Hailee Makes Three free porn video

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As we strolled up and down the aisles of the grocery store, I casually glanced around.  I saw a pregnant woman walking towards us. I leaned over and whispered in Emily’s ear, “Now that’s a sexy pregnant woman.”  

She giggled and elbowed me in the side and said, “You and your pregnant women.”

“Nothing better than a nice swollen pregnant pussy,” I growled in her ear.

“Do me a favor and run back and grab a can of tomato sauce, I forgot one,” she said as she smiled at the pregnant woman just passing us.

“Will do,” as I elbowed her teasingly as the woman passed us.

I heard her giggle as I walked away to hunt for a can of tomato sauce.

As I rounded the corner, with a can of tomato sauce in my hand I saw Emily rush to help the pregnant woman who was trying to reach something on the top shelf.

“Here let me get that for you,” Emily said to the woman as she reached up and grabbed the item she needed.  I have to admit my cock twitched in my jeans as I saw Emily standing right next to the pregnant woman.  

‘Oh the things I would do to her’, I thought to myself.  I stood back and let them chat a bit before I slowly approached them. “Hey Baby, found your sauce,” I said with a cat that ate the canary grin.

“Hey Dustin, this is Hailee,” she said with a matching grin.

“Hello Hailee,” I said trying not to be too obvious taking in her small frame with her big belly sticking out.  ‘I bet her nipples were already big and dark with hard nubs begging to be sucked.’

“Dustin,” I heard Emily say, “I think we have everything we need can you go check out and I’ll help Hailee with the rest of her shopping and meet you at the car?”

“Sure thing Baby,” I said looking at her quizzically.

I checked out, loaded the groceries into the car and slid behind the driver seat and waited.  I laid my head back and closed my eyes, not being able to stop picturing Hailee naked with her big belly and breasts.  My cock was aching and I couldn’t wait to get home and fuck Emily hard.

I jumped as the passenger side door flung open and Emily slid in.  I looked around and saw that Hailee was standing there with her groceries just behind the car.

“What’s going on?" I asked.

“Dustin, she didn’t have enough money to pay for her groceries and is all alone,” Emily said quietly.

She had my attention and I listened intently. “I want her to come home with us,” Emily said with a grin I’d never seen before.

“Uhh sure,” I said, not sure what was happening.

Emily leaned over, kissed my cheek, helped Hailee put her few bags in the car and helped her in the back seat.

“Hello again, Hailee,” I said as I watched Emily help her into the back seat.

“I don’t want to be a bother to you two,” she said softly.

“It’s no bother at all Hailee,” I said with a smile.

Emily was turned in her seat talking to Hailee the whole ride home.  As we pulled into the driveway, she helped Hailee out of the car and into the house.  I had just finished unloading the groceries as Emily walked into the kitchen to help put away stuff.

“Where’s Hailee?” I asked.

“She’s in the bathroom,” Emily said.  “Pregnant girls need to pee.”

“I’ll take your word for it,” I said with a chuckle, “So what’s the story, Em?”

“She was having an affair with a married man and got pregnant.  He wanted her to have an abortion but she refused.  He wants nothing to do with her now and she’s on her own.  She couldn’t even afford all her groceries so I covered it,” she explained and continued, “She is living in those run down apartments next to the store because he fired her!”

“So what’s the plan, Em,” I asked.

She turned and looked at me and said, “I’d like her to stay here with us, Dustin.”

“You think that’s wise?” I asked her.

“She hasn’t had sex since she found out she’s pregnant and super horny,” she said with my cat that ate the canary smile.

I had to chuckle and try to keep my mind in check.  Emily knew how attractive I found pregnant women, it had always been a private joke between us and now there was one in my house.

Emily and I went out into the living room, as Hailee was just coming out of the bath room.  Emily helped her over to the sofa and sat her down.

“Thank you,” Hailee said with a shy smile.

“Are you hungry?” Emily asked her with a concern in her voice.

“I am a little,” Hailee said sounding embarrassed.

“I’ll go make dinner,” Emily said and walked out of the living room giving me a wink.

Hailee and I sat there quiet as I flipped through stations on the T.V. looking for something to watch.  

“Anything you want to watch?” I asked Hailee.

“Whatever you want,” she said softly while slowly rubbing her hands over her belly.

My cock twitched in my jeans hard watching her.  I could just envision having her bent over and fucking that sweet swollen pussy.    I tried to keep my cock in check but was finding it very difficult.   I found it a whole lot more difficult when she lay back on the couch and spread her legs.  I could see right up the cuff of her shorts to her white panties.  ‘Did she do that on purpose,’ I wondered.

Not being able to sit still, I got up and asked Hailee if she wanted something to drink.  She looked me straight in the eyes, which made my whole body stir, and said, “No thank you.”

I walked out into the kitchen, leaned against the counter and asked Emily, “What exactly did you tell Hailee about me?”

Emily looked at me and said, “As far as…,”

“Did you tell her I found pregnant women attractive,” I asked sharply.

“I may have mentioned it, is that a problem?” she asked.

“No, not at all, was just curious,” I said.

I slowly made my way back out to the living room where I found Hailee trying to grab the handled to raise the foot rest.  I rushed over and slowly lifted it for her.  “That’s better,” she said with relief.

After dinner, Hailee and I went back to the living room, as Emily cleaned up and I helped her get comfortable on the sofa.  I made my way back to my lazy boy and started flipping through channels.  My mind couldn’t focus on the T.V. at all. 

When Emily came out from the kitchen, she sat with Hailee on the sofa and they began chatting like old school friends.   After a few hours, I got up, kissed Emily and said my goodnights.   I tossed and turned in bed for a good hour before I finally drifted off.

I heard a soft moan which awoke me from my sleep.  I laid there quiet listening for the source.  I heard another soft moan, only this time is was more intense.  I quietly got out of bed and made my way silently down the hallway following the sounds of the erotic moans now.  I stopped dead in my tracks when I reached the door to the spare bedroom.  It was still cracked open so I peeked through.

My cock sprung to complete attention as I saw Hailee laid back on the bed, her legs bent up and spread wide, my Emily positioned between her legs, ass in the air, feasting on Hailee’s sweet pussy.  Hailee’s hands were gripping the sheets as her hips bucked greedily against Emily’s face.  It wasn’t long before Hailee was crying out is ecstasy as Emily licked and sucked her sweet pussy through her intense orgasm.

“Fuck,” I said under my breath.

I heard Emily giggle as she finished cleaning Hailee’s pussy and I snuck back down to our bedroom and waited for Emily to return.

When she entered the bedroom I said, “Come here.”

She made her way to the side of the bed and I grabbed her hand and pulled her swiftly down on top of me. “Have fun did you?” I asked.

She giggled and hovered over my face, “Want a big sloppy kiss?” she asked.

I grabbed the back of her head and pulled her so her lips were just mere centimeters away from mine.  “What do you think,” I asked.

I pulled her lips against mine and kissed her deeply.  I moaned deep as I tasted the musky sweet juices of Hailee on her lips and tongue.  My desire burned out of control and I flipped Emily over on her back and growled, “Present yourself like the dirty whore you are!”

Emily whimpered softly and pulled herself up to her hands and knees without hesitation and wiggled her perfect ass to me.  I had to have her now, there was no stopping me, I gripped her hips hard, rammed my cock deep inside her very wet pussy and fucked her with no mercy until my cock exploded and I filled her with my seed.

I flopped over on the bed, panting heavily as she laid beside me doing the same.  She soon rolled over and draped herself over me and purred in my ear, “I love when you lose control.”

“Fuck, that was intense,” I said still breathing heavily.

“Very,” she giggled softly.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close.  I slept heavy that night and awoke to the smell of bacon filling the room.

I walked into the kitchen and found Emily and Hailee in the kitchen laughing and cooking. “Good morning girls,” I said as I walked in.

“Good morning,” I heard in unison.

“Coffee, baby?” Emily asked with a grin.

“Yes, please,” I responded as I sat down at the table.

Soon I had coffee and a plate of bacon and eggs before me.   My mind raced as I watched Hailee move around the kitchen helping Emily.  Seeing her laid back last night, her big belly exposed as Emily ate her pussy was an imagine I couldn’t get out of my head.   

When I finished my breakfast I headed out to the living room.  Emily sent Hailee with me to go sit down while she cleaned up.  My mind was racing with erotic images and Hailee wasn’t helping laying there kicked back on the sofa and rubbing her belly up and down. Her shirt kept lifting up farther and farther until her whole belly was exposed.   My cock was twitching in my shorts and wanting to be inside that swollen pregnant pussy.

My cock sprung instantly to attention when I watched her pullher knees up and spread her legs.  I had a clear view of the white panties that covered her swollen pussy and could make out a wet spot in the center of them.  ‘Fuck me,’ I thought as I pulled my eyes away from her pussy and met hers, she was staring directly at me, her lips curled up in a devilish grin.  

Emily had finished cleaning up after breakfast and walked into the living room.  She looked down at my hard cock pressing against my shorts and grinned.

“I’m going to take a long hot shower,” she announced as she leaned down and softly bit my ear lobe.

‘Gawd I love her,’ I thought.

I saw Emily look at Hailee as she headed off to the bathroom.  I had to wonder what they talked about and how much was about me.  I tried to keep my focus on the T.V. but wasn’t taking in anything that was on.  My attention was quickly diverted when I heard Hailee softly moan.

I looked over and my eyes had to blink and re-focus again as I watched Hailee’s hand softly rub her pussy up and down.  I groaned aggressively out loud which got her attention.

“You like that,” she purred as she rubbed harder.

“I think you know I do,” I growled.

“It shows,” she giggled and shifted her eyes to my hard cock.

Without hesitation, I got up from my chair and made my way to right in front of her.  She spread her legs like a dirty little whore inviting me in.  I reached my hand down and helped her hand rub her greedy swollen lips.

She moaned loud as my hand pushed her fingers harder against her.  I could smell her sweet sex and knew I needed it.  I held my hand out and she took it immediately.  I pulled her up and looked down on her as she stood before me.   My hands gripped the bottom of her long t-shirt and I pulled it over her head.

My eyes took in every inch of her as I peeled it off.   First, her swollen belly, then her big tits, with those big brown dark nipples that bounced slightly as they cleared the shirt.  I tossed the shirt on the couch and placed my hands on her belly.  I rubbed it up and down like she did the night before.  She whimpered and her body quivered.  My hands traced up to her big breasts and I cupped them in my hands and stroked my thumb over her big hard nipples.

Her head fell back and she moaned as my hands invaded her body.  

“You like that,” I teased.

“Yes,” she moaned breathlessly.

I grabbed her breast, squeezed it and lowered my mouth and sucked her nipple hard.  Her hands gripped my head and held me there, not wanting me to stop.

Her body racked with pleasure and she whimpered out, “Please fuck me.”

I lifted my head pulling her nipple with my mouth until it popped out.

“Fuck you, I will,” I growled as I turned her around.

She bent over immediately and wiggled her greedy swollen pussy at me.  I pulled my hard aching cock from my shorts and rubbed the head up and down her wet lips.

She whimpered and begged, “Please,” as her hips pushed back on my the head of my hard cock.  I grabbed her hips and aligned my cock head with her opening.  

“Tell me how bad you want it,” I ordered.

“I want it bad, please give it to me now,” she cried.

I grabbed her hips and slid my cock inside of her with a deep grunt.  She was so tight and swollen and felt so good wrapped around my cock.  

“Ohh God yesss,” she purred.

I thrust my hips in and out of her harder and faster, her pussy greedily gripped my hard cock and pulled me in.  The need to empty my load into her pregnant pussy was urgent.  Her hips started to slam back against mine, meeting my thrusts as she began to beg, “Give it to me,” she cried, “Fill my pussy with your seed, I want it!”

Her words registered in my mind immediately and I couldn’t stop.  I grunted a deep loud growl as I thrust hard deep inside of her as my first load of cum exploded inside of her.  She moaned and panted as I continued to unload my full load deep inside of her.

“Mmm…,” I heard behind me as I finished filling Hailee’s pussy with my seed.

I turned my head and saw Emily standing there watching us wrapped in a towel with a grin on her face.  “Can’t leave you alone for a minute, can I,” she smirked as she walked closer and grabbed my cock and slowly slid it out of Hailee’s pussy.

She grinned at me as she lowered herself down to her knees and wrapped her lips around my cock and sucked it clean.  My eyes closed and my head fell back as I felt her warm mouth take me deep and suck with precision cleaning me.

She finished with a big lick and smiled up at me.  I took her chin in my hand, lifted her head to meet my eyes and smiled back at her and said, “I think you have some more cleaning to do,” as I glanced over at Hailee.

Emily’s lips spread into a greedy grin and she turned her attention to the now Hailee that was sitting back on the sofa.  She crawled over between her legs and placed her hands on her knees and spread them wide.  My cock twitched as I watched Emily dive into Hailee’s pussy licking up my cum dripping out of her and cleaned her up.  

Hailee’s hips bucked against her tongue and she whimpered uncontrollably.  “That’s it baby, make her cum,” I said.

Emily moaned into her pussy as her tongue flicked around, licking and tasting our combined juices.  I slowly stroked my cock watching her pleasure and clean Hailee.  I was growing hard again and ready for more.

As Emily finished cleaning Hailee’s pussy, she turned to me and asked, “So can she stay?”

They both stared at me, waiting anxiously, for my response.  I hesitated in my thoughts as to what this would mean.  The thought of having Hailee around was quite intriguing.  I’ve always had a thing for pregnant women and the idea of being able to fuck her swollen cunt when I wanted to was hard to pass up.  I pondered the pros and cons when a the thought that Hailee would be giving birth in a couple of months and that meant I could feast on her big beautiful milk tits.

“She will need to be marked,” I slowly said.

Both Emily and Hailee looked up at me and smiled giddy with anticipation.

I looked down at Emily and said, “Ready the room.”

Emily jumped up with giggle and left the living room down the hall.  I gave her a few minutes to ready herself after I heard the key open the door to our secret room.

“Is this what you want, Hailee?” I asked.

“Yes it is,” she answered without hesitation.

I held out my hand and as she took it and helped her up.  "I want you to see what you’ve said yes to and can change your mind, if you wish."  I walked her out of the living room, down the hall and entered the room. 

Her jaw dropped as she looked around the room full of bondage, cuffs and accessories.  Her head scanned every crop, cuff and accessory.  Her breathing increased as her eyes made it back to the corner where Emily kneeled, hands on her knees and her head down.

“I want you think carefully. Hailee,” I said as she stood there frozen, “You can walk away, if you so wish.”

Her head slowly made her way around to my face and her eyes met mine, “I don’t want to walk away,” she said with a grin.

“Emily,” I said, “You know what to do.”

Emily rose without hesitation and took Hailee’s hand and led her over to the corner where there was an open shower.  She helped her to her knees on the padded cushion on the floor and I gave Hailee a little wink before she returned to kneel next to me.

I slowly took my cock from my shorts and stood before Hailee.  She looked up at me with a slight grin, lifting her head.  ‘Damn,’ I thought, she looked so sexy kneeling there with her big belly and tits, marking her was going to be very pleasurable.

I took my cock in my hand and started to pee on Hailee’s neck right below her chin.  I moaned loudly as I watch my pee run down over her big dark brown nipples and big belly.  Hailee whimpered softly as she felt my hot mark flow down her skin.  

When I finished I tucked my cock back into my shorts and said, “You are now mine to use as I please, Hailee.”

She moaned softly with approval and I left the room leaving Emily to do what she does best. 

I sat down in my chair and thought of how I was going to fuck my girls tonight.


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‘Oh Jimmy, I’m so happy to see you, honey!’ mom said, her eyes gleaming with excitement. . ‘Why’s that, mom?’ I asked, a touch smugly, knowing full well she was happy to see me at least partly because she guessed we were going to have ourselves another round of torrid lovemaking, like we had last time. You see, for several weeks now I’d been having sex with my mother. She had me when she was sixteen, my s****r a year later. So mom was only thirty eight. Thirty eight and sexy as hell. For years...

3 years ago
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sis Mom and Me Makes Three

"Oh Jimmy, I'm so happy to see you, honey!" mom said, her eyes gleaming with excitement. ."Why's that, mom?" I asked, a touch smugly, knowing full well she was happy to see me at least partly because she guessed we were going to have ourselves another round of torrid lovemaking, like we had last time. You see, for several weeks now I’d been having sex with my mother. She had me when she was sixteen, my sister a year later. So mom was only thirty eight. Thirty eight and sexy as hell. For years I...

1 year ago
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Baby makes three

“There he is, bloody con man,” Michelle Woods said, looking through the net curtains of her semi-detached at the house almost opposite. Alex Moore, her partner of three years came up behind her, enclosing her slightly over-weight stomach. “I know, but I think we should leave well alone, it’s not our business to interfere”.“But he’s deceiving people, and he should be exposed….Look, he’s getting on his motorbike. Shall we call the police? I mean, it’s anonymous isn’t it? you don’t have to give...

3 years ago
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Baby makes three

“There he is, bloody con man,” Michelle Woods said, looking through the net curtains of her semi-detached at the house almost opposite. Alex Moore, her partner of three years came up behind her, enclosing her slightly over-weight stomach. “I know, but I think we should leave well alone, it’s not our business to interfere”.“But he’s deceiving people, and he should be exposed….Look, he’s getting on his motorbike. Shall we call the police? I mean, it’s anonymous isn’t it? you don’t have to give...

1 year ago
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Melissa Makes Three

Two days after her "taming" Jasmine called me.."Hey! You ok?" She asked before I could say anything."Yeah.. What's up?""Oh My Fucking God!" She squealed," You won't believe this......The day after her taming Jasmine had spent the day with Melissa. Melissa's boyfriend was away for a week, a stag do in Amsterdam. Melissa was not particularly happy about this so the girls planned a day of shopping, taking in a movie at the cinema and then some girly time at Melissa's house with a bottle of two or...

2 years ago
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One and One Makes Three

I'm Tim, and I live in large farmhouse in a small village near Grantham in Lincolnshire. I work in the oil and gas industry in London as an engineer, and commute from home most days by train, it's only a little over an hour to Kings Cross, although I do also own a very small studio flat near Victoria which I use if I am late leaving London or have an early start. The story starts about eighteen months ago, it was a Wednesday afternoon at the beginning of June. I dumped my long term...

3 years ago
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My Sister Loves Incest Threesomes

My Sister Loves Incest Threesomes Mom took my sister Trudy into her room for a talk so of course I laid down on the floor in my room with my ear right up to the heating duct. That way I could hear everything that they said. Mom said, “Stella called me. She thinks that you are a bad influence on her daughter. What’s going on between you two?” Trudy replied, “Fern is my sex slave and I let her brother fuck her. Why?” Mom giggled and sad, “You are really something. How on Earth...

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My StepMom Makes Three

To be completely honest, I never gave much thought to how beautiful my step-mom is. I mean she and my Dad married when I was 12 years old and she was just my step-mom and since hitting my teen years, I really gave her little thought. She was fine and I liked her, but never thought about her in any other way, not until my BFF mentioned it.Marion Sherwood Forest is my best friend since we were in the second grade. Do not make fun of her name! Yes, her parents were Robin Hood nuts, just ask her...

Love Stories
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Now That Daddys GoneChapter 2 And Aunty makes Three

Peter Balfour finished work early and decided to head to the creek and take a swim. He stripped naked and dove into the cool, clear water. His twenty-year-old body was well muscled and developed from working hard on the farm; he was fit, tanned, healthy and very well endowed. His eight-inch penis swayed from side to side between his legs when he climbed out of the creek and onto the bank, it had a good girth and swelled to ten inches of solid meat when tumescent. Peter pulled his watch from...

3 years ago
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You and Me and Pandora makes Three

I remember one morning, I was standing in line for coffee. It wasn't my usual place and I was killing time before a very boring meeting. The woman at the counter was dealing with a very confused pair of women who kept changing their order. I shook my head in sympathy, some people really shouldn't buy coffee if making an order is that much work.The door tinkled behind me and closed with a creaking thud. I saw a shadow tower over me, a very thin shadow. Probably one of the college kids on the...

1 year ago
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Robert My Sister and I Makes Three

Okay, I shouldn’t have been looking at those websites, particularly at the office, but it was one of those instances where I was incredibly horny. I just needed a little something to help get me off so I could get back to work. Fortunately, as a professional computer geek, I didn’t have to worry too much about being busted. After all, I was the one responsible for monitoring everyone else's Internet usage. Jumping from link to link to link, I came across a swingers’ website and just for grins I...

4 years ago
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Good Things Happen in Threes

He replied, “yes, but I’m sure it’s nothing you can’t take care of.” Lola, realizing this hunk had just hit on her, and simultaneously subtly suggested sex, blushed. She said to him, “Do you really want me to do that? I could turn you from cold to hot quickly. Really, really hot.” The guy said, “I like it when its hot enough to melt snow. Do you want to get started here, or would you rather we went back to my place?” Lola asked, “what kind of girl do you think I am? I don’t do such...

2 years ago
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Beauty Me and a Teenager Makes Three

“Sir, would you please come over and stand by me?”Marta was wearing a very sexy, almost diaphanous, black teddy that covered nothing, but set off her black leather dog collar.I wasn’t wearing anything as I walked over to where she was standing.The door swung open, and I was shocked to see a very tall, slim-figured, naked woman with lustrous, long, brunette hair hanging down her back. She was well over six feet tall, and towered over Marta. Who the hell was she? And what was she doing here?Yet,...

3 years ago
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A wife a lover and a husband makes three

Daniel was becoming increasingly concerned about Helen's behaviour recently. She was suddenly taking a keen interest in make up, fitness and her wardrobe was certainly becoming more colourful. It was like having a new woman but she didn't seem any more interested in spending time with him. He was starting to suspect a new man in her life but she had never mentioned she was restless or unhappy and things in the bedroom were okay. Maybe that was it though. Maybe she wanted much more than...

Group Sex
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Jo and Me and Dave Makes Three

This story is the sequel of my “Boyz To Men In The RV”. In that story, I met Jo and her husband Dave for lunch near their home in Springfield , Pennsylvania . I hooked up with Jo several months earlier on an erotic literature site. She seemed to like the picture of my erect cock that I had posted on the site and commented that she would like to sit on it. But, commenting on another posted pic, she also offered to lick off the cum that was oozing out of my pee slit and running down the shaft of...

2 years ago
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Jo and Me and Dave Makes Three

This story is the sequel of my “Boyz To Men In The RV”. In that story, I met Jo and her husband Dave for lunch near their home in Springfield , Pennsylvania . I hooked up with Jo several months earlier on an erotic literature site. She seemed to like the picture of my erect cock that I had posted on the site and commented that she would like to sit on it. But, commenting on another posted pic, she also offered to lick off the cum that was oozing out of my pee slit and running down the shaft of...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Mummys Girl part Two And Jenny Makes Three

I lay on the bed, wrists still padlocked to the chain threaded through the wrought-metal headboard, my ankles still chained wide apart, and I felt wonderful. I had finally had my Mum, (alright, if you want to get technical, my step-mum) and I was feeling sure that was not going to be the last time either. And I had come three times. Oh My God! Three climaxes in such a short time. I was feeling so smug and satisfied, and I knew Jenny had just come back with the keys, but I must have missed...

3 years ago
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And Baby Makes Three

I had to circle the hospital car park three times before I saw someone pulling out. I grabbed the spot and with the bouquet of flowers in hand I strode purposefully toward the maternity wing. I'd promised my wife Sandra that I'd be there for the birth, but had been inadvertently delayed in getting here. I had to wait until this morning for a flight. I'd been told by the nurse it was a girl... whow, we'd waited and tried for this for so long. I couldn't believe that we now had a...

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Darkness In Threes

And lay over top of you so you cant move but also you feel my rock hard cock pressing through my pants. I lean in to smell the desire and lust radiating off your body Close in to your ear i whisper "Your not going anywhere dear" I grab the front of your dress with both hands and tear it from your body Revealing my conquest of soft skin and beads of sweat over your thighs and breasts I kiss the sweat from your neck to in between your lovely breasts Taking time to play with your...

3 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 57 Bad News Comes in Threes

Mark There’s bad news and then really bad news that comes your way once in a while. I had two major doses of it on Monday morning. I’d been talked into a late start at work so that we could all have a relaxed breakfast, plus bid goodbye to Troy and Janet, and Dan and Sandy. That was fun and we had a heart warming parting. Their departure went like clockwork and they were out the door before seven a.m. to catch their flight to Atlanta. My first bout of news I didn’t want to hear came from...

1 year ago
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And Sis Makes Three

I’m sure it was the two glasses of wine we’d just had that loosened Julie, my sister-in-law up enough to embark on the conversation neither of us will ever forget. It was Friday afternoon and Steve was due home anytime. His sister had just left her husband and was staying with us while looking for an apartment. “Please tell me my baby brother knows how to use that horse cock of his. I had a couple of big ones when I was in college—not as big as Steve’s of course, but neither of those guys...

3 years ago
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And Sister Makes Three

Jenny was more than a bit nervous. She was, in fact, scared silly. Not that she really had reason to be scared; her husband would not hit her. However he would have a fit when Jenny told him that her sister Mary had shown up at the front door in dire need of a place to stay for a while. Mary and Mike did NOT get along at all. Mary tended to be catty, and Mike got sarcastic, which was unlike his normal easygoing self. But Mary was her sister, and Jenny just couldn't turn her away. Mike...

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Trying Threesomes

I wanted to get my last girlfriend, Jean to try threesomes. As can be expected she got mad and said "I can't believe you want to let other guys fuck me". We had watched and loved porn about guys sharing their wife/gf, wife/gfs that cheated when her guy was at work etc. So I knew she found the porns hot and turned her on. Finally she agreed and set down a few rules. First and foremost I was never to be with another female. I was cool with that as I had no desire to do so. She wanted to know what...

3 years ago
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Marina Makes My Maris Maiden 1


1 year ago
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And Tracey Makes Three

It was lunchtime, and for a change the IT department wasn't completely deserted. Alex was at a computer, but not at work; he was browsing through photos of his latest romp with Emma. Stills from the video they had made.He clicked to the next photo. Emma's eyes were closed, her mouth open in a silent cry. Flushed cheeks, jet-black hair matted to her forehead. The next, she was biting down on her lip while he grabbed her breast. His other hand was holding one of her legs up high as he thrust deep...

Group Sex
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Marina Makes My Maris Maiden 2


2 years ago
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Absence makes the cock grow harder part three

Part three:At 3.30 am my laptop pinged informing me that I had mail. Curiously I opened the laptop and clicked on the mail icon. It was a mail from Becky with a very large attachment.I clicked on the attachment and an MP 4 Movie file began to download. On the email was written the following words.“Honey I've sent the video the guys have just made fucking me. They’re both downstairs having a drink and getting their breath back then we’ll begin round two. Both these guys have huge cocks, but...

1 year ago
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Absence makes the cock grow harder part three

Part three:At 3.30 am my laptop pinged informing me that I had mail. Curiously I opened the laptop and clicked on the mail icon. It was a mail from Becky with a very large attachment.I clicked on the attachment and an MP 4 Movie file began to download. On the email was written the following words.“Honey I've sent the video the guys have just made fucking me. They’re both downstairs having a drink and getting their breath back then we’ll begin round two. Both these guys have huge cocks, but...

3 years ago
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Absence makes the cock grow harder part three

Part three:At 3.30 am my laptop pinged informing me that I had mail. Curiously I opened the laptop and clicked on the mail icon. It was a mail from Becky with a very large attachment.I clicked on the attachment and an MP 4 Movie file began to download. On the email was written the following words.“Honey I've sent the video the guys have just made fucking me. They’re both downstairs having a drink and getting their breath back then we’ll begin round two. Both these guys have huge cocks, but...

1 year ago
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NaughtyBlog Threesome

Are you horny as fuck to jerk off to threesome videos? I know you are mother fucker! And that is why I am giving you one of the biggest treasures troves I’ve come across in quite some time!I am fucking talking about NaughtyBlog.org.Threesome! Here, you will find a whole host of videos that will have you wishing and praying that you could get invited to a threesome. Even if it involves old pussy and tiny old man penis.But you do you! I’m not here to judge you! What I am here to do is to...

Gangbang Porn Sites
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Her First Threeway

This was the first erotic story I ever wrote and originally posted it 07/10/09. I wrote this story at the request of an online friend who went by Shy155. She was in a sexually unfulfilling relationship and desired a three-way with her friend's college-age daughter. Her partner was dead set against the idea. Warning: This story contains adult content including erotic massage, romance, light bondage, sapphism, DP, menage-a-trois (MFF), fellatio, cunnilingus, and sodomy (F/F & M/F/F). If you...

4 years ago
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Her First Threeway

You just walked in the door after a long hard day of dealing with customers who love to grab the ass of the sexy young server. All you want to do is eat dinner and relax. When you walk in, I'm standing in the doorway of the kitchen wearing an apron and a smile. I walk up to you and take the dry cleaning out of your hands and kiss you passionately. You push me away, feeling too tired and stressed to make love.I take you by the hand and lead you into the dining room. The table is set with our...

3 years ago
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Surprise threeway

My wife and I were enjoying a nice day off. She got a call from her best friend, Lisa, who was having a real crisis. In the midst of a nasty divorce she had an affair which went bad. Her life was unraveling, she needed a shoulder to cry on. My wife and I had plans of wild daytime sex but her friend came first. She came over and I made myself scarce doing odd jobs around the house. Occasionally I would walk through the living room and they would get quiet, then one of them would crack up and...

3 years ago
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Taras Threeway

Tara had agreed to the three way, but Mr. James hadn’t told her about how much I cum. Not that my cock is a huge porn star cock, but when I cum it shoots out in thick, gooey streams. Even if she had known, I’d like to think she was game because she was smiling and on her knees in the hotel room not long before James and I both arrived. She’d helped herself to some of the minibar, but we didn’t mind as she pulled out our cock and moaned as she stroked us hard. James groaned as she worked her...

2 years ago
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Kaylas first threeway

Before me and Donald got together, I dated his buddy from college Eric. Eric was fun at times, not the best boyfriend or looker, but he had a nice sized dick and was a great lay. While we dated, Eric liked to have me get dressed and made up kinda slutty before we went to parties or bars so he could grab all over me in front of his friends to make them jealous or envious or something. One night we were supposed to be going to a party at Eric's friend's house, but that wasn't what happened.Turned...

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