax, making penetration wonderfully slow but after what seemed like an age, my groin finally ground up against her pubic mound; my dark, wiry pubic hair meeting the sparse curls of her triangle.

I paused, astonished as I realised I had buried the full length of my cock in Sophie’s vagina.

My beautiful stepdaughter had given me the most precious thing she had to offer – her virginity.

I looked down on the sweet face I had known for so many years. Waves of love and a desire to protect her washed over me. Her eyes opened slowly. There were tiny tears in their corners.

Looking deeply into those eyes, I drew myself slowly back until just my head was inside her then pressed forwards again. This time, my cock slid smoothly its full length into her body until with a soft wet sound, my adult body pressed against her sweet innocent one again and the thick base of my shaft stretched her newly awakened entrance.

Sophie grunted and bit her lower lip, her grip on her mother’s hand tightening once again.

“That’s good darling,” Susie whispered to her. “The painful part is over now. Just try and relax and let Daddy make you feel good.”

Sophie nodded, her teeth still clamped hard on her lower lip, her body still tense. I pulled back and gently but firmly thrust forward again. She was so tight around me I realised that at this rate I would cum very quickly. Perhaps that was best for her first time.

I thrust twice more and felt her body begin to relax. Her thighs parted further and when I thrust a third time, I felt myself go perceptibly deeper into her until my swollen head met an obstruction deep within her which could only have been her cervix.

This time, Sophie squealed with surprise.

“Still OK, Princess?” I asked softly. She smiled and nodded, looking across at her mother for reassurance.

Twice more I thrust myself into her, each time the wetness around my shaft increasing and the slapping sound growing louder before finding a slow rhythm; a pace which I thought would be just fast enough to bring her pleasure, but still slow enough to prevent me cumming too soon.

Sophie began to moan in time with my thrusts, her back arching a little. Releasing her mother’s hand, she reached up with her fingers and clumsily stroked my chest, her fingertips wrapping themselves in my body hair.

My pace increased as the pleasure mounted; I felt her vagina tighten around my shaft as her body tensed again.

The soft, wet, slapping noises increased in volume and frequency as my thrusts increased in pace. Sophie began to moan louder, her voice catching in her throat, her thighs spreading wider, her lower legs wrapping themselves over my calves.

I looked downwards to the source of my pleasure; my long, narrow shaft was simply plunging into her soft, sweet body, its sides covered in pale pink foam from her freshly-deflowered juices. The sight drove me to thrust even harder and faster.

Sophie’s eyes flew open, her knees bent wide, legs spread even further apart and her hands grabbed the sheet beneath her as the weight of my body collided repeatedly with her soft frame.

Then her head was flung backwards, her mouth open in a silent scream as her first, frightening climax began. She shook, shuddered and her eyes bulged.


The words were barely decipherable but were music to my ears. I began to thrust much faster, though still trying to keep some vestige of control.

“Daddy! Mommy!” she gabbled as a second wave of pleasure washed over her young body.

Suddenly it was all too much for me. Losing control completely, my body of its own accord began the fast, erratic, hard, deep thrusts that would bring me to a rapid climax.

“Remember to pull out!”

My wife Susie whispered hoarsely, recognising how close to ejaculation I was. I barely heard her - the extreme pleasure was washing over me in waves and drowning out all other sensations.

“Simon! Pull out! Now! She’s not on the pill!”

Susie’s voice was much louder but it was no use. My body was on auto-pilot and my climax began in earnest.

A knot of fire appeared in my lower back, spread through my thighs and into my groin and, as I lost the last vestiges of control of my body, I began to thrust wildly into my stepdaughter’s softness in time with the hot spurts of a painfully large, messy, noisy ejaculation that shook me from my toes to the hair on my head.

“Oooohhh! Nnnnnggghhhh!”

The voice I heard was mine but yet not mine as hot, burning semen surged through my erection and erupted into my stepdaughter’s body. My own body jerked and twitched with the spasms of a climax which tightened my chest so I could barely breathe. Time after time my body spasmed and more semen burst from me until, finally, I began to regain control.

My eyes gradually focussed once again and I could see Sophie’s sweet face beneath me in the candlelight. There was more sweat on her pink flushed forehead and her expression was a mixture of fear, pleasure and concern.

“Are you OK?” she asked, her voice trembling. I nodded.

“I’m fine. Are you alright sweetheart?” I croaked. “Did I hurt you?”

“A little,” she replied. “But it didn’t last long.”

I felt myself beginning to soften inside her.

“Hold her close, Simon,” Susie whispered.

I understood and gently lowered myself onto the rumpled, stained sheet alongside my lovely stepdaughter. My flaccid cock slipped smoothly and messily from her body and a sticky trickle of our combined fluids oozed onto the sheet.

I folded Sophie lovingly in my arms as her emotions slowly calmed and her body recovered from the shock of its first penetration and climax. I hugged her close, feeling her trembling; breathing in the sweetness of her hair as she buried her face in my chest.

“I love you darling,” I whispered into her long, soft hair. We lay in silence, Susie stroking her daughter’s hair and back.

After a long while, she whispered in my ear.

“She mustn’t sleep alone tonight. I’ll leave you to it.”

I nodded. “Susie I… are you sure… ITo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Petronellas Choice

Petronella's Choice by Bryony Two finely-dressed women were taking tea, in an opulent sitting room. Althought both were in their late 40s, they were undeniably attractive, and of athletic build. A maid stood nearby, demonstrating a near-perfect submissive pose. The Mistress of the house fussed over the tea ritual, while her visitor regarded the maid, and not for the first time she shook her head in wonderment. "I still can't believe that's actually Lord Mandrake." "I can...

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Time Manipulation Mind Control Chapter 18 Cheerleader Slaves Naughty Choice

Chapter Eighteen: Cheerleader Slave's Naughty Choice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Justin Sampson The rings thrummed as I passed between them. I hurtled head-first towards the machine. I thrust my arms out before me. My skin crawled. My toes tingled. I felt the next arm spinning down at me, trailing a wake of particles that made my entire body feel like it wanted to fly apart. I hit a metal shelf around the base of the machine, hovering with the arms. I grunted, rolled, and crashed...

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The Choice

Deena’s Story Tears ran down my face as I walked up the garden path towards our new house. Blinded by the sadness, I couldn’t find the keyhole as the key scraped over the brass lock. My shoulders shuddered while I let out another cry for help. “Toby!” The door opened and I fell into the arms of my love. “Fuckin hell... what’s up with you, Rainy Face?” I didn’t know how to tell him. So I just spilled the words from my mouth. “I lost it. I don’t know what to do. I’m scared.” “Lost what?” “My...

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Angies Choice

Angie's Choice By Angela Renee Rineheart I had just turned 22, and felt as confused as when my Father passed away at age 13. I had no more of an idea what to do with my life now, as I did then. My relationship with my girlfriend of five years had arrived at a decision that needed to be made. Her family was constantly asking the question of "when are you two getting married?" It was almost Springtime, and the questioning was heating up again for a Spring...

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I had no choice

I had no choice. By Sissy Melanie 1 - In the beginning. My wife, Susan and I used to have a fairly normal life. We had been married for about five years, I felt that things were good between us. We both had reasonable jobs, we had a nice house and kept to ourselves for the most part. We were not party goers but we did like to socialize on occasion, by this, I mean going out for drinks a few times a year. We did not have a circle of friends so to speak. I met Susan while she was...

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His Birthday Her Choice

His Birthday, Her Choice by A. P. Damien Note: I've used the name "Anita" for the bottom in this scene. The producer can substitute the usual stage name of the model who enacts the part.Scene 1: Interior, a corridor, evening. Anita is walking toward the camera. She is wearing "hot" clothes, the sort of thing a college girl might wear on a date when she has decided it's time to bring her boyfriend home for the night. Her midriff is bare. She walks past the camera.Shift to a view over her...

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The Choice

The Choice Mistress looked down at me, I could see the pleasure in Her eyes as I knelt there by Her side. I was wearing hosiery, panties and a lacy bra stuffed to give the illusion that I had something worth keeping inside it. And, of course, the collar. My heels sat next to me, today I managed to wear the 5 inch heels all day without complaint, and Mistress was pleased with my progress and allowed me this small respite. She spoke, "Ah, my little Sapphic toy. Today is going to be a...

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Her Final Choice

I was tied down to a table, very tightly, my arms and legs spread out as wide as they would go. ?The man of my dreams stood above me, looking into my eyes. ??"Do you want to be my slave?"?We had spent the weekend together and it had been bliss for my masochistic heart. ?He had beaten me and fucked me with equal passion. ?I was humiliated and pushed to the edge of any limit I ever thought I had. ?I had cried more in that weekend than I had for years, but I'd also never been so excited. ?All of...

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Metamorphosis of a slave Mikahs Choice

This is book two of the Metamorphosis series. This entire series has been completed years ago, but the most boring thing on earth is editing and re-editing a book. The entire series has been a collaboration between my husband/slave and myself. We figure that it should take us anywhere from six weeks - fifty years to edit each chapter...I suppose that our emphasis on Mikah's almost minute by minute emotional state can be quite boring for most readers. But this was the aspect that most fascinated...

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Career Choice

Career choice Career choiceby JensenDenmark1. A childhood lost ?Rick. You have to come with me. Your father has been taken to the hospital? I am Rick and I am 17 years old. I live in Filmore just north of L.A, where I have lived since I was born. 2 year ago I lost my beloved mother. My father broke down and I very much got to live my own life because he shut me off and concentrated on his job. I was mourning also and my grade slipped because clothes, food etc. became a struggle when...

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Editing Reality Book Three Naughty Fantasies UnleashedChapter 15 One Choice

Steve Davies “A god,” I said. The word rippled through my soul. I had set things up to be hero-worshiped, for the entire world to see me as something more than them, but to hear my wife say it was intoxicating I glanced down at my phone, at the power it held. So many edits left... We used to be good Christians, but then we learned about all of this truth. How the Most High operated. Things changed. And now ... Now we were flirting with crossing the line into blasphemy. It was a heady...

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Choices Joss Whedon portrayed it right. High school really is hell. At least mine was. A genuine monster came to my school, and I was one of those who lived to tell the story. Sometimes I envy those who didn't survive.... It started on a very nice day at the end of October of my grade eleven year. I had hoped that the worst of the bullying I had suffered in grade ten was behind me, and for the most part it was. I still got the name-calling, mostly variations on "fag", but I could...

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Hard Choices

Rose Gallagher gathered the bibles and stacked them neatly on a bookstand. She had finished another long day at the church helping her Uncle, Daniel, who was a priest. Rose had just turned 18 at the time and had volunteered to help her uncle at the church. It was past eight at night and the sky was dark. The night was chilly forcing Rose to put on a soft cotton pink sweater. ‘Uncle Dan, I already finished picking up the bibles and song books,’ Rose said poking her head in her uncle’s office. ...

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Bikini Beach Choices

Bikini Beach: Choices By JDG Brad Damien was not a happy man, but then, he hadn't been really happy for some time. It wasn't really anything he could readily identify. He was content in his work, being a construction supervisor was rewarding. You got to see the physical manifestation of your effort come together bit by bit. It wasn't his kids. His daughter, Jan, was the prettiest 16 year old at Arcadia High School, and the best behaved too. His younger daughter, Patricia, was a...

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Bad Choices

Sammy and Kyle, two slacker dudes who spent most of their time looking for trouble, and usually finding it, were cruising slowly down Fourth Street on a Friday night in Sammy's Camaro. They were supposed to be celebrating Kyle's release from county lockup after serving nine months for assault, but the night was getting off to a slow start. "Damn, I need some pussy," Kyle moaned. "You wanna go over to Highland and find a hooker?" "Nah, I don't want some skank ho tonight. I want...

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If reading this story offends you or the law, do what I do, don't. Choices by Vickie Tern I was so miserable I felt like crying. A single sob escaped, but I stifled it, couldn't allow it. I was terribly worried yet there was nothing to do but wait. There never was. Sit in the living room, turn on the tube, turn pages in some magazine, wait. Ignore all sorts of hysterical fears. Finally realize I'd been dozing in my chair,...

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??????????? Choices.??????????? Part One.??????????? The Nipple Cull.  Page 1. ??????????? I'd called a meeting.??????????? Their attendance was compulsory.??????????? They were eating me out of house and home and I just knew my cock would get plumb worn out if I was to bang them all as much as I knew I wanted to. I'd never really intended to capture five of them at one time but now it was a done deal and the real problem was I didn't know which two of the five I liked the least. I...

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Choices By Vickie Tern "I'm sorry! You humiliated me, Keith! Now it's my turn!" She spoke precisely, with authority, and though she no longer sounded vindictive her voice could still etch glass. She'd made up her mind, and when Cynthia's mind is made up there's nothing more to say. Now I had to make up my mind. "That's how it is, Keith! My sweet disloyal husband! Your decision! You want this marriage to continue, we can get past this ... this thing you've done to me. To us....

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Jessicas Choice

One day Jessica and her best friend and roommate Brandi are at their jobs as internet spanking models, when suddenly Jessica hears her name being called on the public address system. As she hears it, she and Brandi who are on their breaks start to walk to the shift supervisors office. As they are walking, Jessica says, I wonder what she wants? I haven't been late any this week. Who knows, says Brandi, but don't get excited or upset until you know what it's about. About 30 seconds later they are...

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