Last Stop Bubbles: A Lost Blondie-Verse Tale, Part Two free porn video

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I. Vicious State of Mind

“Caution, approaching platform.”

The announcement drowns out the clipped whispers, but the furtive eyeballing remains. Some knew me immediately. The celebrity-like recognition flashed like fat paparazzi Nikons as they traced the familiar tattoo slopping down my cheek, burning into the path of another that peaks just above the collar of a grimy Seattle Sounders T.

Most don’t. You got the ones boycotting the news. Media war on truth, yea? Can’t trust shit. The conspiracy theorists, ya know? All tinted shades and darting eyes. Illuminati everywhere, man.

High school kids too young to know my face or past. Too absorbed what actor is currently fuckin’ the latest big thing in the music biz. Who the fuck is Taylor Swift? Sounds like all kinds of jailbait.

And then there’s my favorite group, the ones mirroring me. The ones too strung out on their own vices, too worried about bills, child support, and late night gunfire. Pip-pop drive-byes, ya know? Too big a bucket’a personal hells to care about the story of another black struggling right along side them in the Twomps.

Shit if whispered gossip ain’t the addict’s heated spoon of heroin though. You know it’s a bad idea as it shimmers and melts… shit do ya fucking know it. But the intoxicating need to have it flowing through your veins overrides rational thought and self-preservation. One taste and… haze… it feels good to drown your own pain by tasting other’s, especially if it’s good product. Good gossip. Real black and white Romeo and Juliet shit. High society and gutter trash. So pure you wouldn’t even know you were ODing until it was too late.

And yet, the kid in me notes the curious fear mixing with their gossiping greed. As a kid in the dubs, I grew up with the pip-pip-pop-pop symphony of gunfire. They grew up with clean spoons in mouths and no cans of spam. Bastards didn’t know shit about fear.

They probably think of me as just another one of those mindless gangbangers you always hear about on the 4 o’clock news. The fat, small station moneymaker: crime and death, brother, crime and death. Another scary black man let loose on their streets… again. They ain’t exactly wrong, but they sure as hell ain’t exactly right either. They don’t know me. They got no right to measure me. And yet, I can’t really blame them for their twisty predilections.

Self-doubt. Self-recrimination. Hate. And a crumpled dollar’s worth of short-changed self-pity. I’ve gone through the 12-steps of bullshit too many times to count. It’s all one big circle-jerk in plastic chairs with a plate of cookies and a dozen years of sob stories. If you’re real lucky, a few scripture verses too. What do they say though? Guilt festers and consumes when you think you deserve it.

At the same time though, when you got blood like mine… when that blood has painted back-alleys into ruby-red murals because you were just another punk-ass kid with the world to fight, there’s always that scrap of pride that can’t be beaten outta you completely.

So, about half a dozen stops ago, I abandoned my sketchbook and inks and charcoal pencils and stared right back, fingers tapping out a hip-hop beat on the handrail. That only got’em riled up, the whispers traveling through the cramped metal tube like paint in water. Not a single bit of clear liquid is spared the dirty truth of who and what I am. What I’ve done. It moves right on down the line.

A group of teens, not much younger than me when everything tumbled off axis, stare the hardest. The longest. But unlike the rest, their mouths don’t move at all. They don’t need them to, which both fascinates and disturbs me cuz it’s another reminder that the world doesn’t stop moving even when you do. It keeps on advancing, sometimes for the worst.

Their fingers, replacing the cupped hand whispering of childhood I remembered, tip-tap across shiny sleek screens, futuristic phones buzzing like angry hornets with a flurry of messages. I can almost picture little thought bubbles sprouting above their heads with tiny people in them, trading words in a language I’m cut off from.

It’s a good idea for a thematic painting so I tuck that stray idea away for later when insomnia rears its ugly head and the screams beat bongo drums against my ribs.

And yet, one of the teens is oblivious to the finger tapping communication. She’s a dark haired girl with pouty lips and bright slanted eyes. Asian maybe. Don’t know which flavor. The kind that draws eyes though.

There’s a sort of morbid curiosity in her slate grays, a dark magnetic pull that has me wishing I could bleed through the seat beneath me to the tracks below. I’ve seen that look before. Taken advantage of it. Been taken advantage by. Won’t succumb to either again.

And yet, another voice, real basic and instinctual, and fringed with the danger dad’s warn daughters about, has different ideas and seedy carnal cravings. They’re the sort prison tries to beat out of you, make you forget, make you hate. And, perhaps worst of all, designed to make a black man fear.

That voice scribbles out scenes in garish graffiti and it plays out with frightening simplicity at first: stick figures coming together as the pages they inhabit flip by at film reel speed. Soon enough they’re tearing away from the paper, jumping into a stylized, three-dimensional world of M.C. Escher’s Relativity. Their smiles, our smiles, twist, and bodies warp. We’re rutting upside down, pressing against ceilings and walls at impossible angles, the laws of gravity and reason funneled into incomprehension and dizzying madness. A bad coke trip.

I blink and it all warps, a black and white silent film, fluttering frame by horrifyingly slow frame.

She’s bent over on tiled floor, round ass pointed to the sky. Fat pearled drops of semen drip from her flared pink pussy. And just before a giant invisible eraser wipes the scene away, her slim neck cranes around, and frosted blue lips grin ear to ear.

I can’t breathe. Everything’s cold. I run my hands up my arms, looking for the raised little bumps from a needle, breathe out raspy relief when I don’t find any. The girl’s smile still remains though, taunting. I grimace and squeeze my eyes shut.

I'm crazy.

Five years. Can you really lose that much of yourself?


I know all about both prison experiments and prison realities. My boy Zimbardo showed what happens even to those claiming to be good people. And there aren’t many of those to begin with. Real ones I mean.

It doesn’t take much though. For damn sure. What? You surprised? Thought I wouldn’t know him? Oh, I know his work, have experienced it firsthand. Prison creates roles to be filled, man. And you change yourself to fit into them. And it’s real fluid-like that change. Like diving into water.

The train jolts slightly as it pulls into the platform and I’m… back… eyes opening slowly. The whispers have picked up again, louder, more frenetic.

I realize three things in that moment. Each more fucked than the last.

One. My eyes are burning a hole through the mouth of that pale, dark haired girl.

Two, there’s an uncomfortable, pulsing erection in my jeans.

Three. The atmosphere inside the compartment has shifted. I look around. And in everyone’s eyes lies accusation. Disbelief. Contempt. Fear. Disgust. Rage. They’re the same emotions I saw on the daily growing up in Ghosttown, only magnified by a thousand. Cuz, being honest, people round here always seem to know when you’re from the dirty thirties. And they judge you for it.

Except her. She doesn’t even bat an eye. Doesn’t whisper. Doesn’t smile either. Her eyes are trained on the bulge I’m trying to hide beneath a sling-bag. Those slate grays of hers make my skin crawl. Reminds me of a prison therapist. There was a dichotomous split to that freckled broad: the dead eyes of someone who’s seen too much evil in the world, was scared by it all, and yet… had a certain kind of twisted, starry-eyed lust fueled by the very criminals perpetrating that frightening evil, by dangerous men locked behind bars, a cold decadent zoo designed to fulfill fucking fantasies. Fantasies many of my fellow inmates were more than willing to help provide under the guise of research for a book on prison psychology.

I’m unashamed in saying I volunteered more than once. Tasted her sweet hellish mouth in cramped closets. Put dick to ass. Gave her all she wanted and more. Until fear and intoxication merged and she changed into something I sometimes regret helping along. Little white girl psychologist had no idea. Had her mind fucked to pieces with no puzzle master to put it all back together. But when you’re desperate, and the only other way to numb the world out is drugs, you made the hard decisions. And I wasn’t going down that trap again.

So here I am, inner voice humming at those memories as this small, not so innocent girl glides slim tan fingers up slim tan thighs, higher and higher until they drift under baby blue skirt. The tip of her red tongue pokes out as her fingers manipulate the junction between her smooth thighs, working quickly to beat the next PA blast.

“Stand clear, doors opening.”

The suction seal breaks with a hissed sigh of relief and bodies flow from the metal tube and out onto the platform. I expect jostling. Impatience. A maddened collective need to push through the crowd and escape the close-knit confines of steel and aluminum and a monster they cannot stand, nor understand. But there isn’t. Just movement. Serpentine. Cold. Just warm bodies hiding cold blood moving from one place to the next before clocks tick and the cycle begins again. I’m merely the un-caged, potentially violent entertainment to get them from point A to point B without falling asleep. I imagine they’ll send messages from their strange phones. Tell a friend what they saw on the ride home. Sympathies and horrors exchanged. And move on.


Easy as eating granny’s warm apple pie.

The bizarre nature of the moment brings forth a rage I thought buried for good, a part of me that prefers cold stone, colder iron and a pallet thinner than a deck of cards. When the company of fellow convicts feels more sociable, more natural, and less like rats scuttling mindlessly for their one bit of happiness, their one bite of cheesy goodness before death, you almost want to go back.

But then, in a six-by-eight cell neighboring another six-by-eight cell, fifteen per wall, forty-five per floor, you share something in common with those around you. You don’t trust them. You hate each other. Would kill each other to survive if you had to. But they’re like you, in certain ways, and that’s something you can trust. Can connect to. Even with a shiv in the back. You’d at least understand, in some perverse way.

The platform empties just as quickly as it filled, bodies piling in so the process can begin again at the next platform: stranger for stranger, destination for destination, until the crackling PA system crackles out that the next stop is the last stop, the end of the line.

That frightened me as a kid growing up, ya know? The last stop I mean. The kind of scared that’s wholly irrational. Makes no sense. Ain’t no rhyme or reason for it. Just is. Except there probably is both rhyme and reason and I’m not at all inclined to accept them quite yet.

The train jerks and begins its slow crawl away from the platform. I look up from my empty sketchpad to catch sight of a figure running frantically towards us, arms wind milling. But there’s no stopping now. No one cares. It’s Oaktown, man. Always gotta see to yourself first.

Even so, I capture this desperate figure with charcoal nibs on the page in my lap. Give life to a face I can’t see from this distance.

Wild pink hair.

Sleek ruddy cheeks.

Bright eyes with laughter lines.

I continue on and for reasons I wish I can’t explain, I also bring a subtle sadness into the face. Pain hidden behind below porcelain surface.

Yet, I give the face a smile. So wide it hurts. Fucking megawatt intensity. Hot enough to scorch away all the two-faced expressions and bullshit people wear throughout the day.

I stop.

Look down.

Grimace tightly.

I’ve drawn… the past, or rather, a reminiscent imagining of it, with slight changes here and there. It’s not pleasant one. I tuck the pad into my beat-up sling-bag and pull out a block of post-it notes.

“Caution. Approaching platform.”

The train creeps to a stop. Bodies pile off. Bodies pile on.

When I’m finished, I flip through the block of post-its.

Masked stick figures dance to silent beats

Over moonlit sheets,

Oblivious to the world,

To each other.

Until they press together,

Morph into one,

Bouncing over beds,

Bouncing against walls,

Down empty boulevards…

Bouncing, bouncing, bouncing…

Until they separate again

Into two distinct forms,

Silent again. Considering each other

The way I guess the Martian and the man

Might… What the shit is that?

Who are you?

What are you?

Alien dreams in

Convoluted space.

II. Bubble Gum

“Caution, approaching platform.”

The aluminum can is a boiling furnace. Sweat beads on foreheads. Heads droop. Eyes flutter. The broken A/C system spits and clunks along, adding only lukewarm air to the suffocating Oakland heat pushing through the windows.

It’s ninety-five degrees outside and hotter than hell in the tube. But it’s a hell I welcome. Two weeks released and this is the first time I don’t have to worry about the stares and the whispers.

I struggle to finish a warm-up sketch, twisting a charcoal nib in sloping waves, blending with the pad of my thumb. It’s rough. Normally crisp lines are sloppy.

“Stand clear, doors opening.”

Muted sighs of relief filter around as bodies struggle up and out into the blistering afternoon sun.

I’ve drawn her again. Well, not her exactly I guess. It’s more symbol attached to an early memory. A hummingbird, wings blurred, hovering over snapdragons.

Under the oppressive heat of the sun, I struggle to relive a particular memory. It was winter I think and we were tangled beneath a quilt next to a space heater, her slick pussy radiating warmth against my leg. I remember how she used to complain about being cold all the time. Even when Oakland was a veritable sauna compared to the cold tundra she was born in. She liked to say it was the Russian blood in her, punishing her family through her for leaving the Motherland. Would mutter a few obscenities in her native tongue and raise a middle finger up to the sky.

She’d been humming that night, as she often did, while I traced that hummingbird ink at the crease of her thigh, content to watch the wings flutter each time she moved.

Then she’d stopped suddenly, lotion soft hand skimming over my groin. Little secrets and dreams spilled from her lips like fruity ambrosia. Dark secrets. Vivid dreams. Kaleidoscopic. I thought it was the shrooms talking, but it was all her. Always her. Her mind was beautifully eccentric and too fucking good for this goddamn planet. And it had my fingers itching, desperate to draw that pensive look of peace on her face. She was…

A loud pop shatters the daydream and I fight like hell to keep it going as it puffs away to black smoke.

“Whatcha drawing?” a breathy voice asks.

I look up and you’re hunched over like Auguste Rodin’s, The Thinker, green eyes working me over with surveillance-like intensity, a predator drone skimming Middle East desert for targets.

Your eyes widen when they find the tattoos.

“Damn. So… you’re him? Mhm. You don’t look like a killer to me. Tabloids sure did a number on your face. You’re actually kinda cute.”

You blow another bubble from a large wad of what’s gotta double-bubble. It’s a perfect match for the sleek strands of cotton candy like carnival hair tucked beneath a backwards As cap.

“Penny for thoughts? The dirtier the better.”

You lean forward, rolling the gum round your tongue, slender jaw rocking back and forth over your fist like a rowboat down a stream.

You repeat the question and I go slack-jawed.

For a split second, you’re someone else entirely, and it’s Tupac risen from the grave, spinning poetic beats from the other side about the truth and nature of death and life. Mystical relativity. Real Einstein shit, ZeeZee would say, as if he’d ever cracked a physics book in his life.

It’s only for that one split second though, because, beneath the electric pink hair, glossy lipstick, and thin tank top, I know you.

Well, everyone in C-Block knew you. You’d sucked off half my cellblock if you trusted the words of petty dealers, tweaked out users, and the rotating detention of the Angels of Hell.

Best vanilla ass in Oaktown. Ain’t another dirty white girl quite like her in the Dubs. Fucks like a coked-up little Aphrodite trapped in a skinny little tomboy body, desperate for some thick black snake, man. Mouth as filthy as that pussy is tight. Fuckin’ bleeds the cum from your dick like one of them vampire classics. Twilight? The fuck is this Twilight shit, ese? I’m talkin’ classic Dracula. Some Bram Stoker shit on acid. Honest to god truth. Magic pussy. I’d do five more years just to pump another load in her. Better than shooting up with Slim’s sweet coke.

From my experience, however shaky the addicts were with truth often times, they almost always had a way with words.

So yea, I knew all the stories. Even have one of my own, though I wish I didn’t. Día de Muertos: a day of the dead that still drips with its black comedic irony.

It’d been her idea to go. Said her daddy would kill her if his little princess mixed with people like me. Not only a dirt-poor artist who tagged buildings in his free time, but darker than his Lexus. Told me the fear of a backhanded slap, a private boarding school, and the loss of her credit cards just got her horny. Made her wanna get blazed and naked and maybe even pregnant. Hit every single layer of stomach churning depravity to bend daddy’s mind.

I hated the man. Had one of his billboards across the street, face staring down at us, taunting as his lawyers tried to get folks evicted so he could bulldoze the few blocks left to us for uppity bastards driving sleek sports cars.

So of course I agreed, with a grunt and a swivel of hips, pumping daddy’s princess and the fucked up love of my life full up with black baby batter.

And somehow, by pure chance, she stumbled upon you after we got separated in a pulsating sea of lurid costumes and rhythmic dance… the Dubs’ favorite bottle rocket blonde.

When I’d finally found her, in a feverish daze on the streets, she smelled of sex and fruity cocktails, damp silver panties clenched tight in her fist.

We’d fucked like animals back at my place, heated confessions burning from her lips like wildfire. Tales of you writhing in a coffin, spunk painted over pale nipples, making them shine like rare silver dimes. Her pink tongue fluttering over your puckered star like butterfly wings, fingers scissoring inside your messy snatch, teasing out all the creamy arousal. And a triangular daisy chain of lust with a raven-winged beauty as cock after cock glazed your supple bodies like fresh pastries.

You made her want to feel more I think. To fly higher, transcend further. She wanted to join me in the Technicolor void I dive into during my drug-fueled hazes of creativity, splashing paint on canvas, creating images that pry open minds. She said she wanted to catch all the stars in her mouth, swallow them whole till she choked on light. So I took her there and the world around us bent.

I woke up to her cold body half on me, semen crusted between her legs, the pale rubber tubing still wrapped around her arm, a smile still on her lips. True, macabre horror I’ll never forget. Don’t deserve to.

And you…

You remind me too much of her.

You’re not her.

You’re not. Of course you’re not.

No one ever could.

And yet, you’re painfully familiar in all the ways that had ever mattered to a piece of shit, would be, murderous ‘artist’ like me.

Same mouth. Same nose. Same eyes, only, more blue than green. And that same look of feline curiosity as you measure me up for all I’m worth.

“Caution, approaching platform.”

It’s all too much. I feel dizzy. My stomach churns and I fight back the sour taste of acidic bile.

I spring to my feet as the train comes to a rest, bowling over your small frame that had been hunched over me, dropping my sketchbook at your feet.

“Stand clear, doors opening.”

“What the fuck, asshole?” you hiss from the dirty floor.

I look down at you. Wish I could rip my beating heart out and throw it in your face. Watch you eat it, teeth ripping it to bloody pulp. I didn’t survive prison for this.

“That’s what’s fucking up. You want it painted too?” I mutter hoarsely to myself as much as to you… to her.

“Wait… what?” you stutter, eyebrows furrowing confusion. “Hey, where’s my apology!”

I don’t hear you. Don’t care. I need air, space. I can’t breathe.

The doors finally hiss open and I stumble out, not caring I’ve left my sling-bag on the seat, my sketchbook at your feet.

III. Verisimilitude

“Caution, doors opening.”

They pour out like a hoard of multicolored ants from their rainbow hill: women in tight little spandex shorts and sports-bras chit-chatting at breakneck speed. Think 90s exercise videos. They’ve got the wild hair thing going, the white Adidas, and the striped socks. Fucking white people. And yea, I’m something of an expert. The guards always got a kick showing those videos on projectors to the inmates during rare movie nights. Liked to say that the hip thrusting workouts would be the closest we’d ever get to sex with a woman again so we’d better enjoy. Then they’d mime some gyrations. Thought it funny I guess. Like I said. Fucking white people. Had no idea we were getting some pussy from the prison’s psychotic psychologist.

One of the group, a redhead with an ass that’d make the women of Spanish Harlem jealous, gives me a fiery look of appraisal when my eyes linger too long. I return it and she shrinks back into her loquacious little group of giggling plastic ants. I turn around as I board and she’s got this extra rock to her ass. Tick tock. Tick tock. When she mounts the stairs, there’s a ghost of a smile on her raspberry lips. She turns, captures my eye, and winks. Takes me back. We called freckled little white girls like that Firecrackers growing up. Lose a hand if you weren’t careful. Take you to heaven in a blast of neon red light if you were lucky.

Granny Teague would disagree. ‘Just another typical little white bitch. Pale-skinned devils the lot of em. Flash you some uppity sass… shake her tiny white tail. Chain you down and steal your beautiful black soul. It’s what they all do. Don’t you ever let me catch you flirtin’ with them, Jalen-baby. I’ll whoop your brown ass.’

Let’s just say Granny Teague often wore herself out with all the whoopin’ soon as Wednesday hit.

I settle into my seat in a blessedly empty compartment as the train embarks and pull out a fresh sketchbook from a beat-up backpack. Your charcoal face fills the first few pages. I couldn’t stop my hand drawing you, a large pink gum bubble between pursed lips.

It's been three weeks since I saw you that first time. Could do with an eternity more, but enough was enough. I had to risk it. I couldn’t take riding the long, looping bus rides anymore. Too many stops near too many old haunts with too many temptations to restart old habits. If prison did one thing right, it got me clean. Damned if I sink low again. Granny Teague may be dead, but her spirit still lives on in Aunt Jewel. That woman may still hold some measure of love for me, but continued disappointments would be a biblical blight on my soul in her eyes, even if it was already stolen a devil with blonde hair.

“Caution, approaching platform.”

I mouth the PA system’s announcements in mock salute as I try drawing something different for a change. Something old. Something new. A superhero. The sort of hero a kid idolizes growing in the ghetto before getting reeled in by the mystique of villains, drugs, and all the pussy he can handle.

“Stand clear, doors opening.”

The sketch comes to life. I pull out an outlining pen. Add flair. Depth. A symbol. No cape. Always thought them ridiculous. Fuck. I feel young again, but it’s a nice place to retreat sometimes when you need it… a decent place. When everything isn’t so loud and awful.

“Whatcha drawing this time, big guy?”

Heart punches ribs with quick, hard-hitting jabs: one, two, one, two. Thump. Thump. Thump. I’m on the ropes against Mike Tyson, battling specters of the past I thought I’d already knocked out.


Pride and decorum fly out the window and I bolt up for the door. But the door’s already sealed shut, the train already moving.

I turn around and you’re in my seat, blowing pink bubbles of gum that match that equally pink hair. Flipping through my abandoned sketchbook, eyes widening after each page. And… my heart slows. A ray of sunshine makes your cheeks glow and your pink lips shine. You… don’t look anything like her from this angle. And as I take in your entire profile, I realize you really aren’t her at all. You’re thoroughly bohemian, like you’ve just stepped from Coachella and are still feeling the music vibrations humming in your body.

Despite all her rebellious living, flipping off her family and the world whenever we got together, she loved her designer labels and her ‘fuck me’ heels. She really did belong up there in the stars I guess. And you… organic, but no less enthralling, seem to belong here. Tethered to the ground. I think. I don’t know. My mind’s a fractured mess and I still want off this train.

“You’re hovering, dude. It’s kinda creepy.” You push a large pair of aviators back up your small nose and look up at me, then back down at my sketchbook. “You always draw strangers like this, or just tiny young white girls so you have a pretty face to tug one out to later?”

The bitter monster inside me rages. “The fuck would white girl like you know about art?”

You snort and roll your eyes hard, not at all impressed with my mouth. And neither am I if we’re being honest.

I sit down opposite you and take a few deep breaths. Granny Teague used to say anger was the devil’s work. Gave him energy as sure as the sun gave energy to her flower garden. And holding onto it made sure he’d stick around like the most stubborn of weeds, making even the prettiest collection ugly. I never cared for her bible philosophizing when she was alive. But she about had the sum of it when it came to anger. But knowing doesn’t make it any easier to control when you’ve drowned yourself in it for years.

“Hey,” you venture again.


“These aren’t like your old ones.”

You bring out the sketchbook I’d left behind weeks ago from a Minnie Mouse bag. The familiar, worn leather cover is curled and cracked at the edges.

I grit my grit, hands clenching into fists until the knuckles turn white.

You’re unperturbed. “Hey, you’re the one who knocked me over and left it behind. Fucking hurt.”

“Don’t give a shit.”

You gesture to the newer sketchbook in your lap. “I can see that in your sketches.”

“You can’t see shit, white girl.”

You blow a few bubbles in response and I try to master the rage building up.

‘It’d be so easy,’ the monster inside me purrs. ‘Just like prison. You don’t even gotta know. Just black yourself out. Slutty little ass like hers won’t be missed. I’ll clean it all up. Real nice like. Real nice like.’

I shiver. It’s suddenly cold despite the Oakland heat warming our swaying cigar tin as it moves through the city and its boroughs. The scars all over my body come to life. Throb with a pain that actually feels good, which scares me a bit.

“Who is she?” Your voice cuts through, strong and clear.

The murderous voice and the delightful pain vanish.

You wear her narrow-eyed look of intense curiosity like a second skin. I hate the reminders.

I drop my head back against the window and stare up.

“You can read can’t you? You know exactly who she is… was. The LA Times did a nice little front-page piece on it. Crime of the decade n’shit. A real Greek Tragedy in the Twomps. Lily-white Princess of Oakland ODs. Power Family In Turmoil! May have been pregnant with child of hack street artist turned drug dealing gangbanger.” I parrot the headlines with rapid-fire intensity, one after another.

“Caution, approaching platform.”

I laugh darkly. “You know the tabloids liked to say I ran a train of my crack head buddies on her. Took some real lurid photos to send her rich daddy. Said she…”

Those stories weren’t the worst of it. I never really cared what monster I was painted as. I didn’t deserve much sympathy. I was a monster. Damn right. Maybe I was just a weak-willed, self-destructive one. But a monster’s a monster. Her? What they wrote about her. That was the tragedy.

The scent of strawberry watermelon shampoo slaps me. You’re standing right there in front of me and for a second it’s her, mirrored lenses reflecting a poor excuse of a human.

“Maybe I’m a bitch from the hood who doesn’t understand. Maybe you’re wrong. Maybe you’re just a mean spirited asshole.”

You blow a large pink bubble till it pops loudly, pink elastic strands clinging to your lips. You peel them off slowly with a slender tongue.

“I know monsters. Anyone ever lived in the Twomps knows monsters.”

“Stand clear, doors opening.”

You drop the sketchbooks in the seat next to mine and soften your voice.

“I knew her,” you shrug, “I think. Maybe. Thought I recognized her on the news when…. Her mouth… a humming bird tattoo just here.” You point at your hip just at the bikini-line where neon green lace peeks out over a small intricate inking of a raven. “It was all a blur that night. Day of the Dead, ya know? Or night, I guess. You lose yourself. Good place to forget things.” You shrug again, hopeless.

“Why did she?” I rattle out.

You shrug, look off to nowhere in particular, eyes glazing over. “Who knows? Girls like her, like me… sometimes there’s just no explaining.”

I close my eyes, not really wanting to hear much more. Past is past, Granny Teague would say. Ain’t no use trying to keep relivin’ it. Devil wants you stuck there cryin’. Hatin’ everything. Stunted.

“They cleaned your place out when the story hit. Fought over every last scrap. Sold a lot off for a quick buck. Anything the cops left behind. Assholes trying to fund their own drug habits. Ironic, huh?”

“Ironic,” I echo, voice hollow.

You shrug. “Anyway. If you ever get done hatin’ yourself, maybe you’ll take a look.” You point to the sketchbooks. “And maybe you won’t. But if you want my gutter trash opinion, the real monsters can’t do drawings like that.”

The door light dings and you step off before the doors seal shut. You turn around as the train pulls away and give me the finger, pink hair fluttering in a bit of wind.



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Last Stop Bubbles A Lost BlondieVerse Tale Part One

I. Prison Blues and Familiar FacesBuzzed in and buzzed out,Cameras tracking shadow withGlass eye and red blinking lightOne last fuck-up, one lapse in judgmentTo send black ass backunder boot of man.No luck, no attempt,Just shuffling feet.Trading orange jumpers for denim and whites,A pair of Jordan’s no memory of owning,There’s a pocket worth of change and a broken watch,That skips back and forthTick, tock, four and sixFive years skipped, faded to nothingBehind concrete and ironHolding court...

2 years ago
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Last Stop Bubbles A Lost BlondieVerse Tale Part Four

I. Retrograde One of our old haunts, a repurposed manufacturing plant, still hums with life on breezy Saturday nights. Used to come here every weekend. Her great escape, a middle finger to her name. Detach from reality and just… exist. Breathe, ya’know? Be straight average for a change. Slip into the other side.She never said it, but I could tell she hated that bitter chaos circling in her head. That suffocating truth of lucky sperm finding lucky egg to create life. Slide out naked and...

Group Sex
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Blondie part 2

Introduction: this is part 2 which i wrote to follow up and continue the part 1 story. of course i did add some to part one while i proof read it. still i hope you will enjoy them . Blondie part 2 by me It has been a couple of years since Blondie and her son started having sex with each other. During that time they have experimented with just about everything they could think of. Also during this time, Dagwood had run off with one of his secretaries. Blondie got a divorce and her and her...

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Blondie part 2

It has been a couple of years since Blondie and her son started having sex with each other. During that time they have experimented with just about everything they could think of. Also during this time, Dagwood had run off with one of his secretaries. Blondie got a divorce and her and her children lived by themselves in the house. Which left a lot of freedom for them to play. Alexander and his cock were well used by his mother. Trudy caught them one time and from then on...

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Blondie part 1

A Day With Alexander It was a few years before and peaceful summer day and all was quiet at the Bumstead residence. Dagwood was out of town on a weekend business trip and Trudy was at a friend's house for the weekend as well. That left just Blondie and her fourteen year old son, Alexander in the house. Blondie awoke early, seven being her usual time. She stretched slowly, working out the kinks of last night's sleep from her body. After a good long stretch, she went to...

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Blondie in A Day With Alexander

It was a few years before and peaceful summer day and all was quiet at the Bumstead residence. Dagwood was out of town on a weekend business trip and Trudy was at a friend's house for the weekend as well. That left just Blondie and son, Alexander in the house. Blondie awoke early, seven being her usual time. She stretched slowly, working out the kinks of last night's sleep from her body. After a good long stretch, she went to her dresser drawer and found her workout top and...

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Blondies First Black Dick

My wife and I had been married several years when, looking to ad some spice to our sex life, we began experimenting sexually with other people. Our first experience was with a handsome, Hispanic police officer, whom she seduced in our apartment one night after she’d had enough booze to lose her inhibitions. That night, I discovered how incredibly exciting and stimulating it is to watch my beautiful, blond wife fuck another man. We both enjoyed it so much that we invited Officer Franco back for...

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Blondie Fesser 90 384000

Blondie Fesser was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on Sept 14th, 1988. Not much is known about her youth in Argentina, but she always loved gaining boys' attention. She would dress in revealing clothes and bat her eyes while watching men melt under her stare. It made Blondie feel powerful.Super HornyAs an adult, Blondie moved to London, England. It was there that the industry began calling out to her. If drawing the gaze of two or three guys made her feel powerful, drawing the gaze of millions...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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BlondieDennis The Menace The New Babysitter

Blondie/Dennis The Menace: The New Babysitter (Or When Dennis Meets Blondie)by Sniper32One Friday night Dennis was introduced to his new babysitter, a nice younglady named Blondie Bumsted. She was a 35 years old friend of his mother, shewas a stunning 5'9, slimmed hipped, long legs, a nice ass and a perfect setof 38c breasts.Denise's parents Henry and Alice were going out for dinner and dancing fortheir anniversary and would be gone most of the night.Now as everybody knows Dennis is a handful...

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Blondie and Helen

The AfternoonShe told me to wear my pearl necklace, my pearl bracelets, earrings, a sexy black dress, heels and no underwear. She arose from the waves like a sea goddess that afternoon in a tiny black string bikini and lay on her stomach beside me in the isolated cove as I lay on my stomach sunbathing with my bikini bra unfastened. "You're here alone," she finally whispered. "I've been watching you."We lay together in the hot afternoon sun until she spoke again. "Please put some suntan lotion...

Group Sex
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Blondie and the Angel from Hell

 I woke with a lurch, the sound of gunfire and shattered plaster yanking me from my dream in a panic. It took exactly five seconds to struggle free of the layered covers I’d tangled myself beneath in a pathetic attempt to ward off the hard chill of winter and hit the floor, wedging myself between the box springs on the floor and the wall. It was dark, too dark to see a thing, the heavy blanket hanging in substitute of curtain, keeping the harsh glare of the street light, as well as the prying...

Group Sex
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Blondie and the Dancing Dead

I had my arms wrapped around his corded thighs, my nose buried in his tightly coiled pubes, gazing up him as I sucked his cock. He palmed my head like a basketball with his huge chocolate colored hand, treating me like I was one of his pit bull pups as his breathing quickened. A throaty grunt was all the warning he gave me as several bursts of thick cum filled hit the back of my throat. I swallowed it all down, my eyes never leaving his face, enjoying the slack look that was all he could manage...

Group Sex
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Blondie And The Slaver Girls Of Bondos

Chapter One Chapter One My name is Jane Fisher but everyone calls me Blondie, I am 16 years old and I have just qualified as an undercover agent in the fight against the Slaver Girls from the planet Bondos. I volunteered and was accepted as an agent because of my age and looks. The Slaver Girls have been abducting young, very attractive blond haired girls and no one has figured out yet where the victims are being taken to, or why. This is to be my mission, to infiltrate their base on the...

1 year ago
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Jenny Blondie

Diplomatisches Korps Arbeite doch für einen Diplomaten hatte sie gesagt. Ein leichter Job, repräsentative Aufgaben, viele schöne Auslandsaufenthalte und gute Bezahlung. So einen Mist hatte sie erzählt. Jetzt Stand ich vor diesen Zweimeter hohe Holzwand - Einfache Büroarbeit für einen Botschafter hatte ich mir anders vorgestellt. “Mach schon Blondie. Alle warten auf dich.“Brüllte der Ausbilder. Ich schaute ihn verzweifelt an und versuchte mich an seinen Namen zu erinnern. Dann denke ich mir auch...

2 years ago
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Blondie and the Black Knight

I’d been spending a lot of time in the Twomps, lately. Yeah, eastside Oaktown, where a white girllike me really had no business being. Only, I was cool, ‘cause I knew Twiman, and he made sure everybody knew it. Not that I was one of his girls, and I sure as hell wasn’t one of his gangers. You see, growing up off International, I’d spent more time couch surfing than I had at home. Me and my dad just didn’t get on, more like he didn’t give a shit where his youngest was. You might say the...

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Mr Dithers goes after Blondie

Mr. Dithers watched his hidden camera inside the Bumstead home. He never did like Dagwood, but he kept him around because of his amazing blonde wife. Julius Dithers believed that Dagwood didn't deserve her. He would make it his mission to bed her and breed the young wife. After all, he had no heirs with his fat wife to leave his empire. A young woman would do nicely. That day he sent Dagwood on a overnight conference meeting. He arrived at the Bumstead house an hour after Dagwood left. Blondie,...

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Blondie Does Anal

Sam and I bought our cabin last year for weekends just like this one. It gives us the perfect place to have our friends come by and party with us. This past week was probably the hottest we've had so far. We were all looking forward to hanging out on the beach, and spending our evening enjoying drinks in front of a blazing bonfire. Our friends are going to bring the food and drinks and other 'party favors' to kick off the night. I saw Sam head out when I started, but I wasn't sure what he was...

1 year ago
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Blondie and the Black Knigh

I’d been spending a lot of time in the Twomps, lately. Yeah, eastside Oaktown, where a white girl like me really had no business being. Only, I was cool, ‘cause I knew Twiman, and he made sure everybody knew it. Not that I was one of his girls, and I sure as hell wasn’t one of his gangers. You see, growing up off International, I’d spent more time couch surfing than I had at home. Me and my dad just didn’t get on, more like he didn’t give a shit where his youngest was. You might say the...

Group Sex
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Blondie at the Club

My story begins this past summer when my friend and I took a visit to South Carolina. We spent most of our time in Myrtle Beach, and lodged in the neighboring city of Conway. Besides playing golf, and spending time on the beach, we came to SC so my friend can have his first experience at a strip club. This visit was my 3rd, so I had sophomore skills at these clubs. Anyway, we went on our first night to take a whack at it. My friend danced with a blue haired chick he thought was sexy as well...

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Blondie Loses Her VCard

We've spent the entire night together. We met in the bar, making eye contact from across the room. It's as if our destiny was to meet, to make eye contact at that very moment. We smiled at each other as he made his way over to me. I could feel my heart thumping. I knew tonight was the right night to do this. I made my choice early this morning. I was tired of being a virgin. I thought I was making the right choice in waiting, but it seemed to never happen for me. So, before I could change my...

First Time
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Blondie at the Club

My story begins this past summer when my friend and I took a visit to South Carolina. We spent most of our time in Myrtle Beach, and lodged in the neighboring city of Conway.Besides playing golf, and spending time on the beach, we came to SC so my friend can have his first experience at a strip club. This visit was my 3rd, so I had sophomore skills at these clubs.Anyway, we went on our first night to take a whack at it.My friend danced with a blue haired chick he thought was sexy as well as a...

4 years ago
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Blondie Makes A Choice

She rolls on top of me, kissing me softly, a light giggle in her throat. We're both far too drunk, due to having the shittiest day. The place we work claims they are downsizing, letting go way too many employees to help with costs. Since we are some of the newer people hired, we're being let go. I found her in the ladies room, crying and punching the door to the stall. “It took me months to find this job!” She growled, “I can't start all over again. I hate this economy, it's too hard.” Her...

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Blondie in Wonderland

I felt like Alice might have, finding myself in a kind of wonderland. Growing up in Oakland, Ca, well, a girl had a limited world view. My world was small, centered around 40 th Ave. Sure, I knew there was a much bigger world out there. Hell, I grew up dreaming of it, escaping through the pages of National Geographic to places far and wide. I even had my gramma’s tales, the few times she’d share them, of growing up in Lyon. Yeah, in my head, I’d visited Tuscany, the Amazon, New York, Jamaica,...

Group Sex
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Mother Maudes House of Boys A Salacious Tale in Verse

Some time ago in London town There stood a roomy manse That sheltered boys of Wednesday's woe And straightened circumstance. They were the children of despair Late rescued from the streets, To live in warmth and comfort now And sleep between soft sheets. The mistress of this house of bliss, Whose name was Mother Maude, Before conversion seized her soul Had been a lusty bawd. She knew the evils men can do, She knew the nasty tricks That men resort to when they must Seek pleasure for their...

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Superman Gets Superdick After Reciting Magic Verse

Hi! My name is Arjun. My age is 21, and I am a computer engineering student studying in a reputed college in Mumbai. My native place is a small town in Gujarat. I was shy at first when I came to Mumbai, but I soon made friends. I had many female friends but no relationships. I was still a virgin. My friends were all in relationships. Soon, I was frustrated with all the greenery in Bollywood city. Once, I and my friends (Pooja, Ayush, Rhea, Jay, Anurag, Sonia, Priya, and Sachin) went to Juhu...

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Superman Gets Superdick After Reciting Magic Verse

Hi! My name is Arjun. My age is 21, and I am a computer engineering student studying in a reputed college in Mumbai. My native place is a small town in Gujarat. I was shy at first when I came to Mumbai, but I soon made friends. I had many female friends but no relationships. I was still a virgin. My friends were all in relationships. Soon, I was frustrated with all the greenery in Bollywood city. Once, I and my friends (Pooja, Ayush, Rhea, Jay, Anurag, Sonia, Priya, and Sachin) went to Juhu...

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The Evening Bubbles Club Part 1

All rights for this content belong to Shiraz Derwine. Please leave a review if you liked this story. All reviews are important to me and motivate me to write more. ------------------- The Evening Bubbles Club - Part 1 ------------------- My name is Tony, and this story is about the only interesting part of my life. About three years ago, I moved from Atlanta to Los Angeles when I found a job as an E-Commerce developer for a company in the Valley. I was 25 years old and I had...

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Blondies Christmas Tale

The lullaby of 24th street haunted my steps. A far off siren heralding yet another robbery gone bad. Laughter fueled by too much liquor and swearing fed by frustration. Voices raised in anger, seething with barely contained violence. The sound of a bottle shattering into a billion pieces on the side walk across the street. Hip hop or RnB exploding from a bar every time the door opened. And always, the frightened pitter patter of my heart every time I heard footsteps behind me. Eastside, baby....

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Universe of Bubbles

Sooo.. Okay this is my first ever short story that I have ever "put out there". It's a story that I jotted down over a few days, inspired after years of secretly reading Fictionmania. Please forgive me if its scattered or hard to read. I tried to make everything make as much sense as a bimbo Tgirl story can. It was written more for fun and just to prove to myself that I could do it. I've taken inspiration from many of my favorite authors. So ladies please don't be mad >.

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Sanuras Tale Part 2 A MORFS Universe Story

MORFS: Sanura's Tale, Part 2 By Britney McMaster Chapter 7: Discoveries My head was throbbing as I regained consciousness. As I looked around at the rubble surrounding me, everything that had happened came rushing back to me in a torrent of confusing memories. *What the hell happened?* Looking around, I surveyed the damage. I seemed to be in the center of the damage. Lying in front of me was the splintered remains of our table. *Where is everyone?* I started frantically looking...

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Totally Chesty Tales ndash Tale 03

Totally Chesty Tales – Tale 03 – Strolling Around(Featuring Linda, Robert Cortese and Ruth)TAGS: M/F/F, oral, 69, anal, facialDISCLAIMERI do not own any of the characters on this story; save if they are original characters (OC). These characters belong to their creators, producers, broadcasters, publishers and distributors, as the works they come from or inspired in way the story written below.I do not have any financial gain through this written piece nor do I intend to cash on it. This...

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Blondie Gets A Treat

“Okay ladies, lift those legs. I want to see them nice and high. Higher ladies. Don't disappoint me!” The extremely fit, too ripped, fake tan girl on the TV is pushing us normal people to death, to look fit. I can feel the burn in my arms and legs, as I hold the small weights and do my squats. My hour work out is nearly done, it isn't coming fast enough. I wasn't in the mood to even work out today, but I'm not disappointed that I did. “Let's go ladies! Just a few more. You can do it. One! Two!...

Oral Sex
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Blondie Alex And Moms Home Invasion

Blondie: Alex And Mom's Home Invasion (MM/F,ncon,inter,inc)by WilcoxI woke up just before dawn. I didn't know what time it was exactly, but therewas a little light coming through the curtains. I'd heard my dad's car startand drive away. It was Saturday, and I remembered that he and my sisterCookie were heading off to a charity father/daughter golf tournement. Dad wasone of the guy's running it. He had collected all the money and had to bethere early to make sure that everything was all set. It...

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Bloody and Blondie Traitorous Pride

Bloody and Blondie - Traitorous Pride Chapter 1 - Red Forrest The woods, I love the woods, the sounds, the mystery. I'm confident; I'm prepared for anything that shows up in front of me. I'm alone, walking to nowhere, searching for adventure, for challenge, and for some gold too. I spent all my gold with drinks and girls in the last city I visited. So now I have just my clothes (gray pants, gray shirt, leather boots and a black cloak with a cap), my leather bag with some...

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Bloody and Blondie The Quest Starts

Bloody and Blondie - The Quest Starts Chapter 11 - Adjustments What a great day!! I'm riding a horse like a lady, holding on the body that used to be mine, with two things shaking a lot in my chest. I can't stand it. Taliaron is distant, now without that Flishter bastard around, I can make this trip less horrible. "Hey Sila, stop the horse!" I scream to my old self. She stops and we dismount. My old eyes are very red, she must be crying all the way. "Princess, sorry, but I...

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Married Blondie satisfied by Horny Indian

By Sid Dey Nora my hot neighbor stepped out of her car in the parking lot of our luxury condo community in North Brunswick, NJ. I was picking up my mail from the mailbox near the parking lot. This happened so recently that its still fresh in my memory. First I saw her car door swing open, then her legs came out…they were so clean and silky…she was wearing a short black skirt and a blue top with a thin gold necklace and had her hair tied in a bun and black high heeled shoes. Now Nora is the...

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Married Blondie satisfied by Horny Indian

Nora my hot neighbor stepped out of her car in the parking lot of our luxury condo community in North Brunswick, NJ. I was picking up my mail from the mailbox near the parking lot. This happened so recently that its still fresh in my memory. First I saw her car door swing open, then her legs came out…they were so clean and silky…she was wearing a short black skirt and a blue top with a thin gold necklace and had her hair tied in a bun and black high heeled shoes. Now Nora is the sexy wife of...

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Blondie Halloween ScreamersPoem 2

Fictitious name and characters picked at random. This poem contains the spanking of an adult female at a Halloween Haunted House. Charlotta sat on the steps of the haunted house in her red plaid skirt. The view between her legs signaled she was a flirt. She showed a great deal of black panty hosed thighs. The blonde wore her short plaid skirt on Halloween had not been wise. Although Charlotta’s panties were rather scanty, The old fart had seen her white cotton panties. The interested man...

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Sanuras Tale Part 3 A MORFS Universe Story

Note: The MORFS universe is now open for submissions. Please send any stories or questions to Britney at [email protected] for approval until the universe rules are posted. Sanura's Tale - Part 3 (A MORFS Universe Story) By Britney McMaster Chapter 10: Running Late "NURA!" yelled Mom, "Get out of bed you're going to be late!" I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock. *7:36? Crap!* I rushed through my shower, cutting myself badly on the arm in the process. *Damn claws.*...

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Blondies Wild Ride Part II

III Blondie whimpered softly as the Biker she’d dubbed Geronino tugged the cups of her bra down, freeing her breasts, doing he best not to squirm as she lay on the bar top. She had a sudden urge to push her hands down between her legs and finger herself, putting on a show while they watched. Only in her wildest fantasies had she ever been such a dirty slut. Now she reveled in it, licking her lips as she met each of their gazes, seeing the beast-like lust in their eyes, knowing that it was a...

1 year ago
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First time sex with Bubbles

'Just follow me and I will show you how to please a woman and make her come back for more… Can you feel how hard you have made the nipples?’ she asked. I was like a schoolboy being taught one of the best lessons life had to offer, and I was a keen student. I turned 21 and the guys decided to take me out. We had a few drinks at the pub to work up some courage and then headed off to the local swingers club. It was a little shop front just off the main street. The place just looked like an...

First Time
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Sanuras Tale Part 6 A MORFS Universe Story

Note: The MORFS universe is now open for submissions. Please send any stories or questions to Britney at [email protected] for approval. MORFS: Sanura's Tale, Part 6 By Britney McMaster I was pretty quiet on the way over to Jade's place. I really had no idea what was going to go on at this sleepover. Crystal always went to her friends' houses for her sleepovers so I've never had a chance to look in on one at my own house and...

4 years ago
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The Evening Bubbles Club Part 3

All rights for this content belong to Shiraz Derwine. Please leave a review if you liked this story. All reviews are important to me and motivate me to write more. ------------------- The Evening Bubbles Club - Part 3 ------------------- Like every Friday, I woke up with my head in a haze. "Why did they choose Thursdays?" I asked myself while holding my head in my hands to stop it from spinning. As the water in the shower gently ran over my body, I started putting the pieces...

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Sanuras Tale Part 5 A MORFS Universe Story

Note: The MORFS universe is now open for submissions. Please send any stories or questions to Britney at [email protected] for approval. MORFS: Sanura's Tale, Part 5 By Britney McMaster The wind blew through my hair as I was filled with a feeling of absolute freedom. For a short amount of time, I could experience the thrill of being a flyer, before I dropped back down to a rooftop and had to make another jump. I wished I...

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The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald A Tale of the Verse

(Important note: this story is largely non-erotic, any sex that occurs will happen only when logically demanded by the plot and is incidental to the main thrust of the tale. If it does happen it will be suitably steamy however...) It is the Year 2532. In the wake of the 'Miranda Wave' public outcry on the core worlds has completely revised the government of the Alliance and ousted its former leadership. Gone are the days of secret eugenics projects on backwater worlds and training facilities...

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Sanuras Tale Part 9 A MORFS Universe Story

MORFS: Sanura's Tale, Part 9 By Britney McMaster I slapped my alarm as I sat up in bed. Another Monday, another long week of school. At least my birthday is coming up soon. Surprisingly, for a Monday morning, I was feeling pretty good. Life had settled into a nice little routine and it wasn't overly bad. Meeting Laura the day before had been really cool. Just knowing that there's someone else in the same boat as me really helps. Now I don't feel so...

3 years ago
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Green Acres 12 Chapter and Verse an Ode to Alf

Green Acres 12: Chapter and Verse, an Ode to Alf By Ron Dow75 French butler Alf, in his little black dress, hose, and shoes, and white garter belt, petticoats, apron, cap and lace trim along the edges, was now acting French bartender, without the accent. His voice was higher than normal, though, "Well, if it's just the same with you, I don't want Mr. Douglas thinking I was handsome." The distinguished gray hair man in the blue terrycloth bathrobe and pink silk nightgown...

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The Ballad of Tiffany Renee The Second Verse

The Ballad of Tiffany Renee: The Second Verse By Tiffany Renee Chapter 1 Well, my first adventure as a girl was off to a flying start. My family was gone for the night, I was all dolled up, I got lots of whistles and looks, and to top it off, a cute cop picked me up, flirted with me and dropped me off at the movies. This was my wildest dream come true! I glided into the lobby of the theater, just floating on a cloud. I looked like a pretty girl, and was treated like one,...

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Rwby Verse Reality Relic

"All characters in this story are at least 18 years old. In the event that they are canonically underage, their appearance here is in an AU in which they are of age." Once upon a time, a higher power of some kind made a very special item for some crazy reason, perhaps he was drunk or maybe bored because he decided to create an item that was granted the power so that whoever weilds it can change reality to suit their desires: Anything and everything can be changed and no one but the user of this...

Mind Control
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Cinderellas Taxi A Taxi Ride Universe Tale

(Eric's note: I edited, added a little bit, and put a little extra in the ending, but this is 90% my friend's work. It is a very poignant tale.) Cinderella's Taxi (A Taxi Ride Universe Tale) By Eric and Friend The twin girls were almost ready for bed, but their bodies were still full of energy at 9pm. It wasn't easy for their sitter to get them ready for bed in the first place. Even after begging and bribery, the twins still wouldn't get in the bed and sleep like the angels four...

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Bubbles For You

I want you to stand at the window in my apartment and gaze across the river. I want you to feel my lips on the back of your neck, to turn and kiss me, to feel my hands running up your legs lifting your skirt. I want you to be guided back to the sofa, to feel the coolness of the leather on the backs of your legs as we kiss and caress. I want you to feel me guiding your knickers to one side and find you are already wet with anticipation, to gently wrap your legs around my back as I...

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Candles and Bubbles

CANDLES & BUBBLES I knew my love was going to be extremely tired when she arrived. I really wanted her to feel good and relaxed when she got here. I guess I just wanted her to know how much I wanted to see her. She walked in the door and I heard a muffled "Honey......Honey?!" from the other room. My love is a beautiful girl; she has long brown wavy hair, exotic green eyes and full luscious lips. She stands about 5'4" with beautiful supple breasts, small areoles and small but hard nipples....

Straight Sex
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Bubbles Redux

Bubbles was my high school sweetheart and my first true love. I had not seen her for many years until we met up last Valentine ‘s Day when she was out west for her oldest daughter’s wedding. We had a good time and caught up on how our lives had gone separate ways. Now it is almost a year later. See last year’s story for more background. * I’m an adjunct professor in a local southern California college teaching various computer courses. It’s an enjoyable job when the students are willing and...

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Sanuras Tale Part 4 A MORFS Universe Story

Sanura's Tale (A MORFS Universe Story) By Britney McMaster The men stepped out of the darkness, their smart camo making them difficult to see. Sanura dug her claws deeper into the arms of the man underneath her, causing him to grunt in pain. "If you value your life, you'll call them off," she spat. "Release him and stand with your hands behind your head!" "I'll release him when you put your guns away." The men...

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A Poem about love and bubbles

Bubbles of LoveThe bathroom can be a wonderful placeIt can be used for a variety of purpose, wonderment and joy This is a weave of that enjoymentOf pleasure of desire, of a song of passion I hold you very close, the hug is sincere, it embodies our soul, our existence. You’re perfume fills the air, its scent is one of ecstasy, I can not savor it enoughI ask, you answer, the moment is nearThe bubbles of love are about to appearI start with your hair, it fills me with excitement, its soft...

3 years ago
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Sanuras Tale Part 7 A MORFS Universe Story

MORFS: Sanura's Tale, Part 7 By Britney McMaster We drove for about 20 minutes before we reached the edge of the climate control and could see the snow falling not too far ahead. We kept on driving and were soon surrounded by blowing snow as we neared the skiing suburb of town. "Dad? Why are we way out here in the cold part of town? I'm gonna freeze. Silk isn't exactly warm," I complained. I was already feeling cold, as the heater in the car had just been turned on. "We're...

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