The not so innocent minds Ch 2 STANDALONE
- 3 years ago
- 56
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Holly was drenched in sweat, her head hung down and she stood still listening to the playback over the headphones. She looked up and grinned raising a thumb to me. I grinned back and raised a thumb in response. Mike, Bobby and Mac sat looking pleased with themselves, the audio was perfect, the tune familiar and we were recording our first album.
Holly looked at the glass between us for Bob, her boyfriend. He stood and clapped although she couldn’t hear him. She saw him and jumped off the stool, pulling the phones off.
We sat back in the Suite, and didn’t even turn towards her as Holly burst in.
‘Bobby, how was it, sounded good to me?’ Only Holly could ask a question then answer it herself.
‘Babe, it was brilliant, perfect. but I’d like to do another take,’ Bob said bluntly.
‘But I’m tired, I want a break,’ she whined, pouting.
Bob grinned and pointed to the door.
‘Go, sing, then we take a break.’
Holly flounced out, Mac and Bobby giggling, Bob winked. In the booth, Holly snatched up the headphones and looked through the glass at us. Her finger came up in salute. We fell about, typical Holls.
‘Holly Arden, Moon River, take five, cue playback. three, two, one.’ He pointed at Holly, she poked her tongue out and laughed.
As the cue came she moved into the song, lush, breathy, phrasing perfect, living the lyric. I felt those goosebumps.
‘Shit!’ said Mac, ‘anyone else got goosebumps?’ hands went up.
Gill my sister had tears in her eyes. Naomi my wife cuddled up and held me. Our daughter had us all spellbound again. The tech with Bob, had his mouth open, jerked back to reality as Bob nudged his arm, pointing and grinning. Frank, Gills husband, sat down on the edge of the monitor desk, eyes wide. We’d all heard Holly sing this a million times, but everytime was different, real, heartfelt. She reached the last phrase and her voice quivered slightly on the last note.
‘Got yer!’ Yelled Bob, ‘Fucking perfect, what a voice. Ladies and gentlemen you have witnessed perfection.’
Bob stood and clapped, we all followed. The tech switched the audio from the suite to the booth and Holly stood and clapped back. She took off the cans and walked through to the Suite,
‘Now can I pee?’ She asked plaintively. Bob kissed her and grinned.
‘Princesses don’t pee, they have someone take care of it for them.’
‘Well this one does and in about fifteen seconds so goodbye.’
Holly shot out the door, and we heard her laugh as she sprinted away.
Bob looked at his desk and sighed,
‘Don, can you and the boys set up for Girl from Ipenema, I want you to be in their with Holly to try to give it a more ‘live’ feel. Like we’re at the club listening to your set.’
The boys nodded and we went into the booth, tuned and were ready. Holly opened the door, did a double take then grinned. The tech had set up the mikes and Naomi and Gill were positioned just behind Holly. Bob told me they were rolling, Mac gave us a tap in and we sailed into it. We breezed through and Bob stood thumbs up and gestured for us to come in.
In the suite we listened and agreed that with a tweak here and there it would be a great number. It felt good and did have more of a performance feel, than the other three tracks. It was now about two thirty, we broke for lunch. There was food prepared and we fell on it. Later we noticed Frank was missing. Holly went to look, then came back and told us to follow her quietly. We walked back to the Suite. Frank was in the booth, he was at the piano playing ‘As Time Goes By,’ more than adequately, growling along with the tune. Holly put her finger to her lips and dragged me along to the booth, as she passed Bob she whispered and he nodded.
In the booth, Holly walked up to Frank, who was staring at the keyboard.
‘Play As Time Goes By,’
Frank stopped and looked at her,
‘I can’t remember Miss Ilse, I’m a little rusty on it.’
‘I’ll hum it for you, La da, di di, di di…’ Holly had the slight catch and rasp in her voice, sounding almost like Bergman.
Frank began, and from the backing mike I sang the lyrics, Frank grinned and played it faultlessly. At the end of the first chorus, the boys, who had snuck in behind me, came in and added the fill. When the last note died away, Bob looked at me and nodded. I hi fived Frank, as he stood up.
‘That my man is definitely on the album. ‘
Bob in the Suite was calling us in. We walked back, Holly wrapped round Frank with a glow on her face. Gill ran to Frank as Holly let go and leap into his arms. Naomi, patted my back.
‘Nice growl Mr man.’
‘Right I think with that we have more than used our time wisely. I’m also aware you guys have a show tonight and need to rest up. I’m going to put some finishing touches to this, make a master and go see the man. See you later.’
‘Class dismissed,’ Naomi said to much laughter.
‘Let’s go over to the club and chillax, we could watch a bit of the opening set.’
There was general agreement all round, we picked up our stuff and loaded the van we’d hired. It took us about fifty minutes to get back, set up for the evening, then grab a bite to eat, before the warm up band arrived. We shook hands and they set up in front of our kit.
‘Touch my drums and you die!’ Mac shouted.
They fingered him with grins and he laughed back. We watched them rehearse, they were good, obviously not as good as us, but they were good. We clapped and they bowed. Rehearsed they left to eat. We lounged around, it was unusual not to have something to do. I walked up to the piano and ran a few notes. Mike on bass started a walking blues, Mac, slid behind the drums and came in, Bobby produced a harmonica and we played. we ended with a flourish.
Suddenly picking up a mike, Frank switched us into Hootchie-Cootchie man by Muddy Walters, growling the song, no attempt to sing. We swung in behind, I climbed on my Farfisa. Holly and the girls rode shotgun on backing.
‘The gypsy woman told my mother
Before I was born
You got a boy child’s comin’..’
Frank swayed and rolled, pulling back on the mike stand and at the end, as we shambled to a halt, Mac shouted, ‘Amen Brother Frank, Amen.’
‘Fuck me I wish I’d recorded that,’ Bob said appearing at the bandstand.
Laughing we sat down and Bob updated us. The Exec he had seen had been less than enthusiastic about the concept, but when he heard us, he changed his mind. He wanted a couple of days to see what he could do, wanted to speak to the ‘Man with the Money’,’ Bob drawled.
He gave Frank his business card, said Frank should give it a couple of days then phone. Frank nodded and slipped it in his wallet. Mac said it was the first time he’d seen Frank’s wallet, was there anything in it?
‘Get a round in Muddy!’ he joked.
Frank grinned and rose,
‘How do you know it’s the drummers round?’ he asked,
We looked blankly at him.
‘He misses the bar and hits the road.’
‘Poor!’ yelped Mac with a grin.
‘I will be now,’ said Frank.
He returned with a tray spilling over with drinks. A few customers were now in and we got a few nods of recognition. We smiled and nodded. The warm up act came on at seven thirty, so we took in a couple of numbers and clapped loudly. Then we were out back and getting ready. Holly, habitually in just her knickers was flipping through the rack. We all offered suggestions, she yawned or made a face at each one.
‘Go as you are,’ said Bobby.
‘No way,’ said Naomi, bristling, her mother hen feathers ruffled. She was never comfortable with Holly’s attitude to clothing and casual nudity.
‘hmm, now there’s a thought,’ said Holly, ‘I will if you will?’
‘Holly Arden, you will dress properly,’ Naomi said, a deep red flush all over her face and ch
‘Here we go again,’ said Mac, standing and stripping. Naomi went purple, steam almost coming out her ears. This was topped by Frank, stripping down.
‘Enough, not again, all right.’ Naomi glared at everyone.
Just then Bob walked in, looked around and took his shirt, shoes, socks and trousers off. Naomi stood mouth flapping, stalled, then with a loud ‘OHHH!’ stomped off.
After we calmed, Holly and Bob chose her outfit. Gill changed and Naomi came back. She grinned, and the boys all clustered round her, apologising and hugging her.
‘Hmm, well the outraged mother act was worth it for the hugs, thanks guys,’ she said with a twinkle in her eyes. I slipped my arms between hers, hugging her from behind.
‘Loose woman,’ I whispered in her ear. She giggled and I saw the goosebumps on her neck. I blew gently on her ear.
‘Stop, I’m getting goosbumpy, ohh.’ Looking down over her shoulder, I saw the two tiny bumps on her blouse.
‘Enough Mr Williams, time to get ready,’ she pushed away and flapped a hand at me.
I grinned and checked my stage outfit. Exactly the same as my street clothes, OK, good to go. After a discussion with the boys, along the lines of, why don’t we wear some matching stuff on stage like the girls? I bowed to the inevitable and gave that up as a bad job. So we continued to look like a bunch of old farts dressed by a Salvation Army outlet store. Mac called it shabby chic, I called it our vagrant look.
‘Ten Minutes guys,’ came from Steve, nominally the stage manager at the club.
‘Be with you in five,’ I shouted out of habit. The others patently ignored my call. Mac still had a large portion of a pint to finish. Bobby was still cleaning his trumpet and oblivious to Steve’s call. The girls were huddled together, examining something on Holly’s dress. Frank, was reading. wait where was Mike?
‘Err anyone seen Mike?’ I asked.
Everyone stopped looked around, checked the sofa’s and looked at each other. They all looked at me, I sighed.
‘why is it always me?’
‘Because we’re the Don Williams Band?’
‘Daddy, because you are so brave and strong,’ Holly whispered in her little girl voice. I saw Naomi smirking and Gill push a hand to her mouth.
‘Bollocks!’ I strode out the room to much laughter.
I checked backstage, sometimes we feel the need to wander up there on our own, just settling a few nerves. No sign of Mike, strange, I wandered back, then thought to check the toilets, just in case. I went in, no sign by the urinals. I went further in, we have three stalls. One door was shut with the engaged sign on it.
‘Mike?’ I asked tentatively
‘Urghhh,’ I heard the groan behind the door.
‘Mike it’s me, are you OK?’
‘Don, not well, feel awful, pains in my guts, blood…’
I could hear the laboured breathing. I went up to the door,
‘Mike, I’m going to get help, we’ll get you out and sorted as soon as possible, stay strong buddy.’
‘Don, can’t stay awake, so much pain, help me.’
‘Hold on Mike, I’ll be back.’
I ran out and into the band room, smashing the door open. They all looked at me surprised.
‘Mike’s ill, like seriously ill in the toilet, we need an ambulance now! And I need to get him out of the toilet, or at least the door open so we can help him.’
Franks phone was out open and he had dialed before I’d finished. He asked for an ambulance, they wanted information he threw his phone at me. Holly was out the door followed by Naomi and Gill, Mac gulped his pint then went. Bobby put his horn down in its case carefully, then casually went to investigate. I gave them details of Mikes condition and what I’d managed to gather from our brief conversation.
Meanwhile Holly was in the Gents, scaling the wall of the stall from the one next to Mike. Dropping down she released the bolt and opened the door. She Gill and Naomi, began an assessment of Mike. They decided he needed to stay where he was for now. He sat on the toilet, trousers and pants round his ankles, whilst the girls wiped his brow and organised a drink of cold water. Holly kept talking to Mike, keeping him conscious.
Ten minutes later, two paramedics with huge bags and a folding stretcher came in. Steve the Manager, touched my sleeve and said the guys in the other band said they’d carry on their set for now, to give us time to organise. I thanked him and asked him to thank them. Meanwhile Mike was now laid out on the stretcher as the paramedics phoned in to advise the hospital of their imminent arrival. Frank, as usual, Mr Marvel, said he’d go in the ambulance and keep us updated.
With no Mike we needed to look at how we played tonight. Not that we were any to happy to go on without him. Holly was on one knee by Mike whispering to him and listening to his feeble voice. She squeezed his hand and kissed him. Bob had arrived and was shocked at the scene. Frank, who else, got him a seat and a glass of water. Finally the paramedics had Mike airborne on the stretcher and with Frank following left for the ambulance and hospital. Gill clasped Frank’s hand as he passed, he paused to kiss her, then walked quickly to catch up with the paramedics.
Holly looked us all in the eye.
‘He wants us to go on and do the sets this evening. Let’s not let him down!’
Holly’s gaze was flint hard and we all nodded. A quick discussion and Gill and Naomi said they could handle Mike’s bass parts between them, but neither felt able to do any lead guitar work. Bob then surprised everyone by saying he played a little and would wing it for tonight if we agreed. We all looked at each other and mumbled a collective stuttered OK!
Holly pulled the girls into a hug and everyone joined them, heads down in the centre, Holly spoke.
‘Tonight will be new and strange and not right. But tonight we go on and we give the best damn show we can and we make Mike proud of us. Mike!’ she said.
‘MIKE!’ we shouted as one. Then broke away to have amoment alone.
We heard the band onstage finish a number then offer their goodnights. They got a great round of applause and the announcer asked the audience to welcome Holly Arden, The Ardenaires and the Don Williams Band onstage. As we moved forward the band came off, There were lots of hugs and kisses, back slaps and handshakes, before we rambled on stage.
‘Ladies and Gentlemen, before we begin this evening I have an announcement. Mike our bassist and lead guitarist has been taken ill and is currently en-route to hospital. Whilst this will affect our performance slightly, we hope you still enjoy the experience. So tonight we are Naomi and Gill, the Ardenaires who will also be our guest bassists, Don Williams Piano, organ and the daddy of the band. The incomparable Mac the Whack on drums. The ever lovely Bobby on Horns and finally and by no means least, my current squeeze and plankspanker extraordinaire Fretless Bob Bramwell. I’m Holly and I want to sing for you.’
We swung into Try, ragged but rowdy, and built on that. The Ardenaires swapped Bass riffs and chugged through the numbers. It wasn’t faultless, but the crowd loved us. As for Bob Bramwell. The guy could play, no doubt about that. Bobby’s horns were so sweet that night. Mac tight and pounding, loose and rolling really lead the line. I ran around them with the piano and Farfisa. All to soon the first set was over and we went off to loud applause.
Backstage Gill phoned Frank as soon as we got in the room, she ah hahed and Uh Huhed, nodded and yessed quite a bit. Then she put the phone down.
‘Mike’s OK, he’s got a bleeding ulcer. Going to be in for a while, a few days, a week, not sure yet. They opened him and cauterised it, but he’s lost a lot of blood and will be in bed for a while. First thing he asked when he came round was what was the setlist.’
Gill suddenly broke down and Naomi and Holly hugged her. Mac whistled in relief and Bobby polished his ho
rn. Bob sat down and put his head in his hands, I sat down and put an arm round his shoulder.
‘You OK Bob?’
‘Shit scared, how do you guys go out each night and do that stuff, you’re awesome.’
‘No we love to show off and perform. It’s in us deep inside and this is our outlet, otherwise we’d be out mugging old ladies and kicking teenagers.’
He grinned, and sat back as Naomi plonked herself in his lap.
‘You OK Bob, you’re a great player, welcome to the band.’
She kissed his lips gently, his eyes widening, I saw the twinkle in her eyes. She bounced off to be replaced by Gill, who kissed him in the same way as well. Suddenly Little Miss Arden was all over him like a rash, her lips devouring his and more besides I suspect. Suffice to say he was beetroot red now and clearly flustered as Holly leapt off his lap. He crouched forward, I twigged as did Mac and Bobby. We rolled about, much to his embarrassment, as the girls linked arms and bowed.
‘Fuck!’ he managed, as Holly threw her clothes off and walked up and down the clothes rail selecting her next outfit.
She chose a silk forties style all in one trouser suit, buttoned at the neck and down the front, a sailor style blue and white stripe, with the trousers full and free flowing in plain white. A chic sailor hat and she was ready. Naomi and Gill stripped and chose matching hot pants and white blouses, loosely tied at the waist. I goggled where had these come from.
‘An idea,’ Mac said as he slipped an arm round Holly’s waist.
‘Fancy trying out Willie and the Poor Boys tonight, we’ve rehearsed it, but never used it?’
‘Good one, Mum, Gill, Willie and the Poor boys, up for it?’
‘Good call.’
‘Yeah I can blag my way through that. Hey Fingers can you play that?’
He turned grinning to Bob, who was still sat down on the sofa. He grinned weakly.
‘I can try.’
‘Awww, he can try,’ said Mac, ‘But he can’t even stand up at the moment.’ Mac waggled his little finger. Holly slapped his arm, we all laughed.
We talked though the rest of the set, a quick reshuffle, a few dropped numbers, a few moved up or down the setlist. We could do this. We felt more confident.
‘May I make a request?’ Bob asked.
‘No!’ we replied as one, then fell about. Bob grinned and nodded, then stood up. We clapped and cheered, Holly slipped her arms round him and bear hugged the life out of him.
‘Five minutes,’
‘Thanks Steve, on our way.’
We wandered out and arrived onstage to the announcers welcome. Mac tapped us in to Willie and the Poor Boys,
Early in the evenin’ just about supper time,
Over by the courthouse they’re starting to unwind.
Four kids on the corner trying to bring you up.
Willy picks a tune out and he blows it on the harp.
Bob sang, he’d asked Holly, who readily agreed, joining the girls on back up vocals. We all hit the chorus,
Down on the corner, out in the street,
Willy and the poorboys are playin’,
Bring a nickel, tap your feet.
Naomi and Gill double tapped the basses, it was awesome, Bob chipped in a few gentle chords and Mac kept up the beat. Bobby left his horns and worked percussion. I wrang the life out of a tambourine. Crowd pleaser apparently, a little dancing, a lot of clapping, a few whoops and hollers. Massive applause at the end. We moved on, more bluesy numbers, then ballads, standards, easy on the ear. by one thirty we were still full, and moving to the last two songs. I spotted Frank moving across the room. He sat at a vacant table and gave me a thumbs up. I nodded. The others must have seen him as the set seemed a lot brighter than before.
We finished as usual on Moon River, Holly just blasting everyone away with the voice. Not a sound, then thunderous applause. She nodded, and Frank gave her a million watt smile and two thumbs up.
‘Ladies and Gentlemen, those of you at our previous show will know that Mike our guitarist was taken ill before that set. I am pleased to see uncle Frank in the audience giving me a beautiful beaming smile and the thumbs up. Uncle Frank come on stage and tell us how Mikey is.’
Frank barreled onstage, swept Holly up in a bear hug and released her for the mike.
‘Ladies and Gentlemen, Mike our guitarist went under the knife three hours ago for emergency surgery to repair a bleeding ulcer. The operation was a success, Mike is out of danger. He’s in Intensive Care, but the signs are good. Hopefully Mike will be back on stage with us in a month or two. Meanwhile, please a big hand for the beautiful incomparable star that is Holly Arden, Naomi and Gill the Ardenaires, Don Williams, Mac, Bobby and Bob. From what I heard these guys can play. Am I right?’
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Patrick and I continued to email and then text after our threesome. In fact, the next day when he realized I’d spent the night alone after the threesome he was pretty bummed he didn’t know because he said he would have loved to spend time with me alone. Within eight hours of our threesome we both began hatching plans to see each other again. We were in contact a lot the next few days and arranged to meet in under a week of our first meeting. I like a lot about Patrick. Besides the fact that he...
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It was one of those cold winter evenings and I was alone, Rob was away for 2 weeks on business, I missed him so much. I grabbed a TV dinner and a glass of wine and curled up on the settee, there was this travel programme on TV, it was about Jamaica, white fine sands, swaying palms and a turquoise blue sea, what I would give to be there now!I was lying on the beach at Sandals Royal Caribbean Resort, the warmth of the sun caressing my body, the sound of the waves kissing the soft sand, that...
Patrick and I continued to email and then text after our threesome. In fact, the next day when he realized I’d spent the night alone after the threesome he was pretty bummed he didn’t know because he said he would have loved to spend time with me alone. Within eight hours of our threesome we both began hatching plans to see each other again. We were in contact a lot the next few days and arranged to meet in under a week of our first meeting. I like a lot about Patrick. Besides the fact that he...
Straight SexPatrick and I continued to email and then text after our threesome. In fact, the next day when he realized I’d spent the night alone after the threesome he was pretty bummed he didn’t know because he said he would have loved to spend time with me alone. Within eight hours we both began hatching plans to see each other again. We were in contact a lot the next few days and arranged to meet in under a week of our first meeting. I like a lot about Patrick. Besides the fact that he kisses like a...
Straight SexAll Alone They were all gone, the rest of the family, they had taken off and wouldn’t be returning until this evening around dinner time. I had been waiting very anxiously and with great trepidation for today to arrive and here it was at last, all mine to do with as I chose and I knew exactly what I was going to do. I walked upstairs and down the hall and stood in front of a closed bedroom door. I was nervous and very excited for what I was about to do. My hands were sweating as I grabbed...
Ahhhhh! The masturbation, the most cherished the most relished, the most valued, the most enjoyed and the most common sexual act a male practices since the day he discovers his cock as a unique part of his body which changes in shape, feel, strength. And sometimes even in color with the changes of his age and learns different and new techniques to manoeuvred and manipulate it achieving more, prolonged and better sense of pleasure along with his balls, inner thighs, tits and nipples even the ass...
Gay MaleIt was another one of my lame boring Saturday nights home alone with not much else to do. But tonight I decided I would do my once a month routine of getting online and chatting in the BDSM adult rooms while I what videos. This was my way of getting of on my fantasies without really doing them with a guy cause I have always been to shy and nervous to act them out. So I go to my computer room only wearing a blue low cut v neck tank top and pink silk thong. I usually have a couple of my toys with...
That was probably the 6th or 7th time that I had been late. I knew there was going to be hell to pay when I got home. I was not excited for it, but I needed to get there as fast as I could. Pulling up to the garage it looked like all the lights were off. When I tried the door it was locked, which was a dead giveaway that she was asleep. I opened it as quiet as I could not knowing what my strategy was going to be when I saw her. I put all my things down and took off my shoes. When I got to...
She Thought That She Was Alone I was working late in my office. It was just starting to get dark and I had not turned on my office lights. My computer monitor was dim because that was what I liked. From the corner of my eye I saw something or someone go by. I pushed my chair back and used its rollers to get me closer to my office window. I saw a blonde head of hair behind a partition. It went down an aisle, turned and went down another aisle. I followed her head of hair as it...
I would like to say two things before you read this little story. First, I’d like to thank my editor, Erik Thread, for going beyond what is expected of an editor. He guided me and helped me to make this story better. Second, because a number of readers have commented upon it, I’d like to warn you about the second paragraph. It is a vivid but true description of a death from a type of skin cancer caused by the sun. When I was little, I lost a beloved uncle to Melanoma. I’m afraid I’ve become...
I moved into this neighbourhood with my girlfriend a few months ago. Our neighbours are young couples, newly weds and pensioners. It seems to be a pretty quiet and safe neighbourhood, people are friendly yet they keep their distance to leave you alone. A place to settle down in. I like running in the early morning, I have been running for years. It is a great way to start a day. I have been encouraging my girlfriend to run with me in the morning, but she is not a morning person. Getting up...
mondays i party with all hte girls at work, then Tuesday nights i am all alone and horny…. i feel and and hungry for sex and more sex, most of the times i use a toy but on tuesdays i always experiment girls for work tell me all the erotic things they have tried alone if i thin it is hot and sounds lie plesure i will write it down and thats wat i do on tuesdays… one tuesday all alone a girl at work told me about the night she had sex with herself watching her have sex with her self… the...
Utter solitude. No one within hundreds of miles maybe thousands. Just you and I holding each other tightly. The only sound is the sound of our increasingly heavy breathing and the sound the waves slapping against the hull of the sloop as it slices through the water. Entwined we savor the heat of each other’s bodies as we feel the pounding of each other’s hearts against our chests. Our love grows with each passing second as we cuddle and open our hearts to one another.The sun sets beyond the...
Love StoriesMy group of friends from back when we were younger always hung out during the first summer after our high school graduation, if we all got the same time off work. We would go biking, game out, go to the mall, go to the beach, or to the public swimming arena together. Normal teenage activities. Out of the group, I was the youngest looking. At 18, I was 5’10, slightly tanned, smooth skin, with a thin build and had somewhat of a feminine body. I say this because I had little to no body hair,...
That summer and fall was by far the best time of my life. Before it turned in to a winter of hell. First all my dreams came true, and then all my worst nightmares did. But, that's for later.I worked a little at the coffee shop, just a few hours a week but at least it was something. And Cait had a job too and she was working a lot more hours than I was so we didn't get to hang out as much as I had hoped we would but I stayed at their place anyway because then at least we spent the evenings and...
Finally Alone They sat next to each other on the edge of the bed, holding hands and looking deeply into each other’s eyes. The evening sun lit up the room. They couldn't believe that they were finally alone and in this situation. He had been dreaming of this night for what seemed like forever and now it was happening. He couldn’t believe his luck. She wore a gorgeous black dress which extended down to her thighs, exposing the soft skin of her legs. Her long blonde hair lay straight down her...
First TimeHome AloneYou find yourself looking around to determine what next to do. Everything seems to be done and there nothing to do till dinner and so you have a few hours to kill. Wow, it’s been so long since you had the house to yourself. You turn on some music and sit on the couch daydreaming, you end up falling asleep. Sweet dreams begin.In your dreams you smell lavender and you get this feeling that someone is with you, but who? This dream is peaceful and you find yourself relaxing. This person...
With my wife out of town for the week at a professional conference, I was on my own for the evening's entertainment. Not being a particularly outgoing sort, I stopped by the local video store to grab a couple of what passed for x-rated movies in our small town. I figured I'd spend the evening getting off alongside a pepperoni pizza and a couple of beers. I made my way out of the adult aisle trying to be inconspicuous, yet nonchalant, when I bumped into Chimdi, a friend and co-worker. I tried to...
My husband and I organised with his parents to look after our daughter one Friday night so that we could have a lovely evening together. We planned to go out for dinner. So that Friday morning after dropping my daughter off at crèche, I went past my in laws to drop of my daughters bag by them for the night. There after I returned home and had a relaxing bath and chilled the rest of the day. My husband called me at about 14h00 telling me that he was on his way home as he finished work early. I...
Julie and I had been married for about nine years and she was just as beautiful as the day we got married, petite with a tight body, long brown hair, bright green eyes, pale skin, and firm D-cup breasts. It was late Thursday evening and we were looking forward to a three day weekend at home thanks to the Monday holiday. Our plan was to enjoy our time alone by staying shut up in the house and having a lot of sex. We had just finished having sex and were cuddled in bed watching some...
Friday night home aloneThat unforgettable Friday night I was home alone; Victor had left in the afternoon for a two days quick trip to New York.After some light supper I went upstairs to enjoy a nice hot shower. I rinsed the bubbles from my hair, turned off the steaming hot water and stepped out of the shower. I covered my body with a soft bath towel and started to dry my curly hair.But before finishing it I felt horny again and I put my left hand inside the towel, fingering my sensitive pussy...
I had worked hard all week and kept my hands off myself after work. I got off work at 11pm and went home and went to bed. I slept well and woke up without an alarm clock after 10 hours of sleep. I made coffee and pored a cup while I ran a hot bath. I like taking sweet, soapy baths. I listened to classical music and soaked until I heard rain began pouring on top of my metal roof so I turned off the radio and listened. I shaved down like I do when I have the time. Everything except my legs...
I Am Not Alone - - Copyright 1999 by Ellen Hayes or Samantha Michelle This is a short piece of fan fiction I wrote based on Ellen Hayes wonderful (incredible?) Tuck series. Like Ellen's works, it is unfinished (koff... koff.... This is still a "work in progress" which means there may be changes if I post a newer or more complete version. This is also my first attempt at TG fiction, so all constructive comments are welcome. Finally, this is a piece of adult...
Suddenly alone! She was his life. When the drunk driver took her, it devastated him. He was only 26, and they had only been married for 2 years. Now, here he was alone again. Cliff had been working at a speedy messenger service, and made his living on the roads. How could this happen? She was coming home late after visiting with her best girl friend. It was 11 PM and a drunk came down the wrong way on the freeway and plowed head on into her. She was killed instantly. When the...
mondays i party with all hte girls at work, then Tuesday nights i am all alone and horny.... i feel and and hungry for sex and more sex, most of the times i use a toy but on tuesdays i always experiment girls for work tell me all the erotic things they have tried alone if i thin it is hot and sounds lie plesure i will write it down and thats wat i do on tuesdays... one tuesday all alone a girl at work told me about the night she had sex with herself watching her have sex with...
The Wife Next Door: Part VI- Angela Home Alone When we last left Rob he was lying by the pool. Pim had left for the shopping mall, leaving Rob alone with the seventeen year-old Angela, the “impossible” daughter of Pim’s good friend Sandra. The story continues… Angela started to talk with me while she lay on her stomach, her perfect butt rising up from the lounge chair. Angela told me she was totally “fed up” with her mom and couldn’t stand her anymore. I said that I knew they were fighting...
First TimeHi Another one of my Ranma 1/2 stories about female Ranma and her boyfriends. I hope you'll enjoy it. Ranma 1/2: Not alone Sometimes, when the sounds of the rain pounding against the windows wakes her up in the middle of the night, Ranko feels shiver running down her spine. She knows that she is save, but the sudden fear makes her feel insecure. The bedroom is warm and comfortable. Windows are closed. And what's most important, there's nothing to be afraid. But she needs to be...
‘Hey babe, I couldn’t get you, so I just wanted to let you know that I will be home late tonight. My boss just invited me out to dinner. Just wanted to give you a heads up and to let you know that you didn’t have to cook tonight… I love you and I’ll see you when I get in tonight.’ I don’t know how many messages like this Janet had received over the last five or so years from me. I became the lead QA field operations guy for the south east region for Five Star Communications. I was constantly...
“We’re boarding now. Call you when we land.”With that text from my wife Cindy, my ten days of bachelorhood officially began. She was off for a girls’ trip to the UK, touring castles, drinking tea, wearing fancy hats. All the stuff one does once the kids are out of the house and there’s more disposable income about.I’d feigned all the “babe, I’ll miss you so much” and “ten days is a long time” but we both knew a short break from each other wasn’t all that bad. Plus, I genuinely thought she’d...
BisexualDuring the first couple of nights in our new apartment there were no problems as each of us had its own bedroom. I immediately saw the advantages of being alone in my own room since now I could look at my girly magazines without risking being discovered by Linda. But on the third night, Linda who until then had never slept in a room of her own, began to have bad dreams and she no longer wished to sleep by herself in her room. For half a dozen nights in a row she would come barging into...
She had just closed a deal with a client that would open up a whole new market for her: the self-made female mogul, no billionaire sugar daddies required.In her canary yellow blouse and skinny black tie, Abbey reclined in the desk chair in front of the bay window in her executive suite. She finally allowed herself to acknowledge that the meticulous strategies she had executed over the past decade were paying off.But she had no one to share her success with, not in the way she wanted to, not at...
Masturbation" why do you ask?" " Rebecca Caring at school said my father hates me" " well Ana your father doesn't know you so how can he hate you?" " i don't know" " don't worry about it. You'll meet him someday" i said as i kissed her on the forehead. I don't know if she'll ever meet him. Everyday Ana becomes more curious about her father. Even at the grocery store she'll go up to an Asian man and ask " are you my daddy?". It's quite funny. One October tweths we were...
I knew all about masturbation but yet never tried it in fear of getting caught my parents. The first time I tried masturbating my parents were out at dinner on a date. I loved it. I just couldn’t stop. I was addicted to it. I played with my self until my parents came home. A week later I popped my cherry with a pen. Oops I am trailing off sorry. Any ways I was in my room when my mom called up to me and said “Sally I am going to the store would you like to come with?” I replied, “No thank...
Tony then picked up a controller and took a seat. Tony is 5'4", Brown hair, White, Brown eyes, and probably around 100 Ibs, a bit skinny. 14 years old. We played for about 20 minutes and his sister Kassy walked in. She was alright, not bad, but not hot. She was 13 years old, blonde hair, blue eyes, white, tanned, around 90 IBS, an alright body. Small tits, and an alright ass. She was 5'3". Following her was Brittany, she was a goddess, Long, dirty blonde hair, a perfect tan,...
Grace had done pretty well by herself. John, her soul mate of over eleven years, had died over ten years ago and even though she had always let him run the show she had done a pretty good job running things. Everything she wanted she had at the house, there was no need to go out except to go to the grocery store late at night every so often. However, the one thing she wasn’t good at were mechanical things. Luckily the house was well built, and they had bought good appliances and such, so there...
An Erotic fantasy * Written for the love of my life, without whom I am incomplete… my lover and my best friend, my wife. ************************* 1 – CHAPTER ONE – Friday ************************* The drive was interminable. They hadn’t realized how long of a drive it was to the Berkshires. Ok…it wasn’t so much that it was a long trip, but they had been waiting for a long time for this weekend. Scott and Heather needed to get away. It had been nearly ten months since they had taken a...
Introduction: About a women who thinks she is home alone and goes to sleep Home alone It was late when she got out of her car in the driveway, she was out with some friends, had some drinks and felt how they got to her head. She opened the door to her apartment, everything was quiet, no light, Steve was on a business trip and she did not expect him to be home for another 2 days. She turned the lights on, nothing, the light bulb did not work. She did not really care, slipped out of her high...