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Why You – Why Me

Love is blind and any a secret would not last when faced by a great love!

Tim proposed to Alice that night and to his surprise she refused, as told him said she had reservations about their relationship becoming permanent.

That confrontation was too much of rejection for Tim, he excused himself from her and turned around, and walked past his vehicle to stroll, as wandered along the country road. He did not know what she was afraid of, whether it was something about him, or was she in love more with another man, he did not know!

It was late at night; the country road had few residences built along its ten-miles from the highway turnoff. As Tim walked and thought, not one car came past him, allowing him time alone to think. As he walked the sound of a limb snapping suggested he was not all that alone. A city boy he knew the use of owning a personal firearm and drew it from his coat pocket a nine millimeter semi-automatic pistol.

His father had owned a hand gun, that became a collector's item after it and all personal firearms were deemed as illegal to own. An unfriendly government wishing to look the other direction when then the army came door-to-door everywhere, collecting personal firearms.

Holding his gun with both hands and outstretched arms he stood with it as ready to aim and fire at whatever might come at him, from out in the darkness.

“Tim, my dearest, please put down your weapon, there is nobody here but me, and I assure you I do not wish to hurt you.” Alice said, she the girlfriend he had left an hour before, at her parent’s house, in the living room after she declined his offer of marriage.

“Where are you, without a moon and no light anywhere close my walking the road it is so black out here, come closer!” Tim said as wanted of her to join him there on the road surface, she standing being down in the ditch, where the darkness became dark shaded, and she looking for him.

“This is difficult, I want to be near you, I do love you, but… there is, I have a problem, a very different sort of problem, one that if we were married and wanted to make love, you might not then like me.” Alice said, she stumbling over her words, pausing as if pondering for the proper word to say.

“I love you, so nothing else matters, now come and stand beside me!” Tim said, he tone to voice sounded as pleading Alice to stop her foolishness and come closer to where he might be able to see her.

The sounds of her footsteps were all he could hear as she came coming closer, she held Tim in suspense as he waited, gaining a sense of being impatient with Alice. “Please Tim, when we would walk together as through the city park there were lights everywhere and in the light, whether natural or electric helps to keep my condition within a tolerable control. It is the black darkness we have in the country, away from any light and my mother, of whom I own a fear.” Alice walking and talked to Tim as she came closer, her voice breaking from the choked fear she felt.

The only real light there giving any variance of illumination came from the brilliant northern lights dancing about in the heavens. The dim bluish light allowed Tim to see something coming toward him, the silhouette not of his Alice, but more akin to being a monster.

“Halt right there, who are you, identify yourself and where is Alice, Alice where are you?” Tim being frightened yelled, he urgently wishing to see his dear lover as safe and not injured by this… monster.

“Tim, this is my true self, it is what my mother is and I am by being her daughter.” Alice said, her voice coming from the sheer monster creature then standing across the road from where Tim stood, he stunned and holding his gun.

“By all that is holy, Alice what are you…, you are an animal?” Tim said, as exclaiming and questioning what he could see, as heard Alice speak and the thing moving its mouth in proper unison.

”I am a were-goat, as my mother told me when I became twelve years of age. She held me down as I screamed and this change took control of me when there is no moon or light at night. That is why I am afraid of the dark, as darkness draws me to become what my heritage demands of me.” Alice said, as she spoke that her voice choked with emotion, she walking, striding ever closer to her lover pointing at her his gun.

“A were-goat, this is crazy…, there are tall tales of werewolves and that junk, but a were-goat; you are wearing a costume, right?” Said Tim, he beginning to think this as some elaborate hoax, but why after he would come to propose of marriage would Alice put such a degrading joke between them!

“I wanted to tell you a dozen times, and you may recall when we did make love, enjoying our fun times there was a light on in the room or along the beach. As then that once when we made love and I fell asleep, you turned off the light in the room. My changing comes with mild pains and I awoke, to find myself as having begun to change. That was when I mysteriously did get up and take my urgent leave from being near to you. I ran to hide until morning, as then sunlight, I had a need to use to change back, being a normal looking human.

You are staring at me, as men who would stare at a Were lose their fear and stand mesmerized, as then become taken advantage of, as by a were-goat. I did infect two high school lovers. I allured them with my furry form, my aroused breasts, and enlarged nipples. They came and suckled, as drank my milk, it has properties what causes male suitor to change.

Kyle was one I felt a passion for and allowing him to see me as I could become, he did suckle my teenage breasts, wallow his face in my furry pussy, and tonguing at me until so aroused he did not believe his eyes, when he saw what he had become, stood on all fours being then as permanently a large breed of male goat.

My then boyfriend Kyle became due to his family heritage a Boer breed of one big handsome buck goat. Oddly, he acted as might a horny male; he fell in love with the increased sensuality of him living a beastly lifestyle. We laid and mated a whole night until morning when only I did my change back to being human. I tried to explain as he stood there bleating pitifully, as if begging for me to do something to help his situation.

After I cried for him and felt his bite at one of my nipples, I noosed a rope around his neck, and took him to the James family farm, as there I turned him loose inside the goat pasture. I watched as Kyle sniffed the raw scents of doe goats in heat and he forgot me, as dashed after them a doe, he stood for hours rutting each doe several sessions.

Kyle was my first and the second was his brother Kevin. He was about as you are now, with the exception that he reacted with arguing to the point of idiocy. Ultimately, he became angry and aggressive, wanting to molest and rape me!

I let him have his fun and as his penis spewed its first load my womb, it ejected an enzyme what surrounded his member and entered up inside it. He did me four times more, leaving when then early morning. He drove to his apartment where hours later he cell-phone called me to beg, plead, and seek help. He was afraid, but rejected me while asking for help from his strange ailment.

I laughed at him, as that angered him more.

Unknown by him then, I knew what anger and or physical exertion would cause, as due to the enzyme does something to his internal organs.

Upset from the obvious, he stood touching his changed different self, and began masturbating right there in front of me, he feeling wildly horny.

I watched as Kevin stood leaning against a wall, as he ejaculated, shooting five massive ropes of thick semen across his apartment living room. It was an impressive orgasmic display, even for a born goat. Kevin was by then looking like a Greek satyr, acting horny, aggressive, and in dire need of sex.

I suggested to Kevin that while still able, he should drive or run to find where he when becoming more goat than being a human, could select of an alternative lover, and affect his future, becoming a buck goat as something permanent.

Scared, Kevin dashed past me, as he took to running, the exertion adding to the effects of my enzyme in him to surge his changing self. I did not try to follow Kevin, but knew, or expected by the time he arrived at any goat farm, he would be by then ready and able to become a herd sire.

As from what I have told you, know that I do love you, but great care is needed, lest by being foolish you would bear the worst from my cursed self.

If we were to marry, our lives together must be lived with constant lighted areas, as outside the house, inside, when we made love or would sleep, I have a dire need for light.

When we make love, my enzyme will be there, it infecting your body, causing a slow transition of your maleness, and genitals. As from your family history, the heritage or country where your grandfathers were born, of such all play a portion in what manner of changing shall enhance our marriage.”

“I still love you, even knowing now of your curse. It is your personality what I love, although your human body tends to arouse me. I see what you become and it does not demean me love for you, as I can be adjustable about where and how we would make love.

Your enzymes, they would cause changes to my genitals, and with time, would I become like Kyle and Kevin, me being then a male goat?” Alice remembering of what Tim said about their possible marriage, and what with time might become of him.

I admit to the obvious fact that Alice caused Tim to know many changes, until he became as her past lovers, all as males appreciating the furry rumps of doe goats.

Alice makes for a beautiful woman when she is as human. She has married many times, attesting to gain the wealth of each passing husband. I saw her one night when in her were-goat form walking through the moonless dark, her car had a flat tire and she walking home, became her cursed self.

I offered her a ride in the payload area of my pickup truck, not then wanting something like her sitting up front, beside me in the truck cab.

I was very careful about our relationship, and especially when we would make love, as always in a close proximity to some light.

After seven months I noted my penis began changing, I lost the circumcision done to me a few days after I was born. Alice offered to help slow my physical changes, she suckling my penis after we had sex. She slowed the progressive changes, and suggested that I continue my equestrian enjoyment of horseback riding.

I did not expect our relationship would do to me anything but make of me a satyr and with the passing of time, and then become another of her damned, buck-goat husbands. What she did not tell me was about my family heritage, and from my being near to horses would do to divert her curse.

We made love and my then uncircumcised penis became to looking more as a beastly cock. My penis skin darkened its hue to being a charcoal black color. The end head remained blunt but grew a gland-flange, as created for her pleasure and my lust an enhanced sensual penis any stud would find as delightful.

Yes you heard right, as any stud, because my penis and genitals became as duplicates to my weekly ride through the country. Heir Michael, my mount, was of the Frisian breed, a stallion. My sitting on him, no matter the saddle, I would ride him until he lathered I sweat. When we returned to the stables it was my duty to groom, as dry, cleaning my mount, as from touching him, the enzymes infecting me mixed with what of an animal touched me, and my bodily self.

Two years after we had married, I can recall how we lay on our king-size bed, me with my equine libido, kept my penis erect and standing tall. Alice would message my horse cock, she buttering it with hand creams, stroking it to where pre bubbled out and mixed with her stroking hands.

Alice liked to be in control and when she thought my cock was near to spew forth a load, she would rise up, and positioning her properly above my erect cock. I would watch as Alice knelt over and inserted my cock inside her vagina. My cock had grown to be of similar the girth and length like Heir Michael, my Frisian stallion.

My cock’s length was too long for her satyr-goat self, as when I were atop her and thrusting, I hurt her, nearly rupturing her insides, as could have caused her death. We found it better and safer for Alice to control our sex play.

Indeed, the volume of my semen ejaculated, worked to fill Alice, to where the surges would squirt out past my embedded cock. We made love until the bed sheets were soaked by our spent juices. I began to appreciate her spent enzymes, as my equine genitals began to infect more of my body, gifting my skin to become as blackened horse hide, and of black body fur to sprout, growing, and spread.

Year three of our marriage caused a ripple in or lovemaking, or after I got seen by a stables employee, while being naked, black and furry, I stood sheath deep, mating with a Welsh Mountain pony mare. I became angered, and molesting, did mate, breed then with the son of the stables owner.

I infected Steve, and he told Alice, where she confronted me, while Steve stood and watched, eying my naked blackened self, before my Alice too Steve to our bed and sexually berated him.

Six months of weekend orgies and Steve was about where I was being equine and changing. My gay pleasure taking and the sex fun with Alice had her selling me to the stables as a new Frisian stallion; of who the groomsman then gelded me.

My being as gelded ceased the ability to mate and enjoy the surge of ejaculating. My instinctive passion for sniffing of mare urine did not stop, and from doing any sniffing of a mare, I gained a massive hard-on. As filled of want to mount, mate, thrusting, and ejaculate, I could not feel satisfaction. Alice came often to me, she liking to fondle my sheath, balls, and stroke the length of my twenty-two inches of cock.

I heard the owner conversing, he mentioning the loss of his son as another missing person. Steve was not missing, but stood in a nearby stall, where Alice paid for her recent lover to stand and stay, Steve infected, became a gay stallion, liking me, and enjoying the mating with any mare brought to him.

Twenty years has come and gone, leaving me as an aging horse soon to get put down or sold to the glue factory. Steve too has aged, he a mature stallion, mates regularly with mares, his sexual lifestyle wore away his human mentality, making him as another dumb horse. I like it when Alice comes to visit, she from her were-goat curse remain forever as if young and beautiful.

One afternoon, Alice came with her mother, they having sought for me a petition of extending my life, from the devil-curse they came with an offer. As I was still me after twenty-plus years of being and living the lifestyle of a gelded horse, the devils through the appealing by Alice would transfer my mentality. The offer would gift me a new as different young body, where I could reside, living a different existence.

Naturally, I accepted their offer, as knowing my aged self as aching and soon to die.

The beginning began by my closing my eyes, as take a deeply inhaled breath and holding it. As the next thing I felt was my struggling to get out of a tight confine, my body slipping, sliding free, to where I fell upon the hard ground.

Shivering, unstable, I struggled to try and rise up to stand. I blinked and looked around, seeing there a black cow, and draped from her rump hung the afterbirth. It took me by surprise, a re-birth of me, the new me I was quick to realize, me a Black Angus bull calf.

I felt all giddy and turning on my four legs with cloven hoofs, she my cow mother and her black furred teats drew me to suckling. No more a gelded horse, the devils had shifted my memories, my human intellect to me being a young bull. In reality, there is as little difference from being a horse to becoming a Bull, with the exception of chewing a cud.

Alice paid no visits until I was along nine months being a growing young bull. When she came for a visit it was at night, she being her were-goat self, held a scent that enthused me to showing her my blunt, pink, bovine bull cock. She knelt beside me and fondled my cock, arousing me to ejaculate, plastering her hand with my spent load. Alice came and we played, she toying often, ending with the same result, a cupped pair of hands holding the wealth of what my big, black furred balls sent rushing the length of my bullish cock.

My Alice was a host of fun, but as time passed, my body grew, and my preferred delight became the thrill of mounting and mating with cows. I became lost mentally, as near to constantly indulging my enchanted desire for sex, by mating with cows.

Time and the constant dominating of my cow herd to surrender their furred butts to my mounting pleasures worked to make me forget about Alice, or her mother. I did still remember counting the passing of winter seasons, as a time when flies were gone, and the corral muck became frozen dry for ease to lie down and find a rest.

Spring and summer returned the flies to be a bother, but my thrill began anew, as did my cock ache from mating with cows. After I could recall living as a Bull for nine winters, something in me foretold of my certain doom. I note many of the older cows went away, and their heifers became as my new cows. I pondered often when chewing the cud, as when my young bull I spawned would fight with me for rights to breed.

Oddly, those young bulls never materialized, they being gelded and sold, went to become meals at hamburger restaurants. One day as I stood waiting for the gate leading to the pasture as thrown open, the man who fed and cared for my herd did come to talk to me.

“Good day to you Hercules, as I had a visitor yesterday, a pretty woman by the name of Alice, as she informed me about the bull I owned and where he began life. I must say, you have weather your existence quite well, and especially while residing here at my farm.

As of magic, curses, devils, and being damned, I find it hard to imagine what it is like being born and grown to manhood, changed by a curse to being a horse, as then gelded. Twenty-three years of living as a gelded horse, and gifted a change of lifestyle, born of a cow to be now a bull.

Indeed, had I learned earlier of what all you were before coming here and by chance become as my herd-sire bull, your lifestyle might well have had better style of treatment. I trust you still like being a bull?

Ah-huh, a nod on your head suggests an affirming answer.

Alice gave to me a syringe she filled with an enzyme. Your dear wife informed me to make use of the enzyme, as injecting you, your bull body would rejuvenate, giving me again a herd sire bull equal of age to being two years old. If that be true, I would lease you as a herd sire to several other farms, keeping you sexually happy, and content to remain a bull, as if you could be as otherwise.

Okay, so I shall inject you with her syringe…, as hey there do not move, ouch, the syringe slide out of you and laid a scratch across the back of my hand!”

“MUROO…,” I bellowed, as how he had inserted and injected me hurt bad, as caused me urge to sidestep, to move away.

My owner walked away holding his bleeding hand with his other hand holding a handkerchief over the long scratch. I wondered then, if any of the syringe contents had tainted the man, as his proximity to us his cow herd, he might well be for me a challenger to breed come next spring?

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Youth Is Wasted on the Young By Eric Inspired by Dales The twisted stuff TV series # 10 Regina hungered for youth! It was an ache inside her. It nagged at her all her waking hours and haunted her dreams. She was fifty years old! Fifty! Where had her youth went? She wanted it back. She deserved it back. Regina looked in the mirror. She was still beautiful, everyone said she looked like Jaclyn Smith but there were the tell tale sighs of age - the wrinkles around the eyes, the...

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Mr Rogers Layout 02

When I got home I had a shower and scrubbed myself to get clean. I felt dirty and confused. I DID like it when he sucked my dick, it felt awesome. It was ok sucking his. His dick like wan’t great but it was ok, and I had sucked a few dicks of older men before. It was only the fucking that I didn’t like, didn’t enjoy, and that hurt. But I almost let him do it, and I was hard when he finished ,and I did like it when he sucked me off after??? I was very careful when I delivered his paper now....

4 years ago
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What Youre Missing Part One

Introduction: A girl in a small town comes out as a lesbian, but her happiness it not long lived. A long time admirer soon seeks to show her what shes missing. It felt amazing, it felt . . . freeing. To be out, out at last! All those years, all those casual dates with boys, all those lies to her parents, and now she was out of the closet. She was a lesbian, and everybody knew. It felt fantastic. She had never liked boys. She didnt know why, exactly, but something about them repulsed her. They...

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Chloe Youre The One I Want

Introduction: Who Says Senior Cant Fall In Love With A Freshman? One fine day a girl named Chloe, a Freshman at Dessen High School, was hanging out in Spanish class with her friends when the new Senior, Kyle, walked into class. Hes only been at Dessen for about a month and hes already made a bunch of friends from the Cheer Squad and the entire Football Team. Hes tall, muscular, has sandy blonde hair, an eight pack, and biceps to match. He has aqua blue eyes and all the girls go crazy for him....

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Hamida Is Back 8211 Pt 5 Being Whore To Three Youngsters

Welcome to the new episode of this series. Please make sure you have read “” series before reading this one. This is the sequel of that series. Also, due to unavoidable circumstances, I have decided to post only one series at a time. That means, the other ongoing series will be halted until this one is over. I apologize from all my readers. I hope you will still be with me regardless. Now, enjoy the story. ~Story starts~ Hamida found the sexual intercourses she had with anyone other than...

2 years ago
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Youtube star

Eva was really excited today she would make her first step in becoming the next youtube star. She was going to make her first stream on youtube. She planned this since days and had everything perfectly planned. She'd do a hairstyle tutorial showing of her beautiful brunette hair. She wore a nice fitting jeans but that didn't matter anyway because she would be sitting all the time. Her top was more important though she wore an expensive dolce gabbana top that she extra bought for this. It was...

Mind Control
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What Youre Missing Part Three

Introduction: Lila sets a trap for her rapist. Will he take the bait? Lila felt numb. In place of a burning rage there was now a cold, icy hatred. Adam had dropped her off at her house and schmoozed her parents like nothing had happened! Then again, she had done the same. She was already planning again, and she didnt want them to know about it. She persuaded Adam to pick her up a morning after pill. After telling him how much more fun their honeymoon would be if she wasnt pregnant in a sultry...

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Most Joyous Sex Of Their Life

Most Joyous Sex Of Their LifeBy: Londebaaz Chohan Kamala Kaur, had migrated here to Montreal from a city in the heart of Indian Punjab and was taking her High School English and Psychology classes to be fluent with her spoken English and also to better comprehend Canadian Spoken English for better conversations and basic psychology to see the things in the modern light. She had gone to college, back in India but did not graduate and that is why, she was having trouble with English and Canadian...

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JOYOUS by Throne Jay wasn't happy about where he was meeting the woman he'd met on-line. It was at the food court in a major mall. As she had instructed, he had lavender panties on under his slacks, ones with ruffles all over the seat. He wondered if the extra material gave his bottom a filled-out appearance. And he was wearing a bra under his shirt. The bra was pale pink and his shirt, as she had insisted, was white, so that the undergarment showed through very slightly. She had...

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You are Cordially Invited to Celebrate the Joyous Marriage of Ted and Brianna

Two weeks ago, Ted asked me to marry him.Eleven months to the day since we met.Eleven months to the day since we started our first (but not our last) multi-day fuck fest. Our very first date ended with three days in bed together!In answer to Ted’s proposal, I pulled him down on top of me, grabbed his gigantic black cock with both hands, and I slowly, eagerly, joyously stuffed all of him into my always-hungry little white pussy.I wrapped my pale arms and legs around his luscious dark chocolate...

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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 22 You Younguns Are All the Same

As Jared lay naked on that massage table with his little naked butt sticking up into the air and two gorgeous ladies about to massage his naked body there came a knock at the front door. Before anyone in the room could answer that knock the door handle was being turned and the door opened then in walked Mrs Clusky from next door with another big pile off home baked cookies. She was looking down at the plate in her hands as she walked in and didn’t immediately see what was going on just in...

4 years ago
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Bayou Birthday Party

Orgies are always impromptu settings. My brother and I decided to throw a party for our good friend Trey, he was turning 30 so we had to make it great. Were very simple guys. We don't really get into the club scene for gatherings or events. We have a 2 bedroom house with an upstairs and downstairs. So we moved all the furniture around and cooked foo, I made my special 3 bean chili that I learned from one of the chefs I worked for a t a seafood restaurant.My brother grabbed the alcohol and...

2 years ago
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One Drop BayouChapter 2

Back at the inn, I was a bit tuckered out and fell asleep in Trish’s arms, while Charlie did the same with Ray. I had some rather interesting dreams, of course, including a few where it felt or seemed as if we had more company than that. I even found my prick buried inside Shorty’s gash more than once, followed by Marguerite’s. Both were enjoyable, but still something of a shock. I also ended up with Ray’s cock in my ass, followed by Eustace’s and Pierre’s, not that I objected to any of that,...

4 years ago
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Youtube Star German version

Eva war schon ganz aufgeregt heute würden Sie den ersten Schritt ihrer Star Karriere machen. Sie würde gleich ihren ersten Youtube Stream senden. Sie bereitete sich seit Tagen darauf vor. Sie hatte ein Hairstyling Tutorial vorbereitet, was sich bei ihrem wunderschönen blonden Haar natürlich angeboten hatte. Sie hatte sich schon ein Outfit vorbereitet sie trug eine eng anliegende Jeans, die sich sanft an ihre Beine und po schmiegte, darauf hatte sie aber nicht soviel wert gelegt. Sie würde ja...

Mind Control
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Introduction: Abbie Dunsmore craves a spanking and more from her husband Abbie, Abbie, Abbie, my God woman what have you done now. Im Abigail Dunsmore (nee Warton) and my loving husband Richards reading the mail and he certainly does not like what hes just learned. It seems our mortgage payment to the Home Loan Society is two months in arrears. And of course Im at fault, I manage our household finances. Abbie, how could this have happened, wheres your sense of responsibility? I supply you with...

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TryoutChapter 2

"Do you really mean to seduce her, 'bunch?" he'd whispered after she'd confessed her letch. His pet name for her was short for "Honeybunch." "I want to make her dizzy with pleasure," she'd breathed back and nipped his nipple lightly with her teeth. "I crave her, darling. I'm sorry - are you jealous?" She'd felt his shrug. "I should be, but I'm not. If you were talking about a man, I'd be in a rage, but since it's a woman, it - it doesn't threaten me." "Or turn you...

3 years ago
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TryoutChapter 4

The snow hadn't started yet, but the Weather Princess on the Weather Channel had promised it. Given the temperature and the feel of the night, Connie suspected the promise was going to be well-fulfilled by morning. She was hoping other promises would be equally fulfilled. Connie sat at one of the coveted window tables in the Cornelia Street Cafe. From time to time, Famous People walked by. One had even entered and was sipping a decaffeinated espresso at another table while other patrons...

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TryoutChapter 6

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Kim was nervously flicking her finger back and forth over the buttons on the cuff of her shirtsleeve. "You're starting to sound like a high school kid waiting for her date." "That's how I feel." Connie realized that she felt that way, herself. She looked at the wall clock - almost seven. She forced herself to stop pacing in front of the large sectional upon which Kim was nervously sitting. She glanced at Kim and again marveled at the lust her...

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TryoutChapter 7

Connie felt the beautiful Japanese woman's long tongue slithering deeper into her cunt and screamed her pleasure into the pillow. Emily's lower lip was moving against Connie's clitoris as Emily's tongue - long enough to touch the tip of her own nose - tried valiantly to reach deep inside to massage the petite brunette's G-spot. Her oral muscle wasn't quite that long - but Connie bucked and writhed in joyful appreciation of the effort. The combination of Emily's enthusiastic and...

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TryoutChapter 8

Connie giggled - something she seldom did - as they stepped off the ferry and started walking arm-in-arm toward the parking lot. "OK, wife," Jerry said. "Explain the mirth." "You were so cute at dinner, stalling and stalling and stalling - really, honey, you'd think you were condemned to some gruesome fate." "I was not stalling." He said it with a straight face, but she walked the next few steps turned sideways, staring up at him. Finally he cracked the smile. "'I was not...

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TryoutChapter 9

Kim and Emily kissed her lightly, one on each cheek. "Is everything OK?" Kimberly asked. Connie nodded. "He had some last-minute jitters, but they've been soothed." She closed the door quickly and took her guests' coats. "He's just showering right now." Emily was wearing another beautifully tailored suit, while Kim was casually sexy in her jeans and an oversized sweatshirt. Emily carried her briefcase; Kim's totebag clanked. Kim suddenly giggled. "I feel so - naughty!" Connie...

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TryoutChapter 10

The night thermostat had long since kicked in, reducing the heating system's output, and the living room was cool despite the crackling flames in the fireplace. Kimberly snuggled under the light comforter with Jerry, who had his left arm draped lightly over her shoulder. Her eyes were closed, and her head lolled on his shoulder. Emily was pressed against Kim's other side, her face snuggled into Kim's shoulder and her lips against the side of her neck. Her hand was a constantly moving...

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Joyous Friday

Joyous FridayBy: Londebaaz Chohan What the fuck is going on over here. There is a dick sticking through a hole in the wall. I am in an adult video booth, my own dick in my hand, watching a young and pretty blonde give a guy a very loving blowjob, and now this. I just could not help but stare at the dick for a minute. I had to admit it was a beautiful and very healthy looking dick, not large but the shape was the best ever.I tried to ignore it and returned my attention to the movie. After a...

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Hi just a few short lines to ryme feel free to comment and we will all see how dark we get.. I remember walking in and seeing my sister in the bath.. I was addicted from that moment I knew her body will be mine to enjoy and have.. Could not resizt Even though Am 6years older. [email protected] looked at her smile saying it’s OK don’t worry if I see you naked am your brother then I told her.so long as nobody else finds out.. Specialy as I should know better no doubt.. I Even laugh and say...

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Naruto Baransu Byou Road to Naruto Chapter 1 The treaty with Kumo

The chakra is formed by two part, the mental one, known as Yin Chakra, and the body part, or Yang Chakra. Women and men are both able to use chakra, with a small problem, known as Balance disease or Baranzu Byou. Men suffer from abundance of the Yang chakra, which makes them more impulsive the more abundance there is, causing them temperament problems. Women suffer from a shortage of the Yang chakra, compared to their Yin chakra. This makes them more prone to discomfort and mood...

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Naruto Baransu Byou The chunin exams Chapter 1 Convincing Iruka

The chakra is formed by two part, the mental one, known as Yin Chakra, and the body part, or Yang Chakra. Women and men are both able to use chakra, with a small problem, known as Balance disease or Baranzu Byou. Men suffer from abundance of the Yang chakra, which makes them more impulsive the more abundance there is, causing them temperament problems. Women suffer from a shortage of the Yang chakra, compared to their Yin chakra. This makes them more prone to discomfort and mood...

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He turns the cup once more, the little tea that is left inside swills around and he watches as it slowly re-finds its stillness. The little spoon by the side of the saucer makes another darker spot on the tablecloth as one more drip of tea falls and the teapot gives out its last final blast of steam. Across the table lies an empty space where the person he is waiting for should be sitting, ‘late again’ thinks Adam the main person involved in this tale. He remembers the first time that he and...

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>>>>>> “The best laid plans….” That was just about all I could think. My wife Beth and I had planned our retirement for years and had everything ready for my sixty-second birthday. But Beth had been experiencing what she called minor occasional abdominal pain for more than a year. She had pooh-poohed my requests that she see her doctor, claiming it was muscle spasms or maybe uterine fibroids. “They’re nothing. You’ll see.” Well, of course, they weren’t “nothing.” “Nothing”...

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Craving you0

I've had a crush on him since we where younger, and I'm talking young. But now it's more then just a crush, it's a need for him, a want, a list for him. I can't get him off my mind. Which sucks if you ask me. He was gorgeous in my opinion, dirty blonde hair, stunning blue eyes, pretty muscular, funny, cute, dirty minded. The last time we spoke he said he was a virgin, and he's 19, I'm only a year younger. It's weird that he trusts me. We've always been close, since the day we...

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I have a proposal for you1

Being a High School student, you can imagine that I live at home with my parents and a younger brother. Because both my parents work the evening shift and don’t get home till close to midnight, it is usually up to me to prepare dinner for Rick and myself. Well now that you have the back story, let me tell you how it all began, it was a Tuesday as I remember, I was a bit late getting home because I was hanging out with my best friend Becky. When I got home, I just tossed my bag on the couch...

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My Wife Wants You1

My Wife Wants You One Friday right after work my neighbor came over. It was about a week after my wife had left me. He said, “My wife wants you to fuck her brains out. I’m cool with it so feel free to help me wear her out. Maybe with the two of us fucking her she will finally get enough.” Stunned, I asked, “Are you serious? Trish is a knock out.” He smiled and said, “I know! I’m married to her and I want her to be happy. Apparently fucking you will make her happy.” I did not...

3 years ago
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Time at Youth1

"Anah, what are you doing here so early?" I asked hugging her back. "Well, you usually get here before anyone else does, and I didn't have anything to do, so I thought I'd come and hang out. We don't nearly spend enough time with each other," she said looking up at my withbig soft blue eyes that were complimented by both her long blonde hair and bright orange high school sweater. Nodding my head in agreement, a gently moved a loose strand of hair from her face, "Have I ever...

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Time at Youth0

"Anah, what are you doing here so early?" I asked hugging her back. "Well, you usually get here before anyone else does, and I didn't have anything to do, so I thought I'd come and hang out. We don't nearly spend enough time with each other," she said looking up at my withbig soft blue eyes that were complimented by both her long blonde hair and bright orange high school sweater. Nodding my head in agreement, a gently moved a loose strand of hair from her face, "Have I ever...

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Thank you0

“Not until morning.” You growl in my ear and we embrace, kissing passionately, intensely as we always do. I thought things would move in slow motion, but you seem to have an agenda. I wonder if you have x-ray vision to see the contents of my bag. My dress is over my head in less than a minute, followed quickly by your pants hitting the floor. I moan as you drag your lips down my neck and pull my tits out of my bra. “God, I missed you.” I am breathless, this is exactly what i wanted. Your...

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Ryouichi and Akira

A storm rages outside a large log cabin. Thunder rumbles loudly and vibrates the weak glass windows of the silent house. Lightning strikes quickly, illuminating the dense forest for a brief second before dissipating. Inside the wooden abode, a boy of 16 is sleeping in a small bed. The blanket is made of a soft cloth and the mattress is cotton lined with feathers. The boy tosses about in his bed, still asleep, not paying any attention to the torrent and light show that is occurring not a few...

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