AssParade Kristy Black Marina Maya Two Booties One Big Dick
- 2 years ago
- 19
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La strada scorreva liscia sotto le ruote della Ypsilon nera.
Non c'era fretta, ma Carolina aveva sempre avuto il piede pesante ed in più era una che detestava anche solo l'idea di arrivare in ritardo.
Figurarsi poi alla sua prima partita ufficiale.
All'orizzonte dense nubi grige si addensavano coprendo a tratti il sole, forse avrebbe piovuto, ma sperava che il tempo tenesse per ancora qualche ora.
Le piacevano le piogge estive, come a tutti, ma non durante le parite.
Il campo bagnato rendeva tutto più confuso, i falli si moltiplicavano e la pioggia le tappava i pori della pelle, impedendo al sudore di uscire e dandole l'impressione di soffocare, annegare quasi.
Ancora due ore al fischio di inizio.
Tempo sufficiente per raggiungere il campo è preparasi in tranquillità.
Di solito le piaceva arrivare prima e chiudersi nel suo spogliatoio, unico vero vantaggio dell'essere donna in un ambiente quasi totalmente maschile, e fare un po' di yoga prima dell'inzio del match.
L'aiutava a rilassarsi e rimanere calma anche quando un marcantonio alto uno e novanta le si piantava di fronte urlando, lei che raggiungeva appena l'uno e sessantacinque.
Non certo bassa per una donna in generale, ma comunque non sufficientemente alta da continuare la sua carriera sportiva nella pallavolo.
Era stata una vera promessa da ragazzina, ma il mancato sviluppo (per lo meno in altezza) e il desiderio dei suoi genitori affinchè continuasse gli studi, avevano via via allontano la carriera professionistica dal suo futuro.
Aveva così cominciato, per sublimare il suo desiderio di campo e di spogliatoio, ad arbitrare le partite delle sue ex-compagne di squadra.
Ogni tanto rimaneva oltre e faceva lo stesso per le squadre maschili.
Ben presto la sua natura competitiva la aveva portata ad offrirsi come arbitro per qualunque tipo di evento sportivo amatoriale.
Tornei di pallavolo, tennis, pig pong, le bocce del nonno..
Si preparava a dovere, leggeva manuali, guardava le paritite in TV, nulla di complicato in fondo per una futura avvocatessa.
L'incontro, dirompente, con il calcio fu naturale conseguenza.
Da pricipio furono le partite di calcetto di Luca, il suo ragazzo di allora.
Un tipo divertente, studiava insieme a lei, con un sorriso incredibile e addominali di marmo.
Quando però, intuì che gli altri giocatori dubitavano della sua imparzialità, Carolina non ci penso due volte a lasciarlo. Le sembrò logico, lì per lì.
Fu l'inizio di qualcosa.
Si sparse subito la voce di questa ragazza che faceva da arbitro, era tosta ed anche brava.
L'ambiente del calcio era totalmente differente rispetto agli altri sport. Erano tutti ossessionati dalle regole, fuorigioco in testa, e dagli errori dell'arbitro.
All'inzio le sembravano tutti matti per la serietà con cui prendevano il gioco, per l'aria pesante che si respirarava a volte, ma ben presto, data la sua natura perfezionista, si cominciò ad adattare ed anzi, iniziò a coglierne il lato positivo.
Quando faceva l'arbitro, in campo, le bastava un colpo di fischietto e pendevano tutti dalle sue labbra.
La chiamavano spessissimo, aveva quasi tutte le sere impegnate, tant'è che divenne quasi un problema per i suoi esami.
Cominciò a farsi pagare, poco dapprima, ma subito intravide le possibità.
Molto spesso la chiamavano quasi per per scherzo, quasi fosse un fenomeno da baraccone, piu intrigati dal fatto che fosse una bella ragazza che altro.
Lei lo sapeva, ma non ci badava, anzi la soddisfazione era anche maggiore quando alla fine della partita venivano tutti a stringerle la mano e farle i complimenti.
Non che smettessero di guardarle il sedere in campo, sia chiaro, ma capivano chi comandava.
Le piaceva quel controllo, quel rispetto.
Sicuramente dall'esterno doveva essere buffo vedere una ragazza che pesava a malapena cinquanta chili bagnata comandare a bacchetta dieci, sedici ragazzi, grossi il doppio di lei, come se niente fosse armata solo di fischietto.
Federico, il suo attuale fidanzato, le aveva confessato di essersi eccitato la prima volta che l'aveva vista arbitrare.
Lo trovò buffo, le piacque.
Era una riseva, fuori dalla sua squadra dall'inzio del torneo per una distorsione alla caviglia.
Lei non l'aveva mai visto, mai arbitrato.
E mai l'avrebbe fatto, perche quando le chiese di uscire, quella stessa sera dopo la partita, lei pose come condizione che lui lasciasse la squadra.
Non voleva assolutamente altri conflitti di interessi.
Il corso dell'AIA, che aveva deciso di intraprendere ultimamente, era solo l'ultimo, logico passo del suo percorso.
Ormai aveva capito che arbitrare le dava più soddisfazione di quanto mai avrebbe fatto la pratica legale.
Ma la sua carriera universitaria e l'attitudine allo studio si erano comunque rivelate utili per passare l'esame finale, permettendole a Luglio scorso, di prendere il massimo dei voti e stracciare, lei unica donna, il resto della classe.
The day had been perfect. And now the sun, getting lower, was splashing brilliant red and gold hues across the caribbean sky. I saw you look at me and returned your knowing gaze. We both felt it, the attraction, the a****l magnetism. Maybe it was the waves, the wine, the sun, or this beautiful place. I came to you and kissed you deeply, lingering there and not wanting it to end. I could feel the heat of your pressing body as you swelled beneath me. But we both knew that there were better things...
copyright 2009 by madengineer3 * Tom was facing a dilemma. He had been dating a woman for almost a year and seriously believed that she might be the one he wanted to marry. Tom had been raised believing that any real sex was to be saved for marriage. This, in itself, wasn’t the problem. He had certain injuries, from his time in Iraq, that caused him to question his ability to keep his darling Mary happy. They had both enjoyed sexual activity just up to the point of light petting, but...
The virgin maid (you just scroll down until you get to where it says: "This story to be continued", and resume on your reading of second part. Thanks. %%%%%%%%%%% I almost rip her open... she would no longer be a virgin. I was happily married at that time and we had three kids, I also had a splendorous job that would allow us a living without worries, for my salary was one of the best. That´s why my wife didn´t need to work outside, I provided for everything at home. She wouldn´t be...
First TimeYour name has just been read out loud at first you can't believe it. You push through the crowd and the security guards let you through. You have made it you are now in the Big Brother house. You look around at the other people that have been chosen with you. What a bunch of weirdos. Straight away you know your going to fit in. Once your have entered the house the other guests ask you to tell them about yourself.
Foster candidate Jewelz Blu has a rebellious streak that poses issues for potential Forever Families. Even after she is taken in by Aaliyah Love and her husband, the subversive girl refuses to follow their rules. However, Aaliyah comes up with an idea to get Jewelz to feel more at home. She takes her shopping, and soon Jewelz has a change of heart. She shows her gratitude by offering her foster parents a level of physical affection that she never knew she was capable of. Video of this case is...
xmoviesforyouNine o'clock Saturday morning. A comfortable armchair and my favourite ultra strong black coffee in my equally favourite coffee shop. I had come into town to meet my life long friend Mel. I had known her since she came to work with me some thirty years ago and we had become almost joined at the hip, in fact, I probably spent more time with her than with my husband, Alec. After being made redundant we had gone our separate ways professionally but remained close friends. Oh, let me introduce...
LesbianWe might have been kissing for seconds or for hours. As incredibly sexy as she was, the nonverbal emotional experience was even more intense. Both of us had scar tissue from things that had inhibited us. For me, it had been the emphasis on my needing to be hypersensitive to any "no" from a woman. That came from my assorted foster female parents, who really were rather negative about men. It made it difficult for me to engage in the flirtations and play that would lead to both sexual and...
Tuesday, July 6, 1971 Rachael was waiting on me when I reached the Dining Hall a little before seven-thirty. She had us a table back near the doors to the deck, overlooking the lake. I grabbed a tray and some of Mable's pancakes and sausage, along with my coffee, and headed her way. "Good morning, Michael. Can you really eat all that?" Rachael asked. She had only a cup of coffee and a half-eaten Danish in front of her. "I wanted to save myself a second trip," I explained. "Oh, my. I...
I fucking hate coming home early. Girls just look so hott now a days that even a bend over to pick up something turns me on. Getting laid isnt hard for me, but getting laid by someone I want.. thats real hard.I try not to wack off between classes, but man, I think I am a current sexaholic. All I wanna do is fuck and fuck is all I want. I'm not so bad. Im pretty good looking with a medium muscular build and 8 inches long. So not to be conceited or anything, but im not so bad. The only thing I...
IncestWARNING: ADULT MATERIAL The following narrative contains strong language and graphic accounts ofadult situations, both realistic and fantastic, that some persons may findobjectionable, vulgar, or even obscene. Such situations include, but are notlimited to, graphic sex, illicit sex, violent sex, incest, bestiality, snuff,rape, commercial murder, erotic murder, terrorism, cannibalism, pedophilia,consumption of feces and urine, unrestrained violence, recreational murder,illicit drug use,...
I checked her profile first, single, BBW, aged 50, that seemed just right. I read the mail, she was basically challenging me, asking if I was really game, am I *up* for it, can I take it. My ego was at boiling point. Faster than you can blink my finger hit that reply button. I told her, yes I am game and can take anything she had in mind (at that time I didn't know she meant literally), and I am always *up*. She mailed me back and suggested a quiet drink to find out if we were what we...
I’d been serving… and servicing… Tony Fox for four weeks. I had to go over to his house three times a week where I did anything he commanded. Even when I wasn’t with him he had me wearing panties, garters, and stockings under my clothes. I was petrified to use the boys’ room, afraid that someone would see what I had on under my khakis. I felt like everyone must know. Like I had it written across my forehead in blazing, scarlet letters: ‘FAG.’ Tony didn’t treat me anything differently. He still...
PROLOGUE I lie here in this incredibly soft and cushioned California King Bed, draped by navy blue silk sheets in a room illuminated only by the dim glow of scented candles. The blended aroma of lavender and jasmine fills the warm air, but despite the pleasant, therapeutic scent, I am hardly relaxed. The sound of my shallow breathing fills my ears, and it becomes even more audible as I feel it getting slightly labored, no doubt with sheer anticipation. My skin is heated and flushed, and my...
BDSM"Get up, we still have a lot of work to do, I want you to kneel on the bed," commanded Tegan I did as I was told -- being the good sub that I am. My pendulous tits hung down and I didn't have long to wait until my big nipples were clamped again. Big plastic clamps that squeezed my entire nipple and then some. I felt a thick chain run back between my legs. A couple of tugs on the chain set off another bolt of sexual lightening from my already overused tits. "Spread your legs, further, I need...
Judy woke up early the next morning. Her husband Lou was still asleep. He always stayed in bed late on Sundays, and that gave Judy a chance to shower before he found out what had happened to her last night. She stayed in the bathroom a long time, washing off the sticky smears from her body, soothing her sore body with the warm jets of water. She turned her back to the faucet spray and rubbed her hands over her ass. She could still feel the pain from where they whipped her last night, but it...
Hi Doston, this is another story I would like to tell you. A lovely lustful adventure of dad and daughter… Rajesh is a 48 years old guy, working as a manager for one of the reputed banks. His family consisted of his wife Savitri (45) and two beautiful daughters Nisha (23) who's married now and Esha(21) who's marriage is fixed. Although Rajesh was 48, he looked 35 as he exercised regularly. His wife Savitri didnt let him down either, she maintained herself very well joining Rajesh in his...
IncestWe start this week’s show with an unimpressive opening shot of a gravel carpark, looking out over flat, well-cut grass. A few trees are spread around but it’s mostly open. We can see what appears to be a squad of footballers training – we can vaguely make out the sound of them shouting at each other in the distance too. We pan around seeing more open land, telephone poles, and more land – then a group of ladies in the distance playing field hockey. We keep panning until we see a large green,...
Ethan hadn’t brought up the subject of staying at his place versus staying at Isabella’s, it simply made sense to stay at hers, but he also hadn’t brought up the subject of moving in, he knew that a short month of passion was far too soon for anything as serious as that. He never said it aloud but he did enjoy having people to clean up or make dinner if he wanted. He had never even considered hiring anyone to cut the grass at his place; he was simply used to doing everything himself. Ethan...
Love StoriesThe next day I made a list of items to be bought at the local hardware store for my experiment and made my way there, all the time a non-stop pulsation deep inside my moist pussy kept reminding me to hurry up so the fun can begin. Having got all the things on my list I headed home as quickly as possible. At home I wasted no time in preparation for what I hoped would be the answer to this dream. Upstairs in the bathroom I shaved off my pubic hair and talcum powdered my pussy region...
October brought the Confidential Report season and Mark was duly summoned to the CO's office to read his and, if he dared, comment on it before signing it. In fact, he was thrilled with it, particularly the grading of Very Good, two below Outstanding at the top but above Above Average, which he was later to learn that 60% of officers at that time got. Needless to say there was subsequently a revision of the grading system. Nevertheless, as the Adjutant told him afterwards, very few National...
It was without doubt the most embarrassing moment of my life. There I stood in a back street with a brown paper bag between my feet and its contents, five dirty mags, spread out on the pavement in front of me. Not only that, but Mrs Hotter was standing there staring, hand over mouth.Mrs Hotter was her real name, by the way, which occasioned a great deal of sniggering among us boys-becoming-men, but that’s neither here nor there. Let me give you the background.It was the day after my 18th...
MILFAngel In The Mirror By: Anon Allsop I tipped my book slightly; the glare from the reflecting sun upon the glossy pages was blinding me. I slowly rubbed the spots from my eyes, and lifted my head from my studies, looking away and trying to blink through the brilliant white spot that seemingly hovered in position upon my gaze. I slowly closed my textbook and sat it beside me on the leaves, deep into my fourth year of college, I had done enough heavy reading to last me a lifetime. I...
New year chi party karaichi hoti mag aamhi sarva bahu-bahini ne family sobat lonavala plan kela. Mag lahan ani mothi milun sarva 40 cha varti amhi party start keli. Khup masti ani majha chalali. New year ratri 12 vajta nachun nachun navin varsha cha swagat hi kela. Ratri cha 1:30 vaje parainta khup loka zopli hoti kiva je purush hote te daru piyun tight hote. Tevha majhi baiko aali ani bolali chala long drive maru. Mi ready zalo ani mag je koni jaage ani shudit hote tehi amhala join zale....
It was now early June. Been a couple of weeks since I busted lil bro's cherry---busted him up good too :). He walked around whimpering for about two hours after. I just grinned at him, and popped him on the ass a few times, teasing, and humiliating him. I laid down the law—he put out whenever I wanted, or I would quickly spread it around school that he was a cocksucker, lol. Ya—I was fuckin evil. In just a month, he would be 14, and he was already filling out nicely. I figured he was old...
How many times you had the fantasies about girl you can’t have? Your dirty mind would draw pictures of you two in different places having wild sex. Well, I’ll tell you my story. I am an average guy. Some girls think I’m hot, some are not. I don’t think so, but it’s not the point. One my friend has a roommate. She is hot. I don’t think any guy can say “no” if she would ask for sex. And I remember I gave promise to my friend that I will never think about sex with her. But isn’t taboo thoughts...
The wife is dreaming about more than just her husband’s cock, the husband seems to like her idea and invites a friend of his to take part in a hot threesome!My wife Carmella loves my cock very much and we enjoy much of sex almost every day! She is a brunette with a slim, firm body, her breasts with perky nipples and a lovely shape; she had a nice belly and a long lipped cunt. She always attracted men’s eyes when walking down the streets. We’d been married for 7 years and she was 32 at the time,...
Story start krne se phle m apne bare m btati hu. Mera name mohini(only name change) h. M delhi m rhti hu. Me married hu meri shadi 1 year phle hui thi mere hubby shopkeeper h. Meri height 5’6 h. Meri boobs 36 h and meri waist 28 and ass 36 h.Mera weight 56 kg h. Ek khas bat h meri vo ye h ki meri neck ki lambai 5 inch h jo kafi bdi dikhti h. Ab m apni story pr aati hu. Bat jbki h jb m 19 sal ki thi or college ki first year m admission liya tha dehradun ki college m. M vha ek ldke se mili jo...
I was pretty pleased to have my independence. Andrea could have made my life a series of difficulties had she wished to control by my age. Instead she gave me complete freedom to make of my life – such as the whims of the universe allowed – whatever I could and supplied sufficient funds to go and do whatever came to mind. In a lot of ways Danielle got me back to being me. As she shook herself free from the woman she thought she was, and embraced the woman she was when we joined, we both...
The Sweat Lodge. First VisitI was an electrician by trade running my own business – had two full time electricians and each had an apprentice. I usually got out on the tools most days but there was the inevitable office work which my so overworked wife was supposed to do but never did ( stopped working when the first c***d came along and never returned to paidwork) I suppose the k**s were brought up OK as they both got to Uni – got degrees and had both left Australia for the UK to work. So I...
There were lots more details passed on by the Deacon. In the end I had to admit that Deacon was competent, smart as hell, and blood thirsty. When it ended, I had my own ideas. I did listen and evaluate everything he said to me. Part one of the plan I could not disagree with at all. We were to be flown to the small country whose name I doubt that more than one out of ten Americans had ever heard. It was another grass strip for us when we arrived. Deacon informed me that it was maintained by...
Meagan found herself numbly walking back to her room considering the possibility of letting Peter cum on her again. Would there be any way that her mother would even consider such an idea? Shucking off her robe, Meagan put a pair of panties on, but was having difficulty with her bra. For one thing, her nipples were rock hard after the long posing session, and the pressure of the cups of her bra was making her realize that she was very jealous of Peter having had an orgasm. She would need to...
Hello friends……Nanu santhosh….Nanna 1st part story ge comments madidha yellarigu dhanyavadha galu……My mail id Idhu nanna 2nd post so pls support me with your feedback and comments which helps me to post my other stories……….Yours santhosh Nanna 1st post nalli nanu matthu nethra namma pakadh mane hudugi jothe nedadha kama kathe nimma mundhe ittidene pls ella odhi Previous episode: ha dina nanu mathu nethra sex madbeku antha decide madidve….But adhu yelli vargu hogethu gothirilla….Adre yella...
I’m about to tell you a story that brought me to where I am today. I’m a married cocksucker and bottom, and I share my wife with other men. My desires for cock began as a teenager, but I suppressed them, as homosexuality was not accepted as it is today. I did my best during my military days, and never sucked a cock during my two-year hitch in the army. I spent many sleepless nights in the army, masturbating thinking of all the cocks in my barracks. I would cum in my hand and then eat my own cum...
BisexualThe following is a true story… of my friend fucking my mom.My friend David and I grew up together in the same rural neighborhood. David is two years older than me, but we still would hang out at each other’s houses because there just weren’t that many guys around the neighborhood. David eventually graduated from high school and went off to college across the State.We would still hang out on a regular basis when he was home for the summer and on break. My mom (Lena) liked him because he took...
MILFThe nightclub was packed with people. Bodies were writhing together in time to the beats blasting over the speakers. All the flashing lights made it impossible to tell one face from another. It was like looking out over a sea of androgynous people, and she loved every minute of it. Her friends were down there somewhere, grinding up against the fellow of their choice. It mystified her that they would all probably hook up with someone tonight, and she’d be left alone again, tending all the...
“Gramps, what the hell? How long have you been listening?” Alice asked. Grandpa made a show of thinking for a moment then said, “I got here around the time of Andi asking if it was always that hot. I get the feeling it’s a good thing I didn’t get here any sooner.” Grandpa looked at me then at the fish in his hands. He moved kind of funny when he coughed, and from the look on Alice’s face, she must have noticed the movement too. “So are we going to eat any of those fish tonight or are we...
Hi, my name is Bob and I'm a cum slut. I haven't always been one, but I guess that everyone here can say that. The credo of this organization is that you have to admit that you have a problem and then identify the problem before you have any chance of licking it. Not to be facetious, but licking it is the problem that has brought me to this meeting, to this group, in the hope that you can help me in overcoming this addiction. Like most of the members of this group were at one time or...
Mama - 59 yrs Me - 33 yrs Riko - Japanese slave 20yrs Xanny - Thai Slave - 25 yrs Parisa - Thai slave - 35 yrs "Who is she to you?" "She is my mother, my mistress and my lover. But she is more than that - she is my whore, my slave, my pain-slut, my toilet" "And you to her?" "I am her son, her master and her lover. I am her slave and toilet!" "I love xiao mama because she spends every waking moment trying to discover new perverted ways for us to enjoy each others bodies. When we are not...
Triple Crap. Tonight, I have my hands solely bound and interlaced and knotted to the burly, virile-like, and sinewy rope and cord and hawser that is hitched and pinioned to the ceiling high up there overheard me. An adherent, gummy, icky, and claggy shred and wodge of cellophane tape is placed and settled and propped over my mouth, tethering and lashing and making fast my lips in a manner that I cannot switch and carry and stir about my frame and flesh-and-bones as I feel and desire like....
It was now monday and i went to work like normal, with meagns permission of course. when i walked back into my house i looked up and there was megan in the most amazing outfit i have ever seen. tall pink leather boots up to her knees white leather pants with a pink bra. i was almost floored at first sight of this amazing outfit but tried to talk and couldnt. she said hi my little , and i couldnt even respond she wound up and kicked me right in my already swollen member and i fell to my knees in...
EroticI gave her what she wanted or more accurately, what she needed. I gave her the world. I nourished her with knowledge. I set her loose, once more, in the greatest cities of the world, touring their libraries, their universities, their museums, encouraging her to take painting lessons, music lessons, to seek out astronomers, mathematicians, lawyers, and philosophers, and to learn from them. I taught her my own arts, the art of tracking, of fencing, and of stealth. And always, always, I kept one...
The next few days after the fun I had had with this leather clad granny my head was all over the place of how I should play the next move. Did I go round there? Do I message her? Do I just leave it as I one of night of drunken fun?And because we didn’t have a number for one another that ruled out the ease of her contacting me that way too.But once again luck was on my side. I was driving back from work one evening and it was heavy rain when I noticed a lady wearing a pair of tan leather, flat...
That earned me another slap beside the head, I could feel my ear burning and turning red. "Damn boy, I told you it's Master Leon." he says, "I know you're in a hurry to suck my nigga dick and show Master Leon what a great cocksucker you are, but I think you need to get more into your role."Role? God, I hope this wasn't being filmed.Leon went over to the dresser and opened the top drawer and pulled out a black and white garment."Put this on, bitch boy, maybe it'll help remind you of your current...
This is a multi part fantasy. Reason I say multiple is cause as of right now I dont know how many parts it will be. I like to be detailed in my stories. This is a simple fantasy involving numerous people having a weekend long trip, hang out and course fuck fest. Now you know the jiff of this lets get to it. My girl (Heather) and myself (Zack) have been planning this trip with 2 other couples to go have some fun at a condo by the lake. For over a month now. It was going to be a swinger resort we...
I enjoyed being home again, but I missed my pussy. Susan and Orlanda were always on my mind. Women I saw I compared them with Susan or Orlanda. I then realized I was more interested in these elderly women than the young ones. Why this affliction I asked myself, before meeting Susan I got turned on by anything in a skirt, now it was the older ones who drew more of my attention. I even looked at my mother as a possible sex partner, but I'm sure my father was satisfying her in that department....
I was pulling away from the hotel when she walked in front of my car and I almost hit her. She was very distraught and was crying. I got out to make sure she was OK and she begged me to take her away from there. I allowed her to get in my car and we just drove away. She called somebody and told them her client was dead. That no she was not positive but she could not get him to respond. She apologized for panicking then told her listener she had just dressed and ran out. ‘Yes, yes. OK. I...
Oh crikey I thought. Yes, masturbating when on the naughty spot has earned me a second spanking. What an idiot. The second spanking will be much worse. 38 years old, I have just been put across my Mum’s lap and given a hard hand spanking, and now, just a few minutes later, I am on the naughty spot again, my nose touching the wall, naked from top to toe, knowing my bottom is going to be thrashed again. My extra 10 minutes facing the wall were awful as I pondered what will happen. I...
SpankingWhen I turned fourty my wife planed a huge party. It wasn't a surprise party because I had to help invite the friends I wanted there. Well in the back of my mind I was thinking I know what she's up to. Ah to Hell with it I invited every one I know...let there be FUN!! My brother came over and helped fix up the joint, we hung lights around the pool and built a Tiki bar in the corner of the yard next to the pool. While I was in the shower getting ready my wife was doing her face and hair at the...
He came in late after watching the game with his buddies at the bar. He was feeling good, feeling a good buzz but he didn’t think he was to drunk. At this hour he knew that his wife would be asleep, as usual. Seemed she was always asleep, or not at home, when ever he wanted to have sex. He quietly moved up the stairs and noticed some light flickering through his babygirl’s partially open bedroom door. He gently pushed it open and found her asleep and that one of her artsy styled lights was on...
Since I started watching porn on my computer I am a masturbating fool. I couldn’t watch porn up to last year when I finally was allowed to have a computer. My mother put restricting software on it, but I figured out the password and was free to use it when she wasn’t around, which was often because she is a d**g rep and on the road a lot . Watching porn as much as I did led to many masturbations. I usually had orgasms twice a day, shooting cum on the floor many times. I couldn’t get enough of...
She entered the hotel, took the evaluator to the third floor. She had been told to go to room 62. This was her “Make or break” moment. She knocked on the door. She knew what this place was but still she had come. The door swung open, and she was met by a tall, handsome man. He looked similar to her husband. A smile flickered across her face. They'd said they knew her type. Still, he was slightly taller and a bit younger. He signalled her to enter. She had been informed of the rules of the...
CheatingDevon was gyrating to the music on the Bourbon Street hotel balcony, cheering at the crowd of inebriated revelers below; a mass of exposed flesh as women bared their tits to all that offered them trinkets of shiny beads. Her husband Mark was squeezed in close beside her, holding her tight and pulling her skimpy top ever so slowly higher on her body to the screams of the crowd below. Her nipples were erect with desire as the men in the crowd looked on with lust craved eyes, waiting for the...
CheatingYou will need to read the earlier parts to understand the relationships in this story, although there are only three characters. The earlier parts seem to have been well received, so I hope that you enjoy this continuation of the story. If you are too lazy to go searching for Parts 1-3 and seem determined to read on straight away, I can tell you that 30 year old Martin was shattered by the death of his beloved – but nymphomaniac – wife in a car accident. He mopes around day by day, not going to...
We have a new pornstar today on and her name is Bobbi Dylan. This young filthy slut is going to her new neighbor house to introduce her self. Miss Jessica Jaymes loves young whores and after a little introduction Bobbi sees that Jessica is doing a camshow. Jessica polite pushes Miss Dylan in a hot steamy lesbian action scene . Bobbi is never been with a woman before and Jessica , kinda has to teach her whats up. They eat each others wet pussy and finger blasting those sexy holes...
xmoviesforyouA couple of weeks ago, Marcelo’s wife let him know she was taking off to London for a bit of relaxation at a spa and she did not want him to come with her. He understood. She needed alone time. Well the poor sap is shaken to the core when she returns home with a football hooligan that she apparently had been shagging all over London as they ran up his credit card. To top matters off she brings him back to stay with them and has the musclebound bully fuck the hell out of her in front of...
xmoviesforyouThe Escort Jose Pena had spent almost a year working in a male strip club. Shortly after his 19th birthday, he, after a teacher he was sleeping with suggested it, decided to try his hand at stripping. He found a male strip club for women and quickly got a job there. Almost instantly he became the most popular dancer there. It helped that the young Mexican-American was considered to be incredibly beautiful by most women. His brown skinned body was well muscled, but he was also lanky and with a...
Sally was not alone in conditioning Hugh, if that's what I should call it. Jenny and Jane always spoke to him if, they encountered him during the day. It was merely "Good morning, Hugh," or "Good afternoon, blacksmith," or some such thing. It all made him feel good, as if he truly were coming into his manhood. But it was always Sally who brought him a dipper of water, or some treat from the kitchen, as he labored his assigned tasks. Then one day, as he installed the finished lock plate...
A few other ads did catch my eye. Rather than the ads of escorts taking risque selfies to show off their charms, or the massage parlors with their garish ads of stock model photos implying worlds of carnal pleasure, these were shorter ads simply announcing a city or town with a cryptic series of characters and a cell number. Some of them I recognized -- BBBJ, FS, CIM, CIP -- so I figured they were euphemistic abbreviations for sex services offered. I fingered my phone for a moment,...